Arvo Part - Stabat Mater - 1/3

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Arvo Part
    Stabat Mater (1985) part 1
    Stabat Mater dolorósa
    iuxta crucem lacrimósa,
    dum pendébat Fílius.
    Cuius ánimam geméntem,
    contristátam et doléntem
    pertransívit gládius.
    O quam tristis et afflícta
    fuit illa benedícta
    Mater Unigéniti !
    Quae moerébat et dolébat,
    pia mater, cum vidébat
    nati poenas íncliti.
    Quis est homo, qui non fleret,
    Christi Matrem si vidéret
    in tanto supplício?
    Quis non posset contristári,
    piam Matrem contemplári
    doléntem cum Filio ?
    Pro peccátis suae gentis
    vidit Jesum in torméntis
    et flagéllis subditum.
    Vidit suum dulcem natum
    moriéntem desolátum,
    dum emísit spíritum.
    Eia, mater, fons amóris,
    me sentíre vim dolóris
    fac, ut tecum lúgeam.
    Fac, ut árdeat cor meum
    in amándo Christum Deum,
    ut sibi compláceam.
    Sancta Mater, istud agas,
    crucifíxi fige plagas
    cordi meo válide.
    Tui Nati vulneráti,
    tam dignáti pro me pati,
    poenas mecum dívide.
    Fac me vere tecum flere,
    Crucifíxo condolére
    donec ego víxero.
    Iuxta crucem tecum stare,
    te libenter sociáre
    in planctu desídero.
    Virgo vírginum praeclára,
    mihi iam non sis amára,
    fac me tecum plángere.
    Fac, ut portem Christi mortem,
    passiónis fac me sortem
    et plagas recólere.
    Fac me plagis vulnerári,
    cruce hac inebriári
    et cruóre Fílii.
    Flammis ne urar ne succénsus,
    per te, Virgo, sim defénsus
    in die iudícii.
    Fac me cruce custodíri
    morte Christi praemuníri,
    confovéri grátia.
    Quando corpus moriétur,
    fac, ut ánimae donétur
    paradísi glória. Amen.
    Lynne Dawson soprano
    David James counter tenor
    Rogers Covey-Crump tenor
    Gidon Kremer violin
    Vladimir Mendelssohn viola
    Thomas Demenga cello
    January 1987
    St. John's Church, London
    Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004)

Комментарии • 37

  • @tomtomthebear
    @tomtomthebear 14 лет назад

    i personally believe that its beautiful that so few people listen to this as it makes it far more personal to the people that do...

  • @brotherbeyer
    @brotherbeyer 12 лет назад

    The art that pours forth from such a breathtaking surreal piece like this is but another vibration of the same that flows through her music. Judgement is the separating piece between "you" (anyone) and the experience of art and magnificence. Without contrast in this world we could not see the value of our own uniqueness, and the beauty of diversity. Each aspect of existence brings light and purpose. Without fear we could not see the true value of compassion. For some, her music brings meaning.

  • @Sicioldr
    @Sicioldr 15 лет назад

    Questa musica è così bella...This music is so beautiful...I have no words for describe the storm of emotions dragging my soul...

  • @unomeimeno
    @unomeimeno 13 лет назад

    Sublime. Still my fave composer after 19 years aquaintance with his music.

  • @DelendaEstCarthago1
    @DelendaEstCarthago1 15 лет назад +1

    Terrifying. Haunting. Glorious. Contemplative. Majestic.

  • @ajessm
    @ajessm 11 лет назад

    Arvo part has managed to capture immense and heart-rending sorrow in his music. It is probably only a tiny fraction of what Mary endured during her Son's agony and death. It does give us, maybe,some understanding however small, of what she endured.

  • @odedfried-gaon2880
    @odedfried-gaon2880 10 лет назад +2

    amazingly haunting and powerful!

  • @lyrabella
    @lyrabella 13 лет назад

    This recording is FANTASTIC.

  • @m-bronte
    @m-bronte 9 лет назад +1

    so beautiful

  • @donatellabc
    @donatellabc 13 лет назад


  • @Sir.Larselot
    @Sir.Larselot 14 лет назад

    This is maybe Pärt´s most sincerely opus...i admire it very much :o))

  • @DelendaEstCarthago1
    @DelendaEstCarthago1 13 лет назад

    @GandervimWoopsnagle What a wonderful observation. I wish more people would understand this. It would be a better world if they did.
    God bless you.

  • @gabrielmariamarchi6221
    @gabrielmariamarchi6221 10 лет назад

    Deus nobis haec otia fecit,
    namque ille erit mihi semper deus

  • @SGFawkes
    @SGFawkes 14 лет назад

    This is heaven...

  • @collectionof
    @collectionof 15 лет назад

    and almost 3 milion views for Tinchy Stryder Ft. N -Dubz - Number 1.
    Yes im am devastated to -)....Number one is pretty coool though.

  • @AlisonLentilBeans
    @AlisonLentilBeans 13 лет назад

    @Cuoin Based on the wording of the comment to which you are responding, the statement was that Paris Hilton's music is trash, not necessarily the people listening to it.

  • @jockboy69
    @jockboy69 15 лет назад

    And don't forget Steve Reich. Very difficult music to play (or sing), but a non-musician would never know how much concentration his music requires to perform. A minor error by a single performer in a Reich piece could result in a complete breakdown of the whole work.
    Likewise, Part's music also would sound fairly easy to a non-singer, but nothing could be further from the truth!

  • @voce29
    @voce29 16 лет назад

    The Stabat Mater has a special place in my heart since a heard it about 25 years ago.I know it is Mary standing under the cross, but does anyone have an english or german translation?

  • @LOLpsyentist
    @LOLpsyentist 16 лет назад


  • @haineux
    @haineux 15 лет назад

    Wikipedia has a bunch of articles about different versions of this piece, and at least one has an English translation.

  • @warchild1942
    @warchild1942 15 лет назад

    Less than 10000 listeners to this magnificent music, and millions for Paris Hilton's trash. Isn't it disappointing?

  • @vanessahermandes7623
    @vanessahermandes7623 7 лет назад

    Muy Bella Mi music video

  • @jcps59
    @jcps59 11 лет назад

    good taste room is too Little my friend (fortunately)

  • @dlinkk
    @dlinkk 12 лет назад

    Arvo Part is clearly a party animal

  • @entwine
    @entwine 14 лет назад

    @Cuoin I agree, it's only 98%.

  • @bassrob2
    @bassrob2 13 лет назад

    @Cuoin He didn't say the world's population was human trash. He said Paris Hilton was trash. LOL

  • @MargarethMargareth
    @MargarethMargareth 12 лет назад

    @warchild1942 We have found a treasure,- they have not. Shhhhhh...don`t tell them... ;-)

  • @jockboy69
    @jockboy69 15 лет назад

    Yes, a bit of an exaggeration, I admit.

  • @FabianRothschilde
    @FabianRothschilde 12 лет назад

    No. Whilst I understand your sentiment populist, lowest common denominator carcrashes will always find a mass audience. Ten thousand blessed listeners, I say.

  • @nsgvna
    @nsgvna 14 лет назад

    warchild1942 and ulybaZZa. Don't you think there is a huge contradition in finding Part's work, highly religious as it is, wonderful and sublime but then making misanthropic remarks about humankind in general?

  • @FabianRothschilde
    @FabianRothschilde 12 лет назад

    ...having said that, I'd rather party with Paris than Arvo. Sorry...

  • @sarayha91
    @sarayha91 12 лет назад

    Other wordly