Why Does Neuvillette Hate The Archons? [Genshin Impact Character Analysis]

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Today I will be talking about Neuvillette´s opinions on each archon and why it so. Neuvillette has voicelines for each archon and how he feels about them, mostly not good things except for some exceptions. So I will analyse each voiceline, what it entails and how a confrontation with each archon would go if it was to happen. Though I do have to say these confrontation probably won´t happen for many centuries as stated in his voiceline but I still want to kinda guess how each archon would react based on what we know about them.
    #neuvillette #genshinimpact #genshinlore #fontaine

Комментарии • 25

  • @kiaras.6493
    @kiaras.6493 3 месяца назад +2

    About the question on who might be the geo dragon sovereign, to this date, we don't know who it is and if they are still alive but what we do know is that Zhongli, Morax, is a geo dragon in his true form.
    There is no garantee for it and I also don't believe it as the definitive truth but just as an plausible theory - Zhongli might actually be the geo sovereign himself.
    There is a possibility that he mainly participated in the archon war to claim back the power that belongs to him.
    Zhongli said that he is and was known under countless names and one of them might have been the geo sovereign. If you read about his background you know that he wasn't quite the emotional type and even the people he protects now where some distant figures to him back then so he might have never had a strong feeling about the sovereigns getting stripped if their power in general and just wanted his own power back. Or he didn't really care about the power in general but he was sick of the endless war in his nation and therefore reclaimed the power to bring back peace.
    Though, as said, those are just possibilities and they might be not the actual truth. The geo sovereign could be someone completly different allthough it is strange, if that was the case, that we haven't meet or heard of them before. Some powerful immortal shouldn't be hard to come by on the protagonists journey or to rephrase it, it seems to be nearly impossible to not meet them somehow for the traveller.

    • @asabiexplains
      @asabiexplains  3 месяца назад +2

      Interesting, but isn´t Zhongli an adeptus (Prime Adeptus) and his dragon form is just one of his many forms? The theory of him being the geo sovereign is plausible and I can see how it would play out but I think there´s a chance the geo sovereign is just dormant? Kind of like how Nuevillete didn´t exactly went around proclaiming himself as the Hydro Dragon until we figured it out ourselves. I think the geo dragon is either asleep/dormant or due to their lack of powers, they are laying low for now, or they are dead, I would prefer either your theory or the being dormant rather than them just being dead though

    • @kiaras.6493
      @kiaras.6493 3 месяца назад +1

      @@asabiexplains Yes, he is an adeptus, as well as an archon. I don't know if that automatically means he can't be a sovereign as well. He can change forms as the adeptus all can do, nit everyone of them has their ,,original" form and for Zhonlgi it is coincedently a dragon. Not gonna push on the theory, of course the true sovereign could be someone else as well. I doubt that there is non at all. If the former sovereign dies a new one would be born or not ? At least that is what I get from Neuvilette's story. They could have went extinct if they'd follow the regulary reproduction, but Neuvilette seems to have appeard kinda out of nowhere which makes me question if they are born or more or less created.
      Maybe I think to much of it. Maybe there will be the most boring explainnation later on or maybe a totally new suprise. There could be any theory.
      As we know the heavenly principals are enemies to the sovereigns as well as the Abyss order. What if the other sovereigns work with the Abyss and have yet to be revealed ? Or people also say Natlan is the nation of dragons. Maybe the other sovereigns went there.
      There are many possibilities though my favourite would still be Zhongli ultimately being the geo sovereign and he just keeps it hidden. As to the other nations, I have no clue. Ei is definitely not a dragon and so was Obarashi. Venti and Nahida of course are non as well. They have some old dragons in their nations, but they also seem to be no sovereigns. Dvalin wasn't even the only dragon until the black one got killed, forgot ir's name, and the Sumeru dragon was called one of the old kind rather than THE one... I can be wrong but at least for now, they seem to be ,,normal" dragons, same like Azdaha.

    • @lieserljamesmaturan2716
      @lieserljamesmaturan2716 3 месяца назад +1

      ​​@@kiaras.6493If Zhongli is indeed a Dragon Sovereigns as some people theorized. If we think about, why would Celestia empower or entrust their enemies with the gnosis and give their authority back?? Celestia isn't stupid to let such a risk exist. So it's more likely that the Geo Sovereign is dormant, asleep or dead

    • @kiaras.6493
      @kiaras.6493 3 месяца назад +1

      @@lieserljamesmaturan2716 It could be a contract again or a well hidden secret. In the end, it's a theory, on of many. I just hope the sovereign won't be a random npc or dead.

    • @burdydove
      @burdydove Месяц назад

      ​@@lieserljamesmaturan2716It could be a contract, remember he told the traveler that he couldn't say anything because he was bound by contract, but he definitely did know about the "unknown god"

  • @oceanangel2896
    @oceanangel2896 4 месяца назад +3

    I really don’t think Neuvillette would put them on trial and be like “aight either you take yourself out or I’ll kill you because that’s justice”
    Like, imagine him pressuring someone like venti, who doesn’t seem to care much about his own life, or Ei, who is quite honestly a clinically depressed hermit, to either accept judgement (re: neuvi kills them) or you peacefully surrender (Re: take themselves out) all under the prying eyes of the opera epiclese. It’s just WAYYY too dark. It’s literally pressuring someone into s**cide. That’s quite literally the opposite of justice. A disgusting misuse of power which is honestly scary to think about.
    And considering how much Focalors s***cide upset him I really don’t think he’d pressure the gods to do it….
    Sends a quite frankly horrific message, and would not make Neuvillette look like the good guy at all.
    Even from like a storytelling perspective, imagine Neuvillette saying “eyo my dragon homies aren’t dead, they’re technically still really powerful but I still need you to commit sudoku just to make them more powerful”
    It would be a great way to make the audience, who’s grown attached to the archons over many years, to hate him.
    I also just think it’s out of character, he seems to care more about peace.
    And like I think if they did talk about it they’d prolly come to the same conclusion and band together to take down celestia. Ei and Venti seem to hate the Heavenly Principles and Nahida definitely doesn’t respect them.
    I think if they sat down to talk, they’d realize they were on the same side. That’s the dramatic irony of it all.

    • @asabiexplains
      @asabiexplains  4 месяца назад

      In hindsight, maybe I didn't make this clear enough in the video, I didn't really mean he will kill them, more of he will take their powers from them so they might return to their original forms, the reason focalors actually died when she gave away her powers is because she had separated herself from her original form (her human form)(very theoretical).
      So maybe (big maybe), if the archons were to give away their powers/divinity, they would only be left with their original forms (from before they were archons) rather than dying all together, kinda like how when you take visions away from people, they don´t die, they just lose their powers. To a god that is akin to suicide, but not suicide since they would technically still be alive. I don´t know if that makes sense
      p.s: idk what nahida would revert too though, would she just turn back into a leaf?

    • @asabiexplains
      @asabiexplains  4 месяца назад

      also I agree, they would probably take the more peaceful approach in the end, in the end I do think everyone is working towards the same goal, the Abyss, the Fatui and the Archons who mostly willingly gave up their gnosis

    • @oceanangel2896
      @oceanangel2896 4 месяца назад +1

      @@asabiexplains personally, I hope that the traveler toppling Celestia will make all of this stuff unnecessary. Without them in power things should change right?
      Because I still think taking away their abilities is way too cruel. Like, reverting Nahida into a leaf. She’s genuinely done nothing wrong. She hasn’t even met the usurpers. Her crime is being born as the avatar of Irminsul. And I feel as though Neuvillette who’s had hundreds of years to understand the justice system would understand that “the sins of the father are not the sons”
      Why would Mihoyo, from a financial perspective, sacrifice a character everyone likes for the sake of restoring power to a character we’ve met and has proven to be fairly mean and unlikable. (Apep)
      Apep herself doesn’t even seem to care about getting her powers back, so why would it be Neuvillette who gets to make that choice?
      I feel like people exaggerate his importance a little bit, he prolly doesn’t have the authority to decide what Apep wants to do with her own life and abilities.
      Also like, regardless of what is being given, a sacrifice is not a sacrifice if you’re being pressured into doing it.
      Thanks for the response btw, and even though we may disagree, I enjoy discussing this stuff.

  • @arwinv9005
    @arwinv9005 9 месяцев назад +5

    i just wanted to mention yiu can't just hand out your authority to whoever you want whenever you want since it is extremely intertwined with the nature of teyvat and heavenly principles system
    so basically they are hard wired to their archons throne hence focalor needed to die in order to give Neuvilltte his authority back so if Neuvilltte ever wants the authoritys back it means he literally has to destroy not only the archon but their throne wich from what we saw from focalor needs immense power and energy consumption

    • @asabiexplains
      @asabiexplains  9 месяцев назад

      True, hence why I said a god giving up their powers would be akin to suicide because they would literally die, the amount of power it would take to destroy the throne is immense, but do you think neuvillette is strong enough to conjure up such power? I think it's possible, but that could just be me being bais to his capabilities.

    • @sua8638
      @sua8638 9 месяцев назад +1

      I think giving your authority to someone else is hard but not deadly, after all Focalor didn't just give hers away she destroyed the Hydro archon's throne

    • @arwinv9005
      @arwinv9005 9 месяцев назад

      @@sua8638 You can't give the authority to someone without destroying the throne the authoritys and the thronws are intertwined if focalor didn't destroy the throne the authority would automatically go to the next hydro archon and not Neuvilltte

  • @isaiahhaley4816
    @isaiahhaley4816 9 месяцев назад +2

    I’m pretty sure nauvillette judges, the icons based on how they used to authority over each element, rather than their actual principles or them just being a plain God if he sees that the Arcon is being responsible with the authority, then he will send him some to but if they are careless with the authority then it would be guilty Also, the Arons can’t simply give up their authority just like that I mean take a look at folcalore she needed enough energy to both destroy her and the hydrocodone which holds the authority meaning that the other arc would have to die in order for the authority to be given back to their owner

    • @arwinv9005
      @arwinv9005 9 месяцев назад

      well not die bc lot of archons died but their authority never got returned to their original owner you need to completely destroy the idea of that elements archin by destroying their respective throne wich also kills that Archon and i feel sadly zhongli and ei will be guilty when the Time comes im not sure about murata or tsaritsa

    • @isaiahhaley4816
      @isaiahhaley4816 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@arwinv9005 well we have to remember that mokoto died while her sister was still alive so it’s possible that she gave her the authority over electro to become the new archon and ruhkkadahvata did die at the same time as nahidas birth so likely, she inherited the authority over dendro and folcalore did say she ascended to godhood when she became an icon, she even says that ageria chose her meaning that if a God has a successor to inherit the role of an icon. The authority will be passed down to him, but folcalore doesn’t have a successor, so her dying resulted into the Hydro throne destroyed and the Hydro authority being given back to neuvillette also I’m not sure zhongli would be declared guilty but he also wouldn’t be as innocent since he did leave his people in danger, though he does say that he could’ve easily defeated osial neuvillette wouldn’t have taken that excuse as for ei well, she’s been becoming a much more responsible person now so she’s probably not going to resort to immediately fighting him you’re more referring to the shogun rather then ei herself neuvillette does say that his judgment upon the Arons will not affect humanity meaning that he’s going to have a discussion first between them, instead of actually resorting to fighting them so this kind of proves how neuvillette is charging the icons on how they use their authority on humanity and if they are responsible with it, I don’t think he actually mind having the authority as long as it is, used to help humans so venti and nahida are good zhongli is still up for speculation but ei would probably be held accountable, and given the verdict of being guilty but I do not think that she will resort to fighting him and even if she did, it would to prove her strength to protect the people of inazuma just like how Fontaine people can prove their innocence in a dual but what I really find interesting as how neuvillette says he wishes to judge all of the icons, but what’s ironic about that? Is that even if he gets the opportunity to do that he wouldn’t even be able to judge the God of Justice herself and furinas trial doesn’t count because that was more so about her being a fake arch neuvillette passing judgment upon her even one of her voice line she mention how he doesn’t intend to hold her accountable for her crimes which makes me wonder if neuvillette is intending on furina to ascend to godhood it might be a bit of a stretch, but furinas still is folcalore just her in human form and if he wishes to judge all of the seven, then that would include the god of Justice, though she is already dead it could be possible, if Farina ever since the godhood neuvillette would want to render judgment upon her though she would obviously be declared innocent but it’s just a thought I had

    • @arwinv9005
      @arwinv9005 9 месяцев назад

      @@isaiahhaley4816 well yeah the authority can go to the new Archon but that's the thing it always goes to the archon not the original owner or some random person
      as for zhongli he's basically a war criminal he has more blood on his hands than ei and murata wich is literally the god of war and most of it wasn't for a good reason as dainslief puts it "The God of Contracts, senselessly slaughtered as his people watched on in horror" while zhongli does care a kot about People of liyue his peaceful way if life is kinda a new thing and Neuvilltte may not accept it as a parole
      as for ei even before she made the shogun puppet she still was kinda a dictator, it may took her around a 100 years or so to make the puppet give or take and to be able to perfect the dolls coding and in those years people still feared her and would get pursecuted for diffrent things kazuhas family is a good example to me
      while venti and nahida didn't actually jse or mis use their authority hence why Neuvilltte kinda got disapointed when he heard about venti since he can't judge venti for something he didn't really do XD( unless he charges venti with vandalism and ecocide XD)

    • @isaiahhaley4816
      @isaiahhaley4816 9 месяцев назад

      @@arwinv9005 it goes to the new Arcon, because there is still a Arcon throne left in celestia with inazuma . There was still another guy who had power over electro and it’s possible mokoto gave ei the title as Arcon, and when she died, the electro authority was given to her there is no successor, or Arcon. The original authority goes back to its owner but if there is a successor, the authority goes to the new archon it’s not that hard to understand

    • @asabiexplains
      @asabiexplains  9 месяцев назад

      Interesting, but the archons should not be held to the same moral standards as mere mortals, Dainslief's comment about Zhongli isn't untrue but we can't take his word at full value considering he has a reason for hating the archons for what they did to Khaneriah so it's not a strech for him to be baised. Now about Zhongli's crimes, what choice did he had? If he didn't kill those other gods that threatened the safety of his people wouldn't he be a worse achon for watching his people die without doing anything, we don't know much about his actions back then other than he protected his people, he cared for them and gave them a good life, if he hadn't the people of Liyue would have ceased to exist. His job as an Archon is to protect his people and treat them well, which he has done dutifully for 6000 years. He not a good person or a bad person, he's a god.
      Ei on the other hand, though I do not fault her for killing those that were a threat to the safety in Inazuma I do fault her for the way she oppressed the minorities in her country, how she persecuted her own people for her own ideals, that I can get behind her being put on trial for.
      I wouldn't call what Zhongli and Ei had done in the past a misuse of authority, thier countries were in danger and they did what they had to do, were they suppose to just watch or try to have a conversation with beings who probably didn't want to deal with this amicably. Venti and Nahida have the privilege of ruling countries that aren't in much danger historically wise, they didn't have to defend thier people from other gods, thier people were the ones fighting each other.

  • @Columbina51
    @Columbina51 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @greenisnotacreativecolour
    @greenisnotacreativecolour 9 месяцев назад

    Gnoses I reckon.