New Kid Moves Tier List (South Park: The Fractured But Whole)

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @Slushea
    @Slushea 4 месяца назад +4

    I think assassian's double stab move was very downplayed, it's nice if you are going something like crab as your DNA, i think it's better off in bottom of E-tier instead of F-tier. also fun fact there are 2 moves which cleanse allies, both are learned by new kid. Plus purifying pedals should be S-tier just cause it's such a massive heal, the CD is justified cause of how strong it is.

  • @hadesKIU
    @hadesKIU Год назад +5

    I doubt you will ever see this, but if you do, here's my take on a couple moves.
    Forewarning: I'm pretty bad at the game and I'm not even finished so keep that in mind.
    The turret is super underrated. It doesn't appear powerful at first glance, but it has a few huge things going for it.
    1. It has *infinite* pierce. If there's 2 or 3 enemies in it's range, it will hit all of them
    2. Speaking of it's range, it goes 2 ways like Toolshed's Screwdriver. Combined with it's infinite pierce it can make for surprisingly good crowd control.
    3. It attacks immediately after you place it, which doesn't sound like a huge blessing but that allows a for a lot of utility. For instance: Imagine you have Mysterion who's almost finished off an enemy, but he cant survive their counterattack or an attack from an enemy approaching from behind. You can place a sentry behind him, instantly kill the weakened enemy, weaken the approaching enemy, and because of sentry's placement, Mysterion is safe from the attacker behind since it'll attack the sentry. Another situation is where you either have the psychic barrier ability or Human Kite's Shield. You can put a sentry on a cornered enemy, reinforce it with protection, and either ignore it as the enemy is trapped and hurt for multiple turns or keep reinforcing the sentry to essentially infinite-combo the enemy. Those are pretty specific examples, but you get the idea. It's a versatile move.
    4. It scales to your stats. The damage per turn isn't the best even with artifacts min maxed, but if all three turns are used on enemies, I think it's the single most damaging normal in the *entire game.* Don't quote me on that, but generally it does (according to my limited testing) about 60-70% of the damage of the strongest min-maxed physical attacks (at my point in the game) per turn. Over three turns, it adds up to roughly twice as much damage at the strongest normal attacks. Combined with the fact that it can hit multple enemies and attack from a distance and you have arguably the most damage-efficient move in the entire game.
    5. It can't be moved. Now, knockback isn't usually too big a problem for the player (at least in a game with status effects and nearly instant-death charge moves), but things like reverse knockback can be. A good example is Mysterion's Dread Rush: If it's used against you, it can turn your defense inside out and put an ally in a position where they'll be surrounded and killed. However, if Mysterion uses that move on a sentry, instead of taking the sentry's place like he would a normal character he instead returns back to his original postion.
    This does create a SUPER niche (albeit entertaining) weakness. If you're fighting in the road and there's a car, the sentry will instantly explode since it can't get out of the car's way.
    The confusion attack is also a little underrated.
    1. It's range is pretty long. It's not quite Call Girl levels of distance, but this really helps it because...
    2. Most of the fights are group vs group fights. What this means is that generally the enemies will start off clumped together and sometimes even have one one or more members completely surrounded and unable to move until their teammates move. This is important because (in my experience) New Kid will always move pretty early on in every turn (usually *just* after Fastpass). This, combined with the Confusion Attack's high range, means that you can start off the battle, run mid-range to the enemies, confuse and cripple their front line (or back line if you're extremely risky and go in deep), and because of your high distance (because of your high range) they will almost always attack their teammates due to the fact that they're automatically closer. It also does good damage inherently, so if you confuse a "strong" enemy (as many encounters will have enemies of varying strength levels), they will often times outright kill their weaker allies. Essentially you've killed 1 1/2 or 1 and 1/4 enemies in a single turn while wasting your strongest foe's turn, which is even better than thimgs like chilled IMO (although I still believe Chill > Confusion due to consistency).
    I still need to play more with classes like the Cyborg and Elementialist (I even need to unlock the last 2 classes and the DLC Classes) but those are my thoughts on two moves I particularly enjoy.
    Edit: Grammar and I'm finished with the game and 2 Ultra Danger Decks (the ones where you can't heal and are always shocked, respectively). I still need to beat/start the other 2 DLCs, but there's also one more move I want to praise.
    Heat Wave, along with the rest of the Blaster's kit, is underrated. While it's far from broken, it has a few things going for it:
    1. It's one of the only *attacking* moves that uses _spunk_ as it's stat. This seems innocuous, but one of the best (if not the literal best) setups (in my opinion/experience) involves spamming status effects with high spunk and status effect damage artifacts. Using the crab DNA to _heavily_ boost your support capabilities is my favorite way to do it, but your melee options are heavily limited.
    Vine Burst isn't viable because 1. It uses Brains (which the Crab DNA basically eliminates) and 2. You're always going to run the critical-hit bleeding artifact after you unlock it, making it's inherent bleeding useless. Although it's the weakest status effect, it still adds up to *HUGE* damage over time when stacked with other statuses (with my current maxed out status setup, it does rougly 120-180 per turn, depending on artifacts, DNA, enemy defense, etc. That adds up to about 400-500 damage, for FREE, on every sigle attack.)
    This means that if you have an enemy you need to finish off and can't afford to wait to have the statuses kill them, you normally have to rely on your teammates to do the job. However, if you run Heat Wave, you have a (roughly) 170+ damage burst option that hits above and below you. Same goes for if you simply need to get an enemy off of yourself or a teammate.
    2. It hits diagonally *and* in front. That seems innocuous, but consider this: There's not a whole lot of moves that hit diagonally, ESPECIALLY early on. IIRC, there's literally nothing besides it. After you unlock dual classing, it's still slim pickings. It's more consistent than Dazzling Flash, Ice Prison, and Shadow Swap since they all have cooldowns (and are single tile moves not meant for pure attacking). Sand Trap is aim-able but still hits in a + shape, and Cerebral Blast _only_ hits diagonally.
    The only things wholeheartedly outclass it are Root Burst and Dragon Dance, but those come in at the end of the game and again, utilize Brawn and Brain, not spunk.
    As for Triple Burn, it's the only way (iirc) to burn enemies without an ultimate. It doesn't sound like much, but it is VERY important to have as many statuses on every enemy as much as possible with the aforementioned build. Plus, while burning doesn't deal the most damage at once, it lasts a very long time and does more damage than (at least) bleeding (which is already in the several hundreds.) Tweak can shock, Mosquito can gross out, root burst (and everyone with the artifact) can bleed, but only New Kid (without ultimates) can burn people.
    (Update: I now know Henrietta can inflict burn, but if you're attacking with her you're not supporting your teammates which is a huge liability. On higher difficulties, a single turn not used buffing with Henrietta will likely either cost her life or another teammate's).

  • @domdom6624
    @domdom6624 2 года назад +20

    Triple Burn should be higher, although burn doesn't do as much immediate damage as shock or gross out it does the most damage over time. After 3 turns it does 50% more damage than Gross Out and double the damage of shock on a single enemy.
    I can't see Supersonic Dash in A tier unless you're combining it with Double Edge. Dragon Reversal is is sooo much better with more range, damage, slow, and extra knockback damage from the defense down.
    Quantum Fist is straight F tier in my opinion. It's actually worse than Fastpass's Hit and Run since the second part of the attack from Quantum Fist does not get any Crit Bonus.
    Wrecking Ball does only 20% less damage than Brutal Bash but has the same knockback strength and you can attack someone up to 4 squares away with it. I'd rank it higher than Brutal Bash.
    Dragon Force Punch should be higher soley for the fact that the knockback distance is literally infinite. You can punch someone with it and it will send them FLYING across the map while Brutal Bash only knocks someone back 2 squares. I would say it's easily A tier.
    I'd also move Hydro Helper to at least B tier since it also gives you attack up and cleanses, which are very helpful. And for the same reason I'd move Purifying Pedals to S tier.
    I love Ganz Technique (enrage), but it's not S tier unless you're fighting a boss which isn't immune to Enrage. Most enemies can blocked off from attacking by just simple positioning without any assistance from status effects and the ability slot can be used for other powers which speed up the fight.
    Overall you are very sided towards knockback and status effect, and while that may be true from the perspective of someone in late game with heavy team bonuses and high hero rank most people playing the base game will not feel the same impact from them as we do. Knockback and Status Effect damage are based on two things: Hero Rank and Team bonuses, not might. And the damage from knockback and Status effect DOUBLES from Rank 11 to Rank 15 on top of you also likely having better artifacts for team bonuses.
    While at super end game people are getting 300+ damage from knockback people at late mid game on their first playthough are likely not even doing 100 knockback damage.

    • @croquedead3926
      @croquedead3926  2 года назад +10

      I like how much depth a South Park game can have lmao. Nicely said

    • @thegamewin100
      @thegamewin100 Год назад

      @@croquedead3926 yea try playing this game at 15 might knock back is practically useless you have to play elementalist and some fights take like 2 hours not very fun lol

    • @martintyrmer5484
      @martintyrmer5484 11 месяцев назад

      I played psychic/elementalist for the most of the game thinking elementalist will be underrated. Good think I didn't found this out earlier, I always feel urge to not play powerfull classes/builds.

  • @callmetravesty8762
    @callmetravesty8762 5 месяцев назад +1

    I really wish it wasn't "This move, this move, this move, this move".
    I wanted to watch while having a break and washing up but it's hard to follow unless you have the game open in front of you.

  • @noctis_fella
    @noctis_fella 2 года назад +7

    I believe in Double-Edge Supremacy

  • @jameskreidler9443
    @jameskreidler9443 2 года назад +3

    Don't forget it your teammates are charmed while they're protected and if you hit the charmed friend it won't break it.

  • @Doceli-dg3cn
    @Doceli-dg3cn Год назад +2

    I think u forgot u can move ur character twice in one turn with the hammer bomb move making it more op

  • @wyitischris
    @wyitischris 2 года назад +1

    Yo you've been pumping out a lot of good stuff lately man. Keep it up. You really need to be getting a lot more subs anytime now.

  • @nitsuasiwel
    @nitsuasiwel 4 месяца назад

    ghastly grasp, the netherborn move should be MUCH higher in my opinion. it can chain to nearby enemies so it can literally do a thousand damage at once.

  • @thegamewin100
    @thegamewin100 Год назад

    The shields are all amazing and the ones that make you invisible are good too

  • @Mamba8571
    @Mamba8571 2 года назад +2

    All I would like to say is that I actually found some success using boom boom buddy, but I can see why you’d put it in f tier

    • @BunnyJolf
      @BunnyJolf 2 года назад +4

      I think it's the same reason Cartman is F-Tier. It can work but it requires one stupid specific loadout

  • @alexandretremblay6242
    @alexandretremblay6242 2 года назад +1

    Damn tried Double Edge strat with Summon. When best time to use it? Asap or wait at least second turn so you can use your final move?

    • @croquedead3926
      @croquedead3926  2 года назад +2

      You get your Summon, then everytime the Summon attacks, use Double-Edge so you get double its value. Don't use Double-Edge on your true New Kid and you'll be able to get two summons active at once for just a little bit.

  • @thegamewin100
    @thegamewin100 Год назад

    The revive ultimate is S tier it let’s you bring your whole team back over and over and over you’re never gonna lose and it heals you if you have an ultimate build you’re unbeatable

  • @thegamewin100
    @thegamewin100 Год назад

    I would out DLC in its own tier they made those powers broken as heck

  • @BunnyJolf
    @BunnyJolf 2 года назад +1

    Fun fact: last girl's ult can cheese Morgan Freeman

    • @thegamewin100
      @thegamewin100 Год назад +1

      Last girl can cheese everything lol

  • @gunnerthepig2539
    @gunnerthepig2539 Год назад

    You can use Boom Buddy to make an enemy target it instead of someone else and waste their attack

    • @croquedead3926
      @croquedead3926  Год назад

      But you also wasted your attack to do that.

    • @gunnerthepig2539
      @gunnerthepig2539 Год назад

      @@croquedead3926 but you can also get them to move somewhere else so you can set something up

  • @fletchqc9900
    @fletchqc9900 Год назад

    I really want a class tier list!

    • @croquedead3926
      @croquedead3926  Год назад +2

      I've been playing the game again recently (with mods) and that could give me the motivation to try that one out.

  • @FJacket
    @FJacket 2 года назад +2

    Dude? Elementalist sand move is op with crit builds. The fact you put it at E tier is beyond me… you can kill up to 4 people at once…

    • @croquedead3926
      @croquedead3926  2 года назад +3

      Crit builds? There is no such as critical hits in this game...?

    • @proridinggamers396
      @proridinggamers396 Год назад +3

      @@croquedead3926I think they mean The damage boost from doing that QTE thing for every move or something

    • @thegamewin100
      @thegamewin100 Год назад

      Thanks for the info I never use that class its pretty broken not gonna lie