This is an even more amazing line than it first appears. Graham is referring to both his execution and his own repentance/salvation. The concept of “baptism by fire” is a staple of LDS doctrine and shows up in LDS scripture fairly often. It refers to the refining of the individual through error, repentance, forgiveness, guidance by God, growth etc. An example from the Book of Mormon: “And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost.” That describes Graham’s repentance pretty accurately. Either it’s quite the coincidence, or some talented writer at obsidian really knew Mormon doctrine.
@@Noplayster13 Given how the FNV writers were diligent enough to add in legitimate philosophy and phrases such as “it’s not personal animosity, its Hegelian dialectics.” I wouldn’t doubt that they did their research on LDS beliefs to bring more life to the game.
As he shouldn't. For while joshua is a man capable of great violence, he is also a man capable of projecting the love he praises god for, love encompassing justice and mercy.
"It was as though the prodigal son had returned. They've welcomed me like if I've never left, never done anything to shame them. The fire that it kept me alive was love. Their love. God's love. I will never be able to repay the debt I owe them. But I must try" brings tears to my eyes
He expected harsh and justified judgement from those he felt he had betrayed and they forgave him. That is what he has trouble understanding. That is why he is so protective towards tribes of Zion. He was ready to die and was given life instead.
@@vksasdgaming9472 This line of dialogue mirrors my life growing up, I use to do awful things as a kid for the longest time. I honestly thought there was nothing more to life than just to suffer and continue to do harm. But I met some amazing people even though at first, I was hesitant I did wrong towards them. Just like everyone else before. But they never saw me as cruel harsh child. They loved me through it all no matter what I did. They taught me to be better, to want to live better, but most importantly they taught me how to love myself. I still can’t get it through my mind on how could they love a kid like me. Even after everything. Why love me? Not a day goes by that I don’t forget about every single one of them who saved me. For that I continue to live a better life and try my best everyday to repay the debt of love they gave me.
I love the way Obsidian made each of their prominent characters talk in certain ways to make them sound more individualistic. Like Ulysses talking in half sentences and metaphors, Caesar constantly quoting philosophy to justify what he is doing mixed in with just being a stern old man and Joshua quoting the bible even other sentence while applying it to his own life.
@@whoareyoutoaccuseme6588 That is unfortunate but at least most of the major characters who mean anything are unique from one another (except for General Oliver for some stupid reason) or even if they sound similar they have different mannerisms to try and differentiate them from other characters. It's far from perfect though and can take you out of the immersion, there's a re-voicing mod that addresses it and like 90% of their changes are SO welcome I recommend it
@@xxxCrackerJack501xxx You mean Brave New World? Yeah, that mod's pretty essential nowadays. But I'm just a little timid from using it, since I'm afraid it might conflict my dozen other content and companion mods.
@@whoareyoutoaccuseme6588 I forgot the name for a moment lol but yeah once you use it it's hard to go back, I don't mod NV too heavily so I never had any conflicts though I preferred some of the OG voices for one reason or another and had a friend who knows *way* more about mods and stuff than me to take out the new voices I didn't like
@jose tapia He tries not to hate him. "Love the sinner, hate the sin. With Caesar, it's often very difficult to see through all of that sin to the person inside."
I like that if you look at Joshua Graham's stats: His highest stat is endurance which is at 10, but his lowest stat is luck which is 5. Which explains a lot about Joshua. You can even see that him being a burn victim also affected his strength stat which is 6, his second lowest stat. Showing that he doesn't have much strength due to his burnt skin and muscles. Also if you look at his class it'll say NVDLC02DestroyingAngel.
Another interesting detail: he was originally going to have such low luck that his companion trait was "Jinxed", like the pariah dog from Fallout 2. This was when he was a permanent companion, though. Kinda wished they kept it, tbh. Would've worked really well with his current trait, and his gun's perks.
@@mute9653 Do you mean for Van Buren? He was meant to be a follower in that (he's left for dead hanging from a noose when he's first found I believe nicknamed the hanged man) but still bandaged with burns. He would have a bad habit of starting fights with tribals who hate him for Legion stuff causing you trouble, makes sense since he would still been in his darkness as he says in this video.
The statement of Joshuas that says “the fire in my heart was brighter than the one around me” could be said about the whole of fallout. Civilization ended as they knew it but many souls lived on and kept fighting despite it. That’s my second favorite quote beside a war never changes
@Kevin S. in my humble interpretation i see it as that war will never restore peace in the end , war will always have the same outcome , it just doesn’t change. It always reciprocates . I honestly think it’s quite literal but has some subsidiary meanings as well. I’m probably wrong but that’s how I saw it
@UltimatePenguin Impossible. They're goal was made by humans, not some divine source. If a human makes something then another human is able to understand it.
@@PapitoQinn Even this could have been a fascinating message, if a difficult one to tell. An institution that does terrible things, casually, almost without thinking... with no inkling as to why. Because in the interplay of powerful people all pulling on the same rope, trying to drag it in their own individual head-in-the-clouds directions, nobody actually HAS a singular direction in mind. Rather than inscrutable motives, five different motives that cannot possibly co-support. The perils of an institution becoming bigger than the people that make it up, like the Old World nations. It takes on its own agency, and creates terrible consequences for those who bear the responsibility. The average American citizen has basically no hope of directing American policy, but they still bear the responsibility for their government's actions. So you get down into the Institute to find the same story. All these hopeless eggheads trying to each pursue their own vision for the ship of state... and nobody's actually at the helm. So it just crashes around leaving destruction in its wake.
I love Joshua Graham. His morality is so gray you don't know if he's an anti-hero protagonist or the true Prodigal Son. Either way, best character in New Vegas
@@mariano98ify No, if you were to look at the game's files you can see hidden details like character alignments and SPECIAL stats. Alex Ander probably just meant that in the game's files Joshua Graham is flagged as "Good," which would still make him canonically good.
A great fall from grace, but graham doesn't find redemption by avoiding harsh actions, or saying outright that pacifism is the answer. I do like that he, if not outright, shows that he has the ability to be cruel and that choosing carefully when and where it is needed is useful rather then out of bloodlust , however i guess his religious beliefs probably fill that sense of justification.
I particularly like how he mentions that it was a series of small mistakes before a great fall. It's usually similar in Star Wars and real life. With the best of intentions you do one thing and somehow justify it as being for the greater good. But then little by little more things become acceptable as you lose sight of whatever intention you may have had. By the time you notice, it's too late. You've already fallen so far.
"His personal demons, if not exorcised, were at least appeased. " Joshua Graham has dedicated himself to task of protection as he feels he no longer can guide. Seeing his history that is wise choice.
But we can’t expect God to do all the work. Joshua Graham has to do his work since he is a Mormon. He doesn’t enjoy killing, but when done righteously it’s just a chore.
Kind of fanboyish, but honestly the companions were the only ones worth listening to as they explained their backstories. I can't stop thinking about Cait's history sometimes.
I remember being a little kid and reading the fallout bible and the design documents for Van Buren. I was enamored with the story of the burned man, wishing that I’d get to see his story finally realized. My only disappointment with New Vegas was that Graham didn’t play a bigger role, but I was grateful for all the mentions he got, and I liked that in a weird way, he’s the reason the whole game even happens.
No need to remake smth that is perfect. I don't understand why people prefer of remastering/remaking the same stuff instead of the new stories and plot twists
@@redbasher636 That's true tho, hours and hours worth of content cut by delayed timelines and console/shit Gamebryo engine limitations. Hell, most people including myself find smth new at each playthrough of NV now and then
Times are changing and we want to keep the good things as relevant as possible. The game is amazing with no flaws to me and seeing a newly polished New Vegas brought into the new consoles, yeah, would be pretty cool. Many people want it and by god we will have it
@@Gun_Metal_Grey, NV was given very little time to actually be produced, there are still the occasional bugs associated with the old engine that they had forced upon them, yet despite that it's pretty much considered the best Fallout game ever. I think if they updated the gunplay and AI above recklessly charging towards you (not Obsidian's fault, if anything they tried their best considering you could actually use iron sights unlike Fallout 3) and some real next gen graphics it could be amazing. Also I think a lot of stuff was cut for time, they don't have to change anything about the dialogue or the characters but I remember that aesthetics were cut for time, looking at The Strip in game compared to the concept art Obsidian had planned it to be would be great to see implimented, add a few more basic NPCs to flesh the new spaces out and it would be great
Also from Ogden, super awesome to hear him talk about a Mormon mission like myself, and then other landmarks, bar-none best video game experience. But Ogden does have the browning museum, it’s located at the Union station ( used to be the hub between the east and west for trains). Rumor is it was such a crazy town, Al Capone reportedly said he was too scared to walk the streets thereof, because it was so wild.
Amazing how much depth and backstory each character has in this game despite it being a rushed released, kinda cool to imagine what the team could have accomplished had they been given more time.
devs and lorewriters lost sleep over this game since they wanted to make it good enough for that 85 metacritic score needed to get the bonus money from bethesda. damn shame the game only got 84 so they had to layoff a huge part of the company
Although Joshua can be a little extreme and intense, you know that's coming from compassion and love for his tribe and God. He knows he made mistakes and he's trying to redeem himself. He's most defiantly one of my favorite fictional characters.
Joshua Graham is one of the most compelling characters in the entirety of fallout to me. For a man to be feared so much, for a man to compel you with his beliefs and strike you with fear if needed. Whoever wrote his dialogue needs a fucking emmy.
Yeah give it a go if you’re able. It’s aged, it’s buggy, it’s quite ugly (though PC mods can remedy all of this) and yet I’d still call it one of the most brilliant things ever made.
First time I tried playing it I couldn't really get into it. I went back much later and gave it another go, and it clicked. Couldn't stop playing it after that haha.
Mad how the voice acting in New Vegas is at least 10 times better than Fallout 3 (Liam Neeson aside, I guess). Even the dude who voiced Lee in Telltale's TWD was just a side character in this DLC.
late to the party... mr house (René Auberjonois) , chief hanlon (Kris Kristofferson), doc mitchell (Michael Hogan), they all veteran actor.. including -harbinger- -didact- *-ITS THE BANEEEBLEED-* (Keith Szarabajka) yet they all side character lmao.. (well this one and mr house) the sheer amount of talent in FNV are staggering lol
Something I've noticed recently is that, when we refer to characters as "well-written" in fiction, it seems we look at it in two regards. How deep and layered their dialogue is, or how human they act even if it means no intellectual quotes come from them. With Joshua Graham, I can say with certainty that the reason we love him so much is because he fills both camps.
The NCR rangers couldn’t kill him after 5 confirmed kills(you don’t live with those statistics), The legion couldn’t kill him throwing him down the Grand Canyon would be enough, but surviving third degree burns just seems impossible But god blessed this man be the boogie man of the west and damn it if I don’t go to bed scared he’ll find me god willing
Joshua: Every day we move one step closer to our judgment. We must do our best to walk in the footsteps of our Lord and teach others to do the same. For many of us, the road is a difficult one, but the path is always there for us to follow, no matter how many times we may fall. Courier: Do you ever "fall"? Joshua Graham: Every day. Some days... are harder than others.
New Vegas, the only game that can actually make me WANT to know a character’s story, on top of finding alternate actions to quests after being given several options to complete them. This game will always be my top 3
Such a cool character. I would give a lot to play a game with him as the protagonist. It's amazing how he manages to be both very religious and very practical and rational at the same time. I'm an atheist, but I loved all his dialogues where he talks about God, I wish there was more of them.
I mean not many Christians worked as a general for a crazy tyrant and then got burned and thrown down a canyon, but I've met a lot of deep and intresting ones, I even married one! and one of my best friends is a Christian also. When I was young I had a bad image of Christianity but when you look at the actual thesis of it and the philosophy in the Bible you discover some great stuff, its nothing like what modern churches and some people have turned it into, after all, It's been currupted and utilized for evil since the Germanic Holy Roman Empire. tl;dr - there's good and bad, like in everything, you just have to know where to look.
Hands down. Joshua Graham is perhaps the greatest character of the Fallout series, absolutely legend. Not to mention he is voiced by one of my favorite voice actors, Keith Szarabajka. ❤
One good detail is Joshua's pronunciation of Caesar. Given that he was there at the Legion's founding and spend a good chunk of his years as Legate, there's no way he would have not known the Latin pronunciation (Kai-sar). Instead, he calls him (Sieze-er), the English way. That shows his contempt of Caesar, but since he's a (mostly) reformed man, where public displays of hate is not godly, Joshua insults Caesar in his own, quiet subtle way.
This example is one of the strengths of Fallout New Vegas that those at Obsidian made use of. The made a game which centered around 'people'- people with a past; people with a story to tell and perhaps even involve the player in. This, more than any other single factor, created immersion for the player- and it's something which Bethesda has failed to properly realize to this day.
I must stress this is just my opinion because I know it’s a contentious topic, but I never liked how they did Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi. Not only did he seem inconsistent with past films, but he was a dull, overdone trope: the cynical old man who’s given up and the main character has to fix him. They went for the ‘meeting a legend and he turns out to be just another normal guy’ thing, but they didn’t do it well imo. On the other hand, I think Joshua Graham is an example of this idea done well. There’s so much build up to meeting him before Honest Hearts, and when we finally see him and offer our help, he asks for a map and walky-talkies. I know some people don’t like this, but for me it’s perfect. He’s not a myth or legend; he’s a man with grounded, real-world problems to sort out. While absent from the game, he had his own thing going on. His own people, his own war to fight, and his own conflict within himself. He’s not sitting around doing nothing, like Luke. He’s an actual character, with motivations. We want to know about his past, but he’s focused on the present. What’s more, when we eventually get the option to ask about his past and opinions of the Mojave, he always gives fascinating answers. The kind of stuff that actually broadens our perspectives and changes our thoughts on parts of the game we thought we knew. Seriously, imagine if they’d done Luke half as well as this. The Last Jedi would’ve been amazing.
@@jeremygeller9145 I mean both were burned alive by those they "trusted", survived, both looked like a mummy, need to change their bandage often though always in considerable pain when doing it.(probably sucks when something itches). yeah everything checks.
except for burning by those who he worked for, I don't see much resemblance, fire on Shishio is only revenge and anger, his will is to burn edo and the meiji government, fire on Graham is pasion and love, his will is to do right by those who he did wrong, protect insted of attack, except for the fact that he is still sort of vindictibe and resorts easily to murder, I would say Joshua has more in common with Kenshin
His story resembles a striking resemblance to Raziel from the LOK games. Taken in by Kain, thrown into a pit and burned only to be reborn for revenge. Both such badass characters
I still gotta play those. I only had Blood Omen 2 back in the day and I played it a lot. Come to find out it's the black sheep of the series. But I have them all now thanks to GoG.
@@PapitoQinnIt's a series worth revisiting for sure. The Soul Reaver games play very different and the controls are dated, but if Shakespearian time-travelling vampires sounds at all interesting, do yourself a favor and play them. Mostly known for their story and voice acting being absolutely masterful
“Make your first shot count. You won’t get a second.” Easily one of the most badass lines I’m gaming history. “I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.”
"I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on." Damn, son.
The interesting part is as a burn victim the part about him changing his bandages is realistic. Like before my skin grafts I had to get them changed weekly but I wasn’t allowed to shower because of the open wounds. So I can legitimately see how he’d survive as long as he changed his bandages
"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on. The next morning, I woke up and crawled out of the northern edge of the Grand Canyon, that cursed place. It took me three months to reach New Canaan. It was as though the prodigal son had returned. They welcomed me like I had never left, never done anything to shame them. The fire that had kept me alive was love. Their love. God's love. I will never be able to repay the debt I owe to them, but I must try." In case anyone is like me and wanted to quote this but couldn't find anywhere to copy.
“I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me” the fact that so many middle aged women put this quote on shirts and coffee mugs not knowing where it’s from is absolutely hysterical
I wouldn't want to ever fight good ol' Joshua Graham at all, even if someone came and offered me $10 million (along with all the latest armor and weapons). That guy is really a true hero, in his own painful way. I'll always remember his long and rather eventful life story, even all the way to my own grave. I'm actually being for real over here, definitely not joking... :')
Microsoft if ur listening, just please remake this game and allow it to be what obsidian wanted it to be. It would be a near perfect game if it was done properly. Give it a complete overhaul and add all its cut content. But most importantly allow us to play after the ending 👌. Such a masterpiece of a game, some of the best writing and scripts ever designed for a game. Every character is intriguing even with the same voice actors, that’s how good the writing was. Utter brilliant.
While I do think “I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me” is a great quote, what really completes it is “The fire that had kept alive…was love. Their love. God’s love.” He honestly believes that the power of love from both his people and God was the thing that kept him alive.
The dlc REALLY did not pay homage to how fucking god tier of a character Joshua is. Writing, dialogue, immense. The storyline of the dlc unfortunately didnt involve him as much as it could've and was kinda half assed compared to the other dlcs. #justiceforjoshua
Considering that technically almost everyone is mutated cause of the constant radiation, its not too far fetched for him to survive. They arent exactly normal people
There's a slave in Caesars camp that's from New Mexico like me and when you ask her what happened to it she says Caesar burned it to the ground.. I got upset
Why do you think he has a hoarse gravelled voice despite growing up as a translator (a role that demands a delicate articulation)? He screamed his voice into that way.
I heard that there's a piece of dialogue from Ulysses or something, that when Caesar set Joshua aflame; he was completely silent. It would make sense for his character, because I think in that moment, Joshua realized just how terrible he had become; and that he deserved it.
"I have been baptized twice once in water once in flame. "
God I love this game
Best character ever
This is an even more amazing line than it first appears. Graham is referring to both his execution and his own repentance/salvation. The concept of “baptism by fire” is a staple of LDS doctrine and shows up in LDS scripture fairly often. It refers to the refining of the individual through error, repentance, forgiveness, guidance by God, growth etc.
An example from the Book of Mormon:
“And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost.”
That describes Graham’s repentance pretty accurately. Either it’s quite the coincidence, or some talented writer at obsidian really knew Mormon doctrine.
@@Noplayster13 Given how the FNV writers were diligent enough to add in legitimate philosophy and phrases such as “it’s not personal animosity, its Hegelian dialectics.” I wouldn’t doubt that they did their research on LDS beliefs to bring more life to the game.
I wish Joshua was Caesar
When does he say it?
I’ve killed Deathclaws barehanded. And this man scares me
As he shouldn't. For while joshua is a man capable of great violence, he is also a man capable of projecting the love he praises god for, love encompassing justice and mercy.
Uhh cool
Edit: Oh, you must be talking about that one triple star challenge.
you've killed deathclaws BAREHANDED
I’ve fuckes deathclaws barecocked and this man does not interest me
"It was as though the prodigal son had returned. They've welcomed me like if I've never left, never done anything to shame them. The fire that it kept me alive was love. Their love. God's love. I will never be able to repay the debt I owe them. But I must try"
brings tears to my eyes
The writers of New Vegas need a Pulitzer prize honestly.
He expected harsh and justified judgement from those he felt he had betrayed and they forgave him. That is what he has trouble understanding. That is why he is so protective towards tribes of Zion. He was ready to die and was given life instead.
@@vksasdgaming9472 This line of dialogue mirrors my life growing up, I use to do awful things as a kid for the longest time. I honestly thought there was nothing more to life than just to suffer and continue to do harm. But I met some amazing people even though at first, I was hesitant I did wrong towards them. Just like everyone else before. But they never saw me as cruel harsh child. They loved me through it all no matter what I did. They taught me to be better, to want to live better, but most importantly they taught me how to love myself. I still can’t get it through my mind on how could they love a kid like me. Even after everything. Why love me? Not a day goes by that I don’t forget about every single one of them who saved me. For that I continue to live a better life and try my best everyday to repay the debt of love they gave me.
@@vincenthernandez7290 blessed
Hands down the best character and back story.
What about the Survivalist?
That would be cæsar you profligate
@tickle me Lorne k
He went to fight for Caesar got burned thrown the Grand Canyon and survived and got reborn into a badass.
While i can deff see where you commin from but i think ulysses is pretty cool
I love the way Obsidian made each of their prominent characters talk in certain ways to make them sound more individualistic. Like Ulysses talking in half sentences and metaphors, Caesar constantly quoting philosophy to justify what he is doing mixed in with just being a stern old man and Joshua quoting the bible even other sentence while applying it to his own life.
Don't forget Mr. House talking like he walked straight outta The Fountainhead
And there's all the fifty-something minor characters who were all voiced by, what, five guys?
@@whoareyoutoaccuseme6588 That is unfortunate but at least most of the major characters who mean anything are unique from one another (except for General Oliver for some stupid reason) or even if they sound similar they have different mannerisms to try and differentiate them from other characters. It's far from perfect though and can take you out of the immersion, there's a re-voicing mod that addresses it and like 90% of their changes are SO welcome I recommend it
@@xxxCrackerJack501xxx You mean Brave New World?
Yeah, that mod's pretty essential nowadays. But I'm just a little timid from using it, since I'm afraid it might conflict my dozen other content and companion mods.
@@whoareyoutoaccuseme6588 I forgot the name for a moment lol but yeah once you use it it's hard to go back, I don't mod NV too heavily so I never had any conflicts though I preferred some of the OG voices for one reason or another and had a friend who knows *way* more about mods and stuff than me to take out the new voices I didn't like
"Edw- Caesar..."
The voice acting is phenomenal
you can hear the disgust when he says caesar
So much emotion hearing that
It's like he's separating the identity's like they're different people.
@jose tapia He tries not to hate him.
"Love the sinner, hate the sin. With Caesar, it's often very difficult to see through all of that sin to the person inside."
I like that if you look at Joshua Graham's stats: His highest stat is endurance which is at 10, but his lowest stat is luck which is 5. Which explains a lot about Joshua. You can even see that him being a burn victim also affected his strength stat which is 6, his second lowest stat. Showing that he doesn't have much strength due to his burnt skin and muscles. Also if you look at his class it'll say NVDLC02DestroyingAngel.
I love when this nice touches
Just curious, whats his Charisma at?
Another interesting detail: he was originally going to have such low luck that his companion trait was "Jinxed", like the pariah dog from Fallout 2. This was when he was a permanent companion, though. Kinda wished they kept it, tbh. Would've worked really well with his current trait, and his gun's perks.
@@mute9653 Do you mean for Van Buren? He was meant to be a follower in that (he's left for dead hanging from a noose when he's first found I believe nicknamed the hanged man) but still bandaged with burns. He would have a bad habit of starting fights with tribals who hate him for Legion stuff causing you trouble, makes sense since he would still been in his darkness as he says in this video.
The statement of Joshuas that says “the fire in my heart was brighter than the one around me” could be said about the whole of fallout. Civilization ended as they knew it but many souls lived on and kept fighting despite it. That’s my second favorite quote beside a war never changes
Truly amazing line.
Damn i never realised that! Thanks, uh.... mr. Lenin
"It was not the end of the world as many thought it, but simply a new chapter in the bloody history of man." - The Narrator, Fallout 3
@Kevin S. in my humble interpretation i see it as that war will never restore peace in the end , war will always have the same outcome , it just doesn’t change. It always reciprocates . I honestly think it’s quite literal but has some subsidiary meanings as well. I’m probably wrong but that’s how I saw it
"i survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me" that line never fails to give me goosebumps
Fallout 4: "You simply would not understand my motives so I will not tell you"
Fallout New Vegas...
To this day, I don't even think Bethesda knows what the Institute actually wanted.
@UltimatePenguin Impossible. They're goal was made by humans, not some divine source. If a human makes something then another human is able to understand it.
@@PapitoQinn Even this could have been a fascinating message, if a difficult one to tell. An institution that does terrible things, casually, almost without thinking... with no inkling as to why. Because in the interplay of powerful people all pulling on the same rope, trying to drag it in their own individual head-in-the-clouds directions, nobody actually HAS a singular direction in mind. Rather than inscrutable motives, five different motives that cannot possibly co-support.
The perils of an institution becoming bigger than the people that make it up, like the Old World nations. It takes on its own agency, and creates terrible consequences for those who bear the responsibility. The average American citizen has basically no hope of directing American policy, but they still bear the responsibility for their government's actions. So you get down into the Institute to find the same story. All these hopeless eggheads trying to each pursue their own vision for the ship of state... and nobody's actually at the helm. So it just crashes around leaving destruction in its wake.
"This way lies the path to Hell."
-Joshua Graham
"Edw- Caesar..." Great part
I love Joshua Graham. His morality is so gray you don't know if he's an anti-hero protagonist or the true Prodigal Son. Either way, best character in New Vegas
Apparently, he's the only companion in the game who's aligned "Good". Take of that what you will.
@@HKWHH Hot damn. I never knew that, I love Graham even more now. Wish I could have him as a follower, but I have it on Xbox so I cant use mods
He got reborn into a badass.
@@magentuspriest But if it is a mod then he isnt canonically good...
@@mariano98ify No, if you were to look at the game's files you can see hidden details like character alignments and SPECIAL stats. Alex Ander probably just meant that in the game's files Joshua Graham is flagged as "Good," which would still make him canonically good.
A near death experience really can humble a man
A great fall from grace, but graham doesn't find redemption by avoiding harsh actions, or saying outright that pacifism is the answer. I do like that he, if not outright, shows that he has the ability to be cruel and that choosing carefully when and where it is needed is useful rather then out of bloodlust , however i guess his religious beliefs probably fill that sense of justification.
I particularly like how he mentions that it was a series of small mistakes before a great fall. It's usually similar in Star Wars and real life. With the best of intentions you do one thing and somehow justify it as being for the greater good. But then little by little more things become acceptable as you lose sight of whatever intention you may have had. By the time you notice, it's too late. You've already fallen so far.
"His personal demons, if not exorcised, were at least appeased. " Joshua Graham has dedicated himself to task of protection as he feels he no longer can guide. Seeing his history that is wise choice.
But we can’t expect God to do all the work. Joshua Graham has to do his work since he is a Mormon. He doesn’t enjoy killing, but when done righteously it’s just a chore.
I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other.
Well psychologically speaking, it falls in line with Jordan Peterson's lectures
_The fire that had kept me alive was love._
_Their love._
_God's love._
God-tier VA work, isn't it?
1:17 I love that detail. Joshua almost referred Caesar as 'Edward', Caesar's real name. they were friends and both co-founders of the legion
Better conversation than all of fallout 4s entire dialogue.
1. Yes.
2. No (But Yes really)
3. Sarcasm (Yes)
No idea what you could be talking about!
Give me this
Give me this but yellow
It's painful because it's in that world.
Kind of fanboyish, but honestly the companions were the only ones worth listening to as they explained their backstories. I can't stop thinking about Cait's history sometimes.
@@Alex-ye9pg 4. What does “yes” mean?
I remember being a little kid and reading the fallout bible and the design documents for Van Buren. I was enamored with the story of the burned man, wishing that I’d get to see his story finally realized.
My only disappointment with New Vegas was that Graham didn’t play a bigger role, but I was grateful for all the mentions he got, and I liked that in a weird way, he’s the reason the whole game even happens.
Between him and Ulysses, in PRAYING that Microsoft makes Bethesda and obsidian remake the game, just so I can see so those two again
No need to remake smth that is perfect. I don't understand why people prefer of remastering/remaking the same stuff instead of the new stories and plot twists
@@Gun_Metal_Grey TBH I just want them to take NV and fix what they couldn't all those years ago, implement what they wanted to do.
@@redbasher636 That's true tho, hours and hours worth of content cut by delayed timelines and console/shit Gamebryo engine limitations. Hell, most people including myself find smth new at each playthrough of NV now and then
Times are changing and we want to keep the good things as relevant as possible. The game is amazing with no flaws to me and seeing a newly polished New Vegas brought into the new consoles, yeah, would be pretty cool. Many people want it and by god we will have it
@@Gun_Metal_Grey, NV was given very little time to actually be produced, there are still the occasional bugs associated with the old engine that they had forced upon them, yet despite that it's pretty much considered the best Fallout game ever. I think if they updated the gunplay and AI above recklessly charging towards you (not Obsidian's fault, if anything they tried their best considering you could actually use iron sights unlike Fallout 3) and some real next gen graphics it could be amazing. Also I think a lot of stuff was cut for time, they don't have to change anything about the dialogue or the characters but I remember that aesthetics were cut for time, looking at The Strip in game compared to the concept art Obsidian had planned it to be would be great to see implimented, add a few more basic NPCs to flesh the new spaces out and it would be great
Makes me proud to know everyone’s favorite fallout character was born in my home city
You're from Ogden? Hell yeah. Do they have a John Moses Browning museum?
@@magentuspriest i don’t think so but that would be sick as hell
Also from Ogden, super awesome to hear him talk about a Mormon mission like myself, and then other landmarks, bar-none best video game experience. But Ogden does have the browning museum, it’s located at the Union station ( used to be the hub between the east and west for trains). Rumor is it was such a crazy town, Al Capone reportedly said he was too scared to walk the streets thereof, because it was so wild.
I was born in Boston..... so I got Fallout 4 lol. At least the Institute is a cool concept if you ignore Bethesda's mediocre writing.
Born in Ogden raised in Layton and StGeorge
You can tell that Joshua used to see Edward as a friend, but now Edward is gone and all we see is Ceaser.
Amazing how much depth and backstory each character has in this game despite it being a rushed released, kinda cool to imagine what the team could have accomplished had they been given more time.
They aren't afraid to show their true selves, after all.
devs and lorewriters lost sleep over this game since they wanted to make it good enough for that 85 metacritic score needed to get the bonus money from bethesda.
damn shame the game only got 84 so they had to layoff a huge part of the company
I'm kind of tired of seeing comments like these but I agree
They used some already written ideas from Fallout Van Buren.
In Van Buren he was going to be vastly different. I’m glad we still saw him in NV, as he needed to be in the lore.
*"I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me"*
"I will never be able to repay the debt I owe them......
But I Must Try."
Although Joshua can be a little extreme and intense, you know that's coming from compassion and love for his tribe and God. He knows he made mistakes and he's trying to redeem himself. He's most defiantly one of my favorite fictional characters.
Joshua Graham is one of the most compelling characters in the entirety of fallout to me. For a man to be feared so much, for a man to compel you with his beliefs and strike you with fear if needed. Whoever wrote his dialogue needs a fucking emmy.
Sir this a Wendy's
No this is Patrick.
*"A day will come when our Lord returns to judge us all. Until then, we must honor his laws and start others along the path of salvation if we can."*
oh... uuhh sorry.. 6 piece nuggie with a baconator jr. pls...
Never played New Vegas but literally get chills at that last part. Searched this up at three am just to hear it again.
You should probably try it.
Yeah give it a go if you’re able. It’s aged, it’s buggy, it’s quite ugly (though PC mods can remedy all of this) and yet I’d still call it one of the most brilliant things ever made.
First time I tried playing it I couldn't really get into it. I went back much later and gave it another go, and it clicked. Couldn't stop playing it after that haha.
Mad how the voice acting in New Vegas is at least 10 times better than Fallout 3 (Liam Neeson aside, I guess). Even the dude who voiced Lee in Telltale's TWD was just a side character in this DLC.
late to the party... mr house (René Auberjonois) , chief hanlon (Kris Kristofferson), doc mitchell (Michael Hogan), they all veteran actor.. including -harbinger- -didact- *-ITS THE BANEEEBLEED-* (Keith Szarabajka) yet they all side character lmao.. (well this one and mr house) the sheer amount of talent in FNV are staggering lol
Something I've noticed recently is that, when we refer to characters as "well-written" in fiction, it seems we look at it in two regards. How deep and layered their dialogue is, or how human they act even if it means no intellectual quotes come from them.
With Joshua Graham, I can say with certainty that the reason we love him so much is because he fills both camps.
The NCR rangers couldn’t kill him after 5 confirmed kills(you don’t live with those statistics), The legion couldn’t kill him throwing him down the Grand Canyon would be enough, but surviving third degree burns just seems impossible
But god blessed this man be the boogie man of the west and damn it if I don’t go to bed scared he’ll find me god willing
“Their love… gods love” always hits so hard. We must always be there for the people we care about, no matter how far they fall.
Joshua: Every day we move one step closer to our judgment. We must do our best to walk in the footsteps of our Lord and teach others to do the same. For many of us, the road is a difficult one, but the path is always there for us to follow, no matter how many times we may fall.
Courier: Do you ever "fall"?
Joshua Graham: Every day. Some days... are harder than others.
Average Ulysses fan: 🤬
Average Joshua graham enjoyer: 😏
I'm a victor enthusiast
New Vegas, the only game that can actually make me WANT to know a character’s story, on top of finding alternate actions to quests after being given several options to complete them. This game will always be my top 3
New Vegas Is The Citizen Kane Of Fallout
Of the RPGs*
Wouldn't that be fallout 1? It was the start to something great and foreshadowed the future of rpg's.
Such a cool character. I would give a lot to play a game with him as the protagonist. It's amazing how he manages to be both very religious and very practical and rational at the same time. I'm an atheist, but I loved all his dialogues where he talks about God, I wish there was more of them.
I mean not many Christians worked as a general for a crazy tyrant and then got burned and thrown down a canyon, but I've met a lot of deep and intresting ones, I even married one! and one of my best friends is a Christian also.
When I was young I had a bad image of Christianity but when you look at the actual thesis of it and the philosophy in the Bible you discover some great stuff, its nothing like what modern churches and some people have turned it into, after all, It's been currupted and utilized for evil since the Germanic Holy Roman Empire.
tl;dr - there's good and bad, like in everything, you just have to know where to look.
That is stellar dialogue I felt immersed in his story like someone real was actually telling me it
Hands down. Joshua Graham is perhaps the greatest character of the Fallout series, absolutely legend. Not to mention he is voiced by one of my favorite voice actors, Keith Szarabajka. ❤
this clip is what i'd show to someone if i wanted to introduce them to fallout
"We can't expect God to do all the work."
-Joshua Graham
The lord will save souls even in there darkest place
Graham, House, Caesar, Hanlon, Ulysses, Elijah Were Such Characters For Their Respective Ideologies.
I wish I could imitate that voice. It’s perfect for his character.
One good detail is Joshua's pronunciation of Caesar. Given that he was there at the Legion's founding and spend a good chunk of his years as Legate, there's no way he would have not known the Latin pronunciation (Kai-sar). Instead, he calls him (Sieze-er), the English way. That shows his contempt of Caesar, but since he's a (mostly) reformed man, where public displays of hate is not godly, Joshua insults Caesar in his own, quiet subtle way.
I’m still obsessed with this character
This example is one of the strengths of Fallout New Vegas that those at Obsidian made use of. The made a game which centered around 'people'- people with a past; people with a story to tell and perhaps even involve the player in. This, more than any other single factor, created immersion for the player- and it's something which Bethesda has failed to properly realize to this day.
He is the VA of void in Berserk how tf didn t i realise that
Holy shit I hear it
He also voiced the preacher at Aisha's funeral in Saints Row 2
I must stress this is just my opinion because I know it’s a contentious topic, but I never liked how they did Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi. Not only did he seem inconsistent with past films, but he was a dull, overdone trope: the cynical old man who’s given up and the main character has to fix him. They went for the ‘meeting a legend and he turns out to be just another normal guy’ thing, but they didn’t do it well imo.
On the other hand, I think Joshua Graham is an example of this idea done well. There’s so much build up to meeting him before Honest Hearts, and when we finally see him and offer our help, he asks for a map and walky-talkies. I know some people don’t like this, but for me it’s perfect. He’s not a myth or legend; he’s a man with grounded, real-world problems to sort out. While absent from the game, he had his own thing going on. His own people, his own war to fight, and his own conflict within himself. He’s not sitting around doing nothing, like Luke. He’s an actual character, with motivations. We want to know about his past, but he’s focused on the present.
What’s more, when we eventually get the option to ask about his past and opinions of the Mojave, he always gives fascinating answers. The kind of stuff that actually broadens our perspectives and changes our thoughts on parts of the game we thought we knew. Seriously, imagine if they’d done Luke half as well as this. The Last Jedi would’ve been amazing.
"Young, but we all were"
Ok but can we talk about his voice?
My man PURS!
Tbh I would totally drop alliances with the legion to join this dude crusade
One of the best characters in a game.
1:48 i survived because the fire inside me
He's like Shishio of Rouni Kenshin, but the polar opposite after being burned alive.
I’m shocked not just to find a recent comment on. A fnv video but also a reference to makoto shishio
@@jeremygeller9145 I mean both were burned alive by those they "trusted", survived, both looked like a mummy, need to change their bandage often though always in considerable pain when doing it.(probably sucks when something itches). yeah everything checks.
Shishio was one of the first people I thought of when I found out about Graham.
except for burning by those who he worked for, I don't see much resemblance, fire on Shishio is only revenge and anger, his will is to burn edo and the meiji government, fire on Graham is pasion and love, his will is to do right by those who he did wrong, protect insted of attack, except for the fact that he is still sort of vindictibe and resorts easily to murder, I would say Joshua has more in common with Kenshin
I feel like Joshua said "The path to hell is paved with good intentions"
The heroes in this story are Joshua's family, for accepting him back after everything he had done.
His story resembles a striking resemblance to Raziel from the LOK games. Taken in by Kain, thrown into a pit and burned only to be reborn for revenge. Both such badass characters
I still gotta play those. I only had Blood Omen 2 back in the day and I played it a lot. Come to find out it's the black sheep of the series. But I have them all now thanks to GoG.
@@PapitoQinnIt's a series worth revisiting for sure. The Soul Reaver games play very different and the controls are dated, but if Shakespearian time-travelling vampires sounds at all interesting, do yourself a favor and play them. Mostly known for their story and voice acting being absolutely masterful
“The fire in my heart burned brighter than the one around me”
i love this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
Almost brought tears to my eyes. After everything he went thru he chose redemptio and uniting his people instead for opting for mindless revenge.
Joshua Graham is without a doubt one of the best characters in the fallout trilogy
1:48 the part you are likely looking for
“Make your first shot count. You won’t get a second.”
Easily one of the most badass lines I’m gaming history.
“I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.”
"I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on." Damn, son.
Joshua Graham gives me the same vibes as Raziel. I can't be the only one.
Joshua is my second favorite in the dlcs right behind Ulysses
Joshua graham is an awesome character. They really need to bring him back. Or make a game about him.
Like a Fallout spin off game in the different genre?
@@PapitoQinn Yeah, obviously a shooter for sure.
I love how he uses the name Edward as if it was a friend of his that died.
The interesting part is as a burn victim the part about him changing his bandages is realistic. Like before my skin grafts I had to get them changed weekly but I wasn’t allowed to shower because of the open wounds. So I can legitimately see how he’d survive as long as he changed his bandages
"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the one around me"
But dude seriously, how did u survive?
@@PapitoQinn he was on fire and thrown into the deepest canyon in the u.s.
@@RiffNuts7929 He sure was.
The thing I hate about playing New Vegas is that absolutely no other came will come even close to the world building and bars said by Joshua Graham.
"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on.
The next morning, I woke up and crawled out of the northern edge of the Grand Canyon, that cursed place. It took me three months to reach New Canaan.
It was as though the prodigal son had returned. They welcomed me like I had never left, never done anything to shame them.
The fire that had kept me alive was love. Their love. God's love. I will never be able to repay the debt I owe to them, but I must try."
In case anyone is like me and wanted to quote this but couldn't find anywhere to copy.
They need to put this guy in the fallout tv series.
“I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me” the fact that so many middle aged women put this quote on shirts and coffee mugs not knowing where it’s from is absolutely hysterical
I don’t play fallout nor am I much of a fan, but this guy is so cool
Top 3 best written characters in the fallout verse
Brilliant man from a brilliant game
I wouldn't want to ever fight good ol' Joshua Graham at all, even if someone came and offered me $10 million (along with all the latest armor and weapons). That guy is really a true hero, in his own painful way. I'll always remember his long and rather eventful life story, even all the way to my own grave. I'm actually being for real over here, definitely not joking... :')
This man, And vivec
A true man earns my salute.
Game theory: Joshua is not one man but many. If one dies another takes up the mantle
Microsoft if ur listening, just please remake this game and allow it to be what obsidian wanted it to be. It would be a near perfect game if it was done properly. Give it a complete overhaul and add all its cut content. But most importantly allow us to play after the ending 👌. Such a masterpiece of a game, some of the best writing and scripts ever designed for a game. Every character is intriguing even with the same voice actors, that’s how good the writing was. Utter brilliant.
Okay I’ll play new Vegas again
Good man.
I´d marry him right away, his character, his voice, it makes me love him so much.
I grew up around the 15 in California
I don't believe he survived Grand Canyon till I witness he survive Anti material rifle to the head..
Does Joshua's voice actor voice some dark elves in Skyrim or is kt just something in my head.
While I do think “I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me” is a great quote, what really completes it is “The fire that had kept alive…was love. Their love. God’s love.”
He honestly believes that the power of love from both his people and God was the thing that kept him alive.
Someone's state of mind can sometimes do remarkable things.
@@PapitoQinn Amen Brother.
The dlc REALLY did not pay homage to how fucking god tier of a character Joshua is. Writing, dialogue, immense. The storyline of the dlc unfortunately didnt involve him as much as it could've and was kinda half assed compared to the other dlcs. #justiceforjoshua
Considering that technically almost everyone is mutated cause of the constant radiation, its not too far fetched for him to survive. They arent exactly normal people
There's a slave in Caesars camp that's from New Mexico like me and when you ask her what happened to it she says Caesar burned it to the ground.. I got upset
Judging by what Raul tells us, I think New Mexico got hit pretty hard when the bombs fell.
Holy shit.
Graham somewhat reminds me of Snake
The solid kind?
@@PapitoQinn yep
bro that one hits hard
Do you think Joshua screamed when he was burning alive? I doubt it.
Why do you think he has a hoarse gravelled voice despite growing up as a translator (a role that demands a delicate articulation)? He screamed his voice into that way.
@@camerono.3183 Fair point
I heard that there's a piece of dialogue from Ulysses or something, that when Caesar set Joshua aflame; he was completely silent. It would make sense for his character, because I think in that moment, Joshua realized just how terrible he had become; and that he deserved it.
I'd love to hang out with this guy, I'm sure I wouldn't need to talk
The most based Fallout character