When your prophet says "if you want to get rich, start a religion", and then starts your religion a couple years later, I think you should be suspicious.
L Ron Hubbard was told by a friend " instead of writing sci -fi novels for 1 cent per word ", "If you want to make some real money, start a religion ",
It's like the intentional mis-spellings in the Nigerian prince phishing emails. The cheese and hoakiness of scientology act like a filter and removes the cleverer and more worldly type of people who would eventually see that they are a cult/scam. And the ones that don't recognize scientologists' cringiness tend to be more gullible and won't see the red-flags that the former would.
when i was a teen i wandered into a scientology office in our town just out of curiosity and naively signed up... the next day my older brother, who was much more interested in picking on me usually, took me down there and ripped them a new ass and demanded my name be taken off their list... i was baffled, but was fine with it because it wasn't anything more than a lark to me, i didn't know! lol! i will always be grateful to my jerky older bro for that, in spite of the endless teasing and sibling garbage...
he teased you to make you stronger, you don't make steel from iron by being nice to it, you beat it and burn into, you work harden it. what he did, he did because he cared, and he knew the world was a much tougher place, and you needed to be prepared. you are stronger now because of it.
I want to put out a CD called "Cult classics." It would include some of this, plus songs from the people's temple, children of God, Harri Krishnas Charles Manson, moonies, and whenever else I can find.
I'd just love to think that LRH invented scientology to fuck with people and make a statement about religion, but then when people actually joined his cult and believed him, he just kinda rolled with it and earned a lot of cash.
+rkrokberg I think Ron lost a bet on humanity not possibly being stupid and gullible enough to pick up on his purposefully crackpot story. Having lost all faith he then attempted to kill the world by spreading Scientology.
+rkrokberg If you go through interviews and statements he made in chronological order, he starts by seeming to have some humility and takes it all less seriously. Basically it's as if he doesn't want people to interpret his work literally, but he does think it has value on some sort of spiritual or philosophical level. As it progressed further and further he became intensely serious about it, and his hatred of psychiatry and psychology blossomed into something truly bizarre. Personally I think the former him was actually the money grabber, and the latter him bought into it completely. The former him enveloped the entire thing in corporatism well enough that that would never change. In many ways, the ridiculousness behind it all is the biggest part of the product he was selling, because selling solely his spiritual ideas that are really about bettering ourselves (in a flawed way) wouldn't be as effective as shrouding it in a thick layer of flashy fantasy. The later him was much different though, and absolutely insistent upon the spiritual value of what he had to say and perhaps even insistent upon his own divinity. Personally I think his own ego came in conflict with his conscience over what he was doing, and his ego won.
+wmfivethree I think he did because of Income Tax Evasion in the US. So he stayed in international waters or countries that do not have extradition treaties.
I'm convinced Hubbard created it either to show how easy it is to get people to believe some bullshit, or just as a troll religion. The people who believe it today though, are either completely delusional, or they're in it for the money/power... as most cults.
This Exists ...I just noticed - I've also never seen Spiderman in the same room with one of them...! They are all... All are... ONE Person...... Wait... Three is one? Half-Life 3 CONFIRMED!
When I heard Hubbard in his own voice, I thought wow...he sounds like Sinatra after a drunken Vegas brawl. He should have been a member of the Rat Pack.
The church usually pressures members to buy lots of copies of such things. There's probably not a church member alive who doesn't own a few dozen copies of Battlefield Earth
Well, when these came out, as with any new product in Scientology, it's is called a "new release" or something like that, and members are pressured to buy copies and also to donate copies. If you are staff, you are given a quota to sell. They pressure you to buy cases of them to be distributed to libraries and whatnot. There haven't been a lot of music releases, so the main exposure you have to the music as a member is at "events". Scientology has I think around ten events per year for things like L Ron Hubbard's birthday, New Years Eve, Auditors Day (Scientology Auditors), IAS Anniversary, etc. They usually play the Joy of Creating and Road to Freedom CD's before and after the event as background music similar to regular human events.
Todd in the Shadows just did an amazing video on Scientology music, and after watching it I had to come here to appreciate the OG vid covering this craziness.
Jamtastic 33 He's saying quite clearly that Mother Nature, as differentiated from Father GOD, being cyclical in nature, will soon destroy the blight that is man-kind by means of tidal waves caused by meteor showers. Learn to swim but, it will only prolong the inevitable. Drown smiling my friend.
Evan Abbott Well the lunatics from this "church" would tell you that it is because you are broken and that they can fix you. You just need to buy few books for couple hundreds dollars. Oh then some more. And more... 😂
I’ll never forget the first time I saw a Scientology “church” pop up in a shopping plaza across the street from my childhood home in Gilbert Arizona when I was 11 or 12. I thought it was a real religion that was fact based and actually included real science. I was so stoked! Where do I sign up?! For almost my entire life I thought i was probably going to Hell because no matter how hard I tried to, I just didn’t believe in a God. As you can imagine, it really messed with me growing up thinking I had something wrong with me. You can imagine my disappointment when I found out what Scientology really was. I was truly disappointed. 🥀🥀
Why do you have such a hard time believing in God or a higher power or a spiritual world or world we don't see with our eyes? I wld think the other theories were just as likely if not less likely. When you don't know the answer anything could be the answer.
Before I knew anything about them I just assumed they where another Christian church that followed science too, not that they believed in aliens and had nothing to do with church or science really.
Sometimes I feel shitty about the art I make but from now on I will think back to this and take comfort in the fact I couldn't make something this bad if I tried
Back in the 1970s I was going through some tough times and after talking to a Scientology member I thought maybe they could help. I went to one of their "Missions" and as soon as I walked in I was immediately hit up for money. I told them I was broke, which I was, and they suggested that I call someone to loan me the money. This took place during he first 15 min that I was there. I finaly agreed to attend the free orientation which consisted of talking to a Scientologist telling me how miserable my life is. He put me on the E-meter and the Tone Scale , which proved how much I needed Scientology. By this time I knew it was all BS. I was deep inside the large building so I figured I should cooperate. Agreed to attend the Communication course the next day and bring the money for the course. They let me go and I never went back. All they seemed to care about was getting money out of me, and didn't care how I got it.
For anyone getting a Scientology ad before this video is; because whoever created and paid Google for the ad, selected 1 of 3 options Google offers, which would show the ad to only people who are looking at or searching something dealing with Scientology. The way Google knows what your looking at is based on the keywords in the metadata. So since Scientology is in the title, keywords, and description a ad plays about it since Scientology is creating and paying Google to play their ads on specific terms.
This is my favorite episode of This Exists. Are you able to do more episodes regaurding unusual religions and forms of spirituality? I have seen your episodes on Jihadist rap and Christian Black Metal.
So? Catholicism could be considered a country. Don't get me wrong, I think Scientologists are insane, but having a business license doesn't make them "not a religion"
no, there are some that believe it. i been in some of their rehabs and while most of them are totally in it just for the money, there are some that really believe the teachings, or at least the concepts hubbard came up with
Shrike They applied for a recognition as religion, but failed as their main field of operation is for profit. You have to prouve that your main field of opperation is the common good, in order to get a recognition as religion. The German state collects taxes for organized religious groups, so the state ensures that cults and sekts are excluded from this source. Schools actively educate pupil on cults and how they work. Scientology, Fiat Lux, Jehova Witnesses and other cults are specifically targeted during lessons.
I read that one review for "The Road to Freedom" ended with, "You're supposed to eat vegetables... not listen to them.: The review was far too generous.
When you mentioned Scientology Jazz, I was sure you were going to talk about Chick Corea and not letting anybody into his band unless they're scientologists too.
+Darragh Tate Its bad enough that he is an active member of Scientology. You needn't spread the lie that Chick won't hire anyone who isn't a Scientologist.
+Darragh Tate Corea does hire non Scientologists into his band..but has been known to occasionally try and proselytize his beliefs, w/ inappropriate comments and remarks, creating some awkward situations. Two of his former guitarists mentioned this: Bill Connors - original RTF member, and Scott Henderson, original Electrik Band member...maybe it's some personal thing against guitarists in particular, because as far as I know, his long time bassist John Patittucci - himself a devout Catholic - never did.
+Darragh Tate Not completely true. Al DiMeola never converted and played on 3 albums, and has talked about it recently on his facebook how a little weird it was, and also how Stanley rejoined the church to basically get back on Chick's good side.
Kind of ironic isn't it? Especially when you consider the fast that scientology sued and harassed the crap out of the IRS in order to attain tax exemption.
+MEyck97 Cannibal Corpse? Fucking awesome but in my opinion Cattle Decapitation is so much better. However it's just my opinion, you should check them out metal brother \m/
I grew up in a Scientology house and we had Scientology music sometimes playing in that house. My mom is a former jazz musician and so we listen to jazz albums like Chick corea and l Ron Hubbard's wife Diane Hubbard was a classical pianist and so we would have to listen to her crap as well. There's been a lot of pretty famous jazz musicians that have gotten in and out of Scientology over the years. People are more aware of it is a cult now but it used to be just a really big show biz thing that some musicians would think would further their careers. They don't tell you about the Xenu stuff until you've been around for a while. Now because of South Park everybody knows.
His dad was a Scientologist, there's no proof he actually practiced it. It'd make a lot of sense if he just avoided talking about it because of his family..
Did you poop a lil? Hurry go check i sumtimes fart but then i poop a lil and then the shit slowly works its way threw my crack n poop smears everywhere and ppl are like ew poopy guy gross! You dont want to be a gross poopy guy, check your farts today!
A troll is someone who is disingenuous for the purpose of causing drama. Scientologists do not fit the definition. They are however extremely dangerous as an organization. For example, they shut down the Cult Awareness Network which helped families spot and intervene when family members are getting involved in a cult. They shut it down by simply filing so many frivolous lawsuits that CAN couldn't even afford a lawyer anymore. That's the evil thing about frivolous lawsuits. You still need to show up in court to defend yourself against them, and that means still having to pay a lawyer. You can counter sue for legal expenses, but when something like this is happening, the people doing the frivolous lawsuits don't have the money for paying a lawyer for the countersuit. As a result, you still can't pay your lawyer. So the people who were running CAN had to shut down and turn over ownership to Scientology because they ran out of legal aid to defend themselves against it.
Jenny Tokumei I'm pretty sure David Muskavich (sp?) & Co. have the money for lawyers. $350 for the base book set that are revised every few years & which each member of the CoS MUST buy, plus auditing fees, tithes... Scientology has the money...
jamie jo, yeah... that's... the point... It's the people they troll with law suits that don't have the money to keep up with the law suits, people like the people who originally ran CAN before they were forced to turn it over to the CoS because they couldn't afford to keep defending against the CoS's frivolous lawsuits... What is it about the internet that makes people lose their reading comprehension skill?
there is a hungarian band which is connected to scientology as well. it's called Aljas Kúszóbab. They try to sound like a pop-punk band to attract young peope but they suck really hard. it is just a one man project now because all the other members left the singer/songwriter, who is a scientologist asshole and some kind of marketing manager.
This Exists you also got the band "Jive Aces", an over the top modern swing-jazz band who promote scientology during their tours and attribute quite a bit of their extreme stage energy to the "teachings" of the scientology faith. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jive_Aces#Promotion_of_Scientology
Well I can't rightly say if their music is more or less evil than any other religion's, I can say they're about the same QUALITY as other Religious genres
Nah this is way worse. Christian rock/pop all sounds the same and it’s the same chord progression and more or less same lyrics but the production quality of the majority of their artists is at a very high standard. In fact the main stream music industry is now literally using the Christian rock model (production, chord change model, voice mixing etc) to throw out the majority of crap that gets in the radio. This Scientology music is not much worse but a lot of it sounds like it was recorded by Jr High art class. Some of it is absolutely ridiculously bad. Lmfao.
I thought everything from 2:50 onward, sounded pretty, damn, good, despite their twisted beliefs. This video was about their music - which I didn't even, know they had - and not their beliefs as such. The beliefs or how they enforce them, are crap and the music, actually, is not half bad. At least, much of what they presented here. A hell of a lot better than modern rap and hip-hop crap that's damn well sure. My Best. Out.
Jim Biafra nobody knows what the "truth" is and that is the honest truth. People saying that they know it are either brainwashed or con artists. Do some independent research from multiple sources and even though it will steer you away from faith like it did for me it will open up a whole new scientific and philosophical world.
you need to research scientology ...only 40k members ..torture kill and destroy their members...watch going clear on HBO...million times as bad as any mainstream religion!!
Dude, you forgot about their crappy gem of an anthem “We Stand Tall” with craptastic lyrics such as “Knowing the truth will set you free and take you from Clear to eternity” and “Hey, Nah Nay Nuh, Hey Nah Nay We Stand Tall.”
When your prophet says "if you want to get rich, start a religion", and then starts your religion a couple years later, I think you should be suspicious.
w0bbl3r L Ron was a scammer!!!!!
He also said that the best way to persuade people was to lie to them.
@@steeldragon9701 You could argue that L. Ron is still good doing at his job despite being dead.
L Ron Hubbard was told by a friend " instead of writing sci -fi novels for 1 cent per word ", "If you want to make some real money, start a religion ",
He never said that.
No song should ever have the word "auditing" in it.
Nima Scolari You mean you’re not a fan of accounting blues? :p
this comment makes me want to start a new genre
I mean I could see weird Al using the auditing in a parody about taxes or the IRS
Great comment. Myself, I thought it was at that exact moment that the music went from just sort of bad to it's-so-bad-it's-good.
tax rock, bam we have a new genre
_"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."_- *L. Ron Hubbard*
the guy was a basic conman. i cant believe people actually think that shit is true. a sad planet we live on.
Star wars wants a word with you.
He never said this!
George Orwell….though Hubbard plagiarized this statement
When I first heard about Scientology and the beliefs behind it, my initial reaction was ".....you're kidding, right?"
South Park told us the truth
and yes, I'd like to see my face too when I realized, what bullshit they believe in.
It's like the intentional mis-spellings in the Nigerian prince phishing emails. The cheese and hoakiness of scientology act like a filter and removes the cleverer and more worldly type of people who would eventually see that they are a cult/scam. And the ones that don't recognize scientologists' cringiness tend to be more gullible and won't see the red-flags that the former would.
you are just a suppressive personality.
I first heard about l Ron Hubbard on return to forever albums
Scientology proves beyond any doubt that some people will believe anything they are told.
+Mongoose Motovlog Just to fuck with people,I'm gonna make my own Scientology
Uhhhh...The Church Of Saint Gerald
+Mongoose Motovlog And politics, and FOX News, and the internet, and...
Psycho Chicken
Couldn't agree more
+Mongoose Motovlog ... and the more they gotta pay for it the more believable it is.
Lindsay Fog
yup.... reserve your space in heaven today. Only 12 easy payments of $600.
Scientology Rock
"This next song is called "Drink the Kool Aid."
I'll pass on the Kool Aid. Lmao!
hahaha this fucking made me laugh. so true
+CurtisAlfeld lol sup dude
+CurtisAlfeld No, I believe the next song is "Give us money, for it determines how faithful you are"
Scientology is the onision of religion
Kenzye Davis a fact
Kenzye Davis except they don't masturbate to furry porn like he does.
Kenzye Davis there is a reason you have 71 likes. It’s fuckin hilarious, man!!
onision tried to start a church and religion called sisisca or something. its insane and this comment is perfect
Kandi Klover you don't know that
when i was a teen i wandered into a scientology office in our town just out of curiosity and naively signed up... the next day my older brother, who was much more interested in picking on me usually, took me down there and ripped them a new ass and demanded my name be taken off their list... i was baffled, but was fine with it because it wasn't anything more than a lark to me, i didn't know! lol! i will always be grateful to my jerky older bro for that, in spite of the endless teasing and sibling garbage...
he teased you to make you stronger, you don't make steel from iron by being nice to it, you beat it and burn into, you work harden it. what he did, he did because he cared, and he knew the world was a much tougher place, and you needed to be prepared. you are stronger now because of it.
mwarnken1234 your brother is a hero! You better have given him something.. done his chores or something. 😜 (kidding about the chore thing)
Could you have wandered into a Christian Science reading room or office perhaps? I’ve seen those around and I used to confuse the two.
Judging by the fact that u signed up for them you deserved that attitude from your brother.
@@specter86fl nah brothers tease each other because it's funny, like how men make fun of each other. Nothing deep to it.
I want to put out a CD called "Cult classics." It would include some of this, plus songs from the people's temple, children of God, Harri Krishnas Charles Manson, moonies, and whenever else I can find.
Sounds awesome
send me a playlist please :D
You stole my idea that i never had.
" Charles Manson": The way things have been going he might just get his Helter Skelter, if a few decades late.
I'd just love to think that LRH invented scientology to fuck with people and make a statement about religion, but then when people actually joined his cult and believed him, he just kinda rolled with it and earned a lot of cash.
+rkrokberg HAH ikr :P
I'm pretty sure it was a bet with another sci-fi writer
+rkrokberg I think Ron lost a bet on humanity not possibly being stupid and gullible enough to pick up on his purposefully crackpot story. Having lost all faith he then attempted to kill the world by spreading Scientology.
+rkrokberg If you go through interviews and statements he made in chronological order, he starts by seeming to have some humility and takes it all less seriously. Basically it's as if he doesn't want people to interpret his work literally, but he does think it has value on some sort of spiritual or philosophical level. As it progressed further and further he became intensely serious about it, and his hatred of psychiatry and psychology blossomed into something truly bizarre. Personally I think the former him was actually the money grabber, and the latter him bought into it completely. The former him enveloped the entire thing in corporatism well enough that that would never change. In many ways, the ridiculousness behind it all is the biggest part of the product he was selling, because selling solely his spiritual ideas that are really about bettering ourselves (in a flawed way) wouldn't be as effective as shrouding it in a thick layer of flashy fantasy. The later him was much different though, and absolutely insistent upon the spiritual value of what he had to say and perhaps even insistent upon his own divinity. Personally I think his own ego came in conflict with his conscience over what he was doing, and his ego won.
+rkrokberg That's an interesting theory...
Scientology is homophobic? So THAT is Tom Cruz's cover story. The closet is a scary place.
yeah, while they're probably have some weird orgy right at this moment.
Mroker Weird orgy?! Those assholes are stealing my ideas! If I see an Aisha Clan Clan cosplayer wearing a strap on at their orgy, I'ma be pissed!
+wmfivethree I think he did because of Income Tax Evasion in the US. So he stayed in international waters or countries that do not have extradition treaties.
And now he's in the closet, now he's in the closet too.
Now I'm starting to get angry. So I PULL OUT MY GUN!!
The next album will be titled: "Xenu Sucked My Soul Into A DC-8".
I still haven't decided if Scientology is a real or a troll religion.
It's a legit business. All that capitalism stands for is Scientology.
It's most definitely a cult. Watch the documentary Going Clear on HBO. Scientology can get pretty fucked up
why start a company and make millions, when you can start a religion and make billions.
I'm convinced Hubbard created it either to show how easy it is to get people to believe some bullshit, or just as a troll religion.
The people who believe it today though, are either completely delusional, or they're in it for the money/power... as most cults.
The tax incentives are pretty amazing
Rick and Morty feature more believable religions then this shit.
It's yet another case of reality being stranger than fiction.
Ocodo im a fucking pickle...
Ayy time to become Floopfloopian
Rick and Morty is my religion
whaaaaaaaaa? thanks for this, sam.
fantano. I want an apollo stars review. NOW.
YOU NEED TO REVIEW NOMEANSNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fantano I want an apollo stars review...
On a more serious note, I want to know what you think of Protest the Hero.
No problem, brother.
Thisany existano.
"Thanks to anonymous and south park" this is what it's come to to expose fraudulent businesses like these
♪ Take the route... of auditing ♪
I don't even know how to respond to this.
+ponyphonic ♪ I do not sing what i believe, i only give them facts... ♪
+ponyphonic I would respond by playing Dead Kennedy's 'I Kill Children' over the top of it.
I know how to respond. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
+ponyphonic Well, Scientology certainly has a way of routing tax auditors.
3:52 L. Ron sounds like a heavy medicated Santa Claus in this one :D
***** Have you ever seen them in the same room???
This Exists ...I just noticed - I've also never seen Spiderman in the same room with one of them...! They are all...
All are... ONE Person......
Wait... Three is one? Half-Life 3 CONFIRMED!
Illuminutty deformed!
Tony Midyett Chuckled. That's a new one. lol
Wait, Battlefield Earth was written by a Scientology dude? That explains why it's so awful.
***** It only partially explains it but yes, yes. Yes.
yep, and the other part is because of John Travolta..
Not just written by a scientology dude, it's basically a dramatization of their scripture. (Well, *one* of their scriptures.)
illuminatisos Breakout star of Battlefield Earth! =D
As far as I have heard, the movie isn't exactly doing the book justice.
When I heard Hubbard in his own voice, I thought wow...he sounds like Sinatra after a drunken Vegas brawl. He should have been a member of the Rat Pack.
I thought he sounded like the grinch.
That horse song is fucking GOLD!
I now know what was missing in my life. Neigh
Yes, I think we can all agree that the horse song doesn't get the respect it deserves.
They wanted to use it in The man from snowy river. Didnt make the cut!
DharmaMidget i thouggt similar haha
It's one thing to want to produce horrible music. The question is, who the fuck actually listens to it?
If they told you… you'd want to kill and possibly eat them. So better you don't know.
"Please stop. You're not making Christianity better, you're making Rock worse."
The church usually pressures members to buy lots of copies of such things. There's probably not a church member alive who doesn't own a few dozen copies of Battlefield Earth
Well, when these came out, as with any new product in Scientology, it's is called a "new release" or something like that, and members are pressured to buy copies and also to donate copies. If you are staff, you are given a quota to sell. They pressure you to buy cases of them to be distributed to libraries and whatnot. There haven't been a lot of music releases, so the main exposure you have to the music as a member is at "events". Scientology has I think around ten events per year for things like L Ron Hubbard's birthday, New Years Eve, Auditors Day (Scientology Auditors), IAS Anniversary, etc. They usually play the Joy of Creating and Road to Freedom CD's before and after the event as background music similar to regular human events.
Vanessa F Interesting. That makes sense to me!
Todd in the Shadows just did an amazing video on Scientology music, and after watching it I had to come here to appreciate the OG vid covering this craziness.
science fiction writer , says it all.
brubeck_108 just like mormons
Or catholics
And not a very good one at that
It's almost as bad as that one book written by those four guys. What were their names again? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Worst sci-fi writers ever.
You should see the science fiction saul of tarsus wrote. Lmfao
"Fuck L Ron Hubbard and Fuck all his clones" LEARN TO SWIM!!!! ;D
Danny ExGun I always wondered what Maynard was saying right there
Jamtastic 33 He's saying quite clearly that Mother Nature, as differentiated from Father GOD, being cyclical in nature, will soon destroy the blight that is man-kind by means of tidal waves caused by meteor showers. Learn to swim but, it will only prolong the inevitable. Drown smiling my friend.
Lauren 34567 I know lol TOOL is life lol
Also, fuck retro anything, fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all these gun toting hip gangster wanna be's.
I just had my ears surgically removed
Disquietude - Did you get new ones?
Dude you could have just muted the video or something
3:04 L. Ron's signature looks like Satan Hubbard lol.
+Alan Postscript.... I thought the exact same thing.
+Alan Postscript indeed :O
Totally does lol coincidence??? Probably.
+Saman Ali lol. Church Lady would say... I think not.
+Alan Postscript 'Satan Husband' actually. :P
Hubbard's voice! So unpleasant. I didn't like how I felt when I heard it.
Kimberley Sanchez apparently some people do... he started a cult 🤦♂️
He’s a real-life supervillain.
Listening to his voice is like watching To Catch a Predator
Oh my god...their music gives me the most uncomfortable feeling...
Evan Abbott Well the lunatics from this "church" would tell you that it is because you are broken and that they can fix you. You just need to buy few books for couple hundreds dollars. Oh then some more. And more... 😂
That means it’s working!
Can be said about any religion imo...
Andreas Elf Probably more so with scientologic music than anything else, since it is an Americanist cult's marketing scheme.
Totally had an ad for Scientology play before this.
me too..
didnt know it was scientology until i saw the banner thing
+Apsis Motion Pictures AdBlock+
then This Exists dosent get any money
That auditing song is catchy, like small pox.
Yo I’m from the future we got a whole new disease to reference also invest in GameStop trust me
I’ll never forget the first time I saw a Scientology “church” pop up in a shopping plaza across the street from my childhood home in Gilbert Arizona when I was 11 or 12. I thought it was a real religion that was fact based and actually included real science. I was so stoked! Where do I sign up?! For almost my entire life I thought i was probably going to Hell because no matter how hard I tried to, I just didn’t believe in a God. As you can imagine, it really messed with me growing up thinking I had something wrong with me. You can imagine my disappointment when I found out what Scientology really was. I was truly disappointed. 🥀🥀
Ive always felt like they stole a bad ass name for something so lame. Lol i thought the same as a kid.
Why do you have such a hard time believing in God or a higher power or a spiritual world or world we don't see with our eyes? I wld think the other theories were just as likely if not less likely. When you don't know the answer anything could be the answer.
Before I knew anything about them I just assumed they where another Christian church that followed science too, not that they believed in aliens and had nothing to do with church or science really.
Satan has a voice now in my head and it’s L Ron Hubbard singing
the scariest part, satan does not exist but L. Ron did, and his followers do.
He was actually a black man named L Ron hoyuobembe
Lord Farquaad WTF?! HAHAHAHAHA!!
And you never thought that about modern, pop, crap I guess. Odd.
You’re a Neo-Nazi, you had it coming.
I guess that kid didn't want to use too many notes since each wrong one costs a dollar, but he still needed to fill the time. Great solution!
A gtr teaching system where you had to give a dollar for each mistake might actually work,lol.
Sometimes I feel shitty about the art I make but from now on I will think back to this and take comfort in the fact I couldn't make something this bad if I tried
Back in the 1970s I was going through some tough times and after talking to a Scientology member I thought maybe they could help. I went to one of their "Missions" and as soon as I walked in I was immediately hit up for money. I told them I was broke, which I was, and they suggested that I call someone to loan me the money. This took place during he first 15 min that I was there. I finaly agreed to attend the free orientation which consisted of talking to a Scientologist telling me how miserable my life is. He put me on the E-meter and the Tone Scale , which proved how much I needed Scientology. By this time I knew it was all BS. I was deep inside the large building so I figured I should cooperate. Agreed to attend the Communication course the next day and bring the money for the course. They let me go and I never went back. All they seemed to care about was getting money out of me, and didn't care how I got it.
For anyone getting a Scientology ad before this video is; because whoever created and paid Google for the ad, selected 1 of 3 options Google offers, which would show the ad to only people who are looking at or searching something dealing with Scientology. The way Google knows what your looking at is based on the keywords in the metadata. So since Scientology is in the title, keywords, and description a ad plays about it since Scientology is creating and paying Google to play their ads on specific terms.
I've never cringed so hard in my life
Hi Basking Shark! You legitimately spooked me, lol.
Ya, but you'll go all ga-ga over modern rap and hip-hop shit, won't you?
This is my favorite episode of This Exists. Are you able to do more episodes regaurding unusual religions and forms of spirituality? I have seen your episodes on Jihadist rap and Christian Black Metal.
James Smart Have some plans.
+Johnny NoGooD No, unusual means something out of the ordinary, or different. Religion in generally is pretty ordinary.
+This Exists You need to do an episode on o9a-inspired bands, like Dark Imperivm. abglodge.wordpress.com/2014/05/15/dark-imperivm-the-band/
It's called Unblack Metal. Learn your facts before posting a comment.
+Alpha Reads It's called all three.
The C.I.A wouldn't even use this music for interigating the enemy !!!
"You guessed it. Frank Stallone." - Norm MacDonald
+GentlemanNietzsche That's so lame dude. Flat.
They aren't a religion.
In Germany they are officially registered as a for profit business.
So? Catholicism could be considered a country.
Don't get me wrong, I think Scientologists are insane, but having a business license doesn't make them "not a religion"
no, there are some that believe it. i been in some of their rehabs and while most of them are totally in it just for the money, there are some that really believe the teachings, or at least the concepts hubbard came up with
oh, most definitely. it was created on a whim and a dare but he turned it into a massive money maker. the amounts of money they make overall is INSANE
Shrike They applied for a recognition as religion, but failed as their main field of operation is for profit. You have to prouve that your main field of opperation is the common good, in order to get a recognition as religion.
The German state collects taxes for organized religious groups, so the state ensures that cults and sekts are excluded from this source. Schools actively educate pupil on cults and how they work. Scientology, Fiat Lux, Jehova Witnesses and other cults are specifically targeted during lessons.
And this is what's known as cult brainwashing or mind control.
Did anyone else see a legit ad for scientology before this vid? lol
sure did
not me... blocked...!
Charles Harris I did.
Charles Harris I DID!!! I literally screamed!! 😂
My thetans are wiggling to these savage beats! were talking about fullblown thetan rave in my body!
I would rather listen to Cthulu chants 😂
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Thank you for Introducing me to this music. Blast it when I'm picking up old people on my bus route.
I think Scientologists worship Cthulhu.
They're not that cool.
If it summons him, and he makes us immune to his wrath, I'm down.
Poor people. All that wasted potential.
Most of them are probably drug addicts now.
Sandra Ruiz
Why drug addicts?
Hjärnan Masken
Why not?
why think the worst? be positive
ramon girotto
Yea, some might have been able to discard their scientology.
Nice try, but Faith +1 is still the best religious rock band ever. All others pale in comparison. I wasn't born again yesterday!!
I hear Faith +1 was getting a second Myrrh and possibly a frankincense.
Plus 1
I'm lazy
Can't forget about "Jesus Baby" & "Three Times My Savior"
dat body of Christ doe
I read that one review for "The Road to Freedom" ended with, "You're supposed to eat vegetables... not listen to them.:
The review was far too generous.
Doug E Fresh and Chef are dead to me now.
MeltedPearlsthe actor who played chef was killed by his church.
When you mentioned Scientology Jazz, I was sure you were going to talk about Chick Corea and not letting anybody into his band unless they're scientologists too.
+Darragh Tate Corea regards Hubbard as a fine keyboard player. Go figure. Still, Stanley Clarke left the 'church', and he's still in the RTF reunion.
+Darragh Tate Its bad enough that he is an active member of Scientology. You needn't spread the lie that Chick won't hire anyone who isn't a Scientologist.
+Darragh Tate Corea does hire non Scientologists into his band..but has been known to occasionally try and proselytize his beliefs, w/ inappropriate comments and remarks, creating some awkward situations. Two of his former guitarists mentioned this: Bill Connors - original RTF member, and Scott Henderson, original Electrik Band member...maybe it's some personal thing against guitarists in particular, because as far as I know, his long time bassist John Patittucci - himself a devout Catholic - never did.
+Darragh Tate is that why Al left?
+Darragh Tate Not completely true. Al DiMeola never converted and played on 3 albums, and has talked about it recently on his facebook how a little weird it was, and also how Stanley rejoined the church to basically get back on Chick's good side.
Lol these are the worst pieces of crap I've ever heard
Neil Henry farts sound better even
Then you haven't heard many pieces of crap. But to be fair they are awful.
Neil Henry I completely agree
Eh, the jazz pieces were listenable for me. The horse one, though...
My ears are ACTUALLY bleeding now.....
Mental illness is a complex subject.
They really should have chosen a better word than "auditing" if they wanted to attract people. Just makes me think they're with the IRS or something.
Brett Goldman You don't love doing your taxes?
Kind of ironic isn't it? Especially when you consider the fast that scientology sued and harassed the crap out of the IRS in order to attain tax exemption.
Brett Goldman Well to be fair, "auditing" sounds better than "brainwashing".
Considering they hate taxes
Yes people, the truth is hidden in the great path of Auditing...
I been audited by the IRS a number of times, and I still got them thetans. WTF??
+Qermaq funny as FUCK
Phakeme Dlamini May the hidden one guide your path
I read the entire mission earth series when I was younger. It had everything from necrophilia to wacked out gay orgies but it didn't have swearing.🤔
How Hubbard understood that folks are influenced by dark forces is amazing
Yeah, makes Lovecraft seem like a bore.
I'd join Scientology just to listen to this lit shit.
I'd be a true patrician and listen to it I r o n i c a l l y
You don't have to now, listen here for free and watch some documentaries about Xenu as well :D
Sorry man its all false to my ears there is only one true musical truth the Pink Floyd
Which ones Pink?
Cannibal Corpse is way betterrrr!
+MEyck97 Cannibal Corpse? Fucking awesome but in my opinion Cattle Decapitation is so much better. However it's just my opinion, you should check them out metal brother \m/
Death metal Lover
yeah, I'm aware of them. They are fine IMO, but to me Carcass will be my favourite band.
I grew up in a Scientology house and we had Scientology music sometimes playing in that house. My mom is a former jazz musician and so we listen to jazz albums like Chick corea and l Ron Hubbard's wife Diane Hubbard was a classical pianist and so we would have to listen to her crap as well. There's been a lot of pretty famous jazz musicians that have gotten in and out of Scientology over the years. People are more aware of it is a cult now but it used to be just a really big show biz thing that some musicians would think would further their careers. They don't tell you about the Xenu stuff until you've been around for a while. Now because of South Park everybody knows.
And now they will sue you! LMAO
ayy didn't expect you to be here
+a seasoned which I have been waiting 6 days.
+Bank of Debbie-Denise of BOC Eshelman you are 100% insane
The comment section here is flippin' fantastic
Boo Radley It's pretty wild, right? I hope it never changes.
+Boo Radley To me, not enough reptilians.
it's not like people are going to be arguing _for_ Scientology
+E.B. White Yeah, HSSSSsssssssss!
Chick Corea's a monster
+OneQuest1 True. the best jazz composer of the 70`s
+OneQuest1 Him being a scientologist baffles me a bit.
+bibbly bobbly not Stanley.....ohhhh poop
+OneQuest1 Yeah, man. Return To Forever's self titled was a monster.
bibbly bobbly good point.
Listen to my music it is pastafarian, hail the flying spaghetti monster,
jesus christ please just stfu
Troyan4aic As a Jew, I endorse your message. 🤘🏼🤘🏼
ramen brother
I thought scientology music was dubstep
+Pineapple Farmer okay, that was funny.
+Pineapple Farmer Well, Skrillex's parents were actually Scientoligists lol
+Pineapple Farmer Sure! The North American Dubstep scene for real. UK and European scenes? Nooope!
+ScarryChili wow thats interesting
I thought they were going to play Beck
or Isaac Hayes
His dad was a Scientologist, there's no proof he actually practiced it. It'd make a lot of sense if he just avoided talking about it because of his family..
Actually Beck is awesome. Scientologist or not, the guy makes great music
Electrickoolaid A Yep
Gotta agree big time with you.
Never mind Scientology... I've just farted
This comment is a religion now
Did you poop a lil? Hurry go check i sumtimes fart but then i poop a lil and then the shit slowly works its way threw my crack n poop smears everywhere and ppl are like ew poopy guy gross!
You dont want to be a gross poopy guy, check your farts today!
gsxr 1000 Gesunteit!
madscientistshusta my god what is wrong with you? The Scientology gods will crush you for this Shit you speak
madscientistshusta ...that's it now squeeeeeze it out
Love the fact there was a Scientology commercial before this video!! It’s like they are promoting you. Good Job!! 👍🏽👍🏽
This is my new favorite channel! So awesome!
what is the first song thats gonna be my new ringtone
joshgaming2012 Starts With Me 1993
Omg thank you and i love your show.
Oh my god listen to the one called bad drugs its amazingly bad
joshgaming2012 Oh I know, so fun.
Space jazz lol wtf
Brian Whatsun - with this kind of (jazz) music, Miles Davis can sleep soundly.
I actually came across that album when it came out originally and thought the same thing...wtf.
Never seen Cowboy Bebop?
To be honest the Apollo Stars were actually good
i agree!
no. no. no.
Travis everybody has different taste man
loook im drunk n im deaD but i agree
Scientologists are just trolls
it's just a social experiment
A troll is someone who is disingenuous for the purpose of causing drama. Scientologists do not fit the definition. They are however extremely dangerous as an organization.
For example, they shut down the Cult Awareness Network which helped families spot and intervene when family members are getting involved in a cult. They shut it down by simply filing so many frivolous lawsuits that CAN couldn't even afford a lawyer anymore.
That's the evil thing about frivolous lawsuits. You still need to show up in court to defend yourself against them, and that means still having to pay a lawyer. You can counter sue for legal expenses, but when something like this is happening, the people doing the frivolous lawsuits don't have the money for paying a lawyer for the countersuit. As a result, you still can't pay your lawyer.
So the people who were running CAN had to shut down and turn over ownership to Scientology because they ran out of legal aid to defend themselves against it.
Jenny Tokumei ....that just sounds like Jews to me.
Jenny Tokumei I'm pretty sure David Muskavich (sp?) & Co. have the money for lawyers.
$350 for the base book set that are revised every few years & which each member of the CoS MUST buy, plus auditing fees, tithes...
Scientology has the money...
jamie jo, yeah... that's... the point... It's the people they troll with law suits that don't have the money to keep up with the law suits, people like the people who originally ran CAN before they were forced to turn it over to the CoS because they couldn't afford to keep defending against the CoS's frivolous lawsuits...
What is it about the internet that makes people lose their reading comprehension skill?
have you guys heard the newest single,"We are all crazy fucking wack jobs, baby"?
Back Country Preps no is it any good lol
This Exists...........But it Shouldn't.
Today I learned L Ron Hubbard is a bass.
The Apollo Stars doesn't sound any weirder than any other jazz act from the 60's-70's.
this music is the shit
You mean this music IS shit!
By his name I think he meant what he said.
I guess his name is Ryan Capistrant, but yea, you sound about right
ok tom cruis
Better donate to the Pastor Richards Salvation Statue and blast out to space.
nod to vice city reference
Those who don't believe in Kifflom will not respawn. You guys need to re-evaluate your heathen ways.
Nah, I'll hide in the bushes, put twigs in my hair and call myself a wolverine.
I still listen to pressing issues to this day, Marice Chavez is the man of my dreams
That jazz band is pretty tight. Sounds more like some classic afrobeat
Is the thumbnail a picture of John travolta? 😂 lmao
legolas76524 He's a scientologist
A better question is, "is any of that really music?"
Timothy Lee the answer is "Ya"
there is a hungarian band which is connected to scientology as well. it's called Aljas Kúszóbab. They try to sound like a pop-punk band to attract young peope but they suck really hard. it is just a one man project now because all the other members left the singer/songwriter, who is a scientologist asshole and some kind of marketing manager.
Feri Tudodmelyik This is great. Wish I had been able to include them. Thanks!
This Exists you also got the band "Jive Aces", an over the top modern swing-jazz band who promote scientology during their tours and attribute quite a bit of their extreme stage energy to the "teachings" of the scientology faith. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jive_Aces#Promotion_of_Scientology
Masochism in musical form
This creeped me out more than the regular Christian stuff does...
Praise Bob!!
I'm Bob!!!
Pull the wool over your OWN eyes!
Join the Church of the SubGenius.
Praise 'Bob'.
+Andy Pitchless
Praise be to the 'Bob'.
+Andy Pitchless May BOB grant us endless SLACK!
Sounds slack to me. :D
I think the jazz band's music is better then other Scientology music.
1:07 Power of Source
Yeah by far. It's kinda good
that music is making my BODY THETANS go totally f-ing crazy
I got a Scientology ad before this
I love the road to freedom album. I am going to let my family know they need to play that at my funeral.
No, Scientology is crazier than it's music.
Well I can't rightly say if their music is more or less evil than any other religion's, I can say they're about the same QUALITY as other Religious genres
Consistency is key.
Quality is in the eye of the beholder. Meaning this is your opinion. Be sure to state that in future comments like this please. C:
Nah this is way worse. Christian rock/pop all sounds the same and it’s the same chord progression and more or less same lyrics but the production quality of the majority of their artists is at a very high standard. In fact the main stream music industry is now literally using the Christian rock model (production, chord change model, voice mixing etc) to throw out the majority of crap that gets in the radio. This Scientology music is not much worse but a lot of it sounds like it was recorded by Jr High art class. Some of it is absolutely ridiculously bad. Lmfao.
Am I the only one who thought Apollo stars sounded prettt good? 😀
I thought everything from 2:50 onward, sounded pretty, damn, good, despite their twisted beliefs. This video was about their music - which I didn't even, know they had - and not their beliefs as such. The beliefs or how they enforce them, are crap and the music, actually, is not half bad. At least, much of what they presented here. A hell of a lot better than modern rap and hip-hop crap that's damn well sure.
My Best. Out.
@@ivanj.conway9919 might want to get your hearing checked
@@Gesuspiece : Might want to check your taste. My hearing may be better than yours.
No, you and Ivan make 2. But that's probably it.
Lol! What's the name of that horse jazz song? That is some funny shit.
"The Road To Freedom" is actually a pretty good album. Thanks for the recommendation.
Notice @3:54 it seems to be signed by Satan Hubbard and friends?
Scientology, Mormonism, Catholicism, Jehovah Witness it's all BULL$IT! If you are seeking the truth stay as far away from this garb as possible.
+yolanda jerginson yup
I'm real enough. Worship me. I'm an easy man-god to please. Donations of 50k annually is all I require for your souls to be saved.
Like you know what "the truth" is...
Jim Biafra nobody knows what the "truth" is and that is the honest truth. People saying that they know it are either brainwashed or con artists. Do some independent research from multiple sources and even though it will steer you away from faith like it did for me it will open up a whole new scientific and philosophical world.
you need to research scientology ...only 40k members ..torture kill and destroy their members...watch going clear on HBO...million times as bad as any mainstream religion!!
Dude, you forgot about their crappy gem of an anthem “We Stand Tall” with craptastic lyrics such as “Knowing the truth will set you free and take you from Clear to eternity” and “Hey, Nah Nay Nuh, Hey Nah Nay We Stand Tall.”
A new musical sub genre I had never heard of. Brilliant.
Wow, you made it the whole way through without mentioning Beck.
Thought about including him, but without any songs explicitly about his religion, didn't think it fully fit the theme. Still, so strange.
Beck as far as I know doesn't really have any Scientology content in his music, he just happens to be a Scientologist.
It's creepy
Hilarious and shocking. "Go on." (Creepy teen hammers notes) "I'm sold."