This is my opinion on this. I feel like Mob ???% would no diff Tatsumaki. He would literally absorb all of her psychic powers and just win. Hope you enjoyed 😎 Edit: After the latest episode, Mob can react to someone moving at the speed of light easily in that ???% form. (Guess I was right about his speed lol 😂)
@@Dover55 That doesn't rlly stop tatsumaki from overpowering him at all with superior esper ability so no. This is being debated as if they are relative in power, when in reality the manga feats have her easily negging his esper ability with her own from sheer control over her esper ability and ap difference
If I remember right, ONE himself commented on this. He said if both were casual, Tatsumaki would win basically every time, but if they both went all out (that is to say full power Tats vs ???% Mob), that he "wasn't sure who would win" so I think at full power they'd be roughly evenly matched. My money would be on Tatsumaki though, simply because she has more experience and skill with her powers
Ну он тогда говорил про татсумаки из вебкомикса потому что на тот момент тацу из манги нечего не показала, а как мы помним тацу из манги>>>>>>>>тацу из вебкомикса
That's an outdated statement, and he was talking about the webcomic Tatsumaki, if this was 2016 than this would be valid, but now it isn't. Please catch up.
She might even have more control over her abilities... But the Mob has a wider range of possibilities, Tatsumaki can distort, the Mob can manipulate space at will, in addition to having a resistance that Tatsumaki could not penetrate.
@@shahanaz-lifestyle8671 yes like the first scene of this show he has a count while being in ??? and when it hit 100% he destroyed the entire dimension
I think you were being too generous for tatsumaki 💀 Mob already absorbs all psychic powers at 100% with a resistance and protection that tatsumaki can’t destroy or penetrate. Wouldn’t you think it’s also possible that mob could lose control of his abilities and go into a mindless state of mass destruction that would cause ripples between dimensions? I would like to think that defense is probably the winning feat since they’re both almost evenly matched.
Well ripping dimensions is galaxy lvl feat so it puts mob at Saitama lvl(btw its stated that mob defeats Saitama by author. Both series are made by the same person)
@@Genos001 yo prefiero el de tatsumaki y genos y me gusta más el de fubuki y saitama porque los dos son de rango bajo y tatsumaki y genos son de alto rango
@@Kamado_edits1234 meh, el de Tatsumaki y Saitama es mejor ya que los dos son los mas fuertes el heroe mas fuerte, y la heroina mas fuerte, eso si esta bueno
Mob gets stronger based off his emotions Shown fighting Mogami, Mob can quite literally tank a lot of attacks. and I mean ALOT. Any normal "Esper" would die being in Mogami's separate dimension (mind), and Mob literally tanked attacks that could literally destroy an entire city. INCLUDING Beams, and a weird giant red demonic looking monster that's entirely LARGER than an ENTIRE CITY (and probably Earth aswell, proving this at the end of the fight with Mogami) None of this happened in the real world though, but if it did happen in the real world.. this would exactly happen and it shows what mob is actually capable of. This world doesn't give Mob any type of advantage like giving more strength, it's just Mob fighting for victory. He tanked an attack that literally left an slap mark on an fraction of an large city. He can go faster than meteors which can "travel 0,01% speed of light" easily proving that he's a bit FTL (Mob vs Koyama) He literally grabbed Koyama and literally dunked bro into the literal ground and made an large shockwave. His ??? form gets stronger and stronger entirely based off of his emotions, which in his fight with Mogami revealed that his mind is filled with an universe of emotions, meaning that he can continue to grow. Not to mention that ??? is an spiritual entity that controls Mob while he's passed out. it takes over his body, depending on his exact emotion. At the end of the battle with Mogami, ??? entirely takes over to save Mob (So I guess it automatically activates whenever Mob is literally knocked out or dead) it shows that Earth is just.... gone, along with everything else. And yeah to add a part, at the end it isn't an real universe, that was Mobs mind, showing that when he shattered his vessel it revealed his expanding emotions. Not saying Tatsumaki loses, but Kageyama can stand a chance. Also Mogami is an God in is alternate dimension. Only his 100% and ???% for truly stands a chance against Mommy Tatsumaki.
ONE said tatsumaki would beat 100% mob and ???% would be even with tatsumaki. But that was BEFORE all of her more impressive feats so obviously tatsumaki slams
wah, slow down what you saying is true and false, yes mob speed will be at FTL. But the ??? feeds off emotions that false the ??? or say shiego Kageyama has its own mind whatever the Supreme Being what to do he can do the knockout or unconscious is over now they both accept each appearance and powers they both know its another person living inside of them but they knew that every since there were kids the only thing that separated them was growth but now that change.mob power is connected to his emotions which in the past he put and limit on them so he can't lose control of his godly powers but now he's more mature he once again accepts what he was created to do, plus there is no limit to his emotions no more, no more 100% no ??? all gone now. but imma keeps real mob psycho verse is goldy people why do I say they can outgrow any esper that's in their way but yea that's all yall should know. PSA the mob is boundless haha
I'd agree with this video. I can name a number of reasons why he would win. 1. No one has had a chance to battle Mob at ??? %, so we don't know how powerful he is. Likely limitless since his power grows perpendicular to his emotions. 2. Bro is a protagonist of a show, of course he would win lol. 3. Tatsumaki only has telekinetic psychic abilities, meanwhile mob has otherworldly abilities too.
1: Tatsumaki has better feats than mob. 2: mob psycho 100 shows has ended since 2017 while one punch man are still ongoing, again has shows better feats. 3: protagonist doesn’t always won or the most powerful.
as someone who loves both the series and has read opm manga i can 100 percent gaurantee that mob even in ??? form stands no change against the best girl in opm
Mob on ???% is just too badass bruh, i mean characters turning into a glowing entities with amazing vfx will always be my no.1 and mob happends to have that form and its also executed beautifully.
for people who think that mob reached his limit at toichiros battle: he did not. Remember that his 100 % explosion is just an outburst of his stocked up energy with his base power. so even if toichiro defeat mob he would still lose to ??? becuz thats mobs real 100% power and IT DOSENT HOLD BACK. At season3 ??? was just moving towards tsubomi, he did not intend to damage the city but his raw power was causing disaster alone. and the tornado that came out of nowhere was called by mob so nothing come to stop him. if he really wanted, then the city would be gone in a few seconds. mob also has a greater quantity of abilities includin power absorbtion. And if we include mobs feats from mogamis mental world then mob beat tats 10 times over. so mob beats tatsumaki high-extreme diff and mid-high( if we include feats from mogamis arc).
@@victorwilson4860 well that depends on how you define all of his power. 100% of his power isn’t technically all of his power since he has that ???% form, which like Saitama, is undefeated.
Dodm't tatsumaki casually deflect an attack that would destroy a city back at a spaceship with a flick of her finger? Also destroying a city woth his power is impressive... But shows a serious lack of control if it's that indiscriminate.
Bro don't make videos like this if you haven't any idea about their power levels..... Mob has no chance against her, she can fight at speed of light also it's mentioned that she can stop the rotation of earth and in manga while fighting that monster boss girl she was holding back
People really underrating Mob here. Mob can react to the speed of light since the latest episode was released. Tatsumaki would get weaker as the fight goes on while Mob gets stronger as he can absorb all psychic energy around him. Mob is limitless in the ???% in terms of psychic energy (he is basically a Saitama in that form). He destroyed the dimension when he was fighting Mogami and ended the battle in less than a second. I can safely say after reading the One punch Man manga that Tatsumaki is getting no diffed.
Who said she can do that mob can do the same and mob can easily destroy an hole country imagine if he unlocks a new form me personally I think since he unlock new forms so quickly it’s only a matter of time before he reaches planetary and tatsumaki is just a spoiled little brat idky ppl like her mob can easily kill her with his emotions
I think mob 100% wins by defense/durability since he uses a thick coat of energy and i don’t recall seeing tatsumaki using something like that, it’s also because of this that tatsumaki got injured bad by psychos.
@@eee22-e8d she created a bubble that protected everyone, but mob’s coat is like a passive ability, he always has it covering him, and it gets harder to pass by the defense when he gets more emotional, tatsumaki is not limited by emotions but she doesn’t show any feat of having a passive ability like mob does, she would have to manually create a protection around her and fight back at the same time.
She can do that but she usually uses that power to protect others or trap her opponents. Like how she put a dome on the entire city to stop psychos from escaping.
Not sure about mob 100% beating tatsumaki as even suzuki was tossing 100% mob around...???% might give a good fight but we really haven't seen tatsumaki going all out so cannot compare...
She was shown to be holding back against psykorochi who was casually cutting and lifting an entire continent, she was destroying psykorochi when she started use her full power, but could not sustain herself for long due to her injuries. Tatsu mid-high diff ???% mob.
@@eriksaas19 Tatsu was holding back due to the fact that there were still people inside the monster association structure that she pulled out, she would've smushed psykorochi no-low diff at her prime.
@@nameisname5566 she only wins momentarily, mob 100% is already island lvl easily while tatsumaki's peak is multi-continental / moon lvl at *MAX* , mob ??? is much stronger than 100% and she only wins because he has very little screen time and has not shown feats so far.
Since in one punch man Saitama gets stronger with every punch he gives, I have the theory that the Mob also gets stronger. Not with every punch he throws, but maybe every time he gets to "100%"
@@Ameba109 ask about what bro,what's clear is that you said a debate that was too ridiculous or too exaggerated the old debate.. and no one asked to start that here.Of course I know Goku is your favorite character but he's not even there at all in the first commentary..I mean he's not even talked about Goku in this video..
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
People be overwanking mob. Tatsumaki took on another esper who sliced off a giant ass chunk of earth and she was holding back because she didn’t want to cause any casualties to the heros around her.
bro fr, mob powerscalers are all on drugs or some shit, i have not seen a single normal mob powerscaler that does not overwank him, i love mob psycho so much but that doesn't mean i have to see him as a god.
Yes tatsumaki obviously has higher destructive power buts its not that simple in theis 1v1 due to mobs abilites. Eg, absorbing psychic power. Tatsumakis power is based on brute force while mobs has work arounds to that.
@@aztecgb7520 ye but what u want? Mob biggest feat is destroying an alternate world pocket dimension with his presence lol Mob also have a lot of usefull hax in his side as for example energy absorption being able to absorb all energy in the ambience. Or maybe mob imortality and regeneration that made he able to regen after being ripped and imortality bounding him to his powers being unable to die without killing ??? Mob probably is far higher than tatsumaki but since mob never was focused in showing us feats, mob looks weaker but the feat he made in mogami fight is probably enough to surpass tatsumaki
@@StrongestDebunker that "world" you are talking about was just inside a mind, just activating psychic powers would make make the dimension unstable because it's inside a mind
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
Since the two anime were created by the same person, we can know who is stronger by asking him Como os dois animes foram criados pela mesma pessoa, podemos saber quem é mais forte perguntando a ele
Mob has more abilities, its shown that he can use rudimentary telepathy so by this same logic he can also probably use pyrokinesis, etc His psychic energy is probably like electricity in that you can use it in its base form, but you can also channel it in different ways for different uses
he fought against the whole world in that part, because mogami manipulates all living beings from that dimension that were actually evil spirits, moreover, just for him to be there in that form (without using any Power) already causes natural disasters, that's not up for discussion , the Mob destroyed a city, but it has the potential to destroy humanity, Tatsumaki is not weak, she has several feats, but what I mean is that the Mob is on her level, and can defeat her, he has such a high speed that he melted into concrete in the first season (Like Boros did, only it wasn't concrete)
Nose, mob realmente no ha expandido su real potencial como tal que nos ha quedado en la serie, tatsumaki en cambio a demostrado de primeras traer un asteroide del espacio como si nada, sus poderes recaen en lo supercontinental bajo (creo), ya que estoy muy seguro que de lejos alcanzo a saitama temporada 1 y mucho menos hubiera podido con boros, de eso no hay duda, pero con lo que mostro ultimamente creo que mob ???% se queda corto por no demostrar toda su capacidad real, hacer crecer un brocoli a partir de una bomba mas grande que el tzar es una cosa pero parar varias bombas con la capacidad de acabar con paises pequeños es otra (otra cosa es que el anime de opm es incierto, por ejemplo el tamaño de mayugori es inacertado por cambiar constantemente la camara), aun asi creo que toda esta duda de quien es mas fuerte solo se responderia en un crossover, y si fuera asi estoy muy seguro que mob al ser protagonista gane algo de superioridad a tatsumaki, pero por ahora, estoy seguro que tatsumaki es mucho mas imponente.
Es que en el anime de opm todo debe ser supermasivo, sólo hay que ver a saitama, habiendo personajes que pueden destruir planetas de sólo un golpe (boros), que son prácticamente inmortales y con una fuerza imposible (black sperm), que son casi dioses (garou cosmico) y aún así les parte la madre. En cambio mob pysho es una especie de shonen-comedia de la vida diaria del psíquico más poderoso del mundo y como intenta controlar sus poderes, nada aquí es apocalíptico más que la fuerza de mob, no llega ningún alien de x galaxia a miles de millones de años luz buscando pelear con alguien, no hay ciempies del tamaño de montañas. Es obvia la diferencia
@@apetecesexo es que one punch man es un manga de peleas que parodia mucho el standart del superheroe roto promedio, mientras que mob es mas una reflexion de la vida diaria
you talked a lot about mob feats but not so much about tatsumaki feats, like being able to twist the entirety of city z, defend against multi-contiential attacks, etc. still cool video and i respect ur opinion though as i might be a bit underknowledged in mob's ??? form cause i don't see much to go off of on scaling that
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
Tbh whilst creating this video, the one thing that made me conflicted on the last battle was the fact that Tatsumaki summoned a meteor with ease. But this fight doesn’t seem to be in Tatsumakis favour as Mob absorbs psychic energy and that ??? form seems to have no limit to the amount of psychic energy it has.
the creator of Mob Psycho 100 has already confirmed that Shigeo is superior to tatsumaki and in case some people don't know, the creator of Mob Psycho 100 is the same as One Punch Man.
To those disagreeing, all imma say is that 1) teru could go light speed with little effort and mob while holding back in ??? mode speed blitzed him and attacked so fast teru couldn't even react(the fact teru can't alter his direction while travelling light speed means he has light speed reactions) and flashy flash, the stated fastest s class hero, is only light speed. 2) mobs body is a limiter to how much ??? power can be released. Even if tatsumaki kills mob, the ??? form will carry on the fight and is raw psychic power so it can't be killed, only absorbed 3)all of mobs feats, are literally just his presence. His presence alone gives him the feats he needs Also u have earned urself a subscriber that was an amazing edit
@@Mr.Rendo1 The first point I made teru stated when he heard of the incident he travelled over at light speed, and then mob speed blitzed him Second point I made is that ??? power is restricted by mob. We know this as whenever he goes ??? mob has to be knocked unconscious so that the ??? can take over SPOILER When ??? mob fights ritsu mob doesn't harm ritsu at all due to mob regaining his consciousness but is unable to fully take back control of his body and can only just make ??? not harm ritsu(??? mob went out of its way to defeat teru san before when mob was unaware that ??? was released) My final point was pretty self explanatory I think. Mob has shown us such little feats of his full power that people need to use the damage caused by his presence as a feat to scale him, and he is still a contender to characters like tatsumaki
Mob even on his ???% cannot reach the National Buster level, knowing this Mob would be literally nothing for Tatsumaki, she will defeat him with the same diff as GyoroGyoro or even easier... I love Mob, but people trully overstimate him a lot
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
@@unateomas3817 Thats a very classic argument, but has a very big flaw, ONE stablushed that mamy years agi, almost a 8 years, in those times One didnt finished Mob Psycjo 100 and stablished a "limit" in Mobs powers and also, Tatsumaki has changed a lot in power scalling and feats since the redraw current canon version from the Mangai, where Mob didnt show abilitties beyond mobe dozens of buildings on his biggest feats, Tatsu tanked High Multi Continental hits like a breath, so its just a very bad and unfair comparison due to the new canon rules
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
No he didnt. He said mob usually loses while normal. But an serious n Mob he have no answer Normal mob = 1-99% tatsumaki solos Mob serious = 100% too close for answer Mob ???% = MOB stomps
@@Goat10Solos nope. This statement was made by using tatsumaki and she never got an transformation One knew since the begining How strong he wanted her to be so Its an viable argument
I think this sorta comes down to the "goku vs saitama" situation Goku (as of now) supposedly negs saitama yet with all of saitamas current feats he has yet to even bleed What im getting at here is we havent even seen mob so much as struggle to lift up the things hes lifted even when injured
Pfffffahahahahahahahahaha did u read manga? It was even demonstrated that saitama was equal to cosmic garou (on a chart we saw it clearly) and then saitamas growth was too much for garou to keep up with goku slams saitama he has much much bigger feats even kid buu in buu saga was universal he could destroy a universe with just screaming while saitama over here is not even close to destroying a universe xddddd even if u want to talk about growth these mf-s in db make themselves 200 times stronger with just fighting few times like wtf goku in the beginning of t.o.p wasn't anywhere near to what he became at the end of the tournament even without mui and ui so saitama can't even have that Now what can saitama possibly have that makes u even think slightly that he can even match his base forms 5% punch? Edit: people who say saitama wins are just saitama fanboys who don't want their "hero" to lose simple as that and i actually understand that but u guys really need to wake up the gap is too huge to be daydreaming like that
Es tecnicamente un empate. Por si no sabian ONE el creador de one puch man y de MOB dijo que si tatsumaki y MOB se enfrentaran en todo su potencial no sabe quien ganaria, asi que su poder MAXIMO es casi igual.
bro are you aware that Mob 10% takes all forms of Tatsumaki? he is able to absorb, cancel, destroy the Psychic powers of others from episodes 5 of Season 1 we see him doing it if the other bad guys were able to touch him it's just that Mob did not want to hurt them or to control his emotions
actually we have been given a speed feat recently through the anime where teru says he went light speed to get to mob and mob is reacting to him really well
He never used it during the actual fight so it doesn’t really matter. He was also most likely exaggerating. If he was going light speed, he would’ve been there as soon as Mob went on a rampage, not several minutes later.
@@pantsprince It’s /him/, of course he’s exaggerating. That said, it’s clearly a specific technique that he doesn’t even use in the fight so none of it matters. Also wasn’t in the manga.
@@MSTO7 It’s true. Mob’s STRONGEST character is city level. MAYBE multi-city level. Tatsumaki, while holding back, is continental. They’re not even in the same stratosphere.
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
@@unateomas3817 Your IQ has to be below human average, If your brain can't process that what you're saying is outdated than idk what to tell you. That was said AGES ago, it has nothing to do with 2023 current Tatsumaki.
😢 the music when mob was at 75% power is so sad because mob has been through alot just a random student with psychic powers...i know mob I've been through alot too your power is dangerous even for me and most of the anime characters you really are not an ordinary student you were never popular but look at you now you are amazing forget about the high school students you already have fans and alot of them in the real life world 😊
Mob is still a kid tho who tries not to use his powers much for most of the series, but at the end he accepts who he is so imagine an adult mob who trained and honed his powers so he can use the full peak in a calm state
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
@@shahanaz-lifestyle8671 The Author didn't say that ??? Was limitless, and tatsumakis limit is far far far above from Mobs full power, Tatsumaki wins, PERIOD.
There’s one that you didn’t mention, and it’s that 100% but it isn’t rage, it was something else, and it was shown I believe at the end of season two or at that one fight against the guy that controlled the purplehaired girl (I forgot all of their names lol), so who do you think would win with that form? Oh and I think that mob rage might win I think
Quieres comparar a tatsumaki con ??? Encima liberado es como comparar a una hormiga y el espacio (es infinito) aunque no se sabe la capacidad destructiva de la forma ??? Liberada se dice que podria distorsionar universos con solo caminar esto se podría decir por su liberación de poder cuando el cuerpo de Mob es destruido sale este ser inconciente llamado "??? Liberado" este ser se ve que es pacifico pero si lo molestas e ignoras las advertencias que te dio morirás aunque no pueda pensar y hacer habilidades su poder es infinito y puede aumentar su poderes y estadísticas al paso de solo segundos
No. Mob's rage mode (which occured when he saw his families corpses in his burning house) was more powerful than even his last episode rampage red mode. Dimple seriously saved the world at that moment when he convinced mob that the corpses were fake. oh and the rage mode is the ??? mode. he has no state of mind more powerful than that.
I think that in terms of raw power, mob would win from 80% and up (not just based on how many advantages, but in a realistic fight) with difficulty ranging from high to none
???% is not Mob, he is a completely different character that happens to be trapped inside him. He is known for despising Shigeo for not letting him out a lot by losing control of his emotional state and is capable of annihilating parallel realities and warping time and space so much that it becomes a black hole.
This is my opinion on this. I feel like Mob ???% would no diff Tatsumaki. He would literally absorb all of her psychic powers and just win.
Hope you enjoyed 😎
Edit: After the latest episode, Mob can react to someone moving at the speed of light easily in that ???% form. (Guess I was right about his speed lol 😂)
Facts. W vid
She will just cancel his due to being superior in esper ability tbh
@@veggieboi4994 ??? is like an AI, it knows how to counter attacks and reacts on it's own so ???>>>tatsumaki 100%
@@Dover55 That doesn't rlly stop tatsumaki from overpowering him at all with superior esper ability so no. This is being debated as if they are relative in power, when in reality the manga feats have her easily negging his esper ability with her own from sheer control over her esper ability and ap difference
There should be a limit with how much mob could absorb, i mean tatsumaki literally lifted the entire ocean and terrains when she was heavily injured.
If I remember right, ONE himself commented on this. He said if both were casual, Tatsumaki would win basically every time, but if they both went all out (that is to say full power Tats vs ???% Mob), that he "wasn't sure who would win" so I think at full power they'd be roughly evenly matched. My money would be on Tatsumaki though, simply because she has more experience and skill with her powers
Ну он тогда говорил про татсумаки из вебкомикса потому что на тот момент тацу из манги нечего не показала, а как мы помним тацу из манги>>>>>>>>тацу из вебкомикса
That's an outdated statement, and he was talking about the webcomic Tatsumaki, if this was 2016 than this would be valid, but now it isn't. Please catch up.
She might even have more control over her abilities...
But the Mob has a wider range of possibilities, Tatsumaki can distort, the Mob can manipulate space at will, in addition to having a resistance that Tatsumaki could not penetrate.
@@MYNAMEISPEDRO_BRO naa bro if she was not sneak attack webcomic was gonna killed all of monster association
All right ppl this comparsion is unfair just bcs of the age difference if we take mob at age 32 and tatsu at 32 then it would be fair
Mob ???% feats: Destroy a city
Tatsumaki using 100%: Defended against multi-continental level attacks
[ Superman has joined the chat ]
@@VirtualStupidity0 bully maguire enter the chat
there hasnt been anyone to fight ???% so we don't know how powerful it is
Actually mob 100% can destroy a whole city in seconds.
We still dont know how powerful ???% is
In the first scene of season 1 eps 1 showing mob %??? Actually destroy a reality, so mob %??? Could be an universal or reality level
The ???% form has no known limits to its psychic capabilities. Every time mob has popped it, he’s won instantly.
Mob ??? Can grow stronger so one moment it can be planetary level
@@shahanaz-lifestyle8671 yes like the first scene of this show he has a count while being in ??? and when it hit 100% he destroyed the entire dimension
@@animeotaku8506no pero si es muy fuerte nivel planetario
That's no limit fallacy
No limits fallacy 🤦🏿♂️
I think you were being too generous for tatsumaki 💀
Mob already absorbs all psychic powers at 100% with a resistance and protection that tatsumaki can’t destroy or penetrate. Wouldn’t you think it’s also possible that mob could lose control of his abilities and go into a mindless state of mass destruction that would cause ripples between dimensions? I would like to think that defense is probably the winning feat since they’re both almost evenly matched.
Mob is on the level of interplanetary destruction. Tatsumaki is at the level of Planetary Destruction
@@GuiStarki is inter planetary better
@@Letoni469international is multiple nations, so interplanetary is multiple planets
I mean this doesnt really matter if one said tatsumaki beats him
Well ripping dimensions is galaxy lvl feat so it puts mob at Saitama lvl(btw its stated that mob defeats Saitama by author. Both series are made by the same person)
Saitama in the back watching his wife and his son fighting be like: 😐😑😐
Bruh SHE IS not 😂🗿🍷
Jajaja yo lo se en un futuro .i sensei estara con ella.. y me imagino si Tornado y su hijo pelearan💀
@@Genos001 yo prefiero el de tatsumaki y genos y me gusta más el de fubuki y saitama porque los dos son de rango bajo y tatsumaki y genos son de alto rango
@@Kamado_edits1234 meh, el de Tatsumaki y Saitama es mejor ya que los dos son los mas fuertes el heroe mas fuerte, y la heroina mas fuerte, eso si esta bueno
Minecraft Steve vs Terrarian all forms
I’ve never played Terraria before 😭
@@saiem8459 it's 2D Minecraft
@@akinator3965 it's minecraft but better*
Terrarian solos until steve goes creative mode
@@akinator3965, Sorry, but Terraria better
Mob gets stronger based off his emotions
Shown fighting Mogami, Mob can quite literally tank a lot of attacks. and I mean ALOT.
Any normal "Esper" would die being in Mogami's separate dimension (mind), and Mob literally tanked attacks that could literally destroy an entire city. INCLUDING Beams, and a weird giant red demonic looking monster that's entirely LARGER than an ENTIRE CITY (and probably Earth aswell, proving this at the end of the fight with Mogami) None of this happened in the real world though, but if it did happen in the real world.. this would exactly happen and it shows what mob is actually capable of. This world doesn't give Mob any type of advantage like giving more strength, it's just Mob fighting for victory.
He tanked an attack that literally left an slap mark on an fraction of an large city.
He can go faster than meteors which can "travel 0,01% speed of light" easily proving that he's a bit FTL
(Mob vs Koyama)
He literally grabbed Koyama and literally dunked bro into the literal ground and made an large shockwave.
His ??? form gets stronger and stronger entirely based off of his emotions, which in his fight with Mogami revealed that his mind is filled with an universe of emotions, meaning that he can continue to grow.
Not to mention that ??? is an spiritual entity that controls Mob while he's passed out.
it takes over his body, depending on his exact emotion.
At the end of the battle with Mogami, ??? entirely takes over to save Mob (So I guess it automatically activates whenever Mob is literally knocked out or dead) it shows that Earth is just.... gone, along with everything else. And yeah to add a part, at the end it isn't an real universe, that was Mobs mind, showing that when he shattered his vessel it revealed his expanding emotions.
Not saying Tatsumaki loses, but Kageyama can stand a chance.
Also Mogami is an God in is alternate dimension. Only his 100% and ???% for truly stands a chance against Mommy Tatsumaki.
Also I guess Mob also has Probability Manipulation because bro spawned an Tornado and an earthquake out of nowhere.
ONE said tatsumaki would beat 100% mob and ???% would be even with tatsumaki. But that was BEFORE all of her more impressive feats so obviously tatsumaki slams
How tf, Tatsumaki already moon level at best lol. Mob would get slammed
@@makosen cap mob scale to be boundless meaning he's limitless ??? OR SAY SHIEGO IS MORE OF AN GOD THREAT BUDDY
wah, slow down what you saying is true and false, yes mob speed will be at FTL. But the ??? feeds off emotions that false the ??? or say shiego Kageyama has its own mind whatever the Supreme Being what to do he can do the knockout or unconscious is over now they both accept each appearance and powers they both know its another person living inside of them but they knew that every since there were kids the only thing that separated them was growth but now that change.mob power is connected to his emotions which in the past he put and limit on them so he can't lose control of his godly powers but now he's more mature he once again accepts what he was created to do, plus there is no limit to his emotions no more, no more 100% no ??? all gone now. but imma keeps real mob psycho verse is goldy people why do I say they can outgrow any esper that's in their way but yea that's all yall should know. PSA
the mob is boundless haha
if you want any mob speed feats, hinazawa stated that he was light speed in episode 10 S3, (take that with a heavy grain of salt though)
Bruh in German it said hypersonic xd. Thanks for the scaling help. 👍
@@-noubtub- Np, even the webcomic didn’t state anything about light speed but the japanese and english dub anime stated him to be light speed as well
@@averageleaf5677 It makes sense tho weve never Seen the upper limit of the speed of Mob characters
wasn't that hanazawa's feat?
Nice edit ☠️🔥
Thanks bro 😎
I'd agree with this video. I can name a number of reasons why he would win.
1. No one has had a chance to battle Mob at ??? %, so we don't know how powerful he is. Likely limitless since his power grows perpendicular to his emotions.
2. Bro is a protagonist of a show, of course he would win lol.
3. Tatsumaki only has telekinetic psychic abilities, meanwhile mob has otherworldly abilities too.
1: Tatsumaki has better feats than mob.
2: mob psycho 100 shows has ended since 2017 while one punch man are still ongoing, again has shows better feats.
3: protagonist doesn’t always won or the most powerful.
@@Konmonachi u didn’t relate to anything I said
@@wantedno7968 I wasn’t implying to
@@Konmonachi then what’s ur point replying to me?
@@wantedno7968 just to says your points are trash
as someone who loves both the series and has read opm manga i can 100 percent gaurantee that mob even in ??? form stands no change against the best girl in opm
I’ve also read the opm manga but I think Tatsumaki stands no chance against Mob in ???%. But that’s just my opinion
tatsumaki is annoying and mid
You forgot Mob ♾️%.
One has said that it was a mixup for her vs 100% mob, so obviously ???% slams
Bro she's the 4th best girl, she's literally below the old prophet that dies in season 1, also qe can tell you didn't read both
Mob on ???% is just too badass bruh, i mean characters turning into a glowing entities with amazing vfx will always be my no.1 and mob happends to have that form and its also executed beautifully.
for people who think that mob reached his limit at toichiros battle: he did not. Remember that his 100 % explosion is just an outburst of his stocked up energy with his base power. so even if toichiro defeat mob he would still lose to ??? becuz thats mobs real 100% power and IT DOSENT HOLD BACK. At season3 ??? was just moving towards tsubomi, he did not intend to damage the city but his raw power was causing disaster alone. and the tornado that came out of nowhere was called by mob so nothing come to stop him. if he really wanted, then the city would be gone in a few seconds. mob also has a greater quantity of abilities includin power absorbtion. And if we include mobs feats from mogamis mental world then mob beat tats 10 times over. so mob beats tatsumaki high-extreme diff and mid-high( if we include feats from mogamis arc).
Mob parece Saitama pero con pelo es aspecto físico xd
E a diferença é que o mob já perdeu batalhas usando todo o poder
Es el hijo de saitama y fubuki XD
@@victorwilson4860 well that depends on how you define all of his power. 100% of his power isn’t technically all of his power since he has that ???% form, which like Saitama, is undefeated.
@@MasterNeitor88 bro Saitama Doesn’t feel love bro
el video debe llamarse mob vs su tia
Mob Teaches Us That Strength Should Not Be Used To Hurt Others 👍
All right. Only I would also add Mobu's IQ in an intangible ???% form. His second personality is quite smart
In the mob vs mogami episode, the mob was erasing the parallel universe, it gets even stronger if it uses killing intent.
remember that the mob in its last form managed to destroy an entire city with just its aura
Dodm't tatsumaki casually deflect an attack that would destroy a city back at a spaceship with a flick of her finger?
Also destroying a city woth his power is impressive... But shows a serious lack of control if it's that indiscriminate.
@@jauneork278she did with a flickof a finger while mob did it with presence or aura
he literally destroyed two dimensions just with his aura 💀
Bro don't make videos like this if you haven't any idea about their power levels..... Mob has no chance against her, she can fight at speed of light also it's mentioned that she can stop the rotation of earth and in manga while fighting that monster boss girl she was holding back
People really underrating Mob here. Mob can react to the speed of light since the latest episode was released. Tatsumaki would get weaker as the fight goes on while Mob gets stronger as he can absorb all psychic energy around him. Mob is limitless in the ???% in terms of psychic energy (he is basically a Saitama in that form). He destroyed the dimension when he was fighting Mogami and ended the battle in less than a second. I can safely say after reading the One punch Man manga that Tatsumaki is getting no diffed.
Its not all about brute speed and strength. Mobs has work arounds with his abilites such as absorbing psychic power
Why can't you guys just enjoy the anime rather than this debating bullshit and stuff
Who said she can do that mob can do the same and mob can easily destroy an hole country imagine if he unlocks a new form me personally I think since he unlock new forms so quickly it’s only a matter of time before he reaches planetary and tatsumaki is just a spoiled little brat idky ppl like her mob can easily kill her with his emotions
Tatsumaki is nowhere close to the speed of light lol
I think mob 100% wins by defense/durability since he uses a thick coat of energy and i don’t recall seeing tatsumaki using something like that, it’s also because of this that tatsumaki got injured bad by psychos.
Tatsumaki can do that as well - she did it to Darkshine
@@eee22-e8d she created a bubble that protected everyone, but mob’s coat is like a passive ability, he always has it covering him, and it gets harder to pass by the defense when he gets more emotional, tatsumaki is not limited by emotions but she doesn’t show any feat of having a passive ability like mob does, she would have to manually create a protection around her and fight back at the same time.
She can do that but she usually uses that power to protect others or trap her opponents. Like how she put a dome on the entire city to stop psychos from escaping.
Not sure about mob 100% beating tatsumaki as even suzuki was tossing 100% mob around...???% might give a good fight but we really haven't seen tatsumaki going all out so cannot compare...
Guys, mob and tatsuki are the same creator of the manga "One". The creator of these two characters, the author himself said that Tatsumaki is stronger
She was shown to be holding back against psykorochi who was casually cutting and lifting an entire continent, she was destroying psykorochi when she started use her full power, but could not sustain herself for long due to her injuries.
Tatsu mid-high diff ???% mob.
mob low diff.
@@eriksaas19 watch one punch man, tatsumaki wins mid diff
Tatsu was holding back due to the fact that there were still people inside the monster association structure that she pulled out, she would've smushed psykorochi no-low diff at her prime.
@@nameisname5566 she only wins momentarily, mob 100% is already island lvl easily while tatsumaki's peak is multi-continental / moon lvl at *MAX* , mob ??? is much stronger than 100% and she only wins because he has very little screen time and has not shown feats so far.
???% Mob lacks feats that puts him above tatsu, for now tatsu wins.
Since in one punch man Saitama gets stronger with every punch he gives, I have the theory that the Mob also gets stronger.
Not with every punch he throws, but maybe every time he gets to "100%"
Saitama grow every second bruh not every punch but goatku still solo
@@Ameba109 dead debate
@@Ameba109 no one talks about it here and no one asks..
@@FADIANSYAH-INDONESIA no one ask you too and I will still talk it here
@@Ameba109 ask about what bro,what's clear is that you said a debate that was too ridiculous or too exaggerated the old debate.. and no one asked to start that here.Of course I know Goku is your favorite character but he's not even there at all in the first commentary..I mean he's not even talked about Goku in this video..
Mob is always at full power, he is bottling his emotion and % represent how much he removes his limiter
W edit as always bro 🔥🔥
Thanks bro 👍
@@saiem8459 no ❤️
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
Tatsumaki simp
@@rawnoxious4098 "Must call everyone a simp just cuz they support a female character based on logical reasoning"- 🤓
@@rawnoxious4098 Let's call the person who thinks a character with superior feats wins against someone with almost none a simp.
People be overwanking mob. Tatsumaki took on another esper who sliced off a giant ass chunk of earth and she was holding back because she didn’t want to cause any casualties to the heros around her.
bro fr, mob powerscalers are all on drugs or some shit, i have not seen a single normal mob powerscaler that does not overwank him, i love mob psycho so much but that doesn't mean i have to see him as a god.
Yes tatsumaki obviously has higher destructive power buts its not that simple in theis 1v1 due to mobs abilites. Eg, absorbing psychic power. Tatsumakis power is based on brute force while mobs has work arounds to that.
@@aztecgb7520 ye but what u want? Mob biggest feat is destroying an alternate world pocket dimension with his presence lol
Mob also have a lot of usefull hax in his side as for example energy absorption being able to absorb all energy in the ambience. Or maybe mob imortality and regeneration that made he able to regen after being ripped and imortality bounding him to his powers being unable to die without killing ???
Mob probably is far higher than tatsumaki but since mob never was focused in showing us feats, mob looks weaker but the feat he made in mogami fight is probably enough to surpass tatsumaki
@@StrongestDebunker that "world" you are talking about was just inside a mind, just activating psychic powers would make make the dimension unstable because it's inside a mind
@@StrongestDebunker and then you're just assuming he has immortality and regeneration 💀
Its stated that if Tatsumaki wanted to she could stop the earth’s rotation
What chapter?
@@Goat10Solos by the creators
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
@@unateomas3817 Nope, stop trying to spread outdated information, that was said by ONE almost 10 years ago. Please stop.
@@Sexyybluu okay,so he said it long time ago,before tats lift city,so i think tats win this
Btw Saiem,
Could you do graham vs true dragons from tensura plsss....
Thanks Graham 😎
And yeah I’ll get to it but there’s a lot of requests to do before that 😅
Since the two anime were created by the same person, we can know who is stronger by asking him
Como os dois animes foram criados pela mesma pessoa, podemos saber quem é mais forte perguntando a ele
A serio??? O creador de OPM e mob psycho e o mesmo?
@@ricking0035 serião
No puedo dejar de pensar que Mob sería el hijo perfecto entre Saitama y tatsumaki XD
I’d say Saitama and Fubuki would work
@@Therage28 sus
@@Therage28 nah,mob is more stronger than fubuki
@@HORROR-vt1gm I mean looks wise
@@Therage28 saitama have black hair
Gonna point out that his ???% form is actually 100% but while having a strong bloodlust
Mob has more abilities, its shown that he can use rudimentary telepathy so by this same logic he can also probably use pyrokinesis, etc
His psychic energy is probably like electricity in that you can use it in its base form, but you can also channel it in different ways for different uses
he fought against the whole world in that part, because mogami manipulates all living beings from that dimension that were actually evil spirits, moreover, just for him to be there in that form (without using any Power) already causes natural disasters, that's not up for discussion , the Mob destroyed a city, but it has the potential to destroy humanity, Tatsumaki is not weak, she has several feats, but what I mean is that the Mob is on her level, and can defeat her, he has such a high speed that he melted into concrete in the first season (Like Boros did, only it wasn't concrete)
Nose, mob realmente no ha expandido su real potencial como tal que nos ha quedado en la serie, tatsumaki en cambio a demostrado de primeras traer un asteroide del espacio como si nada, sus poderes recaen en lo supercontinental bajo (creo), ya que estoy muy seguro que de lejos alcanzo a saitama temporada 1 y mucho menos hubiera podido con boros, de eso no hay duda, pero con lo que mostro ultimamente creo que mob ???% se queda corto por no demostrar toda su capacidad real, hacer crecer un brocoli a partir de una bomba mas grande que el tzar es una cosa pero parar varias bombas con la capacidad de acabar con paises pequeños es otra (otra cosa es que el anime de opm es incierto, por ejemplo el tamaño de mayugori es inacertado por cambiar constantemente la camara), aun asi creo que toda esta duda de quien es mas fuerte solo se responderia en un crossover, y si fuera asi estoy muy seguro que mob al ser protagonista gane algo de superioridad a tatsumaki, pero por ahora, estoy seguro que tatsumaki es mucho mas imponente.
Es que en el anime de opm todo debe ser supermasivo, sólo hay que ver a saitama, habiendo personajes que pueden destruir planetas de sólo un golpe (boros), que son prácticamente inmortales y con una fuerza imposible (black sperm), que son casi dioses (garou cosmico) y aún así les parte la madre. En cambio mob pysho es una especie de shonen-comedia de la vida diaria del psíquico más poderoso del mundo y como intenta controlar sus poderes, nada aquí es apocalíptico más que la fuerza de mob, no llega ningún alien de x galaxia a miles de millones de años luz buscando pelear con alguien, no hay ciempies del tamaño de montañas. Es obvia la diferencia
@@apetecesexo es que one punch man es un manga de peleas que parodia mucho el standart del superheroe roto promedio, mientras que mob es mas una reflexion de la vida diaria
you talked a lot about mob feats but not so much about tatsumaki feats, like being able to twist the entirety of city z, defend against multi-contiential attacks, etc. still cool video and i respect ur opinion though as i might be a bit underknowledged in mob's ??? form cause i don't see much to go off of on scaling that
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
Tbh whilst creating this video, the one thing that made me conflicted on the last battle was the fact that Tatsumaki summoned a meteor with ease. But this fight doesn’t seem to be in Tatsumakis favour as Mob absorbs psychic energy and that ??? form seems to have no limit to the amount of psychic energy it has.
@@saiem8459 Read Tatsumaki Vs Psychorochi.
@@unateomas3817 same thing about Goku vs Saitama. Them just doesn't know who would wins.
@@makosen lol
Yes it is very good but, you missed the 100% mob in sadness mode And his way when his eyes shine
the creator of Mob Psycho 100 has already confirmed that Shigeo is superior to tatsumaki and in case some people don't know, the creator of Mob Psycho 100 is the same as One Punch Man.
Mob is like hulk
Whose source of strength is his emotions
So technically Mob has no limit
Not really since you can't get infinitely angry.
To those disagreeing, all imma say is that
1) teru could go light speed with little effort and mob while holding back in ??? mode speed blitzed him and attacked so fast teru couldn't even react(the fact teru can't alter his direction while travelling light speed means he has light speed reactions) and flashy flash, the stated fastest s class hero, is only light speed.
2) mobs body is a limiter to how much ??? power can be released. Even if tatsumaki kills mob, the ??? form will carry on the fight and is raw psychic power so it can't be killed, only absorbed
3)all of mobs feats, are literally just his presence. His presence alone gives him the feats he needs
Also u have earned urself a subscriber that was an amazing edit
Thanks bro 👍
Yeah OPM is actually my favourite manga and I’m not being biased in this video. They just don’t realise how powerful that ???% state is 😎
@@saiem8459 100% agree with you here.
Where are you getting this information and flashy flash was able to keep up with monster garou and platinum sperm he likely above light speed
Presence alone doesn’t give feat what is that logical lol still wondering where you got the information at
The first point I made teru stated when he heard of the incident he travelled over at light speed, and then mob speed blitzed him
Second point I made is that ??? power is restricted by mob. We know this as whenever he goes ??? mob has to be knocked unconscious so that the ??? can take over
When ??? mob fights ritsu mob doesn't harm ritsu at all due to mob regaining his consciousness but is unable to fully take back control of his body and can only just make ??? not harm ritsu(??? mob went out of its way to defeat teru san before when mob was unaware that ??? was released)
My final point was pretty self explanatory I think. Mob has shown us such little feats of his full power that people need to use the damage caused by his presence as a feat to scale him, and he is still a contender to characters like tatsumaki
she is literally fighting saitama's son 💀
You mean her son she had with Saitama
@@fasaknani7516 bro 💀
Tatsumakis shocked face is probably like: Is this boy my son or smth?
Melhor batalha que já vi 😮
Mob don't even need 100% to defeat her 😑
Mob even on his ???% cannot reach the National Buster level, knowing this Mob would be literally nothing for Tatsumaki, she will defeat him with the same diff as GyoroGyoro or even easier... I love Mob, but people trully overstimate him a lot
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
@@unateomas3817 Thats a very classic argument, but has a very big flaw, ONE stablushed that mamy years agi, almost a 8 years, in those times One didnt finished Mob Psycjo 100 and stablished a "limit" in Mobs powers and also, Tatsumaki has changed a lot in power scalling and feats since the redraw current canon version from the Mangai, where Mob didnt show abilitties beyond mobe dozens of buildings on his biggest feats, Tatsu tanked High Multi Continental hits like a breath, so its just a very bad and unfair comparison due to the new canon rules
@@sargentuniverse2254 Can you send me the source of that?
@@unateomas3817 if you read the manga, and if you know what TIME is, that'll be your source.
@@Sexyybluu lok
Strenght,Durability,HAX and BIQ goes to mob
Not biq
Bro mob is just a highschooler and doesnt have good battle experiences so tatsumaki gets BIQ
Tip if you want a character to win against their oponent: add as much phases as possible including flashback revival power
Tatsumaki in all mob stages: GET NOOBED
Tatsumaki in ??? Mob stage: OH SHI-
Nah tatsmaki beats all forms she's way faster and has better control over her telekinetic powers
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
Bruh ONE himself literally has stated that Tatsumaki is much more powerful than Mob
No he didnt. He said mob usually loses while normal. But an serious n
Mob he have no answer
Normal mob = 1-99% tatsumaki solos
Mob serious = 100% too close for answer
Mob ???% = MOB stomps
@@StrongestDebunker yes he did
Bro's literally bringing up a statement from years ago when Tatsumaki wasn't multi continental.
Current Tatsumaki negs.
@@Goat10Solos nope. This statement was made by using tatsumaki and she never got an transformation
One knew since the begining How strong he wanted her to be so Its an viable argument
@@xxkamikazexx5150 source bro?
Omg nice edit
I think this sorta comes down to the "goku vs saitama" situation
Goku (as of now) supposedly negs saitama yet with all of saitamas current feats he has yet to even bleed
What im getting at here is we havent even seen mob so much as struggle to lift up the things hes lifted even when injured
Good take 👍
Pfffffahahahahahahahahaha did u read manga? It was even demonstrated that saitama was equal to cosmic garou (on a chart we saw it clearly) and then saitamas growth was too much for garou to keep up with goku slams saitama he has much much bigger feats even kid buu in buu saga was universal he could destroy a universe with just screaming while saitama over here is not even close to destroying a universe xddddd even if u want to talk about growth these mf-s in db make themselves 200 times stronger with just fighting few times like wtf goku in the beginning of t.o.p wasn't anywhere near to what he became at the end of the tournament even without mui and ui so saitama can't even have that
Now what can saitama possibly have that makes u even think slightly that he can even match his base forms 5% punch?
Edit: people who say saitama wins are just saitama fanboys who don't want their "hero" to lose simple as that and i actually understand that but u guys really need to wake up the gap is too huge to be daydreaming like that
ya confirmo el creador que tatsumaki barre el piso con el
Es tecnicamente un empate.
Por si no sabian ONE el creador de one puch man y de MOB dijo que si tatsumaki y MOB se enfrentaran en todo su potencial no sabe quien ganaria, asi que su poder MAXIMO es casi igual.
Tatsumaki drops a Continet on Mob
Still gets stomps by mob
Mob absorbs her energy
Then mob just throws it back at her while taking his physical energy
@@samuelzaballerogogo2099 Mpb isn't continental and His energy drain is too slow
@@dapperridleyedits where talking about mob??? Here right because mob??? Can littiraly absorb any physical powers limitless
By the way the rage goes over 200% and beyond, so I doubt...also he never came to a limit yet.
Best part of mob is when he was overcome by his other form in some recent episodes, he didn't gave is 100%. Lol
bro are you aware that Mob 10% takes all forms of Tatsumaki? he is able to absorb, cancel, destroy the Psychic powers of others from episodes 5 of Season 1 we see him doing it if the other bad guys were able to touch him it's just that Mob did not want to hurt them or to control his emotions
That was in ???% state
@@saiem8459 10% solo Tatsumaki
@@LemondeWryyyyy mob 10% destroy a house(ou more) but tatsumaki of manga destroy a CONTINENT!
@@LemondeWryyyyy nice joke
@@LemondeWryyyyy I'm more of a Mob fan than Opm but you're overwanking Mob by alot.
actually we have been given a speed feat recently through the anime where teru says he went light speed to get to mob and mob is reacting to him really well
He never used it during the actual fight so it doesn’t really matter.
He was also most likely exaggerating. If he was going light speed, he would’ve been there as soon as Mob went on a rampage, not several minutes later.
he might have not known that mob was the cause and you dont have proof he was exaggerating 🤷♂
It’s /him/, of course he’s exaggerating. That said, it’s clearly a specific technique that he doesn’t even use in the fight so none of it matters.
Also wasn’t in the manga.
i dont think it really matters because if mob can absorb all of her powers than shes just a frail little girl that weirdos like you simp for
Maybe he should’ve “just absorbed” Toichiro’s powers instead of fighting him.
Oh wait. He didn’t do that. Because he can’t.
Tatsumaki stomps the entire verse.
It’s true.
Mob’s STRONGEST character is city level. MAYBE multi-city level.
Tatsumaki, while holding back, is continental.
They’re not even in the same stratosphere.
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
@@unateomas3817 Your IQ has to be below human average, If your brain can't process that what you're saying is outdated than idk what to tell you. That was said AGES ago, it has nothing to do with 2023 current Tatsumaki.
@@extremelyboredtatsumaki.495 mob is bigger than interplanetarry level tf are you talking about he has way bigger feats than tatsumaki
Death battle did one for this exact matchup. Tatsumaki won, but they said it was close and if it was run 100 times, Mob would win 30-40 times.
😢 the music when mob was at 75% power is so sad because mob has been through alot just a random student with psychic powers...i know mob I've been through alot too your power is dangerous even for me and most of the anime characters you really are not an ordinary student you were never popular but look at you now you are amazing forget about the high school students you already have fans and alot of them in the real life world 😊
Strength durability hax and abilities always go to mob he’s shown to have better abilities than tatsumaki
Bro mob gonna be obsess with tatsumaki💀
It's so cool mannn
Mob is still a kid tho who tries not to use his powers much for most of the series, but at the end he accepts who he is so imagine an adult mob who trained and honed his powers so he can use the full peak in a calm state
to correct you actually mob 100% is enough to finish tatsumaki
Dude is literally a god in the last form
Am I the only one who finds Tatsumaki attractive? 😂
No you're not 🗿🍷🤌
this is wrong, Tatsumaki and the mob's strength is balanced, it has been confirmed from the manufacturer directly
This take is crazy.
I’m confident the mangeka came out and said mob has stronger esp power than her.
FAX + Nice Edit = 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
In an interview ONE said that tatsumaki would win the mob 100% but, he wouldn't know what the result of the fight would be if the mob was in ???% mode
@@unateomas3817 No, that's outdated
Nope, that's an outdated statement,
@@Sexyybluu The truth may be that the declaration is still worth something, if the creator faced them he would surely think they had to match them.
@@unateomas3817 no, it doesnt matter and thats outdated, atm to this date mob will just destroy tatsumaki
Love it
Whats the song tho
I don't known if we should drag mob into these fights. I don't want this series to be part of strength debates. But W edit and Video + fax
Agreed. The beauty about Mob Psycho is its character writing, it doesnt deserve to be part of this toxic powerscaling community
@@ander5917 :)
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
@@unateomas3817 interesting 🤔
@@-noubtub- No outdated it is.
Tatsumaki was multi continental when she fought Psykos.
Current Tatsumaki is much stronger,she'd neg.
It's technically a tie. In case you didn't know ONE, the creator of one puch man and MOB said that if tatsumaki and MOB faced each other at their full potential, he doesn't know who would win, so their MAXIMUM power is almost equal.
@@unateomas3817 Outdated information stated almost 10 years ago.
Well ??? Is limetless it keeps growing power where tatsumaki has a limit
@@shahanaz-lifestyle8671 The Author didn't say that ??? Was limitless, and tatsumakis limit is far far far above from Mobs full power, Tatsumaki wins, PERIOD.
Honestly, if mobs' powers develop as he grows when he gets to the same age as tatsumaki(spelled the name wrong), he cpuld probably one shot her
Saying 100% Mob and above has worse abilities than Tatsumaki is outrageous
Bro loves tatsu so much crazy
Stive(Minecraft) vs swordman(Terraria) plzplzplzplz
There’s one that you didn’t mention, and it’s that 100% but it isn’t rage, it was something else, and it was shown I believe at the end of season two or at that one fight against the guy that controlled the purplehaired girl (I forgot all of their names lol), so who do you think would win with that form? Oh and I think that mob rage might win I think
it's still his 100% but with optimistic emotions.
Creator of Mob and One Punch Man is the same guy ; Murata. And he himself confirmed Tatsumommy can beat Mob😊
Fun fact: the creator of Mob Psycho also created One punch man, so that’s why Mob and saitama have the same face
Bruh you are really underrating Tatsumaki, number 2 hero, strongest esper.
"Mob have saitama bloodline for a reason🗣"
Fun fact: Mob Psycho 100 and One Punch Man was created by the same guy (ONE) and Tatsumaki was inspired from Mob or Mob was inspired from Tatsumaki
Mob phyco:mom why?
Tatsumaki:this random ass guy forced me
Love the edit 🔥
Yo Saiem,
Can you please make herobrine vs guest 666
You gained a new sub tho ❤
The power of ??? % is too mysterious it was only shown 5 times in the series
Tatsumaki can destroy planets like they nothing.. Nobody does not know her yet. But you will..
Quieres comparar a tatsumaki con ??? Encima liberado es como comparar a una hormiga y el espacio (es infinito) aunque no se sabe la capacidad destructiva de la forma ??? Liberada se dice que podria distorsionar universos con solo caminar esto se podría decir por su liberación de poder cuando el cuerpo de Mob es destruido sale este ser inconciente llamado "??? Liberado" este ser se ve que es pacifico pero si lo molestas e ignoras las advertencias que te dio morirás aunque no pueda pensar y hacer habilidades su poder es infinito y puede aumentar su poderes y estadísticas al paso de solo segundos
I believe from my opinion and from the series, that Mob would start winning from 100% onwards.
No. Mob's rage mode (which occured when he saw his families corpses in his burning house)
was more powerful than even his last episode rampage red mode.
Dimple seriously saved the world at that moment when he convinced mob that the corpses were fake. oh and the rage mode is the ??? mode. he has no state of mind more powerful than that.
I'm pretty sure One(author of OPM and Mob Psycho) said Mob ??? is equal to Tatsumaki.
that was 10 years ago
Both tatsumaki and Mob using Power of psycho
death battle made a vid abt this and tatsumaki won against all forms but i like the edit :)
death battle is so inaccurate lmao mob actually would destroy
All Fax but what song is this?❤
I think that in terms of raw power, mob would win from 80% and up (not just based on how many advantages, but in a realistic fight) with difficulty ranging from high to none
???% is not Mob, he is a completely different character that happens to be trapped inside him. He is known for despising Shigeo for not letting him out a lot by losing control of his emotional state and is capable of annihilating parallel realities and warping time and space so much that it becomes a black hole.