PBs have more fidelity, Monels are more neutral as in not as much highs so in contrast with the lows the less highs makes lows not stand out as much. I guess you can say PBs are more scooped. Kind of like comparing an HD28 to a D28. HD28 - PBs and D28 Monels
I like the PBs for the low end
PB’s for me and I have been using Monel. Guess I better place an order.
I like Monels and Daddario nickel bronze.
PBs have more fidelity, Monels are more neutral as in not as much highs so in contrast with the lows the less highs makes lows not stand out as much. I guess you can say PBs are more scooped. Kind of like comparing an HD28 to a D28. HD28 - PBs and D28 Monels
I like monels on my 000-28 and 00-41 and daddarios for all my other dreds.
These ones sound better