Great vid Steve. Too many instructors are eager to discredit anything that does not adhere to their own method. I like your honest & well informed approach. Sometimes we just need a break from B.S. Thank you.
I began playing golf because I broke my right leg and played golf that first year with a cast from my toes up to my upper thigh. (1973) I did change from this set up and swing over the years with other injuries(shoulders) and after my seventh surgery I decided to find that old swing. (2005) stack and tilt was taking hold but I couldn’t physically do it. Your eureka swing is what I called my “Load & Turn” swing. Highly recommend your eureka swing to any golfer looking to improve impact and consistency. As a fellow PGA Member, I think your instructional videos are great and your humor is fantastic as well. Keep up the great work Steve!
Steve, played 18 holes round yesterday and used the Stack and Tilt eureka method and was one of my better rounds of golf. Being a senior golfer unable to physically use my old swing. I found with your instruction less effort with better results in direction, distance and consistency. This seems to answer my needs for this year and enjoying the new results....cheers
Great video Steve. I taught goodness only know how many thousands of lessons ranging from beginners to tour players and long drivers. Like you I have always believed there is no single way or method to swing. Swing in a way that comes naturally and blend in ideas, concepts and thoughts that work in unison with that. I do like elements of stack and tilt but the lower back issue is a problem, yes. It does put a lot of pressure on the lower back but their are upsides like it being easier to time and co-ordinate because there is less shift in pressure and centre of gravity, less rotation and the club doesn’t rotate per se, it is pulled around the arc by the body rotating. There are some really good things. I have always swung the club with an open stance like your Eureka moment. I played on mini tours for 20 years swinging that way, largely because I am not flexible and have no particular interest in gym work, which is bad I know. I think it’s brilliant ... and it works for me. I tried to change to a more modern swing several years ago and totally cocked my golf up. I am slowly finding my old swing and doing rather well again. Love the Eureka idea and I’m glad you found what I found in it.
Great video (again). I have tried stack & tilt and found it worked great with the irons - but not with the woods - fairway or driver - so needed a different swing for those. Hard enough to master one swing let alone two ! That’s where Eureka wins the debate for me, more versatile, works for every club; you really only need to vary ball position.
I first saw Eureaka type movement when Lee Trevino played golf. He won plenty of majors. I tried S&T but my lower back was sore. I have combined Jim Venetos and Eureka to get a reliable outcome. It works for me. Eureaka with Driver and longer fairway woods and Venetos for irons to draw the shot.
I think using the swing that works best for you is the right way to go. Golf pros, like physicians, don't agree on a lot of things. Keep swinging and good luck.
Very interesting video Steve. As someone who is a mediocre golfer I have decided to embrace the S and T system having had the benefit of some teaching from S and T pros while away from Scotland on hols. It is all very promising on various counts and I am looking forward to seeing how it translates to the course after we return home and hopefully find our golf course in reasonable condition after the recent extreme weather . Anyway leaving all that aside just to say that the backswing on S and T is not so flat as you demonstrate. I struggled to get enough depth in the backswing until I was shown that I needed to extend more This feels like the backward and upward motion while raising an axe except there is no actual rising up in the swing because of the side bend to the left. There are obviously a few other elements involved which I will need to get to grips with. I hope you don’t mind me posting this!
Haven’t been able to get the S&T to work for me. It was the timing of the push-off for me. I kept hitting it thin or absolutely duffing it. BUT the few videos I’ve seen about your Eureka swing. I never even considered an open stance for me…holy cow. Very aptly named swing.
Open stance academy, although a small RUclips channel, teaches something very similar to eureka, I've been using the eureka / open stance for the last few weeks and it's been very nice, swing became a bit flatter but feels like most things happen automatically, less thought on swing, more on strike and target, that can only help me I'm thinking. Anyway, enjoyed this.
Great vid. At 67 I've lost a lot of flexibility and strength so I am always on a quest for things I can do to compensate beside moving up to the forward tees. I enjoy the sound of the Scot's brogue. It reminds me of my forefathers.
Ditto 67 and years of dirt bike crashes have caught up with my mobility. I found Jim Venetos' swing useful in that it does not require movement of the body to produce a half way decent shot. My distance is as good as most men my age/ size and my iron shots better than most.
If anybody is trying this and struggling with the driver , stick at it, it works believe me, driver swing has less hip pushing to tjhe target and involves gettiing the butt tucked up under the torso quicker probably feels a little more like a traditional downswing
Ive just subscribed after coming across your channel. I tried the swing today as im looking for a swing after back surgery and i no longer have the flexibilty i once had. Had mixed results but the good strikes felt great and not so much stress on my back. Will keep it up though. Thanks for the vids.
I can’t believe how good this eureka method is. The ball is coming off the club face with purpose because of the compression and not coming off weak it feels like a real golf shot
Great video pal , you explain the differences fantastically well ⛳️👍I’m PGA as well ( for 25 years ) and I’m all for tour pros ( elite golfers ) doing stack and tilt because they are ultra talented BUT trying to get a 10 handicap player or above to try those moves is near on impossible when iv demonstrated it and they’ve had a go , in my opinion it’s only for very talented golfers to even try it pal ⛳️⛳️👍👍thought thought I’d voice an opinion on S&T ⛳️👍👍great videos. Ps they could do it easier with an iron but 90% really struggled with any type of wood 👍
Still catching up with your videos and I do like this one. The content, style and presentation are just great and very thought provoking so despite the time of day and the English weather I'm off to grab a club and and head for my practice net 🤣 Thanks yet again!!!
I can't say I'm surprised that open stance works for most people. It's more natural. If you were going to throw a punch, would you stand sideways? Also, there are many pros that murder the ball with an open stance. Bubba, Fred Couples, Vijay Singh, Jack Nicklaus.
Great video. Your video and one other has helped improve my ball striking. I like how you had different view angles of your swing, but can you throw in some slow motion scenes please?
Great channel love watching the videos. One thing I would like to see is a slow motion swing with the driver and any iron you think. Does that camera have that function? Looking forward to it. Thanks.
Tried the “eureka” swing at the range and was very happy with the strike and feel of the swing especially how effortless getting to a full follow through was. I went thru the whole bag, wedge to 7 felt great and really preformed well From 6-driver got harder to hit target and the longer the club the more fade/slice I was getting. Overall very impressed with this technique. I have only hit 120 balls so the next couple weeks should be fun practice at the range. Thanks for great vids
Chad Crosby so I noticed the exact same thing, longer the club the less consistent strike. Opening the hips promotes a downward blow which didn't work so great on long irons. I find placing ball 1.5 or even 2 balls further back than normal and slightly less open hips than full eureka promotes a cleaner strike and draw shape.
If you look at Hogan's swing, it almost seems like there's some stack and tilt. Hogan takes it inside and then the right leg straightens and he has a push to the left (like he's stressing the stack) and then he rotates through (well he did when he was alive). And they say he was one of the top 2 ball strikers of all time, some say the best.
I've done a lot of analysis of Hogan. Been following My Swing Evolution with Christo Garcia on RUclips. He's transformed his swing emulating Hogan. But Hogan did a very complex move... he started the lower body moving forward before the backswing actually finished. This created massive torque! But I just came across your videos today and really enjoying them. I think you're a little fanatical hitting all those shots in winter... that is... in winter conditions... not like you're in Florida. I'm in Canada and winter golf is not an option unless we go to the southern USA. I've always wanted to play the famous courses of Scotland. Have you played them? St. Andrews, Carnoustie? I have struggled with my long irons and making consistent and proper contact. But I hit my fairway woods great... it's confusing... why do I seem to hit my fairway woods so solid and my long irons as if I'm not hitting them square? I hit my short irons pretty well and have struggled with consistency off the tee. So I'm going to try the Stack and Tilt and your Eureka method.
That shot of Cabrerra's at the Masters doesn't get the credit it deserves, it was the shot of the year at least in my opinion. He HAD to get a birdie to tie the lead of the Masters, at the last hole, to a difficult pin just over the bunker, with a 6 iron, in the rain ! There is no more pressure than that, and he did it. I guess the fact that he lost the play off took a lot of attention away from the shot.
I've been thinking while watching these, Eureka looks more like the Mike Austin swing. If you haven't seen it have a look on youtube, the videos with Mike Dunaway look very similar. Keep it up, there is no right swing, only the swing you make.
Funny. I had a Barca jersey on as I’m watched this. I feel very natural hitting with an open stance. We differ is this though. I like to hit a fade. Almost a push fade. A lot of great golfers (not including myself in that group) hit fades. It seem you’re teaching a draw flight. Am I wrong?
I have been toying with Stack and Tilt for about 2 years and lately have found myself opening up my stance, especially when using the driver as I would get stuck on my way down. So finding Steve on RUclips is really a Eureka moment for me. Throwing a few questions out there. In the Eureka swing, do you stack at the beginning of swing or is it more 50/50 weight ?
Not sure why u brought stack an tilt into the equation. I like to be all in if I change something and I decided to devote my effort to the Eureka method. Are u including/ entertaining posting up and maintaining a left side dominance to the Eureka set up?
Steve your a good man and iam in a giving mood,, I have a full set of Ben Hogans fort worth black ,, kinda like blades I love them but cant hittem so I would love to send them to you no bullshit on me brother your a giver so I'll be a giver ,,, let me know were to send from New York and I'll get the out!!!! 4 iron to pitch !!! Ty again ,,, peace
Hi Steve, Do you feel as if you sit or "squat" slightly at the beginning of the downswing? I love the stack and tilt method but I frequently come off the ball or stand up a bit coming into impact which makes it difficult to maintain any right side bend to and through the ball. I have a limited range of motion due to low back issues but still manage to maintain my posture about 50% of time and my strikes are magic. Any suggestions for staying down through impact? The swing happens so fast I cannot tell if you're squatting a bit during the downswing. Your swing looks great mate so keep posting this great content. Stay safe and be well my friend. Looking forward to hearing from you.. All the best!
Mussel41 sure, you can align your lower body left and swing that way with any club. The key is to find how much you point the lower body left and then find a ball position that gives you the ball flight you want. When you get advanced with the concept you can start to find different ball positions to shape the ball flight too. Further back should help you draw, further forward will help you fade if you control the face of the club. Steve did a video a few weeks ago on ball position and how to change ball flight.
Thanks again. So just to make sure I've got this right - feet left, shoulders & clubface to target, club path tracing in/out to the right. Correct? Tried it today with the re-grip method. Had a draw bias, hit the ball miles farther than before & great contact when I got it right😎⛳️👍
I like S&T and have dabbled with it since 2010 and can make it work for my irons, but feel too steep on downswing with driver and to a lesser extent 3 wood. Do you get good results with the driver too?
As long as I get my butt tucked under through impact I can shallow the AoA out and somehow catch the ball on positive AoA. I really need to feel as though I stand up through impact. In a couple of days time I have a 3 part series of building a S&T swing which discusses the butt getting tucked under the body at impact..
Steve Johnston PGA looking forward to that, as I was thinking of getting the book, as I'm a golfer that tries one thing that works, but then out the Blue it won't work. So then i try something else, and then go through same process. Very frustrating. But golfs in the blood. At 43, I need to start enjoying golf, and start to rebuild something different. Loving the video's man. 😊
I really enjoy these vids Steve, but, isn't stack and tilt verging on a reverse pivot? Not trying to be a smartarse! My mate has just started to S&T and he's having great success, I'm spooked that it will turn into a reverse pivot so am reluctant to try. I'm 62, off 5, so score pretty decent and don't want to f*** things right up.. best wishes, Russell
Hi Steve....those strikes certainly sound the ball is really being smashed....just like Nick Taylor's strikes (Stack & Tilt teacher)...some more videos about it, and if you decide to stay with it. PS Any chance of a video describing how to read The Golfing Machine book ?
Hi Terry, iv'e found the best way to read the book is move your eyes left to right till you get to the end of the line, then move them down and left so you start again moving them left to right and repeat. When you get to the bottom of the page use either hand and corresponding fingers to turn the page over so the next one is facing you. Repeat till there are no more pages to be turned. Your welcome mate
Golfing Machine is a hard read no matter what your religion. Might try and get a video out on that at some point. Nick Taylor has some great S&T stuff on the go, he hits it well!!!
I set up eureka now for the past 2 weeks and 4 sessions in a row I’ve been smashing the ball straight. However, I feel like I have to take a very strong grip, face is wide open at address, and takeaway is very inside (body/hip turns squares the face at impact). Is this Eureka or a variation of it?
100% there's more than 1 way to swing a golf club and achieve successful results. That's 1 reason why I don't like listening to Pete Cowen, he thinks the swing he teaches is correct and everyone else's swings are manipulations.
Great vid Steve. Too many instructors are eager to discredit anything that does not adhere to their own method. I like your honest & well informed approach. Sometimes we just need a break from B.S. Thank you.
I began playing golf because I broke my right leg and played golf that first year with a cast from my toes up to my upper thigh. (1973) I did change from this set up and swing over the years with other injuries(shoulders) and after my seventh surgery I decided to find that old swing. (2005) stack and tilt was taking hold but I couldn’t physically do it. Your eureka swing is what I called my “Load & Turn” swing. Highly recommend your eureka swing to any golfer looking to improve impact and consistency. As a fellow PGA Member, I think your instructional videos are great and your humor is fantastic as well.
Keep up the great work Steve!
The sound of impact is awesome. Consistent sweet spot.
The very very best teacher on this planet. Steve has the common touch simplifying the golf swing @ it works and works again and again
Steve, played 18 holes round yesterday and used the Stack and Tilt eureka method and was one of my better rounds of golf. Being a senior golfer unable to physically use my old swing. I found with your instruction less effort with better results in direction, distance and consistency. This seems to answer my needs for this year and enjoying the new results....cheers
Great video Steve. I taught goodness only know how many thousands of lessons ranging from beginners to tour players and long drivers. Like you I have always believed there is no single way or method to swing. Swing in a way that comes naturally and blend in ideas, concepts and thoughts that work in unison with that.
I do like elements of stack and tilt but the lower back issue is a problem, yes. It does put a lot of pressure on the lower back but their are upsides like it being easier to time and co-ordinate because there is less shift in pressure and centre of gravity, less rotation and the club doesn’t rotate per se, it is pulled around the arc by the body rotating. There are some really good things.
I have always swung the club with an open stance like your Eureka moment. I played on mini tours for 20 years swinging that way, largely because I am not flexible and have no particular interest in gym work, which is bad I know. I think it’s brilliant ... and it works for me. I tried to change to a more modern swing several years ago and totally cocked my golf up. I am slowly finding my old swing and doing rather well again.
Love the Eureka idea and I’m glad you found what I found in it.
Great video (again). I have tried stack & tilt and found it worked great with the irons - but not with the woods - fairway or driver - so needed a different swing for those. Hard enough to master one swing let alone two ! That’s where Eureka wins the debate for me, more versatile, works for every club; you really only need to vary ball position.
I first saw Eureaka type movement when Lee Trevino played golf. He won plenty of majors. I tried S&T but my lower back was sore. I have combined Jim Venetos and Eureka to get a reliable outcome. It works for me. Eureaka with Driver and longer fairway woods and Venetos for irons to draw the shot.
Just adopted S&T a couple of weeks or so ago (against the advice of the club pro) and I've never hit the ball better.
Still doing it ? if so have you improved ?
I think using the swing that works best for you is the right way to go. Golf pros, like physicians, don't agree on a lot of things. Keep swinging and good luck.
Very interesting video Steve. As someone who is a mediocre golfer I have decided to embrace the S and T system having had the benefit of some teaching from S and T pros while away from Scotland on hols. It is all very promising on various counts and I am looking forward to seeing how it translates to the course after we return home and hopefully find our golf course in reasonable condition after the recent extreme weather . Anyway leaving all that aside just to say that the backswing on S and T is not so flat as you demonstrate. I struggled to get enough depth in the backswing until I was shown that I needed to extend more This feels like the backward and upward motion while raising an axe except there is no actual rising up in the swing because of the side bend to the left. There are obviously a few other elements involved which I will need to get to grips with. I hope you don’t mind me posting this!
Awesome info. Started using eureka, huge improvement.
Your stack and tilt swing looks great. Your impact is perfect 👌
Haven’t been able to get the S&T to work for me. It was the timing of the push-off for me. I kept hitting it thin or absolutely duffing it. BUT the few videos I’ve seen about your Eureka swing. I never even considered an open stance for me…holy cow. Very aptly named swing.
Open stance academy, although a small RUclips channel, teaches something very similar to eureka, I've been using the eureka / open stance for the last few weeks and it's been very nice, swing became a bit flatter but feels like most things happen automatically, less thought on swing, more on strike and target, that can only help me I'm thinking. Anyway, enjoyed this.
Great vid. At 67 I've lost a lot of flexibility and strength so I am always on a quest for things I can do to compensate beside moving up to the forward tees. I enjoy the sound of the Scot's brogue. It reminds me of my forefathers.
Ditto 67 and years of dirt bike crashes have caught up with my mobility. I found Jim Venetos' swing useful in that it does not require movement of the body to produce a half way decent shot. My distance is as good as most men my age/ size and my iron shots better than most.
Both Eureka and S&T preset impact conditions in slightly different ways. Enjoying the ride.
If anybody is trying this and struggling with the driver , stick at it, it works believe me, driver swing has less hip pushing to tjhe target and involves gettiing the butt tucked up under the torso quicker probably feels a little more like a traditional downswing
Man you’re cracking the whip at impact! Sounds great 👍🏻
Oh yeah!
Ive just subscribed after coming across your channel. I tried the swing today as im looking for a swing after back surgery and i no longer have the flexibilty i once had. Had mixed results but the good strikes felt great and not so much stress on my back. Will keep it up though. Thanks for the vids.
I can’t believe how good this eureka method is. The ball is coming off the club face with purpose because of the compression and not coming off weak it feels like a real golf shot
Great video pal , you explain the differences fantastically well ⛳️👍I’m PGA as well ( for 25 years ) and I’m all for tour pros ( elite golfers ) doing stack and tilt because they are ultra talented BUT trying to get a 10 handicap player or above to try those moves is near on impossible when iv demonstrated it and they’ve had a go , in my opinion it’s only for very talented golfers to even try it pal ⛳️⛳️👍👍thought thought I’d voice an opinion on S&T ⛳️👍👍great videos. Ps they could do it easier with an iron but 90% really struggled with any type of wood 👍
Still catching up with your videos and I do like this one. The content, style and presentation are just great and very thought provoking so despite the time of day and the English weather I'm off to grab a club and and head for my practice net 🤣 Thanks yet again!!!
Quality! Subscribers starting to climb now I see, Steve. Not before time big guy, keep it up 👍🏻
I love how open you are to all swing theory. You are also an impressive athlete. What other sports have you played?
"Golfball doesn't give a shit" Great video, Steve. I'm going to give the S&T a try at the range this weekend. Cheers!
I can't say I'm surprised that open stance works for most people. It's more natural. If you were going to throw a punch, would you stand sideways? Also, there are many pros that murder the ball with an open stance. Bubba, Fred Couples, Vijay Singh, Jack Nicklaus.
Hi Steve l like this move very much ,I would like if you could do a video with your eureka move using a Driver plz 🏌️♂️⛳
This stance: open feet and hips, shoulders square, swing path out to the right, giving a draw, is the exact same setup as the flowmotion swing.
Increase the flex of the right knee in transition and then push off the right foot into extension.
Golf ball doesn't give a shit...
Words to swing by!
Great video. Your video and one other has helped improve my ball striking. I like how you had different view angles of your swing, but can you throw in some slow motion scenes please?
Will Wilcox plays eureka
Great videos.
Great channel love watching the videos. One thing I would like to see is a slow motion swing with the driver and any iron you think. Does that camera have that function? Looking forward to it. Thanks.
Stack and tilt:
1 Weight forward
2 Hands in
3 Shoulder down
4 Arms straight
5 Tuck hips
For beginning seniors it's the only way.
A new system ...'stack and kilt' with reference to the sporran over the ball
Tried the “eureka” swing at the range and was very happy with the strike and feel of the swing especially how effortless getting to a full follow through was. I went thru the whole bag, wedge to 7 felt great and really preformed well From 6-driver got harder to hit target and the longer the club the more fade/slice I was getting. Overall very impressed with this technique. I have only hit 120 balls so the next couple weeks should be fun practice at the range. Thanks for great vids
Chad Crosby so I noticed the exact same thing, longer the club the less consistent strike. Opening the hips promotes a downward blow which didn't work so great on long irons. I find placing ball 1.5 or even 2 balls further back than normal and slightly less open hips than full eureka promotes a cleaner strike and draw shape.
If you look at Hogan's swing, it almost seems like there's some stack and tilt. Hogan takes it inside and then the right leg straightens and he has a push to the left (like he's stressing the stack) and then he rotates through (well he did when he was alive). And they say he was one of the top 2 ball strikers of all time, some say the best.
Steve King my video this week discusses that👍👍👍 mind reader 😂
I've done a lot of analysis of Hogan. Been following My Swing Evolution with Christo Garcia on RUclips. He's transformed his swing emulating Hogan. But Hogan did a very complex move... he started the lower body moving forward before the backswing actually finished. This created massive torque! But I just came across your videos today and really enjoying them. I think you're a little fanatical hitting all those shots in winter... that is... in winter conditions... not like you're in Florida. I'm in Canada and winter golf is not an option unless we go to the southern USA. I've always wanted to play the famous courses of Scotland. Have you played them? St. Andrews, Carnoustie? I have struggled with my long irons and making consistent and proper contact. But I hit my fairway woods great... it's confusing... why do I seem to hit my fairway woods so solid and my long irons as if I'm not hitting them square? I hit my short irons pretty well and have struggled with consistency off the tee. So I'm going to try the Stack and Tilt and your Eureka method.
That shot of Cabrerra's at the Masters doesn't get the credit it deserves, it was the shot of the year at least in my opinion.
He HAD to get a birdie to tie the lead of the Masters, at the last hole, to a difficult pin just over the bunker, with a 6 iron, in the rain !
There is no more pressure than that, and he did it.
I guess the fact that he lost the play off took a lot of attention away from the shot.
And he didnt take long to do it either
Hip goes left, shoulders are square . How about club and arm do they go straight to target?
My understanding was that stack and tilt puts less wear on.the body compared to conventional style .!?
I've been thinking while watching these, Eureka looks more like the Mike Austin swing. If you haven't seen it have a look on youtube, the videos with Mike Dunaway look very similar. Keep it up, there is no right swing, only the swing you make.
Funny. I had a Barca jersey on as I’m watched this. I feel very natural hitting with an open stance. We differ is this though. I like to hit a fade. Almost a push fade. A lot of great golfers (not including myself in that group) hit fades. It seem you’re teaching a draw flight. Am I wrong?
Great video. Do you have any videos on the release? I’m confused how you can swing so rounded and how the hands release the club head. Thanks!
I have been toying with Stack and Tilt for about 2 years and lately have found myself opening up my stance, especially when using the driver as I would get stuck on my way down. So finding Steve on RUclips is really a Eureka moment for me. Throwing a few questions out there. In the Eureka swing, do you stack at the beginning of swing or is it more 50/50 weight ?
Steve, what do you think is the one major advantage of Eureka over Stack & Tilt? Thanks.
Best coaching advice ever "The golf ball doesn't give a shit".
Absolutely love your videos.Hope you explore spiraling the club. Cooper Osborn Fibonacci spiral. It will add at least 20 yards to your swing. I think🤔
Not sure why u brought stack an tilt into the equation. I like to be all in if I change something and I decided to devote my effort to the Eureka method. Are u including/ entertaining posting up and maintaining a left side dominance to the Eureka set up?
What are the degrees of the angles you create with the canes to do the eureka swing?
Steve your a good man and iam in a giving mood,, I have a full set of Ben Hogans fort worth black ,, kinda like blades I love them but cant hittem so I would love to send them to you no bullshit on me brother your a giver so I'll be a giver ,,, let me know were to send from New York and I'll get the out!!!! 4 iron to pitch !!! Ty again ,,, peace
That sounds awesome Kevin. Follow me on twitter and direct message me there and we'll arrange delivery address etc. You're the man! @sjohnstonpga
Hilarious content, keep it up
Hi Steve,
Do you feel as if you sit or "squat" slightly at the beginning of the downswing? I love the stack and tilt method but I frequently come off the ball or stand up a bit coming into impact which makes it difficult to maintain any right side bend to and through the ball. I have a limited range of motion due to low back issues but still manage to maintain my posture about 50% of time and my strikes are magic. Any suggestions for staying down through impact? The swing happens so fast I cannot tell if you're squatting a bit during the downswing. Your swing looks great mate so keep posting this great content. Stay safe and be well my friend. Looking forward to hearing from you.. All the best!
Learnt S&T, then Eureka, do now I play S&t with an open stance. Works just fine😊
Arne. Norway
What # iron are you using in this demonstration? And nice form
Eureka is gooood👍
Sure is. Now being adopted in 27 countries. Here is a link to my Eureka Golf Swing website
Keen to try your Eureka swing. (Nothing to lose) I've only seen you use an iron, can it be used with every club in the bag?
Mussel41 sure, you can align your lower body left and swing that way with any club. The key is to find how much you point the lower body left and then find a ball position that gives you the ball flight you want. When you get advanced with the concept you can start to find different ball positions to shape the ball flight too. Further back should help you draw, further forward will help you fade if you control the face of the club. Steve did a video a few weeks ago on ball position and how to change ball flight.
Thanks for the response. One more question: what about the grip, do I face the clubhead right and re-grip (like I would with a bunker shot)?
No, you grip the club normally so the club face is pointing at the target. The only thing that is "open" is the lower half.
Thanks again. So just to make sure I've got this right - feet left, shoulders & clubface to target, club path tracing in/out to the right. Correct?
Tried it today with the re-grip method. Had a draw bias, hit the ball miles farther than before & great contact when I got it right😎⛳️👍
Good job
Will Wilcox also sets up like this
I like S&T and have dabbled with it since 2010 and can make it work for my irons, but feel too steep on downswing with driver and to a lesser extent 3 wood. Do you get good results with the driver too?
As long as I get my butt tucked under through impact I can shallow the AoA out and somehow catch the ball on positive AoA. I really need to feel as though I stand up through impact. In a couple of days time I have a 3 part series of building a S&T swing which discusses the butt getting tucked under the body at impact..
Steve Johnston PGA looking forward to that, as I was thinking of getting the book, as I'm a golfer that tries one thing that works, but then out the Blue it won't work. So then i try something else, and then go through same process. Very frustrating. But golfs in the blood. At 43, I need to start enjoying golf, and start to rebuild something different. Loving the video's man. 😊
Tiger does it now
I really enjoy these vids Steve, but, isn't stack and tilt verging on a reverse pivot? Not trying to be a smartarse! My mate has just started to S&T and he's having great success, I'm spooked that it will turn into a reverse pivot so am reluctant to try. I'm 62, off 5, so score pretty decent and don't want to f*** things right up.. best wishes, Russell
Are you still using the S&T swing ? It looks a straightforward swing that could really help me 26 handicap game , cheers
Not too different to Eureka - just we are already loaded at the top of the swing
Lee Trevino
So stack & tilt and eureka are the same thing? Yes? No? I give up!! 😵
If you watch the first pro golfers... at the turn of the century, they stood open.
Hi Steve....those strikes certainly sound the ball is really being smashed....just like Nick Taylor's strikes (Stack & Tilt teacher)...some more videos about it, and if you decide to stay with it.
PS Any chance of a video describing how to read The Golfing Machine book ?
Hi Terry, iv'e found the best way to read the book is move your eyes left to right till you get to the end of the line, then move them down and left so you start again moving them left to right and repeat. When you get to the bottom of the page use either hand and corresponding fingers to turn the page over so the next one is facing you. Repeat till there are no more pages to be turned. Your welcome mate
MrBadassbuddha..... I asked for that didn't I , but, clever clogs, I am a muslim and that left to right shit doesn't do it for me !!!
I am chinese, so it's all down for me bro, nice to see a sense of humour on the interweb, cheers Tel
Golfing Machine is a hard read no matter what your religion. Might try and get a video out on that at some point. Nick Taylor has some great S&T stuff on the go, he hits it well!!!
Cheers Badass, if you have seen the book though, you will know what I meant
Steve you complicate the golf swing you should teach like Moe Norman
Oh man lol. As pure as the driven snow. I can understand Steve a little better lol
I use Weight Forward to my advantage. Recently I outdrove everyone in my foursome simply with weight forward and turn.
I set up eureka now for the past 2 weeks and 4 sessions in a row I’ve been smashing the ball straight. However, I feel like I have to take a very strong grip, face is wide open at address, and takeaway is very inside (body/hip turns squares the face at impact). Is this Eureka or a variation of it?
Thats it. As the body rotates open through impact the grip becomes more neutral.
Is it a reverse pivot
Is Eureka stack and tilt?
Golf teaching and coaching ✅ major stats not so much ❎ good vid though !
Made a right arse of the MAJOR STATS on that one eh? It's only 2 more majors than I've won, no big deal :)
Cabrera now doing jail time!
Hello Steve. Did you give up on your previous "Eureka" moment? This one:видео.html
bobkyhummer never gave up on that just experimenting. Both moves have a lot of similarities 👍
Unfortunately I'm from Oklahoma and cannot understand a word this Dude is saying. Maybe one word out of 10 and that is not helping my golf swing.
100% there's more than 1 way to swing a golf club and achieve successful results. That's 1 reason why I don't like listening to Pete Cowen, he thinks the swing he teaches is correct and everyone else's swings are manipulations.