Bjorn Lomborg Declares “False Alarm” on Climate Hysteria

  • Опубликовано: 6 июн 2024
  • Recorded on July 24, 2020
    This week, a conversation with Bjorn Lomborg, a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, the president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, and one of the foremost climate experts in the world today. His new book, False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet, is an argument for treating climate as a serious problem but not an extinction-level event requiring such severe and drastic steps as rewiring a large part of the culture and the economy. Bjorn responds directly to some of the most vociferous climate policy critics, including Greta Thunberg, author David Wallace-Wells (The Uninhabitable Earth: Life after Warming), and proponents of the Green New Deal. We also discuss some promising emerging technologies and why worst-case scenarios are often just that-scenarios that are used to motivate the public into action but are not in fact likely to occur. It’s a sobering and even-handed discussion on climate that does not include apocalyptic endings for the planet.
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Комментарии • 770

  • @BaconNBeer
    @BaconNBeer Год назад +419

    I am today 71 years old. When I was a teenagers everyone was telling me that in 30 years the coastal cities would be under water, we would be under 10 feet of garbage and we could be out of oil. Today 50 plus years later I can't tell if the oceans are one inch higher, there is no garbage laying around except in Democrat run cities and under Trump we were awash in oil. I would suggest to stop worrying about things.

  • @ZekeMan62
    @ZekeMan62 3 года назад +2986

    "I shouldn't be up here."
    The only statement Greta got right.

    • @lastmanstanding5423
      @lastmanstanding5423 3 года назад +99

      _"How daaaare You?"_

    • @cherylruder3498
      @cherylruder3498 3 года назад +42

      So true!!! Lol

    • @noahschmartz2354
      @noahschmartz2354 3 года назад +33

      nice one lol.

    • @professord1522
      @professord1522 3 года назад +91

      Hahahaha! The parents of this poor young lady need to have their heads examined for letting her be used as a tool by the Radical Left. I really do feel sorry for her.

    • @kenmarriott5772
      @kenmarriott5772 3 года назад +52

      Parroting her parents and schools opinion.

  • @sdluedtke3368
    @sdluedtke3368 3 года назад +295

    Back in 1990 in Undergrad school I got in huge trouble for having a report in Geography Class showing historical climate change cycling due to the change in total solar energy (sunlight ray's intensities) from the repeating changing cycles of the Earth Orbiting patterns around the Sun.
    My physical historical data from ice cores, lake bed and ocean bed cores and tree cores information showed that NO matter how you measured it that it proved that the Earth's climate has been and is in an unending orbital cycles.
    It was totally rejected --- he insisted that only modern man has caused all the atmospheric heating. Because I had gotten all 100% coo all my weekly quizes and both large tests I was given a different subject (teacher approved) to write another research paper on satellites and typography research) in order to not fail the class. By then I had learned the important hard lesson that the truth did not really matter --- that only the Liberal Brainwashed mindset mattered. And yes I'm still angry about this BS PC on any subject. And yes now 30+ yrs later Earth is on the edge of another climate change Mini Ice Age directly due to the cyclical change in Earth's orbit.

    • @sdluedtke3368
      @sdluedtke3368 3 года назад +52

      I became a HS Math teacher and I made very sure my students also learned some climate change reasons as well. Now thousands of students learned the ultimate truth to look at subjects from all angles.

  • @oslang1
    @oslang1 3 года назад +1309

    If I were a high school teacher all my students would be watching this, guaranteed. I'd lose my job but it'd be worth it.

    • @Cactus_hug
      @Cactus_hug 3 года назад +28

      You rock

    • @MrOzzyobe
      @MrOzzyobe 3 года назад +47

      Good honest teachers don't lose out, someone will see your honesty and employ you

  • @ceuser6119
    @ceuser6119 3 года назад +398

    We spent 2 trillion on Iraq and Afghanistan. And what did we get for it? We could have spent 10% of that on updating our electrical grid.

  • @chrish281
    @chrish281 3 года назад +1425

    Catch up Bjorn...we have moved on to Covid Hysteria now because the climate stuff wasn't working

    • @bearclaw007
      @bearclaw007 3 года назад +12

      Both my father-in-law and brother-in-law died of COVID-19. The bodies are piling-up as are the numbers of grief-stricken. Keep it up and y'all's will go the way of, welp, Herbert Hoover.

    • @EugeneSeidel
      @EugeneSeidel 3 года назад +210

      @@bearclaw007 Sorry for your loss (if true and not made up to score a point). But Covid-19 is no worse than Hong Kong Flu (1950s) and Asiatic Flu (1960s). And we didn't ruin the lives of millions of people then. Millions, that is, in the U.S. alone; billions worldwide.

    • @palaceofwisdom9448
      @palaceofwisdom9448 3 года назад +84

      @@bearclaw007 Thank you for demonstrating the kind of rubes that fear mongering propaganda works on, well done.

    • @kensurrency2564
      @kensurrency2564 3 года назад +15

      bulletsholes because stone cold said so.
      And you’re 100% correct. It’s all political. Thanks for the comment!

    • @juliamarple3058
      @juliamarple3058 3 года назад +2

      !00% :)

  • @nfevelo
    @nfevelo 3 года назад +864

    I am a plant breeder and am actively breeding for heat and drought. I watch the local farmers here in Italy clearly adapting to the changing weather patterns. Farmers are at the forefront of adaptation.

  • @SabbaticusRex
    @SabbaticusRex 3 года назад +143

    There is also a crippling lack of trust in our planet to deal with its own cycles. We just assume we are the cause , and the only solution. . Very ego-centric.

  • @roundandsquareful
    @roundandsquareful 3 года назад +383

    I've watched the whole Gretta speech from when she first comes on to the set or stage or wherever they interviewed her , and she was calm and polite and compliant. As soon as they say "go ahead " she literally changes her expression ON CUE and begins this performance while reading her speech. I think it's so strange. It felt like a performance. Not saying it was because I actually think she believes what she says, but the way she switched on and off her emotions seemed rehearsed.

  • @joelfooxiangjie
    @joelfooxiangjie 3 года назад +252

    It's a rule that people underestimate the effects of phenomena in the short term, but also underestimate human ingenuity to adapt over the long term.

  • @MrRonmcneely
    @MrRonmcneely 3 года назад +1304

    I’m still waiting for the ice age they were predicting back in the 1970s

    • @cheddar2648
      @cheddar2648 3 года назад +35

      We may yet see it due to solar weather, or precession of the Earth, or the periodicity of Ice Ages observed in ice core samples. Whereas a 2C rise in average Earth temp would increase crop yields and arable lands, can you imagine what 100 feet of ice would do to Earth's farm fields and the creatures inhabiting it?

    • @myjizzureye
      @myjizzureye 3 года назад +48

      The earth travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun, it also has an axial wobble that causes different parts of the earth to be exposed to different levels of sun. Both of these cause regular ice ages and thaws over time like clock work.
      These cycles are know as Milankovitch Cycles after the man who discovered them.
      They are the reason an ice age was predicted in the 1970's because we should be moving into one. The current positive anomaly is against this cycle with only one explanation currently that has not been ruled out that is extra CO2 trapping heat.

    • @ateam137
      @ateam137 3 года назад +84

      Don't forget we were all going to burn in the 80s, due to the ozone layer.

    • @veilbreak5867
      @veilbreak5867 3 года назад +62

      Yes and lucky for us the hole in the ozone went from spreading by areas he size of cities everyday to magically fixing itself....or they juts dont talk about it any more cos its another big lie that just stops existing when they stop mentioning the war in Syria.

    • @Peter-V_00
      @Peter-V_00 3 года назад +10

      Same here Ron !

  • @williamgallant5218
    @williamgallant5218 3 года назад +135

    This is one of the best interviews I have ever seen in my 71years. Brilliant, articulate, and yet you are not over my head! I am a very conservative, hand crafted log home builder, tree lover, cellular biology researcher, christian who feels a great responsibility to obey the Lord in "taking dominion" over this planet, protecting our earth while "shooting the deer (eating while protecting the healthy herds) and walking on the grass harvesting and replenishing the soil with Selenium and sulphur and natural (not man made) fertilization. I also am into natural, herbal healing and providing natural healing to the poor in our world.

  • @Lordradost
    @Lordradost 3 года назад +196

    "Fear is the mindkiller"
    Cultural subversion and demoralization has been extremely successful.

  • @janiekrig5232
    @janiekrig5232 3 года назад +279

    Thank you, Bjorn! You're brilliant and brave.
    Such a breath of fresh air from fake hysteria news.

    • @stardustgirl2904
      @stardustgirl2904 3 года назад +19

      All of this Environmental stuff is just to continue to further Control all of us! Let's not forget these same people that seem to be so concerned about the environment, BELIEVE IN POPULATION CONTROL, SO YOU SEE THEY REALLY DON'T CARE IF PEOPLE DIE! ITS ALL JUST TO TSKE OUR FREEDOMS AWAY FROM US!

    • @ducthman4737
      @ducthman4737 3 года назад +25

      Bjorn Lomborg has just one big problem, he thinks climate has a problem. From the last 200 million years the last 3.5 have been the coldest. Earth right now is in an Ice Age. We are just lucky to live in an interglacial when temperatures are a little bit higher. Life on Earth is starving for more CO2 not less. And even during the Holocene temperatures have been much higher when trees could grow much higher up the mountain and much closer to the poles.

  • @dongaetano3687
    @dongaetano3687 3 года назад +55

    Peter, with all due respect and you're due plenty:
    Minor Point - Sweden is not a Socialist country. Market economy, was very wealthy and had extended social policies. They gave up Socialism in the 90's.
    Major Point -Bjorn is still in the 'CO2 is the main driver camp'. False premise. You need to interview more people on this. It's an overly simplistic cause to an imagined problem that if it were true - would need the examination of multi-varied components in a fantastically complex system - which is the climate.
    Not saying all his ideas are bad - just CO2 not the problem.
    Suggest: Richard Lindzen MIT 30 yrs Atmospheric Physicist, retired - Will Happer Princeton retired, award winning Physicist - Willie Soon Astrophysicist Harvard Smithsonian. - Nir Shaviv Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem.
    Lastly: Uncommon Knowledge is my favorite hangout. And You, Peter Robinson and Thomas Sowell doing interviews, are my all time favorite duo!
    Appreciate your interviewing abilities in clarifying points and asking pointed questions and explaining the position of those you interview so the rest of us can understand the issue. Doesn't get any better. Thanks so much.

  • @mechanicjobs
    @mechanicjobs 3 года назад +39

    People can be made to believe anything.

  • @16m49x3
    @16m49x3 3 года назад +36

    So many bad things happen these days because of the words: "A new study suggests..."

  • @alastermyst
    @alastermyst 3 года назад +83

    Every time I hear Greta I laugh and roll my eyes. Greta seems exactly like a drama student acting out a "the sky is falling" and doing it poorly. Every sentence seems forced and unnatural.

  • @peterwickham9984
    @peterwickham9984 3 года назад +54

    co2 increases plant production and plants turn co2 into o2....co2 levels were at 1000ppm during the times of the was thriving.

  • @suzannefoster1721
    @suzannefoster1721 3 года назад +40

    The central convincing point to take from this discussion is that mitigation will not work and is too expensive while innovation is much cheaper and will be, as has been proven throughout human history, the solution and therefore the only rational approach to be taken.

  • @Willy_Tepes
    @Willy_Tepes 3 года назад +956

    I always laugh at that Greta Speech, "yet, I am one of the lucky ones" ROFLMAO
    Her father writes speeches like they were theater plays ;)

    • @bigdog1106
      @bigdog1106 3 года назад +40

      Her father is an actor...

    • @annaw2909
      @annaw2909 3 года назад +20

      feel the same way the minute i heard her story, she is cute young girl, but 'her' speeches makes me vomit, no one heard about climate changes over the history of our earth?

    • @ducthman4737
      @ducthman4737 3 года назад +56

      There is nothing to laugh about. Only really powerful people could have organised this hoax. And they hate We The People. And climate is just one of the many tools they use to gain more power. This CO19 virus is another one. And Black Lives Matters. And Gender and Toxic masculinity etc etc etc......Divide and Conquer

    • @sortathesame8701
      @sortathesame8701 3 года назад +19

      And yet, instead of asking students to take the bus to school rather than driving their personal cars, she asks them to skip school every Friday! How is a whole generation of uneducated children going to stop the global warming she is so hysterical about!

    • @25Soupy
      @25Soupy 3 года назад +20

      And her mother is a Swedish actor...go figure.

  • @dennissalisbury496
    @dennissalisbury496 3 года назад +266

    Poster Children are nothing new, I'm sure she is sincere and not old enough to resist being manipulated.

  • @boxsterbenz4059
    @boxsterbenz4059 3 года назад +53

    Lomborg is one of the most rational voices on this issue. I have been following this issue for more than fifteen years. Thankfully, he continues to use his knowledge of science and statistics to debunk the global climate change alarmism narrative.

  • @simongleaden2864
    @simongleaden2864 3 года назад +46

    At last! An educated person who realizes that we must accept that climate change is happening and that mankind should be concentrating its efforts on adapting to the change, not trying to prevent the change.

  • @markstewart7527
    @markstewart7527 3 года назад +143

    Her parents need to be checked out mentally and emotionally.

    • @stardustgirl2904
      @stardustgirl2904 3 года назад +24


  • @fluxstandard8364
    @fluxstandard8364 3 года назад +41

    It is so welcoming to see the other side of the debate, thank you

  • @george.eliot42
    @george.eliot42 3 года назад +107

    I have an immensely difficult time sitting through Greta's clip

  • @janiekrig5232
    @janiekrig5232 3 года назад +66

    Thank you Bjorn! You're brilliant and brave!

    • @ducthman4737
      @ducthman4737 3 года назад +4

      Bjorn Lomborg has just one big problem, he thinks climate has a problem.

  • @tc-fz5qn
    @tc-fz5qn 3 года назад +56

    Due respects to all the "climate change experts". From my lay perspectives all these "experts" remind me of the story of the 5 blind men each holding onto a different part of a massive elephant n each coming to a conclusion that the elephant looks like a pillar, a brush, a rubber hose, a wall etc. Everything is always in a flux n ever changing in life. Nothing remains static n unchanging. Climate is no different. What caused the great ice age n what caused its eventual recession? Humanity surely did not contribute to that. Nature has a way of balancing itself n life forms also evolve n naturally adapt to its changing environment accordingly. Man can live quite happily in the desert heat of the Sahara or Arabia n just as well in the cold of Iceland. I think v could b barking up the wrong tree by focusing on "greenhouse emissions" n especially on CO2 as the main culprit for the planet's "warming" n throwing billions of dollars to keep it "neutral". Other than making a few people like Al Gore n his climate alarmist friends filthily rich, I'm quite sure it'd do absolutely nothing to the climate at all n that it'll continue to b what it'll be. It'd b infinitely more beneficial n more immediately felt if v focused on cleaning up plastics, pollutants n other contaminants from the oceans n waterways of the world. Likewise with more effective waste management n recycling. And Bill Gates could help by ceasing all his so called "philantropic" pretense of "saving" the world by supporting companies like Monsanto (Bayer) in creating genetically modified seeds n other poisons which govts around the world r waking up to n r beginning to smartly ban. A more commonsense approach to managing our lovely planet rather than b conned by vested interests supported by dodgy scientists with their dodgy "research reports" is the way to go. Follow the money.

  • @tntramzy12
    @tntramzy12 3 года назад +235

    Anyone that took advice about the end of the world from a 17 year old needs to check on their common sense and maybe speak to Amazon and see if they can buy some

  • @kevinlinton9598
    @kevinlinton9598 3 года назад +27

    I have crossed swords with Mr. Lomborg in the past as I advocated that climate change represented a massive problem, but now I need to make an apology as I have reviewed the evidence and found that the temperature preceded CO2 rises in the past by some 800 years. In addition, on the IPCC's own admission trends should have been seen in the model after 10 years. It has now been over 25 years and the predictions have not been seen. In particular temperature rises in the atmosphere, oceans and hot spots on the equator have not occurred. Now that the data is in, the Null Hypothesis has not been proven and the model needs to be changed or the theory thrown out. For more information see the 50 to 1 Project videos.

    • @stephencarlsbad
      @stephencarlsbad 3 года назад +5

      I just watch videos of the old KUSI weatherman john Coleman, creator of the weather channel. His videos are fairly short, less than an hour and he makes a clear case for why this GW theory is a scam and a wealth transfer...

  • @ronenglish455
    @ronenglish455 3 года назад +107

    Thank you for a very interesting discussion. I have been arguing for RATIONAL thinking about climate change (note I said change, not warming) for a few years now within my sphere of influence, but haven’t approached it from an economic impact perspective. I am buying Bjorn’s book today!!

  • @Engmir666
    @Engmir666 3 года назад +57

    Challenging dogma? "How dare you!"

  • @dltroutman
    @dltroutman 3 года назад +22

    It is so reassuring to listen to a rational intellectual mind not burden by agenda or orthodoxy. Thank you Bjorn and the Hoover Institution.

    • @stephencarlsbad
      @stephencarlsbad 3 года назад +1

      Thank you for what?! These dipsticks are trying to validate manmade global warming. Wake up!

  • @DaveWard-xc7vd
    @DaveWard-xc7vd 3 года назад +278

    If the Dems win in November we will all be a lot less richer.

    • @sortathesame8701
      @sortathesame8701 3 года назад +13

      Pelosi said it straight up..."give us Congress and the White House in November and you won't recognize this country in a year!". We gave them an unbeatable Congress and the White House in Obama's first term and all we got was our health insurance rates tripled and our coverage halved!

    • @lordsandwich6400
      @lordsandwich6400 3 года назад +6

      If the Dems win in November, you will be in a re education camp. or worse.

    • @Grubnar
      @Grubnar 3 года назад +3

      I am more worried some people will be a lot less alive.

    • @cherylruder3498
      @cherylruder3498 3 года назад +7

      So true!! Trump 2020!!🇺🇸

    • @jessicapae9642
      @jessicapae9642 3 года назад +3

      You mean poorer...

  • @Gorbyrev
    @Gorbyrev 3 года назад +92

    Excellent. We need rational minds like Bjorn's to help us through these complex issues. To use our agency as human beings well is much harder than we often like to admit.

  • @deborahchin7221
    @deborahchin7221 3 года назад +39

    Thank you, Bjorn, very much.Now I can sleep with a true sense of hope for the climate’s future. You are a reasonable man with common sense and knowledge!

  • @wekapeka3493
    @wekapeka3493 3 года назад +13

    Common sense, we won’t hear this repeated on MSM.

  • @bnk9477
    @bnk9477 3 года назад +5

    The biggest evil is not evil but ignorance. Is it as simple as that!

  • @michelebaranowski8053
    @michelebaranowski8053 3 года назад +105

    Co2 rises, plants thrive and filter the air putting out more oxygen

  • @johnmac1960
    @johnmac1960 3 года назад +94

    Well, I'm not afraid! We're all going to die one day, so we should enjoy our time here, and I do!

  • @EuSeiT
    @EuSeiT 3 года назад +133

    I just love how "global warming" morphed into the even more meaningless "climate change." (Never mind that the climate has been changing since this planet became!)

  • @noweternity3101
    @noweternity3101 3 года назад +19

    Thank you Bjorn Lomborg for speaking truthfully about this !

  • @lupusdei0819
    @lupusdei0819 3 года назад +67

    I like the adaptation. Japanese have found some bacteria that has evolved to eat plastics. Totally new and not a game changer yet but proves organism adapt

  • @TheMemphisfrank
    @TheMemphisfrank 3 года назад +109

    You had me right up until you said global warming is manmade

  • @dfhj4556
    @dfhj4556 3 года назад +79

    About time for truth and common sense...

  • @ross2812
    @ross2812 3 года назад +33

    I'm still waiting for the KILLER BEES from 1976. That was a major concern, if you remember.

  • @trevormarr8379
    @trevormarr8379 3 года назад +14

    A great, common-sense conversation with Bjorn Lomborg.

  • @cd4510
    @cd4510 3 года назад +12

    I thank God for global warming. I live in a wood and brick home with a lush green yard alive with flowers, trees and a small bed of vegetable plants. If I were alive during the ice age, I'd be living in an igloo setting on a huge slab of ice with no food of any kind because everything would be frozen solid, including lakes and streams.

  • @amostlyreasonableguy
    @amostlyreasonableguy 3 года назад +22

    This guy gets it; he wasn’t bjorn yesterday...

  • @222ableVelo
    @222ableVelo 3 года назад +7

    The climate change activists aren't just telling the poor to stay in poverty, they're telling them to die in many cases. What I mean is, lots of people live in some climates where you will literally freeze to death if you comply with all of the climate activists guidelines/demands. Fossil fuels are necessary to keep people alive in cold climates, and they depend on them through the harsh winters.

  • @davenkathy101
    @davenkathy101 3 года назад +119

    In the 60S pollution was going to cause an Ice Age. Some one please think! DAVE

  • @deadwooddramaqueens8951
    @deadwooddramaqueens8951 Год назад +8

    The FIRST time I’ve seen the narrative challenged AND allowed to be heard! That fact alone should make any scientist question the narrative that is not allowed to be challenged!

  • @patriciaduncan6523
    @patriciaduncan6523 Год назад +10

    Thank you Sir, for coming forward with the truth!!

  • @taooflovepassionandcomedy8722
    @taooflovepassionandcomedy8722 3 года назад +61

    It is called elliminating populatons whilst pretending to be helping humanity it is a crime against Humanity.

  • @TheBudMan1000
    @TheBudMan1000 3 года назад +44

    I'm currently reading Apocalypse Never , I will add Bjorn's book to my list of books to read.

  • @16m49x3
    @16m49x3 3 года назад +18

    I think it's weird when people mention carbon as ppm and then complain about life on the planet and about how crops will fail. When the most ideal level of carbon in the air for plants is 1100 ppm, which is way Higher than it will ever reach

  • @theimmortal4718
    @theimmortal4718 3 года назад +20

    I grew up in LA in the 80s.
    Trust me, it was hit back then, too

  • @jackgill6519
    @jackgill6519 3 года назад +67

    Amazingly insightful from a real expert, I wish there was more of this in the climate discussion

  • @KokoMcMonkey
    @KokoMcMonkey 3 года назад +32

    I'm glad to see that there is common sense coming out of Scandinavia and not just kookiness.

  • @barrycarpenter270
    @barrycarpenter270 3 года назад +30

    Bjorn's information is accurate and I highly support it's being presented and acted upon. The savings that could be attained thru common sense handling of the financial repercussions here are cosmic. Now, if we use half of these savings to protect and defend the environment (ocean acidification and effects on wildlife including others) with the same common sense, then we can invest much of the remainder in SpaceX , gold, silver, education and defending ourselves against communism, while still being able to take our children to Disney World , buying a cabin up north and various good endeavors yet to be determined. Let's be sure to keep our eyes on the big picture here while we are peeling our onion so that the main course comes out tasty AND healthy.
    Sorry, it seems Bjorn is doing a fair job of it already. Thanks Bjorn.

    • @olinireves4324
      @olinireves4324 3 года назад +5

      Nice words. But this with the acidification of the sea is nonsense. Because of the high salt content the sea is a very stable buffer solution. (Chemical term). pH changes will not happen. Completely not possible, because you talk about ppm (parts per million) in the atmosphere. The partial pressure will never be sufficiently high for that... Do not forget that Phytoplancton does feed on CO2 in water. It is the source of the food chain in the ocean... The point about acidification is something different: Mussels, Snails and corals do bing Calzium with CO2 to Calziumcarbonate. (Chalk and Chalkstone). The reason for "acidification" and smaller housings of snails etc. is less calcium in the environment than some million years ago. These organisms consumed all of it in the environemnt. They also reduced the CO2 content in the atmosphere, compared to the age of the dinosaurs...

  • @markstewart7527
    @markstewart7527 3 года назад +265

    What a set-up. Get a little girl to hysterically lie to the world

  • @johnmatrix7003
    @johnmatrix7003 3 года назад +35

    Thank you Hoover Institution for another thought provoking rational interview that is not only a news report. This one has a little more sting than some of your others and a super wide lens. To Bjorn Lomborg, I'm not going to evangelise you but I'd like to. Suffice to say, thank you for your rational and hopeful take on things. Your book is not yet available in Australia. Just bought a copy online coming out of the US. Look forward to reading it. And seeing how I can help out in a meaningful way. I'm a 99% not so "pro-green" solar panel or wind turbine type of person. I like nuclear (thorium - small scale, as well) and coal and gas. Not too keen on hydro but it has its place. The interview here provides inspiration as a bridge between much of the "pro-green" people and much of the rational people. Thank you.

    • @sharonmaclennan890
      @sharonmaclennan890 3 года назад +1

      Greta is always dressed in a parka, toque and scarf when outdoors. Bjorn Lomborg, with his Scandinavian name denoting some sort of "moderate credibility" just like with Greta Thunberg's name, still buys into the global warming myth, albeit to a smaller degree. Offer no quarter and take no prisoners in this still unending war on the invisible CO2 menace that boggles the minds of these Northern Trolls. Get real!

    • @maryfries2147
      @maryfries2147 3 года назад +2

      Don't understand why not hydro the Hoover dam provides 40 million people with power

  • @alejandroduran1830
    @alejandroduran1830 3 года назад +15

    Lomborg is one of the best present-day thinkers. In a rational world he would be a highly influential figure. Unfortunately, we are going through terrible times -people have gone mad, manipulated by their sinister overlords.
    I agree with the interviewer that using trillions of dollars after R&D would be corrupt, likely useless, and would also destroy liberty everywhere. Lomborg must read Matt Ridley’s latest book. Large-scale economic innovation has successfully been by private parties. Inventing and implementing new economically energy sources will be carried out by the private sector, rather than the Government.

  • @ClementPoh
    @ClementPoh 3 года назад +19

    I was looking forward to this for ages!

  • @dougadoo1976able
    @dougadoo1976able 3 года назад +43

    I am still not on board this was all caused by humans due in fact to the history of climate change over the millions of geological time which has shown that man had nothing to do with climate change then. We do not understand our earth's cycles and what the variables are that effect the climate systems and to what degree. Now we have developing nations that do not follow any climate reducing CO2 and the climate prognosticators that are building and buying expensive homes on the oceans and low lying areas on the coasts. How are we suppose to believe these so called climate change activists if they act 180 degrees in the opposite direction than what they are preaching . The only thing we as observers should surmise is that they have other agendas and have been bought off . So are we just sheeple willing to believe in unproven science and blind to the contradictions. Well , I for one say no but the MSM and other institutional systems say you must follow us blindly or we will ruin your careers
    Who really controls the sheep and the way we follow
    Wakeup sheeple we see this type of cancel culture everywhere now

  • @hansjansen7047
    @hansjansen7047 Год назад +4

    I live in Canada and am waiting for it to become the world's bread basket (again?)

  • @HakWilliams
    @HakWilliams 2 года назад +6

    The media is actually ignoring the problem because people tune out.

  • @ronaldcates5760
    @ronaldcates5760 3 года назад +6

    She read that script like she was auditioning for a part in a play.

  • @stevencain5322
    @stevencain5322 3 года назад +6

    These kids were ruined by lack of parents, but not friends.

  • @wayneandrews3128
    @wayneandrews3128 3 года назад +5

    I desperately wanted to watch this video but was unable to as the minute you mentioned Greta Thunburg I had the sudden urge to have a violent bowel movement. I had to run

  • @tracy08161967
    @tracy08161967 3 года назад +10

    Bjorn Lomborg looks more like my sibling than my siblings do. DAMN! Now I know why everyone claims I look Swedish.

  • @cheddar2648
    @cheddar2648 3 года назад +26

    Skepticism and a questioning attitude: "how dare you!?"

  • @paulb9769
    @paulb9769 Год назад +8

    I would say it is more about population control and profit than the actually climate.

  • @SidekickSam24
    @SidekickSam24 3 года назад +32

    Wow, possibly 11,000 lives saved from freezing to death thanks to fracking...I've never heard anyone mention that benefit.

  • @novaboss23
    @novaboss23 3 года назад +26

    Greta, what a drama queen! Wonder how many times she rehearsed that hyperbolic monologue?

  • @NikovK
    @NikovK 3 года назад +72

    The decline in cognitive function occurs in an indoor setting like a classroom with poor air circulation with unacclimated students. Submarine crews don't get concerned until 8,000 ppm or higher, and operating a nuclear doomsday weapons system is a fairly high cognitive function task.

  • @RickyJr46
    @RickyJr46 3 года назад +19

    On the topic of emissions control, it appears that Western nations are spending vast sums of money chasing diminishing returns, while emissions are worsening elsewhere due to growing populations and inferior technology. If fractional improvements in our own emissions are being more than offset by others, perhaps a better use of that funding would be to improve emissions technology in the Third World. Of course, colossal government bureaucracies would stand in the way of this, but it's that thing about the allocation of scarce resources with alternative uses which comes to mind!
    Peter Robinson, as always thank you for First Class content!

  • @ahrimanic7
    @ahrimanic7 3 года назад +13

    I love the downward glances at her notes. Such passion.

  • @privatenumber6015
    @privatenumber6015 3 года назад +16

    If you look at the month by month data for the last 10 years, what you will see is that global temps in the first half of 2020 were roughly the same as they have been for the last 10 years.

  • @TiempoNuevo-ew7ty
    @TiempoNuevo-ew7ty 3 года назад +10

    We could use hemp oil if millions of people grew it. Hemp is the go to plant. Medicine, clothing, cosmetics, makes a wonderful salad dressing, great on skin, hair, ropes, paper, soaps, and who knows what else. And who knows everything Marijuana has to offer. I know that CBD oil "concentrate" is good for at least minor wounds and bruises.
    LOL some day in the future my yard will be a Chinese Elm forest. We need to plant Food Forests and stop destroying Rain Forests. The have value on their own by their diversity of life there are so many plants in the rain forests that we do not even know of their benefits or how well many more would grow in various locations in the states... we have a very diverse environment in the USA... We need to use new concepts and best practices in our food industry .... from the grower to the stores. More trees, and food plants would greatly help out CO2 problem and would solve one problem.

  • @funkXCIV
    @funkXCIV 2 года назад +10

    14:49 oops, he gave it away

  • @jeremygrant1325
    @jeremygrant1325 2 года назад +17

    We could go net carbon neutral on grid energy if the govt unshackled nuclear.

  • @tnekkc
    @tnekkc 3 года назад +4

    Gretta is a child actress. She would be great as Wednesday Addams.

  • @michelebaranowski8053
    @michelebaranowski8053 3 года назад +11

    God controls the seas, God controls the wind, God is in control of how and when the earth ends!

  • @jeanniestaller797
    @jeanniestaller797 2 года назад +11

    Thank you for the voice of reason. This is what I've been trying to say as well. "So it's warmer. Is that the end of the world?" We are adaptable.

  • @johnlow544
    @johnlow544 3 года назад +5

    I am very amused by David Wallace-Wells' comment about the trajectory of Carbon DiOxide reaching 1000 ppm. You and I are breathing out 40,000 - 50,000 ppm expired CO2. A large cinema theatre with a capacity audience has been shown to have 1200 ppm CO2 at the end of the showing; when a commercial aircraft has closed its doors just before pushback and take off, the cabin concentration of CO2 may reach 2,700 ppm; a submarine (Victoria class) will accumulate 14,000 ppm CO2 during a vent-less underwater patrol; the International Space Station is running at 5,300 ppm CO2. (Please email me for the references of these scientific papers). I am convinced that we would not notice any physiological or psychometric disturbances under such "alarmist" levels of 1000 ppm CO2. Thank you Mr Lomborg, for straightening the perspective. I have read admired your previous "Skeptics" book and look forward to reading "False Alarm". John Low (Physiologist (Oxford University) Medical Doctor (Oxford University) Specialist Anaesthesiologist (FRCA;FANZCA;FHKCA)

  • @Gorby1able
    @Gorby1able Год назад +2

    The most rational thinking I"ve ever heard on the subject. Research and Development is the way forward and not trying to fit Solar and Wind as the end result to deal with the situation. The book has to be a "must read."

  • @JDs_RandomHandle
    @JDs_RandomHandle 3 года назад +9

    9:30 I love how people forget that we can walk. Upright too. But it isn't going to happen all at once if it does happen, it will be gradual.

  • @shrimuyopa8117
    @shrimuyopa8117 3 года назад +6

    I am glad I was able to look at a, what I call, third perspective on the issue. Wonderful video.

  • @jesusmysavior2424
    @jesusmysavior2424 3 года назад +18

    So sad for too much politics involved for their own interest, but not the real issues.

  • @CivilizedWasteland
    @CivilizedWasteland 3 года назад +8

    government detonate thousands of atomic bombs
    "Hello the climate is changing, lower your thermostat!"

  • @alolai2327
    @alolai2327 3 года назад +26

    I can sense that she's good at acting like her mom

  • @deliarealtor
    @deliarealtor Год назад +7

    We will adapt, we always have.

  • @BearBig70
    @BearBig70 3 года назад +74

    "Suspicious Observers" has a great YT channel that's been debunking traditional narrative of global warming via carbon BS since 2011. Ben is very interesting for anyone who wants climate change explained in a much more reliable way. Hint: it's the Sun😉

    • @sorsocksfake
      @sorsocksfake 3 года назад +5

      We'd be easily able to measure if the sun's output - or the portion of it that reaches Earth - changed. Especially with satellites we can just measure that outright.
      Any smart person can realize we should check the sun. Any smarter person will realize the experts have already done that :) (apparently the solar output has been stable, and even in a mild decline).

    • @quatervois7966
      @quatervois7966 3 года назад +4

      Milankovitch Cycles

    • @goddardgoddard8743
      @goddardgoddard8743 3 года назад +3

      Suspicious Observer is dumber than Bjorn Lomborg .

  • @oreneiland643
    @oreneiland643 3 года назад +6

    This here and JRE are the best shows of our times.
    And it is bout time mr. Peterson will have mr. Rogan for a talk.

  • @edmaluf
    @edmaluf 3 года назад +18

    This channel is so good. Thanks for existing. 👍

  • @Nobody-xg2un
    @Nobody-xg2un 3 года назад +29

    Such a great interviewer. Great show. Thank you for making me a little smarter than I was before this interview.

  • @AndyGuild
    @AndyGuild 3 года назад +4

    Thank you Hoover Institution!

  • @johnny1873
    @johnny1873 3 года назад +4

    It would be great if you could post information about some of the key research articles that is discussed in videos like this (either in the video information, or through a separate link). That would really help to understand what is talked about on a deeper level, and also to being able to argue with "meat on you bones" (if that is even an expression in English?).