False Prophets Like These Will Lead You Astray Every Time

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 767

  • @JonClash
    @JonClash Год назад +146

    “Let’s stay away from vague prophecies.” Amen

    • @Madcow7777
      @Madcow7777 Год назад +3

      All the bible ones are vague. Nobody comes away after reading it knowing what’s to come

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад +3

      Only a false prophet would say such a thing.

    • @Fernando-qs7bl
      @Fernando-qs7bl Год назад

      @@Madcow7777 I think e-bible would disagree with you. You will find out about today, and what's about to come.

    • @LordsWill-do4em
      @LordsWill-do4em Год назад

      @@Madcow7777 32 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
      33 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
      34 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her
      sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
      35 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works, in which she hath filled the cup of the indignation of the wrath of God; yea, in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double.
      36 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her because of the pride of her heart; for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
      37 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day: death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
      38 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning; standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying: Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city; for in one hour is thy judgment come.

    • @notremarchedelafin
      @notremarchedelafin 11 месяцев назад

      Like the pretrib rapture?

  • @rancidbutter9669
    @rancidbutter9669 Год назад +10

    False prophets often accuse others false prophets of being false prophets...

    • @ericreed4535
      @ericreed4535 9 месяцев назад +1

      So the intelligent thing to do is analyze the credible evidence to determine who is false. I'll give you hint, anyone claiming to be a prophet 🥱.

    • @tomes9236
      @tomes9236 3 месяца назад +1

      Jesus said watch out fir false prophets. Many true prophets called out false prophets.

  • @catt898
    @catt898 Год назад +15

    The more things I depend on God for, the easier it is for me. It's that first step in trust that is the hardest. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!

    • @maryherendeen2151
      @maryherendeen2151 Год назад +1

      Amen! I'm trying so hard to be actively prayerful all day so that Jesus is literally with me. It's a discipline to remind yourself of His presence. God bless you!

    • @annairwin8147
      @annairwin8147 6 месяцев назад

      SO true same in my life and walk with The Lord Jesus🙏🙏

  • @Chipsomedip
    @Chipsomedip Год назад +35

    I found out yesterday that our church pastor follows a fake prophet and I prayed the Lord for guidance on what to do and today you come out with this video! The Lord is good all the time!! Thank you Allen!

    • @iambutdust2439
      @iambutdust2439 10 месяцев назад

      What false profit was your pastor following? What was his name?

  • @all-stargamingentertainmen1157
    @all-stargamingentertainmen1157 Год назад +9

    THIS IS THE TRUTH...speaking the word of God by the spirit of God...IS GOING TO OFFEND anyone who doesn't want to change or repent.

  • @brynjohnson423
    @brynjohnson423 Год назад +52

    Yes, I love this kind of message. I'm on the false prophets chapter in your book right now. We all need to keep our nose in the Word daily so we know what we believe. I've been a faithful follower of the Lord for over 50 years and my is Satan really working hard to deceive folk more than ever. Blessings, Bryn 😊

    • @salserokorsou
      @salserokorsou Год назад +1

      jesus told people over 2000 years ago he would be back in their lifetime. Are those people still alive or are the jews right about jesus?

    • @salserokorsou
      @salserokorsou Год назад

      @@CAMELEONGOTABIG_Lies2237 al those that say jesus is not the one.

    • @salserokorsou
      @salserokorsou Год назад

      @@CAMELEONGOTABIG_Lies2237 al that crap you typed doesn't matter. Go back to the Jews that killed jesus if you want. But then again, your main thing is to play stupid and avoid the real issue.

    • @Fernando-qs7bl
      @Fernando-qs7bl Год назад

      ​@@salserokorsouLifetime could mean the span of mankind, for we are all born in sin.

    • @salserokorsou
      @salserokorsou Год назад

      @@Fernando-qs7bl no that's not what jesus meant. He just lied.

  • @Disciple793
    @Disciple793 Год назад +2

    A woman took her sick mother to a Benny Hinn crusade. The mother was able to get up on stage. Benny Hinn told the mother she was healed and therefore she no longer needed to take her medication. Tragically the mother died a few weeks later. Thank God that Benny Hinn's nephew Costi Hinn got saved, left the ministry and eventually outed Benny Hinn.

  • @Jaynene_rainey
    @Jaynene_rainey Год назад +5

    This was a great teaching. God has been opening my eyes to all these preachers who are preaching nothing but prophecies, vision, dreams, prosperity, blessings, and nothing about sin, holiness, and Jesus Christ. I am seeing the warning of Jesus in Matthew 24:24 and the warnings Paul continuously gave in his letters. These are some dark times and it’s going to get worse. Whoever has the word “revival” in their ministries or their churches please make sure you are comparing what they are preaching with the Word of God. A lot of smooth talking, charismatic people leading millions astray, just like Jesus said. Praying for you, Allen! Keep speaking the truth… never compromise! Stay strong!

    • @jaflenbond7854
      @jaflenbond7854 Год назад

      Among thousands of Gods,
      who is the True and Sovereign God?
      ANSWER -
      The Creator who wants
      all human beings to submit to the authority of Jesus Christ and believe his teachings about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" so they can be honored and rewarded with ETERNAL LIFE and existence on earth
      the True and Sovereign God.
      Who are the worshippers of the Creator and followers of Jesus Christ on earth?
      ANSWER -
      All imperfect, suffering, and dying human beings who submit to the authority of Jesus Christ and believe his teachings about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" as written Matthew 28: 18, Luke 4: 43 and John 11: 25, 26
      clearly the loving, kind, and submissive worshippers of the Creator and followers of Jesus Christ on earth
      who will definitely be honored, favored, and rewarded with ETERNAL LIFE and existence on a safe, peaceful, and secure earth without liars, the immoral, traitors, perverts, and murderers as written in Revelation 21: 3, 4, 8.
      Who are the ungrateful and rebellious persons on earth?
      ANSWER -
      All Atheists, Agnostics, Evolutionists, Jehovah's Witnesses, SDAs, Mormons, Baptists, Born Again Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions
      who are mocking, insulting, and degrading -
      1. the Creator as worthless, useless, and undeserving to be honored and respected as the True and Sovereign God in opposition and defiance of what were written in Matthew 22: 37 and John 17: 3
      2. Jesus Christ as worthless, useless, and undeserving to be honored and respected as the One given by the Creator all authority in heaven and on earth in opposition and defiance of what's written in Matthew 28: 18
      3. the teachings of Jesus Christ about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" as worthless and useless in opposition and defiance of what were written in Luke 4: 43 and John 11: 25, 26
      are obviously the ungrateful and rebellious persons on earth
      who don't value their own lives, dignities, and existence...
      not bothered at all and just don't care even if their Satanic hatred, mockeries, opposition, and defiance of the Creator's Sovereignty and his Christ's authority and teachings bring and cause their own dishonor, disgrace, downfall and ETERNAL DEATHS, just worthless and useless dusts on earth forever.
      Who are the liars, offensive, and deceitful persons on earth?
      ANSWER -
      The BIBLE reveals
      that all human beings have no immortal souls and will just become worthless and useless dusts on earth after their deaths just like the animals as written in Ecclesiastes 3: 19, 20 and 9: 5, 6
      but the BIBLE also exposes
      all Atheists, Agnostics, Evolutionists, Jehovah's Witnesses, SDAs, Mormons, Baptists, Born Again Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions
      who are misleading and deceiving their own families, friends, and neighbors to believe their lies, false and Unbiblical teachings and doctrines about

      "immortality of the souls or the heaven and hellfire doctrine", "Armageddon", "rapture", and "reincarnation"
      are obviously the liars, offensive, and deceitful persons on earth
      who are opposed, against, and will never ever accept that
      all loving, kind, and respectful worshippers of the Creator and followers of Jesus Christ who died recently and thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Job, Naomi, Ruth, King David, Jesus Christ's early disciples, Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and many others will not remain as worthless and useless dusts on earth forever,
      instead, in the right and proper time, and as written in John 11: 25, 26
      they will all be resurrected back to life by Jesus Christ.
      Who are the arrogant, cruel, merciless, and rebellious Satan the Devil's slaves and servants on earth?
      ANSWER -
      All Atheists, Agnostics, Evolutionists, Jehovah's Witnesses, SDAs, Mormons, Baptists, Born Again Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions
      who are openly and freely mocking, opposing, insulting, and degrading the Creator's Sovereignty and his Christ's authority and teachings as worthless and useless
      obviously Satan the Devil's arrogant, cruel, merciless, and rebellious servants and slaves on earth
      who are hurt, wounded, angered, and just can't accept the BIBLICAL TRUTH
      that all loving, kind, and respectful worshippers of the Creator and followers of Jesus Christ will happily and abundantly live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient subjects of the
      "KINGDOM of GOD"
      and fully enjoy the eternal love, kindness, goodness, compassions, generosities, favors, and blessings of the Creator and his Christ for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of Jesus Christ as the Creator's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth as written in Revelation 11: 15.

    • @Fernando-qs7bl
      @Fernando-qs7bl Год назад +1

      Isn't what you stated the trappings of the abomination that maketh it desolate, Matthew 24:15. Indicating that the churchage has ended and that the true belivers are to leave these corporate churches, read 1stPeter 4:17.

  • @KamiNoRanger99
    @KamiNoRanger99 5 месяцев назад +1

    My sister and mom follow a supposed “prophet” named Lovy. I have tried to warn them about some of the things I learned about this guy but neither of them listened to me. I try to speak truth but many times I struggle speaking truth with grace. Please pray for us.

  • @BryanLChess
    @BryanLChess Год назад +6

    Great message! I’m shocked that ppl fall fir these vague “fake” prophecies.

    • @BruceFillman-ek7sj
      @BruceFillman-ek7sj Год назад

      It's not that hard. False doctrines are what Allen teaches most of the time, yet he has so many gullible followers. Allen is a false teacher.

  • @corygeorge9548
    @corygeorge9548 Год назад +4

    Great message. This is how all pastors should teach....directly from the Word.

  • @fadam215
    @fadam215 Год назад +25

    Hey Pastor! Thank you for your obedience to God on this message!🙏🏾✝️❤️

  • @teriacason7829
    @teriacason7829 Год назад +14

    Brother Allen,
    I love this kind of verse by verse teaching. Keep up the good work!❤

  • @pamelathacker3374
    @pamelathacker3374 Год назад +10

    Very serious n strict discernment is needed in these end day's, awesome teaching brother Allen, ALL glory to our God Most High Amen!!!

  • @maryherendeen2151
    @maryherendeen2151 Год назад +11

    This is so amazing. I love a good storyteller. It's a gift. This is remeniscent of Dr. David Jeremiah's storytelling prowess. Well done, good and faithful servant! I'm so glad I found you! ❤

  • @anitablackwell2676
    @anitablackwell2676 Год назад +1

    Yes a lot of people doesn't even Christians doesn't want to listen to the true prophets because they are against accountability and in the Bible that holds you accountable for your actions God does

  • @mayzuno4969
    @mayzuno4969 Год назад +3

    Love these teachings from the Old Testament! Keep them coming ! God bless you Pastor

  • @vancejohnson2447
    @vancejohnson2447 Год назад +1

    Thanks for calling me out of the false Churches,Pastors, Prophet’s, etc yrs ago brother Allen

    • @BruceFillman-ek7sj
      @BruceFillman-ek7sj Год назад

      Allen is a false teacher.

    • @daisiesandpandas1218
      @daisiesandpandas1218 Год назад

      Give your reasons, don't just malign someone in a world where you know people carry rumours without evidence as you appear to be using that dark side of human behaviour to ruin others

    • @BruceFillman-ek7sj
      @BruceFillman-ek7sj Год назад

      @@daisiesandpandas1218 Where to begin... Allen rejects the 4th commandment and has made multiple videos tearing down SDAs. He teaches eternal torture in hell and that you go directly to Heaven or hell upon death. He teaches pre tribulation rapture. I could go on and on. Every video I have watched is 100% heresy.

  • @noble_eight5198
    @noble_eight5198 Год назад +4

    Good word, as usual Brother Allen!!

  • @krystal6612
    @krystal6612 Год назад +2

    So good❤ God always leave me and guide me to your path. Precious holy spirit help me always.

  • @kimjohnson8471
    @kimjohnson8471 Год назад +26

    Always be weary of those who claim ".. God told me..." when it constantly aligns with what they were going to do anyways 😅!!!

  • @kaysencrosby18
    @kaysencrosby18 Год назад +3

    Thank you Brother Allen for your ministry!

  • @yvonnebartlett7086
    @yvonnebartlett7086 Год назад +2

    I love how this was presented. Thank you.

  • @sarahmac4171
    @sarahmac4171 Год назад +2

    Yes I love this message Allen. Well done

  • @Losjnjshorts
    @Losjnjshorts 11 месяцев назад

    How come I didn't find your RUclips channel sooner! You're awesome man! God bless you!

  • @heidim5110
    @heidim5110 Год назад +2

    Such good points, thanks Allen!

  • @joshuafrench1902
    @joshuafrench1902 Год назад +2

    Very true words, excellent video!

  • @antwanmac007
    @antwanmac007 Год назад +1

    More of these Old Testament bible studies please!

  • @tigerconway
    @tigerconway Год назад +1

    very strong words wow well done brother allen.

  • @marisa5359
    @marisa5359 Год назад

    Thank you for this. This very Bible story kept resurfacing as I thought on the false prophecies that were rampant in my old church. There was much generality, a ton of "all will be well". I cannot recall ever hearing a call to repent or any type of correction.

  • @shirondavidson5927
    @shirondavidson5927 Год назад +1

    Well said! God’s blessings to you and your family.. Love this message.

  • @louisreyes-layne5008
    @louisreyes-layne5008 11 месяцев назад

    Very good analysis Pastor Allen.

  • @93greenstrat
    @93greenstrat Год назад +2

    Most of these so-called prophets today only prophesy prosperity for themselves. A few would even argue that these false prophets are God's judgement upon those who call themselves Christians, but living in rebellion towards God

    • @Jesussaves.7777
      @Jesussaves.7777 Год назад

      Anyone who preaches a different gospel other than The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is a liar and is marked as false prophet and should be marked and avoided. Because they speak of devil their father and is calling GOD a liar which GOD CANNOT LIE EVER.
      If they say that Jesus Christ " didn't "come in the flesh then he is of the antichrist spirit
      Or Jesus Christ was only a " prophet "
      Or Jesus is " not" LORD
      Or Jesus Christ didn't die for our sin or was buried or rosed up from the dead on The Third Day
      Or Jesus doesn't give eternal life
      or you have to do works, water baptism, pray , call on the Lord, ask Jesus into your heart, be good , obey the ten commandments the law , keep sabbath on saturdays , lordship salvation, calvinistic teaching, pentacostal works based speaking in tongues teaching, be black , to receive Salvation etc ....then these people are All liars and don't speak for GOD at all destruction is upon them
      This is not in The Bible at all
      Please stay away from these liars .
      These are All Liars sending people straight to hell forever.
      GOD Loves us All so much.
      That He doesn't want none to perish but be with Him in Heaven FOREVER.
      The Bible says that we can (KNOW) that we have eternal life.
      True Repentance is:
      Repent means to change your mind from unbelief in Jesus Christ ALONE for Salvation to believing in Jesus Christ ALONE for Salvation. nothing more nothing less.
      I see a lot of Preaching and evangelism that is very dangerous and has very dangerous doctrines that are false gospels that's given to people daily . False gospels are Damnable heresies that leads the lost to destruction to hell forever.
      Some preach that Repenting means to " forsake sin or turn from sin or confess sins to receive Salvation" or " call upon the Name of The Lord to be saved" 0r " invite him in your heart to be saved" or etc everything of what that person a sinner can do but not focusing on what Jesus Christ did for us all on the cross and simply believing on that .
      To call upon "The Name of The Lord " one must believe first
      be saved first before we can call on GOD .
      Again "turning from sin" and" being good "and "obeying the law the ten commandments" etc.............
      that is not what that means to Repent for Salvation
      John 3:16 says For GOD so Love the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever BELIEVETH in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Life forever Life with no end .
      Repent for Salvation
      means to change your mind from unbelief in Jesus Christ ALONE for Salvation to Believing in Jesus Christ ALONE for Salvation.
      Notice the word Alone
      Putting their faith and Trust means to have confidence in who Jesus says He is and what He has done on the cross for us all by paying for our sins with His Powerful Innocent Precious Blood.
      Agreeing with GOD that The Good News we heard is True and Not a lie .
      Jesus's Blood is Sufficient ENOUGH.
      The Bible says our works are like Filthy rags given to GOD .
      Because of adam we all are sinners we all fall short of The Glory of GOD.
      But GOD made a way and The Only Way to Heaven/ with Him
      It Is Only through His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ
      sent in the flesh.
      who paid for our sins we stand guilty before a Perfect and Just GOD
      but yet Jesus Christ paid it All with His Own Precious Powerful Innocent Blood our Lord Jesus Christ
      He knew no sin He was Innocent and died a torturous death on a cross .
      Jesus was crucified, buried and Jesus Christ was RAISED up from the dead on The Third Day .
      Now our Lord Jesus Christ is sitting at The Right Hand of The Father in Heaven.
      Jesus Christ will be coming back soon one day to receive those who believed in Him.
      And those who rejected Him / those who didn't believe in Him Alone will be judged sentenced and casted into outer darkness, separated from GOD forever in a place where tortured souls will be getting punished suffering in a place where it is so hot with fire that never goes out a place for the devil and his demons in a place called hell forever .
      Jesus is The Way The Truth and The Life No one can go to The Father in Heaven except through Him Jesus Christ.
      Today is the day of Salvation.
      Believe now on The Lord Jesus Christ and be saved at this very moment.
      you do not have to say a prayer to be saved or be a good person or turn from sin to be Saved
      Just believe in Jesus's death burial and Resurrection
      Because Jesus Christ says "IT IS FINISHED ".
      It's paid in full. once you believe in Jesus Christ you're 💯 percent FORGIVEN.
      It is simple a child can do it.
      You will receive The Holy Spirit instantaneously and Sealed with The Holy Spirit until the Day of Redemption.
      You can't ever lose your Salvation.
      GOD CANNOT LIE EVER. So if GOD cannot lie then we cannot die .
      Once you believe you are now a Child of GOD. Sons of GOD.
      Once saved always saved.
      We are saved by Grace through faith in Christ Alone ❤️🙏
      Salvation is a Free GIFT from GOD and not earned by man through works lest any man should boast.
      Salvation and Discipleship are two different things.
      Salvation is Free but
      Discipleship is costly. Discipleship service to GOD is works we do to serve GOD but that's Only after you believe in Jesus alone for Salvation.
      After Salvation if we chose to live in sin GOD discipline us like a loving Father would.
      GOD will Chastened the ones who He loves and scourges every son Who He receives.
      Meaning they are consequences to sin in a believer's life that will be corrected with love on earth but Not in after we die in this life meaning GOD will NOT send His Own Child to Hell that's why Jesus was given our wrath we owed on the cross so we can be saved.
      Salvation is a one time event and at the moment you believe you are saved and sealed.
      Mark by GOD forever for Heaven.
      One must be born again to enter the kingdom of GOD.
      We are not saved by works only by Grace through faith in Christ Alone. Period nothing more nothing less.
      So important question is
      do you believe that you are a sinner deserving hell forever and you can't ever save yourself from hell forever?
      Do you believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh?
      Do you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord/ GOD and that Jesus Christ was crucified buried and Jesus Christ was Raised up from the dead on The Third Day?
      Do you believe that Jesus Christ paid for all your sins past present future with His Powerful Innocent Precious Blood ?
      Do you agree with GOD and believe all this to be True and do you receive GOD'S Gift of Salvation by believing in His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ?
      If yes then you're now a child of GOD a son of GOD. Welcome to The Family brother or sister ❤️🙏
      Now that you believed; you have life forever and you are going to Heaven. Praise GOD . ❤️🙏
      so if someone ask you do you have eternal life you should be confident enough to say

  • @mrs.m4702
    @mrs.m4702 Год назад +1

    Hello, Brother Allen. I love these type of Biblical history lessons. Please, please, please continue to provide them! Praise God, it truly helps my study and understanding as I’m continuing to grow the knowledge of God’s Word.

  • @Corinthians--ek4kt
    @Corinthians--ek4kt Год назад +3

    An on time message ❤

  • @mugieezzie7015
    @mugieezzie7015 Год назад +1

    Thanks brother Allan may God use u for such

  • @mini8555
    @mini8555 10 месяцев назад

    Thought provoking ❤

  • @ambernectar3158
    @ambernectar3158 Год назад

    Anen. I am so HAPPY.
    At last someone who speaks truth.
    My Lord guides me and shows me false preachers.
    I am astonished at their lack of understanding God's words.
    You have to, you must read the bible daily.
    You must be in communication in prayer in praise in dance all the time.
    Then deception? No more.

    • @BruceFillman-ek7sj
      @BruceFillman-ek7sj Год назад

      Apparently you aren't in tune with truth. That's not surprising though, because most who claim this type of discernment and receiving their discernment from the deceiver. Allen is as false as they come, so anyone who says he teaches truth is also false.

  • @beenzumoyo1380
    @beenzumoyo1380 Год назад

    I truly enjoyed the dramatized way you told the story, you brought the story to life, I hope you will do another old testament story soon..

  • @fedorafoxPRIME
    @fedorafoxPRIME 10 месяцев назад

    It's always been a scary chapter for me.

  • @jdkingsly
    @jdkingsly Год назад

    I was late watching this video, but God's timing is perfect because I needed this today! God bless Brother Allen!

  • @sylvannaberkowitz3792
    @sylvannaberkowitz3792 Год назад

    So insightful, Pastor Parr! This information is strengthening my discernment on false prophets

  • @kathypowers1267
    @kathypowers1267 Год назад

    ❤ Allen Parr, thank you for your service to the ministry, you are like a beautiful brother, God bless you and your family❤

  • @namukisasandra4871
    @namukisasandra4871 10 месяцев назад


  • @audreytomlinson125
    @audreytomlinson125 11 месяцев назад

    May God continue to bless and you love your message ❤❤

  • @diesel9650
    @diesel9650 Год назад

    Very good, thank you

  • @daniellecharland-gruhzit1177
    @daniellecharland-gruhzit1177 Год назад

    Thank you Brother Allen.
    Very helpful!

  • @mrtsautomotive
    @mrtsautomotive Год назад +2

    Preached on this last year.

  • @bestnews4you
    @bestnews4you 7 месяцев назад

    Good teaching.

  • @mrsemilybartrum
    @mrsemilybartrum Год назад

    What?!?!?! I just looked Brother... you are OVER A MILLION SUBSCRIBERS?!?!?
    How Mighty is our God? Mighty, Mighty!!

  • @Mackyanguson
    @Mackyanguson Год назад

    Amen brother ❤

  • @mrfunn2
    @mrfunn2 Год назад

    Thank you so much for that wow I learned something very important today

  • @thedude5689
    @thedude5689 11 месяцев назад

    This has to he one of the funniest stories in the Bible😂 So much character, sarcasm, the "someone randomly shot an arrow", all so so good

  • @rebeccaellis5892
    @rebeccaellis5892 Год назад

    Excellent teaching on prophecies.

  • @jayneking8340
    @jayneking8340 Год назад

    Keep preaching brother!

  • @valeriejackson8285
    @valeriejackson8285 Год назад

    Very True not because you said it you did the work to share the knowledge in reading to understand one must be willing to use several study resources within the Bible. Many People want To Be A god.

  • @collectibles4u
    @collectibles4u Год назад +1

    I loved this

  • @rollinssnider6825
    @rollinssnider6825 Год назад

    First time hearing you and I agree wholeheartedly.

  • @mloy1915
    @mloy1915 4 месяца назад

    False Prophets today require True Prophets today.

  • @funtimeswithraynanci4596
    @funtimeswithraynanci4596 Год назад

    Thanks you for sharing!!

  • @gabrielcabrera-n4w
    @gabrielcabrera-n4w 7 месяцев назад


  • @TFW-Alerts
    @TFW-Alerts Год назад

    A prophet's main role is to call people to REPENT. Unfortunately, many of the present day prophets are FORTUNE TELLERS and are often after money and fame. I'm not a fan of any "minister" who use ministry as a for prophet business, but your message here is RIGHT ON. THANK YOU.

  • @geraldineregina7069
    @geraldineregina7069 11 месяцев назад

    One of the rarely discussed passages in the bible: the lying spirit sent from God to deceive prophets!!! Makes me think about the Trump prophecies...Thank you for your courage Brother Allen. May the good Lord continue to bless and keep you!

  • @lukewagner8871
    @lukewagner8871 Год назад

    1 Timothy 4:9-11 KJVS
    This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. [10] For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. [11] These things command and teach.
    Any preacher who teaches contrary to the statement made by apostle Paul is a false prophet.

  • @mrsemilybartrum
    @mrsemilybartrum Год назад

    I was brought up in a church that had me "speaking in tongues" at seven and it was always about rules and special "God told me..." messages. I've found some people have good intentions, but we all know what they say about intentions.
    Remember, even Mary prayed for confirmation from God before buyjng what that angel of the Lord was saying. The Bible is a sieve. If it holds up in the sieve of the Bible... it's God's Word. If it contradicts, you better quit.

  • @Michael_the_Servant
    @Michael_the_Servant Год назад

    Biggest thing I think people should realize is someone can deliver a true prophetic word and not be an actual prophet of the Lord. Sometimes, the Lord just uses Donkeys.
    Taking that one step further, there are people who at times the Lord uses to deliver a prophetic words, but wouldn’t themselves call themself a prophet.
    I’ve delivered prophetic messages, but I wouldn’t call myself a prophet. I just try to make myself available for God to use. Yea, don’t have many friends, and self proclaimed prophets usually hate what I say when I share something.
    Prophets in the Bible weren’t popular, they were usually pretty lonely and disliked.

  • @gabeanonix3030
    @gabeanonix3030 Год назад

    Great job

  • @daPWNisher123
    @daPWNisher123 Год назад

    Absolutely loved the dramatization of this Bible story. Actually not sure if I knew this story prior to the vid! Thanks Allen, I believe the Lord is proud of your works💪🙏

  • @flyingmax9029
    @flyingmax9029 Год назад +1

    Are there false critics of true prophets?

  • @kitbin
    @kitbin Год назад +1

    Serious question. Among Charismatic beliefs is that the Apostolic gifts of miraculous healing, tongues and prophecy still happen today - in fact they are "normative." They believe in a second type of prophecy that can be wrong and it doesn't make that person a false prophet. Yet, I saw you say in another video that these beliefs are secondary issues. Please explain how false prophecy, gibberish and false healings are secondary issues. They are literally attributing something to the Holy Spirit that isn't of him (blasphemy). How can blasphemy be a secondary issue? I'm honestly trying to understand this. Why bother warning against false prophets if being wrong doesn't make someone a false prophet and it's just a secondary issue anyway?

  • @grimknight1452
    @grimknight1452 Год назад

    You can’t be led astray by false prophets because prophets don’t exist to begin with.

  • @Shaniyah_2014
    @Shaniyah_2014 Год назад

    Can u review rare of breed music and let us know your personal opinion on the music

  • @carlosmoore-iam
    @carlosmoore-iam Год назад

    Great message bro. Keep up the good work. I can't begin to tell you how much I have grown in the word of God studying with you, John Barnett and John MacArthur. God bless you as you go.

    • @Jesussaves.7777
      @Jesussaves.7777 Год назад +1

      Anyone who preaches a different gospel other than The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is a liar and is marked as false prophet and should be marked and avoided. Because they speak of devil their father and is calling GOD a liar which GOD CANNOT LIE EVER.
      If they say that Jesus Christ " didn't "come in the flesh then he is of the antichrist spirit
      Or Jesus Christ was only a " prophet "
      Or Jesus is " not" LORD
      Or Jesus Christ didn't die for our sin or was buried or rosed up from the dead on The Third Day
      Or Jesus doesn't give eternal life
      or you have to do works, water baptism, pray , call on the Lord, ask Jesus into your heart, be good , obey the ten commandments the law , keep sabbath on saturdays , lordship salvation, calvinistic teaching, pentacostal works based speaking in tongues teaching, be black , to receive Salvation etc ....then these people are All liars and don't speak for GOD at all destruction is upon them
      This is not in The Bible at all
      Please stay away from these liars .
      These are All Liars sending people straight to hell forever.
      GOD Loves us All so much.
      That He doesn't want none to perish but be with Him in Heaven FOREVER.
      The Bible says that we can (KNOW) that we have eternal life.
      True Repentance is:
      Repent means to change your mind from unbelief in Jesus Christ ALONE for Salvation to believing in Jesus Christ ALONE for Salvation. nothing more nothing less.
      I see a lot of Preaching and evangelism that is very dangerous and has very dangerous doctrines that are false gospels that's given to people daily . False gospels are Damnable heresies that leads the lost to destruction to hell forever.
      Some preach that Repenting means to " forsake sin or turn from sin or confess sins to receive Salvation" or " call upon the Name of The Lord to be saved" 0r " invite him in your heart to be saved" or etc everything of what that person a sinner can do but not focusing on what Jesus Christ did for us all on the cross and simply believing on that .
      To call upon "The Name of The Lord " one must believe first
      be saved first before we can call on GOD .
      Again "turning from sin" and" being good "and "obeying the law the ten commandments" etc.............
      that is not what that means to Repent for Salvation
      John 3:16 says For GOD so Love the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever BELIEVETH in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Life forever Life with no end .
      Repent for Salvation
      means to change your mind from unbelief in Jesus Christ ALONE for Salvation to Believing in Jesus Christ ALONE for Salvation.
      Notice the word Alone
      Putting their faith and Trust means to have confidence in who Jesus says He is and what He has done on the cross for us all by paying for our sins with His Powerful Innocent Precious Blood.
      Agreeing with GOD that The Good News we heard is True and Not a lie .
      Jesus's Blood is Sufficient ENOUGH.
      The Bible says our works are like Filthy rags given to GOD .
      Because of adam we all are sinners we all fall short of The Glory of GOD.
      But GOD made a way and The Only Way to Heaven/ with Him
      It Is Only through His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ
      sent in the flesh.
      who paid for our sins we stand guilty before a Perfect and Just GOD
      but yet Jesus Christ paid it All with His Own Precious Powerful Innocent Blood our Lord Jesus Christ
      He knew no sin He was Innocent and died a torturous death on a cross .
      Jesus was crucified, buried and Jesus Christ was RAISED up from the dead on The Third Day .
      Now our Lord Jesus Christ is sitting at The Right Hand of The Father in Heaven.
      Jesus Christ will be coming back soon one day to receive those who believed in Him.
      And those who rejected Him / those who didn't believe in Him Alone will be judged sentenced and casted into outer darkness, separated from GOD forever in a place where tortured souls will be getting punished suffering in a place where it is so hot with fire that never goes out a place for the devil and his demons in a place called hell forever .
      Jesus is The Way The Truth and The Life No one can go to The Father in Heaven except through Him Jesus Christ.
      Today is the day of Salvation.
      Believe now on The Lord Jesus Christ and be saved at this very moment.
      you do not have to say a prayer to be saved or be a good person or turn from sin to be Saved
      Just believe in Jesus's death burial and Resurrection
      Because Jesus Christ says "IT IS FINISHED ".
      It's paid in full. once you believe in Jesus Christ you're 💯 percent FORGIVEN.
      It is simple a child can do it.
      You will receive The Holy Spirit instantaneously and Sealed with The Holy Spirit until the Day of Redemption.
      You can't ever lose your Salvation.
      GOD CANNOT LIE EVER. So if GOD cannot lie then we cannot die .
      Once you believe you are now a Child of GOD. Sons of GOD.
      Once saved always saved.
      We are saved by Grace through faith in Christ Alone ❤️🙏
      Salvation is a Free GIFT from GOD and not earned by man through works lest any man should boast.
      Salvation and Discipleship are two different things.
      Salvation is Free but
      Discipleship is costly. Discipleship service to GOD is works we do to serve GOD but that's Only after you believe in Jesus alone for Salvation.
      After Salvation if we chose to live in sin GOD discipline us like a loving Father would.
      GOD will Chastened the ones who He loves and scourges every son Who He receives.
      Meaning they are consequences to sin in a believer's life that will be corrected with love on earth but Not in after we die in this life meaning GOD will NOT send His Own Child to Hell that's why Jesus was given our wrath we owed on the cross so we can be saved.
      Salvation is a one time event and at the moment you believe you are saved and sealed.
      Mark by GOD forever for Heaven.
      One must be born again to enter the kingdom of GOD.
      We are not saved by works only by Grace through faith in Christ Alone. Period nothing more nothing less.
      So important question is
      do you believe that you are a sinner deserving hell forever and you can't ever save yourself from hell forever?
      Do you believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh?
      Do you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord/ GOD and that Jesus Christ was crucified buried and Jesus Christ was Raised up from the dead on The Third Day?
      Do you believe that Jesus Christ paid for all your sins past present future with His Powerful Innocent Precious Blood ?
      Do you agree with GOD and believe all this to be True and do you receive GOD'S Gift of Salvation by believing in His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ?
      If yes then you're now a child of GOD a son of GOD. Welcome to The Family brother or sister ❤️🙏
      Now that you believed; you have life forever and you are going to Heaven. Praise GOD . ❤️🙏
      so if someone ask you do you have eternal life you should be confident enough to say

  • @lorishepard5897
    @lorishepard5897 7 месяцев назад

    Im not sure about prophets today.

  • @kevinmagalong5110
    @kevinmagalong5110 Год назад

    i love this preaching. I just wonder how and why you affiliate yourself with the false prophet david diga bro?

  • @philvanderbilt834
    @philvanderbilt834 10 месяцев назад

    can you recommend some pastors to listen too.

  • @rocoroco5749
    @rocoroco5749 Год назад

    How would we ask you a question and get it answered

  • @TboneWTF
    @TboneWTF Год назад +2

    I find it so entertaining watching one "honest" preacher demeaning and belittling another "dishonest" preacher! LOL. It's like watching a Punch and Judy puppet show! LOL. Good luck my "honest" friend.

  • @lmhayes60
    @lmhayes60 Год назад

    Let's be honest:
    The first defense of the doctrine of the Trinity was in the early 3rd century by the early church father . He explicitly defined the Trinity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and defended his theology against "Praxeas", though he noted that the majority of the believers in his day found issue with his doctrine.
    Though conservative in his worldview, Tertullian originated new theological concepts and advanced the development of early Church doctrine. He is perhaps most famous for being the first writer in Latin known to use the term trinity (Latin: trinitas).
    What Is the Trinity?
    What is the definition of the Trinity? Where did this doctrine come from? Is the Holy Spirit God and part of a triune Godhead?
    Belief in the Trinity is a central tenet of the Catholic Church and of most (if not all) Protestant denominations. The Catholics did not fully define the Godhead as composed of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or Trinity, until the end of the fourth century A.D. (more than 350 years after the birth of the New Testament church!).
    "The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion - the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another" (1913 Catholic Encyclopedia).
    Amazingly, the Catholics admit in their own encyclopedia that belief in a triune Godhead did NOT come from in-depth Bible study or research. They state, "In Scripture there is as yet no single term by which the Three Divine Persons are denoted together . . ." (ibid.)!
    The most popular and well-worn Bible verses used to 'prove' the Trinity is found in 1John 5, especially in the King James Version Bible. It states, "This is he that came by water and blood, [even] Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood . . . For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost . . . " (1John 5:6, 8, KJV).
    Theologians, however, recognize that words, used to justify adopting the Trinity, were inserted into 1John 5 probably as late as the 8th century A.D. The JFB commentary states that the only Greek manuscripts which support the words "in heaven, the father, etc." is one from Dublin, and that it is apparent the words in question were added later to the margin.
    The most accurate modern translation of these verses, which show they do not have anything to do with the Trinity, is "This is He Who came by water and blood - Jesus the Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood . . . For there are three that bear witness on the earth: the Spirit, and the water, and the blood" (1John 5:6, 8, HBFV).
    Is Jesus the second person of a Trinity? He is the Spokesman for God Almighty and the Creator of all things as outlined in the Book of Genesis. He is also the Lord of the Old Testament who became Christ in the flesh in the Gospels. The apostle Paul makes it abundantly clear that Jesus was not only the Deity of the Old Testament but was also the Being that led the Israelites out of bondage (1Corinthians 10:1 - 4).
    The Bible makes a distinction between Jesus Christ and God the Father. Jesus came to reveal the Father to the world as no one had seen him previously (John 1:18). He came to reveal him since he was also a member of the Godhead. No such revealing was needed for the Holy Spirit because it was not a person!
    Definitely not a person
    You can search the Bible from cover to cover, however, and you will not find anywhere that states the Holy Spirit is God (which would be the case if the Trinity were true) just like the Father and Jesus. The Bible simply does not teach that the Holy Spirit is a third member of some triune Godhead.
    The personality of Jesus is thoroughly provable from the Bible, but there is no such proof for the individuality and personality of the Holy Spirit. This information would clearly be in the inspired text IF the Godhead were triune in nature.
    The Holy Spirit, rather than being a person of some Trinity, is the power of God through which Jesus came to the earth through Mary's womb (Matthew 1:18). This fact was confirmed by an angel who visited Joseph (verse 20). It is this same spirit, according to the Apostle Paul, that he puts in the mind of those who are converted. It makes them one of God's children and gives them an opportunity to inherit all things through Christ (Romans 8:16, Hebrews 1:2, Galatians 4:7).
    What is the Godhead?
    The Godhead is currently composed of only two Beings. They are God the Father and Jesus Christ. Scripture, however, reveals that the Godhead is actually a family where other beings can be added to it and not a closed Trinity!
    The original language word used in the Old Testament for God is Elohim. It is a uni-plural noun like our words "group" or "church" or "family." This word shows that the Godhead is indeed open to more members.
    The Trinity doctrine deceptively hides God's purpose and plan for man. Such a teaching leads people astray from his purpose of adding far more members to his family. John the apostle fully understood why man was made in the first place.
    What glorious love the Father has given to us, that we should be called the children of God! . . . and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be . . . we shall be like Him (1John 3:1 - 2, HBFV).
    The teaching that the Godhead is triune is one of the chief false doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. It is also one of the primary false teachings Protestants took with them when they left the Catholics during the Reformation.
    The Biblical truth is that the Holy Spirit is the power through which God begets us as his dear children. It is decidedly not a person or part of some Trinity Godhead. Instead, it is defined in Scripture to be the power by which the Father and Jesus Christ accomplish their will
    but you already knew this that didn't you? makes one one of these individuals you think you are warning people about
    FYI, Hebrews 10:31
    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God but you already knew that or maybe you didn't.

  • @jaspsalmaison2421
    @jaspsalmaison2421 Год назад +1

    I might have to break this up in parts as I go, but first! EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD SHOULD BE PROPHESYING!!!!! PERIOD!!! His Word is very clear on this topic WE know in part and PROPHESY in PART!!!! The main thing we have to learn about prophesying is when to not keep going into our own words when we release the Lords word. To many a scared and still feel like they don’t hear the Lord which would be kinda a concern to me considering that His Word also declares that His sheep (us!) KNOW His voice. That might be where we should start first! I personally don’t think it’s a wise thing to just start calling yourself a prophet. The Lord will have people establish that for you! Also, major difference between a prophet and one who prophecies and then according to the Word prophets and main/major prophets! Then you look at how most prophets are usually attacked, for being prophets! And some in cases are even called false prophets! Hey the Word (Deuteronomy 13) even says a prophet leading you astray (false prophet!) can have things come to pass! And Jonah who is considered a prophet has no recorded prophecies coming to pass, so it’s not about all that! We’re still treating prophecies like crystal balls!!! God clearly has documentation of changing the plan in scripture even after He told someone something and He knows and has His reasons for it that we might not ever understand in our own lifetime, but He is God!

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад +1

      Paul was very clear on the fact that God chooses who He wants to be a prophet. Literally no one has the license to take that rank just because there is a lot of clout in it.

  • @jimmysweat2200
    @jimmysweat2200 Год назад

    Bro watch the hands
    Ezekiel 13:1-16 male
    Ezekiel 13:17:23 female

  • @Marc_Anthony
    @Marc_Anthony Год назад


  • @straightbuttadating
    @straightbuttadating Год назад

    People are so confused when they don’t have to be. Christians that don’t study the Word of God have no discernment at all and follow anyone that has a big platform and large following. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth.

  • @andrewv.7527
    @andrewv.7527 Год назад +59

    This video is so very true. There was a time when I listened to someone who claimed to hear the voice of God. I was still a very new baby Christian back then. And when things didn’t turn out the way this “prophet” had said it would I was so very distraught mentally and emotionally to the point I became feverish and had a splitting headache. The moment I conceived a thought to question God for everything I immediately asked for forgiveness. And prayed that I will only listen to Him not anyone else who claims to hear from Him. My headache went away and I felt peace.
    Today it’s been over 10 years since the day I surrendered my life to the Lord. Since then, I have been so so so very critical and careful when it comes to prophecy.

    • @lindawilliams5015
      @lindawilliams5015 Год назад +1

      It messed my life up. Don't have room to tell it all. A lot of it was false and never came to pass. Yes God is good, but I tell you and others run from these false prophets and churches

  • @estherkluvia9625
    @estherkluvia9625 Год назад +32

    This is indeed a very timely message, because the church is in a state of confusion concerning prophecies 🙏👍🙌

    • @BruceFillman-ek7sj
      @BruceFillman-ek7sj Год назад +1

      So is Allen Parr.

    • @Kra-ri6fd
      @Kra-ri6fd Год назад

      @BruceFillman-ek7sj for a man who doesn't like Allen Parr because he supposedly tears down other people and churches, you certainly love to tear him down....just saying. Hypocrisy is sneaky.

    • @tristantimothy1004
      @tristantimothy1004 Год назад

      What confusion? Anyone who knows Jesus & their Bibles aren't confused at all. It's the APOSTACY in today's " woke" churches that's staggeringly wrong.

  • @ambition112
    @ambition112 Год назад +113

    0:00: 📚 This video discusses five important things every Christian needs to know about prophecy, including the danger of following false prophets.
    3:26: 🔍 The importance of being open to correction in prophecy.
    6:03: 📜 The story teaches us to be discerning of the prophets we listen to and to value those who speak the truth, even if it offends.
    8:54: 🗣 A true prophet should use their platform to call people back to repentance and speak specific messages from God.
    12:17: 🔒 The Lord allows lying spirits to deceive and mislead Christians.
    15:40: 📖 The video discusses a biblical passage where the prophet Micaiah predicts the downfall of King Ahab, who is relying on false prophets for guidance.
    18:08: 💔 Listening to false prophets can cost you your life, whether it be physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
    Recap by Tammy AI

    • @duniashukurani3128
      @duniashukurani3128 Год назад +1


    • @daniellecharland-gruhzit1177
      @daniellecharland-gruhzit1177 Год назад

      Thank you for the recap

    • @memunatusaffa9216
      @memunatusaffa9216 11 месяцев назад

      Awesome. Thx for the recap. Well appreciated

    • @jasminehowell9964
      @jasminehowell9964 11 месяцев назад

      Why on earth would our God who promised to protect as as Christians allow someone to decieve us on purpose especially false prophets and false teachers of the gospel that's not fair

  • @ElizabethMayo-sf4wg
    @ElizabethMayo-sf4wg Год назад +44

    I love Allen Parr for so many reasons! He knows God and His Word and he teaches so interestingly!! I love the Old Testament and that Allen teaches so well about it.

  • @tic8259
    @tic8259 Год назад +131

    This was a good message Pastor Parr!!! I love that you read this account straight from the Bible. Amen!!!

    • @salserokorsou
      @salserokorsou Год назад

      Ask him to read Exodus 21.

    • @northtrader
      @northtrader Год назад +3

      "Pastor" is a role - not a title - just saying.

    • @sandragambrel9721
      @sandragambrel9721 Год назад +1

      @@northtrader I agree. He's brother Parr, amen.

    • @tic8259
      @tic8259 Год назад +1

      @@northtrader so do you think some of these RUclipsrs are not shepherding? They are leading some people for sure. I think he's had classes and seminars, does that not count? He's not my actual pastor but I feel like he's playing the role of Pastor 🤷🏾‍♀️

    • @northtrader
      @northtrader Год назад

      @@tic8259 I never said he was "not shepherding". All I said was "pastor" is not a title - it's a role in the body of Christ. Just like other roles.

  • @adriannecadwell527
    @adriannecadwell527 Год назад +20

    Its the voices while dramatizing the story that gets me. When I teach Sunday School, I try to do the same thing. Great study and great teaching. 🙌🏾

  • @turquoisebrowntq
    @turquoisebrowntq Год назад +5

    Reminds me of the story in 1 Kings 13:11-34 where the old prophet told the prophet of Judah to stay at his home for dinner. The prophet of Judah didn’t follow God’s instructions and stayed at the old prophet’s home. He wound up getting attacked and killed by a lion. Sometimes God will have already given us instructions but because a person may seem more seasoned or well known, we listen to them. We truly have to be careful.

  • @taylore22
    @taylore22 Год назад +32

    Ok right when you said kings I was like yes!!!! I did a Bible study on Kings and now it is one of my favorite books in the Bible so much God has given us to learn! This story in particular is one of my favorites! Great breakdown and video brother! ✝️

    • @salserokorsou
      @salserokorsou Год назад

      What about Exodus 21? Did you touch that one yet?

  • @lansan3430
    @lansan3430 Год назад +3

    A false prophet according to God is those who entices others to disobey His laws and commandments like teaching others to break the Sabbath or dietary and other commandments!

  • @tinymompj
    @tinymompj Год назад +2

    Prophecy is speaking under the unction, what God says...and it always edifies, glorifies God, and confirms to the saints, what God has ALREADY spoken to them by Holy Spirit. People today should NOT be seeking prophecies from others but asking Holy Spirit who is supposed to dwell in them, what He has to say and He WILL tell them! Have Jesus and be baptized by Holy Spirit and with fire, and live holy. God bless.

  • @annbee4494
    @annbee4494 6 месяцев назад +2

    Prophets can not be man-pleasers, but God- pleasers. We need more of those prophets.

  • @itspaolaaa
    @itspaolaaa Год назад +19

    Love the voices brother Parr. I am a 14-year-old girl and I respect you. I want to grow my relationship with the Lord, and I have just been struggling to be righteous. Oh, Lord, have mercy on me and all of these people.

    • @jandrewbelk
      @jandrewbelk Год назад

      Keep listening to Brother, Parr. I pray that you have been born again and is active in a God-centered church. Schedule time to read the Bible.

    • @itspaolaaa
      @itspaolaaa Год назад +1

      @@jandrewbelk amen yes. I am a born again believer.

    • @itspaolaaa
      @itspaolaaa Год назад +2

      @@jandrewbelk my family and I go to a Bible believing church. I need to get better at my Bible reading though.

    • @Fernando-qs7bl
      @Fernando-qs7bl Год назад

      ​@@itspaolaaaYou might want to listen to E-Bible Fellowship studies or the open forum q and a.

    • @Fernando-qs7bl
      @Fernando-qs7bl Год назад

      ​@@itspaolaaaListen to e-bible fellowship studies and open forum q and a.

  • @harlonleo8707
    @harlonleo8707 Год назад +10

    Hey from South Africa brother. Beautiful lesson. It's so true, I have personally come across two of these false prophets recently on youtube. It's really scary how many followers they have gained in such a little bit of time. If anybody tries to correct them even when using scripture they humiliate them publicly by putting their names in a video and calling them names and stuff. I'm just glad I knew enough about the bible to distinguish the truth from the lie. I love that this video has the ability to help a believer that is still just learning about the faith to discern the difference between real and fake prophets. Thank you for that brother. God bless you

  • @garydurandt4260
    @garydurandt4260 Год назад +2

    Good message Allen, pity you did not go so far and name of few of these false prophets, i.e. Katt Kerr, Timothy Dixon, Robin Bullock, Hank Kunneman and Julie Green.

  • @nictwisp
    @nictwisp Год назад +10

    I’ve heard this quite a few times this year, and read it on my own quite a bit! I think because we are living in a time of an Ahab and a Jezebel in the leadership of this country! This is profound, thank you for your insight into this biblical account! 🙏🏽

    • @samurai_fx4911
      @samurai_fx4911 Год назад +4

      I find it a bit amusing that you would make such a veiled comment about the President and the Vice President.
      The truth is that is nation is wicked all day long. I know that this nation has always professed itself to be God fearing but that is not the case. Both of the major political parties have their ungodly faults. I don’t see one more righteous than the other?

  • @ricia4405
    @ricia4405 Год назад +17

    This was 🔥🔥🔥. Thank God for you. Thank you for this. It came right on time.
    I found myself at a church like this years ago where they tell you what they want you to hear and it didn’t ruin my life, but messed up my relationship with God. I almost walked away because I was mad at God because I didn’t receive what I was told (by a false prophet) I would receive. I eventually pursued God and what he wanted by reading His Word and God led me to people like Allen and true prophets that speak what God wants us to hear.

    • @BruceFillman-ek7sj
      @BruceFillman-ek7sj Год назад

      Allen is a false teacher. God definitely didn't lead you to him. Almost all his videos are false doctrine.

    • @m.koenigskind6479
      @m.koenigskind6479 Год назад

      Why is Allen a false teacher?

    • @BruceFillman-ek7sj
      @BruceFillman-ek7sj Год назад

      @@m.koenigskind6479 I gave an explanation in the regular comments that is pretty specific. But in short, he teaches many doctrines that are false. He doesn't believe all 10 comments. One of the biggest other issues is that instead of just preaching truth, he likes to tear down other people, churches, etc. He even did a video on why he isn't a false teacher. That seems pretty desperate to me.

    • @m.koenigskind6479
      @m.koenigskind6479 Год назад

      Found it, read it ...i see...
      The Sabbath is a very important point to you...ok
      But I don't see where he is tearing down other churches...well, I keep what its good and what I see different, I see different.
      God bless

    • @sovereigngodlisaloves9525
      @sovereigngodlisaloves9525 Год назад +4

      Is it tearing down other individuals or was he contending for the faith? Because biblically this is what we're commanded to do--to "earnestly" fight against false doctrine and false teachers in order to protect against the destruction of souls (and to edify God's word). You have to regard the bottom line, not see superficially.
      As far as a video on not being a false prophet, it wasn't personal desperation, it was a reaction. In that video he was giving points on NOT getting down in the dirt with those who use his image to boost their less popular channels. He chose to not answer any of the specific accusations or to go tit for tat with them. Instead, he was explaining his reasons for choosing to stand down using biblical verses and principles that would inspire us to take the high road when under attack.

  • @WV591
    @WV591 Год назад +4

    you're knowledge and belief comes from above. what a blessing.