When I was in labour my shoulders being rubbed rocking and being on my hands and knees took the pain off my lower back and breathing and keep calm the more relaxed you are the the better.I had a drug free labour
Nope. That was the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. There was no breathing through that lol. I asked for the epidural pretty quickly. Then it failed and I ended up in excruciating pain with like only 2-3 minutes of relief between contractions for 12 hours… and then ended up with a c-section 😂
When I was in labour my shoulders being rubbed rocking and being on my hands and knees took the pain off my lower back and breathing and keep calm the more relaxed you are the the better.I had a drug free labour
I agree with all these tips except the comb. The comb was not enough of a distraction for me
Nope. That was the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. There was no breathing through that lol. I asked for the epidural pretty quickly. Then it failed and I ended up in excruciating pain with like only 2-3 minutes of relief between contractions for 12 hours… and then ended up with a c-section 😂