Smiling Depression The Hidden Struggle that no one is talking about

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
    LINK: Overcoming Depression
    Behind every smile, there can be hidden struggles and pain. You might even be one of those people struggling so much, but put on a smiling face even though you feel like you are sinking.
    Smiling depression, a somewhat new term to describe people who are struggling with high-functioning depression, is a lonely battle that many individuals face. In today’s episode, we dive into the topic of smiling depression, exploring what it is and how it affects those who suffer from it.
    First of all, let me be clear. Smiling Depression is not a specific mental health diagnosis. Instead, it is a presentation of depression. Unlike well-known symptoms of depression, those with smiling depression put on a facade of happiness. They may appear perfectly fine on the surface, leaving their inner turmoil hidden from the outside world. Unfortunately, this masks the severity of their emotional struggles, making it difficult for others to offer support or understanding.
    It is important to acknowledge the hidden struggles of smiling depression and offer compassion and support to those who are silently battling this condition. They are not lying or faking it to deceive you. Instead, they feel completely trapped. They often see no way but to keep going and keep pretending. They just keep smiling, even though they see an end in sight. They put a smile on their face, and they push through. Even just saying that makes me want to cry, as I have been in this situation too many times. I completely understand the pressure (often self-induced pressure) just to keep going and “not complain,” “look at the bright side,” or “be grateful for what I have,” even though I was being crushed with hopelessness, helpfulness and worthlessness.
    My hope is by addressing this topic, we can create an environment where you feel safe to express your true emotions and seek help. You are not broken. You are not wrong for feeling this way. And asking for help does not make you weak or bad. You deserve to have support, love, compassion, and time to recover.
    Smiling depression can be difficult to identify, as those who experience it often mask their true emotions behind a smile. However, there are certain signs and symptoms that can help us recognize this hidden condition.
    One common characteristic of smiling depression is the apparent contradiction between a person's outward demeanor and their inner emotional state. While they may appear cheerful, happy, and successful, they may be struggling with feelings of hopelessness, helpfulness, worthlessness, emptiness, sadness, or even thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
    Another smiling depression symptom is the tendency to keep their struggles hidden from others. Individuals with smiling depression often feel the need to maintain a facade of happiness, fearing that opening up about their inner turmoil will burden or disappoint those around them. This can lead to a sense of isolation and loneliness, further exacerbating their emotional struggles.
    Furthermore, individuals with smiling depression often experience a lack of motivation and interest in activities they once enjoyed. They may withdraw socially, have difficulty concentrating, and experience changes in appetite and sleep patterns. These symptoms, when combined with the constant pressure to maintain a happy facade, can take a toll on their overall well-being.
    What I think is very interested is the overlap of Smiling depression and perfectly hidden depression. We previously did an episode with Margaret Rutherford about perfectly hidden depression which is a form of depression where people become hyper fixated on being perfect to mask their experience of depression. You can listen that episode on the show notes to learn more.

Комментарии • 3

  • @kristymarie6065
    @kristymarie6065 4 месяца назад

    Thank you

  • @MattBannister35
    @MattBannister35 4 месяца назад

    Such a great episode Kim! I resonate with this so much with past experiences. Thank you for sharing and bringing Smiling depression to light 🙌🫶🫶🫶

  • @kylebrown7531
    @kylebrown7531 2 месяца назад

    Society? No. It's the economy. I can tell you, the main reason, at least for me, is fear of losing jobs, income, and means of living. People with SD literally can't afford to let this condition give an employer a chance or reason to fire them.