Your brother has the most well-shuffled deck of cards ever. Other than that, it took a lot of bravery for you to come out with such honesty - hope your dad has come to better terms with it and that you found the family support you were needing.
hard to believe almost four years have gone by... I hope this video has helped other people struggling w the same problems. remember guys don't feed the trolls in the comments :)
+david195335 So whats the story?!?!? In the video you say youve never been with a guy. Have you since this video? (Just curious, love the video by the way.)
I don't understand when parents say "I don't agree with this"... what is there to agree about? It's not a matter that can be discussed or you can't find a middle ground. It is what it is. The guy is gay. That's a fact. You don't put up for diacussion factual things. There's nothing to agree or disagree on. What the hell?
David, you are an amazing and strong man. I wish I would have been as strong when I was your age. I waited, and regret it so much. Thanks for being such a wonderful influence on other gay young men, afraid of coming out. You rock
The dad's response is actually a good one. Many parents, especially fathers can be extremely unaccepting. I mean worst case scenario is you get disowned, so compared to what could have been, this is great. A lot of parents who react this way become even more comfortable with it as time goes by. Props to this guy and his family.
Dad failed. He was doing great, eyes and attention fully alert, until "I can't say I support it" was uttered.... If you're a father and your son says he's gay, your only reaction should be to get up, give him a hug, and say "That's alright. I'm glad you're thinking and living for yourself" -- as I will tell my son/daughter should the scenario ever arise.
"If I could be straight I would be" aw dude, c'mon. You are who you are, be proud of who you are and don't change or wish you could change for anything.
Being gay us a sexual orientation, idiot. Just as being straight is a sexual orientation. People do not chose. Homophobe. Nobody is hurting you or anybody else. So, why would it bother you? You must be closeting your own feelings deep down. If you were secure in your own sexuality, you wouldn't give a shit.
I have to applaud this young man for taking these steps to come out to his dad. Parents of gay kid(that have never dealt with homosexuality issues in the past) will have a higher chance of getting a little uncomfortable with this. Ignorant people will write negative comments but thank goodness we could just walk away from people like that.
Man I really inspire you for doing this. I can't imagine how hard it has been for you discuss this with them. You are a great man and thank you for sharing this with public
I have a gay cousin, he is one of the most awesome people ive ever met, he always helps me and others, just because youre gay doesnt mean you bad, this video deserves a like
I love this dad. He's honest. He still remains loving no matter what. I don't want to see you make out either, gay or straight. Family is first and he's not willing to lose his son.
I haven't watched part 2 yet. I plan to. And I'm really saddened by the families unpleasant reaction. But I have to say. The boy who came out to his family is so remarkably brave and intelligent and I hope he knows it. It's not a choice, you're born gay and there isn't anything wrong with that. It's beautiful that this boy is honoring himself and the world by telling his truth and even though I don't even know you're name. I love you for you're amazing bravery. Be the only and best you that you can be and I truly believe you'll have an amazing happy life. Don't let anyone sway or shame you. All my love and support. You're awesome. Literally.
Hate how people in the comments are saying you can't be born gay. That's bullshit, of course you can. In what way is it a choice? Please, enlighten me and tell me in detail the time you made the choice to be straight. You would argue right back and say you were born straight. If it were true that it was a choice, then everyone would be attracted to both sexes until they were old enough to think for themselves and then they'd have to think, "What's my sexuality?", then make the choice among the many. But that doesn't happen. You are born attracted to the sex(es) you're attracted to now, and that's it. Not a choice. It just upsets me how even though we as a world are coming closer each day to equality, and how we have advanced so much in it in a short time, being anything other than straight is still treated so differently. Why should those other than straight have to even have a "coming out of the closet" conversation? To make the same point, are straight people expected to come out as straight? Nope. Too many people grow up thinking straight is the only "right" or "normal" way to go and anything else is different and should be treated so. For an example, a guy should be able to come home and tell his parents that he likes a boy, just the same as another guy might come home and tell his parents he likes a girl, without having to state that he is gay beforehand. I can only hope that generations will start teaching their kids that it's okay to love whoever they want, no matter what they've been told by society. Sigh. Sorry for the long comment, just got off on a rant due to some comments.
The problem is that the majority of it is rooted in deep religious beliefs. And beliefs are HARD to change. People will go to WAR over a belief. People will defend their beliefs to the death. And to challenge said belief, is like an insulting slap to the face. I bet when someone tells you that your belief is wrong, your first gut instinct is to be insulted, but then your rationality kicks in to straighten you out. This is hard to do, and not many people can accomplish this. Religious beliefs have been deeply bred into our society for hundreds if not THOUSANDS of years. You can't expect those to be purged just because of a few decades of change. It's most likely going to take another few hundred, if not a few thousands to get to the point where those beliefs are proven wrong, and changed for the better. All you can do, is try to be as tollerant as you can, and try to teach the upcoming generations tolerance. It's the only way to win this ''debate'' or ''war'' on intolerance, and bigotry, and beliefs.
From a scientific perspective, animals are born with the need to engage in sexual activity. This need to engage in such activity is based on the need for reproduction and the survival of the species. It would be very counterproductive, if not detrimental to a species' survival if from birth it was determined that a male for example, would only want to engage in sexual activity with other males (e.g. The existence of a "gay" gene). Therefore, being "straight" is the "default" orientation because it is necessary for survival. Being homosexual however, is still NOT a choice. From a young age, several environmental factors and genetic INFLUENCES (not a specific gene that turns homosexuality "on and off") affect your sexual preferences.
SmerrillS .Reviews You made some great points. However this argument goes further than that. For generations parents that are not religious at all have treated their gay kids with disdain. The reasons out side of religion, were selfish ones. Parents did not want to lose their standing in social groups should anyone find out they had a gay child...especially a son. Second, the sheer embarrassment to them thinking others would think they were such lousy parents they raised a kid to be gay or allowed it. As gays are making HUGE social strides, parents do not have to feel that way. Society still has a long way to go , but we have come a long long way in a very short time. Thank God for that.
johnnyohness But still, a great amount of those people, were influenced by religious parents. Religion still plays a harsh role in this. Whether it be from the values taught by the parents or not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-religion. I myself am a religious person, but I go by God's teachings that you should treat everyone like you should be treated. I believe to do anything less, is to betray said faith. Especially if you're picking and choosing which tenants to adhere to. Yes, in some manners and probably many, it's due to social status, but most of that, comes from people from your church being biggots and judging you due to your family. It's where those fears started. It originated there.
wadoryu2u homosexuality is rampant in the animal kingdom. and there are plenty of evolutionary theories of homosexuality. scientifically, i'm making an educated guess that you never made it past 12th grade.
Hundreds of thousands of years It’s always existed. Christianity and other abrahamic religions just made it “wrong”. It’s just something that happens, it’s not right or wrong.
I could feel your emotion and apprehension ,,,,, it takes guts ,,, funny that gay people often show much more strength of character and courage than most people ,,, good luck and a huge hug XXXX
marlon alston Just b/c he has the courage to do you what you dont? Why don't you google "homophobia" and "scientific study" and find out why you watch so much gay porn.
shut the fuck up anonymous blue avatar! You don't have the courage to same what you just said with your real name and picture up.... So keep hiding in the background punk!!!!!
I think the person who was shuffling the cards was way more nervous than the gay kid coming out to his father. It seemed like he was going to break the table or something.
This made me cry. My brother is transgender, an it sucks that my family doesn't support or at least accept that this is who she is. I just wish people could just understand that love is love and this is who we are. But needless to say I will always love my brother and will support him when he makes the change.
I can relate to the "tried fixing it" and "would be straight if I could be" I realized that I had feelings for my fellow male friends, but the whole "thats gay" shit scared me. I was so afraid that friends and family wouldn't except me that I avoided and restricted myself from doing AANNYTHING that was somehow related to the gay stereotype, I even forced myself into a lot of relationships (I'm only 16 and the last girl I dated was when I was 14) just to get myself labeled as a "player" so noone would think I liked men..Not only until about a year and a half ago did I start to accept it. Now I have told multiple friends and even my mom (still too scared to tell my dad @-@) Sorry for the long read, who ever happened to read this, thanks for doing so, I may have skipped a few things and made some grammar mistakes because I'm really sick right now.
I think you are a complete boss for coming out and speaking so articulately from the heart when faced with family who were not very accepting. You’re awesome
Very proud of him for coming out to his father and although his dad might not understand it now, he still loves his son and that is a true Christian- Jesus would NEVER treat someone with hatred and after reading some of the comments on this video I think you might want to re-examine your views! Let the hatred out of your heart and love one another- gay or straight!
You are totally right. This is a true Christian. He may not understand what his son is going through but he shows love and support not hate and exiling his song from the family. Christianity is about love not hate. Why would someone choose to be gay if they knew all the hatred and stigma that is directed at them?
seems to me that you are saying this through a specific religious (type of religion) point of view. Seems also that you are not familiar with the Bible. Back to school no ofence intended but you are wasting my time and others' as well by leading them to false belive. The verse is Corinthiens 6,9-10 if you want to argue do your homewrok fist.
***** also keep in mind that I am not a religious person but general culture and general knowledge of things will only elevate and evolve you as a huma being.
This is taking it a step further to possible translations. This is not a battle it was a difference in opinion grow up!! As for me I won't be debating this any further with possible translations from hebrew and what not. It isn't woth my time.
I know for some people, believing homosexuality is a choice, is easier because what if your child and you don't accept it? You want to believe they can change. Well they can't. You are born and you grow up and you fall in love with whoever, you're attracted to whoever and so on, and sometimes its a girl, sometimes its a boy and sometimes its the same sex. The only difference, and it is literally the only difference between same sex couples and opposite sex couples is that there are 2 of the same gender. That is all, their feelings are no different, their love is no different, who they are as a person is no different. And yet people seem to treat it as if homosexuals are completely different people that can be altered. If a homosexual could choose to be straight, I'm betting a lot of them would because no one chooses to be born into a life where they get criticised and their basic human right to love whoever they want, is stripped from them and they are judged and punished for who they love. And yet, people still think it's a choice. People still think it's wrong. And why? Because they can't stand the idea of someone being different to them, they can't stand the thought of their children growing up and coming out to them, they can't stand the thought of someone living their life normally within the same breathing distance of them because of who they love. But mainly, because there's nothing they can do to change what they don't like, despite it having no impact on their life whatsoever, and because they can't change it, they don't like it. Humans are creatures of habit, unfortunately, some people are stuck in the habit of judging what they don't understand and shying away from it.
Dude, I am so proud of your willingness to share the real you with your family; your Dad loves you and in his honesty that one thing shines clearly. Have a wonderful loving life.. God Bless
was not hoping for a celebration, just acceptance. I came out more to help me cope with my sexual orientation rather than inform my family. If i hadnt told them that day im scared of where id be today. thanks for watching and your comment!:)
You are such an inspiration, I just love how you came out in your own way. I love how you connected with your father as you took the huge step of coming out. I hope the best of luck to you and your future.
I completely support anybody who is lesbian/gay. They do not choose their sexuality or who they are. I believe that everybody deserves respect for who they are. Not what they are.
My parents aren't proud of my heterosexuality, nor do the agree with it. They just don't care... They care more about my hatred for mushrooms as that means they can't serve that when I come to dinner...
WOW!, That took major balls on your part, you really said all the right things, that was the craziest card game you'll ever play in your life! I see a lot of family dysfunction in that conversation, your dad laughing and playing cards during such an important and honest disclosure on your part. I sure hope you did find someone to love since your coming out, you are an intelligent and kind person, that is very obvious. I hope you found the happiness you deserve and I hope your dad is now respecting you more as a man and he realizes what a wonderful son he has.
I think I'm bi...I really do...I don't know. I feel like sometimes I'm really attracted to boobs, and other times guys are hot. I would like to get married and have a family, be it one or the other, but I'm just not sure.
tj Tanner I'm just not sure...Like, I really find myself liking both. Like I think penises are weird, but so are vaginas. I don't like looking at either, but the rest of the bodies are fine. I feel weird about it...I've never had sex, partially because I'm worried I won't like it or something. Masturbation is fun and fine, but the actual sex part I'm not sure about. I would love to try it, but I just can't find someone.
Rosebunse I'm still a virgin too. I second guess myself a lot. For instance, I can tell that a guy I know is attracted to me or at least giving me vibes when we're talking and I'm attracted to him too but I'm afraid to make the first move. I'm not completely sure if he's gay, bisexual, straight or even want to be out yet. So making that move would also be like outing me. That's a very big step. I'm sure on day you and I will find someone to act upon because there are other people just like you and I. Until then, I wouldn't force it. It'll come when the time is right. And trust when the right time comes, best believe IT'S GOING DOWN! ;)
tj Tanner Here's my thing...I'm about 90% that guys aren't attracted to me. The only time I'm ever hit when the guy is a loser. Like, a serious loser, like he thinks I'm as desperate as he is. And then when he sees someone else, he goes for them...
Rosebunse oh wow. Well I'm handsome (or so I know. I've been told), I work out so I'm pretty built and I'm well groomed (I just like to take care of myself, personal hygiene, skin, diet, sleep, health and hair. I dress in clothes that fit my physique. Just work on yourself a little bit more and some people will appreciate those little things about you. Enhance things best about yourself. Or you can make people think you are more attractive than you really are. I think confidence works too.
Thanks for sharing this very important part of your life with youtube viewers. I can only imagine how awkward it must of been. Growing up with out a father I never had to comfort this. Your father said something that is interesting to me. "If you bring him over (bf)...that's fine, but if you're making out with the guy. Then I'll have a problem with it." Not in those exact words. I think a father would say this to his daughter. Not that you are a girl but that's interesting. If your brother's would kiss a girl he wouldn't have a problem with it. I believe he would even encourage it.
I used to be equally uncivilized (have to spell it with a 'z'; I'm in Amurica). I was raised as a bible-fundamentalist. It took a while, but I eventually expanded my mind and disposed of all my ideologies. Fortunately, the ideologues that remain in this world are the mere remnants of a dying breed.
96rorrim Well done. It is not an easy task to shed one's beliefs when you are raised to believe them as irrefutable fact. When arguing against radical religious zealots I try to keep that in mind. It is indeed fortunate that such archaic ideologies are on the decline, but the rate of decline is still painfully slow.
I think your father handled it really well! Glad you came out and do not have to feel like you have to hide it from your family or anyone. Hope you have a happy,fun and loving life!!! Keep playing spades!
Not for everyone. What if you live in a place like Saudi Arabia or Uganda where you can be imprisoned or killed for being gay? What about if your parents decide to kick you out for being gay?
Corey Walker it's not easy at first, but afterwords, life is easy. not a single gay person has regretted coming out of the closet after they did in the long run
Nhel Cosby notice how I said life is easy after it. Yes it's very difficult at first when you come out. My dad didn't talk to me for a week because he was so ashamed of me, as well as my other family. I haven't talked to my uncle in 3 years because of it. It was the hardest few weeks of my life after I came out, but in retrospect now, I am a much stronger, better person because I grew the courage to do it. If you can grow the courage to do something like that, imagine what else you can be brave enough to do. That's why life is easier afterwords.
***** if you lived in saudi arabia, you probably wouldn't be typing your ridiculous comment anyways. Pretty sure anybody who read that comment lives in a country where it's okay, and that's what I meant
You do, just take a breath and let Them know. If they don't accept you, at least you can go to sleep at night with a clear conscience that you don't have a secret anymore. And if they accept you, then that's a bonus and you can live your life happily ever after. I'm straight but I support people being who they are are. Just be truthful and good things will happen.
Your a dad is a great loving understanding and compassionate working past his comfortablity and loving his son. Kudos to a great family that doesn't just kick you out the door and say get out i have no son.
I'm so proud of you. That took a lot of guts and you were very well spoken. Good luck to you! Thank you for sharing this very personal and life changing moment with the world.
omg. you can not be serious. a man and woman vital for a proper upbringing? I'm not sure if you're still stuck in the old times, but please be a little more aware and pay attention that there are SO many gay/lesbian couples with children who are perfectly fine. As a daughter of two moms, it disgusts me that people still continue to think this way. Studies show that often children of gay and lesbian couples are less judge mental and more caring towards their peers. Also, it showed that they are a lot more compassionate about people and topics that they believe in. I would love to hear why you believe it is vital for a man and woman to raise a child in order for that child to be another brainwashed "proper" kid according to society.
Bag Man Actually kids that have 2 same sex parents have a good upbringing also more happy and study shows that same sex couples don't get divorce as much as straight couples, ever heard of a gay person rising they kid by them self?
The son said he wants his dad to "support him the same way he would if Jacob (his brother) had a girlfriend". In other words... "dad, I'm gay. I want you to agree with me about this topic, or you don't love me". FUCK THAT!!! Loving someone does not mean you automatically agree with every mode of living, every topic, all morality, etc etc... It would literally be like saying, "Dad, I have decided that I want to marry 8 women and I want your support." Its an invalid line of reasoning to assume that people that "love" you will agree with every fucking fart you let. In fact, this kids problem is not that he's gay... this kids problem is that he's a fucking selfish prick for putting his dad on the spot like this!!!!
***** You are suggesting that if a person loves another person then they will have to agree with them about morality, world views and their overall mode of living? What 2 people agree with everything? Your assertion is ridiculous. In fact, its downright narcissistic to think that everyone will agree with YOUR morality... otherwise they don't truly "love" you. Sounds like my 3 year old that says I don't "love" him because I wont let him play in the street... and for good reason.. its bad for him. I suggest you try to find the true meaning of love. It may just surprise you.
I sorry but you wrong on that, there's plenty of people that don't support certain lifestyle choices there kids have made that doesn't mean they do love them; they just don't support that lifestyle, and bringing your gay lover to your fathers church without permission... This kid was asking for trouble.
Nunya Well although I understand what you're saying, and even agree with it in small part, you can't, or rather shouldn't, compare serial killer to a gay person, they may both be sins (for ppl who count being gay as a sin), but they are not in the same league. That's not fair. Although I did hear from somewhere that in the bible all sin is the same or something along those lines..but that's kind of messed up, so let's say heaven/hell/god is real (of course you don't have to if you already believe), and there is a serial killer, kills a few or a dozen people and he's insanely psycho and evil. obviously will prob go to hell..then here we have a person who believes, feels they are gay. let's say they are one of the nicest people you would ever meet, and he lives a happy, yet challenging life. So, in the end, would he go to hell just because of 1 fact of their life? that's pretty f'd up for a religion, in my opinion..
***** Umm being gay is a choice, and some feel it is not. I dont ever see myself being with a guy, girls are're girls :) but if I wanted to, I could say i'm gay and date some guys, so how is being gay Not a choice in some circumstances?
Dad did right to not agree and condone. But, he also should stand up spiritually and pray for his son. This is a SPIRIT that attacks men and women. Son said he fought it 10 years. This shows he had a different will, and desired something else. But, he lost his battle.
your the one who sounds ignorant, there not insulting him; all they said was that his father should've prayed with him.... Calm down anonymous blue avatar.
You've got to be shitting me. People like you are why kids kill themselves. He doesn't need some fairy ass prayers to some imaginary god in the sky, he needs his family to accept him the way he is, the way he was born.
Good Gosh, WHY IS EVERYTHING ABOUT GAYS AND MEXICANS I MEAN SERIOUSLY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ITS SO DAMN OLD WOOP DE DO YOU HAVE SEX WITH ANOTHER MAN LIKE I GIVE 2 FUCKS, I CAME HERE TO KICK SOME REAR AND GRAB A MOTHER F*CKING BEER!
Bro thanks for being so strong, enought to be who you are and accept yourself. Your hot too and hope you finally able to enjoy a lifetime of being who you are.
Dude, you handled that SO well! Like almost perfectly. This video should definitely be very helpful to others coming out. Also, I love spades and clicked on it because I thought coming out while playing spades was pretty cool. I never call them 'books' though, always 'tricks.' But it's probably just as well you weren't discussing 'tricks' while having this conversation. Anyway, nice job!
Good for you! Coming out had to be difficult..for you and your Dad...I'm glad your brother finally stopped shuffling those damn cards and continuing to play like your discussing sports!
Omg this dad is amazing I love what . He says my mom and dad say the Same. " I dont agree or support everything yall do but your still my kids and I love u"
Proud of the amount courage you had to come out to your dad. Its such a hard thing to do. I still haven't told mine. I just want to say thanks for sharing your story.
You made a smart move being honest about yourself and not putting yourself through a lot of torture and torment for years hiding the truth. Not only are you smart, but you're brave and courageous too. You're right that nobody chooses their sexual orientation. But people can choose to accept who they are without shame and guilt today. I wish you all the best David.
I liked your video David. I think you spoke really well considering how stressful this was. I'm glad you're dad said several times he loves you. I think he'll come around eventually. He's just uncomfortable with the idea and he probably grew up in a very different environment where people just hated and vilified gay people. You're a brave man and I wish you the best!!
Hey man, you should feel proud that you had the courage to come out to your family. They handled it pretty well actually. Be strong, and never (NEVER!) be down on yourself because you are gay.You are who God made you to be. God knew who you are before you were even conceived.. Live the life he created for you and be happy. It will get easier, just love yourself and the rest will fall into place. Good Luck!
Good on you for having the courage to be honest and be yourself. If others truly have love in their hearts that they are in touch with, they will not label or judge you.
Glad to see no one blew up. I know a fraction of how you felt as I told my sincerely Christian family I didn't believe in god. And I still feel the frustration of not being completely understood. Everyone thinks I'm "running from god" or somewhere deep down I believe, just like they think it's somehow a choice who you're attracted to. Anyway, good luck man.
David, I hope your family really does support you. My kids know that I would love and support them and would be proud of them with what ever they chose in life. i only want my girls to be happy. My girls would never have to stress about telling me either. They would just bring a girl home and tell me " Mom id like you to meet my girlfriend " LoL. I love that your dad said hed love you no mattter what. I hope he lives up to that statement.
I think this is an honest conversation. I think things like this just take time to get used to for a family sometimes. Thank you for such an intimate post.
I like this, I have seen other videos where the children are very disrispectful, or the parents are violent. Your situation was fair, and your fathers reaction was just, and polite in my opinion. :)
Helpful hint, RUclips Commenters: this video, and others like it, is probably for people who are scared to come out to the people they love. So if you are going to be rude to this man or unsupportive of his choices, no need to contribute. Bite your tongue like a true believer. His choices do not affect you. Breathe, move on. Go and do something relaxing. God wouldn't want you to harass someone or drive them to suicide. No one is forcing their sexuality on you, so maybe don't force yours on anyone else. It's the easiest thing ever to not be a dick, I promise :) To the poster: well done you, for being so brave. What people don't get is how scary the prospect of disappointing your parents is and I love that you did this while playing Spades with your family. It's a wonderfully chilled out way to break news like this. Wishing you well.
Hot Rod Holy crap. Now apparently someone's height is an indicator of their sexual orientation. The dude that delivered my pizza the other day was at least 8 inches taller than myself. Should I have given him "just the tip?"
Good for you for coming out to your family. No need to explain yourself any further, you said what had to be said. If your own family doesn't support you then you can move on and find a family of friends who will. Life is too short to spend it with people who refuse to accept you for who you are. From that day forward (when you made this video) I hope you have come to realize no one but you is responsible for your happiness. I wish you the best in life.
I think that deck of cards got shuffled more than any other deck in history...the nervous shuffle, lol
Obi Wan Cannoli its a tell, he nervous as shit. play aggro aggro aggro
Hahahahahaha. So true.
The truly disturbing thing about this video is how many times that guy shuffled those cards.
Your brother has the most well-shuffled deck of cards ever. Other than that, it took a lot of bravery for you to come out with such honesty - hope your dad has come to better terms with it and that you found the family support you were needing.
i think we're all missing the important question here, which is who won that card game?
hard to believe almost four years have gone by... I hope this video has helped other people struggling w the same problems. remember guys don't feed the trolls in the comments :)
Bless you and your family :)
Hope you have a happy life man ^^
Thank you David .you courage me a lot.Thank you for your video.
+david195335 Hope life is treating you well. Thank you for the video.
you are beautiful and I thank you so much for this video. you are perfect my friend.
+david195335 So whats the story?!?!? In the video you say youve never been with a guy. Have you since this video? (Just curious, love the video by the way.)
This is just wrong. As wrong as it can be.
I don't understand spades at all!
Antney Oslund Lol, that was clever guy!
I don't understand
I may have laughed a little too hard at this comment...
Antney Oslund Haha that was good
JordonTheo Thank you, I aim to please.
Those cards are like super shuffled
LMAO, they are.
I don't understand when parents say "I don't agree with this"... what is there to agree about? It's not a matter that can be discussed or you can't find a middle ground. It is what it is. The guy is gay. That's a fact. You don't put up for diacussion factual things. There's nothing to agree or disagree on. What the hell?
thank you🤦♂️
David, you are an amazing and strong man. I wish I would have been as strong when I was your age. I waited, and regret it so much. Thanks for being such a wonderful influence on other gay young men, afraid of coming out. You rock
thank you :)
+Neek John lmao
I'm seeing so many fucked comments. What you did was brave, period, and you deserve love.
The dad's response is actually a good one. Many parents, especially fathers can be extremely unaccepting. I mean worst case scenario is you get disowned, so compared to what could have been, this is great. A lot of parents who react this way become even more comfortable with it as time goes by. Props to this guy and his family.
Dad failed. He was doing great, eyes and attention fully alert, until "I can't say I support it" was uttered.... If you're a father and your son says he's gay, your only reaction should be to get up, give him a hug, and say "That's alright. I'm glad you're thinking and living for yourself" -- as I will tell my son/daughter should the scenario ever arise.
How would he be a horrible father
how would he be a horrible father by loving and
caring for his child no matter what
Your child doesn't know what's best for him
The dad was really good at it
WowFan991 Because you're the epitome of parental wisdom?
So since being gay is a choice, then being straight is a choice.
And who in their right mind would choose to potentially get shunned by your family or community? It's logic that it's not a choice.
Cory Chapman That is one of the best things I've heard in awhile. Way to think out of the box with awesome logic!
and i dare any straight guy to try and _want_ to be attracted to another guy. can't be done. so how can anyone expect the reverse to be true?
RE you a moron TOO? is NOT a are born that way....yer an idiot Mr. Chapman!
austynn findlay he was making a hypothetical point, not an actual claim.
"If I could be straight I would be" aw dude, c'mon. You are who you are, be proud of who you are and don't change or wish you could change for anything.
is being straight a lifestyle? if not guess what gay isn't either.
Being gay us a sexual orientation, idiot. Just as being straight is a sexual orientation. People do not chose. Homophobe. Nobody is hurting you or anybody else. So, why would it bother you? You must be closeting your own feelings deep down. If you were secure in your own sexuality, you wouldn't give a shit.
+clucka you not very bright but you keep trying kid. one day you will get a fucking clue to comprehend what was written but clearly not today.
Is being attracted to people your age a lifestyle? If not guess what, being a pedophile isn't either.
Seagull ones a decision, the other isnt.
After coming out he'd played a straight flush 🎇
I have to applaud this young man for taking these steps to come out to his dad. Parents of gay kid(that have never dealt with homosexuality issues in the past) will have a higher chance of getting a little uncomfortable with this. Ignorant people will write negative comments but thank goodness we could just walk away from people like that.
Jorge Nunez Well said.
Man I really inspire you for doing this. I can't imagine how hard it has been for you discuss this with them. You are a great man and thank you for sharing this with public
I have a gay cousin, he is one of the most awesome people ive ever met, he always helps me and others, just because youre gay doesnt mean you bad, this video deserves a like
I love this dad. He's honest. He still remains loving no matter what. I don't want to see you make out either, gay or straight. Family is first and he's not willing to lose his son.
Stop. Banging. The. Fucking. Cards.
My thoughts EXACTLY!!💯💯👍🏿👍🏿
You are such a brave kid.... Good job in being well spoken.
being gay is a choice. just like being black or being old.
can i choose to be a unicorn?
No sorry, you can only be a pegasus with a random baguette on your forehead
Suffering Lion
But...but but.... can i be a pegasus without the baguettem....
Suffering Lion why you gotta crush my dreams ;-;
I haven't watched part 2 yet. I plan to. And I'm really saddened by the families unpleasant reaction. But I have to say. The boy who came out to his family is so remarkably brave and intelligent and I hope he knows it. It's not a choice, you're born gay and there isn't anything wrong with that. It's beautiful that this boy is honoring himself and the world by telling his truth and even though I don't even know you're name. I love you for you're amazing bravery. Be the only and best you that you can be and I truly believe you'll have an amazing happy life. Don't let anyone sway or shame you. All my love and support. You're awesome. Literally.
One of the guys is so nervous and uncomfortable he keeps shuffling cards while the gay guy is talking
LOL I noticed that too. It's hard to tell who was more nervous. Oh by the way...where was part two?
Hate how people in the comments are saying you can't be born gay. That's bullshit, of course you can. In what way is it a choice? Please, enlighten me and tell me in detail the time you made the choice to be straight. You would argue right back and say you were born straight. If it were true that it was a choice, then everyone would be attracted to both sexes until they were old enough to think for themselves and then they'd have to think, "What's my sexuality?", then make the choice among the many. But that doesn't happen. You are born attracted to the sex(es) you're attracted to now, and that's it. Not a choice. It just upsets me how even though we as a world are coming closer each day to equality, and how we have advanced so much in it in a short time, being anything other than straight is still treated so differently. Why should those other than straight have to even have a "coming out of the closet" conversation? To make the same point, are straight people expected to come out as straight? Nope. Too many people grow up thinking straight is the only "right" or "normal" way to go and anything else is different and should be treated so. For an example, a guy should be able to come home and tell his parents that he likes a boy, just the same as another guy might come home and tell his parents he likes a girl, without having to state that he is gay beforehand. I can only hope that generations will start teaching their kids that it's okay to love whoever they want, no matter what they've been told by society.
Sigh. Sorry for the long comment, just got off on a rant due to some comments.
The problem is that the majority of it is rooted in deep religious beliefs. And beliefs are HARD to change. People will go to WAR over a belief. People will defend their beliefs to the death. And to challenge said belief, is like an insulting slap to the face. I bet when someone tells you that your belief is wrong, your first gut instinct is to be insulted, but then your rationality kicks in to straighten you out. This is hard to do, and not many people can accomplish this.
Religious beliefs have been deeply bred into our society for hundreds if not THOUSANDS of years. You can't expect those to be purged just because of a few decades of change. It's most likely going to take another few hundred, if not a few thousands to get to the point where those beliefs are proven wrong, and changed for the better.
All you can do, is try to be as tollerant as you can, and try to teach the upcoming generations tolerance. It's the only way to win this ''debate'' or ''war'' on intolerance, and bigotry, and beliefs.
From a scientific perspective, animals are born with the need to engage in sexual activity. This need to engage in such activity is based on the need for reproduction and the survival of the species. It would be very counterproductive, if not detrimental to a species' survival if from birth it was determined that a male for example, would only want to engage in sexual activity with other males (e.g. The existence of a "gay" gene). Therefore, being "straight" is the "default" orientation because it is necessary for survival. Being homosexual however, is still NOT a choice. From a young age, several environmental factors and genetic INFLUENCES (not a specific gene that turns homosexuality "on and off") affect your sexual preferences.
SmerrillS .Reviews You made some great points. However this argument goes further than that. For generations parents that are not religious at all have treated their gay kids with disdain. The reasons out side of religion, were selfish ones. Parents did not want to lose their standing in social groups should anyone find out they had a gay child...especially a son. Second, the sheer embarrassment to them thinking others would think they were such lousy parents they raised a kid to be gay or allowed it. As gays are making HUGE social strides, parents do not have to feel that way. Society still has a long way to go , but we have come a long long way in a very short time. Thank God for that.
johnnyohness But still, a great amount of those people, were influenced by religious parents. Religion still plays a harsh role in this. Whether it be from the values taught by the parents or not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-religion. I myself am a religious person, but I go by God's teachings that you should treat everyone like you should be treated.
I believe to do anything less, is to betray said faith. Especially if you're picking and choosing which tenants to adhere to.
Yes, in some manners and probably many, it's due to social status, but most of that, comes from people from your church being biggots and judging you due to your family. It's where those fears started. It originated there.
wadoryu2u homosexuality is rampant in the animal kingdom. and there are plenty of evolutionary theories of homosexuality. scientifically, i'm making an educated guess that you never made it past 12th grade.
People have been doing it for thousands of years, it shouldn't be a big deal now.
Hundreds of thousands of years
It’s always existed. Christianity and other abrahamic religions just made it “wrong”. It’s just something that happens, it’s not right or wrong.
Well that's a room full of awkward.
I could feel your emotion and apprehension ,,,,, it takes guts ,,, funny that gay people often show much more strength of character and courage than most people ,,, good luck and a huge hug XXXX
Why by telling people they fuck the same sex??? Yeah he's a real hero (insert sarcasm here)......
marlon alston Just b/c he has the courage to do you what you dont? Why don't you google "homophobia" and "scientific study" and find out why you watch so much gay porn.
shut the fuck up anonymous blue avatar! You don't have the courage to same what you just said with your real name and picture up.... So keep hiding in the background punk!!!!!
marlon alston Oh grow the fuck up.
I think the person who was shuffling the cards was way more nervous than the gay kid coming out to his father. It seemed like he was going to break the table or something.
This made me cry. My brother is transgender, an it sucks that my family doesn't support or at least accept that this is who she is. I just wish people could just understand that love is love and this is who we are. But needless to say I will always love my brother and will support him when he makes the change.
I can relate to the "tried fixing it" and "would be straight if I could be" I realized that I had feelings for my fellow male friends, but the whole "thats gay" shit scared me. I was so afraid that friends and family wouldn't except me that I avoided and restricted myself from doing AANNYTHING that was somehow related to the gay stereotype, I even forced myself into a lot of relationships (I'm only 16 and the last girl I dated was when I was 14) just to get myself labeled as a "player" so noone would think I liked men..Not only until about a year and a half ago did I start to accept it. Now I have told multiple friends and even my mom (still too scared to tell my dad @-@) Sorry for the long read, who ever happened to read this, thanks for doing so, I may have skipped a few things and made some grammar mistakes because I'm really sick right now.
you are a very brave guy & has a great strong personality.
gooooddddd !! :-)
That dad deserves a medal considering all the "yalls," the mohawk in the room, his age, the fatness, and the accents.
I think you are a complete boss for coming out and speaking so articulately from the heart when faced with family who were not very accepting. You’re awesome
Very proud of him for coming out to his father and although his dad might not understand it now, he still loves his son and that is a true Christian- Jesus would NEVER treat someone with hatred and after reading some of the comments on this video I think you might want to re-examine your views! Let the hatred out of your heart and love one another- gay or straight!
You are totally right. This is a true Christian. He may not understand what his son is going through but he shows love and support not hate and exiling his song from the family.
Christianity is about love not hate.
Why would someone choose to be gay if they knew all the hatred and stigma that is directed at them?
seems to me that you are saying this through a specific religious (type of religion) point of view. Seems also that you are not familiar with the Bible. Back to school no ofence intended but you are wasting my time and others' as well by leading them to false belive. The verse is Corinthiens 6,9-10 if you want to argue do your homewrok fist.
also keep in mind that I am not a religious person but general culture and general knowledge of things will only elevate and evolve you as a huma being.
This is taking it a step further to possible translations. This is not a battle it was a difference in opinion grow up!! As for me I won't be debating this any further with possible translations from hebrew and what not. It isn't woth my time.
What's a jesus?
the realest thing I'll ever seen on youtube
I know for some people, believing homosexuality is a choice, is easier because what if your child and you don't accept it? You want to believe they can change. Well they can't. You are born and you grow up and you fall in love with whoever, you're attracted to whoever and so on, and sometimes its a girl, sometimes its a boy and sometimes its the same sex. The only difference, and it is literally the only difference between same sex couples and opposite sex couples is that there are 2 of the same gender. That is all, their feelings are no different, their love is no different, who they are as a person is no different. And yet people seem to treat it as if homosexuals are completely different people that can be altered. If a homosexual could choose to be straight, I'm betting a lot of them would because no one chooses to be born into a life where they get criticised and their basic human right to love whoever they want, is stripped from them and they are judged and punished for who they love. And yet, people still think it's a choice. People still think it's wrong. And why? Because they can't stand the idea of someone being different to them, they can't stand the thought of their children growing up and coming out to them, they can't stand the thought of someone living their life normally within the same breathing distance of them because of who they love. But mainly, because there's nothing they can do to change what they don't like, despite it having no impact on their life whatsoever, and because they can't change it, they don't like it. Humans are creatures of habit, unfortunately, some people are stuck in the habit of judging what they don't understand and shying away from it.
Dude, I am so proud of your willingness to share the real you with your family; your Dad loves you and in his honesty that one thing shines clearly. Have a wonderful loving life.. God Bless
I searched Dad im a brony this came up ;_;
+Rainbow blitz Are they not the same thing?.
+Rainbow blitz Ew a brony, kill it!
A Grand Empire Ew a hater, love and tolerate it!
Darth Lannister Stereotype much?
Rainbow blitz I'm joking. In fact im gay and not a brony so yeah.
was not hoping for a celebration, just acceptance. I came out more to help me cope with my sexual orientation rather than inform my family. If i hadnt told them that day im scared of where id be today. thanks for watching and your comment!:)
I love this video! you are awesome!
You are such an inspiration, I just love how you came out in your own way. I love how you connected with your father as you took the huge step of coming out. I hope the best of luck to you and your future.
I had a gay friend in six grade and he was a really cool dude
I completely support anybody who is lesbian/gay. They do not choose their sexuality or who they are. I believe that everybody deserves respect for who they are. Not what they are.
My parents aren't proud of my heterosexuality, nor do the agree with it. They just don't care... They care more about my hatred for mushrooms as that means they can't serve that when I come to dinner...
WOW!, That took major balls on your part, you really said all the right things, that was the craziest card game you'll ever play in your life! I see a lot of family dysfunction in that conversation, your dad laughing and playing cards during such an important and honest disclosure on your part. I sure hope you did find someone to love since your coming out, you are an intelligent and kind person, that is very obvious. I hope you found the happiness you deserve and I hope your dad is now respecting you more as a man and he realizes what a wonderful son he has.
He kept shuffling the cards it was so annoying
I think I'm bi...I really do...I don't know. I feel like sometimes I'm really attracted to boobs, and other times guys are hot. I would like to get married and have a family, be it one or the other, but I'm just not sure.
That's awesome. I'm bi too. I think about having sex with woman yet I like the hard muscular body of a man.
tj Tanner I'm just not sure...Like, I really find myself liking both. Like I think penises are weird, but so are vaginas. I don't like looking at either, but the rest of the bodies are fine. I feel weird about it...I've never had sex, partially because I'm worried I won't like it or something. Masturbation is fun and fine, but the actual sex part I'm not sure about. I would love to try it, but I just can't find someone.
Rosebunse I'm still a virgin too. I second guess myself a lot. For instance, I can tell that a guy I know is attracted to me or at least giving me vibes when we're talking and I'm attracted to him too but I'm afraid to make the first move. I'm not completely sure if he's gay, bisexual, straight or even want to be out yet. So making that move would also be like outing me. That's a very big step. I'm sure on day you and I will find someone to act upon because there are other people just like you and I. Until then, I wouldn't force it. It'll come when the time is right. And trust when the right time comes, best believe IT'S GOING DOWN! ;)
tj Tanner Here's my thing...I'm about 90% that guys aren't attracted to me. The only time I'm ever hit when the guy is a loser. Like, a serious loser, like he thinks I'm as desperate as he is. And then when he sees someone else, he goes for them...
Rosebunse oh wow. Well I'm handsome (or so I know. I've been told), I work out so I'm pretty built and I'm well groomed (I just like to take care of myself, personal hygiene, skin, diet, sleep, health and hair. I dress in clothes that fit my physique. Just work on yourself a little bit more and some people will appreciate those little things about you. Enhance things best about yourself. Or you can make people think you are more attractive than you really are. I think confidence works too.
Thanks for sharing this very important part of your life with youtube viewers. I can only imagine how awkward it must of been. Growing up with out a father I never had to comfort this. Your father said something that is interesting to me. "If you bring him over (bf)...that's fine, but if you're making out with the guy. Then I'll have a problem with it." Not in those exact words. I think a father would say this to his daughter. Not that you are a girl but that's interesting. If your brother's would kiss a girl he wouldn't have a problem with it. I believe he would even encourage it.
he left a cup on a ipad! what if it spills!
I have those chairs ... xD
I have that table!
TheGermanRat You two should get together and play some cards.
To see such ignorance in the comments section from people in the supposedly civilised western world is quite sickening.
I used to be equally uncivilized (have to spell it with a 'z'; I'm in Amurica). I was raised as a bible-fundamentalist. It took a while, but I eventually expanded my mind and disposed of all my ideologies. Fortunately, the ideologues that remain in this world are the mere remnants of a dying breed.
Well done. It is not an easy task to shed one's beliefs when you are raised to believe them as irrefutable fact. When arguing against radical religious zealots I try to keep that in mind.
It is indeed fortunate that such archaic ideologies are on the decline, but the rate of decline is still painfully slow.
The South just got internet.
96rorrim Thank you!
I think your father handled it really well! Glad you came out and do not have to feel like you have to hide it from your family or anyone. Hope you have a happy,fun and loving life!!! Keep playing spades!
For anyone who is still in the closet. Come out. Just do it. Everything in life afterwords will be easy
Not for everyone. What if you live in a place like Saudi Arabia or Uganda where you can be imprisoned or killed for being gay? What about if your parents decide to kick you out for being gay?
Corey Walker it's not easy at first, but afterwords, life is easy. not a single gay person has regretted coming out of the closet after they did in the long run
Bullshit. People get kicked out of their parent's house and other shit.
Nhel Cosby notice how I said life is easy after it. Yes it's very difficult at first when you come out. My dad didn't talk to me for a week because he was so ashamed of me, as well as my other family. I haven't talked to my uncle in 3 years because of it. It was the hardest few weeks of my life after I came out, but in retrospect now, I am a much stronger, better person because I grew the courage to do it. If you can grow the courage to do something like that, imagine what else you can be brave enough to do. That's why life is easier afterwords.
***** if you lived in saudi arabia, you probably wouldn't be typing your ridiculous comment anyways. Pretty sure anybody who read that comment lives in a country where it's okay, and that's what I meant
I'm crying right now 😭😭😭 I wish I had the guts to do that
Same!! I'm scared watching this video! Evan tho I know my presents are super supportive to gays!
No its Parrantse
You do, just take a breath and let
Them know. If they don't accept you, at least you can go to sleep at night with a clear conscience that you don't have a secret anymore. And if they accept you, then that's a bonus and you can live your life happily ever after. I'm straight but I support people being who they are are. Just be truthful and good things will happen.
I can't tell but did you already tell or no?
20 years old and drinking on camera hahaha. He is in his house though, so that's legal in some states
that is probably the gayest part of this video,in ireland you drink since your 8
Leon Eire lol
Leon Eire RIGHT ON LASSIE, WELL I AM SCOT/IRISH AND THAT IS DAMN GOOD! HAHAHAHA never drank before tho, usa ugh!
Is Russia they have only just raised beer from the soft drinks category.
Your a dad is a great loving understanding and compassionate working past his comfortablity and loving his son.
Kudos to a great family that doesn't just kick you out the door and say get out i have no son.
I came out the same way
Good for you! I'm just waiting for the write time
I wonder if the Dad and brothers are Christian.
of course they are - otherwise they'd be supportive and loving toward their son.
Never seen True Christians curse as much as they do.
Oh didnt watch the whole thing
1SFRB Muslims act the same way.
1SFRB Lol what a redicilous answer , so all christians hate gays? and all atheists love gays? yeah start generalizing.
People think his dad was chill about it? He was unsupportive as fuck
better then most
***** viva la Sweden
***** I have the strongest urge to go and live in Sweden. VIVA LA SWEDEN!
I'm so proud of you. That took a lot of guts and you were very well spoken. Good luck to you!
Thank you for sharing this very personal and life changing moment with the world.
At least the dad has other sons that are straight so they could carry on the family name. I would hate to have an only son that turned gay.
You don't "turn" gay.
crouseli yeh and they fuck up the children, a male and female role model is vital in a proper upbringing
omg. you can not be serious. a man and woman vital for a proper upbringing? I'm not sure if you're still stuck in the old times, but please be a little more aware and pay attention that there are SO many gay/lesbian couples with children who are perfectly fine. As a daughter of two moms, it disgusts me that people still continue to think this way. Studies show that often children of gay and lesbian couples are less judge mental and more caring towards their peers. Also, it showed that they are a lot more compassionate about people and topics that they believe in. I would love to hear why you believe it is vital for a man and woman to raise a child in order for that child to be another brainwashed "proper" kid according to society.
Bag Man Actually kids that have 2 same sex parents have a good upbringing also more happy and study shows that same sex couples don't get divorce as much as straight couples, ever heard of a gay person rising they kid by them self?
The son said he wants his dad to "support him the same way he would if Jacob (his brother) had a girlfriend". In other words... "dad, I'm gay. I want you to agree with me about this topic, or you don't love me".
Loving someone does not mean you automatically agree with every mode of living, every topic, all morality, etc etc... It would literally be like saying, "Dad, I have decided that I want to marry 8 women and I want your support." Its an invalid line of reasoning to assume that people that "love" you will agree with every fucking fart you let. In fact, this kids problem is not that he's gay... this kids problem is that he's a fucking selfish prick for putting his dad on the spot like this!!!!
***** You are suggesting that if a person loves another person then they will have to agree with them about morality, world views and their overall mode of living?
What 2 people agree with everything?
Your assertion is ridiculous. In fact, its downright narcissistic to think that everyone will agree with YOUR morality... otherwise they don't truly "love" you. Sounds like my 3 year old that says I don't "love" him because I wont let him play in the street... and for good reason.. its bad for him. I suggest you try to find the true meaning of love. It may just surprise you.
If you cannot support somebody loving a fellow human being, you need to rethink "morality." Love, compassion and caring is never wrong.
I sorry but you wrong on that, there's plenty of people that don't support certain lifestyle choices there kids have made that doesn't mean they do love them; they just don't support that lifestyle, and bringing your gay lover to your fathers church without permission... This kid was asking for trouble.
Nunya Well although I understand what you're saying, and even agree with it in small part, you can't, or rather shouldn't, compare serial killer to a gay person, they may both be sins (for ppl who count being gay as a sin), but they are not in the same league. That's not fair. Although I did hear from somewhere that in the bible all sin is the same or something along those lines..but that's kind of messed up, so let's say heaven/hell/god is real (of course you don't have to if you already believe), and there is a serial killer, kills a few or a dozen people and he's insanely psycho and evil. obviously will prob go to hell..then here we have a person who believes, feels they are gay. let's say they are one of the nicest people you would ever meet, and he lives a happy, yet challenging life. So, in the end, would he go to hell just because of 1 fact of their life? that's pretty f'd up for a religion, in my opinion..
***** Umm being gay is a choice, and some feel it is not. I dont ever see myself being with a guy, girls are're girls :) but if I wanted to, I could say i'm gay and date some guys, so how is being gay Not a choice in some circumstances?
nasty smoking in the house no wonder the walls and ceiling kind of have a yellow tint
All respect to this guy. Takes a hell of a person to be strong enough to do that. Especially a father, someone you have grown up respecting
Dad did right to not agree and condone. But, he also should stand up spiritually and pray for his son. This is a SPIRIT that attacks men and women. Son said he fought it 10 years. This shows he had a different will, and desired something else. But, he lost his battle.
You have no idea how ignorant you sound. It's sad that people like you see it necessary to breed. Idiot.
your the one who sounds ignorant, there not insulting him; all they said was that his father should've prayed with him.... Calm down anonymous blue avatar.
***** Ohhhhh. Why do people still believe in the most stupid shit.
***** I'm talking about the spirit who attacks homosexuals. :P
You've got to be shitting me. People like you are why kids kill themselves. He doesn't need some fairy ass prayers to some imaginary god in the sky, he needs his family to accept him the way he is, the way he was born.
Good Gosh, WHY IS EVERYTHING ABOUT GAYS AND MEXICANS I MEAN SERIOUSLY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ITS SO DAMN OLD WOOP DE DO YOU HAVE SEX WITH ANOTHER MAN LIKE I GIVE 2 FUCKS, I CAME HERE TO KICK SOME REAR AND GRAB A MOTHER F*CKING BEER!
because its all over the news and newspapers and it just a bunch of fucking bullshit!
This truly is incredible. I love this. Wow. You have such a direct way of talking, I love it.
I think the cards need to be more shuffled.. 💀 😂
Bro thanks for being so strong, enought to be who you are and accept yourself. Your hot too and hope you finally able to enjoy a lifetime of being who you are.
Dude, you handled that SO well! Like almost perfectly. This video should definitely be very helpful to others coming out. Also, I love spades and clicked on it because I thought coming out while playing spades was pretty cool. I never call them 'books' though, always 'tricks.' But it's probably just as well you weren't discussing 'tricks' while having this conversation. Anyway, nice job!
Good for you! Coming out had to be difficult..for you and your Dad...I'm glad your brother finally stopped shuffling those damn cards and continuing to play like your discussing sports!
This was combo of very sweet..and brutally honest/scary/loving... and I loved it. Hope everything is still well
Omg this dad is amazing I love what . He says my mom and dad say the Same. " I dont agree or support everything yall do but your still my kids and I love u"
Proud of the amount courage you had to come out to your dad. Its such a hard thing to do. I still haven't told mine. I just want to say thanks for sharing your story.
I love that the card game goes on and you and your supportive brother have a side argument about the cards. Way to go man.
So brave!!! Love is love and attraction is attraction!!! It makes no difference!! Much love to you!!
You made a smart move being honest about yourself and not putting yourself through a lot of torture and torment for years hiding the truth. Not only are you smart, but you're brave and courageous too. You're right that nobody chooses their sexual orientation. But people can choose to accept who they are without shame and guilt today. I wish you all the best David.
This video is bring me to tears. That young man is still a loving son and his father love him as well. They will in time learn to accept him
I liked your video David. I think you spoke really well considering how stressful this was. I'm glad you're dad said several times he loves you. I think he'll come around eventually. He's just uncomfortable with the idea and he probably grew up in a very different environment where people just hated and vilified gay people. You're a brave man and I wish you the best!!
Congratulations! It makes me proud to see people be themselves and pave the life for whom they are!
Hey man, you should feel proud that you had the courage to come out to your family. They handled it pretty well actually. Be strong, and never (NEVER!) be down on yourself because you are gay.You are who God made you to be. God knew who you are before you were even conceived.. Live the life he created for you and be happy. It will get easier, just love yourself and the rest will fall into place. Good Luck!
Good on you for having the courage to be honest and be yourself. If others truly have love in their hearts that they are in touch with, they will not label or judge you.
Glad to see no one blew up. I know a fraction of how you felt as I told my sincerely Christian family I didn't believe in god. And I still feel the frustration of not being completely understood. Everyone thinks I'm "running from god" or somewhere deep down I believe, just like they think it's somehow a choice who you're attracted to.
Anyway, good luck man.
Love you, man. You're awesome and brave. I wish you all the best in life
I dig that father! While he dont like it he still tries to respect him and accept him for who he is! and lots of creds to you. :)
Very brave of you, its the hardest thing a son can ever tell their parents. I wish you all the best.
David, I hope your family really does support you. My kids know that I would love and support them and would be proud of them with what ever they chose in life. i only want my girls to be happy. My girls would never have to stress about telling me either. They would just bring a girl home and tell me " Mom id like you to meet my girlfriend " LoL. I love that your dad said hed love you no mattter what. I hope he lives up to that statement.
I think this is an honest conversation. I think things like this just take time to get used to for a family sometimes. Thank you for such an intimate post.
This 20 year old phrased everything so great, good job dude, thanks for sharing. everything just takes time, my mom took a year, it gets better.
Nicole M Phrased, not phase...
Totally expected this to go "Hey son got any 4's?" "I'm gay." "Well fuck."
I like this, I have seen other videos where the children are very disrispectful, or the parents are violent. Your situation was fair, and your fathers reaction was just, and polite in my opinion. :)
I can feel his nerves, I don’t think you know unless you go through it how fucking hard saying those words are.
Helpful hint, RUclips Commenters: this video, and others like it, is probably for people who are scared to come out to the people they love. So if you are going to be rude to this man or unsupportive of his choices, no need to contribute. Bite your tongue like a true believer. His choices do not affect you. Breathe, move on. Go and do something relaxing. God wouldn't want you to harass someone or drive them to suicide. No one is forcing their sexuality on you, so maybe don't force yours on anyone else. It's the easiest thing ever to not be a dick, I promise :)
To the poster: well done you, for being so brave. What people don't get is how scary the prospect of disappointing your parents is and I love that you did this while playing Spades with your family. It's a wonderfully chilled out way to break news like this. Wishing you well.
I had a bisexual friend in 6th grade. He was a lot taller than me and was one of my best friends.
Hot Rod Holy crap. Now apparently someone's height is an indicator of their sexual orientation. The dude that delivered my pizza the other day was at least 8 inches taller than myself. Should I have given him "just the tip?"
+Antney Oslund lol
It says a lot about how things can just become normal quickly when they immediately go back to discussing spades and then back to the conversation.
Man, how you came out was extremely mature and I respect you immensely for that.
Good for you for coming out to your family. No need to explain yourself any further, you said what had to be said. If your own family doesn't support you then you can move on and find a family of friends who will. Life is too short to spend it with people who refuse to accept you for who you are. From that day forward (when you made this video) I hope you have come to realize no one but you is responsible for your happiness. I wish you the best in life.
You have LOTS of courage to have told your family, i hope you find a man who loves you and your family becomes accepting of him! :)