Judging by their physique and you’ll know that they are all privileged. While it certainly takes discipline to Work out, One can safely assume that it also takes away precious time and energy of an individual to follow through instead of having to Work long hours simply to make ends meet…
Even amongst ACS boys, there is a big divide between ACSI and ACS Barker.
Judging by their physique and you’ll know that they are all privileged. While it certainly takes discipline to Work out, One can safely assume that it also takes away precious time and energy of an individual to follow through instead of having to Work long hours simply to make ends meet…
3:30 this is false, at least when i was studying in 2010. A big fight broke out between the two schools audiences, such that it came in the news
As a former sa student, wished i instead went to acs. I know many acs mates whom have better character than sa boys in general
This was really entertaining
LOL you should do one with CHIJ girls 😭
That is my nephew
My son comes from acs