I love listening to debates like this when I go to bed because I used to always go to sleep listening to the sound of 2 grown adults arguing and by god I aint stopping now
@@donovan4222they lost the cold war cause their government was inferior, their ideology was inferior, their governance and management was inferior And they were essentially genocidal monarchs who enriched themselves only while destroying every country they controlled until their entire system collapsed from implosion They couldn't hold anything together and they were so corrupt and pathetic that they could not do anything once several of their satellite states essentially rebelled and kicked them out. So yeah they lost the cold war.
This guy is legitimately insane. Whenever libertarians have to contend with upholding order without government, they always end up answering with another government, except now it's susceptible to way more corruption.
It became clear that his ideal world involved having him as the dictator, with a 'world police' that would go around correcting everything he saw as wrong. Then he accused Vaush of navel gazing...
Which is odd, as no mainstream form of libertarianism actually argues for the removal of a government. In fact, many principles of libertarianism hinge on the existence of a government.
Not only that, but he reveals his abelist ideology by saying the ADHD was over diagnosed because "[Vaush] is so smart". It could be a tounge in check reference to Vaushs hyperbolic "I'm always right" comments, but given that he defends bigotry, I doubt it
And can do them proficiently..so it can't be an indicator by itself, quite the contrary. But, he does take medication, there is a diagnosis, so he probably displays some syntoms esp. when he's not on it. Even if it was a misdyagnosis I fully agree that it's rude and unwise to just straight tell that to someone
@@aaaight8628 it's actually quite common amongst autistic people to be able to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. Whenever I play games or do my university work, I always have RUclips on and I'm able to concentrate on both white well
When he says "we need to fix the problem upstream" what he's actually referring to is the petrochemical plant up the road that's clearly been leeching neurotoxins into his drinking water
@@mistake1197as someone with adhd, nah. Calling it attention deficit is actually a misnomer. The ability to Hyperfocus (which this guy clearly can’t fathom) on stimulating topics is the unspoken other side of that coin.
I love how with each of these debates, this guy gets more and more unhinged and unstable. He's had a really bad habit of going off on random tangents and spiraling off, but this got ridiculous.
@@shrub8644the first is titled. "This Debate had chat begging for death". The other is something like Pro Putin guy debates for two hours. Searching something like that for both videos should get you what. But yeah this guy is incredibly dense and undeservingly confident in his points imo
@@APPR3NTIC3 But thats not the soooolution, its downstream from bigger societal problems nobody talks about *keeps talking about thinks the left was talking about like 20 years ago*
This guy seems to be convinced that saying "Russia is evil" from time to time makes him an enlightened centrist despite the fact that *the entire rest of the time* he defends, plays apologia and justifies everything they say or do.
"Russia is evil, but so is the west. Everybody is evil, so we should do nothing (in the case of this guy, he said "just abolish society." instead) and continue trading with the dictatorships as usual." Is a common talking point among Nazbols and far right people, or at least it was most of them switched to "Actually, the west is evil because we are capitalist/progressive and russia is great." so I'm not surprised by this lunatics antics at all.
"I'm trying to deprogram you 🥺" Also... he compared our resistance to Russia to the genocide of native Americans. Did uh. Anyone else catch that? I'm a little upset Vaush didn't catch that because I would have loved to hear him rip into this guy for that
Yeah I was stuck on that for a while, and then i heard the 'protesting against authoritarian governments is bad' take and was stunned again. Wild shit.
He said so much stupid shit, it was hard to keep up. He really needs to stfu about anything related to- well-everything…cuz he’s ill prepared to have adult conversations period.
If horseshoe theory exists for libertarian/authoritarian, this guy is proof of it. That or he's just an idiot authoritarian that thinks he's a libertarian.
Pretty much every libertarian I've ever spoken to has quickly shown themselves to be a frustrated authoritarian who just defines authoritarianism as freedom.
It's the post-Soviet copium. Russians can't bear the thought they collapsed their empire (the 2nd-most powerful empire in the world at the time) through corruption, incompetence, opacity, alienation of allies, and a fundamentally flawed ideology, so they tell themselves and others that they were destroyed from within by NATO. It would be funny, if it weren't still the driving rationale of senior Russian leadership.
So according to this guy, the only way to fix society is to embrace techno-fetishism like some billionaire out of Silicon Valley. Ok, he has officially lost the plot.
I wanted to scream, WHO HOLDS THE POWER OVER TECHNOLOGY. every fucking time this since brought it up. Corporations control tech with an iron fist, even home manufacturing relies on parts and support from corporations!! We gotta decimate an if tech is ever gonna be a force for the left.
Like, I like better tech and maybe some AI stuff could be helpful in schools. Hover this fucking guy is just jerking off the the idea of AI without any practical implication or systems
Should be titled "For those who want to end it all", because every discussion with this guy has made me want to jump off my balcony while decapitating myself with a chainsaw.
The most humiliation I've ever seen vaush deal was around 1:12:56 when he forced that guy to give a straight answer to stay on the call. Absolutely brutal.
That bit was amazing xD The second Vaush threatened to end the debate, dude was suddenly able to answer a question without pivoting nine million times.
Vaush had an insane conversation at the end of 2020 with a guy even more unhinged than this one. He threatened to end the call back then too and the guy outright refused to answer a question. It was wild.
In fairness, most people's ideal worlds are incoherent. What makes this guy special is that he's willing to do these internet debates about it and still not get more educated.
@@Simboiss No it isn't. They're not there under the NATO banner, they're under the US banner. You don't see Germany or England troops/supplies/etc there. You're supporting US hegemony by making it seem more powerful and omnipresent than it actually is.
The best part of this debate when I caught it live was both youtube chat and site chat realizing who Vaush was talking to and immediately voicing their displeasure. Other than that, this dude is harmful in his rhetoric and his inability to engage. It's literal brain poison.
I've always thought that position is literally impossible like something that can't really exist. You can have the opposite though its dumb but being economically left will only lead to a more leftist social outlook no matter what
@@jacksmith-vs4ct It's not literally impossible, it's just uncommon. Certain religious communities could be considered socially conservative but fiscally progressive, or some variation.
@@jacksmith-vs4ctIt's perfectly possible, we actually have a political party with that exact worldview in the Dutch Parliament. Are hard lining pro-workers party, but with a hard anti-immigration and anti-NATO stance.
“In Burbank?! dude depending on traffic that may not be enough time. But don’t worry Stuart, there’s a great treatment clinic in marina del Rey, and there’s a coffee bean across the street that fully validates.”
Absolutely insane of him to say adhd is societal. You can see differences in brain structure between different neurotypes. Yes, my adhd affected me worse in school because school wasn’t built for kids with adhd. But I wasn’t diagnosed because I wasn’t turning assignments in on time and I was fidgety. I was diagnosed after hours of neurological testing. I liked public school when I got accommodations that gave me more time on deadlines and allowed me to multitask to keep myself on task. I liked working with friends, getting into arguments with teachers and classmates, researching, learning, making projects. It wasn’t perfect, there’s a reason I argued with teachers, but the simple acts of getting a 504 plan and getting medication has allowed me to function much more effectively and happily.
Agreed. ADHD is a material thing no matter the circumstances, the circumstances only determine to what degree ADHD _affects_ you and your life. It significantly impairs my ability to come on time but had I lived in a society where coming on time wasn't an important concept it wouldn't have been as much of an impairment, even though my brain would've been the same structurally and chemically. It's like saying that a broken leg is societal and not physical/material because it impairs you in the athletics community but not in the chess community. It's just wild.
i didn’t get diagnosed until high school and was just absolute dogshit at school all the time lmao. and teachers just gave me shit for it, there were very few that actually tried to help most of them just seemed to dislike me, I didn’t have a diagnosis but i was very obviously struggling. i think there’s a deeper issue there than teachers and the school system being bad for kids with adhd (and other mental disorders) a lot of people just dont have much empathy for kids and dont fully see them as people
That moment was truly unreal to me at first, the whole time I thought this guy was just completely unhinged and incapable of doing any better, turns out he's totally capable actually, just a huge attention seeker (still completely unhinged tho) While it was somewhat entertaining to listen to, this really is one of the hardest Vaush videos to fully sit through, shit kinda felt like the President Sunday vs Haz debate, but somehow even less productive / more NPC dialogue-tree like. Truly one of the debates of all time
@@knowledge3743 It was pretty obvious he was doing this to get his blog shown on screen, he even put on the whole scene about doxxing himself to draw the audience’s attention to the author byline.
@@luxborealis OHHH yeah you're right I totally missed that, that does make a lot of sense actually. I guess I was mostly focused on the guy pivoting every 10 seconds and all the wild stuff he said
@@JacksonJDoyel 1:27:10 BTW if you are on PC you can click on the 3 dot button, click "show transcript" and use CTRL + F to search for words/phrases, made my life a lot easier!
As someone who has a degree in psychology and Im in grad school becoming a therpist listening to the first minutes of this debate is painful and I can't imagine it will imrpove.
the guy entire tactic is to flood the zone with incorrect statements and hope that something sticks. He gets proven wrong about something and he doesnt apologize or admit he is wrong and he just moves on to the next false narrative. These type of debaters are the worst. Basically Jimmy Dore 101. Talk fast and flood the zone with garbage. Vaush destroyed him easily of course.
As a Norwegian, i find it funny he thinks NATO based in other countries have any influence whatsoever on the society. We have our own elected governments and our own culture????
@@donovan4222Unironically, these kinds of positions make you sound like America's biggest cheerleaders. In your worldview the US is this all-encompassing, all-powerful entity with the entire world wrapped around its fingertips, controlling every single thing happening anywhere. This is not the case. And however legitimate your grievances may be in some cases, it makes them lose basically all credibility. Cause you can't treat a real country in all its nuances and starting from objective data, but as some kind of fairytale supervillain responsible for every single thing
@@SaturnineXTS you're not wrong, but that's not what we should be using for schooling. This is because it's less about education and much more about social interaction and guidance. Teachers are more than just "information brokers".
@@Nerobyrne You have a good point, but I'd argue the social component of going to school is handed by interactions with classmates more than teachers. That's where kids learn how to socialize and act in social situations. Homeschooled kids don't get that benefit
@@SaturnineXTS The thing that worries me is that whenever solutions like this are implemented, it's not used as a way to make the current budget function better, it's used as an excuse to cut the budget even more. What needs to happen is a massive restructuring of the education budget, and it needs to be massively increased. American schools are already pretty modernized with things like online classes. If they just had more budget for smaller classes and better teacher salary, you wouldn't need to supplement them with AI.
@@shrub8644"Pro-Putin Sympathizer Comes On To Yell At Me For 3 Hours" by Vaush Pit. I finished this segment and around 5 minutes in, I knew this guy needed meds.
The fact that this guy was able to get an interview with Chomsky is honestly the final nail in the coffin for Chomsky and his legacy as far as I'm concerned. He might as well just start letting pre-schoolers interview him. They would probably have more insightful questions.
Dude Chomsky will talk to almost anyone, he’s made it a point to be highly accessible as a part of his legacy. Also he’s an educator, it kinda comes with the job.
@@fatcat22able The dude debated Vaush twice in the past so far on Ukraine vs. Russia, and both times showed himself incapable of understanding such simple logic as "invading another country is bad, therefore supporting our ally against the invader Russia is morally correct" and refused to recognize that Putin was bad to start an invasion of another country. Vaush came under the impresssion that this guy is just a Putin simp who doesn't want to accept that Putin is evil.
we now have a scale for how desperate a person is to get out of a debate with vaush from "making up a 9pm dr appt" to "i need to end this debate because you're gonna end up missing your flight with this call"
Any time I hear someone who is conservative its just so obvious every time that they do not understand the systems we live in. Ever Signal Time. Please stay curious! Knowledge is Power! Don't be scared of the truth.
Wow, you really hit the nail on the head. As someone who got to debate a lot of political conservatives recently the thing I kept finding was that they weren’t necessarily dumb, they just didn’t understand how things work. when I tried to explain it to them, they just couldn’t comprehend or rebut the ideas for some reason.
The rest of Europe can rest easy knowing Poland is getting lots of modern arms. Not even joking, I read the stories of what you guys did with those chibi tanks in WW2 😮
@@AB-zl4nh No it's like men saying that women shouldn't use trains because their uterus might fall out. As in, it's when you publicly decide to open your face about stuff you have absolutely no connection to or knowledge of.
@@AB-zl4nhno its not bizarre because what he said about Poland wasn't correct and extremely simplified. Its obvious he has no idea of the history of Poland. So to a polish person its probably very insulting.
UBI can work towards better lives for workers. The main idea of UBI is that it lets people opt out of working. One of the biggest motivators employers have right now is the "be exploited by me or starve" threat. If you have UBI then regular people no longer need their employer for basic survival. Just think of how much of capitalism relies on exploiting desperate workers. A sufficiently high UBI lets workers basically give the finger to employers if they want to cheat them.
@@taragnor I mean I support UBI don't get me wrong, but imo as long as capitalism exists nothing can truly replace collective bargaining. I hadn't thought of that aspect so it does give the workers more power I guess but I still think if UBI was a thing unions would be necessary, one isn't a replacement for the other :)
@@savannaha5038 Yeah, I don't think it's a full on replacement. Both can potentially help worker power, so I'm in favor of both. I can see in some ways UBI might be better for workers than unions, mainly because union strikes put a lot of stress on people, and may or may not get what you want, where as UBI ensures that someone's basic needs will be handled. But they're by no means exclusive and there's really no good reason why you wouldn't want both.
Yeah. . . I got pretty much the same impression during that Demonmama debate on compulsory education. Some people will make insane excuses to dance around having to say "school sucked for me so you should be ignorant."
What concerns me is not the level of "um, what" going on with the caller's positions, but the reality that this is no where near the first time I have heard this sort of anti-empirical argumentation and it begs a question of whether, as a society, we are no longer giving enough credit to people capable of thinking through something to the extent that the value in doing so is no longer appreciated. I mean, 10 minutes or so in Vaush nails it down by asking a pretty basic question - if we are worried about social interaction becoming less of a thing people engage in, then why would we want to use AI in classrooms... and it is was like the guy had not even given that contradiction any kind of thought whatsoever.
Probably because you've heard this exact guy, before. Which begs the question, especially if. Vaush knows he's a looney... Why is there a "debate" at all?
@@nolifeliam4251 cryptocurrency is pretty anti fascist tbh...it is quite democratic/socialist if u think about it and takes power away from the big banks to become your own bank
This "debate" was truly psychotic and strangely familiar to me personally. There is something wrong in anarchist bubbles. Some people just want to be special and unique so they embrace contrarianism. What especially bothers me is them thinking they know the best what others need and want. I give thanks to Vaush for waking me up years ago.
Yeah this feels like a guy who will say anything and everything to continue to get attention, listening to the start of the debate I'm already convinced he's actually insane.
This one I'd argue is pretty different from the evil other debates exude. It's just narratively, that dude lives a world where he is the enlightened pacifist centrist. He strongly feels that no revolution is just and the people's democracy is absolute.
The unmedicated dude: "I guess I just doxed myself😅" Vaush: "I wouldn't dox you😊" Dude: "really! ☹️" He's such an attention ho, and his excuse is the best "I just want to unprogram you"
This guy has some problems. Ideology aside, he's sending up red flags left and right and I think Vaush would do well to cut this guy off and stop giving this guy the attention he wants. I knew people who are no longer alive thanks to guys like this. It's really not something you want to take frivolously.
@@FelisImpurrator There are instances of this sort of thing happening in academia and other professional spaces. Some crackpot feels that they are entitled to attention. They come to feel they are being mocked and eventually they go and shoot up a place or stalk and murder a specific person. I'm not saying that it's necessarily what would happen here. But between the emails Vaush has talked about and the way this guy seems to either lie or be willing to put off important events in order to continue to hold Vaush's attention, I wouldn't want to entertain the possibility.
@@rainbowkrampus Ah. And here I thought you meant his deranged ideology led to people robloxing themselves. Considering this guy WAS being mocked and seemed utterly oblivious to it though, I doubt that's likely.
"In other countries almost no one has ADHD" My guy, ADHD is heavily influenced by genetics. Both of my siblings as well as parents and I have ADHD. It is not at all surprising that some areas have significantly fewer cases of heritable conditions...
And let's not forget you only know about the diagnosed cases. I'm pretty sure there are 0 people with ADHD in Uganda on the books, just like there are 0 gay people and 0 trans people. They are there, but they are just not recognized
Its also not too true. Every country had a sizeable amount of these conditions (adhd, autism, other spectrums) the only countries with "almost no one" are countries that dont track this at all (usually cuz theyre anti-healthcare or not developed enough for widespread healthcare up to snuff for mental analysis) We diagnose behavioral problems far more than anything, it wasnt until the least decade before we actually attempted a criteria for these conditions..
@@chrisjeaaalbertos3802 Mostly this. Some countries heavily under report these sorts of things or don't have the means to properly diagnose them. Japan for example has a taboo around talking about and seeking mental help. If they have adhd they're more likely to ignore it and people will look the other way when they notice something. Not addressing the problem doesn't mean there isn't a problem
It's also likely that aspects of American culture exacerbate symptoms of ADHD. ADHD is less of a mind problem and more of a type of mind that aspects of modern culture is unkind to, and I'd argue, to civilization's detriment.
I wasted my 20’s in a pit of incel loneliness, perpetual bitterness, and reactionary politics precisely because I listened to people like this idiot. It’s only when I finally took meds that I became something resembling a halfway pleasant and functional human being.
i love libertarians, they're just insane on so many issues. my favorite is when they solve the problem of returning to many warlords with personal armies by either going like "nah it won't happen ppl wouldn't do that, amass wealth and buy power :)" or "more authoritarianism (world police)"
My man really hate Adderall because his doctor prescribed it to him and nagged him for not taking it. My man can't stay on a point longer than 3 seconds before the next shiny topic. Lol
This was a hell of a conclusion to the crazy tech-bro/Ukrainian War guy trilogy. I do think this is the best convo to be the last one, however. I think we went as close to the abyss as any of us can tolerate without succumbing to the madness.
@@aname8174 Sadly, Vaush said we weren’t going to talk to that guy again so unless Frameworks Guy ambushes him at an AMA like VeganGains or ExtremeDad, I think it’s Joever
People like this literalky do these debates to hear themselves talk Cause they cannot compete accurately or honeslty in any capacity in a real conversation. You can tell with how long he spends explaining things, it's because he wants to hear himself talk
Oh damn, at the end there (around 1:54:00), Vaush became very sympathetic to me. The thing that bothered me a lot about him in the past was his arrogance and his leaning towards mania, but him actually aknowledging it and the fact that it can be infuriating and at the same time accepting, that it is part of who he is, actually is something only a few people can do. Thing is, nobody usually directly complains about that behaviour, when he talks to people, because they don't talk in good faith usually. So I don't know if he would apologize directly, if somebody would ever call him out on it. That would be one of the few last things though, that bother me about him (that, and his horrible media takes, le meme).
This dude's argument against building a government that works for the people is that it might not last forever, so we should just give up on it entirely, but have world police somehow. What utter bullshit. Also, he claims that the people of Crimea didn't want to be part of Ukraine, but that is not supported at all by evidence. In 1991, 54% of Crimean voters voted to become independent in Russia as part of a referendum for the entire region of Ukraine. At that time, the region, previously part of the USSR became an independent nation, and as far as I am aware there was no popular call for Crimea to leave Ukraine. Then in 2014, in a sham referendum after being militarily invaded by Russia they "voted" to join Russia. If the people of Crimea truly want to leave Ukraine, I believe they should be able to do that. To hold such a vote today is impossible, first Russia would have withdraw from the region, and the war crimes investigation and repatriation of people forcibly deported and those who fled to avoid death and occupation will take at least 5 years, probably a decade. So in 2040, we might be able to seriously talk about an independent Crimean state. But the one vote we have that has any legitimacy indicates that they don't want to be part of Russia. This guy is so full of shit.
how is he a ‘leftist libertarian’ if he is economically socialist and conservative authoritarian regarding social values? He literally inherited the authoritarian tendencies of both sides of the spectrum!
I just straight up agree with him for the first few minutes, it was exhausting how dismissive chat was being. Because when he eventually went insane everyone got to act like everything he said was insane. I honestly think that we should not be celebrating what's happening as leftists. 50 years ago my grandad managed to raise a full family and buy a home whilst working in a shop, now it would take 2 partners working in high paying jobs to achieve the same results, that's not equality, that's not feminism, that's a capitalist con.
@@Rossy167Nah he was being insane even in the first 20 minutes. He has identified some valid issues in society, yes, but his thoughts on what we should do about it are mostly just plain stupid.
@@Rossy167bro as a women diagnosed with ADHD, by minute *seven* I wanted to punch this clown. It did NOT take long for him to steer the train into extremely dangerous and atrocious takes straight out of cooksville.
@@Rossy167 Chat was being dismissive, because he raised these points in two prior debates and derived completely insane conclusions from them. The issue is, the community knows this guy, so we also know, that everything that comes out of his mouth ends up being complete horseshit. That's how conspiracy theorists get you by the way. They start of with "agreeable facts", then they offer bullshit solutions, gishgallop from point to point, to make you dizzy and unable to completely process what they said and then, while the conversation goes on, put more and more just outright false statements between the "agreeable facts", until they finally arrive at their made up world conspiracy against them. "The USSR fell, because 3 men got together in a forest" HO! LY! SHIT! To get to the second half of your comment, nobody is celebrating what's happening to western society at large. We just offer different solutions than this maniac. Listen closely and try to hear if anybody OTHER THAN THIS GUY claimed that is is good, that people have less money than they had in the past.
_"I'm a social conservative..."_ That line alone, even before the torrent of gibbering Ghooric madness ensued, had me on edge. I loved how he tried to play the "wE'rE jUsT aS bAd" card regarding Bush talking to Ukraine about the feasibility of them wanting to join NATO, as if that act was as heinous and blatantly strong-arming as Daddy Putin simply ordering Baby Yanukovych to crack down on protestors. Lad's reaching pretty hard... x3
That guy was Russian propaganda personified. Lost in contrarianism, false moral equivalences, and whataboutisms with a sprinkling of post-modern nihilism on top.
"I'm a fiscal conservative" "i'm a libertarian leftist" "i'm a pro tech Bro" "social isolation is bad, i also want to replace public schools with AI indocinrinate learning" "I don't like force being used to force people to do stuff, also it's fine for foreign fascist governments to do as they please and we should bow and capitulate." Jesus this guy has no actual principles, he changes his stance as soon as he sees something he likes This is the kind of guy who says, “I don't like fascism, but i do appreciate and believe in the use of authoritarian power to ensure all my goals and whims are accomplished regardless of others wishes."
"also it's fine for foreign fascist governments to do as they please and we should bow and capitulate." This is my favourite one because, at least last debate, he made this argument from how he is anti "forcing people to do anything". Yet, in this debate, on the topic of taxation, he doesn't believe in the rights of non-human entities, therefore taxing (and thus applying force) companies is fine, but not individuals. So, state structures themselves are inherently humans in this man's eyes?
Finn here. As far as I know the ADHD rates in Finland aren't that different from the rest of Europe. I assume that our tree climbing rates are fairly low.
I like how the dude opens up describing his "socially conservative" positions and it's just obvious problems that Vaush has described- Nuclear Family, and the death of community
In my opinion, ever since the internet became huge, you've seen tons of basement philosophers and amature political scientists popping up like small pox. Who the hells thinks people can just go on the internet and express their opinions and shit? >:(
It's insane how this guy was willing too miss a LAX flight to continue this debate. I guess Voosh couldn't handle this fan's dedication. Who wants too see Vuosh react to every appearance this guy has made????
This argument was just Vaush trying to get this guy to focus on a topic and him flailing haplessly trying to prove how much smarter and woker and more aware he is than Vaush.
This guy has ADHD. If he believed in medication he might be able to order his thoughts and become as smart as he thinks he is. edit: I literally posted this like 30 min in. I was not surprised to hear this: 1:18:16
He isn't a doctor, so why is he even mentioning psychological disorders?? I was diagnosed at 14 with clinical depression and once I took medications, I stopped thinking about suicide. Guess what. Even now, if I run out of meds, the depression comes back and the suicidal thoughts come back. It's literally caused by an imbalance of chemicals in my brain and it runs in my family. Cases being diagnosed at a higher rate doesn't mean it's being overly diagnosed, it means the stigmas surrounding mental disorders are disappearing. It's obvious to anyone who understands how society has progressed over time. I mean, if you read "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", it's extremely apparent that even in the fprm pf a story, any mention of mental illnesses were taboo despite the entire story being a clear parallel to a mental disorder. Nowadays, we have media that has very healthy, sensitive depictions of disorders like autism, Down Syndrome, Bi Polar Disorder, and depression where they are shown as average people who deserve the respect that everyone else does.
Of all the ways this debate could have gone off the rails, I was not expecting this guy to defend the confederacy. Jesus Christ. I would not have known what to say if I were Vaush
God, what a mess. This reminded me of my recent conversation with a former acquaintance from the United States who had become involved in left-wing politics. In twenty minutes of painful discussion, he explained to me that America is an absolute evil, not everything is so clear with Russia, and I should listen to Chomsky. Also, in his opinion, I should forget about my personal life experience, more than 30 years of living in Ukraine and understand that the troubles of my people are nothing compared to what the US government is doing with immigrants...
"There were no Russian soldiers in Ukraine in 2014" Me who was a part of a doomsday cult that predicted part of the end times because of 2014 invasion of Ukraine, 🤔
12 mins in and i can already tell what kind of debate this is gonna be. This guy is super spooked by the idea that there are things in this world you cant just gumption your way through so he has to pretend that there cant be underlying unsolvable but treatable problems (like adhd) in favor of the idea that these problems dont REALLY exist we just arent trying hard enough and using it as a cop out. Calling it now, his political philosophy will boil down to the equivalent of "you dont have adhd, youre just lazy".
He probably spoke to an online therapist once, and now considers himself an expert on everything related to psychology, and our medical system. Seems like that type of arrogant shithead.
In most of Vaush's conversations, you can charitably assume that the other person is misinformed rather than an idiot. In this guy's case, such charity falls short.
is this the same ''left libertarian'' who talked to vaush about ukraine and the framworks guy? Edit i saw in chat someone typing !guest and the bot responded the frameworks guy so its confirmed
I notice a common theme for reactionary types tend to be "I didn't experience this in life, I don't understand this at all, and therefore it's not real." Also, Ukraine didn't want to join NATO, but George W. Bush talked to them about it... and?
I love listening to debates like this when I go to bed because I used to always go to sleep listening to the sound of 2 grown adults arguing and by god I aint stopping now
You must of loved the 4 hour haz president Sunday debate, nothing helps you sleep than the sweet voice of haz
Underrated comment
Same!! If one of them would come into my room and get inappropriate with me, it would take me right back!
Guy: How did the USSR fall?
Vaush: *Gives list of concrete reasons why the USSR fell*
It's so much easier to "solve" a problem with very few variables rather than what actually happened
You creaky didn’t catch the part where they cast a spell that caused the downfall of the USSR
Vaush: *Makes totally correct statement about a subject matter based facts, reasoning and logic*
Guy: "okay, now let me deprogram you"
Vaush: 😒
@@donovan4222they lost the cold war cause their government was inferior, their ideology was inferior, their governance and management was inferior
And they were essentially genocidal monarchs who enriched themselves only while destroying every country they controlled until their entire system collapsed from implosion
They couldn't hold anything together and they were so corrupt and pathetic that they could not do anything once several of their satellite states essentially rebelled and kicked them out.
So yeah they lost the cold war.
This guy is legitimately insane. Whenever libertarians have to contend with upholding order without government, they always end up answering with another government, except now it's susceptible to way more corruption.
I want to hear him debate Sam Seder now lol
It became clear that his ideal world involved having him as the dictator, with a 'world police' that would go around correcting everything he saw as wrong.
Then he accused Vaush of navel gazing...
@@Cruizinelli12 This would be amazing. Sam would end it in 12 minutes or so though. No way you can let this guy talk so randomly for so long.
Which is odd, as no mainstream form of libertarianism actually argues for the removal of a government. In fact, many principles of libertarianism hinge on the existence of a government.
Yeah I agree with Vaush is 🥜
bro says "I think your ADHD is overdiagnosed" while vaush reads chat and plays Binding of Isaac during the debate
Everybody gotta gatekeep ADHD, and well... _every_ disability known to man, really.
Not only that, but he reveals his abelist ideology by saying the ADHD was over diagnosed because "[Vaush] is so smart". It could be a tounge in check reference to Vaushs hyperbolic "I'm always right" comments, but given that he defends bigotry, I doubt it
And can do them proficiently..so it can't be an indicator by itself, quite the contrary.
But, he does take medication, there is a diagnosis, so he probably displays some syntoms esp. when he's not on it.
Even if it was a misdyagnosis I fully agree that it's rude and unwise to just straight tell that to someone
@@aaaight8628 it's actually quite common amongst autistic people to be able to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. Whenever I play games or do my university work, I always have RUclips on and I'm able to concentrate on both white well
@@jawamedia1529 oh sure, but that's autism. We were talking about ADHD here
When he says "we need to fix the problem upstream" what he's actually referring to is the petrochemical plant up the road that's clearly been leeching neurotoxins into his drinking water
Comment legit had me laughing out loud
I'm gonna be that pedantic motherfucker - you can't leech something into something else, leeching implies taking something away.
I thought he had just been eating lead-based paint, or as he calls it "his wall candy."
@@Wendy_O._Koopa wait wait wait… is there something wrong with eating wall candy?? My brothers and I used to eat it all the time when we were kids.
For someone who doesn't think ADHD is real, he sure has problems focusing on one thing at a time
He's the typical mental ill buffoon who won't admit to having a mental illness because that would mean they're less than a perfect little snowflake.
This guy probably had the most intense case of ADHD I've ever seen if true.
@@mistake1197he gives me weasel vibes more than ADHD vibes
@@mistake1197as someone with adhd, nah. Calling it attention deficit is actually a misnomer. The ability to Hyperfocus (which this guy clearly can’t fathom) on stimulating topics is the unspoken other side of that coin.
@@josephmalham725 i think its some kind of mental issue it doesn’t look like intentional pivoting its too incoherent
Telling someone outright that you're trying to deprogram them is _definitely_ the best way to make them receptive to your attempts to deprogram them.
This guy couldn't deprogram an abacus.
I don’t think libertarian apply both people . Social conservatives opposite and vaush not sure libertarian
I love how with each of these debates, this guy gets more and more unhinged and unstable. He's had a really bad habit of going off on random tangents and spiraling off, but this got ridiculous.
He's debated him before? What are the other debate vids called?
@@shrub8644the first is titled. "This Debate had chat begging for death". The other is something like Pro Putin guy debates for two hours. Searching something like that for both videos should get you what. But yeah this guy is incredibly dense and undeservingly confident in his points imo
Maybe he should look into A.D.D. medication.
@@APPR3NTIC3 But thats not the soooolution, its downstream from bigger societal problems nobody talks about *keeps talking about thinks the left was talking about like 20 years ago*
I'm 95% sure he's a troll, his political opinions change literally every debate and I can't imagine someone could argue like this in good fiath
20 minutes: "I'm against concentration of power."
21 minutes: "I would have a world police."
220 minutes: I pick my jaw off the floor.
This guy seems to be convinced that saying "Russia is evil" from time to time makes him an enlightened centrist despite the fact that *the entire rest of the time* he defends, plays apologia and justifies everything they say or do.
"Russia is evil, but so is the west. Everybody is evil, so we should do nothing (in the case of this guy, he said "just abolish society." instead) and continue trading with the dictatorships as usual." Is a common talking point among Nazbols and far right people, or at least it was most of them switched to "Actually, the west is evil because we are capitalist/progressive and russia is great." so I'm not surprised by this lunatics antics at all.
"Yes, Russia is evil. I'm just saying that NATO is worse. tHeY kEeP mAkInG pUtIn AtTaCk ThEm!1" 🤦♂
@@donovan4222 Really? Everything? I don't think Vaush supports the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, for one thing.
@@donovan4222Vaush regularly does ranta about how the US is evil, I dunno what you're on. He just did one last stream.
@@donovan4222 D'aaaw, look how proud the big boy is because he thinks he has spotted hypocrisy.
"I'm trying to deprogram you 🥺"
Also... he compared our resistance to Russia to the genocide of native Americans. Did uh. Anyone else catch that? I'm a little upset Vaush didn't catch that because I would have loved to hear him rip into this guy for that
I caught it, but it was almost drowned in the other dumb stuff he was saying
Yeah I was stuck on that for a while, and then i heard the 'protesting against authoritarian governments is bad' take and was stunned again. Wild shit.
In vaush's defense he was spewing bullshit a mile a minute at that point
I think maybe Vaush just couldn't go through that at the time.
He said so much stupid shit, it was hard to keep up. He really needs to stfu about anything related to- well-everything…cuz he’s ill prepared to have adult conversations period.
Dude: I’m a libertarian
Also dude: *does nothing but defend authoritarianism*
If horseshoe theory exists for libertarian/authoritarian, this guy is proof of it. That or he's just an idiot authoritarian that thinks he's a libertarian.
Every single time.
@@Empyre18I'm sorta libertarian and I don't tolerate this shit.
I am surprised, why? Libertarian has been code for I'm a fascist for years now.
Pretty much every libertarian I've ever spoken to has quickly shown themselves to be a frustrated authoritarian who just defines authoritarianism as freedom.
"It collapsed because 3 guys in a forest" was one of the most retarded takes on the USSR's fall that I've ever heard in my entire life
It's the post-Soviet copium. Russians can't bear the thought they collapsed their empire (the 2nd-most powerful empire in the world at the time) through corruption, incompetence, opacity, alienation of allies, and a fundamentally flawed ideology, so they tell themselves and others that they were destroyed from within by NATO. It would be funny, if it weren't still the driving rationale of senior Russian leadership.
Three warlocks in the Russian forest cast a spell in 1972 that doomed the USSR lmao.
@@frocoshake2107 Not just 3 warlocks, it was Rasputin's nephews, casting a spell to finish their uncle's work in the 1910's.
So according to this guy, the only way to fix society is to embrace techno-fetishism like some billionaire out of Silicon Valley. Ok, he has officially lost the plot.
I wanted to scream, WHO HOLDS THE POWER OVER TECHNOLOGY. every fucking time this since brought it up. Corporations control tech with an iron fist, even home manufacturing relies on parts and support from corporations!! We gotta decimate an if tech is ever gonna be a force for the left.
Like, I like better tech and maybe some AI stuff could be helpful in schools. Hover this fucking guy is just jerking off the the idea of AI without any practical implication or systems
Buddy your using website owned by trillion-dollar company there's no embrace you're inside of it
The block-chain is magical and will fix society.
*sad adeptus mechanicus noises*
"I don't think people are ADHD or Autistic" -The most scatterbrained Autist I've heard all year
Imagine your stance being "anything that makes Putin upset is bad and we should just bend over"
but have you considered that USA bad?
@Rimmy45 that argument stands on its own merits, no need to add Putin
So USA upsets Putin and we should stop USA
I dont have to, Europe and probably US too has milions of ppl thinking like that.
@@Rimmy45 Oh my god....And Putin isn't USA is he?! So Putin....good...
Mind Blown
you should edit all three debates with this guy into an eight hours long supercut, I need something to listen when I'm doing nothing.
YES. I was trying to find the other ones.
Should be titled "For those who want to end it all", because every discussion with this guy has made me want to jump off my balcony while decapitating myself with a chainsaw.
@@bartholen The first one IS called "This debate had chat begging for death" after all.
It sounds like his mind is being flayed. He can't focus on one thing.
The most humiliation I've ever seen vaush deal was around 1:12:56 when he forced that guy to give a straight answer to stay on the call. Absolutely brutal.
That bit was amazing xD The second Vaush threatened to end the debate, dude was suddenly able to answer a question without pivoting nine million times.
I'm starting to feel like framework guy does these for attention
@@Jaden-Ring i genuinely think they like talking to each other weirdly
Vaush had an insane conversation at the end of 2020 with a guy even more unhinged than this one. He threatened to end the call back then too and the guy outright refused to answer a question. It was wild.
@@matti_xiiioooh, was this the Trotsky JQ guy? I loved that one, even though it was super short.
This guy's ideal world is incomprehensible.
I think he might literally be insane.
@@FelisImpurratorYeah, he's just talking nonsense most of the time
In fairness, most people's ideal worlds are incoherent. What makes this guy special is that he's willing to do these internet debates about it and still not get more educated.
Vaush: Yes, they like having NATO there.
Guy: Oh so they hate us for our freedoms?
Lmao wtf?
Not even NATO, just US military bases.
United States and NATO = Fourth Riech
@@Xeridanus It's synonymous.
@@Simboiss No it isn't. They're not there under the NATO banner, they're under the US banner. You don't see Germany or England troops/supplies/etc there. You're supporting US hegemony by making it seem more powerful and omnipresent than it actually is.
The best part of this debate when I caught it live was both youtube chat and site chat realizing who Vaush was talking to and immediately voicing their displeasure. Other than that, this dude is harmful in his rhetoric and his inability to engage. It's literal brain poison.
Had that same feeling. Was going "oh no, not again with this guy"
@@matthewmayton1845 same lmao was genuinely funny how many 'nooooo's' the second he spoke.
I still don't know who this is. I still can't recognize them by their voice
Dude's job occupation is being a cognito hazard.
@@matthewmayton1845 was this the framework guy?
Starting it off by calling himself socially conservative but economic left really set the bar low
I've always thought that position is literally impossible like something that can't really exist. You can have the opposite though its dumb but being economically left will only lead to a more leftist social outlook no matter what
@@jacksmith-vs4ct It's not literally impossible, it's just uncommon. Certain religious communities could be considered socially conservative but fiscally progressive, or some variation.
@@jacksmith-vs4ctIt's perfectly possible, we actually have a political party with that exact worldview in the Dutch Parliament.
Are hard lining pro-workers party, but with a hard anti-immigration and anti-NATO stance.
bro actually willing to miss a flight to keep debating vaush
literally better off as mulch
Bro I would end a call with God himself so I don’t have to go through the pain in the ass of rescheduling and missing my flight
@@k-master973I think God himself would rather flood the world then miss and reschedule a flight.
@@k-master973 esp how expensive a round trip is even assuming hes crashing at someones pad for frere
srsly its unbelievable
It's what makes me thinks that he had to be on some kind of drugs - because he also spoke with a different cadence from the last two debates.
“In Burbank?! dude depending on traffic that may not be enough time. But don’t worry Stuart, there’s a great treatment clinic in marina del Rey, and there’s a coffee bean across the street that fully validates.”
Absolutely insane of him to say adhd is societal. You can see differences in brain structure between different neurotypes. Yes, my adhd affected me worse in school because school wasn’t built for kids with adhd. But I wasn’t diagnosed because I wasn’t turning assignments in on time and I was fidgety. I was diagnosed after hours of neurological testing. I liked public school when I got accommodations that gave me more time on deadlines and allowed me to multitask to keep myself on task. I liked working with friends, getting into arguments with teachers and classmates, researching, learning, making projects. It wasn’t perfect, there’s a reason I argued with teachers, but the simple acts of getting a 504 plan and getting medication has allowed me to function much more effectively and happily.
Agreed. ADHD is a material thing no matter the circumstances, the circumstances only determine to what degree ADHD _affects_ you and your life. It significantly impairs my ability to come on time but had I lived in a society where coming on time wasn't an important concept it wouldn't have been as much of an impairment, even though my brain would've been the same structurally and chemically.
It's like saying that a broken leg is societal and not physical/material because it impairs you in the athletics community but not in the chess community. It's just wild.
i didn’t get diagnosed until high school and was just absolute dogshit at school all the time lmao. and teachers just gave me shit for it, there were very few that actually tried to help most of them just seemed to dislike me, I didn’t have a diagnosis but i was very obviously struggling. i think there’s a deeper issue there than teachers and the school system being bad for kids with adhd (and other mental disorders) a lot of people just dont have much empathy for kids and dont fully see them as people
Vaush: "Answer the question or I end the call"
*immediately answers a question he refused to answer for an hour*
What a pathetic attention seeker...
That moment was truly unreal to me at first, the whole time I thought this guy was just completely unhinged and incapable of doing any better, turns out he's totally capable actually, just a huge attention seeker (still completely unhinged tho)
While it was somewhat entertaining to listen to, this really is one of the hardest Vaush videos to fully sit through, shit kinda felt like the President Sunday vs Haz debate, but somehow even less productive / more NPC dialogue-tree like.
Truly one of the debates of all time
It was pretty obvious he was doing this to get his blog shown on screen, he even put on the whole scene about doxxing himself to draw the audience’s attention to the author byline.
@@luxborealis OHHH yeah you're right I totally missed that, that does make a lot of sense actually. I guess I was mostly focused on the guy pivoting every 10 seconds and all the wild stuff he said
What was the time log for that?
@@JacksonJDoyel 1:27:10
BTW if you are on PC you can click on the 3 dot button, click "show transcript" and use CTRL + F to search for words/phrases, made my life a lot easier!
As someone who has a degree in psychology and Im in grad school becoming a therpist listening to the first minutes of this debate is painful and I can't imagine it will imrpove.
Oh God I only have a laymans understanding of psychology and I was cringing so hard. And it gets worse good luck lmao.
the guy entire tactic is to flood the zone with incorrect statements and hope that something sticks. He gets proven wrong about something and he doesnt apologize or admit he is wrong and he just moves on to the next false narrative. These type of debaters are the worst. Basically Jimmy Dore 101. Talk fast and flood the zone with garbage. Vaush destroyed him easily of course.
Dude this idiot thinks ADHD isn’t real but his evidence is based on SSRIs. People like this are unbearable.
And did it?
@@JamesM1994little over half way through, it did not lol.
As a Norwegian, i find it funny he thinks NATO based in other countries have any influence whatsoever on the society. We have our own elected governments and our own culture????
@@donovan4222 He's not talking about reasons, he's talking about effects.
@@donovan4222Unironically, these kinds of positions make you sound like America's biggest cheerleaders. In your worldview the US is this all-encompassing, all-powerful entity with the entire world wrapped around its fingertips, controlling every single thing happening anywhere.
This is not the case. And however legitimate your grievances may be in some cases, it makes them lose basically all credibility. Cause you can't treat a real country in all its nuances and starting from objective data, but as some kind of fairytale supervillain responsible for every single thing
By the way, not responding further cause I rested my case pretty clearly (+ additional comment for the algo ✨).
Enjoy xx
@@donovan4222 who runs NATO?
@@amethyst6531 your other reply got deleted so guess we will never know what was said XD
"Teachers dont care about the kids"
"Lets put AI in charge of teaching kids"
Tech bros solve problems by making them worse
@@Nerobyrne having an ai guide is still an improvement over just doing an online course, which we can already do
@@SaturnineXTS you're not wrong, but that's not what we should be using for schooling.
This is because it's less about education and much more about social interaction and guidance.
Teachers are more than just "information brokers".
@@Nerobyrne You have a good point, but I'd argue the social component of going to school is handed by interactions with classmates more than teachers. That's where kids learn how to socialize and act in social situations. Homeschooled kids don't get that benefit
@@SaturnineXTS The thing that worries me is that whenever solutions like this are implemented, it's not used as a way to make the current budget function better, it's used as an excuse to cut the budget even more.
What needs to happen is a massive restructuring of the education budget, and it needs to be massively increased.
American schools are already pretty modernized with things like online classes.
If they just had more budget for smaller classes and better teacher salary, you wouldn't need to supplement them with AI.
Wait a minute, is this the same libertarian tech-bro guy who couldn't understand the concept of ethics?
What's the vid called?
@@shrub8644"Pro-Putin Sympathizer Comes On To Yell At Me For 3 Hours" by Vaush Pit.
I finished this segment and around 5 minutes in, I knew this guy needed meds.
Nobody would expect a techbro to understand ethics. Most of them are barely human
Tech bros are the absolute worst people at arguing because they think more like an Ai than I think even Ai do.
He's literally a moral relativist.
The fact that this guy was able to get an interview with Chomsky is honestly the final nail in the coffin for Chomsky and his legacy as far as I'm concerned.
He might as well just start letting pre-schoolers interview him. They would probably have more insightful questions.
Dude Chomsky will talk to almost anyone, he’s made it a point to be highly accessible as a part of his legacy. Also he’s an educator, it kinda comes with the job.
Vaush: "From what I recall you have a flight."
Caller: "Eh, I've got ten minutes."
*25 minutes later*...
As soon as I heard this guy's voice I couldn't help but wonder why you are giving him the time of day again
That voice gives me war-style flashbacks lol
Who's this dude?
Isn't this round 3 now?
@@fatcat22able The dude debated Vaush twice in the past so far on Ukraine vs. Russia, and both times showed himself incapable of understanding such simple logic as "invading another country is bad, therefore supporting our ally against the invader Russia is morally correct" and refused to recognize that Putin was bad to start an invasion of another country. Vaush came under the impresssion that this guy is just a Putin simp who doesn't want to accept that Putin is evil.
we now have a scale for how desperate a person is to get out of a debate with vaush
from "making up a 9pm dr appt" to "i need to end this debate because you're gonna end up missing your flight with this call"
Any time I hear someone who is conservative its just so obvious every time that they do not understand the systems we live in. Ever Signal Time.
Please stay curious! Knowledge is Power! Don't be scared of the truth.
Did vaush also tell u to say that?
@@mariomario1462 Never heard Vaush say that ever
@@mariomario1462What is even objectionable here?
Wow, you really hit the nail on the head. As someone who got to debate a lot of political conservatives recently the thing I kept finding was that they weren’t necessarily dumb, they just didn’t understand how things work. when I tried to explain it to them, they just couldn’t comprehend or rebut the ideas for some reason.
"Bads doing alot of work there"
"Yeah, it's doing a lot of work. It's almost like it's an ethical judgment."
Not sure why but that had me rolling.
Slava Ukraini!
Um, have you considered that there was a nazi in Ukraine once?
Justice for MH17 🇺🇦🇲🇾🇦🇺
@@Redwin34 Ukraine were asking for it, amirite 🤣🤣🤣
@@Redwin34 Ukranian here. Liked this comment because I understand its a satire of usual russian propoganda arguments
Him claiming there were no Russian soldiers in Donbas from 2014 is nicely destroyed by all those Bellingcat articles on those soldiers.
Tankies consider Bellingcat to be Western propaganda, so he’d probably have some braindead counter to that.
I'm Polish, when that dude started talking about Poland i legitimately wanted to punch my monitor.
The rest of Europe can rest easy knowing Poland is getting lots of modern arms.
Not even joking, I read the stories of what you guys did with those chibi tanks in WW2 😮
Bizarre comment. That's like saying women can't talk about issues that impact men or Muslims can't talk about Christianity.
@@AB-zl4nh No it's like men saying that women shouldn't use trains because their uterus might fall out.
As in, it's when you publicly decide to open your face about stuff you have absolutely no connection to or knowledge of.
@@AB-zl4nhno its not bizarre because what he said about Poland wasn't correct and extremely simplified. Its obvious he has no idea of the history of Poland. So to a polish person its probably very insulting.
"UBI is better than labour unions" is such a goofy sentence, like it doesn't even make sense on so many levels lmfaoooo what
UBI can work towards better lives for workers. The main idea of UBI is that it lets people opt out of working. One of the biggest motivators employers have right now is the "be exploited by me or starve" threat. If you have UBI then regular people no longer need their employer for basic survival. Just think of how much of capitalism relies on exploiting desperate workers. A sufficiently high UBI lets workers basically give the finger to employers if they want to cheat them.
@@taragnor I mean I support UBI don't get me wrong, but imo as long as capitalism exists nothing can truly replace collective bargaining. I hadn't thought of that aspect so it does give the workers more power I guess but I still think if UBI was a thing unions would be necessary, one isn't a replacement for the other :)
@@savannaha5038 Yeah, I don't think it's a full on replacement. Both can potentially help worker power, so I'm in favor of both. I can see in some ways UBI might be better for workers than unions, mainly because union strikes put a lot of stress on people, and may or may not get what you want, where as UBI ensures that someone's basic needs will be handled. But they're by no means exclusive and there's really no good reason why you wouldn't want both.
My man got bullied in school and made it his entire personality to hate schools
Yeah. . . I got pretty much the same impression during that Demonmama debate on compulsory education. Some people will make insane excuses to dance around having to say "school sucked for me so you should be ignorant."
Yeah sounds like he wasn’t successful with the ladies either, so now he wants a state mandated waifu.
@@Cruizinelli12 øyep seems like root of most bigotry is stemming from a terrible childhood
What concerns me is not the level of "um, what" going on with the caller's positions, but the reality that this is no where near the first time I have heard this sort of anti-empirical argumentation and it begs a question of whether, as a society, we are no longer giving enough credit to people capable of thinking through something to the extent that the value in doing so is no longer appreciated.
I mean, 10 minutes or so in Vaush nails it down by asking a pretty basic question - if we are worried about social interaction becoming less of a thing people engage in, then why would we want to use AI in classrooms... and it is was like the guy had not even given that contradiction any kind of thought whatsoever.
Probably because you've heard this exact guy, before.
Which begs the question, especially if. Vaush knows he's a looney... Why is there a "debate" at all?
@@cctomcat321 - 100%. Sometimes there are those calls that you allow to ring through to voicemail. Not everything is worthy of debate.
Okay he is insane. Effectively he is fascist, but sometimes he will mumble about putting a local currency on blockchain
Fascism and crypto currency. Like white on rice.
@@nolifeliam4251 cryptocurrency is pretty anti fascist tbh...it is quite democratic/socialist if u think about it and takes power away from the big banks to become your own bank
I don't even think he's necessarily a fascist, but this does bring a new meaning to "crypto fascist"
@@billclockwellhe's a fake "anti-imperialist" who plays defense for russia, he is absolutely a fascist lmao
@@nolifeliam4251 Crypto fascism
God I love you Vaush for going back to the AI question. Him just not answering half a dozen times was bugging me so much
It was so hard to follow... This guy has a very muddled political philosophy.
This "debate" was truly psychotic and strangely familiar to me personally. There is something wrong in anarchist bubbles. Some people just want to be special and unique so they embrace contrarianism. What especially bothers me is them thinking they know the best what others need and want.
I give thanks to Vaush for waking me up years ago.
Yeah this feels like a guy who will say anything and everything to continue to get attention, listening to the start of the debate I'm already convinced he's actually insane.
Part of me feels like he’s primarily here to talk to Vaush
Personally Im tired of the same old debates, but Vaush is pretty entertaining even when giving easy targets
Any debate can be interesting given the right circumstances
Yea there's a reason this is on the vaush pit
This one I'd argue is pretty different from the evil other debates exude. It's just narratively, that dude lives a world where he is the enlightened pacifist centrist. He strongly feels that no revolution is just and the people's democracy is absolute.
Might be vaush's "I can fix him" arc. Spoiler, he can't fix framework guy.
To be fair debating anyone right of center is becoming less worth it as time goes on because they're less in reality each passing month
The unmedicated dude: "I guess I just doxed myself😅"
Vaush: "I wouldn't dox you😊"
Dude: "really! ☹️"
He's such an attention ho, and his excuse is the best "I just want to unprogram you"
This guy has some problems. Ideology aside, he's sending up red flags left and right and I think Vaush would do well to cut this guy off and stop giving this guy the attention he wants.
I knew people who are no longer alive thanks to guys like this. It's really not something you want to take frivolously.
Wait, how did that happen as a result of this particular brand of lunatic raving?
@@FelisImpurrator i would also like to know, it sounds kinda scary
@@FelisImpurrator There are instances of this sort of thing happening in academia and other professional spaces.
Some crackpot feels that they are entitled to attention. They come to feel they are being mocked and eventually they go and shoot up a place or stalk and murder a specific person.
I'm not saying that it's necessarily what would happen here. But between the emails Vaush has talked about and the way this guy seems to either lie or be willing to put off important events in order to continue to hold Vaush's attention, I wouldn't want to entertain the possibility.
@@rainbowkrampus Ah. And here I thought you meant his deranged ideology led to people robloxing themselves.
Considering this guy WAS being mocked and seemed utterly oblivious to it though, I doubt that's likely.
@@FelisImpurrator All I know is that it can be a very bad idea to encourage people who are that desperate for your attention.
"In other countries almost no one has ADHD"
My guy, ADHD is heavily influenced by genetics. Both of my siblings as well as parents and I have ADHD. It is not at all surprising that some areas have significantly fewer cases of heritable conditions...
And let's not forget you only know about the diagnosed cases. I'm pretty sure there are 0 people with ADHD in Uganda on the books, just like there are 0 gay people and 0 trans people. They are there, but they are just not recognized
Its also not too true. Every country had a sizeable amount of these conditions (adhd, autism, other spectrums) the only countries with "almost no one" are countries that dont track this at all (usually cuz theyre anti-healthcare or not developed enough for widespread healthcare up to snuff for mental analysis)
We diagnose behavioral problems far more than anything, it wasnt until the least decade before we actually attempted a criteria for these conditions..
@@chrisjeaaalbertos3802Pepe Julian is at least one trans person in Uganda (he's probably not doing well right now)
@@chrisjeaaalbertos3802 Mostly this. Some countries heavily under report these sorts of things or don't have the means to properly diagnose them. Japan for example has a taboo around talking about and seeking mental help. If they have adhd they're more likely to ignore it and people will look the other way when they notice something. Not addressing the problem doesn't mean there isn't a problem
It's also likely that aspects of American culture exacerbate symptoms of ADHD. ADHD is less of a mind problem and more of a type of mind that aspects of modern culture is unkind to, and I'd argue, to civilization's detriment.
Poor, Vaush. He opened his heart only to be disappointed. ☹️
Close your heart to his desperation, close your heart to his suffering
I suffer from depression. If I didn't have my medication I would be dead right now.
I have depression too and couldn't go without medication
Have you considered that the real issue it that you didn't have an ai tutor?
@JordoMIB yeah, the problem is I don't have an ai tutor to make me less socialized and more depressed
I see it now
I wasted my 20’s in a pit of incel loneliness, perpetual bitterness, and reactionary politics precisely because I listened to people like this idiot. It’s only when I finally took meds that I became something resembling a halfway pleasant and functional human being.
i love libertarians, they're just insane on so many issues. my favorite is when they solve the problem of returning to many warlords with personal armies by either going like "nah it won't happen ppl wouldn't do that, amass wealth and buy power :)" or "more authoritarianism (world police)"
Vaush could rebrand as a therapist and he wouldn't need to change his content much.
My man really hate Adderall because his doctor prescribed it to him and nagged him for not taking it. My man can't stay on a point longer than 3 seconds before the next shiny topic. Lol
This was a hell of a conclusion to the crazy tech-bro/Ukrainian War guy trilogy.
I do think this is the best convo to be the last one, however. I think we went as close to the abyss as any of us can tolerate without succumbing to the madness.
"Trilogy" more like ongoing saga
@@aname8174 Sadly, Vaush said we weren’t going to talk to that guy again so unless Frameworks Guy ambushes him at an AMA like VeganGains or ExtremeDad, I think it’s Joever
Vaush: “what do you think is happening in Ukraine?”
This guy: “So Santa Clause lives in the North Pole right? Trust me”
As a libertarian, he wants the freedom from being forced to stay on topic.
People like this literalky do these debates to hear themselves talk
Cause they cannot compete accurately or honeslty in any capacity in a real conversation.
You can tell with how long he spends explaining things, it's because he wants to hear himself talk
No, I think this guy is actually completely insane. This isn't like, narcissistic. It's just total detachment from objective reality.
Oh damn, at the end there (around 1:54:00), Vaush became very sympathetic to me. The thing that bothered me a lot about him in the past was his arrogance and his leaning towards mania, but him actually aknowledging it and the fact that it can be infuriating and at the same time accepting, that it is part of who he is, actually is something only a few people can do. Thing is, nobody usually directly complains about that behaviour, when he talks to people, because they don't talk in good faith usually. So I don't know if he would apologize directly, if somebody would ever call him out on it. That would be one of the few last things though, that bother me about him (that, and his horrible media takes, le meme).
This guy is so politically illiterate, Left-Libertarian but Socially Conservative? Come on
This dude's argument against building a government that works for the people is that it might not last forever, so we should just give up on it entirely, but have world police somehow. What utter bullshit.
Also, he claims that the people of Crimea didn't want to be part of Ukraine, but that is not supported at all by evidence. In 1991, 54% of Crimean voters voted to become independent in Russia as part of a referendum for the entire region of Ukraine. At that time, the region, previously part of the USSR became an independent nation, and as far as I am aware there was no popular call for Crimea to leave Ukraine. Then in 2014, in a sham referendum after being militarily invaded by Russia they "voted" to join Russia. If the people of Crimea truly want to leave Ukraine, I believe they should be able to do that. To hold such a vote today is impossible, first Russia would have withdraw from the region, and the war crimes investigation and repatriation of people forcibly deported and those who fled to avoid death and occupation will take at least 5 years, probably a decade. So in 2040, we might be able to seriously talk about an independent Crimean state. But the one vote we have that has any legitimacy indicates that they don't want to be part of Russia.
This guy is so full of shit.
yeah and so many russians moved to Crimea since then its impossible to ever know.
The Lost Cause tangent was such a plot twist. Never a dull (or sane) moment with this guy!
"I'm deprogramming you. From imbecility." I actually lost my shit that was so fucking funny.
how is he a ‘leftist libertarian’ if he is economically socialist and conservative authoritarian regarding social values? He literally inherited the authoritarian tendencies of both sides of the spectrum!
Authoritarianism is good when I agree with it is a lot of people's stance tbh.
He's nazbol
@vgmaster9 I'm on mobile and it offered to auto translate what you said to "He's sick" and that is so funny to me-
Socialism isn't authoritarian.
Socialist economics are the exact opposite of authoritarian.
Doesn't 'believe in taxation' but wants a UBI. Pretty much sums up the endless quagmire of contradictions that run through his arguments.
This was a perfect example of how the conversation stared off making sense and went off the rails super quick
For like 30 secounds :v
I just straight up agree with him for the first few minutes, it was exhausting how dismissive chat was being. Because when he eventually went insane everyone got to act like everything he said was insane. I honestly think that we should not be celebrating what's happening as leftists. 50 years ago my grandad managed to raise a full family and buy a home whilst working in a shop, now it would take 2 partners working in high paying jobs to achieve the same results, that's not equality, that's not feminism, that's a capitalist con.
@@Rossy167Nah he was being insane even in the first 20 minutes. He has identified some valid issues in society, yes, but his thoughts on what we should do about it are mostly just plain stupid.
@@Rossy167bro as a women diagnosed with ADHD, by minute *seven* I wanted to punch this clown. It did NOT take long for him to steer the train into extremely dangerous and atrocious takes straight out of cooksville.
@@Rossy167 Chat was being dismissive, because he raised these points in two prior debates and derived completely insane conclusions from them. The issue is, the community knows this guy, so we also know, that everything that comes out of his mouth ends up being complete horseshit. That's how conspiracy theorists get you by the way. They start of with "agreeable facts", then they offer bullshit solutions, gishgallop from point to point, to make you dizzy and unable to completely process what they said and then, while the conversation goes on, put more and more just outright false statements between the "agreeable facts", until they finally arrive at their made up world conspiracy against them.
"The USSR fell, because 3 men got together in a forest" HO! LY! SHIT!
To get to the second half of your comment, nobody is celebrating what's happening to western society at large. We just offer different solutions than this maniac. Listen closely and try to hear if anybody OTHER THAN THIS GUY claimed that is is good, that people have less money than they had in the past.
"I've got 10 more minutes before my flight"
*Video has half an hour of runtime left*
_"I'm a social conservative..."_
That line alone, even before the torrent of gibbering Ghooric madness ensued, had me on edge.
I loved how he tried to play the "wE'rE jUsT aS bAd" card regarding Bush talking to Ukraine about the feasibility of them wanting to join NATO, as if that act was as heinous and blatantly strong-arming as Daddy Putin simply ordering Baby Yanukovych to crack down on protestors. Lad's reaching pretty hard... x3
That guy was Russian propaganda personified. Lost in contrarianism, false moral equivalences, and whataboutisms with a sprinkling of post-modern nihilism on top.
I come back to this guests videos every now and then when 1) I'm feeling strong enough and 2) want to feel better about myself lol
_"I can tell you_ that your ADHD is most likely over-diagnosed."
🤣🤣🤣 holy shit im ded
"Just hold still while I deprogram you!!!!!"
It's the most effective method of changing someone's mind.
This guy is the living embodiment of the always sunny meme with Charlie in the mail room.
Boxes full of Pepé!!!😂
"I'm a fiscal conservative"
"i'm a libertarian leftist"
"i'm a pro tech Bro"
"social isolation is bad, i also want to replace public schools with AI indocinrinate learning"
"I don't like force being used to force people to do stuff, also it's fine for foreign fascist governments to do as they please and we should bow and capitulate."
Jesus this guy has no actual principles, he changes his stance as soon as he sees something he likes
This is the kind of guy who says, “I don't like fascism, but i do appreciate and believe in the use of authoritarian power to ensure all my goals and whims are accomplished regardless of others wishes."
"also it's fine for foreign fascist governments to do as they please and we should bow and capitulate."
This is my favourite one because, at least last debate, he made this argument from how he is anti "forcing people to do anything".
Yet, in this debate, on the topic of taxation, he doesn't believe in the rights of non-human entities, therefore taxing (and thus applying force) companies is fine, but not individuals. So, state structures themselves are inherently humans in this man's eyes?
39:00 as a Croatian who don't have to worry about Serbs attacking ever again, yes. Countries join NATO, they are not invaded.
50:00 if Vaush asked him: "is it imperialist if US made amends/friends with Russia?" this dudes brain would shut down.
Finn here. As far as I know the ADHD rates in Finland aren't that different from the rest of Europe. I assume that our tree climbing rates are fairly low.
I like how the dude opens up describing his "socially conservative" positions and it's just obvious problems that Vaush has described- Nuclear Family, and the death of community
I'm listening in for 15 minutes and the guy is just fucking everywhere. I'm genuinely impressed how sanguine you are in dealing with it.
In my opinion, ever since the internet became huge, you've seen tons of basement philosophers and amature political scientists popping up like small pox. Who the hells thinks people can just go on the internet and express their opinions and shit? >:(
Jfc this guy doesn't need to debate anyone; he needs a psychiatrist.
It's insane how this guy was willing too miss a LAX flight to continue this debate. I guess Voosh couldn't handle this fan's dedication. Who wants too see Vuosh react to every appearance this guy has made????
This argument was just Vaush trying to get this guy to focus on a topic and him flailing haplessly trying to prove how much smarter and woker and more aware he is than Vaush.
Third time’s the charm… to ending my will to live.
This guy has ADHD. If he believed in medication he might be able to order his thoughts and become as smart as he thinks he is.
edit: I literally posted this like 30 min in. I was not surprised to hear this: 1:18:16
He isn't a doctor, so why is he even mentioning psychological disorders?? I was diagnosed at 14 with clinical depression and once I took medications, I stopped thinking about suicide. Guess what. Even now, if I run out of meds, the depression comes back and the suicidal thoughts come back. It's literally caused by an imbalance of chemicals in my brain and it runs in my family. Cases being diagnosed at a higher rate doesn't mean it's being overly diagnosed, it means the stigmas surrounding mental disorders are disappearing. It's obvious to anyone who understands how society has progressed over time. I mean, if you read "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", it's extremely apparent that even in the fprm pf a story, any mention of mental illnesses were taboo despite the entire story being a clear parallel to a mental disorder. Nowadays, we have media that has very healthy, sensitive depictions of disorders like autism, Down Syndrome, Bi Polar Disorder, and depression where they are shown as average people who deserve the respect that everyone else does.
I like how the title implies that the debate was so bad that vaush killed himself
If only
@@SalsaSeth WUT????
@@BigSteve9713 I said what needed to be said.
You'd think so, but objectively you posted cringe.
@@BigSteve9713 takes cringe to know cringe
This debate was just all over the place and the opponent couldn't even focus on one thing without suddenly jumping to another
This scam artist has been on way too many damn times. It's just boring script at this point.
People will debate Vorse instead of getting therapy.
Of all the ways this debate could have gone off the rails, I was not expecting this guy to defend the confederacy. Jesus Christ. I would not have known what to say if I were Vaush
Techbro : "That's an interesting question, let me respond by not answering"
God, what a mess. This reminded me of my recent conversation with a former acquaintance from the United States who had become involved in left-wing politics. In twenty minutes of painful discussion, he explained to me that America is an absolute evil, not everything is so clear with Russia, and I should listen to Chomsky. Also, in his opinion, I should forget about my personal life experience, more than 30 years of living in Ukraine and understand that the troubles of my people are nothing compared to what the US government is doing with immigrants...
"There were no Russian soldiers in Ukraine in 2014"
Me who was a part of a doomsday cult that predicted part of the end times because of 2014 invasion of Ukraine, 🤔
the way he pronounces “Vladimir Putin”(exactly the same way Steven Segal does) puts me on guard.
12 mins in and i can already tell what kind of debate this is gonna be. This guy is super spooked by the idea that there are things in this world you cant just gumption your way through so he has to pretend that there cant be underlying unsolvable but treatable problems (like adhd) in favor of the idea that these problems dont REALLY exist we just arent trying hard enough and using it as a cop out. Calling it now, his political philosophy will boil down to the equivalent of "you dont have adhd, youre just lazy".
And he actually did claim that Vaush no longer has ADHD since he’s on meds.
He probably spoke to an online therapist once, and now considers himself an expert on everything related to psychology, and our medical system. Seems like that type of arrogant shithead.
In most of Vaush's conversations, you can charitably assume that the other person is misinformed rather than an idiot.
In this guy's case, such charity falls short.
is this the same ''left libertarian'' who talked to vaush about ukraine and the framworks guy? Edit i saw in chat someone typing !guest and the bot responded the frameworks guy so its confirmed
His name is Greg magarshak
I notice a common theme for reactionary types tend to be "I didn't experience this in life, I don't understand this at all, and therefore it's not real."
Also, Ukraine didn't want to join NATO, but George W. Bush talked to them about it... and?
This guy is so wild i thought this was a re uplaod but it was dead ass yesterdays upload