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  • @Gojiradogzillagodzilla
    @Gojiradogzillagodzilla 7 месяцев назад +2451

    The fact that Andrea tried to warn OP and advised Maya to not to ruin her relationship, after listening to so many reddit stories where friends are trash, is just pure gold. Everyone needs a friend (or perhaps wife) like Andrea.

    • @reiudfgq3vrh34ur
      @reiudfgq3vrh34ur 7 месяцев назад +82

      seems like a good person albeit she should've maybe made it more obvious sooner

    • @JamesL0717
      @JamesL0717 7 месяцев назад +144

      ​@@reiudfgq3vrh34urTo be fair, she was stuck in between a rock and a hard place between doing the moral thing and keeping her best friend. She kinda went on a middle ground and tried to lightly clue in the OP without fully revealing it but obviously didn't work, until she couldn't hold it in the end and chose the moral action.

    • @reiudfgq3vrh34ur
      @reiudfgq3vrh34ur 7 месяцев назад +46

      @@JamesL0717 eh at the end of the day morality is more important than friendship. If you can't stick with your morals then whats the point

    • @voidroad
      @voidroad 7 месяцев назад +40

      @@reiudfgq3vrh34ur she gave her friend as much time as possible to tell the dude. She just wanted to believe in her friend.
      But made the right choice when it was right before the wedding so the dude wouldnt marry a cheater. She took the best decision imo.
      its easy to throw in morality, but there is a fine line between having very strict morals and being a cunt. If we follow your moral thingy she should have told the dude instantly. You dont need ennemies if your friend instantly rat you out when you do something bad you know. She did what a real friend should do : believe in her friend and try to make her do the right thing until the very end.

    • @newturtle3
      @newturtle3 7 месяцев назад +27

      Morals and ethics > people.
      Seriously who in the right mind wants to salvage a relationship / friendship with a cheater and narcassist. They'll turn on you eventually like a cute looking but rabbid dog. All it takes is any random moment not even a trigger

  • @jackchop1576
    @jackchop1576 7 месяцев назад +1737

    Funny that Andrea in story 1 seemed like a major AH yet ended up being the decent one in the situation.

    • @KenW418
      @KenW418 7 месяцев назад +60

      She still covered for her friend cheating for a long time...

    • @Emeraldcrystal7E
      @Emeraldcrystal7E 7 месяцев назад +102

      ​@@KenW418Yeah, that really wasn't grwt of her but seeing as people sometimes have a weird sense of loyalty for the people they care about, it makes sense. I'm happy she finally made the decision to tell him, he could've been completely baby trapped

    • @danielacarracedo5292
      @danielacarracedo5292 7 месяцев назад


    • @tolkienblack
      @tolkienblack 6 месяцев назад +27

      @@KenW418I mean she tried to warn him early on but he just ignored it

    • @funfungerman8401
      @funfungerman8401 6 месяцев назад +8

      She was tbh better than OP
      Like i Know Love Makes blind but To be so oblivious to the Warnings and Even think she is flirting with him is too short-thinking
      Also that he Shut the door when andrea was following (which tbh Sounds like he actually smashed The door in her Face)
      If the Story is real than OP is Really was to emotional and should mature a Little Bit, because if Love Can make him so blind to any warnings etc. Then well

  • @dijango0015
    @dijango0015 7 месяцев назад +1203

    Second story: with Friends like this you dont need enemys.

    • @hakatapawa7115
      @hakatapawa7115 6 месяцев назад +11

      It’s fake though

    • @SillyRamen
      @SillyRamen 6 месяцев назад

      @@hakatapawa7115How do you know?

    • @TS-jm7jm
      @TS-jm7jm 6 месяцев назад +12

      idk how thats supposed to be rape when the man was also drunk

    • @JamesCrimson43
      @JamesCrimson43 6 месяцев назад +44

      @@TS-jm7jm He was tipsy, she was blitzed. Not that it matters since all these stories are fake.

    • @alexdenommee3219
      @alexdenommee3219 6 месяцев назад +20

      Second story is actually a complete joke, she was a master cheater.
      "I can confirm my gf usually only drinks 2 beers" next sentence... "She drank 10 beers"...
      Guys, I get drunk off 4 beers, smashed off 5, and nauseous by 6, this story and this woman is absolutely full of it, and she's full of the guy from the previous night.
      Imagine caring about looking cool drinking while you have a committed SO, actual nonsense or fake story.

  • @blackfire6009
    @blackfire6009 7 месяцев назад +1210

    2nd story: more that the gf, it's a indictment of how trash the friends pushing for intoxication are. Don't know them, but if their reaction to everything was to shrug and bring her home, at the very least they didn't have her back when she needed it most.

    • @ianmoritzplatapino3684
      @ianmoritzplatapino3684 7 месяцев назад

      Really? So if the friends told her to jump off a bridge she will do it? Nope she is the only responsable for this. She chose to go, to be drunk and even cheat.

    • @BasedPoliwhirl
      @BasedPoliwhirl 7 месяцев назад +81

      Until things took a dark turn in that one it felt to me like her friends were doing it on purpose so she would hook up with the guy.

    • @mayureshkalsulkar6588
      @mayureshkalsulkar6588 7 месяцев назад +25

      That is because we are thinking from the pov of OP. But if you go to karaoke and drink a lot and go to a place where only you and the guy you met a few hours before are available, then do not think that she is that innocent.
      And I do know that after a drink you lose some control of yourself but you can definitely think like you always think.
      I am not saying that it is all her fault, but at that moment you cannot judge that it was only that guys fault.

    • @mayureshkalsulkar6588
      @mayureshkalsulkar6588 7 месяцев назад +9

      ​@@BasedPoliwhirl that guy was her friends bf .

    • @lordempalator
      @lordempalator 7 месяцев назад +68

      @@mayureshkalsulkar6588 Yeeeaaaah no. There is definetly a limit after wich you can no longer think like you always think.

  • @inspectorbutters166
    @inspectorbutters166 7 месяцев назад +311

    About the second story: that's why you shouldn't just know your own limits, but that of your friends too. Drinking a few and loosening up is one thing, but getting blackout drunk to the point that a person can't even walk or talk right is just disgusting. Or a downright travesty when something like this story happens.

    • @minime1988
      @minime1988 6 месяцев назад +16

      Honestly people have to start taking responsibility for "peer pressure" bad decisions, yes it's horrible that it resulted in that situation but even as a 21 year old getting my first night out to bars and drinking I have never blacked out it's just a ridiculous thing to do because your friends tell you to someone so naive is bound to do something similar again. This is a similar reason I have no empathy for black out drunk drivers tragically killing people every day, it's their decision their responsibility as an adult not to get to that point out in public.

    • @REYCER0
      @REYCER0 6 месяцев назад +8

      @@minime1988 i´d say she was taking responsability from the moment she knew what happened, and is not tha rare to lower defenses in a group of close friends, not everything in life is unforgivable and should instantly to a breakout, if they both can be happier, then thats the best result.

    • @subratanandy2142
      @subratanandy2142 5 месяцев назад +4

      I have the feeling that those friends are culprits. They couldn't bear to see a happy couple, so they got one blackout drunk , threw her in a room with some dude and had her believe that she mistakenly cheated which could inevitably lead to break up .

    • @devshashOG
      @devshashOG 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@minime1988Credit to your parents/guardians for having taught you that (directly or indirectly) just like mine did for me (i have had blackouts twice back in the day but was still well in control of my morals during, found it stupid and got out of it).
      That said you have to understand that many parents do not understand or teach how to avoid such scenarios and some might never have truly experienced it (yes some people have never drank). That was honestly a learning experience, she was just unlucky it was one of the more dangerous and life altering ones. We have all made mistakes and grew out of them, some people just get unlucky with the cost of those mistakes and yes luck does play a huge role in many such situations. A good friend of mine exposed her bosoms after a blackout drunk episode and really regretted it, yet id say she was lucky she didn’t cheat on or embarrass anyone as she wasn’t in a relationship. She still regrets it and has never gone blacked out since

    • @Fangroth
      @Fangroth 3 дня назад

      ​@subratanandy2142 I agree with you.
      First if all I truly hope this story is fake. It's heartbreaking 💔 to say the least.
      I highly suspect this was all staged:
      1) This was supposed to be a girls night out. How conveniently that "BF" came and join them at the last minute.
      2) If she doesn't want to drink more than 2 glasses of beer respect the girl decision.
      They kept pressuring her because they wanted her to be completely past out.
      3) She doesn't remember anything after the 10th beer.
      From here we have to rely on the information her "girlfriends " told her.
      4) How conveniently of all the girls to be so gullible believing that the "BF" wanted to plan the next song. Didn't the GF get jealous suspicious or anything ?
      They let them alone long enough for him to do everything he wanted with the poor girl. How conveniently.
      They told her the other girl broke up with her BF on the spot.
      Than had the audacity to tell her it was consented since the "BF" said so ?
      None noticed she was past out ?
      I mean even OP saw by the camera footage his GF wasn't in a right state of mind.
      5) If this story is true I hope that "BF" and her "girlfriends" get punished. I'm sick and tired of hearing stories where "girlfriends " try to ruin good relationships because they are envy of happy couples.

  • @HippieInHeart
    @HippieInHeart 6 месяцев назад +451

    Damn, that second story. First she gets raped by the dude and then her so-called "friends" manipulate her into thinking that it's her fault. Actual bruh moment. Glad that OP didn't just abandon her immediately and instead at least gave her the chance to explain her side of the story, and glad that they're still together. I wish both of them the strength to overcome this and enjoy many happy days afterwards.

    • @codylawson1257
      @codylawson1257 6 месяцев назад

      it's not rape if you are both drunk, clown

    • @treoui8739
      @treoui8739 6 месяцев назад +22

      How was that r*pe? He asked, she answered somewhat positively, they did it, end of story. Yes she was drunk, but so was the other one obviously. Ok, let's put aside the cheating, imagine, you're at a party, you're talking to a beautiful woman, who's drunk, you're single, she's single, you ask "s*x?" And she answers the same as she did in the story, what do you do? If she pulls away when you touch her, then it might have been a misunderstanding, but else, it's just two drunk people partying. Obviously, if some details are not present in the story, they should be, but from what we hear, the girl did cheat somewhat conciously (meaning her brain was on autopilot), like a lot of girls of her age, it's ok, it happened to every single one of us, leave her and live your life, nothing dramatic about that

    • @ryanmackenzie6109
      @ryanmackenzie6109 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@treoui8739 I'm fucking sorry, *leave her???* What kind of backwards ass shit is that? You're fucking kidding me. From what we can gather, she was in NO state to be able to consent. She didn't ask to have sex. She didn't even GIVE consent.
      That shit of "nobody was raped they were both drinking" really only flies if they're equally intoxicated and it doesn't seem like they were.
      We don't know how drunk he was. What we DO know is he asked her for sex when she was blackout, she did not fucking consent, and then he LIED to the other friends about what he was doing with her. I don't know where you live in delusionland, but Jesus Christ if you're going to leave someone because they were at the bare minimum taken advantage of if not full on raped, I pray to whatever gods will hear me that women stay the fuck away from you.

    • @giuliogiuliani4054
      @giuliogiuliani4054 6 месяцев назад +73

      ​@@treoui8739 Rape Is sex without free consent. There can be no consent while so intoxicated. It's rape.

    • @sweden-enjoyer
      @sweden-enjoyer 6 месяцев назад +22

      ​@@giuliogiuliani4054Thats a completely idiotic statement. What if their both drunk? And why cant someone give consent while intoxicated? no is no and yes is also yes unless its blackmail and stuff like that.

  • @jjnix9517
    @jjnix9517 7 месяцев назад +387

    Story 2 those aren't friends, and sounds like Richard raped her. She didn't cheat she was raped, she was far to drunk to consent, he clearly wasn't under the influence and it was clearly planned. Cut those friends out and keep an eye on her because trauma can come months after the incident.

    • @Ferrarix777
      @Ferrarix777 7 месяцев назад +39

      I agree. He must bring up the friends and discuss walking away from the group. If she is resistant, doesn't see the need, he just needs to leave the relationship.

    • @pyro7150
      @pyro7150 7 месяцев назад +29

      Richard did rape her hence they complied a report on rape and OP needed to explain to his GF that she was raped because of how Richard ask her to have sex when she was extremely intoxicated

    • @jimmyrietveldt5964
      @jimmyrietveldt5964 7 месяцев назад +4

      agree with most of it but how do you know he wasn't intoxicated too?

    • @pyro7150
      @pyro7150 7 месяцев назад +8

      @@jimmyrietveldt5964 because I believe OP wouldn't say rape if both people were intoxicated to the extreme but I do believe he was lightly drunk not to the same level as OP's GF but drunk enough to make those stupid decision and understand what he is doing

    • @Ferrarix777
      @Ferrarix777 7 месяцев назад +16

      @@jimmyrietveldt5964 It doesn't matter if he was intoxicated or not. His brain functioned enough to allow him to be aware. It doesn't matter if his choices were being impaired by the alcohol. The girlfriend was at a point of haze and unconsciousness. The girl will win a rape case 100% in a situation like this when there is proof outside of a verbal statement.

  • @JL-zt7dn
    @JL-zt7dn 7 месяцев назад +247

    Andrea is a real one, kind of woman you should never let get away. Move on and get to know her, she's the kind of woman you want in a relationship

    • @leotavira7854
      @leotavira7854 7 месяцев назад +25

      Umm what? She helped cover up OP being cheated on and stolen from for months/years. You're seriously saying you could trust someone like that?

    • @thousandyardgavri2785
      @thousandyardgavri2785 7 месяцев назад +28

      @@leotavira7854 she did it with a guilty conscience. She had the decency to tell OP in the end.. Her only red flag is that she's friends with Maya

    • @JL-zt7dn
      @JL-zt7dn 7 месяцев назад +7

      @leotavira7854 Of course it would be better had she revealed everything sooner, but I don't believe she is a lost cause since in the end, she chose the moral route and told OP instead of keeping it to herself and going along with it to where he married her

    • @afroforeskin
      @afroforeskin 7 месяцев назад +1

      This is why I have no female friends....y'all are snakes and have a warped perspective.

    • @ragingsaviorkami9862
      @ragingsaviorkami9862 4 месяца назад +3

      ​@@JL-zt7dn And she kept trying to tell him almost from the start.

  • @stopcensoringmen5044
    @stopcensoringmen5044 7 месяцев назад +463

    Story one is just so sad.
    She had an absolute gem of a man, and threw everything they had away some carousel.

    • @notting2640
      @notting2640 7 месяцев назад +48

      She had spineless nerdy doormat who couldn’t spot the mountain of red flags in her before tying her very expensive knot. She would’ve gotten away with it if not for her BFF.

    • @crazyunclecrispy6140
      @crazyunclecrispy6140 7 месяцев назад

      thats modern women for you at least here in the US. all the genuinely good ones are either married, choose to be celibate, or are dead. theres nothing left but gold digging whores.

      @CHADFUTUREHAN 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@notting2640you gonna die alone dude trust me

    • @Yes-Man1337
      @Yes-Man1337 7 месяцев назад

      @@notting2640Yeah, OP was a fatty with little sex & dating experience, so he was definitely easier to manipulate by a woman.

    • @joaop4585
      @joaop4585 7 месяцев назад +12

      Pittying a doormat? He did what he wanted and got the results he deserved

  • @exemplary12
    @exemplary12 7 месяцев назад +425

    Imagine cheating before you're wedding

    • @travarturner6547
      @travarturner6547 7 месяцев назад +8

      That's crazy💀

    • @un-kyejohn2968
      @un-kyejohn2968 7 месяцев назад +37

      Best day of your life, and now the person you are going to marry is cheating on you, truly the most bruh moment of your life.

    • @DarthChikoo
      @DarthChikoo 7 месяцев назад +17

      Better do it before than after, that way you waste less time of whoever you're dating

    • @Chapman005
      @Chapman005 7 месяцев назад +14

      Lol alot of women do it actually. I have a quite a lot of female friends and 85% of them actually said they'll do it with a one night stand or with the ex that could hit it well. Because most women rarely end up with the guy who hit it well the most. Excuse my english.

    • @exemplary12
      @exemplary12 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@Chapman005 whenever you reply to a comment of mine just know english isnt my first language either so i understand buckaroo

  • @DakotaRileyMedia
    @DakotaRileyMedia 7 месяцев назад +216

    Maya got what she deserved. She lost her AP, lost her STBH, has no job, probably lost her best friend, is probably shunned by her parents, and now has to prepare to raise a baby alone. I hope OP is smart and gets a DNA test done as soon as it’s born so that she doesn’t come after him for child support and the baby isn’t actually his. Also major respect to OP in the first post for not going completely ballistic like I’ve seen in some stories, he kept his calm to the best of his ability, thought rationally, and let her own life implode around her and let her expose herself as the person I thought she would be all along, a spineless, lazy b*tch that has no respect for anyone and who only cares about herself.

  • @tuffin6275
    @tuffin6275 7 месяцев назад +138

    They say "move on" because cheating relationships either don't last very long or you'll be thinking about it everytime and you can't do anything about it because you'll feel controlling or be called controlling. Cheating doesn't disappear from memory from what I'm told.

    • @krulak292
      @krulak292 7 месяцев назад +19

      yeah but in her case it was rape, so it's extremely complicated. I wouldn't call it cheating when you are peer pressured by your horrible friends (who you should ditch) to drink 10+ beers in an hour.

    • @oni5909
      @oni5909 6 месяцев назад +4

      yeah dealing with it rn but i think some people really could prevail

    • @ragingsaviorkami9862
      @ragingsaviorkami9862 4 месяца назад

      ​@@oni5909 Sasuke being cheated on? WHAT?

    • @oni5909
      @oni5909 4 месяца назад +1

      @@ragingsaviorkami9862 yeah like idk i like to think people can change but what do i know

    • @ragingsaviorkami9862
      @ragingsaviorkami9862 4 месяца назад

      @@oni5909 Stay strong man. I don't know how old you are, or how serious the relationship was. But it doesn't matter. It still hurts.
      My last relationship lasted for a year and a half, before I started having this gut feeling and broke things off. Turns out she had been seeing a guy behind my back for two months. Looking back at it now, most of these reddit stories pointing out the red flags, I saw them too, but didn't really recognize them, yet I knew something was wrong. Turns out the emotional affair lasted way longer than those two months.
      I've been single ever since. That was 4 years ago. Let me tell you, there will be horrible days, good days too. Time will erase the pain, but you'll never forget about it.
      But don't wait for her to change. I made that mistake myself, tried to get together or talk to her a month later(still didn't know at that point), she just brushed me off. She made her choice. She was no longer mine.
      Cheaters can change in some rare cases. My grandpa cheated on my grandma in their youth, after being pressured and harassed by a younger female coworker. He came clean instantly, changed his job, and took care of my grandma for the rest of their lives like she was a queen.
      Your role in this is to learn from the experience, learn about your feelings, your weaknesses, grief, hurt, and move on.

  • @anonymouspenguin2405
    @anonymouspenguin2405 7 месяцев назад +97

    Gotta love it when they cheat and try to baby trap. Such a classic.

  • @ZenoDovahkiin
    @ZenoDovahkiin 7 месяцев назад +38

    Wishin OP2 and his girl the best.
    And she needs better friends.

  • @Ferrarix777
    @Ferrarix777 7 месяцев назад +140

    Story 2: I don't trust the friends. I wouldn't say in a relationship with a person with a friends group like that. She could be a good person. However, those friends, aren't safe.

    • @Nunya1721
      @Nunya1721 7 месяцев назад +18

      Or, instead of dumping her for being betrayed by her friends, maybe work with her to heal and help her find a new group of friends that she can trust (like a good person!)

    • @Ferrarix777
      @Ferrarix777 7 месяцев назад +12

      @@Nunya1721 Nah, friends reflect your personality.

    • @minime1988
      @minime1988 6 месяцев назад +6

      @@Nunya1721 He is a human with emotions too (yes men have those too we're not robots) him leaving doesn't make him a bad person... He has his own trauma he needs to deal with maybe try understanding things from his point of view and the feelings going through his head, it's not his fault she put herself in that situation and made the decision that she did... Naivety is not an excuse, he did nothing wrong besides letting someone make their own decisions? I guess?

    • @stinky_twigs
      @stinky_twigs 4 месяца назад

      @@Ferrarix777 or friends reflect how you believe you deserve to be treated. i was heavily abused growing up, emotionally and verbally. i was made to believe i'm a glorified sex toy for men. that i exist to make men happy and that i have no value unless i help someone or make someone feel good.
      not my fault that i drift closer to manipulators because they're the people that make me feel the most 'at home'. i'm trying to get better but it's really hard. just because i'm used to it doesn't mean i'm manipulative too.

    • @ragingsaviorkami9862
      @ragingsaviorkami9862 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@Ferrarix777 Bro, stop. I used to be in a group of toxic friends because I believed they were the best thing ever. I started going out late (was almost 20 when I first got drunk), and I very often felt like an outcast with that group, and peer pressure(like in this story) was a very real thing. I felt like there was always something wrong with me, but eventually I realized there is everything wrong with them.
      Does that make me a bad person, that I hung out with a group of people that everyone we ever hung out with considered to be toxic?

  • @clay5291
    @clay5291 7 месяцев назад +84

    Sex? I like. She was drunk drunk. Probably laughed after saying that when she was drunk and dude prolly pulled her into the room. The fact her friends weren’t mad at her shows it’s true. Even when I used to drink I got lovey on people. Smile and hug everyone and told everyone I liked them and they were so cool. Was convinced to do other drugs too when I never do any and stay away from that crap. I never do that sober. I’m typically more quiet and reserved. Alcohol is dangerous af

    • @e_rebus
      @e_rebus 7 месяцев назад +6

      Alcohol is a drug and has all the same dangers. Just because it's legal, people tend to forget that.

    • @smokyHR
      @smokyHR 6 месяцев назад

      @@e_rebus it destroys more lives than other drugs

    • @aATENEA
      @aATENEA 6 месяцев назад +4

      Alcohol doesn't change you, it just reveals the behaviors you normally suppress.

    • @smokyHR
      @smokyHR 6 месяцев назад

      @@aATENEA I was referring more to drunk driving, spiraling out of control addiction, liver issues etc

    • @ragingsaviorkami9862
      @ragingsaviorkami9862 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@aATENEA This is bullshit. Sorry, but people try to justify some things when alcohol is involved like "And it's the real you" or "Oh it was the real me." No, no it wasn't.

  • @HellstreamGames
    @HellstreamGames 4 месяца назад +7

    Story 2. Going out partying alone when youre in a relationship is already a red flag. Then getting blackout drunk, when she normally not drink alot and her friends knows this, because of peer pressure, is telling that she has shitty friends and bad judgment in general

  • @Homiloko2
    @Homiloko2 7 месяцев назад +35

    Wow. Andrea is a f*cking angel. I hope OP will eventually figure out what he's missing on and marry her. She just 'randomly visits to check on him'? Come on...

    • @darkrazor8935
      @darkrazor8935 3 месяца назад

      Lmao the sarcasm of this comment is not appreciated enough 😂

    • @HeavensEqualGreatSage
      @HeavensEqualGreatSage 3 месяца назад +1

      @@darkrazor8935 I don't think that's sarcastic....

    • @AC11Milan
      @AC11Milan Месяц назад

      Bro he is an overweight looser still living in a one bedroom apartment, no chance

  • @VRDejaVu
    @VRDejaVu 7 месяцев назад +22

    "You got usable "footage" from a bar / club where you can clearly hear what she said? Bullshit mate. Even if the cameras were placed facing the right way, hearing her talking over Karaoke and others talking in a loud place like that, this was too much man and really identifies how fake it is." - stolen from the original post.

  • @harrypewpew901
    @harrypewpew901 7 месяцев назад +8

    Don't be simp guys please, I don't care how much you love the girl please do not be this guy

  • @bgcno2
    @bgcno2 7 месяцев назад +18

    People who think sex with someone that's intoxicated are the scum of the earth. And the friends are trash for justvtaking her home and not even telling her boyfriend what happened. She didn't even know it happened and onlybfound out when they told her the next day. They should have held him down and called the police as soon as they saw what he was doing.

    • @Harishankar-nj1lc
      @Harishankar-nj1lc 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@lucgermain9310my brother in Christ she was blackout drunk and he was conscious enough to come up with the plan of "strategising for karaoke". It 100% was rape. I won't pretend the system is just towards men but that's not what happened in this story.

  • @jacobherrera8735
    @jacobherrera8735 6 месяцев назад +69

    At first, hearing the second story, I understood the gf’s feelings of “even though I was drunk, I still consented” I can’t imagine the doubt she must feel, the feeling like she’s a horrible person who doesn’t really love her SO. But after hearing what Richard asked her, and her response, she probably thought he was asking her thoughts on sex, and she responded that she likes it, not that she wanted to have sex. And yes, either way she’s a victim, but the actual outcome is so much more sad, she didn’t even drunkingly consent, she just said she liked sex

    • @treoui8739
      @treoui8739 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, but that's still not a r*pe to be honest... And they were probably both drunk...

    • @chancecarlson2023
      @chancecarlson2023 6 месяцев назад +5

      She isn't a victim 🤣

    • @Alex_The_Barbearian
      @Alex_The_Barbearian 6 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@chancecarlson2023if you were drunk to the point of blacking out and someone had sex with you, that's against the law, and you would be a victim.

    • @Alex_The_Barbearian
      @Alex_The_Barbearian 6 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@chancecarlson2023because drunk people can't consent because they aren't making a conscious decision.

    • @ha-kh7ef
      @ha-kh7ef 6 месяцев назад

      @@chancecarlson2023 drunk people can't consent bro. Are you the rapist in this story?

  • @drayott-jr
    @drayott-jr 5 месяцев назад +3

    2nd story that man is COOOOOOKED and time will tell. The problem with situations like that is even if it was genuinely what she said, this puts seeds in her and his mind.
    For her she is gonna think if she is ever than desperate he will forgive her even if under extreme circumstances
    For him this dude is gonna be doubting and thinking about this constantly
    This will not end well regardless and I would bet every penny to my name on it (not very much but I am still confident)

  • @shadeblackwolf1508
    @shadeblackwolf1508 6 месяцев назад +11

    That Andrea sounds like an amazing woman. Whoever snags someone with that kind of morality is very lucky

  • @TheGreyParse
    @TheGreyParse 4 месяца назад +2

    I half expected OP to get with Andrea by the end of it

  • @wolvedemonium
    @wolvedemonium 7 месяцев назад +6

    "Believe it or not ive never cheated" unless two girls give you a chance at the same time it really didn't strike me as posible

  • @IZUNAMI14
    @IZUNAMI14 7 месяцев назад +105

    2nd story. I remember this and a bar tender commented that drinking 10 beers after normally drinking only 2 was the biggest bs he's ever heard. Others also commented how she wanted "one last time" and got drunk on purpose.
    Edit: Idk if the bartender is correct or not. I don't drink.

    • @murdock94
      @murdock94 7 месяцев назад +27

      If I remember right, people were telling the bar tender he is full of BS.

    • @IZUNAMI14
      @IZUNAMI14 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@murdock94 idk. I didn't read that far.

    • @vellor9145
      @vellor9145 7 месяцев назад +22

      it all depends on the persons tolerance, if my wife drinks that many beers, she is def forgetting that whole night happend and maybe even the next day

    • @mdw546
      @mdw546 7 месяцев назад +13

      also they were together for that many years and she just 'blanked' that she was in a relationship lmao. Also, at least if their living in the US it isn't rape if your drunk, technically if their blackout drunk it IS. However its damn near impossible to prove in court. Not only that, but if he was drunk as well it further will add to a case for his innocence.
      Essentially, legally it's difficult to say if he did something wrong. If her story is 100% correct, than yes, he did commit rape. If even something is off however then he'll likely get off scot-free.

    • @VRDejaVu
      @VRDejaVu 7 месяцев назад +2

      The story its fake. His update gives it away too much.

  • @jobemednigh3057
    @jobemednigh3057 7 месяцев назад +59

    2nd story: ffs can people please tell their SO if they want to join a group activity and not give the "I didn't want to bother you" bs

    • @jackknife402
      @jackknife402 7 месяцев назад

      if the story is real the OP is a society grown Numale, weak and unable to step out of line of a woman he worships as that's what society teaches men they must do. Everything he does in inadequate and everything she does wrong to him he deserves.

  • @f687sNFM
    @f687sNFM 7 месяцев назад +10

    I've noticed a trend where everything op dates a former homeless partner, they always end up a cheater

  • @AelaLoves
    @AelaLoves 23 дня назад +1

    Andrea is a Real One. Glad she saved OP from that horrible excuse of a girl 😭We all need a friend like Andrea !!

  • @imnotyourvillain
    @imnotyourvillain 2 месяца назад +1

    Story 1: I love how the gold digger was cheating with another gold digger, who left as soon as the gold dried up. Nothing short of karma.

  • @deesseverseau1500
    @deesseverseau1500 7 месяцев назад +6

    If you take her back you are a fool 😭

  • @tuliosan9399
    @tuliosan9399 5 месяцев назад +2

    That second guy is doomed. This will happen again, with her having friends like that

    • @NeoCreo1
      @NeoCreo1 Месяц назад +1

      Considering her friends lead to her getting SA’d and didn’t really care much about it, I’m guessing they likely won’t remain friends

  • @Ninja0fNasaga
    @Ninja0fNasaga 7 месяцев назад +6

    That last story was pathetic. I just couldn't build a relationship on that.

  • @ethangalan4160
    @ethangalan4160 6 месяцев назад +4

    Using “I was drunk it was a mistake” is not a valid excuse it would be the same way if someone Sa someone and tried to use that cop out

    • @Dorksolus
      @Dorksolus 4 месяца назад +1

      "What counts as consent? Consent is agreement or permission expressed through affirmative, voluntary words or actions that are mutually understandable to all parties involved, to engage in a specific act at a specific time: Consent can be withdrawn at any time, as long as it is clearly communicated." Are you perhaps also blackout drunk, because "I like" doesn't sound like agreement or permission to a sexual act. Its like If I (A wrestler) walked up to someone and asked "wrestling" and they reply "I like", so I proceed to hit a blast double and knock them down to the pavement.

  • @foxbob22
    @foxbob22 7 месяцев назад +20

    Story 1: Shame Andrea didn’t say something before OP spent thousands upon thousands on the wedding but at least she told him before they got married.
    Maya sucks… like how could you even look yourself in the mirror after that? Hope she stays in love and miserable with her ex forever.
    Story 2: I… I’m not sure how to feel about the second story.

    • @CosmicAeon
      @CosmicAeon 6 месяцев назад

      Tbf with how hopelessly, ridiculously naive the guy was in story 1, he probably would've thought Andrea was lying because she wanted him instead lmao. Probably smart of her to actually wait to catch them in the act. She had basically already told him to watch out and that their marriage was a joke, and he picked up on absolutely none of it.

  • @MiniJodaTV
    @MiniJodaTV 6 месяцев назад +3

    As bad as I feel about the first guy, the signs were always there and he refused to see them.

  • @meimei
    @meimei 6 месяцев назад +29

    that 2nd story is so heartbreaking tho with a happy ending, as in the end she was raped, pressured to drink more from the friends which ended in that scene, but he was so supportive for her and the family, so only wish them the best

    • @kywayneellis5958
      @kywayneellis5958 5 месяцев назад +3

      2 drunk people had sex so how was that rape on his end but not hers.

    • @velco781
      @velco781 5 месяцев назад

      @@kywayneellis5958 Ok I am tired of you stating this on every single comment. The girl was graped, end of story. I will explain in easy words cause you cant seem to get it past your dense skull when other comments have told you. From what we get from the story OP gf was made to drink heavily by her friend group. So much so that she could not stand nor speak like a normal person. The monster that did the thing took opgf to the side and took her away from the group with a plan(He was drunk, but not to the levels of gf, and more so to planned to get her alone with him). When he asked the question "Sex?" all she said was pretty much "Me like" never to fuck her or anything on the sort, she just answered his question, no FUCKING CONSENT. And on to the one quote of yours saying "if they wouldn’t do it sober don’t do it drunk.", bruh what can she do when she is blackout drunk, can barely walk, might not even know who she is talking to, what she is even saying, AND A MAN THAT IS MORE POWERFUL THAN HER. The man forced himself on her when she was at her weakest and you are here somewhat sounding like you are defending the guy when all things point that she was not in the right mind to even want this.
      In the end this story could be 80% fake cause its reddit but you doing these comments shows that you have problems too. I am shocked a man like you can get friends if you even have tho, or a family since it seems you cant see things that are this simple to see and might even have trust issues.

    • @prenume482
      @prenume482 5 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@kywayneellis5958 look I understand where are you coming from but the way this story is tell the girl was black out drunk meaning she wasn't conscious she couldn't even answer the question well she just said "I like" she couldn't even make a corect sentence while the guy was just drunk just drunk meaning he did not have any inhibitions but still was conscious and yeah if he was black out drunk and can prove it then she can't consider it rape. Anyways in both case this is not cheating but like I said even by the friends reaction he was alright she couldn't even walk while he remembered everything and still could have a fight with his ex. So if there is a situation where they are both black out drunk then it isn't considered rape and if there is a siuation where both are just drunk and have relationship this is just cheating but in their cases she was black out drunk he was just drunk and also the way he got her alone to "talk" and then started that.. he knew was he was doing

    • @epsleon
      @epsleon 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@prenume482 This is from the perspective of a guy choosing to stay with a potential cheater.
      Maybe her being raped is his rationalisation for choosing to stay with her. After all he was still trying to not hurt her before he knew about her level of drunkenness, so he embellishes the rape-y aspect of the situation to make her less culpable and to redeem his "hero".
      Filing a police report is as much proof of her commitment to lying as it is proof of her claim.
      Then there's the anecdotal aspect of her being a light-weight drinker and being able to put away more than an alcoholic, or that she's supposedly a really good girl, with fucking awful friends. Aspects of the story don't really fit, and we're only getting the heavily biased point of view from the boyfriend, so there's no way to say whether or not it was a rape or not.

    • @prenume482
      @prenume482 5 месяцев назад

      @@epsleon yeah you are right but anyways I wanted more to prove the point that you can get raped if you are drunk. Really good explanation I did not think it that way I also really like the way you speak👍🏻

  • @Gennys
    @Gennys 3 месяца назад +3

    I knew story too was going to be interesting because these stories essentially NEVER start off with something as reasonable as a person admitting to cheating directly out.

  • @arhael3594
    @arhael3594 5 месяцев назад +13

    Story 2.
    Girlfriend immediately confessing cheating and feeling guilty seemed weird. It was obvious to me that she went for it under influence of alcohol. Still accountable, but alcohol is known for lowering inhibitors, so in my eyes it still gives her a mild pass, since she couldn't know what she was capable of cheating under alcohol. Turns out she was black out drunk, which is a lot darker circumstance.

    • @tanbir11
      @tanbir11 5 месяцев назад +1

      agree i guess it depeends on the location but where i come from its not rape , alot people get drunk and have sex , and even though they arent 100% there it is still consent. Not sure why (in terms of the law) but i guess if you agree to drink you agree everything that proceeds it. Obviously if she was forced and the dude was forcing himself that is different, but if during the incident there was no body language to stop then in my eyes it is consensual . LOL to me it is like someone getting a DUI saying it doesnt count cause they didnt 100% consent to get into the car and drive, it sets a stupid precedense IMO of course and could be wornf.

    • @NeoCreo1
      @NeoCreo1 Месяц назад

      @@tanbir11 In this case she was barely conscious. Blackout drunk isn’t “a little tipsy”. You are a fucking zombie.

  • @rukiakuchiki6187
    @rukiakuchiki6187 7 месяцев назад +31

    No forgiveness for cheating

    • @DooMS53
      @DooMS53 7 месяцев назад +3

      Unless youre being abused. At that point its one evil for another, but anyone could understand that.
      But if that person was nothing but loyal, respectful, and loving, then cheating on that person is going to be a weight on your back that never ever comes off.

    • @rukiakuchiki6187
      @rukiakuchiki6187 7 месяцев назад +5

      @DooMS53 I was raised in a Christian household where you cheated it's not forgivable

    • @foxbob22
      @foxbob22 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@rukiakuchiki6187and what if you are trapped and can’t survive if you leave? I know someone who gets SA all the time at her house, she can’t leave her husband because he has most of the money and controls everything. They also have kids which makes it 10x as complex. She’s seeing someone on the side for support as she tries to figure things out.

    • @rukiakuchiki6187
      @rukiakuchiki6187 7 месяцев назад

      @@foxbob22 ok

    • @danielsterling4918
      @danielsterling4918 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@foxbob22 if she really wanted out she could get out. Just not strong willed enough. Otherwise it's just copium to stay in the comfortable cowards bubble and stay scared of conflict and the unknown. I say it with plenty of personal experience seeing those close to me on both ends of the spectrum, as in those being too scared to do something to get away, and those that fight like hell to be free.

  • @ElJosher
    @ElJosher 5 месяцев назад +2

    Second story is a lesson to not get wasted drunk. This society has impulsed people into thinking that getting hungover is a good thing. When it is proven that overconsumption of alcohol is not only not beneficial to health, but can cause people to do things they don’t consent to. Leading to a lot of sexual assaults. The worst part about it is that people drink and get wasted in places that could lead to these situations.
    I don’t drink, i don’t see the fun nor the culinary appeal to it. So i cannot understand the need for getting wasted.

  • @user-mp8qg5tb5e
    @user-mp8qg5tb5e 7 месяцев назад +13

    2nd story op is such a door mat with no backbone

    • @SpooqySqarySqeletons
      @SpooqySqarySqeletons 6 месяцев назад

      For supporting his gf that literally got r*ped?

    • @uh4875
      @uh4875 5 месяцев назад +1

      Nah man you just think r*pe isn’t real.

    • @NeoCreo1
      @NeoCreo1 Месяц назад

      She was SA’d, you psychopath

  • @hotshower695
    @hotshower695 7 месяцев назад +4

    Drank 10 beers? Only usualy drinks 2? Hmmm.

  • @FractalPrism.
    @FractalPrism. 7 месяцев назад +26

    "fresh slate, turn over a new leaf, lets just reset, clean start, put the past behind us, forgive and forget, he's just a friend, you're paranoid, you're insecure, it didnt mean anything, it was only once, you're being so petty, he was there for me when i needed him, its not a big deal, i regret it, i forgot we were in a relationship, i was too drunk / high to think straight, i'll do anything to make it right, dont throw me away, did all this mean nothing to you" = Accountability, A Woman's Kryptonite

    • @snarkymoosesshack8793
      @snarkymoosesshack8793 7 месяцев назад +3

      Giving them rights has had immeasurable and far reaching consequences for the West and civilsation as a whole.

    • @SalmonidSplat
      @SalmonidSplat 7 месяцев назад +6

      @@snarkymoosesshack8793oh you’re one of those people

    • @TheHelper151
      @TheHelper151 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@SalmonidSplat Is he wrong?

    • @SalmonidSplat
      @SalmonidSplat 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@TheHelper151 yes and no, saying that women gaining rights hasn’t had consequences would be a straight up lie, but if you look at his comment history he’s saying shit like how he wants the 19th amendment repealed and implying that all women are bad which is just not the case, if you hate on those who you don’t understand then you will never find true peace.

    • @TheHelper151
      @TheHelper151 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@SalmonidSplat Women do it all to the time to men... Why should men be understanding when women won't?

  • @katje5087
    @katje5087 7 месяцев назад +2

    Props to the guy in story two. The friends were trash 🗑

  • @Wumbology378
    @Wumbology378 7 месяцев назад +79

    The situation in the 2nd story was definitely SA, but I can't stand grown people that let themselves get sloppy drunk. Even if the friends cheered it on she should have known better, it worked out in the end I guess.

    • @creepynoone7437
      @creepynoone7437 7 месяцев назад +4

      On the one hand, I understand what you mean. But on the other hand, that's literally the only time that a person's not at fault for doing something while drunk. You drive while drunk? It's on you. Beat someone up while drunk? It's on you. Break into someones house while drunk? Once again, it's on you. Even while blackout drunk, you're still at fault. So, while legally it is SA, at the same time, it sounds like she fully went along with it, just to regret it in the morning. Is the other guy a dick for doing a woman in a relationship while in one himself? Yes. But. Other than legally, it should be on her too.

    • @lifeisamess8100
      @lifeisamess8100 7 месяцев назад +15

      ​@@creepynoone7437Are u out of your mind? U literally victim blaming😐 & being drunk or not is irrelevant regardless.

    • @lifeisamess8100
      @lifeisamess8100 7 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@creepynoone7437If u are drunk and u caused an accident, u used your car as a weapon to k*ll somone. If u reverse the situation, someone who is drunk was just walking in the footpath and car hit them, it doesn't matter the person is drunk or not. They will be considered victim regardless

    • @creepynoone7437
      @creepynoone7437 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@lifeisamess8100 I was never talking about the victim in any of these scenarios whom have absolutely zero power being at fault. Only the ones who had the power to say "You know, maybe this is a bad idea. I wouldn't do this sober, so I shouldn't do this drunk either." The girl is on the side with the power to say no. And, going with your reversed scenario logic, she is the one who got drunk and said "I'm willing to have sex!", and now the guy (Who I would have had nothing to say about other than that's fucked up if the poster had just wanted to kick his teeth in for sleeping with his girl, even if they were both drunk) has to bear the full brunt of the consequences just because the girl decided she regrets her decisions. Now, if he had obviously in any/every sense of the word forced himself on her, regardless of level of inebriation, I'd agree. Throw him in the slammer. BUT. He didn't. THEY BOTH made one bad decision.

    • @templarknight7
      @templarknight7 7 месяцев назад

      @@creepynoone7437 damn, your brain is broken. All the examples you gave are crimes whether you're drunk or not. That's why how sober you are doesn't play a role in whether the action is a crime or not.
      You can't consent when you're drunk. According to you, if you got drunk and signed away all your possessions and freedoms, you would honor that contract even though you don't remember signing it because you were black out drunk.
      In this video, she didn't even consent. She said "I like," which is not the same as "yes." Heck, she couldn't even move her body due to how drunk she was.
      I can only assume you want to assign blame to the woman because you've raped drunk women as well and don't like thinking of yourself as a rapist.

  • @Shoujin1
    @Shoujin1 7 месяцев назад +66

    For anyone who didn’t understand story 2 she was Raped and they all covered for him and she thought she was cheating because she didn’t understand what happened to her was rape she was flat out drunk and he was sober and was trying to get her flat out drunk the entire night

    • @fernybern
      @fernybern 7 месяцев назад +1


    • @ivinrandall8224
      @ivinrandall8224 7 месяцев назад +16

      So if you get black out drunk and get in car and kill 5 people, is it not your fault because your friends dared you to drink?

    • @pauliussipavicius4658
      @pauliussipavicius4658 7 месяцев назад +14

      @@ivinrandall8224 I agree, its baffling how those people trying to justify the cheating. So pathetic...

    • @alwaysright3943
      @alwaysright3943 7 месяцев назад

      Bro you are good looking. No homo of course.
      Also L take btw.

    • @Rendertk1
      @Rendertk1 7 месяцев назад +19

      @@ivinrandall8224 Really missing a major point here, the guy was demonstrably less impaired if at all and coerced her when in a state she could not reasonably give consent. Correcting your analogy it should read more like this; Suppose you get black out drunk and someone sober directs you to drive a car in this state because it is more convinient for them.
      They give you instructions on operation, such as turning the keys, which pedals to press when, without which you likely would not be capable of operating the vehicle. As a result 5 people die.
      Whilst it was irresponsible of you to get black out drunk in the first place, is the majority of the responsibility not obviously on the sober person, without whom this would and could not have occurred. The person who was capable of assessing their actions and actively chose the most dangerous situation purely because it was the most beneficial to them. The person who took advantage of the fact that as a result of your impairment you were likely to comply where otherwise you would not.
      Your analogy would be a more accurate assessment if she had initiated. But even in that scenario, the fault still lays with the guy if he is sober, he should know better. The fault isn't being directed away because of peer pressure. It's not being attributed to her for the same reason that if you give a toddler a gun and tell them to shoot someone, you are the arsehole when someone gets shot.

  • @LoganK-ph9or
    @LoganK-ph9or 10 дней назад +1

    "Haha, ita not april fools yet." Like, danm, bro, you did not have to cook that hard💀💀💀

  • @Zellonous
    @Zellonous 7 месяцев назад +2

    "hey babe, before we get married I wanna make sure we have to get other people to raise our children because we're both working."

  • @scoobygang911
    @scoobygang911 Месяц назад +1

    Why do simps allow that to happen? I see how stupid I was when I was a simp a decade ago.

  • @4myzelf
    @4myzelf 6 месяцев назад +3

    Story 2, friends that would side with a S. Offender? Dad who didn fly into a rage when he heard daugther get assaulted? Guy not having illogical and complicated feelings and immediately go into communication issues? And the most pivotal quote of the story is about "love conquers all"? I'm sorry but it really sounds like fiction made by a female who doesn't understand the male perspective

  • @NonchalantSims
    @NonchalantSims 6 месяцев назад +9

    The second story is weird because you can’t give proper consent with alcohol in your body, let alone while being black out drunk, so technically she was sexually assaulted

  • @AstaStaria-li1pe
    @AstaStaria-li1pe Месяц назад

    If she insulted me at that she would get a punch in the face. He should get a lawsuit for fraud and extortion

  • @richarddimeck4578
    @richarddimeck4578 3 месяца назад +4

    Story drunk she forgot she was in a relationship hahahaha
    Ain't heard that one before. Jesus the excuses are the best bit sometimes. It's like kids being caught with thier hands in the cookie jar

  • @Maninawig
    @Maninawig 6 месяцев назад +7

    Story 2: I felt sad for OP, but when the story came out, I am really pissed at the Dick!
    Couple's therapy is awesome after such a trauma, and I wish the couple well.

  • @nr1fan4all
    @nr1fan4all 7 месяцев назад +14

    I think I heard the second story before on the channel, a shitty situation and shitty friends
    OP should have been called by the police the friends should have called once they saw their friend on her, instead her friends brought her home after pressuring her to drink and told her the next day, blood work should have been done/requested by the police to check for lvl of alchohol and any possible drugs then and there... calling bs on the story or the friends

    • @uh4875
      @uh4875 5 месяцев назад

      Dude went and saw video footage of the exact events described by his gf. Including audio. Obviously the friends were shit

  • @f687sNFM
    @f687sNFM 7 месяцев назад +2

    Never thought id see a super simp in story 2

  • @fischls5771
    @fischls5771 7 месяцев назад +24

    I don’t understand this
    Two drunk ppl were there so if the guy asks for sex and the woman consents it’s rape? But
    If woman asks and the guy consents it’s gonna be considered OK ? Or sometimes cheating??

    • @-insertarnombredeusuarioge7340
      @-insertarnombredeusuarioge7340 7 месяцев назад +6

      Thats the dilema, if asking a person that is clearly out of her senses could be really be considerate like giving consent or not
      Although i know its really fucked up how the preception changes with the gender of the person

    • @Julian-bi5oc
      @Julian-bi5oc 7 месяцев назад +21

      if the guy is a little drunk and the girl is blackout drunk its not consentual. Two moderately inebriated adults can consent to sex. One barely functional inebriated adult cannot consent to sex with one moderately inebriated adult, especially when the one who is less drunk does the initiating. Don’t be weird lol irs pretty clear cut

    • @fischls5771
      @fischls5771 7 месяцев назад +6

      @@Julian-bi5oc huh?? How tf can you know who is more drunk or not? WTF you yapping?? If I I meet a girl in a club how tf am I supposed to know what kind of drunk she is??
      If she was blacked out drunk and if she isn’t moving or she is sleeping and if someone forced on her ya it’s rape but if your still taking singing and dancing it’s not 😂
      I think you never been drunk so you don’t know what you yapping about.
      When your drunk you still can make decision but the only difference is you don’t think of the consequences. Like me for example. I will never dance and I am too nervous or awkward to dance but when I am drunk I don’t feel any of those and I don’t think of the consequences of being embarrassed .(this is not me comparing the situations, I am just giving you an example of my experience)
      I am 100% sure like she said she consented to sex without thinking of the consequences and did it. Later regretted and cried because her relationship was in danger

    • @nileforce
      @nileforce 7 месяцев назад +14

      @@fischls5771 you clearly didnt listen to the story it was pretty much confimed by the camera recordings that she 1 was too drunk to consent and 2 didnt really consent. It isnt hard to see who is too drunk to consent and who is not and if somebody answers "i like" to an propersition she/he is clearly too drunk

    • @IZUNAMI14
      @IZUNAMI14 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@fischls5771 I think the no no comes into play if the person asking is completely sober. I've never been drunk, but I'd imagine you'd know if someone isn't sober.
      It's worse since her friends we're with her and let her hang around another dude. They supposedly pushed her into drinking with the intention of getting her drunk.

  • @rhiarebecca2000
    @rhiarebecca2000 7 месяцев назад +1

    Once someone cheats things will never be the same ever again and people who try to keep going just destroy themselves mentally.

  • @matthenry3569
    @matthenry3569 Месяц назад +1

    Maya is the kind of person who would stab you in the heart, and blame you for causing her to do it.
    Story 2, you don't let your gf go out with single women, they will cheat and then play victim. People are saying it was grape or SA, since she was so drunk.
    But she went out, and made a decision even while intoxicated, that she wanted to do what she wanted. Saying the booze made me do it, is the same as saying my political ideology made me commit felonies.

  • @solomonharvey-batten8974
    @solomonharvey-batten8974 2 месяца назад

    Never pressure friends into drinking more than they should. The “friends” in the second story should be ashamed, regardless of the events that ocurred.

  • @sandukan1001
    @sandukan1001 7 месяцев назад +13

    So in the 2nd story she first says she "blanked'' on being in a relationship which sounds to me she was fine with it since she thinks she's single. Also you don't just completely forget about someone's existence because you are drunk, what a bunch of horse radish.
    Especially since they seem to have known each other for all their lives.
    If she doesn't have the emotional maturity and stability to not get pressured into drinking too much, and willingly surrounds herself with such people and even calls them ''friends'' then I doubt it was actual SA. The people you choose to surround yourself with says a lot about you.
    She fucked up and made a mistake and then plays the sexual assault card.

    • @idminister
      @idminister 7 месяцев назад +5

      1) incorrect, if you are drunk enough, the formation of short term memory is severly impaired to the point of being disabled. so its not that you "completely forget" but rather your brain never properly stored (saved) the memory to begin with
      2) no it can still be SA in that situation, but such a person is not mature enough for the level of relationship that is marriage
      2b) fool me once shame on you, fool me twice..... if she doesnt immediately and permanently sever all ties to that 'friend' group of her own volition she should be dropped as a partner
      2b2) the immediately can be delayed for only the minimal amount necessary to acquire evidence for court, criminal prosecution and civil litigation

    • @pauliussipavicius4658
      @pauliussipavicius4658 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@idminister Literally doesnt matter,
      If youre at fautl for drinking and driving and killing someone, you are at fault for drinking and having sex with someone and cheating. Whats up with those double standarts, that being drunk is excuse to having sex with someone? In the end its you who decided to get drunk, you didnt get drugged with rape drug or something.

    • @templarknight7
      @templarknight7 7 месяцев назад

      @@pauliussipavicius4658 there's no difference from drinking too much and getting roofied.
      You're at fault for killing someone whether sober or drunk.
      I don't see how being raped and cheating are the same thing. Sure, she's at fault for drinking so much she's basically unconscious, but being raped while unconscious isn't cheating...

    • @pauliussipavicius4658
      @pauliussipavicius4658 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@templarknight7 There is difference. Youre the one who chose to get too drunk. Consequences of your actions exists.

    • @templarknight7
      @templarknight7 7 месяцев назад

      @@pauliussipavicius4658 yea, the consequence of getting drunk in an unsafe environment is rape. Just like when you get roofied, you're the one who didn't pay proper attention to your drink and so you get raped.

  • @angelo3998
    @angelo3998 6 месяцев назад +1

    nah the op in the second story needs selfd respect

  • @trinity3934
    @trinity3934 7 месяцев назад +2

    why did he talk about how he can never forgive her for what she did?? its obvious to anyone in this situation that people don't deserve forgiveness

    • @queerdeificeeli985
      @queerdeificeeli985 7 месяцев назад +2

      Because some people do give second chances and just get betrayed again and again.

  • @carebear91
    @carebear91 3 месяца назад +2

    The second one is so sad.

  • @Mop222
    @Mop222 Месяц назад

    I didn’t realize cheaters were also so emotionally abusive. Like in that first story.

  • @gachacatproductions431
    @gachacatproductions431 7 месяцев назад +2

    Both of these stories are so sad, bless them both I hope they’re all ok ❤

  • @bellasmom2597
    @bellasmom2597 Месяц назад

    The best friend had reason to be horrified not mortified. The best friend had nothing to be ashamed of.

  • @SyahidanIbnMokhtar
    @SyahidanIbnMokhtar 15 дней назад

    This, as well as countless other observable incidents, are the reasons why intoxicants and liquors are one of the 5 poison of society.

  • @Chapman005
    @Chapman005 7 месяцев назад +46

    I've realised that while not cheating emotionally or physically on a woman, it's very good to be friendly to other women to keep your own woman on her toes cause women go crazy over a man that other women want

    • @Top-G35
      @Top-G35 7 месяцев назад +3


    • @C.G.Gaster
      @C.G.Gaster 7 месяцев назад +11

      Greed is one hell of a emotion. Throw on jealousy and it makes it stronger

    • @Top-G35
      @Top-G35 7 месяцев назад

      @@C.G.Gaster facts

    • @domino5480
      @domino5480 7 месяцев назад +6

      the hell dude. Be nice to everybody that is also nice, not to make your woman jealous but to be a decent human being.

    • @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259
      @leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 7 месяцев назад +5

      😂😂😂I'm not playing these games. I'm not gonna be with a cheater. I don't care what a cheater wants because what they want changes on a whim.

  • @rogercyuzuzo9819
    @rogercyuzuzo9819 6 месяцев назад +1

    Second story: She is legally innocent, so you should legally keep (sarcastic)
    Alcohol doesn't make you do something.
    You make stupid decisions while on Alcohol because the rules you're breaking seems not so important at that moment. I have been drunk as fuck as many of my friends but yet none of the stupid things we did while drunk were just because of Alcohol.
    Alcohol is not an excuse.
    But keep the bullshit going ...
    Victimes of rape exists and they wish they would wish to be put in a place to express their opinions or for thier opinions to matter before falling victim. But they never did.
    But those who use rape as a door to get out of situations where they choose to make a "STUPID" decision, are just evil. And the author fell victim to that.
    Not only she failed to owned up to what she chose to do but now the other guy is now a rapist while have asked her consent EVEN IF HE WAS DRUNK ( you see even while drunk he knew what is wrong or right to do if you want to ff someone) he just didn't care to lose his relationship in the process. But end up being labeled a rapist, that's another level.

  • @kbforme
    @kbforme 7 месяцев назад +1

    If both parties are drunk how can that be considered rape?

  • @DocMartn253
    @DocMartn253 3 месяца назад

    The first dude doesn't realize that Andrea is trying to get with him. This dude is so oblivious that it's not even funny.

  • @grandparedpill2695
    @grandparedpill2695 5 месяцев назад +1

    Story one: Andrea has something rare that no modern woman seems to have anymore, a sense of right and wrong.

  • @sophiemoconnell
    @sophiemoconnell 3 месяца назад

    I feel so sad about thr OP talks about himself in the first story. He sounds like such a lovely guy.

  • @darkrazor8935
    @darkrazor8935 3 месяца назад +1

    2nd story: I don't understand why it seems like the guy still feels like he was hurt by his gf after finding out she was raped. Shouldn't you lose all those feelings and care for her more than ever in that moment? Maybe I'm taking this wrong but I swear he still feels slightly betrayed by her after learning she literally didn't consent.

  • @surrealsemnocao5583
    @surrealsemnocao5583 2 месяца назад

    Story 2: No is still no , regardless of sex, if a person dooes'nt feel comfortable drinking large ammounts of alcohol, don't push it, respect their boundaries

  • @iirawrvibes6234
    @iirawrvibes6234 7 месяцев назад +36

    2nd story: I’d honestly reconcile. Call me naive and too forgiving, but she immediately told up as soon as she woke up and apologized a crap ton. I know this doesn’t justify cheating, but I feel like it could be a chance to reconcile. But then again, it’s the start of the story, anything can happen 🤷‍♀️
    Edit: wow- just finished the story. I feel so bad for the gf, to get raped like that. I heard a similar story, but the roles were reversed. The boyfriend actually got raped, but it was with the assistance of his so-called best friend. I hope they all heal from this!

    • @boendal2529
      @boendal2529 7 месяцев назад +10

      Ur not naiv, he was in the bar and saw it himself what happen.
      It was Rape, not cheating

    • @Lt_Koro
      @Lt_Koro 6 месяцев назад

      ong. good to see them go to couple therapy. probably the best thing they could've done. would think twice about going out with those "friends" tho if I were the gf.

    • @agx8447
      @agx8447 6 месяцев назад

      I think I agree with you, and while I still think some blame lies on the girlfriend there's enough outside influence for me to think she won't do it again, and her swearing off alcohol is what convinces me she's genuine. I don't think being drunk is an excuse, even when it's to the point of being blackout drunk, as you still made the choice to drink alcohol knowing you were more at risk of making bad decision by doing so. In this situation however, she was highly peer-pressured, and while I wouldn't forgive that alone, her "consent" was real fuckin sketchy. "Sex" "I like". That isn't consent.

  • @trefaie
    @trefaie 26 дней назад

    You dodged a bullet. Dont have to get divorced and pay allimony, etc.

  • @Mentallect
    @Mentallect День назад

    Story 2: He friends show her judgment.

  • @iloveme_777
    @iloveme_777 5 месяцев назад

    1st story:
    see the exact same way people tell women, “don’t give a man wife treatment when your not a wife” men shouldn’t give into that wife treatment if she isn’t one. Not even just making food for him, but being a stay at home girlfriend is not something you should accept unless she works from home. Even *if you make good money, she’s a grown adult and needs to take care of herself.

  • @iamseelo1
    @iamseelo1 4 месяца назад

    Sometimes people need to be cold without emotions to demonstrate clear boundaries.

  • @lthefifteenth661
    @lthefifteenth661 2 месяца назад

    S2: Girl, you were SA'd. That was NOT cheating.

  • @WarGrey_
    @WarGrey_ Месяц назад

    I am sorry but like if somebody said that BS to me "You can't find a girl like me..." whilst they are cheating, I'd tell them "IT ONLY TAKES LIKE 100 QUID AND THE RIGHT NEIGHBORHOOD AT NIGHT TO FIND A GARDEN TOOL..."

  • @sain8827
    @sain8827 5 месяцев назад

    For me it's my manager going around me and trying to get other people to manage me and writing passive aggreessive comments publicly when I say something.

  • @lalvarez5151
    @lalvarez5151 5 месяцев назад

    Story 1- why do cheaters always use the excuse "but you are always working" when the guy takes care of them? Maybe if she helped with the bills he would not need to work as much.

  • @madkat7428
    @madkat7428 3 месяца назад +1

    In story 2, I think its still considered no consensual if the person was on drugs or black out drunk. But idk

    • @madkat7428
      @madkat7428 3 месяца назад +1

      They said its non consensual right after i typed this

  • @AlanGurling
    @AlanGurling 5 месяцев назад

    OP should really have sued the hell out of her.

  • @aundreawilliams1211
    @aundreawilliams1211 3 месяца назад

    No matter where i go or how many stories i hear and read, someone always uses that same old excuse of being drunk being the reason that they cheat😑😑😑

  • @DraxXThanos
    @DraxXThanos 7 месяцев назад +3

    something really fishy about the second story

  • @joshfly210
    @joshfly210 4 месяца назад

    Any woman can find a guy that will passionately hug her. That’s not the same thing as having a relationship and a loving marriage. Don’t conflate the two.

  • @BigWhite1996
    @BigWhite1996 2 месяца назад

    Story 1 is so common, woman refuses to work so her man works his ass off and then the woman cheats because he’s never around

  • @enzu153
    @enzu153 Месяц назад

    Man Andrea is a real one! Secondly the op of the last story is dumb as hell dump that girl whether you’re drunk or not it does not excuse sleeping with someone else you are still yourself drunk or not.

  • @noahnewcomer5180
    @noahnewcomer5180 3 месяца назад

    Honestly, props to Andrea! She really saved homeboy here!!

  • @MetalheadAndy25
    @MetalheadAndy25 4 месяца назад

    Respect to Andrea, even if nothing ever happens between her and OP she's clearly a good person

  • @cerbus6597
    @cerbus6597 6 месяцев назад +1

    the 2nd story is where richard should be jailed for rape after losing his girlfriend

  • @Attritionist
    @Attritionist 7 месяцев назад +4

    Andrea is a G.O.A.T

  • @Nathan_Bookwurm
    @Nathan_Bookwurm 7 месяцев назад +1

    I just don't get how people can drink 10 glasses of alcohol in one hour, or think that this is normal. You don't drink 10 glasses of water in one hour either. Not even in one evening 🙄

  • @mateuszlewinski7774
    @mateuszlewinski7774 2 месяца назад

    This is the mistake most cheated on men do...they leave and do not tell everyone the truth leaving the cheater to set the stage and narrative. This is how the victim becomes the bad guy.