So the retro bit controller you need to hold the right shoulder button select then start for it to go into sync mode. Then you hold the button on the receiver for about 5 to 10 seconds to get in to sync mode. Then you just hit start again and it should sync up. I get why people like the build quality of the 8-Bitdo m30. But I've definitely had problems with it and there are other products. Retrobit has been super good for me.
@@IkesVintageTech man that sucks. The closest issues I had with that was on Nintendo switch. For some reason every time I would turn the system off I would have to resync the controller and dongle for 2 days. But then I unplugged the dongle popped it back in and it's been working flawless ever since. 8-bit dough I've had severe disconnection issues and customer service was absolutely terrible when I contacted them. Regardless I hope you have a great time gaming!!!!
That's so weird that ya got a lemon from Retro Bit. I've bought a ton of their controllers and have the wireless Genesis one too and it's great. I do kinda wanna give the 8bitdo another run though (had one forever ago but sold it)
When I started looking into fixes apparently it's a fairly common issue, at least for those that post it in help forums. What's annoying is it worked fine on day one then just didn't want to cooperate. If I had a second controller I could have narrowed it down to the Genesis dongle or the controller. Luckily it was easy to return to Amazon and the second 8BitDo is already in and working great.
@@IkesVintageTech I'm contemplating getting the wireless version of the Retro Fighters Striker DC for the Dreamcast. But it's kinda pricey :P I have the wired one though and it's pretty great.
Cool video, and cool comparison of these controlers.
Thanks! It wasn’t an intended video but I realized it should be made when I had them both in hand.
So the retro bit controller you need to hold the right shoulder button select then start for it to go into sync mode. Then you hold the button on the receiver for about 5 to 10 seconds to get in to sync mode. Then you just hit start again and it should sync up.
I get why people like the build quality of the 8-Bitdo m30. But I've definitely had problems with it and there are other products.
Retrobit has been super good for me.
Tried that and about a dozen other things I found online and on the manufacturers website. Nothing worked unfortunately.
@@IkesVintageTech man that sucks. The closest issues I had with that was on Nintendo switch. For some reason every time I would turn the system off I would have to resync the controller and dongle for 2 days. But then I unplugged the dongle popped it back in and it's been working flawless ever since.
8-bit dough I've had severe disconnection issues and customer service was absolutely terrible when I contacted them.
Regardless I hope you have a great time gaming!!!!
That's so weird that ya got a lemon from Retro Bit. I've bought a ton of their controllers and have the wireless Genesis one too and it's great. I do kinda wanna give the 8bitdo another run though (had one forever ago but sold it)
When I started looking into fixes apparently it's a fairly common issue, at least for those that post it in help forums. What's annoying is it worked fine on day one then just didn't want to cooperate. If I had a second controller I could have narrowed it down to the Genesis dongle or the controller. Luckily it was easy to return to Amazon and the second 8BitDo is already in and working great.
@@IkesVintageTech I'm contemplating getting the wireless version of the Retro Fighters Striker DC for the Dreamcast. But it's kinda pricey :P I have the wired one though and it's pretty great.