Got the same P0016 code. Just bought the sensor. If it’s that simple 10mm socket shoot I can do it myself. Just need to go borrow the tool to do it. Hopefully that will help remedy the issue which was the gears shifting from time to time between 40-60mph..
Not sure if that will affect the shifting - be interesting to see. Make sure to replace the Camshaft and the Crankshaft Sensors. The Hemi is funny about that.
@@mliphart I actually don’t have the hemi..the code only showed the camshaft..I only purchased the camshaft which I can change on my own..but I’ll let let know if that changes the shifting
Hey! Great video, couple questions what were some of the symptoms you were experienced with the faulty sensor? And did this replacement get rid of the issues?
It's been a while, but as I recall, I had a "check engine" light that indicated a camshaft sensor error - and needed to get it to pass Smog in California.
what kind of 15 mm wrench did you use for starter mounting bolts removal (box end, box end offset, standard socket, deep socket, u-joint, extension , etc? ) Thank you!
No, I have not had that problem - not sure what that would be. From what I understand, the crankshaft sensor is used to "start" the vehicle - so that is a possibility. It could also be a fuel issue - fuel leaking back out of the fuel rail when the car is not running.
guys like you make the world go round 🕺🍺
Thanks for the comments.
@@mliphart just ordered my sensors, ima giver er a go 👍🏻🌮
Thank you so much. Really helpful
My pleasure, thank you for the comment.
Got the same P0016 code. Just bought the sensor. If it’s that simple 10mm socket shoot I can do it myself. Just need to go borrow the tool to do it. Hopefully that will help remedy the issue which was the gears shifting from time to time between 40-60mph..
Not sure if that will affect the shifting - be interesting to see. Make sure to replace the Camshaft and the Crankshaft Sensors. The Hemi is funny about that.
@@mliphart I actually don’t have the hemi..the code only showed the camshaft..I only purchased the camshaft which I can change on my own..but I’ll let let know if that changes the shifting
@@DoronBonddid it just asking for myself
Will the crankshaft sensor prevent fuel pump from turning on? Also I changed the fuel pump and the relay
@@tee5135 no, it will not effect the fuel pump
Very helpful 👍 thanks
My pleasure, thank you for the comments.
thanks for the help
My pleasure.
Thanks for this video
Hey! Great video, couple questions what were some of the symptoms you were experienced with the faulty sensor? And did this replacement get rid of the issues?
Any chance u had try replacing them while trying to fix that your rpm is not going over 3500 and it didn’t fix it ?
Would it just sit there and crank never and fire up or a slow start up did you have a cel
It's been a while, but as I recall, I had a "check engine" light that indicated a camshaft sensor error - and needed to get it to pass Smog in California.
Thank you
My pleasure
what kind of 15 mm wrench did you use for starter mounting bolts removal (box end, box end offset, standard socket, deep socket, u-joint, extension , etc? ) Thank you!
It's been a while, lol, but if memory serves me right, I used a standard socket for the starter.
Did that help?
Did you have that problem where it was cranking too long to start?
No, I have not had that problem - not sure what that would be. From what I understand, the crankshaft sensor is used to "start" the vehicle - so that is a possibility. It could also be a fuel issue - fuel leaking back out of the fuel rail when the car is not running.