Rapture? What is the Point? | Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold |

  • Опубликовано: 13 дек 2020
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Комментарии • 55

  • @christianjamesguevarra6257
    @christianjamesguevarra6257 3 года назад +8

    As much I want Jesus to come back to save us from the wickedness of this world and give us the justice, I still pray the Lord would give us enough time to share the gospel to my relatives and friends because this has been amplifying my anxiety these past few weeks. Im suffering from social anxiety and Im not the most "extroverted" member of my family, add to that the times when I am stumbling and struggling with sin so it's difficult for me to share the gospel even to my closest relatives. Please pray for me, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • @steveguti6452
    @steveguti6452 3 года назад +29

    Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all .

  • @BrotherDave80
    @BrotherDave80 3 года назад +10

    The Law points you to your sin & shouts GUILTY!
    (Galatians 3:24-26)
    But Grace points you to the cross of Christ & shouts back louder, FORGIVEN!
    (Romans 3:20-24)

    • @YankeeArnoldMinistries
      @YankeeArnoldMinistries  3 года назад +7

      Thanks Dave, I liked that. Yankee

    • @PinkyToe
      @PinkyToe 2 года назад +2

      @@YankeeArnoldMinistries I 💟 your tract on your website. I'm going to buy 200. Hope you've got them ready! Ha, ha! Glad I found your sermons tonight. 💖✝️🙋

  • @mistyflores3176
    @mistyflores3176 3 года назад +23

    Sealed Saved and Sanctified

  • @steveguti6452
    @steveguti6452 3 года назад +20

    Jesus Christ is the light of the world praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all

    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 3 года назад

      +Steve Guti -- This may sound trite, but it IS Biblical. Be *careful* who you bid God speed to! (who you say God bless to). It should be said ONLY to other saved belivers, and we cannot generalize.(As in using "all") That's clear in 2 John 1:9-11. Pray for the brethren, pray for the lost, and *be careful* as John warns. I know you mean well, and I do notice you say this same thing all the time, and no one has ever told this to you. Also, DO spread salvation with the Gospel, time is short. I'm not surprised that no one has said anything to you before about this -- Especially since it was discovered in a recent survey that only 6% of those people who profess Christ are even bible illiterate. Only 6%. That includes knowing the BASIC tenets of the faith. To me, that's indeed *sad!* People say and insist that they love Christ, and yet, rarely or usually even never open and read (or study) God's word. People are not reading/studying Scripture, not even in this late hour. That is a shame. Be blessed..

    • @isaiahfiftythree5334
      @isaiahfiftythree5334 3 года назад +3

      God bless you Steve. We are God's family.

    • @louishernandez289
      @louishernandez289 3 года назад +2

      @@TheMistysFavs God speed and bless are two different words in English and Greek. You might want to read Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:28 and Romans 12:14. Be careful creating equivalents when the Bible uses two different words. In the words of Jesus, 'Bless them that curse you..."

  • @elainepalmbos5300
    @elainepalmbos5300 3 года назад +16

    Your teachings have been such a blessing to me! I have listened for several years and have learned so much. Easy to follow and understand. Thank you so much for posting these teachings!

  • @4ljc433
    @4ljc433 3 года назад +8

    Just discovered you today. Watched the Pre-Trib Rapture is Right. It was Excellent. So is this message.

  • @TheMistysFavs
    @TheMistysFavs 3 года назад +8

    Pastor Yankee, that was fantastic! Indeed, every day brings something new! It only brings Jesus' coming in the clouds closer! You remain in my prayers, dear brother! Love you in Christ!

  • @dpcsfecmcc2679
    @dpcsfecmcc2679 3 года назад +1

    Saved sinner. Praise our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen ❤️✝️

  • @chriswood7165
    @chriswood7165 3 года назад +5

    God bless all from the UK. Yankee is the best preacher out there.

    • @PinkyToe
      @PinkyToe 2 года назад

      💖✝️🙋 Hello from California!

    • @JesusIsGodsSelfie
      @JesusIsGodsSelfie 2 года назад

      Hi 👋 I’m in U.K. too. Agreed. Bu lt pete ruckman excellent teacher was too.

    • @JesusIsGodsSelfie
      @JesusIsGodsSelfie 2 года назад

      If ye drain a swamp just reveals what was in it. Does not mean it kills what’s in it.

    • @chriswood7165
      @chriswood7165 2 года назад

      @@JesusIsGodsSelfie I also like Andrew Farley. Do you listen to him. Ephesians 2 8 9. I get comfort from that and feel God's love . All my buddies are in London praying for people. I live in Mexico

  • @coopsawright7225
    @coopsawright7225 3 года назад +7

    I trust Christ Jesus as my Lord who saves me once and forever by His death , burial and return from the dead.

  • @Shnaggles
    @Shnaggles 3 года назад +2

    I trust Lord Jesus as my Lord and saviour ❤️

  • @psalm37v4
    @psalm37v4 3 года назад +2

    Great message as always. Keep up the fight!!

  • @cornflowertoile3026
    @cornflowertoile3026 3 года назад +4

    Thanks that was good. It gets so old listening to post-tribbers denying the rapture with the same misinterpreted verses doesn’t it?

  • @1ofmany888
    @1ofmany888 3 года назад +1

    Amen!! You can tell those that have no idea who they are in the body of Christ when they mention Matthew. It's sad but luckily we only need to agree on the gospel of our salvation. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. 💖💖

  • @RuachExposure
    @RuachExposure 3 года назад

    Amen been putting a basic video on rapture ,I love your teaching

  • @bornagainbeliever2077
    @bornagainbeliever2077 3 года назад

    Excellent message brother Yankee 👍

  • @ay613
    @ay613 3 года назад

    Lovely message God bless.

  • @gailwells9309
    @gailwells9309 3 года назад

    Thank you for your teaching

  • @KeithGreenshields
    @KeithGreenshields 2 года назад

    They get not your humour "Happy Hour" good one.

  • @jesusdidnttap2804
    @jesusdidnttap2804 3 года назад +2

    What is the point, ... ESCAPE! Luke 21:36

  • @miketwardy6460
    @miketwardy6460 3 года назад +1

    Eze 22:29 The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully.

  • @whitepunksvevo1343
    @whitepunksvevo1343 3 года назад +3

    Matthew 24 and 25 has nothing to do with the Church, it only concerns Israel during the last 7 years. and matthews gathering in 24-31 and 25-31-46 Are judgments on mortal humans to determine who goes into the Earthly kingdom as flesh and blood humans. There are no rapture passages in either chapter. Even where it says one is taken the other left. Luke's parallel passage Luke 17-34-36 Jesus answers when question as to where they are taken His answer was Wheresoever the body is thither' there the Eagles shall be gathered, its a judgment for unbelievers. Jesus didn't mention the Rapture till 3 days later in the upper room John 14:1-3. The night before his crucifixion.

  • @chrisbroesky2932
    @chrisbroesky2932 3 года назад

    I didn't quite get it, as saved people, do we have to go through the tribulation period?

    • @WeldingForJesus
      @WeldingForJesus 3 года назад +2

      Indeed, we will never agree on that until afterwards the fact.
      I personally believe we will not be here for the age of tribulation. Why, besides the ambivalent descriptions from scripture? Out of logic. Most of Christians know what will happen in the age of tribulation, and since God will strengthen the desception, wouldn't a good way of doing that being to remove the ones who know what is going on? And as a follow up on that: we know exactly how horrible it will be to be alive here on earth in those days, so why bother? If I am wrong and there is no pre-trib rapture, I'll walk down and get satans minions to kill me rather than being chased like an animal and being tormented with the only possible reward being to enter the millennial reign in this wretched body, unless I would be judged a goat in the sheep and goat judgement. Dieing for Christ is on the other hand a guarantee for salvation in the AoT. So why gamble?

  • @joanaubry6395
    @joanaubry6395 3 года назад

    What is the meaning behind Ezekiel 13:20? I am a true believer of the Rapture, although a relative has relative has recently told me based on Ezekiel 13:20 I should rethink the Rapture doctrine. Your thoughts?

    • @YankeeArnoldMinistries
      @YankeeArnoldMinistries  3 года назад +3

      Ezekiel 13:20
      Read Ez. 12:27 and Ez. 14: 1 and you will see that this is written to Israel and of impending judgment on Israel. This is also a warning on false prophets who get the people to flee truth, only to believe lies and be captured as to capture birds that scatter. Hope that helps. Yankee
      Ezekiel 13:20
      I am against your pillows - that is, against your lying ceremonial tricks by which ye cheat the people.
      to make them fly - namely, into their snares, as fowlers disturb birds so as to be suddenly caught in the net spread for them. “Fly” is peculiarly appropriate as to those lofty spiritual flights to which they pretended to raise their dupes when they veiled their heads with kerchiefs and made them rest on luxurious arm-cushions (Eze_13:18).
      let ... souls go - “Ye make them fly” in order to destroy them; “I will let them go” in order to save them (Psa_91:3; Pro_6:5; Hos_9:8).

  • @balkee42
    @balkee42 3 года назад +1

    How close r we to the end

    • @russellcurtis6334
      @russellcurtis6334 3 года назад +6

      Now learn a parable of *the fig tree;* When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
      So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
      Verily I say unto you, *This generation* shall not pass, til all these things be fulfilled.
      (Matthew 24: 32 ~ 34)
      The “fig tree” is used as a symbol for the nation of Israel in the prophecies of various books in the Old Testament (Jeremiah 24, Hosea 9, etc...)
      A “generation” is defined as lasting between 70 and 80 years in Psalm 90:
      The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
      (Psalm 90, verse 10)
      Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948.
      So, *IF* we take this defined period of time as literal, the 7 year tribulation should end before May 14, 2028 ~ 80 years after the founding of Israel. That also means it should start sometime before May 14, 2021.
      BUT, this is a very big “IF”. There is a 2nd point of view that says the “generation” of a certain time is the people who are alive at that time. This would mean someone who was alive at the time Israel became a nation (May 14, 1948) will be alive to see the end of the tribulation. This could add a few years to the time frame. It depends how you look at it.
      I am not certain, and I am skeptical of anyone who claims to be certain. Jesus told us to be skeptical, because the rapture should come “as a thief in the night” (1st Thessalonians chapter 5).
      Take everything I say here with a pinch of salt. It’s just my best efforts at trying to figure it out, and I don’t claim to be an expert.
      Either way, I am certain we won’t have to wait too long.

  • @richardfrerks8712
    @richardfrerks8712 3 года назад

    Every eye will see him because he is above the north star....

  • @annieb7919
    @annieb7919 3 года назад

    @Yankee Arnold Ministries
    OK ~ You can lead a horse to water (as you said), but a pencil must be lead!
    Love you AND your teachings, young man! (Just pray we're Raptured before you reach My Age!)
    P. S. Aren't we glad He didn't come in the Rapture yesterday! (We're still here!!)

  • @itlupe
    @itlupe 3 года назад

    "...it's difficult to get people to do anything if they don't want to..." If you mean it hurts when I witness and they laugh, ignore and walk away, I agree. If you mean it is up to me to save them then we are at odds. Jesus told the 70, very clearly, "... If anyone will not welcome you or heed your words shake the dust off your fee when you leave that home or town." So...

  • @JesusIsGodsSelfie
    @JesusIsGodsSelfie 2 года назад

    Hi Yankee. In ref to trump. If ye drain a swamp just reveals what was in it. Does not mean it kills what’s in it. - right so he revealed there were more monsters in the swamp than we knew ...
    p.S. I love you brother and sister Betty in Christ ❣

  • @RaptureofSaints
    @RaptureofSaints 3 года назад +1

    We all know that the Greek Word for Rapture is "Harpazo"
    Yes! Rapture is Harpazo and Harpazo is Rapture!
    Harpazo is a Greek Word that Means to be seized and moved from one location to another!
    Harpazo / Rapture is an Action, it is a Verb!
    The Truth is that at the COMING of Jesus Christ our Lord the RESURRECTION will take place where the Dead Bodies are Raised from the Graves InCorruptible and those that are Alive still have their Bodies changed to Immortal!
    When that Glorious Resurrection Is Fulfilled then the Harpazo / Rapture takes place!
    The Harpazo / Rapture is where we are Seized and Moved TOGETHER from the Earth into the Clouds so as to Meet Jesus in the air!
    Without the COMING of Jesus and without the RESURRECTION the Harpazo / Rapture will NOT be Taking Place!
    It is No Wonder Jesus said to all of the Churches that we are Blessed and Holy when we Partake in the First Resurrection because all that Partake in the First Resurrection Partake in the Harpazo / Rapture!
    The Harpazo / Rapture MUST take place so that we can ALL (Together) depart from the Earth to Meet Jesus in then Air!
    Jesus has Promised us that (ALL) That Eat of His Flesh and Drink of His Blood He will Raise Up to Himself at the Last Day!
    Jesus has Promised that He will Come and Harvest His Seed at the End of the Age!
    Jesus Himself said that the Harvest IS the End of the Age!
    Jesus said that all that are the Children of the Resurrection. are the Children of God!
    Amen Jesus!
    May we all KNOW the Biblical Truth of what the Harpazo / Rapture IS and WHEN it takes place and what MUST happen before the Rapture!

  • @brucecoe1250
    @brucecoe1250 3 года назад

    Gluttony, fix it!