10 frequently asked questions about HYPERTENSION
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Almost half of people over 50 have high blood pressure according to current guidelines. Let's take a look at the most common questions I hear in my practice about hypertension.
What is hypertension? Hypertension is described as increased pressure in our arterial system. The way to record the pressure of our arterial system is the sphygmomanometer, which can be electric or manual.
What symptoms does hypertension cause? How do I know what I have? Scientifically we believe that hypertension does not cause symptoms. However, some patients describe symptoms when their pressure rises, for example they have a headache. But it is not certain whether the increased pressure causes a headache, because the opposite can also happen. That is, the headache causes increased pressure. In any case, all you need to do is get a sphygmomanometer and measure the pressure.
How much is normal blood pressure and when is it elevated? When the pressure is up to 12 or high and 8 or low, then it is considered normal. When the reading is above 12/8, then the pressure is considered elevated. However, many doctors consider high blood pressure when it is above 14/9, which is the threshold for prescribing medication. In other words, there is a gray zone 12 to 14 for the large and 8 to 9 for the small, where the pressure is considered elevated but most doctors do not recommend drugs. This does not mean that the pressure is not increased. The pressure is elevated, but not so elevated that one needs to take medication.
stress, smoking, salt, poor diet and others. As we live in a country where at least two out of three over 50s are overweight, if you are overweight and want to significantly reduce your chance of developing high blood pressure, then it is important to lose weight. In my practice, I and my team can help you significantly improve your diet and lose weight at the same time, so that you avoid "crossing over" to the other stress category that requires medication.
zone is ideal for someone to start actively dealing with their health so that they don't have to take medication in the future.
What causes high blood pressure? Blood pressure most often does not have a specific cause, but there are a number of factors that we know increase the likelihood that someone will develop hypertension. The most well-known factors are increased weight, lack of systematic exercise, increased alcohol consumption, The doctor says I have high blood pressure, but I feel fine. Why should I take medicine? As I said earlier, we think of blood pressure as not causing symptoms. This is the biggest problem. Because as the years pass and the pressure remains elevated, the destruction of the heart and blood vessels accelerates. The heart begins to increase in size to be able to push blood through a vascular system that has high pressure, resulting in the blood it receives not reaching them and this leads to a series of damages described as hypertensive heart disease. That is, damage to the heart from prolonged high blood pressure. We know from studies that people who have high blood pressure are more likely to suffer from strokes, heart attacks, heart disease, blindness, kidney disease and other health problems. Arterial hypertension is a condition that accelerates the destruction of the arteries and the heart, which means that sooner or later a significant consequence for our health will appear that will not be reversible.
What is the treatment of arterial hypertension? Treatment depends on the severity of the condition. People who have blood pressure above 14/9 usually need to take one or more medications, but for all people who have blood pressure above 12/8 it is important to make lifestyle changes. The life changes they need to make are: weight loss if they are overweight, salt restriction, smoking cessation if they smoke, regular exercise if they don't exercise, improving diet, limiting alcohol and taking steps to deal with stress.
Can high blood pressure be caused by medication? Several medications can cause elevated blood pressure. I will give some examples. Perhaps the most well-known is cortisone, which is why when someone takes cortisone they are told to cut out salt. The hope is that this will reduce the chance of him developing hypertension. Other medications are birth control pills and hormones, some migraine medications, and some other medications that are less well known because they are rarely prescribed.
Why does the pressure measurement have two numbers? Blood pressure is not stable. That is, it is not a permanent measurement. It increases according to the phase of the heartbeat. At the moment when the heart has made a full contraction then the pressure inside the arteries is the greatest. That's a lot of pressure. At the moment when the heart fully relaxes, our arteries are subject to the lowest pressure. That's the small pressure.
Is an electric or manual blood pressure monitor better?
Μου αρέσουν πολύ τα βίντεο σου Στέλιο είναι σημαντικά οσον αφορά το περιεχόμενό τους καί πολύ επεξηγηματικά . Επίσης η χροιά τής φωνής σου σε καθηλώνει καί έτσι θέλεις να το ακούσεις μέχρι τέλους!!!!Να είσαι καλά εσύ για να μαθαίνουμε εμείς!!
Ευχαριστώ πολύ για τα καλά λόγια!
Ευχαριστούμε για τις σημαντικές συστάσεις! Είμαι λίγο υποτασική κυρίως το καλοκαίρι Έχετε εξαιρετική μεταδοτικότητα! 💙💜💛
Να είστε καλά!
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ!!
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ. Καλό Πασχα
Καλή ανάσταση
Ευχαριστώ πολύ!
Likeee! Χρόνια πολλά καλή ανάσταση.
1) επειδή το μηλόξυδο με ενοχλεί στο στομάχι, εάν βάζω μία κουταλιά λεμόνι αντί για μηλόξυδο πριν από το γεύμα θα έχω το ίδιο αποτέλεσμα με την ινσουλίνη??
2)όσπρια vs λαχανικά φρέσκα?
3) πιο πολλές ανθοκεανίδες έχει το κόκκινο λάχανο ή το μύρτιλο?
4) το βατόμουρο (blackberry) σε ποια αντικαρκινική ουσία είναι πλούσιο? Επίσης η φράουλα και το σμεουρο σε ποια αντικαρκινική ουσία είναι πλούσια
Ρίξτε μία ματιά σας παρακαλώ και σε κάποιες απορίες που σας έχω κάνει σε προηγούμενο βίντεο
1. Όχι 2. Και τα δύο 3. Ανά θερμίδες το λάχανο 4. Σε πολλές
Όσο και να έχουμε το πιεσόμετρο ιό γιατροί δεν λύνουν το πρόβλημα!!!
Πολύ χρήσιμο βίντεο ευχαριστούμε. Οταν ομως έχουμε χαμηλή πίεση που δεν υπερβαίνει το 10 η συστολική, τι διατροφή πρέπει να ακολουθήσουμε για να την ανεβάσουμε;
Διατροφή με πολύ αλάτι
Γιατρε, εγω εχω ενα προβλημα. Καταρχας, εχω υψος 1.82. Ειμαι 126 κιλα. Ειμαι 32 χρονων. Εχω φυσιολογικη συστολικη πιεση γυρω στο 125 συνηθως. Ομως η διαστολικη πιεση ειναι υψηλή συνηθως. Γυρω στο 95 και καποιες φορες φτανει στο 100. Εχω κανει καρδιογραφημα και υπέρηχο καρδιας και τα αποτελεσματα ηταν μια χαρα. Αφου, τα κιλα αυξανουν την αρτηριακη πιεση, εμενα γιατι μονο η διαστολικη ειναι υψηλη; πού οφείλεται αυτο;
Αρχικά θα πρέπει να μιλήσετε με κάποιον ειδικό σε θέματα υπέρτασης. Στη συνέχεια, όταν θα σας πει για διατροφή, μπορείτε να με καλέσετε στο 21026 28 639 για να σας πω πώς μπορώ να σας βοηθήσω.
Όταν κάποιος είναι 40+ ετών δεν είναι φυσιολογικό να έχει πίεση 12.5 με 8 ;