I was a little confused when she said that, how she feels bad for People who always clean as they are wasting their lives, a minute after age said she had better things to do like watching tv
@@nanair2007mk She's not a deep thinker, therefore contradicts herself without being aware. For no good reason, she feels superior to people who keep themselves and their homes clean!
Charlotte is so rude, she is forgetting that Dan is there to HELP them clean up their place, her boyfriend is making up excuses for why she doesn’t clean
That stuff about not cleaning cause of her injury is bs, I have a chronic pain condition and even if I have to sit at my dining table with a washing up bowl to do my dishes sitting down cause of the pain I will do them. People forget that mold gets into the air it's not just on the plates or surfaces, you are literally breathing in mold, so just do your dishes so that doesn't happen ya know.
Charlotte (and to a lesser extent, Dom) seem more focused on "proving" that Dan's way of living is too strange than focusing on changing their ways. That flat will end up back the same way because neither of them are approaching the experience as a learning opportunity.
Just makes you wonder in her mind - who should be doing it? Imaginary cleaning fairies?! How can they live like that, it's sooooo unsanitary 😱😱 abd for no good reason, just sheer apathy 🤢
The connection Loraine and Angela formed is quite touching. Both treated each other with respect and understanding. And they've also improved, learning from each other. 💜
The Moms connecting was really touching. It is a shame that Dan and Charlotte could not connect. Dan needed to open up more but Charlotte was pushy and nosy- went about it the wrong way. I am weary of that boyfriend- a normal guy wouldn't put up with that 👀
@@dumblewhoree I couldn't have a future with someone like that. As much as I love and enjoy cleaning....it would only encourage them not to clean as they'll know someone else is doing the work
Charlotte seriously needs to grow up and stop acting like such a bloody brat. Giving nerve to someone that’s helping clean up your filth is pretty poor behaviour... She dug her own hole and I would have left her in it
That’s actually kind of dangerous for the cat, too. Cats don’t like taking baths not because they’re afraid of water, but because the smell of their wet fur makes them easier to detect. Other territorial cats and predators are more likely to smell the cat and act aggressively. It wouldn’t be a problem for an indoor cat but he just kicked it out like that 🤨
I love that the houses don’t look like show homes after with a house full of new new stuff or major renovations. Just clean, normal homes with maybe a bit of paint. Inspirational.
Absolutely. A flea preventative is just a drop of solution on the back of the neck. Bathing a cat is unnecessary and will seriously stress them out.It can also dry out their skin.
Cats do not smell. They are very clean and we can help out sometimes. We bathe our cat 2 a year, because she's old and needs a little help. But she's never smelly. What can smell is their litterbox, but cleaning it once a day will solve that too.
Charlotte is just blatantly lazy. I just cannot deal with dirty toilets and dirty people's and cats food areas, and litter trays. As for Angela, hovering over the children whilst they're eating? Future eating disorders right there.
I doubt her cleaning up the crumbs is going to give them eating disorders it's not like she controllimg what they're having like we literally see them having cupcakes with icing on them it's more so suffocating as they may feel like they're not allowed to have a single hair out of place
I always feel so sorry for firstly children who have to live in filthy conditions and secondly animals. I do love watching these and I do think it helps me keep my own home tidy.
Charlotte has alot of growing up to do. You're not a princess honey, get those rubber gloves on and get stuck in you will be surprised how a tidy environment balances your emotions ❤
That's not even about it not being a priority, Charlotte is just dirty and lazy, I can't believe she's not even a bit ashamed of it. And the poor cat! The poor thing has to eat the dirty food when he's the least responsible of the situation they live in, she should not be allowed to have animals.
True, cleaning and tidying isn't a priority for me either and I could think of any number of things I'd much rather do, but that doesn't mean I don't do what needs to be done. After a couple of days being lazy I get so annoyed by the mess around me that I even kind of enjoy my chores, or at least the result and every time I feel a lot better afterwards. Besides, keeping a house reasonably clean and tidy doesn't need to take long when you do a little bit every day.
I have 6 cats and they never eat out of dirty bowls and I have severe arthritis and fibromyalgia. I struggle with tidying, but keep their areas clean and they're all in good health.
What the difference between young lazy people and senior lazy people? There are plenty of reasons someone's house my become very cluttered and dirty. In fact in the diagnosis of hoarding you have to rule out the more likely reasons being mental illness like depression, or physical disability that stops it. Granted Charlotte and Dom are very likely just lazy. But once it gets bad, it takes a long time and lot of effort to get it back to normal
Charlotte is as foul as her one bedroom apartment especially the bathroom. Get over yourself lady and get cleaning. Please stop judging others when their standards are actually assisting you
Love how Charlotte was using the word 'we' every time they were on about cleaning, her poor boyfriend cleans and she makes the mess just to act like a child.
So sad that at the end of Lorraine's clean, her neighbour came to view - rather than her children. So sad her own children won't come to see her, wonder what the story is there.
Charlotte is the most arrogant person who got herself into this mess but judges everyone - she finds it unfair to clean her own toilet 🤦 bet she's turned the flat into a dump during lockdown
I paused this video to go to the bathroom, then ended up cleaning my entire house instead. I feel like this is the only show that has that kind of effect on people lmao
I love how the cleaners always try to find the mentality behind what’s happened. Like what caused them to let it get that way and then they try emphasise with them. Charlotte however was an ungrateful brat. ‘I think it’s a bit unfair’ when she was asked to clean her shit out of the toilet. Oh no how awful being made to clean up your mess. Hunny that’s the whole point of the show or were you more interested in your minute of fame on the tv. I don’t want to imagine the state of the house as it would have definitely gone back to being a mess again. Even though it really wasn’t as unhygienic as other properties it still wasn’t brilliant and their main reasoning was laziness. I’m sorry but he was right. She never complained about finding it hard to stand up and even then how hard is it to fold laundry sat down. Washing up doesn’t take that long if you do it after dinner. She only had to stand up for ages because she couldn’t be arsed and left it for two weeks. They didn’t deserve to get the help when all they did was insult the poor cleaner.
By her crappy attitude, it makes me think she just wanted it done for her while she could sit there like the queen & bark orders.... one word: entitled.
About this comment from Charlotte about better things to do as in "watching TV", you know you can actually do both at the same time? You can clean, fold laundry, wipe the table, etc. and watch TV in the background at the same time. Not a nasty comment, just a thought and idea.
I like Angela. I feel she thinks she had something to prove regarding looking after her children, which she doesn't, but it shows her vulnerability. She also mentions both people having cleaning issues
One doesn't have to use bleach every day or even month. When the houses reached that stage, yes, they would need some here and there, especially for the toilett or regions that are rotten, have fungus or where feces were present. Otherwise, soap and water for cleaning surfaces, and the standard products for everything else. Sodium bicarbonate(+vinegar) is also a good alternative for bleach, especially when cleaning the drains or the fridge.
@@sokol5410 Dude, one first uses sodium bicarbonate to clean dirt and fats and afterwards vinegar to neutralise it (and where needed to remove calcium deposits) otherwise you will have white spots/streaks all over your things. Tell me you've never cleaned without telling me you've never cleaned...
I agree. Bleach is the chemical, which is regrettable to our planet. It´s not to be good our health. I use it sometimes to toilet. I use also soap and water. Fridge, if it is dirty, i use multipurpose products, and in the end i use white vinegar.
"You have an attitude problem, Dan", "Yes, and you got a dirty pig problem, but to each their own I guess". That nasty woman would cross me only once, will get an instant comeback and second time I'd be like "ok trash can, goodbye!" and leave to my prestine home.
Charlotte: "it just seems really unfair that I'm having to to this (cleaning her own toilet)..." OMG, she is not at all grown up, it sounds more like Kindergarten. On what planet is Charlotte living on?
I'm not a cleaning freak, it's clean, but chaos sometimes happens and I still clean thoroughly every week. How can you feel so comfortable? Don't they get scabies? 😂
Dan and Charlotte clashing is comedy! 😂 They're both no-nonsense but in opposite ways. Dan's idea of nonsense is messiness. Charlotte's idea of nonsense of cleaning 😂
I dunno how old these programmes are but I’d bet that Dan now lives in a house that’s painted grey, his furniture is made of mirrors, his upholstery is crushed velvet and his decorations all have Chanel badges on them 🤣🙈🤮
I used to be very messy as a teen and the first year i lived alone, but i made a total change and make sure my apartment is always clean and tidy. So i'm the perfect example that people can change for the better.
I feel, as the series goes on, the houses start less messy but the cleaners reactions are as or even more horrified. Surely they've seen the series so they know how bad some houses started. These houses are no where near as bad as some of the others. I'd be relieved.
I think the producer's asked him to do that so they would have a better "scene". If that chap is so obsessed with cleanliness he wouldn't do that because the cat would return even dirtier than he was before being bathed.
Lorraine could also clean with some hot soapy water or some vinegar water against germs and fungi. It smells for a bit, but it’s natural, environmental friendly and less dangerous. AND it’s food safe, so ideal for a fridge. It even removes mold.
Dom and Charlotte seem like two very immature people who weren't taught to clean up for themselves as kids at home. I think Dan is going to get tired of living with someone who is not interested in doing any cleaning at all. And she was laying in his bed and moving stuff in his bedroom when they visited his home! That was so disrespectful. They know that's gonna freak him out.
totaly agree with you there I do not like charlotte, and her boyfriend they are made for each other mummy must waited on them hand and foot Charlotte, is such a spolt brat her place want stay clean for long she is such a liar,.
You don’t have to change your toilet seat once a month. Judging by the back of your toilet seat at 0:29 you just need to concentrate on cleaning that one properly!
Seeing them wearing their outside shoes inside his house and lying in bed with their outside clothes on makes me want to do deep cleaning on the floor and wash the sheets😅 now I am worried I might have OCD
I have empathy for most of the people on these shows because it usually stems from something deeper, grief, depression, age etc. but this couple are just plain lazy. My 5 year old literally takes 5 minutes a day to clean her room and it’s always clean.
My house is quite untidy. I just don't know where to start. I look at it, want so much to clean, but then I just don't know where to start. I wish I had OCD.
@@valeriesmith1654 you just start ... start in 1 corner and work your way round it's not difficult once you get going Or hire a cleaner if you can't figure out how to tidy and clean yourself
I feel so sorry for the people with OCD in this series as I am 100% sure the people they cleaned their house will go back to their messy life eventually and they would have had that anxiety for nothing.. I have the same level of OCD but I have too much to do in a day and holding myself not to go that extreme yet I feel them totally. I believe it is not fully possible to lose the merge of cleaning but I believe staying away from home and having something else at home also a bit self motivation to keep your mind away from cleaning helps.
but you feel better if you clean! your mental health gets a nice boost and you feel even more prettier. and your cat love you even more bc they are clean creatures too. i change my sheets 1 a week, i vacuum 2-3 times per week, doing the dishes every day, washing the clothes 1 a week, and constantly clean surfaces. i also loves chlorine and the smell. also dettol is kinda addicting. i also clean me under the nails with an seperate tootbrush with soap. you just got to.
That toilet was so disgusting. I would've worn a gas mask to clean that. It will only take them less than 2 hours to clean their one bedroom flat weekly. I feel like the boyfriend was making excuses thinking 'if she doesn't clean, then why should I bother'
Charlotte's attitude and behaviour were disgusting. It's like she got defensive and tried to put the attention on Dan to make herself feel better. As if the way she's been living is more normal than Dan's. Her laughing about making him leave really angered me. He came to help you clean up your mess, and instead of learning or trying to improve just a little bit, you agitate him the entire time. It's like she thought that he would just do all the cleaning and then leave like while she watches the TV. Her rolling in his bed angered me even more. If that was my bed I would have thrown hands, because she needs to get knocked down a peg.
I'm disabled and simply can't tidy or clean my flat up so I employ people who clean my flat every 2 weeks. And that's all it takes to be clean, once every 2 weeks. Cleaning 3 hours or so every single day is ridiculous. My cleaners do my whole flat and take my binbags out once every 2 weeks and my flat is still clean as anything.
If you live alone it makes sense that your flat stays clean for a long period of time.For example in our house live 5 people so it needs basic cleaning quite often
I have 2 kids under 2 and I need to basically clean my house top to bottom daily... the kitchen/living room multiple times a day cos obviously they play and we have to cook meals ect If I don't do at least a 1 hr morning clean and keep up with the tidying and dishes ect it can turn very messy very quickly 🙃
I can tell you,that IS A BLOODY DAMN LIE! 2weeks dust isn't clean. Not washing your toilets for 2 weeks is just down right disgusting. I would not want to pee in your toilet. Feacal matter should be disinfected and wash every 72hrs because of the bacteria How can you boast about not washing your toilet for 2weeks? Thats just disgusting and I ain't even OCD
The fact that Charlotte kept on criticising how others bother to clean their houses, contradicted her consideration to change after realising her house desperately needed a massive cleaning. In conclusion, I'm like why the heck u invited somebody else to clean if u kept boasting how cleaning isn't necessary🤯
I can’t believe how rude and entitled Charlotte is, I just can’t believe you would go into someone house and judge them and on top of that sit on their bed. She has no manners.
They both are rude, thinking the way that they both live is normal, thinking that the other one is lazy or too over the top. Point is they both have problems with cleaning
You just need to get into the grove of picking up after yourself, putting things away ... every day I make the bed, clean the 3 basins, do the washing up & have a Mon to Fri rota, Mon - kitchen, Tues - bedrooms, Wed - laundry Thurs - sitting room, Fri - bathrooms ... place always looks fine & I do not spend the entire week-end cleaning ... I also work full time ...
I had a friend like that. I didn't know she was like this until I went to her place... I just felt my skin itching and wanted to burn everything 😅 since then I'm rarely going over to people's places, I'd rather stay at a hotel. And some people don't clean their dishes properly (like the back of the plate also 😒) or don't rinse them, just straight on the dryer full of detergent
@@Mogvr7 Same. My housemate and other British people I know don't rinse the dishes, just let them dry with foam sill on them. All I can think of is: allergies 😬
I rinse dishes, and I'm British. I imagine the assumption is that if it can be used on food surfaces, it's safe. I'm sure other countries do things that would be considered unhealthy here though.
28:21 What on earth is going on here? 🤔 Which one of the producers went "Oh go on then luv, have a toss in his bed and flip them lamps round! It's fine, he'll luv it!" Who in their right minds would do that? Come off it, sis! No one would do that. Guess it just means they aren't in their right minds, then. 😶
Anyone else binge watching these? Makes me want to go around my neighbourhood and offer to clean people's houses for free XD
Not my neighborhood, but I watch this so I motivate to clean up my house.
Yes that's my thought too.. to go around our neighborhood
@@LehAoi same and it works!!!heh!!
Yes been binge watching tf out of this while cleaning my house
Yay!!! Me too haha except I would maybe charge a small fee hahha 'if you are good at something never do no it for free'
It’s gross that she thinks cleaning is wasting your life, yet says “watching telly” is more important? Disgusting.
Exactly !!!
Cleaning is a necessity in life!
I was a little confused when she said that, how she feels bad for People who always clean as they are wasting their lives, a minute after age said she had better things to do like watching tv
@@nanair2007mk She's not a deep thinker, therefore contradicts herself without being aware. For no good reason, she feels superior to people who keep themselves and their homes clean!
@@tangogent And you feel superior to her! Welcome to the world!!
Charlotte is so rude, she is forgetting that Dan is there to HELP them clean up their place, her boyfriend is making up excuses for why she doesn’t clean
He Is the codependent and enables her. Charlotte is the narcissist in the relationship
Just comes across as lazy
That stuff about not cleaning cause of her injury is bs, I have a chronic pain condition and even if I have to sit at my dining table with a washing up bowl to do my dishes sitting down cause of the pain I will do them. People forget that mold gets into the air it's not just on the plates or surfaces, you are literally breathing in mold, so just do your dishes so that doesn't happen ya know.
@@ameliaw2396I agree I have chronic health issues, autism and 2 young children and my house is deep cleaned twice a week and a daily tidy xxx
Dan here is rude, bossy and very angry.
Charlotte (and to a lesser extent, Dom) seem more focused on "proving" that Dan's way of living is too strange than focusing on changing their ways. That flat will end up back the same way because neither of them are approaching the experience as a learning opportunity.
Imagine her feminine hygiene. Oooof
Her attitude I would have walked out, wouldn’t help her, wasted energy
@@mickfitz76 😳🥴 poor dom
Charlotte will never change; some just like living in filth like pigs.
@@theonlyladyL By the look on Donn's face he almost did.
I understand cleaning not being a priority, but in two they are able to clean their house at least once a week, it doesn't take more than 2 hours.
Lazy.. 😂
Priorities first 😂:watching TV.
Just 20 mins a day to keep on top of everything is all that’s needed!
If Charlotte doesn't start to shape up then she might lose her boyfriend.
@@TinFoilT1ara That is called being "productive" apparently :D She isn't very smart either....
If a restaurant manager house is this way I don't even want to imagine how the restaurant standards would be
The manager is the one that orders the other employees around to clean. They don't clean
I dont understand why people have pets when they can't even clean after themselves. It's not fair to the pets to have to live in such conditions
That always bothers me as well.
Думаете, что коту лучше быть бездомным, питаясь на мусорной свалке или быть задроченным чистящими процедурами больного?
That's animal abuse but also what he does is animal abuse as well them poor cats
@@ЛиляВахитова-л2о lol, decent hygiene is not automatically a sick behaviour 🤦♂️
If cat litter trays arent cleaned properly they smells so bad...I've done plenty of night shifts but it's not an excuse to not clean
UNFAIR? She's having to wash her toilet! Can't believe she just said that
Just makes you wonder in her mind - who should be doing it? Imaginary cleaning fairies?! How can they live like that, it's sooooo unsanitary 😱😱 abd for no good reason, just sheer apathy 🤢
38:24 Charlottes face when her sister said "we can do the washing up together" will live in my head rent free
I noticed that. It cracked me.
I caught that looool
Should turn her face into a meme 🤣
The music was also on point
I love watching these programs when I become bit lazy and give me a kick start again 😆
The connection Loraine and Angela formed is quite touching. Both treated each other with respect and understanding. And they've also improved, learning from each other. 💜
How cheeky is Charlotte when he’s taking time out of his day to help her,
Charlotte while scrubbing her own toilet: it just seems really unfair that I'm having to do this.
I don't clean my toilet, that's my husband's job. I do clean all the hair and gunk out of the plughole though, so I reckon we're even 🤣
@@debbiejones7269 It's all about compromise. 😎
my toilet a lot cleaner than charlotte toilet,.
The Moms connecting was really touching. It is a shame that Dan and Charlotte could not connect. Dan needed to open up more but Charlotte was pushy and nosy- went about it the wrong way. I am weary of that boyfriend- a normal guy wouldn't put up with that 👀
Sorry-Mums, I am not American!
@@bigb853 I’ll forgive you seeing no one has 🤣😂
I don’t know what he sees in her, she seems sweet but is so spoiled and childish and lazy
@@dumblewhoree I couldn't have a future with someone like that. As much as I love and enjoy cleaning....it would only encourage them not to clean as they'll know someone else is doing the work
Charlotte seriously needs to grow up and stop acting like such a bloody brat.
Giving nerve to someone that’s helping clean up your filth is pretty poor behaviour... She dug her own hole and I would have left her in it
Dan's just as bad don't know why he can't accept that he's a bit of a freak
Doesn't like the same of bleach? She's never used it that's why...what a lazy ......wonderful if she and Dan are together
Bone effing idle,she could find the micrwave and the takeaway menu,the partner is pathetic
She’s so ungrateful that someone is trying to help her and she thinks she’s being patronised
She literally said it's unfair for her to be left cleaning the toilet...mind you, it's her toilet...😮
I was more horrified at the soaken wet cat getting thrown out like that 😳
Me too!!!!!
That’s actually kind of dangerous for the cat, too. Cats don’t like taking baths not because they’re afraid of water, but because the smell of their wet fur makes them easier to detect. Other territorial cats and predators are more likely to smell the cat and act aggressively. It wouldn’t be a problem for an indoor cat but he just kicked it out like that 🤨
If he wants his cat to be clean, keep it indoors
Lorraine is so sweet. She was so grateful. Her home looked beautiful afterwards thanks to Angela 🥰🥰
I love that the houses don’t look like show homes after with a house full of new new stuff or major renovations. Just clean, normal homes with maybe a bit of paint. Inspirational.
Bathing the cat is unnecessary and putting it outside without drying is absolutely not ok. They can get hypothermia. Poor kitties.
Same here
Although the 'putting outside whithout drying' was probably just for the shot I 100% agree with you.
Absolutely. A flea preventative is just a drop of solution on the back of the neck. Bathing a cat is unnecessary and will seriously stress them out.It can also dry out their skin.
So that’s why people that own cats always live in houses that smell 🤮 so gross
Cats do not smell. They are very clean and we can help out sometimes. We bathe our cat 2 a year, because she's old and needs a little help. But she's never smelly. What can smell is their litterbox, but cleaning it once a day will solve that too.
Charlotte is just blatantly lazy. I just cannot deal with dirty toilets and dirty people's and cats food areas, and litter trays. As for Angela, hovering over the children whilst they're eating? Future eating disorders right there.
Having said that, I felt terribly sorry for Angela when she got upset.
Dann is correct; Charlotte's attitude does stink.
@@gillianbrookwell1678 … so did her toilet, I bet!
As a cleaner, toilets like Charlotte as very common, esp cleaning end of tenancy. People are disgusting
I doubt her cleaning up the crumbs is going to give them eating disorders it's not like she controllimg what they're having like we literally see them having cupcakes with icing on them it's more so suffocating as they may feel like they're not allowed to have a single hair out of place
22 and living like that. News flash, no one wants to clean their toilet! We do it because we aren’t disgusting. Id be ashamed if that was my daughter.
I always feel so sorry for firstly children who have to live in filthy conditions and secondly animals. I do love watching these and I do think it helps me keep my own home tidy.
Charlotte and Dom’s flat is by far the cleanest I’ve ever seen on this show!
because they’ve only been there for 14 months. It will be messyer by time.
It's her arrogant attitude that's the problem as well as her house.
They shouldn't have even been on this show, just pure laziness!! so many deserving people out there with actual issues.....re mental health etc.
Because most of the other places are YEARS of nasty shit. They managed this in just one year.
True because Dom does clean a little...
Charlotte's face when her twin sister said "We can washup together" It was one of absolute horror, like she'd been asked to walk over hot coals lmao
Charlotte has alot of growing up to do. You're not a princess honey, get those rubber gloves on and get stuck in you will be surprised how a tidy environment balances your emotions ❤
That's not even about it not being a priority, Charlotte is just dirty and lazy, I can't believe she's not even a bit ashamed of it. And the poor cat! The poor thing has to eat the dirty food when he's the least responsible of the situation they live in, she should not be allowed to have animals.
True, cleaning and tidying isn't a priority for me either and I could think of any number of things I'd much rather do, but that doesn't mean I don't do what needs to be done. After a couple of days being lazy I get so annoyed by the mess around me that I even kind of enjoy my chores, or at least the result and every time I feel a lot better afterwards. Besides, keeping a house reasonably clean and tidy doesn't need to take long when you do a little bit every day.
@Lu Zu exactly!
I have 6 cats and they never eat out of dirty bowls and I have severe arthritis and fibromyalgia. I struggle with tidying, but keep their areas clean and they're all in good health.
My favorite comment. My exact view, actually.
@@janiebell спасибо вам за кошек
“I unconsciously clean”
Just him passed out, crawling around his home cleaning with his eyes closed
Charlotte’s boyfriend with his invisible gag & leash on for the duration of filming 😂😂😂
Like the husband who can't seat on the sofa.
I feel like helping young lazy people is a waste of time. They’ll get it back dirty in a week. It’s more worthwhile helping senior citizens
What the difference between young lazy people and senior lazy people? There are plenty of reasons someone's house my become very cluttered and dirty. In fact in the diagnosis of hoarding you have to rule out the more likely reasons being mental illness like depression, or physical disability that stops it.
Granted Charlotte and Dom are very likely just lazy. But once it gets bad, it takes a long time and lot of effort to get it back to normal
I agree ! I often think of how I will be able to get my Hoover up n down the stairs when I’m older
@@PBMS123 when Kiezya wrote senior citizens I believe she was referring to unable senior people not lazy ones.
PLease read the report at the end of the programme as you are so wrong
It's incredibly sad that Dan, the one person that needed help the most, seems to be spiralling out of control :(
Yes, his OCD is over his life.
Charlotte is as foul as her one bedroom apartment especially the bathroom. Get over yourself lady and get cleaning. Please stop judging others when their standards are actually assisting you
i agree like she has asked for help and when help comes shes rude, ungrateful or what if that was me id be like you either be grateful or im going
The two older ladies are really lovely. And Lorraine’s house looked so good afterwards! They’re the kind of people I’d enjoy having a cuppa with.
Loool older ladies 😂 angela is 28 but im not gonna lie i thought she looked 38 😬 her personality is very nice tho
Charlotte's face when her sister suggested doing the dishes together 😂😂
The cat getting thrown out the door soaking wet.. I could hear it muttering obscenities under its breath 😂😂
Love how Charlotte was using the word 'we' every time they were on about cleaning, her poor boyfriend cleans and she makes the mess just to act like a child.
So sad that at the end of Lorraine's clean, her neighbour came to view - rather than her children. So sad her own children won't come to see her, wonder what the story is there.
Maybe they live far away or something 🤞
@@littlelizzi3135 or they didn't want to be shown on TV/RUclips so that the entire world can see them.
Garden needs doing now
@@potocatepetl good point
The house wan’t finished, so maybe she wanted to wait until it was all done - especially the bathroom.
Charlotte is the most arrogant person who got herself into this mess but judges everyone - she finds it unfair to clean her own toilet 🤦 bet she's turned the flat into a dump during lockdown
I paused this video to go to the bathroom, then ended up cleaning my entire house instead. I feel like this is the only show that has that kind of effect on people lmao
I love how the cleaners always try to find the mentality behind what’s happened. Like what caused them to let it get that way and then they try emphasise with them. Charlotte however was an ungrateful brat. ‘I think it’s a bit unfair’ when she was asked to clean her shit out of the toilet. Oh no how awful being made to clean up your mess. Hunny that’s the whole point of the show or were you more interested in your minute of fame on the tv. I don’t want to imagine the state of the house as it would have definitely gone back to being a mess again. Even though it really wasn’t as unhygienic as other properties it still wasn’t brilliant and their main reasoning was laziness. I’m sorry but he was right. She never complained about finding it hard to stand up and even then how hard is it to fold laundry sat down. Washing up doesn’t take that long if you do it after dinner. She only had to stand up for ages because she couldn’t be arsed and left it for two weeks. They didn’t deserve to get the help when all they did was insult the poor cleaner.
By her crappy attitude, it makes me think she just wanted it done for her while she could sit there like the queen & bark orders.... one word: entitled.
The kitty litter box in the kitchen where food is prepared.... I THINK NOT!
Anyone else feel bad for the cats than the people or is it just me? 😂 😂 😂
You wash yourself with gel and the gel cleans the bath. Seriously??🤣🤣🤣🤣
its funny!
About this comment from Charlotte about better things to do as in "watching TV", you know you can actually do both at the same time? You can clean, fold laundry, wipe the table, etc. and watch TV in the background at the same time. Not a nasty comment, just a thought and idea.
Candles on right under the boiler in the bedroom??! Eeek...serious Fire Hazard.
Love these shows!
I like Angela. I feel she thinks she had something to prove regarding looking after her children, which she doesn't, but it shows her vulnerability. She also mentions both people having cleaning issues
One doesn't have to use bleach every day or even month. When the houses reached that stage, yes, they would need some here and there, especially for the toilett or regions that are rotten, have fungus or where feces were present. Otherwise, soap and water for cleaning surfaces, and the standard products for everything else. Sodium bicarbonate(+vinegar) is also a good alternative for bleach, especially when cleaning the drains or the fridge.
Dude, you skipped all your science classes, haven’t you? Vinegar neutralizes soda and makes just water!
@@sokol5410 Dude, one first uses sodium bicarbonate to clean dirt and fats and afterwards vinegar to neutralise it (and where needed to remove calcium deposits) otherwise you will have white spots/streaks all over your things.
Tell me you've never cleaned without telling me you've never cleaned...
I agree. Bleach is the chemical, which is regrettable to our planet. It´s not to be good our health. I use it sometimes to toilet. I use also soap and water. Fridge, if it is dirty, i use multipurpose products, and in the end i use white vinegar.
@@potocatepetl he’s right,it neutralizes it
@@dcc-randomstorieswithmel7424 are you blind?
I am OBSESSED with being OBSESSIVE about the OBSESSION of CLEANING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"You have an attitude problem, Dan", "Yes, and you got a dirty pig problem, but to each their own I guess". That nasty woman would cross me only once, will get an instant comeback and second time I'd be like "ok trash can, goodbye!" and leave to my prestine home.
they really should come back in a month and see what the flat's look like again
Best show ever.
Due to pandemic, I found this channel and watching every night different episodes makes me feel satisfied everytime I finished watching.☺️
think im slowly becoming an obsessive compulsive cleaner watching this ...
I think anyone who watches this would, I'm the one in the family who knows way too much about cleaning 💀
Charlotte: "it just seems really unfair that I'm having to to this (cleaning her own toilet)..."
OMG, she is not at all grown up, it sounds more like Kindergarten.
On what planet is Charlotte living on?
That woman with the 4000sqft home spends the same amount of time cleaning as some of them with a one bedroom flat and yet it’s just as insanely clean.
It looks just as clean but the one bedroom will be deeper cleaned, behind furniture ect xx
I'm not a cleaning freak, it's clean, but chaos sometimes happens and I still clean thoroughly every week. How can you feel so comfortable? Don't they get scabies? 😂
So funny how Charlotte think cleaning is a waste of time, but lying in front of the TV is productive 😀😀
Dan and Charlotte clashing is comedy! 😂 They're both no-nonsense but in opposite ways. Dan's idea of nonsense is messiness. Charlotte's idea of nonsense of cleaning 😂
Totaly agree with you what you said in your comment
I’m sorry but I love how Dan takes pictures and asks what people think about it. That’s what I should do instead of worrying about it constantly lol
I dunno how old these programmes are but I’d bet that Dan now lives in a house that’s painted grey, his furniture is made of mirrors, his upholstery is crushed velvet and his decorations all have Chanel badges on them 🤣🙈🤮
I used to be very messy as a teen and the first year i lived alone, but i made a total change and make sure my apartment is always clean and tidy. So i'm the perfect example that people can change for the better.
I feel, as the series goes on, the houses start less messy but the cleaners reactions are as or even more horrified. Surely they've seen the series so they know how bad some houses started. These houses are no where near as bad as some of the others. I'd be relieved.
All for show! LOOK at how great WE are! Judgemental seems to so with OCD? Just plain nasty and intolerant
These houses are imacculate compared to some alcoholic and drug users houses.
Cleaning my oven watching this. Thank you for inspiration!
Poor cat why would you put your cat out side soaking wet
to dry off in the sun probably
Maybe it ran off?
I think the producer's asked him to do that so they would have a better "scene". If that chap is so obsessed with cleanliness he wouldn't do that because the cat would return even dirtier than he was before being bathed.
@@henrique5231 I agree. That looks like something the producers wanted.
Убирать же за ним ему придётся: пол, постель, мягкую мебель! Всё обмочит, всё испортит! Для больного важна чистота, а не кот.
Love this show! It makes you feel better about yourself!
Lorraine could also clean with some hot soapy water or some vinegar water against germs and fungi. It smells for a bit, but it’s natural, environmental friendly and less dangerous. AND it’s food safe, so ideal for a fridge. It even removes mold.
Dom and Charlotte seem like two very immature people who weren't taught to clean up for themselves as kids at home. I think Dan is going to get tired of living with someone who is not interested in doing any cleaning at all. And she was laying in his bed and moving stuff in his bedroom when they visited his home! That was so disrespectful. They know that's gonna freak him out.
totaly agree with you there I do not like charlotte, and her boyfriend they are made for each other mummy must waited on them hand and foot Charlotte, is such a spolt brat her place want stay clean for long she is such a liar,.
What sort of home did he come from when he would live with thst dirty woman
You don’t have to change your toilet seat once a month. Judging by the back of your toilet seat at 0:29 you just need to concentrate on cleaning that one properly!
The lady who doesn’t like bleach, just needs to use hot soapy water
in other videos she shows understanding of what kills bacteria but its like she blocks it because she likes bleach
And so we all live and LEARN , no matter our situation or circumstance or disorder. ❤ this show❤
Seeing them wearing their outside shoes inside his house and lying in bed with their outside clothes on makes me want to do deep cleaning on the floor and wash the sheets😅 now I am worried I might have OCD
I just found out hayley has her own RUclips channel. How does she not have more followers? She's absolutely adorable
I know right! She seems so sweet.
Charlotte 😖😖😖 Come on girl! Her boyfriend too. They both need a cleaning schedule. How can anyone live like that? And make your bed!
So someone came to help charlotte with her problems and she made him feels that he has problems !!
the whole point of the show is that both parties have problems lmao
Yes she is so toxic
To be honest I think it’s quite disrespectful for them just to move his light around and for her just to lay all over his nice clean bed
Yes it was to totals disrespectful deed.
But I need to know more about Colin the dog, he is the cutest little loaf dog 😍😍
I have empathy for most of the people on these shows because it usually stems from something deeper, grief, depression, age etc. but this couple are just plain lazy. My 5 year old literally takes 5 minutes a day to clean her room and it’s always clean.
My house is quite untidy. I just don't know where to start. I look at it, want so much to clean, but then I just don't know where to start. I wish I had OCD.
@@valeriesmith1654 you just start ... start in 1 corner and work your way round it's not difficult once you get going
Or hire a cleaner if you can't figure out how to tidy and clean yourself
watching the 2 opposing freaky endgames... i stay in the middle !!!!!!!
I feel so sorry for the people with OCD in this series as I am 100% sure the people they cleaned their house will go back to their messy life eventually and they would have had that anxiety for nothing.. I have the same level of OCD but I have too much to do in a day and holding myself not to go that extreme yet I feel them totally. I believe it is not fully possible to lose the merge of cleaning but I believe staying away from home and having something else at home also a bit self motivation to keep your mind away from cleaning helps.
He doesn’t even question sitting on the floor anymore 🤣🤣🤣 I know what I’d say to you , and you wouldn’t like it
but you feel better if you clean! your mental health gets a nice boost and you feel even more prettier. and your cat love you even more bc they are clean creatures too. i change my sheets 1 a week, i vacuum 2-3 times per week, doing the dishes every day, washing the clothes 1 a week, and constantly clean surfaces. i also loves chlorine and the smell. also dettol is kinda addicting. i also clean me under the nails with an seperate tootbrush with soap. you just got to.
and clean the fridge once a month and the stove everyday and the oven at least once a month, and the microwave at least once a month!
Love Angela! What a sweet heart, beautiful inside and out. And a lovely temperament xx
That toilet was so disgusting. I would've worn a gas mask to clean that. It will only take them less than 2 hours to clean their one bedroom flat weekly. I feel like the boyfriend was making excuses thinking 'if she doesn't clean, then why should I bother'
Charlotte is a disgrace to humanity
Charlotte's attitude and behaviour were disgusting. It's like she got defensive and tried to put the attention on Dan to make herself feel better. As if the way she's been living is more normal than Dan's. Her laughing about making him leave really angered me. He came to help you clean up your mess, and instead of learning or trying to improve just a little bit, you agitate him the entire time. It's like she thought that he would just do all the cleaning and then leave like while she watches the TV. Her rolling in his bed angered me even more. If that was my bed I would have thrown hands, because she needs to get knocked down a peg.
Best show ever..it's really relaxing to watch these videos...
I'm disabled and simply can't tidy or clean my flat up so I employ people who clean my flat every 2 weeks. And that's all it takes to be clean, once every 2 weeks. Cleaning 3 hours or so every single day is ridiculous. My cleaners do my whole flat and take my binbags out once every 2 weeks and my flat is still clean as anything.
Depends how many people live in your home.
If you live alone it makes sense that your flat stays clean for a long period of time.For example in our house live 5 people so it needs basic cleaning quite often
I have 2 kids under 2 and I need to basically clean my house top to bottom daily... the kitchen/living room multiple times a day cos obviously they play and we have to cook meals ect
If I don't do at least a 1 hr morning clean and keep up with the tidying and dishes ect it can turn very messy very quickly 🙃
I can tell you,that IS A BLOODY DAMN LIE!
2weeks dust isn't clean.
Not washing your toilets for 2 weeks is just down right disgusting.
I would not want to pee in your toilet.
Feacal matter should be disinfected and wash every 72hrs because of the bacteria
How can you boast about not washing your toilet for 2weeks?
Thats just disgusting and I ain't even OCD
that bottle spray to cut between each scene sounds so wonderful 😂❤
I just want an entire series dedicated to that cat with the wonky ear and three teeth
I watch this show to seriously horrify myself.... that toilet! I wretched
The fact that Charlotte kept on criticising how others bother to clean their houses, contradicted her consideration to change after realising her house desperately needed a massive cleaning. In conclusion, I'm like why the heck u invited somebody else to clean if u kept boasting how cleaning isn't necessary🤯
I can’t believe how rude and entitled Charlotte is, I just can’t believe you would go into someone house and judge them and on top of that sit on their bed. She has no manners.
Dan was so angry, rude and bossy. 😮
They both are rude, thinking the way that they both live is normal, thinking that the other one is lazy or too over the top. Point is they both have problems with cleaning
I can't stand lazy pet owners. That poor wee cat not having its bowls nice and clean is just awful. Clean for them if not for yourself!
You just need to get into the grove of picking up after yourself, putting things away ... every day I make the bed, clean the 3 basins, do the washing up & have a Mon to Fri rota, Mon - kitchen, Tues - bedrooms, Wed - laundry Thurs - sitting room, Fri - bathrooms ... place always looks fine & I do not spend the entire week-end cleaning ... I also work full time ...
I had a friend like that. I didn't know she was like this until I went to her place... I just felt my skin itching and wanted to burn everything 😅 since then I'm rarely going over to people's places, I'd rather stay at a hotel. And some people don't clean their dishes properly (like the back of the plate also 😒) or don't rinse them, just straight on the dryer full of detergent
I think it is an English thing not to rinse detergent properly. I haven't seen it until I moved to the UK :)
@@Mogvr7 Same. My housemate and other British people I know don't rinse the dishes, just let them dry with foam sill on them. All I can think of is: allergies 😬
@@koraXro why is it not obvious for them that it is not healthy 🙈? My husband is English by the way :)
I rinse dishes, and I'm British. I imagine the assumption is that if it can be used on food surfaces, it's safe. I'm sure other countries do things that would be considered unhealthy here though.
I was hoping to see a message that hubby was allowed to sit on the couch at the end of this😂
this programme gives me motivation to clean
He is not only clean his decoration just match perfectly.🙂
"its just unfair that i have to do this" says charlotte. girl its YOUR house and YOUR toilet...
You would think that these people would be really grateful for having someone come in & clean & scrub all their dirt...
28:21 What on earth is going on here? 🤔
Which one of the producers went "Oh go on then luv, have a toss in his bed and flip them lamps round! It's fine, he'll luv it!"
Who in their right minds would do that? Come off it, sis! No one would do that. Guess it just means they aren't in their right minds, then. 😶