Your problem lies in the educational system and media that produces and nurtures this type of leadership 🗑 without confidence in their own culture, without pride in their own legacy.
Every single member of the Electorate gave his Consent. When you accede to Democracy, you enter into a Contract with the State ... that you Consent to the Governance of WHOMEVER wins the election. So, if you're looking for someone to blame ...
You’re absolutely spot on Bjorn. I’m English and this place has become a filthy dumping ground. It’s heartbreaking to see such destruction of our beautiful country.
It’s so refreshing to hear somebody from outside say what they see. As an Englishman myself I feel like I’m talking to a wall or other people just don’t acknowledge the decline in uk culture. At least I know I’m not going insane now
Loads of people see it. I think most just self censor, would rather have an easy life. Others are too far down on thier own luck and have bigger problems. A bunch more just deluded themselves to cope and lastly you got the shit load who are on board with the new order.
Same here in the US. Our cities are being destroyed by the sudden huge influx of people from other cultures. They come in such numbers that there seems to be no way of integrating them before they establish their own culture and aggressively shove us aside. They aren't finding jobs, so they turn to criminal activities. Gangs have slipped through the border and take root in communities like unchecked cancer. The US is a melting pot and we have always accepted that, but it seems someone is throwing something rotten into the pot.
I'm an Englishwoman and I have to say Bjorn, you care more about what's happened to this country than a lot of the people I know. I'm furious and heartbroken about its decline.
The same goes for France, which I see declining day by day, just like the UK. I watch your news, and we have the exact same problems in France... Except we are still cursed to be part of Europe....
I'm English born & and bred, and I hate my own country now. Everything you say is correct. It's a dark, unhappy, unstable, uncivilised society now, every one for themselves, and politeness has been replaced by pessimism and aggression. The UK is nothing more than a failing economic zone for foreign vultures to come in and purge the last remnants of a once successfully functioning economy. Millions of migrants on welfare, never contributing, and always taking. Finally, the rampant corruption across the board; government, judiciary, the establishment, the elites, the corporations - they've caused ALL of this, ALL by design. The UK I grew up in has gone, and it will never, ever, return. And sadly, there's nothing absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. Voting didn't get us here - the lying politicians did. We've been sold.
Correct in everything you say, not much hope but perhaps Nigel Farage & Reform Uk provide a glimmer of light. And if Trump wins next week, maybe just maybe the tide will turn against the leftist woke destroyers.
What you said is called life which you didn't notice, in life, nothing stays the same as no one knows tomorrow. What happens has nothing to do with what people did here but what others did elsewhere, This is how it works, there was a river of wealth that goes one way others were watching it then one day they decided to start digging on their side and the wealth started to move to them so they started to digg hard and fast then call others to join them and digg and now the wealth is going everywhere, they are getting rich and those who used to be rich are getting poor, it's simple as that, in the old day's countries use to go to others and take their wealth by force that time is gone, now they just sit and take it and watch others getting richer and richer and there is nothing anyone can do shit about it. printing won't help either as it only creates inflation.
Hi I live in London I wanted to thank you for your heartfelt honest opinion many of us here do feel exactly as you said it’s so sad to witness our great nation and our British ways being diluted and destroyed ,people being treated like strangers in our own country it is truly heartbreaking Thank you for caring much love Enjoy your day 💚
Your handle says it all. Unlike you, as an Englishman, I definitely don't welcome it. Foreign interference/infiltration comes in many forms. The nationalist internationale that Bjorn is part of has nothing useful to say. In the 1930s, a similar toxic prescription brought us war and the mass murder of millions of people. It would do so again, and at the end of that process of destruction, most of those on here who hold the views they do now will deny they ever did.
I'm a Scotsman living in Bristol, England. I've been in England since the eighties and the changes I've seen have been dramatic. It's a filthy, angry, dumbed down and increasingly violent place. Different cultures have brought different beliefs, values and interests. We are a fractured and divided society that is indeed on a "downward spiral" as you put it. It breaks my heart, it really does. These new peoples have no loyalty to this country or love for the people of this country. Many of them actively hate us. It's an invasion and a takeover and it has been facilitated by our own leaders. They have sold us out to the globalists. The same thing is happening in Ireland and all over Europe. They will come for Norway too my friend.
@@andromeda_25Just out of curiosity, can you name some of the apps? I don't use social anymore though I still have a Facebook app but I last logged into my account in early May.
This is the prophetic fulfilment of the statue in the book of Daniel. The feet of iron and clay are the mixing of Arabs into western societies (East and West) which makes the statues feet crumble and fall to ruin. This is the end of the rise of civilization. Everything else built upon the feet throughout history, all the way to the top of the Golden head which was Babylon will topple. It will start again with the real messiah.
I’m English and every day I see evidence of what you’re saying. It saddens me that our culture, be it English or British, is being eroded. And our government supports it.
removed from 110 countries for no reason at all.... Merkel.... epstein.... klaus shwab.... WEF..... onlyfans turning children into prostitutes Notice a pattern?
English lady here. I'm so sad what has happened to this one green and pleasant land. Now I feel like a stranger in my own country. This place is destroyed.
In the UK rudeness, lack of manners, entitlement, inarticulacy and stupidity are rewarded, whereas being kind, considerate and intelligent are punished. All very inverted and the politicians are the ones leading us into darkness.
There is a time with similar leaders, spoken in the prophet Isaiah 1, See how the faithful city has become a harlot! She once was full of justice; righteousness used to dwell in her-- but now murderers! Your silver has become dross, your choice wine diluted with water. Your rulers are rebels, companions of thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause of the 'fatherless'; the widow's case does not come before them. Therefore..
I'm a proud Englishman of 72, today I am deeply saddened by the present situation in my home country. You have explained precisely what most people dare not voice. Have a nice day.
It's not only that but the young people in their 20's think things are better now than before because we are so inclusive and socially more "advanced" than before.. they genuinely believe this is progress.. =_(
more and more ytubers say they are going to leave the uk and many have and not just years ago also not long ago . bc of the strangers everything too expensive and so much else has and is going on which is rather depressing hence the people have had enough but then again its going on in other w. countries .
I'm British. I really appreciate you saying this. It feels like the story of Britain is over. We've decided obliterating 1000+ years of a very special history is the height of virtue.
It is caused by ultra-capitalism, genderless, nationless, traditionless, craftless, void of decent values, mindless - it is Wall Street, not Main Street, and not labour unions, as in doing a useful job with pride for a living wage under safe, improving conditions.
Yes, when workers had to be imported because there were jobs that the Brits simply won't do because they think it's below them. Except this is not a break because there is no reversing it. I remember 20 years ago there was a massive influx of Poles and they only returned to Poland when things over there caught up with UK. Do you think the current wave of migrants will ever return to their home countries? @@Snakebloke
I’m an English middle aged woman and believe me you are absolutely spot on with your observations. Over the last 3 decades I’ve seen the decline, our culture is being eroded away at such a rate it’s heartbreaking. I have sleepless nights worrying about the future of my children and grandchildren and I’ve slumped into a depression I can’t shrug off it’s awful.
I feel the same way. We would love to return to the UK with our daughters but I do not know now which is worse the UK or US, it is not much of a choice really, both are sad shadows of their former selves, but I too fear for my daughters.
It is hard Joanne, but you are not alone. They are loads of us like you. I seek out positive things that make me pretend things haven't changed - like old DVDs of comedies my family used to laugh at together, music concerts, choirs, walks in woodland and gardening, reading faithful old books. I also talk to friends and colleagues, trying to make them wake up to the problems and causes (government policies to neglect and break up nations) and I have joined the Heritage Party of lovely like minded people. But enough is enough and we have to push back as a country. It is like being at war only with our own leaders attacking us.
I live in America and my husband gave his life as a U S Marine for this country. But, I have never been so sadden and ashamed of what our country has become. I just can't believe how bad it is here and were we are headed. England is not the only country that is not the same.
America is the size of Europe. You still have time to fix things. The UK isn't this lucky. Just to put things into perspective, Texas is 3X bigger than the entire UK. Smaller countries are much easier to destroy.
Hi Bjorn! 😊 Thank you so much for your honesty. I’m truly sorry to hear how much England has changed in your eyes. For those of us living here, the pace of change feels overwhelming, and it often seems like we have little control over it. As an Englishman, I try my best to preserve the old England spirit in my little corner of the country. If you’re ever back in the UK, I’d love to welcome you and show you around. There are still places where the traditions and charm of old England remain, and it would be a pleasure to share that with you. Hope is what we hold onto, and I’m genuinely grateful to hear your perspective. The English spirit is still strong, and we’ll keep striving to preserve it. Thank you again! 💪
I'm American but have been going to the UK for over 35 years and lived there for a few years and your observation is spot on and sad. It was my favorite place on earth and I loved the people, the culture and everything in between. I pray for the UK 🙏 All the best, Bjorn 💪
Diversity, equity and inclusion is killing the United States. We are told that we must accept cultural differences and behaviors regardless of how degenerative or immoral they are. We are called all sorts of names if we just want to have what used to be a "normal" life. We are told that if we raise our children to believe in traditional values then we are racists and bigots.
@@magraphics8958 best you ask their citizens ? I’m WAY more concerned abt my country than some 3rd world place, particularly those that have known nothing but conflict for much of their existence .
@@magraphics8958 Reverting from the secularization that was happening in some of those countries last century back to medieval religious fundamentalism.
I was brought up in Bournemouth. As 11 year olds, we could roam all over the place, the town centre, the beach, day and night. When I popped back recently I was warned, as a 64 year old bloke, about even going into the town centre during the day! I wish I hadn`t bothered, it was horrible to see the decline. It was filthy, unloved and full of non- Bournemouthians.
I live in the New Forest halfway between Bournemouth and Southampton. The furthest I would go now is to Christchurch. I often go to Lymington and New Milton but I have not been to Christchurch for at least a year. Best wishes
I am saddened that I have to agree with everything you have said. I'm from London and I do not recognise it from growing up and adulthood. I fear for my children and the future of this country. I really did not know how much our culture meant to me. Its erasure will be sorely missed. Greed and a form of malaise has tore heart out of nation
Thank you Bjorn, lived in England all sixty of my years, you've enabled me to see things so much more clearly. I feel sad, but somewhat enlightened. The light you've shed on the situation here will hopefully help me move forward in a more positive way. It takes someone from outside the situation to see it clearly sometimes. I'm hugely grateful.
We are an experiment. As a small island we are much easier to control than mainland Europe or the U.S. but rest assured, if they succeed here, they will do the same everywhere. Thank you for your words Bjorn, they are appreciated.
@@fredforsythe8310 You don't think it showed how many people know what's going on and are sufficiently motivated to make their way to London? I assume it was never about 'storming the Bastille'.
The England you are pining for lives, but can only be found in small market towns and the hamlets and villages populated by the old and local folk who have not joined in with the technostopian revolution. Bjorn I am surprised that you didn't look harder to find the edge of your disappearing horse family..are we that faint of a ghostly shade to hear? are.our tracks too weatherd to see? are our tears no longer salted to your taste?
I'm Brazilian so I know by experience what a low trust society is like. It's not just about the economy. You can smell it, you can see it in the faces of people in the subway. Because of this I was very sad during my last visit to London because it's looking like my country. In fact, it's worse than where I live. I had the same impression of Paris.
I know Brazilians from São Paulo who are living in England, and are afraid to leave the house at night or to walk alone after dark - something they didn't experience in Brazil.
we have no manufacturing left, no steelworks, no oil refineries, no merchant navy, we have to import almost everything. no country has ever succeded without making stuff.
Yeah I stepped off the coach into Birmingham this summer, once a hub of industry, now a lot of those industrial buildings are abandoned. Literally just scrapyards in the city centre. There was even an abandoned bridge above it all.
And the US. By design to usher in the globalist/Marxist agenda of demoralization and submission (the Great Reset). Only going to get worse as they implement digital currencies and IDs and social credit systems across the West.
The uk no longer feels like my life long home anymore it feels unsafe, I would move abroad if it was possible. Our appalling government is systematically carving the country up and stabbing its indigenous people in the back. Crime has soared and murders are common ever since they let in vast amounts of illegal economic migrants. Sadly I feel more depressed everyday. Thank you Bjorn.
The lake district cleansed the soul when I visited a few months ago. My girlfriend, who is 7 years younger than me said 'this doesn't feel like England does it?' I immediately replied with 'No, love. This IS England'.
I was in London yesterday for the march and the people I met, the atmosphere, the huge amount of patriotic pride being shown by the crowd has given me a glimmer of hope. All is not lost- yet. We *will* win our country back. It may take time, and it probably won't be pretty, but it *will* happen. Thank you for your kind words about our once great country, and I hope your future visits are more agreeable, once we've fixed our broken society.... 🍄
I do so hope you're right! I live streamed the march and it was brilliant, well done all who attended. I'll be at the next one. While there are still people to speak up for us - like Tommy Robinson, Mahyar Tousi and Douglas Murray - there's still hope, providing the majority of ordinary, decent Britons wake up. And quickly.
I really hope you are right. As a British colonial I lived in Uk for the last of the best years. Everything this guy says, is true. The true Brit has to re-group and retain the British culture by strong means.
I am from the U.S. my grandmother was from Maidenhead. We have been following in your path…..but we are now fighting against it. There is a business man you might have heard of here. Started a movement called MAGA. Make America Great Again. Standing up against corrupt politicians and their paid for sycophant media. Our First Amendment is on the line. Freedom of speech. Big election in one week will decide our future path or doom. I pray for England and hope they can soon fight their oppression. MEGA…..make England great again.
I am a 66yr old woman in the UK,and I totally agree,there are pockets of Society that are still nice,kind and helpful though, but we feel so sad to see it deteriote,thankyou for being concerned for us.
I can't speak about England too much, as I only ever go there to visit briefly, but I was shocked how rude, unhelpful and angry random people were in English cities. Now, I'm comparing this to Swansea and the Welsh experience but it just seemed quite startling. We have our socioeconomic problems here, sure, but people still seem to go above and beyond for each other. I do worry about these new English attitudes will spread to our cities soon.
England used to be one of the most homogenous countries in the world, a high trust, safe, low crime, disaplined society, completely destroyed in just two generations.
@MrMirville the west has gone to shit every mass economic downturn, and these goofy mf are acting like it was shoots and ladders since the dawn of time.
About 15yrs ago I had a Chinese teacher that travelled to England and landed in Birmingham airport. She had a genuine panic that she had landed in the wrong country. She thought she had landed in Pakistan by mistake! She had no filter, being Chinese, and just said it as she saw it.
@@sbeers88 Back in the 90's coaches of young people came over from Eastern Europe. They were excited coming out of the channel tunnel or ferry, driving along the motorway peering out at this new place they imaged would be like an Agatha Christie story. Until they got to the first set of traffic lights in London, somewhere around Deptford. Then their faces turned to horror. Boarded up shops, litter everywhere, dumped mattresses and electrical items on street corners, dirty polluted buildings and chaos, shops selling African food they had never seen before and no white people at all.
Saying what everyone is thinking. My mum travelled to England last year and I’m sure she thought that, but being the bleeding heart liberal that she is she wouldn’t dare verbalise it.
I am English and you are spot on with your comments. I am not and have never been a racist but jamming nearly 70 million people into our small island has caused low wages, high housing costs and everything else you mentioned. I did not vote for mass immigration yet successive governments have encouraged it.
You may not have voted for immigration but you allowed it to happen. Look at Tommy Robinson, he stood up and has payed with his freedom, but if more people had supported him,,,well...
Can I come to Norway? I visited your beautiful country back in the 1990s and I loved it. Returning to England, even then, was a shock to me. The difference was immense - so busy, so noisey, so hectic. I need peace, quiet and, most of all, NATURE! Thank you for your astute observations of this country.
Bjorn, you are spot on. As a 64 year old I can honestly say that our lovely country is no more. Everything about it is broken and damaged to such an extent that it is irreparable. It saddens my generation to think about the country that we lost. The green fields, quaint English charm and polite happy people has been replaced by crime, poverty, squalor, and a sense of hopelessness and depression.
I'm Dutch, and I cry for England too. My soul still can not believe what happened during our lifetimes, Bjorn. And there are no words to describe our loss... But remember what the Americans say: "It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings."
I'm Dutch too but I used to live in England. I think there is not much difference between the UK and the Netherlands. It's so sad. Our beloved countries are so very different nowadays. I no longer feel at home in my own country. Too many people from all over the world. It simply doesn't work, it's obvious but when you say that you're called a fascist.
Absolutely correct. It’s a class-based country and the public school / Oxbridge elites who have all the advantages and should have been taking care of things, have completely betrayed the country and demonstrated a lot of incompetence.
Mmmm, I would say they are already down on their bottoms like dogs. Men here would rather turn on each other than fight together. That is my life's firsthand experience at least. But I appreciate the optimism 👍
@@johnnagle7702 Ah, but that was a few years back. I think that we would/will see far fewer being hoodwinked if it should happen again. Human consciousness is on the rise but it's a slow awakening for sure!
Your assessment is painfully accurate Bjorn. The majority of us here in the UK hate what's happening to us, we worry for our futures. I am embarrassed that people, such as yourself, can see it and feel compelled to talk about it, but I'm glad you are. We cannot talk about it, we are silenced, we are threatened, we are litterally locked up for complaining about it. The UK is lost, we passed the point of no return some 20 years ago, sadly.
I think evil powers have taken over England and the UK long ago. I say that as a German. The UK government have staged WW1 and WW2 with some of their friends wich served to enslave our country and now also destroy it. The UK have been a force of evil for long while - interestingly - its people weren't at all. The English & Scots and Welsh were always wonderful people and very much alike us. Yet, someone set this all up!
I left 19 years ago. I could see it all happening. I am an Afro Caribbean, so I did not leave because the country was becoming less white. I left because the anti-black racism had become unbearable. I was able to sell my house and start a new life elsewhere.
All western European cultures are dying. Just to maintain the status quo every woman has to have 2.1 children, no culture has ever recovered from a birth rat below 1.9 children but western Europe has been at 1.3 children per woman for decades, we are currently ageing out soon to be no more and our replacements are pouring in. This was all planed over 100 years ago and called the Kalergi plan. Its too late to stop it but we could take our the arseholes who engineered it.
England is A dystopia in some areas. I am still young and hope to move out of England someday. No one talks to each other. People can’t even look each other in the eye.
I am English, I spend a lot of time in sweden, more so these days. You are ABSOLUTELY correct. I despise what has happened to my country, and yet I am called racist 😢😢
They destroyed Sweden too with thesame politics, can't recognize and see the warmth,safe ,polite ,happy kind society that I once grew up in . Violence used to be something rare , people used to be proud of our culture but younger generations just don't care anymore . They are unhinged from reality and far lefties without logical thinking and caring of culture and values , Scandinavium culture , like Björn said its trash mentality and woke brainwashed ... They voted for this the last 15-20 years and what we got was daily gangbombs/murders/explosions/ can't walk by yourself in the dark without being raped/ or beaten down as a guy ,mugged ,stabbed etc etc . This is not the beloved calm warm Sweden I grew up in and it breaks once heart, thinking how the future will be like ...the safety of my kids and their future kids etc ... Uk at least has one thing going for them despite I feal for thesame things that is going on there , but the citizens at least has the guts to fill the streets ,protest and let the government know that they are fed up nothing ever happened , people just put their heads in the sand .
My partner and I are English. We've been together for 10 years and we run a successful independent business together. The cost of living is out of control. We can't afford a house, we can't afford to save, we can't afford holidays, we couldn't afford to have children (if we wanted them). We're stuck renting an apartment that we hate. If our rent continues to increase at the current rate, then we'll be made homeless within a year from now. All we want is a cosy home, a modest garden and a dog. That seems totally impossible. We live in one of the most afluent cities in the UK, yet our local city centre is degrading at a rapid rate and our streets are increasingly populated by homeless people, drug addicts, the mentally unstable and 'international' beggars. Public transport is woeful and the city council are doing everything they can to make using a car as difficult as possible - one of the reasons why the city centre is dying. We're absolutely desperate to leave this country, but we lack sufficient savings to move permanently. We were lucky enough to visit a friend in Geneva, Switzerland recently and we fell in love with the place. It seemed almost heavenly in comparison to England. We would love to love somewhere like that, but we have no chance without considerable savings. We feel utterly trapped in this hellhole.
Thank you for your concern about what is happening to our country, Bjorn. It is appreciated that you sympathise with our downfall. I believe that as bad as it is now, it will only get worse. We are a country without hope.
There is always hope. We have been through dark ages before. Leaders used to behead dissidents. Now they just vaccinate us. But we must collectively rise up and say we are not putting up with their corrupt mafia style of government any more.
We're in a pretty bad way here in England. Our Town Centres are run down and full of migrants. Our city centres are full of far left students and migrants. More housing is being built on our beautiful nature land. We had a Unite The Kingdom march today, but no doubt the media will try their best to put a negative spin on it.
First you all in the "Old World," and next us in the "New World." The ones responsible have been playing a generational game to get where we are today. To reverse it would require the same (or more drastic measures that are likely to fail).
It’s the same in the states 😢 here in AZ too many housing developments are popping up and they’re felling the forests here just to make room for more government assisted migrants/or welfare queens popping out kids just to avoid actual work. This is why I’m in school and staying single until I can move to Switzerland.
The whole system is rotten, the governments, the police, the justice system, the media. Looks like Ireland is going the same way but at a much faster rate 🙁
I'm a native Briton. Half my ancestors are Scots the other half English. I take great pride in speaking my native language, English, well. I'm also a Historian and I love English history. I honestly think we need to reestablish Christendom. We have no sense of community anymore. Alot of people have no manners whatsoever.
@@supersurfer1 "What have the British done for us, eh?" . . ."Well yes, apart from roads, sanitation, medicine, architecture, agriculture, education, legal system . . . what have the British done for us?" "Ingratitude?"
I've been living as a Hungarian immigrant in London/UK for almost twenty years now. I remember this magnificent country at the time when I first came here . All I can say that the changes took place before my very eyes. Mostly starting after 2008 as a presumed result of the recession. Unfortunately I can't blame the decline on financial depression only... My heart is breaking for (once) Great Britain.
@@imrematajz1624 Gondolom 30 esztendo tavlatabol meg inkabb kidomborodik a valtozas, meg nagyobb a kontraszt a 30 evvel ezelotti es a mai EK kozott. Egyebkent tenyleg oriasi valtozasoknak lehettem szemtanuja, megfigyeloje pusztan 2 evtized alatt. Sajnalatos modon konstatalnom kell, hogy eme valtozasok okozoji leginkabb az oshonos kultura, idegen (foleg balkani, azsiai es afrikai) kulturakkal valo eroszakos osszevegyitesenek folyamataban lelhetoek fel. Illetve a 2008-at kovetoen, ugyanis szerintem az EK a valsag hatasakent vegleg elveszitette a gazdasagi es politikai fuggetlenseget.
Bless you for the person you are, and the love you have for this country. I would buy you a coffee here in the West Midlands at any time....and a huge piece of cake if you wanted. yours, an ex British Soldier.
You're right. I'm English. I grew up here in the Wiltshire countryside. I've lived in Kent for nearly 40 years; the so called Garden of England. I do not recognise this nation. I'm considering retirement in another country. But all this started before Brexit.
America is the same. I am living very frugally so that I can retire early and leave. Many of my native born American friends are planning the same. I plan to go to Eastern Europe, Russia, or South East Asia. There is a famous Boer South African saying, "Leave them to it."
Everything you say is 100% correct. Im 66 anx I cry for my country. I was born in Northrtn Ireland, but have been here 60 years. Thos country is rapidly becoming a Dystopian Society. A Nanny State. I would like to say more, but as a Brit I can say nothing. Hurty words put you in prison. I agree with every single word. 😢
I'm British myself. Part English, Part Scottish. And I completely agree with what you are saying, It's not the country my grandfather and great grandfather fought for. But I refuse to abandon my country and my home. And I will fight for Britain and her true people when the time comes. I will fight for my family, generations both past and future. Britain will be British again, we will fix this. We have to, we have faced much worse and come out on the other side stronger than ever, and we will again. Long live Britain!
100% true , why should you brits leaving your homeland in first spot of danger, just calm down, watch around and see the millions of British are still living in here , which means there are lots of potential defenders of your country once they’ll awaken
Give thought to the hundreds of thousands of non British that sent their best to defend England in two world wars.and the British gave it all away without a fight. Why did we the non British bother with saving your arses?
@@BobLouden-r9qThat’s an excellent point. At first I thought you were talking about Gurkhas and Indian regiments, but when you think about it the United States entered both world wars to save England. We get zero appreciation for that, by the way. Also think about Rhodesians who fought for England and were immediately betrayed by England. Not only did England eventually give up, it was after they isolated and embargoed Rhodesia for daring not to give up.
I think this is almost the first video I have ever commented on. It brought me to tears as you articulate how ive been feeling for a while now. Thank you.
You guys intentionally broke down the family and community for the profit incentive, *psychologically* you can't build a society off individualist dragon chasing *which you have* and now you wanna blame all of us for the chip on your choulder?
Because really you can say all your want about people's IQs, culture, genetic makeup but you'll never take responsibility for the societal mechanism destroying the fabric from the top down.
I am in the UK born and bred (in my 50's now). If you say anything about the migrants coming in or anything about wanting England to be the way it used to be (not that long ago) you are labelled a 'nazi' and 'far right' mainly by the press which is ridiculous. The majority of people complaining about the state of the UK are normal working people who are completely fed up of the way things are. You can't get an NHS dentist anymore or get a doctors appointment due to the sheer number of people here now, just ridiculous. We are only a small island and the current government is doing nothing to stop the migrant boats. England is no longer the England I grew up in and it breaks my bloody heart.
@@KeillaSellay can u explain this I am just learning about all of this stuff I am only 14, what he is say is correct atleast a bit, what do you mean karma? xxx
The uniparty have no intention of stopping the boats or of slowing the 10/12 times more numbers of so called legal immigrants. Teresa May signed us up to the UN Global Migration Compact, the UN thinks the ideal population of the UK is 120 million. No doubt the current population statistic is another lie, that 68 million is more like 80 million, so half as many to come yet, all by design. The trouble with the electorate is they are buyable and don't think more than an inch from their purse/wallet, instead of voting for nationalist parties when they had the chance they always vote for one side or the other of the uniparty and every time expect a different result, a party that hates them i shoudl add, you couldn't make it up.
I was born in London and spent the first 25 years of my life there. Now, I will not visit. Its like a foreign land. Last time I visited (5+ years ago), I was asking for directions and could not find anyone who spoke English for more than 10 minutes. London is / has been destroyed by "the newcomers" and the mayors obvious contempt for anything representing originally classed as English.
As an English man who was born & bred in London it's refreshing to hear someone speak about it. Political views aside. It needs to be spoken about. Subbed 👍
Visited London at the weekend: got verbally abused by another (foreign) customer in a food shop. In a shopping centre toilet, some crazy almost broke the door down (apparently I was taking too long!). Served almost entirely by foreigners (no eye contact or chat). King's Cross train station announcement was in heavily accented pigeon English. Needless to say, all trains either late or completely cancelled! A very unpleasant trip to my own capital city. You're right, it's a rapid decline.
That disaster has been going on since the times of Thatcher, recent clowns like Cameron, Johnson or Truss just perpetuated such decadent trend It was all foreseeable
I have family in England and was there in May . You're absolutely right and it grieves me . But it's happening in Canada too . The decay is bringing down Western civilization . 💕🙏🇨🇦💕🙏🇬🇧
Interesting that this decay seem to be of foreign origin. We were told that diversity is a strength but it seems to be the downfall of our civilization. Big words but if anyone reading this disagrees tell us the way back to society with high trust and order, messiah.
Perhaps it's just changing western civilization or perhaps western civilization is changing, as it always has. What is western civilization anyway? Is it to do with being white or is there something less crude and more fundamental than that? Perhaps the rule of law, which we've been evolving as a concept for 800 years. How about parliamentary democracy, a 300-year old idea which has also changed considerably over the years. Or how about a market economy, though that also wasn't always how we did things. How about the cultures and customs we observe? Witch-burning, for example. But that died out a long time ago. How about the death penalty? No, we mostly got rid of that in western countries. Hmm, it seems like western civilization might not be a fixed thing after all. Plus ca change, don't you think?
In other words I don't dislike someone for their skin pigmentation but the activity that is taking place in their craniums; I judge them by their character and how they express themselves. If they tell me they hate "us" I will believe them.
In 1968 I was born in south east London. In that same year a politician made a historic speech in a desperate attempt to warn the people of England and wider UK that dramatic and irreversible social and cultural change was coming, for this he was vilified. In my 56 years on Gods green earth I have experienced that very change. I have slowly moved further and further away from large centres of population in an attempt to retain, for the sake of my children the sense of national, cultural and social identity that I experienced in the first 10 or 11 years of my life before things started to change for the worse. As of today I fear there is literally nowhere left to go that still feels like home so for the first time in my life we are now considering migrating… how unbelievably ironic.
@stru9286 I returned to where my grandmother lived in rural shropshire. Gated 4 x 4 land. we used to know the whole village. Thats the other side of it. The villages are full of rich commuters and the towns and cities gone to shit. Who was the MP in 68 out of interest? Keep your spirit up!
Hard as things were in the 50's, 60's and 70's, I would go back there in a heartbeat. England was, on the whole, a homogeneous, pleasant and polite country. Now, in cities and many post industrial towns the streets are unsafe, dirty and generally unpleasant.
Yes, i'm a child of the mid 50's, of course the country had its faults but it was idyllic in comparison to what those who have sold our country wanted it to become.
Class size was 16-20. Dr's appointment same day. No problem seeing a dentist. If you got a job you could get a house. No constant traffic jam. i could go and on...
@@002lisamarie it is though...i watched a program where the Norwegian police went into Sweden to se the stare of anarchy caused by the Ghettos. So hey know what to expect.
The sad thing is itys so easy to rid yourselves of it, stop watching televison, stop reading msm publications, retune the radio when the propaganda (news) comes on, same with adverts, stop watching/listening. Its amazing how once you remove yourself from the influence of the media how quickly you begin to see.
Dignity and stoicism are at the heart of British culture. Sadly these virtues are the reason the people wait patiently for the kettle to boil as their house burns around them. When under attack from an external force the British are united and indefatigable, however they’re helpless in the face of this modern, creeping malignancy.
Went to London about 10 years ago for my job. Upon arriving at Heathrow I thought I was in a middle eastern country when I walked into the terminal getting off the plane. All I saw were people wearing middle eastern garb.
Yeah thats not London though, that's the western part. Don't paint an entire city on your first impressions when walking out of an outskirts airport....
Everyone who has visited England in the past fell in love with it and came away with the impression that this place is even better then you could of imagined .But , over the past 10-20 years it totally changed and i would never visit it again which is so sad .It was wonderful ..
It was nice to visit true but everything was and looked old fashioned and tired. You re too positive but alas it is more a visceral spark of disappointment that is warranted for sure.
@@geertstroy I visited London in 80's as a teenager, it was marvelous to a boy from small country.. loved everything, and your statement that everything was "old" rings true, place was worn out but well kept.. these days I can't speak of haven't visited for a while..
Why are you shocked and enraged? Where on earth do you live that you react that way every time you go out? I've been all over this country, and there is a lot of poverty, which saddens me. But 40 years of neoliberalism, the doctrine of winner takes all, is to blame for that.
I left my house the other day and about more than 50% of my street is not from this country, the foreign men stare and make me feel uncomfortable like I’m not supposed to be here
Totally agree with you. I observed the same thing in England... but also in Canada... nothing at all is like before, and we now feel like strangers in our own homeland. Very sad.
@@buckodonnghaile4309southern ontario here. It is unrecognizable...I'm trying to escape and retire to northern ontario...where it's still somewhat like it was decades ago. But make no mistake, it is creeping in there too.
@@n00blamer toronto hasn't been anything approaching nice, since the early '70's when I lived there. Thank goodness Im not near there anymore. 2012 to 2024 there has been a noticeable decline in the liveability of the city...for all the reasons you can surmise. 😉
I am immigrant of 35 years' standing, from Rome. I put roots in England: English wife, English kids who cannot speak one word of Italian, and two out of three have never even ever been to Italy. I was an Anglophile since I can remember. I was in love with England. "English culture is beautiful. English culture is profound". That was what I absolutely thought. But even I have to accept that it has all changed for the worst. And it makes me depressed. Very perceptive video, old boy. I concur heartily. It comforts me that it wasn't just my impression, maybe influenced by me getting older and grumpier. Someone has finally articulated what I have been feeling now for years. My beloved England is no longer the same place i fell in love with. And it saddens me no end...
I think you are making a huge mistake and doing your kids a disservice. You should make sure that your kids take advantage of your Italian (European) heritage and learn Italian.
'This world 🇬🇧 has been asking us to leave for sometime now.. ' - Chris Nolan, Interstellar's quote from the movie serves aptly to remind of the situation in England for quite sometime now. And the smart ones have already moved out to the greener side instead of complaining!
@@thelikesofus324 I think you are right. However, when being the only Italian speaker in the household, and indeed in the whole area where I live, it is not easy to force three small children to learn a language they are not into. I try, they know few scattered words and can understand some chosen sentences, but tbh I just haven't got the time, the proclivity or the energy to face this onerous task. I know it is a shame and I am regretting it already, but at the moment I cannot find any time to change the circumstance....and besides, I made such a huge effort to integrate, not only materially but culturally, that I think and dream in English, and I have difficulties to express myself in my mother tongue. I forgot many words and expressions, and any foreigner who followed a similar path (to forego your own culture in order to embrace wholeheartedly the culture of the host country) will sympathize...
I’m a Welshman, but yes, England and the wider UK as a whole has broken down. I don’t like how society has gone, I don’t like how our Governments have acted. Everything is politicised and everyone is just out for themselves. Communities have broken down and the moral fibre has disappeared
I'm British but left the UK 10 years ago, I have zero desire to return. I no longer recognise the country I was raised in. For the most part it's just a dump now.
The reason is people are afraid of being racist (cq. caring about your own race more then you do other races). You can't have culture without racism, you can't have ethnicity without racism. At one point you have to choose, racism or oblivion. And time is running out, even this guy in this video still has to signal against muh racism out of fear and cowardice.
I was always sad to be born in Poland, because western people have always had more of everything, and had it better. Now I know that this was a path to an oblivion. Today I'm glad I'm Polish, because we have our window on what we shouldn't do with our society to survive ❤️
What happened to Germany, France, England, Denmark, Spain, Italy and Sweden? When you are too kind and too welcoming and too naive you allow in mistreatment and abuse sadly. This is the downfall for any nation who is not hard and harsh. People abuse your kindness.
When you have your own government that will imprison you for simply speaking about it online and then you'll die in that prison just because you spoke, it's very difficult to take our own countries and freedom back... Our europian countries and people have dealt with governments we're dealing with now, they've simply overthrown them. I'm sure history will soon repeat itself, as much as I don't want that it's highly likely...
Governments didn't do it out if was 100% calculated as a way to place downward pressure on wages, increase anxiety in the population and to create problems people will give more power to them to "solve"
Im 28 years old and English. I’ve recently become a father, and I’ve noticed something about this country that’s changed since I was a child. I remember strangers interacting with us, not in a weird way, but a wholesome way. My son is almost 1, he’s a lovely looking baby, but all he gets is dirty looks. Almost entirely from brown/black immigrants, but also from posh English people. It feels like they’re mentally spitting on him. We travel around Europe as a family. Just one day in a Scandinavian country attracts more positive interactions than 1 whole year in England. I get the feeling we’re living amongst people who want us gone from our own country.
I don’t! In the countryside we’re still appreciative of family and kids, you need to get out of the cities to experience this now (just don’t let too many people know 😅).
Here's a thought, maybe the population has increased a great deal since you were little and everyone is struggling and too busy to pay you and your family the attention you clearly desire. Also if immigrants were paying positive attention to your baby you'd probably call them creeps let's be honest.
Not sure what Scandinavian country you visited but no need to be envious. Sweden is as bad as the UK and the others are about 10-15 years behind, but rapidly developing in the same way. All of Western Europe is on this trajectory. Eastern Europe still has a chance but they are still under the spell of the "American dream" which will eventually ruin their countries too, unless they snap out of it.
I was going to marry an Englishman. Me, a skilled worker, anglophile, healthy foreigner had to face the vicious Home Office red-tape and my fiancé couldn't meet the minimum income requirement. It was just too much to even give him a basic human right to family life. Our relationship couldn't handle the massive pressure and we split. We wanted to do things by the book, legally and live in England, but couldn't. The UK govt destroyed our bond little by little. To see all those freeloaders parasitizing a country I still love, hurts and maddens me because I can't stop thinking what could we have built: a family founded on British values with the best of both words. Such a shame.
Same, my British husband and I couldn’t move to the UK either. The legal immigration process was completely prohibitive. But they seem to want illegal ones with no connection to the culture? Just why???
@@Surreal452 It's planned and deliberate: the wholesale destruction of British culture. By importing culturally incompatible migrants by the millions the old social bonds weaken and people are divided and set against each other. The more diverse a culture is the less safe people feel in it and part of it. DEI or DIE, if you will. Wokery has ruined this country.
It's been going on for MUCH longer than that. What we are now witnessing, which is the unfolding of the end game, is the result of over 150 years of planning and the slow encroachment by evil and corruption into every institution in the nation. We are now in the final sprint phase.
What is happening to Europe is the one of the greatest betrayals of a population by their own government in human history
THE greatest
Your problem lies in the educational system and media that produces and nurtures this type of leadership 🗑 without confidence in their own culture, without pride in their own legacy.
And it came to America now! 😥😢😪
@@worldmusictheorycome on now.... stalin?
Every single member of the Electorate gave his Consent. When you accede to Democracy, you enter into a Contract with the State ... that you Consent to the Governance of WHOMEVER wins the election. So, if you're looking for someone to blame ...
You’re absolutely spot on Bjorn. I’m English and this place has become a filthy dumping ground. It’s heartbreaking to see such destruction of our beautiful country.
as i see on videos, australia is new england i guess, much more blondes
Join the resistance, did you attend the London protest today ?
thank Nigel Farage and politicians bought my corps desperate to over-import immigrants for cheaper labor.
It’s like the plot of Johnny English.
Uk citizen here ......the country I knew as a child is gone ...finished 😢
The same here in Germany! But everybody knows we are done!!
But the Winters take the same suicidal path then us! But why?!
Yes - my wonderful USA is falling into chaos. Horrible. I am glad I am old.
It's not finished yet , unless you give up
You’re right.
And the bbc, which I once considered a part of the family but now detest, is responsible in a big way.
That’s the point.
It’s so refreshing to hear somebody from outside say what they see. As an Englishman myself I feel like I’m talking to a wall or other people just don’t acknowledge the decline in uk culture. At least I know I’m not going insane now
We've got our own rightwing nationalist who feel things were better in some mythical past, we don't need any foreign ones spouting the same nonsense.
Just don't tar us Scots with the English brush. TOTALLY different.
@neillmorris1469 It is shocking to me that anyone would NOT think things were better in England's past.
Loads of people see it. I think most just self censor, would rather have an easy life. Others are too far down on thier own luck and have bigger problems. A bunch more just deluded themselves to cope and lastly you got the shit load who are on board with the new order.
it was better.
I am English. Absolutely hate was has become of my country. I loathe our politicians.
Yes... ALL of our politicians are guilty of some kind of treason...
Long live America
Same here in the US. Our cities are being destroyed by the sudden huge influx of people from other cultures. They come in such numbers that there seems to be no way of integrating them before they establish their own culture and aggressively shove us aside. They aren't finding jobs, so they turn to criminal activities. Gangs have slipped through the border and take root in communities like unchecked cancer. The US is a melting pot and we have always accepted that, but it seems someone is throwing something rotten into the pot.
I hate the ooga booogaaa
Why did you vote for them then?
I'm an Englishwoman and I have to say Bjorn, you care more about what's happened to this country than a lot of the people I know. I'm furious and heartbroken about its decline.
We are ruled by scumbags
The same goes for France, which I see declining day by day, just like the UK. I watch your news, and we have the exact same problems in France... Except we are still cursed to be part of Europe....
This is the society that liberal British women wanted.
@@frankbougrasse8047It’s all by design, red “The Kalergi Plan”, of course Google will say it’s a conspiracy theory but it’s not!
I'm English born & and bred, and I hate my own country now. Everything you say is correct. It's a dark, unhappy, unstable, uncivilised society now, every one for themselves, and politeness has been replaced by pessimism and aggression. The UK is nothing more than a failing economic zone for foreign vultures to come in and purge the last remnants of a once successfully functioning economy. Millions of migrants on welfare, never contributing, and always taking. Finally, the rampant corruption across the board; government, judiciary, the establishment, the elites, the corporations - they've caused ALL of this, ALL by design. The UK I grew up in has gone, and it will never, ever, return. And sadly, there's nothing absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. Voting didn't get us here - the lying politicians did. We've been sold.
Correct in everything you say, not much hope but perhaps Nigel Farage & Reform Uk provide a glimmer of light. And if Trump wins next week, maybe just maybe the tide will turn against the leftist woke destroyers.
Totally agree 100 %.
What you said is called life which you didn't notice, in life, nothing stays the same as no one knows tomorrow.
What happens has nothing to do with what people did here but what others did elsewhere,
This is how it works, there was a river of wealth that goes one way others were watching it then one day they decided to start digging on their side and the wealth started to move to them so they started to digg hard and fast then call others to join them and digg and now the wealth is going everywhere, they are getting rich and those who used to be rich are getting poor, it's simple as that, in the old day's countries use to go to others and take their wealth by force that time is gone, now they just sit and take it and watch others getting richer and richer and there is nothing anyone can do shit about it. printing won't help either as it only creates inflation.
Australia is the same.
@@MrManny075 "Life that you didn't notice" - I'm living it ffs, and please don't patronise me, you don't even know me.
Hi I live in London I wanted to thank you for your heartfelt honest opinion
many of us here do feel exactly as you said it’s so sad to witness our great nation and our British ways being diluted and destroyed ,people being treated like strangers in our own country it is truly heartbreaking
Thank you for caring much love
Enjoy your day 💚
As an Englishman I really appreciate you covering this. Thank you for your voice.
I wish you best
Your handle says it all. Unlike you, as an Englishman, I definitely don't welcome it. Foreign interference/infiltration comes in many forms. The nationalist internationale that Bjorn is part of has nothing useful to say. In the 1930s, a similar toxic prescription brought us war and the mass murder of millions of people. It would do so again, and at the end of that process of destruction, most of those on here who hold the views they do now will deny they ever did.
What happened to Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia etc?
I went there and they were unrecognizable ! ..
I'm a Scotsman living in Bristol, England. I've been in England since the eighties and the changes I've seen have been dramatic. It's a filthy, angry, dumbed down and increasingly violent place. Different cultures have brought different beliefs, values and interests. We are a fractured and divided society that is indeed on a "downward spiral" as you put it. It breaks my heart, it really does. These new peoples have no loyalty to this country or love for the people of this country. Many of them actively hate us. It's an invasion and a takeover and it has been facilitated by our own leaders. They have sold us out to the globalists. The same thing is happening in Ireland and all over Europe. They will come for Norway too my friend.
Well said 👍
facts my brother
@@andromeda_25Just out of curiosity, can you name some of the apps? I don't use social anymore though I still have a Facebook app but I last logged into my account in early May.
This is the prophetic fulfilment of the statue in the book of Daniel. The feet of iron and clay are the mixing of Arabs into western societies (East and West) which makes the statues feet crumble and fall to ruin. This is the end of the rise of civilization. Everything else built upon the feet throughout history, all the way to the top of the Golden head which was Babylon will topple. It will start again with the real messiah.
I’m English and every day I see evidence of what you’re saying. It saddens me that our culture, be it English or British, is being eroded. And our government supports it.
Watch "Europa the last battle" 12h documentary. All your questions will be answered. Cheers! ♥
The government are responsible for the erosion.
removed from 110 countries for no reason at all....
Merkel.... epstein.... klaus shwab.... WEF..... onlyfans turning children into prostitutes
Notice a pattern?
It's called cheap flights worldwide. Anyone can get anywhere for about $1000 nowadays. Not necessarily the end of the world...
Our governments have CAUSED it through their deliberate policies.
English lady here. I'm so sad what has happened to this one green and pleasant land. Now I feel like a stranger in my own country. This place is destroyed.
In the UK rudeness, lack of manners, entitlement, inarticulacy and stupidity are rewarded, whereas being kind, considerate and intelligent are punished. All very inverted and the politicians are the ones leading us into darkness.
It is called Communism.
There is a time with similar leaders, spoken in the prophet Isaiah 1, See how the faithful city has become a harlot! She once was full of justice; righteousness used to dwell in her-- but now murderers! Your silver has become dross, your choice wine diluted with water. Your rulers are rebels, companions of thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause of the 'fatherless'; the widow's case does not come before them. Therefore..
100% spot on ! You’re right …
Hope you realise this channel is part of the establishment designed to divide and conquer
Read the Apocalypsis in the New Testament. This "inversion" has been predicted. It's the enemy.
I'm a proud Englishman of 72, today I am deeply saddened by the present situation in my home country. You have explained precisely what most people dare not voice.
Have a nice day.
It's not only that but the young people in their 20's think things are better now than before because we are so inclusive and socially more "advanced" than before.. they genuinely believe this is progress.. =_(
interesting how israel doesn't take in other cultures
But they FORCE European nations to do so....
more and more ytubers say they are going to leave the uk and many have and not just years ago also not long ago . bc of the strangers everything too expensive and so much else has and is going on which is rather depressing hence the people have had enough but then again its going on in other w. countries .
Happy 72nd Birthday !🎉🎉🎉😊
Proud of what? Letting the wrong side win WWII? Get bent and "proudly" take it from behind from Ahmed, grandpa. You made your bed, now sleep on it
I'm British. I really appreciate you saying this. It feels like the story of Britain is over. We've decided obliterating 1000+ years of a very special history is the height of virtue.
It's decadence. It happens to all cultures. Britain isn't over, it's just taking a break.
it's being done TO Britain, it is not internal.
It is caused by ultra-capitalism, genderless, nationless, traditionless, craftless, void of decent values, mindless - it is Wall Street, not Main Street, and not labour unions, as in doing a useful job with pride for a living wage under safe, improving conditions.
It is of course specialer than already special France or other special specials. You MUST be specialer than just special , who would have thought.
Yes, when workers had to be imported because there were jobs that the Brits simply won't do because they think it's below them.
Except this is not a break because there is no reversing it.
I remember 20 years ago there was a massive influx of Poles and they only returned to Poland when things over there caught up with UK.
Do you think the current wave of migrants will ever return to their home countries?
I would pay money just to sit around a campfire with Bjorn and listen his wisdom.
He probably would pay money to have noone sit around him 😂
@@onthafire420 smart, he can turn into vaporean because that's the most breedable pokemon with a human.
I'm Irish but I've lived in England for 3/4 of my life and I can tell you it's turned to shit.
They're also destroying Ireland 😢
@@triggercky9928 because of the all lies
"Europa the last battle"
@@triggercky9928 the bad guys won ww2
Can anyone really believe in a coincidence across nations?
Very true.@@triggercky9928
Bjorn your English is excellent. As always you are 100% accurate in what you say.
corrupt, bent, politicians, that's what happened to England
For the last 50 years....
@@richardruff8712from india!
Far longer sadly.
Actually King Charles, Bill Gates, Rockerfellas Etc. politicians are pawns just like us
Appreciate you speaking our minds. You made a man cry by the end. Proud to be English brother! You speak the language perfectly!
Look at old videos of England from the 60's and look now.
Then you will know what happened to England
I’m too young to have known the 60s but I have seen the camera reels of decades past and one could weep.
@@Elijah_Dove and do
Same in Germany. 60s were great.. German under Germans.
@@siegfriedv.hammerstahl7919 I think we owe Germany a massive apology
@@Elijah_Dove It really was like you see in old film - never believe the total lies they tell about it always being "diverse".
I’m an English middle aged woman and believe me you are absolutely spot on with your observations. Over the last 3 decades I’ve seen the decline, our culture is being eroded away at such a rate it’s heartbreaking. I have sleepless nights worrying about the future of my children and grandchildren and I’ve slumped into a depression I can’t shrug off it’s awful.
I feel the same way. We would love to return to the UK with our daughters but I do not know now which is worse the UK or US, it is not much of a choice really, both are sad shadows of their former selves, but I too fear for my daughters.
@@LL-qi9mbthe west is being captured. We will be governed by corporations and ai.we fell for so many lies and now we pay the price for our ignorance.
Me too Joanne. ❤️❤️🇬🇧🇬🇧
Well, at least in the US you have guns!
It is hard Joanne, but you are not alone. They are loads of us like you. I seek out positive things that make me pretend things haven't changed - like old DVDs of comedies my family used to laugh at together, music concerts, choirs, walks in woodland and gardening, reading faithful old books. I also talk to friends and colleagues, trying to make them wake up to the problems and causes (government policies to neglect and break up nations) and I have joined the Heritage Party of lovely like minded people. But enough is enough and we have to push back as a country. It is like being at war only with our own leaders attacking us.
I live in America and my husband gave his life as a U S Marine for this country. But, I have never been so sadden and ashamed of what our country has become. I just can't believe how bad it is here and were we are headed. England is not the only country that is not the same.
All for ZAWG
It's a big country, the news only focuses on the negative.
Trump coming. And his team is solid.
America is the size of Europe. You still have time to fix things. The UK isn't this lucky. Just to put things into perspective, Texas is 3X bigger than the entire UK. Smaller countries are much easier to destroy.
Were not done in the US by a longshot, vote for Trump to avoid the worst outcome.
Hi Bjorn! 😊
Thank you so much for your honesty. I’m truly sorry to hear how much England has changed in your eyes. For those of us living here, the pace of change feels overwhelming, and it often seems like we have little control over it. As an Englishman, I try my best to preserve the old England spirit in my little corner of the country.
If you’re ever back in the UK, I’d love to welcome you and show you around. There are still places where the traditions and charm of old England remain, and it would be a pleasure to share that with you.
Hope is what we hold onto, and I’m genuinely grateful to hear your perspective. The English spirit is still strong, and we’ll keep striving to preserve it.
Thank you again! 💪
I'm American but have been going to the UK for over 35 years and lived there for a few years and your observation is spot on and sad. It was my favorite place on earth and I loved the people, the culture and everything in between. I pray for the UK 🙏 All the best, Bjorn 💪
The Americans are our Brothers, we both face a fight for our culture and our freedoms, i personally will fight until there is no breath left in me.
Here in the US the very same thing is happening. I hope you’re just as sorry about that.
Thank you, from North Wales.
Diversity, equity and inclusion is killing the United States. We are told that we must accept cultural differences and behaviors regardless of how degenerative or immoral they are. We are called all sorts of names if we just want to have what used to be a "normal" life. We are told that if we raise our children to believe in traditional values then we are racists and bigots.
@@113msaunders Yukkie Daw, mate! Not sure of the spelling! Have friends that live by Cader Idris 😁
Bill Hansen, I’m an English teacher. You speak English like a true gentleman. A true-blue gent.
What happened to Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia etc?
I went there and they were unrecognizable !
@@magraphics8958 best you ask their citizens ? I’m WAY more concerned abt my country than some 3rd world place, particularly those that have known nothing but conflict for much of their existence .
@@magraphics8958 Reverting from the secularization that was happening in some of those countries last century back to medieval religious fundamentalism.
yeah I got a CELTA Cert4.. upper advanced level he made English his bitch A+
Absolutely spot-on. I have no idea how we will recover…
I was brought up in Bournemouth. As 11 year olds, we could roam all over the place, the town centre, the beach, day and night. When I popped back recently I was warned, as a 64 year old bloke, about even going into the town centre during the day! I wish I hadn`t bothered, it was horrible to see the decline. It was filthy, unloved and full of non- Bournemouthians.
I live in the New Forest halfway between Bournemouth and Southampton. The furthest I would go now is to Christchurch. I often go to Lymington and New Milton but I have not been to Christchurch for at least a year.
Best wishes
We used to visit Bournemouth a lot back in the day. It was a lovely place, brilliant beach and safe for women and kids. Not anymore apparently.
I was there recently, I felt concern for the young kids and elderly walking about surrounded by villains.
I am saddened that I have to agree with everything you have said. I'm from London and I do not recognise it from growing up and adulthood. I fear for my children and the future of this country. I really did not know how much our culture meant to me. Its erasure will be sorely missed. Greed and a form of malaise has tore heart out of nation
Just foreigners sneering at you everywhere
Thank you Bjorn, lived in England all sixty of my years, you've enabled me to see things so much more clearly. I feel sad, but somewhat enlightened. The light you've shed on the situation here will hopefully help me move forward in a more positive way. It takes someone from outside the situation to see it clearly sometimes. I'm hugely grateful.
We are an experiment. As a small island we are much easier to control than mainland Europe or the U.S. but rest assured, if they succeed here, they will do the same everywhere.
Thank you for your words Bjorn, they are appreciated.
they will succed nowhere Europa must be defended
I'm sooo sorry we are not all the same xxx
It won't succeed. And they're already trying it in Europe. Look at France. It's horrific now.
@@fredforsythe8310 You don't think it showed how many people know what's going on and are sufficiently motivated to make their way to London? I assume it was never about 'storming the Bastille'.
The England you are pining for lives, but can only be found in small market towns and the hamlets and villages populated by the old and local folk who have not joined in with the technostopian revolution. Bjorn I am surprised that you didn't look harder to find the edge of your disappearing horse family..are we that faint of a ghostly shade to hear? are.our tracks too weatherd to see? are our tears no longer salted to your taste?
I'm Brazilian so I know by experience what a low trust society is like. It's not just about the economy. You can smell it, you can see it in the faces of people in the subway. Because of this I was very sad during my last visit to London because it's looking like my country. In fact, it's worse than where I live. I had the same impression of Paris.
I know Brazilians from São Paulo who are living in England, and are afraid to leave the house at night or to walk alone after dark - something they didn't experience in Brazil.
Oh no!
So Latin America is safer than some european countries? That’s crazy!!😮
America's is the same...
@@CraigAnderson-h2h Brazil is in AMERICA
we have no manufacturing left, no steelworks, no oil refineries, no merchant navy, we have to import almost everything. no country has ever succeded without making stuff.
You're right, it's been a systematic dismantling of everything that made us a strong, independent nation. Now it's in its dying throes.
which is why our successive governments got rid of our manufacturing.
> No merchant navy
No, just the "merchants" roaming around, lol
Same in the USA. Nothing much made here now. The government hates whites now, too.
Yeah I stepped off the coach into Birmingham this summer, once a hub of industry, now a lot of those industrial buildings are abandoned.
Literally just scrapyards in the city centre.
There was even an abandoned bridge above it all.
Thank you for speaking the truth, I live in the uk and I loathe the change we’re experiencing
Thank you for your kind thoughts of what WAS the UK x
Formerly the UK...
Now the Divided Kingdom.
We were a great country 😔
England is such a great country
What happened to Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia etc?
I went there and they were unrecognizable !
Open borders is what happened to England. It's bad.
And the US. By design to usher in the globalist/Marxist agenda of demoralization and submission (the Great Reset). Only going to get worse as they implement digital currencies and IDs and social credit systems across the West.
The great replacement happen
I wonder who did this? Same group who opened the gates of Toledo, maybe?
Tolerance is not a virtue
The uk no longer feels like my life long home anymore it feels unsafe, I would move abroad if it was possible. Our appalling government is systematically carving the country up and stabbing its indigenous people in the back. Crime has soared and murders are common ever since they let in vast amounts of illegal economic migrants. Sadly I feel more depressed everyday.
Thank you Bjorn.
dont leave Brittania in her time of need defend her Europa is under seige and we all know it
I am disable I am going nowhere ☺.
The resistance is huge and growing daily 🙏
The met police has a page showing convicted murderers in London. Look at the names and see where the crimes come from.
@@George-gg1ny i hope so 14 words from Australia
The lake district cleansed the soul when I visited a few months ago. My girlfriend, who is 7 years younger than me said 'this doesn't feel like England does it?' I immediately replied with 'No, love. This IS England'.
There’s still many lovely places in the UK, just not anywhere near the cities for the most part.
England is nice is your away from people or any developed area
Why has your girlfriends age got anything to do with this
@@tobyfoster7341 Alan Partridge flex
@@tobyfoster7341 Because she might not be old enough to remember the true England, or maybe never experienced it?
Thanks Bjorn ❤ England is dying and it's not the people it's the politics.
The people allowed it.
@@anna-mariedupreez542 Yes the weak and woke. It is Darwinian.
First minister is indian¿?
@@anna-mariedupreez542 I didn't. Many others didn't but there were too few of us against the sleepwalking masses. 🤬
@@anna-mariedupreez542 The people have voted for change several times but the politicians have decieved them gravely.
This type of videos is what RUclips was actually made for. A person sharing thoughts.
Yes, 100%
Hmm, I do the same thing, yet get no support, at all.
What happened to Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia etc?
I went there and they were unrecognizable !
UK becoming New Pakistan is fair and beautiful
Questionable nowadays as they are imprisoning people for what they might think as expressed in their videos.
I was in London yesterday for the march and the people I met, the atmosphere, the huge amount of patriotic pride being shown by the crowd has given me a glimmer of hope.
All is not lost- yet.
We *will* win our country back. It may take time, and it probably won't be pretty, but it *will* happen.
Thank you for your kind words about our once great country, and I hope your future visits are more agreeable, once we've fixed our broken society....
I do so hope you're right! I live streamed the march and it was brilliant, well done all who attended. I'll be at the next one. While there are still people to speak up for us - like Tommy Robinson, Mahyar Tousi and Douglas Murray - there's still hope, providing the majority of ordinary, decent Britons wake up. And quickly.
I really hope you are right. As a British colonial I lived in Uk for the last of the best years. Everything this guy says, is true. The true Brit has to re-group and retain the British culture by strong means.
You already lost your country. Move to the Falklands or get multicultured
I am from the U.S. my grandmother was from Maidenhead. We have been following in your path…..but we are now fighting against it. There is a business man you might have heard of here. Started a movement called MAGA. Make America Great Again. Standing up against corrupt politicians and their paid for sycophant media. Our First Amendment is on the line. Freedom of speech. Big election in one week will decide our future path or doom. I pray for England and hope they can soon fight their oppression. MEGA…..make England great again.
@@Blackstar-yd3yf It isn't lost until we say it's lost. I haven't heard any bell so we can, and will, keep fighting for our country.
I am a 66yr old woman in the UK,and I totally agree,there are pockets of Society that are still nice,kind and helpful though, but we feel so sad to see it deteriote,thankyou for being concerned for us.
I can't speak about England too much, as I only ever go there to visit briefly, but I was shocked how rude, unhelpful and angry random people were in English cities. Now, I'm comparing this to Swansea and the Welsh experience but it just seemed quite startling. We have our socioeconomic problems here, sure, but people still seem to go above and beyond for each other. I do worry about these new English attitudes will spread to our cities soon.
England used to be one of the most homogenous countries in the world, a high trust, safe, low crime, disaplined society, completely destroyed in just two generations.
Yes, from the time of Thatcher onwards...
It started with Thatchers neoliberalism over 40 years ago
tories and labour governments destroyed our country it all started with Blair. wicked and evil
@MrMirville the west has gone to shit every mass economic downturn, and these goofy mf are acting like it was shoots and ladders since the dawn of time.
That's your prize for "winning" WWII, fam. Enjoy
About 15yrs ago I had a Chinese teacher that travelled to England and landed in Birmingham airport. She had a genuine panic that she had landed in the wrong country. She thought she had landed in Pakistan by mistake! She had no filter, being Chinese, and just said it as she saw it.
I had a similar experience when I got off a train in Naples, Italy. I thought the train had dropped me off in West Africa.
@@sbeers88 Back in the 90's coaches of young people came over from Eastern Europe. They were excited coming out of the channel tunnel or ferry, driving along the motorway peering out at this new place they imaged would be like an Agatha Christie story. Until they got to the first set of traffic lights in London, somewhere around Deptford. Then their faces turned to horror. Boarded up shops, litter everywhere, dumped mattresses and electrical items on street corners, dirty polluted buildings and chaos, shops selling African food they had never seen before and no white people at all.
Had the very same reaction when I flew into Birmingham almost 20 years ago. I walked outside. "Am I in Karachi?" It was surreal.
Saying what everyone is thinking.
My mum travelled to England last year and I’m sure she thought that, but being the bleeding heart liberal that she is she wouldn’t dare verbalise it.
Pakistan!!! Not even India?
I am English and you are spot on with your comments. I am not and have never been a racist but jamming nearly 70 million people into our small island has caused low wages, high housing costs and everything else you mentioned. I did not vote for mass immigration yet successive governments have encouraged it.
It’s okay to say it. I’m American and feel the same way. Let the hate flow through you.
@@righteousmammon9011 Trump has to win here or we are toast as well. Even he might not do what needs to be done with deportation.
@@anthonyr587if he wins, the US is certainly toast.
@@hvhvgitaarnonsense. Only people that have been listening to the corporate media think this way.
You may not have voted for immigration but you allowed it to happen. Look at Tommy Robinson, he stood up and has payed with his freedom, but if more people had supported him,,,well...
Can I come to Norway? I visited your beautiful country back in the 1990s and I loved it. Returning to England, even then, was a shock to me. The difference was immense - so busy, so noisey, so hectic. I need peace, quiet and, most of all, NATURE! Thank you for your astute observations of this country.
Bjorn, you are spot on. As a 64 year old I can honestly say that our lovely country is no more. Everything about it is broken and damaged to such an extent that it is irreparable. It saddens my generation to think about the country that we lost. The green fields, quaint English charm and polite happy people has been replaced by crime, poverty, squalor, and a sense of hopelessness and depression.
You missed out that we are being swamped with people who hate us .
Speaking the truth doesn't make you a rascist.
Careful. A judge ruled that the "truth is no defence" in the Sam Melia trial.
Sadly it currently does in the UK.
@@dave1556 Nothing was said about denying race. Race as a weapon or excuse for your actions is the game of a guilty person.
Neither does defending your own people too. But are they worth it, begs the question?
Sticks and stones
I'm Dutch, and I cry for England too. My soul still can not believe what happened during our lifetimes, Bjorn. And there are no words to describe our loss...
But remember what the Americans say: "It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings."
Thanks Dutchie. Your concern is heart warming.
The Netherlands will soon follow, if I'm not mistaken.
I'm Dutch too but I used to live in England. I think there is not much difference between the UK and the Netherlands. It's so sad. Our beloved countries are so very different nowadays. I no longer feel at home in my own country. Too many people from all over the world. It simply doesn't work, it's obvious but when you say that you're called a fascist.
Save your pitty for your own, you've got the same.
I'm Fat and I'm Singing!
Sorry to hear you had That experience in the UK. Every human being should be treated with dignity and respect.
I’m English. I agree with you. We are betrayed from within. one way or another we must begin to fight! And fight hard. Not long left now.
Absolutely correct. It’s a class-based country and the public school / Oxbridge elites who have all the advantages and should have been taking care of things, have completely betrayed the country and demonstrated a lot of incompetence.
It's not over. Never Give Up.
It's over 😢😢😢
Its over. Same for Sweden
I won't ever give up, no matter what. 🇬🇧🏴♥️
@@bevc5349 nah, it's over 🥺🥺🥺
England has been, and continues to be, utterly broken. The true English on the other hand are strong and ultimately will not be put down.
Mmmm, I would say they are already down on their bottoms like dogs.
Men here would rather turn on each other than fight together.
That is my life's firsthand experience at least.
But I appreciate the optimism 👍
I thought that until covid
@@johnnagle7702 Ah, but that was a few years back. I think that we would/will see far fewer being hoodwinked if it should happen again. Human consciousness is on the rise but it's a slow awakening for sure!
Most already have been.
@@bishopcolenso snails pace
I'm 64 and I am devastated how England has changed
Your assessment is painfully accurate Bjorn. The majority of us here in the UK hate what's happening to us, we worry for our futures. I am embarrassed that people, such as yourself, can see it and feel compelled to talk about it, but I'm glad you are.
We cannot talk about it, we are silenced, we are threatened, we are litterally locked up for complaining about it.
The UK is lost, we passed the point of no return some 20 years ago, sadly.
I think evil powers have taken over England and the UK long ago. I say that as a German. The UK government have staged WW1 and WW2 with some of their friends wich served to enslave our country and now also destroy it. The UK have been a force of evil for long while - interestingly - its people weren't at all. The English & Scots and Welsh were always wonderful people and very much alike us. Yet, someone set this all up!
Many have already emigrated. Millions in fact.
I left 19 years ago. I could see it all happening. I am an Afro Caribbean, so I did not leave because the country was becoming less white. I left because the anti-black racism had become unbearable. I was able to sell my house and start a new life elsewhere.
All western European cultures are dying. Just to maintain the status quo every woman has to have 2.1 children, no culture has ever recovered from a birth rat below 1.9 children but western Europe has been at 1.3 children per woman for decades, we are currently ageing out soon to be no more and our replacements are pouring in. This was all planed over 100 years ago and called the Kalergi plan. Its too late to stop it but we could take our the arseholes who engineered it.
@@TranquiloTrev what demographic did you feel was anti-black?
England is A dystopia in some areas. I am still young and hope to move out of England someday. No one talks to each other. People can’t even look each other in the eye.
I get the same exact feeling many times - that I am bothering people who I pay for their services - in my country.
True, I spend all my time alone in my flat, I only go outside for supplies and work. It's scary out there.
@@antonkomel9337 there’s a lot of that in the States as well. In a low trust society nobody cares. Everyone thinks they’re owed something.
London was nice years ago. Mind the gap.
I am English, I spend a lot of time in sweden, more so these days. You are ABSOLUTELY correct. I despise what has happened to my country, and yet I am called racist 😢😢
They destroyed Sweden too with thesame politics, can't recognize and see the warmth,safe ,polite ,happy kind society that I once grew up in .
Violence used to be something rare , people used to be proud of our culture but younger generations just don't care anymore . They are unhinged from reality and far lefties without logical thinking and caring of culture and values , Scandinavium culture , like Björn said its trash mentality and woke brainwashed ...
They voted for this the last 15-20 years and what we got was daily gangbombs/murders/explosions/ can't walk by yourself in the dark without being raped/ or beaten down as a guy ,mugged ,stabbed etc etc .
This is not the beloved calm warm Sweden I grew up in and it breaks once heart, thinking how the future will be like ...the safety of my kids and their future kids etc ...
Uk at least has one thing going for them despite I feal for thesame things that is going on there , but the citizens at least has the guts to fill the streets ,protest and let the government know that they are fed up nothing ever happened , people just put their heads in the sand .
Well sweden is not that great, Mexico 's level of crime
So let them call you a racist.
My partner and I are English. We've been together for 10 years and we run a successful independent business together. The cost of living is out of control. We can't afford a house, we can't afford to save, we can't afford holidays, we couldn't afford to have children (if we wanted them). We're stuck renting an apartment that we hate. If our rent continues to increase at the current rate, then we'll be made homeless within a year from now. All we want is a cosy home, a modest garden and a dog. That seems totally impossible.
We live in one of the most afluent cities in the UK, yet our local city centre is degrading at a rapid rate and our streets are increasingly populated by homeless people, drug addicts, the mentally unstable and 'international' beggars. Public transport is woeful and the city council are doing everything they can to make using a car as difficult as possible - one of the reasons why the city centre is dying.
We're absolutely desperate to leave this country, but we lack sufficient savings to move permanently. We were lucky enough to visit a friend in Geneva, Switzerland recently and we fell in love with the place. It seemed almost heavenly in comparison to England. We would love to love somewhere like that, but we have no chance without considerable savings. We feel utterly trapped in this hellhole.
Thank you for your concern about what is happening to our country, Bjorn. It is appreciated that you sympathise with our downfall. I believe that as bad as it is now, it will only get worse. We are a country without hope.
There is always hope. We have been through dark ages before. Leaders used to behead dissidents. Now they just vaccinate us. But we must collectively rise up and say we are not putting up with their corrupt mafia style of government any more.
We're in a pretty bad way here in England. Our Town Centres are run down and full of migrants. Our city centres are full of far left students and migrants. More housing is being built on our beautiful nature land. We had a Unite The Kingdom march today, but no doubt the media will try their best to put a negative spin on it.
Come to Germany and experiance the same here. We may be ono or to steps further down the road then England?!
@@gurokrater Oh yeah. I've seen some pretty bad videos. I think the last one I saw was a video about Frankfurt. It looks dreadful.
First you all in the "Old World," and next us in the "New World."
The ones responsible have been playing a generational game to get where we are today. To reverse it would require the same (or more drastic measures that are likely to fail).
It’s the same in the states 😢 here in AZ too many housing developments are popping up and they’re felling the forests here just to make room for more government assisted migrants/or welfare queens popping out kids just to avoid actual work. This is why I’m in school and staying single until I can move to Switzerland.
Why did 14 years of right wing government only make it worse if a left that had no power are the problem?
The whole system is rotten, the governments, the police, the justice system, the media. Looks like Ireland is going the same way but at a much faster rate 🙁
I don't agree and I'm Irish. We don't have the same brainwashing media like in the UK, plus most people here are highly educated.
I'm a native Briton.
Half my ancestors are Scots the other half English.
I take great pride in speaking my native language, English, well.
I'm also a Historian and I love English history. I honestly think we need to reestablish Christendom.
We have no sense of community anymore.
Alot of people have no manners whatsoever.
I'm British and it has become a shithole. It was lovely when I was young.
the British didn’t respect anyone’s border now having to reap what they have sown😊
@@supersurfer1 Yes... Trillions in compensation to be paid... At a time when there isn't any money left...? Sounds like trouble brewing up....
@@supersurfer1 "What have the British done for us, eh?"
. . ."Well yes, apart from roads, sanitation, medicine, architecture, agriculture, education, legal system . . . what have the British done for us?"
@@briandouglas2123 building roads doesn't make up for murdering your host Brian
@@briandouglas2123 You forgot to mention Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter & Rolf Harris.
I've been living as a Hungarian immigrant in London/UK for almost twenty years now. I remember this magnificent country at the time when I first came here . All I can say that the changes took place before my very eyes. Mostly starting after 2008 as a presumed result of the recession. Unfortunately I can't blame the decline on financial depression only... My heart is breaking for (once) Great Britain.
Sandor, osztom a velemenyet, en mar 30 eve kovetem nyomon a valtozast...2016 teljesen betette a kulcsot😢
@@imrematajz1624 Gondolom 30 esztendo tavlatabol meg inkabb kidomborodik a valtozas, meg nagyobb a kontraszt a 30 evvel ezelotti es a mai EK kozott. Egyebkent tenyleg oriasi valtozasoknak lehettem szemtanuja, megfigyeloje pusztan 2 evtized alatt. Sajnalatos modon konstatalnom kell, hogy eme valtozasok okozoji leginkabb az oshonos kultura, idegen (foleg balkani, azsiai es afrikai) kulturakkal valo eroszakos osszevegyitesenek folyamataban lelhetoek fel. Illetve a 2008-at kovetoen, ugyanis szerintem az EK a valsag hatasakent vegleg elveszitette a gazdasagi es politikai fuggetlenseget.
Bless you for the person you are, and the love you have for this country. I would buy you a coffee here in the West Midlands at any time....and a huge piece of cake if you wanted. yours, an ex British Soldier.
I’m Irish and used to love visiting London…no more it’s destroyed
Isn't Ireland starting to go the same way ?
Same with all the big cities in England!
Dublin is worse
How is it destroyed?
@@thelikesofus324 yes
You're right. I'm English. I grew up here in the Wiltshire countryside. I've lived in Kent for nearly 40 years; the so called Garden of England. I do not recognise this nation. I'm considering retirement in another country. But all this started before Brexit.
America is the same. I am living very frugally so that I can retire early and leave. Many of my native born American friends are planning the same. I plan to go to Eastern Europe, Russia, or South East Asia. There is a famous Boer South African saying, "Leave them to it."
ENGLAND loves you too we have been betrayed and it's still happening pray for us please ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greetings from Texas. What you described has also happened here in the US. It's shameful and unfortunate.
Definitely and Canada and Australia and parts of Europe.
At least you've got guns and you are allowed to defend your property and person with them. We don't even have that!
Hope Trump can turn things around for USA
What he's describing is exactly what the the Cheyenne, Lakota, and Navajo said over 150 years ago.
Now you're finally feeling it. Sucks huh?
@nightowl7261 I've always felt it. My family is part Blackfoot Indian
Everything you say is 100% correct. Im 66 anx I cry for my country. I was born in Northrtn Ireland, but have been here 60 years. Thos country is rapidly becoming a Dystopian Society. A Nanny State. I would like to say more, but as a Brit I can say nothing. Hurty words put you in prison. I agree with every single word. 😢
What evil sinister cabal is behind this.. can't be just stupidity
Thanlyyou so much Bijorn for these amazing videos and all that you do. I think its really sad what is happening here in UK and many other places 💜
Keep the faith people . We're here for a reason ..
We're living in the last days.
@@bernadettenightingale4495 maybe so . But never give up on what you believe .
Agreed. Where would I go?
Once you have tasted the joy of the Lord..... Shalom.
@@bernadettenightingale4495 Why use the language here of those that caused this?
I'm British myself. Part English, Part Scottish. And I completely agree with what you are saying, It's not the country my grandfather and great grandfather fought for. But I refuse to abandon my country and my home. And I will fight for Britain and her true people when the time comes. I will fight for my family, generations both past and future. Britain will be British again, we will fix this. We have to, we have faced much worse and come out on the other side stronger than ever, and we will again. Long live Britain!
The time has come and gone and you didn’t fight.
100% true , why should you brits leaving your homeland in first spot of danger, just calm down, watch around and see the millions of British are still living in here , which means there are lots of potential defenders of your country once they’ll awaken
Give thought to the hundreds of thousands of non British that sent their best to defend England in two world wars.and the British gave it all away without a fight. Why did we the non British bother with saving your arses?
@@BobLouden-r9qThat’s an excellent point. At first I thought you were talking about Gurkhas and Indian regiments, but when you think about it the United States entered both world wars to save England. We get zero appreciation for that, by the way. Also think about Rhodesians who fought for England and were immediately betrayed by England. Not only did England eventually give up, it was after they isolated and embargoed Rhodesia for daring not to give up.
Merry old moozlim England.
I think this is almost the first video I have ever commented on. It brought me to tears as you articulate how ive been feeling for a while now. Thank you.
sociological studies show that populations that are more diverse tend to have less trust between each other
That's the least of it.
Also common sense knows this too no need for sociological studies as its just plain obvious.
You guys intentionally broke down the family and community for the profit incentive, *psychologically* you can't build a society off individualist dragon chasing *which you have* and now you wanna blame all of us for the chip on your choulder?
Because really you can say all your want about people's IQs, culture, genetic makeup but you'll never take responsibility for the societal mechanism destroying the fabric from the top down.
It is how one conquers a country.
I am in the UK born and bred (in my 50's now). If you say anything about the migrants coming in or anything about wanting England to be the way it used to be (not that long ago) you are labelled a 'nazi' and 'far right' mainly by the press which is ridiculous. The majority of people complaining about the state of the UK are normal working people who are completely fed up of the way things are. You can't get an NHS dentist anymore or get a doctors appointment due to the sheer number of people here now, just ridiculous. We are only a small island and the current government is doing nothing to stop the migrant boats. England is no longer the England I grew up in and it breaks my bloody heart.
@@KeillaSellayplease...🙄 enough Marxist tripe.
@@KeillaSellay can u explain this I am just learning about all of this stuff I am only 14, what he is say is correct atleast a bit, what do you mean karma? xxx
@KeillaSellay But for what? The Egalitarianism and human rights law that violates Dharma?
The uniparty have no intention of stopping the boats or of slowing the 10/12 times more numbers of so called legal immigrants.
Teresa May signed us up to the UN Global Migration Compact, the UN thinks the ideal population of the UK is 120 million.
No doubt the current population statistic is another lie, that 68 million is more like 80 million, so half as many to come yet, all by design.
The trouble with the electorate is they are buyable and don't think more than an inch from their purse/wallet, instead of voting for nationalist parties when they had the chance they always vote for one side or the other of the uniparty and every time expect a different result, a party that hates them i shoudl add, you couldn't make it up.
I was born in London and spent the first 25 years of my life there. Now, I will not visit. Its like a foreign land. Last time I visited (5+ years ago), I was asking for directions and could not find anyone who spoke English for more than 10 minutes. London is / has been destroyed by "the newcomers" and the mayors obvious contempt for anything representing originally classed as English.
And now they vote for him again. WTH?
Don't think America is any better, its worse!
You know it's bad when half the job adverts state 'English is not required'....
As an English man who was born & bred in London it's refreshing to hear someone speak about it. Political views aside. It needs to be spoken about.
Subbed 👍
Visited London at the weekend: got verbally abused by another (foreign) customer in a food shop. In a shopping centre toilet, some crazy almost broke the door down (apparently I was taking too long!). Served almost entirely by foreigners (no eye contact or chat). King's Cross train station announcement was in heavily accented pigeon English. Needless to say, all trains either late or completely cancelled! A very unpleasant trip to my own capital city. You're right, it's a rapid decline.
That disaster has been going on since the times of Thatcher, recent clowns like Cameron, Johnson or Truss just perpetuated such decadent trend
It was all foreseeable
London used to be great. Sucks now
The Saxons would feel disgraced by the modern English.
To be fair the pigeons have always been there.
@@AlmostYearly one positive is that now Pigeons can communicate in a language we can understand
Same in Germany. A highspeed decay of intelligence, language, wellbeing of people.
Sad, but nice to know we have company. Time for all of us the begin the fight back.
Hitler knew what he was saying
Agree 100%
I lived in Germany during the 1980's and you cannot believe how Germany has changed in a Generation., It is truly unbelievable... !!
Same in Australia.
I have family in England and was there in May . You're absolutely right and it grieves me . But it's happening in Canada too . The decay is bringing down Western civilization . 💕🙏🇨🇦💕🙏🇬🇧
Interesting that this decay seem to be of foreign origin. We were told that diversity is a strength but it seems to be the downfall of our civilization. Big words but if anyone reading this disagrees tell us the way back to society with high trust and order, messiah.
I live in Toronto. Omg . Its a disgrace.
Perhaps it's just changing western civilization or perhaps western civilization is changing, as it always has. What is western civilization anyway? Is it to do with being white or is there something less crude and more fundamental than that? Perhaps the rule of law, which we've been evolving as a concept for 800 years. How about parliamentary democracy, a 300-year old idea which has also changed considerably over the years. Or how about a market economy, though that also wasn't always how we did things. How about the cultures and customs we observe? Witch-burning, for example. But that died out a long time ago. How about the death penalty? No, we mostly got rid of that in western countries. Hmm, it seems like western civilization might not be a fixed thing after all. Plus ca change, don't you think?
In other words I don't dislike someone for their skin pigmentation but the activity that is taking place in their craniums; I judge them by their character and how they express themselves. If they tell me they hate "us" I will believe them.
In 1968 I was born in south east London. In that same year a politician made a historic speech in a desperate attempt to warn the people of England and wider UK that dramatic and irreversible social and cultural change was coming, for this he was vilified. In my 56 years on Gods green earth I have experienced that very change. I have slowly moved further and further away from large centres of population in an attempt to retain, for the sake of my children the sense of national, cultural and social identity that I experienced in the first 10 or 11 years of my life before things started to change for the worse. As of today I fear there is literally nowhere left to go that still feels like home so for the first time in my life we are now considering migrating… how unbelievably ironic.
Keep doing what's best for you
@stru9286 I returned to where my grandmother lived in rural shropshire. Gated 4 x 4 land. we used to know the whole village. Thats the other side of it. The villages are full of rich commuters and the towns and cities gone to shit. Who was the MP in 68 out of interest? Keep your spirit up!
@ The Right Honourable John Enoch Powell MBE
@@stru9286 Both right, and honourable.
Me too mate but we’re do we go ?
Hard as things were in the 50's, 60's and 70's, I would go back there in a heartbeat. England was, on the whole, a homogeneous, pleasant and polite country. Now, in cities and many post industrial towns the streets are unsafe, dirty and generally unpleasant.
Yes, i'm a child of the mid 50's, of course the country had its faults but it was idyllic in comparison to what those who have sold our country wanted it to become.
Our green & pleasant land is being given away.
Class size was 16-20.
Dr's appointment same day.
No problem seeing a dentist.
If you got a job you could get a house.
No constant traffic jam.
i could go and on...
You’re spot on in your analysis of the UK. Don’t be fooled into thinking it can’t happen to Norway.
It's already happening here also. This is globalism/satanism and everything is going according to their Plan. And then comes "order out of chaos..."
already happened.
It hasn't.
@@002lisamarie it is though...i watched a program where the Norwegian police went into Sweden to se the stare of anarchy caused by the Ghettos. So hey know what to expect.
@@markcrisp07 It's happened in Sweden but not Norway.
It really should be pointed out how complicit the media have been in creating this situation.
VERY IMPORTANT POINT. Well stated. It's not just about politics and economics.
Who owns your main media? Make that transparent!
I can’t tell you how much I despise the treasonous BBC.
The sad thing is itys so easy to rid yourselves of it, stop watching televison, stop reading msm publications, retune the radio when the propaganda (news) comes on, same with adverts, stop watching/listening.
Its amazing how once you remove yourself from the influence of the media how quickly you begin to see.
absolutely correct they pour fuel on the fire for the government
Dignity and stoicism are at the heart of British culture. Sadly these virtues are the reason the people wait patiently for the kettle to boil as their house burns around them. When under attack from an external force the British are united and indefatigable, however they’re helpless in the face of this modern, creeping malignancy.
And it is a creeping malignancy. Cancerous and insidious. Well put.
Went to London about 10 years ago for my job. Upon arriving at Heathrow I thought I was in a middle eastern country when I walked into the terminal getting off the plane. All I saw were people wearing middle eastern garb.
Yeah thats not London though, that's the western part. Don't paint an entire city on your first impressions when walking out of an outskirts airport....
Rich Gulf state property tycoons.
Vienna is the same
@@TheRis81well its still England? If you get off a plane in England it should feel like England
Everyone who has visited England in the past fell in love with it and came away with the impression that this place is even better then you could of imagined .But , over the past 10-20 years it totally changed and i would never visit it again which is so sad .It was wonderful ..
It was nice to visit true but everything was and looked old fashioned and tired. You re too positive but alas it is more a visceral spark of disappointment that is warranted for sure.
@@geertstroy I visited London in 80's as a teenager, it was marvelous to a boy from small country.. loved everything, and your statement that everything was "old" rings true, place was worn out but well kept.. these days I can't speak of haven't visited for a while..
(layovers at airport don't count)
You are correct. My England has gone
I live in the UK and every time I leave my house I am shocked and enraged.
Why are you shocked and enraged? Where on earth do you live that you react that way every time you go out? I've been all over this country, and there is a lot of poverty, which saddens me. But 40 years of neoliberalism, the doctrine of winner takes all, is to blame for that.
At least you have the sense to know it
I left my house the other day and about more than 50% of my street is not from this country, the foreign men stare and make me feel uncomfortable like I’m not supposed to be here
@@televisioninventor Exact definition of what happened to the UK after Thatcherism changed all for the worst
@@televisioninventorthanks for writing the one sensible comment I’ve seen here
Totally agree with you. I observed the same thing in England... but also in Canada... nothing at all is like before, and we now feel like strangers in our own homeland. Very sad.
I spent the last week visiting friends in Southern Ontario and it was unrecognizable.
@@buckodonnghaile4309southern ontario here. It is unrecognizable...I'm trying to escape and retire to northern ontario...where it's still somewhat like it was decades ago. But make no mistake, it is creeping in there too.
@@alexdetrojan4534 How was 2012 compared to 2024? I visited Toronto (Markham) on work trips back then..
@@n00blamer toronto hasn't been anything approaching nice, since the early '70's when I lived there. Thank goodness Im not near there anymore. 2012 to 2024 there has been a noticeable decline in the liveability of the city...for all the reasons you can surmise. 😉
I am immigrant of 35 years' standing, from Rome. I put roots in England: English wife, English kids who cannot speak one word of Italian, and two out of three have never even ever been to Italy. I was an Anglophile since I can remember. I was in love with England. "English culture is beautiful. English culture is profound". That was what I absolutely thought. But even I have to accept that it has all changed for the worst. And it makes me depressed. Very perceptive video, old boy. I concur heartily. It comforts me that it wasn't just my impression, maybe influenced by me getting older and grumpier. Someone has finally articulated what I have been feeling now for years. My beloved England is no longer the same place i fell in love with. And it saddens me no end...
I think you are making a huge mistake and doing your kids a disservice. You should make sure that your kids take advantage of your Italian (European) heritage and learn Italian.
'This world 🇬🇧 has been asking us to leave for sometime now.. ' - Chris Nolan, Interstellar's quote from the movie serves aptly to remind of the situation in England for quite sometime now. And the smart ones have already moved out to the greener side instead of complaining!
@@thelikesofus324 I think you are right. However, when being the only Italian speaker in the household, and indeed in the whole area where I live, it is not easy to force three small children to learn a language they are not into. I try, they know few scattered words and can understand some chosen sentences, but tbh I just haven't got the time, the proclivity or the energy to face this onerous task. I know it is a shame and I am regretting it already, but at the moment I cannot find any time to change the circumstance....and besides, I made such a huge effort to integrate, not only materially but culturally, that I think and dream in English, and I have difficulties to express myself in my mother tongue. I forgot many words and expressions, and any foreigner who followed a similar path (to forego your own culture in order to embrace wholeheartedly the culture of the host country) will sympathize...
Are you for real? I’m Anglo Italian and even I speak Italian lol
@@giorgiocurcetti4001 cannot believe you traded your proud 2000 year Roman history & culture for a superficial english one. Thats really sad.
I’m a Welshman, but yes, England and the wider UK as a whole has broken down. I don’t like how society has gone, I don’t like how our Governments have acted. Everything is politicised and everyone is just out for themselves. Communities have broken down and the moral fibre has disappeared
We stand together 🏴🏴🏴NI🇮🇪
Society has completely changed in England in a very short time. Only a few generations ago, it was completely different.
I'm British but left the UK 10 years ago, I have zero desire to return. I no longer recognise the country I was raised in. For the most part it's just a dump now.
Where did you go?
We’ve imported 15million people from the third world. Only when we find the courage to reverse this can we hope to be a nation again.
^ this. 👏
Won't be reversed. It's happening here in the US also...
It can be if enough people stand up. Unfortunately the long Marxist march through the institutions has poisoned the youth. @@A77-c5h
@@A77-c5hThere's still hope for us if we act now.
The reason is people are afraid of being racist (cq. caring about your own race more then you do other races).
You can't have culture without racism, you can't have ethnicity without racism.
At one point you have to choose, racism or oblivion. And time is running out, even this guy in this video still has to signal against muh racism out of fear and cowardice.
I was always sad to be born in Poland, because western people have always had more of everything, and had it better. Now I know that this was a path to an oblivion. Today I'm glad I'm Polish, because we have our window on what we shouldn't do with our society to survive ❤️
What happened to Germany, France, England, Denmark, Spain, Italy and Sweden? When you are too kind and too welcoming and too naive you allow in mistreatment and abuse sadly. This is the downfall for any nation who is not hard and harsh. People abuse your kindness.
MSM is so biased and paid off it is a joke
When you have your own government that will imprison you for simply speaking about it online and then you'll die in that prison just because you spoke, it's very difficult to take our own countries and freedom back... Our europian countries and people have dealt with governments we're dealing with now, they've simply overthrown them. I'm sure history will soon repeat itself, as much as I don't want that it's highly likely...
the same shit is happening in Poland right now. we are stomped over by Ukrainians.
100 %
Governments didn't do it out if was 100% calculated as a way to place downward pressure on wages, increase anxiety in the population and to create problems people will give more power to them to "solve"
Im 28 years old and English. I’ve recently become a father, and I’ve noticed something about this country that’s changed since I was a child. I remember strangers interacting with us, not in a weird way, but a wholesome way.
My son is almost 1, he’s a lovely looking baby, but all he gets is dirty looks. Almost entirely from brown/black immigrants, but also from posh English people. It feels like they’re mentally spitting on him.
We travel around Europe as a family. Just one day in a Scandinavian country attracts more positive interactions than 1 whole year in England.
I get the feeling we’re living amongst people who want us gone from our own country.
I don’t! In the countryside we’re still appreciative of family and kids, you need to get out of the cities to experience this now (just don’t let too many people know 😅).
Here's a thought, maybe the population has increased a great deal since you were little and everyone is struggling and too busy to pay you and your family the attention you clearly desire.
Also if immigrants were paying positive attention to your baby you'd probably call them creeps let's be honest.
Not sure what Scandinavian country you visited but no need to be envious. Sweden is as bad as the UK and the others are about 10-15 years behind, but rapidly developing in the same way. All of Western Europe is on this trajectory. Eastern Europe still has a chance but they are still under the spell of the "American dream" which will eventually ruin their countries too, unless they snap out of it.
I know this feeling.
@@HighPeakMultimediaI second this
I was going to marry an Englishman. Me, a skilled worker, anglophile, healthy foreigner had to face the vicious Home Office red-tape and my fiancé couldn't meet the minimum income requirement. It was just too much to even give him a basic human right to family life. Our relationship couldn't handle the massive pressure and we split. We wanted to do things by the book, legally and live in England, but couldn't. The UK govt destroyed our bond little by little. To see all those freeloaders parasitizing a country I still love, hurts and maddens me because I can't stop thinking what could we have built: a family founded on British values with the best of both words. Such a shame.
That is outrageous. 😟😡😞
i am so sorry. my son and his American wife are suffering the same fate, with spouse visa etc. sorry.
Same, my British husband and I couldn’t move to the UK either. The legal immigration process was completely prohibitive. But they seem to want illegal ones with no connection to the culture? Just why???
@@Surreal452 Purposeful destruction of the culture and its people.
@@Surreal452 It's planned and deliberate: the wholesale destruction of British culture. By importing culturally incompatible migrants by the millions the old social bonds weaken and people are divided and set against each other. The more diverse a culture is the less safe people feel in it and part of it. DEI or DIE, if you will. Wokery has ruined this country.
Worry not, for England shall rise again, like a Phoenix. Come on, England!!!
How I hope and pray that we do.
Dreaming mate, unfortunately
King Charles (The Wef) and his buddy Klaus happened.
And it’s happening to every western country in unison, just like a flew years ago.
It's been going on for MUCH longer than that. What we are now witnessing, which is the unfolding of the end game, is the result of over 150 years of planning and the slow encroachment by evil and corruption into every institution in the nation. We are now in the final sprint phase.
A white rose of York will grace the throne of England once more.
n -ew one world or -der! It's written in latin on the dollar!
@@WilliamBrwn Ordo Ab Chao
@@celeste3100 The colour of a dying white rose is what you will see in the future sadly.