HEAL Guided Sleep Meditation for Healing Body, Mind, Spirit Before Sleeping With Ease

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @jasonstephensonmeditation
    @jasonstephensonmeditation  4 года назад +365

    ❤️ Subscribe for more beautiful videos 🙏
    You might also resonate with this video
    - ruclips.net/video/4cnU1f1yQR4/видео.html ✨

    • @leahhess8180
      @leahhess8180 4 года назад +33

      Thank you so much for sharing your gift with the world. Healing hearts & minds all over the world! I share these with my daughter who shares my affliction of insomnia & you are able to soothe us both to sleep & help us heal at the same time. For that I am truly grateful!

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  4 года назад +14

      @@leahhess8180 oh wow, that would be a gift to both of you if this was able to help her sleep.
      Much Love

    • @leahhess8180
      @leahhess8180 4 года назад +6

      It really is! Your voice guides us both to sleep almost nightly. I found that this one worked very well for me last night. I'll be sharing it with her today, if she hasn't found it already on her own. Thank you again for your help! We appreciate it more than you know!

    • @lllCarolinalll
      @lllCarolinalll 4 года назад +4

      Thank you, those are the only kind words I have received in a long time

    • @meditationandrelaxationvib1804
      @meditationandrelaxationvib1804 4 года назад +5

      This is amazing! 🔥❤️ love the graphics also! Keep up the good work!

  • @raspberrytoffee
    @raspberrytoffee 2 года назад +1176

    I have a hard time sleeping because I don't have anyone to say goodnight to anymore. It used to immediately put me at ease to say that ritualistic goodnight to someone I cared for. So.. goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite you all. I love you. Sweet dreams

  • @MyPeaceOfMindfulness
    @MyPeaceOfMindfulness 2 года назад +212

    To anyone suffering from mental health, grief, hard times or stress - we love you, we're here for you, and we support you. Keep meditating. Namaste x

    • @saumuhamisi1603
      @saumuhamisi1603 10 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you because my heart is broken into small pieces and I want to heal my heart and love myself more

    • @marlenepaul68
      @marlenepaul68 Месяц назад +2

      Thank you my heart is shattered into a million pieces. My youngest son passed away this year , my soul is exhausted....

  • @dannycooke7957
    @dannycooke7957 4 года назад +1493

    Shout out to all using this during mental health battles, keep fighting!

    • @nataliedonald2287
      @nataliedonald2287 3 года назад +16

      Thank you

    • @JBLax28
      @JBLax28 3 года назад +12

      Thank you! 😊

    • @nathanwells814
      @nathanwells814 3 года назад +12

      Thanks brutha

    • @lizcrittenden2882
      @lizcrittenden2882 3 года назад +8

      Thank you

    • @tjtesta941
      @tjtesta941 3 года назад +24

      This was the first thing I saw when I opened the video. Thank you for these words..your comment is a true gift ❤

  • @mindbodyrelaxation6828
    @mindbodyrelaxation6828 3 года назад +1202

    To everyone who is experiencing a difficult situation:
    To shoot an arrow you have to pull it backwards. So when life drags you back with some troubles, it means it's going to launch into something better.

  • @-LoveYourself
    @-LoveYourself 4 года назад +553

    Whoever’s reading this, I hope something really wonderful happens to you today!!!

  • @freeandrelaxedmind5916
    @freeandrelaxedmind5916 4 года назад +634

    The person who is reading this comment, i wish you great success, health, love and happiness! Have a good day!!

  • @the_uncannyzebra5143
    @the_uncannyzebra5143 4 года назад +277

    To the person reading this, I wish you love, love for yourself, a love so sincre that every atom of you being feels it, a love that carrys you through your darkest moments, a love that leads you down the path of self awareness, a love that loves for the sake of love, a love without reason, a love that honors you, a love that commits itself to awakening your inner light, a love that understands you consciously, a love that uplifts your weaknesses and your strengths, and this love I wish for you is the love of one's self 🙏🏾

  • @silvana_1972
    @silvana_1972 4 года назад +330

    We listen to you when my 12 year old daughter goes to sleep ❤️ I teach her the importance of meditation, spirituality and self love.

    • @nadymazy9541
      @nadymazy9541 2 года назад +20

      She’s gonna be so thankful

    • @chrismartin6623
      @chrismartin6623 2 года назад


    • @blewdraaz1057
      @blewdraaz1057 2 года назад +10

      Wonderful parent. Would have done the same if I had realised... or know ❣

    • @kierstenp.6357
      @kierstenp.6357 2 года назад +3

      Me, too! Our daughter(12) and I listen to Jason Stevenson for sleep talk down and all sorts of different styles including the calming music with subliminal messages. As soon as I hear Jason's voice, I'm already starting sleep mode.
      Thank You, Jason Stevenson!
      Mrs. Parkerson

    • @SS-no5jp
      @SS-no5jp Год назад +2

      Great teaching planting the seed 🎉 it’s never too late in my case 😢

  • @brandonmcbroom9209
    @brandonmcbroom9209 3 года назад +70

    Any vets out there reading this. This channel seriously works. I have slept 3-4 hours a night for many years. I been listening to these since mid January and I get so much better sleep my mood is better I’m better at work and so far no night terrors or cold sweats. Highly recommend to anyone out there. Thank you Jason Stephenson

    • @christines4949
      @christines4949 3 года назад +10

      Thank you for your service! I hope you continue to find peace with these videos

    • @kellymccance1962
      @kellymccance1962 2 года назад +2

      Absolutely a gifted man indeed! Working for us too. Thank you for your service sir!

  • @ashelycox6604
    @ashelycox6604 15 дней назад +3

    I'm currently struggling with horrible anxiety when going to sleep. This makes me feel less alone so thanks for this video. Wishing everyone a peaceful nights sleep ❤❤

  • @FightingForAnimals-Jean
    @FightingForAnimals-Jean 4 года назад +154

    You must help so many people who you'll probably never meet. Thank you for these videos

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  4 года назад +16

      Your name indicates that you also help many

    • @samsmyth5430
      @samsmyth5430 4 года назад +1

      I once could get there. No longer.

    • @josecervantez1670
      @josecervantez1670 4 года назад +1

      @@samsmyth5430 I don't understand

    • @josecervantez1670
      @josecervantez1670 4 года назад +1

      What does that mean you cannot love animals and eat them

    • @JellieCarpio-ut4qp
      @JellieCarpio-ut4qp 9 месяцев назад +1

      In the name of Jesus Christ is healer nothing is imposible give miracles healing to the stroke 6 Years heal happy heart mama maria Elena carpio yes amen thank you
      Ninagiradosittijellieyeyenyasia Ninagiradosittijellieyeyenyasia Ninagiradosittijellieyeyenyasia

  • @the1betterpodcast84
    @the1betterpodcast84 4 года назад +182

    This comment is dedicated to everyone caught in between hope and
    fear for the next year. Hugs.

    • @silverbirch9678
      @silverbirch9678 4 года назад +2

      That’s me 😔🙏🤝🌍

    • @liabeachy
      @liabeachy 3 года назад +3

      Hugs 🤗 blessings to you all 💙💐

    • @Dustwitch
      @Dustwitch 3 года назад +1

      Thank you..

    • @JellieCarpio-ut4qp
      @JellieCarpio-ut4qp 9 месяцев назад +1

      In the name of Jesus Christ give me blessings of forgiveness to all my sins of chef jellieyeye jisoo jihyo

  • @jeanneking8568
    @jeanneking8568 2 года назад +73

    This is a shout out to all those people who are struggling with mental health issues I pray you find clarity and healing

  • @user-ci1jm9ch2s
    @user-ci1jm9ch2s 3 месяца назад +4

    Thank goodness you’re back!! Definitely listened to your Spotify last night but this video helps me so much.
    I struggle with chronic sinus issues. The focus on breath and breath expanding to each limb really does help me. Thank you!

  • @angiesheehan700
    @angiesheehan700 3 года назад +72

    Thank you for these sleep meditations. It changed nights trying to get my autistic son sleep from hours of struggle to a very simple process. He enjoys listening to you speak and usually he is asleep in under 20 minutes.

    • @ivesshavuna4319
      @ivesshavuna4319 3 года назад +2

      Energy.depleted want to sleep

    • @ivesshavuna4319
      @ivesshavuna4319 3 года назад

      Can't stand.thw.yoga.any.motr

    • @1holytara
      @1holytara 2 года назад +1

      That is such a beautiful gift you are giving your son... Your love and dedication to find what reaches your son's soul. A testament that when one's soul is touched, the connection to spirit can heal anything. ☺️
      Much love and many blessings to you and your family. 💜

  • @thekindwanderer
    @thekindwanderer 2 года назад +77

    There are really tough days but hold on. There will be better days ahead. Don't give up ❤

  • @nadinecooper2041
    @nadinecooper2041 3 года назад +36

    So much positivity in the comments lovely to see. Hope everyone finds the healing they need 🙏💕

  • @SEEtoExperienceEnergyFlow
    @SEEtoExperienceEnergyFlow Год назад +22

    Namaste, to those of you who may read this. God’s Energy and Love is the light that we must see for ourselves and all the beloved human beings that we met. Shall we love ourselves and see the best in others. Know and receive healings.Let’s sleep deeply, restfully and peacefully. We deserve it. Thank you Mr. Jason for your beautiful meditation. Tomorrow is yet another opportunity to thrive. Many blessings to us All. Good night.

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  Год назад

      Hi Karen, we are grateful for your kind words. Sending you many blessings and wishes for a peaceful night's sleep. May your journey be filled with love, healing, and joy.

  • @theresamcdonald5211
    @theresamcdonald5211 Год назад +5

    This has really really helped me. I was ready to go to the hospital for lower back and leg pain. listen to this after taking a shower and relaxing, it took all my pain away I feel so much better this morning

  • @mindfulnessrelaxation4937
    @mindfulnessrelaxation4937 4 года назад +46

    It doesn't matter where you are now on this plant, if you read this, I wish you a wonderful and happy life where all dreams and aspirations come through! Wishing you this from America. ❤️😊

  • @PositiveEnergyMeditationGuided
    @PositiveEnergyMeditationGuided 7 месяцев назад +3

    I've been listening to this guided sleep meditation every night for the past week, and it's truly helped me to unwind and heal in ways I didn't expect. Jason's soothing voice, coupled with the gentle background music, creates a peaceful atmosphere that's perfect for ending the day on a positive note. It's amazing how much more relaxed and rejuvenated I feel in the morning. Thanks!

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  7 месяцев назад +1

      We're so glad Jason's meditation has brought you relaxation and healing. Wishing you positivity and rejuvenation each morning. Thanks for sharing your appreciation! - Team Jason

  • @hpntkz
    @hpntkz 3 года назад +204

    To you reading this, you are healing. Your body is strong, your spirit is even stronger. I'm sending you a warm healing light that relieves and comforts you from head to toe. Your peace returns to you and a lifetime of great health, success, happiness, and protection are yours. Continue to accept this nurturing glow that heals and embrace you each and every day and allow it to bring you love and serenity as you sleep each and every night. You are healing. We are all in this together. Namaste.

    • @Reese23723
      @Reese23723 2 года назад +2

      Thank you so much for this! ♡

    • @anncazares111
      @anncazares111 2 года назад +2

      Thank you for your support.❤

    • @Harmony7771
      @Harmony7771 2 года назад +3

      Thank you and may the light shine brightly on you as well

    • @suzieneustadter2497
      @suzieneustadter2497 2 года назад +1

      Thank you 🙏 so much and send sending love and support to all on our journey together ❤

    • @jenniferbarsky6383
      @jenniferbarsky6383 2 года назад +1

      Thank you🙏

  • @laurataylor3159
    @laurataylor3159 4 года назад +76

    To whoever's reading this your a magical spiritual being that deserves all the abundance the universe has to offer. Your never alone and always loved by spirit 💖🌟💖

  • @willowrose7791
    @willowrose7791 4 года назад +58

    Falling asleep to this tonight during the great conjunction ⭐️
    May all beings be blessed with unconditional love & be free from all illusions of fear 🤍

  • @dianakoycheva7140
    @dianakoycheva7140 2 года назад +53

    This really works. I was listening to something else because I was anxious and was half asleep, then this video started playing and i was too lazy to stop it. After 10 minutes of listening i felt excitement, joy, love and calmness. I felt so good that i decided to check what I am listening and it's mind blowing that it's healing music.

    • @deleskacrockett9711
      @deleskacrockett9711 Год назад +2

      I could have easily written this comment . Very similar experience ... 😊❤

    • @Supernova-qf6nl
      @Supernova-qf6nl Год назад +2

      Everything in life, every atom, every molecule is in constant motion/vibrate. And with each frequency they vibrate differently. That is why you hear ppl say that music is therapy. Bc with each frequency its effects are diff outcomes.

  • @jennvart4162
    @jennvart4162 Год назад +9

    I just wanted tosay thank you for being such a kind soul and helping all of us with your meditations. We are truly blessed to have you here on this earth with us.
    Your guided meditations have been crucial in my path on recovery from Cptsd and ptsd, I am still recovering but you have made such a huge impact on my recovery I just wanted tobsay thank you.

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  Год назад +2

      Hi Jenn, Your heartfelt gratitude and openness about your journey are deeply moving. It's both humbling to know the meditations have played such an essential role in your path to recovery. May you continue to find peace and strength in the meditations, and may the path ahead be filled with healing, love, and inner peace. 🌟💖🌳

    • @StevenReck
      @StevenReck Год назад +1

      Thank you for being a good person and helping me to fall asleep.And I love you so very much and if you respond that would be wonderful thank you

  • @shrijachakravarti2944
    @shrijachakravarti2944 3 года назад +14

    You have the healing in your voice. Your voice has a mystic effect. Hope life finds you a place with the Almighty. ❤️

  • @ausomeaspie
    @ausomeaspie 2 года назад +6

    2 days before Christmas and I've finally succumbed to the cold that everyone else has got! I am giving a concert in the street tomorrow and I am here to heal myself before Christmas. Please Lord, I will be singing all Christmas Carols, it will all be praising you, please heal me. 🙏 AMEN 🙏

  • @queenofscrolls7585
    @queenofscrolls7585 2 года назад +10

    I feel overwhelmed with love reading all the beautiful comments on Jason's videos.💚

  • @APalGal
    @APalGal 2 года назад +15

    Collective healing and health to all humanity ❤
    When it's dark, remember the Light which is YOU. 🌟
    Healing is a journey we ALL have in common. Stay grateful and be proud of your progress!
    The body has magic to heal itself, only if your mind doesn't tell it otherwise.
    Thank you, Jason, for all your amazing altruistic work.
    In Light and Love,
    A. Marie

  • @doriantheshadesofgrayruggi5063
    @doriantheshadesofgrayruggi5063 3 года назад +5

    I am becoming who I am meant to be not was meant to be and I fall asleep to your voice practically every night Jason thank you

  • @stevvie69
    @stevvie69 4 года назад +91

    Jason , I’ve been listening to your meditations and music for years and years ... can’t imagine where I would be without you 💖 you are amazing ! You are loved ! 💟 you are a divine being ! Thank you for your love , guidance , and calming words that easily become a part of me ! Can not thank you enough especially as we vibrate up into our highest possible vibe possible as we enter 5D🕉 what an exciting time to be alive! Cherish Every Moment ☯️💗💞💖🌟💫🕉 All we truly have is NOW 💟✌🏼💜

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  4 года назад +14

      Stevvie69, your words are resonating right now with both myself and many others. Infinite blessings to you.
      Truly very beautiful. Thank you!

    • @stevvie69
      @stevvie69 4 года назад +10

      @@jasonstephensonmeditation Jason , unconditional love and light to you and yours♥️ As we begin the Age of Aquarius, the ERA where LOVE will rule and duality is no more , I manifest to all living creatures, reptiles, birds , trees ..... and of course Humanity ... the ability to rise above and Create the World of Our Dreams of love and peace ! Very grateful for you Jason 💝

    • @mandywattam2937
      @mandywattam2937 2 года назад +5

      Yes thank you so much for what you do. I believe I can heal with your help. ❤️

    • @JellieCarpio-ut4qp
      @JellieCarpio-ut4qp 9 месяцев назад +1

      In the name of Jesus Christ is healer nothing is imposible patawarin sa kasalanan nagawa Nasabi naiisip si jisoo ninagiradosittijellieyeyenyasia Zendaya daiyutong jellieyeye Lucy Thomas jellieyeye Lorde give peace of mind always and forever nag kwento Rin Ng respectful and calmado and malinaw magsalita peaceful lang wag magkaroon Ng mental health sa utak and wag magparig at wag magsalita magisa kusina yes amen thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @sianysiany1
    @sianysiany1 11 месяцев назад +4

    Ive needed this, been feeling depressed, lonely and worthless due to relationships never working out and feeling like my life is empty. Thank you for sharing this ❤

  • @AquarianHarmonics
    @AquarianHarmonics 2 года назад +9

    You are a powerful healer. Everything you need to heal yourself you hold within you. It is now time to tape into that power and use it for your personal healing and for the healing of the planet. You are here now for this purpose. Remember your mission. You are LOVE!
    Blessing and peace to you in Love and Light!

  • @karmilonexlestwins
    @karmilonexlestwins 4 года назад +59

    Thank you! You have no idea how perfect your timing is, I'm in desperate need of healing and sleep. Goodnight and thank you for being here, you're helping a looooot of people. You're a true blessing ❤️

  • @marshmallowzombie
    @marshmallowzombie Год назад +3

    You are on the Right Path, You are blessed and You are LOVED.
    Sweetdreams Beautiful xx

  • @martaziolkowska6773
    @martaziolkowska6773 4 года назад +104

    Fall asleep to your meditations every night, so pleased to see this one as soon as I'm about to go to sleep 🙂 never slept better before I started listening

  • @LivingMyBestLife517
    @LivingMyBestLife517 Год назад +9

    Well I thought the house on the beach was my favorite but now this one is. I so need these one. I am dealing with a fracture in my back and so many arthritic and painful conditions and potential surgeries. This really helped me this morning at 4:00 a.m. I couldn’t fall back to sleep but this is a powerful one. I will come back to it many times.

  • @MellowedSleep
    @MellowedSleep 4 года назад +13

    If you're reading this, you are loved. If not by anyone else, you are loved by me. Have a great day/night.

  • @ShhheilaASMR
    @ShhheilaASMR 2 года назад +39

    I usually listen to your videos a few hours before my alarm as my health issues wake me up early. They're the difference between me feeling sicker or a little better and it makes a huge impact on my mood, thank you for giving me some quality days 🙏😌💜

  • @ivaniasirias5471
    @ivaniasirias5471 3 года назад +8

    God bless you Jason for your contribution to humanity,this is truly a work of a starseed. Thank you! I wish you unconditional love to you and all those around you.

    • @JellieCarpio-ut4qp
      @JellieCarpio-ut4qp 9 месяцев назад +1

      In the name of Jesus Christ is healer nothing is imposible give a another 20 happy years long life to Brooklyn ligertwoodd, Victoria Osteen, anete Reeder, Lauren diegel, Vicky morales Mari's umali Fitz Houston maria Elena carpio always safe and protected a happy life yes amen thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      In the name of Jesus Christ is healer nothing is imposible give More blessings to Maine Mendoza Jellieyeye Zendaya ninagiradosittijellieyeyenyasia Lucy Thomas jellieyeye Lorde World peace don' worryeye be happyeye yeye yeyemanin in negosyo please please please yes amen thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @jenniferhedgecock1923
    @jenniferhedgecock1923 3 года назад +3

    Peace..health..love..joy..n goodness to our earthly family

  • @nikkimorris
    @nikkimorris 3 года назад +5

    Yes. No crazy sounds, just light sounds and talking. Perfect thanks

  • @bartycrouchjr.8831
    @bartycrouchjr.8831 4 года назад +4

    You are a magician. Im totally hypnotize while youre speaking. God or world energy bless you.

  • @jp5419
    @jp5419 Год назад +6

    This is so beautiful. Love to its creator and to all passing by 🙏❤️🔥💫

  • @samanthawhite2550
    @samanthawhite2550 4 года назад +26

    I was just saying last night that I have listened to all the guided meditations and I was out of new ones! Good timing 😂 listening to you is literally the only way I have been able to sleep for over a year now

  • @chantal8500
    @chantal8500 Год назад +3

    Such a beautiful and calming voice and music put me asleep immediately. Thank you ❤

  • @kcomeau28
    @kcomeau28 2 года назад +12

    I just started using your meditation videos about 2 years ago. My younger self never believed in the whole power of the mind. I'm really wishing I would have found you sooner! Thank you for all you do for us! Sending nothing but love and peace to you and yours!

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  2 года назад

      Thanks so much for sharing your kindness on our channel. It's really beautiful sharing this space with you, Kelly Comeau. 🎏

  • @bonnienedza55
    @bonnienedza55 2 года назад +15

    Thank you for all the wonderful, loving comments and thank you for this wonderful meditation💖💖

    • @JellieCarpio-ut4qp
      @JellieCarpio-ut4qp 9 месяцев назад +1

      In the name of Jesus Christ is healer nothing is imposible give miracles healing galing sa stroke 6 Years si happy heart mama maria Elena carpio walang kasalanan nagawa Nasabi and naiisip yes amen thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      In the name of Jesus Christ is healer nothing is imposible patawarin sa kasalanan nagawa Nasabi and naiisip si jisoo jihyo Jellieyeye Zendaya ninagiradosittijellieyeyenyasia Lucy Thomas jellieyeye Lorde yes amen thank you 😂😂😂

  • @lauradurrant6451
    @lauradurrant6451 Год назад +1

    💛🧡💛🧡 Thank you, Jason! I experienced such beauty, peace, and healing. Deep gratitude to you, my friend.! 🧡💛🧡💛

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  Год назад

      You're very welcome, dear friend! I'm so glad to hear that you've experienced beauty, peace, and healing through our meditations. Wishing you continued inner harmony and well-being.

  • @VibrantCloudsOfficial
    @VibrantCloudsOfficial 4 года назад +38

    If you're reading this, I hope you have an incredible day today! ❤️️🙏

  • @paolacolombini
    @paolacolombini 4 года назад +2

    To the person reading this... You are a child of God and loved always❤️

  • @ariellesorel3778
    @ariellesorel3778 2 года назад +8

    I'm getting over a kidney infection and I will be giving this a go and I will message back in a day or 2 and give time to work and let you all know what I experienced 💕🙏🏻

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  2 года назад

      Hi Arielle, thanks for sharing this. I hope you feel better soon and the meditation has helped. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Much love.

  • @SomosLaNuevaEra
    @SomosLaNuevaEra 2 года назад +16

    Sending good vibes and love to anyone who comes across this video! Greatness is coming‚ this is your year! ❤

  • @taniabradshaw5928
    @taniabradshaw5928 3 года назад +14

    Thank you for creating this clip Jason, I am hoping that this helps me to not relive my recent events lately, goodnight everyone sleep well my friends

    • @lakieshaamie6141
      @lakieshaamie6141 3 года назад +1

      Did you ever find love

    • @taniabradshaw5928
      @taniabradshaw5928 3 года назад +1

      @@lakieshaamie6141 NO! but I am working on my inner healing to love myself better.

  • @bh9262
    @bh9262 Год назад +1

    I was seriously injured by antibiotics. These are permanent for many. I don't understand how the universe could be let this happen to me! But I believe in miracles and I believe in Jason.

  • @laurastarbrook1308
    @laurastarbrook1308 4 года назад +15

    I'm thankful for my family, my life, my job, my love and this world. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all🎄❤️

  • @belovedwife6744
    @belovedwife6744 4 года назад +38

    Wishing everyone have a peaceful sleep! Thank you sir and God bless you all.🙏🙏🙏💖💖🎄🎄🎄

  • @sleepnoises3185
    @sleepnoises3185 3 года назад +7

    To everyone reading this I wish you a great and happy day! Stay strong and safe

  • @mistermobile2615
    @mistermobile2615 3 года назад +6

    Jason, thank you so much, if you only knew the help this provides to me in my time of tough health battles and decisions.

  • @jancarmy5749
    @jancarmy5749 4 года назад +9

    I only listen to your videos, and just about to settle in for the night and see this one. Can’t wait to listen until it soothes me to sleep. Much gratitude to you Jason.

  • @spiritualpamperingclaresha506
    @spiritualpamperingclaresha506 2 года назад +14

    I find this meditation particularly healing and nurturing.
    I AM Healing with Grace and Ease ❤️🙏💜

  • @buddharelaxing9130
    @buddharelaxing9130 3 года назад +8

    The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness !

  • @elianaramirez193
    @elianaramirez193 Год назад +2

    i wish all you babies on here peace and happiness even tho some of us feel like giving up just know we have sm to reach we just need to heal i feel so hopeless and it pains me sm to know how many loved beautiful souls have to go through any type of pain you are so loved ❤️

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  Год назад +1

      It heartens me to receive responses like yours, Eliana Ramirez. Much love. 💫☁️🤍💛🕊🌟

  • @magikme033
    @magikme033 2 года назад +7

    Thank you so much for this Jason 💫healing for all who read this 🙌

  • @dimmasmuswalareignz9523
    @dimmasmuswalareignz9523 2 года назад +1

    I thank GOD for this prayer, the power in it is really strong, people please the fire on the screen is a chain breaker, I really appreciate the power of the LORD Through Man of God Jason, If my problem its over GOD touch another person watching and Listening to this prayer, Thank you Jesus and reign forever

  • @marienicpon5605
    @marienicpon5605 2 года назад +6

    Jason you have been a part of my life for a few years now and I am so very grateful for all you have done for me and so many others. I stumbled across this one in the early hours of the morning and as usual it was perfect timing. I have applied for a managerial position in my work. I believe the time is right and I feel confident that I can do the job. The issue is I had to drop a day due to health issues a couple of years ago and now will have to go back to working 5 days. I am not young anymore.
    So I am praying that I can cope with this new position mentally and physically, and the universe has my back. I wrote down these affirmations . They are very empowering. Thank you.🙏❤🙏❤

  • @tracykriess1066
    @tracykriess1066 4 года назад +10

    I'm so glad I found your meditations! I love them all. This one couldn't have came at a better time for me! Your voice is so calming!

    • @JellieCarpio-ut4qp
      @JellieCarpio-ut4qp 9 месяцев назад

      In the name of Jesus Christ is healer nothing is imposible healing galing sa two eyes of generous and caring smart attorney aboganda erelyn joy carpio Hindi na masungit at Hindi magagalittin and always safe and protected sa mga daanan sa makati at humaba pa ang Buhay life Ng another 16 years of life yes amen thank you for healing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      in the name of Jesus Christ give salaries Ngayon March to December Kay magaling makisama sa mga boyfriend Ng erelyn at Erik and IBA pang tao habang nabubuhay chef Jelliegant yeyeman is always smart matured kind and have a peace of mind always and forever yes amen thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @lunaperez2626
    @lunaperez2626 4 года назад +8

    Thank you Jason for everything you do for us. You have no idea how much you’ve helped me may God bless you always 🙏🏻 namaste.

  • @staceylouiseweir4832
    @staceylouiseweir4832 4 года назад +7

    Thank you Jason, I struggle sleeping and since iv discovered your meditation I sleep so much better!! Please keep up with new videos, you help so many of us that cant sleep!! 👍❤👌❤👍

  • @lobibc8188
    @lobibc8188 Год назад +1

    Once you realize you are a God... God is in you! This music will take on a whole new amazing feeling!

  • @allansons1096
    @allansons1096 4 года назад +3

    Jason your voice is the most dreamy creamy chocolate, I have wonderful meditation and the best peaceful sleeps.
    Thank you

  • @laurencopeland4249
    @laurencopeland4249 6 месяцев назад +2

    This helps my daughter go to sleep love your videos 💗

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  6 месяцев назад

      We're glad our videos are helping your little one rest well. Sending love to your dear family and wishing you all peaceful nights. - Team Jason

    • @Arjuanandfriends
      @Arjuanandfriends Месяц назад

      I also have a daughter she is 1 years old and she is very picky with her food. When I play this music she falls asleep. Its amazing. Im so thankful as a mother to come across this is so wonderful. Blessed.

  • @AnaSofiaLoves
    @AnaSofiaLoves Год назад +3

    I feel like this works. While I slept my nose began to run. My alarm went off five times, even though I only set it for one time. I believe energetically that is clearing or removing blocks? Thanks everyone for kind words. Change your thoughts, change your life. You are worthy and loved. ❤

  • @tabithafly3919
    @tabithafly3919 4 года назад +2

    Your voice couoked with Meditation Vacations Christian Thomas are the only things that get me to sleep at night and not have my PTSD dreams. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with the world, you help so many.

  • @dollysharma4626
    @dollysharma4626 4 года назад +5

    I appreciate these videos so much! These videos are the only way I sleep.

  • @patbymckay1471
    @patbymckay1471 3 года назад +5

    Slept till six thirty this morning, thank you

  • @ruthadams4240
    @ruthadams4240 2 года назад +4

    Very positive and soothing just like all his guided meditations

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  2 года назад +1

      Hi Ruth Adams, I'm so pleased to know that it makes you feel this way. Massive thanks for your kind comment. Sending much love to you! ✨

  • @aarononuora706
    @aarononuora706 2 года назад


  • @nildavalencia5524
    @nildavalencia5524 2 года назад +4

    Thank you again for the wonderful meditation! I need it early this morning it helps me ease my active mind .
    God blesses you with abundance and compassion!
    I feel grateful to have you! 😊

  • @sumintramathura2234
    @sumintramathura2234 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for sharing peace love light and blessings to you all

  • @AlexX-mz1qg
    @AlexX-mz1qg 4 года назад +2

    this is the divine peace !
    many blessings to you Jason and all the love from Divine for you! Thank you

  • @thegreenteamglasgow826
    @thegreenteamglasgow826 4 года назад +2

    Stay blessed all from gladgow Scotland one love

  • @dallasmty6177
    @dallasmty6177 3 года назад +3

    Best wishes to all who see this message

  • @relaxing-sleep-meditation2223
    @relaxing-sleep-meditation2223 4 года назад +14

    Beautiful sleep and healings to everyone reading this .. blessings and love ❤️❤️❤️

  • @antoanetad5713
    @antoanetad5713 4 года назад +7

    Your meditations are wonderful! Love your channel, love your voice ! Thanks so much for your help, dear Jason! 🙏❤💖❤

  • @namastehoy
    @namastehoy Год назад +2

    Much love to everyone! Never forget this: We are love.
    “ I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul within.” Rumi
    Love and light to you!
    Shanti shanti shanti Om Namaste. Peace peace peace ☮️

  • @naiyalexic
    @naiyalexic 4 года назад +3

    You're a gem, Jason. Thank you so much for these videos. You're changing people's lives.

  • @rosaliekidsmusic
    @rosaliekidsmusic 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for beautiful words and music. I feel calm and empowered! Thank you for your kind work for others and me! Rosalie❤

  • @latashaberkley5000
    @latashaberkley5000 4 года назад +3

    Thank you Mr. Stephenson, your videos have helped me to calm my mind and sleep peacefully.

  • @AM-tj1lh
    @AM-tj1lh 3 года назад +5

    This is one of my faves!
    You're amazing, Jason. Thank you for helping so many.
    Blessings always,
    To all♡

  • @TheKcbythec
    @TheKcbythec 2 года назад +14

    As always Jason, ten hours of deep restorative sleep and woke up feeling grateful for this beautiful session, yours are always incredible, blessings and peace to you wonderful soul.

  • @lilgh0stttt
    @lilgh0stttt Год назад +1

    Ive been having some bad anxiety and this is the only thing that really helped for so long ive let my thoughts have so much power and it made me cry realizing they are nothing im here definitely coming back to this thank you so much

    • @aish9827
      @aish9827 Год назад

      Can you share your review 😄

    • @jasonstephensonmeditation
      @jasonstephensonmeditation  Год назад +1

      It's a significant step in self-awareness to see that thoughts, while powerful, don't have to define us. This realisation can be both liberating and emotional, and your courage in facing it is truly commendable. Sending you a warm embrace of understanding and encouragement. Much love.

  • @shayasandhu
    @shayasandhu 4 года назад +3

    Thank goodness for Jason always reminding me to set my alarm! You are the MVP my man!

  • @addisonjennings97
    @addisonjennings97 3 года назад +2

    This video has helped me dream more which makes me feel much better in the morning thank you

  • @LawrenceMackRelaxingMusic
    @LawrenceMackRelaxingMusic 4 года назад +5

    Another wonderful guided meditation, my friend x

  • @primrose369
    @primrose369 3 года назад +2

    My teething baby falls asleep to this in minutes too, just skip to 45 min and its excellent slothing white noise for baby, and ofcoz i love it too thank you for this

  • @odinking5111
    @odinking5111 2 года назад +3

    I use this every night it helps a lot thank you!

  • @LateBloomingND
    @LateBloomingND 3 года назад +8

    I’m stuck in whirlpool of fear,happiness,anxiety,excitement,dread and hope.
    It’s as though I’m stood still in a stampede of startled horses admiring there strength and physique whilst being afraid of there power and control they have over my destiny.
    I will play this to settle my monkey mind into a deep state of rest and from that space of peace and tranquillity I’ll wish healing,love and health to myself and anyone else who resonates with these words ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    I love you ❤️🪴