Agreed. I don't think the colors like a good fit but it does look like something a teen girl would pick. I could see her messing with the colors time to time looking for something that fits better.
It's also not a color scheme Tony would pick, which I feel is pretty important for distinguishing her as not just an Iron Man knockoff/replacement. It might be something he'd pick for Pepper's Rescue suits though but that's neither here nor there. It gives her some distinction at sight, in the same vein that Tony doesn't really use monochrome colors anymore because Rhodey has that with his War Machine armor. It turns her into another number in the "person with a power armor" total, compare with Abner Jenkins who blends in a bit too much after trading in the Beetle name for Mach, but that's probably still a better place to be than discount, unwanted Tony Stark replacement.
If you’re in the business of selling comics, tell a good story. Nobody cares about your race, religion, gender, sex, politics, unless it’s wrapped in a good story. I’m glad you were able to recommend this book. It shows your criticisms are fair, an honest.
@Thomas Foster Gay characters presence in a story doesn't have to be justified any more than a non gay character does. A story doesn't have to be about a character being gay for a story to present a gay character. "No one gives a fuck about your characters characteristics if you dont do anything interesting with it." This is bullshit. You don't have to do anything interesting with gender, or sexuality, or race or religion or anything to warrant including it in your story. If your story represents the real world, then it should represent the real world by not marginalising those that aren't the heterosexual white christian/atheist 'norm'. "But making characters gay, stating it maybe 1 or 2 times, and having them occasionally flirt with the opposite sex isnt really representation, it's just a shit attempt at pushing identity politics." What you're describing as 'identity politics' is having the daily life of a homosexual person be presented in media.
@@wophful That's bullshit tho because more than ''representation'' , people care about pushing ideologies. This facade of representation is used as a cloak to preach anti western ideology / liberal talking points. Minority faces are used as tools for white liberals to preach their bullshit. I'm getting sick of it..Everyone loved Black Panther, Black Nick Fury , Spawn and Storm even tho they were black. There were no complaints. Why do you think comic fans are getting annoyed now? Because people see that ''representation'' is a facade.
@@jaypond4368 you're looking at this from your perspective. People of colour love diversity and their representation because being represented is a postive reaffirmation of your experience. That's what comics are about for kids. Peter Parker was a nerd because kids who read comics were nerds. The original writers of Marvel included Black Panther and X-Men's civil rights narrative knowing exactly who they were writing for. By creating some conspiracy about white liberal agendas, you are discrediting the wants of POCs. TL;DR if minorities being happy makes you sad or suspicious, question why.
Bruh, she can't wear iron man's suit unless it's given to her. They're all pretty much MKs. It's just highly technology advanced suits. That's like saying war machine is black iron man.
I personally would've preferred purple and another color instead of yellow/gold. I never really had a problem with her wearing iron man armor cause that's what any inspiration starts as for young blood, something old but good and tweaking it to their liking. Good signs overall
I actually like the Iron Heart suit. I really dig it's design and colors because it's not often that you see a hero roll up wearing magenta, black, and gold managing to pull it off if their first name isn't Bat and last name isn't Girl.
My issue is just how the saturated pinks and yellows clash a bit, since they're both so bright. Maybe switching out the yellow for a silver/grey, or maybe desaturating it a bit would help make it less straining on they eyes. But I'm a huge fan of the pink, playing up the fact that Riri is a girl that likes girly things too, instead of treating it like a weakness as so many previous comics have, is a very good move for me. This is finally a Marvel comic of a newer character that I can enjoy.
@@eileeng9317 i dont know id have too see it first. Then i could critique. But the silver centurian look is rough color scheme. Maybe if you swap all the already gray areas with gold (face mask stays gold) and then turn the gold areas you guys were talking about silver like you wanted. Maybe that would look better.
@Stripey Arse I would say dark purple is more of a bad guy colour. It leaves the impression of power of a sinister, arcane kind. The best example I can give for it is Transformers Animated (I know it's not a comic). Nearly all Decepticons had some purple parts.
It's refreshing that Riri is becoming a worthwhile character, assuming this maintains. I wish Ewing the best and hope she understands what was wrong with the character and how to right the ship.
Either that or she can write a BETTER character based on Riri's basic concept and have the USS Enterprise run over the old ship and replace it entirely
I'm not a Sargon hater, but do you know why so many people hate him? Because they think he's smug. Writing smug characters is not impossible, but it is hard. Why do we forgive Dr. House for being smug? Because we know he is crazy. There's no ambiguity about this. Everyone who knows him knows this about him. They don't praise him for being crazy. He has to prove himself every single episode. His redeeming virtue is that he saves the life of a character we sympathize with and get to know every episode in order to justify his existence and prove the haters wrong. If with every single comic, Riri saved a brand new characters life, despite everyone treating her like the crazy person she is, then that smugness would be balanced out. Or we could just avoid the smugness all together.
Dr House is a good man. He might be condescending at times but he is usually trying to teach his co-workers on how to do things. He irritates the people around him but his inner circle realises that he does absolutely everything he can for a patient. Riri is merely a horrible character who willingly tries to get people such as her teacher to put her down and give her abuse so she can act like a victim. Dr House communicates in the only way he can. He is very much like Sherlock in the way he speaks and acts. He is extremely gifted yet he puts in a lot of hard work and not just solely relies on his talent. Riri is arrogant yet she replies on victimhood and puts in little work.
The original problem with the character was Bendis. He supposedly modeled the character on his own (adopted) daughter and saw himself as writing it for her. The rumors were that he was also very, very possessive within marvel of the character. Ms. Marvel had the same problem in that Sana A. is possessive of the character and modeled her (in that case) on herself. Giving her a unique name and visual identity were both big steps in the right direction. There is still alot to do in terms of making her a compelling character. Eve Ewing has the typical problems of a novelist transitioning to comics. She is still learning how to do it and using too many words. But as an early effort, she did better with the writing than the early days of ta nehisi coates. And credit where it is due. Making Riri Williams a not unlikable character is somewhat of an accomplishment .
The problem with Ms. Marvel is that the whole premise is based on series of lies that Sana Amanat wants to believe about herself. She wants to pretend that she was this lower-class child of humble muslim immigrants who suffered based on her "color" and her religion. The reality is Sana Amanat was a child of privilege who grew up in an extremely wealthy part of New Jersey. Her parents were additionally from the Pakistani upper class. Her cousin is Huma Abedin. Her rich brothers partied for years in Hollywood and among the rich in New York. She herself went to Banard College at Colombia. As far as her racial oppression, the examples she usually brings up are the "tragedy" of her not being head cheerleader, homecoming queen and the most popular girl at school. In other words, her problem was her own egotism. The reason why Ms. Marvel doesn't work is that Sana Amanat can't really relate to anything that the book (or the character) is about. Like most of the Pakistani upper classes, her family is not exactly religious. She is (ironically) the "whitest" person at marvel in terms of everything other than skin color. She is Ivy League educated, her cousin his Hillary Clinton's best friend, her brothers were social high flyers in New York and Hollywood. I don't think there is anyone else at marvel who comes close to the sort of elite she represents.
if your gonna make a char based on yourself, make it based entirely on your flaws. are you someone who values justice to the point of lacking some mercy? make a moral absolutist who puts people off by their radical actions, and have that as a flaw. you a pushover? make your char unable to properly decide things for themselves on the fly.
@dan james Bro you cannot be this incapable of understanding a valid analogy. Nazis are politically motivated authoritarian lunatics, as are many of these ''anti Nazi peace groups'' like Antifa and other liberal ideologues. They literally label every moderately conservative person as a Nazi, and innocent people have gotten the shit beaten out of them because of it. Its the same shit just a different pile. I wish more would see that..
HOLY MOTHER OF MARVEL, *YES*!!! This, this is how you add diversity! I'm so burnt out of "representation" characters just wearing existing heros' suits/names; 'I'm Wolverine, with busoms. I'm Thor, with busoms AND cancer" A new character, organically integrated into the 'verse, inspired by (not cloning) an existing character. This is how you do that!
I actually like this suit since it looks more separate from Ironman. Also, if they made her a villain for a short time and then make her a hero again, that would be awesome.
You claim Ewing did her homework and read up on the character and recent history and how rare that seems to be of a practice. It reminds me of how Torishima Kazuhiko started as an editor at Shueisha for Jump. While he's now most known for being Toriyama Akira's editor for Dr Slump and about half of Dragonball (he was also heavily responsible for Dragon Quest happening) the funny part is he had never read manga in his life before getting hired. He wasn't even applying for that department, he was shooting for editing the JP Playboy publication- comics were below his reading level his entire childhood. Due to having no experience with the medium, he went to the company's stacks (which he notes were a separate building very removed from the main office) and binged as much of the company's past releases as he could, not just for Jump, on all their other manga magazines. He also powered through tons of their competitors' printings- contextually, Weekly Shounen Jump was not the unstoppable weekly shounen manga magazine yet, its sales were pretty middling and competition was fierce. From all that he analyzed what he liked and what were common problems he was seeing in everything. He ended up taking a serial already cancelled from 17th in the rankings to 3rd, just by assessing the mangaka's weakest part was drawing women. They all looked the same to him, so he gave him a celebrity/idol magazine and told him to mimic those faces.
I actually really like Riri's suit design; it reminds me of a power ranger/early Kamen Rider in a lot of ways. The only thing I'd change is to make the grey bits all black so there's no split between the darker tones. Black, gold, and pink works a lot better than black, gold, pink, and grey. Maybe desaturate the gold or the pink a little so you only have one super bright color catching your attention instead of two highly saturated tones competing for real estate. I think there'd be a LOT of potential for cool graphic/shape-based design if they allowed the black to be as flat and untextured as possible, rather than including all that gunmetal and lead fading in and out of the solid blacks.
@Tyler Brown I would rather just have a series or cartoon of Kamen Rider Spirits, because people need to remember how badass and awesome the Showa Riders are.
I have no problem with the color. But come on, now Riri actually acts like a real genius. Intelligent people like doing stuff "themselves" because they are better, not like the previous Riri-tard that needs everyone to down play for her while she steals Tony's suit and have everyone praise her for zero self achievement.
Riri being straight might just be the best thing the new writer has done. I'm tired of characters being gay for the sake of being gay and "muh representation" (Iceman). As for the new book, I'd pick it up if Marvel didn't shoo me away from comic shops with their mediocre books & I'm very far from any in the first place.
The problem with most of the gay characters in the Marvel comic is that they are incredible shallow characters. They're most defining traits tends to be "I'm gay and no one understands me" rinse and repeat over and over, it's not interesting and is just boring to watch their non problems.
Zub set up these character flaws a little when he started with Champions. The survivors guilt and awkward human contact part. But Ewing plays it off better and makes Riri more likable and makes the reader WANT her to be approachable rather than just dismissive of everyone. A solid first issue and a good retcon on her motives.
There's been mixed reviews for this comic, but it seems like most people agree it's a big improvement from Bendis's run. If my comic shop still has a copy I think I'll pick it up.
D&C said people would flip on a dime if Marvel ever decided to write good stories. The ball was always in Marvel's court, so I'm interested in seeing if this sort of thing becomes a trend.
Your last statement on video really touched home ... I'll pick up the book series and start reading ...I'll see if my 9 year old daughter is into it as well
You did a great review of this, JSG. I'm try'n to be hopeful that there are still some talented ppl left in that world. Even though we've burnt so many times, I'm never gonna give up before they do, that's for damn sure.
This is pretty encouraging. I’ll support Miss Ewing if she will put forth an honest effort. Especially with a new writer, I’ll overlook minor stuff. And Riri is probably straight? Holy shit! And she’s not a hateful brat? That’s a good start. I might actually end up liking this character. I noticed the fact Riri only speaks English; it’s common these days where a supermodel speaks eight languages, knows 27 martial arts, and has five doctorates, that’s on every TV show. I’d give it probably rate this at 75-80% percent good. But given how bad this character has been written and Eve is new at this, she gets extra points. It was a bit wordy but I like Xavier for example. That’s good stuff. I liked in Young Avengers how Wiccan and Hulkling were a gay couple; Marvel comics are largely about couples in a certain way. When their parents found out they were more than friends they said they glad their son had found someone to love. That’s awesome. But Alan Heinberg didn’t make the comic just about that, that’s just a thing that happens. It’s routine. Sina Grace, pay attention. But anyways, this is highly encouraging. I think Ewing is only going to get better. Who knows? She might be one of the comic book greats. I see the intent, I see the potential.. this could be really good. Maybe she could rehab Carl Manvers next?
I'm honestly just sad that there are no comic stores where I live, I'd have actually bought this book just to encourage Marvel execs to keep this book running. For once, Riri is relatable and actually human. I'm actually crazy about her new personality and design, as well as the interactions she has with others (that Xavier scene seems like it may be a tad drawn out, but very sweet and since it shows a bit of a slight development and exposition of Ri's personality, I actually like the way it turned out) I'm excited to see where it goes from here!
+andrew t "Carl Manvers" Yes, because Marvel is certainly lacking in buxom young women with flowing hair and skin tight bodysuits. The fact the military woman looks like she might actually be able to serve more than just as a desk jockey is clearly evil and wrong.
RecklessFire29 You aren’t wrong. But! Carol was drawn and portrayed in a certain way for 35 years or so. She was a knockout in every sense of the word. If Marvel wants a bitchy librarian with a flat chest, make a new character. I don’t mean any offense.
@@andrewt6338 I've never seen a librarian with muscles like hers. She looks like a gym rat, or a career soldier on the battlefield. As for the way she's portrayed... did you meant with the derpy looking feather hair and the less-than-knockout body she started with?
I was thinking of buying the book, but I got bored while I was checking it out. I think it was just too wordy for me, to the point where it dragged on. I can appreciate Riri being a better character, and the story being better, definitely, but I never ever said that I would be interested in a book about her, good or bad. I have no obligations to buy something that I don’t find entertaining enough, as much as an improvement as it may be.
I actually like the color scheme. Although i would use a deeper grape or plum purple instead of megenta. A good alternative scheme is red, black/gray, and silver
I wonder if the original take on Riri was trying to create a jerkass that people actually like, like Tony Stark. Except it's really hard to write and launch a character like that. I wouldn't necessarily fault them for trying, though. Of course, having her go through an arc where she's tempted by villainy is a good way to add depth.
The difference is that readers like Tony in spite of his asshattery because he's been like that for decades in spite of his efforts to do better about that. His long history of alcohol abuse aside, he almost compulsively sabotages his relationships when things are going too smoothly to the point where even he is amazed Pepper and Rhodey have stuck by him all these years. Tony's an arrogant jackhole, but we've seen him struggle correct that and constantly fall off the wagon- that lets us sympathize with him. Upon debut, Riri was basically the same, if not worse, character traits but there wasn't just an expectation we instantly like her in spite of them, there was a demand we do so. But she had no struggle, no failure, instead we had origin stories of her being entitled and essentially unable to function without indulging in a persecution complex. Somehow we were supposed to like her in spite of that when it made no attempt to even frame her as being flawed for these qualities.
I really like this, I like that you're acknowledging the good points when the creators actually make some positive changes. I feel like there's a big market for just feeding into the negativity but this really fills me with hope as if to say that there is a better way to do these "types" of comics, and if they were to stop shitting on their fanbase and start listening constructively comic fans will respond positively. Great video!
I don't subscribe to a lot of channels (compared to most) but dag-nabbit I'mma subscribe here because you've earned it. I've seen the better part of a dozen of your videos over the last few days and they've all been outstanding.
The artwork certainly appears to be great. I hope they can do this sort of thing with the rest of the characters that were written terribly such as America Chavez
I just was able to watch this video of yours, mr. JSG and please let me say thank you. I've been watching your videos for a few months now. During that time most of your critics, while they due tend to match my view patterns, always seemed one sided/conservative. But this review seems to show, to me at least, show why I started to watch your channel. Because it is about the artwork, writing & story elements of the book. Thank sir for what seems like a valid & fair critique of not only this book, but the other videos you made of different books. Please keep up the good work. Edit/PS: you have now earned my sub w/bell.
A person who bitched about a character complimenting the same character? It's almost like, if you write a good character, people will actually like the character. My mind is fucking blown.
There’s still more that makes it impossible to get in to these heroes besides politics, it’s the lack of villains. Batman can only be a great as the rogue gallery. Spidey is only great as the sinister six. Who’s ms marvels antagonist? Who’s America’s antagonist? Who’s riri’s? Who’s icemans?
Hopefully, we'll find out. I'd rather stay extremely cautiously optimistic about comics over completely nihilistic about everything. She's got a lot to friggin prove, but she started of not being a piece of 💩 from 1st go. We'll see if the stank stays away..
Every great hero needs a great villain or every great villain needs a great hero. For they help to build off one another. For without it, you can't really build them up for they have nothing to challenge one another or force them to build theirselves up.
A good rogues gallery takes time to develop. Because its not just the characters, but its the storys and their relationship to the hero that makes them great adversaries. Ironheart has the potential for a good but unlikely one with Thanos. They did a good story in champions where she was arrogant and he basically humiliated her. He makes a good antagonist for her because he is way too powerful for her to ever beat directly fighting and she has the type of personality where she will never accept how he humiliated her. To me, there is the story potential there to build to (over several years) to a totally unequal fight between the two where she still loses bad, but gains a level of respect from him. If it were me, I would eventually do a version of the byakuya kuchiki/renji fight from Bleach with the characters. She loses but she draws a couple drops of blood or gets him down on one knee. He wins in a devistating way, but he walks away respecting her rather than killing her.
I had always been so disappointed at how this character's potential was so consistently and continually squandered. Now you're telling me they fixed it with a good old fashioned untold origin story? I am delighted. :D I love that suit design, personally. Reminds me of sentai. Also, dem iron hips! "She doesn't human very well." that is always a relatable trait for me, that's another reason to be happy about the character being salvaged like this. Okay, at this point I'm almost in full on fujoshi mode... gotta go get an Iron Heart doll! :0
11:35 reminds me of the trope "Talking Is a Free Action" which basically means were in a story people can have an entire lecture in what would be canonically less than a second.
For me she has to score 3 in a row before I can subscribe to the book. If she can make it 3 for 3 then I commit to the pull list. But so far, good start.
Holy fuck! That wasn’t half bad! Using too much text is a pretty common beginner’s mistake-one that Bendis never grew out of. Hopefully this is an indication of what’s to come.
Oh! I like the dead best friend AI thing there is some phenomenal character growth to be had there alongside the survivors guilt. It could end with her getting rid of that AI to show her getting over the survivors guilt and moving on with her life and looking to the future.
It's funny ya know it's almost like you and the rest of the CG critics didn't care about Riri being a black female, but the writers making her into an out of control Psychopath who's so petty and vindictive that she would be pissed off that she wasn't the center of Tony Stark's attention.
I admit those two colors go good together. Just look at Brett "the Hitman" Hart his color scheme was Black and Pink together. Just get rid of the yellow and gray trim.
Agree with most of what you said, the costume isn't all that as you said...they did do the right thing by changing the colour from the ironman scheme though as this could kinda give a little of her own personality with the colour. Maybe Magenta, silver and white? I dunno but some other suitable colour palette that shows her own style while keeping the iron-manesque design.
I like how ever since Doctor Doom became Iron Man, everyone likes drawing the iron man suit like his, with its very sharp angles, especially on the helmet.
The suit reminds me of a mechanical Great Saiyaman 2 outfit, when Videl from Dragon Ball Z fought alongside Gohan in his superhero antics. Kind of like a combination of Great Saiyaman 2 and the Robolady card from Yu-Gi-Oh!
I'm happy, this is a good sign. If one has decided to improve then others will follow [the ones who want to actually be there at said job] Maybe there is still hope
I'm guessing this book is aimed at a younger audience who don't do as well with empty panels and no words. I might have to check this out and maybe even introduce it to my daughter.
Have to admit that when it's a bad comic, I often just have to open the video for the synopsis and leave. Hear a good comic, hear the synopsis and leave... But this actually had my full interest, it has good art and actually sounds like a true superhero comic. And yeah, may actually buy it
I agree with your review entirely, I'll say part of the issue is Eve read and researched, but is new to it all, so she hasn't gotten the "flow" a lot of other comic artists have honed over the years. I'd say the character could be a little less longwinded, that is unless it's played up like a joke like where she is explaining her experimental thing and stops mid-monologue realizing she won. I also would love at some point the joke being done where she may be monologuing and explaining something, and the villain instead finishes her sentences and for a moment the two talk about the idea and how cool it is or something, only to realize they are enemies and should be fighting, more so if from a 3rd party saying it. But that has to be a 1-time thing, if it happens too often it would get stale fast.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't mind the look. Even if it is pink, it's not a terrible design and they certainly could have done worse. I definitely would admit that your color change idea would absolutely work, possibly even keeping the pink would work and just make the gold bits pink while turning the black and grey bits silver.
I think the best thing for this comic is people not knowing anything about the character, because what was there was a narcissistic, sociopath that acted more like a villain. We should call it what it is; a reboot, in a long line of reboots for the "All new" Marvel flops- Just this one is mildly good, compared to the rotten head that is pumped out by Marvel nowadays.
I absolutely love the fact that when you review a work, you review it honestly, regardless of how you feel about someone's agenda bias. I mean, yeah, you'll call them out on their bias if it's egregious, but you'll call a good story a good story even if you don't agree with the bias. And from what I can tell so far (I only just started following you in the past few days), you're willing to call both sides on it if they let their bias ruin what could have been a good story. As far as I can tell, you appear to be what a good reviewer should be, and I'm glad I subscribed.
Good show! I've seen her reason for her trying to be like Tony Stark and never liked the way it was done. The survivors guilt answer for her becoming Iron Heart is a little bit better than her making the suit because she needed to meet the expectations of what she wanted her teacher to say. I f her teacher had said 'you'll never be like Tony Robbins.' that would explain her talking a lot. Iron Man did save her and her step-father. That should have been reason enough but it wasn't talked about at the time and would have been a solid reason to become Iron Heart.
im using a screen filter app that turns down blue coloration in my monitor, and i didn't realize until i turned it off that the suit was a purpleish pink, wit hthe filter on the purple parts look red and i like it XD
Not bad, the suit looks a bit like a rejected senti costume but I like the layout if not the color scheme. Also good to know there is one less crappy character out there filling another heroes boots. I’ve always supported the idea of the legacy hero. The idea of a mantle being passed down is always cool and it lets a character find some closure.
One problem I have with this origin is it's a bit overused. It is almost word-for-word the same origin as new 52 Deadshot, except he vowed to never have a stray bullets and vowed Revenge. It's also very similar to both Batman and Spider-Man. It's serviceable, and much better than what it replaced, but we've seen it before
I'm starting a comic I have a character, the origin, the back story, and the villians. What I don't have is away to stream line that into a less clunky story. I watch some of your videos and I fallowed the advice you stated about one shots. However I'm having alot trouble making the tale smooth while still giving a clear picture for the characters history. If you would be so kind I would like to get your advice.
JSG, I too want to know if the SJW comic book "fans" are going to put their money where their mouths are and support this book. As you were wrapping up this review, I was thinking about the video you made way back addressing all of the hypocritical Black Panther fans who claimed they wanted more black characters but failed to go out and support the Black Panther comics. Excellent review. Love your vids!
I'm glad she fixed the character. I hope it continues. I also whole-heartedly believe this book's success will be a direct result of ComicsGate. If people like us weren't so harsh in our criticism of Riri since her creation, I have no doubt Marvel would have remained with the "yay me" status quo for her. So good job, Marvel, glad you were listening... and... yay us! 😝
I actually like the suit, but that gold face plate should have been black to fit the color scheme better, or make the black gold. One or the other. Or, ya know, what you said. Also love this sort of character who doesn't "people" well, so yeah, I'm happy. Good back story to. A lot of places you could take that. Looks like Riri might just have been salvaged. Here's to hoping!
I know the colors are subjective, but I actually like the color scheme. I think it looks nice. Granted I would change the gold to a blush silver to add some contrast to the magenta, but otherwise I like it. This actually looks like a promising comic.
I didn’t watch this because I thought you were being sarcastic, but now that I have I am hoping the trajectory continued upward. I was a fan of the concept of Miles and wasn’t opposed to Riri persay. I just didn’t know a thing about how she became Ironheart. I heard, ‘Peter died saving people, Miles saw it, Miles eventually got bit by a different mutant spider type, figured out web fluid formula’ or something like that and was on board because the mantle should put live the hero. Heard Falcon was the new Cap and I was one hundred and ten percent on board with the concept. Heard Tony went missing and left an AI behind for Riri and just mentally checked out as not caring. Keep in mind, these things may be inaccurate to the actual stories they started in, but it is what I heard and the fact that Riri’s origin can be summarized in one sentence but Miles’ story takes a bit of doing to explain goes a long way to explaining why I originally checked out.
One thing about the suit colors is they do look like something a 15yo girl would pick
Yeah! That is very true...I'd love to see other characters in the comic comment on that.
Agreed. I don't think the colors like a good fit but it does look like something a teen girl would pick. I could see her messing with the colors time to time looking for something that fits better.
Looks good tho
It's also not a color scheme Tony would pick, which I feel is pretty important for distinguishing her as not just an Iron Man knockoff/replacement. It might be something he'd pick for Pepper's Rescue suits though but that's neither here nor there. It gives her some distinction at sight, in the same vein that Tony doesn't really use monochrome colors anymore because Rhodey has that with his War Machine armor. It turns her into another number in the "person with a power armor" total, compare with Abner Jenkins who blends in a bit too much after trading in the Beetle name for Mach, but that's probably still a better place to be than discount, unwanted Tony Stark replacement.
Yep, as she grows up I can see her making it less garish.
If you’re in the business of selling comics, tell a good story. Nobody cares about your race, religion, gender, sex, politics, unless it’s wrapped in a good story.
I’m glad you were able to recommend this book. It shows your criticisms are fair, an honest.
"...unless it's wrapped in a good story."
@Thomas Foster Gay characters presence in a story doesn't have to be justified any more than a non gay character does. A story doesn't have to be about a character being gay for a story to present a gay character.
"No one gives a fuck about your characters characteristics if you dont do anything interesting with it." This is bullshit. You don't have to do anything interesting with gender, or sexuality, or race or religion or anything to warrant including it in your story. If your story represents the real world, then it should represent the real world by not marginalising those that aren't the heterosexual white christian/atheist 'norm'.
"But making characters gay, stating it maybe 1 or 2 times, and having them occasionally flirt with the opposite sex isnt really representation, it's just a shit attempt at pushing identity politics."
What you're describing as 'identity politics' is having the daily life of a homosexual person be presented in media.
People care about representation that’s why everyone in every medium is scrambling to make that happen.
@@wophful That's bullshit tho because more than ''representation'' , people care about pushing ideologies. This facade of representation is used as a cloak to preach anti western ideology / liberal talking points. Minority faces are used as tools for white liberals to preach their bullshit. I'm getting sick of it..Everyone loved Black Panther, Black Nick Fury , Spawn and Storm even tho they were black. There were no complaints. Why do you think comic fans are getting annoyed now? Because people see that ''representation'' is a facade.
@@jaypond4368 you're looking at this from your perspective. People of colour love diversity and their representation because being represented is a postive reaffirmation of your experience. That's what comics are about for kids. Peter Parker was a nerd because kids who read comics were nerds. The original writers of Marvel included Black Panther and X-Men's civil rights narrative knowing exactly who they were writing for. By creating some conspiracy about white liberal agendas, you are discrediting the wants of POCs.
TL;DR if minorities being happy makes you sad or suspicious, question why.
The costume is weird but I'm glad she's not just wearing Iron Man's
At least she’s making her own suits now instead of ripping off Tony’s. Not fond of the center but other than that it looks okay
Everything works for me expect the helmet, though the colour is a bit too garish.
Bruh, she can't wear iron man's suit unless it's given to her. They're all pretty much MKs. It's just highly technology advanced suits.
That's like saying war machine is black iron man.
I personally would've preferred purple and another color instead of yellow/gold. I never really had a problem with her wearing iron man armor cause that's what any inspiration starts as for young blood, something old but good and tweaking it to their liking. Good signs overall
@@slothful2039 His suit has different colours, weapons and a different shape. Riri's old suit was a female version of the Iron Man suit.
I actually like the Iron Heart suit. I really dig it's design and colors because it's not often that you see a hero roll up wearing magenta, black, and gold managing to pull it off if their first name isn't Bat and last name isn't Girl.
Yeah I actually liked it too, but I just like those colors overall.
The suit is definitely better than the Carbon Copy Iron Man suit she had before, I think parts of it need a little work though maybe.
My issue is just how the saturated pinks and yellows clash a bit, since they're both so bright.
Maybe switching out the yellow for a silver/grey, or maybe desaturating it a bit would help make it less straining on they eyes. But I'm a huge fan of the pink, playing up the fact that Riri is a girl that likes girly things too, instead of treating it like a weakness as so many previous comics have, is a very good move for me. This is finally a Marvel comic of a newer character that I can enjoy.
@@eileeng9317 i dont know id have too see it first. Then i could critique. But the silver centurian look is rough color scheme. Maybe if you swap all the already gray areas with gold (face mask stays gold) and then turn the gold areas you guys were talking about silver like you wanted. Maybe that would look better.
@Stripey Arse I would say dark purple is more of a bad guy colour. It leaves the impression of power of a sinister, arcane kind. The best example I can give for it is Transformers Animated (I know it's not a comic). Nearly all Decepticons had some purple parts.
It's refreshing that Riri is becoming a worthwhile character, assuming this maintains. I wish Ewing the best and hope she understands what was wrong with the character and how to right the ship.
Either that or she can write a BETTER character based on Riri's basic concept and have the USS Enterprise run over the old ship and replace it entirely
Talking Pulp Jim Zub did a good job w her too.
I'm not a Sargon hater, but do you know why so many people hate him? Because they think he's smug. Writing smug characters is not impossible, but it is hard. Why do we forgive Dr. House for being smug? Because we know he is crazy. There's no ambiguity about this. Everyone who knows him knows this about him. They don't praise him for being crazy. He has to prove himself every single episode. His redeeming virtue is that he saves the life of a character we sympathize with and get to know every episode in order to justify his existence and prove the haters wrong. If with every single comic, Riri saved a brand new characters life, despite everyone treating her like the crazy person she is, then that smugness would be balanced out. Or we could just avoid the smugness all together.
Dr House is a good man. He might be condescending at times but he is usually trying to teach his co-workers on how to do things. He irritates the people around him but his inner circle realises that he does absolutely everything he can for a patient.
Riri is merely a horrible character who willingly tries to get people such as her teacher to put her down and give her abuse so she can act like a victim.
Dr House communicates in the only way he can. He is very much like Sherlock in the way he speaks and acts. He is extremely gifted yet he puts in a lot of hard work and not just solely relies on his talent. Riri is arrogant yet she replies on victimhood and puts in little work.
The original problem with the character was Bendis. He supposedly modeled the character on his own (adopted) daughter and saw himself as writing it for her. The rumors were that he was also very, very possessive within marvel of the character.
Ms. Marvel had the same problem in that Sana A. is possessive of the character and modeled her (in that case) on herself.
Giving her a unique name and visual identity were both big steps in the right direction. There is still alot to do in terms of making her a compelling character.
Eve Ewing has the typical problems of a novelist transitioning to comics. She is still learning how to do it and using too many words. But as an early effort, she did better with the writing than the early days of ta nehisi coates.
And credit where it is due. Making Riri Williams a not unlikable character is somewhat of an accomplishment .
The problem with Ms. Marvel is that the whole premise is based on series of lies that Sana Amanat wants to believe about herself. She wants to pretend that she was this lower-class child of humble muslim immigrants who suffered based on her "color" and her religion.
The reality is Sana Amanat was a child of privilege who grew up in an extremely wealthy part of New Jersey. Her parents were additionally from the Pakistani upper class. Her cousin is Huma Abedin. Her rich brothers partied for years in Hollywood and among the rich in New York. She herself went to Banard College at Colombia.
As far as her racial oppression, the examples she usually brings up are the "tragedy" of her not being head cheerleader, homecoming queen and the most popular girl at school. In other words, her problem was her own egotism.
The reason why Ms. Marvel doesn't work is that Sana Amanat can't really relate to anything that the book (or the character) is about. Like most of the Pakistani upper classes, her family is not exactly religious. She is (ironically) the "whitest" person at marvel in terms of everything other than skin color. She is Ivy League educated, her cousin his Hillary Clinton's best friend, her brothers were social high flyers in New York and Hollywood. I don't think there is anyone else at marvel who comes close to the sort of elite she represents.
if your gonna make a char based on yourself, make it based entirely on your flaws. are you someone who values justice to the point of lacking some mercy? make a moral absolutist who puts people off by their radical actions, and have that as a flaw. you a pushover? make your char unable to properly decide things for themselves on the fly.
@@EmeraldEmsiron The point is that these writers are incapable of seeing their own flaws.
So her motivation wasn't to punch Nazis? 0/10
I need my healthy dosage of Nazi Face punching.
Didnt realize that was a bad thing.
Me neither, I wanted to have a little joke Around.
Anzu Wyliei which if you think about what they did with it...
@dan james Bro you cannot be this incapable of understanding a valid analogy. Nazis are politically motivated authoritarian lunatics, as are many of these ''anti Nazi peace groups'' like Antifa and other liberal ideologues. They literally label every moderately conservative person as a Nazi, and innocent people have gotten the shit beaten out of them because of it. Its the same shit just a different pile. I wish more would see that..
Too long. The writer still isn't used to comic format.
But making the character Not a sociopath is a good start.
Maybe it's a Riri thing. Something she'll learn along the way.
Kill all furries
@@user-qt7nj1gi1f what does that have to do with anything here?
@@strawberrybankai12 everything.
You've clearly never read a spawn comic lol, sometimes a longer comic can be a good thing.
HOLY MOTHER OF MARVEL, *YES*!!! This, this is how you add diversity! I'm so burnt out of "representation" characters just wearing existing heros' suits/names; 'I'm Wolverine, with busoms. I'm Thor, with busoms AND cancer" A new character, organically integrated into the 'verse, inspired by (not cloning) an existing character. This is how you do that!
Tim Richards
X-23 is actually a pretty good character, if that's who you're referring to.
X-23 is much better than Riri. X-23 does not harass teachers into bullying her so she can be a victim. X-23 is actually a hero.
I actually like this suit since it looks more separate from Ironman. Also, if they made her a villain for a short time and then make her a hero again, that would be awesome.
You claim Ewing did her homework and read up on the character and recent history and how rare that seems to be of a practice. It reminds me of how Torishima Kazuhiko started as an editor at Shueisha for Jump. While he's now most known for being Toriyama Akira's editor for Dr Slump and about half of Dragonball (he was also heavily responsible for Dragon Quest happening) the funny part is he had never read manga in his life before getting hired. He wasn't even applying for that department, he was shooting for editing the JP Playboy publication- comics were below his reading level his entire childhood.
Due to having no experience with the medium, he went to the company's stacks (which he notes were a separate building very removed from the main office) and binged as much of the company's past releases as he could, not just for Jump, on all their other manga magazines. He also powered through tons of their competitors' printings- contextually, Weekly Shounen Jump was not the unstoppable weekly shounen manga magazine yet, its sales were pretty middling and competition was fierce. From all that he analyzed what he liked and what were common problems he was seeing in everything. He ended up taking a serial already cancelled from 17th in the rankings to 3rd, just by assessing the mangaka's weakest part was drawing women. They all looked the same to him, so he gave him a celebrity/idol magazine and told him to mimic those faces.
I actually really like Riri's suit design; it reminds me of a power ranger/early Kamen Rider in a lot of ways. The only thing I'd change is to make the grey bits all black so there's no split between the darker tones. Black, gold, and pink works a lot better than black, gold, pink, and grey.
Maybe desaturate the gold or the pink a little so you only have one super bright color catching your attention instead of two highly saturated tones competing for real estate. I think there'd be a LOT of potential for cool graphic/shape-based design if they allowed the black to be as flat and untextured as possible, rather than including all that gunmetal and lead fading in and out of the solid blacks.
Took the words out of my mouth. This is exactly what I was thinking when I saw it.
Riri: im am kamen rider IRONHEART
Yeah, since you mention it, the color scheme looks a lot like Decade's colors. But yeah I concur, it's a very early Heisei look.
They should make a kamen rider in marvel
@Tyler Brown
I would rather just have a series or cartoon of Kamen Rider Spirits, because people need to remember how badass and awesome the Showa Riders are.
I have no problem with the color. But come on, now Riri actually acts like a real genius. Intelligent people like doing stuff "themselves" because they are better, not like the previous Riri-tard that needs everyone to down play for her while she steals Tony's suit and have everyone praise her for zero self achievement.
Riri being straight might just be the best thing the new writer has done. I'm tired of characters being gay for the sake of being gay and "muh representation" (Iceman). As for the new book, I'd pick it up if Marvel didn't shoo me away from comic shops with their mediocre books & I'm very far from any in the first place.
You heterosexual sjws are the worst hyporcrites ever.
Pootboot I'm surprised you haven't figured it out already that the sjws are nothing but hypocrisy.
I already knew that which is why i stated it, dumbass.
The problem with most of the gay characters in the Marvel comic is that they are incredible shallow characters.
They're most defining traits tends to be "I'm gay and no one understands me" rinse and repeat over and over, it's not interesting and is just boring to watch their non problems.
I still think "statistically improbable lesbians" makes for a good band name.
Zub set up these character flaws a little when he started with Champions. The survivors guilt and awkward human contact part. But Ewing plays it off better and makes Riri more likable and makes the reader WANT her to be approachable rather than just dismissive of everyone. A solid first issue and a good retcon on her motives.
I like the new look.
Frankly the color scheme works for me but that's just my opinion.
There's been mixed reviews for this comic, but it seems like most people agree it's a big improvement from Bendis's run. If my comic shop still has a copy I think I'll pick it up.
D&C said people would flip on a dime if Marvel ever decided to write good stories. The ball was always in Marvel's court, so I'm interested in seeing if this sort of thing becomes a trend.
2:31 Harold chicken 87th by dan Ryan LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i fell out my chair when you said that. straight chicago joke and good video btw
Your last statement on video really touched home ... I'll pick up the book series and start reading ...I'll see if my 9 year old daughter is into it as well
I'm guessing eating at that restaurant is as expensive as eating at the Cheesecake Factory
@Agt.BADASS ... Lol. It's like a landmark ... You from there or visited , you've to go there or heard about it
@Agt.BADASS harold is a restaurants chain here in chicago that serve fried chicken here in chicago. you can google it if you like
You did a great review of this, JSG. I'm try'n to be hopeful that there are still some talented ppl left in that world. Even though we've burnt so many times, I'm never gonna give up before they do, that's for damn sure.
This is pretty encouraging. I’ll support Miss Ewing if she will put forth an honest effort. Especially with a new writer, I’ll overlook minor stuff. And Riri is probably straight? Holy shit! And she’s not a hateful brat? That’s a good start.
I might actually end up liking this character. I noticed the fact Riri only speaks English; it’s common these days where a supermodel speaks eight languages, knows 27 martial arts, and has five doctorates, that’s on every TV show.
I’d give it probably rate this at 75-80% percent good. But given how bad this character has been written and Eve is new at this, she gets extra points. It was a bit wordy but I like Xavier for example. That’s good stuff. I liked in Young Avengers how Wiccan and Hulkling were a gay couple; Marvel comics are largely about couples in a certain way. When their parents found out they were more than friends they said they glad their son had found someone to love. That’s awesome. But Alan Heinberg didn’t make the comic just about that, that’s just a thing that happens. It’s routine. Sina Grace, pay attention.
But anyways, this is highly encouraging. I think Ewing is only going to get better. Who knows? She might be one of the comic book greats. I see the intent, I see the potential.. this could be really good. Maybe she could rehab Carl Manvers next?
I'm honestly just sad that there are no comic stores where I live, I'd have actually bought this book just to encourage Marvel execs to keep this book running. For once, Riri is relatable and actually human. I'm actually crazy about her new personality and design, as well as the interactions she has with others (that Xavier scene seems like it may be a tad drawn out, but very sweet and since it shows a bit of a slight development and exposition of Ri's personality, I actually like the way it turned out)
I'm excited to see where it goes from here!
+andrew t "Carl Manvers"
Yes, because Marvel is certainly lacking in buxom young women with flowing hair and skin tight bodysuits. The fact the military woman looks like she might actually be able to serve more than just as a desk jockey is clearly evil and wrong.
RecklessFire29 You aren’t wrong. But! Carol was drawn and portrayed in a certain way for 35 years or so. She was a knockout in every sense of the word. If Marvel wants a bitchy librarian with a flat chest, make a new character. I don’t mean any offense.
@@andrewt6338 I've never seen a librarian with muscles like hers. She looks like a gym rat, or a career soldier on the battlefield. As for the way she's portrayed... did you meant with the derpy looking feather hair and the less-than-knockout body she started with?
Holy shit, a marvel female character that's straight?! I haven't seen one ever since sjw's took over marvel comics.
I have a feeling it won't last but for what it's worth, I hope shes not the last.
Don't worry, a super Lesbian will seduce her in issue #2. :)
Let alone a black female character that's straight. That's crazy talk.
Jean Grey will definitely come swooping down and fix that in issue #2
I was thinking of buying the book, but I got bored while I was checking it out. I think it was just too wordy for me, to the point where it dragged on. I can appreciate Riri being a better character, and the story being better, definitely, but I never ever said that I would be interested in a book about her, good or bad. I have no obligations to buy something that I don’t find entertaining enough, as much as an improvement as it may be.
yea, the problem with non super power heroes is they have to explain all their actions through thinking, otherwise it just won't make sense
Yeah, that’s very true.
I actually like the color scheme. Although i would use a deeper grape or plum purple instead of megenta. A good alternative scheme is red, black/gray, and silver
I wonder if the original take on Riri was trying to create a jerkass that people actually like, like Tony Stark. Except it's really hard to write and launch a character like that. I wouldn't necessarily fault them for trying, though. Of course, having her go through an arc where she's tempted by villainy is a good way to add depth.
The story has always been that Bendis modeled the original Riri closely on his adopted daughter and wrote the stories for his daughter.
The difference is that readers like Tony in spite of his asshattery because he's been like that for decades in spite of his efforts to do better about that. His long history of alcohol abuse aside, he almost compulsively sabotages his relationships when things are going too smoothly to the point where even he is amazed Pepper and Rhodey have stuck by him all these years. Tony's an arrogant jackhole, but we've seen him struggle correct that and constantly fall off the wagon- that lets us sympathize with him.
Upon debut, Riri was basically the same, if not worse, character traits but there wasn't just an expectation we instantly like her in spite of them, there was a demand we do so. But she had no struggle, no failure, instead we had origin stories of her being entitled and essentially unable to function without indulging in a persecution complex. Somehow we were supposed to like her in spite of that when it made no attempt to even frame her as being flawed for these qualities.
I really like this, I like that you're acknowledging the good points when the creators actually make some positive changes. I feel like there's a big market for just feeding into the negativity but this really fills me with hope as if to say that there is a better way to do these "types" of comics, and if they were to stop shitting on their fanbase and start listening constructively comic fans will respond positively. Great video!
A Marvel comic thats worth reading.
haven't seen one of those in a while.
Then you just don't try to find comics worth reading from them, so you can just complain.
Not when most of it are shit
I don't subscribe to a lot of channels (compared to most) but dag-nabbit I'mma subscribe here because you've earned it. I've seen the better part of a dozen of your videos over the last few days and they've all been outstanding.
The artwork certainly appears to be great. I hope they can do this sort of thing with the rest of the characters that were written terribly such as America Chavez
I think I actually want to buy this book. Holy crap.
I actually really like the suit redesign. It's gotta whole anime/mecha feel to it.
I respect that you gave this book a chance and are supportive of the changes. Hope other writers see this and get inspired.
I just was able to watch this video of yours, mr. JSG and please let me say thank you.
I've been watching your videos for a few months now. During that time most of your critics, while they due tend to match my view patterns, always seemed one sided/conservative. But this review seems to show, to me at least, show why I started to watch your channel. Because it is about the artwork, writing & story elements of the book.
Thank sir for what seems like a valid & fair critique of not only this book, but the other videos you made of different books.
Please keep up the good work.
Edit/PS: you have now earned my sub w/bell.
Did... did I hear Star Trek Deep Space Nine get referenced? In a good Ironheart comic? What timeline is this
You always do a great job as a critic man.
Bro you just made me add this book to my shopping list. It better be as "okay" as you claim.
A person who bitched about a character complimenting the same character?
It's almost like, if you write a good character, people will actually like the character. My mind is fucking blown.
First video of yours I'm seeing and I'm subbing for that awesome Bleach inspired intro
Interesting! Thanks for the review!
This is really cool. Glad you like it and are supporting it. Maybe just maybe... there will be more peace.
There’s still more that makes it impossible to get in to these heroes besides politics, it’s the lack of villains. Batman can only be a great as the rogue gallery. Spidey is only great as the sinister six. Who’s ms marvels antagonist? Who’s America’s antagonist? Who’s riri’s? Who’s icemans?
Hopefully, we'll find out. I'd rather stay extremely cautiously optimistic about comics over completely nihilistic about everything. She's got a lot to friggin prove, but she started of not being a piece of 💩 from 1st go.
We'll see if the stank stays away..
They need to create villains for them.
Every great hero needs a great villain or every great villain needs a great hero. For they help to build off one another. For without it, you can't really build them up for they have nothing to challenge one another or force them to build theirselves up.
@@franciscorafaelmontielpale7854 Robbie Rotten for IronHeart Arch-nemesis!
A good rogues gallery takes time to develop. Because its not just the characters, but its the storys and their relationship to the hero that makes them great adversaries.
Ironheart has the potential for a good but unlikely one with Thanos. They did a good story in champions where she was arrogant and he basically humiliated her.
He makes a good antagonist for her because he is way too powerful for her to ever beat directly fighting and she has the type of personality where she will never accept how he humiliated her.
To me, there is the story potential there to build to (over several years) to a totally unequal fight between the two where she still loses bad, but gains a level of respect from him.
If it were me, I would eventually do a version of the byakuya kuchiki/renji fight from Bleach with the characters. She loses but she draws a couple drops of blood or gets him down on one knee. He wins in a devistating way, but he walks away respecting her rather than killing her.
I had always been so disappointed at how this character's potential was so consistently and continually squandered. Now you're telling me they fixed it with a good old fashioned untold origin story? I am delighted. :D
I love that suit design, personally. Reminds me of sentai. Also, dem iron hips!
"She doesn't human very well." that is always a relatable trait for me, that's another reason to be happy about the character being salvaged like this. Okay, at this point I'm almost in full on fujoshi mode... gotta go get an Iron Heart doll! :0
I hope she keeps this up i don’t like Riri but I’ve liked watching reviews of this book they make me smile
I think they should have taken out the gray as a whole and the megenta should be red or a slick dark purple. I like the gold and black colors.
Honestly I love the new costume redesign, I can see what your saying about the color scheme but it is what it is.
11:35 reminds me of the trope "Talking Is a Free Action" which basically means were in a story people can have an entire lecture in what would be canonically less than a second.
For me she has to score 3 in a row before I can subscribe to the book. If she can make it 3 for 3 then I commit to the pull list. But so far, good start.
I think the suit looks fine.
Holy fuck! That wasn’t half bad! Using too much text is a pretty common beginner’s mistake-one that Bendis never grew out of. Hopefully this is an indication of what’s to come.
Cool, I'll have to check it out. I really like the colour scheme myself, looks sharp and snazzy.
As an artist, the art in this comic is amazing
Oh! I like the dead best friend AI thing there is some phenomenal character growth to be had there alongside the survivors guilt. It could end with her getting rid of that AI to show her getting over the survivors guilt and moving on with her life and looking to the future.
It's funny ya know it's almost like you and the rest of the CG critics didn't care about Riri being a black female, but the writers making her into an out of control Psychopath who's so petty and vindictive that she would be pissed off that she wasn't the center of Tony Stark's attention.
I would've liked a black and pink color scheme for her suit myself.
I admit those two colors go good together. Just look at Brett "the Hitman" Hart his color scheme was Black and Pink together.
Just get rid of the yellow and gray trim.
**slow claps and gradually grows into applause**
Agree with most of what you said, the costume isn't all that as you said...they did do the right thing by changing the colour from the ironman scheme though as this could kinda give a little of her own personality with the colour. Maybe Magenta, silver and white? I dunno but some other suitable colour palette that shows her own style while keeping the iron-manesque design.
On point review, as always.
I like how ever since Doctor Doom became Iron Man, everyone likes drawing the iron man suit like his, with its very sharp angles, especially on the helmet.
The suit reminds me of a mechanical Great Saiyaman 2 outfit, when Videl from Dragon Ball Z fought alongside Gohan in his superhero antics. Kind of like a combination of Great Saiyaman 2 and the Robolady card from Yu-Gi-Oh!
I'm happy, this is a good sign. If one has decided to improve then others will follow [the ones who want to actually be there at said job]
Maybe there is still hope
Xavier looks kinda like static shock
I'm guessing this book is aimed at a younger audience who don't do as well with empty panels and no words. I might have to check this out and maybe even introduce it to my daughter.
Thanks for the review and I’ll pick this up to support it. Hopefully they do the same with Iceman.
Have to admit that when it's a bad comic, I often just have to open the video for the synopsis and leave. Hear a good comic, hear the synopsis and leave... But this actually had my full interest, it has good art and actually sounds like a true superhero comic. And yeah, may actually buy it
I agree with your review entirely, I'll say part of the issue is Eve read and researched, but is new to it all, so she hasn't gotten the "flow" a lot of other comic artists have honed over the years. I'd say the character could be a little less longwinded, that is unless it's played up like a joke like where she is explaining her experimental thing and stops mid-monologue realizing she won. I also would love at some point the joke being done where she may be monologuing and explaining something, and the villain instead finishes her sentences and for a moment the two talk about the idea and how cool it is or something, only to realize they are enemies and should be fighting, more so if from a 3rd party saying it. But that has to be a 1-time thing, if it happens too often it would get stale fast.
Not gonna lie, I’m loving the entire suit design. It feels very power-ranger like and the vibrant colours definitely work for me.
Why couldn’t I have seen this a few days ago. I would have saved my money to buy it instead of spending my entire weeks lunch money and B&N
I'm gonna be honest, I don't mind the look. Even if it is pink, it's not a terrible design and they certainly could have done worse. I definitely would admit that your color change idea would absolutely work, possibly even keeping the pink would work and just make the gold bits pink while turning the black and grey bits silver.
"You sly dog! You caught me monologuing."
I think the best thing for this comic is people not knowing anything about the character, because what was there was a narcissistic, sociopath that acted more like a villain. We should call it what it is; a reboot, in a long line of reboots for the "All new" Marvel flops- Just this one is mildly good, compared to the rotten head that is pumped out by Marvel nowadays.
With the entrance dialog you could also flip the panels. Have her blast the doohickey and then deliver the line.
Pretty badass honestly. Overwhelmingly improves upon the character.
Welp, you've convinced me, I'm gonna read this, and wait for more.
I absolutely love the fact that when you review a work, you review it honestly, regardless of how you feel about someone's agenda bias. I mean, yeah, you'll call them out on their bias if it's egregious, but you'll call a good story a good story even if you don't agree with the bias. And from what I can tell so far (I only just started following you in the past few days), you're willing to call both sides on it if they let their bias ruin what could have been a good story. As far as I can tell, you appear to be what a good reviewer should be, and I'm glad I subscribed.
When ur suit say “here is my new avatar” (your dead friend)
I think just ditching the gold/yellow would work wonders. Black, grey, and perhaps a darker or more vivid pink.
Good show! I've seen her reason for her trying to be like Tony Stark and never liked the way it was done. The survivors guilt answer for her becoming Iron Heart is a little bit better than her making the suit because she needed to meet the expectations of what she wanted her teacher to say. I f her teacher had said 'you'll never be like Tony Robbins.' that would explain her talking a lot. Iron Man did save her and her step-father. That should have been reason enough but it wasn't talked about at the time and would have been a solid reason to become Iron Heart.
im using a screen filter app that turns down blue coloration in my monitor, and i didn't realize until i turned it off that the suit was a purpleish pink, wit hthe filter on the purple parts look red and i like it XD
Not bad, the suit looks a bit like a rejected senti costume but I like the layout if not the color scheme. Also good to know there is one less crappy character out there filling another heroes boots. I’ve always supported the idea of the legacy hero. The idea of a mantle being passed down is always cool and it lets a character find some closure.
I think I'm gonna pick up this book. Sounds good. Never thought I'd say that.
Damn I might this sounds good. I might pick it up. Also I like the colors, they are my University's colors, go Muskies!
I want a super hero that avoids talking to villans for fear of the villian monaloging
Imo that design/color scheme is fire
Bendis leaving was the best thing to happen to Riri lol. He was holding her back!
8:47 who's the DNC mentioned? EDIT: I think I found it, Diversity & Comics, now called THINK About Comics.
Honestly, pink and purple colours on tenage girl costume sounds like something she would choose.
One problem I have with this origin is it's a bit overused. It is almost word-for-word the same origin as new 52 Deadshot, except he vowed to never have a stray bullets and vowed Revenge. It's also very similar to both Batman and Spider-Man. It's serviceable, and much better than what it replaced, but we've seen it before
Feels like the result of a good writer meeting with the team at MCU with a view to rebranding a character they want to use in the near future.
I'm starting a comic I have a character, the origin, the back story, and the villians. What I don't have is away to stream line that into a less clunky story. I watch some of your videos and I fallowed the advice you stated about one shots. However I'm having alot trouble making the tale smooth while still giving a clear picture for the characters history. If you would be so kind I would like to get your advice.
Perhaps that spectacular ass whooping at the hands of Thanos humbled her? 😂
My reaction to the first few words in this video were straight up... "What?"
Oh hey, this is actually good. I didn't know there were good Ironheart comics. I want to give this a go.
I enjoyed the issue looking forward to #2
JSG, I too want to know if the SJW comic book "fans" are going to put their money where their mouths are and support this book. As you were wrapping up this review, I was thinking about the video you made way back addressing all of the hypocritical Black Panther fans who claimed they wanted more black characters but failed to go out and support the Black Panther comics. Excellent review. Love your vids!
I'm glad she fixed the character. I hope it continues.
I also whole-heartedly believe this book's success will be a direct result of ComicsGate. If people like us weren't so harsh in our criticism of Riri since her creation, I have no doubt Marvel would have remained with the "yay me" status quo for her. So good job, Marvel, glad you were listening... and... yay us! 😝
I actually like the suit, but that gold face plate should have been black to fit the color scheme better, or make the black gold. One or the other.
Or, ya know, what you said.
Also love this sort of character who doesn't "people" well, so yeah, I'm happy. Good back story to. A lot of places you could take that. Looks like Riri might just have been salvaged. Here's to hoping!
I know the colors are subjective, but I actually like the color scheme. I think it looks nice. Granted I would change the gold to a blush silver to add some contrast to the magenta, but otherwise I like it. This actually looks like a promising comic.
I freaking love her suit. The colors look great, the sleek femenine shape looks beautiful and the suit looks like it can kick ass.
I'm here to admire the art.
I like the suit, to each their own.
I didn’t watch this because I thought you were being sarcastic, but now that I have I am hoping the trajectory continued upward. I was a fan of the concept of Miles and wasn’t opposed to Riri persay. I just didn’t know a thing about how she became Ironheart. I heard, ‘Peter died saving people, Miles saw it, Miles eventually got bit by a different mutant spider type, figured out web fluid formula’ or something like that and was on board because the mantle should put live the hero. Heard Falcon was the new Cap and I was one hundred and ten percent on board with the concept.
Heard Tony went missing and left an AI behind for Riri and just mentally checked out as not caring.
Keep in mind, these things may be inaccurate to the actual stories they started in, but it is what I heard and the fact that Riri’s origin can be summarized in one sentence but Miles’ story takes a bit of doing to explain goes a long way to explaining why I originally checked out.