Film Theory: What is Detective Pikachu's Secret Identity? (Pokemon Detective Pikachu Movie)

  • Опубликовано: 7 янв 2025

Комментарии •

  • @dudep504
    @dudep504 5 лет назад +2475

    Matpat at the beginning : "or heck, are his father"
    Me after watching the movie : oh matpat why dont you make a theory about that

    • @WhatIsLife-_-
      @WhatIsLife-_- 4 года назад +13

      Opinion guy I was thinking the same thing

    • @Arrow-pi6vm
      @Arrow-pi6vm 4 года назад +18

      @@WhatIsLife-_- yes, i was like why didn't you stick with that theory?

    • @thefatcat1366
      @thefatcat1366 4 года назад +5

      I was about to comment that but then I saw this

    • @Chara_Dreemurr1
      @Chara_Dreemurr1 4 года назад +1

      Me: hi Harry.

    • @God-T
      @God-T 4 года назад +4

      They should probably give some humans the ability to communicate with their main Pokémon so that when they have a deep bond with each other, the trainer will be able to understand the Pokémon but if they lose the connection, the trainer loses the ability to talk to Pokémon... p.s that do u think?

  • @artslife4424
    @artslife4424 5 лет назад +842

    Tim: Where's my father
    Pikachu: I am your father

    • @superturk0827
      @superturk0827 5 лет назад +21

      Darth Vader voice: NOOOIOoOOOOO

    • @thespaceman5764
      @thespaceman5764 4 года назад +8

      @@superturk0827 what did you just say? it was Luke that said that, later after he killed his love in anger, a person told him "you killed her in your anger" and then he was like "NOOOOO" oh wait did i say spoiler alert?

    • @thespaceman5764
      @thespaceman5764 4 года назад +4

      Darth Vader killed his love in anger not Luke don't yeet me, please

    • @moonlight.8831
      @moonlight.8831 4 года назад +2

      Tim : oh..

    • @gachaguy2576
      @gachaguy2576 4 года назад +2


  • @kaspas5511
    @kaspas5511 5 лет назад +698

    matpat: *brings up crazy idea about the movie, ends up being correct*
    also matpat: *pushes the outlandish idea away to talk about something totally different*
    me: "well, close enough I guess"

  • @demonicartist1920
    @demonicartist1920 4 года назад +1047

    “Or, heck, is Tim’s father.”
    Me: *surprised pikachu face*

    • @KirbyCoder
      @KirbyCoder 4 года назад +4

       (its a phooto of suprized pikachu)

    • @magicpower5075
      @magicpower5075 4 года назад +5


    • @weebosama5219
      @weebosama5219 4 года назад

      You should watch this...( ◜‿◝ )♡видео.html

    • @thehypersonicbuild9919
      @thehypersonicbuild9919 3 года назад


    • @hiroto5095
      @hiroto5095 3 года назад +1

      Movie: You know what? Sure.

  • @lachiebosman8511
    @lachiebosman8511 5 лет назад +1244

    “Or he IS Tim’s missing father”
    this aged well

    • @thoughts9992
      @thoughts9992 3 года назад +9

      Ikr lol

    • @Failedlegend
      @Failedlegend 2 года назад +4

      I burst out laughing :P

    • @gabrielshaw8735
      @gabrielshaw8735 2 года назад

      That's his father

    • @enderform
      @enderform Год назад +1


    • @mqa527
      @mqa527 Год назад

      I was literally just about o comment about this.

  • @joke4you690
    @joke4you690 5 лет назад +5136

    I like how when he said “pikachu is probably Tim’s father” that was correct 😂

    • @fluorygrain168
      @fluorygrain168 5 лет назад +45

      Jacket Man lol over 200 likes with no comments シ 𝓂𝓎 𝓃𝒶𝓂ℯ 𝒾𝓈 𝒿ℯ𝒻𝒻

    • @Septor-xc4xr
      @Septor-xc4xr 5 лет назад +81

      I like how I shouldn't have scrolled down to the comments to look for comments disproving the theory because of the game having ash's pikachu separate from pikachu

    • @joke4you690
      @joke4you690 5 лет назад +27

      Christopher Moore whoops... should’ve warned...

    • @thegamingbread2167
      @thegamingbread2167 5 лет назад +11


    • @bpr_official6598
      @bpr_official6598 5 лет назад +8


  • @slimetoslime7638
    @slimetoslime7638 5 лет назад +1950

    Mat: or heck IS Tim's Missing father..
    He's from the future! He knows the future!

  • @Lunar_Can_Draw
    @Lunar_Can_Draw 4 года назад +421

    “It could be his dad but nahhhhh”
    Me: if you just stuck with that theory you’d be right

    • @strikeinferno70
      @strikeinferno70 3 года назад +2

      i wanna like this comment but its on 69 likes so i dont wanna ruin it... HARDEST decision of my life yet

    • @ariaglobesolutions
      @ariaglobesolutions 3 года назад +3

      He didnt said he wasnt he simply said it was an obvious answer and he wannit a better exciting answer. So yeah he did called it just by watching the trailer

  • @lili_cates
    @lili_cates 5 лет назад +851

    Detective Pikachu: Tim’s father is Pikachu
    Matpat: Tim’s father could be Pikachu. BUT NO!

  • @oncewas0000
    @oncewas0000 5 лет назад +1968

    When you said Pikachu was his dad...
    That, that...yeah

    • @AlcholicMage
      @AlcholicMage 5 лет назад +25

      Thats true

    • @oncewas0000
      @oncewas0000 5 лет назад +11

      @@AlcholicMage I'm glad you agreed!

    • @kingstonpendergraft8758
      @kingstonpendergraft8758 5 лет назад +68

      Good job matpat u figured out the plot twist of the movie and were not even 2 minutes in yet

    • @oncewas0000
      @oncewas0000 5 лет назад +26

      @Mrs. Lop3z He did that and I am teriffied

    • @oncewas0000
      @oncewas0000 5 лет назад +13

      @@kingstonpendergraft8758 This is very worrysome indeed

  • @rhenum8084
    @rhenum8084 5 лет назад +1648

    PLOT TWIST: Detective Pikachu is Deadpool in disguise

    • @knightxgamplay7682
      @knightxgamplay7682 5 лет назад +12

      Lol nice theory

    • @jarosawsobinski1928
      @jarosawsobinski1928 5 лет назад +61

      After credits:
      Deadpool wakes up in his armchair.
      Deadpool:What the fuck? (Looks at his nintendo console with a copy of "Detective Pikachu") Was that all just a cliche dream?"

    • @elisebolton8728
      @elisebolton8728 5 лет назад +7

      lol looks like we have another film theorist on our hands

    • @peterfrancis2330
      @peterfrancis2330 5 лет назад


    • @coddyclements2834
      @coddyclements2834 5 лет назад

      @Virasman Impossible

  • @Auk571
    @Auk571 4 года назад +90

    matpat: "it could be his father, but I want to tackle a diffrent option."
    me in 2021: :l

  • @TheMagnifikle
    @TheMagnifikle 5 лет назад +2067

    Or it could be using Pokémon Mystery Dungeon rules, where you are turned into a Pokémon and lose your memories...

    • @PeterGriffin11
      @PeterGriffin11 5 лет назад +103

      That could be possible but I still think its unlikely maybe it could even lead into a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon movie.

    • @Nyangamer-nk8ri
      @Nyangamer-nk8ri 5 лет назад +96


    • @theamazingzanetanium
      @theamazingzanetanium 5 лет назад +101

      This also goes with pikachu=dad theory

    • @xenondestiny
      @xenondestiny 5 лет назад +18


    • @bingbing2844
      @bingbing2844 5 лет назад +14

      That might be the case

  • @JaredTSM
    @JaredTSM 5 лет назад +3298

    I really want them to make a Pikachu joke in Deadpool 3.

    • @7HatimF16
      @7HatimF16 5 лет назад +19

      that would ruin a lot of things

    • @vissenekku
      @vissenekku 5 лет назад +86

      I feel like when Ryan got the offer to be Pikachu, that was his first thought as well.

    • @thatb33
      @thatb33 5 лет назад +33

      “What tf is a pokemon?”

    • @ElementiaYT
      @ElementiaYT 5 лет назад +18

      Who Is You? Or a dead pool joke in detective pikachu

    • @maritiafeighan7129
      @maritiafeighan7129 5 лет назад +43

      Ryan should get struck by lightning of something and then Deadpool should say "pikachu use thunderbolt, it was super effective"

  • @josemaverick5254
    @josemaverick5254 5 лет назад +512

    Pokémon waking up in the middle of nowhere and has lost all memories? Sounds like a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game.

    • @orcatwar9810
      @orcatwar9810 5 лет назад +41

      wait a min
      in every pokemon dungeon game you play a human who's trap in a pokemon body so maybe this is something like that
      maybe like he teased tim's dad is maybe pikachu

    • @bobbyhirasingh6259
      @bobbyhirasingh6259 5 лет назад +1

      @@orcatwar9810 shopie

    • @pixiedustsoup
      @pixiedustsoup 5 лет назад +7

      but in mystery dungeon explorers of time, you play as a human turned Pokémon who lost their memories after going through the portal.. right back into their own world at a different time. it could possibly be something like that?

    • @maritzachirinos1522
      @maritzachirinos1522 5 лет назад +1


    • @cringefailtastic
      @cringefailtastic 5 лет назад +5

      Pokemon getting turned into humans.... A human that went missing and a pokemon that "coincidentally" found its way to that missing humans son... Hmmmm

  • @froggygirl5707
    @froggygirl5707 4 года назад +47

    He literally said that he didn't think Pikachu was Tim's father, he just passed it like it was no big deal. I'm dying right now.

  • @Superdario9000
    @Superdario9000 5 лет назад +332

    Well, not to counter, but in the game, Detective Pikachu meets Ash's Pikachu. So...
    Maybe the movie is different.

    • @gregoryfenn1462
      @gregoryfenn1462 5 лет назад +8

      I wonder if you could make a link between this new pikachu's amnesia and some kind of multiple-personality disorder or schizophrenia?

    • @Superdario9000
      @Superdario9000 5 лет назад +8

      I don't know, hopefully when the movie releases we get more light on the matter, or it will end just like the game, less answers, more questions.

    • @marialopes3510
      @marialopes3510 5 лет назад +2

      I've watched the entire gameplay of the game, when does this happen? I can't seem to remember this.

    • @KanaidBlack
      @KanaidBlack 5 лет назад

      Maybe they are brothers in the movie?

    • @matchamochi781
      @matchamochi781 5 лет назад +5

      Flakyki It happens towards the beginning Tim leaves the detective agency and mistakes a pikachu for his pikachu, detective pikachu then translates a message from the other pikachu, saying that he wants to be the very best.

  • @annoyingcreativity
    @annoyingcreativity 5 лет назад +388

    post credits scene where Ash himself walks in and says "Mr. Goodman, I'd like to talk to you about the Elite Four Initiative" lmao

    • @estelaangeles2346
      @estelaangeles2346 5 лет назад +1

      I DON'T like nyrath

    • @mlemmage8449
      @mlemmage8449 5 лет назад +1

      is this a meme im not getting?

    • @alanshteyman1071
      @alanshteyman1071 5 лет назад +5

      @@mlemmage8449 iron man 1 end credits

    • @ultimagamer1163
      @ultimagamer1163 5 лет назад +1

      I want your house payment mmkaaaayyyy it’s from sll on RUclips

    • @fe7899
      @fe7899 5 лет назад

      Holy shit, I thought I was an uncultured brat when I first read this and didn't get it, until I remembered I watched Captain Marvel two days ago.

  • @maksarcher
    @maksarcher 5 лет назад +339

    "Oh cool, another film theory episode!"
    *5 mins in*
    "Wait, where's the intro?"

  • @kkylveon1958
    @kkylveon1958 4 года назад +103

    But here's the real question: Could Ash be the missing father??
    bUt hEy tHaT's jUsT a tHeOrY, a FiLm ThEoRy...AnD cUt!
    ** I watched the movie already and I know that Pikachu is Tim's father because his father's consciousness was switched with Pikachu's but that doesn't explain the true identity of Tim's father...**

    • @d.s8679
      @d.s8679 4 года назад +1

      Nice another one who did the same

    • @d.s8679
      @d.s8679 4 года назад +1

      Dont you feel like you wanna watch it again

    • @lydiasoares88
      @lydiasoares88 4 года назад +7

      I mean, Ash could be Tim's father's true identity that got swapped with his pikachu if it's true that detective pikachu is Ash's pikachu.

    • @Cvbee
      @Cvbee 3 года назад

      also still dosen't mean that pikachu dose not or did not belong to ash-

  • @blockbreaker8839
    @blockbreaker8839 5 лет назад +624

    if Ryan-Pikachu gets addicted to ketchup then its confirmed

    • @wyrdboi652
      @wyrdboi652 5 лет назад +24

      later on in the R rated version Pikachu gets addicted to meth and sells his body for drug money

    • @DuoVersal
      @DuoVersal 5 лет назад +4

      Chris Schaefer 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      😂👏 LOL👏😂

    • @msrgreed5602
      @msrgreed5602 5 лет назад +4

      Yes then he is sans

    • @ThatWolficorn
      @ThatWolficorn 5 лет назад +3

      No bc in the game, u run into another Pikachu and the two Pikachu start a conversation and it ends with your Pikachu saying "Ok! Tell you trainer to become the best like no-one ever was!'' as a nod to the other Pikachu being Ash's. The game is canon, not sure about the movie though

    • @katiecat6438
      @katiecat6438 5 лет назад

      me: why can't you just let matpat be free he's trying his best it was years ago just let it die
      also me: *leaves a like on this comment

  • @hoesmad832
    @hoesmad832 5 лет назад +755

    Matpat:Detective pikachu is ashes pikachu
    Detective Pikachu: I’m about to end this mans whole career

    • @hoesmad832
      @hoesmad832 5 лет назад +22

      It’s what you call a “joke”

    • @jorjafrey2824
      @jorjafrey2824 5 лет назад +2


    • @gazzagamer5419
      @gazzagamer5419 5 лет назад +8

      SC Trickster it’s a joke, it’s supposed to be funny. he’s not just hating on matpat

    • @aspol12
      @aspol12 5 лет назад

      5 Subscribers and no videos WOAH what’s that

    • @lucaschen6975
      @lucaschen6975 5 лет назад +3

      matpat: surprised pikachu face

  • @always5809
    @always5809 5 лет назад +490

    Thanks MatPat for making me not be able to unsee croissant belly charizard

    • @owl8492
      @owl8492 5 лет назад +7

      Ash is Tim's dad

    • @hiddeninplainsight1232
      @hiddeninplainsight1232 5 лет назад

      @@owl8492 but ash is eternally 10. He cannot age.

    • @ksuiatasumone
      @ksuiatasumone 5 лет назад

      @@hiddeninplainsight1232 reee

    • @boubusboy5039
      @boubusboy5039 5 лет назад

      banana gamer sorry to be a grammar nazi but himbis seriously

  • @dracojaco7131
    @dracojaco7131 5 лет назад +75

    "or if pikachu is his father" matpat you son of a gun was write

  • @jupsiis
    @jupsiis 5 лет назад +686

    Pokemon episode one:
    Ash: I'll take any pokemon professor!
    Oak: Ok but this is a special pikachu
    Ash: it's ok I'll take him anyway
    Pikachu: I have a son named Tim
    Ash: *oh*

  • @mizfuI
    @mizfuI 5 лет назад +300

    pikachu: i dont remember anything
    matpat: hold my beer

  • @srmistick7706
    @srmistick7706 5 лет назад +330

    Plot twist
    Pikachu is actually related to the mcu

    • @TheRezro
      @TheRezro 5 лет назад +2

      It is My Little Ponies, not Pokemon. Pokey's Monsters are related to Earthbound.

    • @spacegandalf8837
      @spacegandalf8837 5 лет назад +11

      Pikachu will defeat Thanos!

    • @saki1333
      @saki1333 5 лет назад

      More like Fox

    • @ramzyahmed8730
      @ramzyahmed8730 5 лет назад

      He lives in thanoses chin

    • @Newt2799
      @Newt2799 5 лет назад +1

      Sam L Jackson turns out to be Tim's dad

  • @tracytron7162
    @tracytron7162 5 лет назад +22

    7:20 You know there’s this little thing called body language and intuition, right? Like if you hear someone speaking a language that you don’t know but you do know the context of the situation as well as can hear the tone of their voice, you can probably get a pretty good idea of what they’re trying to say

  • @grottosstuff
    @grottosstuff 5 лет назад +155

    > Pikachu wakes up with Amnesia
    > Able to recognize and "speak" English
    > Amnesia
    This movie is actually a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon teaser Kappa

    • @kingstonpastonross9521
      @kingstonpastonross9521 5 лет назад +3

      Honestly, I thought the same thing tbh

    • @terranhunter5877
      @terranhunter5877 5 лет назад +1

      Watch Matpat’s Finding Dory theories 😂

    • @TheAtemAndrew
      @TheAtemAndrew 5 лет назад +1

      I was gonna say. Question the 'canon' of the PMD games, but there's allegedly grounds for people turning into pokemon in the pokedex (even before rotem started trying to creep you out) and then there's the human-to-pokemon gainax that is the Mystery Dungeon games. Oh and can't forget Ashachu or poor Bill. Unless Tim's father was a detective, I'd be willing to bet it was more a friend or coworker than actually being Tim's father.

    • @bendytubegaming
      @bendytubegaming 5 лет назад

      So he’s a human termed into a pokemon

    • @desentintodarkness7254
      @desentintodarkness7254 5 лет назад

      Why master..........b@te when it goes against god?

  • @alabaster4106
    @alabaster4106 5 лет назад +609

    Matpat: the theorist pokemon
    Type: normal
    This extraordinary Pokémon has the leg strength to jump to MANY conclusions.

    • @lalatendupdeo4398
      @lalatendupdeo4398 5 лет назад

      Hope this Pokemon was there in a Pokemon universe

    • @starbreaker6740
      @starbreaker6740 5 лет назад +2


    • @rakibrayhan112
      @rakibrayhan112 5 лет назад +7

      Surely he's a physcic type

    • @parthsaxena6435
      @parthsaxena6435 5 лет назад +4

      Matpat changes to film theorist
      Film theorists changes to game theorist

    • @anna.owo.
      @anna.owo. 5 лет назад +2

      Matpat: The theorist pokemon
      Type: physic
      As physic type he have the ability to confuse, control, make you believe anything or mind blow his enemies also he is very good to analyze things which is very good for survival and battle but easily make conclusion which isn't so good but the most times end good for him.. Some times people get annoyed from him but those people just have not brain cells for him to control.. He likes diet cola.. Also you saw that Pokémon in packs and are very connected with their family

  • @USM-1610
    @USM-1610 5 лет назад +1378

    Matpat: “Maybe pikachu IS Tim’s father?”
    Me a time traveler: “Oh, so you watched the movie?”
    Matpat: “No not yet- wait I was right? I WAS ACTUALLY RIGHT?!”

    • @carolinewald3109
      @carolinewald3109 4 года назад +9


    • @YoshiAwesum23
      @YoshiAwesum23 4 года назад +8


    • @oefest5252
      @oefest5252 4 года назад +20

      And all this time he was using EASTER EGGS as clues.
      He is the densest cabbage we know

    • @zawaadahsan8132
      @zawaadahsan8132 4 года назад +2

      No you weren't right matpat

    • @weebosama5219
      @weebosama5219 4 года назад +1

      You should watch this...( ◜‿◝ )♡видео.html

  • @mofutans
    @mofutans 4 года назад +5

    matpat is like pikachu, solving a HUGE mystery by trying to solve another one

  • @Furebel
    @Furebel 5 лет назад +271

    Mewtwo: _Your father has been with you the whole time_
    MatPat: *throws popcorn* _I KNEW IT! FINALLY I INVENTED A THEORY THAT WORKS! kinda..._

  • @mouldynoodle4377
    @mouldynoodle4377 5 лет назад +237

    Aaaand, there is one last thing you missed. In one of the trailers, Pikachu stands on Tim's shoulder, only for Tim to reply with "No, we're not doing that"
    Just like how Ash's pikachu stands on his shoulder.

    • @thenightassassin24
      @thenightassassin24 5 лет назад +30

      What if ash is Tim's dad and only ash's family can understand pikachu.i think your on to something

    • @franklinsummers9006
      @franklinsummers9006 5 лет назад +4

      @@thenightassassin24 thats what i thought too

    • @thisispeakhuman4945
      @thisispeakhuman4945 5 лет назад +3

      But if this were true, that would mean warner pulled a deathnote and changed ashes last name to goodman

    • @franklinsummers9006
      @franklinsummers9006 5 лет назад

      @@thisispeakhuman4945 coudn't it just be an alias, 'cause isn't there the thing where he may have faked his own death?

    • @graywolfdracon
      @graywolfdracon 5 лет назад +3

      @@thisispeakhuman4945 or Goodman could be his Mom's last name. After all Ash had an absent father who was a trainer and basically never came back. Maybe Ash does the same thing here.

  • @ZerosBrainMushHouse
    @ZerosBrainMushHouse 3 года назад +1

    1:55 Don't brush that stuff off, MatPat. Because you were right in that little throw away gag!

  • @CardinalSkull
    @CardinalSkull 5 лет назад +78

    Matt: "cReEpY mAn VoIcE"

    • @DJDipstick
      @DJDipstick 5 лет назад +4

      It's a creepy man voice

    • @giboit.
      @giboit. 5 лет назад +3

      I agree.

  • @tryxdc
    @tryxdc 5 лет назад +661

    Normal people: I'm gonna watch this cute film :D
    Matpat: I'm going to find out how pikachu is a cannibal and is trying to end the world!
    Me: .....

  • @juliafrantz2447
    @juliafrantz2447 5 лет назад +423


    • @gameniscord_5167
      @gameniscord_5167 5 лет назад +18

      It was kind of obvious when they kept mentioning Tim’s father and how Tim is the only one who can understand him

    • @Roadent1241
      @Roadent1241 5 лет назад +4

      And if you've played the game it's kind of obvious even though I thad a different ending? XD

    • @tystall2930
      @tystall2930 5 лет назад +2

      How did you not?

    • @noneyabizness4634
      @noneyabizness4634 5 лет назад +1

      Nintendo is "original" but they can't think of more original content most the time.

    • @andymiller1707
      @andymiller1707 5 лет назад +1

      It was kinda obvious

  • @BaggageCafe
    @BaggageCafe 3 года назад +1

    Matpat: or heck, is Tim's father
    Me after watching the movie: *Confused Pikachu noises*

  • @rockwood97
    @rockwood97 5 лет назад +751

    pikachu: breaths,
    mat pat: you know who else breaths?... ASH'S pIKAChU!

  • @elliotwarren1090
    @elliotwarren1090 5 лет назад +228

    Mat: or heck, IS Tim’s missing father
    Me: 👀

  • @wickedgligar1353
    @wickedgligar1353 5 лет назад +279

    But imagine if Pikachu talking in “I Choose You” had been voiced by Ryan Reynolds...

  • @madzeille
    @madzeille 4 года назад +33

    99% of people: Matpat solved a mystery. 1% of people: Something about Tim being Ash's son or something like that

    • @lydiasoares88
      @lydiasoares88 4 года назад +1

      Never know Ash could've swapped bodies with his pikachu that could possibly be Detective pikachu.

    • @Cvbee
      @Cvbee 3 года назад +1

      I mEaN yOu NeVeR KnOw Y'KnoW

  • @averyj3492
    @averyj3492 5 лет назад +460

    Theory: This is not his dad.
    Detective Pikachu: Wrong.

    • @twigparodies8067
      @twigparodies8067 5 лет назад +5

      thanks for the spoil.. I ain’t watching the movie now

    • @venicedejesus9880
      @venicedejesus9880 5 лет назад +10

      @@twigparodies8067 u should still watch it since thats the only spoiler he gave. There's *more* :D
      Its a legit movie with a slight twist

    • @averyj3492
      @averyj3492 5 лет назад +2

      I did not mean to spoil. But I thought you could get the jist when I made it so you had to click a button. I’m sorry you we’re upset over my comment?

    • @twigparodies8067
      @twigparodies8067 5 лет назад +1

      @@averyj3492 it fine

    • @Sweetroll_Wolfie
      @Sweetroll_Wolfie 5 лет назад +1

      @@twigparodies8067 It's still worth seein' it. Trust me.

  • @happyconstructor
    @happyconstructor 5 лет назад +661

    “Or, heck, *is* Tim’s missing father”
    That was a joke right? Wow

    • @MizoreSYO
      @MizoreSYO 5 лет назад +2


    • @xdbbe123
      @xdbbe123 5 лет назад +1


    • @angie-qr9os
      @angie-qr9os 5 лет назад +15

      watch the movie and *find out* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • @mj-yo7vt
      @mj-yo7vt 5 лет назад +2

      that's my boy right there

    • @heheheiamasuperstarwarrior9281
      @heheheiamasuperstarwarrior9281 5 лет назад +19

      Heres the real question: if detective pikachu IS his father, WHO FUCKED HIM???

  • @Ash-qe7uo
    @Ash-qe7uo 5 лет назад +323

    MatPat, you missed something! In Tim's bedroom, it shows a poster of a Charizard fight in CERULEAN arena!

    • @danielotano9956
      @danielotano9956 5 лет назад +8

      a clear cut of the magmar and charizard fight

    • @SelahKrassenstein
      @SelahKrassenstein 5 лет назад +10

      Also, even though MatPat lightly touched on this, when Pikachu talks about being lonely he says it "HAS been so lonely. This means two things 1. Pikachu must have been able to talk to someone before as the "has" suggests that this isn't there the first time that Pikachu has been able to talk to someone and that he has been deprived of it and, now, been given it back. This is further shown by his desperation to be with Tim showing that he really needs to be able to talk to a human for no other apparent reason. Additionally, there is 2. Why would Pikachu be lonely in the first place? He is a pokemon and thus, it would be normal for him to socialize with other poke,om and yet, he desires human connection for not only being in their presence but also it talking to them. This would only be able to be logically explained by him already having a history with talking to humans and/or having a past history of travelling with humans. Thus, while not immediately proving that he is Ash's Pikachu, it heavily suggests that he has had a prior history of talking with them.

    • @sheridan5175
      @sheridan5175 5 лет назад +3

      Selah Krassenstein how does that relate to the comment you're replying to

    • @danielotano9956
      @danielotano9956 5 лет назад

      @CoronaSun761 321 I Think They Did

    • @danielotano9956
      @danielotano9956 5 лет назад

      @@SelahKrassenstein Yeah I Have No Idea About To Why Pikachu Was Lonely And Tim Being Able To Know About Pikachu Talking And Ash's Pikachu From I Choose You Flim

  • @the8thdeadlysin410
    @the8thdeadlysin410 4 года назад +13

    What if ash is Tim’s dad and ash and pikachu merged like we saw everyone else do with their main Pokémon at the end of the movie

    • @uRyL.
      @uRyL. 3 года назад +1


    • @Mysterious463
      @Mysterious463 3 года назад +1

      Wait so does that mean detective pikachu takes place after the events of the amine?

    • @Mysterious463
      @Mysterious463 3 года назад +1

      That would make sense because in the amine we never saw rhyme city maybe because when ash was younger the city didn't exist yet

  • @poweroffriendship2.0
    @poweroffriendship2.0 5 лет назад +212

    _Woops! I dropped my monster Pokeball for my magnum Pikachu._
    *~ Frank Reynolds 2019*

    • @blu2101
      @blu2101 5 лет назад +1


    • @kwonghahn163
      @kwonghahn163 5 лет назад +1


    • @kwonghahn163
      @kwonghahn163 5 лет назад


    • @kwonghahn163
      @kwonghahn163 5 лет назад +1

      조용기목사닝 설교말씀을드립니다.오늘

    • @kwonghahn163
      @kwonghahn163 5 лет назад


  • @joeysingh8289
    @joeysingh8289 5 лет назад +830

    Mat come on, if it were Ash's Pikachu, he'd be addicted to ketchup and not coffee

    • @stpidstuff
      @stpidstuff 5 лет назад +21

      yes that's so true

    • @Phip07
      @Phip07 5 лет назад +14

      Yeah you can tell from the scene in X and Y when the group meets Korina right before getting to Geosenge town when Korina asks Pikachu to put its and print in her Jornal then Pikachu licks the ketchup

    • @nathaniel6150
      @nathaniel6150 5 лет назад +5

      Yas your profile pic My Hero Academia!!!! Pls excuse my fangirling :)

    • @tainted_auras
      @tainted_auras 5 лет назад +2


    • @radiatorboi6281
      @radiatorboi6281 5 лет назад +4

      Well, all of that was just from the trailer. There may be some scenes in the movie with Pikachu eating ketchup. But you're right.

  • @jensbrunsgaardclausen8097
    @jensbrunsgaardclausen8097 5 лет назад +165

    Pikachu: drinks tea one time

    • @nexogeo6949
      @nexogeo6949 5 лет назад +5

      Clawzon I know who his dad is it's ash that's why he can understand pikachu plus pikachu came to him

    • @the_real_rascal
      @the_real_rascal 5 лет назад

      @@nexogeo6949 that's exactly what I was thinking

    • @_stealth_313
      @_stealth_313 5 лет назад

      Levin Aiden Ryan’s Dad’s name is Harry. Your theory is debunked.

    • @Mysterious463
      @Mysterious463 2 месяца назад

      @@_stealth_313 But, what if Ash became very famous as a Pokemon trainer, but because he got to much unwanted attention, he changed his name to Harry Goodman to drive away that unwanted attention.
      Basically "Harry Goodman" is Ash's alter ego.

  • @CesarACastillo
    @CesarACastillo 2 года назад +3

    Brock made coffee for himself in the anime. He even mentions that Misty and Ash are too young to drink it.

  • @Clum_06
    @Clum_06 5 лет назад +142

    Me: sees title
    Also me: pikachu is sans

  • @sethvilla7837
    @sethvilla7837 5 лет назад +397

    I find it funny how he actually says the and at the beginning but goes on with the theory 😂1:55

  • @CanadianDan854
    @CanadianDan854 5 лет назад +922

    Detective Pickachu’s secret identity...
    _He’s actually a ditto._

    • @adriancsanchezr
      @adriancsanchezr 5 лет назад +22

      I DITTO that!
      I’ll leave

    • @robertpoole9707
      @robertpoole9707 5 лет назад +32

      But... It's confirmed that a Rotom can talk if given a device that's programmed accordingly... so... maybe...
      Detective Pikachu is a Ditto that transformed into a machine to get possessed by Rotom and then transformed back into Pikachu while Rotom's still inside it.

    • @emilyking2288
      @emilyking2288 5 лет назад


    • @wumbo3253
      @wumbo3253 5 лет назад


    • @nolongerhd6415
      @nolongerhd6415 5 лет назад +1

      Ditto this Ditto that

  • @laurentheseagull4785
    @laurentheseagull4785 3 года назад +3

    MatPat at the end of the vid: Did we crack the case?
    Me: yes, but not in the way you think

  • @crab5862
    @crab5862 5 лет назад +123

    I always wanted Pikachu saying "GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"

    • @MarkEdwardRom
      @MarkEdwardRom 5 лет назад

      i want a detective pikachu phoenix wright crossover!

  • @argemations
    @argemations 5 лет назад +274

    Okay, I know this is off the topic of Pokemon, but I just gotta appreciate MatPat's "The Good Place" reference at 9:12 there 👏

  • @seannamonroe5350
    @seannamonroe5350 5 лет назад +74

    When your offhand comment less than 3 minutes into the theory turns out to be true

  • @waveywaves0
    @waveywaves0 4 года назад +6

    I actually think that the dad IS Ash Ketchup! Want evidence? At the end of the movie;
    Dad: I would love a coffee.
    Picichu: Pika pika!
    Dad: I think he would like that.

  • @awildpokefan7419
    @awildpokefan7419 5 лет назад +390

    New theory Ash is Tim’s dad...
    Aw crap this is apparently invalid cause Ash doesn’t age.

    • @JoAnHe0604
      @JoAnHe0604 5 лет назад

      Call me Christian my name is also Christian

    • @peachyplum
      @peachyplum 5 лет назад +6

      Also, Tim's dad's name is Harry

    • @dunzosquad4465
      @dunzosquad4465 5 лет назад +3

      but misty isnt black :(

    • @zydreb.5934
      @zydreb.5934 5 лет назад +3

      What if Brock is tims father? That would explain his race and still provide a connection to ash.

    • @rosiemeggie
      @rosiemeggie 5 лет назад +1

      Dude I have so many thoughts that connect to that. I was trying to find a comment like this

  • @interesting_emma3349
    @interesting_emma3349 5 лет назад +141

    Mat pat probably watched the movie and thought “FU-“

  • @devvydoesstuff
    @devvydoesstuff 5 лет назад +353

    “Is Tim’s father”

  • @misfitskarma9383
    @misfitskarma9383 4 года назад +7

    This is what happens when you dig too much, the answer that you worked hard looking for is the answer that's always right beside you all this time.

  • @justas423
    @justas423 5 лет назад +240

    Actually: Mind blown is an OFFICIAL fire type move that does half your health in recoil but has high damage.

    • @dumbbumsc5329
      @dumbbumsc5329 5 лет назад +2

      Seems to fit in very well here then

    • @display7760
      @display7760 5 лет назад +7

      May take three thirds of health if used with a big theory such as “the most deadly Disney movie”

    • @dumbbumsc5329
      @dumbbumsc5329 5 лет назад +6

      @@display7760 basically the more crazy the theory the closer it comes to being self destruct 😂

    • @GhimyDaCheese
      @GhimyDaCheese 5 лет назад +1

      Yea that's...blacephalons signature move isn't it?

    • @maplecrystals7935
      @maplecrystals7935 5 лет назад

      @@GhimyDaCheese yup :D

  • @meatkirbo
    @meatkirbo 5 лет назад +199

    6:51 Actually, Ash said, in his 6th Kalos gym battle(I forgot her name),"I can't understand him, I just get what he means."

    • @warsquirtoise8983
      @warsquirtoise8983 5 лет назад +10

      I remember that moment 👅👅👅

    • @r.j.penfold
      @r.j.penfold 5 лет назад +16

      Yeah, it seems more like the connection between Ash and Greninja. They're just incredibly in sync.

    • @ДмитрийМордовин-ъ3ю
      @ДмитрийМордовин-ъ3ю 5 лет назад +18

      He could've said that so no one would think that he's insane.

    • @iwatchyoutubeyay8447
      @iwatchyoutubeyay8447 5 лет назад +2

      Yea and I think it was corelia

    • @erluq9309
      @erluq9309 5 лет назад +5

      Дмитрий Мордовин Sure man, a kids show would definitely do something like that

  • @stereokittenn169
    @stereokittenn169 5 лет назад +292

    When Matt makes a whole theory based on a Trailer
    *wHat hAS tHiS wORlD cOME tO*

    • @galacto8769
      @galacto8769 5 лет назад +2

      He’s done that a lot... and they are always wrong

    • @mangaalyse2502
      @mangaalyse2502 5 лет назад +1

      @@galacto8769 Right! XD, I feel like it is just a meme now, and that these theories are just for fun, until the movie comes out, and then welp.... looks like he is wrong again, but oh well, at least it was fun to think about.

    • @Kinggabriel86
      @Kinggabriel86 5 лет назад +1

      @@mangaalyse2502 and yet you still watch his channel .

    • @mangaalyse2502
      @mangaalyse2502 5 лет назад

      @@Kinggabriel86 Yep! And I still very much enjoy his content. Even though he isn't always right, I have fun listening to his speculation. I think that is what makes his channel, not his correctness, but the journey of his thoughts. It doesn't always have to be correct, to be enjoyable.

    • @Dolphinjamez
      @Dolphinjamez 5 лет назад

      @@galacto8769 Not the Endgame death theory.

  • @symphonyofaria
    @symphonyofaria 5 лет назад +1

    Equating tea with coffee. The souls of a million British cried out in pain

  • @harrisonburgeron
    @harrisonburgeron 5 лет назад +73

    More evidence for the jigglypuff statement, the man next to the jigglypuff is sleeping, and it looked like the jigglypuff was about to uncap the marker, but got interrupted.

  • @onecrazybacon7949
    @onecrazybacon7949 5 лет назад +1158

    I just came back from seeing an early pre-screening of the movie, and I can say that almost everything he said was dead wrong.

    • @basicskellie
      @basicskellie 5 лет назад +175


    • @maeveybaby2062
      @maeveybaby2062 5 лет назад +36

      Onecrazy Bacon and Phan.Ryden.Cestiel hence why this is a THEORY. Theory meaning guessing the story behind something.

    • @burstingstitches
      @burstingstitches 5 лет назад +47

      @@basicskellie He said it himself, he went for the fun theory over the obvious answer. Which I suppose makes sense for a 10 minute theory video.

    • @strifenineteen
      @strifenineteen 5 лет назад +54

      He said at the beginning that detective Pikachu was probably his father, he just decided to go with the fun theory.

    • @onecrazybacon7949
      @onecrazybacon7949 5 лет назад +2

      Mr.Pikachu the Sayori fan my parents have a friend that works at a movie theatre and got me and my dad some early pre-screening tickets

  • @danharold5055
    @danharold5055 5 лет назад +236

    mat: *"is Pikachu Tim's dad...?"*
    me: Finally afters years in this channel you got a movie theory right....

    • @chuyuen
      @chuyuen 5 лет назад +4

      Drape Nailed Talaoha detective Pikachu took place 20 years after mewtwo strikes back

    • @Thikachu
      @Thikachu 4 года назад +8

      ...Only to spend the whole episode making an entirely differently theory...

    • @gachaguy2576
      @gachaguy2576 4 года назад


  • @watchingandvibing
    @watchingandvibing 5 лет назад +1

    Though he ultimately skipped over the exact correct end, the idea and evidence of Pikachu understanding their long-time-partners are amazing, despite never being confirmed. Great vid XD

    @HTPCYMC 5 лет назад +2115

    Detective Pikachu is actually _Sans from Undertale_

  • @blackfire3744
    @blackfire3744 5 лет назад +199

    I think the next subject mat should cover should be the magic school bus. There's no way that how Ms. Frizzle teaches is legal. There's no way she got permission slips for all her impromptu field trips, child endangerment, child abandonment and so on. There's no way the school board would allow her type of lesson plan. And she's done this to multiple groups of children.
    Get on it matpat!!!

    • @elisebolton8728
      @elisebolton8728 5 лет назад +7

      lol. DO IT MATPAT.

    • @coddyclements2834
      @coddyclements2834 5 лет назад +3

      They killed arnold in space..
      Wait is that the yellow kids name?

    • @rebeccahollen1238
      @rebeccahollen1238 5 лет назад +1

      Yeah mat some illegal stuff is
      happening here and judge mat needs to set it straight

    • @patrickwashere1
      @patrickwashere1 5 лет назад +1

      Some girl got turned into a flower how many things are illegal with that alone

  • @sophiaibarra524
    @sophiaibarra524 5 лет назад +210

    Tim's dad is missing.
    Ash's Pikachu is missing.
    Tim finds a random Pikachu who doesn't remember his past.
    He can also understand him.
    Why can Tim understand him, of all people?
    Could it... run in the family?
    I'm surprised you didn't pick up on this, MatPat.
    The final piece of evidence.

    • @ーテイル
      @ーテイル 5 лет назад +21

      So, ash chaged his name to "Ash goodman"?

    • @crash3300
      @crash3300 5 лет назад +5

      correct :]

    • @arcadianfl4m3nl98
      @arcadianfl4m3nl98 5 лет назад +4

      Tarkanamastecito mom? Who is the mom? And what if its a cousin? Just saying.

    • @AlfredoPuente8
      @AlfredoPuente8 5 лет назад +7

      Brock is Gary Oak sister.

    • @EpicBowlingChamp
      @EpicBowlingChamp 5 лет назад +10

      No clearly Tim changed his last name because he hated the pun

  • @BlueAmpharos
    @BlueAmpharos 2 года назад +1

    0:57 That actually... makes a lot of sense. It's a charizard in an illegal fighting competition for winning money so him/her being a bit underfed and emancipated actually makes sense in the context we see the charizard in.

  • @-4subscriberswithahammerad521
    @-4subscriberswithahammerad521 5 лет назад +269

    His secret identity is deadpool, of course

    • @MagnusTNT
      @MagnusTNT 5 лет назад +5

      No he's Ernest Hemingway

    • @TheMyuken
      @TheMyuken 5 лет назад +6

      He is Deadpool's secret identity

    • @shelleyallan6042
      @shelleyallan6042 5 лет назад +2

      Or it’s Deadpool’s dream

    • @vm4952
      @vm4952 5 лет назад +1

      *D U H*

  • @Lodestone8
    @Lodestone8 5 лет назад +143

    Well Matpat my theory is that detective pikachu is Ashe's and Ash may indeed be Tim's dad.

    • @joshuasanchez8980
      @joshuasanchez8980 5 лет назад +7

      Wow thats actually smart but I think its to much of a big leap

    • @Lodestone8
      @Lodestone8 5 лет назад +2

      @@joshuasanchez8980 Maybe

    • @ChosenMan37
      @ChosenMan37 5 лет назад +2

      Ash the Japanese guy is the black guys dad?

    • @abdulaziz-alharbi5437
      @abdulaziz-alharbi5437 5 лет назад +1

      Well i don’t want to be the one calling the big guns🙂then
      Why is he black?!?!?

    • @Lodestone8
      @Lodestone8 5 лет назад +3

      @@abdulaziz-alharbi5437 Maybe his mum was?

  • @anonymousaccount4483
    @anonymousaccount4483 5 лет назад +96

    Detective Pikachu has a post credits scene setting up the Nintendo Cinematic Universe

    • @Iliadic
      @Iliadic 5 лет назад +4

      N! C! UUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
      I was not expecting all this to happen.

    • @denkunn430
      @denkunn430 5 лет назад

      Y E S

    • @Trick27
      @Trick27 5 лет назад +4

      Why an NCU? I want a pure PCU!

    • @HeavyMetalMouse
      @HeavyMetalMouse 5 лет назад +1

      Gritty reboot of Captain N, the Game Master, with a bunch of Nintendo characters teamed up Avengers style? Hey, I'd watch it. :)

    • @Trick27
      @Trick27 5 лет назад

      @@HeavyMetalMouse well, I wouldn't. No offense

  • @Kat-el8fg
    @Kat-el8fg 5 лет назад +5

    At 4:58 you can see a person sleeping and him drawing on him.

  • @Dplanes2.0
    @Dplanes2.0 5 лет назад +269

    Warner bros: * looks at film theory*
    Darn, we have to change the story now

    • @maskedtrashpanda
      @maskedtrashpanda 5 лет назад +4


    • @thedoctorlegacy
      @thedoctorlegacy 5 лет назад +11

      I feel like this is exactly what happens at Warner bros

    • @mjm3091
      @mjm3091 5 лет назад +3

      but it is based on already released games lol

    • @kiryulover317
      @kiryulover317 5 лет назад

      Not if they're following the video game, they don't.

    • @pinkyheart4476
      @pinkyheart4476 5 лет назад +1


  • @nathee3719
    @nathee3719 5 лет назад +404

    In my opinion, they're not clues just easter eggs for Pokemon fans

    • @cgc6998
      @cgc6998 5 лет назад +1

      So true

    • @mihamiakino1
      @mihamiakino1 5 лет назад

      the Theory might be an AprilFools joke

    • @cgc6998
      @cgc6998 5 лет назад

      @@mihamiakino1 it came out before April 1st

    • @mihamiakino1
      @mihamiakino1 5 лет назад +1

      Dragon master Chris just 2 days before tho, besides, it’s stupid not to refer to the detective pikachu which the movie clearly stated its based on

    • @cgc6998
      @cgc6998 5 лет назад

      @@mihamiakino1 yeah you're right

  • @RicardoMenson
    @RicardoMenson 5 лет назад +70

    Normal person: Haha, nice reference with the microphone.

    • @bigman5823
      @bigman5823 5 лет назад +3

      RicardoJenson how did you misspell pikachu, THE SECOND TIME YOUN SPELLED IT!?

    • @Percy0412
      @Percy0412 5 лет назад +12

      @@bigman5823 How did you misspell "you" the second time you spelled it?

    • @littlemickey8686
      @littlemickey8686 5 лет назад +2

      @@Percy0412 pft

    • @catherinerey789
      @catherinerey789 5 лет назад +1

      that comeback though 😂

  • @kumara6665
    @kumara6665 2 года назад +1

    Love how he got one of his small theories correct in the movie

  • @jimmy9630
    @jimmy9630 5 лет назад +122

    That moment when the dismissed theory at the begining is the most accurate...

    • @genuineinterest
      @genuineinterest 5 лет назад +4

      ((Shh! Put a spoiler alert on that for the others!!))

    • @slevinchannel7589
      @slevinchannel7589 5 лет назад +1

      It was Always obvious the Pikachu is the Father. Funny that People thought it's Ash's one. Even These Game/Film Theorists!

    • @twigparodies8067
      @twigparodies8067 5 лет назад

      Well- I’m not watching the movie you just spoiled

    • @jimmy9630
      @jimmy9630 5 лет назад +1

      You honestly can't expect to go into the comments on a RUclips video about a movie, and not expect to see a spoiler. I'm sorry you think you deserve a warning.

  • @amokriinprolgiid3409
    @amokriinprolgiid3409 5 лет назад +157

    If this theory was somehow true, it'd really beg the question, where is Ash, the immortal 10 year old?

    • @hanakoisbestgirl4752
      @hanakoisbestgirl4752 5 лет назад +10

      Dead and rotting in a gutter

    • @amokriinprolgiid3409
      @amokriinprolgiid3409 5 лет назад +5

      @@hanakoisbestgirl4752, what part of I'M MORTAL 10 year old do you not understand?

    • @dchhhadarklight2428
      @dchhhadarklight2428 5 лет назад +8

      @@amokriinprolgiid3409 Team Rocket accidentally killed him also being immortal does not make you invulnerable

    • @pyrojack8230
      @pyrojack8230 5 лет назад +8

      @@amokriinprolgiid3409 Immortal doesnt mean indestructable
      He might live forever, but you can probably kill him.

    • @amokriinprolgiid3409
      @amokriinprolgiid3409 5 лет назад

      @@pyrojack8230 immortal means unkillable. So, you can dismember an immortal being, but the individual parts would still be alive.

  • @Hackieeeee
    @Hackieeeee 5 лет назад +1201

    "Is Tim's missing father"

    • @TuckyBlue
      @TuckyBlue 5 лет назад +2

      I had that theory.

    • @yazzer4963
      @yazzer4963 5 лет назад +5

      thanks for spoiling the movie

    • @Hjh826
      @Hjh826 5 лет назад +5

      @@yazzer4963 pikachu isn't even his dad lol. Tim's dad switched bodies with pikachu. Also iron man dies in endgame

    • @Hackieeeee
      @Hackieeeee 5 лет назад +1

      @@yazzer4963 *Shrugs*

    • @harrymilesaway7580
      @harrymilesaway7580 5 лет назад +2

      I was arguing with my mate about this I betted £26 thanks movie free 26 quid

  • @user-qy3cn5zb5p
    @user-qy3cn5zb5p 4 года назад +3

    MatPat: cognitive dissonance
    me: this food is SO good....but it's SO bad for me..

  • @googleisacruelmistress1910
    @googleisacruelmistress1910 5 лет назад +208

    Pikachu having amnesia... I call hacks!
    That's funnier if you know pikachu can't use that move

    • @jshua8113
      @jshua8113 5 лет назад +2


    • @endermaniac1964
      @endermaniac1964 5 лет назад +4

      Bruh this is not a game... Wait..........

    • @googleisacruelmistress1910
      @googleisacruelmistress1910 5 лет назад +7

      @@OverbiteGames Do you even game brah? Amnesia effects only the pokemon that used it and there are a fair amount of moves like that...

    • @tafram3342
      @tafram3342 5 лет назад +1

      you kinda ruined the joke

    • @soulcrusherx29
      @soulcrusherx29 5 лет назад +1

      Hey everyone, do you know Pikachu in the anime Also forgets his abilities every season or so? That's another connection

  • @crayz132
    @crayz132 5 лет назад +51

    There are actual moments in the anime where Ash is asked (incredulousely) if he can understand his Pikachu and (of course) responds yes.

  • @alessiocorterealcorreia986
    @alessiocorterealcorreia986 5 лет назад +492

    What if that Pikachu is just
    His father's Pikachu
    Is simplier and you know
    Plot reasons

    • @saraskinner6151
      @saraskinner6151 5 лет назад +34

      Alessio Corte Real Correia what if his father were ash?

    • @saraskinner6151
      @saraskinner6151 5 лет назад +1

      Jacob Tidwell ah i see

    • @alessiocorterealcorreia986
      @alessiocorterealcorreia986 5 лет назад +1

      @@saraskinner6151 now that's fucked up
      Who is the mom

    • @Toby-Wan_Kenobi
      @Toby-Wan_Kenobi 5 лет назад

      Good ol' movie logic.

    • @mrsbasia122
      @mrsbasia122 5 лет назад +5

      @Jacob Tidwell He could have taken his wife's name because of all the unwanted fame from being a pokemon master. Not a good environment to raise a child in.

  • @lilasutton4436
    @lilasutton4436 3 года назад +1

    Ya, that corkboard turned out to have made a pretty *wrong* compelling possibility.

  • @deftoner1919
    @deftoner1919 5 лет назад +508

    I just saw detective Pikachu and when he said Pikachu is his father I was like THE FIRST THEORY HE GOT RIGHT

    • @LuizHenrique9406
      @LuizHenrique9406 5 лет назад +41

      And then just yeet this simple answer out of the fucking way to came up with some crazy and complex theory
      That's the Matpat I know

    • @captaininsane9101
      @captaininsane9101 5 лет назад +2

      Then it's not a theory anymore

    • @michelleholguin2226
      @michelleholguin2226 5 лет назад

      I know right oh and by the way I barely just seen it

    • @Light_novel_reader
      @Light_novel_reader 5 лет назад +1

      Now he needs Star Wars

    • @fuzzara_
      @fuzzara_ 4 года назад +1

      @@Light_novel_reader i have good news...

  • @minhalhassan6151
    @minhalhassan6151 5 лет назад +178

    *Sees Detective Pikachu Trailer*
    *Sees this theory as a MAJOR Poke-fan*
    There's another similarity between Tim and Ash in particular,which's a main part of the movie:
    *_They both are yearning to meet their Dads..._*

    • @theskullboy8700
      @theskullboy8700 5 лет назад +4

      Honestly this is so crazy it might just work

    • @minhalhassan6151
      @minhalhassan6151 5 лет назад +3

      To be completely honest,it would probably be the best video-game movie plot twist of all time if it happened. xD

    • @theskullboy8700
      @theskullboy8700 5 лет назад +1

      Is that really a feat though considering the competition?

    • @minhalhassan6151
      @minhalhassan6151 5 лет назад

      I was thinking the same thing while writing this entire time actually,but hey--it'd be a start! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • @sleuthelle
      @sleuthelle 5 лет назад +1

      Eh Tim knew his dad but he went missing due to an "accident" involving a drug of sorts. Not to burst your bubble, just stating that little discrepancy.

  • @Mathtron5000
    @Mathtron5000 5 лет назад +67

    Ok so for MatPat saying that AshChu can speak language that Ash can understand, he uses the non-canon movie, from which the movies in general have questionable canonisity, instead of how Pikachu actually speaks in the actual anime, by using specific "words" when referring to people like Ash and Misty.

    • @seardrax527
      @seardrax527 5 лет назад +3

      it not being canon doesn rule out the possibility entirely, unless you have an example of AshChu talking to another human

  • @Brutus1722
    @Brutus1722 2 года назад +1

    Pikachu sounds like an actual mouse in i choose you

  • @edward3591
    @edward3591 5 лет назад +109

    I just thought his secret identity was Ryan Reynolds... but ok.

    • @kannonball5789
      @kannonball5789 5 лет назад +2

      *Deadpool There, I fixed it for you.

    • @kannonball5789
      @kannonball5789 5 лет назад

      I was messing around a bit. It was a reference to the movies, where Deadpool was played by Ryan Reynolds.

    • @legojarjarbinks2564
      @legojarjarbinks2564 5 лет назад

      @@kannonball5789 OK, we get it

    • @kannonball5789
      @kannonball5789 5 лет назад

      @@legojarjarbinks2564 Just make sure you don't lose it.

  • @sajjeel123
    @sajjeel123 5 лет назад +44

    His secret identity is actually thanos, antman crawling up his butt caused him to flinch and activate the infinity stones which teleported him into the pokéworld

  • @Pynethian
    @Pynethian 5 лет назад +93

    Detective Pikachu it's actually the MC's Father
    Foreshadowed too much
    Father gone missing
    Pikachu has father's hat
    Pikachu has no memory
    Only MC can understand Pikachu
    Father is probably a Detective ( or sort )

    • @HazbinCovenWitch
      @HazbinCovenWitch 5 лет назад +5

      His father is a detective, because his father's friends at the agency helped him with his case about his father.

    • @neofarious
      @neofarious 5 лет назад +1

      Anime in a nutshell

    • @wofibo9699
      @wofibo9699 5 лет назад +3

      Pynethian 100% I bet you right

    • @howell2010
      @howell2010 5 лет назад +8

      Let's not forget that before the car accident in which his father disappeared, said Pikachu WAS MC's father's partner pokemon, and developed a taste for coffee that MC's father had.
      Plus there is the whole Detective Pikachu meets Ash's pikachu (in the game)

    • @ninjireal
      @ninjireal 5 лет назад +1

      The pikachu WAS his father's, he worked for him- he was not owned BY him.

  • @Pinger4
    @Pinger4 5 лет назад +1

    wow he solved the plot twist in the first two minutes. bravo. bravo.

  • @AlmostZer0
    @AlmostZer0 5 лет назад +223

    Me: Takes a sip of water
    MatPat: Detective Pikatchu is Ash's Pikatchu!
    My computer: Now ruined and soaked.

    • @FrostyJokerr
      @FrostyJokerr 5 лет назад +7

      Canadian Gamer I can respect anyone who can sip water for 11 minutes straight.

    • @ok-qw9ys
      @ok-qw9ys 5 лет назад +5

      Me: *Starts reading from 2nd line* kinky anime

    • @yurachunt3179
      @yurachunt3179 5 лет назад +3
