Dan and Darlene Disagree About Talking Politics - The Conners

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2020
  • After Mark gets into a fight at school, Darlene (Sara Gilbert) and Dan (John Goodman) disagree on whether or not it's worthwhile to even try talking to people with different political views anymore. Watch 'The Conners' WEDNESDAY 9|8c on ABC.
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Комментарии • 388

  • @jokershand2039
    @jokershand2039 3 года назад +95

    This is literally what's wrong with America nowadays, you trust other people to fix your problems 🤦🏾‍♂️🤣🤣

    • @handyman1016
      @handyman1016 3 года назад +4

      exactly right.
      solve your own shit, and to hell with 'leaders'

    • @trinitylivingston1286
      @trinitylivingston1286 3 года назад

      @@handyman1016 exactly!

    • @ManMonkey600
      @ManMonkey600 3 года назад +2

      I feel like it's always been like this but it's just been magnified to an extreme level thanks to technology and being fed information in seconds. Everyone has their social media voices, and everyone is out here recording everyone else to dox them. People cry about the government overreach but regular people are doing the same shit everyday by ruining lives with their mob mentality.

    • @jediskunk67
      @jediskunk67 3 года назад +6

      Dan's right, people have raised their children to think that people who do not agree with radical agenda is stupid.

    • @kenhollis6197
      @kenhollis6197 2 года назад +3

      Yeah, and use "I'm laughing at you" emojis to put them down.

  • @mossgeorge2001
    @mossgeorge2001 3 года назад +106

    I am with Dan on this, I have discussions with people, but some people just be going off with no logic and when you ask them to please prove it. They be like you prove yours and I do and then they are like well, hmmm, you see, or just silent.

    • @intentionallyinpired
      @intentionallyinpired 3 года назад


    • @carlycrays2831
      @carlycrays2831 3 года назад +5

      Or they get mad and act like you did something wrong by not buying their BS. Or they still act superior and like you're an idiot. And I can usually have a different opinion than someone, I don't mind debating. I like it. But when someone gets mad and they stay mad, it's time to drop out and talk about something else.

    • @mossgeorge2001
      @mossgeorge2001 3 года назад

      @@carlycrays2831 True, very true.

    • @trinitylivingston1286
      @trinitylivingston1286 3 года назад +2

      Or you know, you send them actual factual sources online and then they either don't read it and keep spewing their bs or they say it's not a 'reliable' source it's a 'biased' source when really it isn't. People like that are on both sides and they piss me off. Then you've got others who just name call because they don't have enough brain cells to formulate a better thought. Literally why I can't talk politics with lots of people that I know.

    • @antmagor
      @antmagor 3 года назад

      I am with Darlene on this one. I’ve tried, no really I’ve tried. This whole thing got started I tried being diplomatic, I refrain from name-calling, it always ended the same. “You need to get your facts straight, sounds like somebody needs to go back to school“, and the one I can’t stand is when they say “well you wouldn’t think that if you weren’t so close minded and just believed everything you were told“. And when I hear people say you need to learn to get along with people you disagree with, it’s a dismissal of the problem. It’s not about opposing views, it’s about an us and them mentality. The idea of we’re right and they’re wrong even if they’re right. To give an example, I have a friend who loves the DCEU movies and I can’t stand them. That’s a disagreement. That same friend telling me that I only dislike the DCEU because I’m one of them (draw your own conclusions) that’s not a disagreement that’s a cult.

  • @georgejetson1025
    @georgejetson1025 3 года назад +63

    John Goodman looked healthier as a big guy than now

    • @samanthab1923
      @samanthab1923 3 года назад +7

      He looks like he melted.

    • @jackass123491
      @jackass123491 3 года назад +5

      He has gotten older and also he lost alot of weight which can make people look even older than they are.

    • @xaenon
      @xaenon 3 года назад +5

      @@jackass123491 Well, skin generally loses its elasticity as you get older. And if you've spent much of your life carrying a lot of extra weight, and then lose it late in life you end up with wrinkles and stuff. And John Goodman is like 70 now or something, so... yeah.
      Gotta say, though. He probably looks better than I will when I'm that age.

    • @NitaKerns
      @NitaKerns 3 года назад +18

      Bruh, he couldve been dead by now, had he not lost that weight and changed his lifestyle. So I will take a wrinkly old John Goodman, living long and healthy, over a dead at 60 from a heart attack John Goodman.

    • @Ously6
      @Ously6 3 года назад +6

      You realize he was in his 30s-40s when OG Roseanne ran? He’s almost 70 years old

  • @MrJaybone5
    @MrJaybone5 3 года назад +64

    Darlene is real shortsighted. I agree with Dan. If people don't see eye to eye, that's how it is. You can't leave it to politics.

    • @WiGgYof09
      @WiGgYof09 2 года назад +8

      The problem is many people agree with Darlene. "You just can't talk to those people. Those people are just idiots". "Libtards" "Trumpanzies". Both sides of the political spectrum are the a problem and it starts with the politicians refusing to work together. We have been separated into "teams" that "oppose" each other when we should just be partners that disagree on strategy and need to compromise.
      Dan is 100% right in this case, but Darlene is what modern society thinks like, regardless of their political affiliation.

    • @evilsWa
      @evilsWa 2 года назад +2

      @@WiGgYof09 Just gonna point out that we have literally fought a war in this country against ourselves because we couldn’t sit down and talk out our problems… And then we had the civil rights movement after that where we couldn’t sit down and talk about it amongst ourselves… What the fuck world are you living in where people just sat down with a glass of beer and agreed to disagree? If that was true we wouldn’t have women voting right now.
      It’s even more ironic the Dan Connor is saying that when Dan Connor in the original version of the show was absolutely portrayed as a pot smoking antiauthority figure from his youth all the way through to all of the times when he was arrested on the show.

  • @tvfan14
    @tvfan14 3 года назад +85

    The way that Darlene is talking is a perfect example of what's wrong with our country. Wait for other people to fix your problems, let the people in politics talk about politics.

    • @VoodooV1
      @VoodooV1 Год назад +1

      would you rather we have warlords? You act like in human history, humans didn't try other methods of government. Ask yourself why those other forms of government aren't around anymore? Why don't we have trial by combat anymore? We also tried simply not having gov't and let people do their own thing, didn't work out well either. Not saying our current system is great either, but its easy to identify problems, its not always easy to fix them. talk is cheap.

    • @ZetaReticuli_
      @ZetaReticuli_ Год назад +2

      Exactly the comment I was going to make.

    • @ZetaReticuli_
      @ZetaReticuli_ Год назад +4

      @@VoodooV1 Who said anything about combat and warlords? If anything, leaving everything to government is exactly how you end up in such a feudal society in the first place, whether a dictatorship or a totalitarian state.

    • @fanzareli88
      @fanzareli88 Год назад +8

      leftist mentality emotion over reason

    • @jimmynye3665
      @jimmynye3665 Год назад

      Couldn't agree more, other than the fact that the election was clearly rigged. The people that ACTUALLY voted for that idiot Biden are bigger idiots because theyre the kind of people waiting for their problems to be fixed by people that are actually in politics that don't know what the hell they're doing! I don't know what's worse, people not voting at all or uniformed voters voting for someone just cause their friends & peers pressure them into voting for their candidate!

  • @thecowboy9698
    @thecowboy9698 3 года назад +30

    Talking about things is part of the process of solving things. If people don't make the effort to talk things out, even when they have differing opinions, problems never get solved.

    • @ferox965
      @ferox965 2 года назад +1

      Not on social media.

    • @thecowboy9698
      @thecowboy9698 2 года назад

      @@ferox965 - I agree with you there, and to be honest, I think social media has divided people more so than it has ever brought them closer together, like it was "intended" to do, supposedly.
      In regards to the topic at hand,, here's a quote from the book: "The Rational Male", that I think is applicable to this situation:
      "When a person internalizes a mental schema so thoroughly, and has become conditioned to it for so long, it becomes an integral part of their personality. So to attack the belief is to, literally, attack the person.
      This is why we see such a violent reaction to people’s political, religious, inter-social/inter-sexual, inter-gender, etc. expressions of belief - they perceive it as a personal attack, even when presented with irrefutable, empirical evidence that challenges the veracity of those beliefs."
      ( The word "schema", in case you don't know, means: "A representation of a plan or theory in the form of an outline or model."
      "a schema of scientific reasoning")

    • @breiffen5526
      @breiffen5526 2 года назад

      It's not a matter of whether we talk to each other it's a matter of whether we listen to each other

  • @Elaini.Young24
    @Elaini.Young24 3 года назад +13

    This type of situation actually came up in one of my classes in college. I was taking a class on religion and I told the class about a situation with one of my babysitting kids where they asked me who I was voting for in the next election. I then explain to them that there are two things you don’t talk about with people, religion and politics. Because, no side is ever going to be right and you’re just going to end up getting angry and it’s a waste of time to fight about. But, one of my classmates replied that when we teach kids not to talk about religion or politics they Grow up not knowing how to properly have a conversation about it. Because, though there will come times we are in discussions of religion and politics will come up, and they need to learn how to have proper, Educational, and mature conversations about it or else this type of situation will occur. So I can totally see where Dan is coming from. Happy

    • @icanteven1828
      @icanteven1828 3 года назад +5

      Yup. You can disagree without being disagreeable, name calling or throwing hands. If not, stay out of the sandbox😁

  • @aliengranpa
    @aliengranpa 3 года назад +67

    When did this show start making more sense than the world we live in?

    • @jish55
      @jish55 3 года назад +12

      That's sort of always been Dan, keeping to himself until it gets to the breaking point and he has to be the voice of reason.

    • @Steeento
      @Steeento 3 года назад +1

      @Aurora Endevour Wow, I'm an european lefty, I don't agree with none of you political opinion and still your message is a wind of hope coming to my ears. we can get along all together, as the brothers we are. Thx!

    • @Steeento
      @Steeento 3 года назад +1

      @Aurora Endevour exact!
      P.S: sorry for my bad english, I just read my previous comment again :)

    • @thecowboy9698
      @thecowboy9698 3 года назад

      @@jish55 - That's actually a good rule for life, in my opinion.

  • @ussco
    @ussco 3 года назад +54

    Is it just my eyes or did both of them age incredibly fast?

    • @Wolfy39565
      @Wolfy39565 3 года назад +1


  • @jwhittle91
    @jwhittle91 3 года назад +26

    I get that characters need to progress from a younger age over the years but this Darlene is like a totally different character than the Darlene from the original show. She was funny and thought for herself in the original series. Now she seems so weak and annoying.

    • @farrellmcnulty909
      @farrellmcnulty909 3 года назад +4

      She seems woke.

    • @Gretchluver1
      @Gretchluver1 2 года назад +2

      I don't know if you've noticed but in real life people tend to change as they grow older.

    • @jerryjackson1272
      @jerryjackson1272 21 день назад

      It’s because she’s a democrat and likes the political correctness crap

  • @intentionallyinpired
    @intentionallyinpired 3 года назад +68

    Dan is absolutely right....Dan looks old.. I’ve been watching this show since the 90s lol

    • @bigchees3850
      @bigchees3850 3 года назад +1

      Technically that's a lie, as the Connors only started a couple years ago

    • @intentionallyinpired
      @intentionallyinpired 3 года назад +1

      @@bigchees3850 I've been watching rosanne since the 90s lol they just changed the name recently lol

    • @bigchees3850
      @bigchees3850 3 года назад

      @@intentionallyinpired that's why I said technically lol

    • @bigchees3850
      @bigchees3850 3 года назад +1

      @@intentionallyinpired I think we can both agree that they changed it for a good reason and that woman is an awful person

    • @higurashianduminekoconnect1702
      @higurashianduminekoconnect1702 3 года назад +1

      @@bigchees3850 you mean when she was taking a drug that does sometimes affect people's personality and then they had a cop out saying one of our side effects is not racist on yet that is still a cop out because side effect of changing your personality memes making you do stuff you wouldn't do in the right state of mind and know it was for the worst because it's cancel culture what happened to people just choosing not to watch it for themselves instead of ruining it for other people also if you look at the Show's actual ratings they're not up there actually going down the reason that they're keeping it going is for political reasons they're going to go bankrupt if one of these days because their own won't allow them to admit they made a mistake and another reason why I'm against it how many times did The View do horrible things and say hateful things just as bad and yes pretty much as bad as racism now how come they're not canceled I know the answer to that but do you it's because there are liberals and they don't go after their own

  • @davidpenrod7296
    @davidpenrod7296 3 года назад +11

    Depending on who you ask...freedom of speak only flows one way

  • @TheJoker1886
    @TheJoker1886 3 года назад +67

    I seriously lost friends over this same issue. Don't start a conversation if you can't handle a discussion. I had to make a rule that we no longer talk politics

    • @kaylove8663
      @kaylove8663 3 года назад +6

      That is so true I lost family over politics this election

    • @ferox965
      @ferox965 3 года назад +2

      I've done the same.

    • @babygirl9397
      @babygirl9397 3 года назад +5

      My dad invited his brother to Thanksgiving last year. Dad said no talk about politics or the virius and if anyone did they could leave.

    • @trinitylivingston1286
      @trinitylivingston1286 3 года назад +2

      Yea, same. I honestly don't really care anymore. That's what happened Friday, when my sister brought over her bf for her birthday. That went well...

    • @tracim3080
      @tracim3080 3 года назад +3

      How are you supposed to understand someone’s perspective if you avoid conversation where you disagree? That no way to learn and grown.

  • @drakeloki4214
    @drakeloki4214 3 года назад +15

    I'm with Dan. Me and my friends probably don't agree on everything I know odds are I voted differently than they did but it doesn't stop us from enjoying each other's company. We just try to fine some common ground or move on knowing we don't have to agree and that's ok. Because at the end of the day we are still good people who just see things a bit differently.

  • @robertjackson3552
    @robertjackson3552 3 года назад +11

    calling people who have a different opinion than you those people is the problem

    • @ericthomas917
      @ericthomas917 3 года назад +1

      Except when your opinions aren't based on reality and has fucked people over

    • @bobbysfacts1981
      @bobbysfacts1981 2 года назад

      I'm glad to be called those people. If it means I'm not brainwashed in thinking that wearing a face diaper is going to save a life when there's nothing wrong with me. And I'm not foolish enough to take the covid vaccine poison which I'm proud to say I didn't and won't ever take willingly. It should be like this. To those who want to wear a face diaper should be free to do so. For the ones like me who don't want to, should be free to do so as well too. The same thing with the covid poison shot too. That's what could've prevented all this fighting.

  • @roccosteo8328
    @roccosteo8328 2 года назад +11

    Darlene- exactly what is wrong with the country.

  • @ianhimmelstein5915
    @ianhimmelstein5915 2 года назад +5

    1:12 thank you Dan someone finally said what the world needs to know

  • @carversmith8619
    @carversmith8619 3 года назад +5

    I don't know why clips from the Connors are popping up in my recommendeds but I am not complaining. This is actually interesting stuff.

    • @246kisses
      @246kisses 3 года назад

      It’s a great show

  • @ohwell94
    @ohwell94 3 года назад +62

    The Darlene show is as funny as a bladder infection

    • @samanthab1923
      @samanthab1923 3 года назад +4

      Right? How is this still on?

    • @MaxxCoyote
      @MaxxCoyote 3 года назад

      @@samanthab1923 Because people are apparently watching.

    • @Mxyzptlksac
      @Mxyzptlksac 3 года назад +1

      Yet here you are watching it to whine

    • @ohwell94
      @ohwell94 3 года назад

      @@Mxyzptlksac nope I have given up on it sometime around this episode

    • @pearlgirl5643
      @pearlgirl5643 3 года назад +1

      Seeing how bad this sucks and picturing Roseanne cackling and thinking “I told you so”, is the only good thing about this

  • @ellaroberts1812
    @ellaroberts1812 3 года назад +39

    I know Darlene is the show now, but Oh my!, she is so DEPRESSING to watch, PLEASE, give Dan, Jacky, Becky, Emilio and Ben more funny stuff.

    • @maxp3407
      @maxp3407 3 года назад +8

      I unfortunately have to agree.....Darlene oozes misery.....

    • @ggboot1
      @ggboot1 3 года назад +7

      I really don't like that the show revolves around her. Sara Gilbert can't carry the show.

    • @trinitylivingston1286
      @trinitylivingston1286 3 года назад

      @@ggboot1 nope

    • @bobbysfacts1981
      @bobbysfacts1981 2 года назад

      @@maxp3407 I agree 100%.

  • @EsotericOccultist
    @EsotericOccultist 3 года назад +14

    Show sucks without Roseanne.

  • @heatherwhite8951
    @heatherwhite8951 3 года назад +27

    Bring Roseanne Back

  • @ocrap10
    @ocrap10 3 года назад +2

    People don't even argue face to face anymore, they use You Tube comment section 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @beccablueeyes99
    @beccablueeyes99 3 года назад +11

    Gosh Darlene is just dreadful. She is the worst. Oh my gosh.

    • @bobbysfacts1981
      @bobbysfacts1981 2 года назад

      I agree. When she was in Roseanne when she was a kid and teen. She was funny. But now she's dreadful and very sickly ugly.

  • @Amazin-ji8sn
    @Amazin-ji8sn Год назад +3

    I have a feeling she wasn’t acting.

  • @mjackson3351
    @mjackson3351 3 года назад +34

    Wow. This show (with cast) had the potential to be an epically successful spinoff/comeback and they pissed it all away when they fired Roseanne.
    Lol, it’s like they had a four-course feast on their table and threw away the main dish. 😆

    • @20carrocks
      @20carrocks 3 года назад +2

      Then they really blew up the dumpster fire by going full blown orange man bad. nobody's watching that hate fest

    • @trinitylivingston1286
      @trinitylivingston1286 3 года назад +3

      Pretty much, the only good character is Dan.

    • @MaxxCoyote
      @MaxxCoyote 3 года назад +1

      I mean, last I checked, they were renewed for a 3 season. There are shitloads of shows that can't even get one.
      So someone is watching. Plus....something brought you to this video now didnt' it?

    • @tracim3080
      @tracim3080 3 года назад +1

      Hard to do the show with just Roseanne because half the cast quit not wanting to put up with her anymore. Firing her was so the only way to keep the cast.

    • @tracim3080
      @tracim3080 3 года назад

      @Nancy Young it’s not a double standard it’s Samantha bees job to insult people it wasn’t Roseannes job to be racist to people on Twitter especially since it wasn’t her first time doing shit like that and yes half the main cast quite and was refusing to work with her again because they were fed up with her behaviour. Calling a cunt a cunt is not equal to calling a black woman an ape.

  • @jamiesmith4293
    @jamiesmith4293 3 года назад +8

    What season is this? Next season will be fun when the civil war breaks out because of the anger from both sides.

  • @bonejack7359
    @bonejack7359 3 года назад +22

    Who knew the Conors would have more intelligent conversation then ppl on Twitter

    • @TheAzzgoblin
      @TheAzzgoblin 3 года назад +1

      That's like saying water is wetter than sand.

    • @nambypamby2147
      @nambypamby2147 3 года назад +3

      Beavis and Butt-Head have more intelligent conversations than people on Twitter.

    • @nambypamby2147
      @nambypamby2147 3 года назад

      *than not "then" ...I'm not correcting you to be an asshole. I've done it, too.

  • @LarryXLR
    @LarryXLR Год назад +2

    Darlene summing up the Gen Z mindset perfectly.

  • @mrgreengenes04
    @mrgreengenes04 3 года назад +4

    Darlene Conner...the modern day equivalent of Meathead.

    • @thecowboy9698
      @thecowboy9698 5 месяцев назад

      All In The Family, love that show.

  • @billyboobtubeboy9244
    @billyboobtubeboy9244 Год назад

    What a hysterical sitcom this is! You can't help but laugh at every line!

  • @danielsteele4712
    @danielsteele4712 Месяц назад

    Me: Darlene, what do you mean, you don't know?
    Darlene: I don't know!

  • @06bigd2000
    @06bigd2000 3 года назад +2

    I agree with Dan. I’m a Biden supporter and one of my best friends is a Trump supporter. We engage in debates all the time. I listen to her and she listens to me.We never raise our voices or call each other names. When our debates end our minds remain mostly unchanged and we continue to disagree on a lot of things politically. But there is one thing we always agree on. We’re friends and we enjoy each other’s company.

    • @intuitivecoder3481
      @intuitivecoder3481 2 года назад

      Amen to that!

    • @gilbertopereira7925
      @gilbertopereira7925 2 года назад +1

      Then you are not a proper Biden supporter. If you were, you would not be rational and reasonable and you would be driven by emotions. And secretly wish your best friend was jailed :)

    • @HarryPotter87
      @HarryPotter87 Год назад

      Glad that I lost contact w/ ALL my relatives/friends who are über conservatives. Can't deal w/ their poison crap they learn from Carlson or Hannity! I don't even care if I knew them my whole life!

    • @HarryPotter87
      @HarryPotter87 Год назад

      @@gilbertopereira7925 It's like they say, "Don't tell someone you love them and vote for someone who will hurt them."

  • @jugandoalogeek
    @jugandoalogeek Год назад +1

    The real problem isn't who is right or wrong, but the people who think the other one who they think is wrong must obey them.

  • @ethannoel2589
    @ethannoel2589 3 года назад +3

    I agree very much with Dan on this subject; granted I am one of the few people who have friends were we can disagree about certain political topics but in the end we will always have each other’s back; but generally that’s not how it goes; you really can’t be friends with most people if you don’t share the same views; if we live in a democracy than we should be able to have different opinions and still reach an understanding and at least respect another person’s views

  • @collinfrancis9956
    @collinfrancis9956 Год назад +3

    Never liked Darlene.

  • @KayamaKoomori
    @KayamaKoomori 2 года назад +2

    Dan is 100% right, The people believe Dan is right, but the show wants Darlene to be right. That's why this show is not good

  • @hyrsk1552
    @hyrsk1552 Год назад +2

    People are trying to force their beliefs on others rather than seeing their side and just agree to disagree.

  • @Knorkooli
    @Knorkooli 3 года назад +6

    They are both correct. And just like them, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to solve it. We all know from growing up that you cannot always have things your way. You also learn that fairness is meeting in the middle of the road as often as possible on as many topics as possible. We also learn that you need to listen and be open to changing your mind. You learn that you are not always correct and there is no way to "ALWAYS" be right. There is also going to be a little bit of bad mixed in with the good in whatever choice is made. Lastly, not everyone shares the same morals and that is because different groups in different locations grow u in different ways. In a way that is good because it opens up different trains of thought and experiences, but it also causes conflict. I won't lie, I have unfriended people because of their unwillingness to listen, their unwillingness to accept I disagree. They get nasty, call me names, tell me I am stupid and need to "get out of the country". When you can say that to someone whom is or was a good friend to you, even more so growing up... that shows me exactly how you have always thought of me. And YES, I do get mad when people willingly believer falsehoods and more so are willing to hurt and kill others just to get their way.

    • @damstr1105
      @damstr1105 Год назад

      Fairness is not always meeting in the middle. "Fair" is subjective and the world doesn't owe it to anyone.

    • @bfsgman
      @bfsgman Год назад

      ​@@damstr1105 How about being fair and decent for the sake of it, and not because you "owe" it to anyone?

    • @damstr1105
      @damstr1105 Год назад

      @@bfsgman once again....fair is subjective. What's fair to me may not be fair to you

  • @Wareaglegirl9960
    @Wareaglegirl9960 3 года назад +5

    Way to go Dan!

  • @dkaik
    @dkaik 3 года назад +3

    They both have points and are right. It is a bad thing that people can spew trash and vile, and the way it used to be dealt with was by discussing. But that was before social media. Before, such vile viewpoints were never able to gain traction. Now because of social media it can, which makes simply having discussions inadequate. It’s a fine balance that is now hard to navigate due to social media allowing any and all opinions to be made mainstream.

    • @damstr1105
      @damstr1105 Год назад

      What's considered "vile" is subjective. You need all ideas on the table because the best and most popular ones will rise. If you try to shut people out of the conversation then you will get nothing from them but resentment.

  • @juliakavanagh3400
    @juliakavanagh3400 3 года назад +3

    What will happened to Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade 2020? Is it going to be on grounds of COVID-19 pandemic?

  • @RossWyatt
    @RossWyatt Год назад +3

    ... I hate Darlene. So much

  • @gingergargoyle
    @gingergargoyle 3 года назад +19

    What ever happened to simply having a show about normal life instead of pushing an agenda?? Oh yeah, they killed off Roseanne

    • @jokerz7936
      @jokerz7936 3 года назад +6

      Never watched Rosanne huh? Check out the clip where a Republican Candidate comes to her door.

    • @nambypamby2147
      @nambypamby2147 3 года назад +5

      @@jokerz7936 She wasn't pushing an agenda. She was informing America on how big businesses get tax breaks and save money by screwing the tax payers. Back then, it was rich vs poor.

    • @jokerz7936
      @jokerz7936 3 года назад +1

      @@nambypamby2147 She didn't do the Lesbian Kiss and gay wedding Episodes? Or the Abortion Episode? Those were social issues not rich vs poor and I like all of those episodes. Because I'm a centrist not Republican or Democrat socially liberal while conservative on defense and the economy. But yeah the old Roseanne Show while a favorite of mine was also pushing Roseanne's own politics which then were left. Oh and the Abortion debate episode was a Thanksgiving episode like today I believe so Happy Thanksgiving.

    • @nambypamby2147
      @nambypamby2147 3 года назад

      @@jokerz7936 I was only talking about that specific episode. Back then meant season 4 when they owned the bike shop. I thought you were just talking about the political agenda, not the satanic one. In the abortion episode, at one point, Roseanne says to Beverly, (who says "abortion is wrong") "Thank you for enlightening us with the truth." (said VERY sarcasticly) I might be paraphrasing, but it was very telling. I think the abortion episode was after Thanksgiving, because the episode started at the medical center (with the protesters) and had a lot to do with how DJ was being raised and Dan painting a crib. I could be wrong, because I can't remember... now I have to check. Anyway, I'm glad I'm debating with a real Roseanne fan, and Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

    • @nambypamby2147
      @nambypamby2147 3 года назад

      @@jokerz7936 I checked, and you were right. I've seen every episode of Roseanne, I even know that David was introduced as Kevin when he was babysitting DJ and sitting on the couch... How did I not instantly know this? But as Roseanne said to Darlene when DJ tricked her into taking less money so Roseanne could save money for the baby... "She must be slipping."

  • @maryendres3475
    @maryendres3475 3 года назад +4

    ok now this friggin show is all about Politics! and they fired Roseann! this show is Disgusting

  • @thedrewdog
    @thedrewdog 3 года назад +2

    I never EVER thought I would say this:
    "I prefer the final season of Roseanne to the ENTIRETY of the Conners, at least it had Jim Varney in it, and that WEIRD Rambo/Train episode."

  • @Glitchfaction
    @Glitchfaction 3 года назад +1

    I am a capitalist who believes the free market, with minimum regulation (I said minimum, none none), is the best economic policy for a free country. I have a person I have been friends with for 10 years who somewhere along the line became indoctrinated to believe socialism is the best policy. And he could not handle political discussions. I love to sit and talk politics. But by the end of the conversation he would be practically screaming. The last real conversation we ever had was a few years ago. It ended with him screaming at the top of his lungs that I was an asshole because I don’t believe in redistribution of wealth. I’ve ran into him a few times since and it’s basically a head nod.
    The sad part is that he was a good friend. And I think he is wrong about socialism but in the end, I couldn’t care less if he chooses to think it’s the best.

  • @JackieHallam
    @JackieHallam Год назад +1

    The actor playing Mark has been dead since the 9/11 aftermath.

  • @codyknight8183
    @codyknight8183 2 года назад +1

    you can "agree to disagree" without violence or raising your voice. Dan is 100% correct.

  • @Cecethegreat425
    @Cecethegreat425 3 года назад +11

    Yep. Still not funny. Confirmed. Should have kept Roseanne.... it’s dark and depressing now.

  • @dareisayit
    @dareisayit 3 года назад +5

    I agree to a point on this subject, but I think they really watered down Darlene’s side. The issue is that being able to argue who is destroying our country and then talking about football is as much as a privilege as not having to worry about the bank taking your house.
    It’s kind of ironic Dan talking about discussing things with people instead of fighting, considering how many times he ends up punching people. If Dan had a friend who was wealthy and wanted to discuss that *he* or people like him were the cause of said destruction of our country, I highly doubt he’d be so keen to discuss the merits of the other persons view.

  • @Moviefan-s8f
    @Moviefan-s8f 7 месяцев назад +1

    It was so stupid for them to kill off Roseanna and focus the show on politics. It went from a great sitcom to trash. 😠😡🤬

    • @LegionIvory
      @LegionIvory 5 месяцев назад

      Have you seen the original series? There was politics all up and through that show.

  • @kaylove8663
    @kaylove8663 3 года назад +8

    I lost family over politics this shit is beyond crazy and stupid when did the world flip to where you can't support what you want without being called a racist or losing your job or gets hurt or worse

    • @Irishgui83
      @Irishgui83 3 года назад +5

      When people began supporting a racist self confessed sex offender, believing in made up radicalisation crap like Qanon, being openyly racist/homophobic/xenophobic and being proud of it, supporting the overturning of an election because they didn't win, wanting more rights for themselves and less for others, calling a virus a democratic hoax, including the Proud Boys (a hate group) in the camp of "fine people on both sides", calling everything and everyone who doesn't agree with them "fake news" which instantly shuts down any form of debate which could have been had. Etc etc etc I'm more shocked at your shock. There was never going to be any other outcome after the last five years.
      It's so broken that it won't ever get fixed now. Not in our lifetime anyway.

    • @20carrocks
      @20carrocks 3 года назад +2

      @@Irishgui83 pfft whatever lib. enjoy your empty suit "president" that can't even hold a press conference to the people

    • @trinitylivingston1286
      @trinitylivingston1286 3 года назад +2

      @@Irishgui83 when people started spewing their bs like you...

  • @judyroks
    @judyroks 3 года назад +12

    Loved Rosanne , and this is depressing bullshit . Bring the 90’s back !!

  • @aldendomino3523
    @aldendomino3523 Год назад +2

    Dan is right. Completely.

  • @jugandoalogeek
    @jugandoalogeek 3 года назад +31

    Dan is totally right. People should be able to have a discussion. A person who just think and tries to make the others to think his way is the only way without any discussion or prove it's Fascism. And nowadays the left have been doing it for quite a long time.

    • @seans.8803
      @seans.8803 3 года назад +5

      I see WAY more willful ignorance on the right. They're the ones wearing t-shirts that say "F**K YOUR FEELINGS AND F**K BIDEN!"

    • @jugandoalogeek
      @jugandoalogeek 3 года назад +6

      @@seans.8803 The right don't say F#ck your feelings, they say Facts DON'T care about your feelings, which is right. Just because you say a speech with tears in your eyes, it doesn't going to turn lies into truth. By the way, should I remind you that over the last 4 years and even before, the people from ''THE TOLERANT LEFT'' have been harrasing in a violent way people from the right. BLM have been arsoning and looting, not the people from the right.

    • @seans.8803
      @seans.8803 3 года назад +2

      @@jugandoalogeek Then where does this Trump merchandise come from? I see these flags everywhere, and people at his rallies wearing them on shirts.

    • @jugandoalogeek
      @jugandoalogeek 3 года назад +1

      @@seans.8803 Oh, wow!... Meh, I still prefer that to THE VIOLENCE from the left. Words just offend.

    • @seans.8803
      @seans.8803 3 года назад +5

      @@jugandoalogeek Lol, way to change the subject when you're proven wrong about how open to discussion the right is. 😉

  • @veteranredbeard6222
    @veteranredbeard6222 Год назад +4

    "You'd rather let them talk and continue normalize the poison they've been spewing?". That's it right there. It's not longer a debate with people anymore. It's "You are evil if you don't agree with me".

    • @HarryPotter87
      @HarryPotter87 Год назад +1

      Definitely!! Glad I cut ALL contact with all my (über conservative) friends/family. It's like the saying that goes "Don't tell someone you love them and vote for someone who will hurt them." I don't even care if I knew them all my life. It's basically betrayal.

    • @newellbrian
      @newellbrian Год назад +1

      @@HarryPotter87 It's both sides of the coin who do this, not just conservatives.

  • @loyddussault5101
    @loyddussault5101 2 года назад

    So I watched a few clips .
    I have seen the precursor to this show many times . it wasn't a bad choice for prime time network TV.
    But this may be much better .
    The clips I have seen are really good.

  • @youngw1ze
    @youngw1ze Год назад +1

    Dan's character wouldve ne wr got this kind of screen time or character development with Roseanne in the cast...

  • @proudgary2228
    @proudgary2228 2 года назад +1

    Leave it to the bureaucrats to solve huh Sarah. Amazing idea. It's worked tremendously for us.

    • @g.lowenklee2268
      @g.lowenklee2268 2 года назад

      Yeah ...leave it to the politicians voted into office, that's their job. If the politicians suck, then it's because the voters suck at picking them ...and that's the part that hasn't worked for you. Blame yourselves. But it's precisely the "bureaucrats" job to solve issues of governance.

    • @proudgary2228
      @proudgary2228 2 года назад

      @@g.lowenklee2268 Our fault is not burning down an obviously rigged system. That's what our fault is.

    • @g.lowenklee2268
      @g.lowenklee2268 2 года назад

      ​@@proudgary2228 go for it ...but given the irresponsibility of the present electorate, it's not as though anything you'd replace this system with would fare any better.

  • @TBTeams4
    @TBTeams4 3 года назад +2

    I hate both sides and Dan is correct, so how do we fix it? How we’ve come so far backwards to the point no one can disagree without a fight breaking out is as pathetic as society has come. Politics has destroyed the fabric of life.

    • @trinitylivingston1286
      @trinitylivingston1286 3 года назад

      Honestly, I think it's probably become to late to fix it. I think also that most people aren't that bad on either side, just that we're seeing the extremists on both sides being publicly televised.

    • @Gretchluver1
      @Gretchluver1 2 года назад

      "How we’ve come so far backwards to the point no one can disagree without a fight breaking out is as pathetic as society has come."
      It's always been like that through the history of Civilization.

  • @billsanders9483
    @billsanders9483 2 года назад

    That's why I'm glad I still have friends we can have difference of opinion but at the end of the day we're still friends that's the way it should be but not everybody sees it that way

  • @aprilfool240
    @aprilfool240 3 года назад +2

    They aged bad!!!!!

  • @stephenbates8111
    @stephenbates8111 3 года назад +1

    If it weren't for the voice i would've never recognized Dan.

  • @LegionIvory
    @LegionIvory 5 месяцев назад +1

    The crazy thing here is almost no one in this comment section sees that both Dan and Darlene have good points.
    - Dan is correct that we shouldn't be tying ourselves up over disagreements, and discussion is healthy and necessary.
    - Darlene is correct that many people cannot be reasoned with and no amount of discussion will change things.
    The fact that you all actually chose a side? THAT is what's wrong with this country. lol

    • @dianeenvy4194
      @dianeenvy4194 3 месяца назад +1

      How did you catch that with Darlene? All I got is that 'we're right they're wrong they should stop talking their nonsense while we choose a leader to follow to make all the decisions'. I understand being a leader comes with hard decision making that the people might not understand but at the same time if we don't at least try to think some things out including the more complex stuff that way we don't be become what this country is made to be the opposite. This is America and we should have free speech don't like what others have to say? Ignore them or go to another country. Jesus loves you sweetie and thanks for your insight. 😊

    • @LegionIvory
      @LegionIvory 3 месяца назад +1

      @@dianeenvy4194 I feel like you watched the scene with preconceived notions.
      The whole point of the scene is that both sides are valid and deserve to be heard.

    • @dianeenvy4194
      @dianeenvy4194 3 месяца назад

      @@LegionIvory No argument there. Get why everyone wants the other side to stay quiet. We feel it would better and we'll have more progress as a country because the other side is 'tearing that chanc3 down'. But the truth is God gave us two ears to ear and one mouth to speak. Listen double time than talk. That goes for both sides. Besides let's face it. Things would be boring wouldn't it? I for one would admit I have trouble listening even to people I'm on the side on, don't you?

  • @Mario_N64
    @Mario_N64 3 года назад +9

    Is this still on? 😮

  • @ferox965
    @ferox965 2 года назад

    Disagreement is one thing. Certain things I won't tolerate.

  • @tammywineswines3369
    @tammywineswines3369 3 года назад +7

    Damn i watched Roseanne since the 1st episode, it was a great show that tackled many issues. Lmao Dan is right. Damn ppl couldn't deal with 4 years of President Trump but now y'all tell us DEAL WITH IT MAJORITY RULES ! Nah we will act out as yall did ! Deal with the consequences of your fascist actions !

    • @chexican6439
      @chexican6439 3 года назад

      That's not solving anything

    • @waitwhat7354
      @waitwhat7354 3 года назад +1

      Just like how apparently Trump colluded with Russia, but it’s an act of fascism for Trump to be skeptical of the election results.

  • @_Majoras
    @_Majoras 3 года назад +2

    with the new hairdo dan is turning into mama fratelli 🤣

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 10 месяцев назад

    Rational thoughts works sometimes it doesn't

  • @TrackerNeil
    @TrackerNeil Год назад +1

    I agree with Dan to the extent that the discussion is about things on which reasonable people can disagree. For example, it's not unreasonable to support, say, parental notification laws for abortions for minors. I disagree with that position, but I don't think its crazy or evil--I just think it's wrong. However, those who defend....oh, I don't know, let's say mobs of people attacking the Capitol because they dislike an election result...well, that's NOT reasonable disagreement. That's insurrection.

  • @ProfChaos1985
    @ProfChaos1985 Год назад +2

    Darlene sounds really bigoted in this scene

  • @yokiryuchan7655
    @yokiryuchan7655 Год назад

    I've had VERY heated discussions with friends about political stuff. I knew I was never going to change their mind So I would say we should agree to disagree, and sometimes that wasn't enough. They still wouldn't let it go. It would get to the point where I would just leave the room. If you can't handle others disagreeing with you don't talk politics.

  • @stevengarman4848
    @stevengarman4848 Год назад

    I have two simple rules for life. I'm always right. Everyone else is always wrong.

  • @LOVEqualsLOVEchannel
    @LOVEqualsLOVEchannel Год назад

    The irony of this scene. I wonder if at any point it was thought applicable to the Roseanne write off.

  • @blackcitroenlove
    @blackcitroenlove Год назад

    Some ideas are just superior to others, so no, we can't just disagree.

  • @jediskunk67
    @jediskunk67 3 года назад

    This is one issue I have to agree with.

  • @AndromedonThanks
    @AndromedonThanks 5 месяцев назад

    Dan and Roseanne have always been humanists

  • @MizzLizzyLiz
    @MizzLizzyLiz 2 года назад

    I am with Dan 100%. I am mostly liberal but I see sense of reality versus an idealist. My partner is a republican. We've had discussions that we agree and disagree on. And that's okay. And it has been one of the most successful relationships I've ever had. As a society, we need to start listening to each other and combine ideas rather than throwing our hands up and calling each other "stupid" which is what everyone does. One day, we could all tolerate one another regardless of beliefs. That's how we'll thrive.

    • @SjC420
      @SjC420 Год назад

      Why do people insist on referring to their significant others as "my partner?" Doesn't matter if you're straight or gay of you're married u have a husband or wife or if you're dating u have a boyfriend or girlfriend end of story!!

    • @MizzLizzyLiz
      @MizzLizzyLiz Год назад +1

      @@SjC420 why does it matter to you? Is it really that big a deal if people have preference. You know what I'm referring to.

  • @tammycawman7852
    @tammycawman7852 3 года назад +1

    I grew up on the Roseanne show, one of the funniest tv shows, full of humor and comedy. Started watching the conners new season. It is now political. You think we could have a escape and few laughs not thinking of everything that is going on. Just celebritys pushing there agenda. Not watching.

    • @trinitylivingston1286
      @trinitylivingston1286 3 года назад

      I mean, what do you expect from most shows nowadays?

    • @Gretchluver1
      @Gretchluver1 2 года назад +1

      You grew up on Roseanne and never once saw it as political? You didn't really watch the show properly, did you?

  • @StefWriter
    @StefWriter 3 года назад

    Way to go, Dan!

  • @Nightmastercool97
    @Nightmastercool97 2 года назад +1

    Dan is right 100 percent.

  • @joanna7350
    @joanna7350 3 года назад

    Dan should run for mayor of Lanford.

  • @arielmcclain9536
    @arielmcclain9536 3 года назад

    Lmaoo Darlene funny asl Tb that’s not fair i don’t have friends 😂😭

  • @wendywendy8379
    @wendywendy8379 3 года назад +5

    I find it interesting that they are writing about this subject when their hateful cancel culture is what stole this show from Roseanne!! One side always wins is right. But it’s never the right side! The right side gets shouted down and shut down and their show stolen.

  • @GraceFaded
    @GraceFaded 2 года назад

    The irony of this scene is palpable.

  • @heathercarpenter5124
    @heathercarpenter5124 Год назад

    Whoa Dan looks different

  • @survivor648
    @survivor648 Год назад

    Is this Darlene or Melissa on The View.

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 10 месяцев назад

    Rashonal digution between dan and Darlene was good

  • @Chillfacts92
    @Chillfacts92 4 месяца назад

    So funny HAHAHAHA

  • @ManMonkey600
    @ManMonkey600 3 года назад

    People say the writing on this show is bad but this scene is 100% spot on with current times. Dan is right. And Darlene is a scary truth that way to many people live by. People put these politicians on a pedestal and act like they will be the one's who unite people. That's a joke. I don't care if you identify as a Republican or Democrat. Conservative or Progressive. People really need to tone down this political bullshit. It's ok to talk to someone and not agree 100% with their beliefs.

    • @g.lowenklee2268
      @g.lowenklee2268 2 года назад

      I think there's a more subtle point involved :
      The rejection of reason and the rise of anti-intellectualism isn't merely a matter of disagreement, or illustrative of a need for more tolerance ...it precludes the critical skills, rational thinking, and constructive problem solving required for civilized society.
      That this rise is cloaked in the language of (mostly) right-wing politics doesn't give it a pass, as if it were merely a matter of political disagreement. It isn't.

  • @johnanderson6614
    @johnanderson6614 Год назад

    Most level-headed people agree with Dan. Far left or right folks agree with Darlene.

  • @johncap7201
    @johncap7201 3 года назад +1

    Im not saying I am for Trump ok, but voting is fixed, I've seen done years before where I live locally. People need to meet in the middle. Democrats and Republicans, it's a business to them. We all fight, we all suffered. One side feels your not American, the other side feels your hateful and discriminate against everything. In the 90s we rebelled and didn't listen to the government on EITHER SIDE.. YEA A LOT OF YOUNG PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE EVERYTHING WAS CONTROVERSIAL TO PUT ON TV,NOW ITS REALITY TV, AND THESE KIDS WATCHING ARE LEARNING THINGS THEY SHOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT UNTIL THEY ARE MATURE ENOUGH TO DECIDE. People wanna lease a car it's like 900 a month now. All free money we got after the peak of the "virus" . But at its peak, we all suffered for months and during the holidays

  • @samuelauthier6846
    @samuelauthier6846 3 года назад +1

    Oh great we're all bringing up politics cause of this clip no one cares😒

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 10 месяцев назад

    Can we have rational discussions between Darlene mark and her daughter they r so they should have more to say this is about them to

  • @illumardimago2307
    @illumardimago2307 3 года назад

    Woww. I agree also. With Dan. Y. Cause. One side promises. One thing another. Side. Promises. More things what about us. The peiple in the middle good point. Dan

    • @trinitylivingston1286
      @trinitylivingston1286 3 года назад +1

      We're all getting screwed over while the rich and powerful get to live their best lives.

  • @jugandoalogeek
    @jugandoalogeek 3 года назад +3

    At the end, the poison that has been spewed makes everybody to realize how wrong and stupid they have been.

  • @darkmask5933
    @darkmask5933 Год назад

    What's sad is neither Dan or Darlene are wrong, Dan is right, its better if people can actually have a discussion, even if you don't end up agreeing and even if you get heated, you need to be able to explain your point of view, but also listen to the other person's opinion as well. People don't have differing opinions to you just because they have a personal vendetta against you, its not because they are evil, they think they have good reason to believe what they believe, just like you do.
    But Darlene is also right, that just isn't the world we live in anymore. It's easy for Dan to think its easy to just have a normal discussion with his friends and be on opposing political sides, but Darlene is right, nowadays people don't listen, they just speak louder and louder until they are screaming so loud they can't hear anyone but themselves. Both sides do it, and its easy to claim you should be the one who will listen first, but what happens when you're the only one listening and the other guy is doing nothing but screaming? There is no magic Disney Channel/Full House moment where we all realize we are all just human, people are just so angry, and to be frank with the way both liberal and conservative news media and politians act, its like that's what they want us to be. Bipartisanism is dead, and its all red or blue, right or left, my way or the wrong way.

    • @janise01
      @janise01 Год назад

      No Darlene is not right in any way, shape, or form. "The world we live in" isn't inherent. It's a result of ppl like her who have the attitude we can't have a discussion and that the "other side" is automatically the bad guy.
      Them being "the bad guy" is then used to justify treating them with disrespect, brushing off their viewpoints, refusing to have a discussion, and sometimes even assaulting them. Oh but physically attacking them is ok b/c they're the "bad guy" and you're the "good guy".

  • @danielsteele4712
    @danielsteele4712 Год назад

    There really are two sides to every story, aren't there?

  • @forensicsciencefan5645
    @forensicsciencefan5645 Год назад +1

    I'm as liberal as they come, but this sounded too much like a political education vide to me. When I want to relax and watch a comedy/drama series I'm not interested in hearing this.
    I really like this series, but the tone of the script was a little too "afterschool special", for me.