  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Shane oneil secret to 360 flip is leaning slightly onto your toes. Then Shane Oneil starts the 360 flip by lifting his front foot high in the air. Shane Oneil also scoops his 360 flip forward. Shane Oneil also seperates the jump and the scoop of his 360 flip. By seperating the jump and scoop Shane Oneil allows the board to effortlessly do the 360 flip rotation.

Комментарии • 114

  • @ForwardFliiip
    @ForwardFliiip 2 года назад +2

    One thing that helped me a lot was jumping straight up instead of forward. When you jump forward it actually takes a lot of the scoop force out of your tre flip. If you try to jump straight up, you will probably jump forward just a little bit anyway but it wont absorb nearly as much of your scoop. You basically have them, you just need a little bit of tweaks to your technique and you will have them on lock

  • @lilsprite869
    @lilsprite869 2 года назад +2

    Bro I really really hope you see this comment, I think everything about you studying these tre flips is great, try one more thing for me it took me 10 years to finally make them click but this is what did it for me
    EVEN TO THE POINT IT FEELS RIDICULOUS . It really helped me understand the scoop better but also provided me that extra leverage to have the perfect flip and spin all in one. Trust me. Just try this please lol and make a video when it works!

    • @lilsprite869
      @lilsprite869 2 года назад

      It seems like In a lot of the flat tres your emphasizing the pop more than the scoop, idk how to explain it except hang the toes and feel it 😅😅😅

    • @lilsprite869
      @lilsprite869 2 года назад +1

      No hate though I love your videos! so many of your tips have helped me only right i share what I’ve learned too!

    • @localjoe
      @localjoe  2 года назад +2

      Ellis Frost does it this way I'll have to try it out!

  • @blackbartsimps0n560
    @blackbartsimps0n560 2 года назад +3

    This series is so sick cuz i learned treflips this summer and this is pure nostalgia and its good cuz im thinking deeper into my technique... Local Joe just a quick tip here. I noticed you flat ground treflips your not hanging your toes off much and ik pros like shane don't hang theres off much, but that's not because they don't want to. It's because they're going for more pop. You broke everything down besides foot position. Your foot position for your treflips isn't gonna work until you already have the motion as muscle memory. So my humble advice would be work on the scoop more and hang your backfoot toes off a lil more to hook the tail then practice to the point where none of yours land 270 and then slowly work your toes more n more on the board then you'll be able to pop them higher and they'll be butttery on flat. Ik that's alotta info but u look at skateboarding similar to myself so that might help. anyways Love your channel been a supporter since 8K Keep goin brotha!!!

  • @sidyT9
    @sidyT9 2 года назад +6

    Keep it up bro I did my first treyflip in 2015 and it took me probably around 5 years to get them to the point where I can do them consistently

  • @diamondcanvases609
    @diamondcanvases609 2 года назад +3

    I'm right there with you bro, I've been working on my tre flips for months and I know how frustrating it is when it doesn't work. I'd like to chip in and recommend making sure that you're going perfectly straight before you pop, and not turning in any direction, you need to feel planted and balanced on the board, if you feel even a little sketch before you pop, your tre flip is most likely going to suck. Also, there's another tip I received from a skater with steezy tre flips which actually helped me a lot was visualizing that your back foot toes are hugging that edge of the board, that'll help you to angle your back foot right. You also have to find your sweet spot on the tail of the deck, for me, it's different on different boards.

    • @pistopitpit
      @pistopitpit 3 дня назад

      Thanks. Great tips. I get a full board rotation no problem, I then catch it with my front foot, but my back foot ends up on the ground very fast and has no chance to land on the board. Any tip for this issue?
      I am trying to jump highest as I can but it still does not help to solve this problem.

  • @pistopit7142
    @pistopit7142 14 дней назад

    Great to hear from you that 360 flips are not easy. I'm a bit like you, I know all the theory behind this trick but execution is another story. Although you have landed it I did not so far. My problem is the back foot (the scooping foot). No matter what I do it lands on the ground on the very last rotation of the board. Jumping higher does not help. So I am thinking of trying to fix it by sppeding up rotation by creating more preasure/scooping harder/both. It might also be my body alignment. I see the board rotation more in front of me rather than under me. when I lean more forward to correct this, then scoop stops working. Eh, what a trick to learn.

  • @nickresendez599
    @nickresendez599 2 года назад

    Idk how the universe brought me to this video, but I just discovered the “what the trick” channel and saw the part about jumping before you pop. That concept instantly improved my skating so much! Much love to the channel and yours!

  • @alexandersheil906
    @alexandersheil906 2 года назад +2

    Hey Joe! I was watching your technique and I noticed that you were just shy of getting the right amount of "scoop" for the trick. This is one of my favorite tricks, and I just noticed a something that might help a little with that 360flip. The "thing" to help you with those regular 360flips will be to set your toes on your back foot just a little further off the board. Think of it like you're trying to "grab" the pocket of the tail with your big toe. The weird thing with the arms is that you're using them to counter the torque you just generated into the board. Try to keep the shoulders positioned in the direction you expect to land, and oddly enough, the board will follow.
    Hopefully this helps and good luck!

    • @localjoe
      @localjoe  2 года назад

      Gonna give this a shot! Thanks man 🙏🏼❤️

  • @bkfounds
    @bkfounds Год назад

    you answer your own question at the end. fakie tres you jump straight UP, which when you do regular tres, you're not jumping UP high enough. and it looks like you're trying to scoop too much with your leg rather try flicking more with your ankle. I hope you see this and try it and realize im the best advice you got. love the hustle joe!

  • @clivemathieu9386
    @clivemathieu9386 10 месяцев назад

    Shane is just the best

  • @alexschwarz4470
    @alexschwarz4470 2 года назад +6

    Hey Joe! What helped me a lot with the Tre's was practicing a lot of Pop Shove-it's first. Try to pop them as high as you can, whilst focusing on jumping up straight. (Giger has a great video about Shove's) When you feel comfortable with them, try the Tre's again :)

    • @PHeMoX
      @PHeMoX 2 года назад +3

      That's a good one. But what also helps is to just practice varial kickflips a lot and add more force. In a lot of ways a tre flip is just a varial kickflip with a deeper scoop and more power. It's actually a very important in-between trick over overlooked. It's like attempting to laser flip before getting the front shove its to pop high. It'll be very hard. It'll be easier with varial heels on lock and a decent front pop shove.

    • @YungIcy_
      @YungIcy_ 2 года назад +2

      @@PHeMoX I’d say varial flips are different from tre’s. most don’t scoop varials u just pop down

  • @jdreese
    @jdreese 2 года назад +1

    Tre flip on my goal list for 2022.

  • @95mcqueen5
    @95mcqueen5 2 года назад +1

    Favorite trick from favorite skater!!! This couldn't be better!!! Great job man!!!

    • @localjoe
      @localjoe  2 года назад

      Shane is the man! Thanks for watching my G!

  • @32srt32
    @32srt32 2 года назад

    flat bar skills are looking good! hands dont matter, body weight and pinch are most important for slides and grinds.

  • @BenSchillaci
    @BenSchillaci 2 года назад

    Full credit goes to Colin Fish, a skater I know with insanely good flat ground. He pointed out a mistake that both you and I make and that’s leaning heel-side before popping the trick. In some of your attempts you lean heel-side so much that you actually turn away from the direction the board spins in before you pop your tail. If you watch Shane, his board stays totally level before he pops. Leaning heel-side causes under rotation and slows down the flip. It also pulls you into an open shoulder position from over exerting to fight where you’re leaning. Either stay level or have more weight toe-side so that the board flips faster.

  • @VQ.Family
    @VQ.Family 2 года назад

    Hey man so what helped get tre flips consistent is of course practice and doing the tre flip the way felipe gustavo does them. I watched your video on that and it really worked for me, i have more control of the scoop now. I recommend your felipe gustavo tre flip video if you're struggling with tre flips.

  • @FabianBarajas
    @FabianBarajas 2 года назад +1

    It's really dope to see how much you've progressed in skating and content creation. Keep going man. You're crushing it.

    • @localjoe
      @localjoe  2 года назад

      Thanks man! Trying to work hard!

  • @Eljaibomacias
    @Eljaibomacias 2 года назад +1

    I have a small tip that really did it for me. Don't place your back foot on the tail instead place it just below the trucks almost almost above the wheels. It will make the spin a lot easier . Then just practice shoves like crazy to practice the catch.

    • @maxsanchez764
      @maxsanchez764 Год назад

      I thought that was illegal 😭😭 bc most tutorials teach you not to do that. Thank you for not making be ashamed of my foot placement

  • @sk8mafia214
    @sk8mafia214 2 года назад +1

    Just make sure you’re board not leaning toe side or heel but keeping the board straight. And do now use you whole leg for this, I notice a lot of people tend to do that. Focus on the pop and scooping your ankle in front of you but make sure to get the pop first, I noticed some ghost-pop.

  • @FUZ2706
    @FUZ2706 Год назад

    Why the trick needs way more views, he really goes into interesting physics of tricks.

  • @Adam-TheThorn
    @Adam-TheThorn 2 года назад +1

    I'm having troubles with tre flips lately. I had them when I was younger. My problems now aren't the same as yours. Mine rotate fine, but I'm leaning toward my nose too much, so it ends up behind me. That said, back in the day before I had them on lock I had an issue with getting the full 360 rotation. I was leaning too far toward my toes, which didn't allow me to get the right scoop. In my mind, I feel like I was leaking energy from the scoop by jumping forward (toe side). When I thought of a string being attached to my head, pulling me straight up, I was able to get the proper rotation and that's when I started landing them. Based on this video, it looks like you're leaning toe side quite a bit. Much more than Shane does. It looks like Shane actually isn't leaning toe side as much as you might think, if at all. Center of balance is a bit lower, so it makes sense that his head would be a bit to the toe side. He also has a very arched back, unlike someone like Chris Cole with his very straight back. Maybe check out how Chris Cole does it. I feel like your technique may emulate what he does more than Shane. Either way, try the cue I used - think about a string pulling you up from the crown of your head or between your shoulders. I think it'll give you a lot more power in your scoop in order to get it to spin that extra 90 needed. Also, you're way better than I was at every other aspect of skating, so maybe I'm just talking shit, haha, but I did have tre flips on lock back in the day.

  • @andrewgraham2546
    @andrewgraham2546 2 года назад

    Helps me a lot to keep my front foot pressure centered on the board, right along that centerline between the trucks, can be more forward or back towards the rear truck but you definitely dont want to have your front foot close to the edge, it just leads to the board translating way out in front instead of staying under you.

  • @malaka734
    @malaka734 2 года назад +1

    Nice channel bro. When I watch you do a Trey flip I think one of the biggest problems is that you’re opening your shoulders and that’s what causes you to Land 90 degrees. It Also helps to put your feet closer together if your having trouble with the full rotation. Hope this helps you
    Happy skateboarding

  • @Luke-Emmanuel
    @Luke-Emmanuel Год назад

    Look at Brian andersons tre flips. His style is the best. You have to be comfortably heavy on your board and evenly footed toe and heel. Use the swing of your arms push the board forward. Don't try to scoop the board with your back foot. That works for others. For your style, the best would be for you is to flip the board up to you. Like an old school 'muska' fs flip. Kinda like a reverse forward flip. You'll see progress and you'll enjoy it. It'll be kinda black out as in you won't see it flip like how you are trying to see it flip, cuz it'll be under you.

  • @tresfordays9644
    @tresfordays9644 2 года назад +1

    You have to pop, a lot of people focus so much on spinning the board the don’t actually pop the board before they scoop, keep your back foot in the pocket, scoop down and forward/behind you, then while you do that slide your front foot up and forward, kinda aiming towards where you’d flick for a Heelflip, but with your toe, once you got the scoop, you need to work on getting your front foot up and out of the way to allow the board to be able to do the full rotation

  • @JoeyXB
    @JoeyXB 2 года назад

    I’m in the same treflip journey as you and mine look(ed) like yours. Had a breakthrough in the effortless department today finally after over a year lol. Maybe my breakthrough tip could bell you too. What I found today was weight distribution was the difference. I can set up with my weight however I want but when I start to bend down to load up for the trick, the difference today was to pretty much have all the weight load up on the back foot. Then on the jump and scoop the weight is still all centered on the back foot. A couple mess up’s we’re usually because my head position was too far forward so in helping with keeping the weight on the back I also focused on keeping my head more over the back bolts area especially on the upward momentum/scoop phase. During both the load up phase and the upward/scoop phase I had my front foot become pretty much weightless. And boom! Finally had my tre flip break through with those things mor incorporated

  • @PHeMoX
    @PHeMoX 2 года назад +1

    For what it's worth, that What the trick channel is actually wrong about a lot of the physics involved in this (and other) trick(s). For example, the tre flip really does not do the kick flip rotation with the back foot. It's easily the biggest myth in skateboarding. It is still the front foot that causes it to flip the kick flip direction. Keep in mind how a scoop-only would flip inward heel side. And a pressure 360 flip is a wildly different trick. The key to a tre to me seem to be the combination of preloading the front of the board anticipating for a snappy flick with your front foot and basically just scooping the board a full 90 degrees before the hard pop. It's the 90 degrees angle that makes it rotate 360 degrees and it's the flick that prevents it from just landing upside down.

    • @simonwolfe4324
      @simonwolfe4324 2 года назад

      Hmm no I think you're wrong, watch them again and experiment, observe. Sure your front foot can influence the rotation but it's still about that back foot action and what part of the board hits. With a pressure your foot pushes/bulldozers the board into a heel side undertwist, but a tre snap creates an impact moment that needs to rebalance the boards z axis rotation in the opposite direction to that toe side snap.

  • @timothyluke9660
    @timothyluke9660 2 года назад +3

    You seem like such a humble dude! Love how you put pros tips to the test too. Never seen a skate channel take that approach to this extent. It seems like it works though. Your pretty good homie. You got my sub, keep up the good work!

    • @localjoe
      @localjoe  2 года назад +1

      🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️ thanks man!

  • @illictshrugs
    @illictshrugs 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for the tips man, I've been struggling with these. Keep up the good work!

  • @ralfsmeizans6083
    @ralfsmeizans6083 2 года назад

    For me personally 360 flips got a lot easier once I learned to properly pop and scoop 360 shove its. Idk if it's just a coincidence but it worked for me.

  • @surrealisticinfinity2895
    @surrealisticinfinity2895 2 года назад +1

    Some pointers that I thought about. Before you do the 360 flip you are always turning slightly frontside, dont do that, you want to be going straight as possible. Thats actually more of a technique that can be used for 360 pop shuvits but not 360 flips. Your weight distrubution should be right between your feet towards the toeside and when you jump the center of gravity goes immediately to your back foot. Also at 6:00 (pause at that time, or any other time when you are about to pop) your backfoot is flat on the tail. It should not be flat but more on "curved" onto your toes at that point which is what causes the 'scoop'. Compare your backfoot to Shane's at the same point in the trick and you will clearly see it (3:25). What you do now is making the board hit the ground with not enough tilt making the flip way harder to do.

    • @surrealisticinfinity2895
      @surrealisticinfinity2895 2 года назад +1

      Also another thing, youre over analyzing it too much. Like the arm angles dont really matter, just makes your brain more confused when you think about that stuff. This trick is in the backfoot, and thats where you need to polish up your technique. If the backfoot does it wrong this trick will be hard.

    • @BenSchillaci
      @BenSchillaci 2 года назад

      Basically just left the same comment. I know that’s holding his 360 flips back because it’s why I failed to land any tonight 😆

  • @pnksmigge5324
    @pnksmigge5324 2 года назад

    progress before perfection, thanks forinspiring us to get out and improve!

  • @bsszzzz1779
    @bsszzzz1779 2 года назад

    Yeah good point with the whythetrick.. the dude is very 👍 good.

  • @sherbetyeezys8648
    @sherbetyeezys8648 2 года назад

    I have been skating over 20 yrs and never had a good tre flip but I do have them switch and nollie. I never played skate or learned tricks for no reason, if I can't do it down a 10 or all my friends are doing it I don't care. I still never risk injury for basic tricks, if I know I can switch 50 a rail I most likely won't warm up with a regular 50 cause I got to keep them legs fresh!

  • @lolitsmatt29
    @lolitsmatt29 2 года назад

    Bro that slow mo clip is insane🔥🔥🔥 ur breakdown was insane

  • @frater_niram
    @frater_niram 2 года назад +1

    whythetrick is a great channel

  • @geoffresmart
    @geoffresmart Год назад

    Bro said “I’m not here to teach you how to tre flips”
    has 10 videos titled “-insert pro- taught me how to Tre flip” where he teaches you how to tre flip
    I’m right there with you brother…. That’s why I’m watching all these videos!

  • @bonksmusic1
    @bonksmusic1 Год назад

    I used to treflip on lock , on everything. But I had severe trauma ankle sprain when I did one down a bump to drop hill bomb. Ever since then, when I recovered yes I did a few, then I slowly stopped doing them , and it’s been difficult to get them back. But I feel like they are slowly coming back with so much better technique & strength, I am so close to landing them , but just not yet.

  • @pistopitpit
    @pistopitpit 3 дня назад

    Great tips. My problem is hanging my back foot above the board. It goes to the ground faster than a board every time and no matter how high I jump. Any tips?

  • @SabiaCDO
    @SabiaCDO 2 года назад

    Man... You are getting smoother by the week!

  • @stewartlinton7825
    @stewartlinton7825 2 года назад

    bro breaking my mind thank you so much for these videos really helping me improve my skating

  • @cardiothoraskate4524
    @cardiothoraskate4524 2 года назад

    I love your videos! Im still a beginner so I'd think it'd be awesome if you did a secrets/ taught-me-how video on fs/bs 180's and pop/fs shove-its! Keep up the great work!! 🔥🔥🙌

  • @MystifierMan
    @MystifierMan 2 года назад

    Your weight distribution is heavy on the front foot compared to his. He's pressure loading his feet equally till the last second. Also keep in mind he's using smaller wheels and lower/tighter trucks to get more of a swing motion.

  • @Jaydawg01
    @Jaydawg01 2 года назад

    Joe the goat for breaking down how pro skaters go on about doing those tricks

  • @321Misfits
    @321Misfits 2 года назад

    Do them tre flips standing still, get use to jumping straight up and landing just front foot on the board. Once you get it down of landing just front foot work that back foot on

  • @fatanations
    @fatanations 2 года назад

    On fire🔥🔥

  • @rmhfpv9225
    @rmhfpv9225 2 года назад +1

    That "whythetrick" youtube channel is going to break skateboarding wide open for a lot of people.

    • @simonwolfe4324
      @simonwolfe4324 2 года назад

      Yeah, I think that/those whythetrick tre vids are the the first to ever breakdown the physics and technique properly. He demystified the whole thing properly.

  • @nikey373
    @nikey373 2 года назад

    i really like your consistency of your tricks :D

  • @jeremybeal23
    @jeremybeal23 2 года назад

    Sick vid man

  • @carlossoares712
    @carlossoares712 2 года назад

    The secret of 360flips spins:
    I think most people struggles because they try to combine a 360 shuv and a kickflip, when they should think of it more like a doubled hardflip with the axis on a 45º angle,
    i had a hard time learning this one and i know it can be tricky to get it done.
    it is in fact a 360shuvit plus a kickflip but the problem it is way too hard to spin a complete 360 shove-it during a flip or a complete flip during a 360 shove-it. when you combine these two tricks you usually lose one of the two spins.
    the point is that when you kick a 360 shuvit you have to kick it somewhat downward or too strong and there is not much time to flip
    i've been there myself and it is not that you can't do it, you can... but it is hard
    one will notice that such 360 flips are superfast and that the performer will jump forward a lot and inconsistent
    the secret is that you CAN'T 360 shove-it you SHOULD hardflip it
    pop it down ( not back ) on that crooked area, this will start the 45º pop and flip your board a bit "heelflipwise", if not you may try a circular movement with your foot to tilt the board and push it to the rolling direction.
    the front foot is like on a kick flip but a bit more back to the center of the skate, when you pop, it should let the heelflip/pressureflip spin begin
    then when you feel the pop pushing hard below your front foot just release this energy with a dragon kick, just like an ollie but with a strong pointing kick
    the strong kick should be to the rolling direction, no to the front; this will work like on an ollie to lift the tail and at the same time will flip the board and on a kickflip, but also will turn the horizontal heellflipwise spin energy into vertical spin...
    as when we start the pop the board turns a bit on that crook position and the is some rotation heelflipwise the vertical axis is about 45º off and the vertical spin becomes horizontal.
    also during the pop the center of mass of the skate will go to the center of the board for a brief moment and that is the moment to kick with of front foot
    think of 360 flips as an impossible that you decided to kickflip
    think of 360 flips as an doubled hardflip
    DO NOT think of 360 flips as 360 shove-it+ kickflip
    do some research on ANGULAR MOMENTUM
    tell me why people nowdays call a hard doubleflip nowdays as double hardflip ????

  • @jinkings
    @jinkings 2 года назад

    It's all in the back foot. I tend to dig my big toe right into the corner pocket of the tail.

  • @Mikey_Burnett
    @Mikey_Burnett 2 года назад +1

    People don’t understand how joe is setting us up for success for next spring/summer

  • @hitman9milly308
    @hitman9milly308 2 года назад +15

    I like your progression Joe but I swear u really don't have to dissect a single trick if u already did it a few's muscle memory the more u do it the better it gets.

    • @Jordan-mw1lb
      @Jordan-mw1lb 2 года назад

      Agreed. Practice and persistence is the real secret.

    • @joeycarter242
      @joeycarter242 2 года назад +4

      I agree but I think finding flaws in your technique can be super useful.

    • @zacariasc
      @zacariasc 2 года назад +1

      True but that's what his content is about tho. Breaking down how other people do tricks will improve your own no matter what level you're at. Plus these videos help other people too

    • @troymacarthur
      @troymacarthur 2 года назад

      @@zacariasc I agree his target audience isn't the dude's and chicks who are just naturally gifted and sponsored in 2 years. It's also not for those 5 yr olds who's parents are paying for private lessons all winter and skatecamp every summer. By 'Local Joe', he means average people who will benefit from checking out how he is improving, and really breaking down the finer points of how a trick is done by the best skater's at that certain trick. Better than 'trick tips' in transworld or thrasher magazine's before all this utube fuckery. I see both sides too thou only a skater thats passed certain milestones will benefit from a tutorial on how to pinch your front Krooks like Jamie Foy. There ain't no secrets or hacks at getting good skating. hope that made sense, too lazy to edit.

  • @candelarioelizondo7460
    @candelarioelizondo7460 2 года назад

    My g you got it for sure the key is jumping vertically on all your tricks the Ollie. But don’t project your weight horizontally because your scooping in that motion. But scoop almost like a flamingo behind and in front of you. BIGGEST KEY is learning the scoop from your knee down not your whole leg and hip.

  • @emilianoreynoso2684
    @emilianoreynoso2684 2 года назад +2

    I see that your main problem with your treflips is that your are scooping straight back. You have to scoop sort of forward and that’s how you get the full rotation

    • @localjoe
      @localjoe  2 года назад

      I’m playing with this rn and it’s helping a ton ❤️🙏🏼

    • @rrraaadddiiiooo7766
      @rrraaadddiiiooo7766 Год назад

      @@localjoe I've been studying tres and I noticed that Nigel Jones from braille does the spread eagle as well chest out. The movement helps to open shoulders and keeping your front knee from following the board inward. All the skaters with steezy tres use the spread eagle chest out technique. I can't break my bad habit of bringing my arms toward my chest causing my front knee to follow the board resulting in no flick.
      But I noticed you have the flick but your scoop foot doesn't turn inward towards the nose of the board. Dope video as always. Thanks for the videos. It definitely helps an old 46yr. accomplish bucket 🪣 list goals.

  • @StephenBanana
    @StephenBanana 2 года назад +7

    The biggest theme across most of your vids is that you need to pop higher, especially when trying to replicate pros. The pros can underemphasize their movements because they are popping so much more.

    • @komoonkh
      @komoonkh 2 года назад

      I have that problem too. When you are in your 30s, you lose your pop.... Sadly

    • @Jamtron88
      @Jamtron88 2 года назад +2

      @@komoonkh that's nonsense. Shane himself is in his thirties. Thirties is your prime, don't fall for the "I'm so old" mindset that everyone online has. Work hard and take care of yourself and you'll get results!

    • @LuigiSR50
      @LuigiSR50 2 года назад +1

      everyone always mentions the pop but jumping equally high is actually as important. trying to get myself higher in the air helped me a lot on doing tricks clean because theres much more time to correct little things in the air

    • @phillipfries9418
      @phillipfries9418 2 года назад

      Core strength essential for pop height

    • @phillipfries9418
      @phillipfries9418 2 года назад

      Running good

  • @komoonkh
    @komoonkh 2 года назад

    I focused on you when you pop it and it is not that you lean too much on the toes, it is that you jump forward. When riding fakie, you dont do that. Thats because when riding fakie, the scoop goes easier. Try scooping more with your toes, kinda like a pressure flip, if you know what I mean. Skate hacks (plantrider) has the best tricktip on that subject.

  • @matanaltjeacovson4117
    @matanaltjeacovson4117 2 года назад

    Nice,shane is super sick!
    Can you please make more mindset videos(commiting and overcoming fear)? Rails,gaps and flatground,that will be super helpful
    Also i've recently discovered the "why the trick" channel,would be cool if you make some vids with that channel

  • @kosi7842
    @kosi7842 2 года назад


  • @johncoleman7308
    @johncoleman7308 2 года назад +1

    Hey dude where did you get your flatbar? I need one and yours looks perfect

    • @localjoe
      @localjoe  2 года назад +1

      @super_ramp made it for me custom to fit in my car

  • @OMgDobe
    @OMgDobe 9 месяцев назад

    I'm still struggling to get them back lol. You're so much closer then you think.

  • @lightlybatteredjustcrispy
    @lightlybatteredjustcrispy 8 месяцев назад

    I think the true secret is that the front foot doesnt actually flip the board, the trucks and tension in the bushings do

  • @cultureisdead6343
    @cultureisdead6343 2 года назад

    Another reason is because you are turning to the right when trying to catch it

  • @kwote
    @kwote 2 года назад +1

    Your shoulders are square when you’re fakie. Your shoulders are turning when rolling regular. I have that problem with a lot of tricks.

    • @BenSchillaci
      @BenSchillaci 2 года назад +1

      So do I. I use looking at my back foot as a way to counter opening my shoulders up. My frontside flips especially suffer and don’t pop as nice when I neglect this.

  • @LonnieHutchinson90
    @LonnieHutchinson90 2 года назад +1

    It will most likely CLICK for you when your having fun skating and not trying so hard and disappointing yourself.

  • @flexmode5301
    @flexmode5301 2 года назад

    Your problem with the tre is the problem I have with hard flips no matter how I try the damn things stay behind me if I even get close it’ll me landing on the nose gotta keep grinding

  • @gmackskates
    @gmackskates 2 года назад

    Bro can you do you a april skateboards review

  • @joaoroberto5360
    @joaoroberto5360 2 года назад

    fix your skate, the first ledge pick up more fast tan another ledge

  • @PatrickWoerner
    @PatrickWoerner 2 года назад

    What i see on your treflip trys is that you really just don't jump up. Jump the fuck up then the airtime will come and then the board gets its full rotation.

  • @daltonburns1909
    @daltonburns1909 2 года назад +1

    PLEASE listen lol it’s the scoop. Scoop is like almost the wrong word when describing tre flips and yet everyone uses it. It’s a quick crack of the tail off that toe side corner NOT a scoop. In the video I can see your back foot scooping really hard like your doing a three shuv, your like flinging your back foot out. Set up like Shane does with your back heel raised and literally just pop the board straight down and jump. It’s a quick crack not a scoop I wouldn’t call it a scoop AT ALL scooping is for impossibles and three shuvs and full 3s. Please trust me, I’m just a local Joe myself but I promise you I very very rarely miss tres on flat ground. Like maybe once out of every 3-4 games of skate unless there’s something wrong with my bushings

  • @antdavis4913
    @antdavis4913 2 года назад +1

    I comment on your tre flip vids all the time. You've still missed the trick which is why you struggle. It's all in the backfoot

  • @zito75fan75
    @zito75fan75 2 года назад +1

    9:15 that’s what my gf says. She keeps coming back for the two inches, day after day.

  • @chachasdoe9946
    @chachasdoe9946 2 года назад

    honestly just practice it every single day you’ll get em down eventually

  • @dylanreynoso3727
    @dylanreynoso3727 2 года назад +1

    Hey tip Try not to open your shoulders

  • @cerebro1996
    @cerebro1996 2 года назад +1

    can you nollie flip?

    • @localjoe
      @localjoe  2 года назад +1


    • @cerebro1996
      @cerebro1996 2 года назад

      @@localjoe I think that trick could help with tres because youre gonna get used to do weird things with your back foot even more and its easier than tres(I can nollie flip but can't Tre), maybe sounds stupid but I it maybe could help lol

    • @cerebro1996
      @cerebro1996 2 года назад

      haven't try treflips since I learned nollie flips

  • @whimzycloud
    @whimzycloud Год назад

    I feel like Shane has done much better tres besides this clip

  • @the.real.ipatch
    @the.real.ipatch 2 года назад +1

    why not use the same camera that was used the shane oneil footage? then you could put yours and his side by side to get a visual difference.

  • @Schnarkel
    @Schnarkel 2 года назад

    I find most these videos are marketing the idea of ”hacking” skateboarding but you will not. Time and effort will give you results. 95% hard work and 5% luck for some of the weird ones. That's all now can skateboarding get over this mentality of cheating the system.

  • @Kunn1ngDruger
    @Kunn1ngDruger 2 года назад

    bend your knees a bit more. get down lower in the first place.

  • @faithbyworks8182
    @faithbyworks8182 2 года назад +1

    Your video titles and thumbnails are super misleading.

  • @biscuit8596
    @biscuit8596 Год назад

    I’ve never related to a video so hard. 🔥🛹👍🏼