POV: your DM has ADHD

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2,4 тыс.

  • @Hyltonisfunny
    @Hyltonisfunny Год назад +3832

    'Past DM is wack' is going immediately into my favorite sayings pile and I will be using it frequently and without remorse.

    • @MandalorV7
      @MandalorV7 Год назад +59

      For me past Jacob is wack will now be how I will describe any past mistakes I might have made.

    • @jone7344
      @jone7344 Год назад +15

      I say this like every session I run

    • @TheShadowwalker007
      @TheShadowwalker007 Год назад +7

      Right on

    • @icarue993
      @icarue993 Год назад +13

      As a game developer looking into my functions and balance, I already do that :P

    • @timelesscatastrophe
      @timelesscatastrophe Год назад +2

      Same :)

  • @a7s_kosmos310
    @a7s_kosmos310 Год назад +1810

    As a DM with ADHD, I can relate very much to the bursts of energy and the „when did you have time for this“. Just happens 😂

    • @coolboy9979
      @coolboy9979 Год назад +9

      Do you also forget everything?

    • @dragoninthewest1
      @dragoninthewest1 Год назад +42

      ​@@BigFormula93 as a DM with ADHD and Asperger's, I can get distracted but have super detailed memories of most random stuff. This is why I use a notebook

    • @mrzeloswilder
      @mrzeloswilder Год назад +16

      @@dragoninthewest1 and then there's me in which I have ADHD, Asperger's, and am one of the most allergic people in my tristate area. In which I require my players to carry a notebook, and they get rewarded based on how well they do XD.

    • @jamesjoy7547
      @jamesjoy7547 Год назад +9

      @@coolboy9979 not forgot, simply difficult to explain.
      Like, my anxiety twisted my depression's arm and said:
      "Here! Show them THIS next time they call you lazy! Yes, the color of the soil is VITAL! Make them write it down!"
      "I was never here, if they ask, just say you don't recall..."

    • @JTheTeach
      @JTheTeach Год назад +9

      hyperfocus baby. Its our super power. And detriment sometimes..

  • @CJ-Wolf
    @CJ-Wolf Год назад +901

    I love it, most people ignore the hyper focus part of ADHD but showing that he somehow had the time to create a giant high detail 3D dungeon with matching minis for the bosses and room based lighting effects for the encounter when he had no time to do so, excellent example

    • @BlueRadium
      @BlueRadium Год назад +17

      Two speeds: creating a new mini-game-ish system that allows for company/battalion-scale combat and writing ways each player's skills enhances the units they lead, with an intricate map and personally play testing for balance.
      Ad-libbing literally the entire session with a few piles of pre-planned names/NPC personalities/enemies and running with whatever the players want 100%.
      Accidentally works great; heavy planning for key moments, decided by the things that the players choose to get themselves into.

    • @hazeltree7738
      @hazeltree7738 Год назад +20

      @Mothpostle7605 ADD is just an outdated term for ADHD. Having ADD be the one with hyper-focus wouldn't make sense anyway since it just removes "Hyper", not "Attention deficiency"

    • @elitebelt
      @elitebelt Год назад +8

      I think it makes sense because at first you have absolutely nothing to go off of when it comes to preparation and expectations. But when you do finally get the ball rolling, then you suddenly have all these ideas to prepare and everyone's expectations are set in stone so it's much easier to get things rolling once things are nice and set in stone. At least for me that is.

    • @zeyface6366
      @zeyface6366 3 месяца назад

      @@hazeltree7738 Wrong on both counts:
      ADD is an outdated term for a TYPE of ADHD. Not all ADHD is ADD
      Also removing the “hyper” only really applies to how one expresses it most of the time. You still definitely get hyper focus and a brain that won’t shut up (just becomes daydreams instead of rants).
      I think that misunderstanding might even be part of the reason the term ADD is outdated

  • @RandomInternetStranger
    @RandomInternetStranger Год назад +30

    As an ADHD DM, the only inaccuracy is that your players don't also have ADHD and just remain mildly confused and entertained by the sheer chaos of every session. For my group, it constantly feels like every single session is an entirely new game, because all of us pretty consistently forget the specific rules we set last time, or one person does and it changes like an hour of planning.
    The aforementioned insanity came to a peak when one of my players reminded me of the rules I set in place for Find Familiar mechanics and it interfered with a Warlock thing, and with a single heavy breath, I took two chapters out of my binder and threw them in the trash.

  • @anacoanagoldenflower
    @anacoanagoldenflower Год назад +23

    Listen, myself and my DM and fellow players all have non-medicated ADHD, AND I am also the DM for a bunch of teenagers who all have autism and non-medicated ADHD; saying this is accurate is an understatement. Absolutely on the nose about being able to astound players with the creativity and commitment!

  • @henrystefanov5873
    @henrystefanov5873 Год назад +174

    Oh my god. As a DM with ADHD this is so on point. Forgetting names, places, plot points, rules, past rule changes, MY OWN HOMEBREW RULES, so much goes out the mental window from session to session. I should read my old notes and review my players sheets, but instead I stay up until 3 AM the night before a game crafting props that may or may not even come into play.
    Also unpainted minis are a staple at my table. Having anything fully finished as a ADHDM is against the law.

    • @JuMiKu
      @JuMiKu Год назад

      ...Do I have ADHD..?

    • @lisa_42
      @lisa_42 Год назад +5

      Really? For me the forgetting stuff was the least relatable. But I also have notes and habe players recount the last session at the beginning so I might have just dealt with it without knowing... Or as an interest based learner I just keep the interesting stuff (all of DND) in my head immediately.

    • @littleleakyleakythere
      @littleleakyleakythere Год назад +2

      My dm has adhd, and so do all of us as players, and something that has really helped everyone is that several of us players take really really in depth notes (kind of a transcript). It's a record for them so they can go back and look and everything that's happened in past sessions and for us, it keeps our attention focused on scenes we aren't in. It's a win/win and I've never been this invested in a game I've been in before

  • @jarekhartwell6235
    @jarekhartwell6235 Год назад +184

    As someone with ADHD who is a forever dm, the "you let me do that two sessions ago" is something that really upset me in my early dming years that I and my players eventually grew out of doing it and reminding me about it repsctivley. Generally I rule that whatever I said the first time is what goes. So I like to write down all of my "past rules that I made up because I didn't know what else to say that I will probably change at some point"

    • @ArDeeMee
      @ArDeeMee Год назад +6

      That’s the best way to do it, honestly. Don’t get too hung up on RAW, just go with the flow. The DM is supposed to have fun, too! =)

    • @HashimotoDatsu
      @HashimotoDatsu Год назад +5

      And if you want to change it, just meet with your players and make sure you're all on the same page

    • @RockHeiland
      @RockHeiland Год назад +2

      I belief the best way to handle such situations is to write down the situation, tell your players "thats how i rule it NOW, i will look it up after the session and tell you how it works and we go by that next time". That way you don't hinder the flow of the game, but you also dont make up a rule on the spot that might ruin the balance of your game (twinned fire ball ;-) )

  • @chaoticrevenge7950
    @chaoticrevenge7950 Год назад +1

    That part on not knowing how any spells work but then knowing the ins and outs of a particular spell is definitely on brand lol

  • @orr4337
    @orr4337 9 месяцев назад +1

    I hate how I didnt catch the first one until the socond watch, i was like "damn, 23 damage, that's a lot", then when said he used his greatsword I was like "ok, so you didnt kick him, you cut him in half"

  • @alexplayer8367
    @alexplayer8367 8 месяцев назад

    there are some sketches that can happen to any DM, sometimes as a DM you have to do so many things at the same time that is difficult to focus on everything

  • @LifeontheBush
    @LifeontheBush Год назад +58

    Can you please do one where the players all have ADHD and the DM doesn’t. This is the Table I play at and it’s all chaos all the time. which is perfect because the DM specifically asked for chaos, I don’t know what she was thinking but it is glorious!

    • @jamesjoy7547
      @jamesjoy7547 Год назад +17

      As a DM, I cat attest that it's fun, and frustrating
      *Me(DM):* " The goblins are approaching, darting from bush to hedge, making sure they have cover."
      *Party (talking over each other):* "What kind of hedges? Do the hedges have berries? Do the bushes? Are the bushes different from the hedges? Are there any trees? Can I hide behind a tree? Do the trees have berries?"
      *Me:* "uhhh . . . Now you hear the sound of other goblins sneaking up behind you "
      *Party:* "Is that where the trees are? How many trees? Can I shoot them with my bow? Are they camouflaged? What color are my arrows? What color are my gloves? You have gloves? I want gloves. Yeah, me too,!"
      *Me:* " . . . "

    • @DiscoTimelordASD
      @DiscoTimelordASD Год назад +3

      ​@James Joy But did everyone get gloves? Did the trees have berries? You can't just ignore important details like this!
      Now I need to know🤦‍♀️

    • @jamesjoy7547
      @jamesjoy7547 Год назад +3

      @@DiscoTimelordASD 😂
      Yes they all got gloves . . .
      But one pair carried a Terrible Curse!
      And the trees bore *(rolls d12, shrugs)* potatoes!

    • @DiscoTimelordASD
      @DiscoTimelordASD Год назад +1

      @James Joy I am at peace now lol
      I am also stealing the trees for my fanfiction because that is just hella creative.

    • @_uno3360
      @_uno3360 Год назад +1

      Good lord. I've been there. You have my sympathy.

  • @Beargrin89
    @Beargrin89 Год назад

    … yeah. I feel it. I usually have several sessions planned out. Not because I pace myself and work on things through the week. But because I panicked, hyper fixated, and churned out a LOT last minute.

  • @Gerald-of-Riviera
    @Gerald-of-Riviera 2 месяца назад

    Being brand new to DnD, DMing, and being a massive Witcher 3 fan i think i found my nrw favorite channel lol

  • @pascastro9928
    @pascastro9928 Год назад +50

    As a pretty new DM myself, who crafts every single map and terrain, who also has motherflippin ADHD, you just made me realize some stuff. There´s some advantages and CLEARLY some disadvantages lol.

  • @Koczel_
    @Koczel_ Год назад +1

    Looking into a wall for an hour is too relatable XD I hate it and i love it

  • @MetisRose95
    @MetisRose95 Год назад +2

    1:18 I already feel attacked. But pretty sure I've said the literal same things.

  • @Virus-ng1lh
    @Virus-ng1lh Год назад +48

    You have no idea how this captures ADHD DMs almost PERFECTLY. I do every single one of these things, save for I KNOW I need to plan things so I have a super basic outline to kinda keep me on track, but the number of times I’ve thrown it to the side cannot be counted. I love your videos, this one is just icing on the cake.

  • @thessaalders9770
    @thessaalders9770 8 месяцев назад

    Thinking back of all the cool homebrew stuff I introduced into my games for exactly one session before either forgetting or realizing I massively underestimated how much of a pain in the ass it'd be.

  • @Jiriki79
    @Jiriki79 Год назад

    As someone with adhd and also has dm'd I would say this is the most accurate representation of my time playing dnd

  • @amoney1421
    @amoney1421 Год назад +202

    This is an actual direct attack against me. Down to the "remind me what that does again?"
    "Wait that was an entirely different campaign"
    It all runs together, all the voices in my head all the characters just become one giant amalgamation
    Also the preparation part is me too.

    • @KirbzYyY
      @KirbzYyY 10 месяцев назад +2

      The management in my head are at an eternal war and sometimes a temporary dictator is established but they never last long enough to bring some form of coordination.

  • @amduil8168
    @amduil8168 Год назад

    I often have the "I havent prepared a single thing for this session, so theater of the mind and sharpie marker maps are all we got" to the next next session ive now preppared the next 3 dungeons, made them on inkarnate with excessive detail and fully written out loot tables and encounters with custom made enemy stat blocks and items.

  • @ItsMeHoodson
    @ItsMeHoodson Год назад +1

    When I was playing Elden Ring I wanted to make a Grafted Scion as a dnd enemy

  • @nrais76
    @nrais76 Год назад +12

    My daughter has ADHD and is about to DM for us. This seems like it's probably a pretty accurate interpretation of what we're in for.
    I'm gonna check out that Kickstarter now.

  • @lukehill4067
    @lukehill4067 Год назад

    It hurts me how accurate that was.

  • @theirontitan
    @theirontitan Год назад

    Why is this so flipping accurate😂😂😂
    This is literally just me as a dm, not preparing anything, then having a full dungeon in the next 3 hours, talking about random crap, forgetting who people are, and just throwing out DCs because I can't bother asking everyone individually. Very accurate 😂

  • @balorthetiny
    @balorthetiny Год назад +6

    I watch a lot of stuff on RUclips that is only mildly entertaining and I ask myself why I'm even doing this to myself. Then I watch your content which is so relatable and funny that I'm belly laughing and making my grandmother whom I'm visiting , think I've become a gremlin. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your skits and videos. You truly are one of the few that actually makes me feel something.❤

  • @cammiedavis9435
    @cammiedavis9435 Год назад

    1:29 I havent encountered ths situation as a dm yet, but this is the classic "Whoops, I forgot you existed because my hyperfixation was brought up!"

  • @thecroissant7720
    @thecroissant7720 Год назад

    ''When did you have time for this''
    God I take it personally thank you so much god i love this man

  • @neonnixie6024
    @neonnixie6024 Год назад +9

    As a guy with terrible ADHD, and a guy who both founded and dm d for my schools DND club, I can confirm I made up the entire campaign as we were going and it more or less worked out

  • @generallylevel-headed9671
    @generallylevel-headed9671 Год назад +5

    This is so validating and hilarious. I've already watched it twice and fully intend to watch it 3 more times so I can perfectly quote whenever I need it 👌🏻

  • @post_maester
    @post_maester Год назад

    Watching myself on screen is so insane, out of body experience

  • @Severezz
    @Severezz Год назад

    "When did you have time for this?!"
    This bit lives in my head rent-free.

  • @JohnDrawsDragons
    @JohnDrawsDragons Год назад

    This is why- as a man with ADHD- I make notes. On the lore, plot, and my players.

  • @Octavia7705
    @Octavia7705 Год назад +1

    as an ADHDungeon master I can confirm it is like that. I can literally make a nothing session one week, and the next week hyper fixate to the point where I make a full map and one of the best combats my players have ever been in.

  • @hoborg98
    @hoborg98 Год назад

    My last GM had ADHD and this is frighteningly accurate.

  • @nickroland4610
    @nickroland4610 Год назад +1

    36 year-old with ADHD here, been GM'ing games for 20 years. Staring at the wall thinking accounts for 90% of my prep, 😂.

  • @swordhunter12
    @swordhunter12 Год назад

    This guy sounds like the worst DM ever, and the best DM ever, at the same time.

  • @spektyr6830
    @spektyr6830 Год назад

    I have never felt so personally attacked in my life

  • @BlueStreakStudio
    @BlueStreakStudio Год назад

    "When did you have time for this?!"

  • @blueskyredmarsie
    @blueskyredmarsie Год назад

    the fact that I had to rewind this video to damn near the beginning because I realized I wasn't paying attention

  • @apersonwhomayormaynotexist9868
    @apersonwhomayormaynotexist9868 Год назад +8

    As someone who's about to start a new campaign as a DM and also has unmedicated ADHD, this is so accurate to how I'm gonna be

  • @TheoTheGhost
    @TheoTheGhost Год назад

    As an ADHDer and DM, I felt called out with every word you said. SPECIALLY the complete improv 8 hours session part.

  • @acelibrarian
    @acelibrarian Год назад +1

    So this is a prophecy of what will happen when I try to start a campaign instead of one shots. Got it. 😂

  • @AdamTheJensen
    @AdamTheJensen Год назад +15

    As a fellow DM with ADHD, I thought this was awesome, but you left out one thing: Um, the thing you left out was, uh... hang on... uh, shoot. I just had it. Man, what was the thing I was just thinking of? ...it just completely slipped my mind. Anyway, whose turn was it?

  • @KJShell
    @KJShell Год назад

    As someone who is neurodivergent and a budding DM, I find this somewhat relatable.

  • @MormonDude
    @MormonDude Год назад

    As a forever DM with ADHD, this is very accurate.

  • @Zero-ou6bu
    @Zero-ou6bu Год назад +7

    As a dm with ADHD this is truly terrifyingly accurate

  • @Venomzilla1
    @Venomzilla1 11 месяцев назад

    As a young DM with ADHD, and several similar friends who play, I can say this is quite accurate 😅

  • @thomaspetrucka9173
    @thomaspetrucka9173 8 месяцев назад

    I feel called out. 😂 I once built an escape room for my players, skipping two entire night of sleep to do it, and proceeded to run THE most boring combat session because I was so groggy.

  • @Ouch193
    @Ouch193 11 месяцев назад

    Oh my god, I’m not even a DM (Player) and the ADHD is frighteningly accurate.

  • @MichaelClopeck
    @MichaelClopeck 7 месяцев назад

    "when did you have time for this"
    i didnt

  • @anabominationagainstman3597
    @anabominationagainstman3597 11 месяцев назад

    As a DM with ADHD I feel called out

  • @lieutenantbites5739
    @lieutenantbites5739 Год назад

    Anytime a player asks a question at the table I immediately blurt out the answer before realizing I'm not the DM and I just interrupted him.

  • @0ddBallerP0dcast
    @0ddBallerP0dcast Год назад

    I have ADHD and i am a DM and my entire dnd has ADHD so we call ourselfs ADH-DND which we find very funny and we all love playing dnd even though we are all new to dnd.
    And Jacob was the reason i wanted to play dnd he also helped me with is so much.

  • @amnesia3656
    @amnesia3656 Год назад

    I sent this to my friend with ADHD and she related to everything here

  • @chasebarber6154
    @chasebarber6154 Год назад +4

    My advice for fellow ADHD DMs: start with a pre-made adventure, make some random encounter tables, and let the dice and the players guide the action. Will they free the town from the raiding goblins? Probably not, but they're going to be stoked as hell to discover the completely unplanned dungeon beneath the town that in no way resembles the various traps and challenges of Kevin McAllister.

  • @davec8385
    @davec8385 Год назад

    This is probably the most accurate depiction of ADHD I've seen 😅

  • @allenarts6256
    @allenarts6256 Год назад

    As a dungeon master with adhd, this is scarily accurate

  • @grungyrogue
    @grungyrogue Год назад

    Jacob stop spying on me during d&d...any other time is fine.

  • @crowofdionysia6200
    @crowofdionysia6200 Год назад

    My players think I play music and sfx for atmosphere. And I do. But the core purpose is that music fitting the setting and atmosphere of the scene keeps me focused and remembers shit. I play lil tunes and sounds to keep my brain happy like a fkn song bird.

  • @TheEalaa
    @TheEalaa Год назад

    I can now confidently say sorry to all my players.

  • @doodlarix
    @doodlarix Год назад

    I have ADHD and Im at stage where I threaten to DM all the time, my forever DM strongly encourages cuz he could finally play, but then I dont do anything

  • @Solrex_the_Sun_King
    @Solrex_the_Sun_King Год назад +5

    4:17 "I also had enough time to print the false Hydra but didn't have enough time to paint it" "WHEN DID YOU HAVE TIME FOR THIS????"
    This got me bursting with laughter. Like an 11 on a scale of 1-10. As someone with ADHD, time management is weird and I love it! The clip, not my own time management btw.

  • @JoseRodriguez-jn2ur
    @JoseRodriguez-jn2ur Год назад

    Dammit yeah as a DM with ADHD yes I can say that I decided to draw almost every NPC in my campaign including the PCs

  • @serathaevistille995
    @serathaevistille995 Год назад

    I have never DM'd or even really played D&D, but this feels very relatable, this'd be me...

  • @cm873
    @cm873 Год назад

    Awfully bold to start the ADHD video with an ad my guy

  • @zinakojima6760
    @zinakojima6760 Год назад

    And then DM accidentally falls asleep while players have a chat

  • @thisscreensucks
    @thisscreensucks Год назад +50

    One of the few d&d creators that's ACTUALLY funny.

  • @GASlenderman80085
    @GASlenderman80085 Год назад

    I feel jacob has been getting in my house and stalking me and my friends while im DMing😂

  • @Yourlocalspaceman
    @Yourlocalspaceman Год назад

    As an ADHD DM, this is too true.

  • @JadeStone00
    @JadeStone00 Год назад

    Everyone in my party has ADHD *EXCEPT* the DM...lol we have fun

  • @gwill2100
    @gwill2100 Год назад

    My parents swore they had me tested for ADHD twice as a kid and said I didn't have it but every video I watch about what ADHD is like tells I got that shit bad

  • @Marcel2278
    @Marcel2278 Год назад

    This is a whole ass call-out....

  • @Rubycule
    @Rubycule Год назад

    Oh shit, I feel so called out by so many of these. Maybe it's finally time to get myself checked for ADHD.

  • @kyr58
    @kyr58 Год назад

    😂 this is my exact DM style. To my players, I apologize, we’re going on a wild ride!

  • @zippiestrock982
    @zippiestrock982 Год назад

    My bf, ADHD: does this
    me, autism: flips between this and the opposite on a metaphysical dice roll
    our games: incomprehensible

  • @kiotw1243
    @kiotw1243 Год назад

    I'm a DM, it's so weird to have one session be compltetely unprepared and then just... prep 3 sessions in advance with 12 maps ready, around 20 NPCs created and like 2 whole cities with locations prepped in under a week.
    I don't understand the brain

  • @danielcox7629
    @danielcox7629 Год назад

    ADHD is a very inconvenient super power.

  • @ChristianFoushee
    @ChristianFoushee Год назад

    That Last of Us bit was too accurate, I watched the show and now have a whole dungeon with infected

  • @BrutalJambon
    @BrutalJambon 11 месяцев назад

    Man. That alternating state of "Can't put a minute of effective work into it" and "Hyper focused on it for 17 hours and did a week worth of advancement" about a thing you like to do is just too real. Fricking hate being like this, man. You never get the state you need at the right moment and there is just no in between, ever.

  • @catflomps
    @catflomps Год назад

    I hate how accurate this is

  • @prosamis
    @prosamis Год назад

    HEY I may have adhd but I remember my rulings!
    ...Until pressure makes me forget what breathing is like

  • @jhonyrhian3146
    @jhonyrhian3146 Год назад

    You nailed at the resident evil

  • @romanterry7215
    @romanterry7215 Год назад

    Literally me and every DM in my playgroup 😂
    We all have ADHD

  • @ArthurKhazbs
    @ArthurKhazbs 6 месяцев назад

    When the DM loses the CON save

  • @inpy
    @inpy Год назад

    dude ive never been so represented on my entire life LOL

  • @MrHouse-vd7if
    @MrHouse-vd7if Год назад

    I love ADHD Jacob. Give me more of him.

  • @jaymaxwell8645
    @jaymaxwell8645 Год назад

    You're in your 40s.
    You wake up on a Saturday and watch a dnd video.
    You realize you may have ADHD.

  • @TrevonTheoriesInc
    @TrevonTheoriesInc Год назад

    I havent been diagnosed with ADHD, but I've had two therapists mention it...this is eerily familiar to but I havent DM'd enough sessions yet to be sure...I'm unsettled.

  • @alexbrooker1741
    @alexbrooker1741 Год назад

    Seeing the last one, i now Want a dm with ADHD

  • @SamWickens
    @SamWickens Год назад

    TIL, I guess I have ADHD because this is literally just me DMing.

  • @t-moneymayhem7386
    @t-moneymayhem7386 Год назад

    This should just be renamed to "POV: your DM"

  • @ratherunfortunatelol
    @ratherunfortunatelol 9 месяцев назад

    This was disgustingly accurate.

  • @teafling
    @teafling Год назад

    I don’t have ADHD but I do have some executive function issues and this is intensely relatable

  • @Rechanmole
    @Rechanmole 3 месяца назад

    Don't attack me like this.

  • @SupremeMetalOverlord
    @SupremeMetalOverlord Год назад

    I cast Wish at 9th level with a Nat 20 to make the entire new dungeon disappear into the void.

  • @pontuskarsten8271
    @pontuskarsten8271 Год назад

    This... is far too relatable

  • @HokutenMemoir
    @HokutenMemoir Год назад

    My DM has ADHD and this tracks

  • @consume_egg1338
    @consume_egg1338 10 месяцев назад

    I feel *very* called out

  • @theprocastinators9518
    @theprocastinators9518 Год назад

    ... Maybe I should get an ADHD diagnosis...