Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 6

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Another encouraging and inspiring word to kick off the New Year. Apply. Lather. Repeat.

Комментарии • 15

  • @angela94601
    @angela94601 3 года назад

    I am so looking forward to these daily affirmations every morning. Do you have somewhere we could purchase more daily affirmations when the 21 days of affirmations end?

  • @devargomackey4159
    @devargomackey4159 3 года назад

    A few hours ago I watched your movie with my Mother, I explained to through out the film that there were gapps in the verses, I explained to her that The Most High Yahawah would put everyone in a Strong delusion, and that he would cause them to teach and believe a lie ! ... I can tell that is what happened to You .... Abba Yahawah has put me in The Ruach (Wrongfully call holy spirit) to share Our Ancient Knowledge with you !
    2 Thessalonians
    Chapter 2 Verse 11
    11.) And for this cause God (Yahawah) shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.
    "We're Not Christian" .... By 336 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine officially converted the pagan Christian traditions into a head religion made up from "ALL" the Pagan ways and beliefs, this is when they started changing the names and skin color of our Ancestors and Forefathers from "Brown skin": to white skin ! ... The Most High gave his Children his name (Yahawah/Yahawan) not Religion ... gadrael=godrael=GOD=satan gave us his religions catholic !
    .... They Ordered columbus to enslave Us ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    Chapter 36 Verse 12
    12) O Lord have mercy upon the people (Yahawans), that is called by "Thy Name" (Yahawah), and upon Israel (Yaharal), whom thou hast "Named Thy First Borne (Yahawahka).

  • @devargomackey4159
    @devargomackey4159 3 года назад

    "We're Not Christian" .... By 336 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine officially converted the pagan Christian traditions into a head religion made up from "ALL" the Pagan ways and beliefs, this is when they started changing the names and skin color of our ancestors and forefathers from "Brown skin": to white skin ! ... The Most High gave his Children his name (Yahawah/Yahawan) not Religion ... gadrael/satan gave us his religion !
    Chapter 36 Verse 12
    12) O Lord have mercy upon the people (Yahawans), that is called by "Thy Name" (Yahawah), and upon Israel (Yaharal), whom thou hast "Named Thy First Borne (Yahawahka).
    "We're Not Hebrew's" Or Igbo's/Ibo ........ The letter "i" also makes the "E" sound ... Ibo !
    Our Enemies The Greeks named us "NEW Being" .. then we took on the name ibory (The Children of Chittim "ROME") gave Us Our Racial Slur ..... "IBO'S" .... Ibo and ibory means Brown Skinned People ..... Our Father YHWH says the Heathen cannot say his name, if they do so they will be cursed, so the heathens gave us our "Very First Racial Slur" by calling us the "Brown Skinned People" "The Igbos" the "G" is silent ! ... Our Father The Creator is called YHWH Yahayka or with the proper Non-vowel letter A ... Our Father's name is Yahawah Yahayka not Elohim (NO LETTER "E") .... EL is Also a sun god !
    "We're Not Israelites" .......
    We are Yahawahan's of The 12 Tribes of Yaharal , because Our people were named after Our Father Yahawah (2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version), ....... 14) If my people which are called by my Name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
    Israel is named after "3" pagan egyptian sun gods "isis" who is represented by two character letters ("is") who is daughter to amun-ra who is represented by two character letters ("ra") and his best friend enlil who can take shape of a fiery bird which was risen out of the flames is represented by two character letters ("el") ... If you put all six of these letters together you have israel !
    The Hebrew camps would argue to the death that we are called Israelites but you have to ask yourself why would our enemy who loves to rape us murder us and attempt several times to breed us out of existence, why would they name "3" of their most powerful and most beloved gods after their slaves ... The answer is they wouldn't do that .... what they would do is take their slaves .... strip them of their Most Powerful Name which is Above the Angels, also which is a name of Greatness and Terribleness and they would rename their slaves after their gods israelites !
    This Country was know as "Arzarath" .... NOT AMERICA ! ....
    F.Y.I. King Saul sent men over here to get Gold, Plants, Animals and other resources ! .... They called it "Arzarath" .... !
    Christopher Columbus read books about Yahawahans coming to "Arzarath" ......... "He knew what he was looking for when he came to the Americas ...... ARZARATH" !
    The Apocrypha is in the Original KJV 1611 Bible which has 80 books taken out by the Roman Catholic Church because it speaks of these Europeans putting up a false image of their God Christ. The romans forced god and jesus on Our People The Slaves .... B4 then We never new of jesus, because their was no letter "J" or "E" or "U" or "O" or "V" or "S" ! ... How can their be a jesus when The Messiah Our KING of Kings "Yahwahka" never called him self or even spelled the word jesus ... christ ... or lord
    The letter "K" was replaced by the letter "s" ... The Father's name is Yahawah Yahyaka ... not Elohim "el" is representation of a pagan Egyptian God by the name of enlil better known as "ELO" .... he is represented by two character letters "el", the letter "s" is actually a symbol for the serpent, that has been demonically placed into our literature and alphabet system ... and our king's name Yahawahka ... His original name did not contain the letter "s" but the letter "K" .... The Most High said his children is named and called by his name ... his name is Yahawah Yahyaka .... Yahyaka stands for The Most High The Most Powerful ... Our King his name represents The Father's name and title Yahawahka ... Yahawah then the "KA" short for Yahyaka !
    The world Ignorantly calls The King ("Yahawahka") of My People The Yahawans, jesus .... The Catholic Church created the creator THE LORD JESUS CHRIST for Cesare Borgia, ..... You Truly NEED to do some RESEARCH B4 U OPEN YOUR MOUTH about "THIS FALSE GOD" !
    iesus (no "J") was thought of by pope alexander the 6th .... knowing that his son Cesare Borgia wanted to be The Mashiach (Messiah in english) and be worshiped by ALL like his father did, the church was worried that the heathen son Cesare had to much power and control over his father the pope, all that you'll read hear and see was all done by jealous so called white Edomites while in the spirit of Gadrail (Satan - GOD) .
    Wisdom of Solomon
    Chapter 14:15-17 .....
    15) For a father (Rodriguez Borgia better known as Pope Alexander the 6th) afflicted with untimely mourning, when he has made an image of his child (Cesare Borgia ) soon taken away, now honored him as a god (Jesus), which was then a dead man, and delivered to those that were under him ceremonies and sacrifices.
    16) Thus in process of time an ungodly custom grown strong was kept as a law, and graven images (Jesus on the Cross) were worshiped by the commandments of kings.
    17) Whom men could not honor in presence, because they dwelt far off, they took the counterfeit of his visage from far, and made an express image of a king whom they honored, to the end that by this their forwardness they might flatter him that was absent, as if he were present.
    18) Also the singular diligence of the artificer did help to set forward the ignorant to more superstition.
    19) For he perchance willing to please one in authority, forced all his skill to make the resemblance of the best fashion.
    20) And so the multitude allured by the grace of the work, took him now for a god, which a little before was but honored as a man.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Attention("Side Notes")

  • @carolynalexander3252
    @carolynalexander3252 3 года назад

    Thank you Mr.Pearson

  • @sherbernalbritton1198
    @sherbernalbritton1198 3 года назад

    Thank you Bishop

  • @katriina817
    @katriina817 3 года назад

    Thank you! 💜🌹💜

  • @kristihenry4981
    @kristihenry4981 3 года назад

    Blessings and love 💕

  • @olumideopatunmbi2877
    @olumideopatunmbi2877 3 года назад


  • @helencole2415
    @helencole2415 3 года назад

    Thank you!❤️

  • @EtherealMaryJane
    @EtherealMaryJane 3 года назад

    Peace ✌

  • @Favor7622
    @Favor7622 3 года назад


  • @WillRucker
    @WillRucker 3 года назад

    Love it!!!

  • @lipanmesh
    @lipanmesh 3 года назад


  • @MamaRii73
    @MamaRii73 3 года назад
