Michael Heiser - Which Denomination Gets It Right?

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • • Given the entirety of Church traditions, which Christian denomination comes closest to getting the Bible right?
    • Finding the right Church
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  • @shellysangrey
    @shellysangrey 6 лет назад +152

    Thank you so, so much. On the way home from church today, I was telling my son that, while I love the people at our church and feel it's a great community, I don't feel fed anymore. I literally described it as Dr. Heiser did - feeling isolated because I'm not getting that deep learning I so desperately need. I was wondering if I should look for another church. Dr. Heiser answered that for me. I will continue to dig deeply myself with the help of people like him so that we can continue to enjoy fellowship with my church family. I truly believe God led me to this video today.

    • @mbtofnj9180
      @mbtofnj9180 6 лет назад +10

      allow me to answer. its almost hard to answer for the reason of if I quote scripture, is it the correct understandingthat being said. as a former JW for decades. one thing I noticed. everybody things there way is correct. many people really try to do what is right. our biggest problem is we let our pastors / leaders/etc tell us whats the correct way. many of them just like the Pharisees threaten to kick you out if you disagree with them. the other problem is that just about all religions have been infiltrated by people who are against truth of Jesus Christ.lets say amish/Hasidic jews/ centerpoint in new Zealand/etc. we say its extream to do what they do. but they would have said the same about the early Israelites. strict diet, strict everything today we call it legalism. even though intention maybe good. but we lose site of love. if its not at our church or place of worship, then maybe be should step up and speak. the downside, be prepared to lose all your friendsbut don't give up. Jesus promises never to leave you. we end up leaving him

    • @FreeRadical7118
      @FreeRadical7118 5 лет назад +6

      *No Place Like Home* Like you, I went through a period of "food deprivation", and I love my church family, the pastor, the fellowship, . . . it IS my home! I signed up for seminary extension classes in my area, and that was a true feast. Perhaps you might consider it, and step out fearlessly. I decided I'd think of going to church as my act of public corporate worship of God, and the fact that I was hearing a sermon became secondary. It's all a matter of perspective, and we can take control of that. I will be praying for you! God has set before us a great feast, and this is one area in which our gluttony is blessed.

    • @ArizonaWillful
      @ArizonaWillful 5 лет назад +13

      Many churches have a turn over of a significant part of the congregation every 3 to 5 years nowadays. This is just the way it is. People shop for religion like any other products. The impact of this turn over is that the sermons must always remain at a relatively "beginners" level to accommodate the new people. To go deep, you need to find good classes outside the actual church service. You can find books that will go deep also. You can't really expect a sermon to go deep because a lot of people just won't get it.

    • @agnesamooti
      @agnesamooti 4 года назад +3

      @@ArizonaWillful this is very helpful for me. I too love my church, my home fellowship, however I have had the same experience.

    • @stevenvelez1717
      @stevenvelez1717 3 года назад +1

      I know what you mean. I haven’t been preaching long but from a preacher’s POV, it’s a hard balance. There are some that are hungry for depth and others that are new or visiting. At my church there’s a lot of both. I try to keep things simple while still going deep but it can be hard. I don’t mean to promote my channel but I’d appreciate if you checked out my videos!

  • @mylifetotaly
    @mylifetotaly 5 лет назад +113

    My father died at age 97 in 2008, he did street service and house service for those who could not attend a building regardless whether their nomination, he visited hospitals.

    • @donaldarthur3497
      @donaldarthur3497 3 года назад +11

      Your dad was a great man and had a wonderful ministry. He was out doing the real work called down in the trenches. It was a hard work that he preformed without out the praise of man. Can't no body say he did it for the money. God bless your dad's memory.

    • @rijoab
      @rijoab 3 года назад +5

      Now think of people like your father doing good works for others as one church.

    • @garyzimmerman62
      @garyzimmerman62 3 года назад +2

      I will be looking for you and your father when I get home. I will be with my father also. He's the one that led me to the Lord. He forced me to go to church twice on Sundays and most Wednesdays, it's a long and complicated story and until the end, you would call him the villain but the end gave me a look at the whole picture, I thank God for him and everything he did. He is 88 and in bad shape. Please pray for him. I would say sorry for your loss, but since you will see him again it's by a loss, just a short pause in the scheme of things....

    • @Darkhorse1978-c6w
      @Darkhorse1978-c6w 3 года назад +2

      John was on a island, he was in communication with God.
      Jeremiah was in prison he was in communication with God.
      So think about how many Christians and other faiths say let them rot in prison!?
      When a lot of God's people were in prison and other places.
      Perhaps we are all becoming like the Jewish people were?
      It seems like we are all playing a role in God's story.
      There seems to be characters in every generation that line up with the Bible.
      Trump / nebekhnezer.
      Queen of the North.

    • @chuckw8391
      @chuckw8391 Год назад +1


  • @robertnieten7259
    @robertnieten7259 3 года назад +36

    I never attended church as a child. When I was in high school, because I had developed a love of reading, I picked up a New Testament and started reading, but it seemed hard to understand and contradictory that someone would have had to tell me what it meant including what salvation involved. Which left me open for any denominations teacher to tell me what their denomination believed that it meant. Thus multiple denominations.
    I went to a friend's house and a guy was sitting in a chair quietly reading and I noticed that he looked so peaceful.
    I asked my friend," What's up with him?" and he said," He got saved". I said "what's that mean?" He said that he usually doesn't go to his parents church anymore but if I wanted to go to their Bible study that night that he and his wife would take me. So I said " ok".
    Once we arrived?, and before the study started, I noticed people going into a side room. He saw me watching them and asked me if I knew where they were going? I said no. He said that they were going to pray and if I wanted to I could go too so I did.
    It was a room with multiple low benches on a carpeted floor. So I found one off to myself, knelt, closed my eyes, and started to listen to others as they prayed because I really didn't know how to.
    After a few minutes I heard a young lady come back. As she was coming she stopped praying in english and started speaking this other language that I didn't understand. I remember thinking," That's interesting". As soon as I thought that I felt this powerful presence draw near to me. I could feel the power radiating from this presense, but I wasn't afraid because I also felt love radiating towards me too.
    I was so ignorant that I remember opening one eye to see if perhaps someone had quietly knelt near me and it was their presence I was feeling. No one was any where near me.I removed thinking that it must be God. I went back out and sat with my friends and watched as the people came out of the prayer room and was shocked. Their heads and faces glowed like they had a powerful light inside of their heads. I remember thinking that what I had felt on the outside they must have on the inside.
    After the study my friend asked me if I enjoyed the study And i told him yes. He said that if I wanted he would call a friend and have him pick me up and take me to the service, like his churches', that following night. So I said ok.
    That next night when I walked into the church I felt this wonderful presence again all around me. When the altar call was given I went up. A couple men standing up there asking me what I wanted the Lord to do for me. I said that what I was feeling on the outside I wanted to be on the inside of me.
    The turned and said something to the pastor and I heard him tell them to take me back to the prayer room.
    They took me back and told me to ask the Lord for what I wanted. So I did and continued asking as the two men were praying for me.
    I had my eyes closed and was praying intently for the Lord to put His presence in me. After a couple of minutes I heard footsteps and then heard the pastor say," Brother Bob stand up, lift your hands, and recieved the Holy Ghost.
    I stood up with my eyes still closed and lifted my hands. I immediate saw a window appear to the upper right of me. It had what looked like shutters on the outside of it. I look in the window and saw the most beautiful blue sky I had ever seen. Then a bright light appeared moving from the left side corner inside of the window. When it reached the center it stopped and shined on me. I then felt this warmth moving up my legs. I felt like I was being filled with a warm liquid. The filling continued up my body as I was praising Jesus because I knew that He was answering my prayer.
    When the filling reached the top of my head I heard the pastors voice again telling me to surrender my tongue to the Holy Spirit.
    I stopped thanking the Lord and relaxed my tongue. Suddenly I felt control of my tongue seized and I started rapidly speaking this language I didn't know. I only found out afterwards that it was called " speaking in tongues". I had never felt such joy in my life. The men who had been praying for me stopped and started thanking Jesus too for me. I led the way out of the prayer room thanking the Lord as I went. I stopped and looked at the congregation. Suddenly, i felt such love for these people and didn't know anyone.
    When I got home that night I decided that I would read a little bit from the Bible before I went to bed. When I opened it to read I was shocked. Suddenly it had taken on much more depth and I felt the Spirit I had recieved help ing me to understand what I was reading. No longer was it confusing and contradictory.

    • @jjj5918
      @jjj5918 3 года назад +9

      What an amazing conversion! Praise God! May the Lord continue to teach & guide you all the days of your life. Jesus is Lord!

    • @AndyPandyO
      @AndyPandyO Год назад +7

      Wow :)

    • @suzetteteessen537
      @suzetteteessen537 Год назад +2

      Wow what a wonderfull encounter you had. And also the seer annointing.

    • @femikolawole4400
      @femikolawole4400 Месяц назад +1

      In the prayer room it was the holyghost who was close to you, he wanted you to accept him so he can fill you and live inside of you.... I thank God for you... Glory 🙌

  • @brucearcher8872
    @brucearcher8872 3 года назад +16

    To denominate is wrong: With all humility and gentleness with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity/(oneness) off the Spirit through the bond of peace Ephesians 4:2-3

  • @ihavetubes
    @ihavetubes 5 лет назад +117

    no denomination gets it right perfectly because we are not prefect. That doesn't mean we shouldn't go to church.

    • @waltonfrederick3118
      @waltonfrederick3118 5 лет назад +4

      ihavetubes: A voice of maturity and reason. How refreshing!!

    • @busybody1474
      @busybody1474 5 лет назад +2

      Wise words indeed

    • @genli5603
      @genli5603 4 года назад +3

      I laughed that you misspelled “perfect” the second time. Flawed indeed!

    • @anap1840
      @anap1840 4 года назад +2

      How do you chose a church then ?

    • @MelTX1
      @MelTX1 4 года назад +1

      @@anap1840 he answers at about the 12 min mark.

  • @auntpurl5325
    @auntpurl5325 5 лет назад +35

    This is just what I needed to hear. I need to show more grace and get busy studying the Word rather than grousing about shallow sermons and (some) songs.

    • @Silence-and-Violence
      @Silence-and-Violence 3 года назад +1

      And even more important than study, get busy loving your brothers and sisters in the Church.

    • @robinwyckoff9604
      @robinwyckoff9604 3 года назад

      @@Silence-and-Violence Who is to say Danelle's calling is not to be the emersion in the Holy Bible so that Danelle can be the person who leads many to Christ who in turn go out and loving our brothers and sisters by feeding and comforting.

  • @Jamie-Russell-CME
    @Jamie-Russell-CME 6 лет назад +48

    All Christians are feeding themselves by study and reading the Bible, praying, and having discussions with like minded believers. That is the faith. Going to church once a week, then going out to eat and not thinking about the faith told next week is not a Christian Life.

    • @jameszapata7038
      @jameszapata7038 5 лет назад +1

      Hello Jamie. This is James. What do you mean by studying the Bible what do you study in it and what prayers do you say.

    • @Michael-Archonaeus
      @Michael-Archonaeus 5 лет назад +2

      Exactly, that is just false religion, and it saves no one

    • @ArizonaWillful
      @ArizonaWillful 5 лет назад +8

      The Christian life, or being Christ Like means you help others, not sit around and only save yourself. In the Last Judgment Jesus asks each person if they fed and clothed the poor, since in doing so they fed him. Jesus does NOT ask if they did Bible study and patted themselves on the back for how "Christian" they were. Actions speak louder than words.

    • @jameszapata7038
      @jameszapata7038 5 лет назад

      @@ArizonaWillful .. if you're a Christian filled with the Holy Spirit and you have God in you. Then you are the sons and daughter of God. The sons and daughter of God or fill with the Holy Spirit they are only Fellowship with other people who have the Holy Spirit. They cannot Fellowship people who do not have the Holy Spirit or people who go to church. Listen to the preachers in that church. Pay tithing to the church. Fellowship with church people in the church. And go out into the world and tell everybody about the Bible. Holy Ghost children the children of God do not fellowship with them. Because they don't have God in them people who go to church there's full of sin and confusion in those churches. Only way a holy ghost person or a son of God or daughter will Fellowship a person that does not have the Holy Spirit or he is out of the Covenant. If the son or daughter of God is teaching them and converting them into the receiving the Holy Spirit.

    • @k.w.7973
      @k.w.7973 4 года назад +3

      Lol, what nonsense. So someone can't go out to eat and talk about anything other than God for five minutes, or else it's "lukewarm" or a "false Christian life". Give me a bloody break.

  • @Djhikes63
    @Djhikes63 3 года назад +15

    I have finally stopped going to a church building. Fine for others, not great experiences for me. I'm enjoying devotion here at home. I love these videos. I have learned more the past couple years listening to Michael Heiser than going to churches the past 40 yrs. You get to a point in your life where your daily choices have to be more honest & authentic to you. I love a simple life. I love studying the Bible with M.H. My relationship with the Lord has really become sweet. Understanding him better through his word. Thanks

    • @danielsvision
      @danielsvision 3 года назад +3

      I stopped going to church buildings ever since my mum couldn't force me to go, im 36 I have a wife and 3 kids, I rarely go, but understand the benefit of my children interacting with other children raised by believers. In Jesus and him alone

    • @handsomehartzlers3610
      @handsomehartzlers3610 3 года назад +14

      I encourage you guys to come back into a body of worship. You could help expand the minds of your fellow Christians.

    • @graceperiod5352
      @graceperiod5352 2 года назад +8

      It's important to look and find a Church to be amongst believers . The Holy Spirit promised to guide. Seek and you'll find👍
      The devil divide and conguer.

    • @GTRalso
      @GTRalso Год назад +4

      If ours hearts are right ( not our doctrine) then our attendance at local gatherings edifies others as well as ourselves.

    • @andymac1764
      @andymac1764 Год назад +1

      Do what u feel is right towards God

  • @lcmcchatt
    @lcmcchatt 5 лет назад +10

    None of us have it ALL together. Altogether we have it.

  • @markbrayton5391
    @markbrayton5391 4 года назад +72

    I grew up in a Catholic church and I never understood the salvation message. It was not until I met my wife some 44 years ago that I found Jesus through a Protestant church. My Mother was a devote Catholic all her life, it was not until she was in her 60's that she received Jesus. My guess is that very few Catholics understand the simple salvation message.

    • @anaarkadievna
      @anaarkadievna 4 года назад +5

      I'm an Orthodox... and I fell the same....

    • @grailcountry
      @grailcountry 4 года назад +12

      Sorry, Protestantism has no defense against post-modernism. Heiser gets a lot right but he also has his own postmodern bias that keeps him from some how Magisterial authority is indispensable. Sola scriptura is the root of post-modernism..

    • @markdire1513
      @markdire1513 3 года назад +7

      Salvation message is not simple. for you maybe need to be because your simpleton.
      You're like Jesus is my lord ad savior and that's it. Just believe that Jesus rose from dead for you.
      Bible never teach that nowhere and to understand Gospel message needs deeper interpretation all that is present in 7 sacraments that are needed for fulfilling Jesus' orders. Early Church Fathers wrote so much about faith because faith is not simple, it have lot of requirements
      Protestants are sick with 40.000 denominations and counting having cult f the leader in each putting their trust in man, not in God

    • @latinboyyy305
      @latinboyyy305 Год назад

      @@anaarkadievna can you elaborate on what you mean?

    • @latinboyyy305
      @latinboyyy305 Год назад +5

      @@beckc.5084 Okay, so explain which of the 40,000 protestant denominations are correct. Is it the ones that support homosexuality? Help me out here, since it's so simple.

  • @lw216316
    @lw216316 6 лет назад +68

    My experience has been that most people DO NOT attend a particular "Church" because it comes the closest to their personal beliefs about the doctrines of the Bible.
    Some of the reasons they go to church where they do -
    - its where their parents or family or friends or spouse attend or attended
    - its close to where they live
    - someone invited them there
    - they saw, heard or read about it and decided to go there
    (mass media advertising)
    I think very, very, very few people study the Bible and then study the teachings of the various groups and then pick the one that comes closest to what they believe the Bible teaches.
    ( I actually did that after reading the Bible at home and coming to God as a prodigal son outside of 'Church'.
    Then there is the problem of Spirit AND Truth.
    When I searched for a church to attend I found some closer to Truth but dead in Spirit.
    I found some with lots of Spirit but not so much Truth.
    In the end, it came down to praying and following God's leadership in the matter.
    Did I end up at the purest group? Maybe not, but its where I believe God wants me.
    He knows the reasons.

    • @inquisitor4635
      @inquisitor4635 6 лет назад

      I have gone to church to find some of the best and most wild pussy out there.

    • @inmyopinion651
      @inmyopinion651 6 лет назад +9

      I used to be one of those until I actually started studying on my own. Dr Heiser really opened my eyes on alot of things. I now stay away from all Christian Zionist or NAR churches. Why attend church if you are not trying to learn and worship properly.

    • @treefloraken8263
      @treefloraken8263 5 лет назад +1

      Well said

    • @Raszcall
      @Raszcall 5 лет назад +1


    • @HickoryDickory86
      @HickoryDickory86 5 лет назад +11

      I deeply appreciate your heart, what you have shared, and, by extension, what you encourage others to do.
      And now, if I may, I would like to encourage you as well. Please ask God to guide you into how you can best serve your newfound church. Be it through teaching, leading/serving a ministry, cleaning/servicing the facilities, secretarial duties, outreach, youth group, etc. Whatever talent God has given to you, ask him how best you can exercise that talent for his kingdom through your church.
      So many churches are struggling (the smaller ones severely so) because all the responsibility for that church is laid squarely on the preacher's shoulders (or him and just a few others). He cannot bear it alone. Pastors need help. In particular, they need help from those who do not require their hand-holding, as that would be just another responsibility piled on top of all the others. They cannot be everywhere doing everything, and they need rest too.
      So, everyone reading this, know that God has given each and everyone of you a talent (or talents), and that talent is to be used for the upbuilding of his kingdom. The church is the body of Christ, and you are a member of that body. The whole body needs to be active; and the pastor is not the whole body (nor can he be). Please ask God to guide you, like Christ, not to where you can be served, but to where you can serve. And if I may be so bold: Find a small, struggling church to help. They need you.

  • @granthollandvideos
    @granthollandvideos 6 лет назад +51

    I remember travelling in Israel, a group of travelers got into a discussion on religion. A very young Chinese lady said. " O, I am so glad I am Chinese, we don't have to have religion, we have wiped it out," It was the strangest statement I have ever heard come from the mouth of a thinking human being.. May we always keep hungry to find and search for the truth.

    • @inquisitor4635
      @inquisitor4635 6 лет назад +5

      Yeah, and it was wiped out in the most humane of ways.

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 6 лет назад +10

      Grant Holland She actually is correct. YHWH is going to wipe out all religions as they are mystery Babylon. He never set up a religion they are all corrupt businesses. That's why he told us to COME OUT.

    • @granthollandvideos
      @granthollandvideos 6 лет назад +10

      Whatever your stance is, be it even from the pit of hell. If you are still truly still seeking,, then Jesus has a chance with you to show light.. It was actually that she had turned off the believing switch all together, it was fascinating, I think what blew me away was her complete faith in her poetical party that told her there was no God, and how pleased they had done that, so that now she did not have to think about God.. It is unbelievable how quickly us humans turn off critical thinking for organizational type belonging group mentality, its mind blowing.. But we have free will and free minds to conceive and a hear to believe, we must use them to seek, and not give into the first joe blogs with as made up religion..

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 6 лет назад

      Grant Holland agreed. He clearly said we are each responsible in the end for our own salvation. Blessings.

    • @ellenl.5581
      @ellenl.5581 6 лет назад +4

      Inquisitor, Grant Holland, J Day, religion means to bind back to the law. The law was to show sin or whatever you believe. The gospel according to Paul was to believe in Jesus and trust in the cross. The blood to resurrection. Works is to worship God.

  • @markwiggins6442
    @markwiggins6442 5 месяцев назад

    This is so so so so so so so spot on. Thank you so much, Myke. I miss you so much. It’s so refreshing to hear a man of God speak the truth and love. I wish every Christian would listen to this incredible 12 minutes. What wisdom.

  • @suzetteteessen537
    @suzetteteessen537 Год назад +2

    True words. With Michael's teachings I have learned so much how to study The Bible. Really appreciate his teaching techniques. techniques

  • @jojorey6886
    @jojorey6886 3 года назад +5

    I went to a couple of churches and I did not understand what sin was and that I needed to repent. One day I asked God to please tell me what to do, show me where I need to go. I don’t know, there’s so many churches which one should I go to? I also told him I’ll accept you as you are, show me who you are, not what I think you should be. Next day, the Jehovah Witnesses show up, I couldn’t join them because I needed to change I was horrible and they were about works so I was upset I let God down. I went to my local Christian book store and told the women I failed God. She invited me to her church so I went. I’ve never experienced anything like her church, I was so convicted; I was really very angry that the preacher was talking about me, I was sweating and I wanted to run and burst into tears. I didn’t ask Jesus into my heart that day but the next day I did because it was the same thing all over again, this preacher is embarrassing me because he’s talking about me in front of all these people. I did pray and I’ve never been the same. I became a born again Christian. I can tell you right now, I wouldn’t have chosen this church in a million years. I know God chose it for me and there I will stay and be faithful through good times and bad times. I been saved for 35 years and I still go to that church. I don’t believe in shopping for churches because you’ll generally pick the one that doesn’t interfere with your own will. I’ve seen people that have left church to go to another because they’re not being fed and they just become carnal. Usually they want to leave when their agenda clashes with God’s. That’s just what I’ve observed.

    • @MFaith777
      @MFaith777 3 месяца назад

      Did you know you needed to repent of sin because it was bad for you and not glorifying to God or did you think you needed to repent of sin to be saved?

    • @jojorey6886
      @jojorey6886 3 месяца назад

      @@MFaith777 I sincerely repented because I understood that I had sinned against God. After I did that I became a different person, my heart was changed; I was born again and I understood that. All my friends and family saw the difference in me, they thought it was a phase that would pass by but I can tell you 38 years later that I am still that changed person and still being changed through the trials and tribulations of my life.

    • @MFaith777
      @MFaith777 3 месяца назад

      @@jojorey6886 repentance doesn’t automatically mean to turn from sin, that’s all; it means a change of mind/direction. God repented. God doesn’t sin. So that’s why I asked. Some people teach you have to turn from sin to be saved. It’s amazing that you had a change of mind about God and turned from sin. That’s so awesome. I was just curious if you thought turning from sin was what saved you or if you knew that it was turning to God knowing He paid it all that saves you. Holy Spirit helps us turn from sin after we’re indwelled with Him because we trust in Him alone. I was just curious what you were taught in that moment.

    • @jojorey6886
      @jojorey6886 3 месяца назад

      @@MFaith777 in that moment I didn’t know what salvation meant. I was raised catholic so I knew Jesus died for my sins but I was quite sure how that was personal to me. When I heard preaching, it made my heart pound in my chest because i knew what sin I had committed and now I knew I had a very problem; I finally got a revelation. The goodness of God leads us to repentance.
      I didn’t even realize God/Jesus would change me. The preacher said Jesus was able to change me and that sounded wonderful to me as I could not change myself. I felt like I had been released from an inner prison. I hated my father and God showed me I had to forgive him, which I did. It was like God gave me a prompt about my dad and felt empathy for him, I just sobbed and from that day on I had a great relationship with my father although, he hadn’t changed I had. That is a miracle to me and I’ll never forget it. To love someone you hated. My family was shocked when they saw how nice I was to my dad and it wasn’t an act because I don’t hide things too well. But I am a saved, born again and I know when I die I will go to Heaven to be with Jesus. I also witness to others about Jesus and share what He’s done for me.

    • @MFaith777
      @MFaith777 3 месяца назад

      @@jojorey6886 I grew up Catholic too! and also didn’t understand what being born again meant or how salvation worked or even that all sin was covered. I thought baptism was a part of salvation and many other steps/confessions to a priest, etc. Definitely didn’t think all sin was covered, only some of them. I thought it was more of a balance of good outweighing the bad. I realized all sin was covered when I heard the real true gospel as an adult and it brought such joy and freedom and the Holy Spirit changed my heart and attitude towards sin from that point on, but not out of fear of hell (all sin was paid for) , but out of wanting to glorify God and being so grateful for everything He did. ❤️ I’m so grateful to be saved the moment I put my trust in Jesus as messiah and that it didn’t require anything on my part.

  • @alisonmurphy-maley8957
    @alisonmurphy-maley8957 6 лет назад +12

    Thank you Michael for the Teachings you share, I have learned much 😊

  • @themobbit9061
    @themobbit9061 6 лет назад +8

    Thank you! I’ve been hesitating so long joining a church because of the expectation of conformity and dependence on the pastor’s interpretation of everything, and for some reason focus on Old Testament and Paul rather than Jesus’ words I think I found one finally.

  • @martingoodef811
    @martingoodef811 3 года назад +7

    Really got a lot from this, very well answered, especially to remain in fellowship and away from that you can feed yourself through sites like this. Blessings to anyone reading this.

    • @willielee5253
      @willielee5253 3 года назад

      @Martin Goodef, I have found David Pawson and Mark Blitz to name a few.

    • @martingoodef811
      @martingoodef811 3 года назад

      @@willielee5253 thank you, there are so many. I’m buried in material from several sources eg John MacArthur, John Barnet, Justin Peters and of course Michael Heiser. You have to have a good filter to bypass all the fake pastors.

    • @willielee5253
      @willielee5253 3 года назад

      @@martingoodef811 This I did over two
      years ago, by me being retired I purposely read the Old Testement 50 times just so I could have a better perspective on what Jesus reference from the Old Testement.
      Over all, my understanding for all the scriptures sharpen. For one reason I used Hebrew and Greek Interliner bible apps. You probably have Michael Heiser
      Logos Interliner bible app. It's way out there,
      too much for my cellphone. I might get a tablet some day for all those icons.
      The thing about Mark Blitz is, he Decoded Jeremiah and Daniel and put them in chronological order along with adding timeline charts
      God bless!!!

  • @KlintonSilvey
    @KlintonSilvey Месяц назад

    In the words of Mark Lowry: "Our preachers weren't always right, but they were never in doubt!"

  • @gloriaharlowdrummondjesusi7306
    @gloriaharlowdrummondjesusi7306 6 лет назад +33

    My belief is that All denominations are man made. It’s about a personal relationship w God. Read our Bible and pray for more discernment wisdom knowledge and understanding.

    • @nobunaga86
      @nobunaga86 5 лет назад +2

      So long as you aren't neglecting the joining together with others to worship, you're right on.

    • @5winder
      @5winder 5 лет назад +1

      "Reverend" can only apply to JESUS. Do you really call yourself that?

    • @ArizonaWillful
      @ArizonaWillful 5 лет назад

      So who gives such people the body and blood of Jesus? Do you just give it to yourself? You consider everyone spiritually authorized to do this?

    • @A.S2400
      @A.S2400 4 года назад +1

      ArizonaWillful why wouldn’t anyone be “authorized”? We’re all priests in the kingdom of God now according to the New Testament.

    • @Jaco-fd9dg
      @Jaco-fd9dg 2 месяца назад

      Rev 19:7 Rev 12:1

  • @cathyc1730
    @cathyc1730 5 лет назад +10

    I have been born again for decades and I have never had a pastor, although I have gone to a few different churches for many years each. That’s a sad fact. There is an extenuating circumstance with my ex, but I feel it should have had no affect on him being my pastor, too. Church is run by the patriarchy and is sadly, very political and status driven. My ex had the status, not me, so I was unimportant and invisible. And I am one who does not compete for attention. Jesus has always had me, kept me, protected and loved me, and that has truly been amazing. People are always going to fail you, Jesus is always faithful, keep your eyes on Him.

    • @ArizonaWillful
      @ArizonaWillful 5 лет назад +2

      Many churches are EGO driven. Jesus demanded that we be humble but this does not seem to be honored very much in Protestant Churches. Catholic priests may not be able to keep their pants zipped but at least Catholicism has never dumped Prosperity Gospel on us, claiming that God exists to fulfill your petty little ego desires for the perfect job, house, spouse and kids. I understand this is quite popular in Protestant mega-church congregations. God as a cosmic ATM machine. No change needed in YOURSELF. The ego reigns supreme and God becomes a servant of that ego. Praise da lord and come out into the parking lot to see my new $40,000 car! (with the subtle ego insinuation that God has blessed ME more than you).

  • @mcfamily46951
    @mcfamily46951 3 года назад +7

    Agree with the Gospel, took me, from a cult to keep asking what is the Gospel, wasn't till the Cult finally explain the Gospel, and what finally for that church to come out, and I had those scales fall from my eyes, and seen the what the Gospel is, 1 Corinthians 15.

    • @mikeballard8404
      @mikeballard8404 3 года назад

      Yes 1 Cor 15 : 1-4, simple , yet many don't know, keep preaching !

  • @jennypenny7
    @jennypenny7 3 года назад +2

    Michael you're a great thinker and I've heard you speak intelligently on several topics. This is the best thing I've ever heard say. Thank you!

  • @savedbychrist504
    @savedbychrist504 3 года назад +29

    I was a devout catholic my whole life, and never TRULY understood the gospel, nor had I ever read or studied the Bible. My lifelong understanding was based on works- my daily rosaries, monthly confessions, novenas, etc. When I started seeking God more by reading the Bible, and praying for discernment, my eyes were opened more and more.. after several months of intense prayer I found a Bible-believing church to worship and study at, and was biblically baptized and born again in Christ. I am so thankful to belong to Christ’s body, His church. Unfortunately, my entire family is catholic..as a catholic I took my salvation upon my own works, and had a false sense of security in them, without being knowledgeable or obedient to the gospel due to my own ignorance. I was prideful, too. I don’t think I’m an exception, unfortunately. Thanks be to God, He was patient with me and with His grace, I sought the truth in Hos word, and am a new person in Him. I now attend a bible-based church and absolutely love learning in my Bible daily, and fellowshipping with born-again Christians.

    • @Cube_Ernator1077
      @Cube_Ernator1077 3 года назад +7

      I'm sorry to say you were poorly catechised in the Catholic Faith. Please look again into the Catholic Faith, you never know where God will lead you, unless you give Him a second chance.

    • @savedbychrist504
      @savedbychrist504 3 года назад +6

      @@Cube_Ernator1077 The more I read and learn scripture, the more I fellowship with other Bible believing Christians, the more I pray.. the more I am confident God has led me to Him. I never had a renewal of my mind when I was a devout catholic. I was devoted to my actions of rosaries, novenas, confession, adoration, etc. it was outward. Now the change and renewal is inward- I’m aware of what is pleasing to God, and what is offensive to Him. I realize He doesn’t need me - I need Him. His will, not mine. I’m a servant to our Lord, and am more joyful and peaceful than I ever have been. I think one of the worst things a religious institution can do is downplay the importance of reading and studying the Bible daily. God’s inspired words are more powerful than any traditions of man, just like He tells us.
      God bless you, as I can see your faith is very strong, and I don’t have any authority to judge what is right and wrong in terms of worship. My mom is a devout catholic, full of faith, but she doesn’t know much of the Bible- only the most popular stories and lines that are emphasized. And she went to catholic school - she admits that reading and studying the Bible was never emphasized. But she memorized prayers, and prays novenas daily to Mary, Joseph, and other saints. Jesus tells us He is the only one way to our Father in Heaven, and there are many examples from the New Testament that teach us NOT to exalt men - only Jesus our Lord. In fact, when a woman calls out to Jesus exalting his mother (Luke 11:27-28), he corrects her that rather than exalt His mother, we should instead obey God to be called “blessed”. He also makes it clear in Luke 8:19-21 that his mother, brothers, and sisters are those that believe and obey the Gospel. Never in the Bible does Jesus authorize the exaltation of any apostle, family member, or person. These are scripture readings that were never taught or talked about in my catholic upbringing. My mom had never read them, either.
      I just know when I read scripture, it has had an undeniable affect in my life, leading me closer to God than ever before. And the little church I attend now is full of faith-filled Christians who are the most down to earth, humble, and kind people I’ve ever fellowshipped with. It’s been a huge blessing in my life, thanks to God. God bless you, as well.

    • @willielee5253
      @willielee5253 3 года назад +3

      @@savedbychrist504 @at being true to God and not
      tradition! You are the best turn around life and story I've read yet. Thank you!!!

    • @Cube_Ernator1077
      @Cube_Ernator1077 3 года назад +5

      @@troyboldon1 Do you live your life "dedicated to disgust At the Hierarchy" or live to dedicate your self to Christ, the same Christ whom Founded the Catholic (Universal and Fullness of Truth) Faith?
      It's an easy choice: Disgust and Judgement against whom you despise (which, will NOT get you anywhere near Heaven) or dedication to Christ, through Eucharist, Commandment, Baptism, Reconciliation and Penance?
      What should Not be "encouraged" is the idea that the "Bible Alone", hold all answers, which it does Not.
      Tell me Troy, do you also hold Disgust at the corruption and deceptions held in the upper reaches of Protestantism?
      Or is 'that' Ok to you?

    • @chuckw8391
      @chuckw8391 Год назад +2


  • @ClauGutierrezY
    @ClauGutierrezY 3 года назад +4

    Dr Heiser is so practical and clear. What a cool guy

  • @jeffreyjaya6549
    @jeffreyjaya6549 6 лет назад +10

    There is definitely an issue of authority "Father I pray that they may become one as You and I are one."

  • @jholyroller6048
    @jholyroller6048 4 года назад +5

    This why I'm not a denomination I'm a Christian that's it.a soldier for Jesus

  • @P.H.888
    @P.H.888 3 месяца назад +1

    Born Again From Heaven Above, Spirit Filled, and led, preterist. All Glory to THE FATHER SON HOLY SPIRIT✝️🩸🕊️AMEN!!!

  • @amc7568
    @amc7568 5 лет назад +23

    I guess I was too much of a doubting Tomas because JW hate if you question their doctrines. They're so intimidated by free and critical thinkers. Yet isn't that what God is fighting for? The freedom to choose and be independent thinkers with the wonderful brain he gave us? In fact if you ask too many questions you can be excommunicated for that. It's terribly sad yet frustrating to someone whose searching for answers. That's why I love listening to MH. Thank you.

    • @justchilling704
      @justchilling704 3 года назад +5

      JWs aren’t even Christians. I pointed out this same flaw of theirs. Okay Gods will that we have free will and how can we have free will without independent thought.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 3 года назад


    • @JacksTestimony
      @JacksTestimony 3 года назад +1

      JW and Catholics are false works based religions and are doctrines of demons talked about in 1 Timothy chapter 4

    • @justchilling704
      @justchilling704 3 года назад +1

      @@JacksTestimony Actually Catholics believe in faith + work’s salvation. Of course they’re still wrong though.

    • @JacksTestimony
      @JacksTestimony 3 года назад +4

      @@justchilling704 Of course, and the gospel will never change. It’s our job to make sure grace is understood to those trapped in works based religions. We know that Salvation is not based on anything we have ever done, but while we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us Romans 5. My salvation is in Him alone. My faith is in God and his Son Jesus Christ and nothing else I have ever done will merit my salvation. Grace through faith.

  • @n0b0dy5p3c1al
    @n0b0dy5p3c1al 5 лет назад +7

    Hands-down best answer to this question I have ever heard in 50 years.

  • @dawn2395
    @dawn2395 5 лет назад +47

    I would rather have a personal relationship with my lord and saviour, and where 2 or more of us are, there is our church.

    • @1984potionlover
      @1984potionlover 5 лет назад +6

      If you are worshipping a god, you are being religious Why do people like you think that definitions don't include you for some reason? You don't need to belong to a particular denomination, or visit a physical church designated building. If you pray to a god, and worship that god, and follow its alleged rules and believe that the world and you are affected by this supernatural entity...newsflash...those are religious practices. The personal relationship idea. I laugh and laugh. That would be like you having a personal relationship with some particular atom in your chair or wall etc. making stuff up, and having others fall for the same story doesn't make it real no matter how hard you imagine, or enable each other in your shared delusion. The very fact that you don't know scripture, or what Jesus allegedly taught...here you are publicly declaring for all the world how special you are because you believe you have a personal relationship with a deity, and somehow that's not religious at all...Jesus recommended that his followers not stand on the street corners like the Pharisee did letting the whole world know about his piety, but to go into a private room, and talk quietly with God, because it is a personal and private thing...ego and boasting/virtue signalling are not condoned or considered cool. it is frowned upon. If you are going to insist on being a Christian, and telling everyone else that, dust of that humility that's been languishing in a corner somewhere and actually read your Bible. Not just bits here and there that you like, but the whole thing. Stop being your own "special" version of a cafeteria Christian and actually pick up the cross and follow him. To do that though, you really are going to have to have a better grasp of the guidebook. Right turn at Albuquerque doesn't even begin to indicate just how far off the path you've wandered. Pax

    • @HumbleHeights710
      @HumbleHeights710 5 лет назад +7

      You've made a large amount of assumptions Nancy, and while your direction is correct, your method is off. Plus, the only one who sounds like ego is a problem is you. Blessings.

    • @psalm.40
      @psalm.40 5 лет назад +1

      @@1984potionlover I talk to/about Christ *religiously*. I read His word, or words by other ppl about Him, *religiously*. I desire, more than anything else, to be as close as possible to the Lord on every level.
      I haven't been part of a church, or even gone, in years now. I do want to, but I guess I just haven't been motivated enough. There's notmany great ones I know of near me. But anyway, I'd still say im religious.

    • @michaeltrust5121
      @michaeltrust5121 5 лет назад +1

      You got it right. Church is inside of you fellowship is entirely different but good enough

    • @justincobb4257
      @justincobb4257 5 лет назад

      Then that is your religion

  • @ronaldsmith8237
    @ronaldsmith8237 4 года назад +13

    I really appreciate that Doc Heiser considers the gospel is primary. This I have always believed, coming from a strong evangelical background. I greatly appreciate his studies on a wide range of biblical issues; particularly the unseen realm. I really believe that Mike Heiser is nuturing the next generation of biblical scholarship in a supernatural world view. This is a perspective of Bible prophecy whose time has come, and it is long overdue. Thank you Mike!

    • @drewwilson6639
      @drewwilson6639 3 года назад +1

      Couldn't agree more!

    • @darlingusa2pettee57
      @darlingusa2pettee57 2 года назад +1

      I agree, as well. Just a couple of reasons I finally left the church I had attended is because I grew weary and impatient hearing mostly about his past adventures at Princeton and his latest camping trips and not enough Jesus and the bible. He asked a lot and gave very little from the position he held. I felt odd queasy being in a place of supposed worship that didn't do much in worship or honoring the Father, Son and Hold Spirit. Lots of fund raising, though.

  • @redmandjg45
    @redmandjg45 7 месяцев назад

    Funny enough, My pastor mentioned how a lot of people today go "church shopping." We decide for ourselves what we want and we look for what we can can "get" from church. He challenged us to ask what we can "give." On the other hand, I've followed Heiser for years and he is absolutely correct when he says that many people would love to dive deeper into theology and textual criticisms, in addition to exploring why we as Christians believe certain things. Baptism, the LORDs supper and so on. Thank you Dr, Heiser for you hard work and diligence. RIP

  • @TheMibilly
    @TheMibilly 5 лет назад +18

    Wow Mike you really hit the nail on the head with this answer. I've seen so many people either leave or be excommunicated for disagreement on secondary issues of doctrine, and the body suffers because of the separation that is made. Let's keep the GOSPEL as our uncompromised focus and everything else as a peripheral issue. Thanks and keep up the awesome work 👍👍

  • @VaxtorT
    @VaxtorT 3 года назад +5

    The denomination that has all nine gifts of the Spirit at work in their services.

    • @RUT812
      @RUT812 Год назад +1


    • @DF-fo9bh
      @DF-fo9bh 2 месяца назад

      Jibber jabber flip flop on the floor? No thanks

  • @turtlewax3849
    @turtlewax3849 5 лет назад +7

    At the end of the day, we attend church to be with fellow believers in the gospel. We are there to lift up our voice as one in song and praise. We are also to share gems we have learned on our own, test the new discoveries among fellow disciples of Jesus to see if there is something we missed. It could also be a way to "test the spirit" to see which spirit helped us find this gem.
    As long as the church and ministers follow the gospel, and teaches the good news of Jesus Christ and what he did for us all, it is a good way to hear other views and to help aid in personal studies.
    We will be judged not as a "church" but as individuals, and the real question is....
    How well is your personal relationship with Jesus? Is the Holy Spirit working in your life, and helping you identify sin to help you get rid of it? Do you have a prayer life? Are you following the teachings of Jesus?

    • @RUT812
      @RUT812 Год назад

      No, we go to church to worship God and hear the Word preached; only secondarily to fellowship.

  • @commoveo1
    @commoveo1 2 месяца назад

    If they are not against you they are for you.

  • @DeanneSanchez
    @DeanneSanchez 4 месяца назад

    I’m in that situation thank you
    For thinking outside the box and helping us to understand .

  • @marcialawrence7512
    @marcialawrence7512 3 года назад +11

    "If you find the perfect church don't join it you'll spoil it." I read this in David Pawson's book and since giving it consideration, have had a progressively better attitude to religion.

    • @willielee5253
      @willielee5253 3 года назад

      @Marcia Lawrence, David Pawson was
      referring to Heaven not Churchs because
      they all wrong before and since Nicene
      Council and onward. That's why there
      hundreds upon hundreds denominations
      and no stability. Christ is unite, there is
      no failure in Christ love, it unites not
      divide relationships.
      I'm glad to know you listen to David, I
      also listen Mark Blitz on El Shaddi Ministries. God bless!

    • @willielee5253
      @willielee5253 3 года назад +1

      @@Charles.Wright I have yet to join any,
      not I won't it's a matter of finding the one
      that's right with God. Because any one
      of many be classified as good, but then
      again will I survive.

  • @johndoe-ri4nq
    @johndoe-ri4nq 3 года назад +2

    Easiest way to determine is to find out which church adheres to Paul's Gospel which is free grace, once saved always saved. This is The Gospel that saves today.
    Galatians 1:8 KJVS
    But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

  • @lindajean780
    @lindajean780 3 года назад +5

    One faith, one lord, one baptism.🤔😐😊

  • @wowkenshin1
    @wowkenshin1 3 месяца назад

    I'm glad I stumbled upon this video. Now I can feel more comfortable in my church, seeing as no church gets it 100% right.

  • @RUT812
    @RUT812 Год назад +2

    It is necessary for every Christian to read and study the Word of God for themselves and not just blindly accept things preached or taught in church. Be a good Berean!

  • @TamCoyle
    @TamCoyle 3 месяца назад

    Forget Denominations. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus.

  • @SimplyChrist
    @SimplyChrist 18 дней назад

    Heiser at 11:20 reveals an interesting (and often overlooked)mandate God has given ministers and pastors. Their primary role is to help shepherd people into spiritual development..listening to the Spirit, fighting temptation, and developing the mind of Christ. In my experience, we have too many church leaders who focus on the secondary issues while the church members remain immature in their relationship with Christ.

  • @nickboles9649
    @nickboles9649 3 года назад +1

    I've personally dealt with this struggle and came to the conclusion through prayer and inflection that it's not only about me and I'm a member of a body. I attend a church of Christ and it's sound doctrine and theology but lacks a little of the meat I hunger for. This is why I'm so thankful for Dr. Heiser and the platforms utilized to further the deeper more philosophical aspects of the 1 True Living God!

    • @johncocomahernandez5738
      @johncocomahernandez5738 3 года назад

      Same bro I have been attenting to a church of christ and I have been able to see how they want to get deeper with these kind of questions!

    • @willielee5253
      @willielee5253 3 года назад

      @Nick Boles have you considered Mark Blitz at El Shaddi Ministries, or David Pawson?

  • @katiehav1209
    @katiehav1209 5 лет назад +14

    I wouldn't discount catholicism. I'd even say they got it more right.
    I've recently come to this as a progressive revelation
    I'm surprised myself.
    I recently posted this. But it says how I came to think this.
    I came to be born again and filled with the Spirit outside of being Catholic. But I understood scripture by revelation because in Catholocism we acted out scripture. And God speaks by acting out things. The OT Jewish feasts for example acted out spiritual truth about what was to come in Christ.
    So when I became "a born again Christian" which for me was outside of Catholic church, I was quoting scripture while not even knowing scripture. Because the Catholic Church acted out scripture to teach it and just being there through it was enough to give me a head and heart full of revelation when I finally did come to Jesus.
    And I came to Jesus! Not to a doctrinal idea of Jesus and salvation! I didn't join a church idea. I joined a revelation of Christ BY the Holy Spirit.
    After 30 plus years knowing well Protestant thought and knowing scripture very well, looking at Catholocism now through all that knowledge I now have today,
    I can see now in hind sight how our fathers saw it when they taught the Gospel through acting it out. Which is revelation not ritual.
    Also, many Catholics don't even know their own doctrines. They go to a weekly mass and hear a message. They may have had a bit of prep for a few sacraments. But many do not know more then the basics.
    But I learned the concept of picking up my cross and following Him through yearly stations of the Cross.
    I learned repentance through ash Wednesday and confession. And that sin required cleansing.
    I learned not to take communion in an unworthy manner because it's serious.
    I learned to honor brethren who lived long ago.
    I learned to expect the Holy Spirit to enter like at Pentecost for Confirmation which is like accountability idea to be considered and adult before God.
    I learned that living a life of sacrifice and a good attitude during hardship was part of being a Christian
    I learned that Jesus lived died and was resurrected.
    And when I walked into scripture I did so in the advantage of understanding it.
    Whereas Protestants coming from just scripture knowledge base often dont understand it in pictures unless they had good mentors of revelation.
    I understood by the pictures the rituals taught me. And I'd have to say I've received an incredible amount of revelation through scripture because I was early trained to understand it as God teaches. Through pictures.
    If you can read your Bible and see how God speaks then you'd have revelation.
    The Spirit speaks in spiritual words which is by simple pictures not by mental works of academia.

    • @julieh9632
      @julieh9632 5 лет назад +4

      You make a lot of sense with your comments. Clearly coming from a place of non-judgment and love as well as personal experience, exactly what Jesus commanded us to do. Love one another folks.

    • @johnbenson20
      @johnbenson20 3 года назад

      Have you read the 95 cataclysm of the Roman Catholic Church ? I have & most is not Biblical TRUTH ! If you want a copy text me I can send on WhatsApp !

    • @menknurlan
      @menknurlan 3 года назад

      Question. Did you also learn to pray to saints and Maria and act as if they are better than anyone else?

    • @katiehav1209
      @katiehav1209 3 года назад +2

      Are you worried about other's being better than you?
      Do Kingdom's have ranks?
      Aren't those who finished the race with honors worthy of honor from us who are running the race?
      Scripture says to give double honor where due.
      And our biblical attitude should be to esteem others higher than ourselves. And Jesus exalts whom He wills.

    • @artdanks4846
      @artdanks4846 2 года назад +1

      @@katiehav1209 Beautiful answer re: Saints! I am Eastern Orthodox, and of course have a very similar understanding of saints, and just really liked what you said here! Well said!

  • @rigavitch
    @rigavitch Год назад +2

    RIP Michael Heiser I would not have found my way from the occult to The Orthodox Church in 2021 (ROCOR) without his Bible Studies!
    It is a GREAT shame he doesn't know the difference between The Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholicism et al...

  • @BaoYili
    @BaoYili 5 лет назад +14

    Meh. anybody could have given that answer. The question was really, if you were a bran new, church shopping Christian with no previous church ties in a populous city with a plethora of choice, which denominations should you consider first? Top five, let's say, Dr Heiser.

    • @genli5603
      @genli5603 4 года назад +1

      Heiser is in an evangelical traditional (non-reformed) church.

    • @mooncove
      @mooncove 4 года назад

      @@genli5603 I keep hearing the term "reformed Christianity" being tossed around lately as if everyone knows what that means, and I've asked and got not answer. Could you please enlighten me?

    • @danivuk2036
      @danivuk2036 4 года назад

      @@mooncove reformed churches are , in simplistic terms, protestant churches who get their core theology from people like John Calvin, John Knox, Ulrich Zwingli, etc... total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints are the basic tenets. I would recommend going on RUclips and finding Dr. Ryan Reeves. He has a bunch of half hour videos that give an unbiased ( in my opinion ) description and history on Reformed Theology. Hope that helps.

    • @ljc3484
      @ljc3484 3 года назад +1

      That wasn’t the question at all! She wanted to know which denomination most closely adheres to the Bible, in his opinion.

    • @christinelikeschrysanthemums
      @christinelikeschrysanthemums 3 года назад

      I recommend Kim Riddlebarger and Mike Horton.

  • @kennethwhittaker8898
    @kennethwhittaker8898 3 года назад +3

    I ask questions and they say they will get back to me but never do. I still love my church family though.

  • @Funkydood
    @Funkydood 2 месяца назад +2

    THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. Romans 16:16

  • @geraldjohnson8871
    @geraldjohnson8871 4 года назад +5

    *The Lord he is God*
    *God is the cook and everyone wants to change His recipe for Eternal life, Change His Word and your Eternity will change also*

  • @donbarnes2916
    @donbarnes2916 5 лет назад +3

    Big question concerning the church is "why is it married to the world?" This marriage has created many spiritual problems for its mission and first love to share and tell the good news of the gospel. A thought to ponder was the church ever to be a physical building with guiding principles like a business or corporation or was it to be a spiritual temple consisting of people doing and sharing the mission of the gospel.

    • @nickev96
      @nickev96 4 года назад +1

      Nope, the real church isn't married to the world. We wear the righteousness of Jesus. I hate it that people look at stuff they think is "wordly" and automatically start throwing hell fire and judgement around. The gospel is the good news that we are free. The more we focus on Jesus and his finished work the more we will be like Jesus. God can't judge believers because Jesus already took our judgment.

  • @alexoftheway8169
    @alexoftheway8169 Год назад +1

    Exactly, good clear thinking as always. I'd be interested to hear Michael's thoughts on the whole worship debate going on within the church these days, for some context over been playing electric guitar in the worship band for 7 odd years until moving church recently.

  • @blue62show
    @blue62show 3 года назад +2

    If you are proud of your denomination, change.

  • @78LedHead
    @78LedHead 4 года назад +3

    Jesus is the only denomination. Grace through faith in Jesus.

  • @carlosreira413
    @carlosreira413 3 года назад +1

    Great advice from Dr Heiser.

  • @3rdgrade738
    @3rdgrade738 2 года назад

    this is the best one yet. we must get this thing real .thanks so much

  • @brianwagner781
    @brianwagner781 23 дня назад

    This helped me appreciate my church, not that I didn't before. I disagree with my pastors about end times doctrine (not as far apart as could possibly be, but still significantly different). I'm considerably more what you could call Calvinist than them. Political Conservatism is less of a main issue for me as a lot of our church leadership (though I am generally conservative). They know these things about me. But I still get a lot of responsibility to serve by teaching, and trust in that area. I also don't use that opportunity to undermine pastor's and other leader's opinions. Seems to me how it should be. I don't want the probably fool's errand of finding a church that perfectly aligns with all of my beliefs and values.

  • @wisdomdesignedlife
    @wisdomdesignedlife Год назад

    This is the best answer imo. Thanks Dr. Heiser.

  • @Marilynschannel
    @Marilynschannel 3 года назад +1

    The church I go to started the year with “ 50 days (every Wednesday) of transformation (financial , family etc) . You would think that after what happened last year they would do 50 days of prophecy study. April 12 resurrection day the sermon was on anything except conviction of sin and why Christ did what he did on the cross . Perfect time to remind people about the gospel

  • @andrewmarshall7569
    @andrewmarshall7569 3 месяца назад

    I am a Bible believing Christian. I'm sure many churches would receive letters if the Apostle Paul were alive today. However, I see division amongst denominations as imperfect people, who choose to focus on something, and the rest is not important. As a former Roman Catholic (lecter, EME, and I was asked to be a Deacon candidate) I can tell you that the Roman Catholic Church makes additions/subtractions from the Gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-4) for salvation, and when I ask Catholics how they receive salvation, I usually get a blank stair, but the Roman Catholic Church's answer is purgatory. Then faithful Catholics can pay indulgences for a mass to be said in honor of a dead loved one, as well as praying for that loved one's salvation.
    This belief denies the diety of Jesus Christ's perfect sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection. Before Jesus died on the cross, He said "It is finished". The earth split in two, the dead arose from graves and walked around the city, and the veil between the Holy of Holies was torn in two. This means that we go directly to Jesus Christ as He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life, no one comes to the Father but through Jesus. Galations 1 and Revelation 22 give stern warnings to those who would add things, such as works, to the Gospel, as well as taking away from the Gospel, and an example of this is when people say that believing in Jesus death, burial and resurrection are not enough to attain salvation.
    In Protestant churches, I have been repeatedly frustrated by pastors who do not declare the Gospel. I left a church nearly a year ago, because of this. Fortunately, I attend a church now that prays for one another, helps the poor (feeding and clothing them, as well as getting them out of addiction and into programs to become self-sustaining in this life). I recently read the books of Ecclesiastes, as well as 1 John. Ecclesiastes gives us the appropriate perspective to view earthly things...they are all vanity and are meaningless. We cannot take any of these things, and when we die, we are in front of Jesus to be asked if we believed in the Gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-4) at the Bema seat of Jesus Christ. I wouldn't wait any longer.
    I am not casting stones at either of these churches, but the Gospel is a divisive message. 1 John is an excellent book to read in one sitting and reflect on how we are to live as Christian. We are to be obedient to Jesus Christ and follow His commandments after we are saved. 1 John, and Mark chapter 12 describe the greatest commandment, which is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. The personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is far more important than the Church you attend, but it is becoming harder and harder to find churches that will boldly preach/teach from Scripture, and proclaim the Gospel.
    I pray for those who are in doubt about anything under the sun. Pray to God the father through the sole mediator, Jesus Christ, that God gave the world, so that all would be saved (John 2). If you aren't loving to others, and still hate your enemies, read 1 John, and repent of your lack of love for your neighbor. Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins because He loves us so much. Walk with Him daily and talk with Him about everything. Love your neighbor because there is no better witness than someone living out Christlike faith, because you will be a light to the World.

  • @jenna2431
    @jenna2431 3 года назад +1

    So what you're essentially saying is that "God" wasn't able or interested to get his word out in such a fashion that humans could be able to get it the way he intended it.

  • @carmen6465
    @carmen6465 2 дня назад +1

    Ephesians 4:5 "One LORD, One Baptism, One Faith" = Eastern Orthodox Church. Yes, there's one true church! Seems that Mr Heiser never read the HISTORY of the Church /Christianity, never read the lives of Saints, never visited and stayed for a while in a monastery (Orthodox). Saying that is not A Church, it's like saying that all religions lead to the same GOD, which is so false.

  • @larrymcclain8874
    @larrymcclain8874 5 месяцев назад

    To figure out what "obey the gospel" means would be highly recommended - 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10.

  • @davisbelas3516
    @davisbelas3516 4 месяца назад

    How many Catholics think it’s appropriate to pray to Mary or anyone other than Jesus as a mediator?

  • @somesauce
    @somesauce 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for the clarity

  • @jojitsu5620
    @jojitsu5620 2 месяца назад +1

    The one that asked Jesus to be their Lord and Savior.

  • @johnhoffman8203
    @johnhoffman8203 3 года назад +1

    But we do work out our salvation (Phil 2.12) with fear and trembling at the consequences of not doing so. Once again in the experts comments, the waters have been muddied, the gospel confused, and people left asking what is the basic truth that a believer can rest in regardless of denomination.

    • @artdanks4846
      @artdanks4846 2 года назад

      Thank you for stating this truth that is so frequently missed!

  • @aktrapper6126
    @aktrapper6126 2 месяца назад

    Maturity in Christ "perfection" is the goal. I've been to churches that are stuck on how to be "saved", every Sunday same message.
    Heb 6:1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
    Heb 6:2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
    Heb 6:3 And this will we do, if God permit.

  • @katiehav1209
    @katiehav1209 3 года назад +2

    A child born of one in faith is clean.
    Paul said this.
    A child doesn't grow to accept their faith.
    They grow to deny the faith they were raised in from birth
    Election is simply one born into Covenant of their parents.
    This isn't to be received in passivity.
    But a child raised in faith is responsible to the Covenant as elect, and they are held at a higher accountability because of their birthright.
    When did God change?
    A child of GOD'S people is responsible to receive the image of Christ.
    Because they've had Him in their house.
    How is this a child's choice to accept what God gave by grace in electing him from birth?
    Why would Israel's children be responsible to their Covenant from birth
    ... But to our Covenant they are not accountable till acceptance?
    What are you saying about God by presenting Him as if accountability to faith through parents in the Lord is a child's choice of acceptance?
    It's scorning His grace given by election of birth into baptism that others haven't had the grace to have heard yet, or partook of.
    This is a very illogical belief, and it's really an awful representation of how God thinks and who He is.
    This belief isn't God's wisdom.
    Scripture shows God as selecting a people of choice throughout parent and children continuing the seed of faith.
    You may not be able to embrace the Church yet.
    But what you have now isn't biblical.
    And what they have is.
    You may not be able to embrace the Church yet.
    But what you have now isn't biblical.
    And what they have is.
    Think sensibly about scripture.
    Read the whole Chapter of Ephesians 2.
    This whole book answers this question. (Ephesians)
    "Own works" is individual response to the law.
    "His works" is the law of Christ making us a people built together as one people.
    Denominations are not "a people"
    One people is the salvation being described by grace here, and not by works of the law which is obviously the dividing wall of sanctification laws by circumcision, meats etc.
    It was never acceptable to feel self righteousness by works of the law.
    Otherwise Jesus wouldn't have a valid complaint against Pharisees feeling lofty by their outward obediences.
    Ephesians 2
    1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
    2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
    3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
    4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
    5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath QUICKENED US TOGETHER WITH CHRIST, (by grace ye are saved;)
    6 And hath RAISED US UP TOGETHER, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
    7 That IN THE AGES TO COME he might SHEW the exceeding riches of his GRACE IN HIS KINDNESS TOWARD US through Christ Jesus.
    8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
    9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
    10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus UNTO GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD HATH BEFORE ORDAINED that we should WALK IN THEM.
    👉11 Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past GENTILES IN THE FLESH, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands;
    12 That at that time ye were without Christ, BEING ALIENS from the COMMONWEALTH of Israel, and STRANGERS FROM THE COVENANTS of promise, having no hope, and WITHOUT GOD IN THE WORLD:
    13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are MADE NIGH BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.
    14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the MIDDLE WALL OF PARTITION between us;
    15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to MAKE IN HIMSELF of twain ONE NEW MAN, SO MAKING PEACE;
    16 And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:
    17 And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.
    👉18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
    👉19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
    20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
    21 In whom all the building FITLY framed TOGETHER groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
    👉22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
    People usually only read 1/2 of this chapter and pull out the part they want to use in support of their pigeon hole of beliefs.
    Make one new man by grace.
    This is the definition of grace as the rest of the chapter goes in detail to explain.
    Carving out scriptures for doctrines by the clipping of quote looses it's context that defines the subjects of claimed by the doctrines.
    This isn't describing a passive acceptance of a gift that is 'shelf sufficient.'
    Predetermined, preordained, even predestined works God intended for the Church to walk in, are much bigger than our individual snowflake carbon footprints.

  • @JackGreystoke
    @JackGreystoke 3 года назад +1

    When you say 70-80% agreement and a pastor secure enough to allow you to disagree…; this, to me, demonstrates that the church, the body of believers, the children of God, cannot be institutionalised; kind of as you would expect I suppose.

  • @ApeOut-jc2mz
    @ApeOut-jc2mz 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks for posting. I wish I had a church. I’m the one he described as jumping ship from being SDA and looking for truth. Hard to find a place that allows questions and allows me to engage with the content.

  • @saxmanjpr5092
    @saxmanjpr5092 3 года назад

    For those of you that say that you MUST go to church. That is NOT what Colossians 2:16 implies! And that at, how many times must one go to church to hear the exact same thing repeated over and over, year after year before applying what you learned in "1st grade," and then get your diploma to move on to the next "grade?"

  • @MikeMatkin-of9iy
    @MikeMatkin-of9iy 5 месяцев назад

    Wow! I love the statement about leaders secure enough to not put you on a shelf because you don't see eye to eye on everything. I can't tell you how many times I have been ostracized over nonessentials. Most church leaders are looking for total yes men that will agree to everything and never think or at least voice an opinion. I was at a church that said the KJV is the only translation and all others are trash. So I asked them what do you do about Jesus Himself quoting the Septuigint?

  • @davidelks8972
    @davidelks8972 5 месяцев назад

    His answer in a short version "none are right.... We can't know what right is..."?

  • @donaldhenry8506
    @donaldhenry8506 2 года назад

    So that God may have mercy on us all

  • @cybrough
    @cybrough 2 года назад +1

    Coming out of a cult, where do I find the "core doctrine?" What are the best extra biblical books to read? Is eschatology a core doctrine?

    • @chaynaemslie3957
      @chaynaemslie3957 9 месяцев назад

      Ray Comfort has basic Gospel videos that are right on. David Doga Hernandez is really good. I enjoy using a bunch of different commentaries (Bible Hub has several that are all free online). Starting to read your Bible with the book of John is a great go-to.

  • @GR65330
    @GR65330 3 года назад +1

    The Church herself tells us where to find the absolute apostolic truth:
    "It is incumbent to obey the presbyters who are in the Church-those who, as I have shown, possess the succession from the apostles; those who, together with the succession of the episcopate, have received the infallible charism of truth, according to the good pleasure of the Father. But [it is also incumbent] to hold in suspicion others who depart from the primitive succession, and assemble themselves together in any place whatsoever, either as heretics of perverse minds, or as schismatics puffed up and self-pleasing, or again as hypocrites, acting thus for the sake of lucre and vainglory. For all these have fallen from the truth".
    - Ireneaus of Lyons, Against Heresies, 4:26:2, 180 AD

  • @garyzimmerman62
    @garyzimmerman62 3 года назад +3

    I haven't even listened for a minute yet (56?sec. lol) and have to say AMEN! I have a keen interest in this subject and feel that same way. I have participated in several different denominations and find that none of them have a grasp on what the Bible says, in totality. Bits and pieces, from almost every denomination, are correct..... let's listen on.... lol

  • @mjohhnson
    @mjohhnson 4 месяца назад

    Our relationship to the Lord our God is a personal relationship. Jesus led the way. Pick up your cross and follow after me. While we can be here, for one another. No one else, aside from Jesus, can do that for us.

  • @andreykashin1729
    @andreykashin1729 3 года назад +3

    I would put the Anglicans into the same category when it comes to teaching the gospel as the Catholics. The Episcopalians, for the most part, have become way to liberal to where you can't distinguish them from the world too. Outside of those 3, take your pick, all are decent with their own strengths and weaknesses.

    • @wmnoffaith1
      @wmnoffaith1 3 года назад +2

      Unfortunately too true; I was raised Episcopalian and things started down hill when Bishop Spong took over in Newark, NJ in 1979. After throwing out the 10 commandments, the Virgin birth and just about everything else, during one of the recent National conferences, God was prayed to as Our Mother in Heaven, and referred to as She; so, yes, I think this falls into muddying the gospel, and I'm being kind. I'm also no longer Episcopalian.

    • @andreykashin1729
      @andreykashin1729 3 года назад

      @@wmnoffaith1 Sad to read this. But I'm glad you're no longer part of that church!

  • @DigitallySaved
    @DigitallySaved 4 месяца назад

    That was a perfect answer

  • @seeqr9
    @seeqr9 10 месяцев назад

    One would actually have no way of knowing if a particular church gets absolutely everything right because that would require you yourself to already have absolutely everything right.

  • @Jaco-fd9dg
    @Jaco-fd9dg 2 месяца назад

    The Bible is VERY CLEAR that God has a Church on earth, When He comes the second time He is coming for His Church, His Bride!! The Bible say in Rev 14: 12 " Here are the patience of the saints, they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. The Ten Commandments is Gods Rules of love that we as Christians must obey, because we love Him

    • @Jaco-fd9dg
      @Jaco-fd9dg 2 месяца назад

      The 4th Commandment, say to observe the holy Sabbath, Saterday not Sunday, the Catholic Church changed, the two days.

  • @josephdykes1820
    @josephdykes1820 3 года назад +1

    I agree. Jesus didn't leave us a perfectly clear blueprint of how church should be
    I think that was intentional. I think He wants us to have choices which can fit our culture and personal preferences.

  • @samthomas9468
    @samthomas9468 5 лет назад +2

    I invite Dr. Michael Heiser to come to our Church. It is as close as the early church

  • @gloriaharlowdrummondjesusi7306
    @gloriaharlowdrummondjesusi7306 6 лет назад +4

    I was raised Pentecostal and still believe somewhat of their beliefs but they do have some things wrong. No body has it all right.

    • @albusai
      @albusai 6 лет назад

      Rev. Gloria Harlow Drummond [Jesus Is The Answer] if you don’t believe in infant baptism then don’t call yourself a Protestant..

    • @triad5766
      @triad5766 5 лет назад +2

      albusai - Most Protestants don’t believe in the Holy practice of infant baptism.

    • @RUT812
      @RUT812 2 года назад +1

      @@triad5766 agreed!

  • @noetobar5018
    @noetobar5018 3 года назад +1

    Which denomination gets it right? This man is correct: none. Because christianity is not about denominations. So joining a denomination doesnt get you closer to God. JESUS is the only way! His teachings, his apostols which were 12 and Paul lastly.. but those teachings we dont want. We only grab what we want and create a certain christian group etc

  • @CWRobinsonMusic
    @CWRobinsonMusic 3 года назад +1

    I’d say follow Christ and don’t give yourself a label beyond what you are called to be in Him.

  • @S.H.U.M.B.A
    @S.H.U.M.B.A 3 года назад +1

    The Church who keep the 10 Commandments.

  • @megaloschemos9113
    @megaloschemos9113 4 года назад +2

    This is so good 💯

  • @raceandros5079
    @raceandros5079 5 месяцев назад

    Perhaps we are VERY close. Short Season?❔❓🔥
    New Heavens, New Earth at the door?

  • @sashadence6409
    @sashadence6409 4 года назад +1

    Here's the thing that I believe is almost completely ignored and misunderstood by evangelists and it also points to why the work Dr. Heiser is doing about bringing the supernatural back into front and center discussion is critical to effective evangelism. Because I spent so long in a university type environment both as student and other I know this is a big big obstacle for effective evangelism and it is also why education and in particular, high education, can de-evangelise existing Christians. Belief isn't as easily created as many evangelists seem to believe. If you've been raised secular, and in that I include many cradle Christians whose parents are mostly nominally Christian rather than committed, and then have followed the assumed trajectory of education and higher education as well as being 'educated' as most young people are, by media, both supposedly factual and fantastical, believing in the supernatural is next to impossible. To so many it feels like cranking up a belief in fairies, as in, you know, Peter Pan, "Tinkerbell won't die if every child firmly avows that fairies exist" and thus every child shuts tight her eyes and chants "I believe in fairies'" etc. If you don't put yourself in the place of someone brought up completely without the supernatural then the gospel isn't good news. It's just bad news. We must bring back the notion of the supernatural big time or fear of hell, belief in hell, belief in any life after death of the body is so much hot air. They think they've heard it all before "Jesus-Christ-is-my-lord-and-saviour" saved from what? With all the costs that following Christ involves for a contemporary western young person, not least being sexual restraint, unless the idea of life continuing and not getting better once the purely material body ceases has no power. David Voas from the univ. of Essex in his Ted Talk makes this point. To secular young people believing in the resurrection is like believing in blue elephants. You just can't. Some mainline churches get around this by making the gospel almost exclusively this worldly -- you know -- social justice and you can make life in this world great by following Jesus which is true and obviously the gospel isn't just for a future life, but for many who feel no need to be saved in this life, the lack of a future life and the costs of following Jesus in this life, don't make for compelling or powerful hope. So many young people can point to what looks like Christianity's failure historically in bringing in the so-called 'kingdom'. All of this makes sense from a Chrisitian p.o.v. because we know we're on God's time and firmly do believe in the supernatural, but since believe in the supernatural has become so marginal or optional for so many Christians, witnessing has no real power to seculars.

  • @marybrewer2203
    @marybrewer2203 2 года назад

    “Vacationaries” vs daily missional church. I’ve made that journey, and am now immersed daily in a rich soup of Christian daily life. We meet several times a week with Christians, (and some non-believers), in a small church setting peopled by folks from a handful of denominational backgrounds. It is a rich and rewarding way to experience life as a Christian. The pastor encourages deeper study for those who want that, but there are several folks who are quite satisfied with “just the basics”. Denominational is has fallen to the wayside, and I relish this way of being a follower of Christ.

  • @messiahsgate1172
    @messiahsgate1172 3 года назад +2

    Denomination never saved any soul, we are only saved by the previous sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for us!!!✝️

    • @christinelikeschrysanthemums
      @christinelikeschrysanthemums 3 года назад

      Amen ✝️ !!!
      Denominations though, serve as a statement of faith, a clarification of what is believed about the Word of God, and what is being taught. There is often a broad range of orthodoxy to unorthodoxy, however one can still get an understanding of what is being taught/emphasized.
      To me, this is helpful in choosing a church, growing in Christ and even through church discussions and debates. I think it’s good to learn a bit about each denomination.
      For some reason the denominational differences reminds me of the Tower of Babel.

  • @Mark-yb1sp
    @Mark-yb1sp 3 года назад +10

    Eastern Orthodox without a doubt.

    • @samwisegamgee8318
      @samwisegamgee8318 3 года назад

      Restore the pentarchy!

    • @SLVBULL
      @SLVBULL 3 года назад

      100% what is orthodoxy? Christ taught it, apostles preached it, the fathers kept it. No one comes even close.

    • @likeatree-ei8it
      @likeatree-ei8it 3 года назад +1

      Vain repetition.

    • @innerpull
      @innerpull Год назад +1

      Meditating on scripture and professing the Gospel as an identity in community within The Church is most definitely not vain repetition.
      If someone's pride props up their belief in Christ according to a sense of status, that is on them. That is the point of criticizing 'vain repetition'. But meditating on The Word shapes us and allows us to remember. This is important.

  • @XSD.1.
    @XSD.1. 3 года назад +1

    So you don't believe that Jesus Christ founded a Spirit led Church?

  • @joeashbubemma
    @joeashbubemma 3 года назад +2

    I can go the "right" church my entire life, and still not be saved. I try not to get caught up in denominational narratives, but over time, scouring the internet for anything "Christian", I have found that ideologies have a way of getting sifted through my filter. I pray that it's the Holy Spirit guiding me to the Truth, but it could certainly be my bias as well. All I know, is I gravitate towards certain channels/scholars/pastors.
    One thing that I find interesting - almost ALL of the channels that I watch, don't have hundreds of thousands of views/subscribers. They aren't mainstream, high production value, well known evangelicals who run large/mega churches. They are relatively obscure, small churches, or individuals, (mostly Baptist if we want to name a denomination), that I agree with doctrinally. Matthew 7:13 comes to mind.

    • @willielee5253
      @willielee5253 3 года назад

      @joeashbemma consider Matthew 7:21

  • @thirdplace3973
    @thirdplace3973 Год назад +1

    A: None of them do, they divide the body of Christ.