1- work with the information you have (embrace uncertainty) 2-take a step back, look at the bigger picture and don't let your ego or emotions influence your decision (detach) 3-take small steps forward that you can take (iterative decision making)
The world of aviation gives us a variation on Step 3, "the small iterative change" step, which I learned when I took my Private Pilot check ride and the examiner asked me "What's the first thing you do in an emergency situation?" and I immediately shot back with what my instructor had prepped me with-- "Nothing"-- meaning take at least a couple of seconds to analyze the "emergency" as there are few emergency situations in which two or three seconds will make or break.
Thank You I have Been Stuck for Years in my home all by myself, dealing with a spinal injury and then being abandoned and left to Die in Texas ... I grew up on a farm in upstate N.Y.. Lost my job after being injured, then no vehicle for 4 years and I live a 30min Drive from anything including grocery stores. I went for 6 months not being able to get to a store to buy food and living off my vege gardens and chicken eggs. Lost over 20lbs I was NOT trying I was was starving. I have known these steps but it has been sooo difficult with the illness and the loss of all support from anyone. Then Battling with the Health Insurance Company just to get a ride to the Grocery store. Proud to say I finally was able to save up and pay cash for an old pickup truck. Now I need to start driving again without Fear... Then check out the area near my Big Brother and hopefully sell my home and Move. Wish I had a strong Man like You in MY Life to Build OUR Fortress of Peace & Love together ❤ Any way Thanks Again for the Gentle Push Forward 💋 ✨🙏✨ Miss Vikie Howell 🕊💖🕊
Here we are, wealthiest country EVER, but vicious predator mega-corporations & fundamentalist Christians own the government & are happily working to make life much worse for you & I. Inexcusable. I hope somehow you get the support you need.
Your difficulties are at levels rarely seen today in America. You have no idea how much you are living up to your name: Vickie, short for Victoria, which means victorious. God bless you as you continue to overcome. Have you reached out to any churches or clubs like Rotary in your area? Many times churches and clubs have benevolence funds.
I'm 73 and have learned so much from your 5 minute post. Thank you. All my life I didn't have lots of confidence in my decision making. I over analyzed almost everything. I am a devout Christian and have deep confidence in the Bible and personal walk with the Lord, but often get confused in simple things. "Unstable and wavering...." People also need people and need to yield to others POV at times. Thanks again!
I feel the same way. What’s weird is like my husband and I were separated I swore the Lord told me multiple times With God All things are possible! Regarding my marriage with my husband I had so many signs with this it was crazy. I was so confused because everything opposite has been happening. My husband has completely disappeared he’s filed for divorce yet won’t serve me. He won’t give me a mailing address to serve him. I finally just filed for divorce… I didn’t let that sway me from following the Lord but I was like Lord what’s going on ? I thought you told me my marriage was going to be saved? I’m still seeking him just trying to go with the flow for now.. sorry for venting I just needed not to feel like I’m crazy when I felt God was telling me something and he wasn’t.
God bless you Jess by giving you His peace that PASSES all understanding. Absolute truth we can stand in absolute faith in is with Him ALL things are possible. Where we all struggle is in waiting on Him for the details. We in our own understanding try to conjure up and fill in the details. He has given you a next step. Do or undue whatever that is in faith then He will use it for your benefit and it will be to His glory. We will all make mistakes in any process. Recieve strength as the waves of emotion come. But watch and see. He will lift you up again on the rock of His love that is higher than you. I will stop rambling so much and start praying for you now sister in Christ! @Jessica-is-WisePsalm1
The older I get, the more religious I am getting. But I find that this actually helps me to detach even more and make decisions quickly. As long as I did some analysis and I feel 80% confident I am right, I just go for it because I am confident that God has a purpose for me and as long as I do his work, I will prevail. It even helps me deal with my kids. They're at that age now where they are giving me fits. My daughter loves to drive to far away places and she never calls me when she gets there despite my pleas. Sometimes late at night, I can't sleep because I wonder if my kids are ok and I start to get paranoid thoughts like what if my daughter slipped on some ice and hit her head on the pavement and she's unconscious in below freezing weather? Then I take a deep breath. I remember that I've always been lucky and God has protected me from far worse and if I am protected, surely that protection is extended to my family. I remember that I made my parents crazy and that this is just a part of human life that each generation repeats the mistake of their elders. Think of the big picture. Have faith that all will be well. Go to sleep. Wake up and prepare for the day's battle.
I know nothing about the military but this advice makes so much sense. This guy eschews common sense and coolness. I bet guys were happy to serve under him
THANK YOU. As an entrepreneur, I fell like I’m arching into the unknown every day - and life has hit me *hard* the last 18mos, making each day a little scarier and impacting my performance and judgement. Today was (another) tough morning facing the day, and I’m *so* glad this popped up in my feed. I find that I can often be my own worst enemy, and this advice (wisdom) really cuts to the essence of it. Thanks so much for what you do. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Great advice. And I would add PRACTICE. Get used to analysing situations and problems, doing Cost Benefit Analysis , making decision trees etc. Make it a HABIT to think clearly and to monitor our ego based and emotionally driven responses. Learn our patterns and weaknesses and resolve to get better.
Ty for sharing that all important element, practice. Keeps you focused on gaining mastery through the feedback loop of practice and battle tested real world conditions. "Practice is the price of mastery." Brian Tracy, business philosopher
Overthinking is more of a problem when there is no pressure. If deciding to do the dishes was a life or death decision, I'd have no problem doing the dishes immediately.
Which is why it makes the most sense to only do the dishes when and "because" you are going to need them for the next thing you're going to be doing, or because you love someone who is going to need them next.
You don’t need to decide to do the dishes. You just choose to do them. Just do it. There’s no dilemma here, just the bad habit of procrastinating. I listen to YT videos while doing the necessary but less than fun tasks at home. Try it! I hope this helps. 😊
Plus pressure helps me, I don't really overthink once pressure is involved, I just do it. But no pressure that is when I run into overtime and procrastination
There's something about you that immediately had me sitting up straighter while I was watching this video. Then I watched a second video and I felt changed. Your words, voice and mannerism are reaching me. Thank you.
This video gets booked marked... The author may not know this but this integrates beautifully with a spiritual practice I follow. 1. It's not what happens to you that matters, it's what you do with what happens to you that "matters" (creates matter in your reality) 2. Follow your bliss and do so without connection to the outcome, do it for its own sake, not for what you think it will get you, you're not capable of knowing the outcomes of following your highest excitement, let your higher self worry about outcomes 3. Pay attention to that inner voice that asks you, what could you do next to move towards your highest excitement? and then do that thing. Thank you sir, great advice
✓✓ - Phillipians 4: 6 "...BE ANXIOUS FOR NO- THING ! ( NOT .." HappilyAnxious" ; Not "NervouslyAnxious", Nor " FearfullyAnxious" "...Be Not "Anxious..." No- Way; NO-HOW...! ! Now, Read This all ⤴️ Again, Out Loud ! ) Maranatha, Y'all ! comes before "4:7 or 4:8" ! THEN. . . You can Make your WaY to Phillians 4:13, OR 4:19 ! But the First Thing I Do... " IS NOT PANIC...! NOW, STEP- TWO...
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. ~Rumi~ Since I started following this my life has become much clearer, much more understandable. May all that come here find what their souls searches for.
Thank you so much for making this video. I’ve recently been through a lot of loss and because of it, I know my emotions have been running high and yes i am totally over thinking and allowing the story in my head to completely overwhelm me. I know these steps, but ive just been rocked to my core and even though i was moving forward for the last couple months ive stopped. It’s time to start moving forward again. So thank you, because I’ve been trying to break through this fear, anxiety, grief and self doubt. ❤❤
This video is a healthy reminder of things I try to incorporate all the time. You can have tools and drop them because of stress. Also, iterative thinking is critical when using AI tools. Being able to ask solid questions comes from breaking thing down, framework thinking. From there you can get more out of what you seek. Thank you for posting this.
@DaHoneyBadger Two of my former instructors (Capt Over and Commander Roger from the Acronym Support Group I trained with) told me that repeating "EAB, EAB, EAB" can work for those not requiring an elaborate aide memoir checklist. Over and Out.
Clear thinking ability is such a boon. Your 3 take always are so good. I have been overwhelmed about the decision to move or not. Your suggestion to rent made me hit myself because why hadn’t I thought of that myself. I know where I want to move to and there is a caravan for sale there but I have to sell my onsite van first. Bit of a domino effect. But even if I miss out on the van I could still rent until something else comes on the market. So thanks for unravelling my mental turmoil.
Nearing 50, I've long accepted life's uncertainity. Taking emotions out of the equasion is often tricky, especially if your children / loved ones are involved or you feel the stakes are high. The third piece of advice is most useful for me personally: take a small step down the path in the direction that seems the best, see what happens and adjust. Because I spend a lot of time trying to plot out where the path would eventually lead to, where in fact you don't have to look that far. And there's the option to turn left, right or even back!
Good Advice ! I think you and me have to embrace uncertainly. Mistakes are inevitable ? right, Always prepare another plan(Plan B/ exit). Safe lifeboats are available on every ship. 3. One Chinese strategist advocated a plan, steady small step by step. set up a defense rent/stronghold every 50 steps. You progress, but in a steady small pace. 步步為營. He won a difficult battle finally. - For uncertainty, I would prefer to use the term "accept" > embrace. I don't welcome uncertainty, even try my best to avoid uncertainty, but we have to accept there is always uncertainty.
About detaching from your emotions - I've learned from my own experience that sometimes, esp for a petite woman who has to defend herself from random agressive men, NOT detaching from one's anger is best. It helps with applying all the resources available to protect oneself, it makes one FEEL one's own strength better, and it gives the attacker a clear message that I'm not gonna be easy to overpower and that I can cause enough damage to him he will regret attacking me. Women, unfortunately, are often taught to be passive and "nice" and then they suffer at the hands of violent ppl (99% of those violent ppl attacking women are men who are usually bigger and stronger). I've been hurt and I learned to protect myself (and others) and FEELING the outrage at the violence being directed at innocent people really helps me at the moment I have to protect myself or someone else
I hear you, but perhaps you could reframe a bit and see this gentleman and you are saying the same thing. 1. You don't know the attacker will do. 2. Prime rule of self defense; distance yourself from attacker (gives you moments to form your response and identify best strike target) 3. Small steps-foot to the nuts and/or palm thrust to nose! :)
hi leif, i wanted to tell you this what just happened. my boss put me on blast at work. it was/is upsetting because i put a lot of effort trying to resolve something, but it didn't work out. it wasn't for lack of effort though. and he put me on blast. i wondered what to do. i firmly believe what the bible says. one the things is: God will always provide a means of escape when there is trouble. this morning i was wondering where is the message? you're video started right at that time. i quickly thought "duh!!" and listened to what you had to say. i thank you !
I learned in an environment full of unexpected events that first thing you should do when you come to a disaster is a cup of coffee. This is a variation of detachment tactic. You sip your beverage, look around, assess, make a plan and only then start to action
Great advice. Whenever Im faced with a large task, I take small bites first. I ask myself, what part of this can I do right now? I can only work on the controllables.
In my opinion, #3 is the essence of Agile (that is being blamed recently, but again, in my opinion, this because of misunderstanding and click baiting). "Small steps" does not mean "without a strategy" or "without a goal". Seeing a goal is showing you the direction, but you must watch your feet, otherwise you will fall on your face.
I would add a slight modification. Being aware of your emotions to help make a decision but not being over run by them. Our subconscious can be a memory bank of all past experiences and our emotions are the front end of that. For example, sometimes anxiety can be a good thing because our brain is telling us something isn't right and we need to do something.
Bulls eye on the mark about the need to trust your instincts and listen to the small inner voice at pivotal times. The Intuitive Warrior book from another Navy Seal echoes your crucial distinction. Important in battle, business, and on the poker felt no limit battlefield of No Limit Doyle Brunson type poker Ty for sharing your msg. that can shine like a moment of satoroi. Regards and Pacifico beer cheers!!
4.Pre-caching decisions. Training and experimenting allows to learn what decisions are adequate for certain situations. Thus when the same (or relevantly similiar) situation will arise in the real life - you will already know what to do
Watch this from a training perspective - Tell 'em what you're going to tell them/tell them/tell them what you told them. I wish more content creators would do this, but they get paid from time of viewer engagement, which is an incentive to waste your time.
Decision paralysis can also be an indication that determinism is real. You make decisions but the decisions you make are determined by more factors than can be known. You become aware of what has been decided.
With emotions, it's a thing. They should align with the right decision most of the time. Emotions are a default reaction to the surroundings you build. This includes foremost your own safety, but also the safety of the people you bonded with and how their position affects you. If you have a bad feeling about a situation you intuitively know the risk might be greater than the reward. Can be really tricky if the drawbacks strike immediately, but the rewards accumulate over time. With panic, your intuition says your surroundings are likely not up for the task, hectic is usually earlier when you might be up for a task, but not at the intended pace. If you constantly have bad feelings about certain types of decisions, it's your psyche warning you of the consequences your decision will have. You should come to terms with the people involved in your decision. You can study this really well in team sport. A team that bonds very well will play above their individual skill level. A team that doesn't bond well is dependent on individual skill levels to carry. The best indicator of this is how a team reacts to unfavorable events. If there is doubt the reaction speed will go down and the error margin increases.
I did this all my life, even as a child, and was told I was too slow, indecisive, and an overthinker all my life. Funny though, when I listened to those voices, I'd fail. So, how does a person become more assertive or even aggressive, to tell others to shut up. I don't have troublemaking decisions. I have trouble with listening to others telling me mine are wrong, talking me into listening to them, then they'd tell me I'm bad at making decisions.
What about regrets? I once knew a guy tormented with regrets for a decision he made in Vietnam that led to another guy's death. How do you put that behind you?
1- work with the information you have (embrace uncertainty)
2-take a step back, look at the bigger picture and don't let your ego or emotions influence your decision (detach)
3-take small steps forward that you can take (iterative decision making)
Thank you, Sir!
Thank you 😊
Condensed Common Sense. Thanks!
@gailmorgan2556 thanks man, i forgot to mention it (I'll edit it out)
The world of aviation gives us a variation on Step 3, "the small iterative change" step, which I learned when I took my Private Pilot check ride and the examiner asked me "What's the first thing you do in an emergency situation?" and I immediately shot back with what my instructor had prepped me with-- "Nothing"-- meaning take at least a couple of seconds to analyze the "emergency" as there are few emergency situations in which two or three seconds will make or break.
Having been in two GA "emergencies" as a pilot, my firtst reaction is to keep flying the aircraft.
@@rinzler9775 Exactly! It's what I call "Doing a Sullenberger" (who lives about three miles from me).
I throw my glasses out the window and then unlatch the door…
Isn’t this step 2, take a step back?
A - Airspeed
B - Best landing
C - Check
D - Declare
E - Execute
Good advice!
1. Embrace uncertainty,
2. Stay detatched from the situation - emotion
3. LIttle steps toward goal- quick decision making
As A captain at a large fire department I couldn’t agree more with everything said here. Great advice!
Thank You
I have Been Stuck for Years in my home all by myself, dealing with a spinal injury and then being abandoned and left to Die in Texas ... I grew up on a farm in upstate N.Y..
Lost my job after being injured, then no vehicle for 4 years and I live a 30min Drive from anything including grocery stores. I went for 6 months not being able to get to a store to buy food and living off my vege gardens and chicken eggs. Lost over 20lbs I was NOT trying I was was starving.
I have known these steps but it has been sooo difficult with the illness and the loss of all support from anyone. Then Battling with the Health Insurance Company just to get a ride to the Grocery store.
Proud to say I finally was able to save up and pay cash for an old pickup truck.
Now I need to start driving again without Fear...
Then check out the area near my Big Brother and hopefully sell my home and Move.
Wish I had a strong Man like You in MY Life to Build OUR Fortress of Peace & Love together ❤
Any way
Thanks Again for the Gentle Push Forward 💋
Miss Vikie Howell 🕊💖🕊
Here we are, wealthiest country EVER, but vicious predator mega-corporations & fundamentalist Christians own the government & are happily working to make life much worse for you & I. Inexcusable. I hope somehow you get the support you need.
Your difficulties are at levels rarely seen today in America. You have no idea how much you are living up to your name: Vickie, short for Victoria, which means victorious. God bless you as you continue to overcome. Have you reached out to any churches or clubs like Rotary in your area? Many times churches and clubs have benevolence funds.
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger Vikie. God doesn't put more on our plate than we can handle.
I'm 73 and have learned so much from your 5 minute post. Thank you. All my life I didn't have lots of confidence in my decision making. I over analyzed almost everything. I am a devout Christian and have deep confidence in the Bible and personal walk with the Lord, but often get confused in simple things. "Unstable and wavering...." People also need people and need to yield to others POV at times. Thanks again!
I feel the same way. What’s weird is like my husband and I were separated I swore the Lord told me multiple times With God All things are possible! Regarding my marriage with my husband I had so many signs with this it was crazy. I was so confused because everything opposite has been happening. My husband has completely disappeared he’s filed for divorce yet won’t serve me. He won’t give me a mailing address to serve him. I finally just filed for divorce… I didn’t let that sway me from following the Lord but I was like Lord what’s going on ? I thought you told me my marriage was going to be saved? I’m still seeking him just trying to go with the flow for now.. sorry for venting I just needed not to feel like I’m crazy when I felt God was telling me something and he wasn’t.
God bless you Jess by giving you His peace that PASSES all understanding.
Absolute truth we can stand in absolute faith in is with Him ALL things are possible. Where we all struggle is in waiting on Him for the details. We in our own understanding try to conjure up and fill in the details. He has given you a next step. Do or undue whatever that is in faith then He will use it for your benefit and it will be to His glory. We will all make mistakes in any process. Recieve strength as the waves of emotion come. But watch and see. He will lift you up again on the rock of His love that is higher than you.
I will stop rambling so much and start praying for you now sister in Christ! @Jessica-is-WisePsalm1
The older I get, the more religious I am getting. But I find that this actually helps me to detach even more and make decisions quickly. As long as I did some analysis and I feel 80% confident I am right, I just go for it because I am confident that God has a purpose for me and as long as I do his work, I will prevail. It even helps me deal with my kids. They're at that age now where they are giving me fits. My daughter loves to drive to far away places and she never calls me when she gets there despite my pleas. Sometimes late at night, I can't sleep because I wonder if my kids are ok and I start to get paranoid thoughts like what if my daughter slipped on some ice and hit her head on the pavement and she's unconscious in below freezing weather? Then I take a deep breath. I remember that I've always been lucky and God has protected me from far worse and if I am protected, surely that protection is extended to my family. I remember that I made my parents crazy and that this is just a part of human life that each generation repeats the mistake of their elders. Think of the big picture. Have faith that all will be well. Go to sleep. Wake up and prepare for the day's battle.
@@Jessica-is-WisePsalm1 I believe God hates divorce so chances are that wasn’t Him. Praying for you 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️❤️❤️
I know nothing about the military but this advice makes so much sense. This guy eschews common sense and coolness. I bet guys were happy to serve under him
Thank you very much‼️‼️
THANK YOU. As an entrepreneur, I fell like I’m arching into the unknown every day - and life has hit me *hard* the last 18mos, making each day a little scarier and impacting my performance and judgement. Today was (another) tough morning facing the day, and I’m *so* glad this popped up in my feed. I find that I can often be my own worst enemy, and this advice (wisdom) really cuts to the essence of it. Thanks so much for what you do. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Reminds me of the saying, ‘a comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.’ I hope this helps…
I wish you will have a good future
Apparently "Navy Seal Voice" is a real thing 😄
Thanks for all your great advice over the years!
Extreme Ownership is one of my favorite books ❤
Get some!
This is great! I provide outdoor programming with kids and teens and I’ve had to lean into these principles every day all day.
Neat advice, thanks ✌🙋♀️☯️
Great advice. And I would add PRACTICE. Get used to analysing situations and problems, doing Cost Benefit Analysis , making decision trees etc. Make it a HABIT to think clearly and to monitor our ego based and emotionally driven responses. Learn our patterns and weaknesses and resolve to get better.
Ty for sharing that all important element, practice. Keeps you focused on gaining mastery through the feedback loop of practice and battle tested real world conditions.
"Practice is the price of mastery."
Brian Tracy, business philosopher
yes, I would certainly add to these three a couple more: Upside vs downside risk and probability of a given thing happening or succeeding.
Overthinking is more of a problem when there is no pressure.
If deciding to do the dishes was a life or death decision, I'd have no problem doing the dishes immediately.
Which is why it makes the most sense to only do the dishes when and "because" you are going to need them for the next thing you're going to be doing, or because you love someone who is going to need them next.
I had to laugh at that one! If all you've done today is make me laugh, it was worth it.
You don’t need to decide to do the dishes. You just choose to do them. Just do it. There’s no dilemma here, just the bad habit of procrastinating. I listen to YT videos while doing the necessary but less than fun tasks at home. Try it! I hope this helps. 😊
Plus pressure helps me, I don't really overthink once pressure is involved, I just do it. But no pressure that is when I run into overtime and procrastination
This is deep man. You got me reflecting on my life.
There's something about you that immediately had me sitting up straighter while I was watching this video. Then I watched a second video and I felt changed. Your words, voice and mannerism are reaching me. Thank you.
This video gets booked marked... The author may not know this but this integrates beautifully with a spiritual practice I follow. 1. It's not what happens to you that matters, it's what you do with what happens to you that "matters" (creates matter in your reality) 2. Follow your bliss and do so without connection to the outcome, do it for its own sake, not for what you think it will get you, you're not capable of knowing the outcomes of following your highest excitement, let your higher self worry about outcomes 3. Pay attention to that inner voice that asks you, what could you do next to move towards your highest excitement? and then do that thing. Thank you sir, great advice
Fantastic reply! Thank you for this
Easier said than done.
I have been following my inner voice and nothing happens in that direction.
Outside forces are so strong. They make me fall
✓✓ - Phillipians 4: 6
"...BE ANXIOUS FOR NO- THING ! ( NOT .." HappilyAnxious" ; Not "NervouslyAnxious", Nor
" FearfullyAnxious"
"...Be Not "Anxious..." No- Way;
NO-HOW...! !
Now, Read This all ⤴️
Again, Out Loud ! )
Maranatha, Y'all !
comes before "4:7 or 4:8" !
THEN. . . You can Make your WaY to
Phillians 4:13, OR 4:19 !
But the First Thing I Do... " IS NOT PANIC...!
✓✓Jeremiah 17:9...
That " Inner- Voice" Cant always be Trusted! No- Buddy!
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. ~Rumi~
Since I started following this my life has become much clearer, much more understandable. May all that come here find what their souls searches for.
Thank you so much for making this video. I’ve recently been through a lot of loss and because of it, I know my emotions have been running high and yes i am totally over thinking and allowing the story in my head to completely overwhelm me. I know these steps, but ive just been rocked to my core and even though i was moving forward for the last couple months ive stopped. It’s time to start moving forward again. So thank you, because I’ve been trying to break through this fear, anxiety, grief and self doubt. ❤❤
This video is a healthy reminder of things I try to incorporate all the time. You can have tools and drop them because of stress. Also, iterative thinking is critical when using AI tools. Being able to ask solid questions comes from breaking thing down, framework thinking. From there you can get more out of what you seek. Thank you for posting this.
I liked Jocko and Eco. and now i Like Leif too. Stay Strong.
Navy Seal is making great youtubers for sure!
Embrace uncertainty
Make iterative steps
Embrace uncertainty, Detach, make iterative steps. Embrace uncertainty, detach, make iterative steps.Embrace uncertainty, detach, make iterative steps
@DaHoneyBadger Two of my former instructors (Capt Over and Commander Roger from the Acronym Support Group I trained with) told me that repeating "EAB, EAB, EAB" can work for those not requiring an elaborate aide memoir checklist.
Over and Out.
I don't quite understand.
@DaHoneyBadger Here's the most important and forgotten step: Stop talking and take action.
Well said man. Yup gotta check that damn ego at the door. The nemesis of many a leader. # simple and executable ideas 👍
Clear thinking ability is such a boon. Your 3 take always are so good. I have been overwhelmed about the decision to move or not. Your suggestion to rent made me hit myself because why hadn’t I thought of that myself. I know where I want to move to and there is a caravan for sale there but I have to sell my onsite van first. Bit of a domino effect. But even if I miss out on the van I could still rent until something else comes on the market. So thanks for unravelling my mental turmoil.
Free pearls of life right here. Thanks!
To the point and nailed it!
Thank You for your service and your advise
Bam! Small iterative changes over time delivers huge results. 🙌
Nearing 50, I've long accepted life's uncertainity. Taking emotions out of the equasion is often tricky, especially if your children / loved ones are involved or you feel the stakes are high. The third piece of advice is most useful for me personally: take a small step down the path in the direction that seems the best, see what happens and adjust. Because I spend a lot of time trying to plot out where the path would eventually lead to, where in fact you don't have to look that far. And there's the option to turn left, right or even back!
wow, that was actually very helpful. Perfect timing for me to see this video. You Rock. Thanks
The best thing I've learned this year so far. I'm ahead of big changes and decisions, and I'm scared.. I'm going to practice these. Thank you. ❤
Good Advice ! I think you and me have to embrace uncertainly. Mistakes are inevitable ? right, Always prepare another plan(Plan B/ exit). Safe lifeboats are available on every ship. 3. One Chinese strategist advocated a plan, steady small step by step. set up a defense rent/stronghold every 50 steps. You progress, but in a steady small pace. 步步為營. He won a difficult battle finally. - For uncertainty, I would prefer to use the term "accept" > embrace. I don't welcome uncertainty, even try my best to avoid uncertainty, but we have to accept there is always uncertainty.
Thank you. I needed this today to help me figure my head out.
This was very helpful! Thank you so much and God bless you!
Iterative decision making is great advice! Thanks Leif. 💯🔥👊🏻
Single most important skill for navigating the 21st Century. Great job.
Thanks for showing me a new approach. Very useful indeed.
1. Embrace uncertainty
2. Detach from emotions and ego
3. Steps😮 by direction to higher ground
#2 is the method of learning faster. Pride is the number 1 killer of learning.
This is very sound advice my brother. Thank you!
Found you from the Shawn Ryan Show. What a good interview.
Glad to subscribe !
About detaching from your emotions - I've learned from my own experience that sometimes, esp for a petite woman who has to defend herself from random agressive men, NOT detaching from one's anger is best. It helps with applying all the resources available to protect oneself, it makes one FEEL one's own strength better, and it gives the attacker a clear message that I'm not gonna be easy to overpower and that I can cause enough damage to him he will regret attacking me. Women, unfortunately, are often taught to be passive and "nice" and then they suffer at the hands of violent ppl (99% of those violent ppl attacking women are men who are usually bigger and stronger). I've been hurt and I learned to protect myself (and others) and FEELING the outrage at the violence being directed at innocent people really helps me at the moment I have to protect myself or someone else
Yes, in those circumstances we need to react that way.
I hear you, but perhaps you could reframe a bit and see this gentleman and you are saying the same thing. 1. You don't know the attacker will do. 2. Prime rule of self defense; distance yourself from attacker (gives you moments to form your response and identify best strike target) 3. Small steps-foot to the nuts and/or palm thrust to nose! :)
I think you just changed my life, thank you.
hi leif, i wanted to tell you this what just happened. my boss put me on blast at work. it was/is upsetting because i put a lot of effort trying to resolve something, but it didn't work out. it wasn't for lack of effort though. and he put me on blast. i wondered what to do. i firmly believe what the bible says. one the things is: God will always provide a means of escape when there is trouble. this morning i was wondering where is the message?
you're video started right at that time. i quickly thought "duh!!" and listened to what you had to say. i thank you !
As we used to say in the corps, "lead! "follow!" or "get out of the way!"
Excellent information. How do I see the whole field? Which direction is best to take? Commit as gradual as possible before going all in. Thank you!
Go to 0:57 immediately. Save a minute of your life by skipping the "there's a problem" ends of the sales pitch.
great info thanks for the upload
I agree. As a first responder paramedic I might emphasis his point to Stay detached
this is an example of how serving in the military can help make a person better by learning useful life skills
Helpful with useful and actionable instruction. Thank you sir!
This is a great book, quite an eye opener. (Make your bed first !)
I learned in an environment full of unexpected events that first thing you should do when you come to a disaster is a cup of coffee. This is a variation of detachment tactic. You sip your beverage, look around, assess, make a plan and only then start to action
Yep, if you have time.
LOL I would like to see that in the described scenario in this video. „WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! WHAT DO WE DO?“, „Time for a coffee, I guess.“
Thank you Sir! Great teaching. 🙏
Perfect advice to aviate through life as a single mom 😂 Always looking out for the best for my "troops' 😉
love this, now the small step of putting it in practice :)
Excellent insight Leif! Thank you!! 👊💪🔱
Our pleasure! Keep getting after it.
Very useful advice! Thank you.
Great advice. Whenever Im faced with a large task, I take small bites first. I ask myself, what part of this can I do right now?
I can only work on the controllables.
great summary at the end
Love it. Thank you 🫡👌🏻
It is clear who speaks from experience and who from theory.👍
Brilliant. Thank you.
I think the "small iterative decisions" is similar to simply acting in baby steps towards the goal, which helps decision or action paralysis.
Excellent advice thank you!
Solid advise! Remember Chief, SAPPERS Lead The Way!
Hurray. Excellent advice sealman
Good advice that I wish I had understood long ago.......
Great suggestions, thanks.
Thank you, good advice…
In my opinion, #3 is the essence of Agile (that is being blamed recently, but again, in my opinion, this because of misunderstanding and click baiting). "Small steps" does not mean "without a strategy" or "without a goal". Seeing a goal is showing you the direction, but you must watch your feet, otherwise you will fall on your face.
I would add a slight modification. Being aware of your emotions to help make a decision but not being over run by them. Our subconscious can be a memory bank of all past experiences and our emotions are the front end of that. For example, sometimes anxiety can be a good thing because our brain is telling us something isn't right and we need to do something.
Bulls eye on the mark about the need to trust your instincts and listen to the small inner voice at pivotal times. The Intuitive Warrior book from another Navy Seal echoes your crucial distinction. Important in battle, business, and on the poker felt no limit battlefield of No Limit Doyle Brunson type poker
Ty for sharing your msg. that can shine like a moment of satoroi. Regards and Pacifico beer cheers!!
Thanks, Leif!!
I love this video and these tips. I needed this, thank you.
Glad it helped, get after it.
This is excellent advice.
Very good Advice on life and business decisions !!! 👍🇺🇸👍🇺🇸
That's Powerful Right There ✅️
4.Pre-caching decisions. Training and experimenting allows to learn what decisions are adequate for certain situations. Thus when the same (or relevantly similiar) situation will arise in the real life - you will already know what to do
Watch this from a training perspective - Tell 'em what you're going to tell them/tell them/tell them what you told them. I wish more content creators would do this, but they get paid from time of viewer engagement, which is an incentive to waste your time.
Decision paralysis can also be an indication that determinism is real. You make decisions but the decisions you make are determined by more factors than can be known. You become aware of what has been decided.
Thanks man.
Thank You ! ! !
Thanks for sharing.
Good Advice!
When emotions are overwhelming, follow this mental process:
1) All good
2) Emotions aside
3) Follow the instructions
Great advice!
Thank you! This was helpful :)
We only ever do what we believe benefits us. That goes for overtaking as well
Sounds very credible. I'm going to try out these things. Thanks for the video
Thank you sir.
good advice.
With emotions, it's a thing. They should align with the right decision most of the time. Emotions are a default reaction to the surroundings you build. This includes foremost your own safety, but also the safety of the people you bonded with and how their position affects you. If you have a bad feeling about a situation you intuitively know the risk might be greater than the reward. Can be really tricky if the drawbacks strike immediately, but the rewards accumulate over time. With panic, your intuition says your surroundings are likely not up for the task, hectic is usually earlier when you might be up for a task, but not at the intended pace.
If you constantly have bad feelings about certain types of decisions, it's your psyche warning you of the consequences your decision will have. You should come to terms with the people involved in your decision. You can study this really well in team sport. A team that bonds very well will play above their individual skill level. A team that doesn't bond well is dependent on individual skill levels to carry. The best indicator of this is how a team reacts to unfavorable events. If there is doubt the reaction speed will go down and the error margin increases.
Hooyah brother great words 👏 👍 👍💯
Great advice.
I did this all my life, even as a child, and was told I was too slow, indecisive, and an overthinker all my life.
Funny though, when I listened to those voices, I'd fail. So, how does a person become more assertive or even aggressive, to tell others to shut up. I don't have troublemaking decisions. I have trouble with listening to others telling me mine are wrong, talking me into listening to them, then they'd tell me I'm bad at making decisions.
Many thanks!
Great advice 🥊
What about regrets? I once knew a guy tormented with regrets for a decision he made in Vietnam that led to another guy's death. How do you put that behind you?
Learning how to spell and say interiv is my first little step- “iterative”. 😅
"The enemy gets a vote," is deep.