Architects and Engineers On 9/11! Excellent Must See!

  • Опубликовано: 30 июл 2019
  • 9-11 was a Pearl Harbour event that brought changes to American law and justice. This event sparked the loss of freedom and justice for Americans where the government can now spy, arrest anyone without evidence, jail them indefinitely just because they are suspected terrorists. The coverup in 9-11 is breathtaking and shocking. Evidence and testimonies ignored. Dust samples showed super thermite being used. Underground fires in the that burned up to 2800F until Dec 19, 2011. WTC 7 imploding like a controlled demolition. Serious flaws in NIST computer modelling which ignored the 47 central steel columns in the middle of the building that houses the lifts. Testimonies from first responders and survivors who heard multiple explosions as they escaped the building. Expert architects and engineers discuss the 9 11 coverup and evidence it was a controlled demolition.

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