Morning. You always bring sound observations to my day. One request? Can you continue advising us how to change these things. Like your oo-ed pieces on Community local level actions. #Midterms2022 frighten me. And Im an old curmudgeonly #NavyVeteranKorea retired county sheriff that at my age not much should frighten me anymore.
What the hell is happening to America? Watching our southern neighbours from here in Canada is horrifying. How anyone can vote republiCON at this point is beyond me. Hold your nose, if you must and vote blue!
Hey man, Great video. Curious what you think of MAGA president out of Mar-a-lago?? Dark MAGA genuinely believes he is still their president, and that that is their capital now. How serious are you taking this??? Because the 2nd civil war is real to them, and they are acting on it, softly for the most part(kicking progressives out of work, via harassment), and in specific cases violent(Buffalo). Curious what you think?
What's embarrassing is that these people are a reflection of the people who voted for them. Spitting image. At the very least those people see nothing abnormal, they see a familiar face and hear familiar language and ideas.
The main thing that religion does is it conditions people to cede authority over their own logic and reason to a pastor and a group of other highly superstitious people.
MSM should take this "dark Maga" comment very seriously, especially from a guy whose ideal vacation spot was Hitler's bunker. Cawthorn reminds me of being a budding Brownshirt. The creeping coup continues...
he's not a government officials nomore, does that mean i can take him out? heh... just one law pass by our government to deal with treason and traitors with extreme prejudice and impunity. Folks like me just need Operation Faktriots to be greenlight.
@@Maggie-zr2ow I've been taught violence only respect more violence. Those who have strength to fight must use it to defend the weak, not prey on the weak. Beau told me about rule 303 and I'm ready. I have the strength to do the right thing and I've gladly do it when duty calls.
Aw poor Maddy. It’s time for MAGA and the religious right to never have any political power ever again so we as a society can make some progress. Tax the rich. Don’t worry they’ll still be rich.
Thank you. When Beau explained what puppy Maddy had said I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud at "dark maga." What is he, 12? These people have to go so we can get on with things.
@@megatron184 Germans have been dealing with Nazi sympathizers for the last 80 years. About the same amount of time we Spaniards have been dealing with Francoists. I'd love to be wrong, but I'm afraid that your 20 year minimum estimate is extremely optimistic.
It’s come to the point that I find it suspicious when someone calls themself a “patriot”. It’s become a code word for “right wing wacko that supports fascist ideals/politicians”.
I like the line in the article about "... an increased sense of persecution..." well yea, they are being persecuted. they should be persecuted. fascists should ALWAYS feel persecuted or else we're doomed.
The one sad fact about Cawthorn’s loss is that he wouldn’t have lost without the opposition of the general Republican leadership. To the public in his district, none of his lies, or allegations of sexual assault, or lack of productivity in the House, or clear illustrations of his bad judgment- none of these worked to his disfavor. That’s a very sad reflection on the judgment of the voters.
I have to wonder if the accusations he made about sex parties and drugs within the GOP are a real thing. Considering their hypocritical nature, it doesn't seem out of character for this type of behavior...
@@valkyriefrost5301 With how they went after him for those remarks, I'm inclined to believe it's at least partially true. However, I say "partially" because I bet Cawthorn doesn't know every detail about those sex parties, some of which I'm sure the GOP would love to bury forever.
Also a comparison between trump and Napoleon as the article mentioned some of these people have used seems odd as well. Well, he might very well have Napoleon complex.
Maybe Cawthorne likes the clothes. I remember the first time I saw him on stage dressed like a 3rd rate Tom Cruise from "Valkyrie". My gut instantly said "hey, look, a fascist". My brain interjected "wait a minute, you can't just reach a conclusion on how someone... oH, fuck, it IS a fascist!"
What’s with all the “we have enemies to fight”? Is he referring to his fellow countrymen? How can you call yourself a patriot when saying stuff like that?
I had an entire branch of my Father's side of the family wiped out by fascists in WWII. Ever since the "Jews will not replace us" torchlight parade in Charlottesville, I have been increasingly on edge as I watch the far right asserting itself more and more, without enough pushback from Congress or the FBI. I do not think that these people are joking. I think they really mean it. If Trump should run again and lose (it should be an avalanche if the Dems nominate a viable candidate) that would be your flashpoint. I am 72, but I guarantee you, I won't go quietly into the night.
Funny thing is, the right wing does an uprising, they lose. They won't beat the Army plus the rest of the not right wing. Most of these idiots have this delusion the American center and left don;t have guns or will just roll over because they're cucklord libtard sheeple or whatever they wanna call them. No, they have guns too and if a bunch of neo-nazis start rampaging, they'll start shooting back and I guarantee people like Cawthorne will crap their pants and start crying when they take a few bullets in their general direction.
Doesn't disturb you at all that the Nazi battalions in Ukraine are the most heavily armed white supremacist movement on Earth? And that they train and radicalized not only their own children but people like the Buffalo shooter? That is #DarkMAGA.
Mr. Gershon , I agree with you whole heartedly , let's not forget the mob that desecrated our Capital building , or the 70+ mil. that voted for this insanity . I too will not go quietly into the night . Shalom
Don't overlook the fact that Cawthorn was also complaining about "globalists" in his statement. He's basically blaming the Jews for his election loss, in addition to the rest of his Nazi rhetoric.
Most likely he doesn't understand the basis of globalism and neoliberal economics - aka republican supply-side reagan-style trickle-down bullshit the right wing laps up like gravy.
As far as I'm concerned, MAGA has always been dark. Cawthorn is a very bitter man, and he's not alone. I had many friends who hitched themselves to the MAGA wagon and, man, there really is no coming back for them. It is scary how all-consuming it is. For them, the battle lines are clear: you're on team Trump (and all it entails) or you're an enemy. And, yes, they all talk of "civil war."
Let me guess; thwy are boomers who do zero exercise and have never considered the fact that military veteran liberals also have means to protect themselves?
What's truly stunning is that in an early stat on the people arrested for crimes in the insurrection, 45% were professionals (doctors, lawyers, accountants, managers).with families. 🤯🤦♂️🤦♂️
Yep. I just debated with a guy who just openly admitted to being radicalized and called himself a fed up patriot who said if I disagreed with him I was against America.
"expose those who say and promise one thing yet legislate and work toward another" --M Cawthorne I wonder how he feels about his party voting against baby formula, and whether he did too, now that they're going to force women to have more kids.
This isn't limited to the federal elections. In Colorado a Republican candidate for governor is proposing an Electoral College for Colorado to elect the governor. This would severely dilute the urban, more Democrat voters by forcing them into several small districts allowing the more rural Republican voters to overwhelmingly elect a Republican governor even if the Democrat wins the popular vote. Wonder where he got that idea?
If a recently ousted politician had made this speech in a 90s dystopia movie I’d have laughed at how stupid it was that no one saw they were going to try to overthrow the government and stopped them. Now that I’m watching these scenes playing out in real time, with no tangible repercussions to those in power, it’s no longer even a little funny.
V for Vendetta comes to mind to me ever since tRump won the Republican Convention & started asking Putin to help him openly at his Apprentice Style Rally's to keep his Cult going who loved to watch him tell ppl your FIRED, than changed over to Lock her up!!
Welcome to my country in 1928 up to 1945. Good luck. We all will need it. Unlike Germany at the time, who ever gets to play Adolf role...will have nukes and a capable and overequipped military, including the economy to fund it.
Well this country has been more fascist than the fascists for most of history. You do realize that Hitler was inspired by the Jim Crow south and Henry Ford’s capitalist tycoon vision
Especially as most people will end up in camps if it gets going. Yes, *most* people, as one must be pure in all ways to participate in an Authoritarian Regime - and most people are impure enough in at least one area to fail the purity tests that Fascism demands of its devotees.
2016 fascism won. 2020 fascists nearly ended democracy. And those responsible for holding them accountable have done nothing. Right now Democrats are busy throwing away their own majority so they can stop Progressives getting seats while Republicans increase and solidify their control. 2022 seems like the year fascism wins and America dies. And the American people are too stupid to stop it even though they have the chance to.
In Yoda voice ~ _"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in conservatives."_
Marjorie Traitor Green is also openly espousing fascism. As for Cawthorne, I believe he suffers from a severe lack of self-esteem and is overly compensating. He's a petty, vengeful POS, just like TFG.
I'd say it's time to go after the cult churches that pushed this fascism with their regular preaching. If you pushed this on your flock, we take your church and your tax exempt status. Problem solved 😬
Who could have aver expected Cawthorn, whose "bucket list" included a visit to Hitler's Eagle's Nest, would invoke fascism as the next step in MAGA world? This is my surprised face...
Most Americans dont know the difference between corporatcracy, socialism ( what flavor), communism, representative democracy, fascism, ...seems ppl have been dumbed down waaaay down.
They're literally adopting the aesthetics of villains now. They've set out to become "The Darkness" that must be defeated by the "Heroes of Light". I'm genuinely surprised at this total lack of self-awareness, but now I no longer wonder why the Nazis didn't question the dark uniforms and skull motifs of the SS.
Way back in 2015 I made the statement on social media, "Wekcome folks to the new American fascism." 7 years later it still seems to fit. It's just a thought.
Because others are either aligned with them or don't want to admit what it is because they want to avoid doing what they would have to admit needs done if they did.
This is the way Germany turned fascist. Encouraging rage and promising retribution to poorly educated masses while the rest of the country is in denial that such a thing could come to pass.
I realized during the 2016 Republican presidential primaries that there were several fascists running and Trump was the most fascist of the lot. It didn't surprise me that he won because the conservative movement in America has become more and more fascist-leaning since Ronald Reagan was Maximum Leader.
Ronald Reagan was certainly not that. The funny thing is that a very controversial president like George W. Bush, even with all the neo-con transgressions he and his party was responsible for, suddenly comes across as a decent and ethical leader when directly compared to Trump. Trump is a protofascist, or a fascist by opportunity. The next guy might be a true fascist. I wonder if U.S. voters still will be more afraid of waking up in a communist USA, which in itself is an absurdity beyond comprehension.
Even if it wasn't for the fact that "Dark MAGA" sounds so freaking sinister that it could pass as some evil thing from a fantasy movie, Cawthorn is literally talking like an honest-to-god fascist in that statement. What the actual hell is wrong with these people!?
I read the Newsweek article and am trying to wrap my brain around an ideology that says Trump was *too kindhearted & forgiving* , & needs to be *more vengeful* the next time he seizes power. Those Dark MAGA enthusiasts definitely inhabit a different universe, mentally speaking. Too bad they're physically in this one & have guns & votes.
the real scary part of all this Trumpism is after all that has happen in the past 5 years,,, here in ohio we still have a majority of people (voters )that will vote for trump again , they say he did a great job , and life was better under trump ..... the fact they don't see ? or care? what he did to this country ,, that scares me
So just looked it up and to my surprise Ohio has more registered Democrats than Republicans. The 6.1 million unaffiliated voters must be what constantly swings us back and forth like a child exploiting divorced parents. 🤔
Texas isn't any better . A lot of people in a lot of states, (some you wouldn't expect) feel this way and I fear the US may be forever changed and not for the better. 😒
The scarier part is that you Gringos still don't get it...Muh'rica didn't change, you've always been fascist imperialist racists, the only thing that sort of changed is that your fascism finally started to affect your white middle class population directly. In other words none of y'all had any issues when the peoole affected by your fascism were just poor Latin Americans, Middle Easterners or Asians you didn't had any issues with your gov strangling democracies, murdering people, installing genocidal dictators, etc. but as the saying goes, the chickens have come home to roost and even though I wish upon you nothing but good luck in your fight against fascism, I would be lying if I didn't admit that watching you fascist fucks get some of your own "medicine" isn't great. Hopefully your country will crash, burn along with the fascism it has perpetuated since birth.
@@faithworldleader6891 I wrote a term paper in 1975 on that book. Just a few years later, we entered the Reagan years and I started watching it unfold and tried to talk about it with friends. Was told I took that book way too seriously. Unfortunately the friends of my youth are all wearing red hats now. Wish they had read the book... now they probably want to burn it.
Yep. I started calling the former guy a fascist since summer of 2020 (signs were earlier but calling for imprisoning his opponent was the last straw for me). "Fascism will come to America wrapped up in a flag and carrying a cross...." P.S. The irony is that fascists would not be gentle for people like Madison (remember what Nazis did...)
I knew the US had taken a rather fascist turn when it created the Department of Homeland Security. "Homeland"?!? Are you for effing real? Ooh, with uniforms and special snooping powers!
2015: "If I don't win the election, it was stolen" --Trump I don't think that's how democratic elections work. But what do I know, I'm just a Canadian Socialist. I'll go back to my $600 /year universal healthcare.
@@darkiee69 Most of the time THEY are the ones identifying with fictional characters. The amount of right-leaning people with Empire stickers on their cars is baffling. Literally siding with the bad guys.
He's a sore loser and he really is going to to prison if he doesn't take a step back, because even conservative judges aren't going to try to save him.
@@PhilLesh69 : Conservative-capitalism is itself an all out war against humanity, against life itself. These fascists just speed up the process. Ironically, the rise of fascism is also caused by conservative-capitalism added to other existing forms of bigotry.
@@PhilLesh69 And the Fools, Buffoons, and Idiots (FBI) CHOOSE TO IGNORE that the Reich Wing has declared WAR ON THEM, because The Morons WANT TO BE on their side. Even though they are the "Big Authoritarian Government" That the MAGA Crowd HATES... Because they won't let MAGA Lynch the ni... (Easter egg to Mel Brooks, here)
When empathy,logic, is not existent in a populace then that populace is easily manipulated through their prejudices. The woe-is-me syndrome takes over and becomes a self-defence mechanism to their guilty conscience.
It seems like losing has only let Cawthorn feel bold enough to start saying the things he couldn't say before. The guy Cawthorn lost to, Chuck Edwards, is likely to be just as bad if not worse. We can be glad Cawthorn lost, but if Edwards gets into office, he'll continue trying to make fascism acceptable.
True. It might have been less dangerous if Cawthorn had won. We've swapped the guy who says the quiet part out loud with a guy who has probably learned to keep his mouth shut and play fascist ball.
Hopefully "Dark MAGA" will run it's own canidents for the General Elections in November and split the Repugnacan't voters and give Democrat canidents a path to victories, even in very Red states.
I lost my husband two months ago at 35 from an accident. We would watch your videos every morning and we even went worked together, so listened to you at work. Everytime we, together, said hi back to you. I haven't been able to watch one of your videos since he died but your shirts and your cap... Anyway, I digress, I finally had to even through tears because of Rick and Morty. I hope to continue to ease back into my life
He's a guy who has no concept of accountability or integrity. He broke both his legs in a car accident then lied about it multiple times just to make himself look good.
2)got caught by a honey pot. 3) killed his career by running his mouth. 4) with his recent history is looking a permanently losing his drivers license and ending up on the no fly list.
Yeah - the US Naval Academy should sue him for slander, after claiming they rejected his application for admission AFTER the accident that broke his back - NOT beforehand. THEY didn't want him on board their ship EITHER, even WITH functional legs. It was likely his nonfunctional brain they didn't find acceptable.
To be fair, he didn’t just break his legs. To also be fair, his moral compass was broken long before he accused the friend who his own parents say rescued him from a burning car, of “leaving him to die”.
@@nickpacitti3247 you’ll learn what the we say the good good book says and nothing else! WTF is wrong with people. I’d say “these days” but humans have been this way for far too long.
Thanks for this thoughtful commentary, I couldn't agree more fully with this. From early on, "MAGA" and "America First" have always struck me as Fascism with different branding. It's comforting to have someone you like speak on this and bring that to the viewer's attention.
Reminds me of a short story in the newly-released fiction collection "Alternative Apocalypse". The story is a horrifying yet short 1.5 pages; "Back to Reality" by Larry Hodges. Thanks be to the library system for giving me access to all the great tales within the book.
Thank you Beau. Call it out for what it is because this is the most dangerous threat to our own country and to the free world as a whole as we are seeing it playing out currently from Buffalo to Ukraine.
It still blows me away that we have tens of millions of people that want to vote in a fascist government. I'm no Democratic party cheerleader but I'm just voting out of self defense here. We need a massive voter turn out to counter this and I just don't see it happening. If they have the House, the Senate and the presidency in 2024 it's RIP USA.
We can achieve that massive voter turnout, but it won't be easy. Somehow we have to find a way to get people to understand what's at stake. They have to be able to recognize the threat and realize they can do something about it.
It's maddening to hear this defeatist talk of "well the midterm loss is inevitable" only if you don't show up and vote! How or why can you just roll over. The votes were there in 20 the talk should be to bring in more this year.
I’m not a psychiatrist (I am a doctor) but listening to MC’s excuse for his defeat, one word comes to mind - “grandiose,” namely an exaggerated impression of his own self-worth or importance. This is a hallmark of a number of mental disorders and of megalomaniacs. Hard to differentiate.
More than vote we can't just vote and sit back. Leadership has not shown it's self resilient to this or other threats. We need to build strong community networks to care for and protect each other, resist violence and build resiliency and the world we want to see.
Vote? Like WV voted for Mancin? Like Arizona voted for Sinema? Vote while current politicians are gerrymandering and curtailing voting rights? Voting is just two wolves and a sheep casting a ballot over what's for dinner.
@@roverwanderernomadvagabond6392 VOTE. Apathy will not help this situation . We need to call on the ancestors. The women who fought for their right to vote and the ancestors of color who fought for a voice at the ballot box . We need to cast our votes in gratitude to those that did it the hard way . To whine from our couches is not going to help the situation and disgraces the gift our ancestors gave us. Vote .
I been screaming this for 6 years now. Knowbody listen but my son. My husband says we are okay. Okay because I'm white and blue eyes. I don't want to see anyone to get hurt because those crazy beliefs. And with what might happen with Roe , i truly believe something coming.
My guess is lots of people in the US don't want to believe it, lots believe in US exceptionalism and others are just not well educated on the matter because US education system doesn't spend much time on these matters.
Part of the problem is that if you acknowledge what the right is trying to do-- and what Americans need to be prepared to do in response-- you risk arrest. Can't do anything to protect yourself and your country if you're already in prison. :/
...even though we've spent the last six years counting to 14 (points of fascism) over and over again. Literally hundreds of articles asking if it's fascism, pointing out the parallels to fascism, giving examples of explicit fascist policies, but never, ever saying it straight out. Unearned benefit of the doubt, anyone?
Gringos love fascism as they always have, they just don't like being affected by it themselves. I don't remember this anger against fascism before Trump, but the US has had fascist, imperialist, racist, etc. policies for the past 200+ years...I guess it was easy to be on the fascist team when the ones being oppressed were in Latin America, Asia or the Middle East, alas the chickens have come home to roost...🍿
We downplay these threats at our own peril. I would venture that Germany, Spain, Italy, etc. also did not seriously address the looming threat of authoritarianism until it was too late. We have the advantage of knowing the history of what occurred in each of them. Let's not repeat their mistakes.
@@NWPaul72 I apologize if 'no clue' is condescending to you, but I can't find any information of it's use being commonly defined as such? I run across this even: _"He has no clue how demeaning and condescending he is."_ Is that then sarcasm? My native tongue is German. 'No clue' for me translates into 'keine Ahnung', which is just a statement of someone not knowing about stuff. How shall I phrase it differently please?
Anyone wanting to know where this country is heading under these people, watch The Handmaid's Tale. It was written over 30 years ago and almost everything in it has been proposed or said out loud by current and former republican officials.
@@lantrick Restrictions: Abortion Mixed marriage Gay people Gay marriage Private sex acts in home Education Protesting Birth control Unmarried couples living together Women baring breast in public even for breastfeeding ECT Things they are good with Rape of a spouse Parental rights of rapist Underage marriage Forcing child incest victims to have babies Women being fired for heavy period leak ECT. In many cases these laws are still on the books and as has been shown, can be enforced in a heartbeat if the supreme court makes a ruling even though it is supposed settled law. Also throw in how women are treated in the work place if they get pregnant. Lack of advancement, no accomodations for them when they are given to non pregnant employees, and just plain being fired due to getting pregnant. Yes there are a lot of things in The Handmaid's Tale that are real in this country.
Interesting tip on the Google filters, thanks for that. But wait - "the time HAS COME to an end" for genteel politics? From where I sit that happened in the 90's courtesy of Gingrich and his ilk. Everything after that has just been a matter of degree - once you've scorched the earth it's pretty much moot how much ash is left behind...
Yeah, that horse has left the barn, jumped the corral fence, trotted into town and has been eating apples out of the bin at the supermarket for well over 2 decades now. But the Democratic Party thinks calling it from the porch will get it to come home. And won't get out of the way.
I think that the reason that Cawthorn was ousted, is not that some republicans are getting less extreme but that Cawthorne attacked the own crowd by accusing them of attending sexorgies and doing cocaïne. In republican world you are not allowed to criticize republicans. Follow and worship the leader. With Cawthorne you can see what they are doing with their iwn. YES, pure fascism.
Supplemental reading: The Wolves, by Hans Hellmut Kirst. The parallels between the rise of Nazism in pre-war East Prussia and the tRumpers in 2010s are striking.
In highschool, I always wondered how the people in Germany could've been caught up by h's hate and insanity, never thought I'd get an answer. I missed the onset, but I'm not letting this slide. I'm glad to see that there's a community here that feels the same way. 💙✊ #Democracy #VoteBlue
It is unfortunate, but this amounts to daily conversation in my red neighborhood. This kind doesn't play well with others and would not allow Maddie to join their ranks. Take them seriously. They are politically powerful, socially savvy and have serious tools on hand. Beau is right as usual but everybody is late on that realization. #DemocracyInPeril, #TeamJustice, #JusticeMatters, #CountryFirst
True. He fails the *Physical Purity Test.* (Other aspects of *Purity* include racial, social, and ideological purity.) “There is but *ONE* true correct way of being, and most people do *NOT* measure up” - one of Authoritarianism’s main principles.
Aw man… I don’t WANT to take them seriously! I mean, this Cawthorn twerp is some kind of puffed up frat boy with a big mouth and my first instinct is to point and laugh and now I gotta take him seriously because there are people stupid enough to respond to his idiot crybaby statement? That’s really disappointing. Ugh.
Great quote about the MakeAmerikaGreatAgain movement around 5:35: You had experts on political theory saying “Hey! This is fascism.” You had experts on political violence saying “Hey! This is fascism.” You had experts on FASCISM saying “Hey! This is fascism.”
Reminds me of a woman who used to teach a community evening education course on How to Read a Newspaper. Her key was to start with the back of the A section and follow a story as it moved towards the front page. That way, you see how that story progresses and how the narrative about it is shaped. Internet search engines took away this tool. Beau's method brings it back. Very useful.
I always learn something when I listen to you. Today I learned a lot. As an old lady, I am not as computer savvy as you young folks so this is great to learn how to weed out the noise. Thank you.
the Jan.6 republicans in particular, but also emerging fringe groups like Qannon remind me of an insidious creeping vine found in this region called the Dog-strangling vine (DSV). it is a poisonous vine that cant grow on its own and must attach itself to another plant, creep up its structure and eventually strangle it to death in order to take over. Much like the Dog-strangling vine, the Jan.6 Republicans (and fringe groups) can't grow on their own merits and need to coopt and take over already existing, established groups, slowly but surely creeping up the Republican party and reaching new heights while slowly killing what was once there. Then, over time, they change the narrative within the party from 'we agree with you' to 'you must agree with us" style of manipulation. we can see this casually happening to various groups, most notable the American Evangelist / Christians, conservative special interest groups (such as anti-abortion), the "freedom militia's", and of course the Republican party in itself.
Cele James Beau I m so thankful for you. You helped me to see things differently, think different. Keep doing what you do, believe me You educated many people. . GOD bless you and your family Be safe ❤️
I read the article but they need to come out and call it what it is the way you do. I'm getting tired of mainstream publications and news channels being unwilling to just call out fascism where it clearly exists in right wing politics.
Isn't it just _fascinating_ that all the reich-whinge types who have so much to say about CNN never mention this:видео.html
We can make the argument for the truth about the fascists' agendas on social media and in our daily lives. Plant seeds, and move on, some with grow. Support others pointing out, who has actually passed legislation that helps people. If we all do a little a lot gets done.
A few years ago when I used the F-word, a fascist family member pointed out that the left has been calling conservatives fascists for years so it is just meaningless exaggeration. It is true that is has been overused. And maybe since an element of fascism is hatred of intellectualism and academia, there isn't much of a formal definition to go on. On the other hand, it was used a lot to describe the personality of fascists, those that would take to it like a duck to water which indeed the family member has. Personally, I still use the fascist to describe Cawthron and what he believes because as best as anyone can make out the meaning of the word, it is the right word. However people will generally take it figuratively like using m-f if it were used to describe someone who does indeed have perverted relations with their mother.. I suspect that is why it isn't used by major journalists even when appropriate. Or maybe it just violates their official style guide.
The problem is that the entire country knows what fascism is, and they know where it’s coming from. The issue is that we get so distracted by these cheeky media moments of theirs that we get burnout from our outrage and then don’t do a thing about it, except maybe vote. Sometimes. When it’s convenient for us, or when they allow us to. Because, fascism. 😒
@@geralyn-mm somewhat agree. The no to drugs campaigns needed more realistic videos. Showing where that drug money is used and for what ? What countries and wars and weapons? And who it affects, like reg. Farmers and towns. Something like a did you know that buying _____ supports _______. I know thats off topic but its a way to shift the focus to the effect of what that person is really supporting when they consume. Idk just an idea. Most don't care i guess 😳
Newsweek article:
Morning. You always bring sound observations to my day. One request? Can you continue advising us how to change these things. Like your oo-ed pieces on Community local level actions. #Midterms2022 frighten me. And Im an old curmudgeonly #NavyVeteranKorea retired county sheriff that at my age not much should frighten me anymore.
In addition, Dark MAGA means someone who is so far up the mango Mussolini's butt that it is too dark to see.....
What the hell is happening to America? Watching our southern neighbours from here in Canada is horrifying. How anyone can vote republiCON at this point is beyond me. Hold your nose, if you must and vote blue!
Hey man, Great video. Curious what you think of MAGA president out of Mar-a-lago?? Dark MAGA genuinely believes he is still their president, and that that is their capital now. How serious are you taking this??? Because the 2nd civil war is real to them, and they are acting on it, softly for the most part(kicking progressives out of work, via harassment), and in specific cases violent(Buffalo). Curious what you think?
Just FYI Beau, the title says "Cawthron", and I believe it's "Cawthorn"?
Holy shit. As if regular MAGA weren't dark enough.
Here in Switzerland there are different grades of dark chocolate. Does same apply? Are we at 64% or more like 92%?
@@dingymon the difference is, dark chocolate is awesome. dark maga, not so much.
@@bobcatblues7766 Will trade dark MAGA for dark chocolate?
It's fascism. There is no bottom to that barrel. There isn't even a graduated slope, slippery or otherwise. There's just a bottomless pit.
@@dynamicworlds1 👍
Embarrassing to have politicians like this. Greene and Boebert should be next to be voted out.
Toss in Gaetz, Gosar, Biggs, etc.
I'm sure there are plenty of great opportunities for drunk driving, cross-dressing, neo-nazi, sycophantic zealots at Truth Social.
What's embarrassing is that these people are a reflection of the people who voted for them. Spitting image. At the very least those people see nothing abnormal, they see a familiar face and hear familiar language and ideas.
I guess the same PAC that went after Cawthorne is targeting Boboert next.
The most disturbing thing about Cawthorn’s primary is how many people still voted for him. The cult is still strong
Illnesses spreads.
NO, it's getting weaker, that's why Matty is going away.
@@lsingstock1646 you sweet summer child....
I would say so. Looking at the results, out of 100%, maddie got 31% while the rest of the district filled in the rest of the vote.
The main thing that religion does is it conditions people to cede authority over their own logic and reason to a pastor and a group of other highly superstitious people.
MSM should take this "dark Maga" comment very seriously, especially from a guy whose ideal vacation spot was Hitler's bunker. Cawthorn reminds me of being a budding Brownshirt. The creeping coup continues...
Totally agree.
Hitler would have no use for him is the sad part
I've been shouting from the top, "he's a danger to society!" Glad I voted him out!💜✌
Thank you
Thank you for doing is all a favor
Way to go!
Madison shouldn’t use words he doesn’t understand… like patriot
I wish! If Cinservatives did that they'd be silent.
he's not a government officials nomore, does that mean i can take him out? heh...
just one law pass by our government to deal with treason and traitors with extreme prejudice and impunity.
Folks like me just need Operation Faktriots to be greenlight.
I'll gladly lay my life to take out all these fools. My father and grandfather would be proud.
@@Maggie-zr2ow I've been taught violence only respect more violence.
Those who have strength to fight must use it to defend the weak, not prey on the weak.
Beau told me about rule 303 and I'm ready. I have the strength to do the right thing and I've gladly do it when duty calls.
Aw poor Maddy. It’s time for MAGA and the religious right to never have any political power ever again so we as a society can make some progress. Tax the rich. Don’t worry they’ll still be rich.
While you're at it, tax the churches!
Thank you. When Beau explained what puppy Maddy had said I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud at "dark maga." What is he, 12? These people have to go so we can get on with things.
Feed the poor, eat the rich.
I wish but I highly doubt it. Unfortunately, I think we have at least another 20 years of dealing with MAGA people...
@@megatron184 Germans have been dealing with Nazi sympathizers for the last 80 years. About the same amount of time we Spaniards have been dealing with Francoists. I'd love to be wrong, but I'm afraid that your 20 year minimum estimate is extremely optimistic.
It’s come to the point that I find it suspicious when someone calls themself a “patriot”. It’s become a code word for “right wing wacko that supports fascist ideals/politicians”.
"Patriotism is the last Refuge of the Scoundrel." - Samuel Johnson
Also "Christian" and "nice."
So heartily agree. I have the same thought. I'm repulsed by the word.
They couldn't define the word patriot with a dictionary in front of them
I like the line in the article about "... an increased sense of persecution..." well yea, they are being persecuted. they should be persecuted. fascists should ALWAYS feel persecuted or else we're doomed.
The one sad fact about Cawthorn’s loss is that he wouldn’t have lost without the opposition of the general Republican leadership. To the public in his district, none of his lies, or allegations of sexual assault, or lack of productivity in the House, or clear illustrations of his bad judgment- none of these worked to his disfavor. That’s a very sad reflection on the judgment of the voters.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
I have to wonder if the accusations he made about sex parties and drugs within the GOP are a real thing. Considering their hypocritical nature, it doesn't seem out of character for this type of behavior...
@@valkyriefrost5301 With how they went after him for those remarks, I'm inclined to believe it's at least partially true. However, I say "partially" because I bet Cawthorn doesn't know every detail about those sex parties, some of which I'm sure the GOP would love to bury forever.
Can he be convicted of inciting violence?
💯 essentially what Maya Angelou said.
My review on fascism as an Italian:
it isn't good, it isn't fun and the architecture is a bit cold and heavy. I wouldn't try it again.
German gal here. I also give it two thumbs down.
Also a comparison between trump and Napoleon as the article mentioned some of these people have used seems odd as well. Well, he might very well have Napoleon complex.
You forgot to tell us how many stars you would give it.
@@darleneh608 they mentioned all the stars it deserves, though.
Maybe Cawthorne likes the clothes. I remember the first time I saw him on stage dressed like a 3rd rate Tom Cruise from "Valkyrie".
My gut instantly said "hey, look, a fascist". My brain interjected "wait a minute, you can't just reach a conclusion on how someone... oH, fuck, it IS a fascist!"
Madison Cawthorn's statement is indeed chilling. His behavior and words are dangerous.
His word choice, Dark Maga, = ,Evil Maga, ..
@@ljsites So just the same maga we've already been dealing with.
@@josh-oo Only with Far Less Discretion and Control.
What’s with all the “we have enemies to fight”? Is he referring to his fellow countrymen? How can you call yourself a patriot when saying stuff like that?
@@dimwitsixtytwelve they have no idea what patriotism means, they really mean nationalism. Close but not quite.
"You had experts on fascism saying Hey, This is Fascism."
I pictured a bunch of Brown Shirts who still expect to be seated and served when they meet up at Applebee's later.
I had an entire branch of my Father's side of the family wiped out by fascists in WWII. Ever since the "Jews will not replace us" torchlight parade in Charlottesville, I have been increasingly on edge as I watch the far right asserting itself more and more, without enough pushback from Congress or the FBI. I do not think that these people are joking. I think they really mean it. If Trump should run again and lose (it should be an avalanche if the Dems nominate a viable candidate) that would be your flashpoint. I am 72, but I guarantee you, I won't go quietly into the night.
Hear, hear! Neither will I. I'll stand next to you on that one.
Funny thing is, the right wing does an uprising, they lose. They won't beat the Army plus the rest of the not right wing. Most of these idiots have this delusion the American center and left don;t have guns or will just roll over because they're cucklord libtard sheeple or whatever they wanna call them. No, they have guns too and if a bunch of neo-nazis start rampaging, they'll start shooting back and I guarantee people like Cawthorne will crap their pants and start crying when they take a few bullets in their general direction.
🎯🎯🎯🎯☠️ If ain’t no fun with the “targets” shoot back.
Doesn't disturb you at all that the Nazi battalions in Ukraine are the most heavily armed white supremacist movement on Earth? And that they train and radicalized not only their own children but people like the Buffalo shooter? That is #DarkMAGA.
Mr. Gershon , I agree with you whole heartedly , let's not forget the mob that desecrated our Capital building , or the 70+ mil. that voted for this insanity . I too will not go quietly into the night . Shalom
Don't overlook the fact that Cawthorn was also complaining about "globalists" in his statement. He's basically blaming the Jews for his election loss, in addition to the rest of his Nazi rhetoric.
Maybe he thinks the jews are using their space laser to fill out votes wrong to swing the election
Yeah, because it couldn’t possibly be how own damn fault - such a sadly self absorbed and yet self-unaware human.
Most likely he doesn't understand the basis of globalism and neoliberal economics - aka republican supply-side reagan-style trickle-down bullshit the right wing laps up like gravy.
Gotta get me one of them thar Jewish Space Lasers, they may be real good for a bunch of things.
@@ronaldsmith2343 I know a Rabi down the street uses his to open mail, just wish he'd stop doing it to my mail...
As far as I'm concerned, MAGA has always been dark. Cawthorn is a very bitter man, and he's not alone. I had many friends who hitched themselves to the MAGA wagon and, man, there really is no coming back for them. It is scary how all-consuming it is. For them, the battle lines are clear: you're on team Trump (and all it entails) or you're an enemy. And, yes, they all talk of "civil war."
Get better "friends".
@@eleSDSU Notice I said "had." I'm fine with having friends that disagree with my. Since MAGA, that doesn't seem possible--why it is dark.
Let me guess; thwy are boomers who do zero exercise and have never considered the fact that military veteran liberals also have means to protect themselves?
What's truly stunning is that in an early stat on the people arrested for crimes in the insurrection, 45% were professionals (doctors, lawyers, accountants, managers).with families. 🤯🤦♂️🤦♂️
Yep. I just debated with a guy who just openly admitted to being radicalized and called himself a fed up patriot who said if I disagreed with him I was against America.
"expose those who say and promise one thing yet legislate and work toward another" --M Cawthorne
I wonder how he feels about his party voting against baby formula, and whether he did too, now that they're going to force women to have more kids.
This isn't limited to the federal elections. In Colorado a Republican candidate for governor is proposing an Electoral College for Colorado to elect the governor. This would severely dilute the urban, more Democrat voters by forcing them into several small districts allowing the more rural Republican voters to overwhelmingly elect a Republican governor even if the Democrat wins the popular vote. Wonder where he got that idea?
18th century slave owners
If a recently ousted politician had made this speech in a 90s dystopia movie I’d have laughed at how stupid it was that no one saw they were going to try to overthrow the government and stopped them. Now that I’m watching these scenes playing out in real time, with no tangible repercussions to those in power, it’s no longer even a little funny.
Idiocracy comes to my mind for this nation, ya its just sad and scary
Haven't seen the European mirrors of this yet. They probably even scare the magaboys.
V for Vendetta comes to mind to me ever since tRump won the Republican Convention & started asking Putin to help him openly at his Apprentice Style Rally's to keep his Cult going who loved to watch him tell ppl your FIRED, than changed over to Lock her up!!
Deadzone for sure.
Welcome to my country in 1928 up to 1945.
Good luck.
We all will need it. Unlike Germany at the time, who ever gets to play Adolf role...will have nukes and a capable and overequipped military, including the economy to fund it.
Cawthorn should never know another day of peace for the rest of his life. Those who truly love this country would never advocate for fascism
Meals on wheels
Mattie keeps screwing himself over, soon his looks will fade and he'll have nothing left.
Well this country has been more fascist than the fascists for most of history. You do realize that Hitler was inspired by the Jim Crow south and Henry Ford’s capitalist tycoon vision
Especially as most people will end up in camps if it gets going. Yes, *most* people, as one must be pure in all ways to participate in an Authoritarian Regime - and most people are impure enough in at least one area to fail the purity tests that Fascism demands of its devotees.
2016 fascism won. 2020 fascists nearly ended democracy. And those responsible for holding them accountable have done nothing.
Right now Democrats are busy throwing away their own majority so they can stop Progressives getting seats while Republicans increase and solidify their control. 2022 seems like the year fascism wins and America dies.
And the American people are too stupid to stop it even though they have the chance to.
I lost 40 family members at Auschwitz. Cawthorn's actions line up with behavior that fuels the worst.
I mean he did say he made a "pilgrimage" to Hitler's old vacation home and refered to himself as "the furher"
All just a joke, obviously
I am sorry for your profound loss.
I am so sorry. May their memory be blessed. We can't let it happen again.....
Thank you for telling us about the horror your family experienced. More people here need to understand what they are facing
Yes it does. I'm sorry for your family
They've rebranded it as patriotism.
In Yoda voice ~ _"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in conservatives."_
Marjorie Traitor Green is also openly espousing fascism. As for Cawthorne, I believe he suffers from a severe lack of self-esteem and is overly compensating. He's a petty, vengeful POS, just like TFG.
And moscow mitch!
They should suffer in prison.
M.T. Head... I mean Greene...
Is espousing, starving babies from poor families.
Perjury Traitor Greene should be the next person to get primaried
Mangy Treason Goblin.
I'd say it's time to go after the cult churches that pushed this fascism with their regular preaching. If you pushed this on your flock, we take your church and your tax exempt status. Problem solved 😬
Yes, 85% of churches here in the South are devout Trumpists. You open the Bible and there’s tRump’s picture. They even pray to him.
How do you propose we find them?
@@Nortarachanges it's very easy they all brag on their Sunday service which most all of them are online. Very easy to find
@@susanc257 unfortunately you are absolutely right
Declaring oneself a "Patriot" is such a dubious claim, the case is quite often the opposite.
Just replace it with traitor. There ya go. That’s more honest.
Someone famous once said calling yourself a patriot to justify bad behavior is the desperate act of a a reprobate
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Samuel Johnson.
Patriot is like badass, it's cool when someone says it about you but fatally uncool to call yourself.
Definitely throws red flags up. Same as someone who has the need to declare themselves a “good guy” or a “Christian”.
Who could have aver expected Cawthorn, whose "bucket list" included a visit to Hitler's Eagle's Nest, would invoke fascism as the next step in MAGA world? This is my surprised face...
"It's time for the 'Rise of the Right'..."
'Rise of the Reich...'
Seems pretty clear to me.
This is NO JOKE!
socialists: "I advocate for socialism!" Fascists: "I advocate for... uh.. Freedom, yeah, that's what it is, it's totally not fascism"
nationalism, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism-McCarthyism redux
Most Americans dont know the difference between corporatcracy, socialism ( what flavor), communism, representative democracy, fascism, ...seems ppl have been dumbed down waaaay down.
Too polite on the fascist side, and not enough "no, you're the fascists!" energy. 6-10
Honestly I kinda predicted this when I saw Cawthorn lost. He has nothing to lose now and he's going full on trying to activate the Jan 6th crowd now.
Now his best hope to staying relevant is to butter up to Trump, hope he wins in 24, then get a cabinet position
I always thought MAGA was dark... And on the road to fascism. They at least are spelling it out clearer and clearer every day. Sheesh.
They're literally adopting the aesthetics of villains now. They've set out to become "The Darkness" that must be defeated by the "Heroes of Light". I'm genuinely surprised at this total lack of self-awareness, but now I no longer wonder why the Nazis didn't question the dark uniforms and skull motifs of the SS.
Way back in 2015 I made the statement on social media, "Wekcome folks to the new American fascism." 7 years later it still seems to fit. It's just a thought.
I have felt this way for quite awhile. The policies and talking points of the Trump followers are facists. I don't know why others do not see it.
The ones who don't see it are facists
Because others are either aligned with them or don't want to admit what it is because they want to avoid doing what they would have to admit needs done if they did.
You're not alone. It's just that the horrible people are louder and talk more.
This is the way Germany turned fascist. Encouraging rage and promising retribution to poorly educated masses while the rest of the country is in denial that such a thing could come to pass.
fascist - I happen to like your face!
The GQP is starting to sound like types of beer... "Ultra Maga" ... and introducing new "Maga Dark"...
they may vary in strength, but all of them are brewed with the same homegrown BS instead of hops.
I am hoping SNL will do a Maga Dark beer commercial tonight similar to Margot Robbie's "The Librarian" skit.
I realized during the 2016 Republican presidential primaries that there were several fascists running and Trump was the most fascist of the lot. It didn't surprise me that he won because the conservative movement in America has become more and more fascist-leaning since Ronald Reagan was Maximum Leader.
Ronald Reagan was certainly not that. The funny thing is that a very controversial president like George W. Bush, even with all the neo-con transgressions he and his party was responsible for, suddenly comes across as a decent and ethical leader when directly compared to Trump. Trump is a protofascist, or a fascist by opportunity. The next guy might be a true fascist. I wonder if U.S. voters still will be more afraid of waking up in a communist USA, which in itself is an absurdity beyond comprehension.
Make a note that those two, Reagan and ttump**, were television actors. What a joke!
@@fibiandcuphead5042: jokes are funny, this is not.
Even if it wasn't for the fact that "Dark MAGA" sounds so freaking sinister that it could pass as some evil thing from a fantasy movie, Cawthorn is literally talking like an honest-to-god fascist in that statement. What the actual hell is wrong with these people!?
When people tell you who they are believe them the first time. The first time I saw Cawthorn interviewed, I realized he was a big liar and dangerous.
I read the Newsweek article and am trying to wrap my brain around an ideology that says Trump was *too kindhearted & forgiving* , & needs to be *more vengeful* the next time he seizes power. Those Dark MAGA enthusiasts definitely inhabit a different universe, mentally speaking. Too bad they're physically in this one & have guns & votes.
the real scary part of all this Trumpism is after all that has happen in the past 5 years,,, here in ohio we still have a majority of people (voters )that will vote for trump again , they say he did a great job , and life was better under trump ..... the fact they don't see ? or care? what he did to this country ,, that scares me
So just looked it up and to my surprise Ohio has more registered Democrats than Republicans. The 6.1 million unaffiliated voters must be what constantly swings us back and forth like a child exploiting divorced parents. 🤔
Texas isn't any better .
A lot of people in a lot of states, (some you wouldn't expect) feel this way and I fear the US may be forever changed and not for the better. 😒
The scarier part is that you Gringos still don't get it...Muh'rica didn't change, you've always been fascist imperialist racists, the only thing that sort of changed is that your fascism finally started to affect your white middle class population directly. In other words none of y'all had any issues when the peoole affected by your fascism were just poor Latin Americans, Middle Easterners or Asians you didn't had any issues with your gov strangling democracies, murdering people, installing genocidal dictators, etc. but as the saying goes, the chickens have come home to roost and even though I wish upon you nothing but good luck in your fight against fascism, I would be lying if I didn't admit that watching you fascist fucks get some of your own "medicine" isn't great. Hopefully your country will crash, burn along with the fascism it has perpetuated since birth.
There's a reason his niece called him a dangerous man and tried to warn everyone.
Upstate NY is crawling with trumpers 🥺😓🤮
It shouldn’t be a shocker that a guy who had visiting on Eagle’s Nest on his bucket list is promoting fascism.
We're're treading on dangerous waters in dangerous times.
Completely accurate.
I saw it creeping, now it's trying to gallop. FASCISM. Time to mobilize resistance. Vote against cruelty, and PASS THE WORD.
It actually showed its inception early in the 1980s. ... and surprisingly in, ... and by our once noble and respected Republican party!
Famous last words: "This is America; That will NEVER happen here...."
Well looking bat what already happened and is still happening you can leave NEVER out of that famous last line
Sinclair Lewis wrote It Can't Happen Here about a fascist takeover of the US in 1935.
@@faithworldleader6891 I wrote a term paper in 1975 on that book. Just a few years later, we entered the Reagan years and I started watching it unfold and tried to talk about it with friends. Was told I took that book way too seriously. Unfortunately the friends of my youth are all wearing red hats now. Wish they had read the book... now they probably want to burn it.
The coked up orgy story is definitely true given how other republicans came after him. Love that they’re infighting so much.
The night of the long knives had half the Nazis killing the other half. It didn't slow them down at all.
@@BadOompaloompa79 Yes, that is precisely what Cawthorn is calling for -- a Night of the Long Knives.
@@albirtarsha5370 Yep, gotta "purify" the party so they can violently restore the nation to its mythic past.
@@BadOompaloompa79 it got the survivors into line behind their Leader - which was the explicit designed intent.
I hope they all get pregnant 💖
Yep. I started calling the former guy a fascist since summer of 2020 (signs were earlier but calling for imprisoning his opponent was the last straw for me). "Fascism will come to America wrapped up in a flag and carrying a cross...." P.S. The irony is that fascists would not be gentle for people like Madison (remember what Nazis did...)
GOP and Trump fit every mark of fascism already in 2016!
@@GunnarLof I agree. I saw the signs as early as at that time, too and then, throughout the former guy's presidency.
A burning cross!
I knew the US had taken a rather fascist turn when it created the Department of Homeland Security. "Homeland"?!? Are you for effing real? Ooh, with uniforms and special snooping powers!
2015: "If I don't win the election, it was stolen"
I don't think that's how democratic elections work.
But what do I know, I'm just a Canadian Socialist. I'll go back to my $600 /year universal healthcare.
There's nothing new about it. It's ALWAYS been dark from the very beginning.
Thank you Beau for speaking truth and common sense!
when your speech sounds like it could have come from emperor palpatine, it might be worth sitting down and having a little think about your priorities
Unfortunately, I think they look up to Palpatine as a role model. In their view I’m sure he was the most successful politician of all time.
No need to bring in a fictional character, there's plenty of real dictators to choose from.
His priorities seem perfectly clear to me. Getting back into power through bloodshed.
@@darkiee69 Most of the time THEY are the ones identifying with fictional characters. The amount of right-leaning people with Empire stickers on their cars is baffling. Literally siding with the bad guys.
That's why they call it the "American Dream", because you have to be asleep to believe it. ~ George Carlin
George Carlin was light years ahead of his time!
*It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club.* "Ordo Ab Chao"
This amounts to a declaration of war. There's no other way to describe it.
He's a sore loser and he really is going to to prison if he doesn't take a step back, because even conservative judges aren't going to try to save him.
Timothy McVeigh declared their war already.
@@PhilLesh69 : Conservative-capitalism is itself an all out war against humanity, against life itself.
These fascists just speed up the process. Ironically, the rise of fascism is also caused by conservative-capitalism added to other existing forms of bigotry.
The declaration was made much earlier than Cawthorn's statement. I would argue the most blatant clarion call was Jan.6.
@@PhilLesh69 And the Fools, Buffoons, and Idiots (FBI) CHOOSE TO IGNORE that the Reich Wing has declared WAR ON THEM, because The Morons WANT TO BE on their side.
Even though they are the "Big Authoritarian Government" That the MAGA Crowd HATES...
Because they won't let MAGA Lynch the ni... (Easter egg to Mel Brooks, here)
When empathy,logic, is not existent in a populace then that populace is easily manipulated through their prejudices. The woe-is-me syndrome takes over and becomes a self-defence mechanism to their guilty conscience.
Spot on! 💯
He might as well have said "It's time for the raise of the new reich". That's what they're going for.
My thoughts exactly when he said that
Can you imagine being the sort of person who'd vote for a guy who doesn't know the difference between Gentile and genteel?
I could be an anti-Semetic dog whistle?
Or Gestapo and gazpacho.
@@oldauntzibby4395 wha...uh... _snort_ rofl
Or Baltic and Balkans.
"We love the poorly educated. They are the smartest people...." DJT
It seems like losing has only let Cawthorn feel bold enough to start saying the things he couldn't say before. The guy Cawthorn lost to, Chuck Edwards, is likely to be just as bad if not worse. We can be glad Cawthorn lost, but if Edwards gets into office, he'll continue trying to make fascism acceptable.
True. It might have been less dangerous if Cawthorn had won. We've swapped the guy who says the quiet part out loud with a guy who has probably learned to keep his mouth shut and play fascist ball.
Duh, Republican. They all want an Oligarchy. Even Cheney and Kinzinger vote party line. Violence is all they want.
I checked his voting record in his own state. Edwards has mostly been trying to silence teachers, regulate women's bodies, etc.
Hopefully "Dark MAGA" will run it's own canidents for the General Elections in November and split the Repugnacan't voters and give Democrat canidents a path to victories, even in very Red states.
Yes you are right
Fascism. "Can't happen here." Oh yes it can.
I lost my husband two months ago at 35 from an accident. We would watch your videos every morning and we even went worked together, so listened to you at work. Everytime we, together, said hi back to you. I haven't been able to watch one of your videos since he died but your shirts and your cap... Anyway, I digress, I finally had to even through tears because of Rick and Morty. I hope to continue to ease back into my life
DaDaDaDa Dark Maga!! Now with even more stupid.....
lol !!! "so say we all"
He's a guy who has no concept of accountability or integrity. He broke both his legs in a car accident then lied about it multiple times just to make himself look good.
2)got caught by a honey pot. 3) killed his career by running his mouth. 4) with his recent history is looking a permanently losing his drivers license and ending up on the no fly list.
Yeah - the US Naval Academy should sue him for slander, after claiming they rejected his application for admission AFTER the accident that broke his back - NOT beforehand. THEY didn't want him on board their ship EITHER, even WITH functional legs. It was likely his nonfunctional brain they didn't find acceptable.
That was not the only thing he lied about. He lied about almost everything in his bio except his name.
To be fair, he didn’t just break his legs. To also be fair, his moral compass was broken long before he accused the friend who his own parents say rescued him from a burning car, of “leaving him to die”.
he's the monster that he wanted other moms to raise their sons to be
Arrogant ignorance and affluenza are so prevalent it’s just sad.
Pay teachers more so the future isn’t so stupid!!!
They are burning books and demanding education to include only their religion 🤦🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
@@nickpacitti3247 you’ll learn what the we say the good good book says and nothing else!
WTF is wrong with people. I’d say “these days” but humans have been this way for far too long.
And make higher education free or affordable for all.
It wouldn’t do any good in cawthorn’s case because his mother home schooled him.
Yeah, but sadly the USA has about 50 years of a dumbing down educational system to correct ...
Thanks for this thoughtful commentary, I couldn't agree more fully with this. From early on, "MAGA" and "America First" have always struck me as Fascism with different branding. It's comforting to have someone you like speak on this and bring that to the viewer's attention.
Reminds me of a short story in the newly-released fiction collection "Alternative Apocalypse". The story is a horrifying yet short 1.5 pages; "Back to Reality" by Larry Hodges.
Thanks be to the library system for giving me access to all the great tales within the book.
"So this is how liberty dies.... with thunderous applause." - Padme' Amidala.
Thank you Beau. Call it out for what it is because this is the most dangerous threat to our own country and to the free world as a whole as we are seeing it playing out currently from Buffalo to Ukraine.
Sadly, true!
You are so right ..We’re fighting a war in both places😢😢😢
An evil force around us.
It still blows me away that we have tens of millions of people that want to vote in a fascist government. I'm no Democratic party cheerleader but I'm just voting out of self defense here. We need a massive voter turn out to counter this and I just don't see it happening. If they have the House, the Senate and the presidency in 2024 it's RIP USA.
That's the sign I made and hung a black flag on Jan 20, 2017. It stayed up all 4 years.
We can achieve that massive voter turnout, but it won't be easy. Somehow we have to find a way to get people to understand what's at stake. They have to be able to recognize the threat and realize they can do something about it.
Evangelicals live to be told what to do and how to think.
It's maddening to hear this defeatist talk of "well the midterm loss is inevitable" only if you don't show up and vote! How or why can you just roll over. The votes were there in 20 the talk should be to bring in more this year.
With the number of state legislatures that have passed laws allowing them to override the votes of any county they deem suspect, this ship has sailed.
I’m not a psychiatrist (I am a doctor) but listening to MC’s excuse for his defeat, one word comes to mind - “grandiose,” namely an exaggerated impression of his own self-worth or importance. This is a hallmark of a number of mental disorders and of megalomaniacs. Hard to differentiate.
“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speakesth’ -
Out of a dark heart Cathorne speaks.
Light chases away darkness! Flip on a light! Go Beau!
We have fallen low as a people when a person like this could get into the government in the first place . Vote. Vote . Vote .
Thanks Beau 🌻
More than vote we can't just vote and sit back. Leadership has not shown it's self resilient to this or other threats. We need to build strong community networks to care for and protect each other, resist violence and build resiliency and the world we want to see.
Vote? Like WV voted for Mancin? Like Arizona voted for Sinema? Vote while current politicians are gerrymandering and curtailing voting rights? Voting is just two wolves and a sheep casting a ballot over what's for dinner.
@@roverwanderernomadvagabond6392 VOTE.
Apathy will not help this situation .
We need to call on the ancestors. The women who fought for their right to vote and the ancestors of color who fought for a voice at the ballot box . We need to cast our votes in gratitude to those that did it the hard way . To whine from our couches is not going to help the situation and disgraces the gift our ancestors gave us.
Vote .
@@incufish23 agreed .🏵️
@@blackthornsloe8049 Absolutely agree. I'm voting like my life depends on it because at this point I believe it does. 💙✊
Cawthorne’s Dark comment is “Proud Boys, Stand Back and Stand By” version 2.0.
"Gentile" doesn't seem like a misspelling of "genteel" when it comes after "globalist" and before "self profiteering"
I wondered that myself.
Maddie’s marbles are baked and cracking.
I been screaming this for 6 years now. Knowbody listen but my son. My husband says we are okay. Okay because I'm white and blue eyes. I don't want to see anyone to get hurt because those crazy beliefs. And with what might happen with Roe , i truly believe something coming.
I've been calling it what it is since 2016, but I guess a lot of Americans still aren't ready to recognize what we're dealing with.
. . . and they don't want to either.
My guess is lots of people in the US don't want to believe it, lots believe in US exceptionalism and others are just not well educated on the matter because US education system doesn't spend much time on these matters.
Part of the problem is that if you acknowledge what the right is trying to do-- and what Americans need to be prepared to do in response-- you risk arrest. Can't do anything to protect yourself and your country if you're already in prison. :/
...even though we've spent the last six years counting to 14 (points of fascism) over and over again. Literally hundreds of articles asking if it's fascism, pointing out the parallels to fascism, giving examples of explicit fascist policies, but never, ever saying it straight out. Unearned benefit of the doubt, anyone?
Gringos love fascism as they always have, they just don't like being affected by it themselves. I don't remember this anger against fascism before Trump, but the US has had fascist, imperialist, racist, etc. policies for the past 200+ years...I guess it was easy to be on the fascist team when the ones being oppressed were in Latin America, Asia or the Middle East, alas the chickens have come home to roost...🍿
We downplay these threats at our own peril. I would venture that Germany, Spain, Italy, etc. also did not seriously address the looming threat of authoritarianism until it was too late. We have the advantage of knowing the history of what occurred in each of them. Let's not repeat their mistakes.
you only look at symptoms, but have no clue about the causes.
@@joansparky4439 you seem to have answers, but deliver only condescending platitudes.
We have a history of NOT learning.
I apologize if 'no clue' is condescending to you, but I can't find any information of it's use being commonly defined as such?
I run across this even:
_"He has no clue how demeaning and condescending he is."_
Is that then sarcasm?
My native tongue is German.
'No clue' for me translates into 'keine Ahnung', which is just a statement of someone not knowing about stuff.
How shall I phrase it differently please?
Anyone wanting to know where this country is heading under these people, watch The Handmaid's Tale. It was written over 30 years ago and almost everything in it has been proposed or said out loud by current and former republican officials.
Also looks what Putin, Trump's tutor, is doing in Russia. Donny can't wait to bring that decent into darkness here to America.
Like what?
@@lantrick please read it. It is easy to read and you understand very fast what rumdog 117 is talking about.
Mixed marriage
Gay people
Gay marriage
Private sex acts in home
Birth control
Unmarried couples living together
Women baring breast in public even for breastfeeding
Things they are good with
Rape of a spouse
Parental rights of rapist
Underage marriage
Forcing child incest victims to have babies
Women being fired for heavy period leak
In many cases these laws are still on the books and as has been shown, can be enforced in a heartbeat if the supreme court makes a ruling even though it is supposed settled law. Also throw in how women are treated in the work place if they get pregnant. Lack of advancement, no accomodations for them when they are given to non pregnant employees, and just plain being fired due to getting pregnant. Yes there are a lot of things in The Handmaid's Tale that are real in this country.
Gilead. Under his eye.
Sounds to me like a real time threat to our Democracy..js
You telling the truth brother this country is at verge of becoming authoritarian
Interesting tip on the Google filters, thanks for that. But wait - "the time HAS COME to an end" for genteel politics? From where I sit that happened in the 90's courtesy of Gingrich and his ilk. Everything after that has just been a matter of degree - once you've scorched the earth it's pretty much moot how much ash is left behind...
Gingrich pffft try the POS Harvey LeRoy Atwater!
So you are happy to live in a burning bin? Whataboutism and voter apathy are the tools of potential authoritarians.
Yeah, that horse has left the barn, jumped the corral fence, trotted into town and has been eating apples out of the bin at the supermarket for well over 2 decades now.
But the Democratic Party thinks calling it from the porch will get it to come home. And won't get out of the way.
“…no political solution beyond vengeance.” Yeah. That ends well.
I think that the reason that Cawthorn was ousted, is not that some republicans are getting less extreme but that Cawthorne attacked the own crowd by accusing them of attending sexorgies and doing cocaïne. In republican world you are not allowed to criticize republicans. Follow and worship the leader. With Cawthorne you can see what they are doing with their iwn.
YES, pure fascism.
The ONLY reason.
That sounds a little misplaced. He should be directing his ire at Gaetz and other former colleagues...
That's awesome!!! Let them tear each other up!
As soon as I heard you read Cawthorn's statement, it immediately reminded me of 'Night of the Long Knives'.
Supplemental reading: The Wolves, by Hans Hellmut Kirst. The parallels between the rise of Nazism in pre-war East Prussia and the tRumpers in 2010s are striking.
So true. And just like with the Nazis, trump could come back even worse. If you want to see where America is heading, watch The Handmaid's Tale.
@@rumdog117, I think I've read and re-read the book three times in the past year and a half.
In highschool, I always wondered how the people in Germany could've been caught up by h's hate and insanity, never thought I'd get an answer. I missed the onset, but I'm not letting this slide. I'm glad to see that there's a community here that feels the same way. 💙✊
#Democracy #VoteBlue
It is unfortunate, but this amounts to daily conversation in my red neighborhood. This kind doesn't play well with others and would not allow Maddie to join their ranks. Take them seriously. They are politically powerful, socially savvy and have serious tools on hand. Beau is right as usual but everybody is late on that realization.
#DemocracyInPeril, #TeamJustice, #JusticeMatters, #CountryFirst
True. He fails the *Physical Purity Test.* (Other aspects of *Purity* include racial, social, and ideological purity.)
“There is but *ONE* true correct way of being, and most people do *NOT* measure up” - one of Authoritarianism’s main principles.
@@dennisyoung4631 Corollary: " _You_ do not measure up, but we'll pretend you do as long as we find you useful and not a second longer."
Aw man… I don’t WANT to take them seriously! I mean, this Cawthorn twerp is some kind of puffed up frat boy with a big mouth and my first instinct is to point and laugh and now I gotta take him seriously because there are people stupid enough to respond to his idiot crybaby statement? That’s really disappointing. Ugh.
Odd to say “everyone” is late on this realization when Beau himself talks about all the people were talking about it before him.
Great quote about the MakeAmerikaGreatAgain movement around 5:35:
You had experts on political theory saying
“Hey! This is fascism.”
You had experts on political violence saying
“Hey! This is fascism.”
You had experts on FASCISM saying
“Hey! This is fascism.”
Reminds me of a woman who used to teach a community evening education course on How to Read a Newspaper. Her key was to start with the back of the A section and follow a story as it moved towards the front page. That way, you see how that story progresses and how the narrative about it is shaped.
Internet search engines took away this tool. Beau's method brings it back. Very useful.
I always learn something when I listen to you. Today I learned a lot. As an old lady, I am not as computer savvy as you young folks so this is great to learn how to weed out the noise. Thank you.
so he is a dark maggot ?
the Jan.6 republicans in particular, but also emerging fringe groups like Qannon remind me of an insidious creeping vine found in this region called the Dog-strangling vine (DSV).
it is a poisonous vine that cant grow on its own and must attach itself to another plant, creep up its structure and eventually strangle it to death in order to take over.
Much like the Dog-strangling vine, the Jan.6 Republicans (and fringe groups)
can't grow on their own merits and need to coopt and take over already existing, established groups, slowly but surely creeping up the Republican party and reaching new heights while slowly killing what was once there.
Then, over time, they change the narrative within the party from 'we agree with you' to 'you must agree with us" style of manipulation.
we can see this casually happening to various groups, most notable the American Evangelist / Christians, conservative special interest groups (such as anti-abortion), the "freedom militia's", and of course the Republican party in itself.
My new nickname for MAGA politicians is "dog stranglers."
That is a good comparison. I ve seen those vines strangle cedar trees. I love cedar trees
Great analogy, your a persuasive writer, but could you add a call for specific counter actions to motivate good folks.
This is a very insightful analogy! Very well put!
Notably, if I remember correctly, AH took over the already existing party transforming nazi into the infamous "Nazi" party we can never forget.
He sounds like Hitler's new right...I mean Reich.
Cele James Beau I m so thankful for you. You helped me to see things differently, think different. Keep doing what you do, believe me You educated many people. . GOD bless you and your family Be safe ❤️
That speech was so over-the-top and cartoonish that I laughed. Then I remembered this was reality. 😬
I read the article but they need to come out and call it what it is the way you do. I'm getting tired of mainstream publications and news channels being unwilling to just call out fascism where it clearly exists in right wing politics.
Isn't it just _fascinating_ that all the reich-whinge types who have so much to say about CNN never mention this:видео.html
We can make the argument for the truth about the fascists' agendas on social media and in our daily lives. Plant seeds, and move on, some with grow. Support others pointing out, who has actually passed legislation that helps people. If we all do a little a lot gets done.
The F-word
A few years ago when I used the F-word, a fascist family member pointed out that the left has been calling conservatives fascists for years so it is just meaningless exaggeration. It is true that is has been overused. And maybe since an element of fascism is hatred of intellectualism and academia, there isn't much of a formal definition to go on. On the other hand, it was used a lot to describe the personality of fascists, those that would take to it like a duck to water which indeed the family member has. Personally, I still use the fascist to describe Cawthron and what he believes because as best as anyone can make out the meaning of the word, it is the right word. However people will generally take it figuratively like using m-f if it were used to describe someone who does indeed have perverted relations with their mother.. I suspect that is why it isn't used by major journalists even when appropriate. Or maybe it just violates their official style guide.
The problem is that the entire country knows what fascism is, and they know where it’s coming from. The issue is that we get so distracted by these cheeky media moments of theirs that we get burnout from our outrage and then don’t do a thing about it, except maybe vote. Sometimes. When it’s convenient for us, or when they allow us to. Because, fascism. 😒
Sounds rather threatening
Just say No to Facism!
Nancy Reagan lives! Useless slogans got us here.
@@geralyn-mm somewhat agree. The no to drugs campaigns needed more realistic videos. Showing where that drug money is used and for what ? What countries and wars and weapons? And who it affects, like reg. Farmers and towns.
Something like a did you know that buying _____ supports _______. I know thats off topic but its a way to shift the focus to the effect of what that person is really supporting when they consume. Idk just an idea. Most don't care i guess 😳
6:20 *Exactly*
The public discourse is literally starting to include direct, actual fascism as a potential solution. Horrifying.