This thing’s like a Frankenstein Monster! It’s got the barrel & bolt of an MG34, the front sights & shape of an FN FAL, the mag & pistol grip shape of an AK, the rear sights & front grip of an FG42, the bipod of a BAR, an overall H&K feel, and the bayonet style of an M16!
I got this in a deal with a K31, I really lucked out! Yeah, this gp11 is really the best. There's a rumor we might get more, but I think that rumor has been going around a few years already. Fingers crossed
@emoryzakin2576 absolutely gp11 is a green way to test what accuracy to expect from a new one. I have everything to load them, but I've never made any to see how they'd fair
@@StayGoldGun I've found 168-178 grain hand loads can beat gp11 by 40-60% of moa. The guns just love to shoot tight groups. Also super easy load development
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo, es un fusil ametrallador o ametralladora ligera. Demasiado largo, demasiado pesado, y munición demasiado potente para ser llamado "fusil de asalto". Con un cargador de tambor de 50 cartuchos sería una ametralladora ligera de plena actualidad.
@9suizo Gracias por tu respuesta. Informándome he visto que la variante 510-4, (Chile) tiene un peso y longitud similar al CETME/G-3, pero igual su contorno y configuración nos alerta que estamos antes un fusil ametrallador, la prueba evidente es que se suministran cargadores de 30 cartuchos ❗Eso sin dejar de considerar, que el mismo G-3 o su versión original CETME, siempre lo consideré demasiado pesado y engorroso, lo sé por experiencia de años y uso. La adaptación al cartucho 7'62x51 mm. OTAN, es en realidad un desacierto para mi parecer, corregido con la adaptación a la nuevo calibre 5'56 NATO, aun así, creo que se aleja de los que los primeros diseñadores del concepto FUSIL DE ASALTO, pretendían, y pude comprobar tras emplear el magnífico AKM, que me pareció francamente lo más perfecto en su estilo y munición, por robustez, manejabilidad y excepcionalmente fiable y preciso para su cometido. Disculpa mi disertación. Un saludo cordial y sincero abrazo
I remember walking into a gun shop in Anchorage twenty years ago and seeing one. The owner couldn't believe I knew what it was and offered me a job on the spot. Wish I would have stayed in Alaska but our family business was closing and they needed me back home.
That's always a great feeling when you walk in and ask to look at something rare by name and they look at you like "He actually knows what this is!" That would have been fun, but it's great to help out your family!
German/ Swiss made firearms really just have their own unique aesthetic which I personally believe (and i'm sure many, many others do as well) is just one in it's own and embodies what a weapon should look like; sleek, dangerous, menacing, and sexy.
I like how it uses similar iron sights to the FG42 and a lot of WW2 and more modern features. I’m surprised that this rifle was phased out in the 1970’s since the 7.5x55 and 7.62 NATO are both very reliable rifles, I understand that Switzerland was looking for a cheaper and less heavy rifle which is why Sig started making the 500 series
@Darth-Nihilus1 I feel like it has less felt recoil. They're very similar designs, the PE57 is beefier because it was designed from the ground up for the 7.5 cartridge. Where the Cetme was designed around the 7.92×40mm.
@ that 7.92x40 was an aluminum bullet because the steel wasn’t good enough quality for anything heavier and with the switch from 55mm to 51mm it’s plenty of buffer
STG57 l'ancien fusil d'assaut Suisse,avec mon Papa qui était instructeur de tir et collectionneur,ont en avaient 4 ou 5 des modèles 57 en 7,5×55mm une fois l'armée fini on peut le garder alors les gens qui voulait s'en débarrasser nous les amenaient 😅cool mais il est parti rejoindre les étoiles 💫 alors je continue à collectionner et surtout les munitions 😉 ,591 c'est le code pour munitions de guerre,la Suisse est neutre seulement quand ça l'arrange! À cette époque c'était encore SIG Neuahsen Solothurn (Soleure) après ça était acheter par les Allemands,et c'est devenu Sig Sauer.Salutations Stay
Ce sont super ! ils sont super rares ici, j'aimerais que plus de gens ici aient la chance d'en utiliser un. Votre père vous a-t-il aidé à vous lancer dans ce hobby ?
@@StayGoldGun Oui je suis né là-dedans mon père avait une collection d'environ 50 fusils de la deuxième guerre mondiale donc carabines à levier epouse-moi le même nombre le vieux pistolet revolver, il avait aussi des cartouches de collection qu'il m'a donné mais vu que j'étais enfant moins de 10 ans🤷🏻 c'était à moi mes sous clé, et vers 14 ans 15ans pour acheter des munitions dans les armureries, il me faisait des petits billets écris avec le numéro de téléphone ils sont accord😅 et après comme je te l'ai dit dans un commentaire j'ai commencé à aller à la bourse aux au tout début avec lui puis tout seul et j'ai connu mes mentors le numéro de des renseignements généraux qui est maintenant chef de la police de Lausanne qui a une collection impressionnante, et un autre qui a fait sa carrière à l'armée et qui devait détruire les munitions que la police devait détruire alors du coup,vu qu'il collectionne aussi, on se servait et après il détruisait j'ai eu la chance de connaître la personne qui a la plus grande collection d'armes Suisse tous les fusils à poudre noire Suisse de chaque Cantons et les modèles expérimentales et prototypes ! Donc difficile d'avoir eu plus de chance, mais pour revenir à mon papa qui est décédé il était Français de la Lorraine 50 km de l'Allemagne donc déjà tout gamin il collectionnait aussi les munitions.Salutations Stay😉
C'est incroyable Pierre ! Vous pourriez presque écrire un roman sur le fait de grandir et de rassembler cette collection avec votre père et les amis que vous vous êtes fait en cours de route ! C'est tellement cool pour moi. J'imagine toujours les grands décors suisses de ces histoires, les vieilles villes européennes sont si belles. Ma collection était principalement assemblée dans les parkings du Diner et sous les viaducs routiers, ce qui n'était pas aussi cool.
I equate Swiss weapons manufacture to same as the Czechs. There is just something (Teutonic?) in both thier approaches to firearms. Superb kind of mechanical art form, if you will.
You're absolutely right, I think so too. Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, and Germany all combine excellent engineering with superb craftsmanship to make some of best mechanical firearm art!
Excelente arma. Mucha atención a los detalles, calidad y robustez, pero... No habrán pensado por un breve instante en darle una forma un poco más atractiva? Al estilo de FN FAL o un G 3 quizá.
Tienes toda la razón, excelente calidad pero feo. Hicieron una versión llamada SIG AMT o 510 y se ve mucho mejor, tengo un par de videos sobre esa versión.
🖐🇨🇱🤝saludos desde chile este rifle y el posterior 510 de la sig son de los mejores más precisos que los ar15 y más fiables que los ak47 funcionan muy bien en desierto bosques montañas y en desembarcos con una buena mira telescopica pasan a ser unos excelentes rifles de francotirador y de tirador designado los use en mi pais y el 510 todavía esta activo
¡Eso es increíble! Excelente descripción! ¡Estos son definitivamente algunos de los mejores rifles jamás fabricados! ¡Gracias por mirar desde Chile y el gran comentario!
@@StayGoldGun no sir, something about getting stuck with the bayonet and the thought of you defecating all over yourself afterwards makes me more app to find my own woman hahaha
@@StayGoldGun no sir I definitely don't. The thought of a bayonet going in as I'm defecating myself makes me want to stay on my own side of that 1,001 mile marker hahaha
@@StayGoldGun just the thought of that thing being used on me while I'm soiling my drawers is definitely enough to keep me on my side of that Thousand Mile Marker hahaha
@@StayGoldGun France depuis 2022 neutralisation ou restitution de toutes les anciennes armes militaires A10-11 par la tique sinistre de l'intérieur prénommé Moussa.
I'll tell you, but you may not believe me, 2700. A man was selling some of his collection and he sold it to me for what he had paid years and years back.
Lo único bonito de ese monstruo es la bayoneta . Porque de lejos debe ser uno de los fusiles occidentales más feos jamás construidos . Yo usé la versión 510. Pero la bayoneta la ame su elegancia que tenía .
As Swiss as it can be; exquisite, crafty and high quality and price but it’s always(or at least, most of the time) worth the price.
I completely agree. I feel like the older straight pull rifles are undervalued, which is kinda nice
Hola Sr. Si una buena arma bien técnica para operar, cuántos Dólares puede costar ?
@@StayGoldGun how much did it cost you to get one?
I don’t know but this rifle here somehow gets all my trust.
Well.. It's Swiss! 😂
This thing’s like a Frankenstein Monster! It’s got the barrel & bolt of an MG34, the front sights & shape of an FN FAL, the mag & pistol grip shape of an AK, the rear sights & front grip of an FG42, the bipod of a BAR, an overall H&K feel, and the bayonet style of an M16!
Definitely had a German influence on this design! It's a really interesting looking rifle
И гранатомёт от французов)
P.S. MAS-36
A complete package
I agree!
اشعر ان هذه البندقية الجميلة صنعت مع الكثير من الفخر والحب والجودة العالية .. تحية اعجاب وتقدير
اتفق معك تماما! شكرا جزيلا على المشاهدة والكلمات الطيبة!
Beautiful rifle
An dagger.
мне нравится такие каналы, они показывают что в мире кроме m-16/ar-15 и АК, есть и другое стрелковое оружие ❤
Спасибо! Я рад, что вы это цените! Я стараюсь, чтобы это было интереснее
So amazing how details of every parts are placed for purpose,even the bi-pad has knots for leveling,, ❤so beautiful
It's pretty incredible, so much engineering went into this. Thanks for commenting!
Wow! That must've been the most unique and beautiful rifle I've seen! ❤
That's how I feel, too! The Swiss really went all out on this rifle!
Kiváló és ötletes mérnöki munka! Ez ötvözete a mérnöki és a felhasználói tudás és tapasztalatoknak! Izig vérig Svájci termék!
Egyáltalán, csak egy zseniális tervezés és kivitelezés
Exacto y perfecto. Saludos cordiales ‼️
¡Muchas gracias!
You've got a bunch of interesting stuff, i have to admit.
Thank you! That's definitely what I'm going for! I like the odd designs
Gorgeous machine
I totally agree. The Swiss know how to make them!
Thanks! I appreciate the deeper dive into my content!
Dude.....1992 production gp11?! I'm jealous. All of mine is still late 70's and groups are double what my hand loads can do. Niiiiiiice!
I got this in a deal with a K31, I really lucked out! Yeah, this gp11 is really the best. There's a rumor we might get more, but I think that rumor has been going around a few years already. Fingers crossed
@@StayGoldGun oh sweet, yeah I've been hearing that for awhile. We'll see. I mostly hand load but like to keep some gp11 for baselines on new rifles
@emoryzakin2576 absolutely gp11 is a green way to test what accuracy to expect from a new one. I have everything to load them, but I've never made any to see how they'd fair
@@StayGoldGun I've found 168-178 grain hand loads can beat gp11 by 40-60% of moa. The guns just love to shoot tight groups. Also super easy load development
Excellent! I'll have to try to work up a load!
So beautiful, that extended lever for use for cold weather wearing gloves is very ingenious.
Such a great design feature! The added leverage makes the pull even nicer
Beautiful Swiss LMG
The Swiss know how to make them
Your collection is definitely unique.
Thank you, I didn't set out with that aim, but it certainly ended up that way
Gorgeous piece of artwork..
I agree completely! The Swiss make some incredible stuff
Sin saber de armas y al ver tan compleja manera de operar, sólo creo qué los resultados pueden ser precisos y debastadores...
Es un rifle muy preciso y potente.
Swiss engineering at it's best 🇨🇭😍
Absolutely! Incredibly well done
Another beautiful rare rifle
I do what I can
Un arma de lujo muy sofisticada. Más un fusil ametrallador que de asalto. Saludos cordiales ‼️
¡Muy cierto! ¡Los suizos fabricaron un rifle increíble!
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo, es un fusil ametrallador o ametralladora ligera. Demasiado largo, demasiado pesado, y munición demasiado potente para ser llamado "fusil de asalto".
Con un cargador de tambor de 50 cartuchos sería una ametralladora ligera de plena actualidad.
Excelente discusión
@9suizo Gracias por tu respuesta. Informándome he visto que la variante 510-4, (Chile) tiene un peso y longitud similar al CETME/G-3, pero igual su contorno y configuración nos alerta que estamos antes un fusil ametrallador, la prueba evidente es que se suministran cargadores de 30 cartuchos ❗Eso sin dejar de considerar, que el mismo G-3 o su versión original CETME, siempre lo consideré demasiado pesado y engorroso, lo sé por experiencia de años y uso. La adaptación al cartucho 7'62x51 mm. OTAN, es en realidad un desacierto para mi parecer, corregido con la adaptación a la nuevo calibre 5'56 NATO, aun así, creo que se aleja de los que los primeros diseñadores del concepto FUSIL DE ASALTO, pretendían, y pude comprobar tras emplear el magnífico AKM, que me pareció francamente lo más perfecto en su estilo y munición, por robustez, manejabilidad y excepcionalmente fiable y preciso para su cometido. Disculpa mi disertación. Un saludo cordial y sincero abrazo
When the Swiss make a gun they make a clock! Beautiful weapon bro!
Thank you! They really go above and beyond!
I remember walking into a gun shop in Anchorage twenty years ago and seeing one. The owner couldn't believe I knew what it was and offered me a job on the spot. Wish I would have stayed in Alaska but our family business was closing and they needed me back home.
That's always a great feeling when you walk in and ask to look at something rare by name and they look at you like "He actually knows what this is!" That would have been fun, but it's great to help out your family!
such a beautiful design
I totally agree. Very cool rifle
German/ Swiss made firearms really just have their own unique aesthetic which I personally believe (and i'm sure many, many others do as well) is just one in it's own and embodies what a weapon should look like; sleek, dangerous, menacing, and sexy.
Firearms from this era really represented their countries of origin well. I agree none more so than Swiss/German.
The FAL (inch pattern) will alwasy be my first love but this..... this Swiss beast, is a close second!
That's awesome, the L1a1 is great. Great choices!
Lucky dog!!
This truly was a lucky acquisition
It's like an AK, FG42, sturmgewehr, mg34 all combined to have made the most cursed/unique gun ever 😂
Ha ha. It has a very interesting look. They looks have really grown on my now that I've used it a lot
Cuantos aporreos con el.❤
Lo siento, no entiendo
Gorgeous rifle my man. Love it!
I think these are one of the coolest Swiss rifle designs. So many interesting features
@@StayGoldGun - yes! And so buttery smooth!
@holdernewtshesrearin5471 absolutely. It's really something
I like how it uses similar iron sights to the FG42 and a lot of WW2 and more modern features. I’m surprised that this rifle was phased out in the 1970’s since the 7.5x55 and 7.62 NATO are both very reliable rifles, I understand that Switzerland was looking for a cheaper and less heavy rifle which is why Sig started making the 500 series
@Darth-Nihilus1 This was the standard issued rifle until 1990 when the STGW 90/550 came out. The sights on this are so great.
@ I just learned something new! For being recoil operated how’s it fair in terms of felt recoil to the CETME/G3 rifles in 7.62 NATO?
@Darth-Nihilus1 I feel like it has less felt recoil. They're very similar designs, the PE57 is beefier because it was designed from the ground up for the 7.5 cartridge. Where the Cetme was designed around the 7.92×40mm.
@ that 7.92x40 was an aluminum bullet because the steel wasn’t good enough quality for anything heavier and with the switch from 55mm to 51mm it’s plenty of buffer
Switzerland: *A polite neutrality is an armed neutrality*
That's what I'm talking about! Thanks for the great comment!
When you absolutely have to destroy every living thing on the battlefield. Beauty in design.
It's really an incredible design. Thanks for the comment!
STG57 l'ancien fusil d'assaut Suisse,avec mon Papa qui était instructeur de tir et collectionneur,ont en avaient 4 ou 5 des modèles 57 en 7,5×55mm une fois l'armée fini on peut le garder alors les gens qui voulait s'en débarrasser nous les amenaient 😅cool mais il est parti rejoindre les étoiles 💫 alors je continue à collectionner et surtout les munitions 😉 ,591 c'est le code pour munitions de guerre,la Suisse est neutre seulement quand ça l'arrange! À cette époque c'était encore SIG Neuahsen Solothurn (Soleure) après ça était acheter par les Allemands,et c'est devenu Sig Sauer.Salutations Stay
Ce sont super ! ils sont super rares ici, j'aimerais que plus de gens ici aient la chance d'en utiliser un. Votre père vous a-t-il aidé à vous lancer dans ce hobby ?
@@StayGoldGun Oui je suis né là-dedans mon père avait une collection d'environ 50 fusils de la deuxième guerre mondiale donc carabines à levier epouse-moi le même nombre le vieux pistolet revolver, il avait aussi des cartouches de collection qu'il m'a donné mais vu que j'étais enfant moins de 10 ans🤷🏻 c'était à moi mes sous clé, et vers 14 ans 15ans pour acheter des munitions dans les armureries, il me faisait des petits billets écris avec le numéro de téléphone ils sont accord😅 et après comme je te l'ai dit dans un commentaire j'ai commencé à aller à la bourse aux au tout début avec lui puis tout seul et j'ai connu mes mentors le numéro de des renseignements généraux qui est maintenant chef de la police de Lausanne qui a une collection impressionnante, et un autre qui a fait sa carrière à l'armée et qui devait détruire les munitions que la police devait détruire alors du coup,vu qu'il collectionne aussi, on se servait et après il détruisait j'ai eu la chance de connaître la personne qui a la plus grande collection d'armes Suisse tous les fusils à poudre noire Suisse de chaque Cantons et les modèles expérimentales et prototypes ! Donc difficile d'avoir eu plus de chance, mais pour revenir à mon papa qui est décédé il était Français de la Lorraine 50 km de l'Allemagne donc déjà tout gamin il collectionnait aussi les munitions.Salutations Stay😉
C'est incroyable Pierre ! Vous pourriez presque écrire un roman sur le fait de grandir et de rassembler cette collection avec votre père et les amis que vous vous êtes fait en cours de route ! C'est tellement cool pour moi. J'imagine toujours les grands décors suisses de ces histoires, les vieilles villes européennes sont si belles. Ma collection était principalement assemblée dans les parkings du Diner et sous les viaducs routiers, ce qui n'était pas aussi cool.
Another exquisite artifact❤
This one is a favorite, such an amazing design
O cadillac dos fuzis.
This should be named "The Cadillac of battle rifles".
Absolutely! Such a great design
@@StayGoldGun you are too kind.
You hit the nail on the head!
I equate Swiss weapons manufacture to same as the Czechs. There is just something (Teutonic?) in both thier approaches to firearms. Superb kind of mechanical art form, if you will.
You're absolutely right, I think so too. Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, and Germany all combine excellent engineering with superb craftsmanship to make some of best mechanical firearm art!
Man you guys have some nice stuff
Thanks, dude! I've been collecting a long time and have gotten really lucky with some deals.
Beautiful design!
Oh GawdYES -soo HAWTT!!
I agree, this is one of my favorites of all time!
The bayonet has renewed my interest tenfold.
Ha ha. Can't put a bayonet on the AMT, but it's a very cool bayonet
@@StayGoldGun nonsense, zipties! The Magical cure-all!
@GloriousShiva42 ha ha! Now I'm even less likely to give it to you. Can't be making a cursed rifle out of it! Ha ha
@@StayGoldGun Oh God, to such a rifle? No! Now with enough time I could shitty replicate it and rebuild it, WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY!
@@GloriousShiva42 ha ha
For all whom don't know,
It's for launching rifle grenades so you don't break your finger 😁
It's both, the primary function is winter trigger. It's in the manual for the rifle, labeled as Winter Trigger
best ASMR❤
Thank you! I hope this style gets even more popular
Excelente arma. Mucha atención a los detalles, calidad y robustez, pero...
No habrán pensado por un breve instante en darle una forma un poco más atractiva?
Al estilo de FN FAL o un G 3 quizá.
Tienes toda la razón, excelente calidad pero feo. Hicieron una versión llamada SIG AMT o 510 y se ve mucho mejor, tengo un par de videos sobre esa versión.
This is the exact kind of rifle i used to draw as a kid
Very creative kid
The best
Loved using this gun in battlefield hardline haha
That's cool they included it! It's not in many games
Hey, my watch just started working again
Ha ha! That's so great
🖐🇨🇱🤝saludos desde chile este rifle y el posterior 510 de la sig son de los mejores más precisos que los ar15 y más fiables que los ak47 funcionan muy bien en desierto bosques montañas y en desembarcos con una buena mira telescopica pasan a ser unos excelentes rifles de francotirador y de tirador designado los use en mi pais y el 510 todavía esta activo
¡Eso es increíble! Excelente descripción! ¡Estos son definitivamente algunos de los mejores rifles jamás fabricados! ¡Gracias por mirar desde Chile y el gran comentario!
Красивое и действенное оружие
Я абсолютно согласен. Швейцарцы умеют их делать.
Isn't this a gem?
@@StayGoldGun of a kind, never seen in others channel!
Cool, I'm glad you could see it here!
That's a neat little crimp they have there at the mouth of the case
Definitely, and to tell you the truth, I'd never noticed till you mentioned it. So thanks!
An MG-47 isn't real, it cant hurt you! the MG-47 in question:
Ha ha!
I have that bayonet 😁
Nice! It's a beautiful bayonet
¡Muy genial! Chile tomó una buena decisión al adoptar este rifle.
V nice
The Swiss build some great stuff!
Chilean Army ❤
Good gun
It's a cool one, the Swiss know how to make them!
also with the anti tank launching stuff, with huge recoil
Definitely would be!
No there only for anti infantry/ trenchs grenades antitank was made with the rocket launcher mod 64 (a close version of the panzershreck)
Cool thanks
90 kilos de recul.
Nice , great shape it's in .... Well maintained
Thanks, it's has some wear, but still looking pretty good! Thanks for watching and commenting!
Es todo tan perfecto que ya me hace rabiar!!!!!😂😂😂😂
¡Los suizos realmente saben cómo hacerlos!
What Campanella did they you these in,maybe WW2,I don't know.
This was the main Swiss service rifle from 1957 to 1990
The hands of a surgeon😮 you didn't have to pull out the bayonet I said that I was going to stay away😅
Ha ha! You don't want to cross me with my bayonet out!
@@StayGoldGun no sir, something about getting stuck with the bayonet and the thought of you defecating all over yourself afterwards makes me more app to find my own woman hahaha
@@StayGoldGun no sir I definitely don't. The thought of a bayonet going in as I'm defecating myself makes me want to stay on my own side of that 1,001 mile marker hahaha
@@StayGoldGun just the thought of that thing being used on me while I'm soiling my drawers is definitely enough to keep me on my side of that Thousand Mile Marker hahaha
@@edljnehan2811 ha ha, smart man! 999 miles would be a hell of a bayonet charge, but I mean business
швейцарский нож должен выглядеть так же🤔
извини, я не понимаю
Used actualy in the Chilean Army
Absolutely. I've gotten a lot of comments from Chilean servicemen who really liked it
@@StayGoldGun of course, this rifle is on service on the Austral Divisions, like in the 4th Armored Brigade "Chorrillos" in Punta Arenas
That's so cool!
For what it is that piece of extension on the trigger?
It's a winter trigger for use with large winter gloves. It's also used with rifle grenade launching
Exotic gun
Definitely don't see these very often
Me preparo para portar
Não entendi totalmente, mas agradeço o comentário
En France merci Moussa...
Je ne comprends pas, mais j'apprécie le commentaire
@@StayGoldGun France depuis 2022 neutralisation ou restitution de toutes les anciennes armes militaires A10-11 par la tique sinistre de l'intérieur prénommé Moussa.
Ah, merci beaucoup pour l'explication !
I’m surprised the bullets look even remotely normal.
Why's that?
Wait is this 7.62 nato or 7.5 Swiss
This version is 7.5 Swiss
What swedish cartridge is this
Swiss, 7.5x55
Did you know there are two different countries or you just plain stupid?
It didn't say Swiss in the description
@@StayGoldGun SIG 510-4 voy 7.62 nato,🇨🇱
¡El 510-4 es una gran versión! ¡Chile hizo una gran elección al adoptarlo!
This is a very cool one!
Something I'd see in fallout?
Is this in Fallout? Definitely looks like it could be
Скажите пожалуйста зачем пулемёт у штык-нож😂😂😂😂😂
Это была их пехотная винтовка с 1957 по 1990 год.
Пехотная винтовка с сошками 😂😂😂😂😂😂 страна Швейцария да ????.@@StayGoldGun
Да, в самом деле. Поскольку Швейцария очень гористая, многие из их тактик основаны на расстреле врагов с возвышенностей.
@@StayGoldGun понятно. Высоту оборнять проще удачи спасибо,,👍👍👍👍👍💰💰💰💰💰
Спасибо за ваши комментарии!
Hello I'm Hugh G. Rektion 😂
Ha ha! Hello, I feel very familiar with you, like you've been a part of my life since puberty.
Esas eran armas,haora puro plástico...
Sí, es triste que estos fueran los últimos rifles de batalla antiguos y geniales. Estás ahora mismo todo es plástico.
7,5x55 mm cartrige?
@asdrubale2 yes indeed
Пишут что эта вещь очень продуманая...и очень страшная...и очень дорогая...😉😂😅
Это определенно очень дорого. К счастью, я получил свой по отличной цене
Please how much is this?
They haven't been imported in such a long time they all tend to sell in auctions these days, the prices tend to get very high
Where's the car ?! 🤔
He wasn't born yet for this one
@StayGoldGun aha I see
He seems missing from these early videos!
Where is Mr Cagney?
He wasn't born yet for this one. I made this whole video about Cagney.видео.htmlsi=9Hwpd7yT9aJ6avk1
how much do you pay for it?
I'll tell you, but you may not believe me, 2700. A man was selling some of his collection and he sold it to me for what he had paid years and years back.
Click clack snikktt!!
Sounds! I love it
Alright, another weird one! But this one I've seen before.
Ha, I like the weird ones. This is one of my favorites
This is 💯% gun p#rn 😍😍
Ha ha, I do my best
@@StayGoldGun and we appreciate it 😁💪 keep up the great work
Thanks so much, I really appreciate hearing it! I will try!
Конструктор лего для немецких мальчиков.
Спасибо за просмотр и комментарий
Kinda makes me think of steam punk.
I can totally see that too!
Hiramaneta alu dala tamai wedi tiyanne harida
mujhe samajh nahin aaya, lekin tippanee kee saraahana karata hoon
All that for 1 round!!?
I have a full-length video on it with a lot more
This gun seems like a bitch to clean
It's not bad at all, really. No gas system, so you really just have to take the bolt and carrier out and clean them
Lo único bonito de ese monstruo es la bayoneta . Porque de lejos debe ser uno de los fusiles occidentales más feos jamás construidos .
Yo usé la versión 510. Pero la bayoneta la ame su elegancia que tenía .
Definitivamente no ganará ningún concurso de belleza, pero me encanta. ¡La bayoneta es hermosa!
ugly but its SIG so its pretty
Ha ha. I thought it was ugly at first, and now I've grown to find it beautiful
I don't understand