I retired 7 yr ago after 13 yrs at egger hexham where is was on a volvo loading shovel working with jenkinsons wm nicholl stobart some sound lads sometimes have a bit chat i used to smile at some of stobarts young lads had an awfy hard shift i spent as much time as poss with my dad late 50s 60s on distance work when wagons were wagons and men were men all happy days
Great Trucks and great Music
Brilliant! So many memories of Cumbria transport.
Thank you glad you injoyed watching Gary
I retired 7 yr ago after 13 yrs at egger hexham where is was on a volvo loading shovel working with jenkinsons wm nicholl stobart some sound lads sometimes have a bit chat i used to smile at some of stobarts young lads had an awfy hard shift i spent as much time as poss with my dad late 50s 60s on distance work when wagons were wagons and men were men all happy days
Very true 👍 Alan thank you for sharing your memories with us all, take care my friend. Thanks, Christopher