Emptying the catheter urine drainage bag PT 1 or Peeing a new way.

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • For Catheter Peer Support - www.Maletenanc...
    This I found initially to be a little tricky and an awkward process not being able to aim the nozzle and missing the toilet. However, once I discovered that it was ok to remove the leg elastics without interfering with the catheter I was pretty much able to do my business as usual. I never really got used to it but I did learn how to manage it. I hope it helps.
    Cheers, and wishing you great health. Tony
    Responses should be considered general in nature, and not specific to any one person; consequently, they are not to be construed as specific medical advice and do not create a doctor/patient relationship. For more specific advice unique to your particular situation, consult a local medical professional.

Комментарии • 65

  • @ronll9590
    @ronll9590 3 месяца назад +2

    Hi. I know it’s been three years since you made these videos, and I can see it was not the most pleasant thing for you to do. But you helped me a lot, and I just wanted to say thanks for providing this much needed information.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  3 месяца назад

      You are so welcome. It makes me smile to receive a comment like yours. To know I'm providing help to demystify life with a catheter is humbling. Although it's been three years, I still answer all of the comments and continue to provide peer support to people from around the world. It is an honor to help.
      I wish you and your loved ones great health. Tony

  • @tallbass
    @tallbass 2 года назад +3

    Thanks so much for making these videos! It’s a drug to have to be in this situation but info like yours really helps.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  2 года назад +1

      Aww Chuck you are so freakin welcome! If I can play a small role in helping people get through this difficult time, then that makes me happy.
      I'm working on the videos about my prostatectomy surgery,.... which was intense.....and I hope it'll help men who are faced with the same reality.
      May I ask what you were diagnosed with that led to catheter use and how old you are? I'm putting together stats in order to become an advocate for men's health issues, particularly earlier screening for prostate issues to be dropped from age 50. If you'd rather not share I totally understand.
      Wishing you great health.

  • @gordonforme573
    @gordonforme573 7 месяцев назад +4

    Thanks for the video Maletance.
    I had a horrendous 10.5 hour ordeal where I had what is termed Acute Urinary Retention. It just came out of nowhere without any telltale warning. You feel urgently as if you're going to pee but can't. The urgent feeling keeps coming over and over, but youcan't pee.
    I was ready to explode and it was total agony !
    Had to go to the hospital where they installed a catheter. It was quite overwhelming in the beginning because it takes quite a lot of planning how to do this stuff. Silly simple things like, when to take your underpants off when you're getting ready for bed and adding the night bag to the leg bag..
    As you say, nobody tells you this and I find it quite shocking to be sent home with very little understanding of the correct procedure of using the catheter and, of course the night bag too. It's been quite a learning process.
    I would add to this that, once you have released the strap on the leg bag, be sure to hold both ends of it, otherwise when you give the bag a bit of shake to ensure it's empty, you'll likely get sprinkles of urine over the strap.
    Same, when you remove the night bag after sleeping. If you're not careful, you'll have urine dribbling on the floor and possibly your socks. It's a good idea to carefully loop the fairly long night bag tube over itself, being careful to keep it upright and then, once you've emptied the night bag in the toilet, it's a good idea to dip into into the toilet when flushing to clean off any urine spots so it won't stink. I found that, just laying the night bag carefully on the floor without any kind of stand, worked fine for me. I just got into bed, holding the empty night bag until I gently moved into my sleeping posintion (before pulling covers over myself) and then dropped the bag on the floor beside the bed. The first several nights, I set an alarm for 230am so that I could check that the bag was filling properly and it was.
    I must add that, 3 weeks after having the catheter fitted and I've now got the routine pretty much down, I can relax and it's not a problem, just something I need to do and get on with.
    I will have a Trial Without Catheter on 18th April and dearly hope that, after taking Vasran XL which is supposed to relax the prostate muscle, that there is a chance I'll be able to pee freely without the aid of a catheter.
    Mind you, I'll miss travelling on the bus.................. gazing out the window with a smile on my face as I casually have a pee.
    That's quite a feeling ............. quietly peeing in full view on a bus : ) Not many folks can do that.
    I wish you all success in using your catheter. With time you'll become quite expert at it.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hey there! Thanks for the message and I'm glad the video helped. I'm sorry you had to deal with a 10 hour ordeal. Seems like thats a bit of a norm when it comes to getting an introduction to a urinary catheter. That's where I had my first one out in. It took seven agonizing tries, with the nurses poking and prodding, trying different sizes, before the on-call urologist got it in, meanwhile, my bladder felt like it was going to explode. I think I have PTSD from the whole thing.
      Sounds like you've figured out some ways to navigate life with a catheter, which is great because as you've seen, not much info is given, if any on how to live with the archaic device. By the way, I no longer have a catheter. I had surgery, after the medication did not work and have been peeing on my own for several years now.
      I hope that the medication works. Just in case, do some research on different procedures that might be an option based on your diagnosis so that you're informed and prepared. It doesn't hurt to know.
      I wish you great health and to get through everything successfully.
      Cheers Tony

    • @gordonforme573
      @gordonforme573 7 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks so much for your reply Tony. Gosh, your story sounds every bit as bad as mine, maybe worse.
      My installation actually went pretty smoothly...a bit painful but it was inserted first time. Can you tell me what surgery you had which enabled you to pee by yourself? I definitely would rather no surgery if possible but.......I also don't want to have a catheter for life. And again, the info regarding how long your likely to have the catheter is thin on the ground too. Surprisingly, I did have a trial without catheter just over a week after it was put in but was unsuccessful. I could only dribble really and, of course I wasn't given any medication at that time. I was soo looking forward to having it out but, it went back i again : ( My next trial will be on the 18th April and I sure do hope that the medication does its job.
      Really appreciate your advice Tony and wish you continued good health. - all the best from bonnie Scotland - Gordon @@maletenance

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  6 месяцев назад +1

      Hi Gordon, please excuse my delayed reply. I'm currently in LA working and have not been as on it as I should with correspondence. Our stories are unfortunately not that different from so many men I have spoken with that I met through the channel who are dealing with prostate issues, incontinence and catheter use. My world was turned upside down. I ended up having a prostatectomy as I was well past any medication intervention and having a catheter for life was out of the question. I prayed so hard the medications would work and like you, I was so hopeful then they removed the catheter to check but alas, only a few dribbles, and the catheter had to go back in. I hope it's different for you. How are you doing mentally and emotionally...I know it can be a mind $#%@ dealing with all this stuff and so much unwarranted attention around the privates can be unnerving. You're welcome to email me if you have questions and I'm happy to speak with you and lend some peer support....I've spoken to tons of guys from around the world and it seems to help navigate it all. Tony.alcindor@Maletenance.com If not I wish you well on this journey and have my fingers crossed for you that all will work out for the very best. Cheers Tony

    • @gordonnicol9542
      @gordonnicol9542 6 месяцев назад

      Hi Tony, Thanks so much for your reply. And no need to apologise about any delays, it's so refreshing to get a long reply from you. You are doing a seriously great job in helping men find out the gory details of all this catheter stuff. I don't think anyone has spent so much time and effort on this as you Tony. You are to be commended sir !
      I was so tired of all the palaver one has to go thru with the catheter that I have investigated some procedures which are only mildly invasive and am going to talk to my doctor tomorrow about them. We in the UK are so fortunate to have our NHS and, incredible as it may sound, we can get most treatments for FREE ! I know that many Americans are very suspicious of something like this which is run by the government but, trust me, I have lived in both countries and, having the NHS for me is so much better and such a relief.
      There are three procedures I'm considering: , , and and they all use Local anaesthetic and take around 20 - 30 minutes and I would be back home the same day.
      I enjoy walking so much and it will be such a relief to go for a long walk again without the uncomfortable nippy feeling of the catheter tube pulling on my penis.......Ouch !
      Again I thank you for doing such a superb job of educating all of us enlarged prostate guys.
      I'm also doing the Kegel exercise which I'm hoping will help prepare me for when I don't have a catheter any more.
      To do Kegels, you imagine you are sitting on a marble and tighten your pelvic muscles as if you're lifting the marble. Try it for five seconds at a time, then relax for a count of five and do three sets two or three times a day.
      Maybe some of your viewers will find this helpful too.
      All the very best Tony. Keep up your grrrreat work !

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  6 месяцев назад +1

      Hi Gordon, Thank you for the kind and generous words of support and I learned a terrific new word....palaver. I'm stealing that.
      I was born in the UK and maybe should go back because the healthcare here is....well you know. Fortunately for me I had great insurance and all of my procedure including medications and supplies were covered. I don't know what I would have done otherwise. Makes me sad for the people who need help but can't get it here.
      Regarding the long walks and nipping feeling.....oh, I know it well. I was reduced to walking so slowly that it took me forever to get anything done while I had a catheter. I just wanted to have mobility with less pain so I could get on with my life. Some semblance of normalcy. So you know what I did......I redesigned the catheter and just received my patent. It was a three-and-a-half-year journey, with a lot of ups and downs and bad design but I finally got it right and it will change the lives of so many allowing them to do the basic activities of daily living.....like those long walks you speak so fondly of. Hopefully by the tine it gets to market you won't need it.
      As for the Kegel exercises.....I love your explanation so much, especially with the marble....it's exactly that! I could have you on as a guest to share the technique. No demonstrations though LOL!
      By the way I think you may have spoken to your doctors about treatment options.....how'd it go? Lemmie know.
      Also you can email me if you'd prefer some anonymity from this public forum.
      Cheers Tony

  • @jmd555555
    @jmd555555 2 месяца назад

    Brilliant video! Thank you

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  2 месяца назад

      Thank you! I'm really gld you found the video useful. Cheers Tony

  • @silentxero5955
    @silentxero5955 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you!!!! This has been EXRTEMLY HELPFUL. Though my urologist had tried to explain, there are details that just get glossed over. Such details like; when detaching the leg, how do we block the flow from the valve while changing to the nighttime bag. Thank you doing this.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  10 месяцев назад +1

      Man, you made my day with your comment!!
      You are very welcome and I'm glad you found the videos helpful. I know exactly what you mean by the urologist glossing over details. He did that with a crucial piece of information in my pre-surgery consultation. I had to say "Hold up, what the %#?& did you just say!" He was giving me life-altering information like he was talking about the weather". How long have you had it and how long will you have it?
      Cheers Tony

  • @captain776
    @captain776 2 года назад +2

    Just get a piece of 1 inch clear poly tubing from Home Depot and it only has to be about a foot long and you just put that 1 inch tubing up to that spigot and let it go very easy no mess no drip know what I

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  2 года назад

      Thanks for sharing Captain776.
      Wishing you great health.

  • @barryjameson3113
    @barryjameson3113 Месяц назад

    I am a bit confused. Just got a catheter and was wondering if the item you called a pivot is correct or just another way. The RN's told me to use that to split the "Y" shape of the pivot for more support. Just curious. Thanx so much.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  Месяц назад

      Hi the pivot thing I used is called a Stat-lock. It definitely provides more support to help keep the catheter and urine bag in place. It also helps to minimize the tugging. Hope that helps. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask. Cheers Tony

  • @user-ho2mt4nt6d
    @user-ho2mt4nt6d 3 месяца назад

    I wish I had videos like this twenty years ago

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  3 месяца назад

      In some ways the internet has been so helpful. I have been able to help so many people with the videos and provide some practical information that is never given by medical professionals. Cheers Tony

  • @jesusnajera2141
    @jesusnajera2141 3 года назад +4

    Did you ever have issues with your body “holding” urine while using the leg bag?

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  3 года назад +1

      Hi Jesus, In my experience, I never had any issues with urine remaining in my bladder while using the leg bag. It was just weird because I was not controlling the flow and urine would just show up in the leg bag. Although the catheter and leg bag, to me, is kinda archaic it works very well at voiding urine if you can not go by yourself.

    • @alland25
      @alland25 2 года назад

      Hello, I have a Neo bladder so I have no control of my urine flow. what I do notice is when I am lying down there is no drainage because I need gravity to drain it. also a neo bladder creates mucus and clogs the cath. I need to flush it a lot.

  • @dolci873
    @dolci873 2 года назад +2

    Thank u needed this video

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  2 года назад

      Really glad it helped. My apologies for the delayed response. I hope the message finds you in great health. Cheers

  • @joerobinson6737
    @joerobinson6737 4 месяца назад +1

    Hi Tony. We emailed a number of times in the past. I have always been appreciative of what you demonstrate and converse on your site. I am gone from being catheterized to wearing diapers full time. It was a difficult decision to make but feel my life is better tnow I have embraced the use of diapers. J Rob

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  4 месяца назад

      @joerobinson6737 Hi Joe, Nice to hear from you, and thank you for the kind words.
      I was looking back at the earlier videos I did and can't believe how bad they are! "Cringe" as the kids say LOL! I'm ok with it since people have found them useful.
      I'm happy to hear that you've made some personal changes to improve the quality of your life and I'm sure it took some mental gymnastics to arrive at your decision. Onward and upward!
      Cheers, and wishing you and your loved ones great health. Tony

    • @joerobinson6737
      @joerobinson6737 4 месяца назад

      @@maletenance Tony, really appreciate the time you took to answer my response. You have always been a voice of reason that I LOOKED for when trying to deal with my life. This was more a mental adjustment rather than a physical one. Going to diapers has been a real boost for my self esteem,. It does take some planning and carrying a "diaper bag." But in all life did not stop. I am more social and getting out much more. Even I lost about 40 lbs. Water aerobics works wonders. J Rob

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  4 месяца назад

      Congratulations on taking the steps to improve the quality of your life and the 40lbs weight loss. WOOOHOOO!!! That can only improve your overall health. Keep up the great work and the water aerobics.
      Again, thank you for the kind and supportive words....I'm just happy to be a small part of your journey and to have made an impact. Cheers, Tony

  • @ronaldbarrett3112
    @ronaldbarrett3112 Год назад

    The secure upper attachment is really important as the bag hangs in great part from it. Care for me there was tedious.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  Год назад

      The whole thing is a pain in the privates. Unfortunately, it's a part of it. Some days while I had it I just had to laugh at how absurd my life had become. Never in a million years did I ever think I would be doing all the things to do with living with a catheter in order to do a basic function like peeing. It's mind-blowing.

  • @kennethjones1441
    @kennethjones1441 2 года назад

    No not personally. i just thought it was worth a try. E-Bay sells all sizes of tubing.

  • @captaincrash12
    @captaincrash12 3 года назад +1

    Watching this I'm thinking mount bag to the side behind side pocket. Have hole in pocket. Then reach in and uncoil a short hose with a release pointing at the toilet. Positioning I realise of bag and height and everything would have to be worked out for gravity etc. But maybe someone has made something like that already.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  3 года назад

      Sounds like a good idea. You should research it and see if it's already out there. I came up with an invention to ease the pain. I have a prototype and it's in the patent process. I'm not a doctor or in the medical field and would never have thought about this had I not gone through having a catheter for months. Wishing you great health.

  • @bitvangogh4821
    @bitvangogh4821 Год назад

    It might be personal preference, but would it be best to have catheter attached to thigh or the shin?

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  Год назад

      I always had it on my thigh. It was cumbersome and annoying and I can't imagine it on my shin, as the tubing would be so long like what comes with the night bag. However, everyone is different.

  • @maryharris9841
    @maryharris9841 2 года назад

    Love the humor

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  2 года назад

      Thanks Mary. I tried to keep things lite cause this can be a heavy topic.
      Wishing you great health

  • @cheongyei
    @cheongyei 2 года назад

    Thanks for this.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  2 года назад

      Hi, I'm really happy it helped.
      Wishing you great health.

  • @sonyaallen-dwyer
    @sonyaallen-dwyer Год назад +1

    I have to literally balance my knee on the toilet while emptying mine out

  • @BrittBratAnn_1995
    @BrittBratAnn_1995 3 года назад

    What kind is that bad called

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  3 года назад

      It's just called a catheter drainage bag. There are a ton of options and different brand names but they all perform pretty much the same way. Cheers

  • @alastairwood9336
    @alastairwood9336 2 года назад

    Brilliant information,like you said nobody tells you how to use properly. Silly question how often on average do you think it needs emptied. Ps I’m an average 4 cup of tea man. Lol.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  2 года назад +2

      Thanks, Alastair for the kind words. All I wanted to do was help and the vids seem to be doing just that.
      Firstly, there are no silly questions. Having to live with a catheter is like waking up on the moon.....WTF do you do and how do you navigate this new world?
      So regarding your question "How often do you empty?" I'm gonna assume you mean the urine bag - it depends? The bag I had for the daytime that hid under my clothes was smaller so I emptied it as needed. Since I was told to drink a lot of water by my urologist it was frequent. Don't remember exactly though as it varied. I would feel the weight of the bag change because it was getting full, and that would prompt me to empty it. Or it would feel warm on my thigh. I was advised by my doctor to keep an eye on it - don't let it overflow, back up, or separate from the catheter, all of which are not good. So you're gonna have to gauge it...there's no exact science from my experience.
      The large overnight bag (please tell me they gave you those) got me through an 8-hour night's sleep. In the morning though it looked like a huge pee pillow....kinda gross. LOL
      Check out the other videos and I hope they help you through this experience.
      Enjoy your tea and wishing you great health.

    • @ronaldbarrett3112
      @ronaldbarrett3112 Год назад

      @@maletenance Really great videos and outright helpful. Thank you.

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  Год назад

      @@ronaldbarrett3112 Ronald, I am so humbled to know that the videos have helped. I'm amazed every time someone thanks me.
      I was so scared to make the videos and even more so to post them. It was all such a departure from my former life. But I have to say I could not be more proud that I am helping people during a really difficult time.
      Also if you ever want to talk reach out via email. I have spoken to tons of guys from here. We shoot the shit, share stories, laugh, and I basically I give support and an ear as someone who's been there. Cause no one can ever know what it's like unless you've gone through it
      Cheers. and wishing you great health. Tony

    • @gordonforme573
      @gordonforme573 7 месяцев назад

      Typically, I empty mine 3 maybe 4 times in a day.@@ronaldbarrett3112

  • @kennethjones1441
    @kennethjones1441 2 года назад


    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  2 года назад +2

      DID IT WORK FOR YOU PERSONALLY? WHERE DID YOU GET THE TUBE? Could be useful for the people that come here for tips from someone who had a catheter for months and months.

  • @fernandoolivares7229
    @fernandoolivares7229 Год назад +1

    Use a large coffee can

  • @alexchristian2159
    @alexchristian2159 5 месяцев назад

    thankyou for your videos...living with these things is pretty difficult and any help is much appreciated...im seriously thinking of going private for a superpubic catheater as theres a 9 month wait to see a consultant at our hospital....im a builder and need to get back to work and its hard with pipes hanging out yer bits...its a dirty job and infections are highly likely.....im wondering if the inbuilt catheater would be better.in the meantime,its good to watch your advice videos to make stuff a bit easier.thankyou.mark

    • @maletenance
      @maletenance  5 месяцев назад +1

      @alexchristian2159 Hi Mark, I am really happy you found the videos helpful. Theres not much information out there from someone who had one a catheter for months and I'm happy to provide any help, information, and support I can. I don't know much about a suprapubic catheter - I only had one a short time post surgery - so I'm sure it would require you to do a lot of research and speaking with your doctor to come to a conclusion if it will be best for you and the length of time you will need it. Keep in mind: that there are pros and cons to any catheter situation, unfortunately.
      I do completely understand that the tubing and bag can be a hindrance and painful when it comes to activities of daily living. I had mine at the beginning of Covid so I didn't have anywhere to go.
      Let me share this: A guy I was speaking with, who lays flooring for a living had an indwelling catheter and he used a medical tape to secure the tip from moving in and out and also used the tape to further secure the tubing and urine bag to his leg. He said it worked out great or as great as it can be when using a catheter to urinate and it allowed him to do his job. He even sent a pic. It's very McGiver. Something to think about.
      Hang in there. Cheers Tony

  • @losethos1734
    @losethos1734 2 года назад

    Using this for my drug tests

  • @josietan3413
    @josietan3413 3 года назад
