😹😹😹😹 Simple minded guy.... Those pesky Russian use in Ukraine are old tanks without proper upgrade and armor.... It's obviously that Putin is trying to deplete it's enemies supplies and the one who's supplying weapons.... Didn't you even realize that this is just a practice battleground for world war 3 of US government and European countries while the Europe are focus in Russia Ukraine frontline. US is preparing for China front door, sadly US is waiting for European countries to be indebt again to US funds like what bankrupt them in world war 1 and 2, it might trigger the world reset if world war 3 start soon
@@marcusberger7324 Track record for Russia. Lets see, tell a lie a long enough, last time i seen one of these it was getting towed off the May display. You no longer have the tech to build this, unless your counting on Iran and North Korea, which will be interesting to watch since they use parts stole from western motor vehicles.
@@yerayserrano141 Yeah in 2016, They did tell us that because we don't have propaganda machines. Don't worry, when you get conscripted you can see how well they work when you're in a ditch somewhere.
Те кто пишут, что в России ничего не производится для такого танка. Слушайте, в России производится всё для военной техники, процессоры для электроники министерства обороны российской федерации, никогда не производились в других странах. В России множество предприятий, производящие процессоры, они старые, 80-90.100 нанометров, но для военной техники нет необходимости в сверхмощных процессорах. Есть некоторые детали, что закупались у запада. Но жто делалось только для изучения и копирования. Вы слишком узко мыслите о России. Читайте, ищите и вникайте. Расширяйте свой кругозор, если ыам действительно интересно. После развала ссср, а это означает проигрыш в холодной войне, Россия была коллонией США. Сегодня Россия пытается это исправить и вы не вправе решать, можем ли быть независимой страной или нет. А если считаете иначе, вставайте в очередь, всех нагнем и нагибали. У нас много бывает конфликтов внутри страны, но когда враг у ворот, мы единное целое ! Author pin the comment
@@Виталий-щ7н3о то-же самое кричали на западе про гиперзвуковые ракеты, мод это мультики Кремля, ха ха ха. Теперь что то не слыхать умников с Запада. Ещё эксперты утверждали что мост в Крым построить не возможно. Где эти эксперты сегодня?
Чистая правда был на тком предприятии там делают процессоры и электронику для авиации истребительной, явно для танков проще. Там уже поскулили либерахи в комментах выше?
That's partially true, only the units deployed in Ukraine are equipped with parachutes. The others are equipped with lots of boxes containing toilet paper for the crew :)
@@martinrivera4175 γιατί τώρα κάνουν απλός μια στρατιωτική επιχείρηση δεν κάνουν κανονικό πόλεμο δοκιμάζουν τα πάντα για τον τον επερχόμενο παγκόσμιο πόλεμο που θα ακολουθήσει τα καλά και νέα όπλα τα κρατάει μυστικά για λόγους μην πέσουν σε αμερικανικά χέρια αυτή την στιγμή σπρώχνει ότι παλιό έχει από την σοβιετική εποχή εκπαιδεύει τον στρατό στην Ουκρανία η απολειες τον ουκρανουν ειναι 500 χιλιάδες η Ρώσοι έχουν απολειες 50 χιλιάδες... Πλέον αυτό που ξεκίνησε στην Ουκρανία δεν θα σταματήσει θα συνεχίσει και σε άλλες χώρες.. Καλή δύναμη
Even though, artilleries, missiles and UAVs have taken over the main battle fields, the uses and effects of tanks in the final outcome of the war can't be ignored. Urban warfare, too, needs tanks, despite the latest anti-tank weapons, including light portable ones. Specialities of the latest Russian tank, T14 Armta, is well explained.
Urban warfare is where MBTs suffer the most. Russia has 2 generations of dedicated IFVs designed specifically for Urban warfare. The second generation just as screwed in design, production and procurement as the T-14. But you're right, armour is important in Urban warfare and MBTs have proven themselves important and effective in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Mostly on the Ukrainian side. No infantry support and recon means dead tanks, as it always has.
TANK T 34 from different countries! US running engine from BMW and electronics Italy and France after the USSR asked to redo the T34 and the Americans redid everything! Since then, the modernization has been going on! That's how all the equipment of the Russian Federation is from other countries!
They should REALLY try to get news clips that are LESS than 5 years old! 🤣 Update- 2023 - there are 14 T-14's in existence, and they can't build any more because ALL the sights, etc DO come from the West - and are no longer available to Russia.
Ααα και να μην το ξεχάσω η ετήσια παραγωγή σιταριού φέτος στην Ρωσία ήταν 150.000.000 τόνοι. Βλέπεις πως όταν το κλίμα της γης γίνεται θερμό η Ρωσία γίνεται πλούσια. Όταν το κλίμα γίνεται ψυχρό η Ρωσία γίνεται απροσπέλαστη. Από μόνη της η Ρωσία είναι ένας όλοκληρος κόσμος. Πολύ μεγάλη για να περικυκλωθεί, πολύ πλούσια για να πεινάσει, πολύ ισχυρή για να νικηθεί.
It doesn't matter how well designed a tank is, if your crew is not well trained and if you don't have air superiority, the tank will be blown into pieces.
It more highly Automatic...It does not require any Human activity to shoot down Incoming Missiles and Dynamites thrown on it ...Old Manuel & Semi-automatic games are a matter of the Past Glory..
@@vbite2685 It is a matter of past glory....Modern Tanks are now like MatchBoxes or Sittings Ducks before Drones or Missiles......15 years back they ony faces Helicopter GunShips & Fighter planes ...now these slow Tortoises are a waste force ... Britian which made the 1st tank for W.war 1 , has already stopped tank making it..
Tanks Have more Enemies in the Battle than any others....1 Opponent Tanks2 LandMines ,3 Rebel Missiles4 Drones 5 Fighter Planes,6 Apache Helicopter GunShips 7Missiles 4M Drones 8 RPG ,9 Dynamite Thrown on it.
Oooo! I heard that it is the most powerful tank that has ever existed…. They didn’t mention the stealth invisibility mode… That’s why nobody has seen them in combat… If the Russians are ever brave enough to bring them to Ukraine, we’ll get to see if farm tractors can tow them effectively…
@@kyalokamina6497 ok fanboy, but maybe you want to see different tanks in action before firing off you assertions. Challenger, leopard and Abrams have all seen combat so are at least reasonably know quantities, and we have all seen how russian tanks have done in Ukraine so far, which isn't great. the T-14 will not be in Ukraine, for as many have pointed out, it isn't in production, so is actually just an advanced development, and so not operational. In Ukraine it will rest more on the AFV's being sent such as Bradly and CV90 that will change the course more than the tanks.
Comparing the M1A2 with the T-14 is like comparing warhorses to unicorns. The former’s performance is battle tested and is quite numerous, while the latter is purely theoretical and barely exists at all heh
This thing sounds pretty decent - - if they can make any that have all of the features - instead of things being left out or faked, so you know - russians can have their yachts...
Der Abrahams hat im Irak mehr als genug Probleme gehabt. Anfällig im punkto Sand, schlechte Panzerung im Häuserkampf usw. Also den Ball schön flach halten.
As with any military hardware, it's not only about how sophisticated it is (and we certainly have our doubts about credibility of info Russia provides), but most importantly ability to mass produce that hardware, production and supply of spare parts and also training of operating and maintainance crews, things that are quite hard to achieve in wartime and with poor economy. US has developed Abrams X and UK has its plans for Challenger 3, but due to factors mentioned above, they are simply technology demonstrating concepts at this moment in time, until fielded in mass numbers.
@@ИльяВершинин-э8у Смущает. А еще больше смущает факт что с тех пор, за 27 лет, страны-соперники так и не смогли произвести что то сопоставимое в достаточных количествах. Еще смущает то что такие страны как Южная Корея и Япония обладают производственной базой для современной тяжелой техники, а Россия всё больше эту способность теряет.
@@rbs1997 На чём основан вывод что Россия теряет производственную базу по производству военной техники? Это мягко говоря странно, особенно когда прямо сейчас идёт строительство ряда новых заводов по производству самолётов, бронетехники, а так же снарядов, ракет и беспилотников. Идёт набор и переобучение специалистов на военные производства.
Что-то этой мощи не заметно в реальной войне. Не в прямом, не в переносном смысле. Как армата глохла на параде в курсе, а вот как проявляла себя на поле боя - не слышали.
@@АнтонЯрлыков-е1ы Антон всё выясняется в сравнениях. Любой вид оружию возьми не украинскую,( её как таково нету. )Натовскую. . Наша на поколения выше. И орудия, и потомки Катюши, ярсы, посейдоны и другие сатанушки😂😂😂. А кинжал прелесть. Надо гордиться. И не забывай мы воюем против всех. Хохлов уже нету. Это правда. Надо смотрит правду глаза
@@графдракула-ь8о Против всех? По-вашему крайне ограниченная помощь оружием от НАТО Украине это называется против всех??? Дружочек, да если НАТО реально вступит в войну, то российской армии не станет через неделю. Хватит даже вступления в войну одной Польши, чтобы российский фронт везде гарантированно посыпался. Когда Израиль воевал против арабских государств, которых щедро снабжал всем Совок и даже совковые генералы руководили арабскими армиями, Израиль не говорил, что воюет с СССР. Никто никогда не считал помощь вооружениями, добровольцами и советниками участием в войне. Только вот РФ считает, потому что надо как-то оправдать свою немощность и позор.
@@ЖестыДобройВоли ограниченный помощ говориш от НАТО?ну ну😂😂😂. Да у них склады пусты. Техника не заводится. Сначала ремонтирует потом отправляют. А Польшу наш один десантный батальон оторвёт. 50государство скинулись, и ещё наёмников там куча. А хахлы уже заканчивается. Только Бахмуте 50тыс положили убитыми. Да, мы слабые, у нас оружия нету, воевал не умеем. 😂😂😂
@@АнтонЯрлыков-е1ы она не глохла а встала на ручник, я понимаю тупость американцев, но ты то ведь можешь посмотреть видео как танк уехал с парада своими силами? это было опровергнуто 5 лет назад а ты всё ещё веришь в американскую пропаганду.
“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
true. Russia defending against direct descendants of Nazis - Nato arming neo nazis and terrorists to fight Russia because they cannot survive without robbing resources from other countries, and Russia is the richest natural resource country in the world.
@@normmcrae1140 bruh it went by itself lol the tank was driven by a new driver that day and he mistakenly pulled the hand-break or something , there was nothing wrong with the tank
@@normmcrae1140 tell me u are easy to fooled without telling me that u are easy to be fooled like stop watching pro Ukraine or pro American Chanel’s there’s like a ton of un biased ones if u like to see the truth
We're about to find out how the T90 compares to western tanks - I would prefer to be in the Challenger I think, than the russian coffin turret tossing champion.
@@shuathe2nd Indeed, because we all know that even if the Challenger is out numbered 10 to 1, facing dominant air and artillery power and is operated by a crew with absolute minimal training it will still be victorious in the end! Here’s your unicorns 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄
Have noticed there are no longer, Bayrakters being used in Ukraine? A former NATO pilot said Russian ECW has rendered them practically useless in Ukraine.
Over exaggeration of Russia weapons and his low-tech is alarming!! Almost all the Russian Armored Tanks are defenseless against NATO and US Tanks in Ukraine 🇺🇦 Funny enough, those NATO Tanks were built in 70s and 80s..The Germans leopard 2 was built over years ago!!..What the US have in their Arsenals as of today, is beyond human imagination ...The Russian and the Chinese better stop barking...All we need is peace ✌️
@@fubartotale3389 In fact, I prayed there should be no war...No Nation can defeat the UNITED STATES on Land Sea and Air..There are some Military weapons not allowed for the public because of other Nations not to be threatened or intimidation..IRAN CHINA RUSSIA AND NORTH KOREA must shut their mouths 😉
Западу плевать на Украину - все поставки по чучуть, ради проверки - что русские быстро выбьют, то устарело. Украина это уже не страна, а полигон. Запад пустил Украину в расход. The West doesn't care about Ukraine - all supplies are stuffed, for the sake of checking - what the Russians will quickly knock out is outdated. Ukraine is no longer a country, but a training ground. The West has wasted Ukraine.
В любом случае главное- экипаж! Ваши леопарды и абрамсы курят в сторонке! Фишка этого танка в том, что он в скором времени будет беспилотным) Всем мира) Привет из России)
Within a short time of these being in the Ukraine a Russian crew will abandon a brand new one for the Ukrainians to capture and turn over to the West. :)
TANK T 34 from different countries! US running engine from BMW and electronics Italy and France after the USSR asked to redo the T34 and the Americans redid everything! Since then, the modernization has been going on! That's how all the equipment of the Russian Federation is from other countries!
Ведь правда ребята Российские офицеры и солдаты очень умно стали воевать .Но и Армия и Флот очень мощная и сильная.Нет им равных в мире.Знаем мы вы в Западе не любите Путина ВВ Но увы ,уважать то вы обязаны.
It's totally new approach that no crew member sits in the turret, so the crew are safer being isolated in the front section. This is a big jump in tank design.
You make it sound like unmanned turrets have never been done before. It's also a terribly designed turret since you can't clear jams without leaving the tank.
@@Green__Ghost lol The tank is still in testing, it's hasn't seen any combat, and you already have "facts"! So you have "facts" that the engineers of it are unaware of..? Ok genius.😂
You must be an expert! Shrapnel can't defeat a Hummer,nevermind a tank, any tank,yet you got 12 likes,from equally educated peers, armchair generals! You probably never saw a tank in real life, any tank is a monster made to destroy bunkers and never alone! They are in a unit,squad of soldiers complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses! You think that they don't have drones overseeing the area,experience to figure out spots for ambush, artillery barrage before infantry moves trough! Top of the tank is the hardest to hit,it's a very small area for a lookout, but you forgot one thing T14 doesn't have a top hatch,it's just a shell covering wires and Afganit has laser detection that instantly fires shotgun blast into area that's lazed! Top of T14 has very thin shell because it doesn't need it,everything important is under, except the gun that's heavily protected! So even if Afganit doesn't work a Depleted uranium dart would pass trough and tank won't be damaged! Children! Russia doesn't need more tanks, they have enough artillery to level Ukraine and only thanks to Putin, Army is avoiding collateral damage, otherwise, some hardliners would have made a parking lot!
@@pashapasovski5860 Things on the ground say different :) Lesser Advanced hand held systems like Javelin alone have buried many Russian Soldiers in Tanks.....REAL TALK!
@AGN I don't know what are you watching, I get news from inside,I have a lot of friends on both sides, some are married and the word is,Ukraine is loosing drastically, Russia is setting traps leaving opportunities for reinforcement that gets shredded! The best and most trained are gone and this is before some 300K reservist deployed! Russia is building fortification expecting NATO joining the leftover! Territory was never the objective, killing radical neonazis was! Russia held 5 military exercises in Siberia, tank biathlon, factories are working 24/7 because they are not stupid to think it's only Ukraine they are fighting, it's NATO that wants to brake up Russian Federation and later China! Kids like you find great pleasure in watching some tank blown up,most were leftover from Donbas militias, but nothing since the beginning, when they realized that Clown has no power in his country and he is controlled by Pretorians, Ultra nazis who made it clear who runs the show! I've been trough a civil war twice and watching kids, Slavic kids getting slaughtered brakes my heart! Same happened to Yugoslavia then Serbia, chasing kids to put them into uniform and send them into fire! Same propaganda was used then as is now and American people are probably the most naive, buying what government sells! I never played war games, but war,even if you are winning is loosing for average citizens, only rich get richer, while poor are dying!
@@pashapasovski5860 you must be an expert! Because this is exactly how the Bradley’s tow missile system works. It flys above the turret then sends shrapnel straight through the top of turret killing the crew.
Thank you for an objective and informative video! Keep up the great work! It'll be interesting to finally see these Tanks in action and see how they operate, how their offensive and defensive systems hold up to an actual life or death battle...
@@rwps3677 I don't see why not. They are domestically produced in Russia and any specific components which might not be produced in Russia can be procured via 3rd party countries, or copied and then domestically produced.
@@aaronfire359 There's 14 of these Tanks, nobody really knows how much of them are in a combat ready state. The serial production never started. I doubt they start now under pressure.
@@rwps3677 Apparently they started serial production in 2021, and Russia actually has a domestic arms industry. Just like the great wars of history, industry doesn't stop because a war is happening, the engines continue to grind on. I'd say the Russians were in worse straights when the Wehrmacht was quickly approaching Moscow and the Soviets desperately had to push them back. The Russians can certainly pull this off
69 built tanks in total. 7 sent to Ukraine special millatery operation. All dead or broke down within 48 hours. It will be an act of desperation to see anymore on the battle feild.
Looks interesting. Is the crew totally isolated from the turret or are they able to access the turret without getting out of the tank if there are any problems with the autoloader?
@@joelrodriguez9661. So what? Most of tanks be burning magma. ARMATA can just retreat and get repaired, all other tanks be destroyed or unmanned by enemy fire
Русским пришлось всю свою историю воевать. Причем чаще защищать свою территорию именно от европейских "миролюбивых братьев". Поневоле пришлось научиться драться.
Это украинцам пришлось всю свою историю воевать от врагов со всех сторон и все войны были исключительно оборонительные, что довольно редко встречается. К московитам это не относится. Удел московитов это Мордвинские и Мокшанские болота, все остальное было захвачено с помощью монголо-татар, которые и создали Московию после ослабления Киевской Руси. А потом захватили и монголо-татарские земли после развала Золотой Орды. Россия никогда не выигрывала против равного соперника без помощи союзников. Первую Мировую проиграли, Вторую Мировую тоже бы проиграли, если бы не Британия и США. Сталинские орды в 1941 году были полностью разбиты, русские сдавались в плен целыми дивизиями и армиями, в некоторых котлах были сотни тысяч человек. Если бы не отвлечение львиной доли немецкой военной промышленности на войну с Британией, а потом и с США, а потом и прямая помощь от них для СССР, то СССР бы полностью пал к 1943 году, может и раньше.
@@ЖестыДобройВоли украинцы - это существа из твоей головы, как и фантастические комиксы, которые ты тут рисуешь. Нормальный термин для вас - вырусь. Рабы западных господ с выдуманной историей, отрубленным чувством собственного достоинства, закачанные по максимуму дебильной идеологией и готовые сдохнуть просто так.
@@theodorkorner1497 it depends on amount of technology you put into tank. If tank on 90% old on 10% new - it is modernization. If tank on 20% new and 80% old technologies - you can give it new name. Numbers not accurate.
Just shoot the turret with apfsds, the tank will be maybe not destroyed, but out of fight for at least a month. Also i'm not sure about the effectiveness of the APS knowing Russia's advanced electronics.
@@vitsobotka6268 those just work fine with their missiles. Though the shiny West already declared back in March 2022 Russia will run out of missiles in two weeks😂 But the missiles just keep coming. They really thought Russia can not make its weapons without their shit?
What a beautiful high tech motorized steel coffin of 48tons for 3 persons The Russian tank crews should be very thankfull, not even Michael Jackson's coffin can be compared
Doesn't matter how good it is , as soon as a javelin or a stugna round explodes overhead that main gun will be inoperable, yes the crew may survive but this tank is no better than the t72 , even a 30 or 35 mm burst will take out it's sights once again rendering this tank inoperable
@@TheAlmightyPrime antijavelin system, is this another russian fairy tale? When the Russians write that it is an anti-Javelin system, they may mean a lock to prevent the crew from running away.
@AlphaisPrime yes it has APS. But has that system been tested under battlefield conditions? Can it engage multiple targets, simultaneously? None of the video footage shown depicted the system defending against a top attack missile.
When you have thousands of tanks in your inventory, why would you produce thousands more if your stocks are still strong. If the need presented, production of the T14 would certainly ramp up.
Putting together an advanced tank isn't a problem, doing it reliably battleproven and massproduced for a real customer is another matter, which makes T-14 still useless.
It must suck being one of the countries that relied entirely on Russia for military equipment… you’ll be waiting a long damn time before they start honoring their contracts again, if ever 😂
@@autismisyou I'm from India and Indian army is satisfied with Russian military hardwares. They are great, not garbage like USA makes. Literally the f35 is damm costly and didn't even got a feature that a normal fighter don't.
T-14 is like the obnoxious “friend” that makes all these absurd claims like “I met LeBron James once and we went to a huge party with thousands of super models”.
Why the T-72 Tank Is the Backbone of the Russian Army ruclips.net/video/kqT_6bxv3jo/видео.html
The Armata is not much more than a DEMO EX 😂
@@benktlofgren4710 like the f22.
@@rrvillareal2011 Probably i got no clue, have to take your word for it :)
@@rrvillareal2011 wrong. F22 is in service with the USAF
It also has state of the art stealth tech. No one has ever seen one on the battlefield.
because its stealthy
Plywood is hard to detect with radar.
It's got ghost stealth tec. ( Doesn't actually exist on this plain of existence)
Seeing how well the Russian tanks performed on the Ukrainian battlefield, one can easily draw a good prediction of how well the T-14 will perform.
a very narrow minded answer. Never underestimate anyone, especially not those opposed to you ;o)
Simple minded guy.... Those pesky Russian use in Ukraine are old tanks without proper upgrade and armor.... It's obviously that Putin is trying to deplete it's enemies supplies and the one who's supplying weapons.... Didn't you even realize that this is just a practice battleground for world war 3 of US government and European countries while the Europe are focus in Russia Ukraine frontline. US is preparing for China front door, sadly US is waiting for European countries to be indebt again to US funds like what bankrupt them in world war 1 and 2, it might trigger the world reset if world war 3 start soon
@@marcusberger7324 Track record for Russia. Lets see, tell a lie a long enough, last time i seen one of these it was getting towed off the May display. You no longer have the tech to build this, unless your counting on Iran and North Korea, which will be interesting to watch since they use parts stole from western motor vehicles.
You literally didn't say any argument, you just farted in the air.
Thats what hittler said
كل اسلحة الجيش الروسي 🇷🇺 أفضل واقوى تحياتي للجيش الروسي فعلاً سريع وفتاك ❤
3 day war?
@@yourlocalkrieger секс должен быть долгим 😂
Спасибо брат
@@yourlocalkrieger да с извилинами у Вас проблемы Это уже не исправить !
@@guest981 ты пожизи это типытал ?
When I see this tank in Ukraine - that's when I'll believe it's anything more than a concept model.
Who the fk cares what you believe
they deployed to t-14 to syria
@@ST3RB3N756 1 tank in Syria that broke down..... hahahahahaha..... Russia should find money to feed their troops first.....
@@ST3RB3N756 all five of them
@@nelsonortas818 your face..... hahahahahaha.....
This tank is so advanced it couldn't even make it's way down the parade without breaking down.
Now that's funny 😂🤣😆
it didnt break down lol the driver messed up with the clutch
@@YTMMS-hy6mz The tank is so advanced that simply using the clutch wrong causes it to break down. Got it.
it didn't break down, some inexperienced driver engaged emergency brake (parking brake), it later drove away on its own...
@@Solado lol, you never rode a car I guess. It didn't "break down", it stops. Also it didn't happen at a parade but at rehearsing. So much ignorance.
Question? Does the turret of the T-14 fly as high as the others that are currently in Ukraine?
No because they're for the propaganda parades only and not actually used in battle.
To do that it would need to drive all the way from deployment point to the battleline without malfunction
the leopard`s turrets flew long before the russians in siria 🤣🤣, but i bet u wont tell that don t you?
factoring in the corruption that goes along the assembly of a T-14, the simple answer would be- YES!
@@yerayserrano141 Yeah in 2016, They did tell us that because we don't have propaganda machines. Don't worry, when you get conscripted you can see how well they work when you're in a ditch somewhere.
Те кто пишут, что в России ничего не производится для такого танка. Слушайте, в России производится всё для военной техники, процессоры для электроники министерства обороны российской федерации, никогда не производились в других странах. В России множество предприятий, производящие процессоры, они старые, 80-90.100 нанометров, но для военной техники нет необходимости в сверхмощных процессорах. Есть некоторые детали, что закупались у запада. Но жто делалось только для изучения и копирования. Вы слишком узко мыслите о России. Читайте, ищите и вникайте. Расширяйте свой кругозор, если ыам действительно интересно. После развала ссср, а это означает проигрыш в холодной войне, Россия была коллонией США. Сегодня Россия пытается это исправить и вы не вправе решать, можем ли быть независимой страной или нет. А если считаете иначе, вставайте в очередь, всех нагнем и нагибали. У нас много бывает конфликтов внутри страны, но когда враг у ворот, мы единное целое !
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Бред не пиши
@@Виталий-щ7н3о то-же самое кричали на западе про гиперзвуковые ракеты, мод это мультики Кремля, ха ха ха. Теперь что то не слыхать умников с Запада. Ещё эксперты утверждали что мост в Крым построить не возможно. Где эти эксперты сегодня?
поэтому и не лезут...могли давно бы Россию раздербанили на ресурсы...хохлов только на убой отправляют
Ну как бы никто и не спорит, потому все и писаются примысли. что настоящая армия начнёт войну с НАТО!))
Чистая правда был на тком предприятии там делают процессоры и электронику для авиации истребительной, явно для танков проще. Там уже поскулили либерахи в комментах выше?
The Armata T-14 turrets are now equipped with parachutes. They fly higher. Great upgrade!
$10,000 lancet have killed so many $4000,000 M777 howitzer
That's partially true, only the units deployed in Ukraine are equipped with parachutes. The others are equipped with lots of boxes containing toilet paper for the crew :)
Can show photos with flying Abrams turret.
A Rússia tem muita joia secreta, muito avançados...tanques, aviões, sistemas de defesa, etc...
How come they are not being used now? If they are so advanced.
@@martinrivera4175 γιατί τώρα κάνουν απλός μια στρατιωτική επιχείρηση δεν κάνουν κανονικό πόλεμο δοκιμάζουν τα πάντα για τον τον επερχόμενο παγκόσμιο πόλεμο που θα ακολουθήσει τα καλά και νέα όπλα τα κρατάει μυστικά για λόγους μην πέσουν σε αμερικανικά χέρια αυτή την στιγμή σπρώχνει ότι παλιό έχει από την σοβιετική εποχή εκπαιδεύει τον στρατό στην Ουκρανία η απολειες τον ουκρανουν ειναι 500 χιλιάδες η Ρώσοι έχουν απολειες 50 χιλιάδες... Πλέον αυτό που ξεκίνησε στην Ουκρανία δεν θα σταματήσει θα συνεχίσει και σε άλλες χώρες.. Καλή δύναμη
T-14 has to be used. Sonny or later they have
So secret that they don't exist. With modern technology. Nothing is a secret 😎
@@martinrivera4175 Why use new, modern, expensive equipment against old Soviet equipment and against Western tins like the M113 or Bradley
Even though, artilleries, missiles and UAVs have taken over the main battle fields, the uses and effects of tanks in the final outcome of the war can't be ignored.
Urban warfare, too, needs tanks, despite the latest anti-tank weapons, including light portable ones.
Specialities of the latest Russian tank, T14 Armta, is well explained.
Tanks get used last. Like fighter bomber jets.
Urban warfare is where MBTs suffer the most. Russia has 2 generations of dedicated IFVs designed specifically for Urban warfare. The second generation just as screwed in design, production and procurement as the T-14.
But you're right, armour is important in Urban warfare and MBTs have proven themselves important and effective in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Mostly on the Ukrainian side. No infantry support and recon means dead tanks, as it always has.
This fake...
TANK T 34 from different countries! US running engine from BMW and electronics Italy and France after the USSR asked to redo the T34 and the Americans redid everything! Since then, the modernization has been going on! That's how all the equipment of the Russian Federation is from other countries!
They should REALLY try to get news clips that are LESS than 5 years old! 🤣 Update- 2023 - there are 14 T-14's in existence, and they can't build any more because ALL the sights, etc DO come from the West - and are no longer available to Russia.
Were you the incharge of the production?
If its that good, just dump a load of artillery on it when they turn up on the battlefield?
@@er.m.s8930 If you listened to it - they said that the T-14 MAY appear in the 2020 Armaments show..... That was 3 years ago, now.....
Αν πιστέψουμε ότι λέει η Δύση, τότε η Ρωσία έχει τελειώσει από πέρυσι. Πράγμα που δεν το βλέπω .
Ααα και να μην το ξεχάσω η ετήσια παραγωγή σιταριού φέτος στην Ρωσία ήταν 150.000.000 τόνοι. Βλέπεις πως όταν το κλίμα της γης γίνεται θερμό η Ρωσία γίνεται πλούσια. Όταν το κλίμα γίνεται ψυχρό η Ρωσία γίνεται απροσπέλαστη.
Από μόνη της η Ρωσία είναι ένας όλοκληρος κόσμος. Πολύ μεγάλη για να περικυκλωθεί, πολύ πλούσια για να πεινάσει, πολύ ισχυρή για να νικηθεί.
It doesn't matter how well designed a tank is, if your crew is not well trained and if you don't have air superiority, the tank will be blown into pieces.
It more highly Automatic...It does not require any Human activity to shoot down Incoming Missiles and Dynamites thrown on it ...Old Manuel & Semi-automatic games are a matter of the Past Glory..
You dont need Air superiority if you have the best surface to air system on earth (:
@@vbite2685 It is a matter of past glory....Modern Tanks are now like MatchBoxes or Sittings Ducks before Drones or Missiles......15 years back they ony faces Helicopter GunShips & Fighter planes ...now these slow Tortoises are a waste force ...
Britian which made the 1st tank for W.war 1 , has already stopped tank making it..
@@neilkaippallil8390 the t 14 is not so slow, and it's clear that the tank will not fight alone
Tanks Have more Enemies in the Battle than any others....1 Opponent Tanks2 LandMines ,3 Rebel Missiles4 Drones 5 Fighter Planes,6 Apache Helicopter GunShips 7Missiles 4M Drones 8 RPG ,9 Dynamite Thrown on it.
2:11 The gunner has an exit under his/her seat. Two exits are above: above commander and above driver.
It looks impressive, but with the endemic corruption of the Russian state. Instead of depleted uranium armor, it uses depleted Hyundais.
Oooo! I heard that it is the most powerful tank that has ever existed…. They didn’t mention the stealth invisibility mode… That’s why nobody has seen them in combat…
If the Russians are ever brave enough to bring them to Ukraine, we’ll get to see if farm tractors can tow them effectively…
The British Challengers, German Leopards and American Abrams are inferior to the Armarta T-14
@@kyalokamina6497 will they all square off in Ukraine? Nope. Armada won’t be sent. It’s a paper tiger, and everyone knows it. Meow…
@@patrickcronin6829 it’s still in development and there not much tanks still
@@kyalokamina6497 ok fanboy, but maybe you want to see different tanks in action before firing off you assertions. Challenger, leopard and Abrams have all seen combat so are at least reasonably know quantities, and we have all seen how russian tanks have done in Ukraine so far, which isn't great. the T-14 will not be in Ukraine, for as many have pointed out, it isn't in production, so is actually just an advanced development, and so not operational. In Ukraine it will rest more on the AFV's being sent such as Bradly and CV90 that will change the course more than the tanks.
@@kyalokamina6497 We would like to put that statement to the test...
Comparing the M1A2 with the T-14 is like comparing warhorses to unicorns. The former’s performance is battle tested and is quite numerous, while the latter is purely theoretical and barely exists at all heh
Battle tested in Yemen by insignificant forces
The m1 never went up against anything even remotely worthy , therefore it’s in the exact same boat as the armada
The tank is so advanced that nobody has seen it anywhere other than parades🤣🤣.
@@lip124 they're saving the T-14s for the Abrams. Bring it.
@@wolfswinkel8906 🤣🤣
This thing sounds pretty decent - - if they can make any that have all of the features - instead of things being left out or faked, so you know - russians can have their yachts...
Excellent and very informative video, keep it up!
It's a shame that the comment section is completely compromised though.
Der Abrahams hat im Irak mehr als genug Probleme gehabt. Anfällig im punkto Sand, schlechte Panzerung im Häuserkampf usw. Also den Ball schön flach halten.
The tank Russia has spent more than half a decade trying to afford to build... And still don't have but a handful.
Speaks a lot of where the West's taxpayer money goes into... Hence their mindset
they don't even have good infantry gear
So? How is it the Russians fault? We're the ones who're afraid of a little competition.
@@tatianalyulkin410 Meds, Now.
Around 20 and they will never see combat. Just for parades
This is the most powerful and advanced tank in the world. Once Russia works out the bugs, it will be a monster.
Yes all two of them that they can afford to build IF they can even get their hands on the electronics.
This tank is a propaganda exercise.
It is very quite. Russia has not shot down any of the updated TB-2 Drones which were donated by Erdogan recently.
As with any military hardware, it's not only about how sophisticated it is (and we certainly have our doubts about credibility of info Russia provides), but most importantly ability to mass produce that hardware, production and supply of spare parts and also training of operating and maintainance crews, things that are quite hard to achieve in wartime and with poor economy. US has developed Abrams X and UK has its plans for Challenger 3, but due to factors mentioned above, they are simply technology demonstrating concepts at this moment in time, until fielded in mass numbers.
Вас не смущает, что в США последний корпус танка построен в 1996?
@@ИльяВершинин-э8у Смущает. А еще больше смущает факт что с тех пор, за 27 лет, страны-соперники так и не смогли произвести что то сопоставимое в достаточных количествах. Еще смущает то что такие страны как Южная Корея и Япония обладают производственной базой для современной тяжелой техники, а Россия всё больше эту способность теряет.
@@ИльяВершинин-э8у not really, the US doesn't need anymore tanks and modernizing the current M1s would be more useful.
@@rbs1997 На чём основан вывод что Россия теряет производственную базу по производству военной техники? Это мягко говоря странно,
особенно когда прямо сейчас идёт строительство ряда новых заводов по производству самолётов, бронетехники, а так же снарядов, ракет и беспилотников. Идёт набор и переобучение специалистов на военные производства.
@@ДмитрийЮжный-д3п Телевизор.
The camouflage if t-14 is so advanced, nobody even noticed it in ukraine
Скоро там будут уебищные песочные абрамсы гореть
Все свое время!
My sugesstion: Due to it's permanently rotating turret, look up to the sky. Maybe the armata was never supposed to be a tank!
The legend goes on that the Russians will keep on testing Armata-14 till 2050.
Реально российские танки и другие оружие и орудие это шедевры Военного времени. Это мощь
Что-то этой мощи не заметно в реальной войне. Не в прямом, не в переносном смысле. Как армата глохла на параде в курсе, а вот как проявляла себя на поле боя - не слышали.
@@АнтонЯрлыков-е1ы Антон всё выясняется в сравнениях. Любой вид оружию возьми не украинскую,( её как таково нету. )Натовскую. . Наша на поколения выше. И орудия, и потомки Катюши, ярсы, посейдоны и другие сатанушки😂😂😂. А кинжал прелесть. Надо гордиться. И не забывай мы воюем против всех. Хохлов уже нету. Это правда. Надо смотрит правду глаза
@@графдракула-ь8о Против всех? По-вашему крайне ограниченная помощь оружием от НАТО Украине это называется против всех??? Дружочек, да если НАТО реально вступит в войну, то российской армии не станет через неделю. Хватит даже вступления в войну одной Польши, чтобы российский фронт везде гарантированно посыпался. Когда Израиль воевал против арабских государств, которых щедро снабжал всем Совок и даже совковые генералы руководили арабскими армиями, Израиль не говорил, что воюет с СССР. Никто никогда не считал помощь вооружениями, добровольцами и советниками участием в войне. Только вот РФ считает, потому что надо как-то оправдать свою немощность и позор.
@@ЖестыДобройВоли ограниченный помощ говориш от НАТО?ну ну😂😂😂. Да у них склады пусты. Техника не заводится. Сначала ремонтирует потом отправляют. А Польшу наш один десантный батальон оторвёт. 50государство скинулись, и ещё наёмников там куча. А хахлы уже заканчивается. Только Бахмуте 50тыс положили убитыми.
Да, мы слабые, у нас оружия нету, воевал не умеем. 😂😂😂
@@АнтонЯрлыков-е1ы она не глохла а встала на ручник, я понимаю тупость американцев, но ты то ведь можешь посмотреть видео как танк уехал с парада своими силами? это было опровергнуто 5 лет назад а ты всё ещё веришь в американскую пропаганду.
Нет такой силы, на планете Земля, которая бы победила Россию
This tank is so stealthy none were seen in Ukraine in 11 months
Good that we see your famous f117 😂😂😂😂😂
“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
true. Russia defending against direct descendants of Nazis - Nato arming neo nazis and terrorists to fight Russia because they cannot survive without robbing resources from other countries, and Russia is the richest natural resource country in the world.
One can tell right away that Tolkien spent a couple of tours in the shit with the grunts.😎
The Greatest Weapon of ALL is: L💖ve !
Ты,что покурил сам то понял,что сказал?
Nice parade tank. Can't wait to see it become a smoldering piece of rust in Ukraine.
It can't even make it through a parade without breaking down! 🤣
@@normmcrae1140 it’s didn’t breakdownnnnn do ur research without being a American stereotype
@@leopardontheboat8252 They had to remove it with a CRANE. They couldn't even TOW IT!
@@normmcrae1140 bruh it went by itself lol the tank was driven by a new driver that day and he mistakenly pulled the hand-break or something , there was nothing wrong with the tank
@@normmcrae1140 tell me u are easy to fooled without telling me that u are easy to be fooled like stop watching pro Ukraine or pro American Chanel’s there’s like a ton of un biased ones if u like to see the truth
Apparently still not in production in any numbers. The production focus is on the T-90 which is also excellent.
Yes we have seen how excellent the T-90s are in Ukraine. The turrets go very high.
excellent? The T-90 is a disastrous piece of shit that never should ve been built, and those arent my words, those are the words of the chief designer
We're about to find out how the T90 compares to western tanks - I would prefer to be in the Challenger I think, than the russian coffin turret tossing champion.
@@shuathe2nd we dont have to... T-90 is essentially a T-72, and T-72s have fared poorly in every single encounter with western MBTs
Indeed, because we all know that even if the Challenger is out numbered 10 to 1, facing dominant air and artillery power and is operated by a crew with absolute minimal training it will still be victorious in the end!
Here’s your unicorns 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄
Благодаря нашим USA (друзьям) всё улучшается.
The newest version of T14 is equipped with a klingonian cloaking device. The moskals deployed T14s in Ukraine, but nobody saw them!
Marioupol and Bakhmut did 😂😂
@@Addi_Teacha509 this means Batallion Azov managed to resist for months with only infantry against the latest russian tank. And Bakhmut still does!
@Mos Nicolae resist? The nazis used civilians as human shield that's what you call resist.
@@Addi_Teacha509 that's what your supervisor in St. Petersburg troll farm paid you to say!
The combat weight of Armata is about 55 tonns
@@Тртрттртии от куда дровишки?
The combat weight is 0 since it wont see combat ever😂
@@footofblut981First They said it doesn't exist, then they said it's a plywood mockup, and now they say it will never come to a battle...
T-14....Still stuck at the parade?...
The Foxbat of tanks.
i see you also know the foxbat nice
This is the most true statement I have ever heard lol. Everyone is scared of it until we actually see it combat
@@yourlocalkrieger 😉
it all being domesticaly produced probably explains why we have not seen a single one in ukraine.
This is the next target for the updated TB-2 drone ! 🙂
Have noticed there are no longer, Bayrakters being used in Ukraine?
A former NATO pilot said Russian ECW has rendered them practically useless in Ukraine.
@@Kayzef2003 The software of the new TB-2 drone has been recently updated. You did not know that?
@@whitebeauty759 what is the name of the new version, mr liar?
@@whitebeauty759 SOFTWARE BRUH :D
@@whitebeauty759 Yeah, i know, updated with your teeth as its chip.
Over exaggeration of Russia weapons and his low-tech is alarming!! Almost all the Russian Armored Tanks are defenseless against NATO and US Tanks in Ukraine 🇺🇦
Funny enough, those NATO Tanks were built in 70s and 80s..The Germans leopard 2 was built over years ago!!..What the US have in their Arsenals as of today, is beyond human imagination ...The Russian and the Chinese better stop barking...All we need is peace ✌️
The Abrams is five years older than the Leopard.
In fact, I prayed there should be no war...No Nation can defeat the UNITED STATES on Land Sea and Air..There are some Military weapons not allowed for the public because of other Nations not to be threatened or intimidation..IRAN CHINA RUSSIA AND NORTH KOREA must shut their mouths 😉
13 years old NATO fan kid be like:
The latest Russian Iron Coffin on tracks?
Западу плевать на Украину - все поставки по чучуть, ради проверки - что русские быстро выбьют, то устарело. Украина это уже не страна, а полигон. Запад пустил Украину в расход. The West doesn't care about Ukraine - all supplies are stuffed, for the sake of checking - what the Russians will quickly knock out is outdated. Ukraine is no longer a country, but a training ground. The West has wasted Ukraine.
For Ukrnazies
@@khtynozameso680 already got your consciption notice? can't flee the country anymore! off to the front to die for your great leader!
Combat weight (with ammo) is 55,000 KGs. (Update: 55 metric tonnes)
So?.. what's that mean?
@@martinrivera4175 55 metric tonnes.
@@BenVaserlan it's a tank.. it's built for battle. Nothing else!!
В любом случае главное- экипаж! Ваши леопарды и абрамсы курят в сторонке! Фишка этого танка в том, что он в скором времени будет беспилотным) Всем мира) Привет из России)
Anno un bel modo di lavorare i Russi complimenti 🇷🇺🔥🇷🇺❤️
Come mai tutti i fan prorussi non sanno scrivere in italiano ?
Come te !
I'm more interested in it's active protection system
..how effective is it
It's so effective that no T-14 Armata has ever been destroyed in combat!
I mean no T-14 Armata has ever been deployed in combat but
Within a short time of these being in the Ukraine a Russian crew will abandon a brand new one for the Ukrainians to capture and turn over to the West. :)
Probably 😳😳😳👍
I heard that it is capable of Anti submarine warfare and able to assist in Air to Air combat🤣
That is the F-35 submersible attack fighter
@@jozseftoth9368 nahh that’s the wooden Su75
Doubtful, heard all this hype before about Russia's capability on weapons and tanks etc.....
TANK T 34 from different countries! US running engine from BMW and electronics Italy and France after the USSR asked to redo the T34 and the Americans redid everything! Since then, the modernization has been going on! That's how all the equipment of the Russian Federation is from other countries!
russian tanks never relied on foreign components.
T-14 is being tested in Ukraine at the moment.
This tank can’t even make it through a parade let alone war. This is a concept only tank.
Legenge has it this tank can't be killed bc of a new piece of technology called Unactive Battlefield kill technology. Amazing
The design is inferior compared to M1A2. You don't even need to be an engineer to see this
Ведь правда ребята Российские офицеры и солдаты очень умно стали воевать .Но и Армия и Флот очень мощная и сильная.Нет им равных в мире.Знаем мы вы в Западе не любите Путина ВВ Но увы ,уважать то вы обязаны.
It's totally new approach that no crew member sits in the turret, so the crew are safer being isolated in the front section. This is a big jump in tank design.
No it is not. It is dumb. If there is a jam, no one can clear it.
You make it sound like unmanned turrets have never been done before. It's also a terribly designed turret since you can't clear jams without leaving the tank.
@@Green__Ghost It's the only MBT having an unmanned turret with modern APS technology, this is an amazing tank indeed.
Try coping harder.
@@azmagaref I'm not the one coping here, my friend, I'm only pointing out the facts that have already been revealed.
@@Green__Ghost lol The tank is still in testing, it's hasn't seen any combat, and you already have "facts"!
So you have "facts" that the engineers of it are unaware of..? Ok genius.😂
Tow flies over the tank and violently blows shrapnel downwards....reactive armor won't save it.
You must be an expert! Shrapnel can't defeat a Hummer,nevermind a tank, any tank,yet you got 12 likes,from equally educated peers, armchair generals! You probably never saw a tank in real life, any tank is a monster made to destroy bunkers and never alone!
They are in a unit,squad of soldiers complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses! You think that they don't have drones overseeing the area,experience to figure out spots for ambush, artillery barrage before infantry moves trough!
Top of the tank is the hardest to hit,it's a very small area for a lookout, but you forgot one thing T14 doesn't have a top hatch,it's just a shell covering wires and Afganit has laser detection that instantly fires shotgun blast into area that's lazed! Top of T14 has very thin shell because it doesn't need it,everything important is under, except the gun that's heavily protected! So even if Afganit doesn't work a Depleted uranium dart would pass trough and tank won't be damaged! Children!
Russia doesn't need more tanks, they have enough artillery to level Ukraine and only thanks to Putin, Army is avoiding collateral damage, otherwise, some hardliners would have made a parking lot!
@@pashapasovski5860 Things on the ground say different :) Lesser Advanced hand held systems like Javelin alone have buried many Russian Soldiers in Tanks.....REAL TALK!
@AGN I don't know what are you watching, I get news from inside,I have a lot of friends on both sides, some are married and the word is,Ukraine is loosing drastically, Russia is setting traps leaving opportunities for reinforcement that gets shredded! The best and most trained are gone and this is before some 300K reservist deployed! Russia is building fortification expecting NATO joining the leftover! Territory was never the objective, killing radical neonazis was! Russia held 5 military exercises in Siberia, tank biathlon, factories are working 24/7 because they are not stupid to think it's only Ukraine they are fighting, it's NATO that wants to brake up Russian Federation and later China!
Kids like you find great pleasure in watching some tank blown up,most were leftover from Donbas militias, but nothing since the beginning, when they realized that Clown has no power in his country and he is controlled by Pretorians, Ultra nazis who made it clear who runs the show! I've been trough a civil war twice and watching kids, Slavic kids getting slaughtered brakes my heart! Same happened to Yugoslavia then Serbia, chasing kids to put them into uniform and send them into fire! Same propaganda was used then as is now and American people are probably the most naive, buying what government sells! I never played war games, but war,even if you are winning is loosing for average citizens, only rich get richer, while poor are dying!
@@pashapasovski5860 you must be an expert! Because this is exactly how the Bradley’s tow missile system works. It flys above the turret then sends shrapnel straight through the top of turret killing the crew.
Thank you for an objective and informative video! Keep up the great work! It'll be interesting to finally see these Tanks in action and see how they operate, how their offensive and defensive systems hold up to an actual life or death battle...
You will not see them in battle in the near future, most likely never.
@@rwps3677 I don't see why not. They are domestically produced in Russia and any specific components which might not be produced in Russia can be procured via 3rd party countries, or copied and then domestically produced.
@@aaronfire359 There's 14 of these Tanks, nobody really knows how much of them are in a combat ready state.
The serial production never started.
I doubt they start now under pressure.
@@rwps3677 Apparently they started serial production in 2021, and Russia actually has a domestic arms industry. Just like the great wars of history, industry doesn't stop because a war is happening, the engines continue to grind on. I'd say the Russians were in worse straights when the Wehrmacht was quickly approaching Moscow and the Soviets desperately had to push them back. The Russians can certainly pull this off
69 built tanks in total. 7 sent to Ukraine special millatery operation. All dead or broke down within 48 hours. It will be an act of desperation to see anymore on the battle feild.
finally, in 2022, 156 tanks of this model came off the factory.
T-14 isn’t even a good Parade Tank.
The budget was released for the production... And was never seen again. 😭🤣
Looks interesting. Is the crew totally isolated from the turret or are they able to access the turret without getting out of the tank if there are any problems with the autoloader?
they are completely isolated from the turret. If the autoloader goes down..The tank is out of the fight.
Being able to get into the turret from the armored crew box would weaken and even defeat the reason to have the remote turret don't you think?
So what? Most of tanks be burning magma. ARMATA can just retreat and get repaired, all other tanks be destroyed or unmanned by enemy fire
I believe the turret is unmanned.
I don't care, you are in armored coffin if the magazine blows the turrent off the Armata 14...
Just saying the Shock wave...
Still not a match for Ukrainian tractors
Надо посмотреть его в бою, потом будет видно.
All very well, but have they got around the key issue of being towed away by farmers?
This tank is unstoppable because the brakes don't work!
Тормоз это ты 😂
They (Armata's) are now in Ukraine. They are going to be tested. I think Russia send them 1 or 2 days ago. They send a bunch.
Go Russia Z
They won’t be pushed forward as the Russians can’t face having further military humiliations.
Nice on paper!
Oh yeah!
They just need to take more Microchips out of washing machines to build a few tanks.
The Turd 14, wouldn't stand a chance against the M1A1 and leopards, and challenger tanks.
Kornet says hello!
@@deliriummtremens Came out in 1998, might be out dated with the newer armor on tanks. They do pack a punch, I will give it that.
The tank is amazing on paper and still is on paper. Also, it can't be built cause of sanctions. T-14 have ejection seats, that US don't have🙄🙄.
And it has washing machine, refrigerator, and sports car inside...
These tanks is already being mass-produced and supplied to the army.
@@HakujinTrue 🤣🤣😂😂
YES and the most important a vodka bar!
Everything that Russia puts on the market... of weapons... is always presented as terrifying... when in reality... they are behind technologically!
It would be cool if Ukraine could capture one of these and put it on a C17 back to the States.
Just a matter of time.
I wonder what kind of rubber they used for armour
Русским пришлось всю свою историю воевать. Причем чаще защищать свою территорию именно от европейских "миролюбивых братьев". Поневоле пришлось научиться драться.
Это украинцам пришлось всю свою историю воевать от врагов со всех сторон и все войны были исключительно оборонительные, что довольно редко встречается. К московитам это не относится. Удел московитов это Мордвинские и Мокшанские болота, все остальное было захвачено с помощью монголо-татар, которые и создали Московию после ослабления Киевской Руси. А потом захватили и монголо-татарские земли после развала Золотой Орды. Россия никогда не выигрывала против равного соперника без помощи союзников. Первую Мировую проиграли, Вторую Мировую тоже бы проиграли, если бы не Британия и США. Сталинские орды в 1941 году были полностью разбиты, русские сдавались в плен целыми дивизиями и армиями, в некоторых котлах были сотни тысяч человек. Если бы не отвлечение львиной доли немецкой военной промышленности на войну с Британией, а потом и с США, а потом и прямая помощь от них для СССР, то СССР бы полностью пал к 1943 году, может и раньше.
@@ЖестыДобройВоли украинцы - это существа из твоей головы, как и фантастические комиксы, которые ты тут рисуешь. Нормальный термин для вас - вырусь. Рабы западных господ с выдуманной историей, отрубленным чувством собственного достоинства, закачанные по максимуму дебильной идеологией и готовые сдохнуть просто так.
The unmanned machine gun with fuzed burstrounds agaist snipers and small uavs would be cool
I thought the T90 was designed and built after the fall of the USSR. I thought the last tank designed and built during the USSR was the T80.
The T90 is just a rebranded T-72 Upgrade
@@theodorkorner1497 nope
@Wolfs Winkel It was originally named T-72BU. It was renamed after the disastrous performance of the Iraqi T-72s in the Gulf War
@@theodorkorner1497 it depends on amount of technology you put into tank. If tank on 90% old on 10% new - it is modernization. If tank on 20% new and 80% old technologies - you can give it new name. Numbers not accurate.
Just shoot the turret with apfsds, the tank will be maybe not destroyed, but out of fight for at least a month.
Also i'm not sure about the effectiveness of the APS knowing Russia's advanced electronics.
fridge and washing machine microchips dont make the best advanced electronics
@@vitsobotka6268 You would've had a fridge and a washing machine by now if you didn't spread CNN propaganda about Russia's capabilities. 🤡
true - if they are building all of the electronic suite inhouse you would question its ability to work as per the advert.
Easiest way stopping them is hitting the tracks. Even the best tank can be easily rendered immobile
@@vitsobotka6268 those just work fine with their missiles. Though the shiny West already declared back in March 2022 Russia will run out of missiles in two weeks😂
But the missiles just keep coming.
They really thought Russia can not make its weapons without their shit?
If this was a new Ukraine tank the comments would be alot different.
Ukraine, what's that?
@@BigSmartArmed it's waskraine or nokraine
Javelin will take care of them too
You guys forgot to say it can scratch your ass from space lol
They must have told Putler there are 300 perfect T14s ready, operational and crewed,
and he based his plans on that info..
What a beautiful high tech motorized steel coffin of 48tons for 3 persons
The Russian tank crews should be very thankfull, not even Michael Jackson's coffin can be compared
@@johndelben53 I've never seen a human airborned so high and far from an exploding Russian Tank , it took over 9secs before he land back on earth
without a parachute 😆
Doesn't matter how good it is , as soon as a javelin or a stugna round explodes overhead that main gun will be inoperable, yes the crew may survive but this tank is no better than the t72 , even a 30 or 35 mm burst will take out it's sights once again rendering this tank inoperable
it has anti javelin systems
@@TheAlmightyPrime I doubt it lol
@@TheAlmightyPrime antijavelin system, is this another russian fairy tale? When the Russians write that it is an anti-Javelin system, they may mean a lock to prevent the crew from running away.
@@jonathanbelanger6574 it literally does a simple Google research should do it
@AlphaisPrime yes it has APS. But has that system been tested under battlefield conditions? Can it engage multiple targets, simultaneously? None of the video footage shown depicted the system defending against a top attack missile.
When you have thousands of tanks in your inventory, why would you produce thousands more if your stocks are still strong. If the need presented, production of the T14 would certainly ramp up.
Does it come with separate compartment for vodka ?
All the T-14 requires electronics to power it. The only problem is the embargo of the Western electronics.
Putting together an advanced tank isn't a problem, doing it reliably battleproven and massproduced for a real customer is another matter, which makes T-14 still useless.
It looks like a modern T-34
all today generation tanks are modern t-34, but armata is next gen, where gun and crew separated.
Rosja Rosja Rosja to potęga i rozsądek chwała Rosji i jej sojusznikom brawo Putin 💪🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪👍🇵🇱
russian say a lot, but the t14 has no proven records against tank battle, our any actual AT munitions.
Mad vlad might aswell use them, everything else used isnt helping him
Nice Russia
Those have plywood side
And 22 caliber as a machine gun 👌perfect 😂
Next up on "Things that will never be produced"
Why dont they send them to fight if there any good or are they scared
T-14 is 10 years late and looking at how events are, then we will not see it effectively used until 2030 or never.
It must suck being one of the countries that relied entirely on Russia for military equipment… you’ll be waiting a long damn time before they start honoring their contracts again, if ever 😂
Yup and our downpayment for 8 Mil 8 wasn't returned either. That's why we ordered Black Hawks instead
Russia has demonstrated zero problems honoring their contracts 😉
India is gonna be unhappy about this.
@@autismisyou I'm from India and Indian army is satisfied with Russian military hardwares. They are great, not garbage like USA makes. Literally the f35 is damm costly and didn't even got a feature that a normal fighter don't.
Well, you gotta hand it to the Russians. Nobody is better at composing weapon specs than them.
Has a vibe like the Nazi's "Wunderwaffen"
T-14 is like the obnoxious “friend” that makes all these absurd claims like “I met LeBron James once and we went to a huge party with thousands of super models”.
Этот танк уже стал мемом😂
Только для тех, кто занимается попрпшайничеством