How to Replace the Zipper on a Winter Coat

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 177

  • @BrianAnderson-ge1oo
    @BrianAnderson-ge1oo Год назад +7

    That's amazing, thank you.
    I'm 64 " year-old man in Scotland and love learning to sew. I used to hand sew in the navy. All your videos I will be watching.
    You explain everything so well.
    Thanks ❤😊

  • @02_twin79
    @02_twin79 Год назад +3

    Hello, just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for taking the time to put this video together. I had a jacket very similar to this one that you repaired and it also had a bad zipper. Well, I fancy myself to be a bit of a do-it-yourselfer so I decided to attempt replacing the zipper in my jacket. So, I bought a sewing machine, watched this video several times and now I have a perfectly fine jacket again. It is my favorite coat, so being able to use it again is good. I give you credit for doing this work for a living. It is time consuming and tedious LoL. Anyway, thank you again. Great tutorial.

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  Год назад +1

      Thanks so much for letting me know. I'm so glad it worked well! 🥰🥰🥰

  • @WalworthStumpjumper
    @WalworthStumpjumper Год назад +3

    Thank you. I have just replaced a broken zipper on my partner’s down jacket. Never done it before but with your video holding my hand it was much less daunting.

  • @Lendog22
    @Lendog22 Год назад +2

    Thanks for the details on zipper replacements. I just brought my moms sewing machine home that I grew up using and I have a pile of winter coats that are in great shape except the zippers.

  • @stephencarmichael5156
    @stephencarmichael5156 2 года назад +7

    Amen to your effort. We live in a throw away culture and you are showing folks how to repair fine jackets.

  • @janicesimmons2336
    @janicesimmons2336 Год назад +3

    Thank you so much. I'm the honorary jacket zipper replacement mom.

  • @melissaphillips5162
    @melissaphillips5162 4 года назад +19

    Thank you for this. My grands can be rough on zippers. You explained it so easily for me.

  • @nothingbutchaos8941
    @nothingbutchaos8941 4 года назад +9

    removing the plastic bits off the zipper is so satisfying

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  4 года назад +1

      Yes it is! Haha but a tooth flew into my daughter’s face so please be careful!

  • @milenaszymak8023
    @milenaszymak8023 2 года назад +2

    this demontration is perfection, im so thankful i found this video, thank you so much!!

  • @monicashivley8043
    @monicashivley8043 2 года назад +3

    The most helpful seamstress on the internet 💜

  • @1954evelyn
    @1954evelyn 4 года назад +8

    What a treat I LOVE you and your channel. Please keep making videos I love watching you do your work!!!

  • @meraladuli2171
    @meraladuli2171 4 года назад +14

    best seamstress on youtube!!!

  • @laanitabest8460
    @laanitabest8460 4 года назад +22

    I just found your channel and I love it! Your instructions are so detailed and understandable. Please continue making more videos! Thanks!

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  4 года назад +1

      Thank you so much, that’s incredibly kind! :))

    • @genawalter401
      @genawalter401 3 года назад +2

      I totally agree! You make the best informative videos!

    • @falbalalagauloise410
      @falbalalagauloise410 Год назад

      I just bought a 30 inch zipper.. cuz I couldnt find a 31 inch zipper.. I need to fix a zipper on a coat.. can I work with my 30 inch zipper even if the origina zipper on the coat is a 31 inch? @@DowntownTailoring

  • @allisonjoel1
    @allisonjoel1 3 года назад +2

    Brilliant video, clearly demonstrated throughout from srart to finish and you're still smiling at the end. Fabulous.

  • @Tigertame4
    @Tigertame4 Год назад

    You are amazing. I love how meticulus you are. I am planning to replace a coat zipper in my granddaughter's coat. Now I feel so much more confident.

  • @IMOO1896
    @IMOO1896 3 года назад +1

    I could watch you all day long!

  • @angiedavey1195
    @angiedavey1195 3 года назад +9

    Great video, stage by stage explanation. People often don't realise what is involved and how long it takes to remove the zipper to start with.👌

  • @mirandaryan6491
    @mirandaryan6491 Год назад

    Thank you, so much! In 2020 bought myself the very best quality winter coat I could afford. This winter the zipper stopped staying together. I really want to fix it because it is still so warm and beautiful.

  • @sewingmistakesunlimited
    @sewingmistakesunlimited 3 года назад +3

    Thank you! My zipper wasn't staying put. Now i can keep it in place. I have done zippers on new projects, but have never replaced a zipper. I couldn't figure out why it was moving. I was trying to do both layers at the same time.

  • @perpetualjon
    @perpetualjon 2 года назад +1

    Spectacular video! Bravo!! Very clear to understand. Well shot, and I LOVE your adorable accent! This tells me enough to be able to decide if I have the equipment and skills to try a zipper replacement myself or if it would be better to hand it off to a pro to replace. Thanks for this!!

  • @hunkosaurusrex
    @hunkosaurusrex 2 года назад +3

    I love this video. I know if I try this I will end up sewing it upside down and inside out. :)
    You make it look so easy and that is a great gift.
    All the best and thank you!

  • @shellyhansen5279
    @shellyhansen5279 9 месяцев назад

    It was interesting that you sewed the zipper to the lining first! I will have to try it that way next time. I just replaced two zippers. One in a jacket and one in a vest. I found the vest (a sports type vest) to be very difficult as it had an extra length of fabric sewn in along the side of the zipper placket. I had to try to figure out how it was added into the vest and sewn in first. Then I sewed in the zipper and then the lining last. It can be difficult to get both of sides to match up in the center.
    Thank you for your expertise of replacing the zipper.

  • @farmgirl8629
    @farmgirl8629 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this video and pointing out all the important parts to NOT mess up on! I am replacing a zipper in a coat for my brother.

  • @hollyfate1023
    @hollyfate1023 Год назад +1

    I LOVE your channel! The instructions you give are so easy to understand and and they make so much sense! Can we ask questions here too? Thank you for everything you do and please keep up the awesome work!

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  Год назад +1

      Thanks so much for watching 🥰 You can ask questions!

  • @TheLovelyMissBeans
    @TheLovelyMissBeans 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for rhe video. I've been a big chicken about learning to sew zippers. I'm gonna give it a go!
    The jacket looks good as new, but you blouse is GORGEOUS!!!

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  4 года назад +2

      Hahaha thank you so much! Let me know how it goes! :)

  • @gregjablunovsky841
    @gregjablunovsky841 Год назад +1

    Wow, I was able to do on my first try! Thanks much for the detailed instructions and insights to help me repair (and improve) a well-used jacket with an upgrade.

  • @billycalvo5348
    @billycalvo5348 2 года назад +1

    This looks like such a straight forward instruction. I'm a student at Houston Community College for sewing. I hope to be as skilled as you are. Thanks

  • @ladylady3992
    @ladylady3992 4 года назад +5

    Thank you! I really enjoy your videos. I think you're an amazing instructor! 👏

  • @cheriterry441
    @cheriterry441 4 года назад +1

    Best video I have seen so far! Thanks for posting!!!

  • @tommyreyes7033
    @tommyreyes7033 Год назад +1

    I can't believe it I fix my first zipper thank you 😂😂😂😂

  • @NDemanuele1
    @NDemanuele1 2 года назад +1

    You have such a pleasant voice! 🙂
    This is very helpful, but I need to replace a Zipper box. Maybe you have a video on this?

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  2 года назад +1

      Thanks so much! Currently I don't have a video about it. The zipper box can be replaced but it doesn't work all the time as this part is very abused. Amazon has some repair kits. Cheers 😊

    • @NDemanuele1
      @NDemanuele1 2 года назад

      @@DowntownTailoring Thanks! I already ordered some boxes from Amazon. I'm assuming I can just squeeze them on with a pliers?

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  2 года назад

      @@NDemanuele1 Yes! You can. But unfortunately this might be a temporary solution if the tape if the zipper is not in great condition. Good luck!

  • @hyselwatchandclockrepair1874
    @hyselwatchandclockrepair1874 Год назад +1

    You do awesome work and your instructions are very clear and helpful! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us! I appreciate it very much!

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  Год назад +2

      Thank you so much for watching 🥰

    • @reed6110
      @reed6110 Год назад

      @@DowntownTailoring the pleasure was all mine! My replacement zipper came in and now I am taking my work coat apart to do the replacement!

  • @babycakes8434
    @babycakes8434 Год назад

    Great tutorial, great explanation. I wish I could sew. Maybe one day I learn.
    "Tweedle nose pliers"? I thought that they were called needle nose pliers. English is my second language too.

  • @marilyn6068
    @marilyn6068 3 года назад +1

    Wish I had seen your video before I changed a zipper. I did not check the zipper pull....and sewed it on the wrong side. Could have cried! Had to remove the one side and start over. Lesson learned......the hard way.

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  3 года назад +1

      Oh mannnn, I’ve been through the same!! It’s the worst!

  • @laurnabrown2601
    @laurnabrown2601 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing this! You are an excellent tailor and I appreciate your sharing you expertise!!❤

  • @kimrosqvist5237
    @kimrosqvist5237 2 года назад +3

    Are you reusing the stopper that came on the new zipper when you shorten it or is that something I’d need to purchase separate if I’m planning on shortening the zipper?

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  2 года назад +1

      I'd suggest you to get the stoppers. I did reuse the same one but sometimes they break, they follow and get lost... You know they aren't trustworthy 😁

  • @mearis8133
    @mearis8133 2 года назад +1

    You make this look so easy! I'm going to try it. Thank you for your video.

  • @marthamurray9855
    @marthamurray9855 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much! You are a great instructor.

  • @lkgnfxng
    @lkgnfxng 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for posting! How much would something like this cost to have done?

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  2 года назад

      Thanks 🥰 From 50 to 100. Depending on the region. Cheers 🙂

  • @sveta4989
    @sveta4989 2 года назад +1

    Great job! But doesn’t Eddie Bower have a warranty for broken zippers?

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  2 года назад +2

      Yes. They do. But sometimes it's easier for my customers to bring their coats to me as the counterpart would be shipping it and wait, etc. Cheers! 🙂

    • @sveta4989
      @sveta4989 2 года назад

      @@DowntownTailoring you did great on your tutorial! I am actually waiting for a zipper from Amazon to replace it on my Dad’s jacket😅, and I am going to replay your video for step by step instructions again. Thanks!

  • @lisekonge
    @lisekonge Час назад

    Very good video, I had made my first zipper replace.. Thank you very must... Best regard Lise

  • @tjanecki
    @tjanecki 4 года назад +3

    LOVE your videos. Thank you!
    Is there a way to turn a one way zipper into a two way zipper by adding a slider? I prefer to unzip the bottom half of long coats when I am driving, but often long coats don"t have 2 way zippers. 😢

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  4 года назад +1

      Thank you so much! Yes, I know your struggle, very annoying. Unfortunately, there’s no way to fix that. Usually, when a coat has a one-way zipper, it has some vents at the sides or at the back that you can open to sit down comfortably!

  • @juliemaas8554
    @juliemaas8554 3 года назад +1

    Great demonstration and explanation. Thanks so much.

  • @tess2hearts124
    @tess2hearts124 Год назад

    Awesome, I ready to try on my husband's jacket..

  • @Huw_copyright
    @Huw_copyright 18 дней назад

    That's amazing ! A very informative video. Thank you for showing us this !

  • @cathymontowski1263
    @cathymontowski1263 Месяц назад

    Thank you, excellent video. Very helpful for my next project.

  • @deliaweber9220
    @deliaweber9220 4 года назад +2

    Another excellent tutorial!

  • @michaelsrowland
    @michaelsrowland 2 года назад +1

    There is a video similar to this on RUclips but she turns the jacket inside out before she unpick and removes the broken zip. Which way is easier/better? Her way or your way?

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  2 года назад +3

      I think the right answer is "however you feel better". I haven't seen this video, but my guess is that she/he prefer to use a seam ripper to open the zipper. In that case turning the coat will give you more comfortable access to the seam. In my case I use the blade, therefore you can do it from outside. Anyways, I've worked with many tailors and none of them turn the coat inside out. Maybe it isn't necessary. I hope this helps ❤

  • @francesmitchell4400
    @francesmitchell4400 3 года назад +1

    When the snaps are over the zipper how do you replace the zipper. Would love to you a video on it please and thank you

  • @mylighthouse888
    @mylighthouse888 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing this amazing video!
    Much gratitude to you for teaching us.
    Blessings of Benevolence and Abundance be upon you and your family.

  • @lisabrown2128
    @lisabrown2128 2 года назад

    Any chance you can do a video on winter jacket zipper replacement when the zipper has snaps on top of the zipper? I'm new to alterations and right now I'm sending people away when the snaps are on the jacket. I don't know what to do.

  • @Wilkins_Micawber
    @Wilkins_Micawber Год назад

    An exact copy of my coats zipper construction. Here goes!

  • @norwayaha900
    @norwayaha900 3 года назад +1

    where did you get the zipper stoppers? I did not know those could be replaced so the zipper does not come off the tract.

  • @littlecravings
    @littlecravings 4 года назад +2

    Excellent tutorial!!

  • @princessnelson9168
    @princessnelson9168 4 года назад +4

    Thank you!

  • @Liguorienne
    @Liguorienne 2 года назад

    This is excellent thank you for taking the time for this mini cours ❤

  • @kasiafieden184
    @kasiafieden184 Год назад

    Hi! I’m looking to purchase some Plastic zipper stoppers for separating zippers. I tried wawak and Amazon and they didn’t sell any! Only metal stoppers or Plastic non-separating stoppers. As a last attempt I wanted to message you and see if you had a lead! Thank you in advance!

  • @weeral1
    @weeral1 3 года назад +2

    That is a lot of work for someone like me who never sews.. so a good question I think, is... how much does this kind of thing cost to have a pro like you do it?

  • @munatellawi2794
    @munatellawi2794 3 года назад +1

    Great job...but what about the coat that has pressing buttons close to the zip..???

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  3 года назад

      Sorry for my late response. At the best, you can use a screwdriver to slightly open the snap and work around it. Or unfortunately, you'd need to remove it and place a new one. That might be a little complicated. 😔

    • @munatellawi2794
      @munatellawi2794 3 года назад

      @@DowntownTailoring don't worry..I know you are busy...thanks for your answer I ll try it...I appreciate 🤗🤗

  • @BenXimenez
    @BenXimenez 3 года назад +1

    I was planning on buying a expensive jacket, but it comes with a plastic zipper. What does it cost to add a new metal zipper to a Jacket? What should I be looking to pay for that work?

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  3 года назад +1

      Hi. I'd say around 50 to 70 CAD depending where you go. Cheers 🙂

  • @dianalieskovsky8729
    @dianalieskovsky8729 4 года назад +1

    Thank you your so good. Love your tutorials. Take care. 😉

  • @andyh7537
    @andyh7537 3 года назад +1

    Excellent work!

  • @marthagarcia9061
    @marthagarcia9061 10 месяцев назад

    I love your video:: you explained perfectly : thank you so much

  • @concettagaggiano3572
    @concettagaggiano3572 2 года назад

    How many this jacket I did 🤦‍♀️my gosh thank god now is your time to doing 😃👍good job👌

  • @annroche3762
    @annroche3762 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much what a brilliant video

  • @cathyjardine2957
    @cathyjardine2957 3 года назад

    Well done!! Thank you, this was very helpful

  • @franwilansky5019
    @franwilansky5019 Год назад

    excellent video . thanks now I have to try it.

  • @cheriterry441
    @cheriterry441 4 года назад

    What weight thread are you using to do the final stitches?

  • @ChaiShe1
    @ChaiShe1 2 года назад +1

    When sewing a zipper with lining, the main struggle is the bottom threads stitches is on the right place or not. Because obviously you can see the top stictches that you are sewing but not bottom. Even when you needle it might not become perfect. After a lot of experiences, I am better now but I can not sew it faster enough. I think the zipper sewing is the most difficult on sewing.

  • @tomadinolfi9165
    @tomadinolfi9165 3 года назад +1

    How about showing how to change a jacket zipper from left pull to right please

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  3 года назад

      Unfortunately, the whole zipper had to be removed and sew backwards. I'll make a video about it. Stay tuned.

  • @conniescheidecker3751
    @conniescheidecker3751 2 года назад

    Hi, What kind of sewing foot are you using?

  • @herrwarmduscher5204
    @herrwarmduscher5204 2 года назад

    Where is your store located?

  • @100bosmith
    @100bosmith 3 года назад

    Good video very helpful, thank you 😊

  • @seekingthestokewithneeks6640
    @seekingthestokewithneeks6640 2 года назад +1

    lol, what a coincidence.. i need to replace the failed zipper on my eddie bauer jacket too lol

  • @pretoriawinrightjenewari
    @pretoriawinrightjenewari 2 года назад

    How much do you charge to change the zipper

  • @Lola8691D
    @Lola8691D 19 дней назад

    Great job.

  • @rw3476
    @rw3476 Год назад

    Great video!

  • @munatellawi2794
    @munatellawi2794 3 года назад

    That is really very useful..thanks😍

  • @LycheeChudha
    @LycheeChudha 6 дней назад

    great job

  • @LoveGuruBlaire
    @LoveGuruBlaire Год назад

    How do I just replace the zipper thing that goes up and down?

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  Год назад

      Hi! This video might help youвидео.html
      Cheers 😊

  • @dorothykennedy9529
    @dorothykennedy9529 2 года назад

    Exelent love your teachings

  • @clothingalterations
    @clothingalterations 2 года назад

    Great idea

  • @andriedemetriou3113
    @andriedemetriou3113 Год назад

    Two ways zipper. Bottom stoppers need renewal. Help!

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  Год назад

      Hi! In this case I would replace the whole zipper. Cheers 😊

  • @kattysjunkshop
    @kattysjunkshop 3 года назад

    thank you very awesome video !!

  • @gus2333
    @gus2333 3 года назад

    Do you have an allergy with goose feathers ??? When I change my jackets from zipper and they are made of goose down I get an allergy.

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  3 года назад

      I don’t get an allergic reaction, but I’ve heard about people getting reactions from feathers. Maybe try contacting an immunologist? It could be scary if you make contact with furniture made like this so it’s good to be aware of it!

    • @gus2333
      @gus2333 3 года назад +1

      @@DowntownTailoring 👍

  • @celesterode
    @celesterode 2 года назад

    Wow thanks so much

  • @johnkruton9708
    @johnkruton9708 17 дней назад

    Right side pull is usually men’s in USA and left pull is women jackets. At least in my experience

  • @suaquanaohienthuong
    @suaquanaohienthuong 2 года назад

    Em thích công việc tuyệt vời này. Cảm ơn chị

  • @dewuknowofHyMn
    @dewuknowofHyMn 2 года назад

    Ypu make it look very easy.....
    Still dont like to put zippers in.....🤪🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  • @tuulavenalainen6638
    @tuulavenalainen6638 3 года назад

    How do you replace a zipper in winter coat's pocket?

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  3 года назад +1

      Yes. It's a tad different. We will have to make a video on it. Stay tuned 😉

  • @antn8387
    @antn8387 2 года назад

    like a pro

  • @hunkosaurusrex
    @hunkosaurusrex 2 года назад

    3:51 Sounds like frogs in the background.

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  2 года назад +1

      😭😭😭 I think is me breathing on the microphone! 🎤 🤣 😂 😆

    • @hunkosaurusrex
      @hunkosaurusrex 2 года назад

      @@DowntownTailoring Haha. So sorry. I thought it was cute though.

  • @gamesmoney1025
    @gamesmoney1025 Год назад

    Yea going to a Taylor is too expensive.

  • @marksteven3534
    @marksteven3534 2 года назад

    She has the tweedle - nose pliers.

  • @ifndontcare69
    @ifndontcare69 2 года назад

    needle nose pliers, not tweedle nose pliers

  • @lupitavallejo4778
    @lupitavallejo4778 3 года назад

    You need to get near you're camera please and thanks

  • @raechelyndawn2580
    @raechelyndawn2580 3 года назад

    Please don't show people how to remove a zipper with a razor blade! 😳. That is really dangerous! There is an item called a "seam ripper" that is much safer!!!

    • @DowntownTailoring
      @DowntownTailoring  3 года назад

      Ohhh I'm sorry but a seam ripper just isn't realistic for this job. This is an advanced alteration that would take FOREVER to do with one. However, if someone feels more comfortable with a seam ripped and also has the time, they can definitely use one!! Cheers:))

    • @donnahostasch6439
      @donnahostasch6439 3 года назад

      I couldn't imagine removing a coat zipper with a normal seam ripper. I use an Exacto knife for most of my 'unsewing' jobs. Just be careful and put it out of reach if there are kids around.
      Also, I use my lint roller to remove the tiny threads after ripping out.
      I love your channel; I wish it was available when I had my sewing business.💃

    • @RubberMony
      @RubberMony 2 года назад +1

      I don't think you even sew, do you? Seam rippers would never work for this!

  • @astroboirap
    @astroboirap 2 года назад

    i wnant curry now