I don't think we all understand how close we are losing some of this history. Without people like Scott having his channel, Climo showing up on air at tournaments or having that smoking session with that local hippie at your course. I legitimately love getting to know more about the history of the sport. It wasn't exactly documented well. Thank you Mr. Stokely.
Im a La Mirada boy from '78 to '84. Dan Mangone sold Wham-O from his car, then a trailer, where he ran events, sold disc, snacks and drinks. He ran it all: Worlds, The Open, Ultimate, DDC. He mentored Sam Ferris and many others. His daughter now runs "Discovering the World". When Wham-O broke up he got the rights to the 81 mold, the DDC/Escape disc of choice. HOF Dan the Man Mangone
That truck at the 1:35 mark was my first "Pro Shop", but it was 2002, quite a bit after Midnight Flyers were available. Thanks for including me in the OG catagory.
I first played in 1979 and played until about 1982. Me and my friend went to TG&Y and bought several Whamo Frisbees in different weights. We each had about 14 Frisbees. I started playing again last year and discovered dg is a whole new sport. I wish i had never stopped.
My buddies and I started playing with Frisbees in '83. Once I found real golf discs a few years later, none of them seemed to want to play with me anymore.
@ronjones-6977 Sometimes, I wish I had my old Frisbees to throwjust for odd-times' sake. When I tell young people about what I used to throw I can tell by the look on their face they have no idea what I'm talking about. Many will say, "like Ultimate frisbees?"
Same here, kind of. My friends and I started playing disc golf in 1972 with three Wham-O molds: a Master as our driver, a 141g midrange and a 119g for putting. On the fly object oriented courses.. great times.
I still have a super domed cobra from the early 90s with the Discovering the World Stamp on it in mint condition in the stacks... I remember combing through his stock looking for those back then.
Bought my first disc, a DX Eagle from a comic book store in Dubuque, IA in 2001. I had no clue what disc golf was but a friend recommended I get one so we could go to the local course (Vets Park) and play. Glad I did 😊
Thanks for this trip down memory lane, Scott. I first started in the early 00's and play it again was my local supplier. Another aspect that people take for granted is actually knowing how the disc is supposed to fly. We'd browse the racks and see all these cool looking discs, but have NO clue what they were supposed to do. There were basic charts on the wall showing how certain discs were supposed to fly (flight numbers on the chart but who knew what those meant?). Of course, none of the discs on the chart matched the ones on the racks. It was always an exercise of picking out which looked cool and then going out to the course to unravel the mysteries what we just bought. That's how I discovered and fell in love with the Orc (purely bought from my LOTR affinity).
I bought my first golf disc in 1984 (I think) out of the trunk of a guy names Wayne's car in the parking lot at Huntington Beach Central Park. Thanks for the trip down memory lane :)
I remember it well Scott. The only way I found out about new discs is when I saw Brent Hambrick out at the course. I remember when Brent showed us the Aero when it first came out. It added so much distance to our throw. There was also a guy around named Rick (?) that would sell discs out of his trunk. That was back in the early 1980's. It's almost unbelievable how far disc technology has come. I found out about Discovering the World years after I started.
I was the go-to guy selling Jan Sobel's, Destiny Disc...Puppies and Super Puppies, at Oak Grove Park, around 1981-82. I used to sit on the bench at Hole 1 and sell dozens per day out of a cardboard box. $8 each. If you broke it, I was instructed by Jan to replace it. The discs often were quite heavy..some over 200 grams...and they did break, particularly if they hit a tree hard enough. Sales reached approximately 800 units. I even sold a Puppy to a young woman who then became my girlfriend for about 6 months...
I started playing here in Tulsa in 95/96. There was a bicycle shop near Riverside Park, where there is a course, they sold a handful of discs on a single rack inside the shop. That's where I got my first several discs.
I first played in high school in 1976, 165 g frisbees, red X's on trees. For anyone who has not read Scott's book I highly recommend it, rich in history and development of the competitive game. He's got great insight into other matters as well. I am not connected to him in any way except as a consumer. He's never shy about asking for your business, and I think he earns it.
My favorite disc golf store was Clearwater disc golf . The owner started out as the guy selling discs at courses . They would let me behind the counter to search through the rare discs . It was like a treasure hunt . There’s something magic about older discs .
It's always fascinating to hear you tell about the history of our sport 😊 It's also amazing how discs got to Finland and other countries when there were no retailers or online stores where you could get them
I got into the game late enough to see them listed on the PDGA website, but actually finding them was a different story. Printing off directions from MapQuest that would get you close, but still had to search around. Basically when the neighborhood started to look bad, you knew you were getting close 😂
Scott, this is a fantastic video! Thank you for your efforts to document and preserve the history of our game! There's so much knowledge locked up in peoples' heads, and even when we have the physical items to see and/or touch, the context is what makes it relevant. Lemon Lakes County Park in Indiana (which has 5 different courses on it and hosted worlds in 2010 and 2013) has a neat little disc golf museum inside the pro shop there. But, sadly, there's not much in the way of plaques or descriptions. So, they have all these neat artifacts from over the years, but without the stories they lose their meaning. (as an aside, that's also the one place I've seen disc golf DVDs, and a pretty comprehensive collection besides, for sale!). It'd be neat for someone that knows what the heck some of that stuff is to fill in some detail! As for my first buying experience... Honestly, I feel like it's a bit of a throwback experience after watching this! I'm a "Class of COVID" player, which is to say I started in 2020. I played a round with some friends that were introduced to the game by friends of theirs, and I borrowed a couple of discs. We decided to go to another park nearby that google told us had disc golf, and when we arrived there was a guy set up at the picnic table by Hole 1 with a hockey bag full of discs for sale. I had no idea what anything was or did, so I thumbed through, found a few that looked cool, and bought them. Turned out I made two of the worst choices a new player could make: A Heimburg Destroyer, a champion Gator, and a Wizard. (After the round, he was still there, and I asked him if he had something that'd go straight instead of left. I bought a Westside Queen from him, and that turned out to be a great buy for me!) It wasn't until I'd already been playing for a few months before I got to see a shop full of golf discs, thanks to pandemic lockdowns. When I did, it was a bit overwhelming. All these numbers written on them seemed like an ancient language, a zillion names and colors and plastics... It was a super cool process of discovery, and based on my little pandemic-enforced glimpse of life without retail, I can only imagine what it was like back in the time!
That's cool. Thanks for sharing. The good thing about this sport, is you need several discs. So pro shops are in direct competition with the manufacturer, but also not because many of us have open bags and will buy from multiple different manufacturers. So we will either buy at a pro shop or an online pro shop.
I started playing in 1990, and in north TX discs were only available at Oshman's sporting goods store (Innova discs like the Aviar, Roc, Cobra and Scorpion) or out of someone's trunk. By the mid 90s local headshops The Gas Pipe and a couple gas stations sold limited stock. It wasn't until Play It Again Sports arrived later that we had a decent selection of brands and models to choose from along with used discs and accessories like Wall City bags. Trunk sales lasted well into the 2000s as I bought MVP's first putter the Ion in 2010 while at a course in Fort Worth.
I remember that I bought 100 cyclones directly from Discraft probably in 1994 with a friend who played and we kept the ones we liked and traded or sold the others. I still have 3-4 of them and use them.
I think Fred's Liquor Store in Oklahoma City became a convenience store but kept selling discs and was my first disc shop in the late 90s/early 2000s. Interesting to see it has historical meaning in the disc golf world.
One of the oldest stories I have heard about buying golf discs was of particular individuals investing in bulk discs, and selling them out of the back of their cars, much like the image you used. Some of the same energies still exist, like investing on batches of discs custom stamped, or even made in general.
Stories from Arden Lee Carter Jr. Yoseman. The first disc I ever found I was about 6-7 years old in Portland Oregon, found an OG Cyclone. Black with a yellow stamp. Many years later, seeing discs in a comic book store. The momentum progresses as I reach 16 years old, Speed & Ollie's was where I bought my first disc. A 12x KC Pro Roc.
My first golf disc was a Wham-O black golf disc bought sometime in the 1980's. Did not really play untill the mid 90's when I was living in Arlington TX and started playing at Veterans Park around 93 or 94, bought most of my discs at the Gas Pipe or a C-store near Veterans and the C-Store had Wall City bags so I bought one, always stopped there on the way to go throw to pick up some Gatorade and snacks. The Gas Pipe carried Innova's and Lightening got my highlighter pink SR-71 there and which was one of my favorite drivers along with Innova Cheetah. Man those were the days.
In Canton, Ohio Quonset Hut a "real store" featured golf discs, sponsored events, promoted the sports way early. The owner Mark Kratzer who unfortunately passed away was on this year's ballot for Ohio Disc Golf Hall of Fame.
Stokely, first off I'm loving the Penang shirt. Still wanna see you join us in Taiwan. Speaking of TPE...your story is a lot like the situation here. We can get what's offered on Amazon (limited to what ships here) and from friends who make a trip out of the island and back. Or at the local tournaments they have a limited assortment. Beyond that it's play with what you got. I started in MT in 1999. Got two credits of disc golf on my UofM transcript. Haha Back then there was some dude had a shop in his garage in Missoula. When I transferred to Portland State there used to be a dude selling discs off his hotdog cart at one of the courses there. Then a shop opened downtown, I think it was Huk labs?...and it was a game changer. Listening to the founders and people who started and played early in this sport has been fascinating. Again, come to Taiwan. Hahaha. We've got two permanent courses here in Taiwan. 13 baskets at Xinhai Park in new Taipei city, north of the island. These were installed by an older Taiwanese player in the early 90s or late 80s I believe. We've got a second course in Kaohsiung (south the island) at the world games stadium. Beyond that there's a twdga that does a monthly tournament and has their own baskets. They set up different locations each month or people like me and my friends, we have a few baskets and we go out in groups and take turns carrying the basket to a different hole each time. For the love of disc golf!
When I walked into my first pro shop the hair raised on my neck. I didn't realize the flame that would ignite inside of me. "Why is their not a store in my hometown?" I was so impressed with an actual disc golf store that I fixed the problem myself. 😂
I cannot wait to receive my cardinal from you, cant wait to dye it. It fits a missing spot in my bag i think and i love trying out new manufacturers. I have tried doomsday discs and trash panda, got a disc ordered from goliath discs, got a disc on the way from sacred as well. Happy to support you and other small disc golf companies.
Discovering The World ('76) and The Wright Life ('81) were the best. I bought my first disc out of some cranky old dude's trunk around '85-'86. Little did I know, that pain in the ass would become a multiple-time World Champ. Thanks, Jim Oates!
I remember walking into a disc store near Kalamazoo Michigan in 1991. The clerk pointed me towards the hottest new disc to grace the shelves; the innova Viper. It was a hot item because it was "overstable" whatever that meant so scooped one up while I could to find out. Like another comment said numbers were vague you sorta picked the coolest disc and went out to unravel it's mysteries. It was yeah, totally overstable. Then I discovered the Discraft Typhoon and a whole new level of distance potential and disc durability presented itself. Best local seller guy disc buy: Red Discraft Flash 171g😢
Hey Scott I used to run the Mungazine store at oak grove enjoyed the walk down amnesia lane joking I remember playing money rounds with you at oak grove and the rest of the oak grove crew i helped mark run the wintertime open anyway nothing like reliving great times at the grove
When I started to play disc golf was during the 80ties in Sweden. The only way to order real disc golf disc was mail order from the States. Calling or faxing the order .Then sent with postal and sometimes got stuck in customs. We were kids and did grouporders in the club. It was really exciting but slow. Good for the clubs community.
Pretty sure I bought my first 3 disc starter pack from a disc golf pro shop in 1999 for $24.99. Fairway Flyers in Roseville MN. (No longer in business). Many gas stations around here started selling them too.
in 2003 I only heard of Play It again sports selling disc golf discs by going in Madison WI in 1990's before I moved to Pierre (Pier) South Dakota end of 2000 in one of the oldest possibly the original Play it again sports looking for a used Karate advanced uniform in a very old PIAS that had some rare discs even for era like non PDGA Dimple From Desteny Disc new in box and an early Blowfly/Gumput before was worlds floppiest disc in mid 1990's thinking discs were for practice Discus for working on form becuse a bunch of indoor rubber discus were right next to a row of Disc Golf Discs New row of racks and a used single rack. Now I got to go to Gotta Go Gotta Throw in 2004 near Omaha park in Rapid City back when course still had old wide diameter Frisbee style Disc Bastkes Made by hand in 1980 by a guy who was still as a 60 almost 70 year old playing in MP 40/Masters at time and coming in top 3 in B tier events or lower at the time. soon aftar in 2003 our local sports place sold Innova and Millenium discs first selling a bunch of Lighing #2 drivers in Prostyle and I have 166 grams when new disc in my bag as an approach and up hill down hill putter. If I lost said disc I would be looking for a soft Pro D Maybe Jawbreaker Focus or some similar mold in a bouncy plastic. Now My Dad one of firs real items bought on e-Bay was a used Supreme Juju in 2005 when a friend on his land and his nearby friends built a disc golf course and tried a friends Mojo only my dad waning deeper and softer nearly lid disc as my dad was using a Rhyno he had to Mash in on putts or float a wizard as a putter. We had Bought some discs from Clearwater Discs and from Gota Go Gota Throw before for a new DX Stingray in weight I waned before I found disc at 175 grams was not great in winds past 5mph as I waned a DX stingray or replacing a Dsic I lost early on in firs month of playing on poor sign course from 1995 now gone in Pierre (Pier) as was made in a park was so crowded and course was so easy even using a free promoional toy disc under 50 grams course was parable.
I’d go to the local bike shop and there would be 50 discs available. 90% of the time I picked the disc I was going to buy based on color and stamp design. Lol.
I don't think we all understand how close we are losing some of this history. Without people like Scott having his channel, Climo showing up on air at tournaments or having that smoking session with that local hippie at your course.
I legitimately love getting to know more about the history of the sport. It wasn't exactly documented well. Thank you Mr. Stokely.
Yes, but in some cases a local place had an early Ed Hendrick type for disc golf like one guy in Rapid City who created Omaha park.
If history was really “lost” then discgolf would cease to exist.
Im a La Mirada boy from '78 to '84. Dan Mangone sold Wham-O from his car, then a trailer, where he ran events, sold disc, snacks and drinks. He ran it all: Worlds, The Open, Ultimate, DDC. He mentored Sam Ferris and many others. His daughter now runs "Discovering the World". When Wham-O broke up he got the rights to the 81 mold, the DDC/Escape disc of choice.
HOF Dan the Man Mangone
That truck at the 1:35 mark was my first "Pro Shop", but it was 2002, quite a bit after Midnight Flyers were available. Thanks for including me in the OG catagory.
I first played in 1979 and played until about 1982. Me and my friend went to TG&Y and bought several Whamo Frisbees in different weights. We each had about 14 Frisbees. I started playing again last year and discovered dg is a whole new sport. I wish i had never stopped.
My buddies and I started playing with Frisbees in '83. Once I found real golf discs a few years later, none of them seemed to want to play with me anymore.
@ronjones-6977 Sometimes, I wish I had my old Frisbees to throwjust for odd-times' sake. When I tell young people about what I used to throw I can tell by the look on their face they have no idea what I'm talking about. Many will say, "like Ultimate frisbees?"
Same here, kind of. My friends and I started playing disc golf in 1972 with three Wham-O molds: a Master as our driver, a 141g midrange and a 119g for putting. On the fly object oriented courses.. great times.
I still have a super domed cobra from the early 90s with the Discovering the World Stamp on it in mint condition in the stacks... I remember combing through his stock looking for those back then.
I could spend hours listening to you tell stories, man! If anyone hasn't already listened to Growing Up Disc Golf, I highly recommend it.
Bought my first disc, a DX Eagle from a comic book store in Dubuque, IA in 2001. I had no clue what disc golf was but a friend recommended I get one so we could go to the local course (Vets Park) and play. Glad I did 😊
Thanks for this trip down memory lane, Scott. I first started in the early 00's and play it again was my local supplier. Another aspect that people take for granted is actually knowing how the disc is supposed to fly. We'd browse the racks and see all these cool looking discs, but have NO clue what they were supposed to do. There were basic charts on the wall showing how certain discs were supposed to fly (flight numbers on the chart but who knew what those meant?). Of course, none of the discs on the chart matched the ones on the racks. It was always an exercise of picking out which looked cool and then going out to the course to unravel the mysteries what we just bought. That's how I discovered and fell in love with the Orc (purely bought from my LOTR affinity).
I bought my first golf disc in 1984 (I think) out of the trunk of a guy names Wayne's car in the parking lot at Huntington Beach Central Park. Thanks for the trip down memory lane :)
I remember it well Scott. The only way I found out about new discs is when I saw Brent Hambrick out at the course. I remember when Brent showed us the Aero when it first came out. It added so much distance to our throw. There was also
a guy around named Rick (?) that would sell discs out of his trunk. That was back in the early 1980's. It's almost unbelievable
how far disc technology has come. I found out about Discovering the World years after I started.
I was the go-to guy selling Jan Sobel's, Destiny Disc...Puppies and Super Puppies, at Oak Grove Park, around 1981-82. I used to sit on the bench at Hole 1 and sell dozens per day out of a cardboard box. $8 each. If you broke it, I was instructed by Jan to replace it. The discs often were quite heavy..some over 200 grams...and they did break, particularly if they hit a tree hard enough. Sales reached approximately 800 units. I even sold a Puppy to a young woman who then became my girlfriend for about 6 months...
Scam artists. Dude at our park in 2024 sells for only $10 a disc.
I started playing here in Tulsa in 95/96. There was a bicycle shop near Riverside Park, where there is a course, they sold a handful of discs on a single rack inside the shop. That's where I got my first several discs.
I first played in high school in 1976, 165 g frisbees, red X's on trees. For anyone who has not read Scott's book I highly recommend it, rich in history and development of the competitive game. He's got great insight into other matters as well. I am not connected to him in any way except as a consumer. He's never shy about asking for your business, and I think he earns it.
My favorite disc golf store was Clearwater disc golf . The owner started out as the guy selling discs at courses . They would let me behind the counter to search through the rare discs . It was like a treasure hunt . There’s something magic about older discs .
It's always fascinating to hear you tell about the history of our sport 😊 It's also amazing how discs got to Finland and other countries when there were no retailers or online stores where you could get them
Also had to hunt courses by calling individual parks and recreation departments to inquire if they had a course
I got into the game late enough to see them listed on the PDGA website, but actually finding them was a different story. Printing off directions from MapQuest that would get you close, but still had to search around. Basically when the neighborhood started to look bad, you knew you were getting close 😂
Always love to hear you talk about the history Scott
Scott, this is a fantastic video! Thank you for your efforts to document and preserve the history of our game! There's so much knowledge locked up in peoples' heads, and even when we have the physical items to see and/or touch, the context is what makes it relevant. Lemon Lakes County Park in Indiana (which has 5 different courses on it and hosted worlds in 2010 and 2013) has a neat little disc golf museum inside the pro shop there. But, sadly, there's not much in the way of plaques or descriptions. So, they have all these neat artifacts from over the years, but without the stories they lose their meaning. (as an aside, that's also the one place I've seen disc golf DVDs, and a pretty comprehensive collection besides, for sale!). It'd be neat for someone that knows what the heck some of that stuff is to fill in some detail!
As for my first buying experience... Honestly, I feel like it's a bit of a throwback experience after watching this! I'm a "Class of COVID" player, which is to say I started in 2020. I played a round with some friends that were introduced to the game by friends of theirs, and I borrowed a couple of discs. We decided to go to another park nearby that google told us had disc golf, and when we arrived there was a guy set up at the picnic table by Hole 1 with a hockey bag full of discs for sale. I had no idea what anything was or did, so I thumbed through, found a few that looked cool, and bought them. Turned out I made two of the worst choices a new player could make: A Heimburg Destroyer, a champion Gator, and a Wizard. (After the round, he was still there, and I asked him if he had something that'd go straight instead of left. I bought a Westside Queen from him, and that turned out to be a great buy for me!)
It wasn't until I'd already been playing for a few months before I got to see a shop full of golf discs, thanks to pandemic lockdowns. When I did, it was a bit overwhelming. All these numbers written on them seemed like an ancient language, a zillion names and colors and plastics... It was a super cool process of discovery, and based on my little pandemic-enforced glimpse of life without retail, I can only imagine what it was like back in the time!
That's cool. Thanks for sharing. The good thing about this sport, is you need several discs. So pro shops are in direct competition with the manufacturer, but also not because many of us have open bags and will buy from multiple different manufacturers. So we will either buy at a pro shop or an online pro shop.
Love hearing about the history of our sport . I’m really thankful I discovered it before it grew this big .
I started playing in 1990, and in north TX discs were only available at Oshman's sporting goods store (Innova discs like the Aviar, Roc, Cobra and Scorpion) or out of someone's trunk. By the mid 90s local headshops The Gas Pipe and a couple gas stations sold limited stock. It wasn't until Play It Again Sports arrived later that we had a decent selection of brands and models to choose from along with used discs and accessories like Wall City bags. Trunk sales lasted well into the 2000s as I bought MVP's first putter the Ion in 2010 while at a course in Fort Worth.
I remember that I bought 100 cyclones directly from Discraft probably in 1994 with a friend who played and we kept the ones we liked and traded or sold the others. I still have 3-4 of them and use them.
I think Fred's Liquor Store in Oklahoma City became a convenience store but kept selling discs and was my first disc shop in the late 90s/early 2000s. Interesting to see it has historical meaning in the disc golf world.
thanks for the history lesson. super cool and very important
One of the oldest stories I have heard about buying golf discs was of particular individuals investing in bulk discs, and selling them out of the back of their cars, much like the image you used. Some of the same energies still exist, like investing on batches of discs custom stamped, or even made in general.
Stories from Arden Lee Carter Jr. Yoseman. The first disc I ever found I was about 6-7 years old in Portland Oregon, found an OG Cyclone. Black with a yellow stamp. Many years later, seeing discs in a comic book store. The momentum progresses as I reach 16 years old, Speed & Ollie's was where I bought my first disc. A 12x KC Pro Roc.
I love the history content ! Thanks 🙏🏽
My first golf disc was a Wham-O black golf disc bought sometime in the 1980's. Did not really play untill the mid 90's when I was living in Arlington TX and started playing at Veterans Park around 93 or 94, bought most of my discs at the Gas Pipe or a C-store near Veterans and the C-Store had Wall City bags so I bought one, always stopped there on the way to go throw to pick up some Gatorade and snacks. The Gas Pipe carried Innova's and Lightening got my highlighter pink SR-71 there and which was one of my favorite drivers along with Innova Cheetah. Man those were the days.
Fantastic. Took notes. Great overview. Spin Pro Discs.
In Canton, Ohio Quonset Hut a "real store" featured golf discs, sponsored events, promoted the sports way early.
The owner Mark Kratzer who unfortunately passed away was on this year's ballot for Ohio Disc Golf Hall of Fame.
Stokely, first off I'm loving the Penang shirt. Still wanna see you join us in Taiwan.
Speaking of TPE...your story is a lot like the situation here. We can get what's offered on Amazon (limited to what ships here) and from friends who make a trip out of the island and back. Or at the local tournaments they have a limited assortment.
Beyond that it's play with what you got.
I started in MT in 1999. Got two credits of disc golf on my UofM transcript. Haha
Back then there was some dude had a shop in his garage in Missoula.
When I transferred to Portland State there used to be a dude selling discs off his hotdog cart at one of the courses there.
Then a shop opened downtown, I think it was Huk labs?...and it was a game changer.
Listening to the founders and people who started and played early in this sport has been fascinating.
Again, come to Taiwan. Hahaha.
We've got two permanent courses here in Taiwan. 13 baskets at Xinhai Park in new Taipei city, north of the island.
These were installed by an older Taiwanese player in the early 90s or late 80s I believe.
We've got a second course in Kaohsiung (south the island) at the world games stadium.
Beyond that there's a twdga that does a monthly tournament and has their own baskets. They set up different locations each month or people like me and my friends, we have a few baskets and we go out in groups and take turns carrying the basket to a different hole each time.
For the love of disc golf!
I would love to travel to Taiwan on my next trip abroad! Please message me on Instagram or FB.
Thank you for sharing! This is awesome.
Lowell Shields Ray Seik Ralphy Williamson...always had the goods
When I walked into my first pro shop the hair raised on my neck.
I didn't realize the flame that would ignite inside of me. "Why is their not a store in my hometown?"
I was so impressed with an actual disc golf store that I fixed the problem myself. 😂
I cannot wait to receive my cardinal from you, cant wait to dye it. It fits a missing spot in my bag i think and i love trying out new manufacturers. I have tried doomsday discs and trash panda, got a disc ordered from goliath discs, got a disc on the way from sacred as well. Happy to support you and other small disc golf companies.
My first purchase was at into the wind on pearl street. Innova puma
Discovering The World ('76) and The Wright Life ('81) were the best. I bought my first disc out of some cranky old dude's trunk around '85-'86. Little did I know, that pain in the ass would become a multiple-time World Champ. Thanks, Jim Oates!
Jim was kinda cranky wasn't he? RIIILEYYY!!! good times..
@@rileymanderscheid9805 Kindly refer to me as Mr. State Champion Sir from now on.
I bought a CE teebird at a liquor store by oak grove back in the day
Saraland pharmacy 18:48 we have over 3000 disc instock
I remember walking into a disc store near Kalamazoo Michigan in 1991. The clerk pointed me towards the hottest new disc to grace the shelves; the innova Viper. It was a hot item because it was "overstable" whatever that meant so scooped one up while I could to find out. Like another comment said numbers were vague you sorta picked the coolest disc and went out to unravel it's mysteries. It was yeah, totally overstable. Then I discovered the Discraft Typhoon and a whole new level of distance potential and disc durability presented itself.
Best local seller guy disc buy: Red Discraft Flash 171g😢
Is that Kayak Point’s pro shop in the beginning??
Hey Scott I used to run the Mungazine store at oak grove enjoyed the walk down amnesia lane joking I remember playing money rounds with you at oak grove and the rest of the oak grove crew i helped mark run the wintertime open anyway nothing like reliving great times at the grove
Very accurately described.
When I started to play disc golf was during the 80ties in Sweden. The only way to order real disc golf disc was mail order from the States. Calling or faxing the order .Then sent with postal and sometimes got stuck in customs. We were kids and did grouporders in the club. It was really exciting but slow. Good for the clubs community.
I cant even remember how we paid. I guess it was super complicated.
Is that Kayak pro shop at the beginning??
Sure looks like it
Hey Scott!!!!
I bought cardinal and wren love them for me
Pretty sure I bought my first 3 disc starter pack from a disc golf pro shop in 1999 for $24.99. Fairway Flyers in Roseville MN. (No longer in business). Many gas stations around here started selling them too.
It may have been a different pro shop but I did get many discs from there in the early 2000's.
in 2003 I only heard of Play It again sports selling disc golf discs by going in Madison WI in 1990's before I moved to Pierre (Pier) South Dakota end of 2000 in one of the oldest possibly the original Play it again sports looking for a used Karate advanced uniform in a very old PIAS that had some rare discs even for era like non PDGA Dimple From Desteny Disc new in box and an early Blowfly/Gumput before was worlds floppiest disc in mid 1990's thinking discs were for practice Discus for working on form becuse a bunch of indoor rubber discus were right next to a row of Disc Golf Discs New row of racks and a used single rack.
Now I got to go to Gotta Go Gotta Throw in 2004 near Omaha park in Rapid City back when course still had old wide diameter Frisbee style Disc Bastkes Made by hand in 1980 by a guy who was still as a 60 almost 70 year old playing in MP 40/Masters at time and coming in top 3 in B tier events or lower at the time. soon aftar in 2003 our local sports place sold Innova and Millenium discs first selling a bunch of Lighing #2 drivers in Prostyle and I have 166 grams when new disc in my bag as an approach and up hill down hill putter. If I lost said disc I would be looking for a soft Pro D Maybe Jawbreaker Focus or some similar mold in a bouncy plastic.
Now My Dad one of firs real items bought on e-Bay was a used Supreme Juju in 2005 when a friend on his land and his nearby friends built a disc golf course and tried a friends Mojo only my dad waning deeper and softer nearly lid disc as my dad was using a Rhyno he had to Mash in on putts or float a wizard as a putter. We had Bought some discs from Clearwater Discs and from Gota Go Gota Throw before for a new DX Stingray in weight I waned before I found disc at 175 grams was not great in winds past 5mph as I waned a DX stingray or replacing a Dsic I lost early on in firs month of playing on poor sign course from 1995 now gone in Pierre (Pier) as was made in a park was so crowded and course was so easy even using a free promoional toy disc under 50 grams course was parable.
This is great, little history lesson.
Shot out GGGT.
GGGT started in 1993.
I’d go to the local bike shop and there would be 50 discs available. 90% of the time I picked the disc I was going to buy based on color and stamp design. Lol.
Good ol Bill