ЖИРНЫЙ ПЛЮС! Автор красавец. 👍 Удобный и необходимый гаджет в хозяйстве. Рассказал и показал так, что любая домохозяйка, умеющая держать в руках паяльник, сделает. РЕСПЕКТ!👍👍👍
FAT PLUS! The author is handsome.👍 A convenient and necessary gadget in the household. He told me and showed me what any housewife who knows how to hold a soldering iron in her hands will do. RESPECT!👍👍👍
@@polosa777 мне помогло проверить номинал смд кондёров более точнее, чем без этой штуки. Тем же мультиком. Показания не совсем точные у мультика были. Запили видос с батарейкой, посмотрим. Может ты и прав, проверим.
Keep in mind that these LED lamp drivers are not galvanically isolated. It's just a rectifier with a switch mode DC to DC constant current regulator. You can get an electric shock out of that because all that stands between you and the live wire could be just a diode (depending on how you connect this to the mains).
Agree, but how do you think the transformer with the same number of turns in coils (for example 220 ~ 220) will decide the problem of the absence of galvanic isolation?
@@Amy_Price Yes, it's possible to use isolation transformer. The problem is that not everyone has one, and this isn't shown in the video to begin with. Otherwise it can be used to render this safe, as galvanic isolation is the one and only reason isolation transformers exist at all.
Никогда не повторяйте это дома. Драйвер от LED лампы не имеет гальванической развязки от розетки. И провода за которые этот чудик так энергично хватается руками, находятся под напряжением.
И что ? А гальванически развязанные не находятся под напряжением? Убивает ток, а не напряжение ! А ничего , что у него резистор стоит на 39 кОм ? Конечно не стоит с такой лабудой хвататься за батареи и прочие провода и ни чего не будет , а если вилку четко включать ,соблюдая фазу и ноль, то и за батареи и трубы можно хватать . А вам точно не стоит связываться с любым электричеством , с такими понятиями ,только батарейка и то одна, она точно развязана.
Ну всякое может быть для внутренней цепи может безопасно, вдруг летом потный и голый и и земляной пол в гараже не все же дома могут и все не убьет но нервную систему потрепает.
MihaiTeSla мокрый , потный, с босыми пятками и стоя в луже , ещё и языком можно случайно зацепиться , некоторые с дуру и пиптик свой могут сломать . А если всё тоже самое, но с гальванической развязкой хвататься можно? Нервную систему не "потрепает"?
Краснодарский Электрик ой , как всё запущено. Беда. С такими вопросами надо вам не электриком Краснодарским подписываться , а доером или пастухом. Не позориться самому и не позорить профессию.🙈 Почему птичке без разницы на каком проводе сидеть 12В/1А, 220В/10 мА или 10000В/1000А , сидит себе пока не надоест и ничего ей не делается , ещё и поелозить на нем может ?
Besides being a shock hazard, this 'tester' puts an excessive voltage on anything it is used on. They showed a test of a LED, and it lit up. But if it was connected in the opposite polarity, the voltage would be much more than the LED's reverse breakdown voltage, and would damage the LED. The DMM he used has a continuity range for testing with only a few volts maximum, which is safe for most parts. But this tester has too high voltage and is *not* safe! It could also be a fire and safety hazard.
This is a very risky device. When a breakdown occurs, or by mistake. A device for professionals. Personally, I don't like such things. When everything is OK 100% it works 100% To bardzo ryzykowne urządzenie. Gdy występi awaria, lub przy pomyłce. Urządzenie dla profesjonalistów. Osobiście nie lubię takich rzeczy. Gdy wszystko jest OK 100 % to działa100%
Тем кто захотел повторить это: На данной схеме нет гальванической развязки. Это потенциально опасно для жизни! Как вариант, использовать с трансформатором 220-220.
@Bear Bear идею подал автор?!) Здесь автор просто скопипастил. В Ютюбе уже не раз подобное попадалось от других индусов. Ну это так, если ты не в курсе..
Можно поставить два ограничительных резистора по 20к, а не один на 39к и будет безопасно, даже без гальванической развязки. По одному резистору на каждый из выводов.
THIS VIDEO IS DANGEROUS. DON'T DO THIS AT HOME. You SHOULD warn about the risk of working with high voltage. You're using a non isolated power supply, and messing around with it without any safety precaution. The only reason you're not getting shocked when touching the leads, is because of the 39 kOhm resistor, but it doesn't guarantee you any safety at all. Any begginer that's willing to learn and comes across this kind of video, could get seriously hurt. You should be more responsible and warn about the risks of this project, and specify that only instructed people can carry it out.
I don't think it's an issue that it can deliver a shock, it's a hv tester after all. It would really be more useful if it could output higher voltage though.
Cool idea/hack/mod/repurpose. But, not cool that there were no safety concerns/considerations mentioned. But hey! If you, you alone want to play/work/experiment with electricity, you do so at your own risk. There is absolutely no excuse for someone who is able to watch this to say, "I didn't know." Didn't know what? How to use the device your using to watch this? An acceptable excuse would be, "I have no sense, thus is the reason I am poor in knowledge."
I find this solution very very interesting! the isolation problem is over nowadays, since that little transformer has actually separate windings (at least in most cases). I bought an original Chinese led tester, and believe it or not, I get electrical shock several times, since there's no isolation transformer inside and is sold as an INSTRUMENT!
Most of those inductors are just inductors, not transformers. You can see from the PCB trace bridging two terminals on the bottom that this is clearly an inductor or it's unquestionably being used as an inductor in a current mode buck regulator and it offers no isolation whatsoever.
Pro tip 1: don't do this. Pro tip 2: DON'T DO THIS!! Pro tip 3: If you have to do this, use two 40k resistors, one each tab. That way you'd have at least 40kohm between you and live wires.
@@jonschultz5210 It puts out over 180 volts DC. That can damage anything that you connect to it. You may find that after you test some part with it, the part no longer functions because it burned out the part.
Если он, касаясь так контактов пальцами, ногой коснётся мокрого пола, или спиной в металлическую батарею упрётся, то током трепанёт, мало не покажется. Если уж очень хочется по простому и подешевле, то надо было хотя бы резистор по одной жилке заменить двумя резисторами в 2 раза меньшего сопротивления по каждой жилке. Так тоже будет трепать, но не сильно и не опасно для жизни
Man, why not doing it the other way round?? Wire it so that you plug the wall wart into the socket and have some 4mm banana jacks into the multimeter? Would be at least a little safer by avoiding that someone puts it into a socket. But overall it's quite dangerous anyway as some posters here pointed out already.
It's a typical buck converter in current mode. Instead of connecting load via high power resistor, you should have limited the current using controller's current sense pin and replacing the current shunt resistor with a higher value one. Also there is a much safer option: MT3608 module + flyback transformer (from cheap USB charger). This can be powered from double AAs or one 18650.
@@forward876Well, plenty of people found it useful.... and those who need an explicit video (and can't do basic internet research from Sky Sentinal's jumping off point), shouldn't be building a homemade mains connected probing device anyway.
This is lunacy. People, don't build this. An LED lamp is a very unreliable source for a constant-current driver (because different lamps are built very differently), and it's entirely possible for the lamp you choose to be completely unsafe to touch.
I have read all the warnings but for hell who goes and only touches the electricity even if it is not dangerous so stop and give better suggestions instead
Any safe alternatives? The function is quite useful but definitely don't like the idea of plugging in 110v AC into a multimeter. I'm a hobbyist so I usually stick with tried and true solutions. No need to let stupid do me in so late in life. I see plenty of similar videos like this and they all use 220v EU. Glad I stopped myself and read the comments rather than running out to make one.
Кстати да, вылетит аж бегом. Стабилитрон в обратке-то является диодом и выживет, а вот светодиоды должны пошабашить, проверял-то он их подключив сразу правильной полярностью.
I have no idea what they are doing or why, l can barely change a plug, in fact l always have to check instructions, something about electricity terrifies me.
@@Baetzibaer Agreed. The guy is a dingbat at best - a non-isolated buck converter with a high-value resistor on one output terminal, that's as lazy as you can get without jamming LEDs straight into a wall plug! Could make a capacitive dropper do the exact same thing, and if you use two beefy resistors then at least there's a bit more than a diode or two between you and the grid! Best bet yet? get some small battery operated boost converter - or wind a joule thief with a 1:10 ratio secondary on it (step up transformer) - Rectify and smooth the output, and with a similar resistor (47K) in series with the test device. That would provide a battery operated version that is safer and far more stable...
The design variability in loading devices makes this extremely dangerous, never mind that the short-circuit output current is around 5 mA. Unbelievable that the video does not post any warnings.
😂 Common man ... seriously? First off, most ppl owning a multimeter have a basic knowledge of electricity. Secondly, if ppl start to do these project they want to use it and that implies a higher knowledge of electronics. Thirdly for 5 mA to be dangerous you need a way higher voltage ... This is NOT America ... where they have to put stickers on a microwave not to use it on live animals 😂 Your products are totally covered with safety warnings for total retards. So please don't insult us by thinking we are the same and need those warnings too.
Buen trabajo, lo monté y me trabajo perfecto, con la diferencia que no encontré la R de 39K a 5W y le puse una de 39K a 3W y aun así está OK, saludos desde Cuba.
Гениально ,👍👍👍 . Опасно показывать что можно трогать руками оголённые контакты . Есть люди мало соображающий в схемах электрических и не каждый разберётся есть ли на плате гальваническая развязка . Берегите себя а я пошол повторять увиденное !
Оголённые контакты трогать нельзя. Особенно сырым руками. ОНИ ОТ ЭТОГО РЖАВЕЮТ! )) А без гальвано развязки (через самый простой транс 220-220) НИКАКИМИ РУКАМИ ТРОГАТЬ НЕЛЬЗЯ!
Değerli arkadaşım paylaşım için teşekkürler. Ama kutuladığınız adaptör işi tehlikeli görünüyor. Sizden başka konuyu bilmeyen birisi yaptığınız adaptörü AC 220 şebeke voltajına prize takabilir. Oldukça riskli . Yapmaya çalıştığınız özellik UT89XD de fazlasıyla mevcut. UT89XD LED ölçme özelliği çok kullanışlı. Özellikle de sürekli şerit ledlerle çalışan birisi için. 12 V luk bir makara şerit LED ile denedim, multimetre 5 m lik şeridi yakabiliyor ve üzerindeki forward voltajı da gösteriyor.
Looks like a practical tool to have in some cases. Smart and clever. Please edit this video and insert some basic safety instructions, e.g. before touching the wires by hand. At least add some subtitles or overlay text warnings of potential electric shock and how to avoid that. That would fix the main issue mentioned by the others. Thank you all commenters who added on how to improve this design!
The simple controllers in LED lamps have NO MAINS ISOLATION ! This is not a transformer, this is a coil without separation. The only thing between you and Mains voltage is the 39k resistor. But if you plug it in the other way around, it's in neutral instead of hot wire. Because of the voltage stability I would connect 3 or 4 resistors in series. Your circuit can also be plugged into mains at the wrong end, then you give AC to the polarized capacitor. This circuit is unsafe back and front. Rather take a battery and a step-up circuit, then a resistor. Then at least it's safe.
sir could you please entertain this question. Here the voltage varies with the load, is the current also varrying to maintain that 9W rating? PS: I have no prior education in advanced electronics and circuitry. Could you also guide me on where I can learn how complex circuits work, since I'm developing interest in it.
"But if you plug it in the other way around" // You don't need to. Both mains lines are connected via the rectifier to the negative line which is usually directly tied to the output.
sure it works but anything not galvanically isolated from mains shouldn't be exposed where it can easily be touched. a simple component fault can lead to fatal shock. also, using the old wall wart to connect to the meter may work but what if some curious person tries plugging that into the mains?
I work in the chemistry field. You learn rather quickly to use basic safety measures. Im fond of my eyes and hands and lungs and hearts and life in general. Finding good fitting googgles is harder than you might suspect. Comfy nitrile or PE gloves while not making it worse by sweating on your hands is an art. Latex based gloves with or without talcum, when Im around, they magicly 'disappear'. Better use a sandwich baggy with some saranwrap than a latex glove. NItrile is great most of the time but you must accept thats its transparent to many solvents. PVC based vinyl gloves with plastyisizers are possible the worst. PVC itself is a nasty materials when ending in the waste disposal, and the plqastizisers are not ok either. Just for fun leave a few of those vinyl gloves in ethanol/methanol and see after a few days what you end up with. Mislabeling is one those that are far beyond taboo. Similar level as fakinf data. Using a normal 240 AC connector, even as a part of an adapter for gods sake. At the very least put screaming fluor colored labels (covering the previous information) on the thing indictating polarity and write on the thing its an ongoing experiment. I like doing stuff on the edge, also with electro, but it sees that this person never has any serious incident or misfortune to hit home the bullshit this work ethic is showing. It might just be the crucial RUclips vieuws, who am I to judge in the end. But blergh, gave me a crap feeling. If you must make money from youtube please state it in the extra info, akin this type of working is not goodpractice at all but I noticed that it gives me and my family a better income so I choose the last option. Im sure you will understand. Doing dumb shit in the private of your home is one thing, posting it online is another. I would still choose my family, so even if this on purpose. Hope you are doing well.
Just use the diode tester that comes with an multimeter. Decent multimeter will have atleast 3V for testing which is enough to light up most LEDs. For series LEDs, just measure one and multiply with how many in series. Not worth risking ur life for with this stupid non-isolated garbage
What setting is the diode tester? I never knew my multi meter could do this. There's a bunch of settings I dunno what any of them do besides Ohm and Voltmeter :O
1. It *is* isolated. Apparently you didn't watch closely enough to see the transformer. 2. Your multimeter will only work with LEDs that contain a single diode. Most LEDs in lightbulbs or strips contain multiple diodes in series within each light emitting package. This is true of ALL COB (Chip on Board) lights. The best way to measure the voltage required by series LEDs is to use a CC,CV DC power source set to a low Max Current (say, 10ma), then crank the voltage up until the LEDs dimly light. (CC=Constant Current, CV=Constant Voltage) And that is really what this device is doing. It is a current limited supply with a max voltage of ~185V. When anything plugged into it draws more that its fixed current max, it drops the voltage. The device has its limitations. The Constant Current is fixed, not variable.
@@chang.stanley Set your multimeter to 2000 Ohm range. If you meter has a 200 Ohm range, or a Diode Test setting, those will work for Silicon diodes, but not for LEDs, which are GaN diodes requiring ~3v. No range will work for LEDs that have multiple diodes per package.
I agree this device is not safe, but the diode test on a meter isn't always enough to test LEDs and won't test multi LED strips. An Isolation transformer would make it safer. Oh and LED's are current devices hence you need to limit the current to them.
We are the heros of completing the circuit to ground with ourselves. You'd be lucky if you woke up on ward 6 with a bottle of lucozade on the bed-side table.
Подскажите пожалуйста, а тот что на плате трансформатор, он не выполняет функцию гальванической развязки? Галь-я развязка, это передача напряжения с одной обмотки на другую через магнитопровод и с помощью магнитной индукции, правильно? Я самоучка начинающий.
@@80erter Вот в том то и ФИШКА что на плате НЕ ТРАНСФОРМАТОР !!!! Это накопительный ДРОСЕЛЬ . Там нет первичной и вторичной обмотки. Ты плохо знаешь схемотехнику подобных драйверов. Подобная хрень ОЧЕНЬ ОПАСНА. Если гипотетически сопоставить пользу от данной чепухи и вред который она может принести то здравый смысл подсказывает что ТАКУЮ ЕРЕСЬ ДЕЛАТЬ НЕЛЬЗЯ. а ютюб должен такие видео банить как ОПАСТНЫЕ ДЛЯ ЖИЗНИ
3:13 Видите, как загорается панелька со светодиодами, если подключить только один контакт? Это происходит, если нет гальванической развязки между лампочкой и линией питания. Что может произойти без этой самой развязки, можно почитать в гугле. Ну а еще использовать в качестве колодки на мультиметр и провода питания 220В обычную вилку - это тоже идея не очень, поскольку может произойти момент, когда перепутал что куда идет, а если так будет, то на крокодилах упадет 220В прямо из розетки
@@herbaden And the sad thing is that there are lots of comments from people who don’t know/believe that this is anything but ingenious and say they’re going to build one. Too many videos on RUclips from electrical hobbyists who don’t entirely know what they’re doing, then the fact they did a video gives them some kind of credibility. I hope not many have died. I hope the uploaders read the comments and see the risk/liability of uploading half assed solutions. Sure, the 39k limits current to the one (exposed) plug, but what about the other?
Connecting alligator clips directly to what are normally 220V AC pins is crazy! If you want to use the case, then power it through the normal pins and use banana plugs to the multimeter. Won't cost any more than consuming an AC cable.
People are talking bout safety of the project in the video, but if you watched other diy videos many people are making stuff powered from wall socket with everything exposed and connected with sloppy soldering, made using random parts. If you power your projects from batteries it doesn't matter but when using high voltage it should be properly connected and isolated..
Надо выходной резистор разбить на два и поставить на оба провода, тогда будет не опаснее чем с разделительным трансформатором. Ну может ещё резисторы цепочкой набрать, для исключения случайного пробоя всех сразу
Nice hack, but this could be risky because we are working from an un-isolated mains supply. Instead, there must be a 1:1 transformer before the LED driver board.
@@boukharitemessek2596 Do what some others have suggested, scavenge two step down transformers and use the second one to boost the voltage back up. Then use a 100k 5W resistor to limit the current. Don't make the death trap in the video
O resistor e pra nao passar surto pro multimetro assim o multimetro so faz a funcao de registrar a tensao em multimetro nao automatico sugiro utilizar 600 volts DC
Vi muchos de estos medidores de tención para diodos y la verdad que este lo hice porque fue el que mas me resulto bueno y así fue, el mas seguro por las conexiones a la red, el mas económico porque usa el multímetro que siempre esta en nuestro taller, puede medir Zener de altos valores cómo los de 90 v. o más. y hecho con los materiales reciclados que están sobrando en el taller. El video se destaca de tal manera que no necesita palabras y muy entretenido, Gracias por todo me salió muy bueno el proyecto. Excelente todo. Saludos desde Argentina!!.
Ну как сказать , у этой шим схемы нет гальванической развязки и однажды вас относительно земли может так тряхануть что не какие проверки диодов уже не нужны будут
ABSOLUTLY DANGEROUS!!! As already stated in some other comments, led drivers are not isolated. There is a 50/50 chance that you connect the ‘hot’ side to the null of your mains socket. Then you’re fine. If it is connected to the live wire, you may be in for a deathly shock. Seriously. If you would like to replicate this function, just place some 9V batteries in series, up to 60V is safe. Add the same resistor in series and all is fine, easier to build, use and you can even safely take a bath with it. Never ever replicate this!
Not 50/50, but a 100%. The negative output is usually directly connected to live through a single diode (in the bridge rectifier). Put your feet on the ground while holding the negative and you get electrocuted.
Love the concept it gave me a lot of ideas 😀 only issue for me is the US plugs won't fit a meter like that finding one of the EU plugs is not common, I think I've seen them 2x In my life package in a Prototype I was beta testing along with several other types. I'm actually going to try to use this with some lamps I'm 3D printing that need a LED inside, hopefully it works with 12v automotive LED bulbs?
This circuit, i mean the PCB is very common with some round 18 watt LED lamps. Normally they fail and it has a 10 microfarad @ 400 volts that fail very frequently. I have seen varius manufacturers that use a 15 microfarad capacitor also. The circuit is supposed to provide 300 miliamps to the load no matter how Many LEDS You connect as the load.
шляпа это все, светодиоду не принципиально напряжение, это тот же диод с побочным эффектом свечения, светодиоду принципиален ток, да, этим драйвером он ограничивается, но без регулировки этого тока одни светодиоды будут светить в рабочем режиме, другие - перегорать, один и тот же светодиод можно засветить и от 400 вольт и от 3.5, в нашем случае 3.5 это пороговое значение начала свечения, как правило вообще без разницы, какое на нем падение напряжения и напряжение "запуска", важнее, на какой рабочий ток он расчитан, этот драйвер никак не заменит полноценно Лабораторный блок питания, еще и риск спалить диоды есть, т к схема ограничивает ток на определенное значение (думаю, около 200мА), для некоторых светодиодов этот ток может оказаться критичен. Второе- эти драйвера не любят "холостой" работы без нагрузки, и при напряжении около 200 вольт даже при таком маленьком токе есть очень большой риск статикой умандячиь хоть мосфет(некоторые вылетают при косании руками), хоть микруху какую, смотря что в этот момент будет на столе в момент работы и до чего можно докоснуться случайно просто телом или локтем с этой приблудой в руках.
It is a miracle that the inventor is still alive !!! 🧐 🤪 😇
The hit teams are moving in.
@@paulneilson6117 abstenerse los que no son técnicos...
I'm surprised he didn't lick it to check the o/p !
Yeah, that's always a plus.
Dc voltage don't give you a shock
ЖИРНЫЙ ПЛЮС! Автор красавец. 👍
Удобный и необходимый гаджет в хозяйстве. Рассказал и показал так, что любая домохозяйка, умеющая держать в руках паяльник, сделает.
FAT PLUS! The author is handsome.👍
A convenient and necessary gadget in the household. He told me and showed me what any housewife who knows how to hold a soldering iron in her hands will do.
чем же он удобен? просто мультиметром удобней.. с таким же успехом можно примотать батарейку вместо этого блока питания.
@@polosa777 мне помогло проверить номинал смд кондёров более точнее, чем без этой штуки. Тем же мультиком. Показания не совсем точные у мультика были.
Запили видос с батарейкой, посмотрим. Может ты и прав, проверим.
Keep in mind that these LED lamp drivers are not galvanically isolated. It's just a rectifier with a switch mode DC to DC constant current regulator. You can get an electric shock out of that because all that stands between you and the live wire could be just a diode (depending on how you connect this to the mains).
Agree, but how do you think the transformer with the same number of turns in coils (for example 220 ~ 220) will decide the problem of the absence of galvanic isolation?
@@Amy_Price Yes
@@Amy_Price Yes, it's possible to use isolation transformer. The problem is that not everyone has one, and this isn't shown in the video to begin with. Otherwise it can be used to render this safe, as galvanic isolation is the one and only reason isolation transformers exist at all.
Никогда не повторяйте это дома. Драйвер от LED лампы не имеет гальванической развязки от розетки. И провода за которые этот чудик так энергично хватается руками, находятся под напряжением.
И что ? А гальванически развязанные не находятся под напряжением? Убивает ток, а не напряжение ! А ничего , что у него резистор стоит на 39 кОм ? Конечно не стоит с такой лабудой хвататься за батареи и прочие провода и ни чего не будет , а если вилку четко включать ,соблюдая фазу и ноль, то и за батареи и трубы можно хватать . А вам точно не стоит связываться с любым электричеством , с такими понятиями ,только батарейка и то одна, она точно развязана.
Ну всякое может быть для внутренней цепи может безопасно, вдруг летом потный и голый и и земляной пол в гараже не все же дома могут и все не убьет но нервную систему потрепает.
@@ЮрийИванов-м2е5ю "Убивает ток, а не напряжение ! " 230v/10Ma или 12v/1A что опаснее?
MihaiTeSla мокрый , потный, с босыми пятками и стоя в луже , ещё и языком можно случайно зацепиться , некоторые с дуру и пиптик свой могут сломать . А если всё тоже самое, но с гальванической развязкой хвататься можно? Нервную систему не "потрепает"?
Краснодарский Электрик ой , как всё запущено. Беда. С такими вопросами надо вам не электриком Краснодарским подписываться , а доером или пастухом. Не позориться самому и не позорить профессию.🙈 Почему птичке без разницы на каком проводе сидеть 12В/1А, 220В/10 мА или 10000В/1000А , сидит себе пока не надоест и ничего ей не делается , ещё и поелозить на нем может ?
Besides being a shock hazard, this 'tester' puts an excessive voltage on anything it is used on. They showed a test of a LED, and it lit up. But if it was connected in the opposite polarity, the voltage would be much more than the LED's reverse breakdown voltage, and would damage the LED. The DMM he used has a continuity range for testing with only a few volts maximum, which is safe for most parts. But this tester has too high voltage and is *not* safe! It could also be a fire and safety hazard.
This is a very risky device. When a breakdown occurs, or by mistake. A device for professionals. Personally, I don't like such things. When everything is OK 100% it works 100%
To bardzo ryzykowne urządzenie. Gdy występi awaria, lub przy pomyłce. Urządzenie dla profesjonalistów. Osobiście nie lubię takich rzeczy. Gdy wszystko jest OK 100 % to działa100%
Why don´t you show us the best option in a video on youtube?
Hahaha. Can't be any worse than the cheap phone chargers. I am dubious
its a simple ohm law circuit you can make low voltage instead of 180 V and a resistance with a value correspond with a initial tested diode
@@algharibe could you make a video regarding that?
Тем кто захотел повторить это: На данной схеме нет гальванической развязки. Это потенциально опасно для жизни! Как вариант, использовать с трансформатором 220-220.
Как вариан ещё пересмотреть, где пальцами замыкает контакты. Стабилизатор тока на ~5 миллиампер.
@@Klivih Не стабилизатор, а ограничительный резистор.
@Bear Bear правильно.., как вариант тоже подумать головой что я подал идею.. И это не инструкция к действию.
@Bear Bear идею подал автор?!) Здесь автор просто скопипастил. В Ютюбе уже не раз подобное попадалось от других индусов. Ну это так, если ты не в курсе..
Можно поставить два ограничительных резистора по 20к, а не один на 39к и будет безопасно, даже без гальванической развязки. По одному резистору на каждый из выводов.
You SHOULD warn about the risk of working with high voltage. You're using a non isolated power supply, and messing around with it without any safety precaution. The only reason you're not getting shocked when touching the leads, is because of the 39 kOhm resistor, but it doesn't guarantee you any safety at all. Any begginer that's willing to learn and comes across this kind of video, could get seriously hurt. You should be more responsible and warn about the risks of this project, and specify that only instructed people can carry it out.
the circuit seems silly, but you're my hero for showing me that a UK plug fits my multimeter probe jacks :D
That's a euro plug, UK plugs have square prongs
That's why missing downvote count is an issue... Don't do this at home. Especially not in countries with 230V mains voltage. No proper isolation!
I was thinking the same! Downvote is needed on this one ;)
RUclips doesn't care about anyone's safety, just promoting more views.
I don't think it's an issue that it can deliver a shock, it's a hv tester after all. It would really be more useful if it could output higher voltage though.
I recommend to report these videos instead
Cool idea/hack/mod/repurpose.
But, not cool that there were no safety concerns/considerations mentioned.
But hey! If you, you alone want to play/work/experiment with electricity, you do so at your own risk.
There is absolutely no excuse for someone who is able to watch this to say, "I didn't know."
Didn't know what? How to use the device your using to watch this?
An acceptable excuse would be, "I have no sense, thus is the reason I am poor in knowledge."
Лайк заслуженный. Вещь нужная. Продолжай в том же духе. Удачи тебе и творческих успехов!!!
I find this solution very very interesting! the isolation problem is over nowadays, since that little transformer has actually separate windings (at least in most cases). I bought an original Chinese led tester, and believe it or not, I get electrical shock several times, since there's no isolation transformer inside and is sold as an INSTRUMENT!
Most of those inductors are just inductors, not transformers. You can see from the PCB trace bridging two terminals on the bottom that this is clearly an inductor or it's unquestionably being used as an inductor in a current mode buck regulator and it offers no isolation whatsoever.
Thanks a lot dear!
Exactly this tester has been badly needed by me.
Pro tip 1: don't do this.
Pro tip 2: DON'T DO THIS!!
Pro tip 3: If you have to do this, use two 40k resistors, one each tab. That way you'd have at least 40kohm between you and live wires.
O_o like it, i tired to repeat this ("on both tube...") in ru comments
Are you a pro?
If don't do this, then how would you build it?
It puts out over 180 volts DC. That can damage anything that you connect to it. You may find that after you test some part with it, the part no longer functions because it burned out the part.
Отличный реквизит для потенциального лауреата премии Дарвина.
Вот такие комменты ценны. Жаль что на 10й странице) 😁
Если он, касаясь так контактов пальцами, ногой коснётся мокрого пола, или спиной в металлическую батарею упрётся, то током трепанёт, мало не покажется.
Если уж очень хочется по простому и подешевле, то надо было хотя бы резистор по одной жилке заменить двумя резисторами в 2 раза меньшего сопротивления по каждой жилке. Так тоже будет трепать, но не сильно и не опасно для жизни
6мА при выходе из строя драйвера светодиодки. Чуток ощутимо.
Нужно снять разделительный конденсатор.
Следить чтобы вилка втыкалась в розетку не как получится так ничего и не случится
Когда будешь испытывать не забудь ноги опустить в тазик с водой
Very good invention
Man, why not doing it the other way round?? Wire it so that you plug the wall wart into the socket and have some 4mm banana jacks into the multimeter?
Would be at least a little safer by avoiding that someone puts it into a socket.
But overall it's quite dangerous anyway as some posters here pointed out already.
அருமை அருமை புது முயற்ச்சிக்கு வாழ்த்துகள்👌👌👏👏💐💐💐🙏😊
It's a typical buck converter in current mode. Instead of connecting load via high power resistor, you should have limited the current using controller's current sense pin and replacing the current shunt resistor with a higher value one.
Also there is a much safer option: MT3608 module + flyback transformer (from cheap USB charger). This can be powered from double AAs or one 18650.
yes... but where is >YOUR< video?
yea, you tell him.
@@forward876Well, plenty of people found it useful.... and those who need an explicit video (and can't do basic internet research from Sky Sentinal's jumping off point), shouldn't be building a homemade mains connected probing device anyway.
more info please!
This is lunacy. People, don't build this. An LED lamp is a very unreliable source for a constant-current driver (because different lamps are built very differently), and it's entirely possible for the lamp you choose to be completely unsafe to touch.
I agree
I have read all the warnings but for hell who goes and only touches the electricity even if it is not dangerous so stop and give better suggestions instead
@@boukharitemessek2596 I think you’re trying to say something stupid, but I can’t even decipher that word salad.
Any safe alternatives? The function is quite useful but definitely don't like the idea of plugging in 110v AC into a multimeter. I'm a hobbyist so I usually stick with tried and true solutions. No need to let stupid do me in so late in life. I see plenty of similar videos like this and they all use 220v EU. Glad I stopped myself and read the comments rather than running out to make one.
Интересная приспособа. Главное, что бы при неизвестной полярности она не прошивала детали обратным напряжением.
Интересная но стрёмная приспособа. Что бы при демонстрации глаза с орбиты на стол не выкотились.
@@ЮрийЕвгоровский а коты тут при чем?
@@tankg4496 О котах не на этом сайте.
Кстати да, вылетит аж бегом. Стабилитрон в обратке-то является диодом и выживет, а вот светодиоды должны пошабашить, проверял-то он их подключив сразу правильной полярностью.
Да, полярность попутал, светодиоды выбросил.
C'estait pas mal comme idée, merci beaucoup.
The guys behind this channel are extra-ordinarily intelligent/ I am always being surprized when watching this channel (y)
I have no idea what they are doing or why, l can barely change a plug, in fact l always have to check instructions, something about electricity terrifies me.
I am being surprised at their still being alive ...
@@Baetzibaer why?? cuz they are smart
@@heyderaliyev8976 Making you think one is smart doesn't seem to require much smartness.
@@Baetzibaer Agreed. The guy is a dingbat at best - a non-isolated buck converter with a high-value resistor on one output terminal, that's as lazy as you can get without jamming LEDs straight into a wall plug!
Could make a capacitive dropper do the exact same thing, and if you use two beefy resistors then at least there's a bit more than a diode or two between you and the grid!
Best bet yet? get some small battery operated boost converter - or wind a joule thief with a 1:10 ratio secondary on it (step up transformer) - Rectify and smooth the output, and with a similar resistor (47K) in series with the test device. That would provide a battery operated version that is safer and far more stable...
Like! Repeated, it works.
Нет гальванической развязки.Не все как я могут держать руками фазу 380.
Он же тебе показал , что на выводах 183 v!!! И развязка есть- это импульсный преобразователь, трансик маленький присутствует!!!
@@1966pda Это не трансик,а дроссель.И убивает не напряжение ,а ток.Учи матчасть.
@@1966pda та хоть 0 там покажет!!
Относительно земли там всёравно полное сетевое
Я воще ничего не понял. Там должно быть полное сетевое напряжение.
@@qwertyuiopasdfgghjkl9578 оно и есть там
great! awesome I made it. Thank you very much and I improved it into a more functional multimeter.
The design variability in loading devices makes this extremely dangerous, never mind that the short-circuit output current is around 5 mA. Unbelievable that the video does not post any warnings.
It is not that dangerous if you place an XClass 2 mains cap in series with load.
It's fine. You just need to dip it in water first to keep it cool.
@@craigjensen6853 I have seen worse. I have seen better. But Is the glass half full or half empty?
@MGD 60D no no no you see that is just an manipulated metaphor we have here. I will have to remember your reply. It is good ;)
😂 Common man ... seriously? First off, most ppl owning a multimeter have a basic knowledge of electricity.
Secondly, if ppl start to do these project they want to use it and that implies a higher knowledge of electronics.
Thirdly for 5 mA to be dangerous you need a way higher voltage ...
This is NOT America ... where they have to put stickers on a microwave not to use it on live animals 😂
Your products are totally covered with safety warnings for total retards.
So please don't insult us by thinking we are the same and need those warnings too.
Wooooow it is a genius idea must gains five stars .
Buen trabajo, lo monté y me trabajo perfecto, con la diferencia que no encontré la R de 39K a 5W y le puse una de 39K a 3W y aun así está OK, saludos desde Cuba.
Lo único que no entiendo es por que genera inicialmente más de 100 voltios y cuando pone la mano no se electrocuta
@@miguelveliz1911 en este caso lo agresivo, no es el voltaje, sino la corriente, y esta es del orden de los 50 mA si acaso.
Se puede hacer con cualquier modelo de multimetro?
Great ...I have became fan of you...
Гениально ,👍👍👍 . Опасно показывать что можно трогать руками оголённые контакты . Есть люди мало соображающий в схемах электрических и не каждый разберётся есть ли на плате гальваническая развязка . Берегите себя а я пошол повторять увиденное !
На такой плате драйвера гальванической развязки нет. Рисковый парень.
Оголённые контакты трогать нельзя. Особенно сырым руками. ОНИ ОТ ЭТОГО РЖАВЕЮТ! ))
А без гальвано развязки (через самый простой транс 220-220) НИКАКИМИ РУКАМИ ТРОГАТЬ НЕЛЬЗЯ!
Отлично! Лайк! И подписка!
Değerli arkadaşım paylaşım için teşekkürler. Ama kutuladığınız adaptör işi tehlikeli görünüyor. Sizden başka konuyu bilmeyen birisi yaptığınız adaptörü AC 220 şebeke voltajına prize takabilir. Oldukça riskli . Yapmaya çalıştığınız özellik UT89XD de fazlasıyla mevcut. UT89XD LED ölçme özelliği çok kullanışlı. Özellikle de sürekli şerit ledlerle çalışan birisi için. 12 V luk bir makara şerit LED ile denedim, multimetre 5 m lik şeridi yakabiliyor ve üzerindeki forward voltajı da gösteriyor.
peki bu ölçü aleti olmayan ne yapacak UT89XD her ölçü aleti parçanın voltaj degerini vermez kaldıki 220 ye taksa bile adaptör hemen bozulacaktır
Super idea sir👌👍👍
Looks like a practical tool to have in some cases.
Smart and clever.
Please edit this video and insert some basic safety instructions, e.g. before touching the wires by hand.
At least add some subtitles or overlay text warnings of potential electric shock and how to avoid that.
That would fix the main issue mentioned by the others.
Thank you all commenters who added on how to improve this design!
What for?
I do t see a practical use for this
Op is telling us that this device tells us the power consumption/need of a simple circuit?
Bonjour, super réalisation ! Merci, F5NDL Lainé Jean-Pierre
The simple controllers in LED lamps have NO MAINS ISOLATION !
This is not a transformer, this is a coil without separation.
The only thing between you and Mains voltage is the 39k resistor. But if you plug it in the other way around, it's in neutral instead of hot wire. Because of the voltage stability I would connect 3 or 4 resistors in series. Your circuit can also be plugged into mains at the wrong end, then you give AC to the polarized capacitor.
This circuit is unsafe back and front.
Rather take a battery and a step-up circuit, then a resistor. Then at least it's safe.
sir could you please entertain this question. Here the voltage varies with the load, is the current also varrying to maintain that 9W rating?
PS: I have no prior education in advanced electronics and circuitry.
Could you also guide me on where I can learn how complex circuits work, since I'm developing interest in it.
"But if you plug it in the other way around" // You don't need to. Both mains lines are connected via the rectifier to the negative line which is usually directly tied to the output.
Замечательный канал С большим удовольствием смотрю Ваши видео .
sure it works but anything not galvanically isolated from mains shouldn't be exposed where it can easily be touched. a simple component fault can lead to fatal shock. also, using the old wall wart to connect to the meter may work but what if some curious person tries plugging that into the mains?
I work in the chemistry field. You learn rather quickly to use basic safety measures. Im fond of my eyes and hands and lungs and hearts and life in general. Finding good fitting googgles is harder than you might suspect. Comfy nitrile or PE gloves while not making it worse by sweating on your hands is an art. Latex based gloves with or without talcum, when Im around, they magicly 'disappear'. Better use a sandwich baggy with some saranwrap than a latex glove. NItrile is great most of the time but you must accept thats its transparent to many solvents.
PVC based vinyl gloves with plastyisizers are possible the worst. PVC itself is a nasty materials when ending in the waste disposal, and the plqastizisers are not ok either. Just for fun leave a few of those vinyl gloves in ethanol/methanol and see after a few days what you end up with.
Mislabeling is one those that are far beyond taboo. Similar level as fakinf data.
Using a normal 240 AC connector, even as a part of an adapter for gods sake.
At the very least put screaming fluor colored labels (covering the previous information) on the thing indictating polarity and write on the thing its an ongoing experiment.
I like doing stuff on the edge, also with electro, but it sees that this person never has any serious incident or misfortune to hit home the bullshit this work ethic is showing.
It might just be the crucial RUclips vieuws, who am I to judge in the end.
But blergh, gave me a crap feeling.
If you must make money from youtube please state it in the extra info, akin this type of working is not goodpractice at all but I noticed that it gives me and my family a better income so I choose the last option. Im sure you will understand. Doing dumb shit in the private of your home is one thing, posting it online is another.
I would still choose my family, so even if this on purpose. Hope you are doing well.
@@blueredbrick 👍👍👍👌👌👌
Hola mil gracias por el vídeo está muy bien Muy Buen Invento
Just use the diode tester that comes with an multimeter. Decent multimeter will have atleast 3V for testing which is enough to light up most LEDs. For series LEDs, just measure one and multiply with how many in series. Not worth risking ur life for with this stupid non-isolated garbage
What setting is the diode tester? I never knew my multi meter could do this. There's a bunch of settings I dunno what any of them do besides Ohm and Voltmeter :O
1. It *is* isolated. Apparently you didn't watch closely enough to see the transformer.
2. Your multimeter will only work with LEDs that contain a single diode. Most LEDs in lightbulbs or strips contain multiple diodes in series within each light emitting package. This is true of ALL COB (Chip on Board) lights.
The best way to measure the voltage required by series LEDs is to use a CC,CV DC power source set to a low Max Current (say, 10ma), then crank the voltage up until the LEDs dimly light. (CC=Constant Current, CV=Constant Voltage)
And that is really what this device is doing. It is a current limited supply with a max voltage of ~185V. When anything plugged into it draws more that its fixed current max, it drops the voltage.
The device has its limitations. The Constant Current is fixed, not variable.
@@chang.stanley Set your multimeter to 2000 Ohm range.
If you meter has a 200 Ohm range, or a Diode Test setting, those will work for Silicon diodes, but not for LEDs, which are GaN diodes requiring ~3v. No range will work for LEDs that have multiple diodes per package.
I agree this device is not safe, but the diode test on a meter isn't always enough to test LEDs and won't test multi LED strips. An Isolation transformer would make it safer. Oh and LED's are current devices hence you need to limit the current to them.
@@chang.stanley The diode setting is the one with an arrow with a perpendicular line at the tip of the arrow. (The "diode" symbol.)
Are you touch the bought led driver terminals without shock your self ?! How is that possible
Схемка прикольная, царствия тебе небесного.....
привет любителям при работе погреть ножки на батарее xD
We are the heros of completing the circuit to ground with ourselves. You'd be lucky if you woke up on ward 6 with a bottle of lucozade on the bed-side table.
Excelente, si que me sorprendió saludos desde Uruapan Michoacán México. Buen aporte 👌
cuidado, leete los otros comentarios porque parece ser muy peligroso. igual en mexico creo que tienen 110 volts
Good tiching karte hai 👍👌👍👍👌👌👌
Sensacional, parabéns pelo vídeo, podemos fazer isso com qualquer multímetro?
🎓Exellent main frend🍻
My greetings from Serbia
Funciona perfectamente, muy buena idea.
Sabe como montar uma proteção?
Será que já vem uma proteção nessa placa ?
Vou analizar esse negócio.
Excellent. very kind for your input. Blessings from Argentina.
Спасибо, очень интересное дополнение к мультиметру!
Главное, не касаться батарей отопления, когда пользуешься этим чудом.
@@eugenyzv801 если трубы пластиковые?
@@Romankvтогда по-бороде!
*Very nice job* 👍👍👍
Не все лед драйвера обезпечивают гальваническую развязку от сети,нужно внимательно обследовать перед применением,иначе можно залететь.
я бы сказал практически все НЕ обеспечивают такой развязки. по той причине что не содержат в своей конструкции трансформатор.
Подскажите пожалуйста, а тот что на плате трансформатор, он не выполняет функцию гальванической развязки?
Галь-я развязка, это передача напряжения с одной обмотки на другую через магнитопровод и с помощью магнитной индукции, правильно?
Я самоучка начинающий.
@@80erter В большенстве схем что внутри лампы это автотрансформатор на 3 вывода.
@@80erter Вот в том то и ФИШКА что на плате НЕ ТРАНСФОРМАТОР !!!! Это накопительный ДРОСЕЛЬ . Там нет первичной и вторичной обмотки. Ты плохо знаешь схемотехнику подобных драйверов. Подобная хрень ОЧЕНЬ ОПАСНА. Если гипотетически сопоставить пользу от данной чепухи и вред который она может принести то здравый смысл подсказывает что ТАКУЮ ЕРЕСЬ ДЕЛАТЬ НЕЛЬЗЯ. а ютюб должен такие видео банить как ОПАСТНЫЕ ДЛЯ ЖИЗНИ
3:13 Видите, как загорается панелька со светодиодами, если подключить только один контакт? Это происходит, если нет гальванической развязки между лампочкой и линией питания. Что может произойти без этой самой развязки, можно почитать в гугле. Ну а еще использовать в качестве колодки на мультиметр и провода питания 220В обычную вилку - это тоже идея не очень, поскольку может произойти момент, когда перепутал что куда идет, а если так будет, то на крокодилах упадет 220В прямо из розетки
Отличная идея КЛАСС.
Great video
All good until someone else comes along and says "Hmm, I wonder what this power adaptor does?" and plugs it in to the mains socket.
I was thinking the same
Dangerous on soooo many levels.
@@saddle1940 yes, quite a stupid idea to do
And the sad thing is that there are lots of comments from people who don’t know/believe that this is anything but ingenious and say they’re going to build one.
Too many videos on RUclips from electrical hobbyists who don’t entirely know what they’re doing, then the fact they did a video gives them some kind of credibility.
I hope not many have died.
I hope the uploaders read the comments and see the risk/liability of uploading half assed solutions.
Sure, the 39k limits current to the one (exposed) plug, but what about the other?
@@sirifail4499 Reasonable concerns - I just talked to a guy that got a zing off of this, a friggin suicide machine is what this is!
Very nice ... subscribed
Who said 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing'? Gets more dangerous with electricity!!!! I'm speechless!
very very thanks for the experiment...
A good example why RUclips should keep its dislike button. Must be a good, safe tutorial involving electronics and 220volts as its got 22k likes!
Connecting alligator clips directly to what are normally 220V AC pins is crazy! If you want to use the case, then power it through the normal pins and use banana plugs to the multimeter. Won't cost any more than consuming an AC cable.
That’s deadly what you show there, many led power supplies have poor isolation or standard reference to ground.
People are talking bout safety of the project in the video, but if you watched other diy videos many people are making stuff powered from wall socket with everything exposed and connected with sloppy soldering, made using random parts. If you power your projects from batteries it doesn't matter but when using high voltage it should be properly connected and isolated..
Do not touch high voltage even if you add a resistor, because it is like playing with the reaper needlessly.
put it in a small box no touch problem solved
Excellent 👍
Опасный мод! Нужен изолирующий трансформатор. Тем не менее, лайк 👍
Надо выходной резистор разбить на два и поставить на оба провода, тогда будет не опаснее чем с разделительным трансформатором. Ну может ещё резисторы цепочкой набрать, для исключения случайного пробоя всех сразу
Foarte buna prezentare !
Hai sa o îmbunătățim !
Multumesc !
Das ist Topp! 👍👍
схему не повторять - опасно для здоровья! лучше сделать на блокинг генераторе, будет мобильной и значильно безопасней
а как это , по подробней можно ?
My grandmother doesn't need it. Professionals simply buy a tester with current regulation, current and voltage indication.
Nice hack, but this could be risky because we are working from an un-isolated mains supply.
Instead, there must be a 1:1 transformer before the LED driver board.
very good idea but where to place the isolation transformer in this circuit and what kind would you recommend that is suitable for it to be safe?
@@boukharitemessek2596 Do what some others have suggested, scavenge two step down transformers and use the second one to boost the voltage back up. Then use a 100k 5W resistor to limit the current. Don't make the death trap in the video
Add an inline fuse of 500ma or less in positive test lead for protection.
Want an Idea Sir ji..
Love you Bro..😘😘
Excelente, to com essa idéia faz tempo, mas não pensei em colocar o resistor de 39k e 5w, genial. Parabéns!
O resistor e pra nao passar surto pro multimetro assim o multimetro so faz a funcao de registrar a tensao em multimetro nao automatico sugiro utilizar 600 volts DC
@@juniorsantosjerry4188 meu multimetro não é automático, posso usar sem o resistor?
Conseguiu fazer com o circuito da lâmpada brasileira ???
Só que nao tem no Brasil esse resistor de cimento com esse valor
@@gabrielleperamosramos4128 sim pode
you are a genius!!!
Parabéns! Sempre quis encontrar uma utilização para este circuito. GRATO!
Quando esse circuito entrar em curto, o multímetro vai pro beleléu
Sabe como montar uma proteção?
Será que já vem uma proteção nessa placa ?
Vou analizar esse negócio.
@@Flavio.R.Coelho mas no vídeo ele fecha um curto nas ponteiras e a fonte " chaveada " desarma e volta após uns 2 segundos . Será que já não ajuda ?
Amazing how... I can't say how that so amazing
Incredibile come non posso dire quanto sia così incredibile!
это очень опасная (приблуда). гальванически ни как не развязана с переменным сетевым напряжением .
Vi muchos de estos medidores de tención para diodos y la verdad que este lo hice porque fue el que mas me resulto bueno y así fue, el mas seguro por las conexiones a la red, el mas económico porque usa el multímetro que siempre esta en nuestro taller, puede medir Zener de altos valores cómo los de 90 v. o más. y hecho con los materiales reciclados que están sobrando en el taller. El video se destaca de tal manera que no necesita palabras y muy entretenido, Gracias por todo me salió muy bueno el proyecto. Excelente todo. Saludos desde Argentina!!.
En Argentina usan 120AC o es mayor el voltaje en las casas?
@@guateque1718 Hola, acá la red es de 220 v
Ну как сказать , у этой шим схемы нет гальванической развязки и однажды вас относительно земли может так тряхануть что не какие проверки диодов уже не нужны будут
Saludos, lo he armado y funciona, lo compartiré en mis redes sociales. Muchas gracias.
no dejes de agregar el tema seguridad...
Só que nao encontro no Brasil esse resistor de cimento com esse valor
@@NoobMrAlex Coloca de outro modelo com o mesmo valor, pesquisa na shopee que tem
@@NoobMrAlex amigo no Aliexpress tem um monte de componentes.
@@NoobMrAlex solo coloca 4 resistencias de 10k 5wat en serie y listo allí ya tienes tu resistencia de 39k 5w , Yolo hice así 👍
Bellissima idea complimenti bravissimo come sempre.
Achei bem útil e simples de fazer, mais não corre risco de levar choque ao ligar na rede elétrica?
Não. O transformador do dispositivo inversor isola a rede elétrica. E a corrente é reduzida pelo resistor de 39Kx5W tornando infofensivo.
A corrente e de 30ma no maximo e um Testador e identificador de Diodos basicamente muito util e tvs de led e afins
@@Marceloalvesgodinho , это дроссель. В лампе нет гальванической развязки.
Esse reator também serve para testar os conjuntos de LEDs das TVs
@@TRuDoBoLeonid true.
Very nice bro keep it up...btw first to comment
Ну желаю всем выжить от поражения электрическим током в данном изделии без Гальванической развязки
Мужик,это же Вещь!!!
As already stated in some other comments, led drivers are not isolated. There is a 50/50 chance that you connect the ‘hot’ side to the null of your mains socket. Then you’re fine. If it is connected to the live wire, you may be in for a deathly shock.
If you would like to replicate this function, just place some 9V batteries in series, up to 60V is safe. Add the same resistor in series and all is fine, easier to build, use and you can even safely take a bath with it.
Never ever replicate this!
We in Russia fix our electrically dangerous gadgets exceptionally in a bath ))
Not 50/50, but a 100%. The negative output is usually directly connected to live through a single diode (in the bridge rectifier). Put your feet on the ground while holding the negative and you get electrocuted.
Nice video
Can we use any LED Lamp Driver
Love the concept it gave me a lot of ideas 😀 only issue for me is the US plugs won't fit a meter like that finding one of the EU plugs is not common, I think I've seen them 2x In my life package in a Prototype I was beta testing along with several other types. I'm actually going to try to use this with some lamps I'm 3D printing that need a LED inside, hopefully it works with 12v automotive LED bulbs?
Go to your local Walmart or target and get one of the travel adapters.
Boom, euro plug.
This circuit, i mean the PCB is very common with some round 18 watt LED lamps. Normally they fail and it has a 10 microfarad @ 400 volts that fail very frequently. I have seen varius manufacturers that use a 15 microfarad capacitor also. The circuit is supposed to provide 300 miliamps to the load no matter how Many LEDS You connect as the load.
If I wanted to construct this using 120v mains here in the US, what would the power resistor value be?
Muito bom projeto, parabéns ao autor!!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Só que nao tem no Brasil esse resistor de cimento com esse valor
That's actually pretty cool 😀
RUclips needs to add a number of deaths icon next to the like button icon. Anyway, those educated with electronics are at least safe.
Very very nice !
Very Very dangerous 😳
One of the few really useful things of this type that show on RUclips.
Остроумно. И надёжно спрятано от поисковиков. Если кому-то нужно определить рабочее напряжение светодиодов, вряд ли вы это найдёте по названию
шляпа это все, светодиоду не принципиально напряжение, это тот же диод с побочным эффектом свечения, светодиоду принципиален ток, да, этим драйвером он ограничивается, но без регулировки этого тока одни светодиоды будут светить в рабочем режиме, другие - перегорать, один и тот же светодиод можно засветить и от 400 вольт и от 3.5, в нашем случае 3.5 это пороговое значение начала свечения, как правило вообще без разницы, какое на нем падение напряжения и напряжение "запуска", важнее, на какой рабочий ток он расчитан, этот драйвер никак не заменит полноценно Лабораторный блок питания, еще и риск спалить диоды есть, т к схема ограничивает ток на определенное значение (думаю, около 200мА), для некоторых светодиодов этот ток может оказаться критичен. Второе- эти драйвера не любят "холостой" работы без нагрузки, и при напряжении около 200 вольт даже при таком маленьком токе есть очень большой риск статикой умандячиь хоть мосфет(некоторые вылетают при косании руками), хоть микруху какую, смотря что в этот момент будет на столе в момент работы и до чего можно докоснуться случайно просто телом или локтем с этой приблудой в руках.
Это шляпа, просто показало некое падение при неком токе
И как указано выше - важен именно ток, особенно для ленты
@@nnnvp лента уже ограниченна резисторами в ней.
@@Hellboyjin вот только не неси чушь, сначала изучи полностью вопрос
@@nnnvp Изучить что? что светодиодные ленты разделены на секции и ограничены резисторами? Может тебе еще диссертацию написать? изучальщики.
very nice job thanx
Однозначно ЛАЙК! Но не плохо было бы прибор сделать с автономным питанием. Спасибо!
Если нет гальванической развязки, в сыром помещении или токопроводящем полу-это отличный электрический стул!
Не обязательно же садиться