You have this backwards. Conservatism in the context of a traditionally Christian culture is, by definition, a movement that seeks to conserve specifically Christian moral values. So people are not rejecting Christianity because it is entwined with conservatism, they are rejecting conservatism because it is (and has always been) entwined with Christianity. I would also add that your attempt to reduce the teachings of Jesus to a de-theologized compassion with no demands for moral or doctrinal purity is absurd on the face of it. One does not have to be a believer to see that this is an anachronistic straw man, as Albert Schweitzer highlighted in his 1906 book _The Quest of the Historical Jesus_ .
@@michaels4255 Christianity has always been conservative? I beg to differ. Christianity across history has been a liberal presence opting for drastic changes in society especially for the marginalized. Whatever you reduce Jesus to you have to remember Jesus wrote nothing down, and no one he knew wrote anything down either. So for you to strip Jesus of his mysticism in order to hold onto theological statements made in his name is wild.
@@nononsensespirituality I never "stripped Jesus of his mysticism." Mysticism is a completely different issue from culture, and, yes, Christianity from its very beginning, based on both internal and external sources, was, like Judaism before it, culturally and morally conservative. Also, no one has ever proven that Matthew did not write Matthew, Mark did not write Mark, John did not write anything that bears his name, and that Peter and James ("the brother of the Lord") did not write anything either. There is lots of speculation by post - Enligtenment scholars that question the authorship of literally every book in the NT (it appears to be a hobby), but nobody has ever proven that these speculations are correct.
"More woman have faith: a sense of meaningful spiritual connection to others in the world. More men have religion: a set of rules to hold them to a way of living."
Yes, after Trump and Vance administrations the way things are going. Maybe flagrant, pernicious misandry is a terrible strategy, since your type of commentary encourages enough men to see that now Democrats have switched and are pro-war, against bill of rights, corporatist as possible, pro-extermination of inconvenient groups, and fostering insane levels of man hatred with ZERO indication men will ever receive equality if men don't take back 50% of the authority on gender in society. Incidentally, it is 'cannon' that women go to church to find someone to settle for after they can no longer benefit sufficiently from men in a more promiscuous way.
Masculinity is more "fragile" because it always can be confiscated. "Be a man!" "Real men are..." These phrases are not used in the feminine. (Please don't cite your personal anecdote that is an exception.) No one reinforces masculinity and its rules more than women. Women are constantly telling men what a man should be (in return for sex.) Yes, I know you don't and your sophisticated friends don't but to say men don't experience this in general is pure gaslighting and dishonest.
@thepagecollective You're correct but not in the way you think. True confidence, even in one's gender, can't be taken from you unless you are already prepared to give it up when. If your sense of self relies on other people's perception of you, you will go mad. Yes I have experienced gender policing from insecure guys and it was pathetic. Have never followed unsolicited advice from men too insecure in their own masculinity that they feel they need to deliberately try to appear manly. The last person I'm going to accept instructions for how to correctly oppress women under the patriarchy are women who are conniving their place in it. I like women who like me, not women who need a generic man to play a fantasy role invented by Republicans.
There is no man’s end of the deal in trad wifery. All he has to do is eat fresh baked cookies, wash it down with homemade lemonade, and treat his wife like an annoying little sister.
They also sometimes leave the wife with no form of support after years because they lose interest. Men don't really want a doormat for a wife. They end up hating her.
I'd actually argue not that men don't hold up their end of the deal but they CAN'T hold up their end. Unless you are born into wealth, a single income household is nearly impossible. Most conservative ideas like this movement is based on pure fantasy, so we shouldn't be surprised if it almost always fails. It's only meant to get clicks and brainwash and was never meant to be a realistic lifestyle choice.
@@tinyshepherdess7710 Men want women to meld to their every need. Sometimes that's being a door mat. Sometimes that means being fascinating and dominating, sometimes they want a domestic goddess or a sex goddess. One human can't keep up with all their neediness. Women have their own needs.
I can’t imagine that women were ever more religious then men 😅 as religion benefits men more, and women are usually in it because they were dependent on men back then, in my opinion
Religion TOTALLY benefits men. Gives them a wife appliance: s*x worker, child rearer, house cleaner, chef, personal assistant and so on. What do women get out of it? (Other than their perceived ticket to heaven)
Ino traditionally in America it was seen that women were the spiritual center of the home. Remember the church also gave women one day a week where they could spend time with other women socializing outside of their home
@@michadubinski9402 I'm sure I'm wasting my time, but there is absolutely no scientific evidence that women have "more feelings¨. lol Neurosexism isn't sexy, bruh.
People who have no personal power tend to lean heavily on magical thinking to get through their life. I saw this with my mother, aunts, and grandmother. They thought being good enough would make their life better. They believed if they were godly enough wives their marriage would be better. If they raised their kids in a godly enough environment, then their kids would be okay. With one generation of mothers after another, and it has never really worked, but women didn’t have any other real options. Women have only had the opportunity to be totally independent from a man for the last 40 something years or so. It hasn’t really taken that much time for women to realize that being a “godly wife” doesn’t exactly solve any problems, but often times creates even more problems. The church also feeds into this perception that women can solve their problems by being more religious.
Hi, I am a moral, religious, practicing Catholic male with a Masters in Theology, and I ABSOLUTELY AGREE WITH YOU! I just had to add, this talk ought to be heard by every Christian in the country!
I am a bw who is an atheist. Religion has never resonated with me and my parents never forced religion on me. I personally don't care that people are religious. Im just sick of people thinking their religious beliefs are enough justification to remove rights from people particularly women and gay people. I can see why women no longer want any parts of doesn't benefit them. Religion actually harms women, children and animals.
The understanding of religion that remains steady across time is "that which binds", which comes from the latin religio meaning to "reread" - such that words bind people together across time, every group is bound together in some way as is every individual. To consider oneself or one's group free of religion is to consider oneself unbound, which, as far as I can tell, removes ones ability to interface with that which actually binds them together, leading to chaos and separation. Religion can be a chain tying one down or it can be a rope offered to raise up. To characterise religion as strictly good, or strictly bad, is reductionist, I think. The rope that raised the previous generation could become the noose of the next, its how the tool is used, and how the words are considered, that's important. To say that religion "harms women, children and animals" is to ignore that all life owes its existence to that which came before. This does not mean that life owes its life, but it does owe something and that something is the binding force. To love thy mother and thy father, and to love thy neighbour as thyself are heuristics that bind generations and people together in love, rather than fear or hatred, even and especially if fear and hatred are the current state of affairs between people and in ones own heart.
@@indi_prime religion offers nothing that can't be achieve other ways. Just being a good, kind caring person is all that you need to build community with others. You don't need religion to love and honor your parents and you don't need religion to show respect to your neighbor. the value religion brings to humanity isn't worth the harm religion inflicts on humanity.
@@indi_prime no it’s not religion. It’s an insult for it to be called religion given how evil, psychopathic and toxic religion is. Religion provides nothing that can’t achieve by other ways. Just being a good person with empathy and compassion is all that is needed. All that other religious crap isn’t needed.
@@indi_prime could you clarify what you mean by that? Their desire or mine? Because why would I want a male to lean into misogyny? They're already toxic enough now and getting rewarded for bad behaviour e.g. Tate.
@_asantesana_squashbanana_ On your part, projection tends to create more of that which is projected, this comments section is full of female Tates, you deserve eachother
That has never been what it was about, BUT you cannot maintain a society larger than a few dozen persons tops without social hierarchy. However, hierarchy is the means to an end, not the end in itself. And BTW, egalitarian political ideologies cannot thrive without hierarchy and social control either!
@@michaels4255 Social orders can't be maintained, either. It is time for religion to go. That is what I'm talking about. Archy has been argued, since the early Helenic empires. I don't know what humans are capable of and I'm not a cultural anthropologist or a Philosopher of any kind. However, I do not think that it's within our nature to lick boots or kiss rings.
@@scottdavis3571 First, religion is adaptive in the Darwinian sense, and adaptive behaviors do not go away. This is measurable. It is atheism that is maladaptive. Again, measurable. Second, hunter gatherers are loathe to lick boots, but the descendants of farmers are generally compliant as long as you keep them fed. Cochrane and Harpending have an interesting chapter in their book _The 10,000 Year Explosion_ about recent human evolution in which they subtitle one section "We fought the law, and the law won." You should give it a read.
I think if we took away the power plays and abuse of religion it would become more of a community art and a study of symbol and myth. As long as people realize religion isn't real I think it could be a beautiful artistic and imaginative practice. It will probably be a thousand years though before humanity in general would be ready for something like this.
@@daegon1985 why no I had not been anle to read Sapians thank you for the recommendation. It is a valid thought that if all of humanity spends our effort self analyzing our ignorance we would grow... Unfortunately our history is full of revolutions where Atheist and Statist persons somehow manage to vastly outdo the famine and murder of religious zealots. I myself barely consider atheism itself as the driving factor, rather human Biology and especially the human obsession with heirarchy and stress are to blame in my mind.
I always like to tell people that when I left evangelical Christianity twenty five years ago that I stole Jesus when I went out the door. (Not that they noticed, mind you.) Remarkably, he seems very comfortable in my New Age world.
@@xunqianbaidu6917 and rituals are transmitted using what? Words... also Roman culture was deeply enmeshed in law, Romans and non-Romans were literally legal catagories
@@xunqianbaidu6917 I don't even know what you're trying to prove here, honestly. It's self-evident from even a cursory study of Roman history that the Empire and the Republic were held together, bound, by legal categorisations which translated duties to it into standing within it
@@xunqianbaidu6917 indeed, society is bound by religion, the state, absent community based religious commitments, steps in and engages in civic religion building to bind the population together, as these feeble attempts collapse you get the American reality TV show, I mean politics
I find it very interesting that young men are now complaining "where have all the good women gone?" I am almost 70 years old, was raised conservative Catholic, have spent time in other denominations, and you are right, women were the backbone in many churches, outnumbering the men at least two to one. I came of age during the sexual revolution, and immediately found myself in a collision between what society was now saying about sex and what my religion was saying about sex. Basically, I was brought up to save myself for marriage at a time when young men were abandoning that kind of thinking in droves. That young man in the video, that was me, 20, 30, 40 years ago: "where have all the good men gone?" The guys who were attracted to me believed that sex was a free-for-all, that anyone who wasn't enthusiastic about jumping into bed with them right off the bat was hung up and a prude. Consent was not a thing. If you went out with a guy on a date you were automatically consenting to have sex with them at some point in time, preferably sooner than later. Love, attraction, affection, intimacy, had nothing to do with it. I was told this by both men and women. The church, meanwhile, wasn't any help when it came to navigating this new world. Nor were the abstinence groups, which were mainly run by people who had been married for decades and thus completely out of touch when it came to the realities of dating in the 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and beyond. Date rape was something that just didn't happen to good Christian/Catholic girls; if a boy crossed the line, it was because you did something to egg him on. I was sexually assaulted on my very first date and I remember feeling very confused and having nobody to talk to. "Where have all the good men gone? Where are the guys with the same values?" I left the Catholic Church, tried other churches, same story. The older I got, the more the already practically non-existent pool of eligible guys shrank. It was not uncommon for me to find myself the only never-married woman in a church where all the men were already taken. This, naturally created issues, because my singleness was a threat to the married women. I'm sure you've heard this story before; I'm not the only one. There are quite a lot of older, never-married Christian women out there who are like me: we never married because we never got the chance to get married. There was literally no one to marry. Unless you went outside your faith which meant that saving sex for marriage isn't an option anymore. Because the secular world's view and the Christian view on sex are fundamentally incompatible; there's no room for compromise. One of you is going to have to change your mind on this and I guarantee it won't be the guy, because he's got his pick. All right, that is the way it was. Fast forward some more decades, I've pretty much mentally left Christianity though I still go to church mainly for social reasons, I've come to accept that marriage is no longer in the cards for me and in fact is probably not even desirable at this point as I'm used to being quite independent. Now, personally, I have not observed the phenomenon you speak of in the church I am currently attending, but if it is true, I find it ironic. "Where have all the trad wives gone?" Well, I'm sorry, young man, but you are 40 years TOO LATE. There was a time I would have given almost anything to go out and start a relationship with you. Now, not only am I "too old", being old enough to be your grandmother, but I'm not interested any more. So now it is the young men who might be doomed to involuntary celibacy? I don't know what to say about that. You are looking for something that no longer exists. Have fun. Because I don't think the women are coming back.
When I was a kid (back in 60s and 70s) church service was 80% women (but the minister and elders/deacons were 90%+ men). The women did most of the labor (fundraising, teaching, cleaning, serving, maintaining). In the 90s and later there were some women ministers and most (90%+) of active members were women (older women/my moms generation, my generation left the church). My mom (and most of her friends) eventually left the church because it was becoming political and hypocritical (anti LGBTQ, anti feminism, anti immigration). These old ladies thought the churches were full of hate and not love.
Read the Bible. The Church has always been anti gay and anti feminism. That is nothing new, so your mom and her friends are rather hypocritical to pretend that Christianity has changed when it is they who have changed. Strictly speaking, immigration is not a theological question, but the same principle that justifies private property rights ("thou shalt not steal") also justifies the maintenance of national borders.
I'm confused. I heard elsewhere that more young people in general were leaving religion. Are men entering religion, or leaving at a slower rate than women? What does the data point to?
Gen Z last I checked had the lowest religiosity out of every generation so far. I have a feeling this idea of young men being more religious is conservative propaganda at work.
I think it's just some red pill guys who aren't actually going to any church or practicing any religion. They just like the idea of being able to go back to a system of patriarchy where they would get unearned power and deference from women.
This is so interesting to me. I've been a practicing neopagan for over a decade, but recently joined a Quaker meeting in my area. I think part of the draw toward religion traditionally (for women) was that it put you in touch with the community after you had children. I would have been content practicing by myself, but I have a son and I want him to see that I'm not the only one who doesn't follow the dogma that his grandparents preach. The Quakers have been great for that. So, I wonder if part of it is simply that more people are childfree? I go to meeting to help my son understand my values and help him be a good grown up one day.
This! There are plenty of comments on this video that like to paint women as vulnerable to magical thinking. I'm in my '50s, when my parents moved from rural Kentucky to suburban, Texas, they joined a church. And not only because they were and our believers. But because my mother especially wanted a community of people, she could rely on personally and socially. The nuclear family has been profoundly isolated while not doing much to relieve the incredible labor of managing a household and rearing children.
Your video came up in my algorithm yesterday and I am glad it did! I am checking out your other videos and I get the feeling I am In the right place. ❤
I am European and I am surprised to hear that women were more religious than men in America? I didn't know it at all, in Europe I would say that it was always the men.
Depends where you are. I don't have stats, so this is purely impression, but I always thought that christianity here in Sweden, at least in more recent history (post-witch-era lol), has been more women than men.
You would me mistaken. Historically, the same pattern has held in Europe. Thus for example, the German expression that the domain of women was "kinder, kuche, kirche," children, kitchen, church.
Thank you for your insight and expertise! The rise in numbers of modern pagans since the 80's seemed to me that many went to it for what was missing in Christianity, equal place of power and voice for women on a spiritual level. It always annoyed my young pagan self to hear bad-mouthing Christianity as it made me wonder if paganism was just a rebound relationship or flavor-of-the-month trend! But your video fills in the gaps of this time period with what was happening. Thank you for that! So many recovering ex-Christians. My sympathies for you all!
It is true that there has been a decline in Christianity and organized religion in the West, but there are many factors in this. Viewing this change through the lens of "Politicized Patriarchy in the U.S." may be one potential avenue for explanation, but other explanations, such as the impact of changing Economics are also viable. Note that the Economics explanation has superior explanatory power because it accounts for the changes in Europe as well as the changes in the U.S. For example, here are 5 impacts to Christianity in the West brought about by changing economics that apply on both sides of the Atlantic: 1. Prosperity and Secularization: As countries in the West have become more prosperous, there's a noted trend where economic growth correlates with secularization. This phenomenon, often referred to as the "Existential Security Hypothesis," suggests that when basic needs are met and economic stability is achieved, people feel less compelled to seek solace or answers in religion. In economically secure environments, existential questions might shift from divine intervention to personal or secular pursuits, reducing the utility of religion in daily life. The assurance of economic well-being might lessen the reliance on religious explanations or community for support, leading to a decline in religious participation. 2. Urbanization and Economic Migration: Economic opportunities have historically driven urbanization and migration. Urban areas, where economic activities are concentrated, tend to be more secular. The anonymity and diversity of urban settings often lead to weaker traditional community ties, including those based on religion. Migrants, seeking better economic conditions, might also find themselves in environments where religious observance is lower, or where they are exposed to a diversity of beliefs that might dilute their original faith practices. This exposure can lead to a dilution of religious identity, especially if the economic success requires or leads to assimilation into a more secular society. 3. Changes in Work and Family Structures: Economic pressures have transformed work and family life. Longer working hours, the necessity for dual-income households, and the rise of the gig economy mean less time for community activities, including church attendance. The decline in traditional family structures, driven partly by economic necessity (e.g., delayed marriage, lower birth rates due to career focus), also impacts religious life. Christianity, which has traditionally placed emphasis on family and community, finds it challenging to maintain its relevance when these structures are altered or diminished by economic demands. 4. Consumerism and Materialism: The rise of consumer culture, fueled by economic growth, promotes values of individualism, materialism, and immediate gratification. These values can conflict with Christian teachings on humility, sacrifice, and community welfare. The focus on material success and personal gain might undermine the spiritual or communal aspects of Christianity. When economic systems celebrate and reward material accumulation over spiritual growth, the appeal of religious activities that might not directly contribute to one's economic status can wane. 5. Welfare State and Charity: Historically, churches played a significant role in social welfare, providing services that modern states have increasingly taken over. As governments provide more comprehensive welfare systems, the necessity for religious organizations to fill these roles diminishes. This reduction in functional utility might contribute to a decline in religious affiliation, as one of the practical reasons for church involvement-charity and community support-is now covered by secular means.
Economics can partially explain the OVERALL trend towards secularism in the world but this video is exploring a very unique phenomenon - men are increasing becoming more religious than women in the US. It doesn't happen in other developed countries. In fact, in countries with high gender equality and where church does not interfere with politics, men are leaving church faster then women. In my opinion, men seem to gravitate towards religion when it promises them higher power (especially over women) and that's why the intertwining of religion and state promotes men's involvement. Women, on the other hand, seem to gravitate towards religion because they enjoy the community building aspect and often make use of it in their day to day lives. That is also why, a big portion of women do not simply leave religion and Christianity in particular but they create other spiritual communities, e.g., witchcraft, taro, yogic retreats etc.
@@AShreads55While there are men who want power over women and gravitate towards methods of doing so, to say that that is the key driving factor seems silly to me. Men also crave community and I believe that is driving more men to join religion than patriarchal ideals. People are becoming increasingly lonely and need avenues for connection
@@jojones4685 Why does it seem silly to you? I agree that what you bring up is a significant factor in driving men towards religion, but if it were the differentiating factor, that wouldn't account for the gender gap. It's not like women don't get lonely too. You even said it yourself "PEOPLE are becoming increasingly lonely". And since women are more encouraged and conditioned to seek and participate in community, while men are typically conditioned towards a much more self-isolating individualism that derides emotional connection, emotional sharing, vulnerability and inter-dependency with others, you'd think that in such a case, the gender gap would actually be widening in the other direction. All people are becoming increasingly needy for connection and community, but more and more, men are looking for it in the church and women are looking for it elsewhere. So the question here isn't really about that core need, but rather the difference in how we pursue said need. Certain aspects of that could be contributed to economic or educational shifts, but it's far from silly to suggest the very obvious connection that fewer women and more men prescribing to a system with a nearly universally acknowledged male preference bias, might be the result of said bias. At any rate, for whatever reason you find the obvious answer too silly to entertain, simply calling it loneliness, a theory that hinges on the implication that women don't get lonely, is, uh... well a little silly. lol
@@l.s.d.5863But are guys really going to church to “suppress” women? No. They aren’t. We can drop this act. Men, like women, experience crises of individuality. As a man who has played with Nietzschean fire, I totally understand why so many lonely and disenchanted men are seeking avenues of spiritual belief. Existence is horrifying. I’m sorry, but it is. I’ve gazed long into the abyss, and while I still do not believe in any ultimate purpose to human existence (or any existence) I profoundly sympathize with those that do. Most people are too afraid to face existential dread by choice and find a will or way in the midst of it. What many men wish for is a meaningful life that possesses the qualities of adventure. That often involves finding love with a moral, dependable and healthy woman. Said woman is usually not neurotically obsessed with gender dynamics and her own self-interest above everything else. The trade-off is that the guys are to prepare themselves morally beforehand to be the best men they can be for their woman in every way. But seeing as so many people are turned off by the idea of dating (regardless of gender) the story that men have been imitating each other into for centuries has been put on pause, and the script is being directly attacked and changed. That script has needed updates, and it has received them. The problem is that things are starting to be changed and attacked that are not healthy to change and attack, ushering in a crisis.
I tried pagan witchcraft new age religion path after deconstructing Mormon fundamentalism and Christianity, but quickly it seemed just as absurd and culty. I recently bought your book and when my defenses are down I try to read a little, in hopes I can build a new perspective towards addressing this void that religion can no longer fill.
Not true at all, you can tell to the exact year that a Roman settlement converted to Christianity because baby skeletons could no longer be dated in the drainage cisterns, given that women love their babies this seems like a positive influence that they were given the support required to care for them
@@indi_prime Problem is many give in too the hate instead of realizing Christianity was more spread by woman then men. The spread of Christianity was love & acceptance of woman being more than property like they were in the old days.
The reason why Judaism still works for Jews after they stop believing is because it’s still their ethnic folk faith. I think the real reason they rejected Christianity is because of its universalist doctrine. They understood that faith is a tribal and ethnic affair. At the end of the day, I believe universalism is a Christian value and conflicts with our natural drive for tribe and nationhood. This is why I believe that a return to paganism is inevitable because it coincides with our natural desires to be a part of a clan or tribe. I’m reminded of the Native American woman on Mormon stories who said she was making her way back into her ethnic faith. This is what I think everyone should be doing. Although, it might be harder for Europeans because we are so far removed from our pre-Christian beliefs.
Christianity doesn't necessarily erase ethnic particularities, quite the opposite if you contrast Irish water well-bound saints to African supernatural spirits, to Asian ancestor veneration, although corporatised forms that have forgotten their roots appear as such. Instead, it has a history of adopting those particularities while fostered peace between nations. In my estimation, secular progressivism/perpetual modernism demands homogeneity and is happy to use monetised 'faith' as a vehicle.
It doesn't work for them after they stop believing, or at least not for very long. It doesn't always happen in one generation, but eventually Jews that stop believing assimilate to gentile society. This is a very old pattern.
This kind of thing always really messes with me. Apparently seeking cultural solidarity as a hegemony is innately evil but you can do it to any excess you wish as long as you aren’t the dominant group. This is very conceited and twisted logic.
Don't worry about that. It will require several generations of differential fertility before that happens. What you need to worry about is what happens to your soul after death if you are wrong.
They tried social a few social issues . . . No. The issue was that the US government was threatening to either deny Bob Jones University Dept of Education funds or change their tax status or something because Bob Jones would not accept Black students. There was a literal meeting with Paul Weyrich, Jerry Falwell and a few others. A friend of mine, Randall Balmer (now Chair of the Religion Dept at Dartmouth College), was at this meeting. They were looking for an issue that would unite Conservative Christians into a political block. They knew that uniting around the Bob Jones issue would be a nonstarter for evangelicals in the North. So, I think it was Falwell, said offhandedly, “How about abortion?” So, underneath the misogyny was racism. And here we are.
I was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, I was sitting at my dining table writing word for word in KJV bible revelation , “I’m not a good speller”, I became very frustrated with many mistakes, so I held up my hands then told God, just go ahead and take my life, I no sooner felt faint then I picked myself up from the floor from being unconscious and blood 🩸 running down my face, I knew that there was a higher power over me, Also in charge ! John 14:26, 14:6, 3:3-5, repent, Revelation 2:17, I received a white stone, it just mysteriously appeared in my KJV bible, Also, I was dipping a piece of bread into a bowl of olive, then my hand just went down on the edge of the bowl, the oil splashed upon my face and hair, I had known of Queen Esthers fasting, so I researched the Hebrew tradition of anointing, so I then went three days no food or water and anointing daily, as I believe God Almighty Elohim, had a hand in this happening, Revelation 3:10, God’s Test Hour is coming ! God bless all, shalom
Most men who feel they lack control over their lives will gravitate to a tribal system. The Old Testament is the ultimate manual for a tribe to survive and thrive. The New Testament is an invitation for all ethnicities to partake in that tribal method.
This is fascinating because the christian counterargument would draw the same conclusion: when they abandon God they get frustrated and start crazy traditions. Although in the modern case, their version of christianity IS the crazy tradition.
How so? I don’t think that tracks. Religion is deeply disempowering for everybody in some ways. The only men who have power in religion are the priest-caste.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27
All valid points. But just to clear up a little bit what the main driving force was with regard to abortion: from a book named: Confronting Church and State: Memoirs of an Activist, by John M. Swomley, chapter 4: Abortion is a church-state issue because the Vatican insists that governments adopt into law its politics on birth control and abortion. I did not realize how serious this problem would become when I did the research and writing of a chapter on Civil Liberties and Abortion for the 1971 publication of the Methodist Board of Social Concerns, Abortion, A Human Choice. However, after the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, removing abortion from the criminal code, the Catholic bishops challenged the traditional American position that a person legally exists at birth (which is also the Biblical position) and insisted upon their theological position that an embryo or fetus from the moment of conceptions must have due process of law and equal protection with all living persons. That basis for this proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution is the decision of Pope Pius XII on October 29, 1951: “Now the child, even the unborn child, is a human being in the same degree and by the same title as its mother . . . so . . . to save the life of the mother is a most noble end, but the direct killing of the [unborn] child as a means to that end is not lawful.” This means that it is better for both mother and fetus to die than it is to save the life of the mother through a direct abortion. In fact, Father Patrick A. Finney specifically said this in his book, Moral Problems in Hospital Practices, which was published under the imprimatur of the Archbishop of St. Louis: “Q. If it is morally certain that a pregnant mother and her unborn child will both die if the pregnancy is allowed to take its course, but at the same time the attending physician is morally certain that he can save the mother’s life by removing the inviable fetus, it is lawful for him to do so? A. No, it is not. Such a removal would be a direct abortion.”
Chapter 4 continues: In order to put Vatican directives into U.S. law, the Catholic bishops on November 20, 1975, issued their Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities. It was clearly a political document. The Plan stated, “It is absolutely necessary to encourage the development in each congressional district of an identifiable, tightly knit and well-organized pro-life unit.” The Bishops also decided to “urge appointment of judges” who would take the Vatican position on abortion. The Plan listed specific directives for dealing with members of Congress and for the legislative committees, such as “Contact members of the House Judiciary Subcommittee and get a commitment from each member.” It also had a plan for Catholic high school seniors, for initiating contact with non-Catholic churches and scholars. In short, The Catholic bishops have had a strategy since 1975 to persuade everyone to accept Papal decrees. I saw this as having at least four implications. Here was the largest church in America, a tax-exempt organization whose leaders, accountable only to the Vatican, were clearly violating a fundamental American principle of separation of church and state. They were also prepared to subordinate the women of America to fetal life so that women were not only defined by the fetus but, once impregnated, whether by rape, incest or otherwise, their pregnancy was compulsory until birth. Third, the bishops’ decision to ban abortion was extended to contraceptive birth control and to preventing any further research on birth control devices even for the use of non-Catholics. And finally, the bishops intended to control the foreign policy of the United State so that no funding of family planning in other nations would take place and that the U.S. policy should be subject to Vatican approval. This actually is what happened during the Reagan and Bush presidencies.
The biggest reason is that our modern secular society hasn't provided a healthy outlet of masculinity to begin with. Everything that was present for those instincts such as boy scouts or stable marriages have disappeared over the years. This trend of young gen Alpha seeking a masculine ideal in religion will only grow as time goes on.
Honestly I don't think you are intersectional enough for this conversation. "Paganism" isn't the only avenue people are walking their Spiritual path on, Nor do they all Fit that word, Nor are they even starting from scratch! Many people are reconnecting with the Religions/Spiritual Avenues that Abrahamic Religions curb stomped on its way to America. It feels like you are minimizing the damage and depth of the Religious Generational Trauma Christianity and Abrahamic Religions have caused. Especially since on record a lot of these Spiritualities survived via descendants and Closed practices. And because they are closed you don't see the same abundance of talk with them as you do with "Paganism". I'm using "Paganism" in quotes because it's used to denote Non-Abrahamaic Religions, wrap them in a Colonizing sense of Otherness. Just because you see various practices using certain objects, such as but not limited to Tarot, Crystals, Candles and etc...doesn't mean it's not Organized, Or coming from nothing or no basis. Christianity is one of the YOUNGER religions. Many people, especially women are turning to the religions/Spiritualities OLDER then even Islam, And Judaism, that have been around LONGER then they have existsted. Especially Women of Color! Christianity is/was a Tool for Colonization, and as such every religion that isn't respected by it is deemed as Unorganized and primitive or Mystical in a Fetishizing Way (Most East-Asian, and Indigenous religions) or Straight up Demonic (Most African Practices). Christianity needs to step down on a global scale, Not be Erased mind you. No religion or Spiritualities deserve to EVER be erased. It needs to stand equal with others religions, and other religions need to be treated with respect. Until that happens people will continue to be weary and or leave because sticking with a religion that was used to Indoctrinate, enslave, Erase, demonize, colonize and Then Sell back the Salvation it took from others if they convert because its all thats left....Is Just the Sunk Cost Fallacy at its finest! Given one of the main roots of the problem is because Christianity took its place by Force to be one of the Only Choices! You should Believe in it, IF and Only IF it FILLS YOU. NOT "To make it work" Christianity's evolution was due to the ruling class to keep control NEVER for altruistic Reasons. If its gonna evolve those who break away must Organize to a new protestant sect whether recognized or not! TL;DR: If Christianity dont Decolonize Itself from its roots, People will continue to walk no matter its "Evolution". And Don't Dismiss other Spiritualities/Religions.
I'm not sure religious differences between the younger sexes will necessarily lead to the need for men to "import" more conservative wives. I was very religious when I married my non-religious husband. There are thousands if not millions of examples of successful "mixed" marriages. There is a lot more to attraction than someone's religion. Of course, time will only tell, but I'd be willing to bet good money that tons of witchy straight/bi/pan women will still marry conservative, religious men.
Sure, trying to separate religion from politics is like trying to separate culture from politics. Even languages, which are morally neutral, cannot be separated from politics.
That was a really interesting talk. Three cheers for the women. They often lead the way. That's why we men need them in the upper echelons society and culture. I have a lot of respect for Christians like Randal Rauser, "The Tentative Apologist". I also like April Ajoy. The U-Tuber Tim MIlls, "Harmonic Atheist", interviewed Ajoy just the other day. He asked her about her Christianity and why she remained Christian. Although she is now a very, very liberal Christian after having been a hard core evangelical Christian Nationalist, she gave a very good defence of her position. She remains attracted to the teachings of Jesus and how they are important in the world, not for maintaining corrupt structures but rather for challenging such structures and helping those oppressed by them. When it comes to meaning in the world, "Unsolicited Advice" had an interesting video titled "Why Modern Life Feels So Empty". It dealt with the ideas of Byung-Chul Han in his book "The Disappearance of Rituals: A Topology of the Present". It sounded really interesting and in the context of religion/spirituality the book argues that ritual (not nostalgia for the past), and irrationality and imagination or make believe can be so important for the provision of meaning. I gather it's not a critique of rationalism and logic, but rather it's about how the non rational and associated rituals can help us to find meaning in a world that's currently devoted to efficient production and consumerism.
Wishy washies don't offer enlightenment or useful insights, just FUD. Traditional religion works for society and usually works well for the individual too. Just do it.
Interesting take. I disagree with your underlying assumptions and some of what you say, except for the comment about persecution coming from within a religious organisation. I attend a Catholic TLM and it is our own pope and his hand-picked henchmen who seem to hate us and want to banish us to a gulag somewhere. Incidentally about half of the attendees at the TLM near me are young single women of as it is a small city with both a college and university. The balance are men and young families, a few older folks, pretty representative of the local demographics. Keep working on this. I'm not American, so no dog in the political fight there. We have nothing similar here. America is its own thing LOL.
This is embarrassing and pathetic. Nobody needs an imaginary surrogate parent. We need healthy social connection and when we're alone, the arts, I assure you, offer more than any spirituality. And mindfulness has nothing to do with any spirituality, either.
You are mistaken. We need our divine Father. "The gods of the copybook headings" always return. If I ran the school system, I would make every child learn that poem by heart.
Nope. We don't need a divine anything or the Bible or scripture. It's really quite simple. You can't choose your sexuality and respect everyone's choices when it comes to abortion, having kids, the consenting adults they marry, if they choose to marry or not, how they dress, their spirituality. Respect trans by calling them by their chosen name and chosen pronouns, especially if they have asked you nicely.
Well said. Read about the theology of dominion. I'd argue against something you said that organized religion has ALWAYS been about power. Take a look at some Bakunin.
It's not politics per se even - that's not new as well - but how this political Christianity handle a much more educated and feminist portion of female population. Conservative sexual morality is Christian from the beggining - as much as generosity and forgiveness.
Yes, Christianity has always championed conservative sexual morality, but not uniquely so. Throughout history, rising societies have been characterized by strict sexual mores, and societies that liberalized their sexual mores (which inevitably accompanies a more prominent role for women in public life), often when they were at the height of their power after ascending during a more conservative period, always went into decline. We are all familiar with the story of the antique Roman Empire, but there are many less famous examples. Also, primitive societies were not always patriarchal. Many of them were avuncular and matrilineal, some people say most of them, and these societies had looser sexual mores and a greater role for women in public life. Yet only the patriarchal cultures ever developed into advanced civilizations. We can debate why, but I think it is highly risky to bet your society's future against such a consistent pattern. "feminist portion of the female population" - which is empowered by the feminist portion of the male population. It is the male feminists which I view as the root of the problem. Without them, feminism would be a joke.
0:48 I'm sure others know better than I, but weren't men more spiritual and religious in the scriptures? I can see why that would be especially dischordant for women in an individualized nation & state like America. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Men can feel similarly when we stand with women looking back at our history and determining how we need to adjust to modernity to find the good path. Men are first of all ubiquitously derided, resented, mocked, kicked, abused and unheard, since the only permissible comparisons and contrasts permitted anywhere in accredited secular liberal society is to: 1. positively compare women's superiority to men, or 2. negatively contrast men with better conclusion about women. Men see the degradation of society and fear to leave our future kids unprotected. We see that we cannot get married and have kids in secular, violently misandrist society. That secular marriage is unappreciated, secular genderology is anti-male, and WE SEE the warlike destruction of men's lives, now they have to pay for two households and get to see their kid twice a month and the kid is indoctrinated by culture alone that the dad is a bum deadbeat who doesn't care, and they need brand name xyz, in childcare or latchkey or with not ideal minders and poor role models... The values and community of religion can be beneficial if the dogma lightens up a bit, and focuses on practical respect and compassion for ourselves and others.
In my reading of scripture, men are mostly the heroes and villains of Bible stories. When Jesus comes along, he has a number of fascinating interactions and relationships with women that showcase a deep spirituality among women. But in the landscape of the Mesopotamian world, women seemed to be more like livestock and servants than central characters.
I don't think America has a men vs women problem, as much as a whole culture problem. There are generally so many selfish, hateful, malicious people struggling for power and to one up one another. Everything you say women say to men, women have also experienced from men all their lives. I don't have a solution. I'm saying it's not one-sided. Look at what incel/meninist culture says about women and how they encourage one another to manipulate and abuse women. At least l rarely see that in feminist discussions.
Dogma should be embraced, not feared. BTW, if you search the internet a little bit, you can find a study that found the divorce rate of couples who pray together daily to be less than one percent. After the believers have outbred the infidels for several generations, they will eventually restore a traditional social order, but first we will have to muddle through this period of cultural insanity. Some things have a history of working for the societies that embrace them, and some things do not. Monotheism, patriarchy, monogamy, chastity, the sexual division of labor, these are things that have a history of working. From a Darwinian point of view, they are adaptive social technologies, whereas their recent replacements are maladaptive. Mathematically speaking, the culture wars can only have one outcome, but it will take a while to get there.
@@michaels4255 the birthrate suggests that believers would have to produce 40 children to do that. The reality is that there is no way back for religion in the West. The church is dying. A tiny percentage of Quiverfull Christians doesn't have the number of wombs needed to "outbreed" secularism.
Omg So it's a bad development. Ugh. They make me ashamed that i'm a man. Because people assume i'm "that" kind of christian just cause im an old white guy
Si, por eso solo las mujeres se tapan la cabeza en la iglesia ortodoxa y no pueden ser matriarcas porque...porque no tienen pene, 😂😂😂 muy lógico todo. Misma mierda misógina, todas las religiones.
Why? Did they finally discover evidence that gods or specifically their gods exist? Please share this magical evidence for magical thinking with the rest of us.
Religion in America is a mixture of all kind of man made religion ,, nothing to do with Jesus teaching, cause jesus never claimed divinity ,and moses was not Christian neither all frophets before
Islam is the only future for humanity ,cause it's the only religion can give answers to crucial questions,and gives human life a good meaning with justice for all
De-Patriarchy Your Spirituality Course:
You have this backwards. Conservatism in the context of a traditionally Christian culture is, by definition, a movement that seeks to conserve specifically Christian moral values. So people are not rejecting Christianity because it is entwined with conservatism, they are rejecting conservatism because it is (and has always been) entwined with Christianity. I would also add that your attempt to reduce the teachings of Jesus to a de-theologized compassion with no demands for moral or doctrinal purity is absurd on the face of it. One does not have to be a believer to see that this is an anachronistic straw man, as Albert Schweitzer highlighted in his 1906 book _The Quest of the Historical Jesus_ .
@@michaels4255 Christianity has always been conservative? I beg to differ. Christianity across history has been a liberal presence opting for drastic changes in society especially for the marginalized. Whatever you reduce Jesus to you have to remember Jesus wrote nothing down, and no one he knew wrote anything down either. So for you to strip Jesus of his mysticism in order to hold onto theological statements made in his name is wild.
@@nononsensespirituality I never "stripped Jesus of his mysticism." Mysticism is a completely different issue from culture, and, yes, Christianity from its very beginning, based on both internal and external sources, was, like Judaism before it, culturally and morally conservative. Also, no one has ever proven that Matthew did not write Matthew, Mark did not write Mark, John did not write anything that bears his name, and that Peter and James ("the brother of the Lord") did not write anything either. There is lots of speculation by post - Enligtenment scholars that question the authorship of literally every book in the NT (it appears to be a hobby), but nobody has ever proven that these speculations are correct.
"More woman have faith: a sense of meaningful spiritual connection to others in the world.
More men have religion: a set of rules to hold them to a way of living."
Really? Seems more like 'woman's spirituality' is being narcissistic and self-seeking and men's 'religion' is being stupid, passive and obedient.
It reminds me of the old joke about how religion is all fine and well and all, if only that darn preacher were not always telling us how to live!
@@michaels4255always rebelling against gods laws
That's not what faith means
One of these days we'll figure out a kind of masculinity that doesn't go into crisis every few decades.
Yes, after Trump and Vance administrations the way things are going. Maybe flagrant, pernicious misandry is a terrible strategy, since your type of commentary encourages enough men to see that now Democrats have switched and are pro-war, against bill of rights, corporatist as possible, pro-extermination of inconvenient groups, and fostering insane levels of man hatred with ZERO indication men will ever receive equality if men don't take back 50% of the authority on gender in society.
Incidentally, it is 'cannon' that women go to church to find someone to settle for after they can no longer benefit sufficiently from men in a more promiscuous way.
I wish I had your optimism. lol
Honestly I think it's always been around it's just not loud.
Masculinity is more "fragile" because it always can be confiscated. "Be a man!" "Real men are..." These phrases are not used in the feminine. (Please don't cite your personal anecdote that is an exception.) No one reinforces masculinity and its rules more than women. Women are constantly telling men what a man should be (in return for sex.) Yes, I know you don't and your sophisticated friends don't but to say men don't experience this in general is pure gaslighting and dishonest.
@thepagecollective You're correct but not in the way you think. True confidence, even in one's gender, can't be taken from you unless you are already prepared to give it up when. If your sense of self relies on other people's perception of you, you will go mad. Yes I have experienced gender policing from insecure guys and it was pathetic. Have never followed unsolicited advice from men too insecure in their own masculinity that they feel they need to deliberately try to appear manly. The last person I'm going to accept instructions for how to correctly oppress women under the patriarchy are women who are conniving their place in it. I like women who like me, not women who need a generic man to play a fantasy role invented by Republicans.
A common complaint that I read about the trad wife movement, is that men don’t hold up there end of the deal.
There is no man’s end of the deal in trad wifery. All he has to do is eat fresh baked cookies, wash it down with homemade lemonade, and treat his wife like an annoying little sister.
They also sometimes leave the wife with no form of support after years because they lose interest. Men don't really want a doormat for a wife. They end up hating her.
I'd actually argue not that men don't hold up their end of the deal but they CAN'T hold up their end. Unless you are born into wealth, a single income household is nearly impossible. Most conservative ideas like this movement is based on pure fantasy, so we shouldn't be surprised if it almost always fails. It's only meant to get clicks and brainwash and was never meant to be a realistic lifestyle choice.
If HEALTH isn't playing at my divorce I'm not even going.
@@tinyshepherdess7710 Men want women to meld to their every need. Sometimes that's being a door mat. Sometimes that means being fascinating and dominating, sometimes they want a domestic goddess or a sex goddess. One human can't keep up with all their neediness. Women have their own needs.
I can’t imagine that women were ever more religious then men 😅 as religion benefits men more, and women are usually in it because they were dependent on men back then, in my opinion
Religion TOTALLY benefits men. Gives them a wife appliance: s*x worker, child rearer, house cleaner, chef, personal assistant and so on. What do women get out of it? (Other than their perceived ticket to heaven)
Ino traditionally in America it was seen that women were the spiritual center of the home. Remember the church also gave women one day a week where they could spend time with other women socializing outside of their home
@@nicholaslowden9307 wow i did not know that!
@@michadubinski9402 I'm sure I'm wasting my time, but there is absolutely no scientific evidence that women have "more feelings¨. lol Neurosexism isn't sexy, bruh.
People who have no personal power tend to lean heavily on magical thinking to get through their life. I saw this with my mother, aunts, and grandmother. They thought being good enough would make their life better. They believed if they were godly enough wives their marriage would be better. If they raised their kids in a godly enough environment, then their kids would be okay. With one generation of mothers after another, and it has never really worked, but women didn’t have any other real options. Women have only had the opportunity to be totally independent from a man for the last 40 something years or so. It hasn’t really taken that much time for women to realize that being a “godly wife” doesn’t exactly solve any problems, but often times creates even more problems. The church also feeds into this perception that women can solve their problems by being more religious.
Hi, I am a moral, religious, practicing Catholic male with a Masters in Theology, and I ABSOLUTELY AGREE WITH YOU! I just had to add, this talk ought to be heard by every Christian in the country!
It's never been about jesus, craven power lust.
I am a bw who is an atheist. Religion has never resonated with me and my parents never forced religion on me. I personally don't care that people are religious. Im just sick of people thinking their religious beliefs are enough justification to remove rights from people particularly women and gay people. I can see why women no longer want any parts of doesn't benefit them. Religion actually harms women, children and animals.
The understanding of religion that remains steady across time is "that which binds", which comes from the latin religio meaning to "reread" - such that words bind people together across time, every group is bound together in some way as is every individual. To consider oneself or one's group free of religion is to consider oneself unbound, which, as far as I can tell, removes ones ability to interface with that which actually binds them together, leading to chaos and separation. Religion can be a chain tying one down or it can be a rope offered to raise up. To characterise religion as strictly good, or strictly bad, is reductionist, I think. The rope that raised the previous generation could become the noose of the next, its how the tool is used, and how the words are considered, that's important. To say that religion "harms women, children and animals" is to ignore that all life owes its existence to that which came before. This does not mean that life owes its life, but it does owe something and that something is the binding force. To love thy mother and thy father, and to love thy neighbour as thyself are heuristics that bind generations and people together in love, rather than fear or hatred, even and especially if fear and hatred are the current state of affairs between people and in ones own heart.
@@indi_prime religion offers nothing that can't be achieve other ways. Just being a good, kind caring person is all that you need to build community with others. You don't need religion to love and honor your parents and you don't need religion to show respect to your neighbor. the value religion brings to humanity isn't worth the harm religion inflicts on humanity.
@@notyet2345that which binds *IS* religion, you can call it a different name but its still religion in the way that word is used
@@indi_prime no it’s not religion. It’s an insult for it to be called religion given how evil, psychopathic and toxic religion is. Religion provides nothing that can’t achieve by other ways. Just being a good person with empathy and compassion is all that is needed. All that other religious crap isn’t needed.
@@indi_prime if you need religion to be a good person, than you are naturally an evil person. Good people are good with or without a god
Because they're leaning into misogyny.
Is this an observation or a desire, its getting harder and harder to tell the difference
@@indi_prime could you clarify what you mean by that? Their desire or mine? Because why would I want a male to lean into misogyny? They're already toxic enough now and getting rewarded for bad behaviour e.g. Tate.
@_asantesana_squashbanana_ On your part, projection tends to create more of that which is projected, this comments section is full of female Tates, you deserve eachother
@@indi_prime Okay incel.
Being religious and being spiritual are two different things
Hell yes.
Very true. Both are irrational, though.
@@allenmontrasio8962 Human beings are not entirely rational. Refusing to accept that is irrational.
@sun1one1 did I refuse to accept it?
@@allenmontrasio8962 Glad to hear you haven't!
It's always about power over other people.
That has never been what it was about, BUT you cannot maintain a society larger than a few dozen persons tops without social hierarchy. However, hierarchy is the means to an end, not the end in itself. And BTW, egalitarian political ideologies cannot thrive without hierarchy and social control either!
@@michaels4255 Social orders can't be maintained, either. It is time for religion to go. That is what I'm talking about. Archy has been argued, since the early Helenic empires. I don't know what humans are capable of and I'm not a cultural anthropologist or a Philosopher of any kind. However, I do not think that it's within our nature to lick boots or kiss rings.
@@scottdavis3571 First, religion is adaptive in the Darwinian sense, and adaptive behaviors do not go away. This is measurable. It is atheism that is maladaptive. Again, measurable. Second, hunter gatherers are loathe to lick boots, but the descendants of farmers are generally compliant as long as you keep them fed. Cochrane and Harpending have an interesting chapter in their book _The 10,000 Year Explosion_ about recent human evolution in which they subtitle one section "We fought the law, and the law won." You should give it a read.
@@michaels4255 I would not be interested. I like my books to be interesting and scientific.
@@scottdavis3571It is science. You just want whatever notions appeal to your animal self to be the “right” ones. How brave.
I feel like the only conversation around organized religion in the US should be focused on how to remove it.
That's been done and unfortunately religious / cult thinking lives on through other platforms be it fake science or MLMs
This is probably pretty short sighted - have you read Sapiens?
Agreed. 😌💯
I think if we took away the power plays and abuse of religion it would become more of a community art and a study of symbol and myth. As long as people realize religion isn't real I think it could be a beautiful artistic and imaginative practice. It will probably be a thousand years though before humanity in general would be ready for something like this.
@@daegon1985 why no I had not been anle to read Sapians thank you for the recommendation. It is a valid thought that if all of humanity spends our effort self analyzing our ignorance we would grow... Unfortunately our history is full of revolutions where Atheist and Statist persons somehow manage to vastly outdo the famine and murder of religious zealots. I myself barely consider atheism itself as the driving factor, rather human Biology and especially the human obsession with heirarchy and stress are to blame in my mind.
I always like to tell people that when I left evangelical Christianity twenty five years ago that I stole Jesus when I went out the door. (Not that they noticed, mind you.) Remarkably, he seems very comfortable in my New Age world.
I wouldn't humble yourself with a joke he may very well prefer you. Or dare I say christ consciousness assisted you out the door
@@matthew2531 I wouldn't have called the above comment humble...
@@l.s.d.5863 based af
Religion is never about faith, it's always been about politics ever since humans began to gather in civilizations.
Religion is not being soiritual. Religion is frequently just a club for misogenists.
The etymology of religion is "that which binds" and spirituality is "the breath". Unbound breath is like the wind and the storm.
@@xunqianbaidu6917 the latin root is religio, meaning "to reread", which is in reference to texts/laws that bind a people
@@xunqianbaidu6917 and rituals are transmitted using what? Words... also Roman culture was deeply enmeshed in law, Romans and non-Romans were literally legal catagories
@@xunqianbaidu6917 I don't even know what you're trying to prove here, honestly. It's self-evident from even a cursory study of Roman history that the Empire and the Republic were held together, bound, by legal categorisations which translated duties to it into standing within it
@@xunqianbaidu6917 indeed, society is bound by religion, the state, absent community based religious commitments, steps in and engages in civic religion building to bind the population together, as these feeble attempts collapse you get the American reality TV show, I mean politics
I find it very interesting that young men are now complaining "where have all the good women gone?" I am almost 70 years old, was raised conservative Catholic, have spent time in other denominations, and you are right, women were the backbone in many churches, outnumbering the men at least two to one. I came of age during the sexual revolution, and immediately found myself in a collision between what society was now saying about sex and what my religion was saying about sex. Basically, I was brought up to save myself for marriage at a time when young men were abandoning that kind of thinking in droves. That young man in the video, that was me, 20, 30, 40 years ago: "where have all the good men gone?" The guys who were attracted to me believed that sex was a free-for-all, that anyone who wasn't enthusiastic about jumping into bed with them right off the bat was hung up and a prude. Consent was not a thing. If you went out with a guy on a date you were automatically consenting to have sex with them at some point in time, preferably sooner than later. Love, attraction, affection, intimacy, had nothing to do with it. I was told this by both men and women. The church, meanwhile, wasn't any help when it came to navigating this new world. Nor were the abstinence groups, which were mainly run by people who had been married for decades and thus completely out of touch when it came to the realities of dating in the 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and beyond. Date rape was something that just didn't happen to good Christian/Catholic girls; if a boy crossed the line, it was because you did something to egg him on. I was sexually assaulted on my very first date and I remember feeling very confused and having nobody to talk to. "Where have all the good men gone? Where are the guys with the same values?" I left the Catholic Church, tried other churches, same story. The older I got, the more the already practically non-existent pool of eligible guys shrank. It was not uncommon for me to find myself the only never-married woman in a church where all the men were already taken. This, naturally created issues, because my singleness was a threat to the married women. I'm sure you've heard this story before; I'm not the only one. There are quite a lot of older, never-married Christian women out there who are like me: we never married because we never got the chance to get married. There was literally no one to marry. Unless you went outside your faith which meant that saving sex for marriage isn't an option anymore. Because the secular world's view and the Christian view on sex are fundamentally incompatible; there's no room for compromise. One of you is going to have to change your mind on this and I guarantee it won't be the guy, because he's got his pick. All right, that is the way it was. Fast forward some more decades, I've pretty much mentally left Christianity though I still go to church mainly for social reasons, I've come to accept that marriage is no longer in the cards for me and in fact is probably not even desirable at this point as I'm used to being quite independent. Now, personally, I have not observed the phenomenon you speak of in the church I am currently attending, but if it is true, I find it ironic. "Where have all the trad wives gone?" Well, I'm sorry, young man, but you are 40 years TOO LATE. There was a time I would have given almost anything to go out and start a relationship with you. Now, not only am I "too old", being old enough to be your grandmother, but I'm not interested any more. So now it is the young men who might be doomed to involuntary celibacy? I don't know what to say about that. You are looking for something that no longer exists. Have fun. Because I don't think the women are coming back.
Dear ladies, I highly encourage you to join a woman's only goddess worshiping yoga group..... So much healing. So much empowerment! It's amazing.
Great advice!!
Bring back Ashera
Jesus is Lord.
@AlexanderNayebi nope.
That's infinitely more embarrassing than belief in Christianity
Women increasingly respect mother nature more than Yahweh.
I am aware of many deities who took mortal wives, bearing them immortal children, but I am aware of only one who trusted a mortal woman with his life.
@@indi_primeWe don't care about that. We're not interested in a patriarchal religion or a patriarchal society.
@@teresamagnusson it seems, more accurately, that you're interested in none at all as none exist that you wouldn't define as such
@@indi_primeCorrect. We will have to create something new.
Bring back Ashera
When I was a kid (back in 60s and 70s) church service was 80% women (but the minister and elders/deacons were 90%+ men). The women did most of the labor (fundraising, teaching, cleaning, serving, maintaining). In the 90s and later there were some women ministers and most (90%+) of active members were women (older women/my moms generation, my generation left the church). My mom (and most of her friends) eventually left the church because it was becoming political and hypocritical (anti LGBTQ, anti feminism, anti immigration). These old ladies thought the churches were full of hate and not love.
Read the Bible. The Church has always been anti gay and anti feminism. That is nothing new, so your mom and her friends are rather hypocritical to pretend that Christianity has changed when it is they who have changed. Strictly speaking, immigration is not a theological question, but the same principle that justifies private property rights ("thou shalt not steal") also justifies the maintenance of national borders.
I'm confused. I heard elsewhere that more young people in general were leaving religion. Are men entering religion, or leaving at a slower rate than women? What does the data point to?
Gen Z last I checked had the lowest religiosity out of every generation so far. I have a feeling this idea of young men being more religious is conservative propaganda at work.
Iirc the data suggests that young women are leaving *faster* than young men, but the youth as a whole are generally stepping away
@@himbolastname6379 ah ok, thank you.
I think it's just some red pill guys who aren't actually going to any church or practicing any religion.
They just like the idea of being able to go back to a system of patriarchy where they would get unearned power and deference from women.
This is so interesting to me. I've been a practicing neopagan for over a decade, but recently joined a Quaker meeting in my area. I think part of the draw toward religion traditionally (for women) was that it put you in touch with the community after you had children. I would have been content practicing by myself, but I have a son and I want him to see that I'm not the only one who doesn't follow the dogma that his grandparents preach. The Quakers have been great for that. So, I wonder if part of it is simply that more people are childfree? I go to meeting to help my son understand my values and help him be a good grown up one day.
There are plenty of comments on this video that like to paint women as vulnerable to magical thinking.
I'm in my '50s, when my parents moved from rural Kentucky to suburban, Texas, they joined a church. And not only because they were and our believers. But because my mother especially wanted a community of people, she could rely on personally and socially.
The nuclear family has been profoundly isolated while not doing much to relieve the incredible labor of managing a household and rearing children.
Love your content!
As an hard atheist Millenial, all I can say to these men is pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and stop crying into the comfort of feel good dogma.
Your video came up in my algorithm yesterday and I am glad it did! I am checking out your other videos and I get the feeling I am
In the right place. ❤
As a mexican american, I need to find my local ethics pagan customs and practice them for cultural reasons
Have you considered that law enforcement may frown on your attempts to bring back human sacrifice?
@@michaels4255 google paganism before you embarrass yourself any further
I am European and I am surprised to hear that women were more religious than men in America? I didn't know it at all, in Europe I would say that it was always the men.
Well not anymore apparently.
Depends where you are. I don't have stats, so this is purely impression, but I always thought that christianity here in Sweden, at least in more recent history (post-witch-era lol), has been more women than men.
That's not true at all.
I wager in Europe women are still more religious.
In America women are moving away from religion.
You would me mistaken. Historically, the same pattern has held in Europe. Thus for example, the German expression that the domain of women was "kinder, kuche, kirche," children, kitchen, church.
Thank you for your insight and expertise! The rise in numbers of modern pagans since the 80's seemed to me that many went to it for what was missing in Christianity, equal place of power and voice for women on a spiritual level. It always annoyed my young pagan self to hear bad-mouthing Christianity as it made me wonder if paganism was just a rebound relationship or flavor-of-the-month trend! But your video fills in the gaps of this time period with what was happening. Thank you for that!
So many recovering ex-Christians. My sympathies for you all!
Would love you to post a transcript of this video… excellent- thank you!!
It is true that there has been a decline in Christianity and organized religion in the West, but there are many factors in this. Viewing this change through the lens of "Politicized Patriarchy in the U.S." may be one potential avenue for explanation, but other explanations, such as the impact of changing Economics are also viable. Note that the Economics explanation has superior explanatory power because it accounts for the changes in Europe as well as the changes in the U.S.
For example, here are 5 impacts to Christianity in the West brought about by changing economics that apply on both sides of the Atlantic:
1. Prosperity and Secularization: As countries in the West have become more prosperous, there's a noted trend where economic growth correlates with secularization. This phenomenon, often referred to as the "Existential Security Hypothesis," suggests that when basic needs are met and economic stability is achieved, people feel less compelled to seek solace or answers in religion. In economically secure environments, existential questions might shift from divine intervention to personal or secular pursuits, reducing the utility of religion in daily life. The assurance of economic well-being might lessen the reliance on religious explanations or community for support, leading to a decline in religious participation.
2. Urbanization and Economic Migration: Economic opportunities have historically driven urbanization and migration. Urban areas, where economic activities are concentrated, tend to be more secular. The anonymity and diversity of urban settings often lead to weaker traditional community ties, including those based on religion. Migrants, seeking better economic conditions, might also find themselves in environments where religious observance is lower, or where they are exposed to a diversity of beliefs that might dilute their original faith practices. This exposure can lead to a dilution of religious identity, especially if the economic success requires or leads to assimilation into a more secular society.
3. Changes in Work and Family Structures: Economic pressures have transformed work and family life. Longer working hours, the necessity for dual-income households, and the rise of the gig economy mean less time for community activities, including church attendance. The decline in traditional family structures, driven partly by economic necessity (e.g., delayed marriage, lower birth rates due to career focus), also impacts religious life. Christianity, which has traditionally placed emphasis on family and community, finds it challenging to maintain its relevance when these structures are altered or diminished by economic demands.
4. Consumerism and Materialism: The rise of consumer culture, fueled by economic growth, promotes values of individualism, materialism, and immediate gratification. These values can conflict with Christian teachings on humility, sacrifice, and community welfare. The focus on material success and personal gain might undermine the spiritual or communal aspects of Christianity. When economic systems celebrate and reward material accumulation over spiritual growth, the appeal of religious activities that might not directly contribute to one's economic status can wane.
5. Welfare State and Charity: Historically, churches played a significant role in social welfare, providing services that modern states have increasingly taken over. As governments provide more comprehensive welfare systems, the necessity for religious organizations to fill these roles diminishes. This reduction in functional utility might contribute to a decline in religious affiliation, as one of the practical reasons for church involvement-charity and community support-is now covered by secular means.
Economics can partially explain the OVERALL trend towards secularism in the world but this video is exploring a very unique phenomenon - men are increasing becoming more religious than women in the US. It doesn't happen in other developed countries. In fact, in countries with high gender equality and where church does not interfere with politics, men are leaving church faster then women. In my opinion, men seem to gravitate towards religion when it promises them higher power (especially over women) and that's why the intertwining of religion and state promotes men's involvement. Women, on the other hand, seem to gravitate towards religion because they enjoy the community building aspect and often make use of it in their day to day lives. That is also why, a big portion of women do not simply leave religion and Christianity in particular but they create other spiritual communities, e.g., witchcraft, taro, yogic retreats etc.
@@AShreads55While there are men who want power over women and gravitate towards methods of doing so, to say that that is the key driving factor seems silly to me. Men also crave community and I believe that is driving more men to join religion than patriarchal ideals. People are becoming increasingly lonely and need avenues for connection
@@jojones4685 Why does it seem silly to you?
I agree that what you bring up is a significant factor in driving men towards religion, but if it were the differentiating factor, that wouldn't account for the gender gap. It's not like women don't get lonely too. You even said it yourself "PEOPLE are becoming increasingly lonely". And since women are more encouraged and conditioned to seek and participate in community, while men are typically conditioned towards a much more self-isolating individualism that derides emotional connection, emotional sharing, vulnerability and inter-dependency with others, you'd think that in such a case, the gender gap would actually be widening in the other direction. All people are becoming increasingly needy for connection and community, but more and more, men are looking for it in the church and women are looking for it elsewhere. So the question here isn't really about that core need, but rather the difference in how we pursue said need. Certain aspects of that could be contributed to economic or educational shifts, but it's far from silly to suggest the very obvious connection that fewer women and more men prescribing to a system with a nearly universally acknowledged male preference bias, might be the result of said bias.
At any rate, for whatever reason you find the obvious answer too silly to entertain, simply calling it loneliness, a theory that hinges on the implication that women don't get lonely, is, uh... well a little silly. lol
It is the breakdown of social cohesion which changes in the economy and technology facilitate.
@@l.s.d.5863But are guys really going to church to “suppress” women? No. They aren’t. We can drop this act. Men, like women, experience crises of individuality. As a man who has played with Nietzschean fire, I totally understand why so many lonely and disenchanted men are seeking avenues of spiritual belief. Existence is horrifying. I’m sorry, but it is. I’ve gazed long into the abyss, and while I still do not believe in any ultimate purpose to human existence (or any existence) I profoundly sympathize with those that do.
Most people are too afraid to face existential dread by choice and find a will or way in the midst of it. What many men wish for is a meaningful life that possesses the qualities of adventure. That often involves finding love with a moral, dependable and healthy woman. Said woman is usually not neurotically obsessed with gender dynamics and her own self-interest above everything else. The trade-off is that the guys are to prepare themselves morally beforehand to be the best men they can be for their woman in every way. But seeing as so many people are turned off by the idea of dating (regardless of gender) the story that men have been imitating each other into for centuries has been put on pause, and the script is being directly attacked and changed. That script has needed updates, and it has received them. The problem is that things are starting to be changed and attacked that are not healthy to change and attack, ushering in a crisis.
I tried pagan witchcraft new age religion path after deconstructing Mormon fundamentalism and Christianity, but quickly it seemed just as absurd and culty. I recently bought your book and when my defenses are down I try to read a little, in hopes I can build a new perspective towards addressing this void that religion can no longer fill.
Religion never had benefit to women...makes sense
Not true at all, you can tell to the exact year that a Roman settlement converted to Christianity because baby skeletons could no longer be dated in the drainage cisterns, given that women love their babies this seems like a positive influence that they were given the support required to care for them
That's a lie Christianity Gave woman more rights across the world...
@@NicBur-td8jl Only when they're gone will this be made apparent, however I doubt even then they'll admit it
@@indi_prime Problem is many give in too the hate instead of realizing Christianity was more spread by woman then men. The spread of Christianity was love & acceptance of woman being more than property like they were in the old days.
All religions restrict and control women.
The reason why Judaism still works for Jews after they stop believing is because it’s still their ethnic folk faith. I think the real reason they rejected Christianity is because of its universalist doctrine. They understood that faith is a tribal and ethnic affair.
At the end of the day, I believe universalism is a Christian value and conflicts with our natural drive for tribe and nationhood. This is why I believe that a return to paganism is inevitable because it coincides with our natural desires to be a part of a clan or tribe.
I’m reminded of the Native American woman on Mormon stories who said she was making her way back into her ethnic faith. This is what I think everyone should be doing. Although, it might be harder for Europeans because we are so far removed from our pre-Christian beliefs.
Christianity doesn't necessarily erase ethnic particularities, quite the opposite if you contrast Irish water well-bound saints to African supernatural spirits, to Asian ancestor veneration, although corporatised forms that have forgotten their roots appear as such. Instead, it has a history of adopting those particularities while fostered peace between nations. In my estimation, secular progressivism/perpetual modernism demands homogeneity and is happy to use monetised 'faith' as a vehicle.
It doesn't work for them after they stop believing, or at least not for very long. It doesn't always happen in one generation, but eventually Jews that stop believing assimilate to gentile society. This is a very old pattern.
This kind of thing always really messes with me. Apparently seeking cultural solidarity as a hegemony is innately evil but you can do it to any excess you wish as long as you aren’t the dominant group. This is very conceited and twisted logic.
The exchange of power is threatening
Fascinating! Thank you for this
good for me as a lefty guy, but what will be the blowback from the toxic powderkeg of churchy extremism?
Don't worry about that. It will require several generations of differential fertility before that happens. What you need to worry about is what happens to your soul after death if you are wrong.
They tried social a few social issues . . . No. The issue was that the US government was threatening to either deny Bob Jones University Dept of Education funds or change their tax status or something because Bob Jones would not accept Black students. There was a literal meeting with Paul Weyrich, Jerry Falwell and a few others. A friend of mine, Randall Balmer (now Chair of the Religion Dept at Dartmouth College), was at this meeting. They were looking for an issue that would unite Conservative Christians into a political block. They knew that uniting around the Bob Jones issue would be a nonstarter for evangelicals in the North. So, I think it was Falwell, said offhandedly, “How about abortion?” So, underneath the misogyny was racism. And here we are.
I was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, I was sitting at my dining table writing word for word in KJV bible revelation , “I’m not a good speller”, I became very frustrated with many mistakes, so I held up my hands then told God, just go ahead and take my life, I no sooner felt faint then I picked myself up from the floor from being unconscious and blood 🩸 running down my face, I knew that there was a higher power over me, Also in charge !
John 14:26, 14:6, 3:3-5, repent,
Revelation 2:17, I received a white stone, it just mysteriously appeared in my KJV bible,
Also, I was dipping a piece of bread into a bowl of olive, then my hand just went down on the edge of the bowl, the oil splashed upon my face and hair, I had known of Queen Esthers fasting, so I researched the Hebrew tradition of anointing, so I then went three days no food or water and anointing daily, as I believe God Almighty Elohim, had a hand in this happening,
Revelation 3:10,
God’s Test Hour is coming !
God bless all, shalom
Most men who feel they lack control over their lives will gravitate to a tribal system. The Old Testament is the ultimate manual for a tribe to survive and thrive. The New Testament is an invitation for all ethnicities to partake in that tribal method.
Thriving from whose perspective?
@@l.s.d.5863 the tribe’s
This is fascinating because the christian counterargument would draw the same conclusion: when they abandon God they get frustrated and start crazy traditions. Although in the modern case, their version of christianity IS the crazy tradition.
Only if you define "tribe" in a very broad way, not as anthropologists define it.
Seems like religion lets men live their power fantasy.
How so? I don’t think that tracks. Religion is deeply disempowering for everybody in some ways. The only men who have power in religion are the priest-caste.
Exactly. Religion/Church is a man's place. They'll listen to the girls... but not really.
Tell them all to act like Jesus and they won’t be as religious.😊
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27
Hmm. Actually, won't that really confuse... Ah, I get it.
All valid points.
But just to clear up a little bit what the main driving force was with regard to abortion:
from a book named: Confronting Church and State: Memoirs of an Activist, by John M. Swomley, chapter 4:
Abortion is a church-state issue because the Vatican insists that governments adopt into law its politics on birth control and abortion. I did not realize how serious this problem would become when I did the research and writing of a chapter on Civil Liberties and Abortion for the 1971 publication of the Methodist Board of Social Concerns, Abortion, A Human Choice. However, after the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, removing abortion from the criminal code, the Catholic bishops challenged the traditional American position that a person legally exists at birth (which is also the Biblical position) and insisted upon their theological position that an embryo or fetus from the moment of conceptions must have due process of law and equal protection with all living persons.
That basis for this proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution is the decision of Pope Pius XII on October 29, 1951: “Now the child, even the unborn child, is a human being in the same degree and by the same title as its mother . . . so . . . to save the life of the mother is a most noble end, but the direct killing of the [unborn] child as a means to that end is not lawful.” This means that it is better for both mother and fetus to die than it is to save the life of the mother through a direct abortion.
In fact, Father Patrick A. Finney specifically said this in his book, Moral Problems in Hospital Practices, which was published under the imprimatur of the Archbishop of St. Louis: “Q. If it is morally certain that a pregnant mother and her unborn child will both die if the pregnancy is allowed to take its course, but at the same time the attending physician is morally certain that he can save the mother’s life by removing the inviable fetus, it is lawful for him to do so? A. No, it is not. Such a removal would be a direct abortion.”
Chapter 4 continues:
In order to put Vatican directives into U.S. law, the Catholic bishops on November 20, 1975, issued their Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities. It was clearly a political document. The Plan stated, “It is absolutely necessary to encourage the development in each congressional district of an identifiable, tightly knit and well-organized pro-life unit.” The Bishops also decided to “urge appointment of judges” who would take the Vatican position on abortion. The Plan listed specific directives for dealing with members of Congress and for the legislative committees, such as “Contact members of the House Judiciary Subcommittee and get a commitment from each member.” It also had a plan for Catholic high school seniors, for initiating contact with non-Catholic churches and scholars. In short, The Catholic bishops have had a strategy since 1975 to persuade everyone to accept Papal decrees.
I saw this as having at least four implications. Here was the largest church in America, a tax-exempt organization whose leaders, accountable only to the Vatican, were clearly violating a fundamental American principle of separation of church and state. They were also prepared to subordinate the women of America to fetal life so that women were not only defined by the fetus but, once impregnated, whether by rape, incest or otherwise, their pregnancy was compulsory until birth.
Third, the bishops’ decision to ban abortion was extended to contraceptive birth control and to preventing any further research on birth control devices even for the use of non-Catholics. And finally, the bishops intended to control the foreign policy of the United State so that no funding of family planning in other nations would take place and that the U.S. policy should be subject to Vatican approval. This actually is what happened during the Reagan and Bush presidencies.
The biggest reason is that our modern secular society hasn't provided a healthy outlet of masculinity to begin with. Everything that was present for those instincts such as boy scouts or stable marriages have disappeared over the years. This trend of young gen Alpha seeking a masculine ideal in religion will only grow as time goes on.
Honestly I don't think you are intersectional enough for this conversation. "Paganism" isn't the only avenue people are walking their Spiritual path on, Nor do they all Fit that word, Nor are they even starting from scratch!
Many people are reconnecting with the Religions/Spiritual Avenues that Abrahamic Religions curb stomped on its way to America. It feels like you are minimizing the damage and depth of the Religious Generational Trauma Christianity and Abrahamic Religions have caused. Especially since on record a lot of these Spiritualities survived via descendants and Closed practices. And because they are closed you don't see the same abundance of talk with them as you do with "Paganism".
I'm using "Paganism" in quotes because it's used to denote Non-Abrahamaic Religions, wrap them in a Colonizing sense of Otherness. Just because you see various practices using certain objects, such as but not limited to Tarot, Crystals, Candles and etc...doesn't mean it's not Organized, Or coming from nothing or no basis.
Christianity is one of the YOUNGER religions. Many people, especially women are turning to the religions/Spiritualities OLDER then even Islam, And Judaism, that have been around LONGER then they have existsted.
Especially Women of Color!
Christianity is/was a Tool for Colonization, and as such every religion that isn't respected by it is deemed as Unorganized and primitive or Mystical in a Fetishizing Way (Most East-Asian, and Indigenous religions) or Straight up Demonic (Most African Practices).
Christianity needs to step down on a global scale, Not be Erased mind you. No religion or Spiritualities deserve to EVER be erased. It needs to stand equal with others religions, and other religions need to be treated with respect. Until that happens people will continue to be weary and or leave because sticking with a religion that was used to Indoctrinate, enslave, Erase, demonize, colonize and Then Sell back the Salvation it took from others if they convert because its all thats left....Is Just the Sunk Cost Fallacy at its finest!
Given one of the main roots of the problem is because Christianity took its place by Force to be one of the Only Choices!
You should Believe in it, IF and Only IF it FILLS YOU. NOT "To make it work"
Christianity's evolution was due to the ruling class to keep control NEVER for altruistic Reasons. If its gonna evolve those who break away must Organize to a new protestant sect whether recognized or not!
TL;DR: If Christianity dont Decolonize Itself from its roots, People will continue to walk no matter its "Evolution". And Don't Dismiss other Spiritualities/Religions.
I don’t know if large numbers are really going to paganism. I think they’re nothing or are ditching the church and keeping Christ (my choice).
I'm not sure religious differences between the younger sexes will necessarily lead to the need for men to "import" more conservative wives. I was very religious when I married my non-religious husband. There are thousands if not millions of examples of successful "mixed" marriages. There is a lot more to attraction than someone's religion. Of course, time will only tell, but I'd be willing to bet good money that tons of witchy straight/bi/pan women will still marry conservative, religious men.
Seeing society collapse all around you can make you pretty religious. That's why.
This is in the menu but not in the video:
18:00 - Future Predictions
19:30 - Conclusion
Yes… except religion has always been tied to politics, this is one of the latest iterations, look at India now…
Sure, trying to separate religion from politics is like trying to separate culture from politics. Even languages, which are morally neutral, cannot be separated from politics.
Someone shared a scripture that directly referenced this disparity and seemed to reference our modern feminist movement but I didn’t write it down. 😢
Why are notifications disabled for this channel?
That was a really interesting talk. Three cheers for the women. They often lead the way. That's why we men need them in the upper echelons society and culture.
I have a lot of respect for Christians like Randal Rauser, "The Tentative Apologist". I also like April Ajoy. The U-Tuber Tim MIlls, "Harmonic Atheist", interviewed Ajoy just the other day. He asked her about her Christianity and why she remained Christian. Although she is now a very, very liberal Christian after having been a hard core evangelical Christian Nationalist, she gave a very good defence of her position. She remains attracted to the teachings of Jesus and how they are important in the world, not for maintaining corrupt structures but rather for challenging such structures and helping those oppressed by them.
When it comes to meaning in the world, "Unsolicited Advice" had an interesting video titled "Why Modern Life Feels So Empty". It dealt with the ideas of Byung-Chul Han in his book "The Disappearance of Rituals: A Topology of the Present". It sounded really interesting and in the context of religion/spirituality the book argues that ritual (not nostalgia for the past), and irrationality and imagination or make believe can be so important for the provision of meaning. I gather it's not a critique of rationalism and logic, but rather it's about how the non rational and associated rituals can help us to find meaning in a world that's currently devoted to efficient production and consumerism.
Wishy washies don't offer enlightenment or useful insights, just FUD. Traditional religion works for society and usually works well for the individual too. Just do it.
'God wants incels' - Mark 12:25, Luke 20:35, Rev 14:4
Oop! 😂
@@williamoarlock8634 I think paul was the first incel in recorded history.
Those are actually volcels, not incels.
@@michaels4255 They take celibacy vow knowing no one will touch them.
Interesting take. I disagree with your underlying assumptions and some of what you say, except for the comment about persecution coming from within a religious organisation. I attend a Catholic TLM and it is our own pope and his hand-picked henchmen who seem to hate us and want to banish us to a gulag somewhere. Incidentally about half of the attendees at the TLM near me are young single women of as it is a small city with both a college and university. The balance are men and young families, a few older folks, pretty representative of the local demographics.
Keep working on this. I'm not American, so no dog in the political fight there. We have nothing similar here. America is its own thing LOL.
This is embarrassing and pathetic. Nobody needs an imaginary surrogate parent. We need healthy social connection and when we're alone, the arts, I assure you, offer more than any spirituality. And mindfulness has nothing to do with any spirituality, either.
You are mistaken. We need our divine Father. "The gods of the copybook headings" always return. If I ran the school system, I would make every child learn that poem by heart.
Nope. We don't need a divine anything or the Bible or scripture. It's really quite simple. You can't choose your sexuality and respect everyone's choices when it comes to abortion, having kids, the consenting adults they marry, if they choose to marry or not, how they dress, their spirituality. Respect trans by calling them by their chosen name and chosen pronouns, especially if they have asked you nicely.
@@erinnmackie3507 I disagree. Not all choices or behaviors deserve respect.
@@michaels4255 ok. What choices do you think don't deserve respect?
@@michaels4255 sorry if I wrote this twice. What choices/ behaviors do you not think deserve respect?
The daughters of Eve sent us running back to God!
Yeah, you!
Great show as usual!!! If I might make a suggestion...slow down your cadence just a little. You have such a lovely voice!!❤
Well said. Read about the theology of dominion. I'd argue against something you said that organized religion has ALWAYS been about power. Take a look at some Bakunin.
Religion is for those who feel powerless. Women are no longer the powerless in this country.
It's not politics per se even - that's not new as well - but how this political Christianity handle a much more educated and feminist portion of female population.
Conservative sexual morality is Christian from the beggining - as much as generosity and forgiveness.
Yes, Christianity has always championed conservative sexual morality, but not uniquely so. Throughout history, rising societies have been characterized by strict sexual mores, and societies that liberalized their sexual mores (which inevitably accompanies a more prominent role for women in public life), often when they were at the height of their power after ascending during a more conservative period, always went into decline. We are all familiar with the story of the antique Roman Empire, but there are many less famous examples.
Also, primitive societies were not always patriarchal. Many of them were avuncular and matrilineal, some people say most of them, and these societies had looser sexual mores and a greater role for women in public life. Yet only the patriarchal cultures ever developed into advanced civilizations. We can debate why, but I think it is highly risky to bet your society's future against such a consistent pattern.
"feminist portion of the female population" - which is empowered by the feminist portion of the male population. It is the male feminists which I view as the root of the problem. Without them, feminism would be a joke.
Their still young, the young do stupid things, they'll realise before their 30.
Now, do you actually have evidence for the existence of this God? Or are you just wanting power over people?
It's only ever about power
@@wyleecoyotee4252 atheist trope
Religious? No. Fantastical? It seems to me to be so.
0:48 I'm sure others know better than I, but weren't men more spiritual and religious in the scriptures?
I can see why that would be especially dischordant for women in an individualized nation & state like America. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Men can feel similarly when we stand with women looking back at our history and determining how we need to adjust to modernity to find the good path.
Men are first of all ubiquitously derided, resented, mocked, kicked, abused and unheard, since the only permissible comparisons and contrasts permitted anywhere in accredited secular liberal society is to:
1. positively compare women's superiority to men, or
2. negatively contrast men with better conclusion about women.
Men see the degradation of society and fear to leave our future kids unprotected. We see that we cannot get married and have kids in secular, violently misandrist society. That secular marriage is unappreciated, secular genderology is anti-male, and WE SEE the warlike destruction of men's lives, now they have to pay for two households and get to see their kid twice a month and the kid is indoctrinated by culture alone that the dad is a bum deadbeat who doesn't care, and they need brand name xyz, in childcare or latchkey or with not ideal minders and poor role models...
The values and community of religion can be beneficial if the dogma lightens up a bit, and focuses on practical respect and compassion for ourselves and others.
In my reading of scripture, men are mostly the heroes and villains of Bible stories. When Jesus comes along, he has a number of fascinating interactions and relationships with women that showcase a deep spirituality among women. But in the landscape of the Mesopotamian world, women seemed to be more like livestock and servants than central characters.
@@lucindabreeding Thanks Lucinda!
I don't think America has a men vs women problem, as much as a whole culture problem. There are generally so many selfish, hateful, malicious people struggling for power and to one up one another. Everything you say women say to men, women have also experienced from men all their lives. I don't have a solution. I'm saying it's not one-sided. Look at what incel/meninist culture says about women and how they encourage one another to manipulate and abuse women. At least l rarely see that in feminist discussions.
Dogma should be embraced, not feared. BTW, if you search the internet a little bit, you can find a study that found the divorce rate of couples who pray together daily to be less than one percent. After the believers have outbred the infidels for several generations, they will eventually restore a traditional social order, but first we will have to muddle through this period of cultural insanity. Some things have a history of working for the societies that embrace them, and some things do not. Monotheism, patriarchy, monogamy, chastity, the sexual division of labor, these are things that have a history of working. From a Darwinian point of view, they are adaptive social technologies, whereas their recent replacements are maladaptive. Mathematically speaking, the culture wars can only have one outcome, but it will take a while to get there.
@@michaels4255 the birthrate suggests that believers would have to produce 40 children to do that.
The reality is that there is no way back for religion in the West. The church is dying. A tiny percentage of Quiverfull Christians doesn't have the number of wombs needed to "outbreed" secularism.
No, they are using religion as a framework for their bigotry.
So it's a bad development.
They make me ashamed that i'm a man.
Because people assume i'm "that" kind of christian just cause im an old white guy
Maybe they should stop being racist and sexist towards you. How about that?
Orthodox Christianity has always maintained a healthy balance of men and women.
Si, por eso solo las mujeres se tapan la cabeza en la iglesia ortodoxa y no pueden ser matriarcas porque...porque no tienen pene, 😂😂😂 muy lógico todo. Misma mierda misógina, todas las religiones.
Why? Did they finally discover evidence that gods or specifically their gods exist? Please share this magical evidence for magical thinking with the rest of us.
Warhammer Joke here ... something something WARRRR!!!!
Religion in America is a mixture of all kind of man made religion ,, nothing to do with Jesus teaching, cause jesus never claimed divinity ,and moses was not Christian neither all frophets before
If you believe what Jesus said in the gospel of John, and even what the Pharisees said about Jesus, then, yes, Jesus claimed to be God.
Islam is the only future for humanity ,cause it's the only religion can give answers to crucial questions,and gives human life a good meaning with justice for all
☪️ ancer 🤮
No, mi ciela 😂😂😂