thanks a lot. was gonna get the xu1 from.bunnings NZ as the batteries are way cheaper than the ozito ones ehich are expensive for a DIY range i.e. 100$ for a 4AH batrery and 90 for the 2.5AH! while the xu1 ones are about half price and still 18v. about 55$ for the 4AH. one the paper they develop the same torque 110Nm but not quite as you demonstrated it so well. thanks a ton mate saves me wasting money trying to save on the batteries. But if the tools useless there's no point. Shame cause i have an older Xu1 cordless drill and it's excellent really for the price!
To stay longer in the shed, and out of the house, buy an XU1.
thanks a lot. was gonna get the xu1 from.bunnings NZ as the batteries are way cheaper than the ozito ones ehich are expensive for a DIY range i.e. 100$ for a 4AH batrery and 90 for the 2.5AH! while the xu1 ones are about half price and still 18v. about 55$ for the 4AH. one the paper they develop the same torque 110Nm but not quite as you demonstrated it so well. thanks a ton mate saves me wasting money trying to save on the batteries. But if the tools useless there's no point. Shame cause i have an older Xu1 cordless drill and it's excellent really for the price!
Good video but could have been back a bit more and some talking or a run down of which one performed better
XU1 tools are made by ozito