Benzo withdrawal. 9.5 months off symptoms

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 196

  • @blackbirdhollow3889
    @blackbirdhollow3889 7 лет назад +35

    Great to see you doing so well. I'm off now for 3.5 years. Once your anxiety goes it will amaze you. And the DP/DR, insomnia and "jolts" will follow. I can actually sleep WHENEVER I want to now....and believe me, it is better sleep than I have ever known. Your suffering will be well worth the effort! Hang in there, like you said, you are past the will only get better! At this point I have a very few physical symptoms left, which are tolerable. I think the fear factor was the worst of it all....crazy where our minds can take us!

    • @devil.dismantled
      @devil.dismantled 6 лет назад +3

      This gives me so much hope. I am afraid of damn near everything and keep struggling with the idea that this is all me.

    • @amkcgitah
      @amkcgitah 6 лет назад

      man I thought evert one was talking about me or to me, at a certain moment I did not want to leave my house without my wife or my son and this is still going on for more than 2 yrs will it ever stop the shaking etc.I came from valium 10 6dd now it is 5 mg 3dd alcohol does not help,I just have a terrible life

    • @amkcgitah
      @amkcgitah 6 лет назад

      Not so super if we talk about benzos but 20 mg a day is ok for me,but I think i'll never be able to stop.Thanks for reaktion Mike

    • @amkcgitah
      @amkcgitah 6 лет назад

      yeah wouln't that be a show...I'm just to old now and I made an agreement with my docter for a maintenance dose,good luck ,thank's for reaction always for a chat,later Kees

    • @garysimone4977
      @garysimone4977 6 лет назад

      Black Bird Hollow off K 9 months and only a few more days and Zoloft will be done wean I get PAWS and I have all these questions u have and sleep is sooo spotty Glad u made this vid I feel the same

  • @seanrounsley232
    @seanrounsley232 7 лет назад +6

    I watch your videos daily,, sometimes multiple times. I'm in the same position as you were over 3 years ago and started my taper process abruptly a month ago. I can't thank you enough, You give us the facts and reality first hand and I can't tell you how much it helps me to see you doing so well now and making progress as well as explaining things to others. I wish I could organize my thoughts more at the moment but just being able to watch your videos helps a lot and is so informative. Please keep uploading when you feel you can. Your strength amazes me . Keep fighting the good fight Six your the man I know you got this.

  • @Jen.K
    @Jen.K 7 лет назад +4

    Living in a permanent state of impending doom is exhausting and very difficult. Every time I got in my car to go somewhere, I thought it was going to explode, it was always a relief to get back home. I'm also doing quite a bit better now, but its taken a long time. Glad to hear you are improving, thanks for making these videos. Support and validation from others going through the same thing is life saving.

  • @GagaDebbie
    @GagaDebbie 7 лет назад +7

    Thank you so much for sharing. I've been off of benzos for over two years. I'm worse now than before I started. My legs jerk, have deep leg pain, grind my jaw, as well as a lot of what you describe. I followed my doctor's instructions to a T. I'm with you..we should have been forewarned extensively on these meds. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20. I appreciate so much you sharing. It helps. Good luck to you

  • @mirandamaximus5565
    @mirandamaximus5565 6 лет назад +2

    Thank you bro!
    I've been taking 1mg of Xanex a day for over ten years. I just finished law school and suffered everyday with withdrawal symptoms because I didn't know what was going on. The doctors encouraged me to take a higher dosage so I went up to 1.5mg.
    I finally weened myself off about 6 months ago. I didn't know I would go through hell like this. I've been trying to study for a bar exam and I did not know what was wrong with me. I thought the withdrawal symptoms would be long gone. I thought I might be sick with another illness.
    I now know I am still going through withdrawal symptoms. No one told me they could last this long. I now understand and have hope!
    These videos have helped me tremendously!
    I will get through this and I will help others like you have!

  • @nitzaperez7349
    @nitzaperez7349 7 лет назад +2

    Sixslow it was nice hearing from you, God Bless you and you keep fighting because you are helping people who don't understand what benzo do to us when we don't what to take them anymore. Thank you for you're video.

  • @TrekCycling
    @TrekCycling 7 лет назад +5

    Thanks for your videos. I tapered in 2014 and was thrown immediately into hell and couldn’t deal. In hindsight it was too fast. I reinstated at 5mg and then slow tapered with long holds. I’m now at 2mg V and hoping to start tapering again soon.

  • @ridcomics9364
    @ridcomics9364 7 лет назад +2

    Good to hear from you again mate glad your doing much better.
    Wish you all the best keep up the great work sixlow.

  • @basilkachtiro
    @basilkachtiro 4 года назад +1

    You are great guy. I ask Allah to guide you to his light and protect you and your family and heal you.

  • @oceanicor8564
    @oceanicor8564 7 лет назад +1

    hey, glad u're doing better. I'm off benzo's and ssri more than a year now, but i still feel withrawal symptoms, this shit took my life away, i failed university no social life just more physical pain severe anxiety major depression, i dont know how much it will last... IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад

      zahira yohann more than a year that's awesome. I'm not even there yet. I still have a long ways to go i still have lots of symptoms . I feel you, I have all the same symptoms . It slowly gets better. We will get our lives back eventually!

  • @tessla748
    @tessla748 7 лет назад +4

    Oh yeah, I have the same thing with the air conditioner as well, not only the noise, but just wind blowing on my skin feels too harsh and will cause me pain.

  • @kvakma
    @kvakma 7 лет назад

    You have truly come a long way and listening to you describe where you are gives me a little gratitude. Being a few months ahead of you, I soo well relate to where you are and yep, it sux.
    It also gets better. Actually 9 months was one of my hardest times; I remember equating it to the pain of childbirth, only much worse. However, it was about months 10-14 things began changing for the better with s/s letting up, longer windows, some mental clarity, moments without vibrating, fearing, and the beginning of short semi-decent thoughts & conversations. Keep doing what you've been as progress is evident in spite of feeling bat-shit crazy. Happy for you and look forward to future updates. At 20 months, it's so much better that now--when Benzo-Mania does return--usually after I've stressed myself too much - I just revert to relative isolation/solitude & low-light quiet, very simple foods, lots of water, and calmly again wait it out. Good thing is it does pass in a much seemingly shorter time and, light has truly begun to be seen at the end of this deep, dark, inexplicable tunnel that has been life for far too long. Yep, there's light for us all & that's nice to know today......hope you feel a little hope too :)

  • @bierstadt77
    @bierstadt77 7 лет назад +3

    I feel your pain. I was put on clonazepam for only 5 weeks. Apparently I was extremely sensitive to it. I tapered for 2 months and ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. I had every single symptom possible and all at extreme levels. I was in a living hell for 18 months. It did not get better and I was losing all hope. I saw the stories of others getting better much sooner and I thought I was the exception and that it would not stop. I felt no relief until the 24 month mark. It took me a full 30 months to fully withdrawal and have symptoms cease. I'm a different person now. No one can possibly understand the hell of benzo withdrawal unless they have been through it. I want to assure everyone reading WILL GET BETTER. It will not go on forever. I'm 100% percent recovered now. You will recover too.

    • @nyclettetoby2908
      @nyclettetoby2908 7 лет назад

      bierstadt77 what was your symptoms pls?

    • @Kressa1111
      @Kressa1111 6 лет назад

      This happened to me too. I had to go back on it after two months of tapering, after being on it for two weeks. I have now been on it for two years and I will never get off of it because I have kids to raise. I would end up in a noose if I tried it again. I was never like this before, never suicidal and the electrical like jolts that wake you up and your mind racing like a million Satan’s are controlling your mind and body is just not possible. This is the worst fate one could ever be given. I don’t know what I did to deserve this. I blame the evil, corrupt, greedy doctors and big pharma. It’s sick this zombie like, emotionless soul I’ve become. The only depth I can reach now exist in the darkest part of my body and mind. Those are the days the pain in digs in like a knife twisting my bones and I can cry for a little while, is the only times I feel alive. Being in nature there is a hint of myself there, but no more smiles and amazement at the site of a sun setting. Or the comfort from a holding hand be present in my life. I sold my soul for a pill. I will be forever ill. Until I lay to rest.

    • @Kressa1111
      @Kressa1111 5 лет назад +1

      ​@NabaTim Music I forgot how far I have came along since I posted this. I am still taking Klonopin. I was so full of blame and shame when I wrote this. It hurts me to read this too. I was filled with anger and hurt, rightfully so. But I remembered through the pain and deceit of it all, that God is still with me. And I am strong and whole through my faith in Him. So I have returned to my greatest love, God the father of all. I have given up the control and the pain and I have traded it for the love and peace of God. Today I am in a very different place by the grace of God, my sorrows have been washed away. I look forward to my future, for I know where my help comes from. Jesus died for me and now I can be dead to my sins, but still alive through him. My greatest sin anger, unforgiveness and shame, gone. Next please! I am ready for the battle. Thank you for your kindness and your care.

  • @jefflinke2772
    @jefflinke2772 7 лет назад +1

    Thanks for sharing your experience -- it needs Exposure for sure. Was on Methadone and Clonazepam for over 15 years - I was so ignorant, I didn't even know Clonazepam was a Benzo - just really didn't look it up as I thought it was nothing major. I AGREE with the back to Acute Withdrawal after minor use. Any sound would sound like a gun was fired right beside your head. I did cold turkey - off for almost six months, but I do occasionally take about 1/2 pill - Gosh Six, you describe identical symptoms which ARE unexplainable. Right now I am Dysfunctionable. I thought Methadone withdrawal was horrible and it was but this Benzo withdrawal is a lot more damaging. I can hide my symptoms from public pretty good because I simply don't go out. I have an active friend come visit and I couldn't keep up --- when I push myself I get the pulses.
    I have the stomach and Gut issues also. I have had symptoms from Head to toe and YES the pressure in the HEAD, we are /have experienced a lot of the same. Burning Feet, Legs, Lighting Jolts down the back of head. The list goes on and on and no one would believe it.

  • @daa2826
    @daa2826 7 лет назад +1

    Hey bro. I started going to church and it helped. Best wishes. God bless you.

  • @JenDoe1
    @JenDoe1 6 лет назад +1

    I’m so worried about coming off of my Valium. I take 30mg a day, which only just now I got straightened out on this dose, before I’d take 60mg, I could also skip a day. Anyways...been on benzos (Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan and finally Valium for the last several years) for 16 years straight and 4 years before that on and off. I can see this is going to be much worse than I thought.
    Thanks for posting your updates - they’re incredibly helpful for people like myself. Now I know that I’ll need hopefully a year in which I can recover. Cheers.

  • @TherealAJP
    @TherealAJP 7 лет назад +1

    Hey man your videos helped me alot when i was in acute and i thought i permanent brain damage lol. Its been 8 months for me and i struggle with intrusive thoughts too. Its really brutal when you have 24/7 DP. What helps with that is to just embrace those thoughts and let them flow but dont think anything of them. Think of it as an irrational creation of your anxiety. It can be tough but it definitely goes a long way if you commit to it. Also dont be hesitant to look up self help articles for any psychological symptom because even though it might be all attributed to benzo WD theres helpful tips out there that can stop things from getting in the way of your day. Im so glad to see you're doing better and i wish you the best recoveries

  • @terry6978
    @terry6978 7 лет назад +14

    Sixslow- Please listen even though I don't think you will. I have been through the same thing. Watch the other video's of others who have got past benzo withdrawal and are living a normal life. I 100% believe and through my own experience, STOP watching video's of other peoples benzo withdrawal video's and going on blogs and groups about benzo withdrawal. I know it may seem like that right thing to do, but it is just adding time to you're recovery time. You are scared about just about everything, I get that. Same here, but not no more. Why?? Well here we go. I was scared to death about taking any kind of over the counter meds or certain vitamins because I heard it will make my benzo withdrawal much worse.( I believed it) I heard eating gluten would make my withdrawal much worse.( I believed it) And so on, about what to eat or drink or not to do during benzo withdrawal. I was believing in everything that I watched and read. I told myself that every benzo story I read or video I watched was the truth and doctors were evil. My nerves were constantly shoot day in and day out. Body pains and sensations all over my body every fucking day for many months!! Going though acute and protracted benzo withdrawal is absolute hell!!!! AND NOW WITH THAT ALL SAID, THIS IS THE CURE! IT IS YOU'RE THOUGHTS!!! Nothing more or less. You are scared to eat pizza because of the gluten crust. You're scared to take any kind of meds. You're scared to go outside and be in big crowds. You're scared about your physical pains. You're so focused on what people are saying on blogs and how you are feeling. Sound about right?? I know you are so convinced about it being benzo protracted withdrawal but PLEASE google what happens to the human body and mind by overly and constantly worrying/fearing stuff. You're thoughts create worry/fear. RIGHT?.?. Cortisol and adrenaline is being released into your blood stream constantly because of your constant "thoughts" of worry/fear. What do you think the constant release of cortisol and adrenaline is doing to your muscles??? I thought my stomach pains and head aches where from protracted Xanax withdrawal... WELL FUCK NO, they were from the constant release of cortisol and adrenaline because of all the fear and worrying I was going though because I was so focused on benzo withdrawal and scared. My muscles and nervous system were over reacting due to that!! I'm not making this shit up, it is scientific fact! Look up cognitive behavioral therapy and learn from it. You have to make changes to you're thought process. I think then you will learn you're road to recover is closer then you think..... People who have over come benzo withdrawal have done so by focusing there thoughts on other things in life and put benzo withdrawal behind them instead of in front of them... Why do you think there is no accurate time line on benzo recovery???? People have changed there thought process and focused on other things in life AND that effected there benzo recovery time...

    • @catherinekress7043
      @catherinekress7043 6 лет назад +4

      i agree

    • @hiraymondduarte9176
      @hiraymondduarte9176 6 лет назад +2

      True. I focus on other things but true talk physically I'm still n pain shoot. Focus on others helps but still feelin it

    • @garysimone4977
      @garysimone4977 6 лет назад +2

      hiRaymond Duarte I agree stop focusing on the WD and more that one day each day closer to full recovery

    • @garysimone4977
      @garysimone4977 6 лет назад +2

      Hey I know not easy but keep focusing forward

    • @garysimone4977
      @garysimone4977 6 лет назад +2

      Terry great advice I am 9 months off fig it will take a few more months and whole nw life for me I find diet is now so important Goggle Truehope

  • @Xp8riot.
    @Xp8riot. 7 лет назад +1

    Hey bro! It's good to see you. I'm on just over 7 months off now and I also experience the light sensitivity and brain ringing and pressure as you call it and the dr/dp too etc etc etc... I hide from light at times. Funny you should mention the stomach issues. Mine started last week and it did exactly the same as you described it. That weird cramping moving feeling at the bottom and the sides. I started freaking out thinking I have stomach cancer or something (had to remind myself it's benzo withdrawal) I'm also not checking my diet much. I also find that distraction works hence me working and studying too. I think that when we hit the 12 month mark we will feel even better than what we are now. Well done on getting this far! You're a rockstar brother! I for one am very proud of you.

  • @tessla748
    @tessla748 7 лет назад +5

    I know what you mean about being startled. The sound of a door opening makes me jump lol. Also about fear, if I see a staircase for example I'll literally have a vision of myself falling down it and breaking my neck, ugh. Insanity this shit is.

    • @MrPollok
      @MrPollok 4 года назад

      Help me plz!!

  • @SpanglerConrad
    @SpanglerConrad 7 лет назад +2

    Sixslow, good to hear from you again! It's good we folk can have this kind of contact without having to go to a meeting at a specific time & place. I'd never do that, lol. I'm about 9 or 10 months into my taper from 8mgs of Klonopin, my schedule is to cut down to 2 mgs in a couple of days if all goes well. Also tapering from an SSRI, Luvox (for depression & OCD). Down from 100 mg Luvox to 50 mg. Ashton manual says stay on the anti-depressant and get rid off benzos first. So I'll not taper the Luvox completely, until I'm off the benzo.
    Dairy actually seems to help calm me down, but no sugar, caffeine, alcohol or supplements for me. I thank you for making it so clear about the danger of even beer.
    I'm lying to my Doc about my benzo & SSRI doses, or she'd cut me down too much & too soon, learned that the hard way.
    I'm getting less sleep & poorer quality, 4 hours at a time at most. Had a real scare a couple of days ago. Woke up from a *super vivid* dream, felt like I couldn't get out of it. Walked around my apt, but it felt like I was still in the dream environment! Everything looked different - colors, depth perception, etc. Thought I was going to have a psychotic break and have to call an ambulance! It was time for my daily benzo & SSRI dose anyway. Took them and stepped just outside my building for a few minutes and gradually got more grounded. Do you ever have super-real dreams that you can't seem to get out of even when you know you're awake and out of bed?
    Damn, my posts are always as long as a novel, lol. Wish I could express myself in a less wordy manner!
    I want you to know, man, that you've been a *major* help for me with you vids and your referrals to facebook benzo groups! You're doing so much good, and I see you gradually changing. Sure you've had some "1 step forward, 2 steps back" events. But taking the long view I see you as making great strides and doing things I couldn't do yet.
    My damned neighbor still *slams* her damned door, this morn about 5 times in 7 minutes! W-T-F? I jump like a kitten, but it's also an exercise in keeping my temper in control, not shouting something out my door I'd regret later. Ok, past time to SHUT UP, but 1 more thing.
    *TRIGGER WARNING*. I've told in past posts how once in the 1990s I took mushrooms and for a month or 2 after, I had the unreal feeling you speak about. Remember walking down a staircase at work, obsessed at how this body of meat & bones is just floating atoms. Then felt the stairs & the railing was also just floating atoms, so where did I end and where did the stairs begin? Felt like my body & the stairs weren't separate, just part of one thing! Thought me, the stairs, the whole of "existence" was gonna slip into a black void and cease to be - no time, no space, just gone! Somehow I made it through that time. Sixslow, you and anyone reading this will too, just know that & hold onto it. Again, thanks for all you do, buddy!

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад +2

      713_cjw_218 good to hear from you again! And yes, I'm very thankful for Dr. Ashton . She has helped so many people and really understood what this drug does when other doctors are clueless. I'm so glad I have you guys to talk to, nobody else gets It! Yes about the dream thing, but it's weird. I'll wake up and just be terrified . And out of body, like I'm in a dream. I usually eat something and I'm able to fall back asleep . And dairy seems to help me too! I drink milk if I'm having panic and it seems to help sometimes . I actually rely on food a lot to help me out. It's very weird to me the effect food is able to have . I've also felt that feeling like the whole universe could just stop existing and all shrink into a black hole or something . Please...please be careful with that taper. 2mg is way more than a 10% cut. Slow an steady wins the race . More frequent smaller cuts are better than less frequent larger cuts.

    • @SpanglerConrad
      @SpanglerConrad 7 лет назад +1

      *Correction!* My benzo-brain is showing: I haven't been on 8mg klonopin per day for about 5-7 years. I was on 6 mg Klonopin Oct or Nov of 2016, and have been cutting down about 10% from the previous month's dose since then. For the past month, I was on 2.25 mg of Klonopin, and will be going from that to 2 mg in a couple of days. Need to get scales & then an exact 10% cut will be easier. Thanks for your words about freaky dreams! Next time, I'll try some milk and a banana (that combo seems to help) & see if that gets me back to sleep or at least calmed down. Thanks, as always!

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад +1

      Ahhh ok, that sounds a lot safer, and you're almost done too, that's awesome man

    • @SpanglerConrad
      @SpanglerConrad 7 лет назад

      Thanks for the encouragement sixslow! I'm hoping maybe another 6 months taper for the benzo (klonopin), and a few months after that for the SSRI (Luvox). Time will tell. I'm hoping you see major relief soon - me and 300+ other viewers! We're pulling for you buddy, thanks for all you do!

    • @sangeetalambh6389
      @sangeetalambh6389 2 года назад

      @@SpanglerConrad how r u now. My friend

  • @RayanKhan
    @RayanKhan 5 лет назад

    You're so fucking strong. A beast. A true inspiration.

  • @raechelyndawn2580
    @raechelyndawn2580 6 лет назад +4

    Congrats to you. I’m just getting started. Ugh!

  • @TheGlobalfromal
    @TheGlobalfromal 7 лет назад +1

    I've only watched two of your videos, but I'd recommend trying CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and meditation. Both have helped me immensely. If you haven't and maybe have preconceived notions, just try. Try a 10-minute guided meditation. And absolutely DO NOT drink.

  • @letitride54
    @letitride54 6 лет назад +2

    I was taken off July of 2016 , I wish the hell would go away , the many systems I get , and doctors don’t care. I believe I’m getting better. Don’t always think so.

  • @xomosmanifestos4580
    @xomosmanifestos4580 7 лет назад

    I miss your videos man I haven't heard from u lately..i hope you are getting better my heart is with u. Your a huge inspiration and a big comfort to most of us ..u are greatly missed man,your a cool dude and I totally relate to all u say..think about posting soon ..take care man

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад

      thanks man appreciate that, just been hanging in there lately dealing with all this shit. i'll probably be making another video around 11 months off which is like a week away. i'm glad people are helped by this, thats awesome. thanks so much =)

  • @Daledanch
    @Daledanch 6 лет назад +1

    I started taking klonopin for anxiety because i have permanent tinnitus(ring in the ears) and hyperacusis(oversensitivity to sound) which constantly give me anxiety. Took 1mg/day for 4 months and stopped cold turkey for 6 days and my tinnitus and hyperacusis got 10x worse. Now seeing this video that youre having similar symptoms after not taking it for so long is freaking me out. Tinnitus and hyperacusis ruined my life and now klonopin made it worse. Im pretty sure its going to get worse permanently for me....I feel so screwed i wish i knew i would have never taken it in the first place

  • @afrasiabi96
    @afrasiabi96 4 года назад +1

    I’ve gotten bad insomnia, my vision fucked up I see Stars or silver sparkles. There’s tension in different parts in my head or head twitches. I’ve got twitches all over my body. Hopefully I’ll heal through this it’s been like this since November it’s on and off I’m getting these hellish symptoms. I’m holding my bible at night suffering this nightmare. What I do to calm myself down is reading comics, watching movies and putting school on the side during this withdrawal, what helps nutritionally is eating healthy, Eat or drink a lot of pomegranate juice, eat blueberries and eat a ton of citrus fruit. Also dark chocolate 90% cocoa helps relives the anxiety. Drinking sleepy herbal tea. Light lavender candles all over the house. It should help.

  • @UltraShotzzz
    @UltraShotzzz 7 лет назад +1

    Hey man I'm approximately 3 months off 1/2 Klonopin. I'm a very, very, sensitive person and I didn't know if you knew if these symptoms would persist up to this point where I was on it for about a month and a halfs time. I've never had heart palpitations or been through so much hell in my life. I truly feel for all of you still going through this. I believe I'm almost done but don't get it twisted that I only took t for a little bit that I shouldn't have withdrawal. We're all different and Benzos are some Nasty ass drugs. Pisses me off to say the least but SixSlow I'm coming back to reality but keep having heart palpitations as my back feels super tense and like it's on fire. I'm guessing I'm almost finished with withdrawal? Also another thing is that my face feels all fucked up when I go outside like I can't feel it. Stuff hits me right in the heart instead of the head. Kinda like a snail without its shell like you said. Well thanks for reading this man. I love you all that have been through this bullshit.. bless up. 🙂

    • @UltraShotzzz
      @UltraShotzzz 7 лет назад

      I quit ColdTurkey as well just so everyone knows.

    • @JM-vz6ok
      @JM-vz6ok 2 года назад

      How you feeling now a days man?

  • @aaroncall5274
    @aaroncall5274 7 лет назад

    Hey, great work. Wish you continued healing man.

  • @ilovemycats1121
    @ilovemycats1121 6 лет назад +1

    ❤️❤️❤️ on this journey, it's horrendous!!

  • @111585sandman
    @111585sandman Месяц назад

    I can’t even play video games or watch movies. I miss that so much. My head pressure is so intense. So much fear and anxiety, extreme Dp/DR I have a lot more symptoms but it’s a long list of side effects

  • @MrPollok
    @MrPollok 4 года назад +2


  • @masonguritz6758
    @masonguritz6758 7 лет назад

    Nice to see your doing better. My sxs are very similar to yours now. Mostly mental, not physical.

  • @kingbee48185
    @kingbee48185 5 лет назад +1

    I am beginning my taper. Our situations are very similar. Always loved my beer, and massive quantities of it, but could always walk away. I would get this feeling at night when I was off work that I was really missing out on something, like all my beer buzzed imaginary friends at same imgaginary bar having the time of their life and calling me to join them. Come party with us, old friend. After about a week, I couldn't stand the smell of alcohol and was content just crash with my Xanax. Went from 2mg to 1mg after a 5 day cold turkey spell stunned me that I was dependent (thought I was immune). After 6 months of tension and brain fog, leveled off and made a full recovery.....on 1mg. Made the switch to the longer acting Klonopin as recommended in the Ashton manual. Few minor waves but overall felt better. Titrated down to .9mg, feeling great so far. Congrats on your progress. Have you tried any supplements to help with the waves? I read that 600-1000 mg of Ltheanine (a natural amino acid found only in plants) brings about a calming effect because it blocks glutamate (the excitatory neurotransmitter, the opposite of gaba, the inhibitory one) from binding. I took 4 200 mg capsules and it took the edge of the wave. When combined with capsules that contain passion flower extract and other herbal extracts it knocks the wave out completely. You are probably like me. Quitting work is NOT an option. My parents are gone, I don't have someone's couch or basement to spend any length of time recovering in. It's do or die for me, without work, I have no money. Without money, I am out in the streets. Severely crippled from a bad car accident and well into early old age, i will live or die by this taper. If you are like me, you will do anything just to get through another day from hell at work. Did your GI symptoms include bloating, diarrhea, and periodic attacks of severe and prolonged emesis (puking) like you just had the worst case of food poisoning in your life? I can't figure out if my symptoms are related to benzo use or diabetic gastroparesis, they ruled out small bacterial overgrowth, gallstones, in previous ER visits. Keep up the good fight, you are not alone.

  • @sothatsit3033
    @sothatsit3033 6 лет назад

    Needed to rewatch your videos...
    Just hitting 8 months off...
    Still no emotions, internal judgement, existence, impending doom,
    Today is not good
    I still can't believe you worked through that
    Drunk on Amonia makes so much sense!
    Neck neuralgia is horrible

  • @barrrylincoln
    @barrrylincoln 7 лет назад +1

    Hey Slow, I'm at around 30 months. Have been as good as I was before Valium,, I thought since 24 months but it has only been the last few months I totally feel free from that shit. Of course I didn't feel bad the whole time like I did the 1st 6 months. That was the most terrible 6 months I never imagined. At a year was having some good days but still had symptoms every day. At 1.5 years I thought I was losing it but it wasn't all the time. Terrible,, all mental. By 2 years, again pretty much normal but still healed more since.
    My brother took benzo's for years and didn't have any w/d. I didn't believe him but he swears it. We are all different. Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.
    I agree about games. When I was bad I played poker on pokerstars. Took my mind off it almost completely. Walking and shit didn't work for me,, still thinking.
    Edit; Most everyone has trouble sleeping. I thought it was bullshit but tried SleepyTime Tea, with about 3 mg of melatonin sublingual. Also Green tea (you can get capsules at swanson vitamins).. Tried L Theanine and it helps the anxiety. I took the L Theanine in the daytime mostly. Still take melatoin. More than 3mg makes me drowsy next day. I think L Theanine comes from green tea. I was never a tea drinker but sure looked forward to my tea when I wanted to get sleepy for 6-8 months.
    For me Neurontin/gabapentin made everything worse.

  • @antwonsmith7428
    @antwonsmith7428 7 лет назад +7

    What's up man? I'm glad to hear you're doing better. I'm at eleven months, next year itll be my year mark.

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад

      Good shit man how you doing? it gettin easier? 1 year is a big one! I can't wait til i'm there.

    • @antwonsmith7428
      @antwonsmith7428 7 лет назад +2

      Ughh, i wish I could say great. I've made lots of progress, because like for like 7 months I was bedridden. I'm the opposite of you, I have more physical symptoms than mental. Although, the physical ailments cause the mental stuff. Just low energy, lots of pain, my damn bladder fills like it's going to burst. Sleeping is still rough. I love your videos though man.

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад +1

      Antwon Smith I feel you. I had excruciating nerve pain for 7 or 8 months man. I still have it but I get breaks now. And yes I get bad bladder pain too, and have to pee a lot. And honestly man I'm glad you sad you're not great yet. Cause it makes me feel normal too and I'm not crazy . Cause sometimes I think I'm just permanently fucked . Seems like it's normal to take a year or 2 to heal .

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад +2

      Antwon Smith and yea sleep is still hard for me. I never sleep 8 hours straight and falling asleep is a nightmare. We got this tho man it gets better

    • @Skipdickman1
      @Skipdickman1 7 лет назад

      Antwon Smith how much were you talking for how long

  • @hiraymondduarte9176
    @hiraymondduarte9176 6 лет назад +1

    So you can feel anger and love more now not just fear? That's good bro

  • @momoftwo571
    @momoftwo571 6 лет назад

    Love your videos. You bringing awareness to this horrible journey. I was unknowingly cold turkeyed. It’s a long story but, I’m soooo bad. It is just the worst. Did you have any head symptoms? The mental symptoms and the head symptoms are just wrecking me.

  • @jojojeep1
    @jojojeep1 7 лет назад +6

    the bible says , to renew your mind, soon you'll be 100 % the brain heals and heals 100% BE BLESSED

  • @Filthycoffin
    @Filthycoffin 2 года назад

    That’s the part I hate the most is numb no love feeling only sadness aggression or panic. Do you think smoke pot would make the love feeling not come back?

    @DEESYPROD 5 лет назад +1

    you have instagram or email or any way to contact you? you're helping out so so much. I hope you're all better now man

  • @angelg8445
    @angelg8445 7 лет назад +1

    I got down to 115 dude....lost ab 40-50 lbs and I know how it feels to go through this....Im working again now and exercising. It took ab 12 mos for me as well.

  • @beaubanhagel1667
    @beaubanhagel1667 7 лет назад +1

    congratulations brother

  • @garysimone4977
    @garysimone4977 6 лет назад +2

    Coming off Zoloft is no fun ad well

  • @benzoaftermath6831
    @benzoaftermath6831 5 лет назад +1

    I’ve been following your videos as I go through the same period of time, today I reached the 9 months mark on a horrible wave, once I heard you say that every 3 months you suffer from a setback, is that true? And, where did you learn that?

  • @alickdjamirze3928
    @alickdjamirze3928 6 лет назад

    hey my friend just wanted to ask are you feeling alot better since your last vid?? thank you.

  • @scotte.3693
    @scotte.3693 6 лет назад

    Almost at this time off benzos now. Dude I'm having terrible waves of anxiety, akithesia and depression. Otherwise my phsyical symptoms have gotten better. I'm stil in denial that this is benzo.

    • @scotte.3693
      @scotte.3693 6 лет назад

      Thanks for sharing Mike. Totally agree but a lot of people can't handle vitamin d supplements or too much of fat soluble vitamins with benzos. Have to get it through natural ways.

  • @bootman789
    @bootman789 7 лет назад

    I am going to be honest with you man, since I've reinstated after getting home from rehab(not for benzodiazepines) anyways... Man I am terrified to go through the things I went through at rehab being off cold turkey even though it was only a month but I was so miserable I lost 30lbs man... so I've been back on Klonopin 0.5 mg 2 times a day and to be honest with you and everyone I am absolutely terrified to get off this medication after what I went through and I now have more of a dependency for klonopin because whenever I was cold turkeyd against my will , I had a horrible seizure 5 minutes long I blacked out hit my head had hemorrhaging... so now I suffer from seizures at night time. So now I feel I have to take them now because now I suffer from seizures... this is coming from someone who's never had any type of epilepsy or anything... idk what to do man, I am honestly terrified especially at where I am at in my life to try and get off of these. My mother said "Well maybe you just have to be on them for the rest of your life" at first I accepted it... but no man ! I am only 23 years old been on Benzodiazepines PRESCRIPTION for 6 years now. Any insight at all would help so much

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад +3

      Kevin England nah man. You just gotta SLOWLY taper off of them. It'll get easier, it's gonna suck for a while though . The cold turkey is way harder than tapering.

  • @truehope287
    @truehope287 5 лет назад

    This break my heart!
    I feel like φοβερο yellow would help greatly.

  • @carrie2333
    @carrie2333 7 лет назад

    Glad you are doing better now! I commented on one of your other videos not sure if you saw it. Did you ever find out what the white spots on your throat were? Did it go away? I am having that issues now and it's causing me severe health anxiety!!! I am over two months off of short term use and still suffering every single day.

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад

      I think i replied, it was white blood cells probably from a cold or something, it went away in a week or 2.

    • @carrie2333
      @carrie2333 7 лет назад

      Thanks for the reply. My throat has been this way for over a month and a half now. I can't deal with the health anxiety anymore it's so hard. :(
      I honestly don't know how I am going to get through this!

  • @cindyrocha3234
    @cindyrocha3234 6 лет назад


    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  6 лет назад +1

      Momma liciious thanks 😊

  • @wildpackofwolves
    @wildpackofwolves 6 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing. Have you felt like your brain is just empty? Like there is just nothing inside your head and your soul has left? I feel like most of my other symptoms have subsided except this one persists very strongly. I am 3 1/2 months off a cold turkey and have been experiencing this since initial withdrawal.

  • @nyclettetoby2908
    @nyclettetoby2908 7 лет назад

    I'm so happy 😁 u doing so well....I have been following you for a while now...u always give me hope to keep going....the stomach pain does it feel like pressure in your stomach?

    • @Skipdickman1
      @Skipdickman1 7 лет назад

      Nyclette Toby how r u doing

    • @nyclettetoby2908
      @nyclettetoby2908 7 лет назад

      Brandon D still holding on..but it getting better I u get like pressure in your stomach?

    • @Skipdickman1
      @Skipdickman1 7 лет назад

      Nyclette Toby No. Not really.

    • @nyclettetoby2908
      @nyclettetoby2908 7 лет назад

      Brandon D are u also suffering from benzodiazepine withdrawals?

    • @Skipdickman1
      @Skipdickman1 7 лет назад

      Nyclette Toby I'm on 5mg of diazepam. Bout to start my taper. But days aren't the easiest

  • @miketheprogg908
    @miketheprogg908 7 лет назад +2

    i am gona start tapering down to hold of 0.25

  • @johnsheppard2801
    @johnsheppard2801 6 лет назад +1

    Does it ever get better? I've been off klonopin for 9 months as well and it's still hell!

    • @tygreen8831
      @tygreen8831 6 лет назад

      John how long was you on benzos total time?

  • @sadiegirl3011
    @sadiegirl3011 7 лет назад +1

    What's it like for you when you're driving?

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад +4

      emersom lopes surprisingly I don't have issues with driving anymore . I used to be terrified to drive though

  • @wanderbread4217
    @wanderbread4217 4 года назад

    did you happen to have a pain in your belly button at around a year off? Im having that problem and there is a long list of things it could be.

  • @redxxxxxxx
    @redxxxxxxx 7 лет назад

    I get that toxic chemical soup drugged (ammonia)feeling too, Usually when it's time to sleep,it actually prevents me from sleeping ,a toxic brand of insomnia ,and if I do nod out it is a very nauseous toxic nap.I think the the brain is squirting the wrong mix of chemicals ,at the wrong time when tired. It's getting less frequent, but still returns.

  • @GeraltOfRivia99
    @GeraltOfRivia99 4 года назад

    how long until the worst of the derealization got better? month 3 ?

  • @Bulmer39
    @Bulmer39 7 лет назад

    I quit gabapentin and zopiclone cold turkey and now I'm going through hell. When did your symptoms subside?

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад

      Dick Plummer I still got symptoms at 10 months off man. It's getting slightly easier but it still sucks for sure. Some people get better quicker than others tho

  • @roncarlson1170
    @roncarlson1170 5 лет назад

    It's been 10 mnths off benzo withdrawal, still dealing with PAWS. Anyone else experiencing symptoms of benzo withdrawal 10 mnths later?

    • @simonvriesema9059
      @simonvriesema9059 5 лет назад

      Hi there
      I am from the Netherlands, my English might be not that good.... but I am almost 10 months out, and might 9 is the worst ...very strange.. only one day window last thursday...sooooo scary is this

  • @miketheprogg908
    @miketheprogg908 7 лет назад

    ty god i sow this i tried to with dreaw from ssri 2 soon and i had terrible stomach problems so i went back on them but i only accept low dosage and i was taking xanax half of 0.25 and for 2 days i went back on 0.25

  • @RayRayCrazy
    @RayRayCrazy 7 лет назад +1

    I reinstated two months ago at 5 mg Valium, I don't need the Lyrica anymore as 80% of my symptoms are gone.Only things that remain are a lttle OCD and slight depression otherwise im fine. This is coming off Ambien abuse, 5 months out.Have you thought about reinstating the two week thing is a myth you just have to updose and stabalize.

  • @hiraymondduarte9176
    @hiraymondduarte9176 6 лет назад

    Hey how long until the body stops aching from xanax use?? I quit 7 months ago n my back still hurts bro.

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  6 лет назад

      it's hard to say, everyone is different. but for me my pain comes n goes. i still had it at 16 months off, but only for like a week, then i had like a 2 month break, and had it again for a few days. but i get bigger breaks between and it doesn't last as long now.

  • @LadyTmuzikal1
    @LadyTmuzikal1 6 лет назад

    I completely doomed in successfully getting off xanax

  • @nazlisevis1983
    @nazlisevis1983 7 лет назад

    Benzo çekilme belirtileri neler

  • @majinmexican9833
    @majinmexican9833 7 лет назад +1

    Do u still drink? Do u still crave drinks? I'm only 10 days off and I'm scared to drink, my mind is fucking bruised, and a hangover would fucking kill me. Can't smoke weed cuz I'm trying too hard to stay calm to enjoy my high. I don't do any other drugs, living between my moms and jail for the next 6 months. Any advice?

    • @majinmexican9833
      @majinmexican9833 7 лет назад

      The pain in your eyes, and the genuineness in your face is like looking in the mirror... cept I'm not suicidal... ever. All my 'friends' and family do drugs and lots of alcohol. I'm a veteran and I NEVER have to get off if i don't want to, but I've had it this time... this shit is dumb...

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  7 лет назад

      No I do not drink, it's very important you DO NOT drink, at all. for a few years at least. Drinking acts on the gaba receptors just like a benzo and will send you back into withdrawal. My best advice, is stay distracted, try to eat clean. Play video games, keep your mine occupied. Take epsom salt baths, do not talk any supplements or vitamins, they can make it worse. Hang in there man, take it easy, dont push yourself or stress. It's all withdrawal and you'll heal.

    • @denniseastman9276
      @denniseastman9276 7 лет назад

      Cry out! To Jesus!

  • @garysimone4977
    @garysimone4977 6 лет назад

    Coming off Zoloft is no fun any suggestions

  • @cherbear6377
    @cherbear6377 6 лет назад

    Why did u want off. And what mg xanax were u on?

  • @miketheprogg908
    @miketheprogg908 7 лет назад

    half *

  • @lindsayingle8935
    @lindsayingle8935 7 лет назад

    My doctor cut me off klonopins. Completely. I have been on 0.5 mg 2x daily for 3 years. I am down to 4 pills. I am so scared because I have no options but going cold turkey

    • @rosbergs3
      @rosbergs3 6 лет назад

      Lindsay Ingle. Find a psych doc. Gps are useless

  • @hiraymondduarte9176
    @hiraymondduarte9176 6 лет назад

    Did the nerve pain leave????

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  6 лет назад

      hiRaymond Duarte yes I haven't had in a month or two. It comes back occassionally but it's much better

  • @haniazamir955
    @haniazamir955 6 лет назад

    @sixslow i was on klonopin for 4 months now it has been 9 months i feel depersonalization derealization and i have ringing in my head when theit is silence please can you tell me its temporary or not and i think alot when i travel i hardly remember anything i have tried sucide when i was on second day of withdrawal i smoked hashish and i was not able to control my self help me out now i am tired of ringing and depersonalization i feel like i am in coma and watching a dream living in a dream.

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  6 лет назад

      hey man its ok hang in there. Everything you descibed is normal and i've experienced all of it. I get the ringing in my ears, it even feels like it's ringing inside my brain and like my brain is going to explode from all the pressure. You have to avoid alcohol, weed, MSG, crappy foods, dont take benzos ever again or it'll get worse. it's all temporary. i have severe memory issues, i feel like i'm in a dream all the time, occasionally i'll get small breaks where i feel in reality but it has taken a long time. Everyone heals man it just takes a long time, try little bits of exercise if you can it'll help your depression.

    • @haniazamir955
      @haniazamir955 6 лет назад

      sixslow thanks alot for the much time it is going to take ? Before i use to go normally outside but now when my friends see me or greet me like sudden greet my heart races or when they talk about past i feel really bad and i am scared all the time .i use to be the best boxer in my city it has been more then 9 months since i have put my gloves off just one mistake and bad friends gave me the lesson of my life .before the use of rivotril ,olepra i was given morphine by my friends after that i ate peanuts alot of and french fries then i dont know what happened i was in hospital hallucianating i thought i was dead i spent the whole night in hospital after that i had panic attacks i went to the doctor he prescribed me rivotril and olepra and after a week i started boxing again we use to fight twice a week and one day after the figh was over i fell after 5 mins but still didnt gave up i carried on boxing .one day i felt that why am i using rivotril ?i am fine now i was not aware of withdrawal i stoped taking after two days there was pain in my head fever,dizziness low bp i went to the doctor he increased my dose for a week i took that then i went cold turkey and came to know about deadly benzos ufff man one thing i must say for me you are hero you gave me hope .i use to pary hard it has been long time i havnt even dance i am scared to i cannot i feel like i will loose control or get mad i cannot drive a car even to the near by place i miss my old me when i look back it makes me cry may god bless you and your family .

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  6 лет назад

      Hania Zamir it varies for everyone, it's been 13 months for me and still in it . Some people heal in 6 months . But it seems a lot of people improve around a year off

  • @wanderbread4217
    @wanderbread4217 4 года назад

    the pain went to my Tooth on month 9. taking tylenol,

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  4 года назад +1

      It's crazy how the symptoms move around, mine do this alot it terrifies me.

    • @wanderbread4217
      @wanderbread4217 4 года назад

      they move around without warning for sure. Scary

    • @wanderbread4217
      @wanderbread4217 4 года назад

      @@sixslow good thing i saw storys about people having this problem or i would have gotten some teeth pulled for sure. The pain was unbearable for a week non stop pounding. Its videos like yours that help keep my sanity Thanks

  • @CBT5777
    @CBT5777 Месяц назад

    Stop taking it! Especially after you been off it for a while! Whats wrong with you?

  • @vaneramirez5235
    @vaneramirez5235 5 лет назад

    I need help from you

  • @SuperSinkorswim
    @SuperSinkorswim 4 года назад

    Can you recommend any facebook groups please?

    • @sixslow
      @sixslow  4 года назад

      Benzo recovery is decent.

  • @wariahan
    @wariahan 7 лет назад

    30-60 mins a day work out..your fucking up by drinking coffee.

  • @jammallally818
    @jammallally818 7 лет назад

    Cry baby

  • @kingbee48185
    @kingbee48185 5 лет назад

    I am beginning my taper. Our situations are very similar. Always loved my beer, and massive quantities of it, but could always walk away. I would get this feeling at night when I was off work that I was really missing out on something, like all my beer buzzed imaginary friends at same imgaginary bar having the time of their life and calling me to join them. Come party with us, old friend. After about a week, I couldn't stand the smell of alcohol and was content just crash with my Xanax. Went from 2mg to 1mg after a 5 day cold turkey spell stunned me that I was dependent (thought I was immune). After 6 months of tension and brain fog, leveled off and made a full recovery.....on 1mg. Made the switch to the longer acting Klonopin as recommended in the Ashton manual. Few minor waves but overall felt better. Titrated down to .9mg, feeling great so far. Congrats on your progress. Have you tried any supplements to help with the waves? I read that 600-1000 mg of Ltheanine (a natural amino acid found only in plants) brings about a calming effect because it blocks glutamate (the excitatory neurotransmitter, the opposite of gaba, the inhibitory one) from binding. I took 4 200 mg capsules and it took the edge of the wave. When combined with capsules that contain passion flower extract and other herbal extracts it knocks the wave out completely. You are probably like me. Quitting work is NOT an option. My parents are gone, I don't have someone's couch or basement to spend any length of time recovering in. It's do or die for me, without work, I have no money. Without money, I am out in the streets. Severely crippled from a bad car accident and well into early old age, i will live or die by this taper. If you are like me, you will do anything just to get through another day from hell at work. Did your GI symptoms include bloating, diarrhea, and periodic attacks of severe and prolonged emesis (puking) like you just had the worst case of food poisoning in your life? I can't figure out if my symptoms are related to benzo use or diabetic gastroparesis, they ruled out small bacterial overgrowth, gallstones, in previous ER visits. Keep up the good fight, you are not alone.