Olá brasileiros. Eu sei que eu fiz alguns erros neste vídeo e eu quero corrigi-los e me desculpar pelas confusões causadas pela minha ignorância (e o fato de eu ser da Austrália). Quando eu disse no meu vídeo que os criadores do mapa poderiam ter tirado inspiração em filmes espanhóis, obviamente eu sabia que esses filmes passavam em lugares diferentes (por exemplo Breaking Bad no Novo México ou Money Heist na Espanha). Eu estava apenas dizendo aquilo porque alguns lugares daqueles filmes se passam em locais parecidos com os da América do Sul, e seriam localizações interessantes para criar o tema de um mapa, considerando que eles passariam a estética sul-americana para pessoas de outros lugares (que são a maioria dos jogadores) muito bem. O que eu acredito é que os mapas apresentadoes parecem versões "de camelô" (como vcs podem perceber, não foi ele q escreveu este comentário, foi um amigo dele) dos mapas lançados em Jungle Inferno, e alguns não se encaixam se comparados com os outros mapas que VALVe colocou no Casual. Eu disse no vídeo que as pessoas que fizeram os mapas deveriam ter buscado um balanceamento entre a arte própria do TF2 e o estilo sul-americano, já que forçar objetos e cores fortes nos mapas não é bom pros olhos dos jogadores, e farão os mapas não serem populares por causa dessa estética muito contrastante. Claro, nem todos os mapas precisam ser parecido com Dustbowl, Badlands ou outros temas já a muito utilizados, porém um consideração cautelosa na hora de criar os mapas, tendo em consideração tanto a indentidade própria como o estilo do jogo, é importânte e deve ser feito. Muito obrigado por estar lendo esta mensagem, e espero que qualquer confusão tenha sido clarificada. Bom dia a todos PS: desculpem-me por eu ter chamado a Salsa "música de cartel", eu só falei isso porque eu não tinha ouvido aquele gênero antes e para mim, que sou gringo, foi isso que me pareceu na hora.
vc invalidou sua opinião sobre a temática desses mapas quando confundiu uma placa escrita em PORTUGUES BRASILEIRO com ESPANHOL (não sabe nem de onde os lugares são), quando chamou salsa de musica de cartel(?) e tambem quando nao soube citar nenhuma midia sul-americana (tropa de elite, vai que cola, chaves, etc) na sua review onde tudo era focado na representação da america do sul. alias, se os mapas estão tao ruins assim, pq ao inves de voce reclamar sobre eles, voce nao AJUDA a conserta-los ?
nvm just realized this is rage bait, no one can be this stupid to post a video about south america without even researching it a little bit. or you are just a moron. or both.
@@afkjustnow pq um estrangeiro teria obrigação de saber diferenciar duas linguas parecidissimas, e que relevancia isso tem? Duvido que tu consegueria diferenciar alemão do holandes ou noruegues do dinamarques ou hindi do bengali. Meio nada haver n acha? Mais além, mídias sul americanas não são tão populares no exterior, então ele usou as coisas que tinham uma vibe de latinidade que ele conhecia. Meio sem graça, mas compreensivel. Por fim tu pergunta "se é tao ruim assim pq q tu n ajuda a concertar", sendo que ele ta literalmente fazendo isso ao criticar os mapas, dizendo oq poderia ser melhor, mapas esses que por sinal, sao sim ruins e n se encaixam na estética do jogo. Eu sei que é legal pra krl ter uma atualização que se passa no brasil, mas os mapas nao tem nada haver com o jogo. Seria mt melhor se tivesse mapa no sertao ou nas cordilheiras dos andes, que tem mt mais haver com o jogo doq cidade coloridinha, que sao basicamente 80% dos mapas.
Neither Money Heist nor Breaking Bad are south american, nor do they take place in south america. Edit: both mexico and new mexico are also not in south america
Lead mapper of pd_salvador here. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on the maps from our project, but I want to remind you that feedback is a two-way street, not a one-way road where just one person says everything they think. I really wish you had played the maps when our servers were full; I noticed from the video that you played a bit with bots. Trust me, playing in a full server provides a much better experience. I've played all the maps from this project and found them all very fun. Sure, there's always room for improvement, but it's hard for us creators to improve our work when we get "feedback" in the format of this video. Many of the issues you pointed out aren't as relevant in a live player environment (unlike just walking around and looking at the map alone in an empty server). For example, a powerful sightline isn't bad if there are alternative routes to kill the sniper or if it's a risky spot for the sniper (high risk, high reward). This is something you learn from extensive map testing (which we did). None of the problems you mentioned with stickies ever happened in a full server, and that's due to various factors. A demoman placing stickies at a door in an empty server is one thing, but in a full server with intense combat happening everywhere, it's completely different. Some issues only appear in an empty server, without real context. I think all experienced mappers get this, and that's why we sometimes insistently ignore certain types of feedback because we know they're irrelevant. Trust me, we all want to improve our work, but we really need to sit down and talk (and test a lot together). That's the best way to create fun projects for our audience (and it's the same formula Valve uses, which we honor by following their approach).
Unfortunately I wasn't able to play servers with real players so I do agree that couldve affected my perception of the maps but also I think all sniper sightlines should be taken care off in maps since one tryhard sniper with his team backing him up could lock the sightline down which I know is a problem with sniper itself but its still something that happens and the demo thing is kinda a nitpicky thing but i just wanted to say it
dw bro you did a good job, this guy think Mexico = South America lmao, keep up the good work lad we appreciate you and your team over here! Saludos desde Argentina!!
O cara acha que português é espanhol, que salvador é "muito colorido" e que Breaking Bad foi feito na América do Sul kkkk não te preocupa com esse vídeo não, ele REALMENTE não sabe do que tá falando
>mixing spanish and portuguese >telling ppl to watch a series where it takes place in eu >telling ppl to watch a series where it takes place in na >saying south america is too "colourful" this gotta be racially motivated
@@MrRosco it is, i live in south america and the maps are incredibly well done, this man knows nothing of what hes talking about yet proceeds to complain about it.
@@MrRosco did we watched the same video? A big part of the complaining comes from not being "south american enough" because he dislike the real south american aesthetic
Here's why community maps often feel off: The primary setting of TF2 maps is "rural industrialism." It's an ongoing TF2 universe joke that despite Australia being a sci-fi tech city, the mercenaries have to fight over low-value land in the middle of nowhere to settle a silly family feud. And lots of these old worthless buildings are refitted as secret bases with high-tech lairs. Any map that takes place in the middle of a bustling urban area is inherently going to feel wrong, regardless of their choice of color or detailing. If you want to make a TF2 map set in Brazil, it should NOT be set in the favelas, it should be set in some random abandon factory that no one ever has heard of that just so happens to be in Brazil. Another issue is what I call paintball syndrome. It's when map design completely gives up on trying to be a setting, and focuses entirely on gameplay. Like at 3:44 it's impossible to believe that was ever a real building in TF2 lore. This isn't just a lore issue, it affects gameplay too, because when you abandon all real-life building conventions, you make your map less intuitive and more disorienting. This is another reason why industrial buildings are great settings for maps, they often have vertical layouts with large rooms and large doors, so it's more naturally fitted for TF2's design than a sidewalk in a town is. I hope this provides a refined critique on why a lot of these new maps don't look like TF2 maps.
I still can’t get over the fact, bro wanted to use BREAKING BAD (something that’s not even set in South America) as a reference Instead of the people that actually lived there working on the project, never cook again.
What’s worse is that most of the mappers are from countries in South America themselves. But apparently lived experience < This one show that isn’t even set in the same region
First, money heist is set on spain, spain is in europe not south america, Second, breaking bad is set between mexico and usa, that is in north america not south america, And also the sign in the first map you shown is not in spanish is in Portuguese.
Chill man, he's criticizing the maps, not just straight down hate them. Just his opinion about the maps. And I agree from the gameplay wise part here. Valve knew how to make maps in a way for them to be balanced in gameplay and design wise, for it to look competitive and not too empty. It was their job after all, but I can't say I like all maps of Valve.
@@chpsilva the part in the video when the guy points to decals being randomly placed on the map is crazy... it's harder to find a wall with no grafitti than walls painted with it in real favelas
@@redwarrior118 some of them, mostly the ones selected to be "touristic attractions". The actual favelas built over cesspits and poluted rivers are filthy and well hidden from the cameras.
@@UnknownDoggo He said nothing about the map being too south American he said "You made the map feel south american *in the laziest way possible* 2:55 he was just saying to put more effort not that it was bad that it is south american
Howdy there, one of the creators of Koth_Cachoeira, while i do understand the first complain with the z-fighting in the door being an issue and the sightline issues, the rest is just complete bullshit for a lack of a better term. Il just comment on the stuff in cachoeira because if i didnt i would be here all day, i do not understand what stance you are on when talking about the "ugly" colourful buildings being added in the laziest way possible???, the WHOLE map is set on cachoeira do diabo, a major tourist attraction in south america. And the flashbang after leaving the spawn for no actual reason, like ya could have just said "when leaving spawn its too bright and looks like a flashbang" but no you just did a dumb bit for comedy value with no actual constructive feedback. Many other people have already talked about this but "spanish signs" is just plain out wrong with no actual research being done. I myself am not brazilian but actually portugues, and while both those countries do have a culture of rivalry, i can and did my best to research for the map, i took feedback and had to learn about the culture of the places i was representing and how it evolved, this map has been my project to represent a culture i always enjoyed, a culture that has accepted me has a friend and hearing you talking smack about it with basically no actual feedback just hurts in a way no other way could. While i do understand that you didnt do this video outta malice, it comes away like it. Melhor pra os meus brothers brasileiros ai, amor da foca de selbyen pra voces.
Favelas are ugly and dirty not the standard beautifull map you are looking for We made servers from the Tropic Crisis for a whole month and i feel like there was not any type of feedback from gameplay only criticizing maps with nitpick detail that can be fixed. I didn't see a single footage of gameplay in a match with you on those maps. We speak portuguese not spanish Buildings on cuba are colorfull we are not making the map look like badlands. Try something new. We are improving the voice actors, workshop doesn't mean final release. If the map gets in the game then is final release for it, if you did your research you would see most of the maps with the name pl_embargo_B B of beta. These 90 people did stuff for on their own will and no one got pay, so don't expect a extremely triple AAA content from it, small mistakes and bugs will still happen. It has some valid criticism but feel like you could have done more research about it.
@@orangiat3619 the moment someone voice an opinion it is bound to be scrutinized and criticized, what's the matter with that? The best way to avoid criticism is either not voicing an opinion at all or actually having good evidence and research corroborating it.
I feel like TF2 is not unfamiliar to the ugly and dirty aesthetic... TF2 is pretty desaturated in general, so the saturation on these maps may turn some people off. "try someting new", as long as it fits in TF2. And it's the mapper's job to find out how to do that in the most satisfing way. And maps should receve more criticism, you are submitting a product to be officialy added to the game. Since Valve clearly doesn't have any quality control now at days *Wutville flashbacks* community feedback, is the only qualarty control we get. Wish workshop items had more time to be developed before beeing submitted in to the workshop.
The map you said looks "alpine" and "North American" takes place in Argentina, which has a mostly temperate climate. South America is a continent, not one big jungle.
2:48 Spanish?! Also, most of the maps were made by south-americans, so i do NOT get how it doesn't feel "south-american enough", but i do agree with the argument that most of them look a little like the Jungle Inferno update maps.
I didnt even realize it was portuguesse a first, my frist thought was that it was a joke in spanish since some people tend to not say "donde" but rather "onde" where i live. Which even then somewhat fits the goofy signs that some tf2 maps have, like the "Tresspassers will be violated" signs
21k views and only 600 likes, I’m guessing the rest of those views went into the dislike button because these were by god the worst criticisms I’ve seen while just being plain stupid. All of your criticisms are not even critiques, it’s so nit-picky, like the payload doesn’t need to be special or super cool, there are plenty of payload maps that don’t have a “special ending” when you capture it and they are still regarded as good maps. You are the reason many people think that the community can’t rebalance or rate things.
If you say something that MIGHT have a .1% of being incorrect, you search it up and confirm it's real because if it's not you'll be spreading missinformation and people are going to be mad at you, and they would be right too! I'm sure if you had done just a little research this video would've come out 10x better. I'm sorry for any bad english, it is not my first language and please dont take this personally, It was meant as constructive criticism!
I get op sniper sightlines, small mistakes and chokepoints not being fit for tf2 at all, but half of your complaints are "I don't like this" and "doesn't look south american enough!" (from someone who clearly never went anywhere near south america). Please do your research before making a video shaming a community made update next time.
Why is this tf2 map not actively taking place in the Rio de Jainero Carnival?! All that's telling me we're in south america is some misspelled Spanish and some stupid colorful buildings! This nothing like they showed me in Breaking Bad........... where's Waltuh?!
i think your fixation on colorful buildings is a bit ridiculous. like, i agree with the point you are making, and of course it should always be clear which team's side you are currently standing in, but as long as there are several blue/red buildings in their respective places i think the color variety is fine
i think its just a big cope from him because he never goes outside and touch some grass, instead just rot in a dark room play only the most desaturated maps he can find
@@afkjustnow That wasn't my point having conflicting art styles in the official game isn't a good idea its one of the core parts of the game if you hate the games art style so much go play on Minecraft map servers also if the "tf2 art style" is so unimportant why do cosmetics and every official map adhere to them
"use films that resemble south America" and "breaking bad" used in the same video. LOL if you don't go outside of na and think you know the world good on you, the maps do not look that out of place as for south América. and, no, south America is not know for jungles, brazil might be because of the Amazon rainforest. what you are saying would be like saying "you don't know how America looks, see movies and documentaries" with "it does not have enough obese people and 7 elevens"
I think the gameplay criticism is absolutely on point. The lack of polish is definitely missing, the color palettes don't make sanse if they are going to be saturated as much as Overwatch's colors. It's an interesting theme, but it should remain in the oven a tad bit longer. We already have a lot of maps that are not being addressed and adding more seasonal maps isn't really the solution. Honestly, i would much rather see this game fixed. After that we should work on removing or remaking some old maps and gamemodes like Arena into something functional that the community wants.
i dont like maps being uselessly big, a hallway that leads to another hallway that leads to a flank that leads to a hallway, a useless spot that is there to show off some cutesy map design, huge areas with nothing in them to do, just why does that new brew map have a gigantic area outside of blue spawn for
I'm from South America, and while a lot of of the points you made in the video are quite abysmal, i have to agree that most of the maps don't feel like TF2 at all and don't adhere to the game's artstyle. I played most of them and just like a lot of maps that have been getting added into the game, it just doesn't quite fit right, it doesn't feel like TF2. Honestly some of them felt a lot more like Overwatch or Fortnite than anything else. It's cool that people are trying to include Latin American culture in the game, but I don't think it works with TF2 at all.
I think it's because most TF2 maps are based in North American industrialism and have rarely gone for urban environments outside of Hong Kong and Manhattan, so new urban themes and styles (which Overwatch used a lot) will look odd and unfamiliar.
Glad to see more critical view of tf2 content. maps is like one of the most meaningful gameplay addition to tf2. If valve still cared about tf2. they should have at least added a monthly community map rotation (get added temporary in beta style from the quickplay days). So the community can vote and give feedback to map makers. i personally don't vote on maps because look can't carry good map alone. gameplay does. and it hard to get into playtesting with wide range of players sadly. that why i suggested the monthly community map rotation. so the average joe can help the map maker make their maps better. maybe even some basic voting system with pins you can place on the map with feedback would be useful to tell the apparent problems with a map.
Cool. What's wrong with the maps actually though? You showed some sniper sightlines, which are too tight to be actually used (could've at least spawned a zombie bot to show the sightline in action) You just state your feelings everywhere. We are not your therapists, nobody here cares how something makes you feel. Do you have actual criticism on how it plays, not how you feel like it could feel like to play on it?
The main problem is that all the maps either look like Overwatch maps or Subway Surfers-styled maps, maybe with 2 exceptions, basically they don't fit on TF2, it's cool as a community update though, it just doesn't fit in the actual game.
HE LITERALLY SAID WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE MAPS THE ENTIRE VIDEO 1. A lot of them are just csgo maps but in tf2 2. Some are a bit too colorful so they don't fit into the art style of tf2 3. They have too big of sniper sightlines (like you mentioned) 4. The map geometry is bad on a lot of these maps like having too many ramps and stuff 5. The last point on PL_Patagonia favors RED way too much also he doesn't just state his feelings everywhere lmao did you even watch the video???
-Money Heist is a spanish TV show that takes place in Spain. Not Latin America. -Breaking Bad takes place in the US (New Mexico state, not Mexico), with only some scenes in actual Mexico. -Almost all of Latin America, not just El Salvador, have colorful buildings. -Salsa music isn't cartel movie music. -Embargo looks great. If you toned down the colors it wouldn't look like Cuba. Same with many other maps.
For Anyone want it to make a "South American Map" I recommend before doing that You look up a list of the Top 100 best citys of "South America" and start walking around Them fully in Street View from Google Maps That should give You a better idea on what "South America" looks like
i'm no content creator, but where is the research? bro immediately invalidated himself at 2:50, as many people have stated that the sign is in portuguese do your research, folks
BREAKING BAD🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸????? MONEY HEIST??!?!??!? 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸 GENERIC CARTEL MUSIC????????? 💃🇨🇺 I HOPE this is some form of mixed ragebait because oh my God you don't know what you're talking about
You don't have to worry about them "copy and pasting" this as a community update, even if Valve was more active with TF2. As Valve pretty much swore off updates like EOTL and Invastion after a mess of drama behind the scenes of the Invasion update. Changing to just sometimes adding maps and cosmetics originally made for community projects in more generic updates, without having to deal with any community organizers who could cause problems.
2:50 Although this sign tries to sound spoken (for me, the correct way, and the one that makes more sense, is 'Cuidao' onde pisa'), it just sounds so funny that I'd like them to keep it on the map. Maybe they could change the design to make it more obvious that it's written in a weird way and not just a mistake!
I actually agree with your argument about the map being too colorful. official TF2 maps are designed to be less vibrant to make characters pop out more, and the map threw that out of the window.
i guess but with these moments the whole video comes off as kinda... racist? like its kinda hard to take feedback from someone who confuses portuguese for spanish and thinks salsa is "cartel music" when its clear he doesnt really know what hes talking about in terms of the culture
Please tell me this is ragebait, i actually live in South America and you saying that "i doesn't feel like South America while quoting media that doesn't even take place in SA" Like geez, koth Brazil doesn't even feel like irl Brazil, most of these maps feel way more like SA than any other ones, and most maps only have minor issues(and like 2 maps with major ones) and even then, most of the issues you listed are mostly nitpicks with a door or 2. Edit: yeah the sniper sightlines and low roofs are a problem, and i won't question those to be fair, but in topic of aesthetics, i disagree completly the saturated colours distinguish the "SA saturated" to other saturated colours(such as the more muted ones seen in Selbyen), and the detailing i feel like is an extension, if not slight exageration of what is seen on koth_kong king. I am actually sorry that me being pissed off at the time led to my comment above.
I played Embargo like one time and that was too much for me. Too big, too open, color coordination is all over the place, too many chokepoints, too many flanks... And the announcers were so bad. I like the idea of it, but man... It needs an entire rework.
My personal favorite is the casino area. I like how there is a different announcer and how there is music playing in the casino, with robots passing out health kits. I do agree that the VA for the announcer should be re-done to give him more of a Mexican accent and pull back the weird Wario impression.
I highly recomend using google, and checking what you say before you do another video. There were multiple problems, and lies in what you said. Also most of the mapp makers, and even the programers are south-american, so they probably know better how it looks like. Good to know that both Breaking Bad and the Money Heist were in South America and not in Mexico (north america) or in Spain (Europe) XD Edit: If you know all these things so well, and better than anyone, why don't you make your own mapps and community update? Its easy to hate on something, but when you don't provide any valid argument, other than "I don't like it" basically, you should consider not spreading bullshit, thanks. The mapps, the story, the SFMs, and the cosmetics are all well made, and yes, Valve should really add this into their game.
Worst map here in terms of aesthetic has to be favela, not only its just kinda ugly too look at, but its also too modern, favelas existed back then and one thing i can assure you is that they would NOT have paved roads like that xd (at the very best it would be stone tiles), hell most favelas were literally just wood shacks so. I dont see how the other maps supposedly dont work in terms of aesthetic and colors being too bright is a real non-issue unless it actually impacts gameplay, also "breaking bad for reference of south america" is just outright wrong lmfao, expecially if we want to also take into account the time period the game takes place in (1960s).
Hey! All is well? @Fantasiado Just explain a few things to you. Tropic crisis works in the form of the National "Gold Rush", in the lore of tf2 when Australia became that immense futuristic country the favelas were created to mine Brazilium for the purpose of energy. But in the real world, favelas emerged mainly from the 19th century onwards, and their growth intensified in underdeveloped countries from the second half of the 20th century onwards. Due to a series of factors, yes, at the time of TF2 there were already favelas in Brazil, we made a point of verifying this.
I understand there's still a lot of workshop content being made currently. I'm also aware that regardless of whether they nail the feel and style of TF2, a lot of time and effort has gone into them (unless they're warpaints lmao). Still, this isn't the appropriate time to discuss adding more bloated and potentially unfinished content into the game when it hardly functions in its current state. This is exactly what happened last year with the seasonal updates we got and nothing of substance was changed to improve and fix the core gameplay experience. And in turn, those issues made playing the new content then frustrating.
as someone who has played some of these maps, I can confirm that they are NOT good! (this is coming from someone who doesn't really play popular tf2 maps) the optimization was awful, literally got half my usual frames (normally get 380, went down to 120-140) the maps did NOT fit tf2's style the casino map was an overwatch map, just admit it the maps were quite boring and confusing, mainly the casino map that i talked about. the items are okay, not bad but not great and erm gun game was cancer, it does not fit tf2 and is really stinky
This guy's take is actually just wrong. Not only is he incorrect about how the maps look (they could have a little bit more texture and shorter sightlines) but he's being incredibly rude about it too!
glad to see someone who talks about the map without be traumatized with "GAMBLING" references you re a grown ass man these casinos exist in real life and theres literally items and games of valve with poker stuff
Olá brasileiros.
Eu sei que eu fiz alguns erros neste vídeo e eu quero corrigi-los e me desculpar pelas confusões causadas pela minha ignorância (e o fato de eu ser da Austrália).
Quando eu disse no meu vídeo que os criadores do mapa poderiam ter tirado inspiração em filmes espanhóis, obviamente eu sabia que esses filmes passavam em lugares diferentes (por exemplo Breaking Bad no Novo México ou Money Heist na Espanha). Eu estava apenas dizendo aquilo porque alguns lugares daqueles filmes se passam em locais parecidos com os da América do Sul, e seriam localizações interessantes para criar o tema de um mapa, considerando que eles passariam a estética sul-americana para pessoas de outros lugares (que são a maioria dos jogadores) muito bem.
O que eu acredito é que os mapas apresentadoes parecem versões "de camelô" (como vcs podem perceber, não foi ele q escreveu este comentário, foi um amigo dele) dos mapas lançados em Jungle Inferno, e alguns não se encaixam se comparados com os outros mapas que VALVe colocou no Casual. Eu disse no vídeo que as pessoas que fizeram os mapas deveriam ter buscado um balanceamento entre a arte própria do TF2 e o estilo sul-americano, já que forçar objetos e cores fortes nos mapas não é bom pros olhos dos jogadores, e farão os mapas não serem populares por causa dessa estética muito contrastante. Claro, nem todos os mapas precisam ser parecido com Dustbowl, Badlands ou outros temas já a muito utilizados, porém um consideração cautelosa na hora de criar os mapas, tendo em consideração tanto a indentidade própria como o estilo do jogo, é importânte e deve ser feito.
Muito obrigado por estar lendo esta mensagem, e espero que qualquer confusão tenha sido clarificada.
Bom dia a todos
PS: desculpem-me por eu ter chamado a Salsa "música de cartel", eu só falei isso porque eu não tinha ouvido aquele gênero antes e para mim, que sou gringo, foi isso que me pareceu na hora.
Thank u to Umbreon (Umbreon) or slamsm27_31426
from the Shounic trenches server for translating this message for me
vc invalidou sua opinião sobre a temática desses mapas quando confundiu uma placa escrita em PORTUGUES BRASILEIRO com ESPANHOL (não sabe nem de onde os lugares são), quando chamou salsa de musica de cartel(?) e tambem quando nao soube citar nenhuma midia sul-americana (tropa de elite, vai que cola, chaves, etc) na sua review onde tudo era focado na representação da america do sul. alias, se os mapas estão tao ruins assim, pq ao inves de voce reclamar sobre eles, voce nao AJUDA a conserta-los ?
pra voce que nao sabe nem que lingua que eu to falando, eu so te falo uma coisa : "never let bro cook EVER again"
nvm just realized this is rage bait, no one can be this stupid to post a video about south america without even researching it a little bit. or you are just a moron. or both.
@@afkjustnow pq um estrangeiro teria obrigação de saber diferenciar duas linguas parecidissimas, e que relevancia isso tem? Duvido que tu consegueria diferenciar alemão do holandes ou noruegues do dinamarques ou hindi do bengali. Meio nada haver n acha? Mais além, mídias sul americanas não são tão populares no exterior, então ele usou as coisas que tinham uma vibe de latinidade que ele conhecia. Meio sem graça, mas compreensivel. Por fim tu pergunta "se é tao ruim assim pq q tu n ajuda a concertar", sendo que ele ta literalmente fazendo isso ao criticar os mapas, dizendo oq poderia ser melhor, mapas esses que por sinal, sao sim ruins e n se encaixam na estética do jogo. Eu sei que é legal pra krl ter uma atualização que se passa no brasil, mas os mapas nao tem nada haver com o jogo. Seria mt melhor se tivesse mapa no sertao ou nas cordilheiras dos andes, que tem mt mais haver com o jogo doq cidade coloridinha, que sao basicamente 80% dos mapas.
"Like Breaking Bad" as someone from Brazil who actually played all the maps with full player servers, Breaking Bad is in Mexico my man
i think it is in new mexico which is situated in the us lol
Breaking Bad is in the USA state named "New Mexico", with a few scenes in Mexico.
bro couldn't think of a better example and said "eh close enough"
both are cartel hellhole
We dont need community updates. We need Valve to make a functional anti cheat.
Agreed engi,you still makin' bacon on mondays?
Resume of #fixtf2 be like:
@@Elquenoseconectacasinunca gay pron
I think that if this update were to be added, it what have to be second to the anti cheat, and it would need some of that valve intervention.
Bro called salsa music generic cartel music, never let him cook again he burnt the kitchen
australian moment
its just a joke relax latinX
@@thenextgeneration9030 its all jokes chill
you a furry
@@thenextgeneration9030 bruh what
Neither Money Heist nor Breaking Bad are south american, nor do they take place in south america.
Edit: both mexico and new mexico are also not in south america
bro forgot about the colombian remake of breaking bad
@@java1945 Walter Blanco styled map would go hard 🔥
Yo soy avocado 🥑
The scene shown in the video made me think "good point, make it look more like badwater, that'll fix it!"
He probably just meant New Mexico
"These buildings don't server any purpose other than being cover."
I don't even have any words anymore.
breaking bad? south America? what?
Lead mapper of pd_salvador here. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on the maps from our project, but I want to remind you that feedback is a two-way street, not a one-way road where just one person says everything they think.
I really wish you had played the maps when our servers were full; I noticed from the video that you played a bit with bots. Trust me, playing in a full server provides a much better experience. I've played all the maps from this project and found them all very fun. Sure, there's always room for improvement, but it's hard for us creators to improve our work when we get "feedback" in the format of this video.
Many of the issues you pointed out aren't as relevant in a live player environment (unlike just walking around and looking at the map alone in an empty server). For example, a powerful sightline isn't bad if there are alternative routes to kill the sniper or if it's a risky spot for the sniper (high risk, high reward). This is something you learn from extensive map testing (which we did).
None of the problems you mentioned with stickies ever happened in a full server, and that's due to various factors. A demoman placing stickies at a door in an empty server is one thing, but in a full server with intense combat happening everywhere, it's completely different. Some issues only appear in an empty server, without real context. I think all experienced mappers get this, and that's why we sometimes insistently ignore certain types of feedback because we know they're irrelevant.
Trust me, we all want to improve our work, but we really need to sit down and talk (and test a lot together). That's the best way to create fun projects for our audience (and it's the same formula Valve uses, which we honor by following their approach).
Like how valve made portal 1
Unfortunately I wasn't able to play servers with real players so I do agree that couldve affected my perception of the maps but also I think all sniper sightlines should be taken care off in maps since one tryhard sniper with his team backing him up could lock the sightline down which I know is a problem with sniper itself but its still something that happens and the demo thing is kinda a nitpicky thing but i just wanted to say it
dw bro you did a good job, this guy think Mexico = South America lmao, keep up the good work lad we appreciate you and your team over here!
Saludos desde Argentina!!
O cara acha que português é espanhol, que salvador é "muito colorido" e que Breaking Bad foi feito na América do Sul kkkk não te preocupa com esse vídeo não, ele REALMENTE não sabe do que tá falando
@@BigBoiGames Competitive player here, there is a bunch of sightlines like that in all maps, not really an issue
3:19 Money Heist is produced and recorded in Spain. Spain is in Europe, not South America. Not only that, the story supposedly takes place in Spain.
doesn't breaking bad also take place in USA/mexico, both of which are north american?
@@washurpaws yep he's just straight up ignorant
@@washurpaws Yeah... he really missed the mark there.
@@kiki88561 that's beyond missing the mark lol, it's plain stupidity
@@croay I agree. It's a disgrace.
>mixing spanish and portuguese
>telling ppl to watch a series where it takes place in eu
>telling ppl to watch a series where it takes place in na
>saying south america is too "colourful"
this gotta be racially motivated
racially motivated WHAT 💀
@@MrRosco it is, i live in south america and the maps are incredibly well done, this man knows nothing of what hes talking about yet proceeds to complain about it.
@@ywer3455 He's complaining about the effort that the map makers put into making the map because they are too similar to the jungle inferno maps
@@MrRosco that is not a problem, the maps are not lazy and they are well done.
@@MrRosco did we watched the same video? A big part of the complaining comes from not being "south american enough" because he dislike the real south american aesthetic
30 seconds into the video: "Now that I got the good things out of the way, let's tear into this community project."
Did you not see the outro???
@@MrRosco what was the outro?
I kinda got lost in the comment section for an hour and never u paused the video
Here's why community maps often feel off:
The primary setting of TF2 maps is "rural industrialism." It's an ongoing TF2 universe joke that despite Australia being a sci-fi tech city, the mercenaries have to fight over low-value land in the middle of nowhere to settle a silly family feud. And lots of these old worthless buildings are refitted as secret bases with high-tech lairs. Any map that takes place in the middle of a bustling urban area is inherently going to feel wrong, regardless of their choice of color or detailing. If you want to make a TF2 map set in Brazil, it should NOT be set in the favelas, it should be set in some random abandon factory that no one ever has heard of that just so happens to be in Brazil.
Another issue is what I call paintball syndrome. It's when map design completely gives up on trying to be a setting, and focuses entirely on gameplay. Like at 3:44 it's impossible to believe that was ever a real building in TF2 lore. This isn't just a lore issue, it affects gameplay too, because when you abandon all real-life building conventions, you make your map less intuitive and more disorienting. This is another reason why industrial buildings are great settings for maps, they often have vertical layouts with large rooms and large doors, so it's more naturally fitted for TF2's design than a sidewalk in a town is.
I hope this provides a refined critique on why a lot of these new maps don't look like TF2 maps.
8:18 As a Patagonian living in the beautiful mountains and fjords of Aysen... What
Bro thinks that each continent in the world only has a single climate and ecology
Man is burning the whole argument the longer i watch this
2:50 and you lost the argument
it was literally 1 minute to go to the translator and put the text in there. lazy youtuber.
but he's right though? tf2 isnt about latinx culture
@@thenextgeneration9030 stop with the bait
@@thenextgeneration9030 no way you unironically said latinx and obliterated the entire Latino community
@@thenextgeneration9030 this has to be bait
"generic cartel music"
what the fuck?
I feel fucking astounded by hearing this
Also did you just call Salsa 'Generic Cartel Music'? Honest to god never set foot in here or anywhere in South America
If this dude ain't ragebaiting then i've seriously lost all faith in humanity. No human can have takes THIS BAD
Nor Mexico, he's banned here too for mixing us all up.
2:50 that's portuguese
i was going to say that
Don't you love when people complains about things they really don't know about ?
@@chpsilva a little
I still can’t get over the fact, bro wanted to use BREAKING BAD (something that’s not even set in South America) as a reference Instead of the people that actually lived there working on the project, never cook again.
bro really said that the mappers should take note of breaking bad when it comes to south America (I'm not good at english)
Don't you know ? Brazil looks exactly like Mexico!
@@chpsilva why do you keep spamming this is it a joke?
@@MrRosco spamming ? I wrote this only once, here. Go check yourself.
What’s worse is that most of the mappers are from countries in South America themselves.
But apparently lived experience < This one show that isn’t even set in the same region
@@chpsilva Brazil even has the same yellow filter in Mexico like in breaking bad!!!
After reading the comments, I feel really stupid for having agreed with a lot of what this guy said
We're just filthy foreigners
First, money heist is set on spain, spain is in europe not south america,
Second, breaking bad is set between mexico and usa, that is in north america not south america,
And also the sign in the first map you shown is not in spanish is in Portuguese.
I’ve noticed Jungle Inferno TF2 fans just fucking hate everything unless it’s from valve
Chill man, he's criticizing the maps, not just straight down hate them. Just his opinion about the maps. And I agree from the gameplay wise part here.
Valve knew how to make maps in a way for them to be balanced in gameplay and design wise, for it to look competitive and not too empty. It was their job after all, but I can't say I like all maps of Valve.
@@_the_spy_8867 it could've been better if he actually RESEARCHED what he was saying beforehand
His research was playing the maps@afkjustnow
Bro he literally says 12:55 he's not trying to hate and he doesn't hate all community updates
@@quantumgoosey1535 play test the maps is one thing, know where the maps take place and what certain things are in the maps is another whole thing
For people who can't see the dislikes: 620 likes, 565 dislikes.
709 likes and 715 dislikes (7/2/2024)
8:20 "PL_Patagonia doesnt feel south american" THEN WHERE THE FUCK IS TORRES DEL PAINE? You've never seen the Andes
The favela is acctualy pretty accurate.
Yup, but people feels entitled to criticize what they barely know (if they know anything at all).
@@chpsilva the part in the video when the guy points to decals being randomly placed on the map is crazy... it's harder to find a wall with no grafitti than walls painted with it in real favelas
@@mschulmeister6519 Yea but you wouldn't see those elementary scribbles in real favelas either. Current Favela just looks too clean
@@redwarrior118 some of them, mostly the ones selected to be "touristic attractions". The actual favelas built over cesspits and poluted rivers are filthy and well hidden from the cameras.
Not for 1960s no it aint, though i think caring about the time period the game takes place in is far behind us now when it comes to tf2 xddd
Patagonia is a region in South America that is a dry land like depicted. Not all of South America is jungle and tropics
Calling salsa music generic cartel music is like, one of the takes of all time.
hey buddy bud pal you seem to have mixed the entirety of south america with northern mexico
You seem to be confusing South America with Mexico my friend.
Most countries in South America speak Spanish, Brasil however speaks Portuguese, and the very southern part is... HIGH German.
@@MaoRatto to be fair, brasil is a pretty large part of south america, amigo.
@@afkjustnow If counting countries, not, but in sheer volume and space. Yes it is.
He truly doesn't know what is the difference
regardless they are all still latinx culture and similar
you lost the entire argument at 2:50 gringo
Complains about south american based maps being too south american, lmao
LOL... "gringo"
@@UnknownDoggo He said nothing about the map being too south American he said "You made the map feel south american *in the laziest way possible* 2:55 he was just saying to put more effort not that it was bad that it is south american
portuguese = spanish LMAO
calm down latinx
the dislike ratio on this video is so fucking funny
How much is it? I can't see it on my phone
@@deonultranfor me it’s about 50/50 lmao
@@deonultran almost half dislikes
its just latinx's that didnt watch the vid all the way
@@thenextgeneration9030 Shut up baiter
I think it's hilarious how freaking Zesty Jesus did a better job at giving constructive feedback on the maps.
@@doofly123 my thoughts exactly
Zesty has always given good constructive criticism.
So I really don’t see how it’s funny that he did better than this guy.
he thinks mexico=south america probably
@@Soupnator and the worst part of all of this IS THAT MEXICO IS NOT EVEN IN SOUTH AMERICA
I recommend you do some google searches of neoclassical architectures impact in south america. Our buildings look like that.
Howdy there, one of the creators of Koth_Cachoeira, while i do understand the first complain with the z-fighting in the door being an issue and the sightline issues, the rest is just complete bullshit for a lack of a better term.
Il just comment on the stuff in cachoeira because if i didnt i would be here all day, i do not understand what stance you are on when talking about the "ugly" colourful buildings being added in the laziest way possible???, the WHOLE map is set on cachoeira do diabo, a major tourist attraction in south america.
And the flashbang after leaving the spawn for no actual reason, like ya could have just said "when leaving spawn its too bright and looks like a flashbang" but no you just did a dumb bit for comedy value with no actual constructive feedback. Many other people have already talked about this but "spanish signs" is just plain out wrong with no actual research being done.
I myself am not brazilian but actually portugues, and while both those countries do have a culture of rivalry, i can and did my best to research for the map, i took feedback and had to learn about the culture of the places i was representing and how it evolved, this map has been my project to represent a culture i always enjoyed, a culture that has accepted me has a friend and hearing you talking smack about it with basically no actual feedback just hurts in a way no other way could.
While i do understand that you didnt do this video outta malice, it comes away like it.
Melhor pra os meus brothers brasileiros ai, amor da foca de selbyen pra voces.
Favelas are ugly and dirty not the standard beautifull map you are looking for
We made servers from the Tropic Crisis for a whole month and i feel like there was not any type of feedback from gameplay only criticizing maps with nitpick detail that can be fixed. I didn't see a single footage of gameplay in a match with you on those maps.
We speak portuguese not spanish
Buildings on cuba are colorfull we are not making the map look like badlands. Try something new.
We are improving the voice actors, workshop doesn't mean final release. If the map gets in the game then is final release for it, if you did your research you would see most of the maps with the name pl_embargo_B B of beta. These 90 people did stuff for on their own will and no one got pay, so don't expect a extremely triple AAA content from it, small mistakes and bugs will still happen.
It has some valid criticism but feel like you could have done more research about it.
god forbid someone have an opinion
@@orangiat3619 the moment someone voice an opinion it is bound to be scrutinized and criticized, what's the matter with that? The best way to avoid criticism is either not voicing an opinion at all or actually having good evidence and research corroborating it.
I feel like TF2 is not unfamiliar to the ugly and dirty aesthetic...
TF2 is pretty desaturated in general, so the saturation on these maps may turn some people off.
"try someting new", as long as it fits in TF2. And it's the mapper's job to find out how to do that in the most satisfing way.
And maps should receve more criticism, you are submitting a product to be officialy added to the game. Since Valve clearly doesn't have any quality control now at days *Wutville flashbacks* community feedback, is the only qualarty control we get.
Wish workshop items had more time to be developed before beeing submitted in to the workshop.
skill issue lmao
@@orangiat3619 God forbid someone actually research about what is "opining" about!
The map you said looks "alpine" and "North American" takes place in Argentina, which has a mostly temperate climate. South America is a continent, not one big jungle.
Argentina and Chile*
Also i live there and instantly when he mentioned that, i felt my nerves hit 💀
Bro thought that south america has only one biome lol (i'm from chile btw, hola)
2:48 Spanish?! Also, most of the maps were made by south-americans, so i do NOT get how it doesn't feel "south-american enough", but i do agree with the argument that most of them look a little like the Jungle Inferno update maps.
É Portuguès não é espanhol. Eu tive que consertar a mensagem*.
GG you shut him down objectively. Something that bothers me was that he only used bots to test how the maps play.
He'd be happy if it had the yellow south America filter Hollywood loves to use lmao
I didnt even realize it was portuguesse a first, my frist thought was that it was a joke in spanish since some people tend to not say "donde" but rather "onde" where i live. Which even then somewhat fits the goofy signs that some tf2 maps have, like the "Tresspassers will be violated" signs
21k views and only 600 likes, I’m guessing the rest of those views went into the dislike button because these were by god the worst criticisms I’ve seen while just being plain stupid. All of your criticisms are not even critiques, it’s so nit-picky, like the payload doesn’t need to be special or super cool, there are plenty of payload maps that don’t have a “special ending” when you capture it and they are still regarded as good maps. You are the reason many people think that the community can’t rebalance or rate things.
3:22 breaking bad takes place mostly in Mexico and New Mexico Dx. That doesn’t fit a South American community update.
If you say something that MIGHT have a .1% of being incorrect, you search it up and confirm it's real because if it's not you'll be spreading missinformation and people are going to be mad at you, and they would be right too! I'm sure if you had done just a little research this video would've come out 10x better.
I'm sorry for any bad english, it is not my first language and please dont take this personally, It was meant as constructive criticism!
Much as I agree, I also think comparing the map to Wutville is a little more insulting than it should come across as.
I get op sniper sightlines, small mistakes and chokepoints not being fit for tf2 at all, but half of your complaints are "I don't like this" and "doesn't look south american enough!" (from someone who clearly never went anywhere near south america). Please do your research before making a video shaming a community made update next time.
Why is this tf2 map not actively taking place in the Rio de Jainero Carnival?! All that's telling me we're in south america is some misspelled Spanish and some stupid colorful buildings! This nothing like they showed me in Breaking Bad........... where's Waltuh?!
@@largeamountsofscreaming4771 “where’s waltuh? “💀
@@Soda27650 they should add walter white in the maps, just to sit there
My guy the maps themselves were made by South americans. Also that sign was in Portuguese, not spanish
Stop trying to speak for us
Bro i thought i was the only one who noticed he saying spanish signs instead of brazillian signs💀
as a non-latinx we try our best to represent latinx culture but sometimes we get it wrong
@@thenextgeneration9030 as a non-fat white kid making failed youtube content, I fully support your bait attempt
@@thenextgeneration9030 that's ok. Start by ceasing the use of 'latinx'
@@afsilver07 no because latinx is gender neutral and its the correct term :)
i think your fixation on colorful buildings is a bit ridiculous. like, i agree with the point you are making, and of course it should always be clear which team's side you are currently standing in, but as long as there are several blue/red buildings in their respective places i think the color variety is fine
he's not fixated on it he talked about it for like 5 seconds 💀
i think its just a big cope from him because he never goes outside and touch some grass, instead just rot in a dark room play only the most desaturated maps he can find
@@afkjustnow nah what its just that it doesn't fit into the tf2 art style
@@MrRosco well, then just dont play the maps if they dont look gray enough for the "tf2 art style"
@@afkjustnow That wasn't my point having conflicting art styles in the official game isn't a good idea its one of the core parts of the game if you hate the games art style so much go play on Minecraft map servers also if the "tf2 art style" is so unimportant why do cosmetics and every official map adhere to them
Never cook again.
"use films that resemble south America" and "breaking bad" used in the same video.
if you don't go outside of na and think you know the world good on you, the maps do not look that out of place as for south América.
and, no, south America is not know for jungles, brazil might be because of the Amazon rainforest.
what you are saying would be like saying
"you don't know how America looks, see movies and documentaries" with "it does not have enough obese people and 7 elevens"
I think the gameplay criticism is absolutely on point. The lack of polish is definitely missing, the color palettes don't make sanse if they are going to be saturated as much as Overwatch's colors.
It's an interesting theme, but it should remain in the oven a tad bit longer. We already have a lot of maps that are not being addressed and adding more seasonal maps isn't really the solution.
Honestly, i would much rather see this game fixed. After that we should work on removing or remaking some old maps and gamemodes like Arena into something functional that the community wants.
1:48 that problem actually exists in launch maps like gravel pit.
i dont like maps being uselessly big, a hallway that leads to another hallway that leads to a flank that leads to a hallway, a useless spot that is there to show off some cutesy map design, huge areas with nothing in them to do, just why does that new brew map have a gigantic area outside of blue spawn for
2:50 Imagine calling Portuguese Spanish
they are both latinx dialect so its common normal people get confused some times
@@thenextgeneration9030how hard is it to notice that the spanish language doesn't use "ç" or "ã"
@@unfunniestman to us non-LatinX's its confusing and both sound similar Latinxly
@@thenextgeneration9030 LatinX? We are the X-Men?
I'm from South America, and while a lot of of the points you made in the video are quite abysmal, i have to agree that most of the maps don't feel like TF2 at all and don't adhere to the game's artstyle. I played most of them and just like a lot of maps that have been getting added into the game, it just doesn't quite fit right, it doesn't feel like TF2. Honestly some of them felt a lot more like Overwatch or Fortnite than anything else.
It's cool that people are trying to include Latin American culture in the game, but I don't think it works with TF2 at all.
I think it's because most TF2 maps are based in North American industrialism and have rarely gone for urban environments outside of Hong Kong and Manhattan, so new urban themes and styles (which Overwatch used a lot) will look odd and unfamiliar.
some of the complaints are justified, but this overall seems pretty nit-picky
Nitpicky? More like ignorance
@@KudoRedfox both work
Wouldn't take you less than 5 minutes of research the fact that spanish it's not the only language spoken in south america
don't worry Valve will not add anything to this game ever again nor will even attempt to fix the bot problem.
You are naive if you think they won't release new cases each year, which they continue to do.
boy do i have some news from the future
@@Its_a_fork Don't get too comfortable my man. Valve has failed this game multiple times.
2:49 mfs will look at Portuguese and say it's Spanish
you have some guts to compare a functional map to wutville, thats not criticism anymore thats straight up an insult
Wutville is "functional", it's just ugly.
@@TheTdw2000 it is not, the sniper sightlines alone make it unplayable
is this how you pay your rent?
Wahh wahhh tropic theme is bad because it has colours and trees and not badlands wahhh wahhh
@@steamedham4514 TF2 is not meant to be vibrant.
From 3:00 to 3:25 has to be one of the worst takes i've heard
true that
true that
valid points but holy misinformation! "cartel music" bro??? edit that out in post.
Glad to see more critical view of tf2 content. maps is like one of the most meaningful gameplay addition to tf2. If valve still cared about tf2. they should have at least added a monthly community map rotation (get added temporary in beta style from the quickplay days). So the community can vote and give feedback to map makers. i personally don't vote on maps because look can't carry good map alone. gameplay does. and it hard to get into playtesting with wide range of players sadly.
that why i suggested the monthly community map rotation. so the average joe can help the map maker make their maps better. maybe even some basic voting system with pins you can place on the map with feedback would be useful to tell the apparent problems with a map.
Did.. did you not notice the 40+ wrong statements the man makes within the first 4 minutes of the video?
@@joltz..2042 I am talking about map theme design and layout +gameplay, or how the map fits into tf2 artstyle. He is right about that.
We get it, You watched Death of an Artstyle.
@@valetc6479 We get it, you hate people reaching similar conclusion someone else reached.
Guys, before you start a war in the comments, you can at least agree that tropic crisis maps have problems.
Cool. What's wrong with the maps actually though? You showed some sniper sightlines, which are too tight to be actually used (could've at least spawned a zombie bot to show the sightline in action)
You just state your feelings everywhere. We are not your therapists, nobody here cares how something makes you feel. Do you have actual criticism on how it plays, not how you feel like it could feel like to play on it?
The main problem is that all the maps either look like Overwatch maps or Subway Surfers-styled maps, maybe with 2 exceptions, basically they don't fit on TF2, it's cool as a community update though, it just doesn't fit in the actual game.
1. A lot of them are just csgo maps but in tf2
2. Some are a bit too colorful so they don't fit into the art style of tf2
3. They have too big of sniper sightlines (like you mentioned)
4. The map geometry is bad on a lot of these maps like having too many ramps and stuff
5. The last point on PL_Patagonia favors RED way too much
also he doesn't just state his feelings everywhere lmao did you even watch the video???
he's just kinda racist for a lot of the video lol
@@RandomDude647 i agree
@@RandomDude647 i wouldnt say racist, that implies malice
i just think hes dumb
-Money Heist is a spanish TV show that takes place in Spain. Not Latin America.
-Breaking Bad takes place in the US (New Mexico state, not Mexico), with only some scenes in actual Mexico.
-Almost all of Latin America, not just El Salvador, have colorful buildings.
-Salsa music isn't cartel movie music.
-Embargo looks great. If you toned down the colors it wouldn't look like Cuba. Same with many other maps.
I thought all the same things this guy’s a dumbass
One of the absolute worst takes I’ve ever seen. “Ugly Spanish buildings” “breaking bad is South American” ok bro
homeboy pissed off all of his brazilian watchers
latinxs are mad
this bigboi guy can get fucked, epic ragebait video
For Anyone want it to make a "South American Map" I recommend before doing that You look up a list of the Top 100 best citys of "South America" and start walking around Them fully in Street View from Google Maps
That should give You a better idea on what "South America" looks like
Worer, flowing from a worerfoll
700 likes and 800 dislike
Yeah, seems about right.
i'm no content creator, but where is the research? bro immediately invalidated himself at 2:50, as many people have stated that the sign is in portuguese
do your research, folks
its just a mistake sometimes latinx languages are hard to differentiate
BREAKING BAD🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸?????
MONEY HEIST??!?!??!? 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸
I HOPE this is some form of mixed ragebait because oh my God you don't know what you're talking about
You don't have to worry about them "copy and pasting" this as a community update, even if Valve was more active with TF2. As Valve pretty much swore off updates like EOTL and Invastion after a mess of drama behind the scenes of the Invasion update. Changing to just sometimes adding maps and cosmetics originally made for community projects in more generic updates, without having to deal with any community organizers who could cause problems.
2:50 Although this sign tries to sound spoken (for me, the correct way, and the one that makes more sense, is 'Cuidao' onde pisa'), it just sounds so funny that I'd like them to keep it on the map. Maybe they could change the design to make it more obvious that it's written in a weird way and not just a mistake!
hell nah you tweaking mate the maps look fire
I actually agree with your argument about the map being too colorful. official TF2 maps are designed to be less vibrant to make characters pop out more, and the map threw that out of the window.
Yeah this feels too much overwatch-ish
I love how most of the people in the comments are nitpicking certain stuff while missing the bigger picture lol
Are u Australian?
i guess but with these moments the whole video comes off as kinda... racist? like its kinda hard to take feedback from someone who confuses portuguese for spanish and thinks salsa is "cartel music" when its clear he doesnt really know what hes talking about in terms of the culture
"nitpicking", mf, the entire video is nitpicking
Bro really made a 13min video complain about sniper sight lines, jungle aesthetic maps, colors and few bugs (aka a real problem)
Please tell me this is ragebait, i actually live in South America and you saying that "i doesn't feel like South America while quoting media that doesn't even take place in SA"
Like geez, koth Brazil doesn't even feel like irl Brazil, most of these maps feel way more like SA than any other ones, and most maps only have minor issues(and like 2 maps with major ones) and even then, most of the issues you listed are mostly nitpicks with a door or 2.
Edit: yeah the sniper sightlines and low roofs are a problem, and i won't question those to be fair, but in topic of aesthetics, i disagree completly the saturated colours distinguish the "SA saturated" to other saturated colours(such as the more muted ones seen in Selbyen), and the detailing i feel like is an extension, if not slight exageration of what is seen on koth_kong king.
I am actually sorry that me being pissed off at the time led to my comment above.
Have YOU watched the video????????????
@@imslightlybetterthanyou8365 yeah i did
This video is just nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking
Danm shame they removed public dislikes
I played Embargo like one time and that was too much for me. Too big, too open, color coordination is all over the place, too many chokepoints, too many flanks... And the announcers were so bad. I like the idea of it, but man... It needs an entire rework.
My personal favorite is the casino area. I like how there is a different announcer and how there is music playing in the casino, with robots passing out health kits. I do agree that the VA for the announcer should be re-done to give him more of a Mexican accent and pull back the weird Wario impression.
your points about map layout and quality control were good but man learn something about south america
I highly recomend using google, and checking what you say before you do another video.
There were multiple problems, and lies in what you said. Also most of the mapp makers, and even the programers are south-american, so they probably know better how it looks like.
Good to know that both Breaking Bad and the Money Heist were in South America and not in Mexico (north america) or in Spain (Europe) XD
Edit: If you know all these things so well, and better than anyone, why don't you make your own mapps and community update? Its easy to hate on something, but when you don't provide any valid argument, other than "I don't like it" basically, you should consider not spreading bullshit, thanks.
The mapps, the story, the SFMs, and the cosmetics are all well made, and yes, Valve should really add this into their game.
Worst map here in terms of aesthetic has to be favela, not only its just kinda ugly too look at, but its also too modern, favelas existed back then and one thing i can assure you is that they would NOT have paved roads like that xd (at the very best it would be stone tiles), hell most favelas were literally just wood shacks so.
I dont see how the other maps supposedly dont work in terms of aesthetic and colors being too bright is a real non-issue unless it actually impacts gameplay, also "breaking bad for reference of south america" is just outright wrong lmfao, expecially if we want to also take into account the time period the game takes place in (1960s).
Hey! All is well? @Fantasiado Just explain a few things to you. Tropic crisis works in the form of the National "Gold Rush", in the lore of tf2 when Australia became that immense futuristic country the favelas were created to mine Brazilium for the purpose of energy. But in the real world, favelas emerged mainly from the 19th century onwards, and their growth intensified in underdeveloped countries from the second half of the 20th century onwards. Due to a series of factors, yes, at the time of TF2 there were already favelas in Brazil, we made a point of verifying this.
@@Minidutra se esse youtuber tivesse feito metade das pesquisas q vcs fizeram eu acho q não teria saido um video tão merda.
“B-b-but breaking bad had yellow filter, just like mexico! Where’s waltuh?”
please never formulate an opinion again 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
TF2s next update better be an engine change and I don’t even mean source 2, just like source 2013
Overgrown feels like a Overwatch map
6:49LMAOO that's actually so funny and fitting
Neither Breaking Bad nor Money Heist take place in South America LOL
2:49 spanish signs.. *sigh* DISLIKE, UNSUB, REPORTED THE VIDEO
"generic cartel music" ADDRESS LEAKED. HOUSE SENT BOMB
Calm down latinx ...
relax its just a joke latinx
honestly we cant ask for a TOTALLY PERFECT update on a game that has no updates since 2017...
I understand there's still a lot of workshop content being made currently. I'm also aware that regardless of whether they nail the feel and style of TF2, a lot of time and effort has gone into them (unless they're warpaints lmao).
Still, this isn't the appropriate time to discuss adding more bloated and potentially unfinished content into the game when it hardly functions in its current state. This is exactly what happened last year with the seasonal updates we got and nothing of substance was changed to improve and fix the core gameplay experience. And in turn, those issues made playing the new content then frustrating.
as someone who has played some of these maps, I can confirm that they are NOT good! (this is coming from someone who doesn't really play popular tf2 maps)
the optimization was awful, literally got half my usual frames (normally get 380, went down to 120-140)
the maps did NOT fit tf2's style
the casino map was an overwatch map, just admit it
the maps were quite boring and confusing, mainly the casino map that i talked about.
the items are okay, not bad but not great
and erm gun game was cancer, it does not fit tf2 and is really stinky
i dont agree wuith this guy mostly but yea the maps didnt feel like tf2
bait used to be believable
if i asked you to point to south america on a map, i dont think you could find it.
This guy's take is actually just wrong. Not only is he incorrect about how the maps look (they could have a little bit more texture and shorter sightlines) but he's being incredibly rude about it too!
glad to see someone who talks about the map without be traumatized with "GAMBLING" references you re a grown ass man these casinos exist in real life and theres literally items and games of valve with poker stuff
Why are so many of these new maps so damn bright?