What supremacy is the strong delusion that covers the fact the all the ancient great civilizations were Black and Dark Brown people as shown in the Scriptures and supported by the Out of Africa explanation of modern human populations.
It’s because if they admit that his children were black they would have to admit that Africans (real ones) created Egypt. Europeans did this huge double take in the 18th-19th century after they saw how advanced “The Land of Ham” the Bible was talking about was and basically declared that Ham = (Egyptians) could never be black. They then pushed away from the biblical perspective and started using scientific racism to further separate Africans from Egypt and final they omitted Kush from modern history basically erasing Africas involvement in the human race.
Okay then explain why the wife of Moses got monks for being black because she was different than everyone else.... Think about it if everybody was black why would it be different with her being black... Really role that around in your head for a while knowing that Abraham himself came from Iran. It doesn't make sense for Abraham to be black..... Iranians are not black... Is there black people who are iranian citizens yes of course. because Iran is not racist like that. It is the acknowledgment of racism that helps push the people of the kingdom of Abraham into war against the Israeli to defend the kingdom of Abraham from the Israelis Rebellion.
Redividing of the nations BACK into their original tribes. Almost like they'd been genetically united, and redividing them reduced the genetic diversity of each nation. Something something Neanderthals(Japheth) Denisovans(Shem) and Naledi(Ham) were all absorbed into Canaan(Modern Humans) and then were redivided into Neanderthal-HSS hybrid, Denisovan-HSS hybrid, and Naledi-HSS hybrid.
@@shiftybroccoli8891 Denisovans are both Eurasian and Sinite or otherwise Hamitic but not Semitic. People isolated into family groups and began speaking their own languages.
According to history, Madai married one of the daughters of Shem so there’s a maternal Semitic lineage that follows the descendants of Madai all the way to Central America via the Atlantic Ocean believe it or not.
They say there is evidence that Europeans and Semitics share similar mitochondrial DNA, so there were probably Semitic women who married into Japhetic lines very early on in history after the flood.
There is no explanation for the rapid buried and sorting of so much sediment except for the global flood. The layers match across the entire globe, across thousands of miles and across continents! It only makes sense that the ocean floor was made during the flood and the continents were separated and destroyed, with sediments being laid on the remaining surfaces.
I know right, all those pesky geology experts with their fancy degrees and lives spent studying the matter. I'm glad we have people who believe in invisible beings to set them straight.
Phut was originally in North Africa according to Josephus but today they are mostly in West Africa.It’s the descendants of Mitzrayim that expanded throughout North and East Africa.
I do wonder about that as well. Many consider Haplogroup E to be a Cushite Haplogroup, but we know many of the Egyptian Pharoahs were supposedly Haplogroup E based off of modern testing. Yet, since Egyptian worship mimicked Nimrod's sun god worship, and Nimrod was from Cush, it is possible just the Pharoahs were from Cush. King Tut had R1b, which is actually associated with Europe and Japheth, but to this day there is a strong R1b presence in central Africa. Mizraim, Phut, and Cush likely are each Haplogroups A, B, and E, though I don't know which is which. All three are common in Africa. The book of Jubilees states that Africa was given to all four of Ham's sons, but Canaan refused to move there and stole the land of Canaan (Israel) from the sons of Shem to whom it was allotted. Therefore, the Canaanites never went all the way into Africa as they should have.
@@deepwaters2334 You talk like there were no other lands available except north mid, and south. The Canaanites were apported the land of yes Canaan until Yehovah was ready to drive them out and give it to Israel. Just stick with the facts.
@Salvation4DJews I am just stating what the book of Jubilees says; I'm not saying it is fact for certain. The Book of Jubilees says that the north was for Japheth, the South was for Ham, and "Middle Earth" was for Shem. However, Canaan did not like his portion in Africa so he moved into Canaan, which Abraham later took for himself. The Medes of Madai also did not like their portion wherever it was, so they sought to live among the people of Shem. The Medes are very much associated with the Persians, who descended from Elam.
@@deepwaters2334 Anything that disagrees with the Torah and the Prophets will lead you astray. In Genesis 15 you will see plainly the people whose lands, The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. It also state that Abram had to wait 4 generations (400 years in his time) for that promise because and I quote verbatem, "The sins of the Amorites had not reached its fullness". So Abram's offspring had to wait 400 years for the Canaanites eviction simply because the Amorites had not quite become vile enough to serve them their eviction. The implies the land did belong to Canaan. But theirs more. Genesis 12:. 5And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into THE LAND OF CANAAN; and into THE LAND OF CANAAN THEY CAME. 6And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. 7And Yehovah appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land Genesis 17:8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, ALL THE LAND OF CANAAN, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their Elohim. So at least 3 TIMES Yehovah the creator himself called it the LAND OF CANAAN! So That means your book of Jubilee disagrees with our creator.
I agree! Surprisingly, there is not a consensus on this, but it seems highly likely. I find the haplogroups to provide compelling evidence for the Biblical account. Gomer should be haplogroup R, and within R there are three subgroups: R1a, R1b, & R2. Each of these should correspond to one of Gomer's three sons; I think R1b should be Ashkenaz because in Armenia R1b is dominant and they themselves claim to be descendants of Ashkenaz, who conquered the people of Aram there. Jeremiah also says that Ashkenaz comes with Armenia against Babylon, so we know Ashkenaz and Armenia are allied together. R1a may be Togarmah or Riphath; I haven't decided. However, I am leaning toward Togarmah because the Bible says Magog brings not only Tubal and Meshech, but Togarmah from the Far North as well. Since Magog (Probably Haplogroup G which is common in the lands of the Scythians & Khazars) was between the Black and Caspian seas (and to the East of the Caspian Sea in the Steppe as well), this means that Togarmah must be North of that region, suggesting Russia is Togarmah and R1a is Togarmah. R2 is most common in the Himilaya Mountains, so it is farther to the South and East, meaning it likely is not Togarmah, but Riphath. However, R2 is present in Europe as well.
@@deepwaters2334 I heard that the descendants of Riphath were in southern Europe so I have him as R1b. The descendants of Ashkenaz I have as R1a because of the Ashkenazi Jews in Germany. I have R2 as Togarmah.
11:46 Jacob/Israel knew Joseph was second in command of Egypt when he moved down. It’s not a meaningful error, but worth pointing out that it was a slight miss-speech.
This is how I have assigned the major haplogroups: Neanderthals are Eurasians and Denisovans are a mix of Eurasians and Sino Canaanite tribe of Sinim with the D y-hg in Asia and or the House of King Nimrod’s descendants with the C y-hg both of which are Hamitic, Cushite and Canaanite. DNA migrations show that Native Americans crossed the Atlantic to Central America from the Mediterranean Sea. There are four or more haplogroup lineages that show this migration route, the A C&D maternal mtDNA lineages and the Q paternal Y chromosomal lineage as well as probably the C paternal y-hg lineages made this same crossing to Central America and then spreading north and south from there. The Inuit crossed the Bering Strait. People are ignoring actual known human history. The actual historical records and DNA migrations show that everyone spread out from Mesopotamia. Ancient history is essential for everyone to know, especially that of the sixteen original civilizations… that are from the sixteen grandsons of Noah. We should learn ancient history before trying to learn science. The following are the paternal Y haplogroups that make the most sense. 1. The first inhabitants of Italy (K) Tubal 2. Thracians (L) Tiras 3. Greek sea people (T) Javan 4. Siberians & East Asians (NO) Magog 5. Eastern Europeans & East Eurasians (P) Meshek 6. Medes (Q) Madai 7. Western Europeans (R) Gomer 8. Hebrews and Arabic (IJ) Arphaxad 9. Elamites (H) Elam 10. Assyrians (G) Asshur 11. Arameans (F1) Aram 12. Lydians (F2) Lud 13. Cushites (AB, C) Cush 14. Egyptians (E3) Mitzrayim 15. Canaanites (E2, D) Canaan 16. Original North African Phoenicians (E1) Phut The only way to determine the actual paternal lineages is with the Y chromosome. E1 is Phut, E2 is Canaan and E3 is Mitzrayim. The descendants of Cush are A B and C with C being the descendants of the House of King Nimrod the first King of the world with many descendants (reinforcing his genes) which was in Mesopotamia and Assyria otherwise known as the Sumerians. The descendants of Nimrod later spread to the Americas and Pacific islands. It’s the reason Olmec statues often appear Polynesian since they share the same common ancestor with Polynesians. In America it’s C3 and in the Pacific islands it’s C2. The D paternal haplogroup Sino descendants of Canaan migrated from Canaan east to Andaman Islands, China, all the way to Japan and Tibet. The C paternal Y haplogroup descendants of Nimrod migrated as far as South Asia, Australia, the Pacific, Mongolia, Europe and all the way to the Americas by way of Atlantic accounting for the Olmec civilization in Central America as well as the Q Y haplogroup descendants of Madai ancestor of the Medes that also crossed the Atlantic to Central America along with the maternal lineages of A C and D. The A maternal mtDNA haplogroup belonging to the *Semitic* N lineage accompanied the Eurasian Q paternal Y haplogroup to Central America. The C&D maternal haplogroups belonging to the *Eurasian* M lineage also accompanied the Atlantic crossing of the Q paternal haplogroup Medes and probably the C paternal haplogroup to Central America. The Semitic B maternal mtDNA haplogroup seems to have crossed on the other side via the Pacific Ocean to South America. The Mediterranean paternal R1b and the maternal X2a (also found in Galilee) represent yet another Atlantic crossing of the Phoenicians in the days of King Solomon considering also the additional Mediterranean paternal Y chromosome haplogroups of T, G, I1, I2, J1, J2, E and B in found in Native American today in addition to the R1b found in Native American Populations. J1 and J2 are Arabs and Jews. (I1 is most likely the tribe of Dan and I2 resembles the movements of the tribe of Asher) Of course there is also the Cohen 50% of which are J1 P58 known as the Cohen modal haplotype which identifies the IJ lineage of Hebrews and Arabs that are descended from Arphaxad. J2 M172 is the largest group of descendants probably of the House of the kings David *and* Solomon. Now you know a lot more of what is now verified human history. Neanderthals were Eurasians descended from Japheth and Denisovans are a mix of Eurasians and Canaanites and or Cushites descended from Ham. We know this because of the people living today who have Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA. Sumerians were Assyrians and Akkadian descendants of Nimrod. The mtDNA maternal lineage of the out of Africa claim goes from African to Eurasian and then to Semitic while the Y chromosome lineage goes from African to Semitic and then Eurasian. So according to that Africans produced Semitic males and Eurasian females who then produced Eurasian males and Semitic females completely invalidating the Out of Africa claim. *The reality is that all of these various lineages had to have existed simultaneously.*
This is how one knows they are of the seed of Jacob, ROMANS 8:16. Yes their blood is mixed with all nations and their blood will be cleanse, JOEL 3:21. It is the second day and we are being revived as it is written, HOSEA 6:1, one more day and he will raise us up and all nations shall see the glory of Yah. AD 33-2024, is 2021 years, but the beast=Japheth and his sons change time and laws, DANIEL 7:25, but we are the seeds of DEUTERONOMY 29:29 and this is why ROMANS 3:21 IS. We do not need DNA.
I wonder if the Canaanites that claimed to be from a far off land that tricked the Israelites into making a peace treaty with them did in fact move to a distant land and start China, a distant land. Not only did Imperial Chinese history start around same time as the conquest of Canaan, but they also had similar religious practices to the ancient Israelites (Only their priest King was allowed to offer a lamb to cover the sins of the people every year). The Israelites said that that Canaanites they made a deal with must remain servants in the temple, so this fact that they continued to worship in a similar way to Israel until around the time of Christ is very compelling. We even have records of the astronomer-emperor at the time of Christ recognizing that "a man from heaven died and took the sins of the whole world" at the exact time of the death of Jesus.
@@deepwaters2334 It seems to have been the Sinites who migrated to Sinai and on to the land of Sinim (China) and then to Japan and Tibet where the D Hamitic haplogroup is today.
@@JungleJargonI know Haplogrpup D is Jomon. The Jomon language is very different from Chinese and South Asian languages; it is part of the Altaic language family of the Altai Mountains. I think Haplogroup D may be one of the sons of Japheth or Shem, but I don't have a firm opinion on Haplogroup D. I agree about the Sino-Chinese.
@@deepwaters2334 The D haplogroup is compatible with the E lineages, most of which are E3 which I have identified as Mitzrayim. E1 being Phut and E2 being Canaan. A B and C are the descendants of Cush.
The average lifespan of any ancient Egyptian was only 40 yrs on average, then why when Jacob tells him(Pharoah) he is 140 yrs old , the Pharoah wasn't awe struck? And why weren't the Egyptians living to be 2 and 3 hundred years old?
One would expect that the earliest lineages of the Mizraimites did live similar ages to those recorded for the Shemites post flood. I know of no Egyptian records that would refute that for the equivalent eras. If you have references that back up your claim of Egyptian ages I would be interested to see them.
Do you think when Noah came out of the Ark, they used the wood from the Ark to build their homes and heat source fro cooking and warmth? Probably why the Ark has not been found. Just a thought. There were 4 families after all and very little vegetation..perhaps even the pitch was reheated and used differently too..we know they had seeds on the Ark as Noah planted a vineyard and they needed to light a fire for the burnt offerings…just a pondering thought today. Finally did Noah go on to have more children after the flood?
The very common paternal haplogroup H is a Semitic one, from Shem's son Elam. There are other Semitic lines. India is primarily a mixture of Shem and Japheth (Medes/Persians/Aryans).
Patriarch begetting ages are incorrect is the Massoretic text. Septuagint has them correct. Also the sons of Noah divided ALL the Earth. This includes the Americas. These lands were also populated by the Sons of Noah
Yes the whole earth is ultimately involved including Australia, New Zealand and the Americas, and more but this presentation was generally limited to the immediate dispersal of the tribes of the Grandsons of Noah to keep it within reasonable time boundaries
and all occurring as per what has been designated a "northern hemisphere" Family reflective, tribal reflective, city state reflective, regional reflective, national (nation) reflective, .....................................................Global reflective! is it seen from "down under"?
Colonization (material) of this world and as per powers of a northern hemisphere be-ing a global culmination in material terms reflective for understanding the material state of completion in regards to the day of Re-velation. With the close of prophetic cycle is the recognition by human understanding, that all prophecy from prophetic age is limitlessly eternal. Eve-n though the prophetic cycle comes to a close, what was offered from prophecy will always offer understanding as re-flected in every age. If human growth is eternal then this eternal growth is only built upon God's progressive order eternal. God is Most Glorious!
@@Salvation4DJews I thought you all said Ham's curse was him being Black! Make up your minds! And actually Canaan was the one who was cursed. And they are still fighting in Canaan right now!
@@dobieh7479 Ham did not receive the curse. It was only Canaan. Canaanites were NOT black. The remaining Canaanites are in Lebanon (Tyre and Sidon) and the Hittites and Sinites who are of Turkic, Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. The black skin curse idea was some hair brained idea from certain extremely low IQ white supremacists.
The Tower of Babel was located at Louis Babel Ecological Reserve in Quebec, Canada. Tower of Babel was in CANADA 2024 14K views2 years ago by 2041 Truth Channel Tower of Babel Found in America , by UBTV *** The Garden of Eden was in Torreya State Park in Florida, as per E.E. Callaway and Old World Florida, in The Gulf of Mexico is the True Fertile Crescent. *** The Exodus crossing was at the Sea of Cortez, formerly known as the "RED SEA" or Vermillion sea on old maps. Prester John was King of America until 1202, 432 The drop Radio, khandrop 2020 | Prester John Pt. 52 | The World War, Genghis Khan vs. King David and the Xia Dynasty ***America was the true old world. Kurimeo Ahua, In "Atlantis" (America) Was Recovered Ancient Egypt And The Promised Land / Freemasonry Teachings ***khandrop 2020 | Elijah is King David is " John the Baptist" is Prester John, Khan of Khan's of Israel, by 432 The Drop Radio. Videos on RUclips 👆🤔
Gimme a break. Why do people say the ark landed at Mt. ARARAT. It's not tall enough. Doesn't work. Look at your red arrow come straight South, not East. The Ling life span because of mote oxygen and Sin.
It’s amazing to me that (in America) people have no problem believing Ham was black, but somehow refuse to believe his children were. 🤦🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️
What supremacy is the strong delusion that covers the fact the all the ancient great civilizations were Black and Dark Brown people as shown in the Scriptures and supported by the Out of Africa explanation of modern human populations.
It’s because if they admit that his children were black they would have to admit that Africans (real ones) created Egypt. Europeans did this huge double take in the 18th-19th century after they saw how advanced “The Land of Ham” the Bible was talking about was and basically declared that Ham = (Egyptians) could never be black. They then pushed away from the biblical perspective and started using scientific racism to further separate Africans from Egypt and final they omitted Kush from modern history basically erasing Africas involvement in the human race.
Okay then explain why the wife of Moses got monks for being black because she was different than everyone else.... Think about it if everybody was black why would it be different with her being black... Really role that around in your head for a while knowing that Abraham himself came from Iran. It doesn't make sense for Abraham to be black..... Iranians are not black... Is there black people who are iranian citizens yes of course. because Iran is not racist like that. It is the acknowledgment of racism that helps push the people of the kingdom of Abraham into war against the Israeli to defend the kingdom of Abraham from the Israelis Rebellion.
Then explain how the wife of Moses got monster being black because she was different than everyone else... Abraham himself came from Ur Iran
@@kingoftheearth2149 what are you on about? Who said Abraham was black African?
This is fantastic, thank you. Really glad I discovered the channel. Do you ever do presentations in New Zealand?
The lifespans of people were cut in half a second time in the days of Peleg.
Redividing of the nations BACK into their original tribes.
Almost like they'd been genetically united, and redividing them reduced the genetic diversity of each nation.
Something something Neanderthals(Japheth) Denisovans(Shem) and Naledi(Ham) were all absorbed into Canaan(Modern Humans) and then were redivided into Neanderthal-HSS hybrid, Denisovan-HSS hybrid, and Naledi-HSS hybrid.
@@shiftybroccoli8891 Denisovans are both Eurasian and Sinite or otherwise Hamitic but not Semitic. People isolated into family groups and began speaking their own languages.
I have come to realize that people should study ancient human history before trying to learn science.
According to history, Madai married one of the daughters of Shem so there’s a maternal Semitic lineage that follows the descendants of Madai all the way to Central America via the Atlantic Ocean believe it or not.
They say there is evidence that Europeans and Semitics share similar mitochondrial DNA, so there were probably Semitic women who married into Japhetic lines very early on in history after the flood.
@@deepwaters2334 Yes, 95% of Western Europeans have Semitic maternal DNA.
Yes, 95% of Western Europeans have Semitic mitochondrial DNA.
@junglejargon that is not all that surprising as the first generations had few options but just interested what history you are referring to thanks.
@@deepwaters2334 I’m getting blocked for saying that the majority of Western Europeans have Semitic mitochondrial DNA.
There is no explanation for the rapid buried and sorting of so much sediment except for the global flood. The layers match across the entire globe, across thousands of miles and across continents! It only makes sense that the ocean floor was made during the flood and the continents were separated and destroyed, with sediments being laid on the remaining surfaces.
I know right, all those pesky geology experts with their fancy degrees and lives spent studying the matter. I'm glad we have people who believe in invisible beings to set them straight.
@@bibleburner8426 That's right! Academia is the biggest scam there is!
Phut was originally in North Africa according to Josephus but today they are mostly in West Africa.It’s the descendants of Mitzrayim that expanded throughout North and East Africa.
Phut is generally well known as Libya.
I do wonder about that as well. Many consider Haplogroup E to be a Cushite Haplogroup, but we know many of the Egyptian Pharoahs were supposedly Haplogroup E based off of modern testing. Yet, since Egyptian worship mimicked Nimrod's sun god worship, and Nimrod was from Cush, it is possible just the Pharoahs were from Cush. King Tut had R1b, which is actually associated with Europe and Japheth, but to this day there is a strong R1b presence in central Africa. Mizraim, Phut, and Cush likely are each Haplogroups A, B, and E, though I don't know which is which. All three are common in Africa. The book of Jubilees states that Africa was given to all four of Ham's sons, but Canaan refused to move there and stole the land of Canaan (Israel) from the sons of Shem to whom it was allotted. Therefore, the Canaanites never went all the way into Africa as they should have.
@@deepwaters2334 You talk like there were no other lands available except north mid, and south. The Canaanites were apported the land of yes Canaan until Yehovah was ready to drive them out and give it to Israel. Just stick with the facts.
@Salvation4DJews I am just stating what the book of Jubilees says; I'm not saying it is fact for certain. The Book of Jubilees says that the north was for Japheth, the South was for Ham, and "Middle Earth" was for Shem. However, Canaan did not like his portion in Africa so he moved into Canaan, which Abraham later took for himself. The Medes of Madai also did not like their portion wherever it was, so they sought to live among the people of Shem. The Medes are very much associated with the Persians, who descended from Elam.
@@deepwaters2334 Anything that disagrees with the Torah and the Prophets will lead you astray. In Genesis 15 you will see plainly the people whose lands, The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. It also state that Abram had to wait 4 generations (400 years in his time) for that promise because and I quote verbatem, "The sins of the Amorites had not reached its fullness". So Abram's offspring had to wait 400 years for the Canaanites eviction simply because the Amorites had not quite become vile enough to serve them their eviction. The implies the land did belong to Canaan. But theirs more. Genesis 12:. 5And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into THE LAND OF CANAAN; and into THE LAND OF CANAAN THEY CAME. 6And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. 7And Yehovah appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land
Genesis 17:8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, ALL THE LAND OF CANAAN, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their Elohim.
So at least 3 TIMES Yehovah the creator himself called it the LAND OF CANAAN!
So That means your book of Jubilee disagrees with our creator.
Yes Gomer is the ancestor of Western Europeans by way of Ashkenaz and Riphath.
You are correct.
I agree! Surprisingly, there is not a consensus on this, but it seems highly likely. I find the haplogroups to provide compelling evidence for the Biblical account. Gomer should be haplogroup R, and within R there are three subgroups: R1a, R1b, & R2. Each of these should correspond to one of Gomer's three sons; I think R1b should be Ashkenaz because in Armenia R1b is dominant and they themselves claim to be descendants of Ashkenaz, who conquered the people of Aram there. Jeremiah also says that Ashkenaz comes with Armenia against Babylon, so we know Ashkenaz and Armenia are allied together. R1a may be Togarmah or Riphath; I haven't decided. However, I am leaning toward Togarmah because the Bible says Magog brings not only Tubal and Meshech, but Togarmah from the Far North as well. Since Magog (Probably Haplogroup G which is common in the lands of the Scythians & Khazars) was between the Black and Caspian seas (and to the East of the Caspian Sea in the Steppe as well), this means that Togarmah must be North of that region, suggesting Russia is Togarmah and R1a is Togarmah. R2 is most common in the Himilaya Mountains, so it is farther to the South and East, meaning it likely is not Togarmah, but Riphath. However, R2 is present in Europe as well.
@@deepwaters2334 Riphath is the father of the Celts and Gauls.
@@deepwaters2334 I heard that the descendants of Riphath were in southern Europe so I have him as R1b. The descendants of Ashkenaz I have as R1a because of the Ashkenazi Jews in Germany. I have R2 as Togarmah.
@@Salvation4DJews That seems right.
11:46 Jacob/Israel knew Joseph was second in command of Egypt when he moved down. It’s not a meaningful error, but worth pointing out that it was a slight miss-speech.
The second time, yes but the brothers had no idea who he was the first time they went to get grain
Tubal and targamos are in kaukasus
This is how I have assigned the major haplogroups: Neanderthals are Eurasians and Denisovans are a mix of Eurasians and Sino Canaanite tribe of Sinim with the D y-hg in Asia and or the House of King Nimrod’s descendants with the C y-hg both of which are Hamitic, Cushite and Canaanite.
DNA migrations show that Native Americans crossed the Atlantic to Central America from the Mediterranean Sea. There are four or more haplogroup lineages that show this migration route, the A C&D maternal mtDNA lineages and the Q paternal Y chromosomal lineage as well as probably the C paternal y-hg lineages made this same crossing to Central America and then spreading north and south from there. The Inuit crossed the Bering Strait.
People are ignoring actual known human history. The actual historical records and DNA migrations show that everyone spread out from Mesopotamia. Ancient history is essential for everyone to know, especially that of the sixteen original civilizations… that are from the sixteen grandsons of Noah. We should learn ancient history before trying to learn science. The following are the paternal Y haplogroups that make the most sense.
1. The first inhabitants of Italy (K) Tubal
2. Thracians (L) Tiras
3. Greek sea people (T) Javan
4. Siberians & East Asians (NO) Magog
5. Eastern Europeans & East Eurasians (P) Meshek
6. Medes (Q) Madai
7. Western Europeans (R) Gomer
8. Hebrews and Arabic (IJ) Arphaxad
9. Elamites (H) Elam
10. Assyrians (G) Asshur
11. Arameans (F1) Aram
12. Lydians (F2) Lud
13. Cushites (AB, C) Cush
14. Egyptians (E3) Mitzrayim
15. Canaanites (E2, D) Canaan
16. Original North African Phoenicians (E1) Phut
The only way to determine the actual paternal lineages is with the Y chromosome. E1 is Phut, E2 is Canaan and E3 is Mitzrayim. The descendants of Cush are A B and C with C being the descendants of the House of King Nimrod the first King of the world with many descendants (reinforcing his genes) which was in Mesopotamia and Assyria otherwise known as the Sumerians. The descendants of Nimrod later spread to the Americas and Pacific islands. It’s the reason Olmec statues often appear Polynesian since they share the same common ancestor with Polynesians. In America it’s C3 and in the Pacific islands it’s C2.
The D paternal haplogroup Sino descendants of Canaan migrated from Canaan east to Andaman Islands, China, all the way to Japan and Tibet. The C paternal Y haplogroup descendants of Nimrod migrated as far as South Asia, Australia, the Pacific, Mongolia, Europe and all the way to the Americas by way of Atlantic accounting for the Olmec civilization in Central America as well as the Q Y haplogroup descendants of Madai ancestor of the Medes that also crossed the Atlantic to Central America along with the maternal lineages of A C and D.
The A maternal mtDNA haplogroup belonging to the *Semitic* N lineage accompanied the Eurasian Q paternal Y haplogroup to Central America. The C&D maternal haplogroups belonging to the *Eurasian* M lineage also accompanied the Atlantic crossing of the Q paternal haplogroup Medes and probably the C paternal haplogroup to Central America. The Semitic B maternal mtDNA haplogroup seems to have crossed on the other side via the Pacific Ocean to South America.
The Mediterranean paternal R1b and the maternal X2a (also found in Galilee) represent yet another Atlantic crossing of the Phoenicians in the days of King Solomon considering also the additional Mediterranean paternal Y chromosome haplogroups of T, G, I1, I2, J1, J2, E and B in found in Native American today in addition to the R1b found in Native American Populations. J1 and J2 are Arabs and Jews. (I1 is most likely the tribe of Dan and I2 resembles the movements of the tribe of Asher)
Of course there is also the Cohen 50% of which are J1 P58 known as the Cohen modal haplotype which identifies the IJ lineage of Hebrews and Arabs that are descended from Arphaxad. J2 M172 is the largest group of descendants probably of the House of the kings David *and* Solomon. Now you know a lot more of what is now verified human history.
Neanderthals were Eurasians descended from Japheth and Denisovans are a mix of Eurasians and Canaanites and or Cushites descended from Ham. We know this because of the people living today who have Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA. Sumerians were Assyrians and Akkadian descendants of Nimrod.
The mtDNA maternal lineage of the out of Africa claim goes from African to Eurasian and then to Semitic while the Y chromosome lineage goes from African to Semitic and then Eurasian. So according to that Africans produced Semitic males and Eurasian females who then produced Eurasian males and Semitic females completely invalidating the Out of Africa claim. *The reality is that all of these various lineages had to have existed simultaneously.*
This is how one knows they are of the seed of Jacob, ROMANS 8:16. Yes their blood is mixed with all nations and their blood will be cleanse, JOEL 3:21. It is the second day and we are being revived as it is written, HOSEA 6:1, one more day and he will raise us up and all nations shall see the glory of Yah. AD 33-2024, is 2021 years, but the beast=Japheth and his sons change time and laws, DANIEL 7:25, but we are the seeds of DEUTERONOMY 29:29 and this is why ROMANS 3:21 IS. We do not need DNA.
@ Salvation is through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.
@@JungleJargon salvation is of the Jews and not those who say they are Jews but do lie. All who come in must come in among Us and with us
@JungleJargon read Matthew 25 32 through 40 again keep your eye on goats sheeps and brethren
@@EddieED711 Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.
Not many Canaanites left besides the Sinites that went to China Japan and Tibet.
Tyre and Sidon ( Sons of Canaan in Lebanon) are trying very hard to get erased.
I wonder if the Canaanites that claimed to be from a far off land that tricked the Israelites into making a peace treaty with them did in fact move to a distant land and start China, a distant land. Not only did Imperial Chinese history start around same time as the conquest of Canaan, but they also had similar religious practices to the ancient Israelites (Only their priest King was allowed to offer a lamb to cover the sins of the people every year). The Israelites said that that Canaanites they made a deal with must remain servants in the temple, so this fact that they continued to worship in a similar way to Israel until around the time of Christ is very compelling. We even have records of the astronomer-emperor at the time of Christ recognizing that "a man from heaven died and took the sins of the whole world" at the exact time of the death of Jesus.
@@deepwaters2334 It seems to have been the Sinites who migrated to Sinai and on to the land of Sinim (China) and then to Japan and Tibet where the D Hamitic haplogroup is today.
@@JungleJargonI know Haplogrpup D is Jomon. The Jomon language is very different from Chinese and South Asian languages; it is part of the Altaic language family of the Altai Mountains. I think Haplogroup D may be one of the sons of Japheth or Shem, but I don't have a firm opinion on Haplogroup D. I agree about the Sino-Chinese.
@@deepwaters2334 The D haplogroup is compatible with the E lineages, most of which are E3 which I have identified as Mitzrayim. E1 being Phut and E2 being Canaan. A B and C are the descendants of Cush.
The average lifespan of any ancient Egyptian was only 40 yrs on average, then why when Jacob tells him(Pharoah) he is 140 yrs old , the Pharoah wasn't awe struck? And why weren't the Egyptians living to be 2 and 3 hundred years old?
One would expect that the earliest lineages of the Mizraimites did live similar ages to those recorded for the Shemites post flood. I know of no Egyptian records that would refute that for the equivalent eras. If you have references that back up your claim of Egyptian ages I would be interested to see them.
Do you think when Noah came out of the Ark, they used the wood from the Ark to build their homes and heat source fro cooking and warmth? Probably why the Ark has not been found. Just a thought. There were 4 families after all and very little vegetation..perhaps even the pitch was reheated and used differently too..we know they had seeds on the Ark as Noah planted a vineyard and they needed to light a fire for the burnt offerings…just a pondering thought today. Finally did Noah go on to have more children after the flood?
I don't think the scriptures says he had anymore children. I think it would have mentioned it if he did.
Mr. Jungle Jargon. I allreciate your detail comments. What about India. Please enlighten.
The very common paternal haplogroup H is a Semitic one, from Shem's son Elam. There are other Semitic lines.
India is primarily a mixture of Shem and Japheth (Medes/Persians/Aryans).
@@verenatuna9010 The Dravidian Indians may well be Canaanites via one of the 5 sons of Canaan that are poorly known.
Patriarch begetting ages are incorrect is the Massoretic text. Septuagint has them correct. Also the sons of Noah divided ALL the Earth. This includes the Americas. These lands were also populated by the Sons of Noah
Yes the whole earth is ultimately involved including Australia, New Zealand and the Americas, and more but this presentation was generally limited to the immediate dispersal of the tribes of the Grandsons of Noah to keep it within reasonable time boundaries
Think, "flood waters, mildew, black mold". Hmmm.
and all occurring as per what has been designated a "northern hemisphere" Family reflective, tribal reflective, city state reflective, regional reflective, national (nation) reflective, .....................................................Global reflective! is it seen from "down under"?
Colonization (material) of this world and as per powers of a northern hemisphere be-ing a global culmination in material terms reflective for understanding the material state of completion in regards to the day of Re-velation. With the close of prophetic cycle is the recognition by human understanding, that all prophecy from prophetic age is limitlessly eternal. Eve-n though the prophetic cycle comes to a close, what was offered from prophecy will always offer understanding as re-flected in every age. If human growth is eternal then this eternal growth is only built upon God's progressive order eternal. God is Most Glorious!
You know Ham and his sons were Black! Don't forget to tell that! Including Canaan!
Ham was not black. His son Kush was. None of his other sons were. Cush literally means black.
@@Salvation4DJews Ham had FOUR sons and they each settled in different areas of what the Romans named Africa!
@@Salvation4DJews I thought you all said Ham's curse was him being Black! Make up your minds! And actually Canaan was the one who was cursed. And they are still fighting in Canaan right now!
@@dobieh7479 Ham did not receive the curse. It was only Canaan. Canaanites were NOT black. The remaining Canaanites are in Lebanon (Tyre and Sidon) and the Hittites and Sinites who are of Turkic, Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
The black skin curse idea was some hair brained idea from certain extremely low IQ white supremacists.
Hams curse was not him beeing black. Never said anyone something like this😂😂😂😂@@dobieh7479
The Tower of Babel was located at Louis Babel Ecological Reserve in Quebec, Canada.
Tower of Babel was in CANADA 2024
14K views2 years ago by 2041 Truth Channel
Tower of Babel Found in America , by UBTV
*** The Garden of Eden was in Torreya State Park in Florida, as per E.E. Callaway and
Old World Florida, in The Gulf of Mexico is the True Fertile Crescent.
*** The Exodus crossing was at the Sea of Cortez, formerly known as the "RED SEA" or Vermillion sea on old maps.
Prester John was King of America until 1202,
432 The drop Radio, khandrop 2020 | Prester John Pt. 52 | The World War, Genghis Khan vs. King David and the Xia Dynasty
***America was the true old world. Kurimeo Ahua, In "Atlantis" (America) Was Recovered Ancient Egypt And The Promised Land / Freemasonry Teachings
***khandrop 2020 | Elijah is King David is " John the Baptist" is Prester John, Khan of Khan's of Israel, by 432 The Drop Radio.
Videos on RUclips 👆🤔
Gimme a break. Why do people say the ark landed at Mt. ARARAT. It's not tall enough. Doesn't work. Look at your red arrow come straight South, not East. The Ling life span because of mote oxygen and Sin.
Ron Wyatt found it in the Mountains of Ararat, though not on Mt. Ararat itself.