I forgot a pinned comment for this video all the way until just now, when I went to edit it to tell you all thank you for such an amazing response to this video. I wasn't expecting it at all for this topic and presentation, but it's been a massive boost to see it mean something to so many. I'm lucky, very lucky, to have you all here
Y’know, watching a video titled “Suffering Isn’t Purpose” in the middle of a crisis was probably not a wise choice on my part, but damn if it didn’t work out. This message was exactly what I needed to hear.
Omg I don’t think my concept of suffering is purpose was self formed- I have no memory of the content in this video before today, no familiarity at all But the ending? Where he talks about his struggles? I’ve literally heard this shit before. So this video probably auto played before, and I only actively tuned in when he started talking about his personal struggles😂
It’s always a relief to see the title, “Suffering is not Purpose.” I wish I learned this little lesson in the darker times of my life, and even now in this slump I’ve been getting through. Thank you for reminding me once again Professor. Your videos and your ramblings is always appreciated for this old man.
Thank you for the kind words. I sought out to try and provide those little nuggets of reflection that people take and make something much greater from a while ago now, and it means a lot to know it's still working
Born with a brain tumor, surviving it but with several debilitating follow-up effects, bullied for the help I did get, now struggling to find a job partly because of my handicapped state, I sort of just stopped asking "why" a long time ago - I don't remember when, even. Asking why only tends to put me in a dark spiral. Heck, my mother once told me when SHE asked the doctor why this happened, he just shrugged and said, "it sometimes just does, even without any genetic failings on the parent side". So it was just bad luck. I'm far from defining myself by this condition, but to say it doesn't affect me would be shortsighted. It's actually funny, because there was a time I thought it didn't. I'm much more aware now. I haven't seen Haibane Renmei, but something tells me I should. Btw, just to put a bit of a positive spin on this, I am able live independently and according to others (certainly not myself) I've made incredible progress in life. It isn't purpose, but it certainly drove me to work hard just to get on the same base level as anyone else. That's how I try to see it. And I again feel the need to apologize for dumping my thoughts here. Thank you for the compelling video. Thinking about stuff (kickstarted by this) actually is quite nice.
❤ best wishes forward too. I would put why in the what if category, there only is regardless. Also pretty lot, tumors must be rough to deal with and brain issues😮, But right you can only for the best you can, and congrats, must be tough. I mean why , what ifs if i had , really rarely help?!
The point you made about how there can only be so much selfishness in a kind act was really eye-opening. One could push another away with the logic "I did this for you because I wanted to fulfil my own selfish desires", but in the end, would the other be better off had that "selfish" act not happened? Man, this video made me rethink some things.
Imo, a selfish act of kindness is the best outcome. Both sides are better off because the giver chose to help, instead of being selfish in a way that wouldn't help
@@ProfessorViral no, no, the longer the better 😁 I really loved how both parts of the video are connected and share a through-line of themes and lessons. Thanks for sharing and this video indeed made me go "huh, i havent thought of that, thats interesting" about life and about Haibane
@@ChristianDall-p2j no, its not sarcastic. i was referring to that segment in part 2 of the video (51:11) where people leaving low-key comments saying "huh, that gave me something to think about" was more fullfilling to the author of the video
It always makes me happy when I see someone bring this show up. It’s just one of those hidden gems that doesn’t get talked about enough. I’ve been a fan since the days when it first came out and I go back to it every now and then.
I wrote a massive, over sharing comment about how just hearing Rekki's art felt viscerally real, but I'll save you the traumadump and instead say that you've made me want to give this show a shot. Thank you.
If you feel like you need to share it with someone, please do. I struggle to express my feelings and often delete comments partway through writing them, so I understand it can be easy to say "This is too much" or "nobody cares". One way or the other I hope you're doing well and learning to live more freely each day.
@@derflerp538 Nah don't worry, I have friends I've told and I see a therapist a few times a month. It'll definitely come up there, but I'm doing just fine! It's sometimes good to shout it into the void, sometimes people that need to happen upon it and know they're not alone, but from personal experience it's not always the best option. You can end making things worse for yourself. Because letting something out that's that personal, that raw, only for it to get no response or the basic platitudes that have never worked? It can make that mental box you've put yourself in get even smaller.
Lesser know part of the myth is that Sisyphus chose to push the rock over accepting a free pass to Elysium, and the boulder wasn't cursed, but rather the challenge was just outside mortal capabilities. Nice wit
@@VDiddy5000 That isnt the point though. The point of the endles struggle isnt that someday you are going to reatch your gole, its the fact that the gole is realy hard to reatch or simply unreatchable. Its that even though you know you might never see the day when you reatch your gole you are still pushing forvard because the meer chance that someday you will see a better day fills you with hope and purpose.
Honestly this essay helped me understand why a friend was so adamant I watch this anime that he sent me a ripped copy through snail mail. I never ended up watching it, but knowing him and where I was at that time in my life, I can't help but think the conclusions you drew were exactly what he was trying to tell me all the way back then. I hope you keep making videos that you are happy with, I hope you continue to be insightful even if you don't have mountains of research or academic rigor and jargon behind you. Sometimes it is important just to be able to say *your* piece, to have *your* perspective and not have to stand on the shoulders of giants to do so. I don't vibe with everything you say in the videos I have watched, but I absolutely adore and respect your positions. I hope that even if you stop making videos you keep finding your voice over and over and find satisfaction and happiness therein. Thank *you* for all your efforts.
"I don't vibe with everything you say in videos I've watched..." Honestly this is a plus for me. If I'm agreeing with every single take, then I don't know whether I'm actually thinking critically about the subject matter. Either that or the person with the takes is only making the safest, most mundane observations. As long as he isn't saying anything outright _wrong_ (which I don't think he ever has), all input is valuable
That statement is a plus for me too. It's very important to know that people aren't agreeing with me simply because I said something, but because they themselves truly understood and considered it. If what I said was simply accepted, it would lose the reason I said it for
I've never hear of this series before. But I'm glad I stumbled on this video. It really hits close to home for me. Essentially since puberty I have struggled pretty hard with anxiety and depression and this is often how it manifested when I turned that pain and sadness inward. That deep compulsion to never allow anyone else to help you for fear of being a burden when you already feel your mere existence is something to attone for. The self destructive desire to take on far more than you can handle, only to fail as a result. In your mind further proving your own inadequacy and need for redemption. And then it warps into a sort of ego wherein you start to believe only you have agency and choice as you are clearly the worst most horrible person to ever live, so naturally everything wrong in the world is in some way your fault. And as anything ever happens to do wrong in your life or the lives of anyone you know or care about it becomes your fault because you failed to prevent this thing. The selfishness of a kind deed part also resonates ans this is also something I had told myself many times. That I can never truly be pure of intentions, there is always some selfish motive such as trying to look good for others that always tainted it. So I was never even allowed no matter how hard I tried, to ever even acknowledge I have done a single good or worthwhile thing in my entire life. Not of this is healthy and I have been in therapy to try and address it but it is a very hard mindset to crawl out of once you allow yourself to sink in.
I’ve been struggling with these ideas for over a year. They took me down a dark path until I almost couldn’t bear to keep living. This video has finally brought me some closure. I know from the end of the video that you were worried your ideas won’t change people’s lives, that they don’t mean anything otherwise. But I’m sure that they make a difference, even if it’s a small one. And for me personally, this is probably one of the most important videos I will have ever watched. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words. I'm truly glad that I could help, and I hope what you make from my words and your experience is something even more meaningful
I think mostly people, who are known to this kind of mindset, watch this video and i love and at the same time hate how nobody is dropping any sobstories in the comments. Because i feel like people (including me) are doing that to not burden anyone in an attempt to better the world by taking the suffering upon themselves. I mean, maybe im also just projecting, can‘t know for sure. But also, this is a lot of concepts to take in, so i understand why. That sentence in the anime where she said help me, but was afraid, if she asked and no one would listen, that would make her to have to accept being completely on her own in the world really got to me. My biggest respect for ProfessorViral for coming to such advanced conclusions and also good for you to start valuing yourself more :) I am also on that journey and wish anyone else on it that they succeed on accepting oneself how they are :)
Think of this way. Perhaps you are projecting, but that doesn't mean the rest isn't true. We share a lot of the same impulses, even if our experiences can be vastly different.
I want to give you some quotes, they helped me maybe they can help you. "The Therapist seeks to help the other person to the point of where he can move forwards in life, solve his problems and overcome the obstacles independently. The task of the Therapist is not to cure, but to be a guide, friend and interpreter to people on their journey through their private hell." Rollo May "There is only one way and that is your way; there is only one salvation and that is your salvation. Why are you looking for help? Do you believe that help will come from outside? What is to come will be created in and from you. Hence look into yourself. Do not compare, do not measure. No other way is like yours. All other ways deceive and tempt you. You must fulfill the way that is in you." Carl Jung.
I feel lucky that I get to watch video essays about anime I've never seen before and find something that moves me to tears. Your content is some of my favorite stuff on youtube, and you have an incredible ability to bring an idea to life in a way that is both visceral and enlightening (as well as immensely entertaining) . This video in particular helped me make a bit more sense of my own life, and helped me appreciate the parts of it that I sometimes don't feel like I deserve. Thank you for that and for all the work you do
This video made me think about suffering as a "cost" on the metaphorical "cost benefit analysis" of our projects. From that perspective, it only makes sense to reduce the suffering to improve the "benefits" of our endeavors. Some suffering is necessary, but it shouldn't outweigh the positives. Thank you for another great video that made me think! 💕
Pain is. Suffering isn't. Suffering is still part of the learning process though. Pay attention and don't make excuses for lack of communication (as most will) and you can overcome it. Turn a blind eye like an idiot and you can get stuck there.
put this on randomly while working on a haibane renmei cosplay of all things..... the way my jaw dropped 2 minutes in when you revealed what the video essay was about :O
"For who i am, and the bounds im within, im doing the best that i can, the best that can be expected of me....thats not a bad way to live....the bigger ideas can come later when im ready for them" Thats exactly what ive been trying to untangle for myself amd be more comfortable with. I finally have the job that ive been working so hard to get, but my mind is still running with the chasing momentum of "is this good enough? Am i actually doing what i want to be doing?" Amd the answer is, for right now, in this moment, yes. I am doing what i want to be doing for right now, and all the bigger things can wait until im ready for them. I can relax now, and ill be ok. Thank you for that reminder 💜
The phrase "An bad Act done with good intentions is still a bad act" is complemented by its opposite, A good act, done with bad intentions, is still a good act.
I'm glad you're standing up for yourself instead of abandoning yourself. I see you and the cycle you found yourself in. Hope you maintain an upward trend. Good luck with everything!
I'm so glad this anime is still getting its so well deserved attention after 20+ years, this was such an eye and mind opening show much like Yoshitoshi Abe's other seminal work Serial Experiments Lain (and to a lesser extern NieA_7) this was such a contrast style wise, story, and emotional intensity, to all the "mainstream"anime of the time.
I remember an interaction i had with you in your discord once and thinking to myself how hard you were on yourself. It's wonderful to see you being kinder to yourself. Thank you for this video and your directness. It's refreshing. Also your right apology not needed, I'll accept it anyways though.
This isnt to diminish your hard work but what made me sub to begin with is these ending rant parts. I dont expect one every video but MANNNNN is it nice to hear the thoughts of an actual person just saying (what I choose to believe) their actual thoughts. I'm a video editor by hobby so when I see videos like these it makes me happy to see this and I understand the work that goes into production.
I guess having something that brings those fictional concepts into reality breaks that last layer of "but it's just thoughts" and really adds something. But then, some of my favorite channels are just people like Tim Cain and Adam Savage just sharing experience, so I guess it's just overall enjoyable when it seems like someone has a genuine experience to share
It is what you do, not what you feel or think or say, that define you. Your words mean nothing on their own; it's how you wield those words that define you. Your thoughts mean nothing on their own; what you do with those thoughts is what defines you. Your feelings mean nothing on their own; what you do with those feelings define you. Action defines you. Facts and truths in and of themselves do not define you, it's how you respond to them that defines the kind of person you are.
To be honest, I've been feeling exactly the same lately. This video gave me just what I needed, I understand that this is not what you may mean to do now but also, I feel like I have to write this 'cause maybe this will let you see how things have changed since that video that flopped... I'm glad to hear/see this, I really have been having those hints about changing, but I fell in a limbo where I don't even know if there's an exit, this video finally helped me find it, it was so hard for me to reach it for some reason, even when I knew exactly what I had to do to get out but once again falling into selfish thoughts when I tried it. Worse of all, I didn't actually had someone who I could ask for help, so I thought the best was to give up. Now you just come with a one hour video just to tell me how an anime I had no idea that existed already did all of that + your own experience to fully emphatize with... Literally the help I never asked for, but that anyways came here without even knowing they would help somebody by simply existing and doing nothing else than just appearing on recomended videos among non related videos that don't even scratch the surface of what this anime is nor even relate to the title of the video. Just chance right? All this big text just to say, thanks man, you just saved me and you don't even know how or why, we could even just leave it as another vent text in the comentary section of the video, but yet, to me it means much more than just that, thank you dude
I appreciate this. It's thematic to current events in my life, and helpful in supplementing my changing self-perception. I've realized lately that I constantly, subconsciously, judge myself for every little thing. I don't have to do that, and I'm learning how not to little by little.
i was so happy when you started talking about haibane renmei! i genuinely love hearing people talk about themes in media because i dont always have the best words for them myself, and i like hearing how it affected other people. and your videos always seem like you genuinely read deeper into the subtext so i like them. my only complaint is that sometimes your voice makes me feel sleepy. i related to reki a lot even though im much lazier. when i was in college i was suffering a lot with loneliness that i put on myself because i felt like i had to prove myself as a worker in society. i made myself work too much and also feel really bad about not working so i didnt perform well. and then i burnt out and im 26 with 2 part time jobs that i feel little motivation to upgrade... ah well such is life
I do tend to have those consistent, sleepy patterns haha. But it's very hard not to feel trapped into the idea that we have to suffer to be proven. Even after all of this, I still do so in some ways when I haven't actively considered the situation in full
Hey man, thanks for the video, it's amazing as usual. I just want to say that it was very cool to hear about your experience with all this thing of doing thinks alone + everithing that happened and how you went through it. Something really similar to that happened to me and it's really good to hear that other people face the same thing, and as you said, you not here to change the world but to make people think and sure that you did!
You brought meaning to a saying I heard, i grinded into my mind, but never actually thought too much about. "You don't need to save the world to find meaning in life"
Reki and Haibane Remmei mean so much to me. It was really nice listening to you talk about the series and yourself. I'm usually the emotionless type but this one got to me.
i’m bad with words but i watched the whole thing with no pauses, i really enjoy how laid back and introspective you are. thank you for this video, it really cuts deep. good luck with all your future endeavours🎉
thanks for this video, awesome. especially combined with the outtro, it's really helped me to reflect on my own work as an artist who works alone. seriously the personal outtro reflecting the themes of the rest of the video was really special.
just wanted to say how appreciative i am that you decided to keep in the self reflection. It always helps hearing people talk about their own insecurities and mindsets and how they overcame it, really showing how useless self hatred is. I was having kind of a shit day, having little direction in my life but this video really made my day.
I just finished watching your video for the third time and I am overwhelmed yet comforted. I have never felt so located by any discussion before. The analysis and your experience capture everything I have been feeling lately. It's an attempt from a fleeting moment of overwhelming anxious adrenaline that I am writing this. I am yet to reach out to people and ask for help, being heard. I need to start voicing myself and thanking you for this video seems like the right start. I will be eagerly waiting for your next work, whatever form it takes. Take care.
Always super excited to see you post a video, and talking about an anime I watched as a teen... Thank you so much. Struggling with martyring myself quite often as well, I feel for you.
I just Saw skrillex live and came home to this after walking 9 kilometers to see that the legend has posted what might be the utmost lit video essay of the 2020s. I reckon I’ll sleep quite well tonight… this might be the best night ever
54:40 - oohhh, it's Pittsburgh! I've been watching all of part 2 with a super focused eye tryna figure out the skyline. I felt like I'd seen some of those buildings before, but not all of them? Or not at night? But that makes sense, I was in Pittsburgh 10+ years ago, that crown-lookin-one probably wasn't there yet! Every one of the video shots in this section has looked like a genuine painting, they are TRULY inspiring! My baby phone camera can't take good night photos, let alone good night video, so I am legit impressed and envious and super-psyched to see work like this! (I fully agree with the comments about the actual script and the message and how impactful it is, too, just, nobody had praised the visuals enough and I felt those deserved a shout-out too!)
Getting a proper camera (thank you used equipment and sales) has made me enjoy the process of filming so much more. It's a harder setup, but there's an actual reward for more effort now
Hopefully it was an enjoyable video for something you really love! I was uncertain on this one, I think it was just too wordy, but I hope it was good enough!
Part 2 is something I needed. I've heard countless times how I can rely on people but don't out of pride "If I can do it by myself I'm just as good if not better!" Its that feeling of wanting validity. Thank you for making this. It hurt me in a way I needed.
It's a very easy thing to justify, which is probably why so many of us fall into it a lot too. You can say "well I would hate to bother them" and everything like that and dismiss getting help right away
You dont know how much this video means to me. I picked up this anime on disc a few years back and had yet to watch it but this video seemed super enticing. Ive been struggling for a long long time with motivation and joy and overall just contentment and it felt like this video was a step by step guide thank you it was wonderful.
Very fitting to add your self dejecting points to a story that depicts the idea of people romantacising those who demean themselves, while humiliating those who voice their worth. I think art is that, a voice of expression. Your desire to help is valuable, it's just we're all at different stages in life. Like an adult trying to teach a young person taxes...lol saves trouble! but it's uninteresting and irrelevant as the problem isn't on their radar, yet. I see your desire to help others at the cost of prostrating yourself, it's truly a courageous act. Like your passion to rise to the challenge and smell your own garbage ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) To make art a commodity takes extreme mental gymnastics and sacrifice. It's natural to feel rejected when the meaning behind art is to be true to yourself. Not many people can do what you do, so I believe you truly care for your craft, by putting yourself out there. Just wanted to highlight that, and as tempting it is to zero down on the negative comments and villainize/shame ouselves, from one artist to another, lets slay the dragon of perfectionism together C;🌹
I think that's what I needed to hear right now. I feel myself slowly falling back in a bad mindset, but this video's gave me something positive to think about
I honestly love to get to know fellow artists a little more, seriously. It always warms my heart, specially when it hits so close to home. So thank you for having the courage to put out there, it really meant a lot for me to hear it. For I also believe that other people doesn't have to suffer to have their work valuated, but many times I ain't that particulary kind to myself too Anyhow, wishing the best for you, be kind to yourself and take your time
This video made me genuinely want to cry , it's a complex I always had and seemed that no one beside me was going through. I've grown somehow being painted as selfish as a child from everyone I knew but they never thought too much about it, they never condemned me about being selfish because I was a child, but I've internalized it so much that for many years I've became selfish when I tried so much not to be, and how I hated myself for being proud of a small act of kindness I've done, and how great I was , and consequently, it made me feel worse, because no one else needs that because they're already a good person, and that exposing that thoughts to another person would begin into a cycle of me trying to be good for them and them being worried or mad that I'm doing bad, and in being quiet and taking it like a good boy and self destructive alone when no one is seeing me made me somehow better. Like you said "Hating myself for thinking that I was better than other people for hating myself" Hearing my thoughts aloud actually made me emotional, great video and that convinced me to watch the anime so really, thank you
Holy shi@%t....haibane renmei Damn i saw that anime almost 9 years ago when i was 15 i think It cunfused me so much but i was obsessed with the aestetic Thanks for explaining the deeper meaning behind it.
Of course, happy to help! But, keep in mind this is just one idea of what it means, and seeing what others say, or your own thoughts on it, could be just as great too
I don't know the exact reason why I like your videos so much Maybe it's because I'm a drama addict maybe I love to find meaning in the things I look at Or because I enjoy seeing how other people analyze and interpret the series, many of them that I've seen Keep going, you're doing very well
Ambition and this weird obligation to grow as a person can be tricky sometimes and we can easily overdo ourselves to push our limits when it's not needed for us or others, just for the sake for the growth. To be honest, I think it was good that you tried anyways making something big, even if it didn't work out. Trying new things is also important if you feel that you need to change something. At this point in my life I tried multiple things (and failed multiple times as well) but I gained the expirience I treasure dearly and I try not to regret any decisions. Anyways, keep doing what you're doing, your videos are deep and always put me in state of thinking about from different perspective or to realize something, even tiny things. In this one I especially liked the second part, because I felt it on personal level. I can't think of the finishing line and I don't think that words can express how I like your videos so I just want to thank you for your hard work and wish you luck in the future ^^
I swear I always see your videos right when I need them in crucial parts of my life and it's been so worth it every time in helping me to change my perspectives and push myself forward in a positive way.
Hey uh, thank you. I needed someone to say that suffering isn't virtue, that doing things alone doesn't make it or you better, and that I don't need to change the world to be valuable. I can't say "oh this is life changing and now I'm going to go be better for forever" but I can say that this video got me moving again. I had been in a slump of being unable to do things because I knew they couldn't be perfect so it felt pointless to try for around two months. Just now, I opened my laptop to get to work on modeling a replacement part I've needed to make for a while. It's small but hopefully I can keep the momentum going. Thank you for giving me the kick I needed to start moving again
Thank you for your time, and the very kind words. Maybe it seems silly to say I'm thankful for other people being thankful, but it really does mean so much to see that I can accomplish what I set out to do, using a love of stories and their meanings to make a positive change. To know that it had an impact, even if its just one small part for now, means a lot. I hope that you do keep moving, and that your actions and experience which build on that moment of starting again become something great
I get that feeling at the end. I've been a RUclips streamer for 6 months. I have no idea what I'm doing but apparently it's working. I get the sunk cost fallacy too, if I just had this, if I could just do this, I'd be BETTER. But, people already like what I'm giving them. For what it's worth I've loved your reviews. Especially the ones on Lain!
Looking back, Haibane Renmei felt more like a fever dream than a show. Then again, I was an overworked, overcaffeinated chain smoker with severe mental issues at the time.
Honestly I'm bad with words more so now that I'm struggling with mutism as a way to cope with life. On the off chance you see this some of your content has reminded me both that I need to be stronger for those who need me and because things can get better if I take one step at a time. People don't go hollow.
Heyyyy, on the topic in the second part of the video I would like to admit that I'm guilty of not watching your channel consistently. One of you last videos I watched was "the fear of transformation". I do it since the topics you discuss are often heavy or personal or both. And I preffer to take time digesting the topic you're discussing before moving on. Life also takes priority so sometimes I just ... forget. I still really apreciate the time and effort you're putting into them and know that when I get to them I will enjoy the food for thought. The last video impacted me so much I end up having a dream the same night where I lost my human body and even lost the ability to comunicate normally. Part of the experience was learning how to speak and keep a human appearence while also fighting a legal battle in court. I won in the end and the people in this dream were almost strangely chill around me considering how alien I looked. Anyway I hope if nothing this give you a laugh. Thank you again for the work you do. And on the topic of receiving a negative coment this is something a learned recently from another youtuber I follow but negative coments mean that you are reaching people outside you target. It means youtube is recomending your videos to wieder audiances. I'd say this is good. And it reminds me how no matter how good a piece of media is not everyone will enjoy or understand it and that's okay. We do what we can with the means we have
I am happy(?) to see an hour-long video about a show that had scenes that left me feeling deep, cold dread and alienation far more effective than any overtly horror media. This stupid show is so emotionally brutal.
I relate to you tremendously on this video, this need to prove that you're valuable, the need to prove that everyone was wrong about you. I used to get called dumb and idiot all throughout school so I became a smart-ass and a intellectual dick, by learning tons of Philosophy, so I can intellectually crush anyone, who opposes me, to prove everyone that I wasn't dumb. Yet in the end, the Validation I sought so long for left me more unvalidated than ever, if that's a word. I couldn't accept me for me. I saw this title from scrolling on youtube, I didn't watch the video, because I almost cried from the title alone and got all I needed from it, and I hope it helps you, when you are going through rough times or feel you aren't enough. "You don't need to justify your life. If you're here, you should be." Sorry if this didn't make any coherent sense.
This is one of my favorite anime. I recently got my husband, daughter, and brother in law to watch it with me. They all thought it was excellent. This anime did scare me as a young teen though. The well episode in particular. I always took away that Haibane are children that died and are waiting for rebirth. The sin bound are children that killed themselves.
I haven't finished the video yet and I'm in the beginning of part 2 but I wanted to write a comment right away. one of the things I love the most about your channel is that you barely talk about any philosophers and stuff like that. don't get me wrong, I admire that style of video essays as well, but I love that your videos always seem extremely honest, well-written and authentic. the perceived "lack" of research is what makes your words so touching and so inspiring, honestly. although essays full of philosofical references are great to watch, your more personal style of videos is what makes them so special to me. I really feel like I'm hearing a real person with real emotions, and that's something that those other videos just can't seem to do, no matter how excellent they are. I'll finish watching the video now but just know that your words and emotions truly are what makes your work so special!
I don't know how to write comments but I just want to say, I'm exactly like what you were, I shut out and even hurt people who try to get close because I believe that the only way I can help anyone is to be by myself and to hurt myself. All that aside, I wanted to say thank you, you definitely made me think about myself with this one and, if it's any consolation, it probably will change my life.
@@ProfessorViral oh, an answer. uhh you dont have to answer this one but at some point in the video you say something along the lines that it is better to not accept a problem if it's a solvable one but there are also some fundamental pains to life which we should accept we have to suffer, but you don't really go into that, i guess because it's not really the topic of the video and because you'd leave it to the audience. you mind expanding your own view of what are the fundamental pains of life?
Man I really love what you make. And I am nowhere near your level of understanding of things in life, but still, just want to say: sometimes it's better to not overthink. You're great, what you do is great, and although sometimes we try to overanalyze ourselves in order to achieve something new and better, we might never think if we even needed this analyzing in the first place. Oftentimes simpler is better. So keep making these amazing videos, keep looking into the human nature and analyzing it, but don't forget that not everything is really in need of dissection Take care of yourself ❤
It's hard to strike the balance between maintaining enough questioning of what feels common, and finding comfort in accepting that some things simply are. I for sure tend towards the former though, sometimes to my detriment. But, I'll be alright, sometimes I'm making something on an up cycle of that feeling, sometimes on a down, but overall I think there's some real peace to my life
For what it's worth, the message of the AI video really did stick with me and I enjoyed the different flavor of things compared to your usual stuff. (I was the one who helped you edit your thumbnail, if you remember- and then also sent the video around to pretty much everyone I knew). I think if you can find a way to do it playfully, to enjoy the process- to not let it be fueled by self-hatred- it would still be nice to see your videos vary a bit from time to time. Even if you stick with the current format as your basis. An idea that just sprung to mind for having a different video every once in a while, is to make a project that only requires very little of your time every week- but that you let marinate for 6months or a whole year- reflecting a little upon what you had already done the weeks before and then gradually seeing how the way you think changes over time. Forcing yourself to not delete what you'd written before - and to just continue where you left off with a new perspective. This way, watching it slowly grow and develop, before you bring it out. It could be a bit like a diary- but with a philosophical edge! Idk, I just wanted to throw that idea out there- if you are content doing what you do- please don't change it. You are the most important member of your audience- if you don't truly like it, why are you even doing it?
New viewer - your own personal life speaks to my own. The urge to be creative is all consuming - the desire to do something so remarkable that everyone will bear witness and realize what you have done. We can only achieve what we can achieve, and pursuing the sun as Icarus did is our vice. All that said, fantastic video. Fantastic work. You have achieved what you desire to achieve. Those who see it and care for it will see that.
This continues to be one of my favorite channels ever. You express such deep emotion in a relatable way and make me feel less crazy for feeling a lot of the same feelings as you.
I didn't even make it past the first 10 minutes of this video before I basically started crying so I know this will be a great, if painful, video essay to sit through.
I like listening to you. It always brings me back to reality, in a sense. If I'm feeling like the whole world is out to get me, you have a way of reminding me that I'm not alone.
(watched till the end) even though this video didn't get some insane amount of views in a day, I hope your realization and things have become better after researching, writing, and working on this project. I know I've never commented before but I just wanted to say I've always loved your videos and I can really see the work you always put into them, even if the details or edits may not be huge and showy, it does add so much to your videos :)) Even if youtube does screw you over and give you extremely miniscule amounts of views, that doesn't take away the value of your work and your value as a creator on this platform
I always feel a strange nice feeling after watching a video of yours, usually comes after I am done thinking about all you've said and how it applies to my life, even if the message wasn't a happy one, I think it is the feeling of understanding something new (?)
There's a certain satisfaction in understanding, I think. To be able to learn and grow, essentially without any tools more than the mind and method of delivery. It's squarely us and the material, and when we understand it we know we've succeeded entirely as us. I can't untangle how I feel about the concept from others opinion of me anymore, I'm always subject to doubt that if I was unobserved I wouldn't care to understand, but I think there's something satisfying about it inherently which drove me to do this to begin with
I play a lot of DND, and one of my favourite characters I'm playing is an aasimar (descended from angels) paladin/knight who is uses self sacrifice in part due to brainwashing (when you think about it... knight training begins at 7 when you're a page, then 14 as a squire. To be a knight is to be a child soldier), and some out of genuine love and devotion for others... but also in STRONG part due to needing to punish himself for surviving something he doesn't think he should have. I enjoy watching things like this as a means of psychology research for characters. Just yesterday I watched a 12 part series of Harvard lectures from 15 years ago on justice -- specifically going into the different schools of thoughts like Aristotle, kant, rawls and egalitarianism, communicative thought, libertarianism, utilitarianism etc. Watching those first really colours how i make sense of this video. Only about 19 mins in so far, but the one girl (sorry, I somehow forgot her name already) seems to have a very Kantian view of ethics -- which is SO strict at times, especially when taken to extremes. Specifically she has a kantian view on morality, which makes complete sense for figures that are meant to be (in some way) descended from angels, as we perceive it. To kant, to be morally good, the actions we take must be taken if they are motivated by a sense of duty (the duty to following a universal moral law -- irrespective of background, the law of reason.) That all humans are to be treated with fairness and autonomy, and never a means to an end. Suicide and murder are equally horrible in his eyes, and lying even for a good cause or to save someone's life is never justified (a misleading truth however is okay) essentially, because she views her actions as being purely to BECOME worthy of a day of flight, she is treating people as a means to an end, and therefore is not good. Except. There's a flaw in her logic. Admittedly this part I'm not sure i fully understand bc philosophy is a pain and kant is an even bigger pain, but to my understanding it works like this: doing things for the sake of gaining a benefit is immoral. But it is not the same as "i am doing this thing because I want to be good/want to be perceived as good" (which I think her belief would fall under. Wanting her day of flight is akin to wanting to be GOOD ENOUGH to do so.) This is still within moral law for kant bc you are doing good for the sake, ultimately, of moral duty. You're doing good BECAUSE it is good and you WANT to be good. But of course, the issue with kant (well, there are many, but mine) is that its so easy to get wrapped up in particulars of morality when you hate yourself-- and in a way this also goes towards brainwashing in cult-like doctrines. You self sacrifice, because in some ways you perceive yourself as better, for being worse. Its an arrogant and narcissistic self loathing, in a way. Idk i didn't have a point to this, I just find it neat
Re the second half: i do relate to some of this, tho perhaps not quite to the same level or for the same purpose. I often do a lot of digital art. And I absolutely suffer during it. My hands hurt, I choose challenging concepts and poses, I decide to add detail nobody is gonna care about, I choose often to refuse to use brushes that do something easier and instead do it by hand.... I suffer and complain the entire time and I am SO happy to just be DONE with the drawings sometimes. Tho, usually... I'm not doing it to be better than anyone else, but better than myself. I'm doing it because I KNOW it will look better if I do it this way, even if it IS more time consuming and difficult. And when i do finish there IS a deep pride. Because yes, it was a pain in the ass, doing things in a new way and challenging what my comfort zone is. But the pride of what I accomplish at the end of it, the satisfaction I get from looking at it after AND also showing it off to everyone (bc i am a vain creature who thrives on validation). Its... not the same. But I can relate to the suffering artist part, doing something no one asked me to do, suffering for the sake of suffering, being so meticulous over details no one cares about except me.
When in the latter half of the video you start talking about not getting a lot of views, I recognize a problem that happens to a lot of internet personalities: You start to focus on the numbers, rather than the people. As someone who does live performances on stage, locally- I can't even conceptualize having an audience of 10K people. But the advice given to me by another performer was that it doesn't matter whether it is just 3 people in the audience, or 200- you should always authentically give it your all for whomever does show up. Sometimes the amount of people that actually listened to my poems and songs was small but- then later in the week I am stopped by someone who was in that audience, who tells me how much my work moved or inspired them. That is what it is all about. Doing something that makes your own heart glow - and seeing how, even if it is just one single person, lights up other hearts as well. Of course, when you do this to make a living, focusing on the numbers is necessary to a degree but... I think you ultimately end up drawing in the most people by doing what you are most passionate about. Yeah sure, if it's niche you will have a smaller audience but that audience will be all the more dedicated if they can tell you do what you do with passion and enthusiasm- when that shines through in your work.
Okay, I'm glad that youtube decided to show this video to me, I believe you did an excellent job, this is the first time I've ever heard about this anime, your video definitely made me think and I enjoyed watching it. I do mostly agree on the points you're raising here: suffering isn't purpose, no one asked us to do all this stuff (hopefully, because there are indeed shitty people who uses others for personal gain, sense of power and other such things) and we can't change the world alone. However I do have most thoughts on the last sentence, because yeah, a singular person can't truly, in a meaningful way, change the world in the grandiose way that a lot of people use those words with. But to start with, the world is made out of people, changing just one person's opinion (and yes, you yourself count too, so working on yourself is a part of it), changes the world, in a small way, hardly noticeable to the society at large, but it can still be meaningful and it is absolutely important too. The second thing is the alone part: even thinking about this in purely logistical, mathematical, or wtv way: the more people are putting in active effort, the more they can achieve and the more other people they can reach, who in part will carry on the work simply by being different from how they used to be, if not actively putting in their own effort. Like you said, we aren't alone and reaching out to other people is sometimes the most important step. The other thing I'd like to comment on, kinda goes against what I've been saying here, but is more about speaking up about the harsh conditions people can and do live in this world. That unfortunately, not everyone has people they can reach out to, either because they lack any kind of meaningful connection, or because it would be straight up unsafe for them to reach out to any of the people that are "close" to them. Even just the fear of this being the case, possible from past trauma, can make trying to reach out and get help, something that can already be hard enough on its own, feel like an insurmountable difficulty, which adds to the vicious cycle of always doing everything alone. Internet can be an excellent help here, especially in cases where you know it's not safe to reach out to people physically close to you, but at the same time the anonymity it provides can be both a blessing and a curse: in some cases it does help with the anxieties, while in others it does the opposite. Though, just to be clear, this isn't against what you said, just adding in on top of that, that the fear of rejection or even hostility can have very real basis in reality and it's okay to struggle and have problems with finding a community that not only accepts you but also helps you how it can. Again, thanks for the video and sorry for kinda being wordy here.
It makes me really happy to see that there are other people who love Haibane Renmei so much. So thank you for your video. I hope you can see for yourself one day that you are good just the way you are. Fun fact: I knew that there would be a video about Haibane Renmei here at some point. We just had to wait a few years. ;)
I really wasn't expecting the love on this one at all; I lost confidence in it and thought it was average at best. To see otherwise has been so fantastic
voy a comentar en español porque no tengo ganas de redactar en inglés es interesante como nos olvidamos de disfrutar las cosas que hacemos porque la ambición o quizás codicia en algunas ocasiones, nos quiere hacer algo más grande. muchas veces me he sentido perdida y vivía bajo la frase "todo lo bueno se hace esperar" o "todo sufrimiento vale la pena" para motivarme. no creo que debería ser así, creo que nuestros caminos deberían tener su disfrute. no es que quiera caer en el "solo tenemos una vida" pero sí, deberíamos ser más gentiles con nosotros mismos
having our teeth clenched throughout the Haibane Renmei part means we've got soooome work to do - looking at our art now like are we healing or perpetrating suffering ?? its an ongoing conversation so can it be both depending on the point in which its viewed? "the universe of images - in which action and agony go endlessly round in circles"
I always feel hateful and bitter whenever I see some “pretty” person that’s been handed money and love their entire lives. People that get family and friends that actually “love” them. I’m not entirely alone anymore, but none of it was handed to me like it was with seemingly most people. Or at least with “pretty” people that were born rich or made rich through simps and sugar daddies
I remember watching haibane renmmei when I was definitely not older than 11 or 12 and I barely recall any details of the anime. The only things I recall are how it left me feeling somewhat frustrated and confused, yet it still holds a special place in my memory lol
There's an all too relatable lyric in MARINA's "Oh No!" that I'm reminded of: "Maybe it is all a test, Cos' I feel like I'm the worst, so I always act like I'm the best."
I think that's an interest aspect of how the series gets into more organized faith that I didn't get into as much here. The idea, at least in Christianity, that everything here is a sort of "test" for something that comes after can easily make Reki's mindset on a wider scale, even as an individual can come to the same idea from their conditions
@@ProfessorViral That's an interesting point, yeah. It's funny how sometimes it seems that the same mindsets we often associate with resilience, while useful, can lead us to taking on more suffering than necessary when taken too far.
I forgot a pinned comment for this video all the way until just now, when I went to edit it to tell you all thank you for such an amazing response to this video. I wasn't expecting it at all for this topic and presentation, but it's been a massive boost to see it mean something to so many. I'm lucky, very lucky, to have you all here
Y’know, watching a video titled “Suffering Isn’t Purpose” in the middle of a crisis was probably not a wise choice on my part, but damn if it didn’t work out. This message was exactly what I needed to hear.
Haha I feel similarly. Hope you're doing better
I’m half way through the video. It’s good! But my only take away is bitterness than because if suffering isn’t purpose,
The world just sucks
I don’t think my concept of suffering is purpose was self formed- I have no memory of the content in this video before today, no familiarity at all
But the ending? Where he talks about his struggles? I’ve literally heard this shit before. So this video probably auto played before, and I only actively tuned in when he started talking about his personal struggles😂
How's it going now? Did you reach self-actualisation?
It’s always a relief to see the title, “Suffering is not Purpose.” I wish I learned this little lesson in the darker times of my life, and even now in this slump I’ve been getting through. Thank you for reminding me once again Professor. Your videos and your ramblings is always appreciated for this old man.
Thank you for the kind words. I sought out to try and provide those little nuggets of reflection that people take and make something much greater from a while ago now, and it means a lot to know it's still working
You should check out Buddhism. Even if just the tenants, and not the spiritual part.
@@TheDarkLasombra what horrible advice, nobody wants to be mindlessly happy, what we want is satisfaction
I don't care about any of that
Born with a brain tumor, surviving it but with several debilitating follow-up effects, bullied for the help I did get, now struggling to find a job partly because of my handicapped state, I sort of just stopped asking "why" a long time ago - I don't remember when, even. Asking why only tends to put me in a dark spiral. Heck, my mother once told me when SHE asked the doctor why this happened, he just shrugged and said, "it sometimes just does, even without any genetic failings on the parent side". So it was just bad luck. I'm far from defining myself by this condition, but to say it doesn't affect me would be shortsighted. It's actually funny, because there was a time I thought it didn't. I'm much more aware now. I haven't seen Haibane Renmei, but something tells me I should.
Btw, just to put a bit of a positive spin on this, I am able live independently and according to others (certainly not myself) I've made incredible progress in life. It isn't purpose, but it certainly drove me to work hard just to get on the same base level as anyone else. That's how I try to see it.
And I again feel the need to apologize for dumping my thoughts here. Thank you for the compelling video. Thinking about stuff (kickstarted by this) actually is quite nice.
❤ best wishes forward too.
I would put why in the what if category, there only is regardless.
Also pretty lot, tumors must be rough to deal with and brain issues😮,
But right you can only for the best you can, and congrats, must be tough.
I mean why , what ifs if i had , really rarely help?!
good luck with your job
The point you made about how there can only be so much selfishness in a kind act was really eye-opening. One could push another away with the logic "I did this for you because I wanted to fulfil my own selfish desires", but in the end, would the other be better off had that "selfish" act not happened? Man, this video made me rethink some things.
Imo, a selfish act of kindness is the best outcome. Both sides are better off because the giver chose to help, instead of being selfish in a way that wouldn't help
1 hour video essay about Haibane Renmei in 2024. I am definitely in the right timeline
It could probably be shorter, but I'm glad the time can be something worthwhile haha
@@ProfessorViral no, no, the longer the better 😁 I really loved how both parts of the video are connected and share a through-line of themes and lessons. Thanks for sharing and this video indeed made me go "huh, i havent thought of that, thats interesting" about life and about Haibane
Was that sarcastic or not?
@@ChristianDall-p2j no, its not sarcastic. i was referring to that segment in part 2 of the video (51:11) where people leaving low-key comments saying "huh, that gave me something to think about" was more fullfilling to the author of the video
It always makes me happy when I see someone bring this show up. It’s just one of those hidden gems that doesn’t get talked about enough. I’ve been a fan since the days when it first came out and I go back to it every now and then.
I wrote a massive, over sharing comment about how just hearing Rekki's art felt viscerally real, but I'll save you the traumadump and instead say that you've made me want to give this show a shot. Thank you.
If you feel like you need to share it with someone, please do. I struggle to express my feelings and often delete comments partway through writing them, so I understand it can be easy to say "This is too much" or "nobody cares". One way or the other I hope you're doing well and learning to live more freely each day.
@@derflerp538 Nah don't worry, I have friends I've told and I see a therapist a few times a month. It'll definitely come up there, but I'm doing just fine!
It's sometimes good to shout it into the void, sometimes people that need to happen upon it and know they're not alone, but from personal experience it's not always the best option. You can end making things worse for yourself. Because letting something out that's that personal, that raw, only for it to get no response or the basic platitudes that have never worked? It can make that mental box you've put yourself in get even smaller.
Yeah, can happen. It isn't that good.
imagine if sisyphus clicked on this video
This is one HELL of a comment. Nice.
Perfect. A lot of people like to say “imagine Sisyphus happy,” to which I reply “then imagine Sisyphus free.”
@@VDiddy5000 sissyphys doesn't really deserve to be free tho, man sucks
Lesser know part of the myth is that Sisyphus chose to push the rock over accepting a free pass to Elysium, and the boulder wasn't cursed, but rather the challenge was just outside mortal capabilities. Nice wit
@@VDiddy5000 That isnt the point though. The point of the endles struggle isnt that someday you are going to reatch your gole, its the fact that the gole is realy hard to reatch or simply unreatchable. Its that even though you know you might never see the day when you reatch your gole you are still pushing forvard because the meer chance that someday you will see a better day fills you with hope and purpose.
Honestly this essay helped me understand why a friend was so adamant I watch this anime that he sent me a ripped copy through snail mail. I never ended up watching it, but knowing him and where I was at that time in my life, I can't help but think the conclusions you drew were exactly what he was trying to tell me all the way back then. I hope you keep making videos that you are happy with, I hope you continue to be insightful even if you don't have mountains of research or academic rigor and jargon behind you. Sometimes it is important just to be able to say *your* piece, to have *your* perspective and not have to stand on the shoulders of giants to do so. I don't vibe with everything you say in the videos I have watched, but I absolutely adore and respect your positions. I hope that even if you stop making videos you keep finding your voice over and over and find satisfaction and happiness therein. Thank *you* for all your efforts.
"I don't vibe with everything you say in videos I've watched..."
Honestly this is a plus for me. If I'm agreeing with every single take, then I don't know whether I'm actually thinking critically about the subject matter. Either that or the person with the takes is only making the safest, most mundane observations. As long as he isn't saying anything outright _wrong_ (which I don't think he ever has), all input is valuable
@@andrewsad1 Oh absolutely!
That statement is a plus for me too. It's very important to know that people aren't agreeing with me simply because I said something, but because they themselves truly understood and considered it. If what I said was simply accepted, it would lose the reason I said it for
I have LOVED Haibane Renmei for the better part of 20 years. Thank you so very much for giving it a spotlight and so much thought!
Of course, I'm glad I could for something classic like this!
I've never hear of this series before. But I'm glad I stumbled on this video. It really hits close to home for me. Essentially since puberty I have struggled pretty hard with anxiety and depression and this is often how it manifested when I turned that pain and sadness inward. That deep compulsion to never allow anyone else to help you for fear of being a burden when you already feel your mere existence is something to attone for. The self destructive desire to take on far more than you can handle, only to fail as a result. In your mind further proving your own inadequacy and need for redemption.
And then it warps into a sort of ego wherein you start to believe only you have agency and choice as you are clearly the worst most horrible person to ever live, so naturally everything wrong in the world is in some way your fault. And as anything ever happens to do wrong in your life or the lives of anyone you know or care about it becomes your fault because you failed to prevent this thing.
The selfishness of a kind deed part also resonates ans this is also something I had told myself many times. That I can never truly be pure of intentions, there is always some selfish motive such as trying to look good for others that always tainted it. So I was never even allowed no matter how hard I tried, to ever even acknowledge I have done a single good or worthwhile thing in my entire life.
Not of this is healthy and I have been in therapy to try and address it but it is a very hard mindset to crawl out of once you allow yourself to sink in.
I’ve been struggling with these ideas for over a year. They took me down a dark path until I almost couldn’t bear to keep living. This video has finally brought me some closure.
I know from the end of the video that you were worried your ideas won’t change people’s lives, that they don’t mean anything otherwise. But I’m sure that they make a difference, even if it’s a small one. And for me personally, this is probably one of the most important videos I will have ever watched. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words. I'm truly glad that I could help, and I hope what you make from my words and your experience is something even more meaningful
I think mostly people, who are known to this kind of mindset, watch this video and i love and at the same time hate how nobody is dropping any sobstories in the comments. Because i feel like people (including me) are doing that to not burden anyone in an attempt to better the world by taking the suffering upon themselves. I mean, maybe im also just projecting, can‘t know for sure. But also, this is a lot of concepts to take in, so i understand why. That sentence in the anime where she said help me, but was afraid, if she asked and no one would listen, that would make her to have to accept being completely on her own in the world really got to me.
My biggest respect for ProfessorViral for coming to such advanced conclusions and also good for you to start valuing yourself more :)
I am also on that journey and wish anyone else on it that they succeed on accepting oneself how they are :)
Also a new anime for the watchlist yay :D
Think of this way. Perhaps you are projecting, but that doesn't mean the rest isn't true. We share a lot of the same impulses, even if our experiences can be vastly different.
I want to give you some quotes, they helped me maybe they can help you.
"The Therapist seeks to help the other person to the point of where he can move forwards in life, solve his problems and overcome the obstacles independently. The task of the Therapist is not to cure, but to be a guide, friend and interpreter to people on their journey through their private hell." Rollo May
"There is only one way and that is your way;
there is only one salvation and that is your salvation.
Why are you looking for help? Do you believe that help will come from outside? What is to come will be created in and from you. Hence look into yourself. Do not compare, do not measure. No other way is like yours. All other ways deceive and tempt you. You must fulfill the way that is in you." Carl Jung.
I feel lucky that I get to watch video essays about anime I've never seen before and find something that moves me to tears. Your content is some of my favorite stuff on youtube, and you have an incredible ability to bring an idea to life in a way that is both visceral and enlightening (as well as immensely entertaining) . This video in particular helped me make a bit more sense of my own life, and helped me appreciate the parts of it that I sometimes don't feel like I deserve. Thank you for that and for all the work you do
This video made me think about suffering as a "cost" on the metaphorical "cost benefit analysis" of our projects. From that perspective, it only makes sense to reduce the suffering to improve the "benefits" of our endeavors. Some suffering is necessary, but it shouldn't outweigh the positives.
Thank you for another great video that made me think! 💕
Pain is. Suffering isn't. Suffering is still part of the learning process though.
Pay attention and don't make excuses for lack of communication (as most will) and you can overcome it. Turn a blind eye like an idiot and you can get stuck there.
As someone who works in suicide prevention, I needed this conversation.
put this on randomly while working on a haibane renmei cosplay of all things..... the way my jaw dropped 2 minutes in when you revealed what the video essay was about :O
"For who i am, and the bounds im within, im doing the best that i can, the best that can be expected of me....thats not a bad way to live....the bigger ideas can come later when im ready for them"
Thats exactly what ive been trying to untangle for myself amd be more comfortable with. I finally have the job that ive been working so hard to get, but my mind is still running with the chasing momentum of "is this good enough? Am i actually doing what i want to be doing?" Amd the answer is, for right now, in this moment, yes. I am doing what i want to be doing for right now, and all the bigger things can wait until im ready for them. I can relax now, and ill be ok. Thank you for that reminder 💜
The phrase "An bad Act done with good intentions is still a bad act" is complemented by its opposite, A good act, done with bad intentions, is still a good act.
I'm glad you're standing up for yourself instead of abandoning yourself. I see you and the cycle you found yourself in. Hope you maintain an upward trend. Good luck with everything!
Thank you for the kind words 💙
I'm so glad this anime is still getting its so well deserved attention after 20+ years, this was such an eye and mind opening show much like Yoshitoshi Abe's other seminal work Serial Experiments Lain (and to a lesser extern NieA_7) this was such a contrast style wise, story, and emotional intensity, to all the "mainstream"anime of the time.
haibane renmei is one of my favorite pieces of art ever made, im glad there's still people thinking and talking about it
Me personally I love your pseudo philosophical rants! Hell it’s what I come here for :3
Pseudo philosophical? Like without official terminology?
@@soysource3218 yes, this is very much pseudo philisophical.
I remember an interaction i had with you in your discord once and thinking to myself how hard you were on yourself. It's wonderful to see you being kinder to yourself. Thank you for this video and your directness. It's refreshing. Also your right apology not needed, I'll accept it anyways though.
This isnt to diminish your hard work but what made me sub to begin with is these ending rant parts. I dont expect one every video but MANNNNN is it nice to hear the thoughts of an actual person just saying (what I choose to believe) their actual thoughts. I'm a video editor by hobby so when I see videos like these it makes me happy to see this and I understand the work that goes into production.
I guess having something that brings those fictional concepts into reality breaks that last layer of "but it's just thoughts" and really adds something. But then, some of my favorite channels are just people like Tim Cain and Adam Savage just sharing experience, so I guess it's just overall enjoyable when it seems like someone has a genuine experience to share
It is what you do, not what you feel or think or say, that define you. Your words mean nothing on their own; it's how you wield those words that define you. Your thoughts mean nothing on their own; what you do with those thoughts is what defines you. Your feelings mean nothing on their own; what you do with those feelings define you.
Action defines you. Facts and truths in and of themselves do not define you, it's how you respond to them that defines the kind of person you are.
To be honest, I've been feeling exactly the same lately. This video gave me just what I needed, I understand that this is not what you may mean to do now but also, I feel like I have to write this 'cause maybe this will let you see how things have changed since that video that flopped...
I'm glad to hear/see this, I really have been having those hints about changing, but I fell in a limbo where I don't even know if there's an exit, this video finally helped me find it, it was so hard for me to reach it for some reason, even when I knew exactly what I had to do to get out but once again falling into selfish thoughts when I tried it. Worse of all, I didn't actually had someone who I could ask for help, so I thought the best was to give up.
Now you just come with a one hour video just to tell me how an anime I had no idea that existed already did all of that + your own experience to fully emphatize with... Literally the help I never asked for, but that anyways came here without even knowing they would help somebody by simply existing and doing nothing else than just appearing on recomended videos among non related videos that don't even scratch the surface of what this anime is nor even relate to the title of the video. Just chance right?
All this big text just to say, thanks man, you just saved me and you don't even know how or why, we could even just leave it as another vent text in the comentary section of the video, but yet, to me it means much more than just that, thank you dude
I appreciate this. It's thematic to current events in my life, and helpful in supplementing my changing self-perception. I've realized lately that I constantly, subconsciously, judge myself for every little thing. I don't have to do that, and I'm learning how not to little by little.
i was so happy when you started talking about haibane renmei! i genuinely love hearing people talk about themes in media because i dont always have the best words for them myself, and i like hearing how it affected other people. and your videos always seem like you genuinely read deeper into the subtext so i like them. my only complaint is that sometimes your voice makes me feel sleepy.
i related to reki a lot even though im much lazier. when i was in college i was suffering a lot with loneliness that i put on myself because i felt like i had to prove myself as a worker in society. i made myself work too much and also feel really bad about not working so i didnt perform well. and then i burnt out and im 26 with 2 part time jobs that i feel little motivation to upgrade... ah well such is life
I do tend to have those consistent, sleepy patterns haha. But it's very hard not to feel trapped into the idea that we have to suffer to be proven. Even after all of this, I still do so in some ways when I haven't actively considered the situation in full
"I will never be so Someton, to put my name on everything" I see what you've done there.
Gotta get those slightly outdated references in there somewhere
Hey man, thanks for the video, it's amazing as usual. I just want to say that it was very cool to hear about your experience with all this thing of doing thinks alone + everithing that happened and how you went through it. Something really similar to that happened to me and it's really good to hear that other people face the same thing, and as you said, you not here to change the world but to make people think and sure that you did!
You brought meaning to a saying I heard, i grinded into my mind, but never actually thought too much about. "You don't need to save the world to find meaning in life"
Reki and Haibane Remmei mean so much to me. It was really nice listening to you talk about the series and yourself.
I'm usually the emotionless type but this one got to me.
i’m bad with words but i watched the whole thing with no pauses, i really enjoy how laid back and introspective you are. thank you for this video, it really cuts deep. good luck with all your future endeavours🎉
Thank you for the kind words and your time! I'm glad the video was enjoyable
thanks for this video, awesome. especially combined with the outtro, it's really helped me to reflect on my own work as an artist who works alone. seriously the personal outtro reflecting the themes of the rest of the video was really special.
just wanted to say how appreciative i am that you decided to keep in the self reflection. It always helps hearing people talk about their own insecurities and mindsets and how they overcame it, really showing how useless self hatred is. I was having kind of a shit day, having little direction in my life but this video really made my day.
I just finished watching your video for the third time and I am overwhelmed yet comforted. I have never felt so located by any discussion before. The analysis and your experience capture everything I have been feeling lately. It's an attempt from a fleeting moment of overwhelming anxious adrenaline that I am writing this. I am yet to reach out to people and ask for help, being heard. I need to start voicing myself and thanking you for this video seems like the right start. I will be eagerly waiting for your next work, whatever form it takes. Take care.
Always super excited to see you post a video, and talking about an anime I watched as a teen... Thank you so much. Struggling with martyring myself quite often as well, I feel for you.
Please don’t ever stop doing what you love! I always look forward to your videos and it helped me learn so much throughout the years
Thank you, it really always does mean so much to hear that : )
I just Saw skrillex live and came home to this after walking 9 kilometers to see that the legend has posted what might be the utmost lit video essay of the 2020s. I reckon I’ll sleep quite well tonight… this might be the best night ever
54:40 - oohhh, it's Pittsburgh! I've been watching all of part 2 with a super focused eye tryna figure out the skyline. I felt like I'd seen some of those buildings before, but not all of them? Or not at night? But that makes sense, I was in Pittsburgh 10+ years ago, that crown-lookin-one probably wasn't there yet!
Every one of the video shots in this section has looked like a genuine painting, they are TRULY inspiring! My baby phone camera can't take good night photos, let alone good night video, so I am legit impressed and envious and super-psyched to see work like this!
(I fully agree with the comments about the actual script and the message and how impactful it is, too, just, nobody had praised the visuals enough and I felt those deserved a shout-out too!)
Getting a proper camera (thank you used equipment and sales) has made me enjoy the process of filming so much more. It's a harder setup, but there's an actual reward for more effort now
My favorite anime by far, I am so happy to see another video about it
Hopefully it was an enjoyable video for something you really love! I was uncertain on this one, I think it was just too wordy, but I hope it was good enough!
Part 2 is something I needed. I've heard countless times how I can rely on people but don't out of pride "If I can do it by myself I'm just as good if not better!" Its that feeling of wanting validity.
Thank you for making this. It hurt me in a way I needed.
It's a very easy thing to justify, which is probably why so many of us fall into it a lot too. You can say "well I would hate to bother them" and everything like that and dismiss getting help right away
You dont know how much this video means to me. I picked up this anime on disc a few years back and had yet to watch it but this video seemed super enticing. Ive been struggling for a long long time with motivation and joy and overall just contentment and it felt like this video was a step by step guide thank you it was wonderful.
Thank you, I'm very glad I could provide a basis for that. I'm sure what you take from it and mold into on your own will be fantastic!
Very fitting to add your self dejecting points to a story that depicts the idea of people romantacising those who demean themselves, while humiliating those who voice their worth. I think art is that, a voice of expression. Your desire to help is valuable, it's just we're all at different stages in life. Like an adult trying to teach a young person taxes...lol saves trouble! but it's uninteresting and irrelevant as the problem isn't on their radar, yet. I see your desire to help others at the cost of prostrating yourself, it's truly a courageous act. Like your passion to rise to the challenge and smell your own garbage ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) To make art a commodity takes extreme mental gymnastics and sacrifice. It's natural to feel rejected when the meaning behind art is to be true to yourself. Not many people can do what you do, so I believe you truly care for your craft, by putting yourself out there. Just wanted to highlight that, and as tempting it is to zero down on the negative comments and villainize/shame ouselves, from one artist to another, lets slay the dragon of perfectionism together C;🌹
I think that's what I needed to hear right now. I feel myself slowly falling back in a bad mindset, but this video's gave me something positive to think about
I think I needed to hear this. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for making and sharing this.
Of course. I'm glad that I could have your time to say it
I honestly love to get to know fellow artists a little more, seriously. It always warms my heart, specially when it hits so close to home. So thank you for having the courage to put out there, it really meant a lot for me to hear it. For I also believe that other people doesn't have to suffer to have their work valuated, but many times I ain't that particulary kind to myself too
Anyhow, wishing the best for you, be kind to yourself and take your time
I hadn’t even heard of haibane renmei until watching this and now I have finished it. Thank you for showing me this
Of course, happy I could share it with you!
This video made me genuinely want to cry , it's a complex I always had and seemed that no one beside me was going through. I've grown somehow being painted as selfish as a child from everyone I knew but they never thought too much about it, they never condemned me about being selfish because I was a child, but I've internalized it so much that for many years I've became selfish when I tried so much not to be, and how I hated myself for being proud of a small act of kindness I've done, and how great I was , and consequently, it made me feel worse, because no one else needs that because they're already a good person, and that exposing that thoughts to another person would begin into a cycle of me trying to be good for them and them being worried or mad that I'm doing bad, and in being quiet and taking it like a good boy and self destructive alone when no one is seeing me made me somehow better. Like you said "Hating myself for thinking that I was better than other people for hating myself"
Hearing my thoughts aloud actually made me emotional, great video and that convinced me to watch the anime so really, thank you
I'm so happy someone is talking about haibane renmei in 2024, thank you professor
Holy shi@%t....haibane renmei
Damn i saw that anime almost 9 years ago when i was 15 i think
It cunfused me so much but i was obsessed with the aestetic
Thanks for explaining the deeper meaning behind it.
Of course, happy to help! But, keep in mind this is just one idea of what it means, and seeing what others say, or your own thoughts on it, could be just as great too
I don't know the exact reason why I like your videos so much
Maybe it's because I'm a drama addict
maybe I love to find meaning in the things I look at
Or because I enjoy seeing how other people analyze and interpret the series, many of them that I've seen
Keep going, you're doing very well
Oh man, it's been a minute since I've seen Haibane Renmei.
I forget who suggested it, but it was on my list, so I finally checked it out all these years late haha
@@ProfessorViral I think it might have been me. Someone else might have too but I don't know many other people who have even heard of Haibane Renmei.
Ambition and this weird obligation to grow as a person can be tricky sometimes and we can easily overdo ourselves to push our limits when it's not needed for us or others, just for the sake for the growth. To be honest, I think it was good that you tried anyways making something big, even if it didn't work out. Trying new things is also important if you feel that you need to change something. At this point in my life I tried multiple things (and failed multiple times as well) but I gained the expirience I treasure dearly and I try not to regret any decisions.
Anyways, keep doing what you're doing, your videos are deep and always put me in state of thinking about from different perspective or to realize something, even tiny things. In this one I especially liked the second part, because I felt it on personal level.
I can't think of the finishing line and I don't think that words can express how I like your videos so I just want to thank you for your hard work and wish you luck in the future ^^
I swear I always see your videos right when I need them in crucial parts of my life and it's been so worth it every time in helping me to change my perspectives and push myself forward in a positive way.
Hey uh, thank you. I needed someone to say that suffering isn't virtue, that doing things alone doesn't make it or you better, and that I don't need to change the world to be valuable. I can't say "oh this is life changing and now I'm going to go be better for forever" but I can say that this video got me moving again. I had been in a slump of being unable to do things because I knew they couldn't be perfect so it felt pointless to try for around two months. Just now, I opened my laptop to get to work on modeling a replacement part I've needed to make for a while. It's small but hopefully I can keep the momentum going. Thank you for giving me the kick I needed to start moving again
Thank you for your time, and the very kind words. Maybe it seems silly to say I'm thankful for other people being thankful, but it really does mean so much to see that I can accomplish what I set out to do, using a love of stories and their meanings to make a positive change. To know that it had an impact, even if its just one small part for now, means a lot. I hope that you do keep moving, and that your actions and experience which build on that moment of starting again become something great
Thank you for doing my favorite anime! It helped me in some hard times years ago.
Of course! I'm glad I can spread a bit of attention for it all these years later
I get that feeling at the end. I've been a RUclips streamer for 6 months. I have no idea what I'm doing but apparently it's working. I get the sunk cost fallacy too, if I just had this, if I could just do this, I'd be BETTER. But, people already like what I'm giving them.
For what it's worth I've loved your reviews. Especially the ones on Lain!
Looking back, Haibane Renmei felt more like a fever dream than a show. Then again, I was an overworked, overcaffeinated chain smoker with severe mental issues at the time.
Honestly I'm bad with words more so now that I'm struggling with mutism as a way to cope with life.
On the off chance you see this some of your content has reminded me both that I need to be stronger for those who need me and because things can get better if I take one step at a time. People don't go hollow.
This video has come to me when I needed it the most, thank you for doing what you’ve done regardless of how hard it was.
I appreciate it
Of course. I hope it really helps you find a positive change!
Heyyyy, on the topic in the second part of the video I would like to admit that I'm guilty of not watching your channel consistently. One of you last videos I watched was "the fear of transformation". I do it since the topics you discuss are often heavy or personal or both. And I preffer to take time digesting the topic you're discussing before moving on. Life also takes priority so sometimes I just ... forget. I still really apreciate the time and effort you're putting into them and know that when I get to them I will enjoy the food for thought. The last video impacted me so much I end up having a dream the same night where I lost my human body and even lost the ability to comunicate normally. Part of the experience was learning how to speak and keep a human appearence while also fighting a legal battle in court. I won in the end and the people in this dream were almost strangely chill around me considering how alien I looked. Anyway I hope if nothing this give you a laugh. Thank you again for the work you do.
And on the topic of receiving a negative coment this is something a learned recently from another youtuber I follow but negative coments mean that you are reaching people outside you target. It means youtube is recomending your videos to wieder audiances. I'd say this is good. And it reminds me how no matter how good a piece of media is not everyone will enjoy or understand it and that's okay. We do what we can with the means we have
I am happy(?) to see an hour-long video about a show that had scenes that left me feeling deep, cold dread and alienation far more effective than any overtly horror media. This stupid show is so emotionally brutal.
I relate to you tremendously on this video, this need to prove that you're valuable, the need to prove that everyone was wrong about you. I used to get called dumb and idiot all throughout school so I became a smart-ass and a intellectual dick, by learning tons of Philosophy, so I can intellectually crush anyone, who opposes me, to prove everyone that I wasn't dumb. Yet in the end, the Validation I sought so long for left me more unvalidated than ever, if that's a word. I couldn't accept me for me. I saw this title from scrolling on youtube, I didn't watch the video, because I almost cried from the title alone and got all I needed from it, and I hope it helps you, when you are going through rough times or feel you aren't enough.
"You don't need to justify your life. If you're here, you should be."
Sorry if this didn't make any coherent sense.
This is one of my favorite anime. I recently got my husband, daughter, and brother in law to watch it with me. They all thought it was excellent.
This anime did scare me as a young teen though. The well episode in particular.
I always took away that Haibane are children that died and are waiting for rebirth. The sin bound are children that killed themselves.
It's been a bit, but I'm glad see you've entered the world of quality cameras.
A genuine applause to you good sir.
very good video man, it'll stay with me for a long time. Especially the later part where I felt called out as hell
I like the honesty at the end 💜
"I decided I would never be hurt again. I decided to be made of stone. They'll never know how very dark and very cold my heart is." -Reki
I haven't finished the video yet and I'm in the beginning of part 2 but I wanted to
write a comment right away. one of the things I love the most about your channel is that you barely talk about any philosophers and stuff like that. don't get me wrong, I admire that style of video essays as well, but I love that your videos always seem extremely honest, well-written and authentic. the perceived "lack" of research is what makes your words so touching and so inspiring, honestly. although essays full of philosofical references are great to watch, your more personal style of videos is what makes them so special to me. I really feel like I'm hearing a real person with real emotions, and that's something that those other videos just can't seem to do, no matter how excellent they are. I'll finish watching the video now but just know that your words and emotions truly are what makes your work so special!
I don't know how to write comments but I just want to say, I'm exactly like what you were, I shut out and even hurt people who try to get close because I believe that the only way I can help anyone is to be by myself and to hurt myself. All that aside, I wanted to say thank you, you definitely made me think about myself with this one and, if it's any consolation, it probably will change my life.
This is the kind of thing I live for. Please keep making this type of shit. I love listening to this kind of stuff while working out.
Thank you for saying that, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart.
Of course, thank you for your time
@@ProfessorViral oh, an answer. uhh you dont have to answer this one but at some point in the video you say something along the lines that it is better to not accept a problem if it's a solvable one but there are also some fundamental pains to life which we should accept we have to suffer, but you don't really go into that, i guess because it's not really the topic of the video and because you'd leave it to the audience. you mind expanding your own view of what are the fundamental pains of life?
I really love what you make. And I am nowhere near your level of understanding of things in life, but still, just want to say: sometimes it's better to not overthink. You're great, what you do is great, and although sometimes we try to overanalyze ourselves in order to achieve something new and better, we might never think if we even needed this analyzing in the first place. Oftentimes simpler is better. So keep making these amazing videos, keep looking into the human nature and analyzing it, but don't forget that not everything is really in need of dissection
Take care of yourself ❤
It's hard to strike the balance between maintaining enough questioning of what feels common, and finding comfort in accepting that some things simply are. I for sure tend towards the former though, sometimes to my detriment. But, I'll be alright, sometimes I'm making something on an up cycle of that feeling, sometimes on a down, but overall I think there's some real peace to my life
For what it's worth, the message of the AI video really did stick with me and I enjoyed the different flavor of things compared to your usual stuff. (I was the one who helped you edit your thumbnail, if you remember- and then also sent the video around to pretty much everyone I knew). I think if you can find a way to do it playfully, to enjoy the process- to not let it be fueled by self-hatred- it would still be nice to see your videos vary a bit from time to time. Even if you stick with the current format as your basis.
An idea that just sprung to mind for having a different video every once in a while, is to make a project that only requires very little of your time every week- but that you let marinate for 6months or a whole year- reflecting a little upon what you had already done the weeks before and then gradually seeing how the way you think changes over time. Forcing yourself to not delete what you'd written before - and to just continue where you left off with a new perspective. This way, watching it slowly grow and develop, before you bring it out. It could be a bit like a diary- but with a philosophical edge! Idk, I just wanted to throw that idea out there- if you are content doing what you do- please don't change it. You are the most important member of your audience- if you don't truly like it, why are you even doing it?
New viewer - your own personal life speaks to my own. The urge to be creative is all consuming - the desire to do something so remarkable that everyone will bear witness and realize what you have done. We can only achieve what we can achieve, and pursuing the sun as Icarus did is our vice.
All that said, fantastic video. Fantastic work. You have achieved what you desire to achieve. Those who see it and care for it will see that.
This continues to be one of my favorite channels ever. You express such deep emotion in a relatable way and make me feel less crazy for feeling a lot of the same feelings as you.
I'm very glad I can provide that, truly 💙
I didn't even make it past the first 10 minutes of this video before I basically started crying so I know this will be a great, if painful, video essay to sit through.
I like listening to you. It always brings me back to reality, in a sense. If I'm feeling like the whole world is out to get me, you have a way of reminding me that I'm not alone.
(watched till the end)
even though this video didn't get some insane amount of views in a day, I hope your realization and things have become better after researching, writing, and working on this project. I know I've never commented before but I just wanted to say I've always loved your videos and I can really see the work you always put into them, even if the details or edits may not be huge and showy, it does add so much to your videos :))
Even if youtube does screw you over and give you extremely miniscule amounts of views, that doesn't take away the value of your work and your value as a creator on this platform
I always feel a strange nice feeling after watching a video of yours, usually comes after I am done thinking about all you've said and how it applies to my life, even if the message wasn't a happy one, I think it is the feeling of understanding something new (?)
There's a certain satisfaction in understanding, I think. To be able to learn and grow, essentially without any tools more than the mind and method of delivery. It's squarely us and the material, and when we understand it we know we've succeeded entirely as us. I can't untangle how I feel about the concept from others opinion of me anymore, I'm always subject to doubt that if I was unobserved I wouldn't care to understand, but I think there's something satisfying about it inherently which drove me to do this to begin with
Thanks for your analyses AND for bringing up anime that I am totally not going to binge this weekend….
I play a lot of DND, and one of my favourite characters I'm playing is an aasimar (descended from angels) paladin/knight who is uses self sacrifice in part due to brainwashing (when you think about it... knight training begins at 7 when you're a page, then 14 as a squire. To be a knight is to be a child soldier), and some out of genuine love and devotion for others... but also in STRONG part due to needing to punish himself for surviving something he doesn't think he should have.
I enjoy watching things like this as a means of psychology research for characters. Just yesterday I watched a 12 part series of Harvard lectures from 15 years ago on justice -- specifically going into the different schools of thoughts like Aristotle, kant, rawls and egalitarianism, communicative thought, libertarianism, utilitarianism etc. Watching those first really colours how i make sense of this video. Only about 19 mins in so far, but the one girl (sorry, I somehow forgot her name already) seems to have a very Kantian view of ethics -- which is SO strict at times, especially when taken to extremes.
Specifically she has a kantian view on morality, which makes complete sense for figures that are meant to be (in some way) descended from angels, as we perceive it. To kant, to be morally good, the actions we take must be taken if they are motivated by a sense of duty (the duty to following a universal moral law -- irrespective of background, the law of reason.) That all humans are to be treated with fairness and autonomy, and never a means to an end. Suicide and murder are equally horrible in his eyes, and lying even for a good cause or to save someone's life is never justified (a misleading truth however is okay) essentially, because she views her actions as being purely to BECOME worthy of a day of flight, she is treating people as a means to an end, and therefore is not good.
Except. There's a flaw in her logic. Admittedly this part I'm not sure i fully understand bc philosophy is a pain and kant is an even bigger pain, but to my understanding it works like this: doing things for the sake of gaining a benefit is immoral. But it is not the same as "i am doing this thing because I want to be good/want to be perceived as good" (which I think her belief would fall under. Wanting her day of flight is akin to wanting to be GOOD ENOUGH to do so.) This is still within moral law for kant bc you are doing good for the sake, ultimately, of moral duty. You're doing good BECAUSE it is good and you WANT to be good. But of course, the issue with kant (well, there are many, but mine) is that its so easy to get wrapped up in particulars of morality when you hate yourself-- and in a way this also goes towards brainwashing in cult-like doctrines. You self sacrifice, because in some ways you perceive yourself as better, for being worse. Its an arrogant and narcissistic self loathing, in a way.
Idk i didn't have a point to this, I just find it neat
Re the second half: i do relate to some of this, tho perhaps not quite to the same level or for the same purpose. I often do a lot of digital art. And I absolutely suffer during it. My hands hurt, I choose challenging concepts and poses, I decide to add detail nobody is gonna care about, I choose often to refuse to use brushes that do something easier and instead do it by hand.... I suffer and complain the entire time and I am SO happy to just be DONE with the drawings sometimes.
Tho, usually... I'm not doing it to be better than anyone else, but better than myself. I'm doing it because I KNOW it will look better if I do it this way, even if it IS more time consuming and difficult. And when i do finish there IS a deep pride. Because yes, it was a pain in the ass, doing things in a new way and challenging what my comfort zone is. But the pride of what I accomplish at the end of it, the satisfaction I get from looking at it after AND also showing it off to everyone (bc i am a vain creature who thrives on validation). Its... not the same. But I can relate to the suffering artist part, doing something no one asked me to do, suffering for the sake of suffering, being so meticulous over details no one cares about except me.
When in the latter half of the video you start talking about not getting a lot of views, I recognize a problem that happens to a lot of internet personalities: You start to focus on the numbers, rather than the people. As someone who does live performances on stage, locally- I can't even conceptualize having an audience of 10K people. But the advice given to me by another performer was that it doesn't matter whether it is just 3 people in the audience, or 200- you should always authentically give it your all for whomever does show up. Sometimes the amount of people that actually listened to my poems and songs was small but- then later in the week I am stopped by someone who was in that audience, who tells me how much my work moved or inspired them. That is what it is all about. Doing something that makes your own heart glow - and seeing how, even if it is just one single person, lights up other hearts as well.
Of course, when you do this to make a living, focusing on the numbers is necessary to a degree but... I think you ultimately end up drawing in the most people by doing what you are most passionate about. Yeah sure, if it's niche you will have a smaller audience but that audience will be all the more dedicated if they can tell you do what you do with passion and enthusiasm- when that shines through in your work.
Okay, I'm glad that youtube decided to show this video to me, I believe you did an excellent job, this is the first time I've ever heard about this anime, your video definitely made me think and I enjoyed watching it.
I do mostly agree on the points you're raising here: suffering isn't purpose, no one asked us to do all this stuff (hopefully, because there are indeed shitty people who uses others for personal gain, sense of power and other such things) and we can't change the world alone.
However I do have most thoughts on the last sentence, because yeah, a singular person can't truly, in a meaningful way, change the world in the grandiose way that a lot of people use those words with. But to start with, the world is made out of people, changing just one person's opinion (and yes, you yourself count too, so working on yourself is a part of it), changes the world, in a small way, hardly noticeable to the society at large, but it can still be meaningful and it is absolutely important too. The second thing is the alone part: even thinking about this in purely logistical, mathematical, or wtv way: the more people are putting in active effort, the more they can achieve and the more other people they can reach, who in part will carry on the work simply by being different from how they used to be, if not actively putting in their own effort. Like you said, we aren't alone and reaching out to other people is sometimes the most important step.
The other thing I'd like to comment on, kinda goes against what I've been saying here, but is more about speaking up about the harsh conditions people can and do live in this world. That unfortunately, not everyone has people they can reach out to, either because they lack any kind of meaningful connection, or because it would be straight up unsafe for them to reach out to any of the people that are "close" to them. Even just the fear of this being the case, possible from past trauma, can make trying to reach out and get help, something that can already be hard enough on its own, feel like an insurmountable difficulty, which adds to the vicious cycle of always doing everything alone. Internet can be an excellent help here, especially in cases where you know it's not safe to reach out to people physically close to you, but at the same time the anonymity it provides can be both a blessing and a curse: in some cases it does help with the anxieties, while in others it does the opposite. Though, just to be clear, this isn't against what you said, just adding in on top of that, that the fear of rejection or even hostility can have very real basis in reality and it's okay to struggle and have problems with finding a community that not only accepts you but also helps you how it can.
Again, thanks for the video and sorry for kinda being wordy here.
It makes me really happy to see that there are other people who love Haibane Renmei so much. So thank you for your video.
I hope you can see for yourself one day that you are good just the way you are.
Fun fact: I knew that there would be a video about Haibane Renmei here at some point. We just had to wait a few years. ;)
I'm not sure why but the title of this video really resonated with me, every now and then i find myself watching this video again
I'm glad that it's been able to be (what sounds like) some reflective for you
This definetely is your magnus opus, phenomenal vid, do more.
I really wasn't expecting the love on this one at all; I lost confidence in it and thought it was average at best. To see otherwise has been so fantastic
voy a comentar en español porque no tengo ganas de redactar en inglés
es interesante como nos olvidamos de disfrutar las cosas que hacemos porque la ambición o quizás codicia en algunas ocasiones, nos quiere hacer algo más grande. muchas veces me he sentido perdida y vivía bajo la frase "todo lo bueno se hace esperar" o "todo sufrimiento vale la pena" para motivarme. no creo que debería ser así, creo que nuestros caminos deberían tener su disfrute. no es que quiera caer en el "solo tenemos una vida" pero sí, deberíamos ser más gentiles con nosotros mismos
English or Spanish?
Hmm. This was a very intriguing video. Thanks for making it.
Of course! I'm glad there was something interesting in it for you!
having our teeth clenched throughout the Haibane Renmei part means we've got soooome work to do - looking at our art now like are we healing or perpetrating suffering ?? its an ongoing conversation so can it be both depending on the point in which its viewed? "the universe of images - in which action and agony go endlessly round in circles"
Hey man, great video. I really appreciate your effort! I love Haibane Renmei, and I love your take on it.
Thank you! I was honestly doubting this video for months, so it's been amazing to see so many people enjoying it
Never heard of this anime before but glad you introduced me to it here 🙏
I always feel hateful and bitter whenever I see some “pretty” person that’s been handed money and love their entire lives. People that get family and friends that actually “love” them.
I’m not entirely alone anymore, but none of it was handed to me like it was with seemingly most people. Or at least with “pretty” people that were born rich or made rich through simps and sugar daddies
I remember watching haibane renmmei when I was definitely not older than 11 or 12 and I barely recall any details of the anime. The only things I recall are how it left me feeling somewhat frustrated and confused, yet it still holds a special place in my memory lol
There's an all too relatable lyric in MARINA's "Oh No!" that I'm reminded of:
"Maybe it is all a test,
Cos' I feel like I'm the worst, so I always act like I'm the best."
I think that's an interest aspect of how the series gets into more organized faith that I didn't get into as much here. The idea, at least in Christianity, that everything here is a sort of "test" for something that comes after can easily make Reki's mindset on a wider scale, even as an individual can come to the same idea from their conditions
@@ProfessorViral That's an interesting point, yeah. It's funny how sometimes it seems that the same mindsets we often associate with resilience, while useful, can lead us to taking on more suffering than necessary when taken too far.
Thank you so much for this video It was very important for me 😊
I hope it was in a beneficial way! Thank you for the kind words!