Goodness! Yes yes yes! My liberal parents coached me to live a wild promiscuous life. Thank God I was married at 20 against their advice. Now we have two kids and 38 happy married years. The love and connection we have now... I have no words. Marriage and cultivating love for your spouse is worth every nano second.
I would say I was liberally brainwashed for most of my early 20’s. I used to be avidly against marriage. Somehow I straightened myself out in my mid 20’s, asked God for help with finding the right spouse, found her, married her and man.. best thing that’s ever happened to me.
The last few generations haven't done marriage any favors. Finding someone that shares your values and will stay with you through thick and thin is almost impossible.
Yes and I blame the previous generations and the marxists. Of course the marxists in particular wanted this. In their meetings they had a quasi liturgy where they basically said they wanted to make cultural revolution by destroying the American family and they wanted to do that by encouraging all forms of immoral sexual activity. Homosexuality, promiscuity, adultery, fornication, I think they may have even mentioned pedophilia but don’t quote me on that one. Evil stuff and may God hold them all to account for it.
@@PridelessChickz all a woman has to do is be the following: Fit, feminine, cooperative, little to no debt, good spending habits, 20’s (fertility), no promiscuous behavior in your past, not a leftist feminist type, no wild tattoos/piercings. Unfortunately, If you do the math, that might make up 1-2% of modern women. These basic criteria were met by the majority of our grandmothers/great grandmothers. When you set up a rigged game like this where virtually no women are providing what men want, those men either date casually or check out completely. Men have changed as a reaction to the profound change in women in the last 70 years.
My wife and I waited a long time to get married because we were both broke, working at McDonald's, and living with our respective parents. Then we said "screw it" and got married anyway and lived with my parents for a while until we got real jobs and were able to get our own place
When my husband and I met he was this free spirit who said he didn’t want to commit, and I was (vocally at least) for polyamory. I didn’t understand what was the point of monogamy. It seemed to make a lot of people miserable. So I wasn’t exactly going to dump him for not committing. The longer we are together the more conventional we became. We tied the knot during the pandemic and had a child in 2021, and ever since then I’ve been floored at what a man he has become. Our daughter loves him so much. He’s a real role model to her. I accepted him when he was a free spirit who didn’t want to commit, but then my standards weren’t very high back then. But I look at him now and I see a father who would do anything for his wife and his child. I look up to him so much, and when we first met I didn’t think I would feel that way about him. But then again, he said he didn’t expect to find the image of me breastfeeding our daughter to be so beautiful. Feels like we never really grew up until we had a commitment and a baby in our arms.
It's so easy to not commit. It's very hard to commit, but it's such a fulfilling thing. It's hard to put into words how thankful I am to be able to commit to my wife completely, and have her do the same to me. I'm just happy. And btw, polyamory doesn't work for anyone, ever. Those relationships always end very badly. So I'm very glad you've found the fulfillment monogamy brings
I think one of the worst trends of modern marriage is the expectation that it has to be a pricey wedding, rent your local church for cheap, sometimes free if you’re a parishioner, and celebrate in your backyard
Amen! It’s like a big show they put on! Everything so expensive and they go all out. It’s like you’re going to see a play. I am 53 and I got married when I was 26. And I didn’t even want to wedding I wanted to elope. The amount of money they are spending on a wedding nowadays is so out of control. The amount of money they spend on a dress that they are going to wear one day is crazy.
Who cares how big your diamond ring is. Honest to God, I told my husband I didn’t even want an engagement ring and I wanted to just go elope and I even said you can put tinfoil on my finger for a wedding ring lol We were together since high school. He had said he thought his mom might’ve been a little upset if he didn’t have a wedding because she was religious. If I had to go back and do it again, I wouldn’t of just went with that. Not only is it supposed to be what I want For my wedding, but I honestly don’t think his mother would’ve cared. I should’ve asked her but whatever. I can 100% tell you I never ever would dream or picture of what my wedding day was gonna be like and what my dress was going to look like! I used to always dream, and think about being a a stay at home, mother! Even at 10 years old, I would go to bed thinking of what boys are names I liked, and what girls names I liked. And I would pray to God and say, of course, I hope to be blessed with a healthy baby but again, here I am, since I was probably even younger than 10 saying, but I really would like to have a boy first and then have a girl second and for them to be really close in age. Well, guess what? I had a boy first and then 15 months later I had a girl and I wish I would’ve kept going to have four kids but due to a health condition, I didn’t want to risk it Raising my kids was by far the best time of my life!
Andrew, we are about the same age and I could tell you a bunch of stories . I knew my wife only a month before we got married. Stories like we took off in a 63 Ford with everything we owed. And we only had $35. Then after 56 years we loved each other to the very end. She died this summer of cancer. What I do is sit in a room and cry everyday.
My husband and I celebrated 18 years of marriage in August..together 20 years in February 2023. We literally started with nothing. Now, we're not rich by any means but we are more stable than many people we know. We've been at the bottom, early on. And together, we built our family, and a life. I'm grateful for our marriage every day. 💞
We are coming up on 15 years of marriage this May; 18+ years together as a couple. Started with nothing and while we are not even middle class let alone wealthy, we have what we need and were even finally able to buy a house (that met basically all of our desires) a couple years ago.
This is encouraging. I have the best husband and marriage but we're both not where we need to be and are struggling very bad financially only 6 months into marriage. I know it will get better as we both work hard together
Correlation is not causation. Marriage is strongly correlated to building wealth. Okay. That doesn’t mean if you get married you’ll automatically become wealthier down the road. That’s like saying since the median income in blue states is higher than in red states that if you move to a blue state you’ll automatically get a higher paying job & career.
My wife and I got married about a year and a half ago. We started with basically nothing - I was fresh out of college and she had only been working as an elementary teacher for one year. We were paycheck to paycheck for a while until I started working, but God always provided and now we live a stable life and continue to save and thrive.
My wife and I got married before we had anything right out of highschool and it is true I feel like we grew faster and are happier then we see our friends that are single being and after 2 years of trying God blessed us with two boys after losing our first two late into the pregnancy due to a medical condition but we strived and praise and God came through and lead us down the path of a full happy life even when hard times struck
@@nicford1486 factual take. Look at the law and the statistics. Laws can be changed and in this case they should be if we want marriage rates to improve.
i have been in such a situation and i love my woman and unfortunately we separated about two years ago, but i could not let her go, so i had to do all i could to get her back, i had to seek the help of a spiritual adviser who helped me bring her back, now we are back together, and i must say i am enjoying every moment of it, i could not let the love of my life go
Two people, each in their own rowboat, are rowing like heck. They are also struggling to keep their vessels together, to not drift apart. They end up exhausted. Suddenly, a sailboat races past them with a man at the helm and directing a woman to adjust the sails to catch the wind that sails them off into the sunset. They were willing to get rid of their own boat and commit to working together. Any issue whatsoever that will cause someone to hesitate to get into that sailboat together means they don't have what it takes to sail that boat anyway and it's that exact issue that's keeping them from thriving in the way that we were meant to thrive together.
Fwiw, I got into that sailboat with a man who had no idea how to steer and was constantly looking to exit. Eventually he jumped into another boat, crashing our boat and forcing me overboard with no preserver with two kids. I learned alot about life.
Meanwhile, there are plenty of other folks in their own sailboats, using the wind and the seas to comfortably sail along without breaking much of a sweat. Time passes, and these same folks will sail past your original coupled sailboat which ran straight into a rocky shore, the man & woman are shipwrecked & fighting each other over the last coconut on the beach. At this time those sailing in their single manned boats will be grateful they had the ability to see the rocky shores and decided that riding those choppy waves was too dangerous.
I speak to a group of (usually very) liberal Jewish teenagers every year for the last 15 years. I do this because in 2006 when was working for Focus on the Family I was running the marriage amendment effort in Colorado and was therefore invited to speak. I have shared this astounding fact about marriage every year with them. 50+ years of social science affirms children do the best in a full spectrum of good outcomes and avoiding bad ones if they live in a married father/mother home. The differences between children in any other home is dramatically worse on average. And that includes kids in married homes where the marriage is bad (taking out situations of physical and sexual abuse). It's amazing the disbelief among people against this fact these days.
I'd love to get married. But it's not like this is a choice you can just achieve on your own. It takes two. You can't get married if there's no one around and/or no one wants you.
Ever since I started to listen to Andrew Klavan and Matt Walsh the desire to get married has gone through the roof for me. God willing one day I'll get married!
My leftist co-workers: “Don’t get married until you’re at least 30. Just have fun and make some money while you can.” Me: “Eh, I don’t see the point of that. I don’t want to wait to be best friends with my children until I’m an old man.”
The thing is, you can have tons of fun being married. Unless their definition of "fun" is sleeping around, and that is the case for many people, but as we all know, sleeping around is one of the most depressing and damaging things a human being can do. So yeah, not exactly what I'd call fun. Spending time with my wife is fun. Building a life together is fun. It truly is
@@weste8464 That sucks that you've clearly had a bad experience, but not everyone is like that. Ironic that you say he's "young and dumb" when you have such a narrow and childlike view of life and people, my friend.
Marriage actually made me poorer...Before I got married I had $25k+ in savings, great retirement, a 401k (which I was contributing about 15%), lots of disposable income...After our ridiculously expensive wedding, paying off her credit cards, my saving was almost zero...Then we bought a house with an expensive mortgage (its Commiefornia so all mortgages are expensive), three kids, then she divorced me after ten years...To keep the house (and keep the kids in a good school district) I had to refinance for a higher loan amount at a higher interest rate, she took half my retirement, most of my savings, half my 401k (which I can only contribute the minimum), $1500/mo child support, $1000/mo alimony (all of which she gets tax free but I pay taxes on)...I have to work a minimum of four shifts of overtime every month (overtime isn't always available) and I had $25k+ in attorney fees that could only be paid via credit card...I'm almost fifty so I will have to work until I'm seventy just to make up for what I've lost in retirement value without being able to make any forward progress financially myself...
Question for you friend: Are you a devoted Christian? And devoted Christian Husband and Father? Marriage is a Christian institution created by God. God will not bless unbelievers. And any kind of thoughts to your response to the above commenter would lead me to believe you’re not a Believer in Jesus Christ and have dealt treacherously with your wife
@@calewiley8521 yes I am a man of faith...She apparently lied about wanting to start a family and be a woman of faith and stopped attending soon after our first child was born
This only means that the kind of people who prove they can get and stay married tend to be financially successful over time. Duh. The kind of people that can make marriage last tend to be of a higher caliber and less selfish. This doesn't mean YOU can go get married and your life will be more successful. lol
No, I would advise BECOME the type of person who can be financially sound, and loyal, and compassionate, and generous. You look for a spouse who has the same VALUES you do. You find those people in the same institutions where people of those values tend to congregate... which is not the bars.
Actually it's a bit worse than that... The people who tend to be married and STAY married are also smart enough to realize that getting a divorce will cause them all kinds of financial pains. Thus why some married people stay together even if they really couldn't care less for each other anymore.
As long as the state is involved marriage is a bad idea for men. As long as no fault divorce exists marriage is a bad idea for men. Get the state and gooberment out of marriage and we'll talk. Until then marriage is off the table.
I would love to get married for all of those reasons. Sadly despite my lack of trying for a good chunk of time, I am not sure it will ever happen. In the meantime, I try to be a fantastic uncle and help my friends raise their kids. It hurts sometimes because I don't have my own family but at least I can help people with theirs.
I tell my friends there are a lot of women out their. Be nice to all and you can find the right one. As for the guys that are getting married I tell them “now that you are getting married do you want to practice with me” they say are you crazy or what. I say it’s easy just give me your paychecks! Now that is what it’s like being married.
Cohabitation is one of the most studied relational phenomenon of the last 50 years in Europe and in many American universities. Studies continue to show that people who live together still think of themselves as financially single, they still spend like they were single. It’s a mindset
There's no long term commitment. Both parties know they can walk away tomorrow with no penalty. When you know you have legal and financial ties, you're more motivated to make things work. Obviously, people still choose to break their vows. But if you're married, it's much more complicated and difficult. When you're shacking up and fornicating, you can just walk out the door and that's that.
@@Yesica1993 Yes, and if you never commit your finances to the justification of both parties, you never learn to work together for a common goal. Marriage develops discipline: moral, emotional and financial, but the author of the story just can't understand that.
@@Yesica1993...which means that the strongest relationships are NOT marriages, it would be those who are not tied together legally who still choose to commit to each other. You just proved the opposing point. Wanting to leave but "oh damn, that would cost too much" & then choosing to stick it out with that person because of that is not unconditional love. You just described staying with someone for convenience/ease despite how they feel.
To add to my other comment. When I got married the Pasteur and my best man were off in a side room in a church. The music kept playing forte longest time, I said what’s taking so long? He stuck out his hand and said wedding are not free. I gave him $20. Then when I went out and looked at all the people that was their 8, I thought if I took off running who in this room could catch me. Never got one gift. However, that was the best thing I ever done. I married the sweetest most loving woman in the world- that’s why after 56 years of marriage I cry everyday because I miss her so much sense she died this summer.
@mathisnotforthefaintofheart what goes for America goes for almost tje whole world. I live in South Africa, talked with a girl and she said body count is important to her. That sounded very familiar to me *cough* Western women *cough*
@@TheOne-oo6fq ah yes south Aftica the former English colony. Hey wait wasn't America, Canada, asutralia, and New Zealand also English colonies. Aren't they all considered western. Woah that's crazy. Also, she cares about body count? As in she doesn't want someone to high or to low?
Just get married! Forget that women divorce 80% of the time and modern women ignore a vast majority of men AND that a man is the perp anytime something goes wrong in the marriage every time. What incentive do men have to get married when the odds are so stacked against them? I’m pro marriage but so many on the right ignore culture and think that it’s not a big deal.
Because it is clearly Biblical and most men and women are not true Born again Believers. That is why the sky rocketing divorce rates. Do you think Andrew is lying? He is giving it to you from the horses mouth. He is a professing Believer in Jesus Christ
@@calewiley8521 I’m a believer in Christ too, didn’t stop my ex wife from neglecting me and emotional abuse and leaving me. And if we wanna be real here, how does the church help? Every church I have been to basically told women your queens and all the responsibility falls on the man, no accountability to the woman what so ever.
@@the_smoking_patriot3993 bleah, I'll get this correct eventually. So, where did you meet your wife? In church, or a bar or at work? Tell me, did you have have carnal relations with her, before marriage?There isn't a church in my part of Fundamentalist Central, west Texas, that doesn't put the onus on the women to be chaste, and demure, and CELIBATE until they are married. They aren't lambasting the guys to be celibate, just the women. That is a woman's main responibility before she is married. Why didn't you choose one of those women? They are out there, and are whining as loud as y'all, that good men don't want them, because they aren't physically perfect like a Hollywood starlet. Only horrible men want them, because the women are eager to please, and then easy to abuse.
Women pat alimony too, theyre just less likely to because in the vast majority of cases they are the primary caregiver for any children while in 2/3rds of marriages men abandon their kids.
@@jasmines.6325 Most women don’t pay alimony because they refuse to marry men that earn less than they do. Even if they make $40 million a year they will want a man that makes no less than $60 million. But I agree with you that there are a lot of dead beat men out there
Yes! As a married guy, I would have to agree getting married definitely makes you much wealthier!... Never mind the fact that, as a husband, you'll get to be brow-beaten x3 a week for not providing ENOUGH and doing ENOUGH chores, or being physically in-shape ENOUGH or romantic ENOUGH. GO FOR IT MEN! About 6 months after she gets that ring, she'll transform into her bridge troll final form and withhold all "intimacy" until the planets align and all the dishes washed, grass mowed, gutters cleaned, trash taken out, kids bathed, and... Whoops! Too late! It's already 10P and she has a very important work call tomorrow morning! Afterall, we don't have enough money with TWO six-figure incomes!
@@nicford1486 lol... We did counseling!! 🤣 We did that until the counselor, more or less, told her she had unrealistic expectations... Then came the waterworks... and after that I knew it wasn't really counseling that she wanted, but validation (to beat me over the head with). She just wanted to hear "yes, you're totally correct! Your husband should be doing everything you want!".
Sell me marriage? Where are your stats/receipts? Nearly all marriages end up in divorce. Poor investment strategy, 50-75% chance of losing your ability to make/save money. Watch Divorce inc. I was blind, now I see…
I think this is a cart and horse problem. The reason those people get married is because they are decent prospects. The people just living together are usually doing it because they don’t want to be lonely. More likely it’s just the more competent people who have good potential are getting married in the first place.
Totally agree.. in a couple of weeks we’ll be celebrating 37 years together. I think my husband would be lost if not married to me. I made things easy for him by taking care of the kids and household so he can succeed. Some may say , at my cost but I’m a simple woman and I put God first and then my husband who I adore more now than when newlyweds. It’s about me after I take care of my family. I have total respect from hubby and kids because they see that because of me they are better human beings. 💪❤️✝️
Not many, but there are a few out there who do. Met mine 8 years ago, I was broke then & more broke now. Good women exist. But you better get lucky as hell.
That is not necessarily true. It sure made my husband richer! Alone, he could not even pay his rent. BUT, after 30 years of mortgage payments we still owe more on the house than we did when we first bought it.
Divorce makes you poorer… Even when you’re already poor …I don’t think you conservatives really thought out this marriage thing. It seems like you’ve passed over this important detail of child support and alimony incentivizing these things
@@the_smoking_patriot3993 It is the boomer conservatives who haven't had to enter the dating market in the last 5 years or longer. They totally cannot imagine women are different today than 40 years ago. They are clueless to how online dating, tik tok, and facebook have infected the women of today.
@@rickiecomeaux8287 oh I agree completely, that’s why I roll my eyes when people like him or those on the “right” on Fox News just say GET MARRIED without a clue to how it is out there
Yup... I get really tired of these near-sighted, idiotic takes from conservative commentators who over-look all the correlated factors behind marriage and wealth. It's about as dumb as pointing out that "fathers earn more! 🤪"... Having a child DOES NOT earn you a raise! 🤦
I truly believe most men would love to have a conventional loving marriage like you described, but that's becoming nearly impossible to have these days because most women don't want it. Women have all the power in dating and relationships, yet they don't want to marry young, they don't show interest in average guys, they don't want to stay home and take on traditional wifey roles, and most importantly, they don't stick with it through the tough times. Men are leaving marriage not because they want to, but because so few women are marriage material, because of record high divorce rates, and because of the horror stories shared by fellow men.
My husband and I were both very broken people. It was something we had in common. The broken edges seemed to fit together. Twenty years together in February. 💞
@@rorydash2711 I said *broken* as I missed the point of the original comment. But yeah, money is a very real cause for marital problems. Absolutely. I can only speak for my own marriage. My husband and I were broke and homeless while I was pregnant with our last child. We've hit rock bottom together. But thankfully, neither of us gave up 0n our marriage. Married 18 years in Aug and together 20 years in Feb 2023. He used his GI Bill to become a licensed electrician and certified welder so I could raise our children myself. And we're a blessed traditional two parent family.
@@rorydash2711 Are women not poor too? Do you have statistics to prove that females can't be poor or broken too? If you don't then you should think about what you said. There's someone for everybody.
Two working together is obviously better than one. I'm not big on the living together thing (put a ring on it) A marriage that is strong in relationship with GOD and respect for each other is the ULTIMATE. Alot of people marry but are unwilling to do the work or letting go of the me,me,me. They don't honor or respect the forsake ALL others or leaving mamma and daddy behind. (Family involvement in decisions that should be couples or taking sides in arguments.) What I object to is this Republican vs Democrat vibe. Being a "Liberal" dose not make one less likely to marry or divorce, I think divorce is an equal opportunity party thing. If this speaker is really about encouraging marriage STOP with the separating of people and speak to goal of marriage. "Out of two becoming one." Just my opinion and you know what they say about those!!!
Oh I dunno, Andrew. Divorce is too common. That definitely doesn't make you richer, at least if you are a man. You are right on the effect of marriage, which is reflected in Scripture. But the culture is so anti-marriage now.
my main regret in life is not marrying my wife sooner. Waited 9 years, should have done it after 3 once i was sure she wasn't gonna turn insane on me and leave with my kids. We married when she was 6 months pregnant.
Yesterday was 8 years together with mine, & we still plan on never getting married. In our eyes we already are and have been for a long time. We are not tied up in rituals & involving the state in our relationship. To each their own though, & I am happy you are happy with your marriage
Ramsey says this a lot. I'm a single woman ( republican) it was due to poor health and now I have little social security. If my parents hadn't left me something id have to work until I die
Being a single woman makes you consider all angles and allows you to make an informed decision, rather than someone else telling you what is right and how you should think. THAT is manipulation...but maybe a woman having autonomy is exactly what you are afraid of..
As a man, regardless of your status before, you WILL BE BROKE after divorce and family court. I make good money and I control 100% of all assets and liabilities so in actuality I am richer than my married counterparts. Marriage is a horrible deal and trap for men. I am staunch conservative, however I live in reality and this is no longer the 1950s and society is vastly different.
Part of the reason for the wealth gap is the blessing of God. God designed marriage. (One man/one woman.) He will not bless fornicators in the same way He will bless those who obey His law.
If that is true then why do Christians divorce at exactly the same rates as Non-Christians? What you're saying is a nice sentiment, it just isn't true is all.
Marriage is part of the divorce industry, divorce rates are ~50%; with divorced men usually impoverishered by the divorce industry. College educated women divorce ~90% of the time. Klavan is from a bygone era wrt to marriage.
I am a 59 yo female who never married. I did not believe in marriage due to high divorce rate. First time in my life after watching this video, perhaps I had it all wrong.
I haven't gotten married. Im 43. I am well off financially 😌 my $450k mortgage is paid off. I have zero debt. My newer vehicles are also paid off. I am a regular church attendee, too. My investment portfolio is growing massively. My parents have been married for 45 years! I do believe in marriage, and it's sacred in my eyes. Success happens when you focus on your personal goals. To each their own.
I always told and tell people that say they don’t have enough money to have more than 1 or 2 kids etc. “ Trust me, you just make it work! You just somehow find a way. It basically just happens!” Tell me nothing would be more exciting and precious and having a bunch of siblings and a nice big family! You don’t need the fanciest, newest car and the biggest best house, you don’t need to get your nails done every week etc. etc.
Wtf is this old guy talking about 🤣 🤣. Does he know to which generation he's speaking too? Buddy you don't know the half of what's going on in marriages today it seems 😂 🤣
I want that life but I have been heavily liberal through my 20s, rebelling against my mom who is conservative in values but didn't suit the life I saw for myself.
Don't give up! I met my husband at church when he was 30 and I was 21. We dated 8 mos before we got married. That was over 48 yrs ago. It's been a blessed marriage with 2 children and 8 grandkids. He had given up but God had different plans for him. He said he had been praying for God to bring a Christian woman to him and I had been praying for a Christian man. God's timing is never wrong.
This guy is from an older generation. I am generation X and almost all the guys I know are on their second or third wife. One guy I knew his wife went out of town with the kids and then a few hours later the cops showed up at his door and told him to go pack a bag hes being removed from his own house. He lost all his money in the divorce and had to go live in a cheap apartment, he lost everything. This guy is from my parents generation. For some reason boomers were able to make it work a bit better and accumulate wealth. But its not what ive been seeing with all my friends. Marraige tends to be an Achilles heel. They lose everything.
Getting married when you're broke might work when you're both young and can build upon that. However, if you're middle-aged and struggling financially as a single or divorced person, there's not many women who are willing to tolerate that situation even if you're just dating. You'll likely hear constant criticism as a man.
the cohabitating people - some of them aren't married because they don't feel they can afford it. Men with higher incomes will have an easier time getting married. the interpretations of these stats is wrong
I keep praying to find a true Christian man before the rapture. It's so difficult finding a trustworthy man, who fears God, and keeps his word. A lot of guys show interest in me, but I have zero interest in lukewarm men.
You share one bank account, one or both manage the finances, you both need to know where the money is going. Do not split anything!! Both salaries, become one! But of course you both need to be responsible adults. If you do that, it’ll be good!
Start with nothing with a man...I would never marry if I have no money never. Having grown up in poverty, I swear to heavens and sees below I can't....I rather stay single.
Marriage only benefits the woman in the long run. As soon as she gets bored, she'll move onto the next one that gets her attention. After that, say goodbye to over half your wealth and belongings. It's a game not even worth playing.
@@GenXfrom75 Not saying you're wrong, but you saying that you got married 20 years ago does nothing to support your first claim or make things look better. Good women still existing 20 years ago has no bearing on whether good women still exist now, so much has changed in 20 years in this landscape. Again, not saying you're wrong, but you haven't really given anything in support of the claim either.
@@legoboy7107 and I'm not saying our sons will have an easy time of it when they're ready for families of their own. But I do know some people that are raising young ladies with old fashioned morals. And I believe their are still women like me who want strong men and solid marriages. Rare, no doubt. But they exist.
Goodness! Yes yes yes! My liberal parents coached me to live a wild promiscuous life. Thank God I was married at 20 against their advice. Now we have two kids and 38 happy married years. The love and connection we have now... I have no words. Marriage and cultivating love for your spouse is worth every nano second.
Wow. Thank God you rebelled !
That's awesome
Liberal parents who are married and telling daughter to be promiscuous. Sure dad I bet you love that about mom don't you.
Beautiful testimony!
So beautiful and I am so jealous. Keep going and believe on Jesus Christ for the remission of sins
I would say I was liberally brainwashed for most of my early 20’s. I used to be avidly against marriage. Somehow I straightened myself out in my mid 20’s, asked God for help with finding the right spouse, found her, married her and man.. best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Good for you. I got married at 21, it's been the best decision I ever made. Haven't regretted it for a second
PROTECT this man.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man in comments actually PRAISE marriage and his decision to marry.
Thank you LORD.
The last few generations haven't done marriage any favors. Finding someone that shares your values and will stay with you through thick and thin is almost impossible.
Yes and I blame the previous generations and the marxists. Of course the marxists in particular wanted this. In their meetings they had a quasi liturgy where they basically said they wanted to make cultural revolution by destroying the American family and they wanted to do that by encouraging all forms of immoral sexual activity. Homosexuality, promiscuity, adultery, fornication, I think they may have even mentioned pedophilia but don’t quote me on that one. Evil stuff and may God hold them all to account for it.
Church women
Very impossible
Tell me about it. Finding an honest man, who fears God, and keeps his word, feels impossible. satan has really screwed people up.
@@PridelessChickz all a woman has to do is be the following:
Fit, feminine, cooperative, little to no debt, good spending habits, 20’s (fertility), no promiscuous behavior in your past, not a leftist feminist type, no wild tattoos/piercings.
Unfortunately, If you do the math, that might make up 1-2% of modern women. These basic criteria were met by the majority of our grandmothers/great grandmothers. When you set up a rigged game like this where virtually no women are providing what men want, those men either date casually or check out completely. Men have changed as a reaction to the profound change in women in the last 70 years.
My wife and I waited a long time to get married because we were both broke, working at McDonald's, and living with our respective parents. Then we said "screw it" and got married anyway and lived with my parents for a while until we got real jobs and were able to get our own place
When my husband and I met he was this free spirit who said he didn’t want to commit, and I was (vocally at least) for polyamory. I didn’t understand what was the point of monogamy. It seemed to make a lot of people miserable. So I wasn’t exactly going to dump him for not committing. The longer we are together the more conventional we became. We tied the knot during the pandemic and had a child in 2021, and ever since then I’ve been floored at what a man he has become. Our daughter loves him so much. He’s a real role model to her.
I accepted him when he was a free spirit who didn’t want to commit, but then my standards weren’t very high back then. But I look at him now and I see a father who would do anything for his wife and his child. I look up to him so much, and when we first met I didn’t think I would feel that way about him. But then again, he said he didn’t expect to find the image of me breastfeeding our daughter to be so beautiful.
Feels like we never really grew up until we had a commitment and a baby in our arms.
It's so easy to not commit. It's very hard to commit, but it's such a fulfilling thing. It's hard to put into words how thankful I am to be able to commit to my wife completely, and have her do the same to me. I'm just happy.
And btw, polyamory doesn't work for anyone, ever. Those relationships always end very badly. So I'm very glad you've found the fulfillment monogamy brings
Amen, happy for you
I think one of the worst trends of modern marriage is the expectation that it has to be a pricey wedding, rent your local church for cheap, sometimes free if you’re a parishioner, and celebrate in your backyard
Or take the bus downtown, do it at city hall, and have your honeymoon in the park across the street.
@@hiramnoone even better!
Amen! It’s like a big show they put on! Everything so expensive and they go all out. It’s like you’re going to see a play. I am 53 and I got married when I was 26. And I didn’t even want to wedding I wanted to elope. The amount of money they are spending on a wedding nowadays is so out of control. The amount of money they spend on a dress that they are going to wear one day is crazy.
Who cares how big your diamond ring is. Honest to God, I told my husband I didn’t even want an engagement ring and I wanted to just go elope and I even said you can put tinfoil on my finger for a wedding ring lol
We were together since high school. He had said he thought his mom might’ve been a little upset if he didn’t have a wedding because she was religious. If I had to go back and do it again, I wouldn’t of just went with that. Not only is it supposed to be what I want For my wedding, but I honestly don’t think his mother would’ve cared. I should’ve asked her but whatever. I can 100% tell you I never ever would dream or picture of what my wedding day was gonna be like and what my dress was going to look like! I used to always dream, and think about being a a stay at home, mother! Even at 10 years old, I would go to bed thinking of what boys are names I liked, and what girls names I liked. And I would pray to God and say, of course, I hope to be blessed with a healthy baby but again, here I am, since I was probably even younger than 10 saying, but I really would like to have a boy first and then have a girl second and for them to be really close in age. Well, guess what? I had a boy first and then 15 months later I had a girl and I wish I would’ve kept going to have four kids but due to a health condition, I didn’t want to risk it
Raising my kids was by far the best time of my life!
Andrew, we are about the same age and I could tell you a bunch of stories . I knew my wife only a month before we got married. Stories like we took off in a 63 Ford with everything we owed. And we only had $35. Then after 56 years we loved each other to the very end. She died this summer of cancer. What I do is sit in a room and cry everyday.
Thanks for commenting.
I am very sorry for your loss. I hope you find some solace in knowing you found something that many people spend their whole lives searching for.
My condolences, stay strong!
I am very sorry for your loss, I'll pray for you.
If you want a traditional husband you need to be a traditional wife and vice-versa
Except the standards for the men are higher... There's a reason why so many "traditional" men have given up altogether on dating.
@@jasono2139 Yep. Besides there are no virgin women anymore. So why bother.
@user-cz9jj2em2v there are... but they're not exactly pleasant on the eyes! 🫣
Traditional wife = VIRGIN until her wedding night.
@EriPages trad husband- never have watched corn
My husband and I celebrated 18 years of marriage in August..together 20 years in February 2023. We literally started with nothing. Now, we're not rich by any means but we are more stable than many people we know. We've been at the bottom, early on. And together, we built our family, and a life. I'm grateful for our marriage every day. 💞
We are coming up on 15 years of marriage this May; 18+ years together as a couple. Started with nothing and while we are not even middle class let alone wealthy, we have what we need and were even finally able to buy a house (that met basically all of our desires) a couple years ago.
This is encouraging. I have the best husband and marriage but we're both not where we need to be and are struggling very bad financially only 6 months into marriage. I know it will get better as we both work hard together
Correlation is not causation. Marriage is strongly correlated to building wealth. Okay. That doesn’t mean if you get married you’ll automatically become wealthier down the road. That’s like saying since the median income in blue states is higher than in red states that if you move to a blue state you’ll automatically get a higher paying job & career.
Exactly!... How does Klavan not understand this?
My wife and I got married about a year and a half ago. We started with basically nothing - I was fresh out of college and she had only been working as an elementary teacher for one year. We were paycheck to paycheck for a while until I started working, but God always provided and now we live a stable life and continue to save and thrive.
POV: You haven’t had to date since 1980.
Amen brother!
My wife and I got married before we had anything right out of highschool and it is true I feel like we grew faster and are happier then we see our friends that are single being and after 2 years of trying God blessed us with two boys after losing our first two late into the pregnancy due to a medical condition but we strived and praise and God came through and lead us down the path of a full happy life even when hard times struck
Marriage is a bad contract for a man.
You're betting she'll keep you around and you'll have access
to your resources until she says you don't.
Exactly. Until family law is changed marriage is a financial risk for a man.
Cynical take
@@nicford1486 factual take. Look at the law and the statistics. Laws can be changed and in this case they should be if we want marriage rates to improve.
i have been in such a situation and i love my woman and unfortunately we separated about two years ago, but i could not let her go, so i had to do all i could to get her back, i had to seek the help of a spiritual adviser who helped me bring her back, now we are back together, and i must say i am enjoying every moment of it, i could not let the love of my life go
@Mark Reeves Here, Sylvia Regina White, she is a great spiritual adviser who can bring back your ex. lookher up, youll find her website
Two people, each in their own rowboat, are rowing like heck. They are also struggling to keep their vessels together, to not drift apart. They end up exhausted. Suddenly, a sailboat races past them with a man at the helm and directing a woman to adjust the sails to catch the wind that sails them off into the sunset. They were willing to get rid of their own boat and commit to working together. Any issue whatsoever that will cause someone to hesitate to get into that sailboat together means they don't have what it takes to sail that boat anyway and it's that exact issue that's keeping them from thriving in the way that we were meant to thrive together.
Fwiw, I got into that sailboat with a man who had no idea how to steer and was constantly looking to exit. Eventually he jumped into another boat, crashing our boat and forcing me overboard with no preserver with two kids. I learned alot about life.
Meanwhile, there are plenty of other folks in their own sailboats, using the wind and the seas to comfortably sail along without breaking much of a sweat. Time passes, and these same folks will sail past your original coupled sailboat which ran straight into a rocky shore, the man & woman are shipwrecked & fighting each other over the last coconut on the beach. At this time those sailing in their single manned boats will be grateful they had the ability to see the rocky shores and decided that riding those choppy waves was too dangerous.
@@tcgtpl It doesn't work that way. Two heads are always better than one.
I speak to a group of (usually very) liberal Jewish teenagers every year for the last 15 years. I do this because in 2006 when was working for Focus on the Family I was running the marriage amendment effort in Colorado and was therefore invited to speak. I have shared this astounding fact about marriage every year with them. 50+ years of social science affirms children do the best in a full spectrum of good outcomes and avoiding bad ones if they live in a married father/mother home. The differences between children in any other home is dramatically worse on average. And that includes kids in married homes where the marriage is bad (taking out situations of physical and sexual abuse).
It's amazing the disbelief among people against this fact these days.
I'd love to get married. But it's not like this is a choice you can just achieve on your own. It takes two. You can't get married if there's no one around and/or no one wants you.
Sure you can! Just get rich... There's plenty of women out their who'd love to take half of your money! 🤑
@@jasono2139 You think Yesica is a man's name?
@@Yesica1993 bruh... You can identify however you want!
@@Yesica1993 I'll marry you
Ever since I started to listen to Andrew Klavan and Matt Walsh the desire to get married has gone through the roof for me. God willing one day I'll get married!
My leftist co-workers: “Don’t get married until you’re at least 30. Just have fun and make some money while you can.”
Me: “Eh, I don’t see the point of that. I don’t want to wait to be best friends with my children until I’m an old man.”
The thing is, you can have tons of fun being married. Unless their definition of "fun" is sleeping around, and that is the case for many people, but as we all know, sleeping around is one of the most depressing and damaging things a human being can do. So yeah, not exactly what I'd call fun. Spending time with my wife is fun. Building a life together is fun. It truly is
@@weste8464 That sucks that you've clearly had a bad experience, but not everyone is like that. Ironic that you say he's "young and dumb" when you have such a narrow and childlike view of life and people, my friend.
@@rawman44 women want to be married to billionaires so marriage isn't feasible for the ordinary man
@@rawman44 The thing is, I don't want to marry a woman who has a high body count, and I want my freedom. So I will never be married
@@rawman44 until she gives you the papers and takes the house you must be 40+ to talk like this.
Marriage actually made me poorer...Before I got married I had $25k+ in savings, great retirement, a 401k (which I was contributing about 15%), lots of disposable income...After our ridiculously expensive wedding, paying off her credit cards, my saving was almost zero...Then we bought a house with an expensive mortgage (its Commiefornia so all mortgages are expensive), three kids, then she divorced me after ten years...To keep the house (and keep the kids in a good school district) I had to refinance for a higher loan amount at a higher interest rate, she took half my retirement, most of my savings, half my 401k (which I can only contribute the minimum), $1500/mo child support, $1000/mo alimony (all of which she gets tax free but I pay taxes on)...I have to work a minimum of four shifts of overtime every month (overtime isn't always available) and I had $25k+ in attorney fees that could only be paid via credit card...I'm almost fifty so I will have to work until I'm seventy just to make up for what I've lost in retirement value without being able to make any forward progress financially myself...
Sir. You speak the truth. The others are blinded by their desires.
@@weste8464 I agree...And every time i thought about it I remembered the psychological damage it might have on my kids...
Marriage didn't do that to you. Divorce did.
Question for you friend: Are you a devoted Christian? And devoted Christian Husband and Father? Marriage is a Christian institution created by God. God will not bless unbelievers. And any kind of thoughts to your response to the above commenter would lead me to believe you’re not a Believer in Jesus Christ and have dealt treacherously with your wife
@@calewiley8521 yes I am a man of faith...She apparently lied about wanting to start a family and be a woman of faith and stopped attending soon after our first child was born
This only means that the kind of people who prove they can get and stay married tend to be financially successful over time. Duh. The kind of people that can make marriage last tend to be of a higher caliber and less selfish.
This doesn't mean YOU can go get married and your life will be more successful. lol
No, I would advise BECOME the type of person who can be financially sound, and loyal, and compassionate, and generous. You look for a spouse who has the same VALUES you do. You find those people in the same institutions where people of those values tend to congregate... which is not the bars.
Actually it's a bit worse than that... The people who tend to be married and STAY married are also smart enough to realize that getting a divorce will cause them all kinds of financial pains.
Thus why some married people stay together even if they really couldn't care less for each other anymore.
@@Objective-Observer people don't change.
1:40 “being married makes you richer”
You’re such an intelligent person… correlation does not equal causation!
As long as the state is involved marriage is a bad idea for men. As long as no fault divorce exists marriage is a bad idea for men. Get the state and gooberment out of marriage and we'll talk. Until then marriage is off the table.
Agreed. Big time. 💯
My marriage was a mistake and now I have a daughter with a sociopath
But you have your daughter. She's not a mistake. So there was a reason.
@@GenXfrom75 you think the best when it's the worst.
I would love to get married for all of those reasons. Sadly despite my lack of trying for a good chunk of time, I am not sure it will ever happen. In the meantime, I try to be a fantastic uncle and help my friends raise their kids. It hurts sometimes because I don't have my own family but at least I can help people with theirs.
I am the same condition. Bought into feminist nonsense and now the odds in my upper middle aged years.
I tell my friends there are a lot of women out their. Be nice to all and you can find the right one. As for the guys that are getting married I tell them “now that you are getting married do you want to practice with me” they say are you crazy or what. I say it’s easy just give me your paychecks! Now that is what it’s like being married.
Cohabitation is one of the most studied relational phenomenon of the last 50 years in Europe and in many American universities. Studies continue to show that people who live together still think of themselves as financially single, they still spend like they were single. It’s a mindset
Funny, how this 'study' failed to see that. That is exactly what I've seen in co-habitation.
There's no long term commitment. Both parties know they can walk away tomorrow with no penalty. When you know you have legal and financial ties, you're more motivated to make things work. Obviously, people still choose to break their vows. But if you're married, it's much more complicated and difficult. When you're shacking up and fornicating, you can just walk out the door and that's that.
@@Yesica1993 Yes, and if you never commit your finances to the justification of both parties, you never learn to work together for a common goal.
Marriage develops discipline: moral, emotional and financial, but the author of the story just can't understand that.
@@Yesica1993...which means that the strongest relationships are NOT marriages, it would be those who are not tied together legally who still choose to commit to each other. You just proved the opposing point. Wanting to leave but "oh damn, that would cost too much" & then choosing to stick it out with that person because of that is not unconditional love. You just described staying with someone for convenience/ease despite how they feel.
To add to my other comment. When I got married the Pasteur and my best man were off in a side room in a church. The music kept playing forte longest time, I said what’s taking so long? He stuck out his hand and said wedding are not free. I gave him $20. Then when I went out and looked at all the people that was their 8, I thought if I took off running who in this room could catch me. Never got one gift. However, that was the best thing I ever done. I married the sweetest most loving woman in the world- that’s why after 56 years of marriage I cry everyday because I miss her so much sense she died this summer.
🤣🤣🤣 Not unless you can find a woman that can keep her hand out of your wallet.
What if you have no one to marry to? I would love to be married but i cant meet anyone
Exactly this.
Yep! Same
This is the worst possible advice i have heard from Andrew. Dudes living in 1922
Oh God totally agree!
He should just take a look at the "median" single woman today... That alone would explain why we're heading in the direction we are. 🤦
Its not that married people are getting rich its that rich people are getting married
I can't wait to get married to a good, godly woman one day. Praying and hoping for you sweetheart!
Well, hope you are not living in the West...
@mathisnotforthefaintofheart what goes for America goes for almost tje whole world. I live in South Africa, talked with a girl and she said body count is important to her. That sounded very familiar to me *cough* Western women *cough*
@@TheOne-oo6fq ah yes south Aftica the former English colony. Hey wait wasn't America, Canada, asutralia, and New Zealand also English colonies. Aren't they all considered western. Woah that's crazy.
Also, she cares about body count? As in she doesn't want someone to high or to low?
most good women don't like men who sleep around. Those type of men are less likely to stay faithful.
Just get married! Forget that women divorce 80% of the time and modern women ignore a vast majority of men AND that a man is the perp anytime something goes wrong in the marriage every time. What incentive do men have to get married when the odds are so stacked against them? I’m pro marriage but so many on the right ignore culture and think that it’s not a big deal.
Because it is clearly Biblical and most men and women are not true Born again Believers. That is why the sky rocketing divorce rates. Do you think Andrew is lying? He is giving it to you from the horses mouth. He is a professing Believer in Jesus Christ
@@calewiley8521 I’m a believer in Christ too, didn’t stop my ex wife from neglecting me and emotional abuse and leaving me. And if we wanna be real here, how does the church help? Every church I have been to basically told women your queens and all the responsibility falls on the man, no accountability to the woman what so ever.
@@the_smoking_patriot3993 most churches fly rainbow flags too. That's why it's important to find one that vocally opposes these things
@@col.cottonhill6655 I agree 100%, seems to be getting harder these days.
@@the_smoking_patriot3993 bleah, I'll get this correct eventually. So, where did you meet your wife? In church, or a bar or at work? Tell me, did you have have carnal relations with her, before marriage?There isn't a church in my part of Fundamentalist Central, west Texas, that doesn't put the onus on the women to be chaste, and demure, and CELIBATE until they are married. They aren't lambasting the guys to be celibate, just the women. That is a woman's main responibility before she is married. Why didn't you choose one of those women? They are out there, and are whining as loud as y'all, that good men don't want them, because they aren't physically perfect like a Hollywood starlet. Only horrible men want them, because the women are eager to please, and then easy to abuse.
Marriage is great. Divorce sucks. Unless you’re a woman and then divorce is the biggest payday of your life.
Women pat alimony too, theyre just less likely to because in the vast majority of cases they are the primary caregiver for any children while in 2/3rds of marriages men abandon their kids.
@@jasmines.6325 Most women don’t pay alimony because they refuse to marry men that earn less than they do. Even if they make $40 million a year they will want a man that makes no less than $60 million. But I agree with you that there are a lot of dead beat men out there
Yeahhhh, noooo 50% divorce rate, women initiate divorce 80% of the time, hard pass! Lol.
Yes! As a married guy, I would have to agree getting married definitely makes you much wealthier!... Never mind the fact that, as a husband, you'll get to be brow-beaten x3 a week for not providing ENOUGH and doing ENOUGH chores, or being physically in-shape ENOUGH or romantic ENOUGH.
GO FOR IT MEN! About 6 months after she gets that ring, she'll transform into her bridge troll final form and withhold all "intimacy" until the planets align and all the dishes washed, grass mowed, gutters cleaned, trash taken out, kids bathed, and... Whoops! Too late! It's already 10P and she has a very important work call tomorrow morning! Afterall, we don't have enough money with TWO six-figure incomes!
Show me on the prenup where she touched you....
@Fenwick Chick I'm literally married dip💩... 🤦
My man, I think you need some counseling. You are getting done dirty
@@nicford1486 lol... We did counseling!! 🤣
We did that until the counselor, more or less, told her she had unrealistic expectations... Then came the waterworks... and after that I knew it wasn't really counseling that she wanted, but validation (to beat me over the head with). She just wanted to hear "yes, you're totally correct! Your husband should be doing everything you want!".
Sell me marriage? Where are your stats/receipts? Nearly all marriages end up in divorce. Poor investment strategy, 50-75% chance of losing your ability to make/save money. Watch Divorce inc. I was blind, now I see…
I think this is a cart and horse problem. The reason those people get married is because they are decent prospects. The people just living together are usually doing it because they don’t want to be lonely. More likely it’s just the more competent people who have good potential are getting married in the first place.
Totally agree.. in a couple of weeks we’ll be celebrating 37 years together. I think my husband would be lost if not married to me. I made things easy for him by taking care of the kids and household so he can succeed. Some may say , at my cost but I’m a simple woman and I put God first and then my husband who I adore more now than when newlyweds. It’s about me after I take care of my family. I have total respect from hubby and kids because they see that because of me they are better human beings. 💪❤️✝️
Women don’t date men without money
...Unless they have something else they want.
Not many, but there are a few out there who do. Met mine 8 years ago, I was broke then & more broke now. Good women exist. But you better get lucky as hell.
Yes Yes and Yes. Sir Klavan strikes again. Well done Sir !!!
Until your wife decides she's no longer in live with you, divorces you, takes the kids, house, savings, etc...
That is not necessarily true.
It sure made my husband richer! Alone, he could not even pay his rent. BUT, after 30 years of mortgage payments we still owe more on the house than we did when we first bought it.
Divorce makes you poorer… Even when you’re already poor …I don’t think you conservatives really thought out this marriage thing. It seems like you’ve passed over this important detail of child support and alimony incentivizing these things
Bruv. It wasn’t the conservative who liberalized the divorce laws. 🫠
@@HapyyTheCat but conservatives also don’t wanna acknowledge the problem exists either
@@the_smoking_patriot3993 It is the boomer conservatives who haven't had to enter the dating market in the last 5 years or longer. They totally cannot imagine women are different today than 40 years ago. They are clueless to how online dating, tik tok, and facebook have infected the women of today.
@@rickiecomeaux8287 oh I agree completely, that’s why I roll my eyes when people like him or those on the “right” on Fox News just say GET MARRIED without a clue to how it is out there
Yup... I get really tired of these near-sighted, idiotic takes from conservative commentators who over-look all the correlated factors behind marriage and wealth.
It's about as dumb as pointing out that "fathers earn more! 🤪"... Having a child DOES NOT earn you a raise! 🤦
I truly believe most men would love to have a conventional loving marriage like you described, but that's becoming nearly impossible to have these days because most women don't want it. Women have all the power in dating and relationships, yet they don't want to marry young, they don't show interest in average guys, they don't want to stay home and take on traditional wifey roles, and most importantly, they don't stick with it through the tough times. Men are leaving marriage not because they want to, but because so few women are marriage material, because of record high divorce rates, and because of the horror stories shared by fellow men.
Nah, I'm going to financially secure myself well before dating.
Women never marry broke men.
You got that right
My husband and I were both very broken people. It was something we had in common. The broken edges seemed to fit together. Twenty years together in February. 💞
@@GenXfrom75 you have hard statistics that money is not a leading cause of divorce?
@@rorydash2711 I said *broken* as I missed the point of the original comment. But yeah, money is a very real cause for marital problems. Absolutely. I can only speak for my own marriage. My husband and I were broke and homeless while I was pregnant with our last child. We've hit rock bottom together. But thankfully, neither of us gave up 0n our marriage. Married 18 years in Aug and together 20 years in Feb 2023. He used his GI Bill to become a licensed electrician and certified welder so I could raise our children myself. And we're a blessed traditional two parent family.
@@rorydash2711 Are women not poor too? Do you have statistics to prove that females can't be poor or broken too? If you don't then you should think about what you said. There's someone for everybody.
No thanks.
Two working together is obviously better than one. I'm not big on the living together thing (put a ring on it)
A marriage that is strong in relationship with GOD and respect for each other is the ULTIMATE.
Alot of people marry but are unwilling to do the work or letting go of the me,me,me. They don't honor or respect the forsake ALL others or leaving mamma and daddy behind. (Family involvement in decisions that should be couples or taking sides in arguments.)
What I object to is this Republican vs Democrat vibe. Being a "Liberal" dose not make one less likely to marry or divorce, I think divorce is an equal opportunity party thing. If this speaker is really about encouraging marriage STOP with the separating of people and speak to goal of marriage. "Out of two becoming one."
Just my opinion and you know what they say about those!!!
Times have changed. This way of thinking is as outdated as a palm pilot.
Married 40 years. Andrew is 100% right!!!
Well, then I'm the exception to the rule, cause I've never had this much money since the woman left.
...Until the divorce. Why don't you try dating in the "current year" and get back to us.
Oh I dunno, Andrew. Divorce is too common. That definitely doesn't make you richer, at least if you are a man.
You are right on the effect of marriage, which is reflected in Scripture. But the culture is so anti-marriage now.
my main regret in life is not marrying my wife sooner. Waited 9 years, should have done it after 3 once i was sure she wasn't gonna turn insane on me and leave with my kids. We married when she was 6 months pregnant.
Yesterday was 8 years together with mine, & we still plan on never getting married. In our eyes we already are and have been for a long time. We are not tied up in rituals & involving the state in our relationship. To each their own though, & I am happy you are happy with your marriage
The State is already in your marriage.
@@simonb4689 The state knows nothing about our relationship
"get married, even if you are broke"
this is terrible advice, Daily Wire
It is the greatest advice young people can receive
Ramsey says this a lot.
I'm a single woman ( republican) it was due to poor health and now I have little social security. If my parents hadn't left me something id have to work until I die
...if you're a woman.
Being a single woman makes you consider all angles and allows you to make an informed decision, rather than someone else telling you what is right and how you should think. THAT is manipulation...but maybe a woman having autonomy is exactly what you are afraid of..
The blessing of God on marriage is all it takes to generate wealth
As a man, regardless of your status before, you WILL BE BROKE after divorce and family court. I make good money and I control 100% of all assets and liabilities so in actuality I am richer than my married counterparts.
Marriage is a horrible deal and trap for men. I am staunch conservative, however I live in reality and this is no longer the 1950s and society is vastly different.
Part of the reason for the wealth gap is the blessing of God. God designed marriage. (One man/one woman.) He will not bless fornicators in the same way He will bless those who obey His law.
If that is true then why do Christians divorce at exactly the same rates as Non-Christians? What you're saying is a nice sentiment, it just isn't true is all.
Marriage is part of the divorce industry, divorce rates are ~50%; with divorced men usually impoverishered by the divorce industry. College educated women divorce ~90% of the time. Klavan is from a bygone era wrt to marriage.
I would increasingly argue that this is impossible. Women don't tend to want broke men.
Young women lost a precious skill older generations used to have, how to recognize a man's potential and "invest" in him
Please don't group us all together, if you are. Some young women still have brains and discernment. God bless you in Jesus' name
Marriage does not make you rich, or healthy, or happy. These are all *correlations* not *causations*
I am a 59 yo female who never married. I did not believe in marriage due to high divorce rate. First time in my life after watching this video, perhaps I had it all wrong.
I am a married man. We have only one bank account. All of my salary goes into it every week, ie, into my wife's bank account 🙃
Vehemently NEIN. No to marriage, no to cohabitation, yes to mgt0w.
Bible says we won't marry in the world to come but be
like the angels of heaven.
Mickey Rooney took that advice eight times, and it's no coincidence he died broke.
Damn, talk about insanity
You’re only supposed to marry 1 time. As long as you both shall live
@@calewiley8521 Funny how people forget that part of it.
I haven't gotten married. Im 43. I am well off financially 😌 my $450k mortgage is paid off. I have zero debt. My newer vehicles are also paid off. I am a regular church attendee, too. My investment portfolio is growing massively. My parents have been married for 45 years! I do believe in marriage, and it's sacred in my eyes. Success happens when you focus on your personal goals. To each their own.
I have not been fortunate enough yet to meet my future wife and I'm 27
Lucky you...stay single!
@@mathisnotforthefaintofheart But it sucks being alone and not having anyone to come home to.
@@Mach9330 You need to increase your social circle, my friend!
@@mathisnotforthefaintofheart I know. It doesn't help when you work long hours and don't have a lot of time for much else.
@@Mach9330 If you don't have much time for anything else, then you are not husband material either. Think about it from HER perspective too.
I always told and tell people that say they don’t have enough money to have more than 1 or 2 kids etc.
“ Trust me, you just make it work! You just somehow find a way. It basically just happens!” Tell me nothing would be more exciting and precious and having a bunch of siblings and a nice big family! You don’t need the fanciest, newest car and the biggest best house, you don’t need to get your nails done every week etc. etc.
And God blesses marriage.
Wtf is this old guy talking about 🤣 🤣.
Does he know to which generation he's speaking too?
Buddy you don't know the half of what's going on in marriages today it seems 😂 🤣
Intelligent men avoid women.
I want that life but I have been heavily liberal through my 20s, rebelling against my mom who is conservative in values but didn't suit the life I saw for myself.
So glad you are on Daily Wire.
I'm 30, never been in a relationship, don't know what I'm doing wrong. I give up
Don't give up! I met my husband at church when he was 30 and I was 21. We dated 8 mos before we got married. That was over 48 yrs ago. It's been a blessed marriage with 2 children and 8 grandkids. He had given up but God had different plans for him. He said he had been praying for God to bring a Christian woman to him and I had been praying for a Christian man. God's timing is never wrong.
I`ll keep the state out of my life thank you!!!
I am absolute proof that you get richer by staying single 🥃🔥🤣
Trust Me 📚
This guy is from an older generation. I am generation X and almost all the guys I know are on their second or third wife. One guy I knew his wife went out of town with the kids and then a few hours later the cops showed up at his door and told him to go pack a bag hes being removed from his own house. He lost all his money in the divorce and had to go live in a cheap apartment, he lost everything. This guy is from my parents generation. For some reason boomers were able to make it work a bit better and accumulate wealth. But its not what ive been seeing with all my friends. Marraige tends to be an Achilles heel. They lose everything.
Looks like from the comments that the quality of the woman, makes or breaks the marriage
Getting married when you're broke might work when you're both young and can build upon that. However, if you're middle-aged and struggling financially as a single or divorced person, there's not many women who are willing to tolerate that situation even if you're just dating. You'll likely hear constant criticism as a man.
My RUclips keeps crashing on your videos… is this a new form of censorship…
Andrew, what is marriage?
the cohabitating people - some of them aren't married because they don't feel they can afford it. Men with higher incomes will have an easier time getting married. the interpretations of these stats is wrong
I keep praying to find a true Christian man before the rapture. It's so difficult finding a trustworthy man, who fears God, and keeps his word. A lot of guys show interest in me, but I have zero interest in lukewarm men.
Try catholicmatch
It is written in the bible that he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from The Lord.
You share one bank account, one or both manage the finances, you both need to know where the money is going. Do not split anything!! Both salaries, become one! But of course you both need to be responsible adults. If you do that, it’ll be good!
Marriage is buying a house for someone you hate.
Andrew got married in 1980.
Enough said.
Is the author saying this because financially poor men are considered so desirable in the marriage market?
Start with nothing with a man...I would never marry if I have no money never. Having grown up in poverty, I swear to heavens and sees below I can't....I rather stay single.
If you are behaving as if you are married(in a steadily monogamous relationship) you may as well be married, even if you elope.
Please please please consider that women are much more likely to agree to marriage if the man is upwardly mobile.
So inspiring it changed my mind cause hearing from older men is much more valuable
Marriage only benefits the woman in the long run. As soon as she gets bored, she'll move onto the next one that gets her attention. After that, say goodbye to over half your wealth and belongings. It's a game not even worth playing.
Good women still exist. Twenty years with my husband. We wed in our 20s and we're in our 40s now. This marriage is for life. 💯
Pretty cynical take
@@GenXfrom75 Not saying you're wrong, but you saying that you got married 20 years ago does nothing to support your first claim or make things look better. Good women still existing 20 years ago has no bearing on whether good women still exist now, so much has changed in 20 years in this landscape. Again, not saying you're wrong, but you haven't really given anything in support of the claim either.
@@legoboy7107 and I'm not saying our sons will have an easy time of it when they're ready for families of their own. But I do know some people that are raising young ladies with old fashioned morals. And I believe their are still women like me who want strong men and solid marriages. Rare, no doubt. But they exist.