Julia Hartley-Brewer CHALLENGES BMA’s Dr Robert Laurenson Over Junior Doctors Strike

  • Опубликовано: 2 янв 2024
  • Julia Hartley-Brewer challenges the BMA’s Dr Robert Laurenson as junior doctors begin the longest strike in NHS history.
    The longest strike in NHS history 'couldn’t come at a worse time', experts said as they warned that elderly patients could put off seeking medical help due to the walkouts.
    Hospital bosses said the health service is “in the grip of peak winter pressure” as junior doctors in England take to picket lines for six days.
    Julia says: “How many patients do you think is reasonable to die for you to get the pay deal you want?”
    #juniordoctors #strikes #juliahartleybrewer #talktv
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Комментарии • 90

  • @suecole7338
    @suecole7338 6 месяцев назад +19

    MPs gave themselves a 42% pay rise since 2010 whereas Drs have had a 26% cut.

    • @George57
      @George57 6 месяцев назад +3

      Didn’t hear any of them mention that . Here’s wishing the junior doctors the best. May be they should ask for a comparable pay rise to MP’s after all the doctors save lives. The MP’s just destroy lives

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      I think you’ll find that a doctor’s pay in 2010 is significantly lower than the equivalent doctor’s pay in 2023.

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      @@George57 Doctors take lives.
      MPs don’t kill anybody.

    • @cliffordparry2862
      @cliffordparry2862 6 месяцев назад

      Totally Untrue

  • @enigmatic6633
    @enigmatic6633 6 месяцев назад +15

    For those asking if this is unethical,
    No, technically they are not harming, there needs to be an established patient-doctor/provider relationship in a professional setting before you can claim what your doctor did as harmful ergo not immoral, you can't ask doctors outside of healthcare setups for someone suffering inside/outside of hospitals.
    As a doctor in Africa, If anyone knows anything about problems in healthcare, they have heard about the Swiss cheese model, and putting the blame solely on those doctors especially when it's systemic isn't wise, it will do nothing but make things worse for patients, which you may not care for but just know even if you are the most healthy, your kidney starts losing their function starting from age 30, your lungs will progressively lose their elasticity after age 20… and whatever you are smoking won't help you when you will prematurely pass away from stroke or diabetes or cancer because you didn't listen to your doctor or when you don't have a doctor to help you early on.
    In the end, you will pass in the company of the compassionate people you choose to degrade when they ask for more to help with your suffering. You will rest surrounded by the best humanity has to offer, which couldn't do more because of the likes of you. Doctors will be there for you even if you hate them just because you are envious they are living the life you only wish to live.

    • @bipbip6626
      @bipbip6626 6 месяцев назад +1

      Failing to turn up to do your job -ie saving lives- is immoral.
      And yes, not doing something that can save lives is killing.
      You re not stacking food on a shelf.
      You have been train to help.not to withdraw help.

    • @enigmatic6633
      @enigmatic6633 6 месяцев назад

      @@bipbip6626 I agree with the groceries and the training.
      You said failing to turn up to your job is immoral, which is saving lives no need to play it down, but since you choose to be the judge of what is moral or not, tell me how many people have you helped ever? Do you think you have done enough? How many people trust your dicision with their life? What makes you think you can teach lessons in morality to doctors who make life-and-death calls in many gray areas?
      Have you ever thought about how actions speak louder than words? That's exactly the case with the NHS. With 1.6 million people to care for every day, they prove that their dedication and compassion are far more meaningful than any rhetoric in the political circus could ever be.
      You also said ‘Not doing something that can save lives is killing’ I understand the frustration but it's misdirected, go to hospitals any given day you will find patients being cared for with respect and compassion. Can you say the government is being caring and compassionate to them, I don't think so. Strikes could be called off if the government stops paying hardball. If a majority of junior doctors believe they need to strike, it means something should be done. no one deals with the NHS problems more than they do but everyone acts like they know.

    • @bipbip6626
      @bipbip6626 6 месяцев назад

      I would not make a moral comment if i did not- myself- follow [ or try to ] follow what i preach.
      1- correct your orthographe
      2- stop judging !
      3-not doing anything that can save life is immoral,especially as you ve been trained to do so : you cannot change that, like it or not!
      4- go and find someone else
      -learn to articulate first……

    • @enigmatic6633
      @enigmatic6633 6 месяцев назад

      @@bipbip6626 Epicurus said, "The words of that philosopher who offers no therapy for human suffering are empty and vain."
      All I asked was what have you done to help others, I’m sure you’ve learned a lot about life through its struggles and I’m not saying you have nothing to teach, everyone does, but when you choose to accuse doctors of ‘killing’ and ‘immorality’ make sure you can offer more than insults and righteous indignation.

  • @alistairreed3514
    @alistairreed3514 6 месяцев назад +3

    how much this Rupert geezer on?

  • @DavidBennell
    @DavidBennell 6 месяцев назад +1

    I would say the reason they need a 30% raise to put them back to 2007 levels of pay is because they have not been striking enough, they should have never let it get this bad, as soon as they missed a few years of pay rises they should have striking, then they would have seemed much more reasonable as they would only be asking for like 1% more each time.

  • @TwistedTiara
    @TwistedTiara 6 месяцев назад +4

    Make it happen that when you get trained by the NHS, if you leave within 5 years you must pay for all the training, it what most workforces do now, if you leave within 1 year of completing the training course paid for by the employer then the employee pays back the costs. I say 5 years as it costs a lot more to train a doctor than it does for someone in factory work.

    • @hydra66
      @hydra66 6 месяцев назад +3

      all the more reason to create the environment inculding pay so that they don't consider leaving once the investment is made. Otherwise why bother training anyone? The investment is best if you get far more than 5 yrs of work

    • @Slarti
      @Slarti 6 месяцев назад

      I joined an employer and left the next day when I saw that in the contract.
      Any company to does that probably has a staff retention problem which is why I will not work for them.

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      @@hydra66 NHS doctors are among the highest paid in Europe.

  • @Slarti
    @Slarti 6 месяцев назад

    Waiting lists have f'all to do with the huge salaries doctors get.

  • @grahamhutton1633
    @grahamhutton1633 6 месяцев назад

    “I bargained with Life for a penny,
    and Life would pay no more,
    However I begged at evening
    When I counted my scanty store;
    Life is a just employer.
    He gives you what you ask,
    But once you have set the wages,
    Why, you must bear the task.
    I worked for a menial's hire,
    Only to learn, dismayed,
    That any wage I had asked of Life,
    Life would have willingly paid”

  • @indiaandrews6996
    @indiaandrews6996 6 месяцев назад +4

    There never is a good time for a junior doctor to strike. They always are needed. That said. Junior doctors should strike when their pay is so low that for them to ask patients, “Would you like a side of chips with that diagnosis?” is reasonably made joke. They are in that situation right now.

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      Junior doctors are overpaid.

  • @Dus1234
    @Dus1234 6 месяцев назад +1

    Do they get paid while on strike ?

    • @GC-dd8it
      @GC-dd8it 6 месяцев назад +2

      Yes the Labour Party friends known as unions pay them £50-£70 a day

    • @Dus1234
      @Dus1234 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@GC-dd8it no rush back to work then

    • @vanster1013
      @vanster1013 6 месяцев назад +2

      Not by default, they can apply for a strike fund though if struggling financially due to strikes. Unsure how much that is.

    • @amitdashore
      @amitdashore 6 месяцев назад +2

      No one gets paid on strikes. Pay is deducted for each day off strike.

  • @Lindabol1
    @Lindabol1 6 месяцев назад +4

    Didn’t they take an oath of ‘first do no harm’?

    • @Eberzeey
      @Eberzeey 6 месяцев назад +2

      there first needs to be an established doctor patient relationship for a patient to claim the doctor did something harmful, since they are on strike and there is no established relationship they are not doing any harm other than the consequences caused by them not working, that can be fixed if they are given a pay rise. The doctors that are striking are the ones who believe in the NHS many other UK doctors just leave to Australia and can get paid more and therefor have a better quality of life thus providing better quality of care,

    • @lindaboland2072
      @lindaboland2072 6 месяцев назад +2

      The consequence of them not working is that people are dying. This equates to harm being done.

    • @Eberzeey
      @Eberzeey 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@lindaboland2072 well using that logic all uk doctors should move to Australia as they have a gp shortage and patients can’t be treated, all uk doctors not moving to Australia is therefore doing harm to the patients not being treated in Australia by not moving to Australia

    • @Eberzeey
      @Eberzeey 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@lindaboland2072 using your logic again many war filled countries have a lot more patients with even more and severe critical conditions if doctors don’t move to these countries immediately they are doing harm by not treating patients in war filled countries

    • @justadude8369
      @justadude8369 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@lindaboland2072 So are doctors never allowed to quit, move country, change jobs, retire, take a holiday etc. Sounds a lot like being a slave to me.

  • @NorthernIrishCitizensAlliance
    @NorthernIrishCitizensAlliance 6 месяцев назад +1

    In a democracy young doctors have no need to justify going on strike, it is their right, and it is to their credit that they have not done so before now. They have no more responsiblity for the people that are ill, than any plumber or electrician working in the NHS. It is the government of the day’s responsibility, to ensure patients welfare, by treating employees equally and fairly.
    Young doctors need to eat, raise families and keep a roof over their head, like everyone else. The horrible gas-lighting phrase junior doctors, deliberately creates the illusion that this group are all children in training and inexperienced, they are not.
    The Tory government are throwing away the money that would solve this issue, by pursuing their own agenda to create a second class health service, forcing the introduction of the new role of “Physicians Assistants”, they have an agenda that will destroy the NHS as we know it.
    These young highly trained doctors are being replaced by “Physicians Assistants” who have a very basic three year training course, in which they have a 100% pass rate, and are paid much more than the young doctors they are replacing.
    The advantage for the Tories is that P-A’s will be a captive resource of the NHS, as no other country will want to poach them.
    Once the NHS has been populated with P-A’s they can then remove the subsidy and cut their wages, to make the NHS cheaper and more affordable, at the expense of the patients. People will die because of the introduction of P-A’s, but there is no media campaign about them. The UK will end up with a two tier health system unless people wake up.
    If you want an actual safe NHS for the future, you should support these young people in their pursuit of a living wage, force the government to negotiate with them without conditions. At the very least they should be offered the same as their superiors, the consultants.
    The consultants unfortunately are being used as strike breakers, induced by getting a free resource, P-A’s unlike doctors have a 100% subsidy, and consultants are needed to introduce P-A’s to replace doctors.
    The Consultants offer is their 13 pieces of silver. To assist the Tories in the destruction of the NHS, enabling consultants to also line their own pockets, and reduce their workload. This is why young doctors are being offered a fraction of the consultants offer,
    and talks with them made conditional on the strike being called off.
    If you want a safe NHS to attend during all the health crisis in your life, ignore the media and government gas lighting and support the young doctors in their struggle to save the NHS.

  • @nicolass7102
    @nicolass7102 6 месяцев назад +2

    Brrxit has failed

  • @geoffhodgson2201
    @geoffhodgson2201 6 месяцев назад

    Shows that they don't care about the patients they are only there for the money they will get more pay and want to work less hours absolutely selfish ruining people's lives by not getting the care they urgently need

  • @naratipmath
    @naratipmath 6 месяцев назад +1

    The underfunding of NHS is immoral. "...has a limited number of people in Britain training to be doctors ". But it takes doctors to train doctors. How do you find more doctors to train more doctors if you don't have enough doctors in the UK? So, you won't dream of solving that problem within 5-10 years. You will be talking about 15 years down the road even if Government sincerely try to deal with the root cause of the problem. Yes, in the current circumstance, if we want to train a lot more UK-made medical staff in the next 10 years, the starting point is to hire more medical staff from outside the UK and increase the pay of the current staff so they don't leave to Australia, Canada or USA.

    • @daveoliver5838
      @daveoliver5838 6 месяцев назад

      NHS is wasting or mis-spending £billions, it’s thoroughly immoral. Strange, none of these striking doctors mention it.

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      Australia, Canada and the USA can pick and choose and will select highly educated, properly trained, competent doctors which excludes the vast majority of dumbed down British medics.

  • @grahamhutton1633
    @grahamhutton1633 6 месяцев назад +4

    If you don't like the pay and conditions, resign and do something else , somewhere else

    • @johnyysimmerz
      @johnyysimmerz 6 месяцев назад +1

      Well they are.. they're moving to Canada, NZ, Aus and USA. Soon you'll have nobody to look after you or your dying parents unfortunately. Once you understand that, I'm sure you'll change your tune (or train to be a doctor maybe?) :)

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      @@johnyysimmerz Canada, Australia and the USA can pick and choose and will select highly educated, properly trained, competent doctors which excludes the vast majority of dumbed down British medics.

  • @lovechineseforever9434
    @lovechineseforever9434 6 месяцев назад


  • @Isherwoodsounds
    @Isherwoodsounds 6 месяцев назад +7

    It's disgraceful we pay their wages and education. Its another form of inflicting 1:13 terror on public. Get back to work and do your job. Other graduates do not cause death sentences on patients. First do no harm.
    Not many poor doctors about.

    • @suecole7338
      @suecole7338 6 месяцев назад +1

      Drs in England have to pay for their training/medical degrees and on graduation are left with large student loans.

    • @johnyysimmerz
      @johnyysimmerz 6 месяцев назад +1

      You don't pay for their education pal. They pay for it themselves.

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      @@suecole7338 No they don’t - British taxpayers fund their training/medical degrees.

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      @@johnyysimmerz No they don’t - British taxpayers pay for their education.

  • @cliffordparry2862
    @cliffordparry2862 6 месяцев назад +1

    Sadly in this Country if you have a strong union you can hold employer's to ransom, the vast majority have no such clout.
    I believe striking for poor conditions is perhaps ok but if you dont feel your being paid enough in real world you find another job.
    21% pension contribution and many other perks, grade rises annualy ( on top of increases) the figures quoted are nothing short of a lie. NO DOCTOR is on £14 per hour.

  • @Theycallmemister
    @Theycallmemister 6 месяцев назад +1

    Rhino 🦏 virus 😂

  • @terrencehook2031
    @terrencehook2031 6 месяцев назад +2

    These passes have blocked me because I have been consistent in pointing out how absolutely pathetic they are. I have, and can prove, been wrecked by the lack of professional of these chanting muppets.

  • @nicolass7102
    @nicolass7102 6 месяцев назад

    All brexit lies

  • @nicolass7102
    @nicolass7102 6 месяцев назад

    Brexit disaster

  • @TheCheatZone
    @TheCheatZone 6 месяцев назад +1

    Who is this muppet... seriously?

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      An overpaid apprentice.

  • @mariewalmsley6143
    @mariewalmsley6143 6 месяцев назад +4

    It's immoral to do harm to patients which they're gonna do by striking.

    • @run2cat4run
      @run2cat4run 6 месяцев назад +6

      So they should be slaves?

    • @indiaandrews6996
      @indiaandrews6996 6 месяцев назад +4

      By that logic they never can strike.

    • @johnyysimmerz
      @johnyysimmerz 6 месяцев назад

      @@chrisj9700 Oh yes and look how well that's going for the army and the police lol. Can't even get police to turn up when you've been burgled

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      @@run2cat4run Slaves are underpaid; doctors are overpaid.

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      @@indiaandrews6996 It should be illegal for doctors to strike.

  • @jinxs2010
    @jinxs2010 6 месяцев назад +3

    Oh shut up!!! Lets get to the fact your not getting a pay rise! Lets see some improvements before even thinking about giving them a pay rise, tell me why waiting times are so long, iv seen with my own eyes that they stand around MOANING about patients or what they done on the weekend sorry but you have a break for that during working hours thats why its called a break not when tou dealing with a customer. You chose the career path knowing pays crap and hours are crap and now your crying because you cant buy to expensive wine well im sorry WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!

    • @johnyysimmerz
      @johnyysimmerz 6 месяцев назад +1

      The waiting times are so long because the NHS is underfunded and conditions are so bad that doctors are leaving for better countries. Do you have any idea what you're talking about I wonder...

    • @fbz6794
      @fbz6794 6 месяцев назад

      Welcome to England. Not the real world. Because rest of the world pays much better than here. Thats why all of these junior doctors are leaving. They were moaning because every day they face the challenge of staff shortages, one doctors carrying out work of three doctors while you moan in youtube, they will still go and keep working with a smiley face. Perhaps letting their frustration out after horrible shifts is not unexpected . Dont even talk about other professions if you are not in someone else’s shoes. Pathetic

    • @ShaniaJade-ep7uz
      @ShaniaJade-ep7uz 6 месяцев назад +1

      Welcome to England?
      They’ve chosen the job ffs
      Not like anyone forced them to become drs or anything?😂
      And frustrations? They’ve got themselves to blame here, no one else
      Why should they be entitled to a pay rise when they chosen that profession in the beginning and knew the outcomes? Do you see the police or fire department walking out and doing the same?
      Leaving seriously ill patients lying on the corridor floors while the so call drs and nurses are just walking around and ignoring them all?
      When theres evidence of that, so what if we give them what they want? Still gunna be the same waiting times etc inside hospitals, nothings gunna change… just them being more greedy😂💯
      So what about during Covid time when people were clapping for the NHS yet number of Covid cases and illness was still rising Around the same time, and id rather not walk a mile in they’re shoes thank you, got themselves to blame… they’re the ones who’s let the nhs down! Not no one else

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@fbz6794 NHS doctors are among the highest paid in Europe but provide one of the worst services in Europe. British taxpayers are getting poor value for money.

  • @mickee8025
    @mickee8025 6 месяцев назад +4

    If this strike wasn't so obviously 'political' then I might have some sympathy. They get paid a decent wage for a 'trainee'. Everyone's cost of living has increased, that doesn't automatically mean wages should rise to cover that cost. We have a situation where many people have never had to 'tighten their belts' and have no financial savvy. Yes its tough, but patients should not suffer because of it. Does the Oath they took mean nothing?

    • @justadude8369
      @justadude8369 6 месяцев назад

      No one takes the Hippocratic oath any more, its over 2 thousand years old and if followed it would mean doctors would be unable to perform surgery or give chemotherapy. It also said medicine should be taught free of charge. The rest of the world has moved on from Ancient Greece, why havent you?

    • @johnyysimmerz
      @johnyysimmerz 6 месяцев назад +2

      They're not exactly "trainees" though are they. They've done 5 years of training before this. £14-15 an hour for some of the most qualified professionals in the country is a joke. How much do you pay your plumber?

    • @mickee8025
      @mickee8025 6 месяцев назад

      @@johnyysimmerz How much I pay my plumber is irrelevant to how much junior doctors get paid. It's more than £15/hr with shift allowances weekend working bank holidays etc. All of them knew the salary when they signed on, and most of them who are claiming they want parity with wages from 2008 weren't even working then.

    • @taffyterrier
      @taffyterrier 6 месяцев назад

      @@johnyysimmerz They are first year medical graduate trainee apprentices with limited practical experience taking their first tentative steps to learn the trade under strict supervision and guidance.

    • @anastasiaconstantinou6917
      @anastasiaconstantinou6917 5 месяцев назад

      @taffyterrier as a first year medical trainee apprentice as you would like to refer to FY1 doctors I was responsible for 135 patients during my night shifts, assessing extremely unwell patients that needed transfer to ITU and performed advanced practical skills. During my urology on calls I was the only urology doctor available accepting patients from 2 hospitals and managing them by myself with remote support from my registrar who was at home. During my surgical rotation I was suturing patients with knife wounds in A&E and was assisting in surgeries. Yes, I was a trainee and I still am, and I still have a million things to learn, but please do not underestimate the work doctors do from day 1 of post-graduate training. You wouldnt call a teacher, a teacher trainee or an accountant an accountant apprentice on their first day of work, would you? Why are doctors any different?

  • @marianlenehan9618
    @marianlenehan9618 6 месяцев назад +2

    Yes! it IS immoral…. striking doctors cause harm