+Жангир Дуйсеке Probably have a bit too optimistic view of him [Maybe it's just that he's my favorite companion aside from nick and deacon] but keep in mind....that person he stabbed *wanted to extort you* oh, and I'm sorry, but fallout doesn't take place in magic sunshine kitten pony hippie land, it takes place years after a nuclear warfare caused all because that world was irresponsible with it's resources, and couldn't get along with eachother. what do you expect, hancock is just gonna tell the extortionist to "Go to his room" or something like a mother grounding their child? no, even if hancock tried to talk the extortionist down, I bet it would just lead to him being shot down, along with the sole survivor.
wish I knew what happens to those kidnapped and replaced with synths. I never found any body's or an incinerator in the institute. unless...... oh god, that's what was in that food paste.
+Roxas theNobody I want to think that anyone who wasn't recruited or experimented on became that vat of biological material that gives syths skin in the robotics division.
+All hail Based Lord Quan Chi I have searched and can not find any photos or concept art of Hancock before he was ghoul....so I guess we look at Mcdonough and imagine that Hancock looked a lot like him tho I don't think he was so big (fat) lol
With cheats you can set his race to human and apparently this is what he ends up looking like: q-lee.tumblr.com/image/134973777372 Now I don't know if it's anything like his concept art and his nose is messed up, but it's still a treat. :)
if you hack Irma's terminal in the memory den she mentions he was really hot before he was human. its worth having a look. there's entries on Fred Allen, daisy and Kent as well.
It's funny how first time in Good neighbour you think it's the slum. Second playthrough of fallout and diamond city is prettu shitty in comparison. Hancock 4 prez.
It’s characters like Hancock that make me wish fallout 4 had the player depth that New Vegas did. Imagine being able to really help Hancock, or ask him deeper questions instead of four simple options.
fallout 4 remake is a fantasy not enough people talk about. more endings. more choice. more depth. skills. karma. rebalances. more weapons. I would shit myself if they gave these characters the facelift they deserve
+Bryce Nielson To be honest the companions were really awesome and a lot better than in any Fallout game so far.It's just that the main story and ending were really dull.I mean having only 2 endings even though there are 4 factions and having no companion endings at all sucks when you compare this to the F:NV ending for example.
King FireDragon I was referring to blowing up the institute or letting it be.I could never understand why the railroad didn't just leave the building itself be or why you weren't given a choice if you played with the minutemen.In my opinion there simply should've been more options. 1.BOS and Institute endings are fine as is. 2.a.Railroad without minutemen help just like the railroad ending currently. 2.b.Railroad *with* minutemen help-They have enough people for a straight up fight and simply have an epic battle in the institute until resistance is crushed.Technology that can be salvaged is saved while everything morally dodgy is destroyed 3.Minutemen could evacuate or not.And nuke the institute or not.Have the minimum number of settlements for the nuking end be like in the game currently.But before you go and fight the institute give an optional quest goal of getting 50% more settlements so that you can beat the institute in a straight up fight. Most importantly have *faction* *specific* ending cutscenes for all of these instead of two generic ones for nuking/not nuking.
Hancock for some reason decided that the best time to have this lengthy discussion would be right after we fast traveled to the Nursery to defend it from attack. My view was dragged over to him, the conversation began and, just after the point of no return, all hell broke loose. Hancock stood right in front of a turret that was aiming off to his left, so the backdrop of the talk was a hail of gunfire, with feral ghouls flying from one side to the other, settlers being flung around or dashing madly back and forth, screaming and firing their weapons, all while Hancock calmly pontificates on human nature. Twas epic.
@@dracos0024 no he took that name when he woke up in front of a John Hancock memorial after a mad drug Trip - this is actually what happened not a joke
@@ethanwood217 Oh well. At the very least his first name is John, otherwise McDonough wouldn't refer to him by that. So the "John Hancock" thing still kinda works.
I am glad you did this one...it all comes together for me....I now know by hearing this , all of it ...and paying attention..the relationship between the Mayor of Diamond City and the Mayor of Goodneighbor...this was very well done, thank you (and I love Hancock)
It's really quite amazing all the story they put together for this game. This game is huge and ever character has their own stories, and some are pretty deep stories, Danse, Hancock, Nick just to name a few. Even some of the smaller stories, and even the single scene stories we find in like a small makeshift bunker where we learn about a tragic event. They really make these games so detailed and amazing.
If fallout 4's good for one thing, it's their well fleshed out companions. Each one of them has a unique background to them. Enough to consider them as actual people. xcept for Preston Garvey. fuck garvey
Awwww -- Hancock needs all the hugs at this point. And yes, I think that would complicate anyone's memories, learning your brother had been replaced by a Synth at some point during all this awfulness.
Hancock’s relationship with his brother is a tragic - when it’s revealed the truth, the realization the last time he spoke to his brother was when he left Diamond City. Sometime later if not earlier, his brother was killed. It hurts when families split. It hurts even more knowing you can never talk to them again
I usually link up with Hancock, because his morality is most in-line with mine. But i've never played the main story before romancing him, so I'd never seen this before. Cool.
Is it only for me that in whole Fallout 4 there isnt any brothell,casino, fight arena (Combat Zone ftw) like in previous ones ( except Fallout 3) Like someone want to show brutality and violence but prostitute gambling NOONON Well I guess they never saw New Reno
I'm glad that I found out about a list with synths that say they're hoomans and people helping the institute but I don't tell anyone even if I'm a Knight General of the Railroad . Like really . I have all this info from the institute but UNLESS IT'S ON A HOLOTAPE I know nothing , DAMMIT SHORT TERM MEMORY :C Fallout 4 The Rushed Game That Could Have Been More RIP -> Death by Hype
Rushed? The game was in development for several years and the devs announced it once they started getting closer to the finish line. It wasn't the best of games (nor the worst by any means) but the reason to that certainly isn't that they rushed it.
Ohhh yes it's a COMPLETE game with few to no plot holes and almost no scraped content . I mean the story makes sense in every major way and every faction has all the rights to do the things they do with the given reasons and you have so much control that it's incredible . Like I just allied the BOS with the Railroad because they have a common enemy and made Elder Maxon understand that synths won't become the Terminators . I made Shawn understand that some of the things the Institute is doing research on is bad and now he shut down most of the "UNETHICAL" facilities so like this I can try to ally them with the rest of the world . It's like in FL3 when I made EDEN suicide and the alliance between the NCR and BOS in New Vergas all over again but in the same game . I'm glad they didn't scrap +10% of the content that moders would have found anyway if they would have done that . And I'm glad they don't use DLC to add scraped featured that were in the previous games like the Survival difficulty , the Perks , the dialogue that would change if you have a certain skill just because they were missing and the community got angry . FLAWLESS game indeed ! I put 400+ hours in the game and it doesn't feel like a finished game . They did more and then scraped content because reasons . For that I (And it seems that many other people think the same looking at the many disappointed comment and forum posts) say it's a rushed game . And them spending 6-7 years on this doesn't make it better when features that were in Fo3 And NewVegas got scraped because ...... This is why people went back to NV and Skyrim . I don't mind many of the changes but there are some big ones that ruined the game for many people . From them combining skills , perks and attributes to them changing the dialogue to something generic like "What can you tell me about the Reapers?" (I don't mind that it's voiced because it's a good voiceover) . I mean I MADE THE MOST CHARMING AND INTELLIGENT CHARACTER IN THE COMMONWEALTH AND I STILL ACT LIKE AN IDIOT sometimes . I HATE THIS CHANGE the Most because it takes away from the Role-Play aspect ! It's like most things I do or say doesn't matter most times . I remember that before if you made a charming and/or intelligent character you acted like a charming and/or intelligent person . You could do from things like "I'm an expert in robotics so I can repair this with no problem" (Like they did in 1 place in FO4 ...... The Constitution) to "I'll make people trust me to solve a conflict with a major NPC just via dialogue because I'm In control YEAH (EDEN , Col. Autumn etc) . So yes for me it is rushed . And them adding Survival like it was in NV in one of the DLC's makes you wonder if it really was "Just a Design" thing . And if you want to give me the "Well it's a design thing" then don't bother because if it was like this the it turned out to be VERY bad design . "They Changed All These Things Because They Had A New Design Idea And People Don't Like It Now But Back Then It Made Sense." Sure Worked Well . Anyway you can say that "It wasn't rushed" but sadly , for many players , it sure feels like that .
+Aliens Man For starters, they're not adding the survival mode changes "in a DLC", it's going to be part of a free update for everyone. Second, you want to talk about your charismatic intelligent character still sounding like an idiot? Try replaying FO3 (which has THE WORST story in any RPG I've ever played) then come back and tell me your FO4 character is an idiot. True, they did Mass Effect-ify the dialogue, and that's a bad thing in my opinion, but the story as a whole is so so SO much better in this game than in 3. And honestly, with all the FUCK TONS of dialogue they managed to cram into the game, as evidenced by this channel, the game wasn't rushed at all; they just chose to take the game in a different direction than some people like you would want. This game is beyond far better than 3 was; quite frankly 3 was an abomination of the Fallout series, and easily the worst of the series to date (unless you count Fallout Brotherhood of Steel, which I don't).
+cracka276 Dude don't say 'THAT' Name . I mean yeah the comment is good but still , talking about 'That' Fellout is just mean :C And I never said (mean to sound like I say) that FO3 has a better story I'm really glad they actually made the main story good this time but still after 7 years I was hopping for more . Maybe the problem was Skyrim . Many people hoped that Fallout 4 would be the next Skyrim With Guns an then the changes were not the ones we expected so *BOOM* lots of disappointed fans. And again when I say "Rushed" I don't mean it literary , it's not COD or Battlefield or .........Battlefront EA , UGH . And yes there are lots of dialogues but most of them have the same result . I mean you have "Paragon" Dialogue , "Sometimes Rude" Dialogue , "Ba Dum Tss" Dialogue and "Do you know anything about the Institute ?" dialogue +the "Renegade"/"Gimme Yer Money"/"Big Bad Wolf" dialogues that appear from time to time but they have , most times , no impact on the situation . You can Interrogate Kellogg or be Angry at him but in the end the outcome is the same . Remember In NV you can F Benny if you have the Black Widow perk or at the end you can skip the fight if you have high charisma (I didn't do it because I failed but still you have that option) WHICH IS AWESOME . But now they were like "Throw that out the window" . This is my main complaint about the whole game . I finished the game 4 times and I already know that no matter what I say in some cases the outcome is the same . And sadly even if you say you're smarter in FO4 I never saw it . My characters in FO3 and NV are way smarter than the ones I made in FO4 because I actually see that I use that "KNOWLEDGE" in dialogues and actions while in FO4 I don't . That is the thing that the previous FO's did they offered you the "Illusion" of intelligence . Now with the changes they did to perks and dialogue it doesn't offer you that . EX:I got the Robotics Expert thingy and the only thing I can do is what ? Hack a robot and give him more commands? And if I do that WHY THE FUKK DO I NEED A HOLOTAPE TO GIVE COMMANDS TO PROTRECTRONS ? I guess they're not robots after all -.- In fo3 I don't need to do that because I already hacked all of them or I created some device that marks me as an ally. Never said it makes sense but you pointing a gun at a dog saying "Good Boy" and 'Magic' the dog is now Tamed doesn't make sense either . And In FO3 it gives you 25% more damage while in FO4 where robots are a real pain to kill at higher levels you get the hack only like really ?! FO4 doesn't offer me the option to play like I want to when FO3 and NV did offer me that option . Ohhhh but you are smart in FO4 yes smarter than Raider/Vendors/Guards/Super Mutants and at times even other NPC's Greeeeaaaat . I SO wanted to ROAST the institute scientists with my Intelligent and Charming "Big Nose" but no I was like "ohh yes , that is ..... yeah no , I mean ok , yeah. It's not like I'm built like a genius you guys go ahead and talk to me like I'M A FUKKING IDIOT." So even if you may be smarter in FO4 the game doesn't show that . It removed the interaction from 3 and NV and gave me mostly nothing in return . + I never played FO and FO2 (Should Buy Them On GOG) but I heard they are way , way more interactive . I'm just disappointed in the changes . It made fallout less of an RPG than FO3 . I still love the game but I don't think I'll put as much time as I put in NV of Skyrim , even FO3 (I loved the mods there) . So yeah , TUNNEL SNAKES RULE !!! AND NEVER TALK ABOUT 'THAT' G , sigh , game . I puked a little in my mouth . -.- Anyway Hope You Have A Good Day .
Aliens Man Well yeah, that's all true, but you have to keep in mind that FO3 and NV were RPGs first, and FPSs second, whereas 4 is an FPS first, with RPG elements added in second. If you go into it with that mindset, FO4 is one of the best open world FPS games this side of Far Cry, but can't hold a candle to other games in terms of its RPG elements. I went into the game with said expectations, and fully enjoyed it as a result. When it comes to games that are part of a series, I try to look at them on their own merits as if they were original titles rather than compare them to the other games in their series. I've found that this makes me appreciate each game on its own terms, and makes me far less of a petty fanboy than I would be otherwise. If I HAD to pick my favorite of the series, I'd pick NV, followed by 2 and then 4, but to each their own. And hope you have a good day as well, it's not often you get a civil discussion on internet comment sections.
Watching these vids make me love Hancock. But in my current playthrough I don't have a proper reason to find him and take him out to adventures with me just yet.
+Partyprice Yes, you can ask about it when you first meet him: ruclips.net/video/tWJsEQZiiuc/видео.html and then he says more in his final approval talk: ruclips.net/video/Z6Ds6xVCTz0/видео.html
+FluffyNinjaLlama what is the most sexy thing on Hancock, his coat, hat, or ghoul face? Also, can you do companion comments on the castle before and after accuiring it for the Settlement needs our help men
He took some kind of irradiated drug He knew it would turn him into a ghoul and he couldn’t stand to see the man who let the ghouls of diamond city walk to their deaths and the man who let mcdunugh get away with it in the mirror anymore
Wow i didnt know this game has so much lore hidden in it. I mean I've played the other games before this, but I did not expect that the game offers backstories to its characters. I think I have to replay this
Damn, Hancock needs to sit down and go about 20 rounds of the drinking game with Cass from New Vegas. That guy's got personal demons, and God only knows if he's going to get the chance to confront them now.
I still don't understand why you can't take control of the institute by force, sure the railroad and brotherhood wouldn't want it, but imagine the minutemen with institute science behind them. It just seems odd there is no middle ground between wiping out the institute or becoming their beloved leader
Too many Gen ones and two's There's gotta be thousands of them, since they can be summoned with hand grenades. And then there are coursers, who take over gunner filled hospitals with ease.
@@Hound851 They’re not even as strong as a protectortron and have weaker lasers. With automatron you can build a smaller yet superior robot army. As for coursers, I’ve never had trouble with them myself, they’re not as bad as deathclaws or Cazadors.
@@Skullhawk13 Of course you can take out Coursers with ease. Solo survivor can solo mirelurk queens, deathclaws sentry bots and anything in between like protagonist should. But compared to average combatant of the wasteland, like gunners BOS soldiers and RR heavies, coursers and stronger gen 2's are not to be trifled with. I don't think robot would be enough either.
@@Hound851 coursers in comparison to other things are still weak. Deathclaws, hell even Radscorpions and Super mutants are tougher. They’re total jobbers, a complete joke. The institute’s forces are simply inferior to even basic wasteland faire
@@Skullhawk13 Their lack of intellect holds them back though. Also Institute seems to know how to keep them at bay since, they are not seeing digging their way into the institute. In long term they would be forced to flee into safer areas devoid of humans and synths. If any of those forces had the intellect, they would wipe out all other races without an issue, Master and his mutant army for example would have succeeded without protags intervention.
I didn't even know Hancock and McDonough were brothers when I could still play the game(Fallout 4 was my younger brother's game, and I moved out). I didn't ask Hancock about him knowing McDonough when they were kids, so I didn't get the dialogue about them being brothers. It sucks.
I'm so glad he's romancable. Thank you very much Llama-sama for the Hancock scene. ^_^ :bows: Sole Survivor: "Your not getting soft on me, Hancock."Me: ^///^ :snickers:
+Santo Tan "Everyone's entitled to a little softness. For me, it's pretty much everything below the eyebrows." I.E. Hard headed, soft hearted, but we knew that.
If Fluffy gets power and becomes the ruler of the wasteland, I fear that everyone will be force to wear a fuzzy sweater with a Llama on it...the horror
+Ibnu Malik When you first talk with him, he explains that he took an experimental radiation drug that there was only one hit left of. That's what changed him. In his final approval talk, he elaborates, basically saying he knew it was going to turn him into a ghoul. He just couldn't stand looking at himself in the mirror anymore, and basically wanted to kill that part of himself so he could move on.
it equals volcano sonce 2 fishes are the most powerful things in the world..... or fish + fish = fish porn and then fishy babys your pick(pick the volcano everyone loves mf volcanos)
My best guess is that the Institute replaced McDonough before he was elected mayor, as they specifically wanted the ghouls gone to prevent knowledge of the old world from spreading
Companion stories are really good in Fo4, but besides Danse (for me at least, haven't tried Strong or the courser) they are more of an obstacle than help in combat. Lone wanderer is a god perk not just because of that 30% dmg reduction, it's because you can sneak, snipe and walk through corridors without the fear of being bushed off the ledge, having your position given away or being blocked from the only escape route whileoHMYGOD THERE'SADEATHCLAWINHERE!DOGMEATGETOUTOFTHEDOORWAY!
I still wish Hancock would have some unique dialogue when you confront McDonough
Jarno he does
Dicc Chocolate really? What does he say?
Jesse A he realises that he never was mad at his brother
After you kill McDonough, he says, "I was mad at him for all the wrong reasons"
@@PyroGothNerd”So the Institute replaced him with a synth after all.. how many years was I angry at that bastard for the wrong reasons..?”
Hancock is like that awesome teacher that doesn't assign homework
I've been looking for a decent way to describe Hancock and by god you just did it there!
Took the words right out of my mouth
instead of stickers or starts he gives drugs
+Andrea come up to my office later, you've earned yourself some jet
[H]ouse MD Make it two!
Coolest ghoul in the Commonwealth - no question about it.
He turns a blind eye to Railroad activities so... Yeah he's pretty cool
Sir, is true that you're the one providing information for Diamond City Radio in exchange for transmitting hidden messages in the signals?
I disagree, captain zao is
+All hail Based Lord Quan Chi but he is a comme
jako Eriksen-Konge Flattering, but no thanks, pal.
Hancock for president of everything
+Jace Smith Oh yeah. How good it would be for president to stab people on street?
+Жангир Дуйсеке It was just a prank bro
+Жангир Дуйсеке Probably have a bit too optimistic view of him [Maybe it's just that he's my favorite companion aside from nick and deacon]
but keep in mind....that person he stabbed *wanted to extort you*
oh, and I'm sorry, but fallout doesn't take place in magic sunshine kitten pony hippie land, it takes place years after a nuclear warfare caused all because that world was irresponsible with it's resources, and couldn't get along with eachother.
what do you expect, hancock is just gonna tell the extortionist to "Go to his room" or something like a mother grounding their child? no, even if hancock tried to talk the extortionist down, I bet it would just lead to him being shot down, along with the sole survivor.
+Jace Smith you know it!!! forget mcdonough
+Joe Olson oh, how about put the guy in a stockade. No, death penalty for some strong arm thuggery.
Hancock had the best voice actor
Waffle Czar absolutely
that one ghoul in the slog:
wish I knew what happens to those kidnapped and replaced with synths. I never found any body's or an incinerator in the institute. unless...... oh god, that's what was in that food paste.
+Roxas theNobody I think they used those humans that were replaced by synths in the BioScience experiments of the FEV virus.
+Roxas theNobody they simply kill them and dump somewhere in the wasteland.
+Roxas theNobody I want to think that anyone who wasn't recruited or experimented on became that vat of biological material that gives syths skin in the robotics division.
they all go to fev lab
+Roxas theNobody
well ,the food synthesizer needs protein ,so ...
Anyone wonder what Hancock looked like before rads and chems got to him?
+All hail Based Lord Quan Chi I have searched and can not find any photos or concept art of Hancock before he was ghoul....so I guess we look at Mcdonough and imagine that Hancock looked a lot like him tho I don't think he was so big (fat) lol
There's the concept art of him
Miss Hela did you find one of him from before? please tell me where to find it.
With cheats you can set his race to human and apparently this is what he ends up looking like:
Now I don't know if it's anything like his concept art and his nose is messed up, but it's still a treat. :)
if you hack Irma's terminal in the memory den she mentions he was really hot before he was human. its worth having a look. there's entries on Fred Allen, daisy and Kent as well.
It's funny how first time in Good neighbour you think it's the slum.
Second playthrough of fallout and diamond city is prettu shitty in comparison.
Hancock 4 prez.
I'm playing the Game for the first time and it seems hell of a lot better than Diamond City
wow hancock is actually a pretty decent person. im glad to know this.
+Kyle Grizzly Hancock's a bit like Garrus; both of them love helping decent people, and they love sticking it to assholes.
+Jim Shoe yeah seems like it
Hancock is the ultimate Chaotic Good: Help those who need helping, kill those who need killing.
+Vherstinae in a lawless world those are the True Justice Bringers.... or at least the closest thing to a old west ranger in the Apocalypse.
+Jim Shoe Not gonna lie, I could see garrus turning out like this.
It’s characters like Hancock that make me wish fallout 4 had the player depth that New Vegas did. Imagine being able to really help Hancock, or ask him deeper questions instead of four simple options.
fallout 4 remake is a fantasy not enough people talk about. more endings. more choice. more depth. skills. karma. rebalances. more weapons. I would shit myself if they gave these characters the facelift they deserve
@@cornonthekobi they wouldn't remake a game that came out 6 years ago
@@yeahmike3847 they're making another skyrim, don't know why they try and show just a little love for fallout4
@@cornonthekobiSorry to say, but the karma system is flawed. Fallout 3 proved that.
I wish you could find the real McDonough, probably a supermutant I shot or, PLOT TWIST, the real McDonough is Strong!!!!!
Holy shit, that would be really cool. I wish there was an option to give strong the serum, and then have him turn into McDonough
+flyingkoopa45 Whatever happened to him wherever he is he is NOT a supermutant. He cant be. If anything, hes a ghoul.
+carterslave it's likely he is/was a super mutant or he's dead.
+carterslave he can be like swan or is he
+Cansas the Fett he's not swan, swan is some guy who stole someone else's cigarettes in the Institute
I see you managed to get the scene FluffyNinjaLlama! Bravo!
+Willinium Reese Had to make a new playthrough but it was worth it! :)
+FluffyNinjaLlama I did I a old save so I to have do it again
+FluffyNinjaLlama So how exactly do you trigger this scene, then?
ThinksWithPortals You have to get Hancock to Admire you AFTER the whole Mcdonough quest in Diamond City.
***** Indeed!
I wish Goodneighbor would full on take over diamond city
+Preston Garvey You'll get over it.
+Preston Garvey what did he do again?
Roxas theNobody
Roxas...what have you done?
+Preston Garvey
You're not good enough for him!!
+MeadX26 nothing.
people really didnt give enough credit to this games story structure. you really have to work to find things like this in this game
+Bryce Nielson I think most people enjoy the companions and side quests, it's the main story that's boring as all hell.
+Bryce Nielson To be honest the companions were really awesome and a lot better than in any Fallout game so far.It's just that the main story and ending were really dull.I mean having only 2 endings even though there are 4 factions and having no companion endings at all sucks when you compare this to the F:NV ending for example.
+Maliivan actually three because you can get peace between the minutemen, brotherhood, and the railroad.
King FireDragon I was referring to blowing up the institute or letting it be.I could never understand why the railroad didn't just leave the building itself be or why you weren't given a choice if you played with the minutemen.In my opinion there simply should've been more options.
1.BOS and Institute endings are fine as is.
2.a.Railroad without minutemen help just like the railroad ending currently.
2.b.Railroad *with* minutemen help-They have enough people for a straight up fight and simply have an epic battle in the institute until resistance is crushed.Technology that can be salvaged is saved while everything morally dodgy is destroyed
3.Minutemen could evacuate or not.And nuke the institute or not.Have the minimum number of settlements for the nuking end be like in the game currently.But before you go and fight the institute give an optional quest goal of getting 50% more settlements so that you can beat the institute in a straight up fight.
Most importantly have *faction* *specific* ending cutscenes for all of these instead of two generic ones for nuking/not nuking.
Compared to other fallout games it's story structure is pretty weak, for a normal game its pretty decent
Hancock for some reason decided that the best time to have this lengthy discussion would be right after we fast traveled to the Nursery to defend it from attack.
My view was dragged over to him, the conversation began and, just after the point of no return, all hell broke loose.
Hancock stood right in front of a turret that was aiming off to his left, so the backdrop of the talk was a hail of gunfire, with feral ghouls flying from one side to the other, settlers being flung around or dashing madly back and forth, screaming and firing their weapons, all while Hancock calmly pontificates on human nature.
Twas epic.
So his real name is John McDonough? christ that's like the most Irish name ever lol.
Is that why Cait's so attracted to him?
@@Her_Imperious_Condescension *Mind Blown*
Wasn't Hancock's name John?
Wait. That would mean that his name is John Hancock.
@@dracos0024 no he took that name when he woke up in front of a John Hancock memorial after a mad drug Trip - this is actually what happened not a joke
@@ethanwood217 Oh well. At the very least his first name is John, otherwise McDonough wouldn't refer to him by that. So the "John Hancock" thing still kinda works.
All the voice actors in Fo4 are absolutely amazing omg
I never got why diamond city had such a high opinion of itself, its a crappy shantytown in the middle of an old rundown stadium
It's bad but compared to everywhere else it's almost tolerable
Especially when compared to the comfy utopian life in the Institute...they have warm showers and toilet paper.
Goodneighbor gives the mafia wasteland vibes
I am glad you did this one...it all comes together for me....I now know by hearing this , all of it ...and paying attention..the relationship between the Mayor of Diamond City and the Mayor of Goodneighbor...this was very well done, thank you (and I love Hancock)
It's really quite amazing all the story they put together for this game. This game is huge and ever character has their own stories, and some are pretty deep stories, Danse, Hancock, Nick just to name a few. Even some of the smaller stories, and even the single scene stories we find in like a small makeshift bunker where we learn about a tragic event. They really make these games so detailed and amazing.
If fallout 4's good for one thing, it's their well fleshed out companions. Each one of them has a unique background to them. Enough to consider them as actual people. xcept for Preston Garvey. fuck garvey
Sure, but after you're finished with him, he'll have another settlement that needs your help.
Mojacko it's not that his back story is bad, it's just that he doesn't shut the fuck up about it.
Ovni He'll mark IT on your map
i'd trade in all of them but hancock and curie for Fawkes, Boone, or E-DE
mike jakob ED-E was and still is my favorite companion. I love that little eyebot.
Awwww -- Hancock needs all the hugs at this point. And yes, I think that would complicate anyone's memories, learning your brother had been replaced by a Synth at some point during all this awfulness.
I wish Nate was able to talk about his time in the military when someone says he can handle himself
The description says Mayor McDonut ah that made my day😂😂😂
I love Hancock, I just wish his backstory wasn't "I wanted to get really high and accidentally became a ghoul."
That wasn't accident, he knew the effect of the chem he took. He couldn't look himself in the mirror after
expulsion of ghouls in diamond city.
Hancock is seriously one of the better characters that Bethesda have created.
Love how you used Male Sole Survivor to continue some of your videos. I feel right at home.
Hancock, Nick Valentine, and the Sole Survivor= The Kings of Cool in the Commonwealth.
Hancock’s relationship with his brother is a tragic - when it’s revealed the truth, the realization the last time he spoke to his brother was when he left Diamond City. Sometime later if not earlier, his brother was killed.
It hurts when families split.
It hurts even more knowing you can never talk to them again
Thank you for more Hancock goodness!
This is why I like John. He seems genuine. Chem addict or not. He wants to make life better
I usually link up with Hancock, because his morality is most in-line with mine. But i've never played the main story before romancing him, so I'd never seen this before. Cool.
Is it only for me that in whole Fallout 4 there isnt any brothell,casino, fight arena (Combat Zone ftw) like in previous ones ( except Fallout 3)
Like someone want to show brutality and violence but prostitute gambling NOONON
Well I guess they never saw New Reno
It's coming as dlc, did you not here about the first 3 batch of dlc that got revealed.
+Eric Nick paying for the shit that MUST have been in the original game? no fucking way, with this attitude they will never see any money from me
***** You have link to this?
I would read it
isn't that what your settlements are for?:\
+Eugene InLaw It wasn't in the game in the first place nom nuts.
I learned Hancock's story while I was swimming he was on a dock talking to me
Holy shit 700 hours on this game and I never knew Hancock was actually Mayor McDonough's brother
This conversation happened for me long before I ever did In Sheep's Clothing.
Is this the Castle? Good job in making it...something else. A cool looking Settlement!
of all the fallout games, I would have to say that this has the best companions in it
I'm glad that I found out about a list with synths that say they're hoomans and people helping the institute but I don't tell anyone even if I'm a Knight General of the Railroad .
Like really . I have all this info from the institute but UNLESS IT'S ON A HOLOTAPE I know nothing , DAMMIT SHORT TERM MEMORY :C
Fallout 4 The Rushed Game That Could Have Been More RIP -> Death by Hype
Rushed? The game was in development for several years and the devs announced it once they started getting closer to the finish line. It wasn't the best of games (nor the worst by any means) but the reason to that certainly isn't that they rushed it.
Ohhh yes it's a COMPLETE game with few to no plot holes and almost no scraped content .
I mean the story makes sense in every major way and every faction has all the rights to do the things they do with the given reasons and you have so much control that it's incredible .
Like I just allied the BOS with the Railroad because they have a common enemy and made Elder Maxon understand that synths won't become the Terminators .
I made Shawn understand that some of the things the Institute is doing research on is bad and now he shut down most of the "UNETHICAL" facilities so like this I can try to ally them with the rest of the world .
It's like in FL3 when I made EDEN suicide and the alliance between the NCR and BOS in New Vergas all over again but in the same game . I'm glad they didn't scrap +10% of the content that moders would have found anyway if they would have done that .
And I'm glad they don't use DLC to add scraped featured that were in the previous games like the Survival difficulty , the Perks , the dialogue that would change if you have a certain skill just because they were missing and the community got angry .
FLAWLESS game indeed !
I put 400+ hours in the game and it doesn't feel like a finished game . They did more and then scraped content because reasons . For that I (And it seems that many other people think the same looking at the many disappointed comment and forum posts) say it's a rushed game .
And them spending 6-7 years on this doesn't make it better when features that were in Fo3 And NewVegas got scraped because ......
This is why people went back to NV and Skyrim . I don't mind many of the changes but there are some big ones that ruined the game for many people . From them combining skills , perks and attributes to them changing the dialogue to something generic like "What can you tell me about the Reapers?" (I don't mind that it's voiced because it's a good voiceover) . I mean I MADE THE MOST CHARMING AND INTELLIGENT CHARACTER IN THE COMMONWEALTH AND I STILL ACT LIKE AN IDIOT sometimes . I HATE THIS CHANGE the Most because it takes away from the Role-Play aspect ! It's like most things I do or say doesn't matter most times .
I remember that before if you made a charming and/or intelligent character you acted like a charming and/or intelligent person .
You could do from things like "I'm an expert in robotics so I can repair this with no problem" (Like they did in 1 place in FO4 ...... The Constitution) to "I'll make people trust me to solve a conflict with a major NPC just via dialogue because I'm In control YEAH (EDEN , Col. Autumn etc) .
So yes for me it is rushed . And them adding Survival like it was in NV in one of the DLC's makes you wonder if it really was "Just a Design" thing . And if you want to give me the "Well it's a design thing" then don't bother because if it was like this the it turned out to be VERY bad design .
"They Changed All These Things Because They Had A New Design Idea And People Don't Like It Now But Back Then It Made Sense." Sure Worked Well .
Anyway you can say that "It wasn't rushed" but sadly , for many players , it sure feels like that .
+Aliens Man For starters, they're not adding the survival mode changes "in a DLC", it's going to be part of a free update for everyone. Second, you want to talk about your charismatic intelligent character still sounding like an idiot? Try replaying FO3 (which has THE WORST story in any RPG I've ever played) then come back and tell me your FO4 character is an idiot. True, they did Mass Effect-ify the dialogue, and that's a bad thing in my opinion, but the story as a whole is so so SO much better in this game than in 3. And honestly, with all the FUCK TONS of dialogue they managed to cram into the game, as evidenced by this channel, the game wasn't rushed at all; they just chose to take the game in a different direction than some people like you would want. This game is beyond far better than 3 was; quite frankly 3 was an abomination of the Fallout series, and easily the worst of the series to date (unless you count Fallout Brotherhood of Steel, which I don't).
+cracka276 Dude don't say 'THAT' Name . I mean yeah the comment is good but still , talking about 'That' Fellout is just mean :C
And I never said (mean to sound like I say) that FO3 has a better story I'm really glad they actually made the main story good this time but still after 7 years I was hopping for more .
Maybe the problem was Skyrim . Many people hoped that Fallout 4 would be the next Skyrim With Guns an then the changes were not the ones we expected so *BOOM* lots of disappointed fans.
And again when I say "Rushed" I don't mean it literary , it's not COD or Battlefield or .........Battlefront EA , UGH .
And yes there are lots of dialogues but most of them have the same result . I mean you have "Paragon" Dialogue , "Sometimes Rude" Dialogue , "Ba Dum Tss" Dialogue and "Do you know anything about the Institute ?" dialogue +the "Renegade"/"Gimme Yer Money"/"Big Bad Wolf" dialogues that appear from time to time but they have , most times , no impact on the situation . You can Interrogate Kellogg or be Angry at him but in the end the outcome is the same .
Remember In NV you can F Benny if you have the Black Widow perk or at the end you can skip the fight if you have high charisma (I didn't do it because I failed but still you have that option) WHICH IS AWESOME .
But now they were like "Throw that out the window" .
This is my main complaint about the whole game . I finished the game 4 times and I already know that no matter what I say in some cases the outcome is the same .
And sadly even if you say you're smarter in FO4 I never saw it .
My characters in FO3 and NV are way smarter than the ones I made in FO4 because I actually see that I use that "KNOWLEDGE" in dialogues and actions while in FO4 I don't . That is the thing that the previous FO's did they offered you the "Illusion" of intelligence .
Now with the changes they did to perks and dialogue it doesn't offer you that .
EX:I got the Robotics Expert thingy and the only thing I can do is what ? Hack a robot and give him more commands? And if I do that WHY THE FUKK DO I NEED A HOLOTAPE TO GIVE COMMANDS TO PROTRECTRONS ? I guess they're not robots after all -.-
In fo3 I don't need to do that because I already hacked all of them or I created some device that marks me as an ally.
Never said it makes sense but you pointing a gun at a dog saying "Good Boy" and 'Magic' the dog is now Tamed doesn't make sense either .
And In FO3 it gives you 25% more damage while in FO4 where robots are a real pain to kill at higher levels you get the hack only like really ?!
FO4 doesn't offer me the option to play like I want to when FO3 and NV did offer me that option . Ohhhh but you are smart in FO4 yes smarter than Raider/Vendors/Guards/Super Mutants and at times even other NPC's Greeeeaaaat .
I SO wanted to ROAST the institute scientists with my Intelligent and Charming "Big Nose" but no I was like "ohh yes , that is ..... yeah no , I mean ok , yeah. It's not like I'm built like a genius you guys go ahead and talk to me like I'M A FUKKING IDIOT."
So even if you may be smarter in FO4 the game doesn't show that .
It removed the interaction from 3 and NV and gave me mostly nothing in return .
+ I never played FO and FO2 (Should Buy Them On GOG) but I heard they are way , way more interactive .
I'm just disappointed in the changes . It made fallout less of an RPG than FO3 . I still love the game but I don't think I'll put as much time as I put in NV of Skyrim , even FO3 (I loved the mods there) .
AND NEVER TALK ABOUT 'THAT' G , sigh , game . I puked a little in my mouth . -.-
Anyway Hope You Have A Good Day .
Aliens Man Well yeah, that's all true, but you have to keep in mind that FO3 and NV were RPGs first, and FPSs second, whereas 4 is an FPS first, with RPG elements added in second. If you go into it with that mindset, FO4 is one of the best open world FPS games this side of Far Cry, but can't hold a candle to other games in terms of its RPG elements. I went into the game with said expectations, and fully enjoyed it as a result.
When it comes to games that are part of a series, I try to look at them on their own merits as if they were original titles rather than compare them to the other games in their series. I've found that this makes me appreciate each game on its own terms, and makes me far less of a petty fanboy than I would be otherwise. If I HAD to pick my favorite of the series, I'd pick NV, followed by 2 and then 4, but to each their own.
And hope you have a good day as well, it's not often you get a civil discussion on internet comment sections.
And this is why I'm dating Hancock he is the best companion
Watching these vids make me love Hancock. But in my current playthrough I don't have a proper reason to find him and take him out to adventures with me just yet.
Hancock: everything below the eyebrows
Me: what eyebrows you don't have eyebrows
Good man to have a drink with. And he can defend a settlement like a champ!
Wait, is it ever explained how he turned into a Ghoul?
+Partyprice Yes, you can ask about it when you first meet him: ruclips.net/video/tWJsEQZiiuc/видео.html
and then he says more in his final approval talk: ruclips.net/video/Z6Ds6xVCTz0/видео.html
+FluffyNinjaLlama what is the most sexy thing on Hancock, his coat, hat, or ghoul face?
Also, can you do companion comments on the castle before and after accuiring it for the Settlement needs our help men
+flyingkoopa45 The most sexy thing? His personality & his voice. And yes, it's on my list :)
He took some kind of irradiated drug
He knew it would turn him into a ghoul and he couldn’t stand to see the man who let the ghouls of diamond city walk to their deaths and the man who let mcdunugh get away with it in the mirror anymore
Wow i didnt know this game has so much lore hidden in it. I mean I've played the other games before this, but I did not expect that the game offers backstories to its characters. I think I have to replay this
Mayor McDouchebag. Don’t even know him anymore, but the sole survivor layer the beat down on the synthetic Mcdounugh
Handcock seems like a pretty cool guy
Hancock is that friend you can always count on.
well. macdonough being a synth explains a LOT.
wonder if the real macdonough would have been just like his brother.
The feels in this one is strong
Best companion
Yeah hes great. How many hours do you have into fallout 4?
Hancock sounds a lot like Micheal Rooker, and Paladin Danse sounds a lot like George Clooney
"his brother, Mayor McDonut" Fluffy calling shots.
I wish the United States had politicians like Hancock McDonough.
Fallout is the game that keeps giving. I never played with Hancock as a companion and had no idea whatsoever of his family lineage!
Lol @ Mayor McDonut spelling in the description
Why is Hancock the only other follower, aside from nick, that has good facial animation? Like the mouth sync and everything.
because they are the most unique followers
*Built by people for the people!!*
Time to befriend Hancock in Fallout
Hancock's idealogy and way of thinking is me af
Damn. Now I regret not questioning him more about the mayor. Just found out in the comments of another vid that they were brothers
Sees brother happy - immediately hates him.
Because his brother (or perhaps the synth) was an absolute asshole who threw out the ghouls for a campaign advantage.
THE DESCRIPTION "mayor mcDonut" 😭😭😂😂😂
It would have been cool if his max affinity quest was taking over diamond city or something like that
Wow, this is actually pretty deep.
He's easily as lovable as mistreated Gob from Fallout 3. He has a spunky attitude
Damn, Hancock needs to sit down and go about 20 rounds of the drinking game with Cass from New Vegas. That guy's got personal demons, and God only knows if he's going to get the chance to confront them now.
I still don't understand why you can't take control of the institute by force, sure the railroad and brotherhood wouldn't want it, but imagine the minutemen with institute science behind them. It just seems odd there is no middle ground between wiping out the institute or becoming their beloved leader
Too many Gen ones and two's There's gotta be thousands of them, since they can be summoned with hand grenades.
And then there are coursers, who take over gunner filled hospitals with ease.
@@Hound851 They’re not even as strong as a protectortron and have weaker lasers. With automatron you can build a smaller yet superior robot army. As for coursers, I’ve never had trouble with them myself, they’re not as bad as deathclaws or Cazadors.
@@Skullhawk13 Of course you can take out Coursers with ease. Solo survivor can solo mirelurk queens, deathclaws sentry bots and anything in between like protagonist should. But compared to average combatant of the wasteland, like gunners BOS soldiers and RR heavies, coursers and stronger gen 2's are not to be trifled with.
I don't think robot would be enough either.
@@Hound851 coursers in comparison to other things are still weak. Deathclaws, hell even Radscorpions and Super mutants are tougher. They’re total jobbers, a complete joke. The institute’s forces are simply inferior to even basic wasteland faire
@@Skullhawk13 Their lack of intellect holds them back though. Also Institute seems to know how to keep them at bay since, they are not seeing digging their way into the institute. In long term they would be forced to flee into safer areas devoid of humans and synths.
If any of those forces had the intellect, they would wipe out all other races without an issue, Master and his mutant army for example would have succeeded without protags intervention.
I didn't even know Hancock and McDonough were brothers when I could still play the game(Fallout 4 was my younger brother's game, and I moved out). I didn't ask Hancock about him knowing McDonough when they were kids, so I didn't get the dialogue about them being brothers. It sucks.
I’m in love with Hancock though
i like how he named him self as basically badass
Hand Clock
I'm so glad he's romancable. Thank you very much Llama-sama for the Hancock scene. ^_^ :bows: Sole Survivor: "Your not getting soft on me, Hancock."Me: ^///^ :snickers:
+Santo Tan "Everyone's entitled to a little softness. For me, it's pretty much everything below the eyebrows."
I.E. Hard headed, soft hearted, but we knew that.
GunmetalRaven ooohhh I get it now... lol :P
Fluffy, never change. :P
Piper: wut r ur sekrets mcdonut?!?!?!
If Fluffy gets power and becomes the ruler of the wasteland, I fear that everyone will be force to wear a fuzzy sweater with a Llama on it...the horror
Btw, did you know synths can replace your setters?
The ones that act paranoid and walk around with guns out. That might be them...
I hope there's gonna be a DLC mission where you have to find all the people who were snatched and replaced by synths
The people who get snatched up by synths are experimented on using FEV or probably have something worse done to them
Game over, man
Game over!
We got a settlement with a ghoul problem, forget this guy. Here, i'll mark it on your map.
Ypu should give a tour of how your castle looks from what I saw it looks really cool
I just realized Hancock first name is John. John Hancock *mind blown*
i wish they make a dlc about hancock becoming mayor of diamond city
I wish I could of meet Hancock before he was a ghoul
The foreshadowing is too good to be true.
And here I thought Hancock was alive before the war and all... But he was born and turned ghoul after the fact lol
the only think i wonder on this talk is... how even hancock grow up when "ghouls dont age"?
He flat out says "I wasn't a ghoul by this point."
so how he did become a ghoul? i maybe miss the lines at that video but can you tell me?
+Ibnu Malik He's a young ghoul; he only got it from chem overdose rather than the bombs.
+Ibnu Malik When you first talk with him, he explains that he took an experimental radiation drug that there was only one hit left of. That's what changed him. In his final approval talk, he elaborates, basically saying he knew it was going to turn him into a ghoul. He just couldn't stand looking at himself in the mirror anymore, and basically wanted to kill that part of himself so he could move on.
There should be an option that says HUG ME BROTHA!!
wait, Hancocks full name is John Hancock. *takes off sunglasses* My God!
... brother, Mayor McDonut, after...
oh wow, I feel bad for maxing his affinity waaaaay before doing In Sheep's Clothing.
fluffy if 2+2=fish what does fish+fish=?
it equals volcano sonce 2 fishes are the most powerful things in the world..... or fish + fish = fish porn and then fishy babys your pick(pick the volcano everyone loves mf volcanos)
+random unicorn 2 fish? :D and if 7+7=triangle, what about triangle+triangle=?
+FluffyNinjaLlama ilumanti
I took some jet in Goodneighbor, to show Maccready Inwas cool..
*I was
My best guess is that the Institute replaced McDonough before he was elected mayor, as they specifically wanted the ghouls gone to prevent knowledge of the old world from spreading
Where is this? It looks like a weird mix of Bunker Hill and The Fort
I love your character's name. lol
Wait I thought McDonough was a snyth wait that means HANCOCK IS TO NOOOOOOO
Companion stories are really good in Fo4, but besides Danse (for me at least, haven't tried Strong or the courser) they are more of an obstacle than help in combat. Lone wanderer is a god perk not just because of that 30% dmg reduction, it's because you can sneak, snipe and walk through corridors without the fear of being bushed off the ledge, having your position given away or being blocked from the only escape route whileoHMYGOD THERE'SADEATHCLAWINHERE!DOGMEATGETOUTOFTHEDOORWAY!
if Shepard came to earth you are him I swear oh yea Bethesda tried to make rage and mass effect together to make this fuck heap
Lol, Mayor McDonut
Now I want Hancock as my companion
Hancock is awesome his voice but I never knew Hancock was mcdounagh brother