If you want to receive science-based tactics to improve your vision and health directly to your inbox, sign up for my Optim-Eyes newsletter at michaelchuamd.com/
Have you ever looked at Kerato? It is a laser and you can choose your eye color. It is in NYC, and it is not an insert. Everyone seems to say it is not painful, and afterwards there is no pain as well.
Did you say herpes to the eye............. herpes?............................. herp to the eye..... I mean might as well take an effect shot the eye for that...
Just because you have blue/green eye color does not make you attractive. It only helps people who are already attractive. I wish people would consider this.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Changing yourself to please others stinks of desperation and low self-esteem at best. At worst, you’re probably so brainwashed as to make you more like a robot than a human being.
I'm not gonna lie it seems interesting that science is doing this. However, I wonder if there is a procedure that can return a blind person, its vision. I feel this is more important than changing someone's eye color.
Science goes where the money is. There's a tonne of people with a lot of money who would pay extreme amounts to change their eye colour, most blind people don't have that kind of cash.
@@happymradriansee that has always been dumb to me cause wouldn’t it be a better investment to cure blind people to function and help with out society ?
If they were born blind or went blind very young, its very unlikely. In that situation, their brains have failed to adapt to processing signals coming from the eye. Even if their eyes work "perfectly fine", their brain won't be able to "see". This is why doctors avoid covering the eyes of children recovering from some eye injury, because they can become permanently blind if signals to the eye are blocked long enough. This also occurs if a child blindfolds themselves for a long time for no reason.
My green eyed honey called me Brown Eyes. His ring tone was "Brown eyed Girl". He passed away in May. I would never change my eye color, and I would love to hear him whisper " my beautiful Brown Eyes" just one more time. 😢
I understanding the feeling of losing someone, all i can say is always cheeris their memory and know that they love you and want only the best for you, while you cheerish their memory
My wife is Vietnamese and I love her dark brown eyes. She has worn blue and purple contacts before, but I’m not a fan. In my opinion it distracts from her natural beauty. I have blue eyes but have pale skin that burns easily. I love her olive skin. We all want what we don’t have but our differences make us all interesting and attractive in our own ways.
@@HotHeadCringe Bro, what's your issue? Jealousy? Do women not exist where you come from? The entire internet is not an unmarried virgin, and this is not some unbelievable story like you're making it out to be.
Hard pass for getting surgery to change the eye color, but allowing those with no corneas to be able to see in lit areas, fixing damaged eyes, and possibly restoring or giving the blind sight I am 100% for!
Man it's fuckin crazy though, prison dudes be doing things like shaving down domino or chess pieces to implant under the skin in you know where areas, you got dudes trying to use the prison tattoo artist to inject tattoo ink. In a prison. Fuck that.
DON'T DO IT!!! Permanent Eye Color Change! No No No!! I had 4 eye surgeries. Both eyes cateract removal, Two Mono Lense Implants and Two Cornea Transplants, just to RESTORE my eye site. $65,000. dollars later, I can see again! Before removal of lenses, lots of eye swelling, cloudiness and over $1200. in special eye drops. I chose to do it, BUT please from MY mistake. I've learned to LOVE my big brown puppy dogs eyes!!! 😊
Don't worry. Only privileged annoying people would go do something like this. No one should be dumb enough to risk their own eyesight for a color change. You have to be hella insecure about yourself to care about changing your eye color of all things.
implants look unnatural and all of them results in high risk of problems. now people can get laser eye surgery to remove the pigmentation which is WAY safer and very NATURAL
In Turkey, most of us have brown eyes, and there is a Turkish song called "your brown eyes are the most beautiful part of you." It is a very popular song 😀
but this song also includes no one loves you, she left you, h e left you, and your trying to find something inside others but cant get inside them with out their consent.
We have a saying where im from that Your greatest treasure is your sight, hearing and teeths, keep them healthy and you will have a healthy life, if not it can cripple you in the future.
I’ve always had deep brown eyes with a light gold ring right around the pupil. Last year my eyes turned a mid green, I’m in my 50’s so this was a surprise. My eye Dr. is not real sure how it happened, other than so odd side effect of my Lupus. I thought maybe it was one of my Lupus meds but he assured me it was not. Have to say though, I love them.
Thank you, Dr. Chua, for discussing (at 8:12) our Ophthalmology Times article on changing eye color using a biologic that selectively targets iris stromal melanocytes. As you mentioned, the technique has been successful so far in rabbits, producing no signs of inflammation or involvement of melanocytes beyond the front of the iris. James Hill, MD Eye Kleur, Inc.
I think a lot of it has to do with Hollywood. The biggest stars in Hollywood have green green eyes. It's human nature to desire things that are rare and unique. I don't understand why humans are wired that way but they are.
Although I get alot of attention and compliments with my grey contacts, my big brown eyes launched my modeling career, light eyes for me is for the fun of it, and never thought someone looked better than someone else because of light eye color.
I have very dark brown eyes and it pisses me off because I have light skin and it doesn’t fit my face, I just want to have brown or lighter brown eyes.
It is upsetting that people harm their vision & eye health for cosmetic reasons and that the torture of rabbits & other species for experimentation is still condoned! I found this news upsetting & cried throughout your presentation. My mother went blind in one eye and I went through temporary blindness. Please don't take your vision and eye health for granted. I respect that the doctor revealed these practices and does not recommend them.
The problem with coloured contact lens is that the original eye colour can still be seen radiating out from the iris. The clear part of the contact lens that allows a person to see is too big thereby lettering the original eye colour to be seen.
@@Chrysobubulle Even if I could change them I wouldn't. Who says brown is boring? Whose twisted standards of beauty have brainwashed you? The media? Hollywood? Apparently you've never gotten lost in a pair of big, dark brown eyes so dark that they almost appear black that suck you in like little singularities.
@@starbrand3726 dude blue eyes have been considered beautiful since the dawn of humanity, it has nothing to do with Hollywood. They’re rare, and fascinating. Why do you want brown eyes to be beautiful too ? They’re arent, especially the darkest one. But thats ok. Why beauty has to be the only criteria to value someone’s worth ? You can have brown eyes and be beautiful for other stuff than your eye color, or even have other qualities than beauty? Maybe you’re smart ? Funny ? Knowledgeable ? Nice ? Generous ? You’re the one brainwashed by Hollywood because you think you absolutely need beauty to be worth something
@@Chrysobubulle 1) You said blue eyes were "boring." 2) They are not exactly rare. 27% of people in the United States have blue eyes. Technically since 10% of the US population is Gay, that makes being Gay far more rare than having blue eyes. 3) Brown eyes are dominant while blue are recessive. Even nature prefers brown because, it makes brown eyes win genetically every time. 4) You said "blue eyes have been considered beautiful since the dawn of humanity"? Blue eyes only appeared about 6,000 years ago in Europe as a genetic mutation. Hardly the dawn of humanity. 5) Blue eyes are more sensitive to UV rays and more prone to sun damage leading to vision problems.
I’ve always disliked colored contacts because they can negatively impact one’s self-perception while affirming and validating those with the Blue, green eye colors naturally. If I had dark brown eyes, I would wholeheartedly embrace them. Dark brown, chocolatey eye colors are the original eye color and appear gorgeous to me. Every eye color beyond that is a mutation. They’re not inherently more special, so embrace your natural eye color. You don’t need to change yourself for anyone or anything
Год назад+11
A mutation? Careful there some people may be insulted by that supremacist statement.
@ Mutation, as in GENETIC MUTATION, can result in a single person having a completely different eye color from their family members. This genetic variation has nothing to do with ethnicity. Genetic mutation, sometimes referred to as genetic variation, occurs when changes in a person’s genetics lead to the development of a new eye color as a result of genetic differences. It’s important to note that having a mutation in eye color genetics is not exclusive to people of European ancestry alone. I’m an American of the global majority, and I’m the only one with a rare eye color in my family. You’ve got to be incredibly slow to call THAT of all things ‘supremacist’ Jade. If anything, your mindset is coming from a supremacist view. I’m disappointed in you.
Blue and green are way prettier colors than brown...there's no contest. That doesn't mean that ALL blue and green eyes are prettier than brown since shape, size, lases, an so on also play a role in someone having "pretty eyes" but blue and green eyes are objectively prettier colors than brown. Add to that the fact that blue/green eyes are more rare than brown, get more compliments, look more striking, the pupil is more visible (therefore looking sexier), make any hair color stand out and you can't blame or shame people for wanting to change them. People can wear contacts if they want to in the same way that many people dye their hair, wear makeup and get plastic surgery. I dislike it when when people get plastic surgery, wear a lot of makeup (to the point of catfishing) and bleach or straighten their hair too much...that doesn't mean that my opinion is gonna stop them from doing that. "Affirming and validating those with the Blue, green eye colors naturally""...WTF? Literally what? Does that mean that women that straighten their hair and wear extensions are affirming me cause my hair is long and straight naturally? Does that mean that people that get nose jobs are affirming me cause I have a cute thin upturned nose? Literally what? LOL! I feel so affirmed. "You don’t need to change yourself for anyone or anything" who said that people are changing themselves for others? Ohhh the virtue signaling...most to it for themselves because they want to try something new and you shouldn't shame them for that. Sounds a bit condescending... I have blue/gray eyes (gorgeous big and almond shape) and I will wear purple and green prescription contacts when I feel like it; I do it for myself and I don't care if others like it or not. Trust me...you would not embrace dark brown eyes....I can count with one hand the dark brown eyes that I've seen that I'm like "wow such gorgeous eyes"....I usually only think that way about light eyes. Maybe is cause I'm used to my light eyes so dark eyes whose pupils are barely visible creep me out.
It’s very easy to say that when you yourself have blue or green eyes. Blue eyes are far prettier and rarer than brown eyes, that’s why they’re more attractive globally.
@@user-ko9tc1go3h If that was for me, I don't have either. My eye color is Amber which only shows in lit places. In normal lighting if not directly on me, it looks like a normal brown. My eye although is not a gorgeous dark brown all the time, I love brown eyes so much more. I'm only attracted to men with brown eyes.
As someone who has bad vision on one eye (due to a injury when I was 5) I would never ever mess with any of my eyes, your eyes are one of the most important senses. Messing around with them is just dangerous.
Saying "any of my eyes" sounds like you have more than two lol
Год назад+62
The best explanation about the subject I've seen! Kudos, doc! 👏👏👏👏 I've completely eliminated the possibly of changing my eye color! At least for the time being!
Short story , the first time I've ever had a piece of me removed was recently when I had one my wisdom teeth taken out. Yeah the discomfort and pain were there but that's normal what I noticed that I thought was weird was that I was also angry or upset. I had gone in thinking the procedure was going to be something completely different (they cut a piece of gum tissue overlapping the tooth allowing it to grow) anyways when it was done I felt that way because a piece of me was missing taken from me so I cant imagine getting eye surgery
I kinda disagree, I just had my wisdom tooth taken out literally a few days ago and it still in pain, I had it taken out because it was to better my overall health, the wisdom tooth was prone to giving my gums around the tooth infection and swelling, and that hurts, not only the wisdom tooth wasn’t functionally imperative, but it also would cause me pain on and off if I didn’t get it removed. In your case did you really need it taken out? I still have 3 wisdom teeth I have because they don’t cause me problems.
This upset over a wisdom tooth? Hope you never have surgery where you have to have your appendix, gallbladder etc. removed because I have a feeling you will struggle with that
I found out that people with brown eyes have more melanin produced to enable them have better vision even at night while driving but the lighter shade is a sign of low melanin production.
Solotica ice and parati were my go to contacts for a few years because they were able to shift my dark brown eyes into an icy blue without looking fake at all. However I had to learn it comes with a price: oxygen depletion of the cornea. So I quit them for good
I had a friend who has the most beautiful blue eyes, and she wished she had brown eyes. People are never happy what they have. I am happy as long as my eyes can see. People fooling around with their eyes are crazy.
That's not necessarily true. I have green eyes and I've been getting compliments about them my entire life. I love my eye color. I think that it would be extremely difficult to find green or blue eyed people that are willing to trade their eye color for brown. Humans are wired to desire things that are unique and rare.
@@steviebaybee In my opinion green and blue eye's look the best with makeup and black eye liner. When I see someone wearing dark eye liner with green or blue eyes they look angelic and beautiful.
Mine do too, but my eyes will change from blue green depending on what shirt I'm wearing. I've freaked out a few people because this. They'll see me one day and then the next day they would have this confused look ask me "I could have sworn your eyes were blue." And, I would them "Well, what are they?" They tell me they're green! And, then the next day they would blue again.
Thank you for all the wisdom and updates on surgical procedures done with eyecolor changes and the dangers of it. I didn’t know that that could be done. Thanks for the heads up of the danger as well.
I feel like when people say “Brown eyes are so pretty” they’re only talking about the light brown eyes that shine in the sun. Never the flat, plain, dark brown eyes. Maybe not but this is just my take
Seeing all these photos with previously brown-eyed folks is so sad. It took me years to love my own brown eyes. It truly is an under appreciated eye color. Remember friend very eye color is beautiful because those eyes are yours
If it took you that long yo love your eyes then maybe it's cause your eyes aren't pretty (shape, lashes, size wise); don't blame it all on your color. Pretty eyes are gonna look pretty and get complimented on regardless of color. Maybe your eyes aren't a cute enough shape or size with long lashes for you to love them. It's OK if you don't have pretty eyes.
Absolutely, your perspective is incredibly valid and important. While innovations like changing eye color can be fascinating, the restoration of vision for blind individuals is undeniably a critical and impactful area of research. The field of vision restoration includes various approaches, such as retinal implants, gene therapy, and stem cell treatments, which aim to provide solutions for those with visual impairments. It's inspiring to see advancements in science that contribute to the improvement of people's lives, especially in areas as vital as restoring vision. Let's hope for continued progress and breakthroughs in making sight restoration more accessible for those who need it most. 🌟👁
I always hated my very dark brown eyes especially since all my grandparents had light eyes. However, now that permanently lightening my eyes is possible but not reversible, I suddenly started appreciating what I have. I love my brown eyes now lol
Your eyesight is a blessing to you - Just ask a blind person and they will tell you so ! Dont mess around with your eyes just to change the colour of them , just be grateful they work irrespective of the colour of them for goodness sake !!
Close your eyes at about 2pm and look at the sun with your eyes shut. Your eyes color will lighten over time in a natural way. It worked for me (But as a kid, I stared at the sun often in a daze). My eyes are super light compared to my other family who had the same eye color as me as a kid. But Now I spend most time hiding my eyes because people tend to notice colored eyes more. Can be annoying for introverts who want to be “invisible”
My aunt always believed looking directly into the sun with her eyes open will make her sight better (she’s near sighted). That’s what this reminds me of, because once she started doing it everyday her eyes started to go from brown to green and from green to blue, first just a few spots then more and more. As for her sight, it has decreased by quite a bit.
I had amber eyes, used Lash boost from Rodan and Fields and now my eyes are dark brown. I just want my natural color back. The whopping $168 settlement I received was a joke. They didn’t have the disclaimer like LaTisse did. My eyelashes were long and beautiful and now my beautiful amber eyes are no more
I'm a type one diabetic with diabetic retinopathy. I lost my vision eight years ago and then developed glaucoma in both eyes also related to diabetes. The IOP in my left eye was so high that it ended up blinding me completely. I've had cataracts removed, and stents placed in both eyes to relieve the pressure. I have limited vision in my right eye which still looks like it's natural brown color, however my left eye which is completely blind has turned a shade of light blue. I'm pretty self-conscious about this. I tried buying colour contacts but with my limited vision it's very difficult for me to use. I was looking for other options but all of these sound very scary! I mean, I'm already blind but I don't think I would wanna go under the knife or get my eye tattooed! Somebody told me I could wear blue light blocking glasses and that would hide the blue of my eye but I doubt that's how that works. I think my only option at this point would be to get a prosthetic but I don't think my doctor is willing to do it unless I'm in severe pain, which I'm not. Guess I just have to get used to having one blue eye and one brown eye…
So im a little confused, for keratopigmentation, you said the studies showed this is well tolerated and that this showed promising results, (people went back for touch ups for cosmetic reasons, yes) but you didn’t mention any complications besides temporary glares or light sensitivity a couple months after the procedure. Then you said this could have long term complications and risks but didn’t mention any of them. What are they? Im confused, studies said it’s fine but then you said it wasn’t and didn’t explain why, that statement seems contradicting.
He did mention that 35.4%-52% of patients required a re-operation for a color touchup, although he didn't mention a timespan for the possibility for such a re-operation. But those re-operation numbers are still high enough for concern.
@@mel2000 yes, but that’s a touch up just how any tattoo needs a touch up. That’s only for cosmetic reasons, he didn’t say that led to medical problems or complications. Just means you need a touch up if you want the color to be bright again.
As a Jew….THAT was my first thought when I saw the thumbnail. ALL of this garbage including Gene “therapy” need to be made ILLEGAL by the UN and The Hague will have a rotating door.
All colors are beautiful! I just saw online some fancy drops that they claim it removes the melanin from your eyes and makes it lighter. I was just wondering how this could be possible…Don’t trust what you see online and be careful specially if it can harm your eyes 🙏🏼
Don't necessarily want to "change" my eye color. Just want to lighten my dark brown eyes. So I guess light brown, hazel, or honey. Something like that.
Iono, I paid under 3k to see well without the need to find my glasses every morning. Was life changing tbh, not sure if I would risk my eye health to bring more attention to myself. Helpful info though Doc!
I've been fortunate to have gray/ green/bluish eyes that have slight changes with what I wear or sometimes how I feel. So many say they wish they could have my eye color. I never really appreciate it until I see how my eye color is not common & so many compliments me even many strangers. Some think I wear contacts, but no, it's all real. 😉🤩👁 Thx for your blog. Don't mess with Mother Nature. Healthy eyes are far more important than color.
There’s this doctor in Turkey, who does the deep pigmentation and he has 8G laser, which is the highest grade laser and it works differently. It doesn’t burn the melanin away like all the other people do it more vibrates it and disrupts it, and it shows whatever color lies underneath people have gotten green, blue, gray, hazel and a mix of green blue and blue gray and it’s 100% safe and no one has had any issues that’s who I am currently going through and I’ve done a lot of research and so far it is 100% awesome
Thank you for sharing. This is important and can really help so many people are going to get dangerous procedures done to the eyes. I myself would love to have a different eye color, by favorite are grayish blue and clear complement green.
The problem with Air Optix is that they don’t work for people with astigmatism. My optometrist tried to use a spherical equivalent prescription so I could use them, but it simply didn’t work for me. The lenses looked good and were very comfortable, but I just couldn’t see well with them.
thank you for that explanation, it was really useful and clear, so for now I'm gonna keep using my color eyes lenses, it's less dangerous and i can change the color so easy, the only problem that I have is my eyes pupil is small and my brown eyes color can show from behind the color lenses.
Most of the methods, especially for permanent options, are to lighten eye colors. As someone with blue eyes, I find that fact rather disappointing. All eye colors are beautiful. ❤ It is fun to change your look with contacts, though!
Gee, I used colored contact lenses myself and they are great. Even to the point where people seriously asked if I always had this deep, dark blue eyes (I have brown eyes actually), but honestly... no money in the world and no matter how safe the procedure would be, no one could convince me to change my brown eyes. I was told many times that I have warm, brown eyes and they almost look auburn in the sun... No colored contact lense could actually do THAT! I am proud of what I have and wouldn't change them at all!
Hello Md . I were following a research for many years and discovered a method of shifting a ( habitual) trail of Argon , nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen patterns that are just blockers that limit the amount of maybe faster light than speed of l- m -n shell electrons around each atom so that reflective light from the retina is does not reflect clear blue colour while restricted . My shifting method which became a fun Customer relations method in South Africa is remaining popular and has many blue eye even from brown results. PaulM.
@@charlesgreen4054 I respect your opinion! However, not wearing shoes is not tampering with God’s creation, he did not create you wearing shoes, many cultures in the world don’t wear them often and rely on walking barefooted, actually it is healthier, your hair has no nerve ends to feel pain, so cutting your hair is not tampering with God’s creation, if he wanted you not to tamper with your hair he would have created nerve endings to prevent you from doing it, we do it for esthetic reasons, taking medication does not hurt you for medical purposes, it makes you feel better, but placing permanent lenses in your eyes for the purpose of changing the original color you were created with is considered tampering with God’s creation as it will end in blindness and infections! When God gave you brown eyes, he placed you in the best picture you can be in. If green suited you he would have made them green! Anything that is not natural will affect people. There is a difference between hurting yourself and using stuff for hygiene, beauty and health!
I was diagnosed with glocouma, and prescribed burning eye drops. The sting isn't bad, but noticable. I don't use them every night, but I purposely started buying moringa, spirulina, and beet root powder for natural cellular repair and hopefully improve my health. My next eye exam showed reduced optic nerve pressure to normal, and my vision Rx improved. All my life I've respected FDA labels, and use by dates on products. Not so much now. It's all for profit, not society's betterment. Take care of yourself and most of ALL DON'T BE AFRAID OF NATURE. It's natural.😊
You know what I have worn both blue and green contact lenses and they look great, but in the end my brown eyes are more vibrant ? I don’t know what it is but I look younger brighter healthier with brown eyes despite the fact that I have fairer than normal skin…. Sometimes the things we want to change about ourselves are not actually because it’s ourselves who thinks it’s ugly or bad, It’s that these ideas came from someone else’s problems. I always thought that because I am more fair than most people that I wasn’t supposed to have brown eyes because most people with skin as light as mine have blonde hair and blue eyes…. But I am now starting to figure out that it wasn’t me that a came up with that, it was the community I grew up in that put that on me, by telling me it was ugly to have brown eyes and dark hair with really really fair skin…… and while I enjoy having green eyes some days in the end I don’t think Crüe colour is what makes you pretty .
Excessive and misguided vanity never produces good long-lasting results... Quite the contrary. We have to grow up and value what we have and what we are in all aspects.
Okay, just throwing out an honest personal opinion here,,, I think the cutest girls in the world are either blonde haired and blue eyed or Asian... If you could combine the traits of these two groups, you would have the very definition of exotic! So, anyhow hats off to the blue eyed asian girls out there. what a concept lol.
If you want to receive science-based tactics to improve your vision and health directly to your inbox, sign up for my Optim-Eyes newsletter at michaelchuamd.com/
Have you ever looked at Kerato? It is a laser and you can choose your eye color. It is in NYC, and it is not an insert. Everyone seems to say it is not painful, and afterwards there is no pain as well.
So people who are body positive aren’t attractive?
There's a whole community of the blind who never wish to be sighted in the same breath.
Are you gay? You are cute!
Did you say herpes to the eye............. herpes?............................. herp to the eye..... I mean might as well take an effect shot the eye for that...
I don't have blue, grey or green eyes, but MY EYES R HEALTHY N I CAN SEE!! I'M HAPPY WITH THAT!!!!
If you keep saying it
I will poke yo eyes now
@@Star17Platinum17 U DEMON 😈
Exactly!!! 😃❤
Just because you have blue/green eye color does not make you attractive. It only helps people who are already attractive. I wish people would consider this.
No one asked, nice eyes look cool in video💪✌️
im atractive but i want to look even more attractive which would def work with green eyes
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Changing yourself to please others stinks of desperation and low self-esteem at best. At worst, you’re probably so brainwashed as to make you more like a robot than a human being.
It doesn't but it makes someone happy
@@Macchio536 someone who is happy because of that should have their head examined. They are clearly brainwashed.
Just don’t play with your eyes period.. be grateful that you have vision.
contacts lenses are for play... They allow me to see better and change my eye color if I want at the time.
@Lynnette04 💯
I am visually impaired and can’t drive legally. Some of y’all should be grateful that you have that privilege.
I'm not gonna lie it seems interesting that science is doing this. However, I wonder if there is a procedure that can return a blind person, its vision. I feel this is more important than changing someone's eye color.
Science goes where the money is. There's a tonne of people with a lot of money who would pay extreme amounts to change their eye colour, most blind people don't have that kind of cash.
how about return vision and change eyes color?
@@happymradriansee that has always been dumb to me cause wouldn’t it be a better investment to cure blind people to function and help with out society ?
If they were born blind or went blind very young, its very unlikely. In that situation, their brains have failed to adapt to processing signals coming from the eye. Even if their eyes work "perfectly fine", their brain won't be able to "see". This is why doctors avoid covering the eyes of children recovering from some eye injury, because they can become permanently blind if signals to the eye are blocked long enough. This also occurs if a child blindfolds themselves for a long time for no reason.
@@ExternalEclips305 yes it would
My green eyed honey called me Brown Eyes. His ring tone was "Brown eyed Girl". He passed away in May. I would never change my eye color, and I would love to hear him whisper " my beautiful Brown Eyes" just one more time. 😢
I am really sorry for your loss 💐 ❤
I understanding the feeling of losing someone, all i can say is always cheeris their memory and know that they love you and want only the best for you, while you cheerish their memory
Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss 😞
My wife is Vietnamese and I love her dark brown eyes. She has worn blue and purple contacts before, but I’m not a fan. In my opinion it distracts from her natural beauty. I have blue eyes but have pale skin that burns easily. I love her olive skin. We all want what we don’t have but our differences make us all interesting and attractive in our own ways.
Bro smashed now wants everyone to believe him for every last word, about his "lovable" wife
@@HotHeadCringeyeah hhh
@@thetrespasserr shiiet
@@HotHeadCringe Bro, what's your issue? Jealousy? Do women not exist where you come from? The entire internet is not an unmarried virgin, and this is not some unbelievable story like you're making it out to be.
@@Emidoki what i said was funny lol
Hard pass for getting surgery to change the eye color, but allowing those with no corneas to be able to see in lit areas, fixing damaged eyes, and possibly restoring or giving the blind sight I am 100% for!
Man it's fuckin crazy though, prison dudes be doing things like shaving down domino or chess pieces to implant under the skin in you know where areas, you got dudes trying to use the prison tattoo artist to inject tattoo ink. In a prison. Fuck that.
can be done without surgery
@@saszablaze1 Is that so, are we talking contact lenses or something more permanent?
@@drek9k2 to have black eye balls? most prisoners have white eye balls, tattooed foreheads with the men they gave BJ too and stitched butt cracks
You are an opthamologist and you have a natural eye color. That says a lot !
DON'T DO IT!!! Permanent Eye Color Change! No No No!! I had 4 eye surgeries. Both eyes cateract removal, Two Mono Lense Implants and Two Cornea Transplants, just to RESTORE my eye site. $65,000. dollars later, I can see again! Before removal of lenses, lots of eye swelling, cloudiness and over $1200. in special eye drops. I chose to do it, BUT please from MY mistake. I've learned to LOVE my big brown puppy dogs eyes!!! 😊
Don't worry. Only privileged annoying people would go do something like this. No one should be dumb enough to risk their own eyesight for a color change. You have to be hella insecure about yourself to care about changing your eye color of all things.
Which clinic did you go to? That sounds so terrible, congrats on restoring your vision ❤❤
I love my brown eyes‼️💯🙏
Please tell us where did you go or the doctor name
implants look unnatural and all of them results in high risk of problems. now people can get laser eye surgery to remove the pigmentation which is WAY safer and very NATURAL
In Turkey, most of us have brown eyes, and there is a Turkish song called "your brown eyes are the most beautiful part of you." It is a very popular song 😀
Brown eyes are strong too. Having brown eye is like having dark skin that protect you from sun
all brown and black people are inited in having brown eyes💪, even china is with us💪
but this song also includes no one loves you, she left you, h e left you, and your trying to find something inside others but cant get inside them with out their consent.
Oo kardeşş hoş geldin
We have a saying where im from that
Your greatest treasure is your sight, hearing and teeths, keep them healthy and you will have a healthy life, if not it can cripple you in the future.
I’ve always had deep brown eyes with a light gold ring right around the pupil. Last year my eyes turned a mid green, I’m in my 50’s so this was a surprise. My eye Dr. is not real sure how it happened, other than so odd side effect of my Lupus. I thought maybe it was one of my Lupus meds but he assured me it was not. Have to say though, I love them.
Look up iridology
Eat more meat. The pigment in brown eyes is made from protein.
Dude seriously ur damn lucky
@@WoseMichelahe is a grandfather of someone bro
Thank you, Dr. Chua, for discussing (at 8:12) our Ophthalmology Times article on changing eye color using a biologic that selectively targets iris stromal melanocytes.
As you mentioned, the technique has been successful so far in rabbits, producing no signs of inflammation or involvement of melanocytes beyond the front of the iris.
James Hill, MD
Eye Kleur, Inc.
amazing stuff
I hope I could change my iris color to red lol
do just one and get that kaneki status@@yozuro4038
is the full study available?
@@bithorlo15 It’s the cover story for the November 2022 Ophthalmology Times digital edition.
I don't understand why humans are so driven to be beautiful at any cost. Imagine if all the effort was put to actually better our lives.
I think a lot of it has to do with Hollywood. The biggest stars in Hollywood have green green eyes. It's human nature to desire things that are rare and unique. I don't understand why humans are wired that way but they are.
Especially in asia
Would it be weird if i said i only wanted to change my eye color for myself?
@@Dream_Daze 😂 kinda weird
Although I get alot of attention and compliments with my grey contacts, my big brown eyes launched my modeling career, light eyes for me is for the fun of it, and never thought someone looked better than someone else because of light eye color.
Who else came here because they have dark brown eyes??😂
Me I have a blue ring but I want green or blue eyes cause my great grandma had green eyes so I’ll be the first one with them
I have very dark brown eyes and it pisses me off because I have light skin and it doesn’t fit my face, I just want to have brown or lighter brown eyes.
I don't always agree with 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. But 💯% applies to your eyes.😮
Yeah. You want to change your look, change your hair!
It is upsetting that people harm their vision & eye health for cosmetic reasons and that the torture of rabbits & other species for experimentation is still condoned! I found this news upsetting & cried throughout your presentation. My mother went blind in one eye and I went through temporary blindness. Please don't take your vision and eye health for granted. I respect that the doctor revealed these practices and does not recommend them.
If you don't support animal testing ,then you have to support human testing having less hurdles, and ultimately straight up human rights abuses.
Torturing rabbits for cosmetic reasons is not right. It’s nothing essential that needs to be done at all.
@@vroom3512 So you're volunteering to be test subject?
The problem with coloured contact lens is that the original eye colour can still be seen radiating out from the iris. The clear part of the contact lens that allows a person to see is too big thereby lettering the original eye colour to be seen.
They’ve gotten much better than they used to be
I got black eyes so thats not a proble for me lol
It takes a lot of self acceptance to be good with what you’ve been given and often times what you want isn’t worth it
I'll stick with my natural brown thanks. Brown is beautiful.
No its boring but its not like you have the choice to change them
@@Chrysobubulle Even if I could change them I wouldn't. Who says brown is boring? Whose twisted standards of beauty have brainwashed you? The media? Hollywood? Apparently you've never gotten lost in a pair of big, dark brown eyes so dark that they almost appear black that suck you in like little singularities.
@@starbrand3726 dude blue eyes have been considered beautiful since the dawn of humanity, it has nothing to do with Hollywood.
They’re rare, and fascinating.
Why do you want brown eyes to be beautiful too ? They’re arent, especially the darkest one.
But thats ok. Why beauty has to be the only criteria to value someone’s worth ? You can have brown eyes and be beautiful for other stuff than your eye color, or even have other qualities than beauty? Maybe you’re smart ? Funny ? Knowledgeable ? Nice ? Generous ?
You’re the one brainwashed by Hollywood because you think you absolutely need beauty to be worth something
@@Chrysobubulle 1) You said blue eyes were "boring."
2) They are not exactly rare. 27% of people in the United States have blue eyes. Technically since 10% of the US population is Gay, that makes being Gay far more rare than having blue eyes.
3) Brown eyes are dominant while blue are recessive. Even nature prefers brown because, it makes brown eyes win genetically every time.
4) You said "blue eyes have been considered beautiful since the dawn of humanity"? Blue eyes only appeared about 6,000 years ago in Europe as a genetic mutation. Hardly the dawn of humanity.
5) Blue eyes are more sensitive to UV rays and more prone to sun damage leading to vision problems.
yes blue eyes have all these problems but they still look more beautiful than brown. Same goes with green and grey@@starbrand3726
I’ve always disliked colored contacts because they can negatively impact one’s self-perception while affirming and validating those with the Blue, green eye colors naturally. If I had dark brown eyes, I would wholeheartedly embrace them. Dark brown, chocolatey eye colors are the original eye color and appear gorgeous to me. Every eye color beyond that is a mutation. They’re not inherently more special, so embrace your natural eye color. You don’t need to change yourself for anyone or anything
A mutation? Careful there some people may be insulted by that supremacist statement.
@ Mutation, as in GENETIC MUTATION, can result in a single person having a completely different eye color from their family members. This genetic variation has nothing to do with ethnicity. Genetic mutation, sometimes referred to as genetic variation, occurs when changes in a person’s genetics lead to the development of a new eye color as a result of genetic differences. It’s important to note that having a mutation in eye color genetics is not exclusive to people of European ancestry alone. I’m an American of the global majority, and I’m the only one with a rare eye color in my family. You’ve got to be incredibly slow to call THAT of all things ‘supremacist’ Jade. If anything, your mindset is coming from a supremacist view. I’m disappointed in you.
Blue and green are way prettier colors than brown...there's no contest. That doesn't mean that ALL blue and green eyes are prettier than brown since shape, size, lases, an so on also play a role in someone having "pretty eyes" but blue and green eyes are objectively prettier colors than brown. Add to that the fact that blue/green eyes are more rare than brown, get more compliments, look more striking, the pupil is more visible (therefore looking sexier), make any hair color stand out and you can't blame or shame people for wanting to change them. People can wear contacts if they want to in the same way that many people dye their hair, wear makeup and get plastic surgery. I dislike it when when people get plastic surgery, wear a lot of makeup (to the point of catfishing) and bleach or straighten their hair too much...that doesn't mean that my opinion is gonna stop them from doing that. "Affirming and validating those with the Blue, green eye colors naturally""...WTF? Literally what? Does that mean that women that straighten their hair and wear extensions are affirming me cause my hair is long and straight naturally? Does that mean that people that get nose jobs are affirming me cause I have a cute thin upturned nose? Literally what? LOL! I feel so affirmed.
"You don’t need to change yourself for anyone or anything" who said that people are changing themselves for others? Ohhh the virtue signaling...most to it for themselves because they want to try something new and you shouldn't shame them for that. Sounds a bit condescending... I have blue/gray eyes (gorgeous big and almond shape) and I will wear purple and green prescription contacts when I feel like it; I do it for myself and I don't care if others like it or not. Trust me...you would not embrace dark brown eyes....I can count with one hand the dark brown eyes that I've seen that I'm like "wow such gorgeous eyes"....I usually only think that way about light eyes. Maybe is cause I'm used to my light eyes so dark eyes whose pupils are barely visible creep me out.
It’s very easy to say that when you yourself have blue or green eyes. Blue eyes are far prettier and rarer than brown eyes, that’s why they’re more attractive globally.
@@user-ko9tc1go3h If that was for me, I don't have either. My eye color is Amber which only shows in lit places. In normal lighting if not directly on me, it looks like a normal brown. My eye although is not a gorgeous dark brown all the time, I love brown eyes so much more. I'm only attracted to men with brown eyes.
As someone who has bad vision on one eye (due to a injury when I was 5) I would never ever mess with any of my eyes, your eyes are one of the most important senses. Messing around with them is just dangerous.
Saying "any of my eyes" sounds like you have more than two lol
The best explanation about the subject I've seen! Kudos, doc! 👏👏👏👏 I've completely eliminated the possibly of changing my eye color! At least for the time being!
The most important is eyes health and ability to see perfectly. Desire is a kind of blindness that we fail to see thankfulness in ourselves.
I really like the way you present all the options because you speak very well 😊 and I like the way you DONT advise people get these procedures done.
"Do you want an eye Implant?🤗"
@@Lumminere noooooo
Short story , the first time I've ever had a piece of me removed was recently when I had one my wisdom teeth taken out. Yeah the discomfort and pain were there but that's normal what I noticed that I thought was weird was that I was also angry or upset. I had gone in thinking the procedure was going to be something completely different (they cut a piece of gum tissue overlapping the tooth allowing it to grow) anyways when it was done I felt that way because a piece of me was missing taken from me so I cant imagine getting eye surgery
I kinda disagree, I just had my wisdom tooth taken out literally a few days ago and it still in pain, I had it taken out because it was to better my overall health, the wisdom tooth was prone to giving my gums around the tooth infection and swelling, and that hurts, not only the wisdom tooth wasn’t functionally imperative, but it also would cause me pain on and off if I didn’t get it removed. In your case did you really need it taken out? I still have 3 wisdom teeth I have because they don’t cause me problems.
This upset over a wisdom tooth? Hope you never have surgery where you have to have your appendix, gallbladder etc. removed because I have a feeling you will struggle with that
sorry, the internet screwed up the way I perceive myself so I am here.
I just do the subliminal therapy, and over the last year, my eyes went from amber brown to Hazel
I found out that people with brown eyes have more melanin produced to enable them have better vision even at night while driving but the lighter shade is a sign of low melanin production.
Solotica ice and parati were my go to contacts for a few years because they were able to shift my dark brown eyes into an icy blue without looking fake at all.
However I had to learn it comes with a price: oxygen depletion of the cornea. So I quit them for good
How could you wear them? They are so thick and uncomfortable!
Really?? I've used them for more than 7 years and my eyes are fine 😳 I know everyone is different but I personally never had problems
@@sonialerma470 How many hours do you wear them for?
Is there any Green contacts in solotica which dont look fake
@@brightbright400then which are thin and comfortable plz tell!
I had a friend who has the most beautiful blue eyes, and she wished she had brown eyes. People are never happy what they have. I am happy as long as my eyes can see. People fooling around with their eyes are crazy.
That's not necessarily true. I have green eyes and I've been getting compliments about them my entire life. I love my eye color. I think that it would be extremely difficult to find green or blue eyed people that are willing to trade their eye color for brown. Humans are wired to desire things that are unique and rare.
@@Shenmue06 my eyes are gray. ive always wanted brown. you have more makeup options with brown and also, im very light sensitive
You’re probably lying then.
@@steviebaybee In my opinion green and blue eye's look the best with makeup and black eye liner. When I see someone wearing dark eye liner with green or blue eyes they look angelic and beautiful.
@@SadekZiad How dare you call me a liar. Fool.
Mine change naturally, in the morning they’re bright green, mid day they’re hazel, and in nighttime they’re dark brown.
Same mine
Mine do too, but my eyes will change from blue green depending on what shirt I'm wearing. I've freaked out a few people because this. They'll see me one day and then the next day they would have this confused look ask me "I could have sworn your eyes were blue." And, I would them "Well, what are they?" They tell me they're green! And, then the next day they would blue again.
The greatest creator and designer of the universe made me the way I am, why would i wanna change it😂
Ikr ❤
Thank you for all the wisdom and updates on surgical procedures done with eyecolor changes and the dangers of it. I didn’t know that that could be done. Thanks for the heads up of the danger as well.
I feel like when people say “Brown eyes are so pretty” they’re only talking about the light brown eyes that shine in the sun. Never the flat, plain, dark brown eyes. Maybe not but this is just my take
nah the darker the prettier it is
Seeing all these photos with previously brown-eyed folks is so sad. It took me years to love my own brown eyes. It truly is an under appreciated eye color.
Remember friend very eye color is beautiful because those eyes are yours
If it took you that long yo love your eyes then maybe it's cause your eyes aren't pretty (shape, lashes, size wise); don't blame it all on your color. Pretty eyes are gonna look pretty and get complimented on regardless of color. Maybe your eyes aren't a cute enough shape or size with long lashes for you to love them. It's OK if you don't have pretty eyes.
@@champagnesupernova4081 um don't assume? It's kinda rude
@@champagnesupernova4081 I've read your other comments and I think your deadpan honesty is hilarious
Very informative and professionally delivered
Absolutely, your perspective is incredibly valid and important. While innovations like changing eye color can be fascinating, the restoration of vision for blind individuals is undeniably a critical and impactful area of research. The field of vision restoration includes various approaches, such as retinal implants, gene therapy, and stem cell treatments, which aim to provide solutions for those with visual impairments. It's inspiring to see advancements in science that contribute to the improvement of people's lives, especially in areas as vital as restoring vision. Let's hope for continued progress and breakthroughs in making sight restoration more accessible for those who need it most. 🌟👁
I even do not advise colour lenses because of night vision reflex of the pupillas.
Wow ! Fascinating content ! Message : Don’t mess with your eyes !
I always hated my very dark brown eyes especially since all my grandparents had light eyes. However, now that permanently lightening my eyes is possible but not reversible, I suddenly started appreciating what I have. I love my brown eyes now lol
Dark brown eyes are mysterious and deep and beautiful! Don't you touch them!
Like why your eye color should even make you hate it jeez. How many times do you even look at yourself
Your eyesight is a blessing to you - Just ask a blind person and they will tell you so !
Dont mess around with your eyes just to change the colour of them , just be grateful they work irrespective of the colour of them for goodness sake !!
The bling bling contacts had me like wtf
Close your eyes at about 2pm and look at the sun with your eyes shut. Your eyes color will lighten over time in a natural way. It worked for me (But as a kid, I stared at the sun often in a daze). My eyes are super light compared to my other family who had the same eye color as me as a kid. But Now I spend most time hiding my eyes because people tend to notice colored eyes more. Can be annoying for introverts who want to be “invisible”
Wait how this even works so I close my eyes while the sun is hitting my eyes
Do u got video
Any safety risks??
what the hell did I just read-
My aunt always believed looking directly into the sun with her eyes open will make her sight better (she’s near sighted). That’s what this reminds me of, because once she started doing it everyday her eyes started to go from brown to green and from green to blue, first just a few spots then more and more. As for her sight, it has decreased by quite a bit.
I had amber eyes, used Lash boost from Rodan and Fields and now my eyes are dark brown. I just want my natural color back. The whopping $168 settlement I received was a joke. They didn’t have the disclaimer like LaTisse did. My eyelashes were long and beautiful and now my beautiful amber eyes are no more
Just LOVE the eye color you have❤
I'm a type one diabetic with diabetic retinopathy. I lost my vision eight years ago and then developed glaucoma in both eyes also related to diabetes. The IOP in my left eye was so high that it ended up blinding me completely. I've had cataracts removed, and stents placed in both eyes to relieve the pressure. I have limited vision in my right eye which still looks like it's natural brown color, however my left eye which is completely blind has turned a shade of light blue. I'm pretty self-conscious about this. I tried buying colour contacts but with my limited vision it's very difficult for me to use. I was looking for other options but all of these sound very scary! I mean, I'm already blind but I don't think I would wanna go under the knife or get my eye tattooed! Somebody told me I could wear blue light blocking glasses and that would hide the blue of my eye but I doubt that's how that works. I think my only option at this point would be to get a prosthetic but I don't think my doctor is willing to do it unless I'm in severe pain, which I'm not. Guess I just have to get used to having one blue eye and one brown eye…
So im a little confused, for keratopigmentation, you said the studies showed this is well tolerated and that this showed promising results, (people went back for touch ups for cosmetic reasons, yes) but you didn’t mention any complications besides temporary glares or light sensitivity a couple months after the procedure. Then you said this could have long term complications and risks but didn’t mention any of them. What are they? Im confused, studies said it’s fine but then you said it wasn’t and didn’t explain why, that statement seems contradicting.
He did mention that 35.4%-52% of patients required a re-operation for a color touchup, although he didn't mention a timespan for the possibility for such a re-operation. But those re-operation numbers are still high enough for concern.
@@mel2000 yes, but that’s a touch up just how any tattoo needs a touch up. That’s only for cosmetic reasons, he didn’t say that led to medical problems or complications. Just means you need a touch up if you want the color to be bright again.
I have brown eyes and wanted to try green contacts. To be honest I love more attractive with my brown eyes
Beauty is in the eye of the beholdee
All i keep thinking of with this is JOSEPH MENGELE!
As a Jew….THAT was my first thought when I saw the thumbnail. ALL of this garbage including Gene “therapy” need to be made ILLEGAL by the UN and The Hague will have a rotating door.
All colors are beautiful! I just saw online some fancy drops that they claim it removes the melanin from your eyes and makes it lighter. I was just wondering how this could be possible…Don’t trust what you see online and be careful specially if it can harm your eyes 🙏🏼
Don't necessarily want to "change" my eye color. Just want to lighten my dark brown eyes. So I guess light brown, hazel, or honey. Something like that.
Iono, I paid under 3k to see well without the need to find my glasses every morning. Was life changing tbh, not sure if I would risk my eye health to bring more attention to myself.
Helpful info though Doc!
You got surgery to improve seeing ability, but this is about changing the appearance of their eyes so….
You can use eye liner to enhance your eye colour. Use a colour to contrast your eye colour and apply to the upper waterline.... it can be ticklish :)
I've been fortunate to have gray/ green/bluish eyes that have slight changes with what I wear or sometimes how I feel. So many say they wish they could have my eye color. I never really appreciate it until I see how my eye color is not common & so many compliments me even many strangers. Some think I wear contacts, but no, it's all real. 😉🤩👁
Thx for your blog. Don't mess with Mother Nature. Healthy eyes are far more important than color.
Why do I get the feeling that he has a smile reminder popping up on his screen every 10 seconds...😅
It’s amazing how thoroughly they have colonized the minds of so many
Yes. This craze in South Korea to engage in mega surgeries to look more YT, to have double lid eye surgery, as an Asian myself, saddens me greatly. 😢
Be Happy, gods gift!
There’s this doctor in Turkey, who does the deep pigmentation and he has 8G laser, which is the highest grade laser and it works differently. It doesn’t burn the melanin away like all the other people do it more vibrates it and disrupts it, and it shows whatever color lies underneath people have gotten green, blue, gray, hazel and a mix of green blue and blue gray and it’s 100% safe and no one has had any issues that’s who I am currently going through and I’ve done a lot of research and so far it is 100% awesome
Leave your eyes alone just the way they are
I wish I can see them.
@@Foreverzen88 it's about $5,000 bucks and they give you a place to stay and a ride to and fro the office it's actually a very great deal
What’s his name
@@yeshuaislord7773 man your eyes are amazing looking. Did you have dark brown?
I’m a dark skinned black man with natural green/hazel eyes and feel so blessed!
Thank you for sharing. This is important and can really help so many people are going to get dangerous procedures done to the eyes. I myself would love to have a different eye color, by favorite are grayish blue and clear complement green.
Your video was honest and informative, unlike others who promote dangerous practices you warned so good on you for the warnings
Gojo Brought me Here
I’m happy with my black eyes snd function really well
Accept your natural eye color ❤You could lose your eyesight by trying to change it 😢
The problem with Air Optix is that they don’t work for people with astigmatism. My optometrist tried to use a spherical equivalent prescription so I could use them, but it simply didn’t work for me. The lenses looked good and were very comfortable, but I just couldn’t see well with them.
thank you for that explanation, it was really useful and clear, so for now I'm gonna keep using my color eyes lenses, it's less dangerous and i can change the color so easy, the only problem that I have is my eyes pupil is small and my brown eyes color can show from behind the color lenses.
it looks terrible!!!! 😖🤣 [p.s. it's called "pupil"]
Im so happy that i havent touch any part of my body and i keep it clean and functional.
Most of the methods, especially for permanent options, are to lighten eye colors. As someone with blue eyes, I find that fact rather disappointing.
All eye colors are beautiful. ❤ It is fun to change your look with contacts, though!
Nice dude, saved me a trip to India 🇮🇳
dude i remember watching your videos. What happened?
Remember, just because a person went to medical school does not mean they will not try and scam your money for nothing in return.
Gee, I used colored contact lenses myself and they are great. Even to the point where people seriously asked if I always had this deep, dark blue eyes (I have brown eyes actually), but honestly... no money in the world and no matter how safe the procedure would be, no one could convince me to change my brown eyes. I was told many times that I have warm, brown eyes and they almost look auburn in the sun... No colored contact lense could actually do THAT! I am proud of what I have and wouldn't change them at all!
I was raised in San Diego and there was a saying...... California, the land of fruits and nuts.
Thank you. Cosmetic procedures on perfectly healthy eyes is criminal. Go with the coloured lenses if you're that unhappy with your eye colour.
Hello Md . I were following a research for many years and discovered a method of shifting a ( habitual) trail of Argon , nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen patterns that are just blockers that limit the amount of maybe faster light than speed of l- m -n shell electrons around each atom so that reflective light from the retina is does not reflect clear blue colour while restricted . My shifting method which became a fun Customer relations method in South Africa is remaining popular and has many blue eye even from brown results.
Are people that desperate?!? All eye colors are beautiful! And my eyes are green. My friend has blue eyes and she wears green contacts, so much safer!
I like my eye color as it is, thank you very much!
Never tamper with God’s creation period!
Then we shouldn’t wear shoes? Or cut our hair? Take medications?
@@charlesgreen4054 I respect your opinion! However, not wearing shoes is not tampering with God’s creation, he did not create you wearing shoes, many cultures in the world don’t wear them often and rely on walking barefooted, actually it is healthier, your hair has no nerve ends to feel pain, so cutting your hair is not tampering with God’s creation, if he wanted you not to tamper with your hair he would have created nerve endings to prevent you from doing it, we do it for esthetic reasons, taking medication does not hurt you for medical purposes, it makes you feel better, but placing permanent lenses in your eyes for the purpose of changing the original color you were created with is considered tampering with God’s creation as it will end in blindness and infections! When God gave you brown eyes, he placed you in the best picture you can be in. If green suited you he would have made them green! Anything that is not natural will affect people. There is a difference between hurting yourself and using stuff for hygiene, beauty and health!
Punch your own balls😡
There is no god!
Why would you say that I hate you
People just love yourselves.❤ You are perfect as you are 🤗
tell that to the 5 '2 ugly janitor...i must ascend whatever means possible
im just here to see how likely I can get a sharingan 🤷🏾♂
i got hazel eyes same as my sister..nothing to be proud of as long as we can see the beauty of this world
Have a feeling there’ll be a lot of gray eyed people walking around before long.
I already suffer from severe depression, yet my eye color never changes.
A good therapist will get you way more bang for your buck than any cosmetic surgery.
Bro 6:12 I want to know the facts! Benefits vs drawbacks. Your opinion wasn’t required for me to make an informed decision.
So many complications with this surgery it’s not worth it 😮 I’ll stick to my brown eyes 😂
Why the emojis bruh
I was diagnosed with glocouma, and prescribed burning eye drops. The sting isn't bad, but noticable. I don't use them every night, but I purposely started buying moringa, spirulina, and beet root powder for natural cellular repair and hopefully improve my health. My next eye exam showed reduced optic nerve pressure to normal, and my vision Rx improved. All my life I've respected FDA labels, and use by dates on products. Not so much now. It's all for profit, not society's betterment. Take care of yourself and most of ALL DON'T BE AFRAID OF NATURE. It's natural.😊
What about fancy drops? They claim to change ur eye color over time, but seem to be too good to be true. Thoughts??
that's a scam and not even a real product out on the market. its a scam
The fact that the only people saying brown eyes are beautiful are people with blue eyes really says something
You know what I have worn both blue and green contact lenses and they look great, but in the end my brown eyes are more vibrant ? I don’t know what it is but I look younger brighter healthier with brown eyes despite the fact that I have fairer than normal skin…. Sometimes the things we want to change about ourselves are not actually because it’s ourselves who thinks it’s ugly or bad, It’s that these ideas came from someone else’s problems. I always thought that because I am more fair than most people that I wasn’t supposed to have brown eyes because most people with skin as light as mine have blonde hair and blue eyes…. But I am now starting to figure out that it wasn’t me that a came up with that, it was the community I grew up in that put that on me, by telling me it was ugly to have brown eyes and dark hair with really really fair skin…… and while I enjoy having green eyes some days in the end I don’t think Crüe colour is what makes you pretty .
I agree. Having literal surgery is as easy as changing clothes. I can’t believe I’m only just now seeing this.😂
Broooo the absolute power I would have if I had green or honey brown eyes!!!
i rather use a spell much safer
Pls share 😮
This is similiar to icl implant use for correcting eye sight except icl is a correctional procedure while this is purely cosmetic.
Excessive and misguided vanity never produces good long-lasting results... Quite the contrary. We have to grow up and value what we have and what we are in all aspects.
Is it common to Use The herpes simplex virus 😬 as vector for any gene encoding or Vaccin stuff ?
Okay, just throwing out an honest personal opinion here,,, I think the cutest girls in the world are either blonde haired and blue eyed or Asian... If you could combine the traits of these two groups, you would have the very definition of exotic! So, anyhow hats off to the blue eyed asian girls out there. what a concept lol.
That’s just a bottle of dye (or wig) and some contacts- there’s your fantasy- easy peasy